Read about TEADS in the November


Read about TEADS in the November
November - December 2013
28 Cheshvan - 28 Tevet 5774
Temple Topics
The Best Kept Secret in
Jewish Elementary Education
Temple Emanuel Academy Day School
Message from our Clergy
Temple Emanuel Schools
Temple Emanuel Academy Day School
Calendar of Events
Upcoming Events
Lifelong Learning
Temple Emanuel's 75th Anniversary
Our Temple Family
Pillar Members and High Holy Day Appeal
Message from our Clergy
Crisis or
The good news is that the majority
of American Jews are proud to
be Jewish and have a strong
sense of belonging to the Jewish
people. The bad news is that there
seems to be a significant decline in
religious identity and participation,
particularly among younger nonOrthodox Jews.
Rabbi Laura Geller
This finding comes from the
just-released study of Jewish Americans conducted by the
Pew Research Center’s Religion and Public Life Project. The
survey divides "Jewish" into two categories: Jews by religion
(people who say that their religion is Jewish and who do not
profess any other religion), and Jews of no religion (people
who describe themselves as atheist, agnostic, or nothing
in particular, but who have a Jewish parent or were raised
Jewish and identify as Jewish on the basis of ancestry,
ethnicity, or culture). The survey estimated that Jews make
up 2.2% of the American population, with 5.3 million Jewish
adults, as well as 1.3 million children being raised at least
partly Jewish.
Of American Jews born between 1914-1927, 93% identify
their religion as Jewish, while for the Millennial generation
(Jews born after 1980), 32% say they have no religion. This
trend is particularly worrisome because Jews without religion
tend not to raise their children Jewish. Of the “Jews of no
religion” who have children at home, two-thirds are not raising
their children Jewish in any way. This is in contrast to the
“Jews with religion,” of whom 93% said they are raising their
children to have a Jewish identity.
The study reports that intermarriage rates are rising among
non-Orthodox Jews. The New York Times reported the
percentage as 71%, with the children of intermarriage more
likely to intermarry themselves and less likely to raise their
children as Jews. Other demographers, including our own
congregant, sociologist Dr. Bruce Phillips from the Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, cautions that the
intermarriage rate varies depending on how it is calculated.
But however you count, this snapshot of Jewish life in America
deserves our serious attention. It describes synagogue
membership as declining overall. Only 39% of American Jews
say they live in a household in which at least one person is a
member of a synagogue. Yet 58% of all Jews say they attend
Jewish religious services at least a few times a year. That
suggests to me that we have the opportunity to discover ways
to welcome these few-time-a-year Jews into a Judaism that
might engage them in more significant ways.
Of the 70% of Jews who identify with a denomination, 40%
identify as Reform, and the Reform Movement has the highest
Temple Topics
retention rate. Fifty-five percent of those raised Reform stay
Reform. That looks like an opportunity. But it is not exactly
clear what being a Reform Jew means to them. Reform Jews
are generally less involved in Jewish life than Conservative or
Orthodox Jews. That looks like a challenge.
Clearly the positions and agenda of the Reform Movement
resonate with the concerns of the majority of American
Jews. That is an opportunity. The most common answers to
what beliefs or activities are "essential" to their Judaism were
"remembering the Holocaust" (73%), "leading a moral and
ethical life" (69%), and "working for justice and equality" (56%).
All of these are high on the agenda of our Reform Movement.
The fourth most popular response (43%) was "Caring about
Israel.” Thirty percent said they were "very attached” and 39%
reported being "somewhat attached.” Eighty-nine percent
of Jews, however, say that being strongly critical of certain
policies of the government of Israel is compatible with being
Jewish. Just 17% of American Jews (13% of Reform Jews)
think that the continued building of settlements in the West
Bank is helpful to Israel's security, while 44% (50% of Reform
Jews) say that settlement construction hurts Israel's own
security interests. This looks like an opportunity because these
positions are in direct alignment with the positions that have
been formally adopted by the Reform Movement.
So, crisis or opportunity? Maybe a little of both. Or better,
maybe just a challenge… to work even harder as a synagogue
and as a movement to remind people that there is more than
one way to be a Jew and that Judaism can help us all enrich
our lives and the lives of our families.
One other important finding: 42% of Jews believe that having
a good sense of humor is essential to being Jewish. That is
considerably more than the 14% of Jews who said that eating
Jewish food was an essential part of Jewish identity!
To see the survey:
Happy Thanksgivukkah.
Dr. Bruce Phillips
American Jews at the beginning of the 21st
Century: Will we be around for the 22nd ?
New Emanuel Minyan, Saturday, November 23
Service begins at 10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Looking beneath the surface of the Pew Study: A Portrait
of Jewish Americans.
Dr. Bruce A. Phillips is a Professor of Jewish Communal
Service in the Louchheim School of Judaic Studies at
HUC-JIR, and is among the leading researchers in the
sociology of American Jewry for over three decades.
November - December 2013
Temple Emanuel Schools
Herzl Way Happenings
What do you think?
By Stacy Kesner, M.A., Early Childhood Center Director
By Sara-Jean Lipmen, Religions School Director
November is an exciting month for the ECC. The children
are learning about autumn, the harvest season, leaves, and
Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving holiday will come to life as we
sing Thanksgiving songs, create Thanksgiving art projects, and
play in our very own classroom tepee! This year's rare merging
of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah has created a fun food mash-up
for our ECC students. To celebrate the holidays, the Pilgrims
and the fighting ability of the Maccabees and the miracle of
Hanukkah, we will be making pumpkin latkes, sweet potato
latkes, apple-cranberry sauce and challah stuffing. What a
delicious way to introduce these two holidays!
A number of friends and colleagues have recently emailed me or
posted to Facebook A Portrait of Jewish Americans by the Pew
Research Center. Most people cite statistics from the survey;
others simply forward me the article with a comment stating,
“Interesting.” My question to them is, “So, what? What do you
think of the findings?”
We plan on being very busy during Hanukkah spinning dreidels,
creating menorahs, and cooking delightful treats. We will be
learning about the holiday of Hanukkah through art projects,
songs and stories. An exciting part of our Hanukkah celebration
will be when the parents join us for the all school ECC Hanukkah
sing-a-long. We culminate this festive event by feasting on
yummy sufganiyot!
To get to this point, we need to start asking them elaborative
questions now.
Our Early Childhood Center offers an innovative, developmentally
sensitive curriculum. Judaic activities foster basic knowledge
of our Jewish heritage. Our integrated curriculum includes
science, art, dance, language arts, music, stories, and water
play. Purposeful learning comes about as a result of activities
organized around child-directed play. Our goal is to provide each
child with an environment that is set up to stimulate curiosity,
which will in turn stimulate learning and imagination. Our
Early Childhood Center program is accredited by the NAEYC
(National Association for the Education of Young Children). Only
8% of early childhood center programs nationally are NAEYC
Our registration for the 2014-2015 school year has just begun.
We are currently making appointments for families to tour our
ECC in November and December. If you have a child or know
of an interested family who will be ready to enter our Early
Childhood Center (two years and two months by September
2014), please contact Stacy at 310.276.9776 for a tour of our
facilities and registration information.
Israel Trip
June 16-26, 2014
I am reminded of one of the many goals of religious school: to
give students the tools to develop their language and opinions,
and teach them to seek out information. In other words, what
do these findings mean for me and our community?
When you pick up your child from religious school and ask them
what they did that day, the answer will most likely be a simple
one; something like, “I learned about Moses.” Coax your child
to elaborate: “Was Moses a good leader? Why?” Or, “What
makes Moses important (or not)? How was he like you?”
After going to Seder, ask your child what s/he did or did not
like, and then ask her/him to explain why. Teaching children to
give clear, thoughtful answers to questions will help them learn
the language that connects them to their Jewish identity and
community. But they must practice answering the question,
“So, what?”
As for my “So, what?” about the Pew Research Center Report,
please do not hesitate to call, email, or simply stop by to
discuss. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and what you
believe the implications are for the generation that’s too young
to poll - the children in our religious school!
If we hope for our children to ask the big questions, we must
lead by example and ask the big questions as well.
Jewish Education for All Ages
Education is one of the pillars of our congregation. We offer
outstanding, diverse programs that reflect our commitment
to lifelong learning at Temple. For more information or to
register, contact our schools as noted below:
Early Childhood Center Stacy Kesner
Day School
Lori Schulman
[email protected]
[email protected]
Join Rabbi Aaron, Cantor Kliger, and their families for
a spectacular family trip to Israel.
Religious School
For more information contact [email protected]
Lifelong Learning
Sara-Jean Lipmen [email protected] 310.409.2951
Temple Topics
[email protected] 310.409.2950
November - December 2013
I Give Because...
TEADS is excited to announce that its "I Give Because..."
campaign has already raised over $48,000 towards
its $50,000 financial goal, and has generated support
from more than 70% of the enrolled parent body. Take
a look at what some of our parents say about why
they support TEADS. To make a contribution go to and click on the "Donate Now" button at
the bottom left of the page or contact [email protected]
Temple Emanuel Academy Day School
The Best Kept Secret
TEADS Open House Tours
By Lori Schulman, Assistant Head of School:
Administration, Admissions & Student Life
Did you know the best little private day school is right here at
Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills?
Visiting our school is one of the best ways to learn about
Temple Emanuel Academy Day School. A tour is the perfect
opportunity for you to find out more about our curriculum,
teachers, administration, community and more.
Housed in the Steinbaum Building, Temple Emanuel Academy
Day School (TEADS) attracts students from Beverly Hills and the
Greater Los Angeles area. Some parents make the daily commute
from as far as Santa Monica and Marina Del Rey.
Open House Dates:
November 7, November 21, December 5.
Tours are at 9:30–11:00 am, or by appointment.
To RSVP visit the admissions tab at
So what’s the draw? Considering TEADS families are as diverse in
nationality as they are in family make-up, the question lends itself
to a variety of answers. It could be the small class sizes, the artsinfused curriculum, or the emphasis on character building through
challenging goals.
The Schools Giving Tree is back!
Part of the attraction is the TEADS philosophy - steeped in
progressive education with a blending of fundamentals, critical
thinking, and creativity. Our teachers are experienced and
passionate, and rely on experiential learning and differentiated
instruction to provide an academic experience like no other. Multiage classrooms offer opportunities for leadership, collaboration,
confidence, and intellectual growth.
TEADS students are the scientists, lawyers, educators, actors,
musicians, designers, executives, photographers, accountants,
and even rabbis of the future. Our school believes that the earlier
a person identifies the gifts s/he possesses, the more opportunity
there will be to cultivate those talents. For example, a recent TEADS
graduate (currently an 8th grader at Milken Community High School)
had her first iPhone app accepted to the Apple app store. Abigail
took her vision of the Simple Binary Calculator from conception
to programming and wrote the business plan all on her own.
Just in time for Hanukkah! The
Giving Tree leaves are filled
with wishes from our schools
teachers for classroom items.
Giving Trees will be on display in
the Steinbaum lobby and outside
of the ECC gate throughout the
month of November.
consider how you can support
Jewish education at Temple
Some families appreciate TEADS for its focus on religious identity.
Jewish customs, rituals, values, and teachings play a significant role
in positioning our students to succeed in the future. Understanding
who you are, where you came from, and what those who came
before believed, are all important in the development of the mind
and the soul.
Interpreting our ancient literature fosters creativity, stimulates
intellectual potential, and bonds our students to their roots. Our
value-based Judaic curriculum cultivates positive behavior and a
caring attitude towards others.
TEADS students move on to Milken Community High School,
Archer School for Girls, Oakwood School, Brentwood School,
Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences, Harvard-Westlake School
and many others. From there, our alumni continue their educational
journey at colleges and universities such as Columbia University,
Harvard University, Sarah Lawrence College, Georgetown,
Brandeis University, California State University, and the list goes on.
So, as you can see, there are a myriad of attributes that set TEADS
apart from other private day schools. However, what distinguishes
us most of all is the overwhelming support of our parent body. Our
enrolled parents have recently raised over $45,000 towards our
“I Give Because…” campaign. Their reasons for giving may vary,
but there is one thing everyone can agree upon: the best secrets
are meant to be cherished.
Temple Topics
November - December 2013
Temple Calendar
November 2013
Cheshvan-Kislev 5774
30 Cheshvan
Religious School
9:00 am, Steinbaum Building
Adult B’nai Mitzvah: 2nd Year
9:15 am, Upper Library
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
2014 Health Care Reform: How will it affect
me, my family, or my business?
2:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
7 Kislev
No Religious School
9:15 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
The Temple Emanuel Men’s Club presents:
An afternoon with Larry Ruttman
2:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
14 Kislev
Religious School
9:00 am, Steinbaum Building
Adult B’nai Mitzvah: 2nd Year
9:15 am, Upper Library
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
Engaging Israel: A Community Roundtable
See page 10
21 Kislev
Religious School
Hagigah Family Education Day
9:00 am, Steinbaum Building
Adult B’nai Mitzvah: 2nd Year
9:15 am, Upper Library
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
Hanukkah Holiday Boutique
10:00 am - 3:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
Jewish Holiday Cooking Class: Hanukkah
4:00 pm, Steinbaum Burton Way Building kitchen
1 Kislev
9:00 am, Chapel
Doda Mollie
10:00 am
Davidson Sheffer Hall
2 Kislev
6:30 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
3 Kislev
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Wisdom Circle: Bill Aron
10:45 am, Chapel
Religious School
4:00 pm, Steinbaum Building
Weekly Torah Study
4:00 pm, Chapel
Introduction to Judaism
7:00 pm, Davidson-Sheffer Hall
Classical Hebrew
7:00 pm, Beyt Midrash
4 Kislev
8:30 am, Chapel
Guided Autobiography:
Writing the Stories of Your Life
9:30 am, private home
TEADS Open House
9:30 am
Steinbaum Burton Way Lobby
PEN Mixer
7:00 pm, see page 10
8 Kislev
9 Kislev
10 Kislev
6:30 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center 10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
8:30 am, Chapel
11 Kislev
18 Kislev
Office open
Schools closed
9:00 am, Chapel
15 Kislev
16 Kislev
9:00 am, Chapel
Doda Mollie
10:00 am
Davidson Sheffer Hall
6:30 pm, Chapel
An Evening with Dara Horn
7:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
22 Kislev
Doda Mollie
10:00 am
Davidson Sheffer Hall
23 Kislev
28 Cheshvan
5 Kislev
Simply Shabbat
6:30 pm, Chapel
12 Kislev
Guided Autobiography:
Writing the Stories of Your Life
9:30 am, private home
8:30 am, Chapel
TEADS Open House
9:30 am
Steinbaum Burton Way Lobby
Schools and offices closed
19 Kislev
Simply Shabbat
6:30 pm, Chapel
24 Kislev
25 Kislev
Erev Hanukkah
Schools closed
6 Kislev
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
New Emanuel Minyan
Mini-Class: Psalms
Teacher - Cantor Yonah Kliger
1:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
Religious School
4:00 pm, Steinbaum Building
Weekly Torah Study
4:00 pm, Chapel
Introduction to Judaism
7:00 pm, Davidson-Sheffer Hall
Classical Hebrew
7:00 pm, Beyt Midrash
17 Kislev
29 Cheshvan
Contemplative Service
with Rabbi Ruth Sohn
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Diving into Talmud: Exploring
the Tractate Berachot
9:30 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Shabbat B’yachad
6:30 pm, Corwin Family Sanctuary
10:00 am, Upper Library
Religious School
4:00 pm, Steinbaum Building
Weekly Torah Study
4:00 pm, Chapel
Introduction to Judaism
7:00 pm, Davidson-Sheffer Hall
Classical Hebrew
7:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
Tot Shabbat
6:00 pm, Chapel
The Roven Family
Shabbat Unplugged
7:30 pm, Corwin Family Sanctuary
13 Kislev
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
20s and 30s
Mystery Wine Tasting
7:30 pm, RSVP for location
See page 8
20 Kislev
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
with Dr. Bruce Phillips
see page 2
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Bar Mitzvah: Brandon Wolf
10:00 am, Corwin Family Sanctuary
26 Kislev
3rd Candle
Schools and offices closed
Simply Shabbat
6:30 pm, Chapel
27 Kislev
4th Candle
Contemplative Service
with Rabbi Ruth Sohn
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Bat Mitzvah: Lara Pastor
10:00 am, Corwin Family Sanctuary
Temple Calendar
28 Kislev
5th Candle
9:00 am, Chapel
Doda Mollie
10:00 am
Davidson Sheffer Hall
5 Tevet
Religious School
9:00 am, Steinbaum Building
Adult B’nai Mitzvah: 2nd Year
9:15 am, Upper Library
9:15 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
12 Tevet
URJ Biennial
San Diego, CA
Religious School
9:00 am, Steinbaum Building
Adult B’nai Mitzvah: 2nd Year
9:15 am, Upper Library
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
19 Tevet
9:15 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
29 Kislev
6th Candle
Rashi Study Group
9:30 am, Clergy Library
No Religious School
December 2013
6 Tevet
30 Kislev
7th Candle
6:30 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
7 Tevet
9:00 am, Chapel
Doda Mollie
10:00 am
Davidson Sheffer Hall
Human Rights Day
with Ruth Messinger
7 pm, Bess P. Maltz
6:30 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
13 Tevet
14 Tevet
9:00 am, Chapel
Doda Mollie
10:00 am
Davidson Sheffer Hall
6:30 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
20 Tevet
21 Tevet
9 am, Chapel
26 Tevet
27 Tevet
9 am, Chapel
1 Tevet
8th Candle
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Wisdom Circle: Joshua Knobel
10:45 am, Chapel
Religious School
4:00 pm, Steinbaum Building
Weekly Torah Study
4:00 pm, Chapel
Introduction to Judaism
7:00 pm, Davidson-Sheffer Hall
Classical Hebrew
7:00 pm, Beyt Midrash
8 Tevet
28 Tevet
3 Tevet
4 Tevet
Tot Shabbat
6:00 pm, Chapel
The Roven Family
Shabbat Unplugged
with Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
of Congregation Kol
Haneshama in Jerusalem
7:30 pm, Corwin Family Sanctuary
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
with Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
of Congregation Kol
Haneshama in Jerusalem
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
New Emanuel Minyan
Mini-Class: Psalms
Teacher - Rabbi Levi WeimanKelman
1:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
Winter Play:
Hanukkah Shmanukkah
5:00 pm, Weinberg Auditorum
Annual Latke Party
6:30 pm, Greer Social Hall
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Religious School
4:00 pm, Steinbaum Building
Weekly Torah Study
4:00 pm, Chapel
Introduction to Judaism
7:00 pm, Davidson-Sheffer Hall
Classical Hebrew
7:00 pm, Beyt Midrash
8:30 am, Chapel
22 Tevet
2 Tevet
8:30 am, Chapel
TEADS Open House
9:30 am
Steinbaum Burton Way Lobby
URJ Biennial
San Diego, CA
8:30 am, Chapel
Schools and Offices closed
URJ Biennial
San Diego, CA
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Religious School
4:00 pm, Steinbaum Building
Weekly Torah Study
4:00 pm, Chapel
Introduction to Judaism
7:00 pm, Davidson-Sheffer Hall
Classical Hebrew
7:00 pm, Beyt Midrash
Book Club
7:00 pm, Upper Library
15 Tevet
Kislev-Tevet 5774
8:30 am, Chapel
9 Tevet
10 Tevet
URJ Biennial
San Diego, CA
Simply Shabbat
6:30 pm, Chapel
16 Tevet
23 Tevet
11 Tevet
URJ Biennial
San Diego, CA
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
17 Tevet
18 Tevet
Diving into Talmud: Exploring
the Tractate Berachot
9:30 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Shabbat B’yachad
6:30 pm, Corwin Family Sanctuary
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Simply Shabbat
6:30 pm, Chapel
24 Tevet
25 Tevet
9:30 am, Chapel
New Emanuel Minyan Service
10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
Upcoming Events
2014 Health Care Reform Has Arrived!
How will it affect me, my family, or
my business?
Sunday, November 3
2:00–4:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
Special Guest: Herb Schultz, Regional Director for the
US Department of Health and Human Services
Join us to learn about your NEW options for health coverage
under the Obama Health Care Reform and how Covered
California, our state’s new Health Coverage Exchange, will
benefit you. If you are a young adult, an individual under 65, or
a small business owner, you may qualify for financial assistance
to make insurance more affordable. Qualified community
outreach and education experts will be on hand to help us
learn, navigate, and apply for health insurance plans offered by
Covered California.
An afternoon with Larry Ruttman
Author of American Jews and America's Game:
Voices of a Growing Legacy in Baseball
Sunday, November 10
2:00 - 4:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
Author Larry Ruttman examines the Jewish cultural connection
to baseball as players, executives, journalists, and fans open
up with revealing insight. Presented by the Temple Emanuel
Men's Club.
RSVP to [email protected]
20s and 30s Mystery Wine Tasting
Saturday, November 16
7:30 pm, RSVP for location
RSVP to [email protected]
In partnership with Temple Beth Am. All welcome!
Contact: [email protected]
Wisdom Circle: A Learning Community
First Wednesday of the month
10:45 am, Chapel
The Wisdom Circle is a once-a-month gathering for learning,
socializing, and connecting with old friends as well as making
new ones. For members and non-members.
When: The first Wednesday of every month
Cost: Members $5, non-members $7
10:45 am - Check-in
11:00 am - Speaker Presentation
12:00 pm - Light lunch provided
After lunch until 2:30 pm - Chewing on Jewish Ethics with our
rabbis, or Scrabble, Mah Jongg, or Bridge.
Contact: Joshua Knobel, Rabbinic Intern, [email protected]
November 6: Bill Aron, renowned photographer
Bill Aron is a long-time Temple Emanuel member. His photographs
have been exhibited in major museums and galleries throughout
the United States and Israel. Bill Aron first gained international
recognition for his photographs of Jewish communities around
the world. A representative sample of his work can be seen on
his web site,
An Evening with Dara Horn
"The Best of the New Breed of
Jewish Novelists" (Tablet Magazine)
One day only!
Tuesday, November 19
7:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
Dara Horn is one of Granta magazine's “Best Young American
Novelists." Her fourth novel, A Guide For the Perplexed, is an
intricate tapestry that weaves together well-drawn characters,
layers of history, and the technology of yesterday and today.
Cost: $20 at the door.
Contact: [email protected]
Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
Shabbat Unplugged: Friday, December 6
Service begins at 7:30 pm, Corwin Family Sanctuary
New Emanuel Minyan: Saturday, December 7
Service begins at 10:00 am, Bess P. Maltz Center
December 4: Joshua Knobel, Jewish war veteran
Joshua Knobel is a student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish
Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) in Los Angeles and currently
serves as the Rabbinic Intern at Temple Emanuel. Joshua
served in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. In addition to his work
at Temple Emanuel, his current responsibilities include serving
as a congregational liaison for the B’nai Mitzvah Revolution in
Los Angeles and as an Army Reserve Chaplain Candidate for
the 425th Civil Affairs Battalion.
Temple Topics
November - December 2013
Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman founded
Congregation Kol Haneshama in
1985. The community is a center for
Progressive Jewish life in Jerusalem,
on the forefront of the struggle for
religious pluralism in Israel’s highly
polarized society. Rabbi WeimanKelman teaches liturgy at the
Hebrew Union College Jerusalem
Upcoming Events
Ruth Messinger
Holiday Boutique
Am I My Sister’s Keeper?
A Community Conversation for
International Human Rights Day
Sunday, November 24
10:00 am - 3:00 pm, Bess. P. Maltz Center
Monday, December 9
7:00 pm, Bess P. Maltz Center
Come shop for that special Hanukkah gift for your family
and friends, and support our Temple Emanuel Schools!
Children's clothes, women's clothes and accessories,
jewelry, table linens, food items, and much more.
With Ruth Messinger, President of American Jewish World
Service, and Claudia Samayoa of UDEFEGUA, an AJWS
grassroots partner organization working to defend human rights
activists in Guatemala. Additional community speakers to be
confirmed. Contact: [email protected]
Union for Reform Judaism Biennial
December 11-15, San Diego, CA
The Biennial is where thousands of Reform Jews from all
over the world gather to learn, pray, dance, sing, share ideas,
hear inspiring guest speakers, reunite with old friends, make
new connections, and decide on the policies of the Reform
Movement. We hope you'll join Temple Emanuel's delegation
to this important event, which will host over 6,000 Reform Jews
from North America. Visit for
more information.
Auf Wiedersehen - Till We Meet Again
Winter Play
Hanukkah Shmanukkah
Saturday, December 7
5:00 pm, Weinberg Auditorium
Presented by Encore Arts - starring TEADS students
Annual Latke Party
Saturday, December 7
6:30 pm, Greer Social Hall
Dancing, arts & crafts, food and fun!
And of course, lots of latkes!
Fall Book Fair
November 20 - 24, Beyt Midrash
Save The Date: January 25, 2014
Casino Night
Hosted by TEADS PTH
An Award-Winning Documentary
Film Screened in Honor of our
Legacy Society Donors:
Saturday, January 4
3:00 pm, Weinberg Auditorium
An unconventional documentary that brings the lessons of
history into the present through the eyes of an often irreverent
ten-year-old boy. Written and produced by Linda G Mills & Peter
Goodrich. Linda is the daughter of Anne & Harold Mills, Legacy
Circle Donors at Temple Emanuel. Celebrate Temple Emanuel’s
75th Anniversary by honoring our Legacy Circle Donors.
Contact: [email protected]
Shabbat Shira - the Shabbat of Song
Celebrating 75 Years of Music!
Friday, January 10
Dinner at 6:30 pm, Greer Social Hall (RSVP required)
Service at 7:30 pm, Corwin Family Sanctuary
Join us for a Shabbat service celebrating the music of Temple
Emanuel and the Reform movement through our 75 year
history. Our special guests will be LA’s premiere Jewish Choir,
the Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale, conducted by Nick Strimple.
RSVP for dinner to [email protected]
Temple Topics
November - December 2013
Lifelong Learning
PEN: Professional Emanuel Network
PEN is Temple Emanuel’s professional networking group. The
goal of PEN is to create a network of business professionals
within the Temple Emanuel community. PEN’s quarterly
networking mixers foster both a broadening of its professionals’
referral circles and a deepening of the relationships within those
The next PEN event is a wine and cheese mixer on November 7
at 7:00 pm at the home of temple members Randy and Tamar
For more information and to RSVP, please email Stefani Langer
at [email protected]
On Jewish Eggshells: How American
Jews Learn to be Fragile
Taught by Dr. Tali Zelkowicz, Assistant Professor of Education in
the Rhea Hirsch School of Education at HUC-JIR. Tali specializes
in the sociology of Jewish Education, and is interested in the
tensions American Jews face in navigating their multiple and
often competing identities as Jews in America. Her research
focuses on the roles of conflict and dissonance in American
Jewish identity formation, especially as they relate to teaching
and learning.
When: January 7 and January 14, 7:00-9:00 pm
Where: Davidson-Sheffer Hall
Cost: $30 for the class
Contact: [email protected]
Engaging Israel with
the Hartman Institute
A Community Roundtable
Sunday, November 17
5:30 - 8:30 pm, Temple Isaiah
10345 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064
With Prof. Suzanne Last Stone and other iEngage
participants from 20 participating synagogues and Jewish
institutions across the Los Angeles area. The Engaging
Israel/iEngage Project facilitates conversations in the
American Jewish community on the critical questions
facing world Jewry with regard to Israel.
Professor Suzanne Last Stone, a research fellow of the
Hartman Institute's iEngage Project, is University Professor
of Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization, Professor
of Law, and Director of the Center for Jewish Law and
Contemporary Civilization at Benjamin N. Cardozo School
of Law, Yeshiva University.
RSVP by Nov. 10 to Maayan Tzuk-Peri at:
[email protected]
Foundations for a New Relationship
January 22, January 29, and February 5
6:00 - 7:30 pm, Temple Isaiah
10345 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064
New Emanuel Minyan Mini-Class: Psalms
The New Emanuel Minyan and the Lifelong Learning Council are
offering a mini-class on the biblical Book of Psalms. We begin
with an overview of its historical and literary context, then look
more in depth at samples of psalms of praise, thanksgiving,
and supplication. Cantor Kliger will facilitate two sessions that
will lead us through the musical psalms that enrich our Shabbat
and festival liturgy. Other teachers will guide us through psalms
of healing, blessing, and everyday living. Texts are studied in
English, so no knowledge of Hebrew is required.
When: 8 Saturdays, 1:00–2:00 pm
Where: Bess P. Maltz Center
Schedule: November 9 Cantor Yonah Kliger
December 7 Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
January 11 Rabbi Laura Geller
February 8 Cantor Yonah Kliger
March 8 Rabbi Bill Cutter on Healing Psalms
April 12 TBA
May 10 TBA
Temple Topics
We are pleased to bring to our community the worldrenowned faculty of the Hartman Institute through video,
text study, and discussion. Engaging Israel looks beyond
politics and advocacy and reframes the discussion on the
enduring significance of the State of Israel for contemporary
Jews. We’ll join with congregants at Temple Isaiah and
Rabbi Dara Frimmer for a three-session course.
Contact: Joshua Knobel, Rabbinic Intern, [email protected]
Jewish Holiday Cooking
Make Bubbe proud! Learn to prepare the dishes traditionally
featured on the Jewish holiday table. A series of five sessions
with guest chefs will include cooking for Sukkot, Shabbat,
Hanukkah, and Passover. Bake challah and other sweet things.
When: Sunday afternoons at 4:00–6:00 pm
Hanukkah: November 24
Shabbat: February 9
Passover: April 6
Challah and other sweet treats: May 18
Where: Steinbaum Burton Way Building kitchen
Cost: $150 per person, non-members $175. Space is limited
Contact: Jenny Stempel, [email protected]
November - December 2013
Temple Emanuel's 75th Anniversary
Commemorative Exhibit: 75 years of Living Judaism
In celebration of Temple Emanuel’s 75th Anniversary, we are
showcasing historical items from our temple in an ongoing exhibit.
Memorabilia will be on display until June 2014, with the collection
changing every two months and appearing on rotation in our two
In November-December we will feature historical items related
to Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Visiting Dignitaries, and our
In January-February our exhibit will focus on Temple Emanuel
Clergy, Art, and Music.
In March-April the show will center on the seasonal holidays of
Purim and Passover as well as looking at Membership and
events through the years.
We will conclude in May-June, highlighting Confirmation, our
Schools, and Summer Camp.
Temple Emanuel Sanctuary
Temple Emanuel Sanctuary
If you have an object, photo, or item of historical significance that you would like to lend to one of these upcoming exhibits, please
contact Tova Joffe Larsen at 310.288.3742 x508 or [email protected].
Please also contact Tova if you would like to help put together a permanent record of these exhibits.
Thank you to all who contributed to making
L’Chaim! A Celebration of Temple Emanuel’s 75th Anniversary
a great success !
Temple Topics
November - December 2013
Our Temple Family
Caring Community:
Social Worker in Residence
If you’re facing economic problems or living with the challenge
of helping an aging parent or a teen in trouble, you’re not alone.
Now, here at our temple, you can get help! Our participation
with The Ezra Network provides our members with access to
financial assistance and government program eligibility, oneon-one sessions with a social worker, legal counselor or job
counselor, as well as referrals for other services and information
about upcoming workshops. It’s all there for you – in private –
and it’s free. Please contact the individual providers to arrange
for a meeting:
Social Worker: 323.600.5722 (will hold office hours at the
temple on Mondays and Tuesdays) Job Counselor: 323.761.8888 x8998
Legal Counselor: 323.549.5827
Thanksgiving Match Program
Do you have a few extra seats at your Thanksgiving dinner table?
Or are you looking for somewhere to spend Thanksgiving? We
are arranging a match program to pair members who need a
place to go for dinner with members who have extra room at
their table. If you are interested in being matched with another
member, send an email to [email protected].
Pillar Profile
Jackie Kassorla
"Temple Emanuel feels like home. It is part of my community.
It is where my mother, who was in the temple's second
confirmation class, started her Jewish education, and it is
where my son will become Bar Mitzvah. My father's yahrzeit
light is in the Corwin Family Sanctuary, and throughout my
life, significant religious experiences have been with Temple
Emanuel clergy. I love giving back, through creating the edible
garden program for the Temple schools and donating my
services to landscape the front of the Steinbaum building. It
is my pleasure to support Temple Emanuel as a Pillar member."
Mazel Tov to...
Joyce Grier-Antebi, on the upcoming marriage of her son,
Andrew Grier, to Lisa Greenberg, on November 17, 2013
Yasmin Baravarian, on the opening of her pharmacy
Toby and Roger Brooks, on the birth of their granddaughters,
Emerie Alexis Leisner, on June 17, 2013, and Ivy Eliya
Brooks, on August 2, 2013
Simone and Lester Friedman, on the birth of their grandson,
Leo Michael Friedman, on October 8, 2013
Aviva and Chaim Malinek, on the birth of their granddaughter,
Dina Braz, on September 20, 2013
Louise and Robert Schwab, on the marriage of their son
Andrew to Jacqueline Haumann, on September 21, 2013
New Temple Members
Shawn Silver
Jesse Diamond
Katie & Neil Diamond
Ruthie Bram
Sari & Shahram Melamed
Betty & Al Haagen
Astrid & Nicholas Lyons
Adam Newman & Mark Lieber
Condolences to…
Linda and Gary Goldfein and family, on the passing of her
mother, Ann Davidson
Jeffrey Gross and Gina Raphael and family, on the passing of
his grandfather, Dr. Herman Weinberg
Lori Schulman and family, on the passing of her grandmother,
Gladys Berger
Jerry Silverhardt and family, on the passing of his uncle, Sam
Richard Tuch and family, on the passing of his wife, Linda Tuch
Bryan and Dayna Turcotte and family, on the passing of his
grandmother, Ceciel Turcotte
Thank You to...
Deborah & Gabriel Brener for increasing to Double Chai Pillars
Jane Factor & Max Factor III for rejoining the Pillar Program as
Chai Pillars
Bonnie & Bernie Goler for joining the Pillar Program as Chai Pillars
Susan & David West for joining the Pillar Program as Chai Pillars
Wish List
Jackie's mother, Irene,
in Temple Emanuel's 2nd
Jackie Kassorla
confirmation class, 1941
Please join Jackie Kassorla in becoming a Pillar Member of
Temple Emanuel. See page 15 for details.
Temple Topics
Temple Emanuel has compiled a "Wish List" of items to further
enhance our Temple and schools. To donate any of these
items or to make a financial contribution, contact:
[email protected] or 310.409.4647.
• 15 ipads
• 4 SmartBoards
November - December 2013
Our Temple Family
B'nai & B'not Mitzvah
Brandon Wolfe
November 23, 2013
I am currently in 8th grade at Beverly Vista School. I enjoy playing
basketball, running, spending time with my friends and going
to Dodger Games. My caring and lovely parents, Dr. Michele
Kalt and Freddy Wolfe, and my two younger siblings, Justin
and Sienna, can’t wait to see me on the Bimah! For my Bar
Mitzvah project, I am creating packages for Jewish kids who
have cancer and are stuck in the hospital for days enduring
pretty rough treatments. The wonderful organization that is
making this possible is Chai Lifeline. They even organized a
Dodger Game for all the kids with cancer and their families,
and I was able to help by being a Dodger peanut and candy
vendor to bring joy to all the kids and their families. Chai Lifeline
really helped me during my sister’s battle with cancer, and
I am so happy to be able to help others! I am excited about
my Bar Mitzvah and I want to thank my family, Rabbi Geller,
Rabbi Aaron, Jeff Magder, Cantor Kliger, and Lynn Franklin in
the Clergy office for all their support in helping me prepare for
this day.
The Temple Emanuel
Legacy Society
We are pleased to introduce you to
the Temple Emanuel Legacy Society
Chairs: Bruce Corwin and Alan
Both Bruce and Alan and their
supporters of Temple Emanuel for
They understand the
importance of establishing a strong
financial base of support for the
temple's future and have agreed to
chair the Legacy Society. Thank
you, Bruce and Alan!
Bruce Corwin
Look for more information on the
Legacy Society in the coming
months and please join the Corwins,
the Kayes, and the other Legacy
Society families by pledging your
commitment to Temple Emanuel.
Lara Pastor
November 30, 2013
I am currently in 7th grade at Emerson Middle School. I enjoy
acting, dancing, music, and hanging out with my friends. My
parents, Silvina Grichener and Marcelo Pastor, and the rest of
my family, are very excited for my Bat Mitzvah. For my mitzvah
project I am going to perform at the Jewish Home with two of
my friends. We will mostly dance. I chose this for my project
because I love performing and making people smile. I am very
excited about my Bat Mitzvah and I want to thank my family,
Rabbi Geller, Rabbi Aaron, Cantor Kliger, Jeff Madger, and
Laurie Goodman for all their support in helping me prepare for
this day.
Making Connections
Are you a single parent? Are you newly married? Would
you like to meet other families with school-age children?
Chavurah (friendship) groups are forming now for all ages
and interests. A chavurah meets regularly and people often
form life-long friendships. Being in a chavurah is often the
best way to get to know other people and form meaningful
relationships. For more information, please email Shelley
Blumenfeld at [email protected] or 310.288.3742.
Alan Kaye
Thank you for your contribution to the
Temple Emanuel Legacy Society:
John & Jamie Adler
Sue & Barry Brucker
Toni & Bruce Corwin
Rabbi Laura Geller &
Richard Siegel
Eve & Bill Gerber
Rabbi Meyer Heller
Michelle & Alan Kaye*
Sydnie Suskind &
Cantor Yonah Kliger
Lawrence & Stacia Kopeikin
Charlene & Sanford Kornblum
Joyce & Jeffrey Levine
Alan & Abby Levy
Lois Roston (z”l) &
Ellie Roston
Mark & Lisa Schwartz
William Stein (z”l)
Bunny & Jerome Steinbaum
Scott Stone & Gary Brown
Sanford & Karen Weiner
Elisa Newman White &
Andrew White
Leah Bishop & Gary Yale
Marcie & Howard Zelikow
* New since the last publication of Temple Topics
If you would like to make a gift, please contact Tova
Joffe Larsen at 310.288.3742 x508 or [email protected]
Join us on January 4 for a Legacy Society film screening
(see page 9 for more information).
Temple Topics
November - December 2013
In appreciation of
Jan and Alan Block, from Sunnye and Richard Tuch
In honor of
The birth of Leo Michael Friedman, grandson of Simone and Lester Friedman,
from Toni and Bruce Corwin
In memory of
Ann Davidson, to Linda and Gary Goldfein, from Sunnye and Richard Tuch
Beatrice Friedman, to Joyce and Jeff Levine and family, from Sunnye and
Richard Tuch
Lisa Parris, to Howard Parris, from Lyndon Parker
In appreciation of
Rabbi Geller, from Jenethen Angulo
Rabbi Geller and the inspirational High Holy Days, from Andrea and Larry
Rabbi Geller, from Ephraim Hirsch
Rabbi Geller and the wonderful High Holy Days, from Phyllis Shlecter
Rabbi Geller, from Charlotte Ukra
In honor of
Sarina Langer’s Bat Mitzvah, from Bruce and Stefani Langer
Stella Lavinthal’s Bat Mitzvah, from Ellen, Dennis, and Stella Lavinthal
Temple Emanuel’s 75th Birthday, from Julie Mason-Fram, Renee Mason, and
Eric Fram
In memory of
Gladys Berger, to Marcy and Bruce Schulman, from Michelle and Alan Kaye
Toby Perel, from Cathy Bloomfield
David Savitt, from the Moray Family
Robert Sukack, from Nikki Sudack
In appreciation of
Rabbi Aaron and the inspirational High Holy Days, from Andrea and Larry
Rabbi Aaron, from Geoffrey and Yael Rendon
Rabbi Aaron and the wonderful High Holy Days, from Phyllis Shlecter
In honor of
Emma Kaufman’s Bat Mitzvah, from Zarrina and Bruce Kaufman
Our marriage, from Josh and Ali Meltzer
Sela Liz Shepp’s baby naming, from Simone and Lester Friedman
In memory of
Jerome Brody, from Leah Barshap
Jerome Brody, from Randy and Margie Brody and Richard and Cindia Brody
Jerome Brody, from Mary Narita
Ann Davidson, from Linda and Gary Goldfein
In appreciation of
Cantor Kliger, from Lee and Jamie Broder
Cantor Kliger, from Lisa Daniels
Cantor Kliger and the amazing choir, from Andrea and Larry Harrow
Cantor Kliger, from Sherman and Sydelle Kramer
Cantor Kliger, from Renee Mason and Julie Mason Fram
Cantor Kliger and the High Holy Days, from Phyllis Shlecter
Cantor Kliger, from Leslie Lewinter Suskind and Dr. Robert Suskind
In honor of
The births of their grandchildren, from Toby and Roger Brooks
Sarina Langer’s Bat Mitzvah, from Bruce and Stefani Langer
Stella Lavinthal’s Bat Mitzvah, from Ellen, Dennis, and Stella Lavinthal
Emma Kaufman’s Bat Mitzvah, from Bruce and Zarina Kaufman
In appreciation
From Rabbi Bill Cutter
In memory of
Leonard Shlecter, from Phyllis Shlecter
We also welcome your contributions
to the following funds:
Religious School Scholarship Fund
Early Childhood Center Scholarship Fund
Day School Scholarship Fund
Shabbat Unplugged Fund
Edible Garden Fund
Temple Topics
In appreciation
From Michelle and Rabbi Jonathan Aaron
From Lucy and Jake Broder
From Tiffany Winslow and Michael Burnett
From Donna and Curtis Daly
From Laura and Troy Halpern
From Pini Herman
From Rabbi Zoe Klein
From Sydnie Suskind and Cantor Yonah Kliger
From Tova and Kurt Larsen
From Heather Rem and Jake Lee
From Allison Margolin
From Hofit and Ilan Moshe
From Sara and Babak Nabati
From Megan Cavallari and Frank Left
From Marc and Naz Nelkin
From Jennifer Nissenson and Randy Saba
From Phil and Nikki Rezvani
From Rebecca and Jack Schuster
From Rina and Adam Spiewak
From Iris Strauss
From Daniel and Rebecca Szew
From Neil Uchitel and Carla Janzen
From Isaac and Lara Zekaria
In memory of
Gladys Berger, to Lori Schulman, from Marni Bernnstein
Gladys Berger, from Lori Schulman
Gladys Berger, to Lori Schulman, from Karl Thurmond
In appreciation
From Anonymous
From Heidi and Joel Roberts
From Alex and Madison Soleimani
From Karl Thurmond
In memory of
Hyman Bachner, from Samuel Bachner
Ann Tabb Ball, from Stanford Tabb
Rubin Bird, from Trudy Bird and family
Arnold Degen, from Esther Degen
Leah Gold, from Bonnie and Marc Gottlieb
Jerome Gottlieb, from Bonnie and Marc Gottlieb
Allison S. Grossman, from Jonathan Grossman
Paul Hirsch, M.D., J.D., from Harriette Hirsch
Albert Holzman, from Estelle Krantz
Estelle Kandell, from Toby and Roger Brooks
Rabbi Berthold Kleinberg, from Connie Bennett
Karl Kleinberg, from Connie Bennett
Jess Kortz, from Pearle Rae and Mark Levey
Paul Minsky, from Jody Minsky and family
Dora Tatarsky Mintz, from Mitzi Costin
Joseph Najdicz, from Eileen, Graham and Lindsey Markley
Morris Rosenblatt, from Bonnie and Marc Gottlieb
Leonard Rosenthal, from Dr. and Mrs. Neil P. Rosenthal
Alice Ross, from Bobbie and Al Sapper
Mania Schwartz, from Elisa Adeff
Earl Sheffer, from Tobey and Leonard Shaffer and family
Earl Sheffer, from Hinda Lee Sheffer
Bernice Sheinart, from the Shelley and Ronald Singer family
Mollie Sternig, from Sandra Sternig-Babcock, Ph.D.
Irwin Topper, from Muriel Kreeger and family
Roger Wakefield, from Muriel Kreeger and family
Albert Wallen, from Martin Wallen
Contributions received before the Temple Topics publication date are listed.
Gifts received after the publication date will be acknowledged in the subsequent
November - December 2013
Pillar Members and High Holy Day Appeal
Pillar members, the “Pillars” of our Temple community, voluntarily contribute an additional amount above full dues. The Pillar program is a significant
source for the Temple’s support and it enables us to provide important programs and services for our members. Our Pillar members have all the
benefits of full membership, and they also receive a Pillar Pass with priority entrance and seating for High Holy Days and complimentary parking.
They are invited to special select events during the year as guests of Temple Emanuel, have their names displayed in the foyer of the Sanctuary,
and receive special acknowledgement in our Annual Report. If you are interested in becoming a Pillar member, please contact Tova Joffe Larsen
at 310.288.3742 x508 or at [email protected].
Janet & Mark Noah
Jane Factor & Max Factor III
Double Chai
Kathleen & Laurence Paul
Bonnie & Ronald Fein
Erika Kobor
Deborah & Gabriel Brener
Nancy & Stephen Paul
Jessica Barondes &
Sheryl & Jonathan Sokoloff
Debby & James Fogelman
Vicki Reynolds & Murray Pepper
Benjamin Feingold
Karl Thurmond
Jay Glazer
Alys Pollet
Bunni & Murray Fischer
Patty & Larry Goodman
John Quinn
Elayne Garber & John Forbess
Frances & Donald Kates
Marcie & Howard Zelikow
Carol & Jerome Redston
Kim Zeitlin-Gold & Victor Gold
Janice White & Eugene Krieger
Claudia & Bruce Resnikoff
Milton J. Golden
Marcia Gold Levenson &
L’dor V’dor
Ronda & Fred Rose
Linda and Gary Goldfein
Ronald Levenson
Barbara Coyne & Jeffrey Hendel
Sally & Ronald Rosenblatt
Carol Goldsmith
Pearle Rae & Mark Levey
Kathy & Tommy Javor
Ellsworth Roston
Bonnie & Bernie Goler
Lilly & David Lewis
Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg
Alissa & Warren Roston
Andrea & Larry Harrow
Anne & Harold Mills
Joyce & Jeffrey Levine
Mary & Robert Rothman
Harriette Hirsch
Farhad & Lisa Novian
Shana & Donald Passman
Paula & Allan Rudnick
Roberta Holland
Jill & Dennis Roach
Stephanie Haymes Roven &
Louise & Robert Schwab
Kristin & John Jameson
Brian Rosenstein
Charles Roven
Karen Breslow &
Judy & Ronald Kabrins
Lisa & Mark Schwartz
Kate Capshaw &
Robert Schwartz
Aviva & Goor-Arie Kadosh
Leslie & Scott Shlecter
Steven Spielberg
Diane Vanette & Sander Schwartz
Brooke & Adam Kanter
Trinka & Howard Soloway
Leah Bishop & Gary Yale
Tamar & Randy Seff
Victoria & Fred Kaplan
Abraham Stein
Marla & Richard Seff
Phyllis Shlecter
Janet Levine Kaplan &
Shelli & Irving Azoff
Marilyn & Edgar Simon
Lili & Jon Bosse
Walter Adler
Linda Smith
Judith & Mitchell Karlan
Sue & Barry Brucker
Isa & Bill Aron
Terri & Michael Smooke
Toni & Bruce Corwin
Arleen & Samuel Bachner
Annika & Abe Somer
Shirley Karton
Nadine & Harold Davidson
Nancy Barth
Lorrie & John Stone
Myra Lurie & David Goldman
Cynthia & Neal Baseman
Susan & Peter Strauss
Joyce & Harvey Kates
Lisa & Josh Greer
Heidi & Jeff Berkeley
Holly & Ron Toplitzky
Elyse & Stanley Grinstein
Roberta & Elliot Berkowitz
Sunnye & Richard Tuch
Susan & Robert Kazdan
Blanche Howard
Alberta Stahl & Ira Bilson
Wendy & Bryan Turner
Lauren & Richard King
Janet & Alan Block
Catherine & Leonard Unger
Barbara & Stuart Klabin
Helene & Arthur Laub
Helene & Ben Boston
Halina Wachtel
Abby & Alan D. Levy
Barbara & Morton Bowman
Sarelyn Wager & Robert Turner
Stacia & Lawrence Kopeikin
Julie & Ken Moelis
Ronda & Stanley Breitbard
Karen & Sanford Weiner
Cathy & Steve Needleman
Renee & Harold Brook
Barbara & Harold Weinstock
Joyce Krawll
Belinda & Jeffrey Pop
Barbara Bruser & Richard Clark
Estelle Weisberg
Marcia & Richard Schulman
Mitzi Costin
Susan & David West
Ellen & Dennis Lavinthal
Shelley & Ronald Singer
Iris & Gordon Cutler
Penelope & Robert White
Laurie Goodman & Don Spetner
Brad Donenfeld
Pamela Skaist Levy & Jefery Levy Joan Cohen Wilson &
Jane & Lester Trachman
Allison & Michael Druyanoff
A. Charles Wilson
Rochelle & Richard Maize
Elisa Newman White &
Rita & Israel Eichenstein
Marilyn Weltman Wizenberg &
Jeanne & Leonard Marks
Andrew White
Lorraine & Gerald Factor
Howard Wizenberg
Stacey Mickell
Thank you to everyone who made contributions to the High Holy Day Appeal. Your support benefits Temple Emanuel, our services,
programming, and our community. In celebration of our 75th Anniversary, we are celebrating our past and looking towards our future. Thank
you for being a part of this journey. This list is the second acknowledgement of gifts to the appeal and includes gifts received after Kol Nidre.
The first acknowledgment list can be seen in the October Temple Topics on page 13. To donate to the High Holy Day Appeal, please visit or call Tova Joffe Larsen at 310.288.3742 x508.
Elizabeth Gross & Marc Axelrod
Susan & Mark Babst
Nancy Barth
Marlene & Richard Bauer
Lisa Bochner
Lisa & Robert Borman
Tillie & Lawrence Borys
Linda & Gary Briskman
Judith & Charles Burstin
Daniel Cadiff
Wrenn & William Chais
Nina Chazanas
Aliza & Louis Chertkow
Yassaman Hariri &
Louisette Cohen
Lorraine & Edward Feldman
Marlene Harrison
Harriette Hirsch
Dana Jackson
Marcia & Hira Jindal
Miura & Brian Kite
Barbara & Robert Klien
Lauren & Joshua Krapf
Annika & Robert Krasney
Jessica Kubansky
Helene & Arthur Laub
Susan Lava
Toni Lazer
Nancy & John Lee
Estelle & Saul Leonard
Amy & Sidney Levinson
J. & Regina Lewin
Reina & Robert Markley
Stacey & Mark Raskin
Susan Robman
Natalie Roberts
Charlotte Rosenberg
Penelope Rosenberg
Phyliss & Marvin Seidman
Temple Topics
Robert Silver
Phyliss & Richard Smith
Patti Stone
Michael Stotsky
Ruth Swerdlow
Halina Wachtel
Hannah & Michael Wecker
Barbara & Harold Weinstock
Carol & Jordan Weiss
Gloria & Hector Ziperovich
November - December 2013
Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills
8844 Burton Way (at corner of Herzl Way)
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Main Clergy Membership
Facility Rentals
310.288.3742 x511
Temple Emanuel Academy Day School 310.409.2940
Religious School
Early Childhood Center 310.276.9776
We invite you to host your next event at
Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills
Stunning premier event spaces in the heart of Beverly Hills
Whether you are hosting a wedding for 300, a lecture for 1000, or facilitating an important
meeting, Temple Emanuel will accommodate your individual needs and preferences with
our premier, flexible venues. All religious, secular, social and civic clients are welcome.
Make your next special event or program fulfill its most memorable potential.
For more information or to schedule a private tour, please contact: [email protected]