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Published by: 20-20 Technologies Inc. 400 Armand-Frappier Blvd. Laval (Quebec) Canada H7V 4B4 © 2010 20-20 Technologies Inc. All rights reserved The name 20-20 Technologies and all associated trade names used by 20-20 Technologies Inc. are registered, pending or common law trademarks of 20-20 Technologies Inc. and/or of its subsidiaries. Any reference to other brands and products appearing herein are trademarks of their respective holder(s). 20-20 Technologies Inc. reserves the right to alter specifications and other product information without prior notice. The information contained herein is subject to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement included with the media. 20-20 Design Tutorial Contents MODULE 1 ~ GETTING READY ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK SET THE MONITOR DISPLAY LOCATE THE 20-20 SHORTCUT BAR START 20-20 DESIGN CUSTOMIZE THE MAIN WINDOW DISPLAY TOOLBARS PLACE TOOLBARS HORIZONTALLY DISPLAY THE INFORMATION BOX, THE EDIT BOX AND THE DRAG & DROP LIST PLACE TOOLBARS VERTICALLY RESIZE THE INFORMATION BOX, THE EDIT BOX AND THE DRAG & DROP LIST ASSIGN LEGEND PREFERENCES SET ASSISTANTS BEHAVIOR SET THE WALL DRAW MODE SELECT A DEFAULT WINDOW ENTER THE CUSTOMER DETAILS SAVE THE DOCUMENT CHANGE THE DISPLAY SETTINGS HIDE THE GRID ENABLE THE LEGEND DISABLE WARNING PATTERNS SAVE THE DISPLAY SCHEME CLOSE YOUR DESIGN WRAP-UP MODULE 2 ~ DRAWING WALLS AND OPENINGS ABOUT THIS MODULE CANCEL THE LAST ACTION 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-20 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-25 2-1 2-1 2-2 Contents I 20-20 Design Tutorial FAST TRACK DRAW WALLS PLACE A DEFAULT WINDOW CHANGE THE SCENERY OF A WINDOW CHANGE A WALL INTO A RETURN WALL CHANGE THE COLOR OF SELECTED WALLS CUSTOMIZE A WALL COLOR WRAP-UP MODULE 3 ~ PLACING APPLIANCES ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK PLACE A DISHWASHER PLACE A RANGE PLACE A HOOD ABOVE THE RANGE PLACE A REFRIGERATOR WRAP-UP 2-2 2-3 2-7 2-9 2-11 2-13 2-15 2-17 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-8 MODULE 4 ~ PLACING BASE CABINETS ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK HIDE DIMENSIONS UPDATE THE DISPLAY SCHEME PLACE A 4-DRAWER BASE CABINET PLACE A FULL-DOOR BASE CABINET PLACE ANOTHER BASE FULL-DOOR CABINET ADD A SINK PLACE A BASE CORNER CABINET WRAP-UP 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-6 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-13 MODULE 5 ~ PLACING WALL CABINETS ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK PLACE A WALL CABINET MODIFY A CABINET 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 5-5 Contents II 20-20 Design Tutorial DUPLICATE A CABINET CHANGE THE HINGING OF A CABINET WRAP-UP 5-7 5-9 5-10 MODULE 6 ~ PLACING TALL CABINETS ABOUT THIS MODULE DRAG AND DROP A TALL CABINET SELECT THE SECTION STYLES OF A TALL CABINET PLACE A TALL CABINET CUSTOMIZE A TALL CABINET WRAP-UP 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-6 6-8 6-11 MODULE 7 ~ CREATING A REUSABLE ISLAND ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK CREATE AN ISLAND START A NEW DESIGN SELECT AND ROTATE A FULL-HEIGHT DOOR CABINET PLACE THE SECOND ISLAND CABINET PLACE THE LAST ISLAND CABINET RESET THE EDIT BOX WRAP-UP MODULE 8 ~ INSERTING A PRE-DESIGNED ISLAND ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK REMOVE THE LEGEND INSERT A FILE ADD A BAR SINK DESIGN A LUNCH COUNTER ADD A COUNTERTOP TO THE ISLAND EXTEND THE COUNTERTOP FINALIZE THE ISLAND ROUND THE COUNTERTOP CORNERS WRAP-UP 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 8-1 8-1 8-2 8-2 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-6 8-8 8-11 8-11 8-13 Contents III 20-20 Design Tutorial MODULE 9 ~ ADDING CABINETS AUTOMATICALLY ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK LAUNCH AUTO FILL RESIZE CABINETS WRAP-UP MODULE 10 ~ SELECTING TEXTURES AND ACCESSORIES ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK ADD AN ELEVATION AREA SET THE GLOBAL CABINET TEXTURE SET THE GLOBAL COUNTERTOP TEXTURE REMOVE THE ELEVATION AREA WRAP-UP MODULE 11 ~ SETTING STYLES AND PRICES ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK ADD A SALES TAX SET DEFAULT DOOR, DRAWER AND PULL STYLES SELECT DEFAULT DOOR STYLES SELECT THE DEFAULT DRAWER AND PULL MODELS SELECT AND EDIT A RATE SET THE RATE AND DESCRIPTION SET PRICES FOR THE COST/SELL RATE SET THE PRICE LEVEL WRAP-UP MODULE 12 ~ PRODUCING AND EDITING A RENDERING ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK PRODUCE A RENDERING SELECT QUALITY, LIGHTING AND OUTPUT OPTIONS SELECT A FLOOR TEXTURE 9-1 9-1 9-2 9-2 9-4 9-6 10-1 10-1 10-2 10-2 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 11-1 11-1 11-2 11-2 11-4 11-5 11-7 11-8 11-8 11-9 11-10 11-11 12-1 12-1 12-2 12-2 12-3 12-4 Contents IV 20-20 Design Tutorial VIEW THE RENDERING ZOOM OUT SET THE VIEWPOINT VIEW THE RENDERING ADD SUN LIGHT WALK THROUGH THE PERSPECTIVE ZOOM AND SCROLL RESIZE SAVE THE PERSPECTIVE VIEW SETTINGS WRAP-UP 12-5 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-7 12-9 12-10 12-10 12-11 12-12 MODULE 13 ~ USING DESIGN ASSISTANTS ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK ENABLE THE NKBA RULES SET ASSISTANTS’ PREFERENCES PERFORM A PROGRESS CHECK CONFIGURE NKBA SETTINGS PERFORM A FINAL ANALYSIS DISABLE NKBA RULES AUTOMATICALLY PLACE COUNTERTOPS AUTO-DECORATE THE DESIGN CHANGE THE AUTO-DECORATION SETTINGS LAUNCH THE AUTO-DECORATION PROCESS WRAP-UP 13-1 13-1 13-2 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-11 13-11 13-12 13-15 MODULE 14 ~ USING THE ITEM LIST ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK DISPLAY THE ITEM LIST DISPLAY THE FLOOR PLAN AND ITEM LIST SIMULTANEOUSLY CUSTOMIZE THE ITEM LIST DISPLAY EDIT THE FLOOR PLAN AND ITEM LIST SIMULTANEOUSLY DELETE AN ITEM FROM THE ITEM LIST MODIFY AN ITEM ON THE FLOOR PLAN 14-1 14-1 14-2 14-2 14-4 14-6 14-7 14-7 14-8 Contents V 20-20 Design Tutorial ADD AN ITEM VIA THE ITEM LIST SHOW PRICING INFORMATION SHOW THE PRICE OF SELECTED ITEMS SHOW CALCULATED ITEMS PRINT THE ITEM LIST WRAP-UP 14-9 14-10 14-10 14-11 14-12 14-13 MODULE 15 ~ PRINTING YOUR DESIGN ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK CUSTOMIZE A DRAWING LAYOUT SELECT A DRAWING LAYOUT RENAME A TAB RESIZE DRAWING LAYOUT FRAMES INSERT DESIGN ITEMS INSERT A NAMED VIEW INSERT AN ITEM VIEW GENERATE AND INSERT AN ISOMETRIC VIEW INSERT THE ITEM LIST MOVE ITEMS WITHIN FRAMES ADD TEXT TO THE DRAWING LAYOUT SAVE YOUR LAYOUT AS A TEMPLATE PRINT YOUR DESIGN PRINT THE FLOOR PLAN PRINT THE DRAWING LAYOUT WRAP-UP 15-1 15-1 15-2 15-2 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-6 15-6 15-7 15-8 15-9 15-10 15-11 15-12 15-13 15-13 15-13 15-14 MODULE 16 ~ PRODUCING REPORTS ABOUT THIS MODULE FAST TRACK OVERVIEW OF AVAILABLE REPORTS PRODUCE A REPORT SELECT A REPORT SET REPORT OPTIONS BROWSE THROUGH A REPORT 16-1 16-1 16-1 16-2 16-3 16-3 16-4 16-5 Contents VI 20-20 Design Tutorial WRAP-UP WHAT NEXT? 16-6 16-6 Contents VII 20-20 Design Tutorial Preface Welcome to 20-20 Design, the industry standard interior design software used by four out of five kitchen and bath professionals. With 20-20 Design, you acquire a state of the art, intuitive, catalog driven software environment that guides you through the entire process of designing and selling kitchens and baths and much more! This version of 20-20 Design opens up exciting new possibilities for integration with other 20-20 products and services that will automate your business and improve your bottom line. Audience This tutorial is aimed at new users of 20-20 Design. Users of previous versions of the software can also use it to get an overview of some the features that have been introduced or updated in this version. The tutorial assumes that you are a professional designer or that you have a good knowledge of interior design principles. About this Tutorial The objective of this tutorial is to give you an introduction to main features of 20-20 Design. Using a step by step approach, the tutorial takes you through the creation of a kitchen design. It is therefore very important that you follow the instructions as closely as possible. Most of the time, illustrations show you exactly what your screen should look like when you perform a task. At other times, you will be asked to perform a task by yourself to test your understanding of previously covered topics; you can page back to the preceding explanation as needed. The tutorial is divided into modules that provide a logical breakdown of a standard approach to interior design. Although you do not have to complete the tutorial in one sitting, we recommend that you go through the modules in sequence and within a week, if possible, in order to build on the knowledge gained in previously covered topics. Preface Audience IX 20-20 Design Tutorial The tutorial is organized in three parts to give you a gradual hands-on introduction to the main features of 20-20 Design. I • DESIGN BASICS (Modules 1–9) 20-20 Design environment, preferences and display settings Drawing and placement techniques: walls and openings, appliances, cabinets, etc. Cabinet add-ons Reusable designs Basic manipulation techniques: resizing, moving, centering, etc. Countertop placement and customization Auto Fill II • DESIGN IN ACTION (Modules 10–13) III • DESIGN AND BEYOND (Modules 14–16) Item lists Drawing layouts Reports Textures for cabinets and floor Elevation area Accessories Sales tax and price level Default door, drawer and pull styles Rendering in 3D Design Assistants The purpose of the tutorial is to explain how to use the software to achieve your goals as a designer. To attain this objective, we focus on real life examples, sometimes intentionally showing things that don’t work too well in order to show you how to fix them. We believe this approach will yield the best return on your time investment. About this Tutorial X Preface 20-20 Design Tutorial Note! The timing mentioned at the beginning of each module is not meant to evaluate your performance. It is an indication of the average time you should put aside to perform the tasks covered in the module, simply to help you manage your time efficiently. Additional Resources This tutorial is only an introduction to 20-20 Design and, as such, it does not cover many of the features. Please consult the following 20-20 Design resources to discover the full potential of the software: Online Help—20-20 Design online Help contains full reference information on all aspects of the software functionality, including a list of handy menu and command shortcuts to optimize your design time. Installation Guide—Installation and basic configuration of 20-20 20-20 Technologies Web site—Visit our Web site frequently to find out about seminars, conferences or training sessions—Web-based or on site in your area—to increase your proficiency with the product ( Preface Additional Resources XI 20-20 Design Tutorial Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this guide to help you quickly find and interpret the information. The “Target” icon introduces the main objectives of the module and, if applicable, identifies the features of 20-20 Design that will be brought into play to reach these objectives. The “Fast Track” icon introduces an alternative path or a summarized plan of the tasks that must be achieved in the module. This way, if you are an experienced user, you can skip familiar tasks and concentrate on new procedures or procedures you would like to review. The “Hands-On” icon identifies tasks that you have learned to accomplish in previous sections or modules. If you need help, you can go back to the appropriate section and review the detailed procedure. Save Bold type identifies interface elements: menus, dialogs, commands, icons, etc. and text that you must type exactly as shown: values, file names, sizes, etc. Help, About Bold elements separated by a comma identify a menu sequence 20-20 (equivalent to “on the Help menu, click About 20-20”). TAB CTRL+S SMALL CAPS identify keyboard keys. SMALL CAPS joined by a simultaneously. plus sign identify keyboard keys that you must press Preface Conventions XII 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 1 ~ Getting Ready About this Module The objective of this module is twofold: To introduce you to the various components of the 20-20 Design environment To ensure that your environment is properly set up for starting the tutorial Going through this module should take you approximately 40 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Locate the 20-20 Shortcut Bar 1-3 Start 20-20 Design 1-4 Customize the Main Window 1-6 Assign Legend Preferences 1-12 Set Assistants Behavior 1-14 Set the Wall Draw Mode 1-15 Enter the Customer Details 1-17 Save the Document 1-18 Change the Display Settings 1-19 Module 1 ~ Getting Ready About this Module 1-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are already familiar with 20-20 Design, you can: Check the tasks you already master from the topics listed on the previous page. Page through the remaining topics to make sure your environment is set up as required by the tutorial, then move on to the next module. Set the Monitor Display Make sure your monitor’s display settings are set as follows: Screen resolution: 1024 × 768 (recommended) or higher Color quality: True Color or Highest (32 bit) Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Fast Track 1-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Locate the 20-20 Shortcut Bar The Shortcut Bar gives you quick access to 20-20 programs and utilities. It is the default means of accessing 20-20 Design. If you’ve installed 20-20 Design with the default settings, the 20-20 Shortcut Bar is already on your desktop, go directly to “Start 20-20 Design” on page 1-4. If you don’t see the 20-20 Shortcut Bar: 1. Look at the Windows taskbar on your desktop. This bar includes the Start button and it is usually located at the bottom of your screen. 2. Double-click on the 20-20 Shortcut Bar icon the opposite end from the Start button. located bottom-right of the Windows task bar, at The 20-20 Shortcut Bar appears. If the 20-20 Shortcut Bar icon is not displayed on the taskbar, click Start, All Programs, 20-20 Version 9 and choose Shortcut Bar. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Locate the 20-20 Shortcut Bar 1-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Start 20-20 Design 1. In the 20-20 Shortcut Bar, click the Design icon. 2. If this is the first time you start 20-20 Design since it’s been installed, the Catalog & License Owner Info dialog appears. Choose “SAMPLE_F” as the default catalog and click OK. The Name and Company fields are already filled from the information you typed while installing 20-20. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Start 20-20 Design 1-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 3. If the Tip of the Day dialog appears, click OK. Note! If you prefer, you can clear the Show Tips at Startup check box. When you’re done with the tutorial, you can choose Help, Tip of the Day to reactivate the function and learn something new about 20-20 Design every day. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Start 20-20 Design 1-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Customize the Main Window To ensure that what you see on your screen corresponds to the illustrations in this tutorial, you need to set up the screen components. As with other Windows applications, 20-20 Design is a flexible environment, so you can change these settings at any time. Your settings are kept from one work session to another. First of all, make sure the 20-20 Design window is maximized. Click the Maximize icon in the top right corner of the 20-20 Design main window, if needed. If you are comfortable with Windows, arrange the toolbars and the other components as shown below, and then go directly to “Assign Legend Preferences” on page 1-12. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Customize the Main Window 1-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS If you are less familiar with Windows, read the following sections that explain in detail how to customize the main 20-20 Design window. Display Toolbars 20-20 Design lets you choose from a wide variety of toolbars to customize your environment to your needs and preferences. Selecting which toolbars you want to work with gives you quick and easy access to the commands you use the most and increases your productivity. 1. To display the toolbars you need for the tutorial, choose View, Toolbars. 2. Make sure only the following toolbars are checked. Note! Depending on your configuration, some toolbars may not show in your list. 3. Make sure the Show Tooltips and Cool Look options are checked and then click Close. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Customize the Main Window 1-7 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place Toolbars Horizontally Now that you have selected the toolbars you will use in the tutorial, you will arrange some of them at the top of the main window. If they’re not already in that order, place the Standard, Work Area, View, Render, and Report Project toolbars under the menu bar, as shown below. If you need to move a floating toolbar: 1. Click in the title bar. 2. Hold the mouse button. 3. Drag the toolbar to the proper position. 4. Release the mouse button to drop the toolbar into place. If the toolbar is not exactly where you want it, grab it by its left edge—the move handle—and drag it to its final position. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Customize the Main Window 1-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Display the Information Box, the Edit Box and the Drag & Drop List You will now display the Information Box, the Edit Box and the Drag & Drop List along the left edge of the main window. Open the View menu and make sure the icons preceding the following options are pressed, indicating that the options are selected. Selected Not selected If any of these components is not located as shown across, move it to the left side the 20-20 Design window by clicking and dragging: the title bar (if floating) as described on the previous page or the upper move handle (if docked) as described on the next page, under “Place Toolbars Vertically” Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Customize the Main Window 1-9 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place Toolbars Vertically In this section, you will place toolbars vertically on the left side of the main window. If they’re not already in that position, place the Wall/Construction Line, Place & Edit and Design toolbars along the right edge of the Edit Box, Information Box and the Drag & Drop List as shown below. Moving a docked toolbar is very similar to moving a floating toolbar. To move a docked toolbar: 1. Click and hold the mouse button on either the vertical or the horizontal move handle. or 2. Drag the toolbar to the proper position. 3. Release the mouse button to drop the toolbar into place. Note! You can use the same technique to move the Edit Box, the Information Box and the Drag & Drop List into place. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Customize the Main Window 1-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Resize the Information Box, the Edit Box and the Drag & Drop List These components should be sized approximately as shown below. 1. To resize the height of any of these components, move the cursor between the boxes. 2. When the cursor shape becomes a horizontal splitter height as illustrated below. , click and hold the mouse button to resize the 3. To resize the width of all three components at once, move the cursor onto the right edge of either component to see the vertical splitter cursor . 4. Use the “t” of the Report menu title as the alignment point. In the illustration, do you recognize the interface elements we’ve seen so far? Title bar Menu bar Toolbars Information and Edit boxes Drag & Drop List Take a look at the other interface elements identified in the illustration. We will talk about some of them later on in the tutorial. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Customize the Main Window 1-11 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Assign Legend Preferences Preferences are settings you assign for most frequently used features to speed up the design process. In this section, you will select the default catalog you will use for the tutorial and set the legend preferences. 1. Choose File, Preferences. 2. In the Catalogs preferences, make sure “SAMPLE_F” is selected. If it is not the case: Select SAMPLE_F. Click on the check mark icon to set it as the default catalog. Click Apply. 3. In the left portion of the dialog, click Legend to display the Legend preferences. 4. Check SAMPLE_F only to add this catalog to the list available in the Display Settings dialog. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Assign Legend Preferences 1-12 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS We will use this feature later on in this module to clearly identify items placed and their order of placement. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Assign Legend Preferences 1-13 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Set Assistants Behavior Design Assistants are rule driven tools that can notify you when your designs do not comply with the design conventions established by the industry. You can choose to receive warnings and suggestions in real time, during the design process and/or when the design is completed. To make sure these warnings do not interfere with the flow of the tutorial, let’s disable them for the moment. 1. In the left portion of the Preferences dialog, click Global Assistants Settings to display the Assistants preferences. 2. Make sure all options in the Assistants section are cleared as well as the “NKBA 2004” entry in the Modules activation/deactivation section; leave Auto-Deco Kitchen and CDM checked. 3. Click Apply. 20-20 Design displays a warning to let you know that the changes will only apply the next time you start a design. 4. Click OK to close the warning box. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Set Assistants Behavior 1-14 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Set the Wall Draw Mode When you draw walls and construction lines in 20-20 Design, you have the option of limiting the angles to 90 degrees or drawing in free mode. In this section, you will set the preference to free mode. 1. In the left portion of the Preferences dialog, click Walls/Construction Lines to display the Walls/Construction Lines preferences. 2. Under Draw Mode, make sure that Draw walls using 90 degree angles is cleared. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Set the Wall Draw Mode 1-15 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Select a Default Window You can assign a default door and a default window to be placed when clicking the corresponding icon and accelerate the design process for a series of designs where you typically place the same window and door. 1. Click the browse button below Basic Window and double-click Windows, Generic Windows, 42"H and then E42.ARCHIT-M. 2. In the Width field, type 60. 3. Click OK to save your changes and close the Preferences dialog Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Select a Default Window 1-16 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Enter the Customer Details Although this section is optional in the context of the tutorial, it is a recommended step when using 20-20 Design in real life. You want to make sure you have your customer contact information at hand before you start a design. 1. Choose Report, Design Information. 2. Fill out the Customer tab fields as shown in the illustration. 3. Click on the Mailing Address tab and fill out the fields as shown. Tip! Select the Country first to narrow down the list of states or provinces to select from. 4. (Optional) Check Show when starting a new design, if you want to display this dialog automatically. 5. Click OK to close the dialog. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Enter the Customer Details 1-17 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Save the Document You will now save the work you’ve done so far, that is, you will record: the data identifying the customer for whom you’re creating this design the changes you’ve made to your working environment 1. Click File, Save. Note! By default, all design (kit) files are saved in the …\My documents\2020 Files folder. If you want to change the default path, choose Files, Preferences, File Paths and change the path indicated in the All design files field. 2. Double-click on the Tutorial folder icon. The value of the Save in field is now Tutorial. 3. Click the Save in field’s drop-down arrow to confirm that you have selected the right folder. 4. Type Tutorial in the File name field. 5. Click Save. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Save the Document 1-18 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Change the Display Settings In the Display Settings dialog, you identify which floor plan components you want to display and which ones you want to hide. The components that have a check mark represent categories of items that are presently visible on the floor plan. 1. Right-click in the work area, where the grid is displayed, and then choose Display Settings. 2. At the bottom of the Display Settings dialog, click the drop-down arrow below Scheme and select 20-20 Kitchen (All Items) if it is not already selected. Note! Different schemes display/hide different components. For example, “Architecture” displays only walls and openings, no cabinets, while “Cabinets” does the exact opposite. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Change the Display Settings 1-19 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Hide the Grid The Display Settings dialog is where you specify grid display and behavior. 1. Click the Work Area tab. 2. Clear the Display Grid check box. 3. Click Apply to witness the instantaneous disappearance of the grid. Enable the Legend In the Legend tab of the Display Settings dialog, you set the presence/absence of legends and specify legend display characteristics. 1. Click the Legend tab. 2. Select Automatic legend and check Keep numbering to automatically update the legend and to number cabinets sequentially, regardless of their position on the floor plan. Note! When Keep numbering is off, the items are numbered with regard to their position on the plan: 1) base, then wall cabinets on the first wall, 2) base, then wall cabinets on the second wall, etc. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Change the Display Settings 1-20 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 3. Clear the Floor plan description option in the Legend Display References section of the tab. Legend Showing User Codes 4. Click Apply. The settings you’ve selected will cause the display of the type of legend you see to the right. Note! Only one catalog appears in the Catalogs list since only SAMPLE_F was selected in the Preferences dialog on page 1-12. If you were to use items from a variety of catalogs, you may want to go back to Preferences and add all the desired catalogs to the list. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Change the Display Settings 1-21 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Disable Warning Patterns 20-20 Design displays color-coded patterns to flag invalid situations in your design, such as colliding items, outdated catalog items, etc. For the purpose of the tutorial, you will disable these warnings. 1. Click the Warning Patterns tab. 2. Clear the Display options in the following sections: Colliding Items Pattern Invalid Sections Pattern Invalid Items Pattern 3. Click Apply. The Invalid Items Pattern warns you of catalog items that are outdated most likely as a result of a catalog update. We will disable the option for the purpose of the tutorial. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Change the Display Settings 1-22 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Save the Display Scheme You may save the display settings as a scheme so that they may be accessible for other designs. 1. Click the Save As button at the bottom of the Display Settings dialog. 2. In the File name field, type Tutorial and click Save to save the display scheme. 3. Click OK to close the Display Settings dialog and apply your display scheme. 4. Save your document either by: choosing File, Save from the menu clicking the Save icon Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Change the Display Settings 1-23 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Close Your Design To make sure the Assistants Preferences set earlier (on page 1-14) are taken into account, close your design. You will open it at the beginning of the next module. 1. Choose File, Close. 2. If a confirmation dialog appears, click Yes. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Change the Display Settings 1-24 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Locate the 20-20 Shortcut Bar Start 20-20 Design Customize the Main Window: Display Toolbars • Place Toolbars Horizontally • Display the Information Box, the Edit Box and the Drag & Drop List • Place Toolbars Vertically • Resize the Information Box, the Edit Box and the Drag & Drop List Assign Legend Preferences Set Assistants Behavior Set the Wall Draw Mode Assign A default Window Enter the Customer Details Save the Document Change the Display Settings: Hide the Grid • Disable Warning Patterns • Enable the Legend • Save the Display Scheme For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Main Screen Components Add/Remove the Drag and Drop List Add/Remove the Information Box Add/Remove the Edit Box Display Settings Schemes Check out some movies! Watch self-running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 1 ~ Getting Ready Wrap-Up 1-25 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings About this Module The objective of this module is to start a design by placing the architectural elements you usually insert first: walls, windows and doors. Going through this module should take you approximately 30 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Cancel the Last Action 2-2 Draw Walls 2-3 Place a Default Window 2-7 Change the Scenery of a Window 2-9 Change a Wall into a Return Wall 2-11 Change the Color of Selected Walls 2-13 Customize a Wall Color 2-15 Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings About this Module 2-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Cancel the Last Action Unlimited Undo/Redo allows you to try alternate solutions, make changes and recover quickly from mistakes. When you make a mistake, 20-20 Design’s Undo function gives you the possibility to cancel the last action (or sequence of actions). If, for example, you draw a horizontal wall while you were trying to draw it vertically, you can use one of the following methods to cancel the last action: Menu Toolbar Keyboard Choose Edit, Undo Click the Undo icon Use the Undo shortcut: CTRL+Z Fast Track If you are familiar with drawing walls and openings, do the following by yourself: Draw four walls starting from the bottom left corner: 140, 150, 144 and 24 inches respectively. Place an E42.ARCHIT window (42"H × 60"W) at the center of the second wall. Change the scenery to Scenery – Trees. Remove the inside placement zone of the 24-inch wall. Create a new custom color based on Blue Steel (call it “Custom Blue Steel”) and apply it to walls # 1 and 3. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Cancel the Last Action 2-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Draw Walls 1. Choose File, Open and then open the Tutorial. 2. Click the Wall Mode icon. 3. Click the Continuous icon. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Draw Walls 2-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial 4. Click in the lower left corner of the floor plan to start drawing the first wall approximately at the position shown to the right. The Edit Shape toolbar appears on the floor plan. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Draw Walls 2-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 5. Look at the Edit Shape toolbar and make sure that the Ortho button is activated . This button limits the drawing angle to 45-degree increments. 6. Move your mouse in any direction. The wall angles are limited to 45 degrees, since the Ortho mode is activated . 7. Move your mouse upwards to draw the outline of the first wall. The Length value changes, in the Edit Box, as you draw the wall. 8. Make sure not to move the mouse and type the respective lengths of the four walls in the following order: Type 140 and press ENTER. Type 150 and press ENTER. Type 144 and press ENTER. Type 24 and press ENTER. 9. Press the ESC key to stop adding walls. 10. Click the Ortho button to deactivate this mode. 11. Click the Save icon Note! If you don’t get it right the first time, don’t worry; press DELETE and start over. . Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Draw Walls 2-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial 12. If necessary, click the Zoom to Fit icon and then click in the work area or double-click the mouse wheel to rescale your design. Your layout should look similar to this illustration. Identify these elements on the floor plan: Walls—when you click on a wall, green squares display at the ends and a red square in the center of the wall Placement zone—dotted lines delimit the wall area where cabinets and other components can be placed Dimension lines—display the exact size of the wall (inside dimensions) Units of measure—display in the system of measure set during installation Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Draw Walls 2-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Place a Default Window You will now place a window in the center of the horizontal wall. To achieve this, you will use the window quick placement feature, which refers to the default window you specified in the preferences on page 1-16. 1. Click the Basic window icon to automatically select a 42"H x 60" W window. 2. Click on the horizontal wall and make sure not to move the mouse 3. Type 75 and see it echoed in the Center field of the Edit Box, and then press the ENTER key. 4. Click Save. The window appears centered on the horizontal wall. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Place a Default Window 2-7 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial To learn how to place windows other than a default one, refer to the topics Place and edit items, Openings and obstacles, Window in the 20-20 Design help file. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Place a Default Window 2-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Change the Scenery of a Window You will now use the Attributes dialog to display an exterior scene in the window. Note! The Attributes dialog lets you control a wide range of characteristics of the items and components you place in a design. We will cover some of the most important ones in upcoming modules. 1. Right-click on the window and choose Attributes from the pop-up menu. If the window is not selected, you get this pop-up menu instead Point to E42.ARCHIT-M and choose Attributes. 2. Click the Variables tab, select Window in the Variable Category pane, and then click on the colored rectangle at the end of Background texture. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Change the Scenery of a Window 2-9 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Tip! If part of the variable name is hidden, you can widen the column by dragging the column separator as shown on the right. 3. Select Scenery – Trees, and then click OK. Note! You can also scroll through the list of available sceneries and select the one you prefer, be it a neighborhood landscape or a seasonal scene. Tip! To help you pick the right picture, click the Image File tab in the Preview section of the Textures dialog to display the source file. 4. Click OK in the Attributes dialog. 5. Click the Save icon . Stay tuned! You will see the effect later on when you display a three dimensional view of your design. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Change the Scenery of a Window 2-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Change a Wall into a Return Wall You will now change the fourth wall into a return wall to stand at the end of a row of cabinets. The fourth wall being 24 inches long, it corresponds to the standard cabinet depth. 1. Right-click on any wall and then choose Properties from the pop-up menu. 2. In the Wall Properties dialog, click Wall 4 on the left. 3. Click the Type tab. 4. Clear the Inside placement zone. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Change a Wall into a Return Wall 2-11 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial 5. Click Apply and then OK to close the dialog. Notice the change. The diagonal line disappears to indicate that Wall # 4 no longer has a placement zone, which means that you cannot place items along this wall. Before After The bottom wall has a placement zone. The bottom wall has no placement zone. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Change a Wall into a Return Wall 2-12 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Change the Color of Selected Walls You will now change the color of the first and third walls. 1. Display the Wall Properties dialog. Forgot how? Right-click on any wall and then choose Properties from the pop-up menu. 2. Click Wall 1 on the left. 3. Press the CTRL key and click on Wall 3 to select it also. 4. Click the Material tab. 5. In the Finish section, click the browse button beside the Inside field to display the Textures dialog. 6. On the left of the dialog, scroll up and click the symbol beside Paint. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Change the Color of Selected Walls 2-13 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 7. Click Blue. 20-20 Design Tutorial beside Generic and then 8. Click Color – Blue Steel and then Satin under Characteristics. Do not click OK now; you will also use the Textures dialog to customize a wall color (see next topic). Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Change the Color of Selected Walls 2-14 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Customize a Wall Color You will now create a custom color. If you have closed the Textures dialog, or if you resume the tutorial from this point, display it as explained in the previous topic on page 2-13. 1. At the bottom of the Textures dialog, click the Custom Material button. 2. Click Colors. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Customize a Wall Color 2-15 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial 3. In the Color dialog, pick a color by specifying the RGB value as follows: Double-click in the Red field and type 55. Press TAB and type 106 in the Green field. Press TAB and type 149 in the Blue field. 4. Click OK in the Color dialog. 5. Click OK in the Custom Material dialog. 6. In the Custom Color Name dialog, type Custom Blue Steel and click OK. Notice that the new color gets added to a new Userdefined catalog. 7. Click OK to close the Textures dialog. 8. Click OK to close the Wall Properties dialog. 9. Save your design. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Customize a Wall Color 2-16 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Cancel the Last Action Draw Walls Place a Default Window Change the Scenery of a Window Change a Wall into a Return Wall Change the Color of Selected Walls Customize a Wall Color For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help : Create a design, Draw walls or construction lines Place and edit items, Openings and obstacles Draw and edit walls and construction lines, Edit walls or construction lines, Change the properties of a group, wall or section Change the global attributes, Change the color/texture of items, Use the Textures dialog Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 2 ~ Drawing Walls and Openings Wrap-Up 2-17 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances About this Module The objective of this module is to place common appliances along the kitchen walls. Going through this module should take you approximately 20 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Place a Dishwasher 3-2 Place a Range 3-4 Place a Hood above the Range 3-5 Place a Refrigerator 3-6 Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances About this Module 3-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with the placement of appliances with 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself: Place a 24.DISH-IQ3 dishwasher at 79 inches left on the first wall. Place a 36-RANGE1 electric range at 27 inches left on the third wall, and center a Hood #2 30X36 above it. Place a 36REF-2D refrigerator at 84 inches left on the third wall. Place a Dishwasher The first appliance you will place is a dishwasher on the first wall. 1. Click the Appliances icon to display the corresponding dialog. 2. Double-click Dishwasher, and then 24.DISH-IQ3. The cursor changes into a cross shaped pointer, . 3. Click in the placement zone of the first wall. An outline of the dishwasher appears. 4. Drag the mouse upwards and notice how the value changes in the Edit Box. Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances Fast Track 3-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 5. Make sure not to move the mouse, type 79 in the Wall left field, then press ENTER. Tip! Although you can also drag the dishwasher into place, it is sometimes easier to type the exact position than to drag the item. Play with both methods and pick the one you prefer. 6. Press ESC to close the dialog. The dishwasher is centered at 91 inches from the left edge of the wall. Note! The Information Box displays information about a shape or item on the floor plan. Rest the mouse pointer on the dishwasher to see for yourself. Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances Place a Dishwasher 3-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place a Range You will now place a range on the wall across from the dishwasher. 1. Click the Appliances icon to display the corresponding dialog. 2. Double-click Range, Electric Range, and then 36-RANGE1. 3. Click in the placement zone of the third wall and make sure not to move the mouse. 4. In the Wall left field, type 27 and then press ENTER. 5. Press ESC to close the dialog. The range sits at 27 inches from the left edge of the wall. Your floor plan should now look like this. Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances Place a Range 3-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Place a Hood above the Range You will now place a decorative hood above the range. 1. Click the Appliances icon to display the corresponding dialog. 2. Double-click Hood, Decorative Hood, and then HOOD-2 » Hood #2 30X36. 3. Click in the placement zone of the third wall and make sure not to move the mouse. 4. In the Wall left field, type 30 and then press ENTER. The hood is centered above the range as shown below. 5. Press ESC to close the dialog. Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances Place a Hood above the Range 3-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place a Refrigerator This time, you will use a shortcut method to locate the refrigerator. The Quick Search field allows you to perform keyword searches in the catalog. 1. Click the Appliances icon to display the corresponding dialog. 2. In the Quick Search field, type 36REF-2D and double-click 36REF-2D. Notice how every character you type narrows down the list of available choices. 3. Click in the placement zone of the third wall and make sure not to move the mouse. 4. In the Wall left field, type 84 and then press ENTER. 5. Press ESC to close the dialog. The refrigerator gets positioned at 84 inches from the left edge of the third wall, as confirmed by the Information Box. Your floor plan should now look as shown on the next page. Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances Place a Refrigerator 3-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Tip! Place the mouse pointer above the refrigerator to confirm its position on the floor plan. Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances Place a Refrigerator 3-7 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Place a Dishwasher Place a Range Place a Hood above the Range Place a Refrigerator For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following section in the online Help: Place and edit items, Appliances Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Please consult the DOWNLOAD CENTER of to see all the actual manufacturers' appliance catalogs you can install with 20-20. You must register to to access the download center. Contact our Support staff for details on catalog downloads. Module 3 ~ Placing Appliances Wrap-Up 3-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to: Place base cabinets and adjust the cabinet width to fill the available space Use 20-20 Design’s Add-On function to add a sink to a base cabinet Going through this module should take you approximately 30 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Hide Dimensions 4-2 Place a 4-drawer Base Cabinet 4-4 Place a Full-door Base Cabinet 4-6 Place another Base Full-door Cabinet 4-8 Add a Sink 4-9 Place a Base Corner Cabinet 4-10 Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets About this Module 4-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with the placement of base cabinets in 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself: Hide dimensions. Place a DB12 cabinet at 1 inch left on the first wall. Place a FDB24L cabinet to the right of the first cabinet. Place a FDB42 cabinet between the second cabinet and the dishwasher. Add a SK.39-2TUB sink to the third cabinet. Place a BCD36L-LS corner cabinet to the right of the dishwasher and adjust its width to fit the available space. Hide Dimensions Now that the appliances are in place, you can start placing cabinets. But, let’s hide the dimensions; just to make the floor plan display less cluttered. 1. Right-click in the center of the plan and choose Display Settings. 2. In the Display Settings dialog, click on the Dimensions tab, clear Auto Dimensions—you may need to click twice. 3. Click Apply to remove the dimensions. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Fast Track 4-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Update the Display Scheme Before exiting the Display Settings dialog, you will update the Tutorial scheme so that it retains the changed Dimensions settings. 1. In the Display Settings dialog, click Save As. 2. In the Save As dialog, select Tutorial.shf and click Save. 3. Click OK. The floor plan is now displayed without dimension lines. 4. Save your design. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Update the Display Scheme 4-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place a 4-drawer Base Cabinet You will now place a 4-drawer base cabinet. There are several way of placing items in 20-20 and you will experiment some of them in the following exercises. The following steps use the Catalog Browser. 1. Choose View, Catalog Browser to display the 20-20 Catalog Browser. 2. Scroll and click the SAMPLE_F line. Note! The contents of the list may vary depending on which catalogs you have installed. 3. Click Base, Base 4 Drawers, and then Base 4 Drawers Standard. Feel free to resize the window if needed. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Place a 4-drawer Base Cabinet 4-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 4. Click Select on the DB12 line. 5. Click on the placement zone of the first wall, to the left of the dishwasher. Tip! If the Catalog Browser is in the way, you can close it at this point. 6. Type 1 in the Wall left field of the Edit Box, and then press ENTER. 7. The cabinet gets placed at one inch from the left edge of the wall, and is also automatically added to the legend (top right corner of the design) you enabled earlier (on page 1-20). If necessary, double-click the mouse wheel on the work area to rescale your design. 8. Close the Catalog Browser if you haven’t done so yet. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Place a 4-drawer Base Cabinet 4-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place a Full-door Base Cabinet As you know by now, 20-20 Design provides different methods for performing a given task. In this section, you will see how easy it is to find and place items using the Drag & Drop List. 1. Make sure Collision Detection is enabled, that is, the Collision icon, at the bottom right of the Design window, is pressed. Collision prevents objects from overlapping. 2. Click the drop-down arrow beside the catalog selection area of the Drag & Drop List and select SAMPLE_F if it is not already selected. 3. Browse the catalog as follows until you locate the cabinet we are looking for: Double-click Base, Base Full Door (FHD), and finally Base Full Door Standard. Scroll down if necessary and then click once on the FDB24L > Base FHD to highlight it. 4. Click and hold the left mouse button on the item and start dragging it towards the plan. Notice how the cursor shape changes as you drag the item: This shape tells you that the item can be placed on the design. This shape indicates that you are in the wall placement zone. Keep holding the mouse button! Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Place a Full-door Base Cabinet 4-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 5. Drag the cabinet outline to the placement zone of the first wall, and release the mouse button to drop it to the right of the first cabinet. Note! In 20-20 Design, we refer to the left edge as being the starting point of a wall in a clockwise direction. When referring to cabinets, appliances, or other items, the left side assumes that the object is seen from the front. Now that the cabinet outline is on the wall, drag the cabinet against Cabinet 1 and click to set. (The Wall left field must indicate 13" in the Edit Box.) Your plan should now appear as shown below, with Cabinet 2 added to the legend. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Place a Full-door Base Cabinet 4-7 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place another Base Full-door Cabinet You will now use the Automatic Drag & Drop function to place a 42-inch base cabinet between the second cabinet and the dishwasher. 1. Make sure the second cabinet is selected. 2. In the Drag & Drop List, browse the SAMPLE_F catalog down to the Base Full Door Standard category, scroll to the bottom of the list and double-click on the FDB42 line. The cabinet gets inserted automatically between the second cabinet and the dishwasher. 3. Save your design, which should now match the following illustration. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Place another Base Full-door Cabinet 4-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Add a Sink You will now use the Add-On function to add a sink to the third cabinet. 1. Click the Add-Ons icon. 2. Click on Cabinet 3. 3. In the Select Add-On dialog, make sure SAMPLE_F is selected, and then double-click on Sinks & Lavatories. Scroll to SK.39-2TUB, and check it. 4. Click OK to close the dialog and position the sink on the cabinet. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Add a Sink 4-9 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place a Base Corner Cabinet You will now place a base corner cabinet at the end of the first wall after adjusting its width to fill the available space. 1. Click in the Quick Search field of the Drag & Drop List and type BCD36. 2. Right-click on BCD36L-LS, and choose View & Place from the pop-up menu. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Place a Base Corner Cabinet 4-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 3. In the Attributes dialog, double-click and type 37 in the Width field, and then click Place. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Place a Base Corner Cabinet 4-11 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial 4. Click in the placement zone to the right of the dishwasher to place the corner cabinet. 5. Click the Save icon . 6. Double-click the mouse wheel to rescale the plan. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Place a Base Corner Cabinet 4-12 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Hide Dimensions Place Different Types of Base Cabinets: 4-drawer Cabinet • Full-door Cabinet • Corner Cabinet Add a Sink as an Add-on to an Existing Cabinet Change the Width of a Cabinet For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Configure the floor plan/elevation area, Display settings, Dimensions tab, Display/Hide Auto Dimensions Place and edit items, Drag and drop items Place and edit items, Cabinets Place and edit items, Add-ons Place and edit items, Edit one item, Edit the attributes of an item Check out some movies! Watch self-running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 4 ~ Placing Base Cabinets Wrap-Up 4-13 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to place, duplicate and modify wall cabinets. Going through this module should take you approximately 20 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Place a Wall Cabinet 5-2 Modify a Cabinet 5-5 Duplicate a Cabinet 5-7 Change the Hinging of a Cabinet 5-9 Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets About this Module 5-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with the placement of wall cabinets in 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself: Place a W1836L-GL cabinet against the left side of the window (horizontal wall). Finish the interior of the W1836L-GL cabinet. Duplicate the W1836L-GL cabinet and place it against the right side of the window. Change the hinging of the duplicated W1836L-GL cabinet. Place a Wall Cabinet You will now use the Quick Search field to locate a wall cabinet and place it to the left of the window. 1. In the Quick Search field, type W1836 and click W1836L-GL. 2. Drag and drop the cabinet in the placement zone of the horizontal wall to the left of the window. 3. Type 24 in the Wall left field of the Edit Box and press ENTER. Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Fast Track 5-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 4. The cabinet gets positioned at 24 inches from the left edge of the wall, as you can see in the Information Box when you place the mouse pointer over the W1836L-GL cabinet. Your floor plan now looks as follows. Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Place a Wall Cabinet 5-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Place a Wall Cabinet 5-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Modify a Cabinet You will now modify the wall cabinet you just added to finish the interior, which is a good idea since this cabinet has a glass door. 1. Right-click on the cabinet you just placed, number 5 on the floor plan, and choose Attributes. If you get this pop-up menu... point to W1836L-GL and choose Attributes. 2. In the Attributes dialog, click the Add-Ons tab. 3. Click the symbol beside Wall Modifications. 4. Add a check mark beside FIN.INT » Finished Interior %. Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Modify a Cabinet 5-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial 5. Click OK to close the dialog. As you can see, the cabinet’s label is now underlined to indicate that it has an add-on. Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Modify a Cabinet 5-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Duplicate a Cabinet You will now use 20-20 Design’s Duplicate function to add a cabinet. 1. Right-click on the same cabinet, number 5 on the floor plan, and choose Duplicate. If you get this pop-up menu... point to W1836L-GL and choose Duplicate. 2. Click on the right side of the window and release the mouse button. 3. Type 108 and press ENTER. 4. The cabinet gets positioned at 108 inches from the left edge of the wall, against the right edge of the window. Your floor plan should now look as shown on the following page with two identical wall cabinets added to the legend. Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Duplicate a Cabinet 5-7 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Duplicate a Cabinet 5-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Change the Hinging of a Cabinet You will now change the hinging of the wall cabinet that you just added to the right side of the window. 1. Right-click on the duplicated cabinet, number 6, and choose Attributes. 2. Click the drop-down arrow below Hinge and select Right. 3. Click OK to close the Attributes dialog. 4. Press CTRL+S to save your design. Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Change the Hinging of a Cabinet 5-9 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Place a Wall Cabinet Modify a Cabinet Duplicate a Cabinet Change the Hinging of a Cabinet For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Place and edit cabinets, Cabinets Place and edit cabinets, Add-Ons Place and edit cabinets, Edit one item, Duplicate an item Place and edit cabinets, Edit one item, Edit the Attributes of an item Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 5 ~ Placing Wall Cabinets Wrap-Up 5-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to place and modify a tall custom cabinet from one of the 20-20 DesignPlus catalogs. 20-20 DesignPlus catalogs are a powerful, flexible add-on to 20-20 Design. They give you more catalog options and the ability to modify options and dimensions so that you can efficiently design custom furniture work for your clients. After designing custom pieces, you can store these furniture products in a personal user catalog for future design projects. Going through this module should take you approximately 15 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Drag and Drop a Tall Cabinet 6-2 Select the Section Styles of a Tall Cabinet 6-4 Place a Tall Cabinet 6-6 Customize a Tall Cabinet 6-8 Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets About this Module 6-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Drag and Drop a Tall Cabinet In this section, you will place a tall cabinet in the area next to the return wall. 1. Click the drop-down arrow beside the catalog selection area of the Drag & Drop List and select DPLUSF01. 2. In the Quick Search field, type TC3V and click TC3V-R. 3. Drag and drop the cabinet in the placement zone of the right hand wall in the area between the refrigerator and the return wall. The Attributes dialog opens. Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Drag and Drop a Tall Cabinet 6-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Part I • DESIGN BASICS Drag and Drop a Tall Cabinet 6-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Select the Section Styles of a Tall Cabinet In this section, you will select styles for each section of the tall cabinet. 1. Click the Maximize icon in the Attributes dialog. 2. Click on Section Style 1, scroll nearly to the end and click on the 4 drawers image. 3. Click on Section Style 2, scroll nearly to the end and click on the microwave image. 4. Click on Section Style 3 and click on the wall door image as shown on the right. The tall cabinet should appear as follows in the Attributes dialog. Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Select the Section Styles of a Tall Cabinet 6-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Part I • DESIGN BASICS Select the Section Styles of a Tall Cabinet 6-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place a Tall Cabinet 1. Click OK in the Attributes dialog. You see the outline of the cabinet in the placement zone. 2. Drag the cabinet against the 36-REF-2D refrigerator. The cabinet gets positioned at 120 inches from the left edge of the wall, as shown by the Information Box. 3. Make sure not to move the mouse (to avoid overwriting what you are about to do next). 4. Type 24 in the Width field then press Enter. Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Place a Tall Cabinet 6-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Your floor plan now looks similar to the illustration. Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Place a Tall Cabinet 6-7 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Customize a Tall Cabinet The cabinet you’ve just placed is a custom cabinet. You will now change the height of each section. 1. Right-click on the tall cabinet and choose Attributes. If you get this pop-up menu... point to TC3V-248424R and choose Attributes. 2. Click on the Variables tab, and then on Config. Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Customize a Tall Cabinet 6-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 3. Fill out Section 1 height and Section 2 height as follows. Notice that the last section’s height is adjusted automatically. The image of the TC3V-248424R cabinet in the 3D Display pane should now match the illustration to the right. 4. Click Case Construction Type. Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Customize a Tall Cabinet 6-9 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial 5. Click Top Style then select Full Top. 6. Click Back Style then select Nailers inside. 7. If you feel like it, click on the other Case Construction Type variables and select the appropriate values. 8. Click OK to close the Attributes dialog. 9. Save your design. Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Customize a Tall Cabinet 6-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Drag and Drop a Tall Cabinet Select the Section Styles of a Tall Cabinet Place a Tall Cabinet Customize a Tall Cabinet For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Place and edit items, Cabinets Place and edit items, Edit one item, Edit the attributes of an item, Attributes per component Check out some movies! Watch self-running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 6 ~ Placing Tall Cabinets Wrap-Up 6-11 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 7 ~ Creating a Reusable Island About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how you can speed up the design process by creating generic items that you can later on insert as part of another design. More specifically, you will also learn how to: Rotate a cabinet Use the Place tool Going through this module should take you approximately 30 minutes. This module covers the following topic: Topic Create an Island Page 7-2 Module 7 ~ Creating a Reusable Island About this Module 7-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with the placement and modification of island cabinets in 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself: Close the Tutorial design. Create an island by rotating a FDB18L cabinet 90 degrees, and then by adding to its right a FDB21L and then a DB21 cabinet. Save your design as Generic 3-cab island and close it. Create an Island You will now create an island as a separate design. You will first select a full-height door base cabinet and rotate it, and then you will place two more cabinets to which you will add extra door panels to complete this generic island. Start a New Design 1. Close your Tutorial design and save it, if you are prompted to. 2. Click the New icon and then press ESC to exit the Wall Drawing mode. As you notice, the display grid reappears in the work area. This is 20-20 Design’s default setting. Module 7 ~ Creating a Reusable Island Fast Track 7-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Select and Rotate a Full-height Door Cabinet 1. Make sure the SAMPLE_F catalog is selected in the Drag & Drop list. 2. In the Quick Search field, type FDB18L. 3. Drag and drop the FDB18L cabinet in the middle of the floor plan. 4. When you see the outline of the cabinet, right-click to rotate it. 5. Move your mouse, then left-click when the Angle field shows 90.00º in the Edit Box. The cabinet appears on the floor plan. Note! In the default scheme, the legend doesn’t display and the User code appears on the item instead of a number. 6. Save the island design in the folder where you saved the Tutorial; call it Generic 3-cab island. Module 7 ~ Creating a Reusable Island Create an Island 7-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Place the Second Island Cabinet You will now place a second cabinet to the right of the first one. This time you will use the Place tab of the Edit Box to control the placement of the cabinet. Note! Before you place the second island cabinet, make sure the cabinet you just placed is still selected as shown to the right. If it is not selected, click on it. 1. Double-click in the Quick Search field of the Drag & Drop List and type FDB21L. 2. In the list of cabinets, click the FDB21L line to select it. 3. In the Place tab of the Edit Box you see a preview of the island cabinet (FDB18L) displayed in the center of position arrows. Note! You are right… it is really hard to see at this size! Double-click the upper move handle of the Edit Box (as shown on the next page) to temporarily change it from docked to floating. Module 7 ~ Creating a Reusable Island Create an Island 7-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Floating Edit Box 4. To place the second cabinet to the right of the selected cabinet, click on the arrow that points in that direction with regard to the island orientation. Your floor plan should now appear as shown to the right with the addition of the second cabinet. Place the Last Island Cabinet Place a DB21 » Base 4 Drawer cabinet to the right of the second cabinet to complete the island. Proceed as you did when you added the second cabinet. Module 7 ~ Creating a Reusable Island Create an Island 7-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial The island on the floor plan should now look as shown to the right. Reset the Edit Box Double-click the title bar of the Edit Box to send it back at its previous position (docked). Save and close your design. Module 7 ~ Creating a Reusable Island Create an Island 7-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to insert a file into another one by : Selecting and rotating a cabinet Using the Edit Box’s Place Tool For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Place and edit items, Edit one item, Rotate an item Main screen components, Edit box, Place Tab Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. The Idea Center is a great and powerful tool for saving designs to be reused. For detailed instructions on how to create design libraries and ideas, please read Create a design with the Idea Center under the main topic Create a design in the 20-20 Design help file . Module 7 ~ Creating a Reusable Island Wrap-Up 7-7 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to complete an existing design by integrating another 20-20 file and customizing it. You will also learn how to add a countertop and a back panel to an island and how to use the Edit Shape mode to round corners. Going through this module should take you approximately 40 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Remove the Legend 8-2 Insert a File 8-4 Add a Bar Sink 8-5 Design a Lunch Counter 8-6 Finalize the Island 8-11 Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island About this Module 8-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with inserting files and placing countertops in 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself: Open your Tutorial design and remove the legend. Insert the Generic 3-cab island file in your design and save it as Tutorial with Island. Add a BSK.12 sink to the bottom island cabinet. Place a SQ.FT-TOP countertop on the island. Extend the countertop by 12 inches left and bottom. Round all island countertop corners by 2 inches. Remove the Legend Since we won’t need the legend for the remainder of the tutorial, let’s remove it at this point. 1. Open your Tutorial design. 2. Select No legend in the Legend tab of the Display Settings dialog (see page 1-20 if necessary) and click Apply. The legend disappears and the user code replaces the cabinet numbers. 3. Update the Tutorial display scheme (as explained on page 4-3). 4. Double-click the mouse wheel on the work area to rescale your design. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Fast Track 8-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 5. Save your design. Your floor plan should now look like this. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Remove the Legend 8-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Insert a File You will now insert, into your Tutorial design, the island you designed in the previous module. 1. Choose File, Insert 20-20 File, select the Generic 3-cab island file and click Insert to insert it in your design. 2. Move the outline of the island and place it in the middle of the open area slightly closer to the third wall. 3. Click to set it at that position. 4. Choose File, Save As and name your new design Tutorial with Island. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Insert a File 8-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Add a Bar Sink Add a BSK.12 sink to the bottom island cabinet (see “Add a Sink” on page 4-9 if you need help on how to perform this task). Your floor plan should be very similar to the illustration with the bar sink added to the first island cabinet and identified with an underline (add-on). Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Add a Bar Sink 8-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Design a Lunch Counter You will now add a countertop to the island and then extend it to make room for a lunch counter. Finally, you will remove side and back doors from the island cabinets. Add a Countertop to the Island The first step in designing your lunch counter will be to select and add a countertop to the island. 1. Click the Countertops icon catalog. and then make sure to select the ROOM_TOP 2. Locate and select the SQ.FT-TOP countertop in the catalog and click Place. 3. Click on the island cabinet with the sink to tell 20-20 Design where you want to place the countertop. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Design a Lunch Counter 8-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Note! If you see this popup, select FDB18L. 4. Click ESC to close the Countertops dialog. 5. The island should now look as shown on the right, with the countertop selected. Note! The countertop clearly shows the cutouts for the bar sink. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Design a Lunch Counter 8-7 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Extend the Countertop You will now increase the size of the island countertop to provide room for a lunch counter area. 1. Place the mouse cursor approximately over the bar sink and rotate the mouse wheel forward to zoom in until the island fills most of the vertical display. 2. Right-click on the countertop, close to the left vertical line, and choose Edit Shape. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Design a Lunch Counter 8-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 3. Click on the left vertical line and drag it towards the left until the Edit Box shows 12" as the X value and click to set—or type 12 and press ENTER. 4. Click on the bottom horizontal line of the countertop and extend it downwards by 12 inches. 5. Press ESC to exit the Edit Shape mode. 6. Double-click the mouse wheel on the work area to rescale your design to its original display size. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Design a Lunch Counter 8-9 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial The Countertop Wizard is the perfect tool to create countertop designs with or without cabinets. Please read the topic Add solid/stone countertops step-bystep with the Countertop Wizard in the 20-20 Design help file for all the details. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Design a Lunch Counter 8-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Finalize the Island You are now ready to add the final touches to the island which consists of replacing the back door panels with a full panel and rounding the countertop corners. Round the Countertop Corners You will now use 20-20 Design’s Edit Shape mode to round the island countertop corners. 1. Right-click on the countertop and select Edit Shape. 2. Place the pointer on the bottom right corner and right-click to display the Point Menu. Note! You may have to right-click close to the inside portion of a point to get the Point menu… don’t give up! 3. Choose Radius Corner. 4. Type 2 in the Radius field of the Edit Box and press ENTER. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Finalize the Island 8-11 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial See the result to the right. The magnified area clearly shows that there are now two snap points in the bottom right corner. 5. Repeat the procedure to apply the same radius to the other corners of the countertop. 6. When all four corners are rounded, click the Save all changes icon Shape mode. to save and exit the Edit Your island, with all countertop corners rounded, should now match the following illustration. 7. Save your design. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Finalize the Island 8-12 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Remove the Legend Insert a File Add a Bar Sink Add a Countertop to the Island Extend the Countertop Round the Countertop Corners For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Import and export files, Insert a 20-20 file Place and edit items, Add-ons Place and edit items, Countertop and trim items, Add countertop items Place and edit items, Countertop and trim items, Edit countertops and trims Zoom and scroll Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 8 ~ Inserting a Pre-designed Island Wrap-Up 8-13 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Module 9 ~ Adding Cabinets Automatically About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how the Auto Fill function simplifies the placement of cabinets to complete your design. You will also use a few basic techniques to fine tune the resulting design. Going through this module should take you approximately 15 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Launch Auto Fill 9-2 Resize Cabinets 9-4 Module 9 ~ Adding Cabinets Automatically About this Module 9-1 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with Auto Fill and basic cabinet manipulations such as resizing, centering and moving, do the following by yourself: Launch Auto Fill with the settings shown at Step 2, below. On the horizontal wall, delete the BF3 filler, drag the B33 cabinet against the BB48R cabinet and resize the B30 cabinet to 31.5 inches wide. Launch Auto Fill The Auto Fill function allows you to quickly add wall and base cabinets to complete your design. 1. Click the Auto Fill icon. 2. Adjust the Design Cabinets settings to make sure they match the illustration. Change the Wall, Wall angle and Wall blind fields to 36"H. 3. Click Fill. 20-20 Design automatically fills the empty spaces with cabinets and uses fillers as necessary. Module 9 ~ Adding Cabinets Automatically Fast Track 9-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS Your floor plan should now look similar to the following illustration. Note! Chances are that you will want to fine tune your design to get rid of some filler items. We will see a few strategies in the next sections. Module 9 ~ Adding Cabinets Automatically Launch Auto Fill 9-3 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Resize Cabinets To get rid of fillers, you can resize cabinets. You will use this technique to remove base fillers on the horizontal wall. 1. Place the mouse pointer successively over the following base items of the top wall and notice the width displayed in the Information Box: B30 Cabinet BF3 Filler What a coincidence! If we get rid of the filler, we can resize the B30 cabinet to 31.5 inches. Let's do it. 2. Click on the BF3 filler and then click the Delete Selection icon. You now have a 1.5 inch gap between the B33 and the BB48R cabinets. 3. Click and hold the mouse button on the B33 cabinet and drag it to the right until it sets against BB48R . Module 9 ~ Adding Cabinets Automatically Resize Cabinets 9-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part I • DESIGN BASICS 4. Right-click on the B30 cabinet, choose Attributes, change the Width to 31.5 inches and then click OK. The leftmost arrow buttons at the end of a dimension field let you increment the integer value whereas the rightmost arrow buttons change the fractional value. The layout of the horizontal wall should now match this illustration. Actual manufacturer catalogs may not allow dire modifications of cabinet dimensions. Manufacturers ma allow changes to cabinets only through add-ons specific variables. 5. If other fillers remain on the horizontal wall, then delete them as shown above. 6. Save your design and proceed to the next module, or save and close your design if you want to pause and resume later. Congratulations, you’re done with the first part of the tutorial—Design Basics. In the second part—Design in Action—you will explore textures, discover elevation areas, set styles and prices, produce renderings, use Design Assistants, and much more. Module 9 ~ Adding Cabinets Automatically Resize Cabinets 9-5 Part I • DESIGN BASICS 20-20 Design Tutorial Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Launch Auto Fill Resize Cabinets For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Place and edit items, Cabinets, Fill walls with base and wall cabinets Place and edit items, Edit one item, Edit the attributes of an item, Attributes per component, Variables, Resize components Place and edit items, Cabinets, Filler Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 9 ~ Adding Cabinets Automatically Wrap-Up 9-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to: work in elevation view set global textures for the design Going through this module should take you approximately 10 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Add an Elevation Area 10-2 Set the Global Cabinet Texture 10-5 Set the Global Countertop Texture 10-6 Remove the Elevation Area 10-7 Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories About this Module 10-1 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with elevation areas and the setting of global attributes in 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself: Add an elevation area. Set the global door texture to V7362 and the global countertop texture to V31051. Remove the elevation area. Add an Elevation Area You will now add an elevation area to your design. If you have closed your design at the end of the first part of the tutorial, open it now. Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories Fast Track 10-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 1. Click in the placement zone of Wall #3 to select it. The placement zone is delimited by blue dots and handles. 2. Click the Add Elevation Area icon . An elevation view of the wall appears in the upper portion of the work area. 3. Expand the elevation to its maximum size: First, move the pointer on the split bar separating the Elevation from the Floor Plan area. The pointer turns into a horizontal splitter. Then, click and hold the mouse button on the split bar. And finally, drag the split bar down to conceal the floor plan display tabs and release the mouse button. Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories Add an Elevation Area 10-3 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial 4. In the Dimensions tab of the Display Settings dialog, clear the Auto Dimensions check box to hide the dimension lines (see page 4-2 for a detailed procedure, if needed). 5. Double-click the mouse wheel on the elevation to rescale it. The elevation of your design should match this illustration. You can work on several elevation views of different walls. Please read in the 20-20 Design help file to learn more: Main screen components, Work area, Elevation areas. Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories Add an Elevation Area 10-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Set the Global Cabinet Texture In this section you will use the Global Attributes function to standardize the texture of all cabinets. 1. Click the Global Attributes icon. 2. Make sure All catalogs is selected in the list of catalogs on the left. 3. In the Textures tab, click on the color rectangle at the end of Door texture. 4. Double-click in the Code field at the bottom left of the dialog and type V7362, the code that corresponds to “Oak Red 2 (Vert. door).” Note! For wood textures, you always get three choices: two vertical wood grains for large (door) and small (stile) components, and a horizontal wood grain for drawer fronts and moldings. You can also select a finish coating. 5. Click OK in the Textures dialog. 6. Click Apply to confirm and apply your selection. Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories Set the Global Cabinet Texture 10-5 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Set the Global Countertop Texture So far, you’ve standardized the texture of appliances and cabinets. The Global Attributes dialog allows you to standardize a wide range of items in your design, such as backsplashes, pulls, shelves, etc. 1. In Global Attributes set V31051 as the global Countertop texture which is Dupont Corian – Sierra Sandstone. 2. Click OK to close the Global Attributes dialog. Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories Set the Global Countertop Texture 10-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Remove the Elevation Area Now that you're done viewing the elevation area and applying global attributes to your design, you will go back to the floor plan view. Note! Even though we were in elevation when we changed the global attributes of cabinets and countertops, these actions can be performed in floor plan view as well. To remove the elevation, right-click anywhere outside the perimeter of the wall and then choose Delete Elevation Area. The floor plan view is displayed. Double-click the mouse wheel to rescale the plan. Save your design. Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories Remove the Elevation Area 10-7 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Add and Remove an Elevation Area Set the Global Cabinet Texture Set the Global Countertop Texture For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Main screen components, Work area, Elevation areas Edit the overall design, Change the global attributes, Change the color/texture of items, Use the Textures dialog Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 10 ~ Selecting Textures and Accessories Wrap-Up 10-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to: select the tax rate and price level applicable to all items of a design set the default door, drawer and pull style for all items of a design Going through this module should take you approximately 40 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Add a Sales Tax 11-2 Set Default Door, Drawer and Pull Styles 11-4 Select and Edit a Rate 11-8 Set the Price Level 11-10 Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices About this Module 11-1 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with the specification of styles and pricing in 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself (all using the SAMPLE_F catalog): Select TAX6 » 6% Tax as the Sales Tax. Select any model for the base, wall and tall door upcharges, and the drawer upcharge. Select any model for the default door and drawer pull. Set PROMO-40 » Promotional #40 as the Rates value and change its Usercode and Description to Cost/Sell. Set prices for accessories, appliances, cabinets, etc. as described starting on page 11-9. Select Pricing Group A as the Common price level. Add a Sales Tax You will now define the tax rate that applies to items in the current design. The sales tax is one of the design charges that will appear in the Quote or Contract Summary reports. 1. Click the Styles & Pricing icon. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Fast Track 11-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 2. Select the SAMPLE_F catalog if it is not already selected. 3. In the Design Charges tab, select TAX6 » 6% Tax as the Sales Tax value. This sets 6% as the default tax rate applicable to all items in your design. Don’t close the dialog at this point; you will use some of the other tabs to set default styles for the entire design as well. Tip! If you make a mistake, click on the value, then click the Unset button to clear the line. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Add a Sales Tax 11-3 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Set Default Door, Drawer and Pull Styles In the Styles & Pricing dialog, you can also specify the default door, drawer and pull models for the current design. 1. Click the Catalog Styles tab. 2. Make sure the SAMPLE_F catalog is selected. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Set Default Door, Drawer and Pull Styles 11-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Select Default Door Styles You will now set the default base, wall and tall door styles for the current design. 1. In the Catalog Styles tab of the Styles & Pricing dialog, double-click on Base Door Upcharge. 2. In the Base Door Upcharge Selection window, click Modern. You can click on the image or on the button shown below. 3. Click Oak. 4. Scroll down and click on any model. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Set Default Door, Drawer and Pull Styles 11-5 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial The selected style appears on the Base Door Upcharge line. 5. Double-click on Wall Door Upcharge and then follow the same steps as above and select any style. 6. Similarly, for Tall Door Upcharge, select any style you want. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Set Default Door, Drawer and Pull Styles 11-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Select the Default Drawer and Pull Models You will now set the default drawer style, as well as the default door and pull models for the current design. 1. In the Catalog Styles tab of the Styles & Pricing dialog, double-click on the Drawer Upcharge line. 2. Click From a List. This is another way of selecting a style. Instead of clicking on a category first to find a style, you are going directly into the list of styles. 3. Double-click on any style. The selected style appears on the Drawer Upcharge line. 4. Double-click on the Door Pulls line and then follow the same steps as above to select any model. 5. Similarly, for Drawer Pulls, select the model you want. Your selections should appear as follows: Note! You will see how these selections look when you produce renderings, in an upcoming module. If the selections affect pricing, they will also appear on reports. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Set Default Door, Drawer and Pull Styles 11-7 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Select and Edit a Rate In this section, you will select the rate to apply to all items in the current design. Set the Rate and Description The Catalog Charges tab of the Styles & Pricing dialog lets you select the cost/sell rate to apply to all items in the current design. You will also modify the descriptive text to display in the Quote and Contract Summary reports. 1. In the Styles & Pricing dialog, click the Catalog Charges tab. 2. Always make sure SAMPLE_F is selected. 3. Select PROMO-40 » Promotional #40 as the Rates value. 3. Click on Promotional #40 and then click Edit. 4. In the General tab of the Attributes dialog, type Cost/Sell in both the Usercode and Description fields. The Description text will appear on the reports. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Select and Edit a Rate 11-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Set Prices for the Cost/Sell Rate Now that you’ve selected the rate you want to apply to all items in the current design, you can edit the percentages per item categories. 1. In the Attributes dialog of the rate selected in the previous section, click the Variables tab. 2. Click Price to display price related variables only. If needed, resize the columns. 3. Change the value of the variables as illustrated below. Tip! The Variable names of the values you have changed appear in bold and they also get added to the * User Variables category. This way, you can locate them easily. 4. Click OK to close the Attributes dialog. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Select and Edit a Rate 11-9 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Set the Price Level The price level is used to categorize different degrees of quality, ranging from low-cost to top-of-the-line finishes and/or materials. Price levels being catalog-driven, manufacturers are free to replace the default price level names, such as the ones you see in the SAMPLE_F, with more descriptive names. 1. Click the Price Levels tab. 2. Select Pricing Group A as the Common price level value. 3. Click Close to exit the Styles & Pricing dialog and return to the floor plan view. 4. Save your design. Everything is now set to let you have a look at a three dimensional representation of your kitchen design… in the next module! Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Set the Price Level 11-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Add a Sales Tax Set Default Door, Drawer and Pull Styles Set the Rate and Description Set Prices for the Cost/Sell Rate Set the Price Level For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Pricing and reports, Select styles and pricing Pricing and reports, Select styles and pricing, Design Charges tab Pricing and reports, Select styles and pricing, Catalog Styles tab Pricing and reports, Select styles and pricing, Catalog Charges tab Pricing and reports, Select styles and pricing, Design Charges tab, Edit a sales tax Pricing and reports, Select styles and pricing, Price Levels Tab Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 11 ~ Setting Styles and Prices Wrap-Up 11-11 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to produce three dimensional renderings of a design and how to edit an item in 3D. Going through this module should take you approximately 50 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Produce a Rendering 12-2 View the Rendering 12-5 Add Sun Light 12-7 Save the Perspective View Settings 12-11 Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering About this Module 12-1 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with the production of renderings and item editing in 3D in 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself: Produce a perspective rendering using the Quality and Lighting options selected on page 12-3 and the floor texture shown on the next page. Browse the rendering, zooming and scrolling; resize and refresh the Rendering window. Save the view settings under the name Tutorial. Produce a Rendering If an image is worth a thousand words, imagine the impact that can have a three dimensional rendering— with photo-realistic visuals—on your clients. Even though the floor plan and elevation views are great representations of your design, nothing beats the convincing power of a 3D representation, with accurate details on manufacturer products and room design, to share your vision and close the sale. In the following pages, we will show you how to generate a 3D view of your tutorial design with basic quality and lighting options. For details on all options available for renderings, please read this topic and its sub-topics in the 20-20 Design help file : View renderings. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering Fast Track 12-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Select Quality, Lighting and Output Options 20-20 Design provides a wide range of settings to customize the rendering to your needs while taking into account the graphical characteristics of your computer. 1. Choose Render, Perspective, or click the Perspective icon. 2. In the Perspective View Settings dialog, select Texture High/Slow as the Quality Mode. 3. Clear any other option under Quality. 4. Under Lighting, check Shadows only. 5. Set the Ambient light to Intermediate+ and the Ceiling light to 20 watts. 6. Under Output, click Predefined and then select 800 x 600 screen. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering Produce a Rendering 12-3 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Select a Floor Texture You will now select a floor texture to make the rendering even more realistic. 1. In the Perspective View Settings dialog, click the Browse button beside Floor. 2. In the Textures dialog, type the V15261 code directly. 3. Click OK to confirm your selection and see it echoed in the Perspective View Settings dialog. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering Produce a Rendering 12-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION View the Rendering Now that the perspective view options are set according to your preferences, you’re ready to view the result of your hard work. In the Perspective View Settings dialog, click the View button. The dialog closes and the pointer takes the shape of a cross ( ). Don’t click now, keep reading! Zoom Out Before you set the viewer’s viewpoint, you will zoom out to have a better control on the viewpoint. 1. Click the Zoom In/Out icon, the leftmost magnifier icon on the toolbar to resize your drawing before applying the perspective. 2. Right-click on the floor plan with the magnifier-shaped pointer approximately at the location shown below. Note! Make sure you right-click since a left click zooms in instead of out. If you make a mistake, press ESC and start over. 3. Press ESC to cancel the Zoom mode. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering View the Rendering 12-5 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Set the Viewpoint After you exit the Zoom mode, the pointer becomes a cross ( ) again. You can now set the viewpoint. 1. Click in the placement zone of the horizontal (second) wall, then drag downwards until the entire design is enclosed within the angle shape, that is, until the right leg of the V touches the right wall. 2. Click to view the rendering. Shortly after, a Rendering window appears that should be similar to this illustration. In the next sections, you will explore this 3D representation of your design and make changes to items directly from within the Rendering window. Don’t worry about the absence of countertops for the moment; you will place them in an upcoming module and, at the same time, you will add decorative items to your design. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering View the Rendering 12-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION View the Rendering Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with some of the features of the Rendering window. Tip! At any moment, you can click the Refresh icon or press F5 to redraw the perspective if it gets blurred or distorted. Add Sun Light To represent different times of the day, combined with the other lighting options, 20-20 lets you add sun light. To do so: 1. The sun icon should already be activated; click the Change View icon . 2. Click on the sun dome in the bottom right corner to make it bigger. 3. Click and hold the mouse button to move the hand cursor (which directs the source of the sun) behind the wall with the window and slightly to the left of the window and then release the mouse button. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering View the Rendering 12-7 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial You will notice that all appliances and add-ons disappear when placing sun light to improve speed and accurary. 4. Click the Refresh icon to display the perspective and obtain the sun light effect (sun hits the third wall with the refrigerator and the tall cabinet with the microwave. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering View the Rendering 12-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Walk Through the Perspective 20-20 Design lets you walk in and around the rendering, thus allowing you to take a closer look at the details of the perspective from different angles. 1. Click the Change View icon to enable this mode . 2. Click and hold the mouse button on the rendering. The pointer shape changes to a circular arrow . 3. Move the pointer in any direction to explore different areas of the perspective. 4. Release the mouse button when you reach the desired angle. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering View the Rendering 12-9 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Zoom and Scroll 1. Roll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out gradually, or click the corresponding icons to zoom by predefined increments. 2. Press and hold the mouse wheel and scroll the perspective. The pointer takes the shape of a hand as you scroll. 3. Release the mouse button to stop scrolling. Resize 1. Click and hold the left mouse button on the bottom right corner of the Rendering window and drag to resize it as desired, then release the mouse button. 2. Click the Refresh icon. The 3D rendering gets redrawn to fill the resized window. 3. Close the Rendering window. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering View the Rendering 12-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Save the Perspective View Settings You can save the view settings of a perspective if you wish to reload the same viewpoint quickly for your customers. 1. To set the same viewpoint as before, click the Perspective icon then right-click anywhere on the floor plan. , click the View button and 2. Choose View, Save View Settings from the menu bar of the 20-20 Rendering Module. 3. Name your settings Tutorial, and click OK. Later on, whenever you want to reload these settings, simply choose this name from the View, Named Views sub-menu of the Rendering window or from the Render, Named Views sub-menu of the 20-20 Design window. 4. Close the rendering window. 5. Double-click the mouse wheel to zoom the design to fit. 6. Save your design. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering Save the Perspective View Settings 12-11 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Generate a rendering Add sun light Walk through a perspective Zoom and scroll a rendering Resize a rendering Save a rendering's settings For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please read the View renderings topic and its sub-topics in the 20-20 Design help file . Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 12 ~ Producing and Editing a Rendering Wrap-Up 12-12 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to use the assistants to check how your design complies with industry rules; you will also place countertops and add decorative items to your design. Going through this module should take you approximately 45 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Enable the NKBA Rules 13-2 Perform a Progress Check 13-4 Perform a Final Analysis 13-7 Disable NKBA Rules 13-8 Automatically Place Countertops 13-9 Auto-decorate the Design 13-11 Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants About this Module 13-1 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with the NKBA and the Auto-Deco Kitchen Design Assistants, do the following by yourself: Turn on NKBA rules with Silent and Popup modes. Perform a final analysis; show the referenced conflicting item(s) on the floor plan, and display the associated NKBA guidelines. Reset the NKBA rules to the state they were in at the beginning of the module. Automatically place countertops according to the settings shown on page 13-9. Save your design as Tutorial_Classic. Clear the “Kitchen table” option in the Auto-Deco Design Assistants settings. Set all Auto-Deco Kitchen Eating Area settings to “None” and then launch Auto-Deco Kitchen using the Classic style; select the “Tutorial” view to display the rendering. Make sure your floor plan matches the illustration on page 13-14. Enable the NKBA Rules Design Assistants are rule driven tools that can notify you when your designs are not compliant with the design conventions established by the National Kitchen & Bath Association. If one or more rules are broken during the design process, you can choose to receive warnings and suggestions in real time, during the design process or when the design is completed. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Fast Track 13-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Set Assistants’ Preferences Before you actually check the compliance of your design with NKBA rules, you must enable the function since we turned it off in Module 1 ~ Getting Ready. 1. Choose File, Preferences. 2. In the left portion of the Preferences dialog, click Global Assistants Settings. 3. Check Silent Mode and Popup Mode, as well as the NKBA 2004 entry in the Modules activation/deactivation section and then click OK. 20-20 Design displays a warning to let you know that the changes will only apply the next time you start a design. 4. Click OK. 5. Close your design and save if you are asked to. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Enable the NKBA Rules 13-3 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Perform a Progress Check You will now perform a progress check to see how your design complies with NKBA rules. 1. Open Tutorial with Island.kit. 2. Click on the countertop and drag it slightly towards the top wall. The NKBA Assistant automatically triggers a progress check. The pop-up in the bottom right corner of the window identifies which guidelines were broken in the process. Note! If the NKBA pop-up doesn’t appear, see “Configure NKBA Settings” on page 13-6. 3. Press CTRL+1 to display the Design Assistants box and then click NKBA. 4. Click Progress Check. The Assistants Summary window appears with a shorter list of the guidelines you should pay attention to. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Perform a Progress Check 13-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION At this point, you would normally take action to fix your design. Since every design and every project is unique, it’s up to you and your client to decide whether you want to follow these rules meticulously. As you become familiar with the NKBA Design Assistants, you will fine tune the settings to focus on the guidelines you are interested in. 5. Close the Assistants Summary window. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Perform a Progress Check 13-5 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Configure NKBA Settings Go through the following steps only if the NKBA pop-up didn’t appear automatically when you opened your design on page 13-4. Otherwise, proceed to “Perform a Final Analysis” on page 13-7. 1. Click the Assistants icon. 2. If the Auto-Deco Kitchen pane appears, click the NKBA button at the bottom of the Design Assistants box. 3. Click Settings. 4. Check Enable Warnings. 5. Make sure there is a check mark beside all NKBA rules. 6. Click and hold the left mouse button at the bottom of the window to resize it until you see the OK and Cancel buttons. Click OK.` 7. Click Progress Check, close the Assistants Summary window and the Design Assistants box, then resume to Step 4 on page 13-4. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Perform a Progress Check 13-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Perform a Final Analysis The final analysis reports all conflicts that are still present when you are done working on a design. Since the rules used for a final analysis are different from the ones used for a progress check, don’t be surprised if a larger number of design conflicts are reported. 1. Click Final Analysis in the Design Assistants box. 2. Scroll down the list of guidelines and click on the first occurrence of the Show Item icon. Don’t worry if the guideline differs from the one illustrated here. 3. If necessary, move the Design Assistants box out of the way and notice that the items referenced by the broken rule are shown with a hatched pattern. 4. Click the Guideline icon to display the complete NKBA guideline with examples and illustrations. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Perform a Final Analysis 13-7 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial 5. Close the Assistants Summary window and the Design Assistants box. 6. Close your design without saving it. Disable NKBA Rules Now that you are done verifying your design, let’s turn off the NKBA Design Assistant to make sure it doesn’t interrupt the flow of tasks you are about to perform. 1. Reset the Global Assistants Settings as follows (if you need help, see page 13-3): 2. Open Tutorial with Island.kit and ignore the NKBA Assistant warning if one pops up. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Disable NKBA Rules 13-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Automatically Place Countertops You will now use the Countertops & Trims function to place countertops on the base cabinets as well as top moldings and toe kicks. Please look up the topic "Add solid/stone countertops step-by-step with the Countertop Wizard" in the 20-20 Design help file for detailed instructions on how to add more sophisticated countertops to your cabinets with a step-by-step wizard. 1. Click the Countertops & Trims icon on the Design toolbar. Note! Make sure you don’t pick the Countertop wizard icon by mistake (icon under Countertops & Trims) 2. Make sure only Countertops, Top moldings and Toe kicks are checked; clear the other check boxes if necessary. 3. Make sure SAMPLE_F is selected and verify that the selected Model matches the illustration for Countertops, Top moldings and Toe kicks. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Automatically Place Countertops 13-9 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial 4. Click Add to apply your selections. We will check the result later on after the auto-decoration step. Ignore and close any Assistants warning or Summary, if applicable. 5. VERY IMPORTANT: Save your design now before moving on to the next section. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Automatically Place Countertops 13-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Auto-decorate the Design You will now use Auto-Deco Kitchen, a tool that helps you liven up your design with decorative items. You will adjust some of the Auto-Deco settings to control the display of accessories. Change the Auto-Decoration Settings 1. Let’s make a copy of your current design first; you will use it later on in the tutorial. Choose File, Save As and name it Tutorial_Classic. 2. Display the Design Assistants box (CTRL+1). 3. Click Settings, open Auto-Decoration Kitchen and clear the Kitchen table check box. 4. Click the Advanced button, select the Classic category, and set all Eating Area options to “None.” 5. Click OK twice to close the Advanced Settings and the Settings dialogs. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Auto-decorate the Design 13-11 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Launch the auto-decoration process 1. In the Design Assistants box, click Launch. 2. Click Yes if prompted to save your changes. 3. In the Category & Sub-Category dialog, select Classic and Kitchen if not already selected. 4. Make sure Show this next time is checked, then click Start. A progress box is displayed as decorative items get added to your design. 5. In the Select a Rendering dialog, select Named views and then “Tutorial” to use the settings you saved in the previous module. Click OK. The Rendering window appears, soon to be covered by the Assistants Summary window. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Auto-decorate the Design 13-12 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 6. Scroll the Auto-Decoration Report to see which accessories were added to your design. Note! Accessories get placed at random; therefore, the content of your Auto-Decoration report is very likely to differ from the illustration. 7. Close the Assistants Summary window. Notice that several accessories were placed on your design. Your rendering now also has countertops, top moldings and toe kicks that you placed from page 13-9. 8. If you feel like it, you can explore the rendering as you did in a previous module. 9. When done, close the Rendering window. 10. Close the Design Assistants box. Your floor plan should look similar to the illustration on the next page. 11. Save and close your Tutorial_Classic design. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Auto-decorate the Design 13-13 Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION 20-20 Design Tutorial Congratulations, you’re done with the second part of the tutorial—Design in Action. In the third part—Design and Beyond—you will use the Item List, customize drawing layouts, print your design, and produce reports. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Auto-decorate the Design 13-14 20-20 Design Tutorial Part II • DESIGN IN ACTION Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Enable and Disable NKBA Rules Configure NKBA Settings Perform a Progress Check Perform a Final Analysis Automatically Place Countertops, Moldings and Toe Kicks Auto-decorate the Design For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Use the Design assistants Place and edit items, Add countertop items, Add countertop and trims automatically Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 13 ~ Using Design Assistants Wrap-Up 13-15 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Module 14 ~ Using the Item List About this Module The objective of this module is to introduce you to the Item List, accessories and extra costs, and special charges. You will also learn how to save different versions of your design. Going through this module should take you approximately 30 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Display the Item List 14-2 Display the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously 14-4 Customize the Item List Display 14-6 Edit the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously 14-7 Show Pricing Information 14-10 Print the Item List 14-12 Module 14 ~ Using the Item List About this Module 14-1 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track If you are familiar with the Item List, special charges, and accessories in 20-20 Design, do the following by yourself: Display the Tutorial with Island.kit floor plan and Item List side by side. Display only the Qty, Description, Type and Price columns in the Item List. Delete the 39” 2Tub Sink line in the Item List and then restore it. On the floor plan, replace the refrigerator with its 36REF1-2DI variation. Add a SPOT.RECESSED item (ROOM catalog) from the Item List and then center it above the island. Select the island and check the Total selected price. Print the Items and Calculated Items tabs of the Item List. Save your design and then close it. Display the Item List The Item List contains all the items in your design along with its pricing information in a spreadsheet like form. In this list you can edit and delete items, and you can also add items, accessories and extra costs that you may not want to show on the design, but want to price nonetheless. 1. Open your Tutorial_Classic design. 2. Right-click on the floor plan, away from the items, and then choose Show Item List. The Item List appears with the Items tab showing by Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Fast Track 14-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND default. The Items tab lists all the items that are part of the design. 3. Locate SK.39-2TUB and click on it. 4. Notice that the item # is the same as the preceding item but with “.1” appended. 20-20 Design identifies add-ons by the item to which they belong; in this case, FDB42 is the base cabinet to which the sink is attached. Note! The items in your Item List may be listed in a different order. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Display the Item List 14-3 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Display the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously The Item List is just another window. You can therefore display the floor plan and the Item List at the same time within the 20-20 Design main window. 1. Click Window on the menu bar. 2. Notice that there are two numbered entries at the bottom of the Window menu. The second one—Tutorial_Classic.kit:2, which corresponds to the Item List—is checked to show that it is the active window. Note! You may see Design.kit:1 and possibly Design.kit:2 as additional entries. Don’t worry; these are simply default underlying windows. 3. Choose Tutorial_Classic.kit:1. The floor plan appears. 4. Open the Window menu again and see that this is now the selected entry. 5. This time, choose Window, Tile Vertically. Both windows now appear side by side with the active window—the floor plan—displayed to the left. Tip! If you see a third, and possibly a fourth window, simply close these extra windows to keep only the Tutorial windows open. Choose Tile Vertically again. 6. Double-click the mouse wheel to display the floor plan entirely, as shown on the next page. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Display the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously 14-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Note! Since the SK.39-2TUB line was selected in the Item List, the item also appears selected on the floor plan. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Display the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously 14-5 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Customize the Item List Display You can customize the Item List to display only the information you are interested in. 1. Right-click anywhere in the Item List window and choose Display Settings. 2. In the Columns section (General tab), make sure only Qty, Description, Type and Price are checked. 3. Under Sections, open the appropriate levels and make the necessary changes to match the following selections: 4. Click OK. See that, in addition to the Item # column, only the columns you selected at Step 2 are displayed. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Customize the Item List Display 14-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Edit the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously Any action you perform in the Item List or on the floor plan is instantly reflected in the other window. Delete an Item from the Item List 1. Select the 39" 2 Tub Sink line in the Item List if it is not already selected. 2. Press DELETE. The line is deleted and the sink disappears from the floor plan as well. 3. Press CTRL+Z to undo the deletion and restore the item. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Edit the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously 14-7 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Modify an Item on the Floor Plan 1. In the Item List, click on the 36" Refrig line and note its Description, which may differ from the one shown here. 2. Right-click on the refrigerator on the floor plan and choose Variations. Note! A variation is an item that has identical dimensions to the one placed, but with extras such as glass doors, roll-out shelves, etc. 3. In the Variations dialog, select 36REF1-2DI and then click OK. 4. Notice that the change is automatically reflected in the Item List, which now shows the updated Description. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Edit the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously 14-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Add an Item via the Item List You’ve probably noticed the presence of different symbols in the Type column. These icons allow you to quickly identify the type of item in the ITEMS section of the Items tab: Plan Items—Items placed on the floor plan or elevation area Non-plan Items—Items you want to price, but don’t want to see or place on your design (Finished Interior is a typical example) You will now add a recessed spot in the Item List, and then you will place it above the island. 1. At the bottom of the Item List, type 1 in the Qty field. 2. Select the ROOM – SAMPLE - Generic catalog. 3. Click in the User Code field and type SP. 4. Select SPOT.RECESSED in the drop-down list of matching entries. 5. Click Add Item. Notice that the item is marked as a non-plan item. 6. Drag the item from the Item List to the floor plan, center it approximately above the island and click to set when the pointer takes the shape of a cross, . Notice how the symbol in the Item List changes to show that it is now a plan item and that its sequential position is the list is also modified. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Edit the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously 14-9 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Show Pricing Information Now that you are familiar with the ITEMS section, let’s look at PRICES, at the bottom of the Item List. Show the Price of Selected Items The Item List lets you quickly find out the cumulative price of selected items. 1. Scroll to the bottom of the Item List until the PRICES section becomes visible. If your Total selected price is different than $0.00, this means that you have a priced item selected. 2. On the floor plan, use the selection rectangle method to select the island. The Total selected price now shows the total value of the island items. Scroll up and notice that the items whose prices add up to this amount appear selected in the Item List. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Show Pricing Information 14-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Show Calculated Items The ITEMS section shows the price of items that are sold as countable units while the CALCULATED ITEMS section shows the price of items that are sold by slabs or by a specific quantity; these usually include countertops, trims, cuts, cutouts, edges, cutoffs, etc. 1. Scroll down the Item List window until you see the CALCULATED ITEMS section. 2. See the details of the calculation for the items . Note! Calculated items don’t exist as such; they are the result of a calculation and that’s why you can’t select an individual line in the CALCULATED ITEMS section of the Item List. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Show Pricing Information 14-11 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Print the Item List You can print the Item List independently from any other printable element in 20-20 Design. 1. Choose File, Print. 2. In the Range section of the Print Item List dialog, click Selection and then click the Browse button. 3. Check the tabs you want to print and then click OK. 4. Click OK to print the selected tabs or Cancel to exit without printing. 5. Save your design and then close it. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Print the Item List 14-12 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Display the Item List Display the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously Customize the Item List Display Edit the Floor Plan and Item List Simultaneously: Delete an Item from the Item List • Modify an Item on the Floor Plan • Add an Item via the Item List Show Pricing Information: Show the Price of Selected Items • Show Calculated Items Print the Item List For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Show the Item List Print, Print an Item List Check out some movies! Watch self-running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 14 ~ Using the Item List Wrap-Up 14-13 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design About this Module The objective of this module is to show you how to use drawing layouts to create presentation documents with selected drawings and information, and how to save your layout as a template. Going through this module should take you approximately 45 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Customize a Drawing Layout 15-2 Insert Design Items 15-6 Move Items within Frames 15-10 Add Text to the Drawing Layout 15-11 Save Your Layout as a Template 15-12 Print Your Design 15-13 Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design About this Module 15-1 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Fast Track We strongly recommend that you follow the normal path and consult the online Help to fully appreciate the profusion of features and capabilities Drawing Layout has in store for you! Customize a Drawing Layout In this section, you will select one of the predefined drawing layouts and modify it to accommodate the information and illustrations you want to include on the printout. Select a Drawing Layout When you display the Drawing Layout view, 20-20 Design asks you to select a drawing layout. 1. Open the Tutorial with Island.kit design file. 2. Choose View, Show Drawing Layout or click the corresponding icon on the main toolbar . 3. In the Load Drawing Layout Template dialog, select Template08.ddt and click OK. The selected layout appears in a tab named Drawing 1. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Fast Track 15-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Rename a Tab 20-20 Design lets you rename the display tabs in any view: floor plan (Design view), Item List, Drawing Layout. 1. Double-click on the tab name Drawing 1. 2. In the Display Tab Name dialog, change the default name to Tutorial Layout and click OK. Your Drawing Layout view should look as follows. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Customize a Drawing Layout 15-3 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Resize Drawing Layout Frames You will now resize the Drawing Layout frames to fit the contents you want to display. Warning! Be careful when manipulating frames and modifying the Drawing Layout since the Undo command is not available in this mode. 1. Click within the tall right hand frame. If blue handles appear, the frame is locked. Click the Lock/Unlock Image Frame icon to unlock it. Handles will turn to green. 2. Grab the middle handle on the left side of the frame and resize it to approximately three inches wide. Locked Unlocked 3. Resize the three frames on the left to 4¾ inches wide. Tip! Use the Width field (Edit Box) as a reference while resizing the frames. 4. The end result should now look similar to the illustration. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Customize a Drawing Layout 15-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Customize a Drawing Layout 15-5 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Insert Design Items In this section, you will add various elements from your design into the drawing layout frames. Insert a Named View You will now insert the “Tutorial” view (created in Module 12) in one of the frames. 1. Right-click on the top left frame and choose Named Views. 2. Select Tutorial, make sure Keep aspect ratio is checked, and then click OK. The “Tutorial” view is inserted in the frame. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Insert Design Items 15-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Insert an Item View We haven't saved an item view yet so let’s do it now. You will then insert that item view in the second frame to draw your client’s attention to a finishing detail. 1. Click the Show Design icon to display the floor plan view. 2. Right-click on the range and choose Attributes. 3. In the 3D Display pane, click the Save View icon. 4. Click OK to accept the default name, and OK again to close the Attributes dialog. 5. Press CTRL+TAB to return to the Drawing Layout window. 6. Right-click on the second frame and choose Saved Item Views. 7. Click OK to insert the 36-RANGE1 item. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Insert Design Items 15-7 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Generate and insert an Isometric View The Drawing Layout can automatically generate an Isometric view for you to load in any frame. 1. Right-click on the third frame and choose Isometric. 2. In the Isometric View Settings dialog, select Hidden (lines), Left Front, and then click OK. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Insert Design Items 15-8 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Insert the Item List To finalize the drawing layout, you will insert the Item List in the last frame. 1. Right-click on the tall frame and choose Item List. 2. Select Items, make sure All lines is checked, and then click OK. Your drawing layout should be pretty similar to the illustration on the right. 3. Save your design. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Insert Design Items 15-9 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Move Items within Frames Once you have filled the drawing layout frames with the appropriate information, you can move the content within the frames. 1. Right-click in the frame that contains the range and choose Move Image. Note! Be careful not to choose the Move command; this one is used to move the entire frame. 2. Move the range towards the right until it lines up with the right edge of the frame. 3. Click to set. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Move Items within Frames 15-10 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Add Text to the Drawing Layout You can easily add text to your drawing layout. You can also change font and paragraph attributes. 1. Click the Note icon. 2. Drag the note to the left of the range; click to set. 3. In the Add/Edit Note dialog, type any text, then click OK. 4. (Optional) Add a note above the bottom image. 5. Right-click on a note, choose Display Settings, click the Font button to change the font and make it Bold. Click OK in the Display Settings dialog. 6. Save your design. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Add Text to the Drawing Layout 15-11 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Save Your Layout as a Template You probably don’t want to lose the result of that hard work so you’ll save this layout as a template. 1. Right-click anywhere outside the drawing layout page area and choose Save User Template. 2. In the Save Drawing Layout Template dialog, type Tutorial.dvt in the File Name field and then click OK. The next time you load a Drawing Layout template (see page 15-2), your Tutorial template will also be available with all the items you loaded in the frames. 3. Save your design. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Save Your Layout as a Template 15-12 20-20 Design Tutorial Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND Print Your Design We’ve seen in Module 14 ~ Using the Item List that you could print selected information. This flexibility also applies to the other windows: Design (floor plan/elevation) and Drawing Layout. Print the Floor Plan Print the Drawing Layout 1. Make sure the Design window is active. 1. Make sure the Drawing Layout window is active. 2. Choose File, Print. 3. Select the target printer, set the desired printing options and then click OK. Note! The appearance of the Print dialog and the available printing options may vary depending on the capabilities of the selected printer. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Print Your Design 15-13 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Customize a Drawing Layout: Select a Drawing Layout • Rename a Tab • Resize Drawing Layout Frames Insert Design Items: Insert a Named View • Insert an Item View • Generate and insert an Isometric View • Insert the Item List Move Items within Frames Add Text to the Drawing Layout Save Your Layout as a Template Print the Floor Plan and Print the Drawing Layout For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Create a drawing layout (sales document) Save the image and the information of an item Change the display settings of a note Print a floor plan or an elevation Print a drawing layout Set up the page for printing Check out some movies! Watch self running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. Module 15 ~ Printing Your Design Wrap-Up 15-14 20-20 Design Tutorial Module 16 ~ Producing Reports About this Module The objective of this module is to give you an overview of the available reports. Going through this module should take you approximately 15 minutes. This module covers the following topics: Topic Page Overview of Available Reports 16-2 Produce a Report 16-3 Browse through a Report 16-5 Fast Track This module is optional. You can skip it if you are already familiar with 20-20 Design reports. Module 16 ~ Producing Reports About this Module 16-1 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Overview of Available Reports 20-20 Design comes with a wide variety of predefined reports that cover basic reporting needs. The following report types are available: Contract—includes all the details you want, including a payment schedule, graphics as an attachment document, etc. Cost/Sell—allows you to see the list, cost, and retail price of the items in your design, along with the incremental markup (IMU) or the gross profit. Item List—provides the list of all the items on the design, without prices, including all the details you want. Items by Section—useful if you created section names for groups of items; this way, you can produce a report on electrical appliances only, for example. Quote—lists all the items with or without prices and the total price for each category of items. Cabinet List—lists the cabinets on your design with all the details you want, such as width, height, thickness, finished side(s), price, hinging and comment(s), etc. Countertop Plan—lists countertops and other components added through the Countertop Wizard. Cut/Door List—shows a detailed list of cabinets, parts and dimensions, while the Door List report shows a detailed list of door and drawer front components and dimensions. Note! Depending on your particular 20-20 configuration, the contents of the above list may vary. Module 16 ~ Producing Reports Overview of Available Reports 16-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Produce a Report In this section, you will produce a Cost/Sell report. Select a Report 1. If the drawing layout is displayed, click the Show Design icon to return to the floor plan and then click the Reports on Design icon. 2. If the Assign Design dialog appears, click the Quick Sale button to quickly create a template project and display the Reports on Design dialog. Note! We won’t get into the details of sales projects in the course of this tutorial, so let’s simply mention that all designs must be associated to a sales project. A sales project is the overall information pertaining to a sale, including information about the customer, your business (store or dealership) and the design(s). Within a sales project you can have one or several design proposals. 3. In the Reports on Design dialog, select Cost/Sell and then click OK. Module 16 ~ Producing Reports Produce a Report 16-3 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Set Report Options 1. In the General tab of the Cost/Sell Settings dialog: Make sure all options in the Include section are checked. Change the Sort order to Wall/Base/Tall and set the Show field to User codes & Descriptions. 2. Click View. The Cost/Sell report opens in a Report Viewer window. Module 16 ~ Producing Reports Produce a Report 16-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Browse through a Report The first page of a report always shows the project and the design details. 1. Display the second page of the report by clicking the Next Page button. Next Page You can browse the report one page at a time or click the Last Page button to view the Cost/Sell Summary information at the end of the report. Last Page 2. To print the report, click Print at the top of the Report Viewer window, and then click OK in the Print dialog. 3. Click Close to close the Report Viewer window. 4. Click Cancel to close the Reports on Design dialog. Note! At this point you can also select another report type in the Reports on Design dialog and view it. 5. When done, save and close the design. Module 16 ~ Producing Reports Browse through a Report 16-5 Part III • DESIGN AND BEYOND 20-20 Design Tutorial Wrap-Up In this module, you’ve learned how to: Produce a Report: Select a Report • Set Report Options Browse through a Report For additional information on the topics covered in this module, please refer to the following sections in the online Help: Create or edit a sales project Produce reports on the current design Check out some movies! Watch self-running demos that show you how to perform a wide variety of tasks in 20-20 Design. Simply select the demo you are interested in under the topic “See 20-20 in Action” in the online Help. What Next? Congratulations, you are now done with the 20-20 Design tutorial. We hope you enjoyed it and that you are now eager to put that knowledge to work! We encourage you to visit our Web site ( frequently to find out about seminars, conferences or training sessions—Web based or on site in your area—that will help improve your proficiency with the product and give you the opportunity to share and learn with other members of the 20-20 Technologies community. Module 16 ~ Producing Reports Wrap-Up 16-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Glossary In this section you will find the definitions of selected 20-20 Design terms. Since this guide assumes that you are a professional designer, the glossary doesn’t include standard cabinet manufacturing and interior design industry vocabulary. A Add-on An item, attached to another item, which can add extra pricing or functionality. For example, a back panel attached to a cabinet. Add-ons can also change the physical aspect of the current item. For example, “no doors.” Furthermore, you can assign add-ons to another add-on. Attribute A quality or characteristic of a design item. The Attributes dialog gives you full control over all aspects of an item appearance and behavior in 20-20 Design. Auto fill The Auto Fill function allows you to fill wall spaces with practically anything you want, according to preset configurations. Auto Fill configurations are based on regions (areas to fill) and items (cabinets and other components) to place beside/below/above/within regions. Auto-decorate An assistant-based tool that allows you to automatically change the ambiance and décor of your designs by adding decorative items such as eating area seating, placemats, fruit bowls, paintings, window shades, etc. Glossary G-1 20-20 Design Tutorial B Base point The base point of an item is the anchor point used for commands such as Rotate. The base point of an item is usually the upper left point on the back of the item. C Collision When enabled, Collision Detection prevents items from overlapping in your design. When you move an item, it may collide with every other item already present in the drawing. To bypass this mechanism, disable the Collision button or press the CTRL key while moving the item. Overlapping items are displayed with a diagonal hatch pattern. Component A constituent element of an item: configuration, assembly, part, etc. Add-ons are also considered components of their parent item. D Design Assistants The Design Assistants are rule-driven tools that can notify you when your designs are not compliant with the design conventions established by the industry. If one or more rules are broken during the design process, you can choose to receive warnings and suggestions in real-time and/or when the design is completed. Glossary G-2 20-20 Design Tutorial E Extrude A command that allows you to reshape surface or linear items such as countertops, toe kicks or walls, to form an indent or a projection. I Item snap When enabled, item snap points are displayed when you move, rotate or drag an item near another item. If you left-click while these snap points are displayed, the items snap to each other’s points and the snap points then disappear. The default snap distance is 3 inches. When disabled, items do not display their snap points while they are being moved, dragged or rotated. Also, items will not snap even if they are placed within the snap distance specified in the work area Settings. L Legend A numbered list of the items used in a design. You can restrict the legend to a selected group of catalogs. N NKBA (National Kitchen and Bath Association) An international non-profit organization that serves and represents the firms and individuals involved in all aspects of the residential kitchen and bathroom industry. NKBA is the leading source of information and education for consumers and professionals. NKBA guidelines are included in 20-20 Design as part of the Design Assistants. Glossary G-3 20-20 Design Tutorial O Ortho The Ortho button acts similarly to the drafter’s T-square. When enabled, the cursor is restricted to move in 45-degree increments as you draw lines. When Ortho is disabled, lines can move freely. You can also use the Ortho function to force vertical or horizontal alignments. By imposing orthogonal constraints, you can draw more quickly. For example, you can create a series of perpendicular lines by turning on Ortho mode before you start drawing. Because the lines are constrained to be parallel to the horizontal and vertical axes, you know that the lines are perpendicular. R Refresh The action of forcing a redraw of the contents of all open views or of the active window, following modifications to items or to the view. Rendering The process of generating an image from three-dimensional objects using viewpoint, texture and lighting information. S Screen resolution The degree of sharpness of a displayed image, usually expressed as a product of the number of columns and rows. A display resolution of 1024 × 768 is recommended when using 20-20 Design. Section A logical categorization of items in order to produce Items by Section reports. Contrary to grouping items, assigning a name to a “section” does not physically group the selected items on the work area. Glossary G-4 20-20 Design Tutorial Switch items A function that allows you to substitute items in a design with items from another catalog available in the 20-20 database or, more frequently, to update outdated items (displayed with a dotted pattern) with items from an up-to-date version of the catalog. The dotted pattern indicates that the items have changed since you installed the updated catalog (e.g., price). It may also indicate that the items are now discontinued. T Tile The action of resizing all open windows to equal dimensions for side-by-side display, horizontally or vertically. U User catalog If you chose to create a User catalog upon installing 20-20 Design, you can add categories, sub-categories and items from any catalog to a user catalog. This allows you drag and drop your favorite or most frequently used items from one single catalog. V Variation Another item of the same dimension but with additional accessories. Variations are available only if they are created in the current catalog. The Sample catalogs contain variations such as roll-out shelves, mixer shelves, glass doors, etc. Some add-ons may also have variations. Glossary G-5 20-20 Design Tutorial W Wizard item An object that can be attached to a cabinet. Wizard items are presented in the form of graphics or lists in the Attributes dialog. Glossary G-6 20-20 Design Tutorial Index A Action, Undo, 2-2 Add cabinets automatically, 9-1 item to Item List, 14-9 sales tax, 11-2 text in drawing layout frames, 15-11 Add Elevation Area icon, 10-3 Additional resources, xi Add-Ons icon, 4-9 Add-ons, cabinets, 5-5 Appliances place, 3-1 Appliances icon, 3-2 Assistants icon, 13-6 Assistants preferences, 1-14 Assistants Summary window, 13-5 Attributes dialog, 4-11 Auto Fill icon, 9-2 Auto-decorate the Design, 13-11 Auto-Decoration Report, 13-13 B Base cabinets add-ons, 5-5 modify, 5-5 place, 4-1 Browse through a report, 16-5 C Cabinets add automatically, 9-1 add-ons, 5-5 configuration, 6-8 customize, 6-8 duplicate, 5-7 hinging, 5-9 modify, 5-5 place, 4-1, 4-10, 5-1, 6-1 resize, 9-4 rotate, 7-3 set default styles, 11-4 set global texture, 10-5 Calculated items, 14-11 Cancel the last action, 2-2 Catalog charges, 11-8 preferences, 1-12 Catalog & License Owner Info dialog, 1-4 Catalog Browser, 4-4 Close a design, 1-24 Collision icon, 4-6 Color quality, 1-2 walls, 2-13 Configuration, cabinet, 6-8 Continuous icon, 2-3 Conventions, xii Corner cabinets, place, 4-10 Cost/sell rate, 11-8 Countertops round corners, 8-11 Countertops extend, 8-8 Countertops set global texture, 10-6 Countertops place automatically, 13-9 Countertops & Trims icon, 13-9 Countertops icon, 8-6 Index I-1 20-20 Design Tutorial Create a reusable island, 7-1 Customer details, 1-17 Customize cabinets, 6-8 drawing layout, 15-2 Item List, 14-6 main window, 1-6 wall color, 2-15 D Default catalog icon, 1-12 Definition of 20-20 Design terms, 1 Delete elevation area, 10-7 item from Item List, 14-7 Delete Selection icon, 9-4 Design auto-decorate, 13-11 charges, 11-3 close, 1-24 final analysis, 13-7 lunch counter, 8-6 open, 2-3 print, 15-13 Design Assistants set preferences, 13-3 use, 13-1 Design icon, 1-4 Design Information dialog, 1-17 Dimension lines, 2-6 Dimensions display settings, 4-2 hide, 4-2 Disable legend, 8-2 NKBA rules, 13-8 warning patterns, 1-22 Dishwasher, place, 3-2 Display Item List, 14-2 rendering, 12-5 Display scheme save, 1-23 update, 4-3 Display settings dimensions, 4-2 legend, 1-20 work area, 1-20 Display Settings dialog, 1-19 Display tab, rename, 15-3 Docked toolbar, 1-10 Doors set default styles, 11-5 Drag & Drop List, 1-9 Drawers set default styles, 11-7 Drawing layout add text, 15-11 customize, 15-2 insert design items, 15-6 insert images, 15-8 insert Item List, 15-9 insert item views, 15-7 insert named views, 15-6 move items, 15-10 print, 15-13 resize frames, 15-4 resize items, 15-10 save template, 15-12 select, 15-2 template, 15-2 Duplicate cabinets, 5-7 E Edit Attributes dialog, 2-9, 5-9 Edit Box, 1-9 Edit Shape mode, 8-9 Elevation area add, 10-2 delete, 10-7 Index I-2 20-20 Design Tutorial Enable legend, 1-20 NKBA Rules, 13-2 Extend a countertop, 8-8 F File insert, 8-4 paths, 1-18 Final analysis, 13-7 Finished interior, 5-5 Floating toolbar, 1-8 Floor plan, print, 15-13 Frames, resize, 15-4 G Global Attributes icon, 10-5 Glossary, 1 Grid, hide, 1-20 Guideline icon, 13-7 H Hide dimensions, 4-2 grid, 1-20 legend, 8-2 Hinging, 5-9 Hood, place, 3-5 I Icons Add Elevation Area, 10-3 Add-Ons, 4-9 Appliances, 3-2 Assistants, 13-6 Auto Fill, 9-2 Collision, 4-6 Continuous, 2-3 Countertops, 8-6 Countertops & Trims, 13-9 Default catalog, 1-12 Delete Selection, 9-4 Design, 1-4 Guideline, 13-7 Lock/Unlock Image Frame, 15-4 Maximize, 1-6 New, 7-2 Note, 15-11 Perspective, 12-3 Refresh, 12-7 Reports on Design, 16-3 Save, 1-23 Save View, 15-7 Show Drawing Layout, 15-2 Show Item, 13-7 Styles & Pricing, 11-2 toolbars, 1-7 Undo, 2-2 Wall Mode, 2-3 Zoom In/Out, 12-5 Zoom to Fit, 2-6 Images insert in drawing layout frames, 15-8 Information Box, 1-9 Insert a file in a design, 8-4 design items in drawing layout frames, 15-6 images in drawing layout frames, 15-8 Item List in drawing layout frames, 15-9 item views in drawing layout frames, 15-7 named views in drawing layout frames, 15-6 Island create, 7-1 insert in a design, 8-4 Item List add item, 14-9 customize, 14-6 Index I-3 20-20 Design Tutorial delete item, 14-7 display, 14-2 insert in drawing layout frames, 15-9 modify item, 14-8 print, 14-12 use, 14-1 Item views, insert in drawing layout frames, 15-7 Items insert in drawing layout frames, 15-6 plan vs. non-plan, 14-9 show calculated, 14-11 L Launch Auto Fill, 9-2 Legend enable, 1-20 hide, 8-2 Locate the 20-20 Shortcut Bar, 1-3 Lock/Unlock Image Frame icon, 15-4 Lunch counter, 8-6 M Maximize icon, 1-6 Modify base cabinets, 5-5 item from Item List, 14-8 Monitor display, 1-2 Move docked toolbar, 1-10 floating toolbar, 1-8 items in drawing layout frames, 15-10 N Named views, 13-12 Named views, insert in drawing layout frames, 15-6 New icon, 7-2 NKBA, 1-14 disable rules, 13-8 enable rules, 13-2 settings, 13-6 Non-plan Items, 14-9 Note icon, 15-11 O Open design file, 2-3 P Perspective icon, 12-3 Perspective, save settings, 12-11 Place appliances, 3-1 base cabinets, 4-1 base corner cabinets, 4-10 countertops automatically, 13-9 dishwasher, 3-2 hood, 3-5 range, 3-4 refrigerator, 3-6 sink, 4-9 tall cabinets, 6-1 wall cabinets, 5-1 window, 2-7 Placement zone, 2-6 Plan Items, 14-9 Point menu, 8-11 Preferences assistants, 1-14 catalog, 1-12 Design Assistants, 13-3 file, 1-12 file paths, 1-18 Walls/Construction Lines preferences Walls/Construction Lines, 1-15 Price levels, set, 11-10 Prices Index I-4 20-20 Design Tutorial set, 11-9 show, 14-10 Print drawing layout, 15-13 floor plan, 15-13 Item List, 14-12 Produce a rendering, 12-2 Progress Check, 13-4 Pulls, set default styles, 11-7 Q Quick Search, 3-6 R Range, place, 3-4 Rate, cost/sell, 11-8 Refresh a rendering, 12-10 Refresh icon, 12-7 Refrigerator, place, 3-6 Remove an elevation area, 10-7 Rename a display tab, 15-3 Rendering produce, 12-2 refresh, 12-10 resize, 12-10 scroll, 12-10 set viewpoint, 12-6 view, 12-5 walk through, 12-9 zoom, 12-10 Reports browse, 16-5 overview, 16-2 select, 16-3 set options, 16-4 Reports on Design icon, 16-3 Resize cabinets, 9-4 drawing layout frames, 15-4 items in drawing layout frames, 15-10 rendering, 12-10 Return wall, 2-11 Rotate a cabinet, 7-3 Round countertop corners, 8-11 S Sales tax, add, 11-2 Save display scheme, 1-23 document, 1-18 drawing layout template, 15-12 perspective view settings, 12-11 Save icon, 1-23 SaveView icon, 15-7 Scenery, 2-9 Screen resolution, 1-2 Select drawing layout, 15-2 report, 16-3 Select Add-On dialog, 4-9 Set default styles, 11-4 global cabinet texture, 10-5 global countertop texture, 10-6 price levels, 11-10 prices, 11-9 report options, 16-4 styles and prices, 11-1 viewpoint, 12-6 Shortcut Bar, 1-3 Show calculated items, 14-11 pricing information, 14-10 Show Drawing Layout icon, 15-2 Show Item icon, 13-7 Show Tips at Startup, 1-5 Sink, place, 4-9 Start 20-20 Design, 1-4 Index I-5 20-20 Design Tutorial a new design, 7-2 Styles & Pricing icon, 11-2 Styles and prices, set, 11-1 Styles, default, 11-4 T Tab, rename, 15-3 Tall cabinets, place, 6-1 Template, drawing layout, 15-2, 15-12 Terminology, 1 Text, add in drawing layout frames, 15-11 Texture set global, 10-5, 10-6 wood, 10-5 Tile windows vertically, 14-4 Tip of the Day, 1-5 Toolbars display, 1-7 docked, 1-10 floating, 1-8 place, 1-8, 1-10 U Undo icon, 2-2 Undo the last action, 2-2 Update the display scheme, 4-3 V View settings save, 12-11 Viewpoint, 12-6 W Walk through a rendering, 12-9 Wall cabinets, place, 5-1 Wall Mode icon, 2-3 Wall modifications, add-ons, 5-5 Walls color, 2-13 customize color, 2-15 Properties, 2-11 return, 2-11 Warning patterns display settings, 1-22 Window place, 2-7 scenery, 2-9 Windows, tile vertically, 14-4 Wood textures, 10-5 Work area display settings, 1-20 Z Zoom In/Out icon, 12-5 Zoom to Fit icon, 2-6 View a rendering, 12-5 Index I-6