December 2014 News Brief - St. Andrew`s Lutheran Church
December 2014 News Brief - St. Andrew`s Lutheran Church
w St. Andre h hurc C n a r e h t ’s Lu St. And rew ’s Luthe ra n Churc h Dec 2014 Pastor’s Message Pastor Beth Bachman Caulfield Inside this issue: Pastor’s Letter 1 Dear friends in Christ, Council Minutes 2 Advent means “coming.” It is a time of longing, watching, and praying for God’s healing, transformative presence to be ever more vibrantly present in our lives and in the world. Advent calls attention to the tension between ‘what is’ and ‘what we want to be.’ During Advent, we recognize the tension between ‘what is’ and ‘what God wants to be.’ In this sense, Advent is a season in which we focus on that key phrase in the Lord’s Prayer, “thy kingdom come.” As Christians, the good news we strive to live by and declare is that love is stronger than hate, peace more enduring than war, hope more powerful than despair – and the light of God's love will extinguish forever the shadows of shame cast by violence, suffering, sorrow, and hate. Activities / Events December Calendar 3—8 9 Ministry Hours: 24 hrs per day/ 7 days per week Pastor Beth’s cell: (515)708-2840 Administrative Office hours are: Mon-Fri: 9:00am-12:30pm, 1pm - 3pm (515)292-2131 Sunday Worship Ministry: 10:30am Sunday Fellowship Time: 11:30am Wednesday Ministry: 5:30pm Free Meal 6:30pm Worship [email protected] Advent prayer: Spirit of the living God, descend upon our restless hearts to provide the peace of still water, to lay aside our weapons of greed, envy, destructive speech, and unrighteous anger. Give us grace to open ourselves to the creative and life giving way of peace: swords into plowshares, artillery into artistry, for your kingdom come and your kingdom here. Lead us to the path by surrender. Take our heaviness by giving Your Light. Bless our stumbles and our sprints. Grace our efforts to move closer to You. Bless our doubts and our certainties. Flood our lives with Your light. The Promise of Christmas “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it.” On Christmas Eve, in addition to our 7pm worship service, we are adding a 3pm worship service this year. This service will be designed especially for families with young children and older adults who do not want to drive after dark. This service will have all of the components of a worship service (Holy Communion, sermon, and celebratory music). The 3pm service will be a bit shorter than the 7pm service. In previous years, the 7pm service has been preceded by a 1/2 mini-concert. This year, we will include this 'pre-service' music within the 7pm service. (Because we are adding the 3pm service on Christmas Eve, we will not have a Christmas Day service.) Celebrate Christ's birth with us on Christmas Eve at 3pm or 7pm! Christ’s peace, joy, and hope! Pastor Beth Bachman Caulfield St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Page 2 Council Minutes, November 20, 2014 Council Members present included Pat Frette, Cindy Russell, Linda Seaverson, Sharon Anderson, Pete Korsching, Pat Fawcett, Daryle Vegge, Pauline Miller and Pastor Beth. Council members absent: Jim Mott. Also present: Ellen Rothweiller. Linda called the meeting to order. Sharon Anderson opened with devotions. Agenda approved with the deletion of the audit committee discussion. (Vegge/Miller) Minutes from the 10/16 council meeting were approved. (Fawcett/Frette) Pastor’s Report Sun. 11/23 Bishop Michael Burk will be visiting. We will celebrate P. Beth’s 15th anniversary of ordination. Thanksgiving Eve service will follow the usual Wed. evening format focusing on experiential, participatory, images and connectiveness; all important components in the life of a congregation. We will begin celebrating advent Sun., 11/30 with the theme of peace, joy, love and light. During this season, P. Beth will lead us through the discussion of “What is compared to What is God calling us to be and do”. We will add a new Christmas Eve service at 3:00 as well as our usual 7:00 service. Director of Faith Life Report Ellen shared details of the silent auction being held 11/23 to raise funds for the Youth Gathering in Detroit in July 2015. Their goal is to raise $4,000. Pies are being sold as well. Those funds will support all upcoming youth trips. Sun. 11/30 is the Advent workshop. All ages will be making luminaries that will be used during our Christmas Eve service. Treasurer’s Report Pat Frette shared a handout of our 2014 income and expenses. As of the end of Oct. our expenses exceeded our income by approximately $3,000. Committee Reports Liaisons are asked to remind their committee chairs that reports are due 12/18 for the annual report. Ellen has agreed to work on filling committee vacancies. Stewardship & Finance –Budget hearings 11/16 & 12/7. Final push to collect pledge cards. Time & Talent sheets are being compiled. Worship & Arts – Discussed the environment of the church. Planning for Christmas decorations, Poinsettia sales, and new altar items for the Wed. evening service. Fellowship –Planning being done for the meal/cake celebration with Bishop Burk and the Thanksgiving eve pie fellowship. Youth –Work being done for the youth fundraiser 11/23. Youth & Family will partner with the movie discussion group for their Dec. event to watch the Muppet’s Christmas. Education –Planning underway for the Advent workshop as well as the Advent program which will include interactive participation during worship. Outreach –Discussing different ways to encourage attendance at the Wed. eve service. PRMT- Discussing ways to let the congregation know they are still active. Tanzania -Fundraising was the focus of discussions including “Chickens for Change”, Orphan support for 10 children in Hedaru and Easter breakfast with Pine Ridge. Property -Great work is being done. A small group will work on getting an appraisal done at 3320 Story St. Social Concerns – Working to extend the concept of GWOH by being attentive to needs of the congregation and seeing if there is a way to help. Mutual Ministry –Investigating moving the start of worship back to 10:15, checking with affected parties first. EMF –During 11/16 adult forum Larry Mitchell and Jennifer Garst talked about our St. Andrews Lutheran Endowment which sits at about $16,300. A 5% draw would allow up to $800 for extended ministries for 2015. This information will be put on our website. -A request for EMF funds has been submitted to help with the church renovations. (continued next page) Page 3 Old Business —Council election recap- Eight candidates volunteered to run for four council positions. Election was held 11/16 and new council members: Jennie LeGates, Sarah Birkestrand, Bill Koenig and Pauline Miller were elected. —Rental & Renovations – 11/9 informational meeting was well received. The next step for Rentals is to have the property at 3320 Story St. appraised. Donations for our Renovations projects are already coming in. The roof repair is the first priority. The next step will be a congregational vote. —2015 Budget – No action will be taken until receive final recommended budget from S & F, perhaps at the December Council meeting. —Constitution – The 2014 updated constitution and bylaws were presented to the council for a vote. An amendment to remove the continuing resolution committee descriptions of Pine Ridge Ministry team and |Tanzania Ministry team was passed (Vegge/Korsching). A motion was approved to accept the updated |constitution and bylaws. (Fawcett/Miller) These documents will be shared with the congregation and voted on at the annual meeting. —2015 Council Retreat – A retreat that will focus on attention to mission, goal setting and team building for the 2015 council is being planned. Pastor Eric Carlson has been invited to attend. New Business -A motion to approve 3 fundraiser requests for: Madrigal dinner (F & Y), Chickens for Change (TMT) and Lakota Arts & Crafts (PRMT) was passed. (Vegge/Fawcett). Next Council meeting of the joint 2014/2015 councils will be Dec. 18th at 6:30. P. Beth led us in closing prayer. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Russell, Secretary Updating of St. Andrew’s Constitution and Bylaws Our current constitution and bylaws were last updated in 2009. The 2014 updates include required changes made by the ELCA Churchwide assemblies held in 2011 and 2013. The changes to our bylaws include new committee descriptions and as well as new executive council descriptions. Please go to our website to review the documents. The updates and changes to our current constitution are highlighted in red. We will be voting to accept these updates at our annual meeting Jan. 25th. New Members on Church Council Congratulations to our new Church Council members – Sarah Birkestrand Bill Koenig Jennie LeGates Pauline Miller Three of these people will be serving three-year terms while one will be filling a one-year term. Thanks to all eight St. Andrews members who volunteered to serve our congregation by agreeing to put their names on the ballot. Having eight quality and diverse members shows enthusiasm for St. Andrews to further God’s mission in this community. Pastor Beth Pastor Beth Bachman Caulfield was ordained as an ELCA pastor on December 5, 1999 at House of Hope Lutheran Church in New Hope, |Minnesota. Prior to her ordination, she studied Psychology (BA in 1993) and a retirement center chaplain in Chicago. She also spent a year ministering with a congregation in Ohio. Since her ordination in 1999, she has served as a pastor at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church in Denver, Colorado and First Lutheran Church in Bemidji, MN. She came to St. Andrew's in 2011. Happy 15th anniversary of ordination, Pastor Beth! St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Page 4 December Worship Assistants December 7 Assisting Minister – Erik Goodale Greeters— Linda & Gordon Lundberg Ushers— Kris & Rita Peterson, Kenna Redies, Abby Frescoln Scripture Reader— Sharon Prochnow Communion Prep – Sharon Prochnow, Sonja Paulson Communion Servers – Don Boyle, Judy Keeling, Jane Ellis Social Time – Counters – Dave Putz, Glynn Frank Sound – Kris Parsons December 14 Assisting Minister – Alice Thompson Greeters— Denise & Rollie Link Ushers—John & Carol Moran, Les Carlsborg, Forrest Dubberke Scripture Reader— Pauline Miller Communion Prep – John & Carol Moran, Kenna Redies Communion Servers – Gene & Miriam Takle, Pauline Miller Social Time – Counters – John & Carol Moran Sound – Jim Copley December 21 Assisting Minister – Laurie Evans Greeters— Daryle & Joyce Vegge Ushers— Ken & Susan Israel, Glynn Frank, Ben Buck Scripture Reader— Counters – Chris Meraz, Pat Fawcett Sound – Don Behning Continued next column Communion Prep – Shirley & Phil Parsons, Kendra Caulfield Communion Servers – Kris & Rita Peterson, Almire Uemura Social Time – December 24—3pm Service Assisting Minister – Alice Thompson Greeters— Sam & Linda Houk Ushers— Judy McDonald, John & Carol Moran Scripture Reader— Jim Copley Communion Prep – Maynard & Violet Tweed, Judy McDonald Communion Servers – Jim Copley Counters – Sound – Kris Parsons December 24—7pm Service Assisting Minister – Mary Johnson Greeters— Jeanine Strodtman, Linda Seaverson Ushers— Jim Copley, Ben Buck, Les Carlsborg Scripture Reader— Pat Thompson Communion Prep – Sharon & Tom Prochnow Communion Servers – Kris & Rita Peterson Counters – Sound – Kris Parsons December 28 Assisting Minister – Mary Johnson Greeters— Ushers— Phil Parsons, John, Alex, Andrew Kovar Scripture Reader— Jim Copley Communion Prep – Joyce Vegge, Abby Frescoln, Emily Frescoln Communion Servers – Jim Copley Social Time – Counters – Sarah Buck, Glynn Frank Sound – Jim Copley Alternative Christmas Gift Idea! Do you have a loved one who does not need another neck-tie or kitchen gadget? Do you have a loved one who lives in a small space and really does not want more “stuff”? Do you have a loved one who has a big heart for children, the poor, widows or orphans? Then we may have the perfect gift for you. You may donate any amount toward our ongoing “Chickens for Change” project in Tanzania, in the name of your loved one. We are hoping to raise enough money for another 30 farmers to receive training, including someone from the Hedaru orphanage. This Project has been a HUGE success, and we are excited to expand it. If you want to purchase an alternative gift, you may do so after service until the end of December, or contact Carol Putz at 233-6678. Page 5 Birthdays in December Ed Fulk Andrew Miner Norma Elwick Sonja Paulson Lynn Koenig Erik Goodale Pete Korsching Dominic Keeling Dylan Fobian Tom Kroeschell 12/1 12/2 12/4 12/4 12/5 12/9 12/9 12/10 12/12 12/12 Makenzie Putz Alice Thompson Melissa Wubben Audrey Upah Kelly Kemp Chris Parsons Michael Dixon Susan Teas Chris Caulfield 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/18 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21 Charlotte Kemp 12/21 Chris Lunde Gene Pollmann Nicole Larson Shaina Larson Marilyn Engen Christopher Halbur Aimee Lunde Brenda Fobian Madeline McMullen Bob Ruggles 12/21 12/23 12/24 12/24 12/27 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/30 Anniversaries in December Tom & Linda Ross 12/26 Milton & Marjorie Allison 12/27 Robert & Edith Wessel 12/28 Sweet Singing—Ames Choral Society Concert The Ames Choral Society will present their 2014 holiday concert Sweet Singing. The concert will be directed by Steve Hoifeldt. The concert will be held at St. Andrew’s on Sunday, December 14 at 3pm. Tickets are available for adults at $12 each; children 12 and under are admitted free. For more information on the Ames Choral Society and their concert, please visit them on their website at, or by calling 232-5545. Please join us on Wednesday Evenings December 3, 10, 17 5:15pm Prayer time in sanctuary 5:30pm-6:30pm Free Meal Dec. 3: Shepherds Pies, apple sauce, toss salad, brownies Dec. 10: Loose meat sandwiches, chips, brown beans, fruit cake Dec 17: Ham & scalloped potatoes, green beans, cookies 5:45pm-6:30pm 6-8th grade Confirmation 6:30pm-7:15pm WORSHIP 7:15pm-8pm High School Youth Group 7:15pm—8:15pm Adult Choir Nursery care will be available for children 4 and younger. A small play area in the worship space is available with quiet toys especially for children. December 24: 3pm Worship Service 7pm Worship Service Page 6 St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Small Group Activities in December Quilters Group meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday, September through May at 10 am to 2 pm in our fellowship hall. A potluck salad lunch is served with lots of conversation. The quilting this month will be December 1 and 8. All are invited. Pat Frette is the contact for this group— 292-6547. Women’s Circle: Members of the Women’s Circle will celebrate the holidays with a Christmas party on Thursday, December 11 at 6pm in the fellowship hall. This will be a potluck meal. Members are asked to bring a dish to share with others. Table service will be provided. Members of the circle are welcome to bring a guest. Pat Frette will decorate, Pat Fawcett and Jane Ellis will host this celebration. Questions? Please contact Ardith Pollmann at 232-7532. Men's Bible Study meets Thursday mornings before work at Frederiksen Court Cafe (near 13th and Stange, part of ISU campus) from 7 - 8 a.m. We have breakfast and discuss the current study. All men are welcome. Studies scheduled in this month are December 4, 11, 18. Contact Dave Krumm if you have any questions— [email protected]. B.E.L.T. (Babes Eating Lunch Together) meets the third Thursday of each month at various restaurants in the Ames area. Let’s meet on December 18 at Olde Main, 12:30pm Joyce Vegge is the contact for B.E.L.T., 292-1228. The Movie Discussion Group meets year round with a different movie shown each month. This month the group will meet on Sunday, December 7 at 12:30pm to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol. Questions? Please contact Ellen Rothweiler, Director of Faith life at [email protected]. 60+ Club (for those still young at heart!) meets all year round at 9:00 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at Hy-Vee (Hy-Vee West, 3800 West Lincoln Way). See you on December 9. Questions? |Contact Pat Fawcett at 232-4428. Parish Staff Pastor Beth Bachman Caulfield [email protected] (cell—515-708-2840) Director of Faith Life—Ellen Rothweiler—[email protected] Office Administrator—Mary Sue Derks—[email protected] (515)292-2131 Office Hours: Monday—Friday: 9am—12:30pm, 1pm—3pm Choir Director—Steve Hoifeldt—[email protected] Accompanist—Connie Sweeney—[email protected] Organist—Sarah Buck—[email protected] Lead Nursery Attendant—Morgan Bowman—[email protected] Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 10am Quilting Grp 11am Staff meeting 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 7am Men’s Bible Study 11am fellowship hall reserved 11 7pm Ames Choral 10 Dec. 2014 9 7am Men’s Bible Study 9am Backpack Buddies 5:30pm Faith Fellowship* 5:30pm Social Concerns 6pm Women’s Circle Christmas Party 6:30pm Exec. Meeting 5:15pm Prayer Time 5:30pm Free Meal 5:45pm 6-8th Grade Confirmation 6:30pm Worship 7:15pm High School Youth Grp 7:15pm Adult Choir 9am 60+ Club (Hy-Vee west) 11am Staff Mtg 5:15pm Prayer Time 5:30pm Free Meal 5:46pm 6-8th Grade Confirmation 6:30pm Worship 7:15pm High School Youth Grp 7:15pm Adult Choir 18 8 9:30am Fellowship 11:30am Fellowship hall reserved 4:30pm Education Mtg. 7pm Ames Choral 7pm Pine Ridge 17 7 9am Sunday School 9am Adult Forum 9:50 Children’s Choirs practice 10:30am Worship 11:30am Fellowship 11:30am Budget Hearing #2 11:30am Property Team meeting 12:30pm Movie 7pm Good Company Concert (practice at 6pm) 16 7am Men’s Bible Study 9am Backpack Buddies 12:30pm B.E.L.T. 5:15pm Worship & Arts 6:30pm Council mtg 15 5:15pm Prayer Time 5:30pm Free Meal 5:45pm 6-8th Grade Confirmation 6:30pm Worship 7:15pm High School Youth Grp 7:15pm Adult Choir * See information below 14 * See information below Christmas Eve 3pm Worship 7pm Worship 1 (office closed) January 1, 2015 (office closed) Christmas Day (Worship service is not scheduled) 25 31 24 10am Quilting Grp 11am Staff Mtg 6:30pm Stewardship & Finance Mtg 11am Staff mtg 30 11am Staff Mtg 23 9:30am Fellowship Committee 7pm Ames Choral 29 22 9am Sunday School 9am Adult Forum 9:50 Children’s Choirs practice 10:30am Worship 11:30am Fellowship 3pm Ames Choral Concert (practice at 1:30pm) 21 9am Sunday School 9am Adult Forum 9:50 Children’s Choirs practice 10:30am Worship 11:30am Fellowship 28 9am Sunday School 9am Adult Forum 9:50 Children’s Choirs practice 10:30am Worship 11:30am Fellowship 6:30pm Good Company 5 Friday 6 Saturday 3pm Good Company practice 13 20 12 9am Pine Ridge Ministry Clothing Collection 19 27 9am Ames Choral practice 26 ** Annual Report Information is due on Dec 18. * Information for the January NewsBrief is due Dec. 17 Non-Profit Org. St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church 209 Colorado Avenue Ames, IA 50014-3416 515) 292-2131 E-mail: [email protected] Address Service Requested St. Andrew’s News Brief December 2014 U.S. Postage PAID Ames, Iowa Permit #152