Chapter Chatter - Anthem HOG Chapter 2376
r e t t a h C r e t p a Ch February 14, 2014 Welcome LOH and Activities Officers Anthem HOG Chapter 2376 would like to welcome Merri Jo Ellis and Kim Kuharske who have stepped up to fill the Ladies of Harley and Activities Officer roles respectively. Both MJ and Kim are also members of Phoenix HOG Chapter 93 out of Buddy Stubbs Phoenix store. See their introduction biographies on page 7 of this issue. Call for Newsletter Articles Inside this issue: New Officers 1 Chapter Officers 2 Jan Meeting Minutes 4-6 New Officer Bios 7 Feb Ride Calendar 10 2014 Desert Ride Information Poster 11 Do you have a memorable motorcycling experience that you recount to friends over a shared meal or as an anecdote in general conversation? Maybe you attended a memorable rally, rode across the country on a 1974 Sportster or simply have a favorite ride here in Arizona or anywhere in the US. If so how about sharing your memories in our Newsletter. The requirements (if you can call them such) are simple. 1) Must be about motorcycling and presented in a positive manner. 2) Max length of 750 words. 3) Respect Harley-Davidson, its dealers and staff. 4) No profanity. If you would like to have an article published please send it to [email protected] and include your name along with a picture of yourself if possible. Also if you have any pictures to go along with your story send those also. The goal is to develop a library of stories and chose a couple each month to fill out the newsletter. Seriously. Aren’t you just a little tired of seeing the officers “adventures” each month? Ed. Poor Planning = Miserable Ride Photos in this issue Casa Grande—Page 6 Filly’s Roadhouse— Page 8 Oracle Patio—Page 9 About six months after I first started riding I decided to take a trip from my home just outside Philadelphia PA to my sisters farm in McCoysville, PA for Easter. A distance of 165 miles. I left on Good Friday morning with temperatures in the low 60’s and sunny skies. This was my first long ride and I enjoyed every minute of it. The weekend was enjoyable visiting with family and the weather continued to be mild. I awoke Monday morning and prepared to head home. Unfortunately a cold front had moved in overnight bringing low temperatures and rain. I had failed to allow for any weather changes though I had lived in PA all my life and was aware of finicky spring weather. I had neither rain gear or warmer clothing. Needless to say the 165 miles home was a lot longer. My brother-in-law did provide an old PECO rain suit but it had no insulating qualities and leaked like a sieve. I can not remember a more miserable ride experience in the 30 years since. Ed. Mea Culpa Last month there were two errors in the newsletter. In the article “New Year, New Officers” Pete Dutoit was noted as having served as Chapter Director for 2 years. In actuality he was director for 3 years. On page 10: Sue Kilp’s name was misspelled in the Photo Credits. Page 2 Chapter Chatter Anthem HOG #2736 Officers 2014 Director: Rory Kraft Sr. [email protected] Assistant Director: Jim Osborn [email protected] Secretary: Jeff Feldstein Director: Rory Assistant Director “Ozzie” [email protected] Treasurer: Jean Miller [email protected] Head Road Captain: Rory Kraft Sr. [email protected] Activities Officer: Kim Kuharske [email protected] Secretary: Jeff Treasurer: Jean Membership Officer: John Valentine [email protected] Safety Officer: Derrick Ellis [email protected] Ladies of Harley: Merri Jo Ellis [email protected] Photographer: George Sherman Safety: “Ellis” [email protected] Webmaster: Marty Galison Membership: John [email protected] Editor: Don Montrey [email protected] Webmaster: Marty Activities: MJ Photographer: “Sherm” Activities: Kim Editor: “Fat Don” February 14, 2014 Page 3 Page 4 Chapter Chatter January Meeting Minutes: Jeff Feldstein—Chapter Secretary January Meeting Minutes: Jeff Feldstein – 2014 Secretary Minutes General Meeting: Anthem HOG Chapter 2376, January 18, 2014 10:00 Am Location: Anthem Buddy Stubs Dealership Meeting Room Officers Present: Rory Kraft (Director & Head Road Captain), Jim Osborn (Assistant Director), Jeff Feldstein (Secretary), Jean Miller (Treasurer), John Valentine (Membership Officer), Derrick Ray Ellis (Safety Officer), George Sherman (Photographer), Don Montrey (Editor). Officers Absent: Marty Galison (Webmaster). Attendance: Members Present: 51 Guests: 3 Dennis Castelnuovo and New Member: Dave Watkins and his son Connor Watkins. General Meeting Minutes: Rory Kraft called the first meeting of the new year to order at 10:00 AM. Rory discussed the fact that there will be a little less email communication on activities this year. The Chapter does not have an Activities Officer as of yet. The rides and activities will be communicated via email once a month, and the Chapter calendar will have all the activities information. Additional information will be on the drop down tabs, look for the view tab, for each event, such as map locations of the destination and information on the location such as a web site, etc. The HOG hot line(623-565-5055) is updated weekly, more often if necessary, so please check it prior to going on a ride. Rory asked the members to suggest places that they have been to, that they think would be good rides and destinations so we have a pool, or list, for the road captains to pick from. Please email your suggestions to: [email protected]. Rory asked for officer reports: Jim Osborn – Assistant Director discussed the upcoming Desert Ride, our only required open ride of the year. The ride is for St. Mary’s Food Bank. The date is April 12th. The thought was the same route we had last year, with the same stops for tickets and the awards afterwards. If there is any suggestions for a different route or stops please email Jim with your thoughts. The cost this year will be $35.00 for the Rider and $15 for a passenger. This money pays for the ride, TShirts, and cash awards, and a planned free lunch at the second stop. We will be doing the tickets for the drawings at the party afterward. The Tickets will be issued at the beginning of the ride and at each stop. Sponsorships are needed for the Charity, so if anybody has a company, or perhaps personally would want to be a sponsor, the cost is $200.00, and will be noted on all advertising and their logo will be on the T-Shirts. Sponsorship packets will be put together again by John Valentine and will be available at the next meeting. Remember the Sponsors will be able to take a tax write-off. We will be forming a Charity Committee and anyone who would like to volunteer please email Jim (Ozzie) with your information. Thank you. Jean Miller – Treasurer reports that the checking account has $4,295.00. The Charity Account has $200.00. Bob Jensen won the Raffle at the Christmas party and donated back to the chapter $100.00. THANKS BOB! Jeff Feldstein – Secretary thanked Don (Fat Don) Montrey for putting together the great (one of the best) January new letter. Also discussed is the fact that the Anthem Chapter is known as a riding chapter and wanted to invite all of you to come on some of the rides. We are safe, have a very good time and go to really nice places. We want to share the experience with as many of you as possible. Don Montrey – Editor informed us that there will be a mea culpa section in all news letters from now on. Don also asked the members if they have rides they remember, that were significant and memorable. Of course they should be “Harley” rides, but if it was on something else that’s ok too. Please email them to Don; [email protected], 500 words or less and include pictures (Jpeg) if you have some. We would like to build up a library of sorts to make the news letter a little more interesting and fun to read. These stories would be used, as space permits and the need arises, (one or two each month). Just note that your story might not be in the very next issue. The only criteria are that they be positive, not political or religious. The news letter will be out monthly for now on and should be in your email two weeks prior to our monthly meeting. If you are a current member and did not receive a news letter please email Don to get on the mailing list. Thank you. February 14, 2014 Page 5 George Sherman – Photographer just pleased to be the chapter photographer and will be on the rides taking pictures of all of you on the rides, and the places we go to. Rory Kraft – Head Road Captain. We have had several well attended rides as of late. The Frosty Butt ride had 30 people, and Ozzie’s had 24 and the two other rides had 15 or so. The weather is great, we have some great rides coming up, and if you, the members, have places you would like to go, please email me and we will try to work them in. Thank you. Derrick Ellis – Safety Officer discussed this year’s safety theme, just two words; “Safety Awareness”. Think safety when you ride and be aware of your surroundings. The other item is Helmets, and we know that in Arizona we don’t have to wear them; however the facts are that they save lives and helmet use has increased. They don’t interfere with your vision or hearing and not wearing one is the greatest cause of death in motorcyclists. This year we will have Safety classes offered to the members though out the year, some after the general meeting and some by registration for other times. We will have Videos, occasional guest speakers to talk on riding safety, equipment maintenance and other issues. Rory Kraft: Read a Letter, the Chapter received, from our Charity Children’s First Academy (Anthem HOG’s Designated Charity, in addition to St. Mary’s) thanking us for taking the time last Christmas to sponsor one of the classes. Darlene Sharp has been the lead on this Charity, and we would like her to continue the great job as our liaison to them this year. John Valentine – Membership Officer. John reports that memberships expire at the end of the calendar year. Our report to National HOG goes in at the end of January, so please have your membership paid prior to that, or you will have to be dropped from the Chapter, due to legal reasons, etc. John passed out membership cards, and noted that they have been redesigned, (they look great), and have all kinds if information on them, and are laminated. John informed the membership that we will have elections for the Chapter Board of Directors at this meeting and will take nominations now for two members at large, and two Chapter Officers as the bylaws direct. The Dealership has a permanent position on the board. Nominations are now open: NONMINATIONS FOR MEMBER AT LARGE: Shane Newman Sheldon Britton David (Trey) Norman Devin Ellis Stacy Valentine Jim Cloud NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICERS: John Valentine Jim (Ozzie) Osborn Jean Miller Motion to close Nominations by Jim Swan and seconded by Stacy Valentine. RESULTS OF VOTING FOR BOARD MEMBERS: Shane Newman – Member at large Jim Cloud – Member at large Jim Osborn – Officer Jean Miller – Officer Congratulations to our new board members. And to the Chapter members for taking an active role in our Chapter! Phillip –Buddy Stubbs Marketing – Recap of events Jean Davidson (Grand Daughter of Original Davidson) will be at Phoenix Buddy Stubbs dealership HOG and DOGS next week to meet and greet and sign autographs. There will be a seminar at next month’s HOG and Dogs in Anthem on “Riding Gear Essentials”. Next Month’s H and D at Phoenix Locations will feature “Hot Rods and Harley’s show at Cave Creek Frank Stubbs – Dealership Representative discusses the Bike Fest at Wild Horse Pass and some of the planned events there. Plans are still being finalized at this time and more information will be coming. The Phoenix Location of Buddy Stubbs is paving is dirt lot on the north side of the building and will be offering Rider training by Team Arizona and sanctioned by MSF. They have plans to offer the Harley Davidson Riding Academy programs as soon as they get ap- Page 6 Chapter Chatter proval from Harley. Rory conducts 50/50 Drawing and Gift Certificate Drawing: WINNERS ARE: Amount $82.00 50/50: Certificate Provided by Anthem HD: Connor Watkins (Guest) George Sherman Motion to close meeting by Rory Kraft, Seconded by Jim Swan. Meeting was adjourned at 11:03 AM Respectfully submitted Jeff Feldstein – Secretary Anthem HOG #2376 Ride to Casa Grande: Jan 11, 2014 Road Captain: Rory Photos by: George Sherman (“Sherm”) February 14, 2014 Page 7 Kim Kuharske: Activities Officer Hello Everyone! I’d like to introduce myself as the new Activities Officer for Anthem HOG! I am new to the chapter. I have been with Anthem’s sister Chapter 93 as Activities Officer for two years and going. I decided to take on both Chapters. The best part of being an Officer is getting to know everybody. I have been riding on the back of my dad’s 1979 Super-glide since I was 10 years old in Wisconsin. I was finally able to convince my husband three years ago to purchase a Harley. We now own a 2006 Ultra Classic and 2001 Dyna Low Rider. I have been riding with my husband, Dean and I have seen more of Arizona in the last three years then I have in the 26 years I have lived here. I really enjoy meeting everyone on the rides, meetings and rallies. My husband, Dean just bought me a 2004 Sportster 1200 Roadster.I am going to the Basic rider class on March 22-23rd, and then I will be the pilot! Please feel free to contact me with any questions I am always available to help Kim Kuharske Activities Officer [email protected] 602-465-8549 Merri Joe Ellis: Ladies of Harley Hello Everyone! I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself as the new Ladies of Harley Officer for Anthem HOG! I have been a member of the chapter since April 2013 and my husband, Devin, and I enjoy the chapter very much! My love affair with motorcycles really began one cold Christmas morning in 1977 when Santa brought a skinny little 7 year old girl a brand new black and chrome 5HP Ruttman Ugly® minibike! Born and raised in Michigan, I transplanted to Arizona in 1999, after attending a training class in 1997, and fell in love with the landscape and the weather and have never looked back! Today my loves have come together as I ride on the back of my husband’s 2009 Road King. We take in as much road as we can! I’m amazed at the ever-changing beauty of the southwest and hope to soon enjoy those views from my very own bike. I am taking classes through T.E.A.M Arizona to learn to ride and will have my license in March of this year. I love the freedom motorcycling brings and the Zen-like state of having the wind on my face. I have passed this passion for riding on to my two beautiful children and hope to share my love of motorcycling with my grandson when he gets a bit older. For now, I’m focused on being a good student and plan to practice my new skills A LOT! If anyone is interested in doing the Basic Rider's course with me, we have arranged for a private class just for HOG members and even secured a discount! We will have a range reserved for up to Page 8 Chapter Chatter LOH Cont’d 8 people on March 22-23 from 8:30-5:30 each day. The course will be held at the Glendale Community College location of TEAM Arizona but the registration is listed as Gilbert (they will move us once the class is full). If you are interested, please click the following link to see the schedule page. To register: CLICK HERE and then click the registration icon on the left. Enter/Apply the promo code HOG93BRC and it will reduce the price from $289 to $240. Then complete the form and submit the registration. Remember, if you are a HOG National member this class also qualifies for a $50 rebate from Harley-Davidson once you successfully pass the course! I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to come out and learn to ride or just brush up on your skills!! Email me at [email protected] and let me know if you are planning to attend!! I look forward to serving you and the chapter in the year ahead! Ride to Filly’s Roadhouse. January 26, 2014 Road Captain: Devin Elllis Photos by: George Sherman (“Sherm”) February 14, 2014 Ride to Oracle: February 1, 2014 Road Captain: Rory Kraft Photos by: George Sherman (“Sherm”) On Sunday February first 11 members of Anthem HOG rode to The Oracle Patio Café for lunch. The day was partly cloudy and on the cool side considering the way temperatures had run during January but no rain in the forecast. All in all about perfect riding weather. Page 9 Page 10 Chapter Chatter February 14, 2014 Page 11 Page 12 Chapter Chatter Anthem, AZ H.O.G. Chapter 2376 Buddy Stubbs Anthem Harley-Davidson 41715 N. 41st Drive Anthem, AZ 85086 623-465-1122 / Web Site: Email: [email protected] Live to Ride-Ride to Live " Who We Are: Chartered in September, 2009, Anthem HOG Chapter 2376 is sponsored by Buddy Stubbs Anthem Harley-Davi dson. The Anthem HOG Chapter meets at 10:00 a.m . on the 3rd Saturday of every month at the Buddy Stu bbs Anthem dealership. The Buddy Stubbs dea lership is located at 41715 North 41st Drive nea r the Anthem Way exit of I-17. Visitors are always welcomed. Come on by. We currently have approxima tely 120 members. Ours is one of the newer cha pters in the valley. The chapter has designated St. Mary’s Food Bank and Children First Academy as the charities actively supported by the membership . We are a chapter that rides often, where kno wledge and skills in safe motorcycling are gained as we forge long-lasting friendships along the way. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you.
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