annual report


annual report
What’s Inside
Greetings from Pam Costain, President and CEO.............................................4
What We Do..................................................................................................... 5
Our Community Partners................................................................................11
Our Donors...................................................................................................... 12
Financial Highlights.........................................................................................17
Our Board of Directors....................................................................................18
Our Staff.......................................................................................................... 19
Join Us!............................................................................................................ 20
Dear friends:
I have the best job in Minneapolis. I work closely with Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS), a
district I love and where my two grown daughters got a great education. I collaborate with
one of our country’s strongest philanthropic, public sector and nonprofit communities. I work
side-by-side with the most dedicated staff and board I’ve ever known. And I get to see our
community’s bright future in the beautiful faces of the young people we serve each day.
Thanks to your dedicated support, AchieveMpls has built one of the most highly successful
career and college readiness systems in the entire country. This year:
Our Career & College Centers in MPS high schools served 9,000 students, providing
personalized career and college resources and support with a laser-focus on helping young
people prepare to achieve their dreams.
Our nationally-recognized STEP-UP Achieve youth employment program—part of the City
of Minneapolis STEP-UP program—offered high-quality work readiness training, mentoring,
focused career opportunities and 750 meaningful paid internships in partnership with 160 top
Twin Cities employers.
We connected 800 adult volunteers with students as Graduation Coaches, Career Fair
presenters, STEP-UP mock interviewers and work readiness trainers, helping students stay on
track, learn important professional skills and explore new career fields.
As a local education fund, we helped raise millions of corporate and foundation dollars for
MPS strategic priorities, including STEM and AVID programs, leadership development and
much more.
We are privileged to do the work we do every day, work which is made possible only because
of your generous support for all Minneapolis students.
Thank you for your partnership with us and your belief in the promise, potential and power of
our young people, the future of our great city.
My best wishes,
Pam Costain
President and CEO, AchieveMpls
Career & College Centers
Our CCCs in MPS high schools provide one-on-one guidance in
exploring career options, applying to college, prepping for the ACT,
completing FAFSA and scholarship applications, college tours and
much more. We help career and college dreams come true.
9,000 95%
MPS students
in MPS high schools
The Twin Cities has one of the largest
racial employment and education
achievement gaps in the country. And by
2018, 70% of all jobs in Minnesota will
require some form of post-secondary
education. The stakes couldn’t be higher
for our young people and our city.
As the strategic nonprofit partner of
Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS),
our shared goal is every student career
and college ready. We mobilize our
community as volunteers, employers,
funders and partners to ensure that all
students graduate with the tools,
support and confidence they need to
achieve their dreams.
served each year
of graduating
have a post-grad plan
Community Volunteers
Our Graduation Coaches help students stay on track and plan for
life after high school. Career Fair presenters introduce students to
brand new careers. STEP-UP Achieve volunteers help interns learn
important professional skills and explore career fields.
STEP-UP Achieve
STEP-UP Achieve—part of the City of Minneapolis STEP-UP
program—provides work-readiness training, paid internships,
mentoring and focused career opportunities for Minneapolis youth
who face some of the greatest barriers to employment.
in summer
and 450 supervisors
each year
Support for Minneapolis Public Schools
AchieveMpls helps raise millions of dollars from corporations,
foundations and major donors to support MPS strategic initiatives.
We also manage MPS school and project funds, and administer
scholarships and mini-grants for MPS students and staff.
800 4,800 $120k $10m+ 118
per year
volunteer hours
per year
*Based on Independent Sector estimate of $24.83 per hour.
for MPS programs
since 2010
MPS school
project funds
Career & College Centers in MPS High Schools
“No one in my family had gone through the process of graduating from high
school and applying for college, so I was clueless about how any of this worked.
My CCC coordinator helped me complete my college and scholarship applications
and also helped with other opportunities, too—like finding summer internships.”
“STEP-UP Achieve gives you the foundation you need as you’re finding yourself.
I made great connections at Management HQ, and this networking is helping me
reach my goals. No matter who you are, STEP-UP Achieve provides new
opportunities and pushes you out of your comfort zone. You’ll have experiences
you never expected or imagined.”
STEP-UP Achieve Youth Employment Program
Graduation Coaches for MPS 9th and 12th Grade Students
“The most meaningful part of the program for me
is creating a sense of empowerment with a young
person and demonstrating that there are engaged
adults who really care about students.”
“My Graduation Coach gave me the opportunity to talk to
someone who could give me advice and help me better
understand what’s next after high school.”
Career Exploration Events in MPS High Schools
“The Career Fair was a fabulous experience and the time flew by. Getting out
into the real world and meeting the workforce of tomorrow is critical for our
agency, and we don’t get many opportunities to do it. This experience was
personally enriching for me and very valuable for our company.”
Community Conversations
“EDTalks was as relevant to me as a newcomer to Minnesota and education
as it is now as a committed professional in education. Thank you!”
Community Partners
2014-2015 Fiscal Year
During the 2014-15 fiscal year, these organizations demonstrated outstanding commitment to Minneapolis
students through their generous financial and program support, as well as their strategic leadership and
collaboration in this work. Our tremendous thanks to these community partners, who understand that their
success and the success of our young people go hand in hand.
Development Partners
Program Partners
Development Allies
Program Allies
Cargill Foundation
Otto Bremer Foundation
General Mills, Inc.
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Pohlad Family Foundation
Workday Foundation
Best Buy
Donaldson Foundation
Martha and Donald Farley Family Fund
Pat and Tom Grossman Family Fund
of the MN Community Foundation
James B. Linsmayer Foundation
Mahle Family Foundation
Piper Jaffray & Company
SPEDCO Economic Development Foundation
State Farm
Walker Art Center
Wallin Foundation
Wells Fargo
WEM Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation
Boston Scientific
University of Minnesota
Wells Fargo
Xcel Energy
Arthur Chapman
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics
Citizens League
Crowne Plaza Northstar Hotel
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
Fairview Health Services
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
General Mills
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare
Greiner Construction
Hennepin County
Hennepin County Bar Association
Hennepin County Medical Center
Impact Proven Solutions
Junior League of Minneapolis, Inc.
McKinsey & Co
Memorial Blood Centers
Migizi Communications
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Minneapolis Retired Teachers
Minnesota School of Business
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
The Morning Foundation
Northside Achievement Zone
Ovative Group
Piper Jaffray & Co
Pohlad Family Foundation
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
State of Minnesota
Teach for America
Walker Art Center
Wheel Fun Rentals
Young Education Professionals
Young Professionals of Minneapolis
Thank You to Our Donors
Thank you to our donors for helping all Minneapolis students gain the resources,
support and opportunities they need to make their career and college dreams come true!
Links To:
AchieveMpls Programs | Corporate and Foundation Donors
AchieveMpls Programs | Individual and Family Foundation Donors
AchieveMpls Programs | Education Partners Luncheon Sponsors 2014
Minneapolis Public Schools Programs | Corporate and Foundation Donors
Minneapolis Public Schools Programs | Individual and Family Foundation Donors
AchieveMpls Programs
Cargill Foundation
Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation
Greater Twin Cities United Way Social Innovation Fund
Otto Bremer Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Minnesota Community Foundation
Thrivent Financial Foundation
Workday Foundation
Best Buy
PwC Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Wells Fargo
Beverly Foundation
Donaldson Foundation
James B. Linsmayer Foundation
Mahle Family Foundation
Pentair Foundation
Piper Jaffray & Company
SPEDCO Economic Development Foundation
State Farm Insurance Company
US Bancorp Foundation
Wallin Foundation
WEM Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation
Bank of America Foundation Inc.
Bush Foundation
CenterPoint Energy
RBC Foundation - USA
Thomson Reuters
Benevity Community Impact Fund
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
TCF Foundation and TCF Bank Minnesota
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America
Castlelake, L.P.
Doris Duke Foundation
Maguire Agency
The Minneapolis Foundation
Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
Advance Consulting LLC
Amazon Smile
Carolyn Foundation
IBM Corporation
Sam Miller Foundation
AchieveMpls Programs
Kensley Rosen
Pat and Tom Grossman Family Fund of
the Minnesota Community Foundation
Joan and Ronald Cornwell
Martha and Donald Farley Family Fund
Kinder Vealitzek Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Betsy and Craig Ordal
Henry Kohring
Peter Lancaster
Hilary Marden-Resnik and Barry Resnik
Jennifer Melin Miller and David Miller
The Phileona Foundation
Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Martin Abrams
Pamela Akerstrom
Matthew Allen and Sarah Vernon
Denise Anderson
Chad Berge
John & Ruth Bergerson Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Elizabeth and Harley Bergren Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Burdick Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
James and Kathryn Burns
Chosy Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Timothy and Tara Clark
Pamela Costain and Larry Weiss
Doris Duke Foundation
Bryan and Pam Everett
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Michael and Abby Fisco
Anne and Peter Heegaard Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Lisa Helminiak
Lincoln Hudson
Pete and Kelly Johnson
Jane and Jim Kaufman Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Keadue Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Nancy and Jerry Kolb
Steve Kotvis and Camille Gibson
Joel and Laurie Kramer Family Foundation
Anne and Dan Krocak
Kumagai Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
John Lavander and Nan Owen
Jennifer Martin
Dick & Joyce H. McFarland Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Jordanna Miller
Minneapolis Foundation
Andrea Mueller
Mark Murphy and Kathryn Ludwig
Kim Nelson
Rich Renikoff and Kathy Kinne
Clint Roberts
Thomas and Sheva Sanders
Christopher Shaheen and Tricia Conroy
Soran Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Christopher Stevens and Jennifer Thompson
In tribute to Maureen Bazinet Beck
Carol and Lynn Truesdell
Joanne Von Blon
Suzanne Weinstein and Dan Levey
Anonymous (14)
Mark Abeln
Mark Anema
Greg Angelo
In tribute to Joann Bablitch
Laura Arne
Darla Baker
Allison Barmann
Meghan Barp
Dr. Sylvia Bartley
Doris and Timothy Baylor
Maureen Bazinet Beck and Peter Beck
Steven Beck
Jennifer and Denzil Bennett
Our Donors
Dan Berg and Welcome Jerde Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Marty Berkowitz
Andy Bernstein
Blake Berquist
Hanna Bloomfield
Jaimee Bohning
Thomas Braun Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Andrea Breen
Elisabeth Brewster
Minna Brooks
Jeremiah Brown
Michael Brown
Jon Butler
Tyler Candee
Carolyn Foundation
Carol Carrier
Ann Casey
Victor Cedeno
Jim and Julie Chosy
Laura Christensen
Albert and Susan Colianni
Nicole Cooley
Alfonso Correa
Jeanne Corwin
Jay Cowles and Page Knudsen Cowles
Virginia and William Craig
Kitty Crosby
Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton
Mary Delorié
Michael and Michelle DeVaughn
Shannon Dickson
Fred and Elaine Dietrich
Liz Dillon
Don and Deb Dolezal
Mike Dominowski
LeAnn and Daniel Dow
David Dudycha and Dorothy Vawter
Skip Durocher and Ann Novacek
Aaron Eggert
John F. Eisberg and Susan Kline Charitable Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Joseph Erickson
Leonard and Karen Erickson
Judy and Edward Farmer
David Feinberg
Nancy Feldman
Jonathan Fernands
Bruce Fiedler
Caryn Fine and Beth Swedberg
Janie Finn
Linda and Robert Fisher
Marjorie Fitzsimmons
Shotsie Forsythe
Katie and Rick Fournier
Don and Arvonne Fraser
Bill Frerichs
Luz Maria Frias and Stephen L. Smith Fund of
The St. Paul Foundation
Fred and Marie Friswold
Suzanne Gaines
Gap Foundation
Nancy Gaschott and Mark Ritchie
Erin Gavin
Sean Gilligan
Christina Gomez Schmidt
Susan Gray
Davy and Nile Greenberg Giving Fund
Susanne Griffin
Steve Grove
Kathy Halbreich
Betsy and Jule Hannaford
Anastasia Hanson
Nicholas Hara
Roger F. Heegaard Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Colleen Hegranes
Edward and Nancy Hennen
Kelly Henry
Joan Higinbotham
Julie Hirsch and Ron Feldman
Betsy Hodges and Gary Cunningham
Abigail Horsager
Emilie Hossick Schott
James and Ann Howard Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Michael and Christina Huck
James and Marjorie Jacobsen
Suzanne Jebe
JECK Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Ron Jensen and Judy Ostendorff
Bernadeia Johnson
Baird Johnson
Ellen Jones
Penelope Jones
Phyllis and Donald Kahn
Matthew Kane and Elizabeth Conway
Mark Karney
Andrea Kaufman
Kelley Kell
Ann Kellogg
Dean Kephart
Natalie Kettner
Susan Kinder and David Vealitzek
Seth and Laura Kirk
Beth Kittelson
Margaret Knoke and Kevin Matheny
Erich and Margaret Koester
John Kohring
Velma Korbel
Jane Korn
Joel and Laurie Kramer
Eli Kramer
Merle and Phyllis Krause
Susan Krekelberg
Maureen Kucera-Walsh
Kathy Kukielka
Molly Ladwig
Greg Lais
Tracy Lamparty
Amy Lange
Amy Langemo
Mark Larson
Chris Lenhart and Audra Williams
Danielle Lenz
In tribute to Matt Miller
Suzanne LeRoy
Steven Lewandowski
Edward Lewis
Berit Lewison
Kathryn Linafelter Johnson
Brian Linne
Brian Lipschultz
Steven Liss and Carol Chomsky
Lynn Littlejohn
Alice Lloyd
Kris Lockhart
Susanna and Tim Lodge
Ann Longfellow
Wendy Lougee
Clarinda Low
Stephanie Lundquist
Sheena Maloney
Albert and Dorothy Marden
Richard Martinez
Jane Maschka
Jeanne Massey and R. Paul Taylor
Mary McKelvey
Kristine McKinney
Kay McLean
Laura McMahon
Samuel McMillan
In tribute to Clyde Kane
Jill Measells
Marlene and Marshall Miller
Sam Miller Foundation
Jayne Miller
Jerry Miranowski and Donna Kelly
Lucy and Robert Mitchell
Carol and James Moller
Kimberly Montgomery
David and Leni Moore Family Foundation
Daniel Moret
Sheila Morgan
Jacob Murphy
Meta Nagel
Shelly Nauertz
Sarah Ndyajunwoha
Russell Nelson
Stuart A. Nielsen
Richard M. Niemiec
Chad and Kerry Norling
Kathleen O’Brien
Michael O’Connell
David O’Fallon
Megan O’Hara and R.T. Rybak
Therese M. Olinger
Jennifer Olson
Abdul Omari
Karen Orcutt
Harry and Bonnie Orr
Paris Otremba
Suchita and Devan Padmanabhan
Sue and Bill Payne
Carleton Perry and Leslie Legg
Gabe and Melissa Philibert
Jeanne Pietrini
Gretchen Piper and E. Scott Rosenbaum
Cathy Polasky
David Potter
Lexi Prahl
Pratt Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Jean Quam and Bonnie Dudovitz
Lisa and Collin Quinn
J. Thomas and Janet Rajala Nelson Fund
Shona Ramchandani
Kyrra Rankine
Mark Ransom
Amaza Reitmeier
David Rhees
Margaret and Travis Richardson
Tony Richter
Briana Riley
Stephanie Rindelaub Delorié
Jon Ritter and Hannah Krigman
Polly Roach
Rosalind Robbins
Arnise Roberson
Carolyn Roby
Becky and Mark Roloff
Adam Rosen
Sophie Rouhandeh
Don Rowan
In tribute to Denise Rowan
Gina and Jason Rysdon
Elaine J. Salinas
Lawrence Salzman
Don and Sondra Samuels
Elizabeth Sather
Jan Savoren
Luke Scardigli
Casey Schannauer
Heidi Schmidt
Pat and Tom Scott
Kelly Seivert
Charles Selcer
Daniel and Stacy Sellers
Lynda Shaheen and Todd Marshall
Bruce Shnider and Patricia Strandness
Timothy Showalter-Loch
Catherine Shreves and Thomas Bird
Alan Silver
Peg Skold
Lynn Slifer
Wallace R. Small
Carolyn Smallwood
Bill Smith and Susan Kolze
Robert and Patti Soskin
Timothy and Deborah Soulen
Scott and Sarah Sponheim
JoAnne Stately
Our Donors
Wendy and Douglas Steele
Jill and Rich Stever-Zeitlin
Michael Stewart
Bill Stoeri and Sue Johnston
Evan Stone
Ruthanne Strohn
Miles Swammi
Kevin Terrell
Steve Thompson
Cathy Trainor
Mary Trandem
Mark Traynor
Kathleen Tuzinski
Marie Uhrich
Barbara Umholtz
Caroline and Andrew Vaaler
Mark and Mary Van Note
Sandra Vargas
Brad von Bank
Maurice Wagener
In tribute to Kevin Schieffer
Desiree Wallace
Andrew Wallmeyer
Conrad and Kristi Wasmer
Charles Webber
Robert and Libby Weil
Sally Wherry
Phyllis Wiener and Shayna Berkowitz
Frank Wilkinson
Jay Williams
Jt and Lisa Williams
Karen Woodward
Ghita Worcester
Patti and Max Wroten
Nanette Yurecko
Steven Zumbusch
Jennie Zumbusch
Children’s Hospitals & Clinics of Minnesota
Comcast Foundation
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
Educators 4 Excellence Minnesota
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
General Mills, Inc.
Heidrick & Struggles, Inc.
Intermediate District #287
Nancy and Jerry Kolb
Maguire Agency, Inc.
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Medtronic, Inc.
Jennifer Melin Miller and David Miller
Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights
Morning Foundation
M.A. Mortenson Co.
Orono Public School District - ISD #278
Robins Kaplan LLP
Success Computer Consulting
Thrivent Financial
UCare Minnesota
University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development
Urban Ventures
Walker Art Center
Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota
Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A.
AchieveMpls Programs
General Mills Foundation
Presenting Sponsor
Best Buy
Platinum Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Minneapolis Foundation
University of Minnesota: Regents of the University
U.S. Bank
Table Sponsors
Boston Scientific
Bremer Bank
Cargill Foundation
CenterPoint Energy
Minneapolis Public Schools Programs
Cargill Foundation
Target Take Charge of Education
Boston Scientific
LifeTime Fitness Foundation
Carolyn Foundation
Children’s Hospitals & Clinics of Minnesota
Minnetonka Moccasin
Pediatric Orthopaedic Associates, P.A.
Norwest Venture Cap Mgmt, Inc
Restaurant Alma
UPS Foundation
Wells Fargo
Cesar Dominguez Insurance
Casey Family Programs
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association
Bell Mortgage
Convergence Events, Inc.
Goldman Sachs
IBM Corporation
Kitchen Holdings, LLC
Kowalski’s Companies
Medtronic YourCause LLC
Nuveen Investments (Winslow Capital)
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Productivity Inc.
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Wedge Community Co-op
Ancona Escrow, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
CenterPoint Energy
Chrys Carroll Pottery
Creative Resources Agency, LLC
Empire Petroleum Partners, LLC
FPS Financial, Inc.
General Mills Box Tops for Education
Gonyea Properties, Inc.
H.B. Fuller Company Foundation
Harmony Road, LLC
Leslie Nall Photography
Lewis Sports Foundation
Marlene Feldman
Marsh & McClennan Agency LLC
Minnesota Timberwolves, Minnesota Lynx
MoneyGram Global Giving
Pel Industries, Inc.
Scholarship America- Target Field Trips
Science Museum of Minnesota
Second Harvest Heartland
Siverson Associates, Inc.
SK Capital Group LLC
Tamarra Noelle LLC
Tangletown Gardens
Thrivent Financial Foundation
TruStone Financial Federal Credit Union
Union Pacific Building America
Upper Midwest Chapter USNAAA
US Bancorp Foundation
Voya Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota
Wold Chamberlain American Legion Post 99
Neal Young
Minneapolis Public Schools Programs
Harvey Feldman
Aroha Philanthropies
Julia W. Dayton Revocable Trust
Piper Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Minneapolis Foundation
Paul Neely
The James R. Thorpe Foundation
Blythe Brenden-Mann Foundation
Kristian Dolan
Goodale Family Foundation of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Minneapolis Rotary Foundation
Tim and Diane Thorpe
Gail and R.J. Walser
Wayne Zink
Anonymous (3)
Mary Beth and Thomas Aamot
Matthew Allen and Sarah Vernon
John Bellaimey and Lynnell Mickelsen
Celia Castillo
Heidi Chen and Thomas Knickelbine
Michael and Alexis Christie
Kathleen and Paul Connors
Cy and Paula DeCosse Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Sonja and Mark Elias
Lisa Elm
Michael and Betty Elson
Brad Engdahl
K. Louise Erdrich
Roberto Fabrega
Stefan Friedrichsdorf
Gap Foundation
Gen YOUth Foundation
Sara Graffunder
Head Foundation
Imagination Fund for Youth Service of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Kay Johnson
Kopp Family Foundation
Susan Krook
Our Donors
Chrys and Todd Laramy
Laurie Leone
Madison Community Foundation
Mayflower Church Foundation
Linda Milow
The MPS Fund for Teacher Enhancement of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Bertha Ntow and A.D. Danquah
Judith Olson
Peter Onstad
Angela and Sandeep Patel-Erdrich
Sue and Bill Payne
Richter Family Foundation
Drew Rosielle
Rupesh Santoshi
Elizabeth and Tom Sather
Anna Schmalzbauer
Louis & M. K. Smith Family Foundation, Inc.
Stacy Sonnenberg
In tribute to Kevin Warren
Amy and Benjamin Sonquist
Sarah and Scott Sponheim
Lindsey Trossen
Carla Urban
Lynn Van
Mary Vaughan
Michael Walker and Kristine Ramos-Walker
Mark Welter
Mark Wight
Frank Willkie
Kari and David Augdahl
Franise Bartley and James Dier
Steven Beck
Linnea Benson
Emily Beugen
Kate Bispala
Pete Botts
Gil Braun Memorial Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Mark Buccella and Erika Lee
Maria Carballo-Viqui
Carney Family
Christine and Clinton Conner
Marilyn Cousineau
Russell Cowles
Mark Dean
Cindy Docteur-White and Brett White
Sarah Doebler and Tim Myers
Mark Downing
William Drake
Lindsay Ferris
Barbara Forster and Lawrence Hendrickson
Pamela Freske and Jay Shuck
Patricia and Kevin Frieling
William Gibbs
Robert Good
David Graffunder
Kai and Amy Gudmestad
Jon and Jenny Hokanson
Heather Jacoby
Edward Juda
Sue and Dr. Richard Justman
Justin Kappel
John Kelly
Kossel Becker Charitable Fund
Carolyn Kuennen
Melanie and Andre LaMere
Christine Lloyd
Honeywell G. Donald Long Scholarship Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Araceli Martinez
Jaehee Moon and Uzi Rosha
Raunel Ocampo Soriano
Lizbeth Olson Brown and Michael Brown
Kelly Oltman and Thomas Kendrick
Steven and Stephanie Paquin
Thomas Pavey
Diana and Jerome Pawelak
Mike Pelican
Benjamin and Stacey Person
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Alexis and Thomas Racciatti
Demelis Reillo Cotto
Jorn Remmem
Chris Romans
Sarah and Joshua Sillers
Margaret and Dennis St. Sauver
Rebeccah Stay
Joanne Strakosch and Bill Unscheid
Melani Sullivan
Christina Thousand
Michael Walstrom and Kerrianne Blevins
Mary P. Warren Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Joann White
Lloyd Winfield
Masango Akale
Barbara Alfrey
Peggy and Gary Anderson
Julayne Andresen
Andrew and Lucy Archie
Jessica Askew and David Galle
Joseph Baier
Alessandro Bartolomucci and Francesca Bortoletti
Craig and Hellen Bassett
Maren Bassett
Kimberly and Travis Beck
Anne Belzer and G. Eric Belzer
Brittany Bentley
Kathryn and Richard Berg
Kristina and Berit Lund
Bruce and Diane Birkeland
Jennifer and Brent Bishop
Matthew Boos
Betsy Born
Sean and Norelis Boyce
Geoffrey and Jennifer Brennan
Sarah Brew and Denny Draghiciu
Amanda Brooks
Susan Marie Brown
Cynthia Brown
Margaret Browne
Mary Brownrigg and John Pipkin
Patrick Bruch
Mary Pat Buerkle
In tribute to Nicholas Cords
Karin Bultman
Lynn Burmeister
Catherine Burnett
Patrick and Sharon Burns
Paula and Patrick Burns
Brenda Butler
Brenna Campbell
Laura and Dennis Carlson
Minerva Castillo
Dianne Catapano-McConville
Rachel Chrastil
Kimberly Clarke
Monica and Bruce Colberg
Bronwyn Collins
Maggie Cords
In tribute to Bill N. Lind
Ross and Yukiko Corson
Jill and Robert Craig
Angela Crandall
Dave and Mary Crandall
Theresa and John Crane
Jennifer Crow
Courtney Cushing Kiernat and RB Kiernat
Christian Dean and Karie Lazarowicz
Melissa Deeb Eichstaedt and Dan Eichstaedt
Gregory Dummer
Michele Durkin
Kate Edison
Ruth and Brad Ehalt
Peter Elliott
Paul Enestvedt
Rolf and Nancy Engh
Darin England
Laura and Maria Espondaburu
Earth Evans
Julianne Evers
Denise Fahl
Michael Farrar
Mary Ficzeri
Howard Fink
Emilie and Carl Flink
Patrick Fox
Nicole and Eric Frost
William Galfano
Peter Giebink and Monica Valbuena
Katrina Giedt
Mindy Glover
Erin Glynn
Ian and Leah Good
Annelise and Terrance Gould
James Grathwol
Susan Griak and Paul Schmidt
Marisa Gustafson
Cassandra and David Guttenfelder
Elnora Hagans
Mary Halasz-Black
Roy Hallanger
Brent Hames
Robyn Hansen
In tribute to Quinlan Zeller
Roger Harris
Andrew Harrison
Jennifer Harriss
Deana Haug
Britt Heglund
Rebecca and Brennan Heikes
Janet Heirigs
Jerrilyn Henderson
Holly Hermansen
Mary Hill
Emily Hiranaga
Amy Hou
Shandell Hudson
Maxine and Kieran Hughes
Farhan Iqbal and Maureen McFarland Iqbal
Hafizah Jaafar
Linda Janke
Brenda Jessen
Mindy L. Johnson Rev. Living Trust
Mathew Jones
In tribute to Rebecca K. Davis
Erica and Steven Kennedy
In tribute to Nicholas J. Cords
Karlene Kennie and Daniel Guillaume
Javad Keyhani
Anne Killian
Danette and Steve Kittleson
Yaron Klein and Noa Havilio
Meredith Klein
Lianne Knych
Sarah and Nathan Kreykes
Christy and Luke Kujawa
Gary Kunkel
Susan and Mitch Lacombe
David and Gabriela Lambert
Annie and Ryan LaMere
Todd Laramy
Torrey Lau
Michael Lawless
Michael Lefrancois and Katherine Kugel
Leslie Legg and E. Carleton Perry
Emily Lein Bijnagte
Jessica Leschak
Timothy Lieser
Melisa Linder
Melissa and Benjamin Line
Janine and Rodney Lossow
Christine Loth
Madeleine and Philip Lowry
Janet Madzey-Akale and Ralph Masango Akale
Anne Mahle
Margaret Mahon
Our Donors
Cynthia and Brooks Martin
Suzanne Marx
Susan McAninch
Susan McCarthy
Patrick McHugh
Margaret McKenna
Mary McKinley
Gail McLaughlin
Kristen and Matthew McQuinn
Raquel Melo
Laura Merriam
Thomas Merz
Sandra and Mark Miller
Nan Miller
Rita and Scot Miller
Stephen and Amy Misterek
Kathy Moe and Joe Watson
Helane Monsour
Marian Moore
Erick and Keely Mortenson
Michael & Susan Morton
Wendi Moss-Jarson
Matthew Mueller
Peter Munene and Kyra Ostendorf
Annalise Munnich
Amy Murphy
Terri Nierengarten
Jon Nordstrom
Steven and Jennifer Norlin-Weaver
Brian Nutter
Vicki Obergfell
Daniel O’Brien and Elizabeth Tracy
Rhonda O’Brien
Lawrencina Oramalu
Douglas O’Sullivan
Mary Overzet
Stephanie Oyen and Stephen Kung
Suzanne Paki
Melissa Pawlisch
Lizabeth Payton
Kristi and Scott Pearson
Emily Pernu
Anna Petosky
Christy and Matthew Pettis
Ed and Peggy Pluimer
Leslee Plummer
Sarah Poindexter
Kari Raasch and Clyde Swain
Elizabeth Raivo-Lynch and Martin Barquero Salazar
Brenda Raney
Susan Reed
Christopher Renz
Kathryn Richardson
Suzanne and Sam Ridenour
Chad and Kelly Rikansrud
Paul Robinson
Tom Rush
Jennifer and David Russell
Amy Sanborn
Jenny Sautter
Taralyn Sayler
Paul Scanlon
Elizabeth and Ernest Schelper Ashcroft
Gary Schreiber Corales
Claudia Schriver
In tribute to Christen Cassidy
Brad Schwartz
Manju Sharma
In tribute to Nicholas Cords
Andrea Siegel
Bryan and Colleen Simmons
Amy Smith and Mark Muller
Dennis Smith
Matthew Smith
Kristine Spanier
Martha Spriggs
Rebecca Sun and Michael Wilson
Dan Sutton
Nancy Swanson
Lina Swenson
David Sylvestre
Tami Tapani
Connie Theien-Psotka and Christopher Psotka
Carrie Thompson
E. and J. Thompson
Laura Thorpe
Kristen and Anthony Trelles
Prateekkumar Trivedi
Sandra Trossen
Jennifer Valley
Mark and Mary Van Note
Jodi Vercauteren
Susan and Leo Verrett
Jenna and Alejandro Victoria
Carrie and Matthew Voda
Dagny Waldeland
Nancy Warren Nair
David Weisser
Konni Welk
Fritz Westphal and Brenda Scherping Westphal
Aura Wharton-Beck
Kristen Wheeler Highland
Candyce White
Monica and Neal White
Jeffrey and Laurie Willhite
Carol Witte and Winston Cavert
M. and J. Wolke
Pam and Jeff Wood
Jessica Wright
Abigail Wyckoff
Dan Yost
Nancy Zingale and William Flanigan
In tribute to Nicholas Cords
Jehanne Zirps
We’ve made every effort to ensure that our donor list is accurate. Please contact us at 612.455.1552 for
corrections, updates, feedback or more information on how your gift is making a difference. Thank you!
Financial Highlights
July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015
57.6% Released from Restriction*
15.5% Gifts from Individuals
11.8% Contracts
9.5% Foundation / Corporate Grants**
2.8% Miscellaneous (events and earned income)
2.6% STEP-UP Wage Subsidies
0.2% Interest and Investment Income
Total Income = $8,615,292
45.6% MPS Strategic Priorities
24.6% AchieveMpls Programs
19.9% School Funds and Scholarships
2.8% STEP-UP Wage Subsidies
3.0% General Operations
3.2% Fundraising
Total Expenses = $6,622,595
* Reflects contributions received in prior years designated for this year.
** Does not include $4.65 million designated for future years.
See our audited financial statements at
Our Board of Directors
Peter Lancaster - Chair
Partner, Dorsey and Whitney LLP
Martin Abrams
Marketing Director, Land O’Lakes
Rich Renikoff - Vice Chair
Senior Director of Sales,
Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo
Miles Swammi - Treasurer
Financial Analyst, General Mills
Pedram Afshar
Vice President of Customer Experience,
Best Buy
Michael Goar, Ex Officio
Interim Superintendent,
Minneapolis Public Schools
Nick Hara
Manager, KPMG Minneapolis
Jenny Arneson, Ex Officio
Chair, MPS Board of Education
Betsy Hodges, Ex Officio
Mayor, City of Minneapolis
Sylvia Bartley
Senior Global Marketing Manager,
Tom Holman
Principal, The Morning Foundation
Chad Berge
Partner, PwC
Martha Holton Dimick
Judge in Fourth Judicial District,
State of Minnesota
Mark Murphy
Assistant Vice President of Corporate
Affairs, Cargill; Executive Director of
Cargill Foundation
Abdul Omari
CEO and Founder, AMO Enterprise;
Regent, University of Minnesota
Dara Rudick
CEO, Management HQ, LLC
Christopher T. Shaheen
Senior Vice President, Deputy General
Counsel, U.S. Bank
Elmer Koch
Minneapolis Retired Teachers
John Stanoch
Interim President, Science Museum
of Minnesota
Velma Korbel
Director, Department of Civil Rights,
City of Minneapolis
Danielle St. Germain-Gordon
Director of Development,
Guthrie Theater
Scott Cummings
Program Director, Accenture
Hilary Marden-Resnik
Senior Vice President and Chief
Administrative Officer, UCare
Marie Ulrich
Vice-President of Marketing,
Thrivent Financial
Shannon Dickson
Senior Analyst, Boston Scientific
Jennifer Melin Miller
CEO, JMM Consulting Inc.
Carol Carrier
Special Assistant to the Senior VP for
System Academic Administration,
University of Minnesota
Pam Costain, Ex Officio
President and CEO, AchieveMpls
Our Staff
Pam Costain
President & CEO
Nneka Abdullah
CCC Coordinator
South High School
Eman Abdullahi
CCC Coordinator
Washburn High School and
Roosevelt High School
Nora Guerin
Senior CCC Coordinator
Edison High School
Emmy Higgs Matzner
Career Pipeline Coordinator
STEP-UP Achieve
Danielle Jastrow
Senior CCC Coordinator
Southwest High School
Jane Austin
Marketing Director
Angel Jennings
Office Manager
Jeremiah Brown
STEP-UP Achieve Director
Anne Krocak
Deputy Director
Emma Contreras
Program Associate
STEP-UP Achieve
Molly Ladwig
Program Associate
STEP-UP Achieve
Leah Corey
Senior Program Director
Sam Larsen-Ferree
Grant Writer
Mary Delorié
Development Director
Janessa Macdonald
Manager of Youth Services
STEP-UP Achieve
Tiffany Enriquez
CCC Coordinator
Roosevelt High School
James Murphy
Manager of Strategic Resource
Development for
Minneapolis Public Schools
Matt Norris
Manager of Employer Engagement
STEP-UP Achieve
Andrew Peterson
Program Associate
STEP-UP Achieve
Christina Rates
CCC Coordinator
South High School
Kevin Salkas
Measurement & Accountability
Molly Schroeder
Data Specialist
Danielle Seifert
CCC Coordinator
Washburn High School
Amy Shapiro
Community in the Schools Manager
Rachel Shields
Events & Communications Manager
Arnise Roberson
Senior CCC Coordinator
North High School
Chris Stoltenberg
CCC Coordinator
Wellstone International High School
Shétu Rose
Finance & Operations Director
Nou Vang
CCC Coordinator
Patrick Henry High School
Gina Rysdon
Finance Manager
Matthew Vue
Program Associate
STEP-UP Achieve
CCC = Career & College Center
Get Engaged with
Our young people achieve their greatest potential when they have a generous
adult community to support, advocate and believe in them. Join us!
Help MPS high school students explore
brand new careers by sharing your
professional journey and advice.
Connect one-on-one with high school
interns and provide feedback and
suggestions for strengthening their job
interview skills.
Learn about the wide range of issues
impacting young people at our EDTalks,
Education Partners Luncheon, Achieve101
or Principal Partner Day programs.
Your financial gifts of any size support
our core career and college readiness
programs and give students access to
the critical tools and personal guidance
they need to achieve their dreams.
as a Career Fair Presenter
1-2 hour daytime opportunities
during the school year
at our STEP-UP Mock Interviews
2-hour evening opportunities in April
at an AchieveMpls Education Event
to our work with students
Daytime and evening events
Coach MPS students one-on-one or in small
groups to help them gain the confidence,
skills and strategies they need to be
successful throughout high school and after
You can provide a life-changing summer
internship for a Minneapolis student (ages
16-21) and get a head-start on identifying
and nurturing new talent for your industry.
Join the 70+ Twin Cities companies and
organizations that have distinguished
themselves through generous financial
support, volunteer commitments, strategic
leadership and collaboration in our
programs with Minneapolis students.
Our major funders – individuals,
foundations and businesses—make
significant financial investments that
help us innovate, expand and take our
work with students to the next level.
4-6 hours monthly during the school year
6-10 week summer internships
as an AchieveMpls Graduation Coach
through STEP-UP Achieve
with AchieveMpls
through a major financial gift
[email protected]