fotoBiz - Cradoc fotoSoftware


fotoBiz - Cradoc fotoSoftware
Business Management Software for the Freelance Photographer
with fotoQuote® Pro 5 built-in
Cradoc fotoSoftware
Quickstart Guide
version 2
For Macintosh and Windows
LICENSE AGREEMENT GRANT OF LICENSE. This License Agreement permits you to use the enclosed software product (the ”Software”) on any single computer, provided that the Software is in use on only one computer at a time. You may not electronically transmit
the Software from one computer to another or over a network.
COPYRIGHT. The Software and associated documentation contain proprietary, copyrighted matter owned by CRADOC CORPORATION
(“PUBLISHER”) or its licensors and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must
treat the Software like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may transfer the Software to a
single hard disk or other mass storage device of a computer provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You
may not copy the documentation included with the Software. You may not transfer, rent, lease or sublicense the Software. You may not
reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the software to a human-perceivable form.
LIMITED WARRANTY. The Software, instruction manual, and reference materials are sold “As Is”, without warranty as to their
performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the Software is
assumed by you.
However, to the original purchaser only, the publisher warrants the CD on which the Software is recorded to be free from defects in
materials and faulty workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety days from the date of purchase. If during this ninety-day
period the CD should become defective, it may be returned to the publisher for a replacement without charge, provided you send proof
of purchase of the program.
Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above. If failure
of a diskette has resulted from accident of abuse, the publisher shall have no responsibility to replace the diskette under the terms of this
limited warranty.
warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state.
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND The Software and documentation are provided to the Government with
RESTRICTED RIGHTS as defined at 48 CFR 27.401 or at DFARS 252.227-7013(a), as appropriate to the procuring agency. Notwithstanding any other lease or license agreement that may pertain to, or accompany the delivery of, this computer software, use, duplication,
reproduction or disclosure of this computer software is subject to restrictions as set forth (A) in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227701 3, when procured or used by agencies of the U.S. Department of
Defense, and (B) in subparagraphs (c)(l) and (c) (2) of the Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19,
when procured or used by civilian agencies of the U.S. Government.
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington, as applied to contracts entered into and performed within Washington.
© 1993-2006 Cradoc Corporation All Rights Reserved Worldwide
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Cradoc Corporation, Cradoc Bagshaw and anyone associated
with fotoBiz and fotoQuote are not in any way giving you legal advice.
All examples in this program are for informational purposes only. Even the terms and conditions
that are from various national photographic organizations may have legal aspects that might vary
from State to State. In all cases, to best protect yourself legally you need to show the terms and
letters you plan to use to a lawyer and make any changes to match your specific situation.
CRADOC Corporation
PO Box 1310
Point Roberts, WA 98281
Telephone: 360-945-1380
Email: [email protected]
fotoBiz - Quickstart
Installing fotoBiz
Importing your Logo
Page 10
Create a Delivery Memo to check
images out and in. Track your stock
shoots. Catalog, keyword and label
your images; import, locate and
copyright digital images. Price stock
with FotoQuote™.
Page 14
Create an Assignment Estimate,
Confirmation or Assignment Delivery
Memo. Turn your Estimate into
an Assignment Invoice by clicking
a button on the estimate. Price
Assignments with fotoQuote™.
Page 18
Create a Stock or Assignment
invoice, post payments, view
receivables, print statements, print
reports. View invoices, for all clients,
or by a single client; paid or unpaid.
© 2006 Cradoc Corporation
and Cradoc Bagshaw
fotoBiz® and fotoQuote® are
registered trademarks of the
Cradoc Corporation.
All Rights Reserved
manual design:
imageray media creations
Page 23
Catalog and Keyword either film
or digital images. View originals,
or quickly open in Photoshop™.
Batch import and caption digital
images, create thumbnails, extract
embedded captions or descriptions.
Print slide labels.
Page 38
The industry standard for pricing
both Stock and Assignment
photography is included, and fully
integrated into fotoBiz®. The Coach
in fotoQuote™ guides you through
your pricing negotiation.
Installing and Backing Up fotoBiz
Software Requirements
Macintosh: OSX
Windows: 98SE – Windows XP
Note: Windows users must have Quicktime installed in order to work
with graphics. Download it for free at
Installation for Mac OSX
For best results, turn off all anti-virus software before installing.
1. Insert the fotoBiz CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive or download
the software from the Internet to your desktop and unzip it.
2. Double-click the “install fotoBiz 2.0.dmg to mount the disc image.
3. Double-click the “install fotoBiz 2.0” disc image.
4. Drag the entire OSX fotoBiz folder to your Applications folder.
5. Open the fotoBiz folder and drag the Camera Icon to your Dock. To
run fotoBiz click the camera icon in the Dock.
Installation for Windows
For best results, turn off all anti-virus software before installing.
1. Insert the fotoBiz CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive or download
the software from the Internet to your desktop and unzip.
2. Double-click the” Install fotoBiz 2.0.exe” icon.
3. Follow the installation instrcution
4. Select Programs in the Start menu, and go to fotoBiz, right click and
choose “Create desktop shortcut.”
5. To run fotoBiz double click on the desktop shortcut with the fotoBiz
camera icon.
Backing Up fotoBiz!
Back Up Your Program: You must back up your fotoBiz data on
a regular basis! We can’t say this enough. In this version there is a
backup button to simplify this process for you. You’ll find it on the
gray sidebar of the Main Contact screen. Your entire fotoBiz folder
will be backed up to your desktop on Mac or Windows, whenever you
click this button. FotoBiz will automatically name the folder with the
date and number of the backup. For example, starting with this day’s
backup as #1, when you do a second backup on the same day it’s name
will be this day’s backup #2. (For example
Backup often and save the entire backup folder to multiple CD’s
or external hard drive. It is also a good strategy to keep some older
backups in case your program becomes corrupted from a crash and
you don’t discover the problem immediately.
We cannot offer any support if your computer crashes and you do
not have a current fotoBiz back up!
Registering Your Program
Installing fotoBiz - cont.
The first time you run fotoBiz, a dialog box appears for you to register
your copy of fotoBiz. Enter your first and last name and your personal
fotoBiz registration number. Your registration number is located on the
invoice that you received with your program or via the email we sent
you if you downloaded it from the Internet. The registration number
works only with your name, so be sure to keep it private.
Write your registration number on your CD with a Sharpie, print the
email with the number for future reference, or backup your download
onto a CD and write the registration number there.
We offer free support, but looking up lost registration numbers was
becoming a real problem. There is now a $10.00 charge for replacing
lost registration numbers. Write your number on your CD or backup
for future reference!
Delete the Sample Data
A very important step to setting up fotoBiz is deleting the sample
data that is in the program when you install it. Delete the sample data
by clicking the Setup button in the gray sidebar on the Main Contact
screen, then click on the Update or Delete Sample Data button on the
right of the screen. After you delete the sample data one time, we turn
off the ability to do it again. If you don’t delete the data in the above
way, the delete button remains active, which puts your real data at risk
in the future.
Technical Support
Technical support is available to registered users of fotoBiz. We are a
very small company and the only way we can continue to provide you
with free support is if you do your share of the work first. Please read
through the manual and help screens carefully. We ask that all support
questions be emailed to us at [email protected]. This is the quickest
way for you to get an answer to your question. There is a charge for
replacing lost registration numbers.
If you are a new user and are having a problem installing fotoBiz,
and you’ve read and followed the installation instructions, call us at
360-945-1380. We’ll help you get your program running. We do not
support customized changes made to fotoBiz.
fotoBiz Setup Main Menu
The Setup button in the gray sidebar of the Main Contacts screen takes you to the Main
Setup menu. Use this section to enter your company information import customers, set up
logo and letterhead defaults, choose the screen magnification and more.
If you have a large monitor, you may want to run fotoBiz at a magnification of 150% instead
of 100%. All list view and worksheets will also be magnified. You can keep worksheets and
list views at %100 by selecting the check box on each worksheet’s setup screen.
Fill in company information
Import your signature and logos
Select which items to Log and Sort
Customize terms on your forms
Import names into your database
Delete the sample database
This will prepare v2 for v3
Choose size to view fotoBiz screens
All of the fotoBiz
Worksheets now have
a blue Setup button.
This is so you can make changes to
the items that print as boilerplate text
on your invoices, delivery memos and
other paperwork. Each Setup button
takes you to a different screen so be
sure to look at every setup screen to
see what changes you can make to
customize your paperwork
fotoBiz Setup - Logos & Letterhead
The Logo & Letterhead Setup screen allows you to import your logo and signature.This way you can
create electronic versions of all your documents to email or fax to clients. If you prefer to use pre-printed
letterhead and envelopes, you can choose to omit the logo or signature when printing them for mailing.
Select the type of printer
you are using
See below for instructions on setting
up your logos and signature
Choose between
a digital logo or
text information.
Select “Blank”
when using
Click the gray button to import
or paste your logo into the box
Use a scan of your signature to digitally
“sign” estimates and letters before
emailing or faxing to clients
Logo Dimensions (see the Reference Manual for detailed instructions on preparing your logo):
Company Main Logo: 1980 pixels x 350 pixels
Company Envelope Logo: 895 pixels x 1000 pixels (with no address lower than 525 from top)
Company Fax Logo: 1980 pixels x 425 pixels
Signature: 990 pixels x 245 pixels (the signature baseline is 180 pixels from the top)
fotoBiz Main Contact Screen - Overview
All actions start with a client. Add a new client or find an existing one, then click either the Stock, Billing
or Assignment buttons depending on your job. The group of buttons on the upper right of the screen will
change to match the Stock, Billing or Assignment selections.
Add a New Client
Enter your Client
information here.
Indicates that you are
in the Stock section of
These choices
change to match
the Stock, Billing
or Assignment
buttons (lower left)
Click to
unsort any
records that
you sort
while in the
list view.
Delete a
Navigate through your
database, list view or
show all clients
Select a job type,
the menu choices (upper
right) change to match
Use these tabs to record
notes, schedule events,
and track mailings or add
keywords for a client
Schedule appointments, follow-ups, and more. Keep track of your “To Do” items
Create and print a letter, fax, mailing label, special form or envelopes
Enter your equipment in this file
Print a client profile
To work with the IPTC & EXIF data of digitally captured images
Create a archived backup of fotoBiz
Print Model and Property Releases, Assignment and Stock order forms & more
Custom feature not supported, see manual for details
Setup fotoBiz to fit your business, including printer type and logos
Get detailed help information
fotoBiz - Calendar
The Calendar section lets you view your contacts via a daily, weekly or monthly view.The Schedule tab
on the Main Contact screen links scheduled events to specific contacts in the Calendar.You can also
schedule your items directly within the Calendar. Create a daily To Do list. Print out a weekly or monthly
Schedule or a blank Planner. A day with a dot means that you have scheduled an event or a Mass
Mailing has been scheduled.
Create a new
calendar item
Mark complete
Go to the client’s entry on
the Contacts screen
Go to the Write Module
Click to open
your default email
Delete the
scheduled item
Create a new
“To-Do” item
Click a day in
the calendar to
go to that day
Mark complete
Dates with
a dot have a
scheduled event
Jump to today
View the calendar by day, week, or
month. Use the arrows to move forward
or backward through the calendar
Print the
Select a month and/or year then click the “Go”
button to quickly jump to another month
View the To Do list in List View
Delete all events prior to today
Delete To Do items that have been marked complete
Return to Contacts Screen
Working with Stock - Overview
Create Delivery Memos and check images in or view all of the current client’s Memos. Click Image Log
to enter your images into the Image Log and print labels for your slides, contact sheets or prints. Print
reports about your submissions.
Indicates that you are in the
Stock section of fotoBiz
View Delivery Memos.
Create and
track SelfAssignments
Create a
Delivery Memo
Import, catalog,
keyword and
label your images
Print a blank Stock
Order Worksheet
If the Stock button is
not selected (lighter),
click to select it.
Price your images
using fotoQuote
Working with Stock - Delivery Memo Worksheet
FotoBiz uses worksheets to enter all of the information about each job. Different forms can then be printed
from each worksheet. Use the Stock Delivery Memo Worksheet to enter stock requests, check out and
check in your stock submissions, and print all necessary forms.
Enter the job
title here
Enter your
Client's Client
information here
The contact
info entered
The RightsWriter™
makes it easy to
create a description
of the Usage Rights
Customize the
messages that
appear on the memo
Create a:
Quote or Invoice
Uncheck this box
to omit delivery
return address info
when submitting
digital files
Use these buttons
to print various
Enter information
and notes in these
fields. They're for your
reference and don't
print on your clients
forms. You can print
the entire worksheet
for you own records
Enter and check-in
your images here
Use the Big Page for large submissions
or to quickly check in images
Delete the
Click the question marks
for additional help
Working with Stock - List View
Every worksheet in fotoBiz has a list view that lets you view, select, and print reports for groups of records.
The features in most list views are similar, with a few differences that are specific to the type of job you
are working on.
Reports by company or category
Move through the list of delivery memos
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
List images out with clients
Sort the list
Preview and
print the list
Show only
open or closed
or all memos.
Show only
stock or
Indicates if a job is still open and
allows you to close it from the list
Navigation Box: Use the arrows to move through
the records. You can also use the buttons to display
only Open (or closed) Jobs or view specific types of
jobs or worksheets.
Reports: Generate, view, and print reports that
pertain to the particular list view you are in.
Type of memo,
Stock or Assignment
Status of images
Sort: When you first come to list view, the list will
be sorted automatically. Alphabetically for Contacts
and Chronological (newest first) for Worksheets. This
automatic sorting can be turned off in Setup. Use the
sort buttons in list view to sort the list by different
categories. Reverse sort puts the newest memo at
the top.
Working with Stock - Production Worksheet
FotoBiz uses worksheets to enter all of the information about each job. Different forms can then be printed
from each worksheet. Use the Stock Production Worksheet to keep track or your self-produced stock
productions. Budget the job and track the profit for each production.
Enter the job
title here
Describe your
Click to view all
images that are
assigned to this
Track earnings from
the production
Enter contact
information and
notes in these fields
Edit or add a
new product
You can print this sheet
to have as a reference
during the production
Enter all of your
expenses here
Delete the stock
Working with Assignments - Overview
Create Assignment Estimates, Confirmations, and Assignment Delivery Memos. Quickly view all of the
current client’s Assignments, or view all Assignments, open, closed or both. Get summary reports about
your Assignments.
Indicates that you are in
the Assignment section
of the program
View Assignments
View Delivery
Begin a new
Create a
Delivery Memo
Print a blank Assignment
Order Worksheet and
Model Releases
If the Assignment button
is not selected (lighter),
click to select it
Get information on
pricing your images
in fotoQuote
Working with Assignments - Assignment Worksheet
Use the Assignment Worksheet to create detailed, summary or text estimates for your jobs. Also, automatically create Advance Invoices, Change Orders and final Assignment Invoices from this worksheet, with the
click of a button.
Close the job
Enter your
Client's Client
information here
Enter the job
title here
The contact
info is entered
The RightsWriter™
makes it easy to
create a description
of the Usage Rights
Customize the
language that prints
on the document
makes it quick and
easy to create and
reuse descriptions
Enter information
and notes in these
fields. They're for your
reference and don't
print on your clients
forms. You can print
the entire worksheet
for your own records
Edit or add
Research usage
in fotoQuote
Enter line
items here
Use these buttons
to create or print
various documents
From this Worksheet you can create
an Assignment Delivery Memo, a
Change Order, or an Invoice
You can create any of
these documents from
this worksheet
Enter Advance Amount then click
the blue “Advance Invoice” button
to print an Advance Invoice
Working with Assignments - Estimate List View
Every worksheet in fotoBiz has a list view that lets you view, select, and print reports for groups of records.
The features in most list views are similar, with a few differences that are specific to the type of job you
are working on.
Reports by company or category
Move through the list of assignments
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
Sort the list
Preview and print
the list
Show only
open or
closed or all
Show only
estimates or job
Indicates if a job is still open and
allows you to close it from the list
Navigation Box: Use the arrows to move through
the records. You can also use the buttons to display
only Open (or closed) Jobs or view specific types of
jobs or worksheets.
Reports: Generate, view, and print reports that
pertain to the particular list view you are in.
Type of document:
Estimate, Confirmation,
or Change Order
Sort: When you first come to list view the list will
be sorted automatically. Alphabetically for Contacts
and Chronological (newest first) for Worksheets. This
automatic sorting can be turned off in Setup. Use the
sort buttons in list view to sort the list by different
categories. Reverse sort puts the newest memo at
the top.
Working with Assignments - Memo Worksheet
Use the Assignment Delivery Memo Worksheet to submit your images and check them back in, and to
print all necessary forms. You can also customize and use this Worksheet as a general purpose delivery
memo to submit your portfolio, check film out to a lab, keep track of repairs, and more.
Enter the job
title here
Enter your
Client's Client
information here
The contact
info is entered
Uncheck this box to
omit delivery return
address info when
submitting digital files
Customize the
language that
prints on the
Include a message
to your client
Use these buttons
to print various
Change the “title”
of this document
Enter your images here
Use the Big Page for large submissions
or to quickly check in images
Delete the
Delivery Memo
Working with Assignments - Memo List View
Every worksheet in fotoBiz has a list view that lets you view, select, and print reports for groups of
records. The features in most list views are similar, with a few differences that are specific to the type of
job you are working on.
Reports by company or category
Move through the list of delivery memos
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
Sort the list
Preview and print
the list
Show only
open or closed
or all memos.
Show only
stock or
Indicates if a job is still open and
allows you to close it from the list
Navigation Box: Use the arrows to move through
the records. You can also use the buttons to display
only Open (or closed) Jobs or view specific types of
jobs or worksheets.
Reports: Generate, view, and print reports that
pertain to the particular list view you are in.
Type of memo:
Stock or Assignment
Status of images
Sort: When you first come to list view the list will
be sorted automatically. Alphabetically for Contacts
and Chronological (newest first) for Worksheets. This
automatic sorting can be turned off in Setup. Use the
sort buttons in list view to sort the list by different
categories. Reverse sort puts the newest memo at
the top.
Working with Billing - Overview
Create either Stock or Assignment Invoices. Return to that Invoice to post payments. Quickly view all of the
current client’s Invoices, or view all Invoices. See an aged Receivables report and print monthly statements. Get
financial reports including a sales tax report and summary reports.
Indicates that you are in the
Billing section of fotoBiz
View Invoices
Create a
New Invoice
Print Monthly
View Receivables
In the Write module, you will
find templates for letters
you may need throughout
the Billing process
If the Billing button is
not selected (lighter),
click to select it.
Working with Billing - Stock Invoice
FotoBiz uses worksheets to enter all of the information about each job. Different forms can then be printed
from each worksheet. Use the Stock Invoice Worksheet to create and print an invoice and usage license for
your stock sales. Payments are posted on this Worksheet.
Enter the job
title here
Enter your
Client's Client
information here
The contact
info is entered
The RightsWriter™
makes it easy to
create a description
of the Usage
Rights. The license
will be printed on
your invoices
Customize the
language that
prints on the
Post payment(s)
Enter your
images here
using the tracking
number and
fotoBiz will fill in
the line information
and automatically
track sales of this
Select images and
research usage rates
Print the invoice and
related documents
Void unwanted
Enter/modify the
sales tax rate
Delete the
Working with Billing - Assignment Invoice
FotoBiz uses worksheets to enter all of the information about each job. Different forms can then be printed
from each worksheet. Use the Assignment Invoice Worksheet to create and print an invoice and usage
license for assignments. Payments are posted on this worksheet.
Enter the job
title here
Enter your
Client's Client
information here
The contact
info is entered
The RightsWriter™
makes it easy to
create a description
of the Usage
Rights. The license
will be printed on
your invoices
Customize the
language that
prints on the
Post payment(s)
Enter your line
items here
Research usage
rate in fotoQuote
Edit or add
Print the invoice and
related documents
Select the type
of invoice
Void unwanted
Enter/modify the
sales tax rate
Delete the invoice
Working with Billing - List View
Every worksheet in fotoBiz has a list view that lets you view, select, and print reports for groups of records.
The features in most list views are similar, with a few differences that are specific to the type of job you
are working on.
View reports
Sort the list
Preview and print
the list
Move through the list of invoices
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
Show only
open or closed
or all invoices.
Indicates if a job is still open and
allows you to close it from the list
Type of invoice: Stock or Assignment
Navigation Box: Use the arrows to move through
the records. You can also use the buttons to display
only Open (or closed) Jobs or view specific types of
jobs or worksheets.
Reports: Generate, view, and print reports that
pertain to the particular list view you are in.
Indicates document type
Sort: When you first come to list view, the list will
be sorted automatically. Alphabetically for Contacts
and Chronological (newest first) for Worksheets. This
automatic sorting can be turned off in Setup. Use the
sort buttons in list view to sort the list by different
categories. Reverse sort puts the newest memo at
the top.
imageLog - Introduction
If you can’t find an image, you can’t license it. Being able to quickly
locate an image that fits your client’s needs could make all the
difference between making a sale and losing one. The imageLog is
there to help you manage both your film and digital images. With
digital images, you can import and batch-caption entire folders of
images. You can choose whether fotoBiz will capture and view
embedded IPTC and EXIF data. With film images you can enter
the image information manually. You don’t have to scan the image
until you want to or when you want to create a thumbnail. A generic
thumbnail of your choice will be used until you do so. For film, use
the standard caption lines to describe and easily create and print labels
for your slides. For digital images, use either the traditional caption
lines or the more versatile description field to describe your images.
For many photographers, deciding on how to name or number
images has been a daunting task. With fotoBiz the Tracking Number
is the only ID number that most of you will need. It is generated
automatically when you enter an image into the imageLog, and no
two images will have the same number. For film images the Tracking
Number will be printed on your slide label. Use the Tracking Number
when you create an invoice, and fotoBiz tracks all sales automatically.
It even tracks dupes of the image and assigns the sales to the original.
You can also assign the image to a stock production and fotoBiz tracks
the sales of all images from your shoot. For those who have their own
numbering system we have included the ability to generate a custom
user code instead of using the fotoBiz tracking number.
Keywords are how the imageLog helps you find images. You no
longer have to rely on a complicated coding system to organize and
file images. You assign keywords to an image (actually, to the image’s
Tracking Number) and when you need to find an image, all you need
know is one or more of the keywords that apply to that image. fotoBiz
will find all images that match those keywords and tell you where
they are. You can now spend more time creating and marketing your
images and less time trying to file and organize them.
Creating keywords in fotoBiz is simple. You can automatically
keyword your images using both the existing fotoBiz captions and
descriptions, as well as any IPTC captions/descriptions that are already
embedded in your images. Refine your keywords using fotoBiz’s
unique KeywordComposer™. Here you can edit your keywords,
add new ones, and even find and assign synonyms. Use keywords to
quickly find your original images.
For more information on these and other features of the imageLog, see
the reference manual.
imageLog - Contents
Log View
Page 26
In Log View you can view and edit
information about the image: location, subject, format, model release,
keywords, and more. Also, you can
track sales, license expiration, and
copyright registration.
Digital View
Page 28
Digital View shows image
statistics for all imported digital
images, including the path of the
image when it was imported.
Capture and view embedded
IPTC and EXIF data.
Keyword BuilderPage 32
Automatically keyword your images
using existing fotoBiz captions,
and any IPTC captions/descriptions
that are embedded in your images.
Then click the KeywordComposer™
tab to refine your keywords.
Page 36
Print slide labels for a single
image or group of images. You
can customize how much of the
information from Log View prints
on an image’s label.
imageLog - Setup
Use the imageLog Setup screen to setup default values for the imageLog, including the default image,
the User ID Code, and your default image editor.This is also where you choose whether to create large
thumbnails from your imported images.
Set the default image that will appear
when there is no image thumbnail
Set the
number of the
user ID code
that fotoBiz
generates for
each image
Use the fotoBiz
tracking number
as the numerical
portion of the
user ID code
Click and navigate
to the application
file of your
image editor.
Click to keep list views at 100% when
screen magnification is set to large
and allow more of the list to be seen
Create large thumbnails that
look better when printing or
viewing on-screen magnification
is set to large
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your transparencies
Set defaults for the imageLog
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imageLog - Log View
Use the imageLog to manage all of your film and digital images. Import and batch-caption folders of digital images. Capture and view embedded IPTC and EXIF data. FotoBiz creates thumbnails in two sizes as
the images are imported. Use the thumbnails to quickly create contact sheet submissions.
Use your own
numbering system
if you wish
Click here to add or build thumbnails
and capture digital info for this image
The imageLog
creates a unique
tracking number
for each image
Check this box
to add future
images to the
same stock
Uncheck when
The keywording
feature of the
imageLog makes
it easy to find the
type of image
your client needs.
Assign this
image to
a stock
Track earnings
Make copies of this image’s
info to enter similar images or
create multiple slide labels for
dupes of this (film) image
Create a single
slide label
Toggle between Sales
History & Image
Click to create a
license renewal
email for your client
Check this box to only clear the caption lines and shoot location when entering
new images. If your image is model or property released, has restricted use, or
has keywords, you will be asked if you want to carry over that information.
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your transparencies
Set defaults for the imageLog
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Return to the Contact screen or, in some cases, to the previous worksheet
imageLog - Standard List View
The Standard List View shows a quick overview of your images. You can optionally show the earnings
for your images here. It offers features for fine-tuning the group of images you’re working with. Create a
Thumbnail Submission, Copyright Submission or Export the text information for the images in this group.
Sort images by different
fields, including earnings ($)
You can choose
to show or hide
image earnings
Create submission
forms including
copyright submissions
Use tags to
display group of
specific images
Export text
information about
displayed images
Check the box to tag
or untag images. This
feature allows you to
select and display a
group of images
Move through the list of images
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
Go to the Search screen
Show all images (resets a search)
Show images with a link
to an original digital file
Return to Contacts screen
Choose the screen to go to
when you click the “Return to
Image Log” button or click on
an image in the list
Show images omitted from the
group. Use this to quickly select
or edit your group of images
Go the Keyword search screen
Search for images with expiring licenses
Show images with no link
to an original digital file
imageLog - Digital View
Use the Digital Screen to view the digital information about all of your film and digital images. View your
original digital image path. Use the buttons on this screen to import and batch caption folders of digital
images. Open the image in Photoshop® or another image editor. Make a copy of your original image.
View embedded IPTC and EXIF data.
The path to the
image displays here
Displays embedded IPTC data
(file info) from Photoshop, etc.
Updates the image
thumbnail and path
image info
EXIF data
A convenient
and more
versatile way
of captioning
digital images
Clicking a
thumbnail opens
the image in the
fotobiz image
Enter notes about this
image. Also, when you
use fotobiz to create a
copyright submission, a
record of the filing will
be listed here.
Import and
folders of images
Opens the image in the
editor you assign in Setup
(i.e. Photoshop)
Make a copy,
convert your
original image,
or copy the
thumbnail to
the clipboard
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your tranparencies
Set defaults for the imageLog
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Return to the Contact screen or, in some cases, to the previous worksheet
imageLog - Digital List View
The Digital List View shows a digital overview of your images. Click on an image to open the original in
an editor, or in the fotoBiz Image Viewer, to refresh the image path or thumbnails, or to make a copy of
your original image. Quickly show images with a path (digital or scanned images), or images with no path
(film images).
Sort images by different fields
Create submission
forms with thumbnails
of displayed images
Export text
information about
displayed images
Use tags to
display group of
specific images
Selects images
marked as not
copyrighted. You
can then click
Forms to create
a submission
to send to the
copyright office.
Choose the screen to go to
when you click the “Return to
Image Log” button or click on
an image in the list
Move through the list of images
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
Check the box to tag
or untag images. This
feature allows you to
select and display a
group of images
Show images omitted
from the group. Use this to
quickly select or edit your
group of images
Go the Keyword search screen
Go to the Search screen
Show images with a link
to an original digital file
Return to Contacts screen
Show all images (resets a search)
Show images with no link
to an original digital file
imageLog - Thumbnail List View
Each of the fotoBiz list view screens gives you a unique view of your images.The Thumbnail List View
shows an overview with thumbnails. It offers features for fine-tuning the group of images you’re working
with. Create a Thumbnail Submission, Copyright Submission or Export the text information for the images
in this group.
Sort images by different fields
Create submission
forms with thumbnails
of displayed images
Export text
information about
displayed images
Use tags to
display group of
specific images
Selects images
marked as not
copyrighted. You
can then create
a submission
to send to the
copyright office.
Choose the screen to go to
when you click the “Return to
Image Log” button or click on
an image in the list
Move through the list of images
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
Show images omitted from the
group. Use this to quickly select
or edit your group of images
Go the Keyword search screen
Go to the Search screen
Show images with a link
to an original digital file
Return to Contacts screen
Show all images (resets a search)
Show images with no link
to an original digital file
imageLog - Edit List View
This screen has tools for making quick edits to groups of images. Most information fields found on any
of the fotoBiz screens are available here. Drag and drop information from one image to another and
automatically fill the same field in all images with identical information. Automatically build keywords for
all images in this group, extracting words from the caption, location and description fields combined with
any descriptions embedded in your original images.
Sort images by different fields
Selects images marked
as not copyrighted.
You can then create a
submission to send to
the copyright office.
Create submission
forms with thumbnails
of displayed images
Use tags to
display group of
specific images
Export text
information about
displayed images
Check the box to tag
or untag images. This
feature allows you to
select and display a
group of images
Move through the list of images
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
Choose the screen to go to
when you click the “Return to
Image Log” button or click on
an image in the list
Show images omitted from the
group. Use this to quickly select or
edit your group of images
Go the Keyword search screen
Go to the Search screen
Show images with a link
to an original digital file
Return to Contacts screen
Show all images (resets a search)
Show images with no link
to an original digital file
imageLog - Keyword Builder
Automatically keyword your images using existing fotoBiz captions, and any IPTC captions/descriptions
that are embedded in your images.Then click the KeywordComposer™ tab to refine your keywords. Use
the exceptions field to exclude specific words when your keywords are built.
Set which words are excluded
when building keywords from
captions, descriptions, etc.
Select from a list of
existing keywords in use
Keywords are pasted here.
You can also enter and
edit keywords here.
Caption and
that has been
entered in
IPTC keywords
and description
display here
Opens Google in
your web browser
to research
potential keywords
Creates a list of keywords from
the image captions, description,
and, if desired, the embedded
IPTC captions and descriptions
Choose if keyword
builder should use
embedded captions
or descriptions
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your transparencies
Set defaults for the imageLog
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imageLog - KeywordComposer™
Pick a category, then click on words to add them to your existing keywords. Optionally, synonyms will also
be added.
å Select a category
é Click the keyword arrow to add it to the
list. The red arrow indicates the currently
selected keyword. The trash can deletes it.
Copy the keywords to
the clipboard
Spell check
the keyword
Opens a
larger window
to more easily
add keywords
for this image
ç Select a
Clicking the
thumbnail opens
the image in a
large window
If checked, any
synonyms will
be added to the
keyword list
Click to go to the
Edit List View screen
If you lose the red arrow, click
the red dot to find it quickly
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your transparencies
Set defaults for the imageLog
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Return to the Contact screen or, in some cases, to the previous worksheet
imageLog - Keyword Setup
Increase the chances of matching an image to a client’s request by adding synonyms to your keywords.
You can edit your keywords and select the separator to use between keywords.
Reassign or create new categories
by using the drop down menu
You can edit the keyword
Click the “S” to begin
adding synonyms
Delete the
Print a
list of
Enter keywords/
synonyms in this
window. Use a
carriage return
between words.
Editing help
Clicking the “Last” button
takes you to the last
keyword you edited
Select the separator to
use between keywords
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your transparencies
Set defaults for Image Log
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imageLog - Keyword Search
When you click the Keyword Search button in the imageLog List View screens, you will be taken to this
screen.Type in, or select a list of keywords that you are searching for, then click a button to find images
that contain either all keywords, or images that contain any keyword in your search window.
Select a category
Select category header
Click the keyword to
add it to the search list
Clear keyword list
You can type
directly into the
window to add
or edit keywords
Goes to the above list view
without completing search
Select the List
View Screen to
use to display the
images you find
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your transparencies
Set defaults for the imageLog
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Return to the Contact screen or, in some cases, to the previous worksheet
imageLog - Print Labels
This screen shows the labels in your label buffer, waiting to be printed. Select the type of label, and the
information you want included on the label by clicking Label Setup in the gray sidebar.
Select where to begin
printing on the label sheet
Click the preview label to go to the entry in the imageLog to make
changes. There is no need to re-save the label after the edit. The
label will reflect the existing imageLog data when printed
Click a line to
view a label
preview above
Delete the label
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your transparencies
Set defaults for imageLog
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imageLog - Label Setup
Select the type of label, and the information you want included on the label on this screen. Set the alignment of your printer. Select your printer type if needed.
If you select to show a “Model Released” message as one of your
label lines, check the box to have the line say “No Model Release” for
unreleased images. Otherwise unreleased images will leave the line blank.
Select the
type of
printer you
are using
Use the drop down menus
to choose what prints on
the slide label
Preview the
labels here
Print a
sheet of
test labels
contact sheet/
film label
Adjust the print
position for your printer
Customize the codes that print here
contact sheet/
film label
Enter new film images and captions, print labels, track sales
Import folders of digital images. View digital image info
Keyword your images
Setup and print slide labels from your transparencies
Set defaults for imageLog
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Return to the Contact screen
fotoQuote - Assignment Pricing
The newest feature in fotoQuote is the Assignment Pricing guide.You will find help and tips here for
pricing all types of assignments, from simple editorial jobs through complex jobs with half million dollar
Click to add personal notes
about negotiations and
sales for each category.
Click one of these category tabs to select
the usage that you want to price.
Click the Find tab to list
usages that match a word or
phrase that you enter.
This window
shows the
average price for
the current usage.
Copy the current price
to the clipboard.
You can set the assignment pricing to a percentage of fotoQuote’s
stock prices. Changing the amount here does not change the
amount you will see when you price stock in fotoQuote.
Get information and negotiating tips for stock and assignment pricing
Research pricing and create quotes for stock photography
Research pricing for assignment photography
A database of major magazines with circulations and rates for a full page color ad
Add fees for special situations
Select what currency to use to display prices or change the fotoQuote prices
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fotoQuote - Stock Pricing
Click a tab to select a usage, then click the size the image will be used and the circulation. A price will
show up in the upper right window. A likely price range for the image will display below the price window. Click Coach in the gray sidebar for information on choosing a price in the range. Use buttons on this
screen to create a new quote, add to the current quote, list past quotes, and print the current quote.
Click to add personal notes
about negotiations and
sales for each category.
Click one of these category tabs to
select usage that you want to price.
Click the Find tab to list
usages that match a word or
phrase that you enter.
This window
shows the
average price for
the current usage.
Create, view, and
print quotes
The details of the current quote
you are building display here.
Create a new quote
View Past Quotes
and create reports
Add the current
usage to a
quote that you
are building. A
special Rights
Granted Coach
is available in
this window.
Get information and negotiating tips for stock and assignment pricing
Research pricing and create quotes for stock photography
Research pricing for assignment photography
A database of major magazines with circulations and rates for a full page color ad
Add fees for special situations
Select what currency to use to display prices or change the fotoQuote prices
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fotoQuote - Refine Usage and Add to Quote
Enter the details of your usage here. By clicking the Add to Quote button the usage will be posted to the
current quote.You can also access the Rights Granted Coach on this screen.
Select for Rights Granted
Coach drop down menu
Click the “Big” button to open the coach
information in a larger window
Enter the
details of this
usage here
Add the revised
usage to the
current quote
Working with Quotes - List View
Every worksheet in fotoBiz has a list view that lets you view, select, and print reports for groups of records.
The features in most list views are similar, with a few differences that are specific to the type of job you
are working on.
Move through the list of quotes
(beginning, page up, page down, end)
View reports by
company or category
Navigation Box: Use the arrows to move through
the records. You can also use the buttons to find
specific quotes
Reports: Generate, view, and print reports that
pertain to the particular list view you are in.
Sort the list
Preview and print
the list
Sort: When you first come to list view the list will
be sorted automatically. Alphabetically for Contacts
and Chronological (newest first) for Worksheets. This
automatic sorting can be turned off in Setup. Use the
sort buttons in list view to sort the list by different
categories. Reverse sort puts the newest memo at
the top.
fotoQuote - Quote Worksheet
On this Worksheet you can print the Quote, a fax or cover letter to your client. Create an Invoice directly
from this Quote. Use the blue setup button to customize the language that prints on this document.
Select the rights that you are granting your client by clicking on the RightsWriter™.
Enter the job
title here
Enter your
Client's Client
information here
The contact
info is entered
Customize the
language that prints
on the document
The RightsWriter™
makes it easy to
create a description
of the Usage Rights
Create an
Select images
in the imageLog
Enter usage
information for
each image
Print or Fax your
cover letter and
If an invoice exists for this Quote,
click this button to view it in fotoBiz
Enter/modify the
sales tax rate