Second Sharing - Second Presbyterian Church
Second Sharing - Second Presbyterian Church
Sharing Second Sharing Second Presbyterian Church Dedicated to Jesus Christ, we are committed to making a difference by caring for one another, growing in our ministries, and reaching beyond ourselves. PARSON TO PERSON January 22, 2014 Issue No. 1 As we move into the second month of an exciting and promising new year for our congregation, we cannot escape that fact that everything new requires change. I share the following “food for thought” reminding us that all growing things encounter constant adjustments. While the alternative to having to make changes and adjustments is possible, it is not very promising or encouraging or desired as this reflection indicates. “Living churches have parking problems, Dying churches don’t. Living churches have lots of noisy activities, Dying church are peaceful like a tomb. Living churches are always looking to the future for ways to serve, Dying churches are all too happy to worship their glorious past. Living churches change so frequently you can forget a lot of names, Dying churches. . .everyone has known everyone’s name for years. Living churches support missions even if it hurts, Dying churches keep it all at home. Living churches dream great dreams for the Lord, Dying churches are content to relive old nightmares. Living churches won’t find “can’t” in their dictionary, Dying churches won’t find much else. Living churches evangelize. Dying churches fossilize!” Blessings throughout 2014 and Beyond, Dan SECOND CHANCES 2014 Breakaway Staff Appreciation Lunch Wednesday Nights Member News Dinners for 7 & 8 Youth Events Small Groups Blankets of Hope 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 February 2: Dan Hans February 9: Dan Hans February 16: Erin Rouse February 23: Dan Hans March 2: Dan Hans March 5: (Ash Wednesday) Services of Ashes Helping Hints If you notice someone, who normally sits near you in church, missing from worship for a couple of weeks, please give that person a call and find out how he/she is doing. Should you discover that this person has a pastoral need, please call the church office and let the staff know. Thanks for your help. Hint. Hint. SECOND SHARING . . . Forum, Membership Classes, Baptismal Dates, Annual Meeting, Appreciation Lunch SUNDAY FORUM SCHEDULE The following Forum classes will meet on Sundays (9:40-10:40 a.m.) February 2– Trish Clark as Mary Todd Lincoln February 9– Everything you Wanted to Know about Weather but Were Afraid to Ask Led by Bill Meck, LEX 18 Storm Tracker February 16– Peace Discernment Led by Bill Maloney and Company February 23– Presbyterian Seminary Led by Greg Clark INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP AT SECOND? Inquirers’ Class for joining Second Church will be held Sundays, February 2 (4:00 pm), February 9 (4:00 pm) and February 16 (5:30 p.m.) in the Campbell Room. Call the church office (254-7768) to RSVP. Childcare available. 2014 BAPTISM DATES The dates below have been reserved during the 11:00 service for those of you who would like to schedule a baptism for your child. Please contact the church office (254-7768) if you would like to discuss having a child baptized. April 13 (Palm Sunday) May 18 August 10 SANCTUARY FLOWERS FOR SUNDAY Do you have a special Sunday you would like to honor and/or remember a loved one, or celebrate a special occasion? If so, a flower arrangement in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings is a great way to do this! Visit the “2014 Flower Chart” located in the Gathering Place behind the security desk or call the church office (2547768). PAGE 2 ANNUAL MEETING ANNUAL MEETING FEBRUARY 2 12:00 NOON The annual meeting of the Congregation and Corporation will be held in the Sanctuary on Sunday, February 2 following the 11:00 service. Childcare will be available during the meeting. STAFF APPRECIATION DAY AND SPECIAL LUNCH Join us as we designate Sunday, February 9 - Staff Appreciation Day! The Personnel Committee would like to invite everyone to attend a special lunch following the 11:00 a.m., service to honor our Second Church staff. RSVP by calling the church office (254-7768) or sign up on the website: Menu: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Peas & Carrots, Tossed Salad, Rolls, Blonde Brownies 2014 Breakaway Retreat March 7-9 at Shaker Village Breakaway 2014 will be held at Shakertown on the weekend of March 7-9 (There is no UK home game that weekend and the SEC tournament begins the following week!). Our theme will be “Unplugging. . . and Plugging in Wisely.” Our own Dr. Mackenzie Leachman will be making a presentation on Saturday morning geared towards all who use the internet, but particularly parents, children (ages 3-5th grade), and youth. This means there WILL be activities for children and youth. So, mark your calendars for Breakaway, March 7-9 and sign up now! (Call or email Erin Rouse for questions – 254-7768 or [email protected]) *************** The Families Committee invites everyone to attend our “Bleak Mid-Winter” Soup Cook-off on January 26 at 5:30 p.m. Inspired by the Advent Chili cookoff, what better way to “celebrate” mid-winter than by bringing a crock-pot full of your favorite soup (or one that you believe may win a prize!) and we will provide sandwich fixings for a great time of fellowship, food, fun, AND a preview of Breakaway! SECOND SHARING . . . Advent Workshop, Wednesday Nights, Music News PAGE 3 ADVENT WORKSHOP AND CHILI COOKOFF—DECEMBER 1 On behalf of the Children's Ministry Council, we would like to say a special thank you to our Advent Workshop volunteers and everyone who contributed to the event through donations. We had a great time with approximately 200 people in attendance this year. Thanks for the following for giving their time and talents: Joann Atcher, Ruth Berry, Brett Butzer, Valerie Caudill, Caroline Couch, Annie Deitz, Jim & BeckyDrahovzal Nicole Gardner, Lauren Gilbert, Jackie Graves, Hayli Hart, Jami Hart, Nancy Kelley, Kristan Lenning, Kate Marie Mattmiller, Sharon Mattmiller, Chuck & Mary McGaha, Nicole Nicholas, Joy Oakley, Beth Phillips, Ellie Phillips, Greg Richardson, Abby Rogers, Cathy Rogers, Lynn Roth, Ben Scott, Caroline Scott, Mackenzie Stallard, Nancy Stallard, Leslie Strong, B.W. & Alice Thornton, Zachary Thornton, Ellie Varner, Farah Weldon, Penny Weldon and Vicki Wilson. WEDNESDAY NIGHTS IN FEBRUARY - YOU ASKED FOR IT….WE GOT IT! Please come and enjoy coffee and dessert Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and participate in the following discussions and presentations at 7:00 p.m., by some of our local and national Presbyterian leaders. February 5 Finding Grace in the Church During Times of Disagreement Sarah Lisherness/Carl Horton, Compassion, Peace, and Justice Ministry, PCUSA February 12 Presbyterian Winds: Issues in the PCUSA Chip Hardwick, Worship, and Education, PCUSA February 19 Defining Marriage in the PCUSA (Part 1) Richard Smith, General Presbyter, Transylvania Presbytery February 26 Defining Marriage in the PCUSA (Part 2) Richard Smith MUSIC NEWS Transylvania Choir concert at Second Church will be held Friday, March 7 at 7:00 p.m., in the sanctuary. This begins a concert tour which will have a stop in New Orleans at Lakeview Presbyterian Church where Barrett Milner is Senior Pastor. The Transylvania Choir is conducted by Gary Anderson. This one hour concert includes motets by Eric Whitacre and Sergei Rachmaninoff; arr. of folk songs from Argentina and Lithuania; and African America spirituals. This event is free and open to the public. Please join us! ********************* The Covenant Choir with chamber orchestra will present Requiem by Gabriel Faure in worship on April 6. The choir has just begun rehearsals, so there is time to join us in preparation for this beautiful and powerful work. We rehearse on Thursday evenings, 7:30-9:00 in the Chapel. We will make room for you and even find you a fine-fitting robe. Perhaps it is time to join the choir or to re-join the choir. You are all welcome. SECOND SHARING . . . Member News, For The Health of It, ITN Volunteers MEMBER NEWS FOR THE HEALTH OF IT Congratulations to Will and Emily (Downing) Strafford on the birth of daughter Lydia Madison, on December 4. Congratulations to Chase and Jennifer Kluemper on the birth of son Cliff Thomas, born January 1. Congratulations to Elizabeth Maurey and Myles Stringer who were married December 28th in Indiana. Congratulations to Shawn Ray and David Phelps who were married December 31st in Florida. Congratulations to Sarah Hall and Terry Coleman who were married January 18 in Georgetown. PAGE 4 I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Phil. 4:13 Associate professor Don Whitney from Southern Baptist Seminary wrote a long list of questions to ask as we head into the new year. I've borrowed a few: ♦ What can you do to improve the quality of family life this year? ♦ In which spiritual discipline do you want to make progress this year? ♦ What is the single biggest time waster in your life, and what can be done to change that? ♦ What is the most helpful way you could strengthen your church? ♦ What one thing could you do to improve your prayer life? ♦ What area of your life needs simplifying? Sympathy to Caroline Baesler on the death of her brother-in-law in Memphis. ♦ What can you do to enrich your spiritual legacy to your family? Second Church member Anne Warren recently published her memoirs titled A Late Line of Crimson Sun. This book is available at ♦ In what area of life do you most need change? Gale Reece received the 2014 Spirit Award from the Lexington Forum for her work in creating ITN Bluegrass (Independent Transportation Network) and for the IKnow Expo for the elderly. Sympathy to Belva Collins on the death of her father. Sympathy to Elizabeth Briggs on the death of her mother. Sympathy to Carol Behr and family on the death of her father-in-law in St. Louis. Sympathy to the family of Jo Hodgetts who died on January 13. John Knox 500 Anniversary Tour of Scotland and England from July 25 – August 6, 2014, lead by Dr. Richard Smith, General Presbyter of Transylvania Presbytery. Interested persons may pick up the brochure in the church office. 5TH GRADE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER REFLECTION Dear Parents of Second Presbyterian Church 5th Grade Sunday School Class. On behalf of Matt, Mike and Mackenzie may I tell you how much we are enjoying your beautiful children in our Sunday school class. Their curiosity, intellect and wonderful sense of humor keep us hopping. Most importantly, their willingness to share their faith and explore other spiritual issues makes for a wonderful hour together every Sunday morning. I encourage you to keep bringing them on Sundays as their individual and collective presence is the key to a rich exchange. We are honored and grateful for the opportunity to work with such bright and enthusiastic young people. As a class project we elected to serve as Salvation Army Bell Ringers at the Beaumont Kroger. Given the opportunity to choose a way to be of service to God during the Advent Season, the kids picked this project. They were excited to sing Christmas Song and play their favorite instruments if they have one. Tom Kluemper Jackie Graves, Parish Nurse ITN VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED As a member of Second Presbyterian Church, it is likely that you have established valuable relationships with many fellow members and look forward to seeing these people every week at church services, Sunday school or fellowship opportunities at church. Some of these members may be unable to drive and have difficulty finding transportation; thanks to a partnership between Second and ITNBluegrass, you can make it easier and more affordable for senior members and those with visual impairments to continue coming to services and other activities at Second. It’s an easy thing to doOprovide one afternoon a week or a few hours a month to be a volunteer driver for ITNBluegrass. You receive training and an ITN dispatcher will arrange your driving assignments and routes to fit your schedule. For more information, visit or contact ITNBluegrass at (859) 252-8665. SECOND SHARING . . . Mission News, Dinners for 7 & 8, Justice Ministry PAGE 5 HOPE CENTER 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS DINNER 2014 DINNERS FOR 7 & 8 On December 30, those dining at the Hope Center's Jacobs Hope Cafeteria were treated to a delicious meal of fried chicken, new potatoes with parsley and butter, green beans, tossed salad, bread, clementines, and an assortment of drinks and desserts, all donated by Second Church as a part of the 12 Days of Christmas celebration at the Hope Center. Thanks to all those who brought in two liter drinks for the dinner and a special thanks to member Mike McLaughlin and his company, Hippo Crate Moving Storage, who donated 12 cases of 20 oz. bottles of soda that were used not only for the dinner on the 30th but also for the Hope Center's Community Christmas party on December 19th that Second provided drinks and refreshments for. To the great serving staff who braved the cold to come out and serve 242 the night of the dinner, many thanks! They included: Laura, Cody and Elizabeth Cook, Becky, Jim and Sarah Drahovzol, Evelyn Kramer, Mary & Charles McGaha, Mike McLaughlin, Joy and Madeline Oakley, Roger Parry, Hendy, Lou and Charley Seelbach. Would you like to meet new friends? Are you looking for fellowship? Participating in Dinners for 7 or 8 is a golden opportunity to renew old friendships and make new ones. Adults of every age are welcome to participate, members and non-members, singles or in pairs. Second provides volunteers to serve the 3rd and 4th Monday of every month at the Jacobs Hope Cafeteria (299 West Loudon Avenue) with the meal being served from 5 to 6:00 p.m.---no set up or clean up required. If you are interested in serving as a sub or a regular volunteer for either of these nights, or have additional questions concerning this project, please contact Trey Kramer ([email protected]). JUSTICE MINISTRY NEWS "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice....." Isaiah 30:18 Seeking justice in action is a faithful response to the Bible's teaching. Your presence will be vitally supportive to our most vulnerable citizens at an extremely important stakeholder's meeting with Mayor Gray and our council members this Thursday, January 23, 6:30 PM at Central Christian Church. Representatives from our schools, Community Action Council, Habitat for Humanity, KY Utilities, Lex. Clinic, KY Housing, etc., will share with our city leaders how the lack of affordable housing affects their constituents. With 1 out of 5 families in Lex. unable to afford their rent (this IS different from the homelessness issue, BUT the risk of being homeless is great for these working poor families!), these organizations support the diligent, comprehensive work of BUILD these past 6 years. This worsening crisis needs to be resolved! On Sunday, February 23 at 12:15 (boxed lunch provided) in the Forum Room will be our congregation's Justice Ministry Network meeting. The agenda will include a Biblical reflection for Doing Justice, issue updates (including the 'new' Crime & Justice research progress), preparing for the March 17th Rally and April 8th Nehemiah Action, etc. It is important that all network members make every effort to attend. Anyone interested in learning more about justice ministry is welcomed to 'come and listen.' HOW/WHERE: 7 or 8 people are assigned for dinner at a designated home. The host/hostess provides the main dish and beverage. Guests are assigned to bring either a salad and bread, a vegetable, or a dessert. The meal may be as informal or formal as the host/hostess chooses. The food may be home-made or from the grocery store. The emphasis is on the fellowship not the food or décor. Dinners are scheduled for Saturday evenings (February 22, March 15 and April 12). The host may choose either Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening of the same weekend if that proves more convenient for members of the group. You can either entertain at your home or co-host with another member at their home. If due to limited space you are unable to host a dinner for 7 or 8, but could comfortably host a dinner for 6, please contact us and we will try to make that happen. The time to sign up is now! Register on the website or call the church office (254-7768) The deadline for registrations is February 2. If you have any questions, contact Mike Garrett ([email protected] or 229-0910). THE GIVING TREE Items placed under the 2013 Giving Tree have all now been distributed to the residents of Canaan House, the Women's Recovery Center, Hope Center, Westminster Village and ITN of the Bluegrass; from the personal toiletries to the beautiful, handmade caps, thank you! ADVENT DEVOTIONAL The Advent season has come and gone. And, thanks to the help of members and staff, our second annual Advent devotional has been published and read by members of our congregation. I hope it was helpful to you as you journeyed through the Advent season. If you'd like to share some thoughts about the Advent devotional or would have to contribute to the devotional that's planned for Advent, 2014, please email Sally Scherer ([email protected]). SECOND SHARING . . . Birthdays, SPY (Youth Events), PMO & Preschool Enrollment PAGE 6 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS SECOND PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH (SPY) 1 3. 4. Sunday, February 2 the youth will be collecting our annual Souper Bowl of Caring offering as we seek to do our part to end hunger both here in our community and beyond! Donations will be accepted following both the 8:30 and 11:00 services at each of the sanctuary exits. ALL YOUTH are encouraged to bring a soup pot from home and participate in this important mission project! If you plan to assist, please contact Lucie or Patrick. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Greg Leopold, Marie Garrett, Shirley Walz, Angene Wilson Bill Hoskins, Eugenie Greene, Bets Shier, Mary Hartley, Stephanie Spires Betty Adkins, Brenda Penn Alice Okcuoglu, Marilyn Kleine, Tom Gilbert, Matt Hunt, Jack Farrell Vivienne Brooking-Daneker, Randy Master, Lisa Applegate Dorothy Friend, Jennifer Coffman Gary Anderson, Penni Gerard Linda Granacher, Hannah Gray B Fisher, Martha Wilkinson Mary McGaha, Lakshman Chelvarajan, Fiona Mowbray Nicole Nicholas Paul Justis, Pat Farmer, Kathryn Beck Kate Lillich, Veronica Taylor Gerry McGee, Stuart McIntosh, Mike Bensing, Zandria Skinner Stuart Eads Bill Perrine, Lois Edmiston, Louie Seelbach, Trey Kramer, Michael Leopold Doug Douglass, Eliza Waller Hilton Erskine, Doug Wimmer, Becky Drahovzal, Sherrill Thomas, Max Chelvarajan Mary Lou Croucher, Charles Lee, Matthew Abner Greg Ladd Sarah Coleman, Elise Shainfeld, Benjamin Byars Beth Porter, Anne Webster, David Kratt Tom Harris, Lisa Richardson Marjorie Polites, John Tebbs Madge Smith, Korin Olson, Dale Meenach, Lisa Blomquist Jo Greene, Joy Oakley, Jessica Power Upcoming Events: • Sunday, January 26: Team Building Exercise! All Middle and High School will meet for dinner ($5) and fellowship (5:30-7:00 p.m.) and come prepared to be challenged mentally and physically as we work together. • Sunday, February 2: Open Night (TBA). All Middle and High School will meet for dinner ($5) and fellowship (5:30-7:00 p.m.) • Sunday, February 9: Olympic Game Night! All Middle and High School will meet for dinner ($5) and fellowship (5:30-7:00 p.m). • February 14-16: Ski Trip (details to follow) • Sunday, February 23: Olympic Games! All Middle and High School will meet for dinner ($5) and fellowship (5:30-7:00 p.m). FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 John Blaiklock, Jim Abbott, Berry Seelbach, Ross McGoodwin Betty Grace Huffman, Dal Harper, Bev Carr, Maggie Bennington, Kieran Derbyshire Lisa Shainfeld Rachel Lewis, Belva Collins, Jennie Boyd, Ginny Hoyt Norma Hall, Bobbie Brown, Joyce DeAeth Millye McAte, Roger Parry, Lynn Robbins, Brian McLaughlin Todd Stockwell, Mike Wynn, Todd Varellas Dave Patton Lyle Aten, Joan Bush Harriet Ringo, Nan Starkweather, John Pike, Kaiya Bensing Sandra Harrison Betty Downing, Jake Harris Jim Drahovzal, Anna Friesen Miriam Woolfolk, Shawn Caudill, Kirsten Carey Wes Coffman, Mary Ashmun-Wilson, Kristy Ehlert, C.J. Leopold Bruce Wilson, Lisa Blackadar, Steven Reid Sarah White, Eric Shockley Karen Kidd John Spires, Ike Van Meter Bob Weldon Raven Perry, Bob Fox Leslie Ladd, Trey Mesta Nancy Schaub, Mac Lambing, Judy Maxson, Gale Reece, Todd Harrison Bo Phillips Kate Akers, Ella Cox John Sisler, Zachary Derbyshire Cici Elder, Madi Elder ECUMENICAL PRESCHOOL OPEN ENROLLMENT Ecumenical Preschool is beginning registration the 201415 school year. We welcome all 3, 4, and 5 year olds. Children must be potty trained and be 3 before October 1. Contact Director, Caroline Scott (254-7768) for more information or visit Second’s Parent’s Morning Out is currently enrolling for 2014-2015 for children ages 12 months to 3 years. The program is open from 8:30-11:30—Monday through Friday. For more information, please contact (2547768) or the website SECOND SHARING . . . Calendar, Small Groups and More CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday, January 26 5:30 p.m. Soup Cookoff (FH) 5:30 p.m. Youth Event (FH) Tuesday, January 28 7:00 p.m. Book Group (Campbell Room) Wednesday, January 29 6:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast (Bob Evans) 10:00 a.m. Second Creations (204) 6:30 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal (201) Thursday, January 30 7:30 p.m. Covenant Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) Saturday, February 1 9:00 a.m. Saturday Book Group (Gathering Place) Sunday, February 2 12:00 p.m. Annual Meeting (Sanctuary) 4:00 p.m. Inquirers’ Class (Campbell Room) 5:30 p.m. Youth Event (Youth Room) Wednesday, February 5 6:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast (Bob Evans) 10:00 a.m. Second Creations (204) 6:30 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal (201) Thursday, February 6 7:30 p.m. Covenant Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) Saturday, February 8 9:00 a.m. Saturday Book Group (Gathering Place) Sunday, February 9 12:00 p.m. Staff Appreciation Lunch (FH) 4:00 p.m. Inquirers’ Class (Campbell Room) Monday, February 10 1:00 p.m. Beth Wachs Circle (Forum) 5:30 p.m. Finance (204) 6:30 p.m. Worship & Music (202) 7:00 p.m. Mission Committee (Campbell Room) Tuesday, February 11 7:00 p.m. Trustees (202) Wednesday, February 12 6:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast (Bob Evans) 10:00 a.m. Second Creations (204) 6:30 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal (201) Thursday, February 13 6:30 p.m. Personnel Committee (202) 7:30 p.m. Covenant Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) Saturday, February 15 9:00 a.m. Saturday Book Group (Gathering Place) Sunday, February 16 12;00 p.m. Deacons Meeting (202) 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting (202) Monday, February 17 7:00 p.m. Archives Meeting (Gathering Place) Tuesday, February 18 12:30 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry (201a) Wednesday, February 19 6:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast (Bob Evans) 10:00 a.m. Second Creations (204) 6:30 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal (201) Thursday, February 20 7:30 p.m. Covenant Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) Saturday, February 22 9:00 a.m. Saturday Book Group (Gathering Place) Sunday, February 23 5:30 p.m. Youth Group Event (Youth Room) PAGE 7 SMALL GROUP NEWS Women’s Saturday Discussion Women's Saturday discussion group meets each Saturday at 9:00 a.m. at the church. Please join us as we discuss The Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault. Cotact Joanne Olson-Biglieri (2684323) for details. Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast meets each Wednesday (6:30-7:30 a.m.) at Bob Evans. Join us as we study The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. Questions? Call Shawn Caudill (219-1249). Second Creations “Second Creations” art group meets each Wednesday from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in room 204. This is a non-instructional group of men and women working on individual arts/craft projects. Prayer Shawl Ministry We meet the third Tuesday of the month at 12:30 pm in Room 201a. If you would like a prayer shawl for a congregation member or yourself, contact our Parish Nurse, Jackie Graves (254-7768), Bobbie Brown ([email protected]) or Kathy Blomquist ([email protected]). Candlelight Circle The Candlelight Circle will meet on Monday, January 27 at 7:00 p.m., at the home of Catherine Hune. Call Catherine (255-0791) for directions and details. Second Book Club Second Book Club will meet Tuesday, January 28, at 7:00 pm to study Whose Body? by Dorothy L. Sayers in the Campbell Room. Contact Bob Boldrey (263-4699) for more information. Beth Wachs Monday Circle The Monday Beth Wachs Circle will meet Monday, February 10 at 1:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for dessert followed by bible study. SECOND E-SHARING The next issue of Second Sharing will be mailed on February 26, 2014 and emailed to those who are signed up to receive Second E-Sharing. The electronic version can be seen on our website at Second Presbyterian Church 460 E. Main St. Lexington, KY 40507 Periodical Postage Paid USPS (023-259) Periodical Postage Paid at Lexington KY Second Sharing is published monthly by Second Presbyterian Church 460 E. Main St., Lexington, KY 40507 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Second Presbyterian Church, 460 East Main St., Lexington, KY 40507 Church Phone: Church Fax: Internet: E-Mail: 859.254.7768 859.252.3857 [email protected] BLANKETS OF HOPE/HOPE CENTER As the temperatures turn colder, many of us will take the warmth of our homes for granted. The streets of Lexington are filled with those who don’t have that luxuryOthose who can’t get to a shelter or who won’t go to a shelter for one reason or another. With your assistance, Blankets of Hope can give hope and warmth to those who need it. Blankets, new and old, (but clean) are desperately needed! If you have extra blankets, coats, gloves or hats, please consider donating them to Blankets of Hope. If you’d like to help, or have any questions about the program, please email Kirsten Kramer Carey ([email protected]) for informationOany help is greatly appreciated! Please place donated blankets, coats, etc. in the box labeled Hope Center in the closet in the Gathering Place. In addition to the donations listed below, members of Second brought in 28 more blankets that were delivered to the HopeMobile. Thank you for all of the donations and assistance that Blankets of Hope received in 2013. In Honor Of: “Miss Dorothy” and all those who the Hopemobile provide Services to by Anonymous Andrew & Kirsten Kramer Carey by Evelyn & Stan Kramer Beth Davis by Lou & Hendy Seelbach Colby Deener by Larry Deener Elizabeth Deener by Martha & Larry Deener Joe & Peggy Kennedy by Carol Behr Trey Kramer & Olivia Rink by Evelyn & Stan Kramer Jim & Nancy Kratt by Laurel, David, Shelby & Mason Kratt Evelyn, Stan & Trey Kramer by Andrew & Kirsten Kramer Carey Ray & Nancy Kramer and Helen Neal by Andrew & Kirsten Kramer Carey Shawn Parrish Phelps and her work at 2nd Pres by Anonymous Elaine Paynter by Laurel, David, Shelby & Mason Kratt Our parents and grandparents by the Caudill Family Our children by Jim & Becky Drahovzal Our grandchildren by Lou & Hendy Seelbach In Memory Of: Barbara Bowdy by the Caudill family Jim Goff by the Kramer family Jack Hammond by the Gilbert family Prewitt Paynter by Laurel, David, Shelby & Mason Kratt Our parents by Jim & Becky Drahovzal Our parents by Lenn and Sandra Harrison Ida & William G. Barr Jr, Winifred Jennings Kramer, Granville & Shirley Carey and Joseph NeCamp by Andrew & Kirsten Kramer Carey Donations by: Anonymous “There but for the grace of God” Bill Fortune Ruth Webb Jack & Angene Wilson