Wellbeing leaflet
Wellbeing leaflet
- Offering practical support and friendship to refugees and asylum seekers - Asylum Link Merseyside is a charitable organisation helping asylum seekers and refugees in Merseyside. Most services are accessed on a drop in basis and the centre is open from Monday to Friday, providing tea, coffee and a place to meet. We also provide: • Immigration Advice & General Casework - Offering practical support and friendship to refugees and asylum seekers - - Offering practical support and friendship to refugees and asylum seekers - Asylum Link Merseyside Garden and Allotments - we have 3 plots at Dunbabbin allotments in Childwall where people can learn how to garden, growing food to be used back at the centre. There are also small gardens At St Anne’s which are used for herbs and flowers. • Furniture and Clothing • English Classes • Destitution support • Befriending/Volunteering • Social Support and entertainment All our services are free and confidential. We aim to create a friendly environment for asylum seekers and refugees of all faiths and cultures. Cycle Club - old bicycles are recycled and given away in a lottery held each Friday. Trips to the Wirral and surrounding areas are also arranged. Welcome, Support and Friendship for Asylum Seekers and Refugees So why don’t you come and visit us! Target Well Being Asylum Link Merseyside runs a series of programmes in partnership with Groundwork and the Primary Care Trust, aimed at improving the Health and Well Being of Asylum Seekers. Much of this is funded by the National Lottery. Healthy Eating Porridge for breakfast and soup for lunch on Mondays and Thursdays and Friday Fruit from midday each week. Additionally there are volunteer lead Fruit Smoothie and healthy cooking Target Well Being St Anne’s Centre, 7 Overbury Street Liverpool, L7 3HJ Oral Hygiene Sessions - Sessions on Teeth and Mouth cleanliness are held throughout the year. Advice on how smoking affects oral hygiene is also available from Roy Castle Fag Ends, who run a drop in at St Anne’s on a Tuesday morning. There are many other activities at the centre to help people’s physical and mental well being. To take part contact Ewan or Maggi on the main office number 0151 709 1713 Target Well Being Tel: 0151 709 1713(34fax) [email protected] www.asylumlink.org.uk Open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm OISC regulated Charity No. 1095180 A Company limited by guarantee, Company No. 4468629 Registered Office: Business Accounting Services, 111 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5TF Target Well Being - Offering practical support and friendship to refugees and asylum seekers - - Offering practical support and friendship to refugees and asylum seekers - - Offering practical support and friendship to refugees and asylum seekers - Why should we help? Asylum Seekers are one of the disadvantaged groups in our society. most • They are not permitted to work • £40 per week for food, clothing & transport Asylum Link St Anne’s • They are subject to reporting restrictions • They live in a climate of fear and disbelief Church created by politicians and the tabloid press. • Their chances of success are 1 in 4. Almost everyone has an opinion about Asylum Seekers but very few people have ever met one. If you would like to help or find out more, please get in touch. How to find Us Reliance House Refugee Action Asylum Link We are situated between Upper Parliament Street and Picton Road, near St. Anne’s School (close to the Taskers DIY Store) Cathedral We can be reached by 79 Bus from Picton Road. Get off near Wavertree Police Station or the 86 Bus from Upper Parliament Street. Get off near the Power House or the 26/27 Shiel Road circular from Tunnel Road. Get off at Edge Hill Railway Station Greenbank The closest Motorway is the M62 which follows on to Edge Lane Target Well Being Target Well Being Target Well Being
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