The Family of Our Lady of Loretto
The Family of Our Lady of Loretto
The Family of Our Lady of Loretto 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 30, 2015 OUR LADY OF LORETTO • HOMETOWN - OAK LAWN Dear Parish Family, The letter of James in today’s readings express what faithfulness to God looks like. James singles out the most vulnerable in society at that time - widows and orphans. They were totally dependent on the goodness of the community. St. James teaches that it is not enough to just listen to the Word and to respond to it privately within one’s soul - the Word needs to be responded to in real acts of concern and justice. What about us today? When we hear the Word of Scriptures in the Liturgy, do we just listen to it, or do we hear the deep challenge to put this word into action in our lives? Are we genuine, active Christians? There are many vulnerable people around us who slip through the cracks of our social system. James uses an image today when he says, “we should be a sort of first fruits of all that God has created.” St. James speaks of the first fruits as signs of the harvest, the model of what is to come, that is, the kingdom of God. Christians are called to be the models of how humans are to live as members of the kingdom: faithful servants of God by being faithful servants to His people. People should be able to look at us and say, that’s what being a follower of Christ means. Sincerely, Fr. Tom Page 2 LIP SERVICE Of all the human frailties and foibles, faults and sins, the one that seems to elicit the worst howls is hypocrisy. When we profess to believe and practice one thing, and then are caught behaving in the opposite way, our shame is (or ought to be) profound. Religious hypocrisy is probably the worst. When we hold our actions and beliefs to a higher standard and then fail to live up to them, it’s human and sinful and flawed. But when we proclaim that we are holding up that higher standard at the same time that we are knowingly violating it, there is a fundamental dishonesty, a breach of truth that is especially repugnant. It adds sin to sin and dishonors the very idea of virtue. It becomes a scandal. SINCERITY AND TRUTH Jesus was constantly trying to get people to see and understand that mere observance of the law was not what pleased God. What is in the heart is what is most important. This does not mean that good intentions justify bad actions! We humans are complicated and wily. We are quite capable of creating huge and complex human structures that are just difficult enough to convince us that we are following some right “way” and that others are not. God’s laws are simple: love God, love your neighbor as yourself. There is no need to complicate love. Jesus points out that real uncleanness comes from within a person. Evil intentions and every kind of bad behavior have their roots in our inner sinfulness, our selfishness. That is what Jesus came to save us from. Of course we cannot, by our own devices, be better people. We are utterly dependent on God for the necessary change of heart that will result in good and loving actions. God freely offers us this help, if only we would stop hiding behind the screen of self-righteousness. If we are humble enough to recognize our own selfishness, and loving enough truly to care for the well-being of others, we will be able to fulfill both the letter and the spirit of the law. Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Religious Education begins September 13th From 9:30 to 11:00 am Children gather in Church before class SUNDAY • AUGUST 30, 2015 Page 3 “Sister G” has returned to Mexico. She has been elected to be Vicar General of the Oblates Sisters of Jesus. We’ll miss her beautiful smile. God’s Bless you. soon. Sister Juanita & Sister Aliana will be returning Grand raffle 2015 The next Early Bird drawing for $250 is September 13th. Tickets are going well - all parishioners received them through the mail - but if you need more to sell (God Bless You!! there’s a $500 selling prize for the 1st prize drawing) they’re available after weekend Masses and at the rectory during business hours. Tickets are $25 each, or 5 for $100. The Raffle will take place on Sunday, October 4th. 1st prize is $6500, 2nd prize is $2000 and 3rd prize is $1000. 500 Club Drawing 8/22 #216 $500 no winner 8/22 #760 $750 Eileen Farnan Next drawings - September 12 & 26 This is the parish’s big fund raiser and we appreciate your generosity in advance. Tickets available after weekend masses and the rectory. Thank you for your support! (check out form to send in on last page!) News and notes Mercy High School Reunion If there are any “Mercy Girls” who haven’t received their invitation for our 2015 Reunion on October 3rd, please contact Julia Ryan at 708-744-8000. Our reunion will be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Alsip. VFW News Hometown VFW will be hosting their Annual Steak Fry on Saturday, September xxx, from 3:30-7 pm. Dinner includes: Salad, Steak, baked potato, bread, dessert and coffee or water - all for only $12 a dinner. Come out for a great dinner cooked just for you by our own Veterans! Hometown VFW will be hosting their Annual Tailgate Party - the Bears vs. the Packers Game on Sept. 13th. Entrance donation is $5. We will be opening with Bloody Mary Bar & snacks, and at halftime we will be serving hamburgers, brats, hot dogs etc. for a small fee. At halftime we will be raffling off our beautiful Stage Coach loaded with Bears stuff, an autographed photo of the team and much more. You can still buy tickets: $5 each or 5 for $20. Stop by the Lounge anytime to take a look at this beautiful Stage Coach. It’s Pretty Big!! The Lounge is open daily at 3 pm, Fridays at 4 pm and, of course, Sundays when Bears season opens, it’s 11 am. Hope to see you all there. Great, food, great people, and just a great time!! Third Annual Memorial Service On Saturday, September 12th, Pro-Life Americans will gather at the gravesites of babies who have lost their lives through abortion. Solemn vigils will be held at various sites to commemorate the more than 50 million children who have lost their lives to legal abortion since 1973, and to remind our society of the humanity of the unborn child. Please join us. National Day of Remembrance for Aborted children Saturday, September 12th at 2 pm at St. Mary’s Cemetery -at the gravesite of 500 aborted babies For more info: call Roy and Sue Pletsch at 773-847-0261 (please bring a lawn chair) “Get on Track with your Back” Do you have neck or back trouble? The Spine Center at Advocate Christ Medical Center is offering a FREE 6 week fitness and educational series that will be held by physical and occupational therapists. This 6 week series of classes will allow you to be evaluated for a personalized exercise program, exercise at your fitness level and receive education for a healthier spine. All levels welcome. When: Wednesday’s 6-7 pm, Sept. 23 thru Oct. 28 Where: Christ’s therapy gym-ground floor, just east of the new out patient entrance; 95th & Kilbourn. FREE parking in the tower across from the Pavilion. To register, call Health Advisor at 1-800-323-8622. Page 4 THOSE TO SERVE AT LITURGY ON LEMEMEMEM- September April 135 & 6 5 PM SAT SAT. 8:30AM SUN. SUN 11:15 AM SUN. SUN J. McKnight E. Akroush C. Harden J. Coffelt J. Smyth L. Kurysz T. Gilmartin K. Gilmartin P. Washkevich M. Hasse J. Watt A. Zaczek B. Geegan B. Pacourek D. Mercer Sunday Readings for September 6th First reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a Second reading: James 2:1-5 Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 St. Gregory the Great was a brilliant and wise pope and teacher. His feast day is September 3rd. Loving God, give strength and protection to all who struggle with illness of any kind. Gerard Oblazny Jerry Petka Phil Chaput Christine Senics Minnie Abel If you have someone you would like to be put on this prayer list, please get their permission and then call the rectory with their name: 708-424-7471. We will place them on the list for four weeks. Mass Intentions Sunday, August 30th 8:30 - Rita Broyles Ed Polak 11:15 - Lucy Hamel Lu Law Annabelle Shudes Monday, August 31st 8:15 - William Olsen Tuesday, September 1st 8:15 - Purgatorial Society Violet Slovick Delle Miller Bob Powers Wednesday, September 2nd 8:15 - Lillian Cabala Thursday, September 3rd St. Gregory the Great 8:15 - Mary Ruzich Friday, September 4th 8:15 - Jim Knight and children Saturday, September 5th Bl. Teresa of Calcutta 8:15 - All students in our parish 5 PM - Dorothy and Jack O’Donnell Howard Smyth Lillian Cabala Sunday, September 6th 8:30 - Virginia and Patricia Kwiatkowski Lillian Cabala James and Marge Donovan 11:15 - David Brown Claudia Williams Janet Steele Promise of Marriage I ~ Garret Flavin and Lauren Leyendecker Page 5 Aug. 24, 2014 Received: Collected: - the week ahead - Aug. 23, 2015 $4,680.00 +ACH transmissions: Sun. 30th Mon. 31st Tue. Sept. 1st Wed. 2nd Thu. 3rd $3,689.00 230.00 $3,919.00 Year-to-Date Figures $40,695.00 $39,519.00 Thank you for your support. Fri. 4th Sat. 5th Hometown Pony League Banquet Boy Scouts, 7 pm Happy Hometowners SPRED Holy Hour, 4-5 pm, Mackin Chapel ‘To Teach Who Christ Is’ mtg., 6:30 pm AA mtg., rm. 115, 7:30 pm Men’s Club Board mtg., 7 pm Bingo - doors open 4 pm Bulletin articles are due in writing by noon Monday. Drop-in or mail-in form for the 500 Club ticket. 500 Club Name ______________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Ticket Money ($5/per ticket) Return to the rectory before the drawing dates! FOR YOUR INFORMATION: WEEKEND MASSES: 5 p.m. Saturday - 8:30 and 11:15 a.m. Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES: 8:15 a.m. - Monday thru Saturday RECONCILIATION: 4 - 4:45 p.m. on Saturday HOLY HOUR: Thursdays - 4 p.m. in the Mackin Chapel BAPTISMS and WEDDINGS: Please call the rectory office for information at 708-424-7471 (8:30 am to 4 pm) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes for Kindergarten thru 8th grade are Sundays, 9:30-11:00 a.m. Reconciliation is received in 2nd grade, First Communion is received in 3rd grade and Confirmation is received in 8th grade. Call the RE office for more information at 499-0832. BINGO: "B" Building, Saturdays, 6:30; doors open 4 pm PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Parish Transformation Committee Bereavement Committee Ministers of Care Rev. Thomas S. Cabala, Pastor Peg Masino, Parish Secretary Patti Washkevich, Bulletin Editor Phone: 708-424-7471 PARISH STAFF Women’s Guild Men’s Club Sr. Julia Lydon, CND, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Marianne Powers, Catechetical Leader Steve Kittler, Music Director OUR LADY OF LORETTO PARISH 8925 South Kostner Ave. - Hometown, Illinois, 60456 A Roman Catholic community, embracing the gospel of Christ,
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