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PROCEEDING 2nd JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE 2012 “East Meets West on Holistic Nursing” Prof. Soedharto Building, Diponegoro University Semarang, 6-7 November 2012 Secretariat: School of Nursing Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University Jln. Prof. H. Soedharto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang-Indonesia Phone: +6224 76480919 Fax: +6224 76486849 Email: [email protected] Website: www.keperawatan.undip.ac.id Organized By: PROCEEDING 2ND JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE 2012 “EAST MEETS WEST IN HOLISTIC NURSING” CONTENT EDITOR: Sarah Ulliya, S.Kp., M.Kes; Ns. Reni Sulung Utami, S.Kep., M.Sc LAYOUT EDITOR: Nur Laili Fithriana, AMK COVER DESIGN: Bekti Iskandar, S.Hum PUBLISHED BY PSIK FK UNDIP JL PROF SUDHARTO SH TEMBALANG, SEMARANG No part of this work may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Proceeding 2nd Java International Nursing Conference 2012 “East Meets West in Holistic Nursing” Semarang: PSIK FK UNDIP, 2012 1 exemplar, 120 pages, 8.27 x 11.69 inch ISBN 978-602-97846-1-9 iii PPREFACE Nowadays, holistic health service has been developed in various parts of both western and eastern worlds and is regarded as a necessity by most public health services users. Attention to physical well-being of biological, psychological, social environmental aspects and belief of developing local knowledge proves to be accepted by society so as to restore the health status of individuals who are sick in a faster time. High demand of the community on holistic health care is a challenge for health providers to be able to continue to develop themselves in the search of quality service forms which are scientifically proven. Nurses as one of the many health professionals who, in many times, stay close to clients should always develop themselves in order to provide optimal nursing care and keep up with development of technology and science of nursing. This is of course to meet the high demand of public on better and quality health care services. The logical consequence of the magnitude of people's demand for quality services is the nurses’ opened insights to the progress of science and technology both in the field of health in general and nursing. To do so, complete and diverse rides and facilities are needed to be able to access the latest science emerging in the world of nursing. The development of modern information technology increasingly facilitates nurses to access the latest science and technology that occurs in parts of both western and eastern world without having to move to a place where science was developed. However, exchange opinions about science and experience in the nursing field directly in a scientific forum is a very effective medium to share science and knowledge because it allows direct confirmation with the concerned researchers, practitioners, and other information resources. This can minimize the possibility of misinterpretation of one individual to another individual. Answering the need of information as mentioned above, the Java International Nursing Conference 2012 (JINC 2012) is conceived as a form of a scientific forum that aims to bridge iv the exchange of science, knowledge and ideas related to the advancement of holistic nursing which occurs in parts of the western and eastern world. It then can be developed together for the progress of nursing science which will certainly result in high quality nursing service to the community. The Java International Nursing Conference 2012 is the succession of the first similar conference organized in October 2012. The conference is opened to all participants from Indonesian and foreign countries that concern with the development of nursing and health care services. Organizing Committee v 2nd JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE 2012 “East Meets West on Holistic Nursing” The organizing committee includes the following people: Project Manager : Ns. Meira Erawati, S.Kep., M.Si.Med Vice Project Manager : Ns. Giyatmo, S.Kep Secretary : Ns. Elis Hartati, S.Kep., M.Kep Etty Nurul Afidah, AMK Treasurer : Hirsan Indah Mustika Dewi, SE H. Marsito, S.Kp., M.Kep.Sp.Kom Program Committee : Nur Setiawati D., S.Kp.,M.Kep. Sp.Kom M. Hasib Ardani, S.Kp., M.Kes Asih Nurakhir, S.Pd Sari Sudarmiati, M.Kep.Sp.Mat Dwi Susilawati, M.Kep. Sp.Mat Rinna Prasmawati, AMK Ns. M. Madkhan Anis, S.Kep Ns. Cahyu Septiwi, S.Kep., M.Kep.Sp.KMB Herniyatun, S.Kp., M.Kep.Sp.Mat Scientific committee : Sarah Ulliya, S.Kp., M.Kes Wahyu Hidayati, S.Kp., M.Kep. Sp.KMB Ns. Reni Sulung Utami, S.Kep., M.Sc Nur Laili Fithriana, AMK Publication & Documentation : Ns. Elsa Naviati, S.Kep., M.Kep Bekti Iskandar, S.Hum Ns. Siti Apriliani, S.Kep Margiyono, AMd Ns. Safrudin, S.Kep., M.Kep Sponsorships : Madya Sulisno, S.Kp., M.Kes Ns. Dhinamita Nivalinda, S.Kep vi Facility and Equipment : Candra Bagus Ropyanto, S.Kp., M.Kep Pramuji, S.Kom Evi Silitoma Kriswanto Wakidjo Food and baverage : Septi Harni W., AMK Titin Supriyanti, S.Kom Transportation : Wahyu Erlangga Abu Mansur Heri Krisnanto vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PREFACE CONFERENCE COMMITTE TABLE OF CONTENT A WELCOME SPEECH BY THE PROJECT MANAGER KEYNOTE PRESENTATION “Nursing Knowledge and Nursing Philosophy of Holistic Nursing” PLENARY SESSION I iii iv vi viii 1 3 5 A. Holistic Nursing: Advancing The Discipline Marguirete J. Purnell, Ph.D, RN; AHN-BC B. Development and Implementation of Holistic Nursing in Thailand Ass Prof. Urai Hatthakit, RN, Ph.D PLENARY SESSION II 22 A. Detoxification in Yoga: Traditional Perspective and Contemporary Practices for The 27 Application of Yoga Therapy Dr. Hiroshi Aikata B. The Concept of Holistic Therapy in Indonesia Ahmad Yani, S.Gz 38 C. Bringing The Nursing School, Faculty Of Medicine, Diponegoro University to The Holistic Campus Fitria Handayani, S.Kp.M.Kep.Sp.KMB ORAL PRESENTATION Nursing Intervention, Complementary and Alternative Therapy Nursing Management Cultural Diversity in Nursing Care Process Quality of Nursing Care Spirituality Nursing Policies Nursing Education POSTER PRESENTATION ATTACHMENTS viii 40 42 43 61 69 78 84 85 88 91 100 Welcome Speech A WELCOME SPEECH BY THE PROJECT MANAGER Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarokaatuh First of all, let’s us thank God who has given us his blessings and also a great opportunity so that we can be here in good health to attend the 2nd Java International Nursing Conference 2012 held in Prof. Soedarto building of Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to welcome all attendees who have been here this morning and give their valuable contribution towards the running of this event. The 2nd Java International Nursing Conference 2012 is proudly presented by School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University in collaboration with School of Health Sciences of Muhammadiyah Gombong, Central Java, Indonesia. This year conference is the succession of the 1st Java International Nursing Conference which was organized two years ago on October 2010. The last conference had been successful to play its significant role as a forum which gathered researchers and practitioners from local and international to share their knowledge, ideas, innovations, experiences and many others as well as to establish good networking. All those benefits showed that conference is one of the effective scientific forums to disseminate any advancement of science especially nursing. We also hope that this year’s conference is also successful to bridge the sharing of information and advancement of nursing among all attendees. ‘East Meets West on Holistic Nursing’ has been chosen as the theme of the conference with regards the current issues of nursing advances which view that efforts to improve human health should be done by considering all aspects holistically. The view of the eastern and western countries towards holistic nursing service gives us clear idea that any nursing care provided to patients should pay attention to local cultures and wisdoms prevailing in the society. It is with an aim that nursing services we provide will be in 1 line with the culture and faith of the community. By this year conference, we hope to be able to address the needs of nursing both for the eastern and the western so as to provide the best Welcome Speech service for the community. By the spirit togetherness, we believe that we can contribute to nursing development in the world. The 2nd Java International Nursing Conference 2012 is attended by many participants from diverse cities, regions and islands from Indonesia and some countries abroad. The conference presents the speakers who are expert in their fields from Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and USA. We really appreciate and thank them for all their contributions. This conference would be impossible without great support from Undip, Central Java and Semarang city government, participants, members of organizing committee, and all collaboration parties. And on this very special occasion, I would like to thank the Vice Governor of Central Java, the Rector of Diponegoro University, the Dean of Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University, the Head of Nursing School of Diponegoro University, all invited speakers, guests, and all participants both local and international for their great supports on the organization of this conference. As the chairperson of this conference, I would also thank all members of the organizing committee who have worked so hard to seek for the best for the running of this conference. Personally I would apologize for any inconvenience that you may have along with the preparation of this conference. I hope this conference will develop our insights on advanced nursing sciences and practices and become a foundation for nursing development in the future. Finally, on behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to request the Vice Governor of Central Java to officially open this conference. I wish you all a successful conference and very pleasant stay in Semarang, Central Java. Thank you very much. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh Sincerely yours, 2 Meira Erawati, Ns.,S.Kep.,MSi.Med JINC 2012, the Project Manager Keynote Presentation and Plenary Session KEYNOTE PRESENTATION HOLISTIC NURSING: SCOPE AND STANDARDS OF PRACTICE10, 11 OF THE AMERICAN HOLISTIC NURSES ASSOCIATION (ABRIDGED) The complete and comprehensive statements of standards of holistic nursing practice are available from: American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), 323 N. San Francisco Street, Suite 201, Flagstaff, Arizona 86001, USA Marguirete J. Purnell1 SCOPE OF HOLISTIC NURSING Holistic Nursing is defined as “all nursing practice that has healing the whole person as its goal” 5,10,11 CORE VALUES OF HOLISTIC NURSING These core values summarize the ideals and principles of the specialty. Core Value 1. Philosophy, Theory, and Ethics Core Value 2. Caring Process Core Value 3. Holistic Communication, Therapeutic Environment, and Cultural Diversity Core Value 4. Holistic Education and Research Core Value 5. Holistic Nurse Self-Care STANDARDS OF HOLISTIC NURSING PRACTICE Overarching Principles pertain to Person, Healing and Health, Practice, Nursing Roles, and Self Care. Standard 1. ASSESSMENT: The holistic nurse collects comprehensive data pertinent to the person’s health or situation. Standard 2. DIAGNOSIS OR HEALTH ISSUES: The holistic nurse analyzes the assessment data to determine the diagnosis or issues expressed as actual or potential patterns/problems/needs that are related to health, wellness, disease, or illness. Standard 3. OUTCOMES IDENTIFICATION: The holistic registered nurse identifies outcomes for a plan individualized to the person or the situation. The holistic nurse values the evolution and the process of healing as it unfolds. This implies that the specific unfolding outcomes may not be evident immediately because of the non-linear nature of the healing process so that both expected, anticipated, and evolving outcomes are considered. Standard 4. PLANNING: The holistic registered nurse develops a plan that identifies strategies and alternatives to obtain outcomes. Standard 5. IMPLEMENTATION: The holistic registered nurse implements in partnership with the person the identified plan. Standard 5A. COORDINATION OF CARE: The holistic registered nurse coordinates care delivery. 1 Associate Professor, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A. 3 Standard 5B. HEALTH TEACHING AND HEALTH PROMOTION: The holistic registered nurse employs strategies to promote holistic health, wellness, and a safe environment. Standard 5C. CONSULTATION: The holistic advanced practice registered nurse provides consultation to influence the identified plan, enhance the abilities of others, and effect change. Standard 5D. PRESCRIPTIVE AUTHORITY AND TREATMENT: The holistic advanced practice registered nurse uses prescriptive authority, procedures, referrals, treatments, and therapies in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations. Standard 6. EVALUATION: The holistic registered nurse evaluates progress toward attainment of outcomes while recognizing and honoring the continuing holistic nature of the healing process. Keynote Presentation and Plenary Session Standard 7. QUALITY OF PRACTICE: The holistic registered nurse systematically enhances the quality and effectiveness of holistic nursing practice. Standard 8. EDUCATION: The holistic registered nurse attains knowledge and competency that reflects current nursing practice. Standard 9. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE EVALUATION: The holistic registered nurse evaluates one’s own nursing practice in relation to professional practice standards and guidelines, relevant statutes, rules, and regulations. The holistic registered nurse’s practice reflects the application of knowledge of current practice standards, guidelines, statutes, rules, and regulations. Standard 10. COLLEGIALITY: The holistic registered nurse interacts with and contributes to the professional development of peers and colleagues. Standard 11. COLLABORATION: The holistic registered nurse collaborates with the person, family, and others in the conduct of holistic nursing practice. Standard 12. ETHICS: The holistic registered nurse integrates ethical provisions in all areas of practice. Standard 13. RESEARCH: The holistic registered nurse integrates research into practice. Standard 14. RESOURCE UTILIZATION: The holistic registered nurse considers factors related to safety, effectiveness, cost, and impact on practice in the planning and delivery of nursing services. Standard 15. LEADERSHIP: The holistic registered nurse provides leadership in the professional practice setting and the profession. 4 CORRELATION BETWEEN THE FAMILY UPBRINGING PATTERNS WITH THE PERCEPTION OF ADOLESCENTS ABOUT PRE-MARITAL SEXUAL BEHAVIORS Marsito, Hendri Tamara Yudha Muhammadiyah College Q/Health Science, Gombong ABSTRACT Background: An interview conducted to a Counseling Teacher in Gombcng I State High School found that I student (0.002%) was dropped out for violating school discipline, such as misconduct and 5% of students did socially ethical violations friendship with the opposite sex in the school. Purpose: The study aims to identify correlation between the family upbringing pattern with the perception of adolescents about pre-marital sexual behaviors. Method: The study used descriptive correlation design with cross sectional approach among the variables of democracy, permissive, and authoritarian parenting with the perception of adolescents about pre-marital sexual behavior. 226 samples were taken using total sampling technique. Result: The findings show that 221 respondents (97.8%) had democracy family upbringing patterns, 221 respondents (97.8%) had permissive family upbringing patterns, 152 respondents (67.3) had authoritarian family upbringing patterns, 190 respondents (84.1%) had good perceptions about pre-marital sexual behavior. The chi square test shows correlation between permissive upbringing patterns with perceptions about pre-marital sex with p = 0.006 while democratic upbringing pattern and authoritarian upbringing patterns have no correlation with perception of pre-marital sexual behavior with p = 0.801 and p = 0.213. Conclusion: Thus the role of parents is considered very important in the care of adolescents. Therefore parents have an important role to be able to apply appropriate parenting for their children. Community nurses have roles in providing input for the parents to choose the right upbringing patterns for adolescents appropriate with their development phase. Keywords: Pattern, Adolescent, Sexual Behaviors, Perceptions, Pre-Marital COPING MECHANISM IN CULTURE DIFFERENCES OF OUTER REGION STUDENTS IN THE FIRST YEAR Maria Wisnu Kanita, Nur Setiawati Dewi School ofNursing, Diponegoro University, Semarang ABSTRACT Background: First year student is one of population who susceptible to become stress. One of the causes of stress was culture differences between hometown and the new region where they took education. Students used coping mechanism to cope the culture differences. Purpose: To describe the coping mechanism of first year student on culture differences issue. Method: This research was a qualitative study with phenomenological approach using in-depth interview method. The research involved five outer region students in the first year that never stayed in Java. Result: This research showed that there were differences between respondents' home town and Java, such as: cultures, infrastructures, environment, and community, which made problems and various feelings. In solving the problems, they used positive and negative coping mechanism. Based on their experience, internal and external aspects were being the self-preparation. Conclusion: Culture differences which have never known by students caused problems and various feelings and afterwards turned up the coping mechanism to solve it. Quality of nurse role as a counselor, care giver and rehabilitator can increase the optimum self function of the outer region students in the first year. Keywords: Coping Mechanism, Culture Differences, First Year Students. TIME SCHEDULE OF JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE 2012 “East Meets West on Holistic Nursing” Semarang, 6 – 7 Nopember 2012 1st Day: Tuesday, 6 Nopember 2012 Time Activity PIC 07.30 – 08.30 Registrasi Secretary 08.30 – 10.00 Opening Ceremony Project Manager Rector of Undip Vice Governor of Central Java 10.00 – 10.15 Coffee Break 10.15 – 11.15 11.15 – 11.45 Keynote Speech : Nursing Knowledge and Nursing Philosophy of Holistic Nursing Poster presentation 11.45 - 12.45 Lunch break 12.45 – 14.15 (Panel) Global Evidence: Development and Implementation of Holistic Nursing in Western Countries. Global Evidence: Development and Implementation of Holistic Nursing in Eastern Countries. Marguerite J. Purnell, Ph.D.,RN AHN-BC (Christine E.Lynn College of Nursing Florida Atlantic University) Marguerite J. Purnell, Ph.D.,RN AHN-BC (Christine E.Lynn College of Nursing Florida Atlantic University) Asst. Prof.Dr. Urai Hathaitakit, Ph.D.,RN (Head of Holistic Nursing Center and eastern wisdom, Faculty of Nursing Prince of Songkla University) Moderator: Prof. Dr. Edi Darmana, Ph.D,Sp. Park 14.15 – 15.45 Concurrent Session 1 15.45 – 16.00 Coffee Break 16.00 – 17.30 Concurrent Session 2 17.30 - 17.40 Penutup 19.30 - 22.00 Gala dinner 2nd Day: Wednesday, 7 Nopember 2012 Waktu Kegiatan 08.30 – 10.30 Implementations of Holistic Nursing in Academic and Clinical Settings. (Panel) - Alternative and Complimentary Medicine (CAM) in Holistic Hospital PIC Ahmad Yani (Delegation of Indonesia Holistic Tourism Hospital Purwakarta) - Implementing Yoga Detoxication Dr. Hiroshi Aikata(M.A., D.Y.Ed.) (Yoga lecturer) - Aplication of holistic program at Diponegoro University’s nursing school Fitria Handayani, S.Kp, M.Kep, Sp.KMB Moderator: Meidiana Dwidiyanti, S.Kp.,M.Sc 10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break 10.45 – 12.15 Concurrent session 1 12.15 – 13.45 Lunch 13.45 – 15.15 Concurrent session 2 15.15 – 15.30 Coffe break 15.30 – 16.00 Closing Ceremony 2 ND TIME SCHEDULE OF CONCURRENT SESSION JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERNCE 2012 6 NOVEMBER 2012, CONCURRENT SESSION 1 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 Moderator : Reni Sulung Utami Moderator : Heni Kusuma N o Title Author NURSING INTERVENSI AND COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPY 1 Effect of rose aromatherapy on nursing Nelwati, Sri student’s stress level in clinical learning Wahyuni Moderator : Sawiji N o Title No 1. Title Author NURSING INTERVENSI AND COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPY Effect of progressive muscle relaxation technique Tika Yuliani, on blood sugar level in patients with type 2 Wenny S., Masta h. Diabetes Mellitus 1 NURSING MANAGEMENT The experience of head of nurse in managing implemention of patient safety: A phenomonology study Author Safrudin Agus Nursalim, Hanny Handiyani, Yati Afiyanti Sri Yani, Fitri Arofah 2. Efficiency of meditation technique and comparison of generative and concentrative meditation on high school students’s mental health Agustina Ari H. 2 The correlation between toilet training stimulation by mother and the toileting ability of preschoolers at Balung Lor village, Jember regency Anisah Ardiana, Eka Windian 2 Evaluation of application of parenteral drug administration in coordinating patient safety in inpatient installation of PKU MuhammadiyahBantul hospital 3. Effectiveness of combination of marmet techniques and oxytocin massages to breast milk production on post cesarean section women at Central Java hospital 3 Effectiveness of hypnobirthing in reducing anxiety level of pregnant women in facing labor or childbirth Desi Resmatani, Atun Roudlotul Ma’rifah, Suci Kahsanah 3 The effectiveness of computer-based nursing Aji Sayogo, documentation system prototype in Wenny Savitri, documenting nursing care plan Igoon 4. The effect of pregnancy service knowledge and its implementation of the pregnancy maturity and its effectiveness on the pregnant mothers with the risk of premature labor in Jakarta Eko Mardiyaningsih , Setyo wati, Luknis . Christine Aden 4 The intensity of menstrual pain after “ rhythmic and slow package” intervention Fiega Tresna Asfuri, Restuning Widiasih, Ermiati 4 A combined method of classical teaching, module, video, and professional mentoring as requirement on families’ education to meet children’s growth and development needs 5. The effect of balloons blowing exercise to lung Takdir Tahir, capacity changes on bronchial asthmatic patients Silvia Malasari, Sainab K. 5 Analysisi of circadian rhythm on infarct size in Anugerah Eka, patients with acute myocardial infart Mifetika Lukitasari, et al 5 Holistic Nursing Care of Children’s Disabilities Health: A Psychology Aspect to Improving the Health Quality Haryatiningsih Purwandari, Wastu Adimulyono, Suryanto Chairun Nasirin 6. The influence of the warm compress technique on patients’ pain scale following sectio caesarean surgery in sleman district general hospital Yuliana Krowa, Wenny s., Sulistyaningsih 6 2 ND The fffect of kangaroo method application to body temperature at the baby weight low birth (LBW) Kadek Ayu Erika, Marlina p. 6 Effectiveness of postoperative wound care training in applying standard operational procedure (SOP) TIME SCHEDULE OF CONCURRENT SESSION JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERNCE 2012 6 NOVEMBER 2012, CONCURRENT SESSION 2 ROOM 1 Moderator : Diyan Yuli W ROOM 2 ROOM 3 Moderator : Isma Yuniar Moderator : Safrudin Ahmad Oci Nursany, Arofah Etri Fitri No . Title Author CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN NURSING CARE PROCESS N o. Title Author NURSING MANAGEMENT Preschool teacher’s experience in the implementation of denver II screening for preschool children Rizki Cintya Dewi, Meira Erawati A phenomonolgy study of mothers’ experience in Eka Riyanti caring premature babies 1 2 The differences of women body image on the usage Nurfika variance hormonal contraceptive agents Asmaningrum, Siswoyo, Anis Nur Farida Pristiana The relationships between characteristics of Ari adolescents, the role of peers, and exposure to Dewi, Junaiti S ahar, Dewi pornography with sexual behavior of adolescents Gayatri 2 Implementation of Sowan method increasing self care in TB patients 3 Social support and self-efficacy of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) 4 The Relationship between Knowlegde and Behavior of Adolescent about Genital Hygiene During Menstruastion Period Suzana Octavia, Sari Sudarmiati 4 5 Perceptions of hypertensive elderly on health care Nurullya Rachma 5 Title Author QUALITY OF NURSING CARE 1 3 No . for Meidiana Dwidiyanti Nursing triage duration in patient with chest pain: shorter triage-level designation interval in acute myocardial infarction 1 Quality of pressure ulcer care in Indonesian hospitals: first year measurement using LPZ instruments 2 Quality of life diabetic ulcer patient at Serang Aji Firman, general hospital Indah Wulandari, Dadang Rochman 3 erception and motivation of nurses in Yenni Suryadi, facilitating breastfeeding in perinatology room Ermiati, Restuning Widiasih 4 The relationship between depression and family support towards quality of live among HIV/AIDs patientswho take health care at Ciptomangunkusumo hospital in Jakarta Wantiyah Diahkristianisah rahayu, Mifetika Lukitasari, Arina Madjidi, Anugerah Eka Purwanti, Fitri Ayuning Ulansari, Mohammad Saifur Rohman The cost assessment and the influence of Yu CW, Hasan Ali personal factors on sickness absence Yufitriani Amir, Ruud H., Christa l., Jos s. Henni Kusuma, Elly Nurrachmah, Dewi Gayatri Nursing Education 5 A congruency model toward environmentally based nursing program an Portia Villafuerte Zoleta-Vitug 2 ND TIME SCHEDULE OF CONCURRENT SESSION JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERNCE 2012 7 NOVEMBER 2012, CONCURRENT SESSION 1 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 Moderator : Sarah Ulliya Moderator : Farida Moderator : Oci Tri No. 1 2 Title Author NURSING INTERVENSI AND COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPY A Comparison of baby’s sleep patterns baby Suryadi who got baby massage and baby SPA Arianata, Falasifah Aniyuniarti The difference of mucositis score in children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy protocol in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital Jakarta Ike Nurhidayah CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN NURSING CARE PROCES 3 4 Coping Mechanism in Culture Differences of Outer Region Students in the First Year Maria WisnuKanita, Nur Setiawati Dewi Nurses cultural competency in providing culturally sensitive nursing care for diabetic Enie patient at Fatmawati hospital Jakarta Novieastari, Azrul Azwar, Dewi Irawaty, Sudarti No. Title Author No. NURSING INTERVENSI AND COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPY Title Author CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN NURSING CARE PROCESS The risk factors of labor and delivery complications on working mothers in Fatmawati center public hospital of Jakarta The effect of chewing xylitol gum on the Dinny Atin Amanah, changes of thirst in chronic kidney disease Wahyu Hidayati (CKD) patients with hemodialysis 1 2 Effectiveness of SEFT (spiritual emotional freedom technique ) intervention in schizophrenia with depression anxiety stress Ike Puspitaningrum 2 Sex workers perception on health Novita Pusparini, behavior for preventing sexuality Dwi Susiliwati transmitted infection (STIs) in Gambilangu Brithel house Mangkang Central Java 3 The influence of breathing exercise to the fatigue level of hemodialisys patients Cahyu Septiwi 3 Correlation between the family up bringing pattern with the perception off adolescent about pre marital sexual behavior 4 Door to electrocardiogram (EGC) duration contributed to more than a half diagnosing acute myocardial infaction (AMI) interval Fitri Ayuning Ulansari, Anugerah Eka, Mifetika Lukitasari, Mohammad Saifurrohman 5 The expression of Cylooxygenese (COX-2), the thickness of endometrium and the number of epithel cell of luminal uterus as an effect on the giving og curcuma in Ery Purwanti, Sri Kadarsih Soejono, Djaswadi Dasuki 1 Yuni Dwidiastuti, Setyowati, Afiyanti Puji Yati Marsito,Hendri Tamara NURSING INTERVENSION AND COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE THERAPY 4 A literature review: the effectiveness of Ferika Indarwati nutrition education to prevent malnutrition in developing countries 5 Sexual behavior and awareness of Indonesia high school students in transition with implied risk of HIV infections Untung Sujianto ratusnorvegicus strain Sprague dawley after receiving luteinizing hormone stimulation 5 Description of knowledge and attitude in controlling the relapse of asthma toward the bronchial asthma outpatients in lung hospital, Salatiga Lily Wolagale, Sakkti Oktaria B, Aziz Anwar TIME SCHEDULE OF CONCURRENT SESSION 2ND JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERNCE 2012 7 NOVEMBER 2012, CONCURRENT SESSION 2 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 Moderator : Siti Apriliani Moderator : Cahyu Septiwi Moderator : Sriyani No. 1 2 Title NURSING EDUCATION No . Title Author No . childhood Asricancer? Wijayati M, The based health belief model for Madya An analysis Sulisno of the triage system recreational need among bachelor degree emergency departments in Indonesia student 2 2 3 4 TitleAuthor Author NURSING POLICE QUALITY OF NURSING CARE Fitri Nur The description of student’s recreation Rie Wakimizu How should pediatric nurses support Khotimah, Sarah needs at nursing school Comparative figures on the incidence the problems Ulliya and challenges to school of phlebitis in intravenous catheter 1 re-entry of younger children with 1 installation on the dominat hand with non domint hand Rochana, in Nanaassociated Factors with essential Virginia P, Julia M. 4 The Spirituality Needs of Terminally Ill patients: a literature review Rizka Febtriana hypertension in middle adult age groups in cardiac clinic Pekanbaru Rr. Sri Endang , An Experimental Approach to EnhanceThe evaluation Indrayani of knowledge, behavior TheEni effectiveness of health education Puji Astuti, Soft Skills dealing with Ethical Issues in Mohammad Hakimi, and implementation Samsudi, Heru of the Indonesian in increasing social support for Nursing Education Shinta Prawitasari 3 minister of health regulation(Permenkes) Supriyanto 3 critically ill patients in intensive care number 1464 2010 by midwives in unit Fatikhu Y. , Central Meira Java Kebumen district Implementation of mentorship preceptorship method in students of E., Differences of life quality in Anggorowati maternity nursing internship psychological domain between patients SPIRITUALITY 4 Tino Adianto, Sakti Oktaria B, Aziz Anwar post stroke rehabilitation rehabilitatiton Aan Nuraeni and non Isma Yuniar, Helwiyahropi, Wiwimardiyah Ika Chandra, Fitria Handayani THE LIST OF POSTER PRESENTATIONS 2 JAVA INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE 2012 nd No Title 1 Injecting drug users (IDU) family experiences to administer family centered nursing care intervention who has been undergoing cease smoking program at methadone program therapy (PTRM) Author Suhariyanto, trisnasafriana, idarosyada, fatmawati, Raden siti maryam, junaiti sahar, astuti yuni nursasi 2 Community empowerment as falls prevention strategy for elderly aggregate at Ratujaya district Depok city 3 Herniyatun, Influencing factors for the menstruation cycle irregularity on barendayunimawarti, 20-29 years old women in Kalitengah village Gombong hastinika 4 Javanese women’sbelief about recommended and unrecommended foods and drinks in the pregnancy and post partum period Muhammad rofi’i 5 Difference of life quality in psychological domain between patients post stroke rehabilitation and non rehabilitation Ika Chandra, Fitria Handayani 6 Self care experience of patient with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who underwent hemodialisysbaesd on orem theory Kiki Wahyuni, Wahyu Hidayati 7 The Influencing factors of exclusive Breastfeeding on mother in Public Health Center, Yogyakarta.. Dewi, C.K., Rahmah 8 Effect of balance exercise on postural balance in elderly at nursing home Wening Werdoyo Ungaran Evi kurniawati, muhammad hasib ardani 9 The students satisfaction on getting clinical teaching during Dicky Helmi Susilo, clinical practice Agus Santoso 10 Evaluations on implementation home care visit in community Basirun health center 11 The Description of nurse ‘s excellent services at Tugurejo hospital Hendrik Kurniawan, AgusSantoso 12 Factors that Affect the estimated fetal weight in the third trimester pregnant women in Palangkaraya Christina aden