Wendy L. Prater - Galveston/Houston
Wendy L. Prater - Galveston/Houston
BISHOP ODIN NEWS NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID TOMBALL, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 58 Published Monthly Knights of Columbus Council No. 2917 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022-3535 Phone: 713-694-2341 http://www.kofc2917.org June 2015 Vol. 34, Issue 6 COUNCIL OFFICERS, COMMITTEEMEN & OTHERS Council Chaplain Assistant Chaplain Ladies Auxiliary Chaplain Chaplain CDA Court #1750 District Deputy—District #75 Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Financial Secretary Treasurer Advocate Warden Lecturer Inside Guard Outside Guard Outside Guard Trustee Trustee Trustee Family Director Council Director Youth Director Pro-Life Program Director Rosary Team Captain Rosary Team Leader Senior Club President V.A. Hospital Chairman NorthSide Columbus Club President K of C insurance A-F K of C insurance G-K K of C insurance L-P K of C insurance Q-Z Bowling President President Ladies Auxiliary Catholic Daughters Regent Manager, Northside Columbus Club (hall rentals) Editor, Bishop Odin News Rev. Clint Ressler 713-692-9123 Deacon Will Hunter 713-805-8582 Rev. Alberto Zanatta 281-447-6381 Rev. Msgr. James L. Golasinski 713-222-2289 David Keating [email protected]. 281 890-2474 Joseph Earthman 713-562-0501 Shawn Reichhardt [email protected] 832-865-9485 Floyd Supercinski 713-861-6725 William Selvaggi 832-725-8514 Benny Okruhlik, PGK, FDD 281-353-5892 Jeffrey Kasowski 713-868-8093 Brett Owens 979-324-5099 Mark Demny [email protected] 713-444-9861 Brian Kubiak [email protected] 281-541-4282 Edward Tobola 713-899-4211 Antonio Saenz 713-691-1604 Jose Limas 713-681-4481 Jim Descant 713-862-3390 Dominic Psencik, PGK, PFN, FDD 713-682-4413 Michael Kloss 832-443-7213 John Buck 713-398-6196 Don Christen 713-628-8177 Miguel Navarro 713-862-5650 John Fox 713-682-5244 James E. Urbanovsky, PGK, PFN 713-861-6347 Benny Okruhlik, PGK, FDD 281-353-5892 Angie Heinrich 713-683-8417 Anton Swiech 713-697-6846 John Buck 713-398-6196 David Walsh [email protected] 832-512-0326 Daryl Van Keuhlen [email protected] 281-615-2618 Mark Deaton [email protected] 281-381-1366 Jose R. Oviedo [email protected] 832-910-5061 Harold Fenn 713-818-0430 Kelly Clawson 713-869-2018 Carol Mitschlatis 832-498-8495 Mickie Wendt 713-694-2341 Kathy Bronikowski ([email protected]) 281-356-3535 Wendy L. Prater ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills Powers of Attorney Probate Family Law Divorce Child Support Name Changes 713-802-9171 1919 North Loop West, Suite 490 Houston, Texas 77008 [email protected] www.praterlaw.com Bishop Odin Council 2917 - Knights of Columbus 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022 Joe Earthman, Grand Knight http://www.kofc2917.org Grand Knight’s Message Joe Earthman Brother Knights! I want to thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your Grand Knight for the past two fraternal years. It has been a sincere pleasure serving 2917. As I bid farewell as your Grand Knight, I have just one last proposal! In order to show our KC brothers that we practice what we preach, I am inviting the first 100 members of 2917 who pledge to donate $250 or more to the Rev. Joseph Fiorenza Priest Retirement Home at St. Dominic Village to a catered BBQ lunch (and of course a few cold ones) at our Earthman family bay house on Tiki Island at the end of this summer, 2015. It is my way of thanking you! There’s a catch though (there’s always a catch or two or three, really). In order for this celebration to take place, a few stipulations must be met. One, pledges must be in no later than June 30, 2015, my last day as Grand Knight. Two, if you have already donated, thank you, thank you, thank you, but this is only for new pledges (so please consider another!). Three, and this is the BIG ONE….. It’s all or nothing. We must hit the 100 member pledge or no beach party. All pledge cards, whether we hit 100 or not will of course be sent in regardless. Why all or nothing? Because it is my desire that those who plan to donate encourage other Brother Knights to donate as well. Ladies Auxiliary and CDA, this is for you too! One guest per pledge. To give you an idea how easy this is: A $250 pledge spread out over 3 years is only $6.94/month! That’s the price of a pint of delicious St. Arnold’s Lawnmower Ale (my favorite, hint). Surely you can sacrifice one beer for our priests! This is the time for individual Brother Knights to get off the bench, stand at the plate, and knock a homerun! Once all of the pledges are in, a date will be set for the celebration! Sincerely gentlemen, thank you and may God bless you, your family and our beloved Order. Phone: 713-694-2341 Fax: 713-694-2342 A Monthly Publication June 2015 (Vol. 34, No. 6) Co-Chaplain’s Message Deacon Will Hunter Trusting in the Lord Former President Ronald Reagan uttered the famous phrase “trust but verify.” That phrase might be of immense use to humanity as we cannot be trusted consistently. Humanity has too many emotional, religious, personal and psychological imperfections that cause us to lie to others and to ourselves. That phrase cannot be applied to the Lord and his will for us because the Lord is trustworthy beyond our understanding. There has always been an inherent desire for humanity not to trust one another since the beginning of humanity on earth. Trust is a virtue that must be earned with hard work and dedication to the task given to each of us. The task of carrying out the will of God should always be first and foremost in our minds and in our hearts. Yet it is our own free will which leads us to stray away from God and break the bonds of trust with our brothers and sisters. Once we have broken the bonds of trust with each other, all manner of deceit and judgment creeps into our hearts, thus moving us further away from the love and teachings of God. Because of our mistrust in ourselves and each other, we view God through the same myopic lens of trust – trust but verify. It is God who trusts us with spiritual, religious and material wealth that we have not earned but readily accept. Yet we are reticent to pick up the cross fashioned by God for us to carry because of our lack of trust in God. Trusting in God begins with our desire to succumb to his will for us. This is the start of strengthening our relationship with him. Readily give back to God that which he has so magnanimously given to us so that our bond of trust with God can be forged in the crucible of sacrifice and forgiveness. By gaining the trust of God this way, we strengthen the bond of trust with each other without needing to verify. ATTENDANCE PRIZE WINNER! First name drawn at the May council meeting was Brother Kenneth W. Winkler, 2nd name was Brother Joe A. Balazar and the final name drawn was Brother Robert J. Jackowski. Since there was no winner, next month’s prize amount will be $150.00. Please plan to attend the June meeting. Social and meal from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m., meeting at 7:00 p.m. and the attendance prize drawing at the conclusion of the meeting. Next Officers’ meeting is Wednesday, June 3 at 7:00 p.m. Next Council meeting is Monday, June 8 at 7:00 p.m. Dinner served from 6:00-6:40 p.m. Next North Side Columbus Club meeting is Wednesday, June 17 at 7:00 p.m. Next work day is Saturday, June 20 Congratulations to Brother Jimmie Dziedzic, winner of the Grand Knight giveaway at the May meeting. North Side Columbus Club Floyd Rekieta, Secretary The NSCC will be having elections for board members and board officers at the June Council meeting. Please consider running for the board. Brother Knights running for Council Officers 2015-2016 Grand Knight Open Deputy Grand Knight Shawn Reichhardt Chancellor Floyd Supercinski John Buck, Knight of the Month for April. Recorder Joseph J. Earthman Jose & Irma Limas, Family of the Month for April. Treasurer Open Advocate Jim Descant Warden Mark Demny Inside Guard Open Outside Guard Antonio Saenz Outside Guard Jose Limas Trustee Anthony Zuccarini Bingo Every Friday Early Bird Bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. and regular Bingo starts at 7:30. Come out and enjoy a game of Bingo! COUNCIL ELECTIONS June 8 Please come out and vote! Deadline for the July newsletter is June 16. North Side Columbus Club John Buck, President Thank you to the following Brother Knights who came out for the May Saturday workday: Billy Hoffart, Bennie Bronikowski, Ben Kaminski, Sergio Espino, John Buck. Thank you also to Lydia Clifton for her help. We are in need of people to help set up and clean the halls for rentals. This is a paying job. If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact John Buck at 713-398-6196. The next visitations are: July 5 September 13 November 22 December 27 Please contact Brother Anton Swiech, our VA Chairman, at 713-697-6846 if you are able to visit. Family Director DOMINO RESULTS Moon Tournament Winners for May 4 1st place: Charlie Heinrich 2nd place: Angie Heinrich 3rd place: Floyd Rekieta Next Moon Tournament is June 1 SENIOR CLUB The next meeting is scheduled for June 9 We will have hot dogs. Everyone is asked to bring a dessert. Rental of Council 2917 facilities are available for Wedding Receptions, Company Events, Quinceanera’s, Birthday Parties, Christmas Parties, Graduation Celebrations, etc. For details contact Mickie Wendt, hall manager 713-694-2341. John Buck Our Summer Fling tickets are now on sale. This is our big council fundraiser. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, August 22. Only 350 tickets will be sold. Don’t wait too long to purchase your ticket. Each year we sell out earlier than the previous year. Please see the flyer in this newsletter for more information. On Saturday, June 6, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is having a Crawfish Boil, Zydeco dance and car show at our hall. Please come out and support this worthwhile cause. Please see the flyer in this newsletter for more information. Also, the Catholic Daughters Court Christ the King will be having their annual Games Party and Luncheon on June 16. Please see flyer in this newsletter for more information. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Next meeting is June 2 The court will provide the chicken and the members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. If anyone is interested in joining the Catholic Daughters, please call Carol Mitschlatis at 832-498-8495. Please support our advertisers. Knights of Columbus Council 2917 Summer Fling Dinner, Dance & Raffle Saturday, August 22, 2015 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas $13,000 given away in 23 prizes $100 donation per ticket - only 350 tickets will be sold Each ticket entitles admission for two to dinner & dance. 1st Prize…..$5,000 2nd Prize…. $1,000 3rd Prize…. $1,000 4th Prize…. $ 500 5th Prize…. $ 500 6th Prize…. $ 500 7th Prize…. $ 500 8th Prize…. $ 400 9th Prize.... $ 400 10th Prize…. $ 300 11th Prize…. $ 300 12th Prize…. $ 300 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd Prize….. $300 Prize….. $200 Prize….. $200 Prize….. $200 Prize….. $200 Prize….. $200 Prize...... $200 Prize….. $200 Prize….. $200 Prize….. $200 Prize….. $200 All prizes paid in Visa Gift Cards - Winner responsible for all taxes Music will be provided by the Red Ravens Polka Band Additional dinner tickets are available for $10.00 each and additional dance tickets are available for $10.00 each Doors open at 4:00 p.m. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dance is from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. To purchase a $100 ticket, please call Brother Ed Okonski @ 281-433-6835. Pro-Life Program Director John Fox The Priest Retirement Home pledges by Archdiocesan Brother Knights as of May 1, 2015 total $273,497, 55% of the $500,000 goal. Last month the total was $261,097. With the construction completion scheduled for September, 2015 we have been asked to accelerate our efforts in reaching the overall goal. Thanks to a donation of $5,000 from the North Side Columbus Club, the council made a commitment pledging $10,000 toward the campaign by adding $2,000 for a total payment of $7,000 and pledge of $1,500 in each of the next two fraternal years. For this generous pledge Council 2917 will be recognized on a permanent plaque/marker at the retirement center. Adding $15,375 pledged by 12 Brother Knights to the council’s pledge, Council 2917’s total pledge as of May1, 2015, is $25,375, leading all councils in the Archdiocese. Special “thanks” are in order to the council and 12 Brother Knights for taking the lead in rewarding our retired priests with a comfortable home to live out their retirement years. While the Archdiocesan Chapter has asked all councils to make their pledges, the emphasis is that all Brother Knights make their individual pledges. We believe there are many more Council 2917 Brothers who have the means to make a commitment and we encourage each one of you to make your pledge. Please note in the Grand Knight’s Message, our Worthy Grand Knight’s incentive offer asking for a $250 pledge from 100 Knights and rewarding them with a BBQ dinner at the Earthman Beach Home on Tiki Island. What a generous offer to recognize a successful campaign by hosting a celebration of appreciation. Take advantage of this offer! Thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for providing refreshments for our April Rosary. Our next Rosary will be on June 22 at 7:00 p.m. ******************* Please join us in praying the Rosary at St. Rose of Lima Church any Thursday at 11:00 a.m. in the small chapel to your right as you enter the Church. ******************* Join The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants in a Peaceful Prayer, Mass and Rosary on Saturday, June 20 - Mass, 8:15 a.m. St. Anne Church 2140 Westheimer, Houston TX, 77098 Rosary in front of Houston Women’s Clinic 4820 San Jacinto Remember to adhere to Archdiocesan Guidelines for presence at an abortion clinic. Just as a reminder, like the council chose to pay the pledge over 3 years, a pledge form can be sent in without any payment with an option to make payments monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually spread over 3 years. Pledge forms are available on the Galveston-Houston Chapter website @ ghkofc.org by clicking on “Priest Retirement Center Campaign Center Form.” If you would rather get a form from us, just give me a call and I will get a pledge card delivered to you. FOURTH DEGREE NEWS Again, our sincere appreciation goes to the Council, North Side Columbus Club, and Brother Knights who have made pledges and to those that will shortly. The Knights of Columbus motto has for many years been “that we serve and stand in solidarity with our priests and bishops” and that includes not only the years they serve our parishes but also in their retirement. Here we have an opportunity not only to “talk the talk, but walk the walk.” Please make your pledge today! Assemble 9:15 AM 3rd floor, Cathedral Center. Mass begins at 10:00 AM. District Full Regalia Turn Out James Urbanovsky, PGK, PFN Tel: 713-861-6347 GOAL 100% $500,00 90% 80% 60% 06/06/2015: Priestly Ordination, His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, main celebrant. Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral. 06/14/2015: Assembly #1094 Annual Awards Banquet. Held at the Cathedral Centre on the 4th floor. Starting at 1:00 PM with dinner served at 3:00 PM. 11/01/2015: VA Visitation $250,00 40% 12/27/2015: VA Visitation Sir Knight Leonard P. Kasowski Msgr. Wilhelm Assembly Liaison Cell: 713-206-1318 [email protected] 30% 20% 10% 0% Here is a list of upcoming turnouts: 08/02/2015: VA Visitation 70% 50% Sir Knights: $0 Please pray for our sick: Richard R. Barrow James T. Koteras Robert L. Okonski Gilbert L. Koteras Kerry L. Von Arb Eugene J. Bielamowicz Carl W. Bayer Gabriel G. Navarro Raymond J. Kotzur Carl W. Ferraro Robert Rivera James R. Dziedzic Jude A. Borski Donald G. De Simone George D. Helmer Eugene E. Johnson Mark J. Derkowski J. Gregory Keys John C. Markowski Robert L. Dirzanowski Stanley J. Twardowski Ismael S. Jalamo Daniel T. O’Neil Donald R. Kubiak Guadalupe N. Gonzalez Daniel R. Eureste George H. Mendel Charles E. Amos, Sr. John R. Klesel Craig S. Hablinski Angelo J. Cassaro Garry G. Lewandowski June 1 June 1 June 1 June 3 June 3 June 5 June 6 June 6 June 7 June 9 June 9 June 11 June 12 June 12 June 12 June 13 June 15 June 15 June 15 June 16 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June 23 June 23 June 24 June 24 June 28 June 30 June 30 Brother Daniel Zissa Brother August (Gus) Sivcoski Brother Jim Golick Brother John A. Dziedzic father of Brother Jimmy Brother Al Kainer Brother Jose Limas Brother Don & Joann Psencik Brother Edmund Gorka Donil Rodriguez, sister of Brother Doel Augusto Rodriguez Jeanett Murski, wife of Brother Robert Mickie Wendt, wife of Brother David Helen Brezina, mother-in-law of Brother Dennis Kubiak Gertrude Kubiak, mother of Brother Dennis Isabella Kubiak, daughter of Brother Brian & Celina Kubiak IN MEMORIAM: Brother Larry A. Gregory, age 69, passed away on May 5, 2015, after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was a wonderful husband, brother, uncle and a caring friend. He will be greatly missed. Larry worked for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company for 28 years, retiring in 1991. He then joined Phelps State Farm Insurance agency in 1992, and remained employed with them until the time of his death. He is preceded in death by his parents, Anthony and Rose Gregory; and his mother and father-in-law, Onie and Edmund Bender. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; brother, Donald A. Gregory and his wife Gail; sister-in-law, Florence Parker; nieces, Lora Hoke and Amanda Munk; nephews, David Parker and Nathan Gregory; and many great nieces and nephews. Brother Damacio Garza Sosa, born on February 27, 1928, passed away February 27, 2015. He leaves to cherish his memory: Jane DeLuna & husband Richard, Teresa Fierros & husband Dionicio, Betty Sosa, Lucy Nava, Josie Sosa, Jess Sosa & wife Angie, Jerry Sosa & wife Annita, Johnny Sosa & wife Sara; brother, Leandro Sosa; sisters: Margaret Casarez & husband Carlos, Mary Sosa; along with numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren and other loving family & friends. Brother William W. "Bill" Woods, Sr., age 70, passed away on January 5, 2015. Bill was born on October 18, 1944 in Houston, TX to William & Dollie Woods. He was very involved in many organizations throughout his life, as the Medical Safety Director for Hughes Tool, the President of the Hughes Tool Local Union 1742, a member of the Knights of Columbus, a lifetime member of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, & a dedicated member of St. Theresa Catholic Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, & sister, Brenda Byles. He leaves behind to cherish his memory his son, William Warren Woods Jr., daughter; Jennifer Woods Kubenka & husband, Darrell; grandchildren, Sloan Adelynn Kubenka, & Avery Steele Kubenka; & his former wife, Patricia Ann (San Felipe) Woods. Please remember these Brother Knights and their families in your prayers. Especially: Shawn Hrncir, son of Brother Bob Hrncir. William Wayne Sony, Army 1st Cavalry stationed at Ft. Hood, son of Brother Don and Paula Sony. Brother Zach Kloss, son of Brother Mike and Jan Kloss. Names on our “Sick Prayer List" will appear in our newsletter for 3 months, after which they will be removed unless notification is received to have the name remain. Please contact Brother Floyd Supercinski, Chancellor, at 713-861-6725 if you would like to add anyone or have the name remain on our prayer list. Also contact Brother Floyd if you know of a Brother Knight confined to his home or a nursing home that would like to be visited by his Brother Knights. Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Christ the King #1750 Tuesday, June 16, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Hall 607 East Whitney Street Houston, Texas 77022 BBQ chicken & sausage with all the trimmings including drink and dessert for $10! Served from noon to 1:00 p.m. Please buy your luncheon tickets in advance by calling Betty Taylor at 713-462-6777 or Rosalie Lobpries at 713-695-0442. Limited tickets will be sold at the door on the day of the party. Everyone is invited! Make plans to attend and bring your friends. Play your favorite games! Raffle, Silent Auction, Mini-Raffle For additional information contact Pat Koteras at 713 -864-4490 Every Friday night members of the Ladies Auxiliary volunteer their time to work in the kitchen for Bingo. The money these ladies made in the last 2 years (2012-2014), in the name of the Ladies Auxiliary, has been donated to the organizations below. If you read the Ladies Auxiliary article in the monthly newsletter, you will notice it is basically the same ladies working each week. Please consider donating about 3 hours of your time, once a month to help the ladies out. PRAY 4 HOLY SPIRIT Their ministry is to promote “life.” Life from the very first moment of conception. They spread this message through their personal encounters, prayers, brochures, and especially billboards—Take My Hand, Not my life.” SISTERS OF THE INCARNATE WORD & BLESSED SACRAMENT Earline Okruhlik presents a check for $1,000 to Sr. Virginia O’Donnell, CVI Dorothy Urbanovsky presents a $500 check to Cecilia Nguyen founder of PRAY 4 HOLY SPIRIT. DOMINICAN SISTERS CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEART Dorothy Urbanovsky presents a check for $1,000 to Sr. Carol Mayes,OP, Prioress. LIVING HOPE WHEELCHAIR ASSOCIATION The Houston Coalition for Life is a 501c(3) organization which represents dozens of Houston area churches and thousands of individuals dedicated to ending abortion in Houston. Living Hope is an independent, non-profit organization serving people with spinal cord injuries as well as with other disabilities so that they may lead full and productive lives. A $500 donation was given to this organization. NORTH SIDE COLUMBUS CLUB Dorothy Urbanovsky presents a check for $500 to Luke Stuckey, Director of the Houston Coalition for Life. Kathy Bronikowski, Dorothy Urbanovsky, Earline Okruhlik present a check for $7,000 to Brother John Buck, President of NSCC, for 2 years rent for use of the kitchen facilities on Friday night. LADIES' AUXILIARY Kelly Clawson, President Ladies, It's finally here - summer! I am very glad to be able to take a little time to rest and unwind. The end of the school year is very busy for me. Now I can concentrate on my new house and packing up the old. I tried spring cleaning, but didn't get much done. So now it is summer overhaul! I will be a woman on a mission! The Installation of Officers was May 20. We had a nice dinner, installed the new officers, and had a brief meeting. All in all, a good night. I want to thank Sandra Rekieta for serving as our Treasurer for the past 2 years. She did an awesome job and kept me in line! I'd like to thank my new officers for taking on the many tasks that they do. Vice-President: Lydia Clifton, Secretary: Theresa Burkett, and Treasurer: Kathy Bronikowski. My hope is that all of our members will be very supportive of us this term. We voted to purchase 2 mini-raffle items for the Summer Fling. So sometime I will take a break and do a little shopping! Our next meeting will be July 15 at 11:30 am. We voted to have salads, sandwiches, etc. for our lunch. So start thinking about what you want to bring. I can't wait, I always get new recipes! Ladies Auxiliary Bingo will be Friday June 19. Let's show up to support the Knights. Thanks to the Bingo kitchen workers for April: Dorothy Urbanovsky, Earline Okruhlik, Mickie Wendt, Theresa Burkett, Delores Tobola, Kathy Bronikowski. Another big thank you to all the bakers: Earline Okruhlik, Dorothy Urbanovsky, Sandra Rekieta, Bobbie Clark, Angie Heinrich, Delores Tobola, Kathy Bronikowski Stay cool and enjoy your summer! Ladies’ Auxiliary Bingo Night Out Friday, June 19 Left to right: Kathy Bronikowski, Secretary; Theresa Burkett, Treasurer; GK Brother Joe Earthman; Lydia Clifton, Vice-President; Kelly Clawson, President. June 1 June 3 June 5 June 8 June 9 June 12 June 17 June 19 June 20 June 22 June 26 June 27 June 29 July 1 July 3 July 4 July 6 July 10 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 17 July 18 July 24 July 25 July 27 July 31 Moon Domino Tournament Officers’ Meeting BINGO ELECTION NIGHT Council Meal at 6 p.m./Meeting at 7 p.m. Senior Citizens BINGO North Side Columbus Club Meeting BINGO (Ladies Auxiliary Night Out) Council Work Day Pro-Life Rosary (Catholic Daughters) BINGO Cajun Dance - Roemer Hall Moon Domino Tournament Officers’ Meeting BINGO Happy 4th of July! Moon Domino Tournament BINGO Council Meal at 6 p.m./Meeting at 7 p.m. Senior Citizens North Side Columbus Club Meeting BINGO (Ladies Auxiliary Night Out) Council Work Day BINGO Cajun Dance - Roemer Hall Pro-Life Rosary (Ladies Auxiliary) BINGO 8 spaces at Earthman Resthaven Cemetery, section 20 with monument privilege. Great prices. Cash only. Contact Delores at 281-516-7281. Andy McClosky Manager [email protected] Parker Lumber Commercial Buffaloe Floor Covering, Inc. 3831 Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 www.parkerlumber.net 713-694-6658 fax 713-694-2682 cell 281-850-7650 7103 Airline Dr. Houston, TX 77076 Residential Bill A. Boyd, D.D.S Family Dentistry 3803 SHERWOOD LANE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77092 TELEPHONE (713) 686-4885 RONNIE KRISTYNIK 713-686-3589 www.buffaloefloorcovering.com [email protected] Member KC 2917 Injured in an accident? call: DeSIMONE LAW OFFICES 3120 S.W. Freeway, Suite 555 Houston, Texas 77098 Phone: 713-526-0900 Fax: 713-526-8041 [email protected] www.DeSimoneLawoffice.com Farmer’s, a trusted name for over 30 years. Farmer’s Home Maintenance Russell (Rusty) Farmer Owner 3610 Ascot Lane Houston, Texas 77092 associates Dora E. Cantu M.D. board certified ophthalmologist - diseases and surgery of the eye office fax 713-681-2420 1740 West 27th St. Suite 180 ( 713 . 864 . 8652 ) ( 613 . 754 . 2755 ) Houston TX 77008 RE-INSULATE YOUR ATTIC NOW! Residential & Commercial Cooling & Heating Sales Service Installation TACLA001607E David Pawlowski Phone: (713) 957-8746 Fax: (713) 957-0246 3600-B Pinemont Houston, TX 77018 SIR KNIGHT LEONARD P. KASOWSKI, CPA BROTHER KNIGHT JEFFREY P. KASOWSKI INCOME TAX ● BOOKKEEPING ● QUARTERLYS ● NOTARY INDIVIDUALS ● PARTERSHIPS ● CORPORATIONS ● ESTATES 527 West 19th St. ● (713) 868-8093 ● CELL (713) 206-1318 FREE ESTIMATE CALL TODAY Brother Ray Daigle 713-690-7600 FIREPROOF CONTRACTORS, INC.
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Published Monthly
Knights of Columbus Council No. 2917
607 East Whitney Street
Houston, Texas 77022-3535
Phone: 713-694-2341
July 2016
Vol. 35, Issue 7