August Bailing Wire


August Bailing Wire
2016 Officers
Glenn Phillips
[email protected]
Mike Todd
[email protected]
News Letter for July 2016
Brian Hamlet
[email protected]
Cathy O’Connell
[email protected]
Teasa M. Gonzales
[email protected]
LeAnn Hoffmann
[email protected]
Misty Rushing
[email protected]
Gilbert Camou
[email protected]
Geno Hamrick
[email protected]
Dave Allen [email protected]
[email protected]
Shauna Manina (707) 249-5846
[email protected]
What is A.B.A.T.E.?
What we are all about:
ABATE is a motorcyclists’ rights organization
(not a club) dedicated to preserving freedom of
choice and freedom of the road, with emphasis
on education and safety.
Our members are active in programs
for public awareness and motorcycle safety, and
in supporting many types of charity events.
Included with an ABATE membership are a sew
on patch, membership card, and our monthly
newsletter, THE BAILING WIRE. Which comes
from the State office and the Local Newsletter
from each local.
There are no special requirements for joining
aside from an interest in promoting
motorcyclists’ rights and safety with payment of
the appropriate fees.
Subscribe to the ABATE discussion group: go to; hover over “About ABATE” and click on (next to
bottom) ABATE Discussion Group; read and follow then put in your email address Voila!
Legislation of Interest in California
Hit-and-run incidents - Gatto signed by Governor- This bill authorizes a law enforcement agency to issue
a Yellow Alert if a person has been killed or has suffered serious bodily injury due to a hit-and-run incident and
the law enforcement agency has specified information concerning the suspect or the suspect’s vehicle. The bill
would authorize the Department of the California Highway Patrol to activate a Yellow Alert within the
requested geographic area upon request if it concurs with the law enforcement agency that specified
requirements are met.
AB 8 -
AB 51 - Lane Splitting - Quirk (2-year bill) - This bill would authorize a motorcycle that has 2 wheels in
contact with the
ground to be driven between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane if the speed of traffic is 30
miles per hour or less motorcycle is not driven at a speed of more than 50 miles per hour and the motorcycle is
driven no more than 10 15 miles per hour faster than the speed of traffic.
AB 334 - Anti-Profiling - Cooley (2-year bill)- This bill would require the Commission on Peace Officer
Standards and Training to ensure that the profiling of motorcycle riders is addressed in the course of basic law
enforcement training and offered to law enforcement officers in conjunction with existing training regarding
profiling. The bill would require all local law enforcement agencies to adopt a written policy designed to
condemn and prevent the profiling of motorcycle riders.
SB 34 - Automated license plate recognition systems: use of data, Hill - authorizes the Department of the
California Highway Patrol to retain license plate data captured by license plate recognition (LPR) technology,
also referred to as an automated license plate recognition (ALPR) system, for not more than 60 days unless the
data is being used as evidence or for the investigation of felonies.
AB 222 - Vehicle Registration – Achadjian- prohibits the disclosure of the home addresses of certain public
employees and officials, including an employee of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division
of Juvenile Facilities or the Prison Industry Authority, that appear in records of the Department of
Motor Vehicles, except to a court, a law enforcement agency, an attorney in a civil or criminal action under
certain circumstances, and certain other official entities.
AB 346 - proof of identity including full face examination -Wilk signed by Governor. This bill would
additionally require that the arrested person be taken immediately before a magistrate if he or she fails to
present both his or her driver’s license or other evidence of identity and an unobstructed view of his or her full
face for examination.
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is statutorily responsible for California's official motorcycle safety
training program. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Sections 2930-2935, the CHP administers the CMSP
through a primary contractor, currently Total Control Training Inc.
The CHP strongly encourages all motorcycle riders to sign up for the CMSP, which is administered by the CHP
as California's official motorcycle safety and training program. The Program offers courses for new and
experienced riders. “If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to
live under the rule of fools.” ~ Plato (428-347 BC)
Important Political Stuff!
Jim Lombardo, ABATE Lobbyist, Tomasa Duenas, Assemblyman Bill Quirk's Chief of Staff,
discussing AB51 game plan. Working for US
Hot off the Press
AB51 Senate Transportation Committee Hearing held on 6/14/16
AB51 was heard today as rewritten. Please visit this site and enter AB51 to see as
written ( Please also see attachment of the bill as presented today.
The bill passed unanimously today! Bill support presentations were made by authors
Assemblyman Bill Quirk and Assemblyman Lackey with further testimony from ABATE lobbyist
Jim Lombardo, AMA representative Nicholas Harris, and two insurance agencies. Further
support was voiced from Glenn Phillips ABATE State Board Chairman / ABATE Local 17
President, Ruby Weber MMA Liaison and William (Sporty) Milligan ABATE Board Membership
Director. Next steps are the appropriation committee within two weeks for fiscal impact
costs and then back to the Assembly on the Senates amendments and then to the Governor for
signature. Please attend this Sunday's membership meeting for further details.
Below is the Bill as presented. Please read carefully.
Notice: This is an updated version as of 6/15/2016 @8:49 Pm
Senator Jim Beall, Chair 2015 - 2016
Bill No:
AB 51
Quirk, Lackey
Consultant: Erin Riches
Hearing Date:
SUBJECT: Vehicles: motorcycles: lane splitting.
DIGEST: This bill authorizes the California Highway Patrol (CHI)) to develop educational guidelines on lane splitting, the
practice whereby motorcycles drive between two rows of stopped or moving cars in the same lane.
Existing law:
l) Authorizes the state Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and local authorities to prohibit or restrict the use of
freeways, expressways, or any portion thereof, in their respective jurisdictions by pedestrians, bicycles, or other
non-motorized traffic or by any person operating a motor-driven cycle, motorized bicycle, or motorized scooter.
Directs slow-moving vehicles to use the right-hand lane and authorizes Caltrans to designate a certain lane or lanes for
slow-moving traffic.
Generally requires vehicles to drive on the right half of the roadway and to pass slower traffic on the left.
Requires, when a roadway has been divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one direction, that a
vehicle be driven entirely within a single lane to the extent feasible.
This bill:
Defines "lane splitting" as driving a motorcycle between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane, including
both divided and undivided streets, roads, or highways.
Authorizes the CI--IP to develop educational guidelines on lane splitting to help ensure the safety of motorcyclists as well
as drivers and passengers of surrounding vehicles.
Requires the CI-IP, in developing the guidelines, to consult with agencies and organizations with an interest in road safety
and motorcycle behavior, including but not limited to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the Department of
Transportation (Caltrans), the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), and a motorcycle organization focused on motorcycle safety.
Purpose. The author states that existing law is silent on lane splitting.
Although the posted lane-splitting guidelines on its website in early 2013 it soon had to withdraw them (see background
below). The lack of guidelines has forced the CHP to curtail education and outreach efforts on lane splitting and has
created confusion for both motorcyclists and drivers. Because statute does not specifically prohibit lane splitting, it is
allowed with no restrictions. The author states that there are several practical reasons for allowing a motorcycle to lane
split under certain conditions: motorcycles have no air bags, cooling mechanism, or cages, and motorcyclists are at a
lower visibility to other drivers when traveling on highly congested roads. Although many motorcyclist’s lane split safely
and only in slow traffic conditions, others do so at unsafe speeds and with no regard for the safety of others. The author
states that this bill will help provide guidance on lane splitting and enable the CHP to renew its education and outreach
on this issue.
CHP guidelines: background. In recognition of the need for guidance on lane splitting, the CHP convened a committee
of traffic safety stakeholders and motorcycle safety experts representing the public, government, private, and academic
communities. The resulting guidelines were posted on the CHP and OTS websites in 2013 and printed in the 2014 DMV
Motorcycle Handbook. However, a complaint was filed with the Office of Administrative Law COAL) claiming that the
guidelines were developed without a public process and were therefore "underground" regulations. The OAL stated that
the CHP had no authority to publish guidelines, so the CHP removed the guidelines from its website and the DMV and
OTS followed suit.
W7aat does the research say? A 2014 study published by UC Berkeley in collaboration with OTS found that lane splitting
can be done safely when a rider is traveling only slightly faster than the surrounding traffic, and that lane splitting
motorcyclists are less likely to be rear-ended than car drivers. A
follow-up study published by UC Berkeley in 2015 found that during lane splitting collisions, head injury occurrence is
low at all motorcycle speeds up to 50 mph and increases markedly above that speed. According to this study, many
motorcyclists do not understand how lane splitting at excessive speed creates unnecessary risk. The study also found
that riders who adopt a 10 mph or 15 mph speed differential practice may reduce their exposure to injury risk.
Opposition arguments. Opponents argue that lane splitting should not be made legal under any circumstances, for a
number of reasons. For example, lane splitting encourages speeding because a motorcyclist must be going faster than
the speed of traffic in order to "split" (pass cars). In addition, lane splitting increases distracted-driving issues because
drivers panic when they are suddenly and unexpectedly passed by a splitting biker, often at high speeds. Opponents
also state that street and highway lanes are built to be occupied by a vehicle, not shared by a vehicle and a motorcycle.
Amended in Senate. The prior version of this bill, as passed by the Assembly, authorized a motorcyclist to lane split if
the motorcycle was driven at a speed of not more than 50 miles per hour and not more than 15 miles per hour faster
than the speed of traffic. After consulting with the CI-IP about the now-defunct guidelines from 2013, the author
amended this bill into its current form.
SB 350 (Beall) of 2013 would have prohibited, with the exception of a peace officer, a motorcycle from passing another
vehicle in a portion of a lane occupied by that vehicle unless certain conditions were met, including that the passing
occurs during traffic congestion and the passing occurs at a safe speed. This bill was never heard because the author
dropped it pending research findings.
Assembly Votes (prior version):
Appr: 16-1
FISCAL EFFECT: Appropriation: No Fiscal Conn.: Yes
POSITIONS: (Communicated to the committee before noon on
Wednesday, June 8, 2016.)
ABATE of California
American Motorcyclist Association
Automobile Club of Southern California Bay Area Riders Forum
City Bike Magazine
Fraternal Order of Police, California State Lodge (prior version)
Lane Splitting Is Legal
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Local: Yes
Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers Association (prior version)
Motorcycle Industry Council
Personal Insurance Federation of California
Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs Association (prior version) Santa Ana Police Officers Association
(prior version)
Stop Lane Splitting (prior version)
4 individuals (prior version)
-- END
Latest Status for AB51
AB51 was heard today as rewritten. Please visit this site and enter AB51 to see as written ( Please also see
attachment of the bill as presented today. The bill passed unanimously today! Bill support presentations were made by authors
Assemblyman Bill Quirk and Assemblyman Lackey with further testimony from ABATE lobbyist Jim Lombardo, AMA representative
Nicholas Harris, and two insurance agencies. Further support was voiced from Glenn Phillips ABATE State Board Chairman / ABATE
Local 17 President, Ruby Weber MMA Liaison and William (Sporty) Milligan ABATE Board Membership Director. Next steps are the
appropriation committee within two weeks for fiscal impact costs and then back to the Assembly on the Senates amendments and
then to the Governor for signature. Please attend this Sunday's membership meeting for further details
Glenn J. Phillips
Things you can do to make a difference.
ABATE of California and All,
Below the line is a form letter that you can distribute to all motorcyclists that you know. Each can use the letter as-is or
copy any part and add their name and address at the end. The goal is for all to send their support of AB51 to the
California Senate Transportation Committee.
AB51 is due to be heard on June 14. Immediate action is required.
Thank you Sporty for doing my leg work and providing the email addresses for the Senate Transportation
Committee. Everyone should click on each link and copy and paste the following letter and send them. Better yet, just
tell them why you want them to support AB51 in your own words.
Chuck Pedersen
State Legislative Director
ABATE or California
Senate Transportation Committee email address.
Senator Jim Beall Chair [email protected]
Senator Anthony Cannella, Vice Chair [email protected]
Senator Benjamin Allen [email protected]
Senator Patricia C. Bates [email protected]
Senator Ted Gaines
[email protected]
Senator Cathleen Galgiani [email protected]
Senator Connie M. Leyva
[email protected]
Senator Mike McGuire
[email protected]
Senator Tony Mendoza
[email protected]
Senator Richard Roth
[email protected]
Senator Bob Wieckowski
[email protected]
The Honorable Bill Quirk
State Capitol Building, Room 2163
Sacramento, CA 95814
RE: AB 51 (Quirk) – SUPPORT
Dear Assembly Member Bill Quirk:
On behalf of ABATE of California, I am writing to inform you of our support for your bill, AB 51 (Lane Splitting:
Educational Guidelines), which will allow for the development of educational guidelines on safe lane splitting practices.
California law is silent on lane splitting. Since current law does not explicitly prohibit it, lane splitting is an accepted
practice. Currently, there are no guidelines or safety standards to guide drivers on how to safely maneuver motorcycles
when lane splitting.
The California Highway Patrol (CHP), with the help of a diverse set of stakeholders (including ABATE of California),
drafted a set of guidelines and posted them on CHP’s website. However, a discrepancy as to whether or not these
guidelines were underground regulations forced CHP to pull the guidelines from its websites. As a result, CHP had to
curtail all education and outreach efforts on lane splitting.
In recognizing the many benefits lane splitting can provide to California motorcyclists’ safety and our overly congested
roads, AB 51will codify lane splitting and provide clarity in statute by stating that the California Highway Patrol; with
input from the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Transportation, the Office of Traffic Safety and our
motorcycle safety organization, has authority to develop educational guidelines on lane splitting.
AB 51 will keep our roads safer and our drivers better educated. ABATE of California supports AB 51 and we look
forward to working with you to ensure its passage.
ABATE of California is a long standing motorcyclists’ rights organization dedicated to preserving freedom of choice and
freedom of the road, with emphasis on education and safety. We offer our future involvement as the lane splitting
guidelines are resurrected and established.
These Gentlemen are the Assemblymen Authors of AB51
Mr. Tom Lackey with James Lombardo and Glenn. One of the Authors of AB51.
Mr. Lackey is from the 36th District, Lancaster / Palmdale
Mr. Bill Quirk, with Glenn and James Lombardo. The Other Author of AB51
Mr. Quirk is from the 20th District, Hayward, Union City, Sunol
June 10, 2016
Hello ABATE member!
After examining all options for conducting a state run (ABATE Golden Rendezvous) this year in Kernville, we have made the
decision that it is not cost effective to go forward with an “official” event. With the cost of paying the promoter, the
insurance, and all of the other costs associated with putting on the state run, we have determined that we could in no way
hope to make money and therefore we have decided to cancel this year’s “official” event.
I have been talking to quite a few of our ABATE members while trying to put together some way to make this event profitable.
Many of us would still like to get together for a good old fashioned "camp-out" on the same scheduled weekend of Sept. 9-11,
2016 at the Frandy Campground location. So here it is - no bands, vendors, or planned activities - just a fun "unofficial"
weekend with our ABATE friends from all over California. You make your own reservations and just show up - no ABATE
sanctions, insurance, or liabilities. We will be just individual Frandy Campground guests and abide by their campground rules.
One of our members has suggested they might be able to find someone willing to cook at their campsite and possibly serve
some liquid "refreshments" to our ABATE members and friends for a small donation. What if we were to have a 50/50 drawing
on Saturday evening for our member's? I guess we might be able to do a raffle too if someone wanted to take it on.
How about just simply passing a "donation bucket" around and raising money from our members and our friends that want to
contribute directly to ABATE of CA?
Remember, the campground will now be open to the general public so don't wait until the last minute to make your
reservation. If you do, you may find that Frandy is full for that weekend and you will be left out of the fun! Visit Frandy
Campground @ to view their site map and to secure your online reservation or call them direct at (888) 3726399 and speak to a "real" person. Hope to see you all there and let's have some good old fashioned camp-out fun!
If you have any comments or questions, please contact me at [email protected]
Dave Hastings
Executive Director
ABATE of California
Minutes of the Meeting
ABATE June Minutes 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Glenn Phillips at 10 am.
The pledge of allegiance was led by Geno.
Roll call of officers was taken and absent were Mike, LeAnne, and Misty.
A motion was made to move this meetings raffle to next month due to both small attendance, and few prizes on
account of today being father's day.
The motion was made by Shauna and a 2nd by Geno.
Another motion was made to skip the reading of last month's meeting due to low turnout today.
Motion made by Shauna, and a 2nd by Geno.
Treasure's report. .... by Cathy
Beg balance =
Revenue =
Expenses =
Ending balance = 6527.92
Net balance =
Motion to accept by Jack, 2nd by Margaret.
Glenn Phillips. AB 1932 (take a motorcycle class instead of online driving course to keep points off your
driving record). The bill was supposed to be heard last Tuesday, but put off until next Tuesday.
AB 51 Lane splitting. The bill did pass last Tuesday unanimously. Next the bill goes to the appropriations
committee to determine costs. Expected to pass.
In this bill, there are no speed restrictions as of now.
The bill will have 4 different groups to oversee and monitor
1. The Office of Traffic Safety
2. DMV
3. The Dept. Of Transportation
4. A Motorcycle Rights Organization.
President Glenn Phillips has made it clear to law makers that he wants ABATE to be that group. (MRO)
Glenn Phillips. Don’t forget about ABATE'S discussion line. This is state wide for ABATE and details how to
participate can be found in our Monthly Newsletter.
Membership. Glenn mentioned we lost 4 business members so we need to do a push for more business
Teasa, our membership coordinator, mentioned she is very close to getting burger city to join.
Teasa then went on to last renewals.
Glen: currently we have 240 members.
RUNS: Glenn said check the board.
Also, he spoke on the subject of safety and reminded everyone that we have had 4 riders in our area die this
year. Be aware out there.
MERCHANDISE with Gilbert:
First he wanted to thank all the volunteers from the Hot Rod and Harley event.
Then Gilbert mentioned a few things available to buy.
MEDIA with Shauna:
The Hot Rods and Harley event went out to 57k homes.
Next, just waiting on information on our upcoming rummage sale.
Glenn: Thanks to the volunteers.
We were 30 bikes and 27 vehicles short this year for car and bike show. Not sure why that is, still trying to
figure this out. With 57 entries short, we missed out on 1140.00 for our event.
The Terry Sheets band was a hit. We will have them back next year.
We will be back in talks to try and get the lot back for parking.
Date 6/24/16 in Fresno
Glenn: Please bring raffle prizes to our meeting. Gift cards are good also.
Glenn: Only 9 state raffle tickets left. Contact him if interested.
Glenn: We will hold the next Texas Hold Em’ Tournament in Anthony Zapata’s name.
Glenn: Sara’s Run will be on Aug. 27th, need help with set up
Glenn: We need a motion for the Poker Tournament to do 20% to the State versus 40%. Sam made a motion
with Dodie on the 2nd. Discussion ensued and ended up with Jim making a motion to table until next month
when more members are available. Pam did the 2nd.
Glenn: On 7/4, there will be the last Pig Roast at Anthony’s house. 6:00pm Be There!
Glenn: There will be the FXR Grudge Race event in Sacramento on 8/20. We need a motion that we are going
to pay to be listed as supporting on the shirts. Jim made the motion, and a 2nd by Bill
Glenn: local 50 out of Eureka, which we absorbed, sent us a letter explaining an opportunity for us to have a
booth at the Bikers By the Bay event in Eureka on 7/9. Glenn plus several others said they would go.
ABATE State Run at Kernville is canceled but, the camping is still on.
It was brought to our attention that today, the day of our meeting, was the 51st Wedding Anniversary for Bill
and Linda Hines.
Jim: Our Rummage Sale is going to be held on 7/23. At 1325 Callen Street, Vacaville.
Glenn: On 7/16, there will be the Cease Fire Run held by The Rough Riders, starts at Iron Steed, with check in
beginning at 9am.
Biker bucks was won by Better Living, a business member out of Concord, who was a no show. Next month’s
amount goes up to $50.00.
Our next meeting is 7/17
Motion to Adjourn made by Jack, with a 2nd by Bill
We adjourned at 10:58
These minutes were prepared by Brian Hamlet.
Lost Friends: Vance Hobart has left us on the Road to Heaven. Please give him
a moment of silence.
Piccadilly Inn Airport –
5115 E. McKinley; Fresno, 92737;
Room Reservations Call 559-375-7760.
$84.00 + tax/night. Includes Breakfast.
Meeting Schedule:
Presidents & State Officers Meeting – 9:00am – 10:00am
PAC Meeting – 10:15am to 11:45 am
Lunch – noon
ABATE Board Meeting – 1:00 p m to conclusion of business
Runs and Events
Parking lot sale for ABATE #17
Saturday July 23, from 8am-2pm
1011 Mason St. Vacaville 95688.
Items on sale will be
Misc. bike stuff,
house hold stuff, misc something for everybody.
Hello ABATE members!
After examining all options for conducting a state run (ABATE Golden Rendezvous) this year in Kernville, we have made the
decision that it is not cost effective to go forward with an “official” event. With the cost of paying the promoter, the
insurance, and all of the other costs associated with putting on the state run, we have determined that we could in no way
hope to make money and therefore we have decided to cancel this year’s “official” event.
I have been talking to quite a few of our ABATE members while trying to put together some way to make this event
profitable. Many of us would still like to get together for a good old fashioned "camp-out" on the same scheduled weekend of
Sept. 9-11, 2016 at the Frandy Campground location. So here it is - no bands, vendors, or planned activities - just a fun
"unofficial" weekend with our ABATE friends from all over California. You make your own reservations and just show up - no
ABATE sanctions, insurance, or liabilities. We will be just individual Frandy Campground guests and abide by their campground
rules. One of our members has suggested they might be able to find someone willing to cook at their campsite and possibly
serve some liquid "refreshments" to our ABATE members and friends for a small donation. What if we were to have a 50/50
drawing on Saturday evening for our member's? I guess we might be able to do a raffle too if someone wanted to take it on.
How about just simply passing a "donation bucket" around and raising money from our members and our friends that want to
contribute directly to ABATE of CA?
Remember, the campground will now be open to the general public so don't wait until the last minute to make your
reservation. If you do, you may find that Frandy is full for that weekend and you will be left out of the fun! Visit Frandy
Campground @ to view their site map and to secure your online reservation or call them direct at (888) 3726399 and speak to a "real" person. Hope to see you all there and let's have some good old fashioned camp-out fun!
If you have any comments or questions, please contact me at [email protected]
Dave Hastings
Executive Director
ABATE of California
If you need to get hold of me my cell 707-208-3174. or [email protected]
Ongoing Monthly Events
3rd Tuesday :
Lords Prospects; Tony’s Restaurant 909 Merchant St, Vacaville
3rd Thursday:
B.R.O. (Biker's Rights Organization) new location is the Legion Hall in Dixon, CA 7:00 Pm
Dirty Whites Club night-748 N Texas 8pm
2nd Friday:
Friday Night with the Red and White-Vallejo clubhouse at 7pm-1801
Eldorado Street, Vallejo
3rd Friday:
Rough Riders Club night at Club Open house House
3rd Sunday:
ABATE 17 meets at Judy’s Wild Wrangler-4823 Midway Rd, Vacaville, CA
If any motorcycle issue is an issue for you.
Join your local ABATE
Go to the local ABATE 17 meetings at
4823 Midway Rd, Vacaville
The 3rd Sunday of every month.
Stand up for your motorcycle rights!!
Things to Think About
We must work to grow ABATE into a strong visible and effective organization. Don’t let negative thoughts lead
your actions, but force positive thoughts and actions to show people that we are still here, still growing, and
still fighting for the rights, privileges and safety of all motorcyclists in California. Utilize the registration form
attached if you have friends that ride and encourage them to join.
Leadership and Direction for A.B.A.T.E. 17
We have been charging forward with our Local. Our Local has been lucky enough to have
someone like Glenn Phillips, who cares deeply, to want to bring this great group of people
together and make a difference in how the Motorcycle Community operates and exists.
Our local has been able to do a lot within our community. It is time for us to share our good
fortune with the rest of the A.B.A.T.E of California Organization. Glenn has accepted the offer
to move up to the State Level of A.B.A.T.E. Glenn is now the Chairman of the Board for
the Whole State of California. This will surely command a lot of his time to drive the State
Organization forward like he has with our local. He is currently also the President of our Local
until the end of the year.
We all need to step forward and support him with the new challenge. It seems necessary to
have all the officers take up the challenge of running the Local through the end of the year. This
will allow Glenn to start picking up the operation of the State Organization and do for it as he
has done for Us.
It is important that the Local look within it’s self for someone to take Glenn’s place in
December for the next year. This will require someone that has the time devote to the Local and
at least maintain what we already have. Hope fully this person will have new ideas that can
make the group continue to grow and develop. Don’t Let what we have now fall back in to
despair. Everyone in the group should take a look at their selves and each other. Get involved
and make a difference. Do something, volunteer and don’t sit on your ass and complain. We
Are A.B.A.T.E., A Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education. Let’s Make a Difference!
Think and decide then think and do. Find more People to join us and be a part of something
Mental Instigation
It is Time to Think about Who will be the Next President of Local 17. Will it be you? Are you
board? Are you retired with nothing to do? Do ya still like to ride? Do ya wanna make a
difference? Do ya want to learn how to run a Spell Checker Program when your typing? Then
get involved. Volunteer for the President position. Or the Vice President. Hell, any of the
positions. We need some new blood in front of the meeting. If you think you can do a better
job, show us how it should be done. Long hours and no Pay. You do this because you want to.
Get Off Your Ass. Get involved. We need you to make us want to try harder.
Getting out and having fun
The bike and Car Show on June 5:
Just a Few of the many Bikes and cars and winners;
The owner drove this Rat rod in, it got a lot of attention.
Terry Sheets Band! They’re Good!
Great People for a Great cause. WARRIORS
These Guys worked in the heat all day. Rough
Hidin’ behind the Mic. Always busy.
Best of Show for Cars / Trucks
Best of Show for Motorcycles
Off Road Membership for ABATE of California
Classified Page: 3 Lines or one picture
If you have something motorcycle related that you want to sell, Contact Glenn or Mike.
Please Show your Support
For Our
A.B.A.T.E. 17 Friends
City Towing & Transport
P. O. Box 1104 Vacaville, CA 9569
(707)448-TOWS (8697)
Tom Zappeta
SINCE 1949
[email protected]
Wheel Lifts
Motorcycle Towing
Off Road Recovery
5th Wheel Trailers
Pull & Gooseneck Trailers
Specialize in Classic Cars
We tow just about
Insurance Billing Available
Lien Sale Hotline
(707) 449-8697
Affordable Hauling &
Tractor Service
Full or Self-Serve Dump
You Load or We Load
Dump Trailer Rental
Yard Waste, Dirt
Brush, Concrete
Property Clean up or
We haul it all!
Clean out
 Front End Loader
 Mowing
 Rototilling
 Disking
 Post Hole Digging
 Weed Eating
 Yard Clean Up
Free Estimates
“One Call, That’s All, We Haul”
Licensed and Insured
Shops and Dealers
Iron Steed Harley Davidson
100 Auto Center Drive
Vacaville, CA 95687 (707)
McGuire Harley Davidson
93 1st Ave North Pacheco,
(925) 945-6500
Star Tech European
23 Union Way Vacaville,
Goods and Services
Affordable Hauling
1325 Callen St. Suite: F Vacaville, CA
(707) 450-8432
Better Living Chiropractic
Eagle Eye Engraving
307 Merchant St,
Vacaville, CA
(707) 447-4774
Legal Shield- Amy Treasure
[email protected]
Little Shop of Hair-Pet
1110 Marshal Road, Suite I
Vacaville, CA
(707) 449-9442
Uptown Tans
122 S Orchard Ave
Vacaville, CA 707-685-9429
Thunder Roads Magazine
2975 Treat Blvd Ste A-2
Concord, CA 94518 (925)
Food & Drink
Buckhorn Bar & Grill
830 N Adams Street
Dixon, CA
(707) 678-5687
City Towing & Transport
P. O. Box 1104 Vacaville,
CA 95696
(707)448-TOWS (8697)
Food & Drink
Bud’s Pub & Grill
100 S First Street Dixon,
CA 95620 707-678-4745
Creekside Bar and Grill
4513 Putah Creek Road
Winters, CA
Judy’s Wild Wrangler
4823 Midway Road
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 447-5541
Miss Darla’s
110 Peabody Road
Vacaville, CA 95687
(707) 446-4131
Road Trip Bar & Grill
Capay, CA 24989
(530) 796-3777
Str8 Shooter Sports Bar
& Grill
1072 E. Monte Vista Avenue
Vacaville, CA 95688 (707)
Loyal Order of Moose
6585 Gibson Canyon Rd, Vacaville,
CA (707) 448-1122
Junior ABATE & Motorcycle Training
Did you know that you can enroll your children in Jr ABATE for only $5.00 per year? By
enrolling your children in Jr ABATE you can start them out right learning about
protecting their rights. As an added benefit, when your Jr ABATE member gets ready
to take the mandated Motorcycle Safety Course, Richard Lester will pay for it! And the
course may save your child’s life! Jr ABATE member, Randy Albritton, took the course
on January 11th- 12th. Here he is at the January 15th COC meeting receiving a
reimbursement check from Richard Lester. For details or to set your child up for
reimbursement, contact Gill Mellen at [email protected]