Arshad Jhumka Department of Computer Science University of
Arshad Jhumka Department of Computer Science University of
Real-time systems scheduling Arshad Jhumka Department of Computer Science University of Warwick Previously... Scheduling algorithms for non-real-time systems or soft real-time systems. FCFS, SJF, RR etc These algorithms are not suitable when execution has to complete before a deadline. Real-time systems scheduling Rate monotonic Rate monotonic algorithm Popular static scheduling algorithm for real-time OS Set of periodic tasks/jobs/processes Priority of a task is inversely proportional to its period, i.e., shorter period => higher priority Several assumptions some assumptions No task has any nonpreemptable part and the cost of preemption is negligible. Only processing requirements important; memory, IO negligible. Independent tasks. No precedence constraints. All tasks are periodic. Relative deadline of task equal to its period. how do we make sure Tasks are periodic, so multiple instances. How do we make sure all tasks meet their deadline? Roll out all tasks and check. But how long? infeasible? Good to have a test! Schedulability analysis Process of determining whether a task set can be scheduled by a scheduler such that all task instances complete before their deadline. Typically involves a feasibility test. Feasibility testing: Given task set and priority assignment, can task set be scheduled by static priority algorithm such that all task instances complete before their deadlines? feasibility test Feasibility test is sufficient if a positive answer shows that the task set is indeed schedulable. Negative answer does not mean anything. Feasibility test is necessary if a negative answer shows that the task set is indeed not schedulable. Positive answer does not mean anything. Interested in exact feasibility. Sufficient feasibility For RMA: Given n tasks, RMA will schedule these tasks to meet their deadlines if total utilization of the tasks in no greater than n(2^1/n - 1) = ln 2. Utilization of task: e/P (exec time/period) exact feasibility Given a set of n periodic tasks, with P1<=P2<=...<=Pn. Task Ti can be feasibly scheduled using RM iff Li <= 1. What is Li? Measure of the amount of work done by the tasks. communicating tasks What if tasks are dependent? Picture this: Three tasks L, M and H with L and H sharing a resource R. L holds R, H is scheduled but is blocked since R is held by L. M comes in and preempts L. M runs though H is ready - Priority Inversion. Problem in real-time systems - Mars Pathfinder Implemented in real-time patch of Linux kernel What to do? How can we handle priority inversion? Use of priority inheritance; when H requests R, priority of L is temporarily raised to that of H so M cannot preempt it. Once L releases R, it gets its original priority. Can lead to deadlock though! addressing deadlock Priority ceiling protocol Prevents deadlock and reduces worst-case blocking time. Priority ceiling of a semaphore S or resource: highest priority of all processes that may lock S A process P can start CS only if P’s priority > PCs of all semaphores locked by all other processes. Priority ceiling Any process can be blocked for at most the duration of a single CS of lower-priority process. Very good! No deadlock, no long blocking time. Bounded blocking. Available in VxWorks real-time kernel. conclusion RMA for real-time scheduling. For communicating tasks, priority inversion. Use of priority inheritance. Deadlock possible. Use of priority ceiling.