Guidelines For Parents and Students 2015-2016
Guidelines For Parents and Students 2015-2016
Guidelines For Parents and Students 2015-2016 Dear Parents, I want to personally welcome you to the Palmdale School District. In our district, all students are valued and respected and I expect the very best from every student enrolling in our district. In return, we commit to providing an excellent instructional program for every student, one that builds on their language, culture, ethnicity, strengths, and interests to create future successes. This is our district, and we will advocate for our students together! As part of this commitment, I want to let you know about an exciting new direction for our school district and community. Over the last few months, we have launched a major, ground-breaking effort to design a district strategic plan that promises to transform our district and community so that we engage all students in high-level learning that prepares them for success in a globalized environment and positions the district as a national model of excellence. We call this the Palmdale PROMISE, and it represents our action-oriented commitment to you and your students. As a fundamental approach to creating the Palmdale PROMISE, we have engaged our diverse community, including parents and students, with the intent of strengthening the relationships essential to our students’ success, and with the hope that each of us will embrace the opportunity and responsibility to create the school and community environments that nurture that success. I invite you to be part of this monumental and innovative effort to move our district and our community to the forefront of powerful and transformative education for all our students; we have an opportunity to make an incredible and sustainable impact for our students, our families, our schools, and our communities. In The Flat World, Educational Inequality and America’s Future, Linda Darling Hammond warns us that schools must prepare students for “jobs that do not yet exist, creating ideas and solutions for products and problems that have not yet been identified, using technologies that have not yet been invented.” As we take up this challenge, we are building and deepening partnerships and collaborations, and exploring possibilities together about how to best invest in our students’ futures. This collaboration provides many opportunities for leaders, teachers, students, parents, and community partners to share their practice, learn from one another, and together, engage in the innovative design of 21st century pathways for our students’ success. We know that the Palmdale PROMISE will yield positive results and outcomes, and will reach far beyond what we can imagine today. I look forward to spending time at every school, getting to know the students, parents, and community members, and ensuring we are keeping our PROMISE. Please know that I am a proactive Superintendent who works towards excellence by dramatically changing how we do business as school sites and as a district. Additionally, by collaborating with and supporting our teachers and administrators, we can reach our ultimate goal. I encourage you as a parent to get involved at your child’s school and in the Palmdale PROMISE. After all, parents play a critical role in their child’s education, and we need you to help us create the best future possible for our young people. I am committed to this vision and promise my best effort in moving our vision forward. I truly believe that together we can build the BEST school district in the world. Thank you for your support and vested interest in the Palmdale School District. Please visit our website for current updates and valuable information: Attentively, Raúl Maldonado Superintendent of Schools Table of Contents Attendance and Enrollment.............................................................................................................................................. 8 Attendance........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Excused Absences............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Unexcused Absences........................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Excessive Absences.......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Truancy and Tardiness.................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Attendance Awards.......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Independent Study............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Romero Bill........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Lottery............................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Inter-District and Intra-District Transfers..................................................................................................................................... 9 Arrival and Dismissal Procedures................................................................................................................................................... 9 Dress and Grooming........................................................................................................................................................ 10 School Uniform.................................................................................................................................................................................10 Dress Code........................................................................................................................................................................................10 Student Behavior...............................................................................................................................................................11 Positive Behavior Support.............................................................................................................................................................. 11 Duties of Students........................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Playground Rules............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Possession of Cellular Phones/Other Mobil Communications Devices...................................................................................... 11 Tobacco............................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Behavior Expectations................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Transportation.................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Bus Transportation..........................................................................................................................................................................14 Bus Surveillance Systems...............................................................................................................................................................14 Campus Surveillance Systems........................................................................................................................................................14 Field Trips........................................................................................................................................................................................14 Bicycles.............................................................................................................................................................................................14 District Wide Policies.......................................................................................................................................................15 Civility Policy.................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Secure Campus Policy.................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Directory Information................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)................................................................................................................ 16 Drug Suppression............................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Special Student Medication........................................................................................................................................................... 17 Wellness Policy................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Maintenance of Schools.................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Weapons-Free Schools................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Uniform Complaint Procedures..................................................................................................................................................... 17 General Complaint Policy............................................................................................................................................................... 18 Bullying/Harassment...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Text-A-Tip....................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Yearbook.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Homework........................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Retention......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Intermediate School Promotion Requirements............................................................................................................................ 19 Nondiscrimination Statement.................................................................................................................................................................... 16 District Wide Programs...................................................................................................................................................20 Special Education........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Health Services............................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Student Insurance.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Inclement Weather.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Food and Nutrition Services.......................................................................................................................................................... 21 B.E.S.T. (Building Effective Schools Together)........................................................................................................................... 21 Literacy Program-“Footsteps2Brilliace”....................................................................................................................................... 22 Title I................................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 English Language Learners (ELL)................................................................................................................................................ 22 Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)....................................................................................................................................... 22 Abolish Chronic Truancy Program (ACT).................................................................................................................................... 22 No Child Left Behind Act............................................................................................................................................................. 22 Equal Access to Educational Opportunities – Homeless Education.......................................................................................... 23 Translation Services....................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Custody Issues................................................................................................................................................................................ 23 School Accountability Report Card............................................................................................................................................... 23 Getting Involved in Your School.....................................................................................................................................24 Volunteers........................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 Parent Teacher Association (PTA)............................................................................................................................................... 24 School Site Council (SSC).............................................................................................................................................................. 24 District English Learner Advisory Council (DELAC)................................................................................................................. 24 English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC).................................................................................................................................. 24 Superintendent’s Advisory Council (SAC)................................................................................................................................... 24 Parent Involvement Policy.............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Emergency Procedures.................................................................................................................................................... 29 Emergency Disaster Procedures/Drills........................................................................................................................................ 29 Lock Down Procedures.................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Child Abuse Reporting Procedures............................................................................................................................................... 29 Student Information......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Student Holidays and Minimum Days........................................................................................................................................... 30 Palmdale School District - Bell Schedule..................................................................................................................................... 31 Palmdale School District School Information................................................................................................................ 32 Other Important Contacts............................................................................................................................................... 32 Acknowledgement of Procedures and Guidelines..................................................................................................... See Inserts MISSION STATEMENT To provide each child with a rigorous and relevant academic education; a safe learning environment and the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for success in the 21st Century. VISION STATEMENT Palmdale School District will be recognized regionally as the finest educational organization, offering innovative, academic choices and opportunities for success in the 21st Century. CORE VALUES EXCELLENCE: We will only accept excellence in our pursuit of student achievement. ACCOUNTABILITY: We are responsible for unleashing the unlimited potential for each student, recognizing that we each play a critical role in his or her success and we are obligated to aspire to be our best as we pursue excellence in student achievement. DIVERSITY: We embrace and celebrate the diversity in our community, valuing our cultural richness, multiple perspectives, and the varied contributions we all make to advance student achievement. INTEGRITY: We treat each member of our whole community with dignity and respect, valuing relationships based on honesty and compassion, as we work collectively to advance student achievement. COMMUNITY: We will be productive, honorable members of our community, advancing the interest of student achievement, civic pride and active participation in our democratic process. TRANSPARENCY: We are dedicated to open and honest communication as we make all decisions impacting student achievement. We value input from our community as it relates to our pursuit of educational excellence. Attendance & Enrollment Attendance Daily attendance at school is a vital component of a student’s school experience. Both students and schools benefit from your child’s regular attendance. Experience has shown that children’s attendance at school has a direct impact on their performance in the classroom and on state tests. Further, schools and districts receive funding based on student daily attendance. The state attendance laws require full-time attendance and punctuality of every student between six and eighteen years of age. The parents and the school have the responsibility to enforce these laws. A student should not be absent without the knowledge and consent of the parent or guardian. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the office of any absences or tardies in written or verbal form within 24-72 hours. Notes should include the student’s name, date of absence, reason for absence, parent signature and parents daytime contact number. A doctor’s note may be requested by the principal for continuous absences due to illness. Absences not cleared within 72 hours will remain unverified. Excused Absences Students receive an excused absence when they are absent from school for the following reasons: • Death in the immediate family (mother, father, or siblings) • Illness or injury • Visiting a doctor or dentist • In the hospital for treatment An excused absence for a religious holiday or other justifiable personal reason is only given if prior approval has been received from the Principal or Designee (EC 48205(7). Unexcused Absences Absences other than those defined above are Unexcused. Suspensions are counted as unexcused absences. Excessive Absences Any student who has 10 or more unexcused absences within a semester or 15 unexcused absences within any 12 month period will be referred to the District Attorney’s Abolish Chronic Truancy Program (ACT). Unexcused absences are absences not supported with a doctor’s note or other medical release. Truancy and Tardiness Any student who is frequently absent from school without a valid excuse or is tardy for more than 30 minutes on 3 different occasions will be subject to a site attendance meeting (SART) with the school administrator, deputy sheriff, and representative from the District Attorney’s Office. A warning and/or infraction citation may be issued involving a court appearance and possible fine. Continued attendance problems may result in a district attendance meeting (SARB) where a misdemeanor citation can be issued requiring a court appearance. California Education Code (E.C. 48260) defines three or more unexcused absences or tardies of 30 minutes or more as a truancy. Attendance Awards Attendance awards are given at the semester and end of the school year to students who have attended class on a daily basis. Perfect attendance can be earned by students who attend class every day, remain in school for the entire school day without being tardy or leaving early. 8 Palmdale School District Independent Study Programs Parents are encouraged to ask school about Independent Study arrangements for absences of at least 5 consecutive days. The district offers a short term program and long term program. Short Term Independent Study – This program is provided by all school sites for absences from 5 school days up to 5 weeks. Parents must give the school 48 hours’ notice for all short term independent study requests. Long Term Independent Study/Home Study Program — Innovations Academy or I-cademy (formerly Palmdale Independent Achievement Center/PIAC), is a more permanent program for students from Kindergarten through 8th grade who are looking for an alternative to traditional schools and classrooms. This model is specially designed for families that are interested in a new learning option, one that provides an academically rigorous education with the flexibility of a home school program. I-cademy offers a blended learning experience that combines interactive online education modules (offered through our partnership with Connections Learning – a Pearson Company) with class time directed by a credentialed teacher. I-cademy requires a higher level of parental involvement and a higher degree of self-motivation on the part of the student. The program is not easier than that of any other Palmdale School District school; it is only presented in a different way. This program is located on the Oak Tree campus at 38136 35th Street East. If interested, call I-cademy directly at 661.265.8908 or 661.265.8909. Romero Bill In January, 2010, the California Legislature adopted the Open Enrollment Act (Romero Bill) as part of the state’s efforts to provide the best education possible for its students. The Romero Bill allows pupils attending the 1,000 lowest achieving schools, as designated by the California Department of Education, to apply to enroll in higher performing schools in, or outside their district, regardless of residence. Information as to designated low performing schools and the enrollment process can be obtained by calling the Office of Student Services. Lottery Students may attend schools of choice through the Lottery process. Applications for Lottery transfer requests are available in January and must be turned in by a designated date in February. Once enrolled in a school through the Lottery, students living outside the school’s attendance area shall be considered to be residing in that school’s attendance area and will not need to apply for readmission. However, a yearly intra-district transfer application is required. Transportation is not provided to lottery participants. Students who miss the application window or who are not selected through the Lottery may apply for acceptance to a non-zoned school through the intra-district transfer process. Students not residing in the Palmdale School District may not participate in the Lottery but can apply for enrollment consideration to a school through the district’s inter-district transfer policy (BP 5117). Inter-District and Intra-District Transfers Students attending a non-zoned school through inter-district or intra-district transfer agreements are reminded that agreements are provided annually. Continuous approval throughout the year is contingent on the student maintaining satisfactory attendance, behavior and academic achievement and the parent working cooperatively with the school. Any violation of these conditions, as determined by the school principal, may result in the cancellation of the inter-district or intra-district agreement. District bus service is not available to intra- and inters- district students. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that his/her child arrives at school and is picked up in a timely manner. Arrival and Dismissal Procedures For the safety of students, please follow school arrival and dismissal procedures. Students should not be dropped off too early or picked up too late. This enables supervisory staff to receive your children in the morning and prevent overexposure to severe weather conditions as well as supervise the safe departure of every student at the end of the day. Many parents drop off or pick up their children along the curb in the fire lane zone, often parking or double-parking in the loading/unloading or the red zone. This creates blind spots for other vehicles and for students trying to get to the curb. Please be advised that you may be ticketed by law enforcement for parking in fire or bus lanes. Students dismissed during school hours must be signed out in the office and will only be released to parent(s) or to persons indicated on the student’s emergency card. For your child’s welfare, please insure that information on the emergency card is accurate and current. Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 9 Dress and Grooming School Uniform The Palmdale School District Board of Education has approved the implementation of school uniforms on many of our campuses. District administration believes that school uniforms can create a “coming together,” greater school pride, and better behavior in and out of classrooms. Moreover, with the complete elimination of gang attire and dangerous accessories, students at those sites are safer, less intimidated or threatened. A complete description of the required student uniform for each participating school can be obtained from the site’s administrative office. Uniform assistance is available to economically disadvantaged students. Information can be requested from school administration. A parent who wishes to exempt a child from the uniform requirement may request from the school, by mail or in person, an application for exemption. The completed application shall be submitted to the site principal. To make certain that the parent understands the reasons for the uniform policy and to verify information on the application, the parent shall meet with the principal to discuss the uniform policy and the nature of the objections. Dress Code On campuses without a school uniform policy, the following district dress standards have been established. A student’s dress and general appearance should not be such that it draws undesirable attention to the student, nor should dress and appearance detract or interfere with teaching and learning in the classroom and on the campus. It is expected that all students shall maintain their person and clothing in a modest, clean, and age appropriate fashion consistent with our dress code and compatible with the instructional program. Dress code reflects our community’s concerns. Determination of inappropriate dress rests solely with site administrators. As styles change, we reserve the right to modify dress code policy as needed to keep our schools safe and gang free. Proper notification of changes in dress code regulations will be provided. The Palmdale School District requires that: • Students attending school must be clean and properly groomed. Clothing worn to school must fit appropriately and be neat and clean. Oversized, baggy, or saggy clothing, tears, holes, patches, slits in seams, and ragged hems in clothes and/or shoes are not permitted. • Clothing, logos, or accessories that are offensive, profane, or promote gangs, drugs, violence, or disruptive behavior are prohibited. Tattoos of any kind or writing on the body are not allowed on campus. • Closed footwear that covers the entire foot must be worn for safety reasons. Open sandals, high heel shoes, slippers, and flip flops are hazardous and are not appropriate for school. • Jewelry and accessories that are unsafe and/or dangerous like studded belts and wristbands, metal belts, long chains, and dangling or large hooped earrings are not permitted. Only ears may be pierced and must be adorned with stud earrings only. Belts should be appropriately fitted, placed through belt loops, and not hang down as a tail. • Hemmed slacks, jeans, and shorts which are appropriately fitted at the waist and at the leg inseam and/or crotch area may be worn. Cutoff jeans, tight pants, and sweats; biker shorts, tight or short shorts, and boxer shorts or shorts that look like boxer shorts are prohibited. Undergarments may not be visible. Leggings and tights (Jeggings) may not be worn in place of pants. • Hats (except when worn outside to prevent sunburn), headbands, headgear, bandanas, hair nets and combs in the hair are not permitted. Only sunglasses required for medical reason may be worn at school. • Shirts and blouses must not be oversized and are to be buttoned properly. Shirts of excessive length and shirts with tails must be worn tucked inside of pants. Shirts must be appropriately fitted at the shoulders. Shirts of proper length designed to be untucked, sweaters and sweat shirts may be worn out. Tank tops, tube tops, halter tops, crop tops, or any other piece of clothing that exposes excessive skin is prohibited. • Hair must be of a natural color and not be worn (styled) in a manner that brings excessive attention to the student (i.e. Mohawks or hair that has been shaved with messages and/or designs). • Personal grooming items must be kept in the backpack at all times and not be taken out in the classroom, cafeteria, or playground. 10 Palmdale School District Student Behavior Positive Behavior Support Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is a school-wide approach to solving school discipline problems and promoting a safer, happier, and more productive and effective school environment. It is based upon over 30 years of applied research conducted within schools, communities, and the criminal justice system. The model is based on the premise that when appropriate behaviors are systematically taught, practiced, expected, and recognized consistently at school, they will be regularly demonstrated by the vast majority of students without the need for harsh, punitive disciplinary consequences. This will improve the climate of the campus and promote better social and academic outcomes. Duties of Students Every teacher shall hold students to a strict account for their conduct on the way to and from school, in the classroom, on the playground, or during recess. Rules of conduct also pertain to students who pick up siblings on campuses other than their own. Students must conform to school regulations, obey all directions, be diligent in study and respectful to teachers and others in authority, and refrain from the use of profane and vulgar language. Playground Rules Playground rules are critical for the safety of all students. They include, but are not limited to: • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times. • No food or drink, except water, is allowed on the playground. • Drinks and bathroom breaks are to be taken before returning to class. • No climbing on gates, fences, walls, and equipment not designed for that purpose. • No jumping from swings or any apparatus that might cause injury to a student. • No play fighting, tackle football, war ball, dodge ball, or any other game that might cause injury to a student. • All play equipment must be supplied and/or approved by school personnel. • Talk courteously and respectfully. Avoid shouting and screaming. • Follow all directives from supervisors. Line up immediately when asked to do so. Possession of Cell Phones/Other Mobile Communications Devices — Electronic Signaling Devices — EC 48901.5 The Palmdale School District’s rules and regulations on student use of technology, cell phones and other mobile or electronic communications devices will be distributed to students and parents in documents separate from this Student Handbook Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 11 Tobacco The Board prohibits the use of tobacco products, including electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as electronic cigarettes, hookahs, etc., at any time in district-owned or leased buildings, on district property and in district vehicles. (Health and Safety Code 104420; Labor Code 6404.5; 20 USC 6083; BP/AR 5131.62) This prohibition applies to all employees, students and visitors at any instructional program, activity or athletic event. Smoking or use of any tobacco-related products and disposal of any tobacco-related waste are prohibited within 25 feet of any playground, except on a public sidewalk located within 25 feet of the playground. (Health and Safety Code 104495) Any employee or student who violates the district’s tobacco-free schools policy shall be asked to refrain from smoking and shall be subject to disciplinary action as appropriate. Any other person who violates the district’s policy on tobacco-free schools shall be informed of the district’s policy and asked to refrain from smoking. If the person fails to comply with this request, the Superintendent or designee may: 1. the person to leave school property. 2. local law enforcement assistance in removing the person from school premises. 3. the person repeatedly violates the tobacco-free schools policy, prohibit him/her from entering district property for a specified period of time. Behavior Expectations Each school site and each classroom teacher has established behavior expectations for their students. It shall be the responsibility of the teachers and administrators to see that rules are carried out in a fair and reasonable manner. Every teacher, administrator and other designated employee shall assume responsibility for the implementation of the rules in areas such as the classroom, cafeteria, school bus, and school grounds. In dealing with behavior problems in the classroom, the first steps taken by the teacher shall include: a) conference with the student and parent contact, b) disciplinary consequence issued if no change in behavior, c) referral to administration if misbehavior continues, d) suspend the student from class. As soon as possible, the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian of the pupil to attend a parent-teacher conference regarding the classroom suspension. If referred to administration, the principal may: a) hold a conference with the student and parents, b) assign a disciplinary consequence, c) suspend the student from school, d) refer for expulsion consideration for serious educational code infractions. Prior to a school suspension, the student must be told why he/she is being suspended and given an opportunity to tell his/her version of the incident. Before the pupil leaves the school grounds, every effort will be made to notify the parents/ guardians of the suspension, the reason, and the violation involved. The parent will be given an opportunity to respond. As per Education Code 48900, parents and students are hereby notified that in the schools of the Palmdale School District, a student may be suspended or be recommended for expulsion from school if the principal determines that the student, while on school grounds or during a school related activity off grounds, or while going to or coming from school, has committed any one of the following offenses (a)(1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. (2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self - defense. (b)Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished a firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object, unless, in the case of possession of an object of this type, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or the designee of the principal. (c) Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, a controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind. (d)Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell a controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to a person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant. (e)Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion. 12 Palmdale School District (f)Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property. (g)Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property. (h)Possessed or used tobacco, or products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel. However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products. (i) Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity. (j)Unlawfully possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (k)Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties. (l) Knowingly received stolen school property or private property. (m) Possessed an imitation firearm. As used in this section, “imitation firearm” means a replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm. (n)Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault as defined in Section 261, 266c, 286, 288, 288a, or 289 of the Penal Code or committed a sexual battery as defined in Section 243.4 of the Penal Code. (0) Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or a witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both. (p)Unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell, or sold the prescription drug Soma. (q)Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing. For purposes of this subdivision, “hazing” means a method of initiation or pre-initiation into a pupil organization or body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to a former, current, or prospective pupil. For purposes of this subdivision, “hazing” does not include athletic events or school sanctioned events. (r) Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of an electronic act, as defined in subdivisions (f) and (g) of Section 32261, directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel. (s) A pupil shall not be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated in this section, unless that act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of the school district or principal or occurring within any other school district. A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts that are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance that occur at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following: (1) While on school grounds. (2) While going to or coming from school. (3) During the lunch period whether on or off the campus. (4) During, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity. (t) A pupil who aids or abets, as defined in Section 31 of the Penal Code, the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person may be subject to suspension, but not expulsion, pursuant to this section, except that a pupil who has been adjudged by a juvenile court to have committed, as an aider and a bettor, a crime of physical violence in which the victim suffered great bodily injury or serious bodily injury shall be subject to discipline pursuant to subdivision (a). (u)School property includes, but is not limited to, electronic files and databases. The district is required to expel from school for a period of not less than one year a student who is determined to have possessed a firearm, brandished a knife at another person, committed sexual assault or battery, or sold a controlled substance while at school. In addition, any student who commits one of the aforementioned violations will be referred to the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system. Suspension shall be imposed when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct. However, a student may be suspended for any of the above reasons upon a first offense, if the principal determines that the student committed any offenses “A” through “R”, or that the student’s presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process. The Board of Education may order a student expelled for first time violations of offenses “A” through “R” if other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct or that, due to the nature of the violation, the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the pupil or others. Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 13 Transportation Bus Transportation Transportation by bus may be provided for students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade whose residence is greater than 1 ½ miles from their zoned school for elementary and 2 miles for intermediate schools. Students classified with exceptional needs may be provided transportation through the IEP process. Primary and special education students who do not have someone present to pick them up at their stop may be returned to the school site. Transportation is not provided for any students attending school on an Intra-District or Inter-District transfer. Bus transportation for students within the district is provided as a privilege insofar as the individual child continuously displays good conduct and behavior while preparing to ride, while on the bus, and when leaving the bus. Bus drivers may issue bus citations to students who fail to display good conduct or behavior. In most cases, the driver may first issue the student a verbal warning. In all instances of misconduct the rider, his/her parent/guardian, the Office of Transportation, and the school site will be given the notice and/or warning. It is our preference to first issue a warning to afford parents the opportunity to discuss bus expectations with their child and to remind them that riding the school bus is a privilege. In the case of a severe violation as determined by the Principal and the Office of Transportation, the warning may be replaced with an immediate denial of bus privileges. A copy of the citation will be sent to the Office of Transportation and the school site where the principal will decide what disciplinary actions, if any shall be assigned. Failure to comply with rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action or denial of transportation. Bus Surveillance Systems Video cameras may be used on school buses to monitor student behavior while traveling to and from school and school activities. The Board believes that such monitoring will deter misconduct and help ensure the safety of students and staff. Students found to be in violation of the district’s bus conduct rules shall be subject to discipline in accordance with district policy and regulations. Campus Surveillance Systems The Board believes that reasonable use of surveillance cameras will help the district achieve its goals for campus security. In consultation with the safety planning committee and relevant staff, the Superintendent or designee shall identify appropriate locations for the placement of surveillance cameras. Cameras shall not be placed in areas where students, staff, or community members have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Any audio capability on the district’s surveillance equipment shall be disabled so that sounds are not recorded. Field Trips Palmdale School District recognizes that field trips are important components in the instructional program of the schools. Parents/guardians will grant permission and shall be notified of the field trip location and time of return prior to embarking on any field trip. All persons making the field trip shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the district for injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the field trip. (Ed Code 35330). Bicycles – BP 5142.3 California law requires students to wear helmets when riding bicycles. Bicycles are to be locked and parked in the racks only. They are not allowed in any other area of the campus and must be walked at all times. Schools assume no liability for bicycles that are lost, stolen or damaged. All riders must have a permit signed by a parent on file in the school office. Only students in grades 3rd—8th and/or those who have reached 8 years of age may ride a bike to school. Skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, skates, and the like are not an approved method of transportation to school and are not allowed on campus. The District assumes no liability for damage or loss of personal property brought to school in violation of District policies and practices regardless of and however caused. BP 5131 – The District shall not be responsible for students’ personal property brought on campus or to a school activity that are lost, stolen, or damaged. When a student uses any prohibited device, or uses a permitted device in an unethical or illegal activity, a district employee may confiscate the device. The employee shall store the item in a secure manner until an appropriate time. If a disruption occurs or a student uses any mobile communications device for improper activities, a school employee may confiscate it. If a school employee finds it necessary to confiscate a device, he/she shall notify parents/guardians and make arrangements to return it in a reasonable period of time. The District assumes no liability for damage or loss of personal property brought to school in violation of District policies and practices regardless of and however caused. 14 Palmdale School District District-Wide Policies Civility Policy The district has a civility policy. This policy demands that all district schools and offices shall be civil environments. A civil environment is free from abusive behavior and threats. Abusive behavior is defined as the use of obscenities, yelling, defamatory language, or any threatening behavior in order to intimidate or otherwise berate someone. The district is committed to maintaining orderly educational and administrative processes in keeping schools and administrative offices free from disruptions and preventing unauthorized persons from entering school/district grounds. This policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression, but only to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe, harassment-free workplace for our students and staff. Disruptive or abusive behavior may result in citation and/or arrest by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department in accordance with California Education Code 44811 and Penal Codes 403-420 and 626.7. Secure Campus Policy The Palmdale School District maintains a closed campus for the safety of students and staff and to avoid potential disruptions. Students must stay on the school grounds from the time they arrive until dismissal, unless they are signed out through the office by a parent or another adult listed on the emergency card. All visitors must report to the main office to register by signing in and receiving a visitor’s pass. Only official district visitor’s passes shall be used. The destination and time must be noted on the pass. A picture ID is required at the time of check-in. Visitors are not to interrupt instructional time by speaking with the classroom teacher or any student during the visit. The Governing Board strongly recommends that visits be scheduled in advance. (Refer to Board Policy 1250). Non district personnel/visitors are not allowed in the cafeteria during school hours when meals are being served to students. No commercial vendors/sales representatives shall have access to school facilities unless they have an appointment with a district employee. No electronic listening or recording device may be used by students or visitors in a classroom without the teacher and principal’s permission. (Education Code 51512). Pets may not be brought on to the campus by family members while picking up or dropping off students. Directory Information — EC 49073 Requires notice to parents or guardians, on an annual basis, of the categories of directory information that the school plans to release and of the persons or agencies who may receive such information. Authorizes parents to preclude release by notifying the school district. “Directory Information” includes one or more of the following items: student’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent public or private school attended by the student. The District has determined that the following individuals, officials, or organizations may receive directory information: Representatives of the news media, including but not limited to newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations; parent organizations serving the school from which the information is requested; employees of law enforcement agencies; public social services; probation; and other human service agencies, in the course of their official duties. No information may be released to private profit making entity other than employers, prospective employers and representatives of the news media, including, but not limited to, newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations. Directory information may be disclosed without prior consent from the parent or legal guardian unless the parent or legal guardian submits a written notice to the school to deny access to his/her pupil’s directory information. Directory information regarding a pupil identified as a homeless child or youth shall not be released unless a parent, or pupil given parental rights, has provided written consent that directory information may be released. Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 15 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.” • Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies. • Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information. • Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31): º School officials with legitimate educational interest; º Other schools to which a student is transferring; º Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes; º Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student; º Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school; º Accrediting organizations; º To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; º Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and º State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law. Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school. For additional information, you may call 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327) (voice). Individuals who use TDD may use the Federal Relay Service. Or you may contact us at the following address: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-8520 Nondiscrimination Statement Discrimination in education programs and activities is prohibited by state and federal law. Education Code 200 et seq. requires school districts to afford all pupils regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group identification, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or the perception of one or more of such characteristics, equal rights and opportunities in education. State law, as provided in EC 221.5, specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in enrollment, counseling, and the availability of physical education, athletic activities, and sports. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, also prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender. The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. The Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education has authority to enforce federal laws in all programs and activities that receive federal funds. The Palmdale School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination based on disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The district assures that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation in District programs. Complaints of unlawful discrimination are investigated through the Uniform complaint Process. Such complaints must be filed no later than six months after knowledge of the alleged discrimination was first obtained. For a complaint form or additional information, contact: Frances Ufondu at 266-7221. 16 Palmdale School District Drug Suppression Efforts The Palmdale School District is committed to offering every student the highest quality education on a safe, secure, drug free campus. A recent national study indicated that 44% of middle school students reported seeing drugs used, sold, or stored on campus at some time during the year. To ensure that our children do not become part of this alarming statistic, the Board of Trustees has partnered an agreement with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to conduct random searches of school property and student property outside the presence of the students by passive, narcotics detecting dogs. Children will not be present during the search. When necessary, personal property will be inspected in administrative offices with the student owner present. Parents will be notified immediately upon completion. It is our firm belief that this proactive approach by the Palmdale School District sends a positive message to students, faculty and parents that our campuses are focused 100% on education and safety and will not be disrupted by the presence of illegal drugs and activities. Special Student Medication The parent/guardian of any student who is on a continuing medication program is required by law to inform the school about the medication, existing condition, and the name of the doctor. Medicine to be dispensed by school personnel must be in its original prescription container with a medication permission form completed by the parent and signed by the physician. Wellness Policy The Federal Child Nutrition and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Note in 42 USC 1751) mandates that any district participating in a federal nutrition program adopt a policy on student wellness that, at a minimum, includes goals for nutrition education, physical activity and other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness in a manner that the district determines is appropriate. As a result of this mandate, the PSD has adopted a Wellness Policy. Parents and staff are encouraged to set the example of healthy eating habits to our students. Maintenance of Schools The Palmdale School District maintenance staff frequently uses pesticides and/or herbicides to assist in maintaining schools. The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 was signed into law in September 2000 and requires that all schools provide parents or guardians of students with annual written notification of expected pesticide use on school sites. The notification will identify the active ingredient or ingredients in each pesticide product and will include the Internet address ( for further information on pesticides and their alternatives. Weapons-Free Schools The Palmdale School District Board maintains a zero-tolerance policy and believes classrooms must be safe for students and staff. Students may be expelled for bringing a gun, knife or anything that can be used as a weapon to school. Students in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade possessing, exhibiting or threatening others with a weapon may be suspended or expelled, while students in grades 5th through 8th shall be suspended and subject to the expulsion process, pursuant to AR 5144.1. Uniform Complaint Procedures The Palmdale School District recognizes that we have the responsibility for ensuring that we comply with officially adopted Board Policies and state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The Uniform Complaint Procedures may be used for complaints or non-compliance involving the following educational programs and complaints alleging violations of the following non-discrimination protections: • Instructional materials • Facilities • Teacher vacancy and/or mis-assignment Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 17 General Complaint Policy The Governing Board believes that all parent complaints and concerns can be resolved by meeting with site personnel. If not, the following procedure should be used: • Make an appointment to discuss the problem with the appropriate site staff member. • In the unlikely event that your concern is not resolved, an appointment should be made with the school principal. • If you are not satisfied after meeting with the school Principal, a complaint form can be requested and secured from the Principal. Once the complaint form has been completed, the parent should deliver their complaint to the front desk at the District Office. The complaint will then be given to the Superintendent’s office for review. Bullying/Harassment The site principal of each school has the responsibility of developing and maintaining student behavior and conduct guidelines. Board policy on “Bullying/Harassment” sets a standard to promote “safe and secure schools.” It defines the obligation to promote “mutual respect and safe and harmonious relations.” The District believes that students have a right to attend a school that is free of abuse and harassment. Any gestures, comments, threats or actions, either written, verbal or physical; causing or threatening to cause or likely to cause bodily harm or personal degradation, will not be tolerated on any district property or at any school activity, on or off campus. Students found in violation of this policy will be subject to suspension and/or expulsion or other disciplinary methods deemed appropriate by the administration. Text-A-Tip Students, parents and community members in the Palmdale School District now have the ability to provide anonymous crime fighting tips to school administrators and law enforcement agencies. The service, called Text-A-Tip, by Tipsoft, allows users to send tips online, or by sending a text message from a mobile phone completely anonymously. Text-A-Tip allows school authorities and students to have a two-way dialog that is completely secure and anonymous. Students should use Text-A-Tip before and after school to report any safety-related information, including bullying, vandalism, violence, drugs, weapons or information about crimes that are being planned in the community or in schools. Tipsoft allows text message or internet tipsters to remain anonymous by encrypting the messages, assigning them a unique alias and ID, then routing them through secure servers, protecting the personal details of the information provider. The tipster will text their information to 274637 (C-R-I-M-E-S) with the keyword “PSDTIP” or the individual school assigned keyword which can be secured from your site administrator. For more information on this new program, log onto the Palmdale School District website at and click on the Text-A-Tip link to the TipSoft web page. Students, parents and community members can send their tips anonymously online by choosing ‘Submit a Web Tip” or may watch a video demonstration of how to use Text-A-Tip by clicking on the Text-A-Tip button under “For Citizens.” With Text-A-Tip, students can take an active role in making their schools and communities safer. Yearbooks Unless a parent requests in writing at the beginning of the year that his/her child be excluded from the school’s yearbook, a student’s name and picture will appear in the publication. All material images or text, received for inclusion in any Palmdale School District yearbook will be reviewed by student staff and journalism advisor. Expression that is obscene, defamatory, or which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises or the violation of lawful school regulations, including non-discrimination and anti-bullying rules, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, is prohibited. Further, material which is inconsistent with professional standards of English and journalism may also be rejected. 18 Palmdale School District Homework Pursuant to Board Policy AR 6154, homework is a teacher-planned learning activity which takes place largely outside of a student’s regular school hours. As such, homework should reinforce classroom learning and expand on a student’s school experiences. Homework assignments are to be specific and related to classroom objectives. The amount of homework assigned, its complexity and scope, and even the grading of homework should be related to the needs and abilities of the individual students. • Kindergarten and first grade students may be given homework at least two (2) nights a week for 10-15 minutes, except on Friday or before a holiday. • Second through eighth grade students may receive homework four (4) nights a week, Monday through Thursday, except before a holiday. Students may be given long-term assignments. These assignments may include science projects, preparation of an oral presentation or research paper. Assignments may make it necessary for students to work on weekends and holidays. Such commitment should be voluntary on the part of the student Students and teachers should have a clear understanding of the purposes and procedures for successfully completing long-term homework assignments. Homework shall not be given for disciplinary measures. However, unfinished class work may be assigned as homework when a student has failed to complete assignments due to poor work habits (not because he/she is a slow worker or learner). A contract shall be established with parent and student in such cases. Students may be excused from homework, if a note is received from the parent. Homework assignments should not require use of specialized materials at home, such as encyclopedias, unless the school lends such materials to the students. Students who miss school work because of an excused absence shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and test missed during the absence. Students shall receive full credit for work satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time. Retention Students who fail to satisfy grade level standards as established in Board Policy, may be retained. Notice of retention shall be sent to targeted students prior to the 2rd semester report card. A teacher’s decision to promote or retain a child may be appealed consistent with Board Policy, administrative regulation, and law. Intermediate School Promotion Requirements The Palmdale School District remains committed to providing our students the academic and social skills necessary for a successful transition from 8th grade to high school. While promotion to 9th grade is achieved with a minimum GPA of 1.67, the district has agreed to reserve the promotion ceremonies and culminating activities solely for those 8th grade students who accomplish this mission satisfy the following requirements. • Students must have a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.0. • Students may have no more than 10 absences. • Students may have no more than 2 incidents of suspension. • Students may have zero incidents of truancy (ditching, students skipping school without parent knowledge). • Students must have all school materials turned in, paid for, or otherwise accounted for (textbooks, library books, musical instruments, lab equipment, cafeteria charges cleared, fundraiser charges cleared, etc.). • Students must be present and on time at all promotion rehearsals for their time slot. • Students who disrupt the promotion ceremony rehearsal may be excluded from participating. (Each site Principal reserves the right to make exceptions to the above at his/her discretion.) Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 19 District-Wide Programs Special Education Eligibility for special education placement and services is determined by an individual education program (IEP) team in compliance with existing state and federal laws. Programs and services are offered to meet a variety of needs for students with disabilities. Services range from those that supplement general education classroom instruction to instruction provided in a self-contained special day class. Under certain conditions, students may receive services from other agencies such as county operated programs or home and hospital placement. Each child is entitled to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment as determined by his/her IEP team. Health Services The major focus of school health services is the achievement of optimal health, with prevention of illness and disability through early detection and correction of health problems. The Health Services staff is committed to promoting and establishing the following conditions for all students: • Access to an appropriate education in a safe and welcoming environment • Active student participation in managing their chronic health conditions • Participation in comprehensive health education programs, and demonstration of the ability to practice appropriate health-enhancing behaviors and reduction of health risks • Regular school attendance in optimum health and ready to participate in the learning process Utilization of appropriate community healthcare resources School nurses are credentialed, registered nurses assigned to multiple schools, and provide students and staff with counseling and guidance concerning individual health needs. They conduct annual screenings in hearing, vision, and dental needs, scoliosis, and general health screenings; as well as providing assessments and referrals to community resources. Vision and hearing screening tests will be given to pupils in grades K, 2, 5, and 8. Color vision will be administered to first grade boys only. Scoliosis screening will be conducted with 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys. Parents may sign a waiver exempting their child from these examinations, if they so desire. Health assistants work in the school health office daily, and although they are not nurses, they are trained in first aid/ CPR, and assist students with medication, first aid/emergency care, and maintain student records. Pregnant Minor Procedures The following is Palmdale School District Board Policy 5146. This is also a compliance item for equal educational opportunity and access pursuant to Title IX (20 USC 1681-1688). Married and unmarried students in this district shall have the same educational opportunities. The Governing Board’s responsibility for the education of school age children includes the pregnant teenager, married or unmarried. These students shall be allowed to remain in school and receive the same services made available to other students. Any variation from their continuing in regular school classes shall be based upon their assessed needs. A pregnant student may remain in her regular school program as long as her physical and emotional condition permits. The student’s husband (or parents if she is unmarried) and her physician should be consulted in developing the educational plan to fit her needs. Suspected pregnant or parenting students should be referred to the PSD Health Services Department for case management. Case Management and referral assistance is provided by school nurses and school psychologists. Pregnant and parenting minor students may participate in comprehensive education, alternative education (independent study, noncomprehensive campus, or home & hospital instruction programs), as appropriate. Pursuant to 34 CFR 106.40, the school requires a physician’s certificate from a pregnant student, as the school imposes the same requirement on all other students with physical or emotional conditions requiring a physician’s care, in order to provide a safe and appropriate educational program. Pregnancy must be treated as any other medical condition or “temporary disability” with regards to health plans, medical benefits and related services. 20 Palmdale School District Student Insurance The Palmdale School District does not provide medical, accident or dental insurance for pupils injured on school premises or through school activities. In accordance with Education Code Section 49472, the District is making available low cost medical/dental accident insurance programs. The purpose of the plans is to provide assistance at a minimum cost to meet some of the expenses for accidental injury. The Plan Costs are in the chart below. Contact your child’s school office to obtain detailed brochure/application information. Please read the Student Benefits Plan Brochures for each company to select the plan that best meets your needs. PACIFIC EDUCATORS Sign up online at (click on Products, then Student Insurance). SELF INSURED SCHOOLS OF CALIFORNIA – SISC II Fill out the application in the brochure or call 661-636-499 All Plans Are A ONE TIME ANNUAL Payment Options Low High At School Plan Grades P-8 $11.00 $25.00 Options 24-Hr-a-Day Plan Grades P-8 $75.00 $161.00 At School Plan Grades P-8 All Plans Are A ONE TIME ANNUAL Payment Annual Rate $50.00 Please see brochure for complete plan details Pacific Educators can now assist people in applying for health insurance plans that meet the guidelines of the Affordable Care Act and help you avoid potential tax penalties. These penalties will be increasing each year from 2014-on. Some may qualify for tax savings and government assistance. We will be happy to help you get all the potential assistance/subsidies you are eligible for. Go to Click on “products” and “health insurance”. Inclement Weather High temperatures occur frequently in the Antelope Valley. It is important to avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures and high relative humidity, as symptoms of heat-related illness can quickly escalate into an emergency situation. Muscle cramping, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are conditions caused by overexposure to heat. Drinking plenty of water, wearing loose clothing, and avoiding strenuous activities involving direct sun-exposure can help to minimize the risk. For safety reasons, no glass bottles or frozen plastic water bottles are allowed. Food and Nutrition Services The Palmdale School District participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch program which is an outgrowth of the National School Lunch Act of 1946. This program was designated by Congress to: • Provide nutritious, reasonably priced meals to school children. • Contribute to a better understanding of good nutrition. Provide for a third of the student’s daily nutritional value. • Students from families within guidelines designated by the California Child Nutrition Services are eligible for free or reduced price meals. To apply for a free or reduced price meal, parents must complete a family application annually. This application should be completed upon initial enrollment and at the beginning of each school year. Parents will be informed of eligibility for free or reduced price meals soon after submitting the application. B.E.S.T. Behavior (Building Effective Schools Together) B.E.S.T. facilitates the academic achievement and healthy social development of all students in a safe environment conducive to learning. Students are encouraged to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible. Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 21 Literacy Program - Footsteps2Brilliance The Palmdale School District, in partnership with the City of Palmdale, is pleased to announce access to a FREE Literacy & Vocabulary Program for Palmdale School District Students and Palmdale residents. The Footsteps2Brilliance online program supports the District’s goal of literacy for all and is available in English and Spanish. Please visit the Palmdale School District Website: > Parents > Footsteps2Brilliance to obtain instructions for access and registration. If you have any questions, contact Educational Services 661.266.7233. Title I Title I provides services from federal monies for identified students. These services are in addition to the basic program supplied to all students in the Palmdale School District. Title I supplementary services may consist of additional instruction by teachers and other school personnel, computer lab tutorial programs, additional instructional materials, and parent education. English Language Learners (ELL) ELL seeks to develop fluency in English, reinforce positive self-concepts, provide access to the core curriculum in order to give equal opportunity for academic achievement and promote cross-cultural understanding. Teachers in the program are appropriately trained and certified to teach EL students. Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) The GATE program exists to meet the unique needs of gifted students in academic and social areas. Identified students are clustered with trained teachers to receive a differentiated curriculum based on their needs. Students may be referred for evaluation for the GATE program by a teacher, parent, or student. Abolish Chronic Truancy Program (ACT) Palmdale School District participates in the Abolish Chronic Truancy (ACT) Program, a partnership between the District Attorney’s Office and elementary schools that focuses on assisting families in complying with school attendance laws and increasing in-seat attendance of children. A list of students between the ages of 6 to 18 years of age with 10 full day absences in a semester or 15 full day absences in a preceding 12 month period is submitted to the District Attorney Representative (DAR) for a referral to the ACT Program. These absences may include both “excused” and “unexcused” absences, but may not include verified absences. Verified absences are those for which appropriate documentation has been provided, such as a doctor’s note for illness or a death certificate for absences for funerals. The following briefly outlines the ACT process: • Students identified for inclusion in the ACT Program based on absences. List of students provided to the DAR and parents are notified. • Parent meeting scheduled and held with parents, DAR and school representatives. Information about the ACT Program is provided to parents. • Students’ school attendance is monitored. If there is no significant improvement made, a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting is scheduled and held between individual families, an ACT officer, and school personnel to discuss the challenges to the student’s attendance and to seek solutions. At the conclusion of the meeting, a contract provided by the ACT Officer is signed by all attendees at the meeting. • Adherence to the contract and student attendance is monitored. If there is still no improvement, the student’s case is referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). • The District Attorney’s Office is notified of the SARB referral. • Failure to improve attendance after a SARB meeting may result in the filing of charges against the parents/ guardians and/or the student. No Child Left Behind Act In January 2002, a federal law, the No Child Left Behind Act was passed. One provision in this law requires all districts to notify parents regarding qualifications of their student’s classroom teacher. According to the law, parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher, including: • Whether the teacher has met state credential or license criteria for grade level and subject taught. • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status. • The teacher’s baccalaureate major and any graduate certification or degree held. • Whether the child is serviced by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications. If you are interested in obtaining this information, please contact the Palmdale School District Department of Human Resources at (661) 947-7191. 22 Palmdale School District Equal Access to Educational Opportunities — Homeless Education The Palmdale School District recognizes its obligation to ensure that homeless children have access to the same free and appropriate public education provided to other children within the district. Schools provide students experiencing homelessness with the same public education, programs and services to meet the same challenging performance standards as other students. Homelessness is defined in educational code as “students who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.” Students experiencing homelessness may: • Participate fully in all school activities and programs for which they are eligible. • Continue to attend last enrolled school for the balance of the semester. • Receive transportation from current residence back to school of origin. • Automatically qualify for child nutrition programs. For questions or assistance for homeless students, please contact the district’s Homeless Liaison, Aaron Yoscovitz, Program Specialist at (661) 456-1462. Translation Services Parents in need of translation services during conferences, IEPs, or other meetings may request a district translator through the Biliteracy Department at (661) 537-6118. Custody Issues Custody issues must be handled by the courts. Our schools have no legal jurisdiction to refuse biological parents access to their child and/or school records. The only exception is when signed restraining orders or proper divorce papers, specifically stating visitation limitations, are on file in the school office. Any student release situation which leaves the student’s welfare in question will be handled at the discretion of the site administrator. Should any such situation become a disruption to the school, the Sheriff’s Office will be contacted and a Deputy will be requested to intervene. We ask parents to make every effort not to involve school sites in custody matters. As a courtesy, our offices will always attempt to reach the custodial parent when a biological non-custodial parent or any other person not listed on the emergency card requests access to student records or comes to pick up a child. Additional information can be secured by contacting the Office of Special Education and Student Services at (661) 456-1457 if you would like additional information. School Accountability Report Card (SARC) What is School Accountability Report Card? Since November 1988, state law has required all public schools receiving state funding to prepare and distribute a SARC. A similar requirement is also contained in the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The purpose of the report card is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school. A SARC can be an effective way for a school to report on its progress in achieving goals. You may also use a SARC to evaluate and compare schools on a variety of indicators. What information does SARC contain? • Demographic data • School safety and climate for learning information • Academic data • School completion rates • Class sizes • Teacher and staff information • Curriculum and instruction descriptions • Postsecondary preparation information • Fiscal and expenditure data Hard copy of the SARC will be made available at your child’s school upon request. For more information on Specific School Site Accountability Report Cards, you may log on to: • for Palmdale Schools’ SARC • for the CDE Webpage Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 23 Getting Involved in Your Schools The following committees and groups are available if you would like to participate in your child’s education or assist school personnel. Volunteers Parents can become involved in their school by volunteering as a classroom helper, joining a school committee, serving as a chaperone, or just communicating with your child’s teacher. Parents are required to provide the results of a recent tuberculosis test every four years to serve as a volunteer in the school and have valid fingerprints on file at the District Office if working directly with students while not under the direct supervision of a credentialed employee. Palmdale School District’s Human Resource Division provides finger printing services when a request form is completed by the school principal and submitted by the volunteer. Siblings and other younger children are not permitted in the classrooms. Paid positions as playground supervisors, food service workers, custodians, classroom instructional assistants, and school office clerks can also be secured by contacting Human Resources at 661-266-7224. Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Notices will be sent home periodically to keep you informed of PTA activities. All funds collected through PTA come directly back to the school and are used for cultural programs, field trips, drug awareness programs or activities, classroom materials, and other school activities. School Site Council (SSC) The School Site Council is a decision making group consisting of the principal, parents, teachers, and an “other” staff member. The goal of the committee is to develop and approve the school plan and budget, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional program. Meetings are open to everyone, although membership is by election and only members can vote on agenda items. There must be parity in numbers between school members and parent members. District English Learner Advisory Council (DELAC) Whenever fifty-one or more English learners are enrolled in a district, the district will establish a functioning District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) to oversee programs and services for English learners. Please contact Maria Barriga at 661-537-6119 for meeting information. English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) ELAC committees provide parents of students identified as English learners (EL) an opportunity to: • Elect committee officers, and to vote on topics related to English learners • Provide advice to the Principal and school staff on the most positive and effective actions to improve learning for EL students; the school plan as it relates to EL issues, the development of the school’s needs assessment, the administration of the school’s language census and participation and awareness in school events • Learn more about programs offered to EL students • Provide advice on the most effective actions to support full participation of EL students in all school activities • For additional information, please contact your principal. Superintendent s Advisory Council (SAC) Members assist the superintendent by: • Advising on issues related to educational needs, problems and suggested priorities • Advising regarding opinions and attitudes of the community on significant distrissues of a general type, e.g., homework, community service, student behavior, etc. • Assist in identifying educational needs and problems unique to the Council attendance area and interpreting these needs to the community • To express interest, or additional information, please contact your principal. 24 Palmdale School District Parent Involvement Policy 2015-2016 The Palmdale School District agrees to implement the following statutory requirements: • The school district will put into operation programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents in all of its schools with Title I, Part A programs, consistent with section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Those programs, activities and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children. • Consistent with section 1118, the school district will work with its schools to ensure that the required school-level parental involvement policies meet the requirements of section 1118(b) of the ESEA, and each include, as a component, a school-parent compact consistent with section 1118(d) of the ESEA. • The school district will incorporate this district wide parental involvement policy into its Local Education Agency (LEA) plan developed under section 1112 of the ESEA. • In carrying out the Title I, Part A parental involvement requirements, to the extent practicable, the school district and its schools will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 of the ESEA in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents can understand. • If the LEA plan for Title I, Part A, developed under section 1112 of the ESEA, is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, the school district will submit any parent comments with the plan when the school district submits the plan to the State Department of Education. • The school district will involve the parents of children served in Title I, Part A schools in decisions about how the 1 percent of Title I, Part A funds reserved for parental involvement is spent, and will ensure that not less than 95 percent of the one percent reserved goes directly to the schools. • The school district will be governed by the following statutory definition of parental involvement, and expects that its Title I schools will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition: • The school district will involve the parents of all students as defined in Education Code 42238.01 (English learner, low income, and foster youth) through the District Advisory Council to provide advice to the governing board and superintendent regarding Article 4.5, Local Control and Accountability Plans. Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring— (A) that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning: (B) that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school; (C) that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; (D) the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118 of the ESEA. The United States Department of Education funds the following regional parent and information resource centers for parent reference: — California Parent Center, San Diego, — American Indian Parental Assistance Program, Valley Center, — Salinas Parent Empowerment Project, Salinas, (831) 753-5748 1. The Palmdale School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the development of its districtwide parental involvement plan under section 1112 of ESEA: a. Parents will have the opportunity to complete a needs assessment survey to give input into the districtwide parental involvement policy. The findings will be used to develop and revise the policy. b. School and district advisory committee members will have the opportunity to participate in the development/ revision of the districtwide parental involvement policy through focus groups, personal interviews. c. A district-wide parent advisory council will meet at least four times per year to provide advice on matters related to parental involvement in Title I, Part A programs. 2. The Palmdale School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school review and improvement under section 1116 of the ESEA: a. Needs assessment surveys (both formal and informal) will be completed by parents to assess program effectiveness and assist in programmatic revisions. Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 25 3. The Palmdale School District will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementation effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: a. District office staff will meet with school representatives to coordinate the planning and implementation of effective parental involvement activities. b. District staff will assist school sites in the effective communication to parents about academic programs that are available to students. c. District staff will assist schools in the development of materials, reports and other documents which will be made available to parents regarding student achievement and school performance. d. District staff will assist the school sites at parent meetings on topics related to student achievement and performance. e. District staff will coordinate parent involvement activities that are available to all parents in the district. f. All parent information will be disseminated to parents in their primary language to the extent practicable, and in a manner that is easy to understand. 4. b. School and district advisory committees (i.e. SSC, ELAC, DELAC, SAC-SCE, DAC, and GATE) along with the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee and Districtwide Parent Advisory Council will regularly review school and district programs and make recommendations for program improvements. c. Each school will convene an annual Title I meeting outlining the use of Title I funds and soliciting parent input to meet the needs of Title I students. d. Each school will provide parents with student achievement data and how that data will be used to improve instruction. The Palmdale School District will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies in Part A with parental involvement strategies under the following other programs by: a. Coordinating parent involvement activities, when appropriate, such as the Parent University. b. Providing the parents of Head Start students with the kindergarten expectations. c. Holding an annual kindergarten orientation for incoming kindergarten parents, with an emphasis on recruitment of Head Start/State preschool parents. d. Making parent activities available to all interested parents. 5. The Palmdale School District will establish a districtwide parent advisory committee that will develop a parental involvement annual evaluation. The evaluation will be distributed to parents and allow them opportunity to evaluate the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy. The evaluation will include the identification of barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities, with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background. The findings will be used to design strategies for more effective parental involvement and to revise, if necessary, the parental involvement policies. 6. The Palmdale School District will build the school’s and parent’s capacity for strong parental involvement, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school involved, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, through the following activities specifically described below: A. The school district will provide at each school, a Parent Community Liaison to coordinate all family/community engagement activities, a commitment to engage its diverse families and communities in powerful learning and collaboration. The liaisons will contribute to our key outcomes of: • Positive Parent engagement • Improved student academics • Strong home learning environment • Effective School/Community Partnership B. The school district will, with the assistance of its Title I, Part A schools, provide assistance to parents of children served by the school district or school, as appropriate, in understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described below: • the State’s academic content standards, • the State’s student academic achievement standards, • the State and local academic assessments, • the requirements of Title I, Part A, • how to monitor their child’s progress, and • how to work with educators: 26 Palmdale School District 1) Grade level content standards pamphlets will be distributed to every parent in English or Spanish as appropriate at the beginning of the school year. 2) Back-to-School Nights will be held to inform parents of school academic programs. 3) Standardized test assessment results will be sent to every parent in English or Spanish as appropriate, including an explanation of how to interpret the scores. 4) Parent conferences will be held to inform parents of the child’s progress with suggestions of how parents can assist the child at home. 5) Parents will be notified of the academic programs and student achievement in a variety of ways, including report cards, progress reports, English Language Development (ELD) report cards, and conferences. 6) Parent Education activities will be held which will give parents the tools and resources to extend learning at home (i.e. homework assistance, Family Math, Family Reading, Family Science, Math Their Way, Other activities may include computer classes and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. 7) Adult ESL Programs may provide adult English language instruction to parents and other members of the community. 8) Parents of English Learners (ELs) will be informed of the child’s level of English proficiency, how such level was assessed and the status of the student’s academic achievement. 9) Parents of ELs will be informed about the method of instruction used in the program in which their child is participating and the methods of instruction used in other programs available to the child. 10) Parents of ELs will be informed how the program in which the child is participating will meet the educational strengths and needs of the child and how the program will specifically help their child learn English and meet age- appropriate-academic achievement standards. C. The school district will, with the assistance of its schools, provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s academic achievement, such as literacy training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement by: 1) Parent education activities will be held, which give parents the tools and resources to extend learning at home. The school district will work with schools to ensure that materials and training needed to help parents work with their children to improve the child’s academic achievement will be provided. The district will assist the schools in paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental involvement activities to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions. D. The school district will, with the assistance of its schools and parents, educate its teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff, in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools, by: 1) The district will hold regular District Parent Advisory Council, Superintendent’s Advisory Committee meetings, District English Learners Advisory meetings, District Advisory on State Compensatory Education, and GATE Advisory Committee meetings to solicit parent/community input as to how the district and schools can assist the staff in working effectively with parents as equal partners and how to coordinate parent programs. 2) The district will involve parents in the development of programs that will build ties between parents and schools. E. The school district will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with Head Start, public preschool and other programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children, by: 1) The district will participate in an Annual Recruitment Fair in May to provide families information regarding health and safety related issues. Health screenings can be arranged that day. 2) The district will host a Parent University in the fall, in cooperation with Head Start, which will provide high interest seminars and workshops to interested parents. 3) The district will host a Kindergarten Transition University in the spring, in cooperation with Head Start, which will provide high interest seminars and workshops to interested parents focusing on transitioning preschool aged children into Kindergarten. 4) The Migrant Education Program will provide migrant families with additional academic and community-related services which will support families in participating in the education of their children. Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 27 F. The school district will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school, parent-programs, meetings, training, and other activities, is sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand: 1) Translation services will be provided to parents at school, parent programs, meetings, training, and other activities. All written communications will be translated in a language parents can understand to the extent practicable. 2) District staff will solicit input from the districtwide parent advisory committee, as well as other school and district advisory committees as to more effective home – school communication. DISTRICT WIDE PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT POLICY COMPONENTS • Providing necessary literacy training for parents from Title I, Part A funds if the school district has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for that training; • Paying reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental involvement activities, including transportation and child care cost, to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions; • Training parents to enhance the involvement of other parents; • In order to maximize parental involvement and participation in their children’s education, arranging school meetings and training at a variety of times, or conducting in-home conferences between teachers or other educators, who work directly with participating children, with parents who are unable to attend those conferences at school; • Providing capacity building activities/training for parents to become more actively involved in the process of improving student achievement; • Adopting and implementing model approaches to improving parental involvement; • Establishing a district wide parent advisory council to provide advice on all matters related to parental involvement in Title I, Part A programs; • Developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses, including faith-based organizations, in parental involvement activities; and • Providing other reasonable support for parental involvement activities under section 1118 as parents may request. Approved by Palmdale School District Parent Involvement Committee on March 11, 2015. Board Approval Date: May 19, 2015 28 Palmdale School District Emergency Procedures Emergency Disaster Procedures/Drills In the continued interest of student safety, the Governing Board believes it is important that students, parents and staff be aware of, and practice, appropriate emergency and disaster procedures. Palmdale District Schools conduct monthly emergency and/or disaster drills in order to familiarize students, parents and staff with proper procedures. These may include mock injuries, search and rescue operations, and prepared meals by our Cafeteria staff. Some schools will be chosen to practice off-site evacuations to another Palmdale School Site. Emergency plans and maps are displayed in each classroom, as well as the proper classroom evacuation route. Each teacher has an emergency bag with disaster supplies to be used should a disaster occur. In the event of a disaster, standard response and student release procedures will be used. Concerns about your child participating in site disaster drills should be addressed with the school principal. Lock Down Procedures This action is taken when the threat of danger, violence or gunfire is identified and/or site administration is directed by law enforcement that it is necessary to prevent perpetrator(s) from entering occupied areas. During Lock Down, students are to remain in the classrooms or designated locations at all time. This procedure is to be implemented in full during a drill or an actual event. If inside, teachers or staff will lock the doors and close any shades or blinds if it appears safe to do so. Students and staff will implement duck-and-cover procedures when necessary. If standing outside, students will proceed to their classrooms if no danger is present. If not, teachers or staff will direct students into the closest classrooms or school buildings (e.g., auditorium, library, cafeteria, and gymnasium). Teachers and students will remain in the classroom or secured area until further instructions are given by the Principal or law enforcement. The front entrance will be locked and no visitors, other than appropriate law enforcement or emergency personnel with proper identification, will be allowed on campus during lock down. Child Abuse Reporting Procedures Duty to Report Certificated employees and classified employees trained in child abuse identification and reporting shall report known or suspected child abuse to a child protective agency by telephone immediately or as soon as practically possible and in writing within 36 hours. The reporting duties are individual and cannot be delegated to another individual except under circumstances set forth in Penal Code 11166. Mandated Reporters Mandated Reporters” are those people defined by law as “child care custodians,” “health practitioners,” “child visitation monitors” and “employees of a child protective agency.” Mandated reporters include virtually all school employees. The following school personnel are required to report: Teachers, administrators, supervisors of child welfare and attendance, certificated Pupil Personnel employees, employees of a child care institutions, head start teachers, school psychologists, licensed nurses, and counselors, presenters of child abuse prevention programs and those instructional aides or other classified employees trained in child abuse reporting. Reporting Procedures To report known or suspected child abuse, any employee (as defined above) shall report by telephone to the local child protective agency. Child Abuse Hotline 1 (800) 540-4000 Department of Children’s Services 335 East Ave K-6 Lancaster, CA 93554 (723-4340) Written/On line Report Within 36 hours of knowing or observing the information concerning the incident, the mandated reporter shall: • Call the Child Protection Hotline at 1(800) 540-4000 • Obtain the referral number of the verbal report from the Hotline staff (19-digits) • Prepare and either send, fax, or electronically submit to the appropriate agency a written follow-up report, which includes a completed Department of Justice form (SS 8572). (Penal Code 11166, 11168) • If the verbal report was taken, and a reference number was assigned, go to the website; and enter the reference number and all related information. • Print a copy of the on line report for the school site and one for the Student Services office. Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 29 2015 - 2016 Student Holidays and Minimum Days August Monday, 8/10 — First Day of School Thursday, 8/13 — Minimum Day — Back to School Night—Elementary Thursday, 8/20 — Minimum Day — Back to School Night—Intermediate September Monday, 9/7 — Labor Day Thursday, 9/24 — Non Student Day—Parent/Teacher Conferences November Wednesday, 11/11 —Veteran’s Day Monday—Friday, 11/23-27 — Thanksgiving Week December Friday, 12/18 — Minimum Day (end of 1st grading period) Monday—Thursday, 12/21-12/31 — Winter Break January Friday — Friday, 1/1-1/8 — Winter Break Monday, 1/18—Martin L. King Jr. Day February Monday, 2/15— Lincoln’s Birthday Monday, 2/22—Washington’s Birthday March Thursday, 3/3—Non Student Day—Parent/Teacher Conferences Monday—Friday, 3/21-25 — Spring Break May Wednesday, 5/20—Minimum Day—Professional Development Day Monday, 5/30—Memorial Day June Wednesday, 6/1—Minimum Day—Last Day of School (end of 2nd grading period) 30 Palmdale School District Guidelines for Parents and Students 2015-2016 31 Palmdale School District and School Information • 661-947-7191 39139 10th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550 Barrel Springs Elementary 661-285-9270 3636 Ponderosa Way, Palmdale, CA 93552 Mesquite Elementary 661-285-8376 37622 43rd Street East, Palmdale, CA 93552 Buena Vista Elementary 661-285-4158 37005 Hillcrest Drive, Palmdale, CA 93552 Oak Tree Community Day School 661-285-1548 38136 35th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550 Cactus Intermediate 661-273-0847 3243 E. Avenue R-8, Palmdale, CA 93550 Ocotillo Elementary 661-947-9987 38737 Ocotillo School Drive, Palmdale, CA 93551 Chaparral Elementary 661-285-9777 37500 50th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93552 Palm Tree Elementary 661-265-9357 326 East Avenue R, Palmdale, CA 93550 Cimarron Elementary 661-285-9780 36940 45th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93552 Innovations Academy of Palmdale (formerly PIAC) 661-285-8908 38136-B 35th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550 David G. Millen Intermediate 661-947-3075 39360 Summerwind Drive, Rear Campus, Palmdale, CA 93551 Palmdale Learning Plaza Elementary 661-538-9034 38043 Division Street, Palmdale, CA 93550 Desert Rose Elementary 661-272-0584 37730 - 27th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550 Quail Valley Elementary 661-533-7100 37236 58th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93552 Desert Willow Intermediate 661-285-5866 36555 Sunny Lane, Palmdale, CA 93550 Shadow Hills Intermediate 661-533-7400 37315 60th Street East, Palmdale, CA 93552 Dos Caminos Dual Immersion 661-947-1849 39066 Palm Tree Way, Palmdale, CA 93551 Summerwind Elementary 661-947-3863 39360 Summerwind Drive, Palmdale, CA 93551 Golden Poppy Elementary 661-285-3683 37802 Rockie Lane, Palmdale, CA 93550 Tamarisk Elementary School 661-225-9647 1843 East Avenue Q-5, Palmdale, CA 93550 Joshua Hills Elementary 661-265-9992 3030 Fairfield, Palmdale, CA 93550 Tumbleweed Elementary 661-273-4166 1 100 East Avenue R-4, Palmdale, CA 93550 Los Amigos Dual Immersion 661-285-1546 6640 East Avenue R-8, Palmdale, CA 93552 Yellen Learning Center 661-456-1600 37015 Goldenview Way, Palmdale, CA 93552 Manzanita Elementary 661-947-3128 38620 33rd Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550 Yucca Elementary 661-273-5052 38440 2nd St East, Palmdale, CA 93550 Other Important Contacts Child Nutrition Services (661) 266-7280 District Office (661) 947-7191 Educational Services (661) 266-7233 Special Education Services (661) 456-1452 Student Services (661) 456-1457 Transportation (661) 266-7298 Welcome Center - Enrollment (661) 537-6100 Early Childhood Education (661) 273-4710 Text-A-Tip (661) 274-4637 (crimes) After Hours Emergencies (888) 474-8107 Palmdale School District Website: 32 Palmdale School District
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