Sutton Group - Home Colonial Signpost
Sutton Group - Home Colonial Signpost
C illustrated price list Registered Industrial Design FOR CATALOGUE UPDATES AND SALE’S PROMOTIONS, PLEASE REFER TO © Registered Industrial Design REAL ESTATE YARD SIGN CATALOGUE TEL.: 450-477-2828 • FAX: 450-477-6819 • E-mail: [email protected] Table Of COnTenTs ImAgEmAkER SIgNpoST ................................................................................................................ 3 RESIDENTIAL YARD SIgNS 60” SIgN poST SYSTEm................................................................ 4-5-6-7 RESIDENTIAL YARD SIgNS 72” SIgN poST SYSTEm ..................................................................8-9-10 CARRIAgE TRADE 60” SIgN poST SYSTEm .................................................................................... 11 NAmE RIDERS .......................................................................................................................... 12-13 CompLETE STEEL FRAmE kIT SpECIAL .......................................................................................... 14 SELF pRomoTIoNAL SIgN ..............................................................................................................15 EXTRA LARgE CommERCIAL SIgNS .............................................................................................. 16 CompLETE SIgNpoST kIT SpECIAL .......................................................................................... 17-18 SIgN RIDERS poST SYSTEm ............................................................................................................19 SIgN STICkERS .............................................................................................................................. 20 opEN HouSE SIgNS & A-FRAmES ................................................................................................ 21 DIRECTIoNAL SIgNS ............................................................................................................22-23-24 SIgN ACCESSoRIES .................................................................................................................. 25-26 STEEL YARD FRAmES...................................................................................................................... 27 pERSoNAL pRomoTIoNAL pRoDuCTS*..............................................................................28-29-30 oRDER FoRm..................................................................................................................................31 Need a catalogue? Download it from our website Applicable to all of Canada except ontario Each Sutton group office is Independently owned and operated. Applicable to ontario only Independently owned and operated. E-mail: [email protected] 2 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM Imagemaker ITEM S2005 MAIN POST 60”, CROSS ARM 36” 24 ”x DESCRIPTION: • Includes sign post assembly & ground stake. 6” Rid er 24” x 26” Yard Sign QUANTITY AND PRICE: AVAILABLE ONLY IN BOXES OF 3 QTY oF ITEmS: _____ 3-12 = $55.75 each 15-99 = $53.75 each 102 + = $50.25 each QUICK’N EASY TO INSTALL: A pound stake into ground with stake hammer ITEM S7095, page 26; C B Slide upright portion of post onto top of stake; C Slide cross arm portion into upright until it snaps; D Insert sign pegs in post until they clip, hang sign panel, and then slide rider sign into slot of cross arm. Registered Industrial Design ITEM S2072 MAIN POST 72”, CROSS ARM 48” 36”x 8” RIDER 36” x 24” YARD SIGN DESCRIPTION: • Includes sign post assembly & ground stake. QUANTITY AND PRICE: AVAILABLE ONLY IN BOXES OF 3 QTY oF ITEmS: _____ 3-12 = $66.00 each 2 years *Your Imagemaker Signpost warranty covers all defects in materials and workmanship. * The following are not covered by the warranty: 1. units on which the manufacture date has been defaced, modified or removed. 2. Damage or deterioration resulting from: A. Installation or removal of the signpost. B. Accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, unauthorized product modification. C. Installation of parts or accessories that do not conform to the quality or specification of the original sign post or accessories. 36”x 8” NAME RIDER E-mail: [email protected] C PRODUCT WARRANTY 3 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM resIdenTIal Yard sIgns ITEM S6005 24” x 18” CORRUGATED PLASTIC SIGN PANEL DESCRIPTION: • 4 mm coroplast sign panel • Imprinted with DBA, phone number and website • Standard 5 grommet hole pattern model a FOR SALE 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.890.1234 OFF.: Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated SPECIFICATIONS: model A model B 5 grommets no grommets to fit steel frames QUANTITY AND PRICE: pRINTED 2 SIDES 200 = $7.55 each 100 = $8.20 each 50 = $9.65 each 25 = $11.00 each 12 = $12.80 each pRINTED 1 SIDE oNLY 50 = $8.25 each 25 = $9.75 each 12 = $11.60 each model b FOR SALE 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.890.1234 OFF.: YOUR OFFICE NAME Independently owned and operated E-mail: [email protected] Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ LOGOS: $1.05 each $1.05 each 4 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM resIdenTIal Yard sIgns ITEM S6010 24” x 26” YARD SIGN WITH ASSOCIATE IDENTIFIER model a DESCRIPTION: • printed 2 sides • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • Imprinted with DBA, website, phone number and agent identifier Your Office Name A For Sale John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE D E C B Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated SPECIFICATIONS: model A 3 grommets model B no grommets QUANTITY AND PRICE: 100 = $9.65 each 25 = $12.45 each 50 = $11.20 each 12 = $14.55 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA ________________________________________ B) Website: ____________________________________ C) office phone Number: _________________________ D) Agent Name:_________________________________ E) Title: _______________________________________ F) Agent phone Number: _________________________ g Agent Website or Email: _______________________ model b FOR SALE LOGOS: G D E F $1.05 each $1.05 each SALES REPRESENTATIVE B Your Office Name A C John Smith 555.123.4567 555.456.7890 E-mail: [email protected] 5 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM resIdenTIal Yard sIgns ITEM S6015 24” x 26” YARD SIGN WITH ASSOCIATE IDENTIFIER & AGENT PHOTO model a Your Office Name A For Sale Anna Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE D E C FOR SALE B SALES REPRESENTATIVE D E F [email protected] G Your Office Name A C E-mail: [email protected] model B no grommets Sending photo by email* QUANTITY AND PRICE: 50 = $19.55 each 12 = $23.50 each model b 555.456.7890 SPECIFICATIONS: model A 3 grommets photo on file* B Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated John Smith 555.123.4567 DESCRIPTION: • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • printed 2 sides • Imprinted with DBA, website, phone number and agent identifier • 3 grommets (2 on top and 1 on left side of sign) 25 = $20.85 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ D) Agent Name: ________________________________ E) Title: _______________________________________ F) Agent phone Number: ________________________ g) Agent Website or Email : ______________________ LOGOS: $1.05 each $1.05 each * Note: For quality purpose, agent photos should be taken at the highest possible resolution, but no less than 5” x 5” at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Shoot photos in black and white or convert to sepia tone (black & pmS 124). Color photos can be used, but the sophistication of black and white or sepia tone photos are recommended because they are more elegant, modern and professional. 6 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM resIdenTIal Yard sIgns ITEM S6020 LOGOS: $1.05 each model a $1.05 each FOR SALE 24”x 26” YARD SIGN WITH ASSOCIATE IDENTIFIER DESCRIPTION: • printed 1 side only • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • Imprinted with DBA, website and phone number SPECIFICATIONS: model A QUANTITY AND PRICE: 50 = $8.95 each 15 = $11.35 each John Smith 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.890.1234 OFF.: Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated LOGOS: $1.05 each model b FOR SALE $1.05 each 24”x 26” YARD SIGN WITH ASSOCIATE IDENTIFIER DESCRIPTION: • 2 coroplast signs back to back glued 4 corners • To be used with center post 2 & 3 • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • Imprinted with DBA, website and phone number SPECIFICATIONS: model A John Smith SALES REPRESENTATIVE 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.890.1234 OFF.: YOUR OFFICE NAME Independently owned and operated E-mail: [email protected] 30 = $9.55 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ D) Agent Name: ________________________________ E) Title: _______________________________________ SALES REPRESENTATIVE ITEM S6025 model B QUANTITY AND PRICE: 50 = $15.75 each 10 = $22.25 each model B 25 = $18.05 each 5 = $24.20 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ D) Agent Name: ________________________________ E) Title: _______________________________________ 7 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM resIdenTIal Yard sIgns ITEM S6040 36” x 24” CORRUGATED PLASTIC SIGN PANEL DESCRIPTION: • 4 mm coroplast sign panel • Imprinted with DBA, phone number and website • Standard 5 grommet hole pattern model a SPECIFICATIONS: model A model B 5 grommets no grommets to fit steel frames FOR SALE 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.890.1234 OFF.: Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated QUANTITY AND PRICE: pRINTED 2 SIDES 200 = $9.65 each 100 = $10.55 each 50 = $11.95 each 25 = $13.80 each 12 = $16.75 each pRINTED 1 SIDE oNLY 50 = $11.20 each 25 = $12.65 each 12 = $15.25 each model b FOR SALE 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.890.1234 OFF.: YOUR OFFICE NAME Independently owned and operated E-mail: [email protected] Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ LOGOS: $1.05 each $1.05 each 8 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM resIdenTIal Yard sIgns ITEM S6035 36” x 32” YARD SIGN WITH ASSOCIATE IDENTIFIER & AGENT PHOTO model a DESCRIPTION: • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • printed 2 sides • Imprinted with DBA, website, phone number and agent identifier • 3 grommets (2 on top and 1 on left side of sign) Your Office Name For Sale Anna Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated model b Your Office Name John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE SPECIFICATIONS: model A 3 grommets photo on file* QUANTITY AND PRICE: 50 = $26.60 each 12 = $34.60 each 25 = $27.60 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ D) Agent Name: ________________________________ E) Title: _______________________________________ F) Agent phone Number: ________________________ g) Agent Website or Email : ______________________ LOGOS: $1.05 each $1.05 each * Note: For quality purpose, agent photos should be taken at the highest possible resolution, but no less than 6 1/4” x 6 1/4” at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Shoot photos in black and white or convert to sepia tone (black & pmS 124). Color photos can be used, but the sophistication of black and white or sepia tone photos are recommended because they are more elegant, modern and professional. Your Office Name 555.456.7890 E-mail: [email protected] model B no grommets Sending photo by email* 9 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM resIdenTIal Yard sIgns ITEM S6030 36” x 32” YARD SIGN WITH ASSOCIATE IDENTIFIER DESCRIPTION: • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • printed 2 sides • Imprinted with DBA, website, phone number and agent identifier • 3 grommets (2 on top and 1 on left side of sign) model a Your Office Name For Sale John Smith 555.123.4567 SPECIFICATIONS: model A 3 grommets photo on file* model B no grommets Sending photo by email* SALES REPRESENTATIVE Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated QUANTITY AND PRICE: 50 = $21.00 each 12 = $29.00 each 25 = $22.00 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ D) Agent Name: ________________________________ E) Title: _______________________________________ F) Agent phone Number: ________________________ g) Agent Website or Email : ______________________ model b Your Office Name John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE LOGOS: $1.05 each $1.05 each Your Office Name 555.456.7890 E-mail: [email protected] 10 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM Yard sIgns ITEM S6050 24” x 30” STERLING SERIES DESCRIPTION: • printed 2 sides • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • Imprinted with DBA, website and phone number • 4 grommets (2 on top and 2 on left side of sign) • oNLY AvAILABLE IN DIgITAL pRINTINg SPECIFICATIONS: 4 grommets No grommets QUANTITY AND PRICE: 50 = $18.70 each 25 = $20.15 each 12 = $23.05 each FOR SALE John Smith Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ D) Agent Name: ________________________________ E) Title: _______________________________________ SALES REPRESENTATIVE OFF.: 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.456.7890 E-mail: [email protected] LOGOS: $1.05 each $1.05 each 11 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM name rIders ITEM S6085 24” x 6” AGENT NAME RIDERS DESCRIPTION: • printed 2 sides • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • Available in grey or red print model a Anna Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE SPECIFICATIONS: model A Center print for steel frame: Bottom Red grey QUANTITY AND PRICE: 25 = $5.60 each 12 = $6.10 each 2 grommets: Top 24” x 8” AGENT NAME RIDERS model b Anna Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE DESCRIPTION: • printed 2 sides • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • Available in grey or red print SPECIFICATIONS: model A 2 grommets: Red print photo on file* * Note: For quality purpose, agent photos should be taken at the highest possible resolution, but no less than 5” x 5” at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Shoot photos in black and white or convert to sepia tone (black & pmS 124). Color photos can be used, but the sophistication of black and white or sepia tone photos are recommended because they are more elegant, modern and professional. E-mail: [email protected] model B Top Bottom grey print Sending photo by email* QUANTITY AND PRICE: Without photo 25 = $5.65 each 12 = $6.45 each A) B) C) D) 12 With photo 5.5” x 5.5” 25 = $14.05 each 12 = $14.90 each Agent Name: ________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Agent phone Number: ________________________ Agent Website or Email: _______________________ PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM name rIders ITEM S6045 36” x 8” AGENT NAME RIDERS DESCRIPTION: • printed 2 sides • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • Available in grey or red print model a Anna Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE SPECIFICATIONS: model A 2 grommets: Red Top Bottom grey QUANTITY AND PRICE: 25 = $6.35 each 12 = $7.15 each 36” x 8” AGENT NAME RIDERS model b Anna Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE DESCRIPTION: • printed 2 sides • 4 mm coroplast office identification sign • Available in grey or red print SPECIFICATIONS: model B 2 grommets: Top Bottom grey print Red print photo on file* Sending photo by email* * Note: For quality purpose, agent photos should be taken at the highest possible resolution, but no less than 5” x 5” at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Shoot photos in black and white or convert to sepia tone (black & pmS 124). Color photos can be used, but the sophistication of black and white or sepia tone photos are recommended because they are more elegant, modern and professional. E-mail: [email protected] QUANTITY AND PRICE: With photo 5.5” x 5.5” 25 = $14.75 each 12 = $15.55 each A) B) C) D) 13 Agent Name: ________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Agent phone Number: ________________________ Agent Website or Email: _______________________ PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM sPeCIal ITEM S6075 FOR SALE 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.890.1234 OFF.: ITEM S6005 A) 12 Yard Signs 24” X 18” ITEM S6085 B) 12 Name Riders 24” X 6” ITEM S6090 C) 4 “Just Listed” 24” X 6” ITEM S6090 D) 4 “open Sunday 2 to 4 p.m.” 24” X 6” ITEM S6090 E) 4 “Sold” 24” X 6” YOUR OFFICE NAME Independently owned and operated A value of $799.80 $749 Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA ________________________________________ B) Website: ____________________________________ C) office phone Number: _________________________ D) Agent Name: ________________________________ E) Title: _______________________________________ F) Agent phone Number: _________________________ NEW DESIGN Just Listed FOR SALE 555.123.4567 DIR.: 555.890.1234 OFF.: New slide-in insert ITEM S7080 YOUR OFFICE NAME Independently owned and operated See page 27 Anna Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE E-mail: [email protected] 14 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM self PrOmOTIOnal sIgns ITEM S6071 60” x 48” SELF PROMOTIONAL SIGNS model a DESCRIPTION: • printed 1 side only • 6 mm coroplast self promotional sign • Imprinted with DBA, website, phone number and agent identifier • photo 13” x 15” FOR SALE YOUR OFFICE NAME Slogan John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE model b YOUR OFFICE NAME Slogan John Smith Anna Smith 555.123.4567 555.456.7890 SALES REPRESENTATIVE SPECIFICATIONS: model A photo on file* model B Sending photo by email* QUANTITY AND PRICE: Model A 6 = $165.20 each 3 = $176.40 each 2 = $184.80 each Model B 6 = $187.60 each 3 = $198.80 each 2 = $212.80 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website:____________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ D) Agent name: ________________________________ E) Title: ______________________________________ F) Agent phone Number: ________________________ g) Agent Website or Email: _______________________ H) Slogan or message: ___________________________ SALES REPRESENTATIVE * Note: For quality purpose, agent photos should be taken at the highest possible resolution, but no less than 13” x 15” at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Shoot photos in black and white or convert to sepia tone (black & pmS 124). Color photos can be used, but the sophistication of black and white or sepia tone photos are recommended because they are more elegant, modern and professional. please E-mail photo to [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 15 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM exTra large COmmerCIal sIgns ITEM S6070 60” x 48” EXTRA LARGE YARD SIGNS model a LARgE, pRINTED oN oNE SIDE CoRopLAST SIgN IDEAL FoR INDuSTRIAL, CommERCIAL BuILDINgS, opEN LoTS AND ACREAgE. Ready to install on buildings, etc. Coroplast signs are inexpensive to ship and easy to install. Signs should be supported with wooden frame (1” x 3” furring). For Sale Your Office Name John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated Zoned Residential 20 Lakefront Lots Sample Message For Rent Zoned Industrial John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Your Office Name 555.456.7890 SPECIFICATIONS: model A model B QUANTITY AND PRICE: 6 = $124.60 each 2 = $145.60 each 3 = $137.20 each 1 = $166.60 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP model b DESCRIPTION: • printed 1 side only • 6 mm coroplast office identification sign • Imprinted with DBA, website and phone number 100,000 SQ. FT. Will Build To Suit A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website: ___________________________________ C) office phone Number: ________________________ D) Agent Name: ________________________________ E) Title: ______________________________________ F) Agent phone Number: ________________________ g) Agent Website or Email: _______________________ H) message: ___________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Sample Message E-mail: [email protected] 16 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM sIgn POsT kIT sPeCIal ITEM S9000 COMPLETE SIGN POST KIT DESCRIPTION: A) 12 ImAgE mAkER 60” SIgN poSTS complete with ground stakes & pegs B) 12 YARD SIgNS (24” X 26”) with associated identifier C) 12 mESSAgE RIDERS (24” X 6”) • White coroplast grey and red print • 3 “FoR SALE” • 3 “opEN SuNDAY 2 To 4 p.m.” • 3 “JuST LISTED” • 3 “SoLD” model a Company Name: SUTTON GROUP Your Office Name For Sale John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned & Operated A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Website: ____________________________________ C) D) E) F) g) office phone Number: _________________________ Agent name: ________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Agent phone Number: _________________________ Agent Website or Email: _______________________ A value of $912 for only E-mail: [email protected] 17 $860 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM sIgn POsT kIT sPeCIal ITEM S9000 COMPLETE SIGN POST KIT WITH PICTURE model b FOR SALE DESCRIPTION: A) 12 ImAgE mAkER 60” SIgN poSTS complete with ground stakes & pegs B) 12 YARD SIgNS (24” X 26”) with associated identifier C) 12 mESSAgE RIDERS (24” X 6”) • White coroplast grey print • 3 “FoR SALE” • 3 “opEN SuNDAY 2 To 4 p.m.” • 3 “JuST LISTED” • 3 “SoLD” photo on file* Sending photo by email* Company Name: SUTTON GROUP John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Your Office Name 555.456.7890 A) DBA _______________________________________ B) C) D) E) F) g) Website: ____________________________________ office phone Number: _________________________ Agent name: ________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Agent phone Number: _________________________ Agent Website or Email: _______________________ * Note: For quality purpose, agent photos should be taken at the highest possible resolution, but no less than 5” x 5” at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Shoot photos in black and white or convert to sepia tone (black & pmS 124). Color photos can be used, but the sophistication of black and white or sepia tone photos are recommended because they are more elegant, modern and professional. please E-mail photo to [email protected] A value of $1,020 for only E-mail: [email protected] 18 $960 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM sIgn rIders ITEM S6090 SPECIAL FEATURES AND ACTIVITIES SPECIFICATIONS: DESCRIPTION: • printed 2 sides • 4 mm coroplast sign riders • White coroplast can be translucent in very bright areas Sign no.______________ Quantity_______ Description ________________________________ Sign size: mINImum oF 12, NO MIXING 24” x 6” 100 = $3.70 each 25 = $5.25 each 50 = $4.15 each 12 = $5.75 each 36” x 8” 100 = $4.75 each 25 = $5.90 each 50 = $5.30 each 12 = $6.65 each E-mail: [email protected] 24” x 6” 36” x 8” 2 grommets: Top Bottom Center print for steel frames 19 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM sIgn sTICkers ITEM S6095 CUSTOM VINYL GRAPHIC STICKERS FAX US YOUR PRINT AND SIZE FOR A PRICE QUOTE Black sticker, white lettering Size of Sticker: White sticker, black lettering Transparent sticker, white or black lettering _______________________ message print: ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ITEM S7000 WHITE OR BLACK STICKERS WITH BLACK OR WHITE LETTERING SIZE QUANTITY 15 $4.00 each $4.35 each 15” X 3” 21” X 3” 25 $2.75 each $3.20 each 50 $2.50 each $2.95 each 100 $1.70 each $2.40 each message print: ________________________________________________________________________________ ITEM S7005 TRANSPARENT STICKERS WITH WHITE OR BLACK LETTERING SIZE QUANTITY 15 $4.40 each 15” X 4” 25 $3.20 each 50 $2.85 each 100 $2.15 each message print: ________________________________________________________________________________ ITEM S7010 EXTRA LARGE PERSONALIZED STICKERS SIZE QUANTITY 24” X 7.5” 15 $6.95 each 25 $6.50 each message print: ________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: [email protected] 20 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM OPen hOuse sIgns ITEM S7015 24” x 18” OPEN HOUSE OR FOR SALE SIGNS model a DESCRIPTION: • printed 1 side only • 4 mm coroplast sign Your Office Name Anna Smith Dir.: 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Your Office Name OPEN HOUSE model b Your Office Name John Smith 555.123.4567 Dir.: SALES REPRESENTATIVE Your Office Name OPEN HOUSE model C SPECIFICATIONS: model A model B model C model D Writing in red arrow: FoR SALE QTY :_____ QTY :_____ opEN HouSE QTY :_____ QTY :_____ QUANTITY AND PRICE: mINImum oF 12 50 = $9.30 each 24 = $10.45 each 12 = $12.60 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Agent Name: ________________________________ C) Title: ______________________________________ D) Agent phone Number: ________________________ E) Agent Website or Email: _______________________ Your Office Name John Smith SALES REPRESENTATIVE ITEM S7070 OPEN HOUSE See page 25 These signs work well with this A-Frame. 24” model d 18” Your Office Name Anna Smith SALES REPRESENTATIVE OPEN HOUSE E-mail: [email protected] 21 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM dIreCTIOnal sIgns ITEM S7025 You r Off ice FOR Nam e SAL Joh nS 555 mi E .12 th 3.4 567 SA FOR SALE LE Your Office Name John Smith 555.123.4567 SR EP RE SE NT ATI V E 24” x 12” DIRECTIONAL SIGN WITH STEP STAKE DESCRIPTION: • 2 X 4 mm coroplast signs glued back to back • printed 1 side only • Includes step stake, nuts and bolts • Weight: 3.75 lbs. each SALES REPRESENTATIVE OPEN HOUSE Your Office Name John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE ITEM S7030 opEN HouSE • QTY: ____ QUANTITY AND PRICE: No mIXINg 25 = $28.20 each 15 = $29.70 each 10 = $31.80 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA ______________________________________ B) Agent Name: ________________________________ C) Title: ______________________________________ D) Agent phone Number: ________________________ 24” x 12” DIRECTIONAL SIGN FOR SALE Your Office Name John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE OPEN HOUSE Your Office Name John Smith 555.123.4567 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Printed 2 sides: FoR SALE oR SPECIFICATIONS: FoR SALE • QTY: ____ opEN HouSE 25 = $10.90 each 15 = $11.85 each 10 = $12.55 each E-mail: [email protected] DESCRIPTION: • 4 mm coroplast sign • printed 1 side only SPECIFICATIONS: mINImum 10 EACH DIRECTIoN FoR SALE QUANTITY QTY :____ QTY :_____ AND PRICE: No mIXINg opEN HouSE QTY :____ QTY :_____ 60 = $7.85 each 40 = $8.60 each 20 = $9.65 each Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA ______________________________________ B) Agent Name: ______________________________ C) Title: ____________________________________ D) Agent phone Number: ______________________ 22 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM dIreCTIOnal sIgns ITEM S7051 BES AnnRuEr OAfficLe TNaYme SAL L E a m TD. 555S REPRS ESE i t .123 NTATIVhE .456 7 T Yo OP EN HO US E 18” X 18” LITTLE HOUSE DIE-CUT SIGN DIRECTIONAL SIGN WITH STEP STAKE DESCRIPTION: • 2 X 4 mm coroplast signs glued back to back • printed 1 side only • Includes step stake, nuts and bolts • Weight: 4.75 lbs. each SPECIFICATIONS: FoR SALE QTY: _____ opEN HouSE QTY: _____ QUANTITY AND PRICE: No mIXINg 25 = $31.50 each 15 = $33.50 each 10 = $35.50 each Office Name BESTYour REALTY LTD. Office Name BESTYour REALTY LTD. 555.123.4567 555.123.4567 OPEN HOUSE ÊFOR SALE Ê Anna Smith SALES REPRESENTATIVE ITEM S7052 Anna Smith SALES REPRESENTATIVE SINGLE SIDED DIRECTIONAL SIGNS DESCRIPTION: • 1 X 4 mm coroplast sign • printed 1 side only Office Name BESTYour REALTY LTD. Anna Smith SALES REPRESENTATIVE 555.123.4567 OPEN HOUSE Office Name BESTYour REALTY LTD. Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA: ______________________________________ B) Agent Name: ________________________________ C) Title: _______________________________________ D) Agent phone Number: _________________________ QUANTITY AND PRICE: NO MIXING mINImum oRDER 10 pER DIRECTIoN 20 = $11.50 each Anna Smith SALES REPRESENTATIVE 555.123.4567 FOR SALE E-mail: [email protected] SPECIFICATIONS: FoR SALE QTY opEN HouSE QTY :_____ :_____ QTY QTY :_____ :_____ Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA: _______________________________________ B) Agent Name: ________________________________ C) Title: _______________________________________ D) Agent phone Number: _________________________ 23 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM dIreCTIOnal sIgns ITEM S7045 YOUR OFFICE NAME John Smith OPEN HOUSE 24” x 18” ARROW DIE-CUT SIGN DIRECTIONAL SIGN WITH STEP STAKE SALES REPRESENTATIVE 555.123.4567 YOUR OFFICE NAME John Smith DESCRIPTION: • 2 x 4 mm coroplast signs glued back to back • Step stake, nuts and bolts • Weight: 4.75 lbs. each SPECIFICATIONS: FoR SALE QTY: _____ opEN HouSE QTY: _____ OPEN HOUSE SALES REPRESENTATIVE 555.123.4567 QUANTITY AND PRICE: NO MIXING 25 = $38.80 each 10 = $46.00 each YOUR OFFICE NAME John Smith Company Name: SUTTON GROUP FOR SALE A) DBA _______________________________________ B) C) D) E) SALES REPRESENTATIVE 555.123.4567 SINGLE SIDED ARROW DIRECTIONAL SIGNS ITEM S7050 YOUR OFFICE NAME John Smith OPEN HOUSE SALES REPRESENTATIVE 555.123.4567 FOR SALE Agent Name: ________________________________ Title: _______________________________________ Agent phone Number: ________________________ Website or Email:_____________________________ DESCRIPTION: • 4 mm coroplast sign • printed 1 side only QUANTITY AND PRICE: NO MIXING MINIMUM ORDER: 10 PER DIRECTION 25 = $13.15 each 20 = $16.80 each YOUR OFFICE NAME John Smith SALES REPRESENTATIVE 555.123.4567 E-mail: [email protected] SPECIFICATIONS: FoR SALE QTY opEN HouSE QTY :____ :____ QTY QTY :_____ :_____ Company Name: SUTTON GROUP A) DBA _______________________________________ B) Agent Name: ________________________________ C) Title: _______________________________________ D) Agent phone Number: ________________________ E) Website or Email:_____________________________ 24 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM sIgn aCCessOrIes ITEM S7060 STEP STAKE NUTS AND BOLTS ITEM S7065 DESCRIPTION: • 1 Bag = 10 bolts, 10 wingnuts and 20 washers DESCRIPTION: • plastic Sign Holder pegs PRICE: $4.25 each bag PRICE: 9 pER BAg $9.00 each bag ITEM S7070 ITEM S7075 A-FRAME OR TENT FRAME DESCRIPTION: • powder coated For opEN HouSE, FoR SALE and DIRECTIoNAL SIGN PEGS RIDER SIGN HANGER CLIPS DESCRIPTION: • 100% Stainless Steel Clips, For Hanging Name Rider Signs • 36 clips per bag PRICE: 4 pER BoX $39.00 each frame PRICE: $26.60 each bag 24” OPEN CLOSE 18” E-mail: [email protected] 25 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM sIgn aCCessOrIes ITEM S7085 EXTRA YARD SIGN GROUND STAKES DESCRIPTION: • powder coated • Available only in packages of 3 ground stakes PRICE: 3 pER pACkAgE $32.15 per package ITEM S7095 ITEM S7090 STEP STAKES DESCRIPTION: • Step Stake 48” • Weight: 2.75 lbs. each • minimum order of 5 • Includes nylon nuts, bolts and washers • powder coated PRICE: 5 pER BoX $62.50 per box ITEM S8000 STAKE HAMMER DESCRIPTION: • For installing sign stakes • Avoid flairing top of steel stakes • Weight: 15 lbs. • powder coated DESCRIPTION: • office sign and post display • To be used for display or office special events. • powder coated PRICE: $48.00 each PRICE: $46.50 each E-mail: [email protected] 26 PORTABLE DISPLAY BASE PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM sTeel Yard frames ITEM S7080 RESIDENTIAL STEEL YARD FRAME DESCRIPTION: • No INSTALLER NECESSARY • QuICk AND EASY To puT up • Accomodates our 24” x 18” 4 mm Coroplast sign (Item S6005) and has special feature for holding sign riders 24” x 6” • Black powder coat • 3/4” Steel angle frame • Does not include sign panels IGN NEW DES 24” x 6” Rider 44” high 24” x 18” Sign Coroplast New slide in insert 24” x 6” Rider QUANTITY AND PRICE: 4 pER BoX QTY: ______ 4-20 = $42.00 each frame ITEM S8003 QUICK-UP CORO STAKES DESCRIPTION: • 1/8” galvanized Wire Stakes • maximum signs size: 24” X 18” • Does not include sign panels 10” PRICE: 12 pER BoX QTY: ______ 30” $29.95 per box YOUR OFFICE NAME John Smith SALES REPRESENTATIV You r OPEN HOUSE E 27 FOR N am e SALE Joh nS m 555 .123 ith .456 7 SAL 555.123.4567 E-mail: [email protected] Offic e ES REP RES ENTA TIV E PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM PersOnal PrOmOTIOn PrOduCTs ITEM S8030 ULTRASONIC RANGE FINDER DESCRIPTION: • Realtors convenient distance measuring tool • Automatic conversion between imperial & metric units with the push of a single button • measuring range 0.3 - 15 m or 1 foot - 50 feet • Sutton group logo PRICE: $29.99 each ITEM S8035 LOCKBOX DESCRIPTION: • A hollow metal box that attaches to the front doorknob or some secure place nearby. • Stores key securely • Easy 3 digit combination • Agents have access at all times PRICE: $24.00 each E-mail: [email protected] 28 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM PersOnal PrOmOTIOn PrOduCTs ITEM S8020 TEDDY BEAR DESCRIPTION: • High quality stuffed white bear • Size: 8” x 11” PRICE: $12.00 each ITEM S8015 BALLOONS DESCRIPTION: • White 12” balloons with SuTToN gRoup logo • Helium quality pure latex • Logo printed two sides QUANTITY AND PRICE: 250 = $60.00 500 = $120.00 1000 = $230.00 E-mail: [email protected] 29 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM PersOnal PrOmOTIOn PrOduCTs ITEM S8010 UMBRELLA new! d r an e g r la ImPr ! Oved DESCRIPTION: • 30” rib length, 60” arc • 190T polyester • 14 mm black fiberglass shaft • Fiberglass ribs and frame • manual open • plastic tips and metal top • plastic hand grip with ID name card insert • velcro® tie closure • Fiberglass ribs and frame for added strength and durability • Sp pp pS - 11”W X 10”H (panel) PRICE: $21.00 each ITEM S8025 ZIPPERED LEGAL PORTFOLIO Left front pocket center (4”x 8”) Top front pocket center (8”x 4”) Left front pocket center (3”x 6”) Top pocket center (6”x 3”) DESCRIPTION: • koskin material • Three-sided zipper closure • Full-lenght outside zippered pocket • Inside compartment for CD’s and DvD’s accordion pocket for files • Inside zippered pocket PRICE: $20.00 each E-mail: [email protected] 30 PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM 1699 Station Road, mascouche, QC J7L 2J6 Telephone: 450.477.2828 Fax: 450.477.6819 Email: [email protected] 3. order directly by sending the order form via mail, fax or Email. Terms: You may pay for your merchandise by Visa. MasterCard or American Express. Check or money order in full (including shipping and applicable sales/tax). Shipping charges will automatically be added on charge card orders. When ordering by check or money order, and you would like to prepay shipping charges, you may call for exact freight charges. No C.O.D.’s accepted. Our minimum order is $40.00. Prices subject to change without notice. Home Colonial Signs Post is not responsible for following individual local or municipal sign restrictions and specifications. If your area has specific sign codes or restrictions you must inform us in writing at the time you place your order. 4. orders must be accompanied by payment to begin processing. Sales/Tax: The appropriate tax will be added to all orders shipped. ORDER FORM: Returns: Merchandise can not be returned without written permission. No refunds can be given on personalized merchandise. All returned merchandise must be shipped freight prepaid. HOW TO ORDER: 1. photocopy catalogue page 2. Complete order form Company name: SuTToN gRoup______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________ province: ________________________________________ postal code: ______________________________________________ Telephone: ( ______ ) ______________________________________ Fax: ( ______ )____________________________________ Card holder name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit card number: ______________________________________________________ Expiry date: m / Y ________________ visa mastercard American Express Card holder signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________ FOR EXACT PRINTING DETAILS, SEE MODELS ON APPROPRIATE PAGES AND PHOTOCOPY QTY ITEm No SIZE DESCRIpTIoN EACH Total price of items SHIPPING AND BILLING CHARGES: Shipping charges will automatically be included on charge card orders. When ordering by check or money order, and would like to prepay shipping charges, you may call for exact freight charges. ToTAL (see shipping charge information) Shipping Charges Total amount of order H.S.T. or g.S.T. (Canadian Customers only) ToTAL NEED A CATALOGUE? Québec clients, add Q.S.T. Download it from our website E-mail: [email protected] 31 GRAND TOTAL PLEASE PHOTOCOPY AND ATTACH TO ORDER FORM 1699 Station Road, mascouche, QC J7L 2J6 E-mail : [email protected] Tel.: 450.477.2828 Fax: 450.477.6819