La Comunidad de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe


La Comunidad de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
La Comunidad de Nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe
(Fundada en 1912)
Servida por Sacerdotes del Sagrado Corazón—Served by the Priests of the Sagrado Corazón
(Since 1973)
Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston
June 5, 2016 — 5 de junio de 2016
2405 Navigation Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77003
Telephone: 713-222-0203 / Fax: 713-636-9054
PARISH OFFICE (713) 222-0203
Fr. Duy Nguyen, SCJ - Administrator*116
Fr. Zbigniew Morawiec, SCJ - Associate *120
Br. Andy Gancarczyk, SCJ - Pastoral Minister #124
Deacon Manuel Laurel - *115
Sandra Valles - Faith Formation&Quinceañeras - *113
Omalee Lopez –Jr. High Faith Formation *117
Rosie Martinez - Receptionist *110
Alicia Leal - Bookkeeper *112
Mary Zamora - Data Entry *111
Oralia Lopez - RCIA - 713-923-7610
Arnulfo Lopez - Maintenance
Cleo Gonzales - Church Custodian
Norma Bahena - Weekday Custodian
James Mrazek - Weekend Custodian
Maria Kinchen - Rectory
PARISH SCHOOL (713) 224-6904
Mark Garcia-Pratts - Interim Principal *102
Silvia Flores - Secretary *101
Jon R. Hughes - Bookkeeper *108
Melissa Milligan—School Development Director *107
Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes: 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m.
Saturday/Sábado: 8:00a.m.—4:00p.m.Sunday/
Domingo: 7:30a.m.—3:00p.m.
6:30 P.M. English
7:30 A.M. Español
9:00 A.M. English
10:30 A.M. Español
12:00 P.M. Español
1:30 P.M. Español
Monday-Friday/Lunes—Viernes 8:15a.m.
5:30 P.M. - 6:15 P.M.
¡Nuestra casa es su casa! ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome!
a parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a servido a la comunidad hispana de
Houston desde 1912 y sigue invitando a todos quienes buscan un hogar
espiritual. ¡Bienvenidos!
ur Lady of Guadalupe Parish has been serving the Houston East End since 1912
and today keeps embracing all who seek a spiritual home. Welcome!
• Si usted quiere registrarse como miembro de la parroquia, favor de inscribirse en la oficina.
June 5, 2016 — 5 de Junio de 2016
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Mass Intentions
Intenciónes para la Santa Misa
Domingo, 5 de Junio, 2016
7:30 am
†Lucy Lopez, 10 year Anniversary by Lopez Family
Jason Barron, Feliz Cumpleaños de sus Papas
9:00 am
†Leandro & Francisca Zamora by Zamora Family
†Edmundo Lozano by Lozano Family
†Ysauro A. Cantu por Angelina Young & Family
†Elizabet Gomez Zamora por Familia Mora
Irene Ramirez por Agustin Ramirez
†Tomas Mata por Familia Mata
†Maria Silva Rivas por Fam Rivas & Mirza Brown
†Jose Aaron Vasquez por Fam Rivas & Mirza Brown
Lunes, 6 de Junio, 2016, San Norberto
No Mass today
Martes, 7 de Junio, 2016
No Mass today
Miercoles, 8 de Junio, 2016
Viernes, 10 de Junio, 2016
Sunday 06/05/2016
Sacred Heart
Guadalupanos, 8:00 - 10:00am
Sacred Heart
Knights of Columbus, 1:00 - 2:30pm
Baptism 3pm
Monday 06/06/2016, St. Norbert
OLG School, Meet & Greet 8:00 - 10:00 am
Grupo de Oración, 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Cafeteria/GYM Camp Innovation, 7:00am - 6:00pm
Camp Innovation, 7:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday 06/07/2016
Cafeteria/GUM Camp Innovation, 7:00am-6:00pm
Wednesday 06/08/2016
Sacred Heart
Adult Catechist Study, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Neocatecumenos, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Thursday 06/09/2016, St. Ephrem
Volunteer Project(Kleo), 12:00 - 4:00pm
Sacred Heart
Coro Gloria Y Alabanza & Rojas Sisters,
Friday 06/10/2016
Sacred Heart
Abuelitos, 8:00am - 12:00pm
“Doors of Mercy”, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Sacred heart
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Catolico
7:30 - 9:00
Volleyball Practice, 6:00 - 8:00pm
No Mass today
Sabado, 11 de Junio, 2016, San Bernabe
June 5, 2016 — June 11, 2016
No Mass today
Jueves, 9 de Junio, 2016, San Efren
No Mass today
Activity Calendar — Calendario de Actividades
People of Parish
Saturday 06/11/2016, St. Barnabas
Sacred Heart
Coro Santa Cecilia, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Sacred Heart
Gabriel Lara, 3:00 - 4:00pm
Oralia Lopez, 5:00 - 12:00pm
Volleyball Practice, 10:00 - 12:00pm
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, ruega por nosotros.
Hay varias fechas disponibles para las intenciones de las misas para recordar a sus enfermos, sus queridos difuntos y sus
There are many dates available for mass intentions to remember the ill, your beloved deceased and family needs.
I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me (Psalm 30).
Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente (Salmo 30 [29]).
Elías revive al hijo de la viuda (1 Reyes 17:17-24).
June 5, 2016
Today’s readings tell the story of two widows. The first
reading relates the plight of the widow with whom the
prophet Elijah stayed; the Gospel tells about the widow of
Nain. In each story, the widow’s only son had died. For people who lived in those cultures, the son was the only support
of a widow, and the carrying on of the family name by the
son was equal to immortality. A widow whose only son has
died could lose all hope.
Elijah and Jesus are the restorers of hope; they bring the
sons back to life. Saint Paul was metaphorically raised from
the dead when he experienced the conversion and call from
God that he describes in today’s second reading.
What are Christians called to do today? We may not be
able to raise the dead, but perhaps we
can rekindle hope for a single parent.
We may not be able to convert a persecutor like Paul, but if we speak the
gospel openly and gently with our
lives, we might touch a life with the
Good News.
Unless Professor Einstein’s theory of relativity can be
translated into any useful kind of time-travel, most of our
clues about life in the early church will have to come
from ancient letters and ancient prayer texts. A prayer
text from a dusty library may yield, for example, an understanding of what “presbyters” actually did. We have
such a prayer from the early third century from the hand
of Hippolytus of Rome. While our modern prayers derive
a great deal from his, some of the practices of the ancient
church have fallen away. In his day, bishops were chosen
by the people, and the other bishops merely consented.
Presbyters, by contrast, seem to have been chosen by the
bishops. This makes sense, since it allowed the bishops to
hand-pick their most trusted advisers.
It seems that bishops were at first reluctant to share
their presiding at the Eucharist with presbyters. In fact,
by the time of the fourth-century church’s growth spurt in
Rome, the bishop sent deacons out with fragments of the
host from his Eucharist to drop into the chalices of the
presbyters at the outlying eucharistic celebrations. We
still have a vestige of this fermentum in the Mass today, a
reminder of the early bishops’ desire to give a powerful
sign of the unity of all celebrations of the Eucharist with
their ministry, and a clue to their reluctance to delegate a
sacramental ministry to the presbyters.
Today’s Readings: 1 Kings 17:17-24; Psalm 30;
Galatians 1:11-19; Luke 7:11-17
5 de Junio de 2016
Las Escrituras del hoy nos cuentan la historia de dos
viudas. La primera lectura relata la difícil situación en la que
vivía la viuda con la que el profeta Elías se quedó y el Evangelio cuenta la historia de la viuda de Naín, en cada una de
estas historias a cada viuda el hijo único de ellas murió. En
la cultura de esos países en ese tiempo, el hijo era el sustento para la viuda y quien además continuaba la descendencia
familiar que era igual a la inmortalidad. La viuda cuyo único
hijo hubiera muerto perdía toda esperanza.
Elías y Jesús son los restauradores de esperanza; ellos
devuelven la vida a sus hijos. San Pablo, metafóricamente
hablando, revivió de la muerte a la vida cuando él se convirtió después de la llamada de Dios de la que él habla en la
segunda lectura.
¿A qué están llamados los cristianos hoy en día? Quizá
no podemos revivir de la muerte, pero
quizá podemos reanimar la esperanza
de un padre o una madre soltera.
Quizá no podemos convertir a un perseguidor como Pablo, pero si abiertamente hacemos vida el Evangelio en
nuestras vidas, podríamos tocar una
vida con la Buena Nueva.
El día 9 de junio del año 1597, falleció el jesuita José
de Anchieta proveniente de las Islas Canarias, España.
Este santo “apóstol de Brasil” fue beatificado en 1980
gracias a sus grandes esfuerzos humanitarios, literarios y
evangelizadores en Brasil. Llegó a Brasil en 1553 donde
aprendió Tupí, el idioma de los nativos. Enseñaba a los
indígenas, evangelizándolos con la doctrina cristiana y
educándolos en historia, filosofía y medicina. Eventualmente fundó el Colegio Jesuita de São Paulo de Piratininga donde tuvo la audacia de educar, junto a los hijos de
los nativos, los hijos de los portugueses. Para este esfuerzo escribió muchos libros y manuales, cosa que le mereció ser el primer escritor en Brasil.
Además de ser un escritor prolífico, este misionero
dedicó su vida a predicar el Evangelio en Brasil, país que
cruzó a pie, fundando pueblos y escuelas para los indígenas cristianos. Estos le llamaban el “santo volador” por la
velocidad con que caminaba. Su celo por el Evangelio lo
motivaba a seguir caminando. Como dice el profeta Isaías: “Que hermosos son los pies del que trae buena nuevas” (Isaías 52:7).
LECTURAS DE HOY: 1 Reyes 17:17-24; Salmo 30
[29]); Gálatas 1:11-19; Lucas 7:11-17
Elijah revives the son of a widow (1 Kings 17:17-24).
June 5, 2016
5 de Junio de 2016
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Dear OLG families in Christ,
It is with great excitement that I am able to serve Our Lady of
Guadalupe School in my role as principal. I have been blessed to
have worked in three wonderful schools in the Archdiocese of
Galveston/Houston. I am looking forward to returning to this
I grew up in North Houston and graduated from Aldine High
School. I then attended Sam Houston State
where I earned a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis in Bilingual Education and
English as a Second Language (ESL). With the support of my husband and two children,
I returned to school in 2009 and attended the University of St.
Thomas and received my Masters in Educational Leadership.
I began my career in catholic education in 2003 at Our Lady of
Guadalupe School. During my three years there, I taught third
grade. I thoroughly enjoyed working with other teachers committed to Catholic education and realized that I had a desire to
make a greater impact on training and mentoring teachers by
transitioning into an administrative position.
In 2006, I had the opportunity to join Northwoods Catholic
School as the Academic Coordinator for PK3-8th grade. I then
joined the team at Assumption Catholic School as Principal in
2013 and had the pleasure to serve the school community for two
years. This 2015-2016 school year, I returned to Northwoods
Catholic School to serve as
principal. Unfortunately, this
would be the last year for the school to remain open.
Please know that as your new Principal, I am here to do all I can
to support you in achieving what is our entire school community’s goal: educating the mind, heart, and spirit of each and
every student.
My hope is that we will all work together this year to provide the
best educational experience for each student. I trust that God has
sent me to Our Lady of Guadalupe School and I will do my best
to ensure that the high standards of the school are maintained.
As your principal, I look forward to meeting the faculty, staff,
and all members of the Our Lady of Guadalupe School community. I hope to see everyone at the Meet and Greet on June 6,
May God’s blessings and peace be with you always,
Sincerely in Christ,
Registraciones Bautismales
El 13 de junio a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia
Presentar al Registrar:
• Acta de nacimiento del niño/niña a
quien van a bautizar
• $50.00 de registracion
Los niños deben de tener 6 anos o menos
para ser elegibles. Niños mayores de 7
deberán asistir el Programa de Formación
de Fe de la
parroquia. (La Ley de la Iglesia Católica.)
• Si están casados deben estar casados por la iglesia católica
• Si son solteros deben tener mas de 16 anos y tener su
Bautizo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación
Clases en español:
Papas y padrinos deben a asistir a las platicas pre-bautismales
las cuales se llevaran acabo el lunes 20 de junio y miércoles
22 de junio a las 7pm en la Iglesia.
Baptism Registration
June 13 at 7:00 pm inside the Church
Bring to registration:
• Child’s birth certificate
• $50.00 registration donation
Those to be baptized must be 6 years old
or younger. Children 7 and older must be
prepared through the parish Faith
Formation Program. (The Law of the Catholic Church.)
• If married must be married by the catholic church.
• If single they must be at least 16 and must have their
Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation.
Classes in English:
Parents and Godparents must attend pre-baptismal classes
which will take place Monday, June 20 & Wed. June 22
from 7 to 9 pm in the Sacred Heart Room in Parish Bldg.
Irazema S. Ortiz
Principal of Our Lady of Guadalupe School
1Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12
1Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16
1Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4,5ab, 8, 11; Mt 5:17-19
1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26
1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:27-32
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:3337
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21;
Lk 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]
1 Re 17:1-6; Sal 121 (120):1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12
1 Re 17:7-16; Sal 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16
1 Re 18:20-39; Sal 16 (15):1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11; Mt
1 Re 18:41-46; Sal 65 (64):10-13; Mt 5:20-26
1 Re 19:9a, 11-16; Sal 27 (26):7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:2732
Hch 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Sal 16 (15):1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Sal 32 (31):1-2, 5, 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 1921; Lc 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]
Pablo explica la llamada que recibió de Dios para predicar el Evangelio a los gentiles (Gálatas 1:11-19).
5 de Junio de 2016
June 5, 2016
Estos fueron los últimos niños y jóvenes que
celebraron su primera comunión,
el Sacramento de la Eucaristías.
These were the last children and
young people
celebrating first communion,
the Sacrament of Eucharist.
Las registraciones para el programa de Formacion de Fe seran en el mes de Agosto
(7, 14, 21, 28)
Despues de cada misa dominical.
Registration for the Faith Formation Program
will be in August
(7, 14, 21, 28)
after each Sunday mass.
XV Años Orientation
Wed, June 1 - OLG Cafeteria @ 7:00 pm
Parents and Teens to Celebrate XV años must attend the
orientation to reserve a date and get all the necessary
information and requirements from our parish. A deposit
of $100.00 is required to reserve a date.
Orientación de XV años
Miércoles, 1 de junio en la Cafetería a las 7:00 pm
Los Padres y la joven que celebrara XV anos tienen que
asistir a una Orientación a lo menos para reservar el día y
recibir la información que requiere nuestra parroquia.
Un deposito de $100.00 es requerido para reservar la
Paul explains God’s call to him to preach to the Gentiles (Galatians 1:11-19).
June 5, 2016
5 de Junio de 2016
Stewardship of our Treasure & Gifts
Your gift to the parish / Su ofrenda a la parroquia
As little as one hour’s wage will help us meet our daily needs.
Por lo menos, una hora de su nomina nos ayuda con
nuestros necesidades en nuestra parroquia
Psalm 4:5 / Salmo 4:5
Offer sacrifices in the right spirit and put your
trust in the Lord.
Ofrezcan sacrificios con un espíritu correcto y confine en el
June 5, 2016/ 5 de Junio de 2016
First Collection/Primera Colecta
Second Collection/Segunda Colecta
$ 114.00
Poor Box
$ 364.21
Religious Articles $0
**Thank you for your donations. Gracias por sus donaciónes.**
Capital Campaign Loan Balance
DSF Mandatory Goal 2016
Total Amount Paid____
Amount Pending to meet Goal $29,770.67
Church Projects In Progress
Cocinita Remodeling to meet City of Houston Ordinance
Estimated Cost
Planned Completion Date :
Due to unexpected permit delays we hope for June 30, 2016
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mosaic & Pond
(in St. Vincent Cemetery) Renovation Project—
Being Sponsored by Duchesne Academy
LA COCINITA “Cafeteria”
Today, June 5, 2016 — Neocatecumenal
Los invitamos al desayuno ó almuerzo en
nuestra cafetería cada domingo . We invite you for breakfast or
lunch in our cafetería every Sunday.
Thank you to The Knights of Columus #7532 who generously
helped run the Cocinita last Sunday. We are very grateful for
their fundraising of $173.00.
Gracias a Caballeros de Colon #7532 por haberse encargado
de la cocinita el domingo pasado. Estamos muy agradecidos por
su recuadación de fondos de $173.00.
Financial Report 2016
Reporte de Financieros
de la Jamaica 2016
ocinita Schedule:
June 12, 2016 — AYC BBQ
June 19, 2016 — Eva and Friends
June 26, 2016 — Guadalupanos
Sold by School
Church Mail-out
Festival Raffle Booths
Raffle Donations
Egg Rolls
Fajita Tacos
Funnel Cakes
Turkey Legs
Aguas Frescas
Coke & Water Booths
Beer Booth
Margarita Booth
Pizza Booth
Corn Cup
Tacos al Pastor
Marble Slab IceCream
Hot Dogs
Cake Walk
Fruit Booth
Kiddie Land Rides
Kiddie Land Go-Carts
Ring Toss
Vendor Space Rentals
Raffle Income
Prize Donations
Booth Income
Total Income
$29,293.50 Raffle Expense $10,265.68
Festival Expense $20,599.35
$2,437.50 Total Expenses $30,865.03
$62,321.27 Total Net Income $31,456.24
Jesús devuelve la vida al hijo muerto de la viuda de Naín (Lucas 7:11-17).
Jesus raises from the dead the son of a widow in the city of Nain (Luke 7:11-17).
June 5, 2016
“Mantener la promesa Alive” es un curso obligatorio para los empleados y voluntarios de la
Iglesia. Para asistir a “Mantener la promesa
Alive” despues de 5 años de asistir el programa “Protegiendo a
los Ninos de Dios” sera una sesión de 1.5 horas con un solo video que proporciona la conciencia para la prevención del abuso
sexual infantil. El material cubierto reforza las lecciones del programa original mediante la aclaración de algunos de los aspectos
mas desafiantes de la sesiones el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de los participantes para reconocer el comportamiento riesgoso por los adultos y intervenir en situaciones potencialmente
“Mantener la promesa Alive” en español se llevara a cabo en
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el 25 de junio, 12:00 - 1:30pm.
Por favor regístrese en el Internet. Si necesita ayuda llame a
Leticia Guillen Coordinadora Parroquial Ambiente Seguro al
713-240-8181 o por correo electrónico a
[email protected]
Incarnate Word Academy
We wish to give a great many
THANKS to Incarnate Word
Academy for cleaning, planting
flowers and placing benches
around our mosaic and pond in
St. Vincent Cemetery.
It looks beautiful!
Queremos dar muchas gracias a la
Academia de Incarnate Word por limpiar, plantar
flores y por las bancas alrededor de nuestro mosaico y estanque en el cementerio de San Vicente.
Se ve hermoso!
5 de Junio de 2016
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Church & School invites you
to a Farewell Mass and
Reception in honor of our
priest Fr. Zbigniew
Morawiec, SCJ
(Fr. Ziggy) - on Friday,
June 17, 2016 at 6:30 pm—
Effective July 1, 2016, Fr.
Ziggy will begin his new assignment in Nesbit,
Mississippi serving the
parishes of Christ the King Church, Good Shepherd
Church, St. Gregory the Great Church, Holy Spirit
Church, St. Joseph’s Church and Queen of Peace. We
will dearly miss Fr. Ziggy and on behalf of the parish,
we wish him well on his new journey and many blessings.
We are inviting your ministry group to contribute a potluck meal toward the banquet reception following Mass. Please contact Alicia Leal, Parish Office
Manager at 713-222-0203 to coordinate any food contributions towards the potluck banquet celebration.
For a biography of Fr. Ziggy please visit our webpage
La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y
la Escuela los invita a una despedida con misa y
recepcion en honor a nuestro sacerdote
Padre Zbigniew Morawiec, SCJ
(Padre Ziggy) el viernes 17 de junio, 2016
a las 6:30 pm.
El 1 de Julio de 2016, el Padre Ziggy comenzara
su nueva asignación como sacerdote en Nesbit, Mississippi a las parroquias Iglesia de Cristo Rey, Iglesia del
Buen Pastor, San Gregorio el Grande, Iglesia Espíritu
Santo, Iglesia de San José y Reina de la Paz. Vamos a
extrañar al Padre Ziggy y por parte de la Parroquia le
deseamos lo mejor en su nuevo camino y muchas bendiciones.
Estamos invitando a su grupo de ministerio para contribuir una comida hacia la recepción del banquete. Por favor, pongase en contacto con Alicia Leal
de la Oficina Parroquial al 713-222-0203 para coordinar las contribuciones de alimentos hacia la celebración. Para un biografía del Padre Ziggy visite nuestra
pagina del web http;//
Information Page
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church #676650
2405 Navigation Blvd.
Houston, TX 77003
Alicia Leal, Office Manager
[email protected]
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June 5, 2016
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