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Ouro Preto [Itineraries – Inconfidência Mineira] Various attractions in Ouro Preto are related to the Inconfidência Mineira. Those with a special interest in the movement can organize an itinerary that begins at the praça Tiradentes, the main square of the city, and the main visitor arrival point. The Tiradentes monument stands in this square, marking the place where his head was put on display, to the population of Vila Rica in 1792, as a form of exemplary punishment. Tiradentes Monument Upon arrving at the praça Tiradentes, the visitor's eye is attracted to the imposing monument of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, which is currently a landmark on the Ouro Preto landscape. With the Proclamation of the Republic, the First Mineiro Congress deliberated the erection of a monument in honour of Tiradentes at the praça da Independência as a substitute to the Saldanha Marinho Pillar. On the 21st of April 1892, the monument's cornerstone was laid; the event was the commemoration of the 100 year anniversary of the execution of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier. Two years later, the monument was solemnly inaugurated by Dr. Affonso Augusto Moreira Penna, President of the State of Minas Gerais. From then, the square became known as Tiradentes. Foto capa: Maria Lucia Dornas 1. With a total height of 19 metres, the monument was made of granite extracted from the Widow's Peak, in Rio de Janeiro. The Tiradentes statue, with its 2.85 metres, was cast in Italy, and the 24 decorative pieces were cast in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The person responsible for the statue was the Italian artist Virglio Cestari. Born in Ferrara, he earned a diploma in architecture and sculpture from the “Régio Instituto de Bellas Artes”, in Florence. Throughout his career, he received many awards in Milan, Florence and Rome. In keeping up tradition, the statue was purposely placed backing the Governor's Palace, this made it so that Tiradentes would face the former Casa de Câmara e Cadeia (House of Chambers) and Jailhouse, the current Museu da Inconfidência. The monument contains the following inscriptions: In the front: “To the martyr of national freedom” – Tiradentes and the triangle with the phrase “Libertas quae será tamen”. On the left side: “It was here that his head was ignomiously put on display.” On the right side: “7th of September 1822 – 15th of November 1889 – 7th of April 1831 – 15th of July 1891” Mandate drawn up by the First Congress of the State of Minas Gerais – Law nº 3, dated the 25th of September 1891.” At the back: “21st of April 1792 – 21st of April 1892” Foto: Henry Yu Location: praça Tiradentes Fotos: Maria Lucia Dornas Foto: Sérgio Freitas The Museu da Inconfidência with its priceless collection and fundamental documents of the movement is also located in the square. On the first floor of the building, there is the Pantheon, which is the final resting place of various conspirators. Pretende, Doroteu, o nosso Chefe Erguer uma Cadeia majestosa, Que possa escurecer a velha fama Da Torre de Babel, e mais dos grandes Custosos edifícios, que fizeram, Para sepulcros seus os Reis de Egito. Um soberbo edifício levantado Sobre ossos de inocentes, construído Com lágrimas dos pobres, nunca serve De glórias ao seu autor, mas sim de opróbrio. Desenha o nosso Chefe sobe a banca Desta forte Cadeia o grande risco À proporção do gênio, e não das forças Da terra decadente, aonde habita. Ao bando dos cativos se acrescentam Muitos presos já livres, e outros homens Da raça do País, e da Européia, Que diz ao grande Chefe são vadios, Que perturbam dos pobres o sossego.” Cartas Chilenas 4. Museu da Inconfidência The Museu da Inconfidência is one of the most important history museums in Brazil. It is installed in the former Vila Rica House of Chambers and Jailhouse; the imposing building is the highlight of the praça Tiradentes. A visit to the Museu da Inconfidência is definitely a must in Ouro Preto. In 1785, Luís da Cunha Menezes, governor of the Captaincy of Minas Gerais, decided to build another Casa de Câmara e Cadeia for Vila Rica, since the one at that time was in a terrible state of conservation. A lottery was organized in order to ascertain resources. The labour involved was made up of slaves and unqualified persons who, in a rather arbitrary form, were forced to work. In the book Cartas Chilenas, attributed to Tomaz Antônio Gonzaga, this episode was harshly criticized. The governor himself was the plan’s author. “The building reveals the classic style that superposes persistent Baroque and Rococo elements” (Dora Alcântara). Construction was concluded in 1863. On the façade, figures placed in each of the four corners attract attention. These figures represent the four cardinal virtues: justice, temperance, strength and prudence. Fotos: Maria Lucia Dornas 5. By the Law Decree nº 144 from the 2nd of December 1938, the building was donated to the Union by the State of Minas Gerais and by the Law Decree nº 965 from the 20th of December of the same year, the Museu da Inconfidência was founded, with the recently-formed Historic and Artistic Heritage responsible for its organization and direction. The finality of the museum’s founding, in accordance with the Law Decree, was “to collect things of various natures, related to the historic facts of the Inconfidência Mineira and its protagonists, along with works of art and pieces of historic value which constitute documents expressive of the formation of Minas Gerias”. Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas Foto: Robson Oliveira Work to restore and adapt the building began in 1940. On the 21st of April 1942, the Pantheon was inaugurated, creating the launch point for the museum’s organization. The mortal remains of the conspirators who had been exiled to Africa were transferred to the Pantheon. The remains had been repatriated in December of 1936, by order of President Getúlio Vargas. In that year, the 150th anniversary of the conviction of the conspirators was commemorated. The museum was officially opened on the 11th of August 1944, commemorative date of the bicentenary of the Tomas Antônio Gonzaga’s birth. Location: praça Tiradentes After visiting the Museu da Inconfidência, continue on to the Teatro Municipal which is just one block away. Teatro Municipal de Ouro Preto Ouro Pretro Municipal Theatre The Teatro Municipal, known in the 18th and 19th Centuries as the Opera House, is considered by many to be the oldest in South America. It is the oldest functioning theatre in Brazil, to be sure. It also possesses a differential in that it was the first theatre where women, stepped on stage in Brazil. It is one of the most charming attractions of Ouro Preto. 7. It was in this theatre that Dr. Tomas Antônio Gonzaga recited his verses, much like Dr. Cláudio Manoel da Costa. “[…] Cláudio believed himself to be linked to the local history of the theatre, be it as an author or translator, be it as one of those who provided incentive to the Casa da Ópera (Opera House), in Souza Lisboa’s time” (Afonso Ávila). The audience section of the theatre is in the shape of a lyre, and its box seats are divided in two levels. In the centre, the principal box seat was reserved for the governor. Reforms began in 1861, when the wooden balconies of the box seats were replaced with iron. Modifications on the ceiling and the wooden floor were also carried out. In 1985, the theatre was restored. During these modifications, paintings which represented drama and comedy were discovered above the curtain. The theatre has a capacity of 300 people. Address: rua Brigadeiro Musqueira After being in the ambiance of the sober elegance of the former Casa da Ópera, one can return to praça Tiradentes and go down on the left along the rua Conde de Bobadela, in the direction of the Casa dos Contos. On the way, you will pass in front of the house of one of the participants in the Inconfidência Mineira. Rua Direita Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas Casa do tenente-coronel Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade House of Lieutenant-Colonel Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade An elegant multi-story house located at nº 55, rua Conde da Bobadela. At the end of the rua Conde de Bobadela, you arrive at the praça Reinaldo Alves Brito; on the other side is the magnificent residence of João Rodrigues de Macedo, which served as a prison for various participants of the Inconfidência Mineira. Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas Casa dos Contos The lofty and imposing Casa dos Contos presents itself among the Ouro Preto landscape as the most beautiful example of civil colonial architecture of the 18th Century, leaving many a wonderful impression on its visitors. Its tracing was made by the mester Antônio de Souza Calheiros. It was the residence of the powerful contractor João Rodrigues de Macedo, who had acquired from the Portuguese Court the right to charge various taxes. The house had two functions: the contractor’s residence and his workplace. Between 1784 and 1789 João Macedo resided there, carrying out his financial activities. The house was frequented by the Vila Rica elite, which gathered at the residence for card games and social encounters. Included in this group was Inácio de Alvarenga Peixoto with whom João Macedo was good friends. However, after the opening of the Vila Rica Investigation to hone in on the denouncements made by Silvério dos Reis, the house sheltered the viceroy’s troops that had been sent to Minas. It also served as a prison for the conspirators until the 18th of November 1789, when they were all transferred to Rio de Janeiro: Luís Vieira da Silva, Dr. José Álvares Macial, Priest Rolim and Dr. Cláudio Manoel da Costa, who passed away in the house, after a few days in prison, under strange circumstances. Address: rua São José, nº 12 Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas Leaving the Casa dos Contos, follow rua São José, the principal commercial thoroughfare in the city, to see the place where Tiradentes’ house existed. Casa de Tiradentes Tiradentes’ House Second Lieutenant Joaquim da Silva Xavier resided in a rented property, which belonged to Father Joaquim Pereira de Magalhães. According to the sentence, the house was demolished, and the land became somewhat infamous. In October of 1792, the father received 410$000rs in damages. The site functions currently as the Ouro Preto Commercial Association. Address: rua São José, nº 132 Going back to praça Tiradentes, enter rua Cláudio Manoel where the former residence of Tomas Gonzaga is located. Casa de Tomas Antônio Gonzaga Tomas Antônio Gonzaga’s House This large and beautiful house which was once home of the conspirator Dr. Tomas Antônio Gonzaga is nowadays the Secretary of Tourism, Industry and Commerce. For those interested in visiting an 18th Century house, this former residence is a great opportunity, since it is possible to visit it during the working hours of the Secretary. These houses are surprising, since the width proportion of the façade, always narrow, contrasts with deeper areas. This house even possesses a so-called “hanging garden”. Its location is also very strategic. From the balconies on the second floor, one has an excellent view of the famous Igreja da Ordem Terceira de São Francisco de Assis (Church of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi) and of the Igreja de Santa Efigênia (Saint Ephigenia Church). It is an excellent angle for taking photographs. 12. Dr. Tomas Antônio Gonzaga lived in this house only for the period of time that he held the position of judge. By the time he was arrested, Vila Rica had already gotten another magistrate, who occupied the property which was designated for judges. It is known that the conspirator continued to live on the same street, but no one is sure as to which house. Dr. Tomas had already been selected for the position of magistrate for the Captaincy of Bahia. Address: rua Cláudio Manoel, nº 61 Located in front of the house is the notable Igreja da Ordem Terceira de São Francisco de Assis. Igreja São Francisco de Assis Church of Saint Francis of Assisi Masterpiece of Brazilian colonial art, the Igreja São Francisco de Assis is a must-visit in Ouro Preto. Here two of the great mineiro masters, Antônio Francisco Lisboa and Manoel da Costa Ataíde left behind impeccable works of art that truly deserved the verses of the epic poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Não entrarei, senhor, no templo, seu frontispício me basta. Vossas flores e querubins são matéria de muito amar. Dai-me, senhor, a só beleza destes ornatos. E não a alma. Pressente-se dor de homem paralela à das cinco chagas.' Carlos Drummond de Andrade 13. The Igreja da Ordem Terceira de São Francisco de Assis housed the elite of the Captaincy of Minas Gerais in the second half of the 18th Century. Dr. Cláudio Manoel da Costa was a lawyer hired by the Third Order and received, for that function, 60 eighths of gold per year, according to reports of a meeting on the 24th of November 1771. Dr. Cláudio’s mother, Dona Thereza Ribeiro de Alvarenga held the position of minister in the Order. The beautiful pulpits made from soapstone by Antônio Francisco Lisboa were inaugurated on the 5th of September 1771 with the sermon of the conspirator Canon Luiz Vieira da Silva. Address: praça Coimbra Foto: Maria Lucia Dornas Um quarteirão abaixo, encontra-se a casa de Cláudio Manoel da Costa Located one block below is the house of Cláudio Manoel da Costa. Casa de Cláudio Manoel da Costa Cláudio Manoel da Costa’s House In a large corner mansion, in front of the Antônio Dias fountain, is the residence of Dr. Cláudio Manoel da Costa, which was auctioned off and its belongings taken by the lawyer Diogo Pereira de Vasconcelos. In the Imperial Period it served as residence of the President of the Province, Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos. It was nominated a Heritage Site by the IPHAN on the 20th of April 1938. Address: rua Bernardo Vasconcelos, nº 2 Follow Bernardo de rua Vasconcelos, pass the Igreja Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Church of Our Lady of the Conception) in order to arrive at the Ponte de Antônio Dias (Antônio Dias Bridge). Ponte de Antônio Dias Antônio Dias Bridge Work on this bridge was auctioned by Manoel Francisco Lisboa in 1755. Later on, due to a sign over, the auction right was transferred to Antônio da Silva Erdeiro. It is popularly known as the Ponte dos Suspiros (Longing For Bridge) or Ponte de Dirceu (Dirceu Bridge), due to the stories that are told about the relationship of Tomas Antônio Gonzaga, known as Dirceu, and Maria Joaquina Dorotéia de Seixas, known as Marília. Dirceu would sit by the bridge, waiting for Marília to fetch water at the nearby fountain, always accompanied by a maid, and so in the vain hope for love, he stayed there “longing for” her. 15. “The Ponte Antônio Dias is composed of two thick walls interrupted by a two plain arches, with a circular patch of dirt in the middle and a stone cross placed upon a complex pedestal. The low wall is made of stone blocks. Water runs below just one of the two arches.” (IPHAN) Address: largo de Dirceu, above the córrego da Sobreira. Located very near the bridge is the Chafariz de Marília (Marília Fountain). Chafariz de Marília Marília Fountain This fountain is one of the most beautiful of Brazil and is also linked to romantic stories, since its name is related to Maria Dorotéia Joaquina de Seixas, the famous Marília of the lyres of Tomas Antônio Gonzaga, which make up one of the classics of Brazilian literature – Marília de Dirceu. Manuel Francisco Lisboa, Aleijadinho’s father, was selected to construct this fountain, for which a public contest was opened in the Chamber of the Senate of Vila Rica. In 1759, its construction began along with two co-constructors, Antônio Moreira Duarte and Miguel de Oliveira. “Aleijadinho’s participation in the soapstone ornaments that adorn is noticeable and recognized” (IPHAN). The decoration consists of helixes, curved ornaments and four figureheads. In the 1850’s, nearly all the fountains suffered reforms. The Chafariz de Marília was, probably, in this group. In the 20th Century, work was also carried out in 1928, 1936 and 1954. On the later dates the work was under the supervision of the IPHAN. The fountain is registered in the IPHAN’s Book of Visual Arts under the name “Chafariz da Praça de Marília” (“Marília Square Fountain”). Address: largo do Dirceu 16. Located directly behind the fountain is Casa de Marília (Marília’s House). Casa de Marília Marília’s House The former Ferrões manor house was destroyed and in its place a public school was constructed. Address: largo de Dirceu Passing once again by the Ponte Antônio Dias, go onto the rua Dr. Antônio Martins dos Santos and continue along the rua Antônio Martins until getting to the praça da Barra. Coluna Saldanha Marinho During the Second Imperial Period, 1862, the President of the Province of Minas Gerais, Councilman Saldanha Marinho, organized a popular donation to collect money with the intention of erecting a monument in honour of the conspirators. It was the first explicit honour to the group. The Emperor at the time was the great-grandson of Dona Maria I, the Queen who had condemned the conspiracy group. “Brazil was a monarchy governed by the House of Bragança, whereas the conspirators had preached of an American-like Republic. It wasn’t easy to exalt the conspirators and Tiradentes in particular, without in some way condemning their executioners and valid political system.” (José Murilo de Carvalho) The pillar was exhibited at the praça da Independência, nowadays praça Tiradentes, until 1892, when the present monument was inaugurated in honour of the centenary of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier’s death. 17. The Coluna dos Inconfidentes (Conspirators’ Pillar), which became known as the Coluna Saldanha Marinho (Saldanha Marinho Pillar), was taken to Gonzaga’s House. For the 50th Anniversary of Belo Horizonte, Professor Vicente Racioppi, president of the Ouro Preto Historic Institute, sent the pillar to the capital for the celebrations. It remained in the Belo Horizonte City Hall warehouse until 1980 when it was returned to Ouro Preto. Address: praça Amadeu Barbosa, popularly known as praça da Barra. Tip!!!! For complete information about the monuments and services check out the page of Ouro Preto on descubraminas.com Stay Tuned!!!!! Few attractions open on Mondays. In the months of January and July some churches open on Monday. Wear comfortable shoes, these sites have many steep streets and uneven pavements. In almost all the attractions you need to save the bags and is not allowed to photograph the interior. Visitation rates are charged. Always check the work hours of the attractions.
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