English - Nowhere
English - Nowhere
Survival Guide // Guía de Supervivencia Guide de survie // Überlebenshandbuch 3 — 8 / 07/ 12 Everything at Nowhere is run by volunteers — this means you. Tout est géré au Nowhere par des Bénévoles — c’est vous, c’est nous. En Nowhere todo se lleva por voluntarios — que significa ¡¡Tu También!! Alles bei Nowhere wird von freiwilligen Helfern organisiert — also auch von dir. Respect the sun at Nowhere! Respectez le soleil au Nowhere! ¡¡Cuidado con el sol en Nowhere!! Beachtet die Sunne in Nowhere! You must bring enough water with you to last the entire event. Vous devez amener suffisamment d’eau avec vous pour la totalité de l’évènement. Tienes que llevar contigo bastante agua para todo el evento . Ihr müsst ausreichend Wasser für die gesamt e Dauer des Events mitbringen. Pack it in and pack it out, taking all of your rubbish with you when you leave. Ce que vous amenez, vous le remportez, et vous devez prendre tous vos déchets en partant. Lo que traes, llévatelo después. Nehmt alle s mit was ihr braucht und auch all euren Abfall wieder mit wenn ihr abreist. a guía en Español de scargue el PDF de est de in English from De gui s Deutsch herunter thi auf of hs F PD buc a nd d Ha Downloa hier eine PDF dieses h euc et Lad PDF lietuviškai: s pui ov de Atsisiųsti šio vad o ce guide en Français sta guida in italiano da Téléchargez le PDF de Scarica un PDF di que gnowhere.org www.goin WELCOME TO NOWHERE! Nowhere is a blank and fertile canvas for you and like-minded people to make something out of nothing — it will be the experience you make it! This guide contains important information about what to expect, what you’ll need to get the most out of the experience and, of course, how to actually get to Nowhere. The back pages contain a map and directions, so you can refer to them easily en route. Please ensure that everyone you have purchased tickets for receives a copy of this guide! NOW READ IT. 1 Table of contents Nowhere’s key principles Self-reliance 12 Welfare and medical services at Nowhere 12 4 Practical information about health 13 On arrival 4 Other general health and safety tips 13 Early arrivals 4 Self expression 15 Participation and self-reliance What to bring 3 5 15 Lost property 15 Sound advice 15 Barrios and cooking 6 Buying locally 6 Ice 7 NoInfo 7 Respectful photography 16 Volunteering 7 Art cars 16 8 Children 16 Leave no trace 9 Pets 16 Recycling 9 Waste disposal Environmental issues 10 Getting to the site Fire 10 The law Health and safety 11 2 Personal safety and sex Harsh environment 11 General conditions of participation and access to Nowhere 2012 17 18 19 Nowhere’s key principles Radical self-reliance You are responsible for yourself and for your impact on the event Radical self-expression The freedom to be in a creative and liberating space No commerce You can’t buy anything at Nowhere — everything you need comes with you Leave no trace Create something from nothing, and leave the site in better condition than you found it. Pack it in and pack it out, taking all of your rubbish with you when you leave Participation Get involved — this is not an event for spectators 3 Participation and self-reliance You are responsible for your: Journey to and from the site All food, water, first aid and other needs All materials you require for your camp(site) and projects Own adequate medical cover Leaving no trace, so bring rubbish containers/bags and have a plan for taking your rubbish with you when you leave! At Nowhere you WILL find: Basic compost toilets (no running water!) A central information desk, NoInfo A 24-hour volunteer welfare service, Malfare, with access to a local ambulance Ice sales A large communal space (MoN — the Middle of Nowhere), with shade and a sound system Opportunities to volunteer and participate 4 On arrival When you arrive at Nowhere, you will be greeted at the Gate. Gate crew will welcome you and ensure that: You have Photo ID that matches the name on the ticket list You have brought with you or have arranged all you need to be radically self-reliant (water, food, medical/first aid supplies) You are not carrying with you any of the prohibited items (see ‘What to Bring’ below) Everyone in your vehicle must meet these requirements or you will not be allowed entry. Early arrivals Nowhere commences midday on Tuesday 3rd July 2012 Ticket-holders will be allowed on-site from Monday 2nd July to set up their camps and help other projects before the festivities commence. Only pre-registered volunteers or those who have previously discussed their projects with [email protected] or [email protected] will be allowed on-site earlier than 8am Monday 2nd July. If you turn up at the gate before this you will be turned away! What to bring This isn’t an exhaustive list, but should give you a good idea. A valid photo ID to ensure entry into site (most essential) A valid European Health Insurance Card and/or a printout of your travel medical insurance details (most essential) A print-out of your ticket confirmation — first page only A print-out of your Nowhere Bus ticket confirmation if you are using this service — first page only Tickets are name on list. Multiple tickets can be held on the same name if the party arrives together. Names can be changed using the link on the confirmation e-mail. Make sure your name is registered against your ticket, especially if your ticket was bought for you by someone else and you are arriving separately. If you arrive without your name on the ticket list, you will be charged €150 in cash for entry. Food and water 6–8 litres of water per person per day for drinking, food preparation and showering Enough food for your entire group for the duration of your stay. Dried, tinned and other non-perishable food is recommended. Fresh fruit and vegetables will not keep long; only bring enough for the first three days Snacks such as nuts, dried fruit, etc are nice and also make good gifts Alcohol — for you to drink or to gift to others Don’t forget a can opener! Pooling resources with others can make transporting/arranging necessities much easier. See ‘Barrios and cooking’ page 6. Clothing Cool for the hot days (40ºC+, and can be hotter than Burning Man) and warm for the cold nights (occasionally freezing!) Wide-brim hat Sunglasses Heavy-duty fleece Walking boots/shoes Sandals/flip flops Wet weather gear — when it does rain, it gets very muddy! Dressing-up items Towel Other necessities These items will make life much nicer — and safer: High factor sunscreen — vital! Torch — LED head-torches are great, as the batteries last well and your hands are left free Your favourite sports/recovery drink or rehydration sachets from the chemist (to avoid dehydration) Hand sanitiser Mosquito repellent Toilet paper and wet wipes Rubbish bags Pocket ashtray Bags to keep your clean clothes away from the dust Toiletries — toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturiser, lip balm, tampons, etc. Eco-friendly soap and washing-up liquid Duct tape/gaffer tape — fixes anything and everything Multi-tool (Leatherman/Swiss Army knife) and tools to fix anything you bring Plant sprayers/water guns — to cool off when it gets really hot Condoms 5 Things to gift Extra stuff from this list will do much better than trinkets: everybody forgets something! Camping gear — whether you’re alone or part of a barrio Tent and shade structure/awning 12-inch tent stakes or rebar — it can get very windy, so your tent and any other structures you erect need to be secure Sleeping bag — multi-season, it can sometimes get very cold at night Sleeping mat — the ground is hard and will absorb your body heat Ear plugs — not everyone wants to sleep when you do! Cooler box (freezer bags also work well) Small water bottle to carry with you or a Camelbak Cutlery, plastic or tin plates, cups, washing gear and tea towel A fire extinguisher and/or fire blanket, especially if cooking with gas Rope/cord Camp shower Communal camps (barrios) are a great way to pool resources. They are started and run by people like you. Barrios tend to buy communal food and water and share the costs between members. Find out about starting your own or how to get involved with existing barrios by checking ‘Camps and barrios’ on the Nowhere forums (www.goingnowhere.org/en/ forums) or by visiting www.goingnowhere.org/en/ getinvolved/createabarrio. Buying locally ‘No commerce’ means there is nothing for sale at Nowhere! The local communities have been very supportive of Nowhere, so consider supporting local businesses by shopping for supplies in the nearby towns of Castejón de Monegros or Sariñena, en route to the site. Please remember to dress for civilisation when you go into town! First aid kit The exception to the rule is ice, which is sold at Nowhere. See ‘Ice’ on page 7. What NOT to bring Nearest towns: Glass bottles/jars Feathers Glitter Excess packaging — remove outer layers of packaging before you get on-site Explosives, aerial flares, rockets, firearms of any kind, including BB guns, air rifles or paint ball guns A bad attitude 6 Barrios and cooking Castejón de Monegros is the closest small town to the site, but is harder to reach due to poor road conditions. It has: A general store (basic food, water, etc.) A bakery A butcher A petrol station (that also sells ice) A bar and hotel (Bar Fonda) Shops in Castejón observe typical Spanish opening hours (see below). The general store’s owners live upstairs and don’t mind a knock at the door during the day if it looks closed. Sariñena is slightly bigger than Castejón and has a wider choice of shops and other facilities. It has: Cash machines (ATMs) Larger supermarkets Ferreteria (hardware store) Farmacia (pharmacy) The nearest health centre Two hotels A railway station (though this is about 3km away from the actual town) Further afield Zaragoza is the regional commercial centre, and has: Cash & carry — Makro (cardholders only) Supermarkets — e.g. Carrefour DIY, wood yard — Leroy Merlin, Brico Depot, Aki General hardware supplies (‘ferreterias’) For groceries, Fraga or Lleida are also worth a look if you’re heading in from Barcelona. Gas Most hardware shops or the plumbing department of big DIY shops like Leroy Merlin sell small camping gas containers. 6kg butane (butano) bottles can be purchased in Repsol, Campsa and Petronor service stations. You need to sign a contract to buy larger (12.5kg) bottles and pay a deposit on the bottle. Propane (propano) is not easy to buy. Some shops may insist that you have an empty gas bottle to exchange for the new one. Spanish gas bottles have a specific bayonet connector that is not compatible with other systems, so ensure that you have the correct connector on your gas appliance if you are buying gas in Spain. Some hardware stores sell converters to enable you to connect standard European camping gas appliances to Spanish gas bottles. Opening hours Small shops open from approximately 9.30am–1.30pm and then again from 5pm–8pm. Shops are closed Saturday afternoon and Sundays, but supermarkets are open Saturday afternoon. Out of town supermarkets such as Carrefour are generally open 10am–10pm six days a week. ALMOST NOTHING IS OPEN ON SUNDAYS. Consider this if you’re planning on getting supplies before arriving at Nowhere. Ice Ice will be available to buy, at €2.50 a bag, at NoInfo for a limited period each day (12pm–4pm only!). This is the only time money can be used at Nowhere. NoInfo NoInfo is a central information desk providing advice, assistance and information, as well as ice (see above). It’s where you should come to register any video cameras if you’re intending to record moving video, hand in or seek lost property, and is also where to get copies of ‘What Where When’, the guide to daily events at Nowhere. Volunteering Everything at Nowhere is run by volunteers — this means you. Doing shifts at Malfare, greeting newcomers at the Gate or advising others at NoInfo is an integral part of the Nowhere experience and great way to meet others. Get involved by visiting www. goingnowhere.org/en/getinvolved/ volunteerpositions or by signing up at NoInfo when on-site. 7 Lag de Ca lle A2 una s Junction 325 (westbound) 324 (eastbound) Cal ret era de C o gu llad a le de del M las ona Hue ste lga rio s Car Z30 Punto Limpo de Cogullada, Calle Nuestra Señora de Lagunas, Zaragoza lde Alcaallero nida Ave isco Cab c Fran Punto Limpio Zaragoza Recycling Centre Cal le Des del M calz ona as R ster eale io s A2 N Señ uestr ora a de Sariñena A-230 an Rio Flum San Juán de Flumen Punto Limpio Sariñena Vertedero Comarcal Punto Limpio Sariñena A-230 Albalatillo Pallaruelo de Monegros A-230 BUJARALOZ/ Castejón de Monegros 8 Note: Sariñen a has bottle b anks and yello recycling bins w in most streets for containers (e.g. plastic, te trabriks, cans, etc). Waste disposal Leave no trace Nowhere is your creative space and temporary home, and should be so for others. There is no on-site rubbish disposal or recycling. Planning how you’ll remove your building materials, art and rubbish is a vital form of participation. There are no free storage facilities near the site for individuals or barrios, and the Nowhere crew cannot take donated items at the end of the event. However, limited storage in Sariñena is available for rent from the Nowhere Organisation (NOrg). Please email [email protected] for more information or ask at the NoInfo desk. General tips: Please ensure you bring sufficient rubbish bags with you Consider removing all excess packaging from items you bring with you Always be on the lookout for MOOP (‘Matter Out Of Place’): little bits of rubbish that have escaped their owner. Please help dispose of stray rubbish, even if it’s not yours. Please see Burning Man’s resource on MOOP prevention at: www.burningman.com/ environment/playa_restoration/ index.html. Recycling Please separate: glass; paper and cardboard; cans, tetra and plastic bottles; organic matter; general waste. Organic matter can be buried on-site (make sure it is well covered). All other recyclable material can be dropped off at any ‘Punto Limpio’ (recycling centre). The nearest are: Sariñena Facilities for recycling AND general waste. Located on the A-230 approximately 5km south of Sariñena. From the centre of town follow the signs to Castejón de Monegros/ direction Bujaraloz and then, just after the turn off to San Juan del Flumen, look for a right hand turn with a small sign saying Vertedero Comarcal. Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm. Zaragoza Punto Limpio de Cogullada, Calle de Nuestra Señora de Lagunas, 50014 Zaragoza (see map on page 8) 7.30am-8.30pm Mon-Sat, 8am-2.30pm Sun Huesca Punto Limpio on Calle Fornillos in Polígono Monzú, 22006 Huesca 8am-8pm Mon-Sat, 8am-2pm Sun. Puntos Limpios may not allow lorries to make deposits; if you are part of a larger barrio please consider how you will distribute and dispose of your waste. Please do not dispose of rubbish and recycling in the public or street facilities in the local communities as these do not have the capacity to handle the extra waste from Nowhere and we wish to maintain good relations with our neighbours. The nearest place to dispose of nonrecyclable rubbish (including metal) to the Nowhere site is the Sariñena Landfill. This is located on the A-230 approximately 5km south of Sariñena. From the centre of town follow the signs to Castejón de Monegros and then look for a right hand turn with a small sign saying Vertedero Comarcal. This facility closes for siesta, so it’s best to visit in the morning. More recent information on recycling, Puntos Limpios and waste disposal is available at the NoInfo desk. 9 Environmental issues Fire getinvolved/green Rules Nowhere is committed to minimising our environmental impact. For advice on how to make your Nowhere experience ‘greener’, please see www.goingnowhere.org/ There is an extreme risk of wildfire in Los Monegros in July, and there is a total ban on fire in this area, including the entire Nowhere site. This is enforced by law. No fireworks Do not discard cigarette butts Same rules apply for glass, which can focus the sun and cause fires Do not light barbecues or other fires (gas barbecues and gas camping stoves are okay, solid fuel of any kind is not) No fire art or burning of art installations, rubbish, etc. No playing with fire toys outside of the designated areas and times Generators must be at least 15m from any vegetation If you’re running a barrio, please bring a fire extinguisher for your cooking area. Please respect the fire ban. Don’t endanger yourselves, the environment, local communities or the future of Nowhere by lighting or playing with fire outside the designated areas and times. 10 Health and safety Nowhere is a self-reliance event: You are responsible for taking care of yourself. Below you will find some tips and important information on how to do this! Nowhere takes place in the Spanish desert. The environment is very harsh and demanding, and not like anything you are used to. While there is some basic first aid available at Nowhere, you are still responsible for bringing everything with you that you will need for your health and safety. Read the information below to make sure you are prepared and ready to enjoy a problemfree Nowhere! Harsh environment Nowhere takes place in the Spanish desert, in a very hot, harsh climate, with none of the amenities and facilities of modern life. Expect temperatures during the day well over 40 Celsius (over 105 Fahrenheit). Be prepared! 1. It takes most people a day or more to adjust to the desert climate. Don’t be surprised if you spend your first day or so feeling a bit queasy and cranky. 2. Beware: things you can handle in the default world may hit you much harder out here! 3.Respect the sun at Nowhere! It is not the place to work on your tan! The sun is harsh and punishing. Be forewarned! Stay out of the sun from 1pm–4pm (take a cue from the Spanish and try a siesta). Use hats, shades, sunscreens and shelters to minimise your exposure during the day. 4.There is no water at Nowhere. Water is essential for staying hydrated and not getting sunstroke or other ailments! You must bring enough water with you to last the entire event — for drinking, showering and food preparation! You cannot get water at Nowhere. We recommend you make sure to bring at least 6–8 litres of water per person, per day for drinking, food preparation and showering. If you are part of a barrio make sure that enough water will be available for each member. 5.Yes. There are bugs at Nowhere. Bring bug repellent, especially for mosquitoes and biting flies. 11 Self-reliance ‘Radical self-reliance’ means being responsible for yourself and the people around you. Be prepared — bring everything you will need to stay healthy and safe: Water (at least 6–8 litres per person, per day, for drinking, cooking and showering) Sunscreen and sun protective gear Bug repellent Any medications you may need — prescription and non-prescription. Note: If your medications need to be kept cool, make sure to make provisions for this. Please contact [email protected] for any questions or concerns Eye wash solution, extra contact lenses, your glasses! (Nowhere is very dusty!) First aid kit Ingredients for your personal first aid kit: — Anti-bacterial hand sanitiser — Alcohol gel — Aloe vera gel — Antacid — Antibiotic ointment (Betadine, Triple antibiotic, Neosporin etc.) — Anti-diarrhoea medication — Aspirin or ibuprofen — Paracetamol — Antihistamine — Sticking plasters (Band-Aids) of assorted sizes — Dressings for wounds — Eye wash solution — Extra contact lenses/glasses — Gauze bandages/pads (4x4s) — Laxative — Personal prescriptions — Rehydration salts — Scissors 12 — Sunscreen — Tampons or pads — Tape — Tweezers Be responsible — for yourself and those around you. Remember: Nowhere is radically different from what you are used to, and you can expect to get a bit overwhelmed sometimes. It is okay to take some time out. You can come to one of the welfare facilities (Malfare, Tea&Empathy or medical) if you need a bit of help or support (see below). Welfare and medical services at Nowhere You are responsible for yourself, but if you do need some extra help or support, or if you are in need of medical treatment, you can come see us at the ‘Malfare’ tent, 24/7. 1.‘Malfare’ is the place to go for medical or welfare support. Malfare is a volunteerrun operations centre for medical, welfare and safety matters. Malfare volunteers are trained and have a variety of relevant backgrounds to try and help you deal with any problems you may encounter at Nowhere. At Malfare you can find: Malfare: Information and assistance on all things medical, (inter)personal welfare and safety Medical: Basic medical and ambulance service Tea&Empathy: A nice cup of tea and some empathetic support when things get a bit overwhelming 2.If you think you or anyone around you may need medical assistance, or if you see people behaving in a way you feel is dangerous, notify a Malfare volunteer. 3.Trained Malfare volunteers called ‘NoMads’ will be walking around the site and are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have and to provide information on welfare services. 4.Malfare is the designated place to go to for help with a problem of a personal, medical, emotional or mental health nature. Malfare is also an avenue for participants to receive help with matters of an interpersonal nature, such as an unwanted guest in a camp, problematic behaviour, mediation between camps, or any other issue where external help or mediation is needed. 5.Malfare can provide basic translation to help you communicate with medical personnel on-site. 6.Malfare can assist you with making arrangements to get to a local medical facility if necessary. (Keep in mind that the nearest medical facilities are well off-site!) NOTE: Nowhere is over an hour away from a major hospital. Please bear this in mind when considering if a harsh desert environment (extreme heat, dusty conditions, no amenities) is suitable for you. For specific information on staying well in the desert with asthma, diabetes or while pregnant, visit the excellent Burning Man survival guide where these and other tips are covered: www.burningman.com/preparation/ event_survival/your_body_vs_the_ elements.html Practical information about health Health insurance card for Europeans If you are a European citizen, your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles you to free medical treatment in any EEA country and Switzerland. Make sure you have one before you leave or you will have to pay for medical care. Contact your local health care authority for details, and you may be able to apply for one online. Even with an EHIC (and especially if you are a non-European citizen), please make sure you have adequate medical and travel insurance, as the Nowhere crew will not be able to help you with emergency transport home or medical treatment other than first aid. Health centres For emergencies, there are health centres (centros de salud) in: Sariñena: 25 minutes away. Calle Lanaja, Telephone: (+34) 974 571027 (emergencies) or (+34) 974 571202 Huesca (hospital): over 1 hour away. Hospital San Jorge. Avenida Martínez de Velasco 36, Telephone: (+34) 974 211 121 NOTE: phone coverage is limited at Nowhere. If you need assistance arranging for transport to a medical centre, please come to Malfare. Health centres will treat anyone for free but you will pay for any medication. If a hospital visit is required (the nearest is in Huesca, over an hour away), you will have to pay if you don’t have a European Health Insurance Card. Other general health and safety tips Hydration Remember to ‘piss clear’. Clear urine is the best sign that you are hydrated. Drink all the time, even if you are not thirsty. Symptoms of dehydration: headaches, stomach cramps, abdominal pains, constipation or flu-like symptoms. Signs of dehydration can be hard to spot, as it can appear as both heat-related and cold-related symptoms (sunstroke and hypothermia). If you or someone you know complains of these symptoms, or shows signs of either severe overheating or (worse) a case of chills under the midday sun, get them to shade immediately and have someone contact Malfare. Use of alcohol, caffeine and other drugs will place you particularly at risk of dehydration, and you should pay careful attention of your water intake. 13 Some signs that you may not be drinking enough water: You don’t carry a water bottle with you at all times You swill instead of drinking deeply You wait to drink until you’re thirsty — too late! You become cranky Your urine is anything but clear and abundant Toilets The toilets at Nowhere are long-drop trenches. There are no water flushing systems. You use them in the same way as a typical domestic toilet but instead of flushing you throw soil into the trench. Each cubicle contains a bucket, a brush and some hand sanitiser. When you are finished throw in some soil from the bucket to cover your crap, give the cubicle a little brush to make it nice for the next person and clean your hands with the sanitiser. If you use the last of the soil in the bucket please fill it from the mound of soil outside the cubicle. The toilets should be decorated by some of those camping nearby. Please ensure that you keep them civilised! THIS IS IMPORTANT! Hand sanitiser Use hand sanitiser after using the toilets, and every time you handle food. Apply it faithfully and liberally. Food and water We recommend you drink only bottled water (the rivers around the site are not safe to drink from). Keep the refrigerated food in your camp/barrio colder than 10 degrees 14 at all times. Restock the ice frequently and use a thermometer to make sure it is staying cold (for information on ice see page 7). Keep the food surfaces in your camp/barrio as clean as possible. Wash your dishes in soapy water and rinse them in water that has two teaspoons of eco-friendly bleach added for every four litres. If you exhibit symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, high fever, jaundice and malaise, you may be sick from contaminated food. Seek medical attention immediately and do not handle food. Respecting your surroundings Certain areas of the site will be fenced off for your safety. Many areas surrounding the site contain holes, surface cracks and deep divots. The hills are made of loose clay and are not suited for climbing. Anyone who leaves the site places themselves at severe risk of injury. REMEMBER: Come prepared. Stay safe. Contact Malfare pre-event (until June 20th) at: [email protected] Self-expression ‘Radical self-expression’ is one of our fundamental principles. We encourage everyone to participate and express themselves! Nowhere is the opportunity to live life to the full, in a way that could be inappropriate in the ‘outside world’. However, another principle is involvement in the community. Please bear your fellow participants in mind when choosing how to express yourself, and remember: they have rights too! Personal safety and sex Nowhere is built on community, and is the chance to make some fantastic new friends — especially safely, one step at a time: Introduce yourself to your local volunteers Work together to keep your neighbourhood secure Let someone know where you’re going if you wander off alone or with a new friend, and check in frequently. Make new friends, but be alert to the actions of those you meet Secure your valuables when away from your camp Use your instincts Nowhere can be an erotically charged environment. We want to help prevent sexual harassment and assault while ensuring that sex-positive free expression thrives! It is imperative to know and express your own sexual boundaries and to ask about and respect your partners’ boundaries. Silence is not consent! Communication is the best lubricant! To find out more, get in B.E.D. at: www.bureauoferoticdiscourse.org Sound advice Nowhere is a 24-hour experience on a small site. It is important to strike a balance between noise and quiet. You might want to sleep while others are partying and vice-versa. While we won’t say how loud you can be in your area of the site, we do ask that you control how far your sound travels across Nowhere. Generators If you bring a generator, be aware that your generator must be placed within your camp/barrio. Please also consider building sound insulation around your generator. Or better still, see if you can get a group of people or barrios together to share in a bigger, quieter generator. Sound systems As a guideline, your volume: should not interfere with what is happening in the Middle of Nowhere should not interfere with activities going on elsewhere on-site should not be audible in the main camping area by people wearing earplugs If someone asks you to turn your sound down please respect their needs Please pre-register for sound placement (for both ‘noisy’ and ‘quiet’ spaces!) on-site by emailing [email protected]. Read the Sound at Nowhere page for more info and tips: www.goingnowhere.org/ en/faq/soundadvice Lost property If you find something that appears to belong to someone, ask around in the immediate vicinity. If no one claims it, take it to NoInfo. Similarly, if you have lost something, then ask at NoInfo. 15 Respectful photography Nowhere is a special place, where people are encouraged to express themselves in a variety of colourful ways. It is a ready feast for the eyes, and the camera. Taking photos Your right to take someone’s photo and publish it NEVER over-rules their right to privacy! Always ask permission. DO NOT take someone’s photo against their will Do not post your photos onto Flickr or other photo-sharing sites without people’s explicit permission If posting photos onto Facebook or other social networking sites, MAKE 100% SURE that EVERYONE featured in your photos is happy for them to be posted. You should not be tagging people online unless you have their explicit permission NO photos should be taken and published for COMMERCIAL USE without the written permission of the Nowhere Organisation Private camps are sacred ground: do NOT enter someone else’s camp and take photographs! Anyone recording video must follow the same rules. Being photographed No one has a right to photograph you if you do not wish to be photographed. A photographer should ask you before taking your picture. If you are not comfortable with a photo, you may ask them to delete it. In the event that you have a dispute with someone about photography, please flag down a No-Mad or come to Malfare so that the volunteers there can help to mediate the situation. 16 Art cars (‘mutant vehicles’) If you are bringing an art car you must register it in advance by emailing [email protected] and adhering to the set guidelines you will receive. Your vehicle must also undergo a general safety inspection on-site before it is judged desert-worthy. Children While we are working to make the event inclusive to all, Nowhere is still an adult-orientated event in a harsh desert environment. Nowhere does not dictate what is appropriate for your kids; you as their parent do! If you have any hesitations about bringing your child, come alone first and see if it is an event you would enjoy together. From the standpoint of Nowhere, and from the law, a child is anyone under the age of 18. For more on kids at Nowhere, please visit: www.goingnowhere.org/faq/ childrenatnowhere Any further questions or concerns can be directed to [email protected]. Pets Whilst Nowhere does not prevent you from bringing dogs on-site, we ask you to think carefully beforehand. It’s hot, dusty and noisy, you need to think carefully about how you’re going to leave no trace, and then there’s the fact that many people are just plain old scared of dogs. Please read Burning Man’s policy on dogs before bringing yours to Nowhere: www.burningman.com/preparation/ event_survival/pets.html Getting to the site Directions Nowhere 2012 is at: GPS: 41° 41’ 48.90’ North 0° 10’11.93’ West Address Poligono 20, Parcelas 26 and 27, Castejón de Monegros, 22222 Huesca Public transport The nearest railway station and bus stop is Sariñena. Please bear in mind that the railway station is about 3km away from the town. Details of bus and train services are on the website: www.staragon.com/ sarinena/cen_comollegar.html. If you’re planning on hiring a car in Spain to drive to Nowhere Atesa is a cheap and popular option for car-hire (see www. atesa.es for more details). But, of course, in the spirit of radical self-reliance, make sure you check all details for yourself! A taxi service may be available to and from the site. For details, check the forum: www.goingnowhere.org/en/ component/kunena/46-travel-andrideshares We are also running a bus service from Barcelona to and from the site. For details please see: http://www.goingnowhere.org/en/ generalinfo/gettingthere Nowhere crew contact numbers Spanish Mobile Phone English & Spanish spoken (+34) 608 050 776 Dial 112 for all emergency services 17 The law All participants are reminded that despite ‘going nowhere’, you are bound by the local and national laws of Spain. Please check the local laws before you leave home. If you are planning on driving while in Spain, you should check that your insurance and licence are valid in Spain. You can get advice on this from the Spanish embassy in your country. Nowhere does not condone illegal drug use and strongly advises against individuals taking risks with their health in a harsh, remote environment. Please bear in mind the limited medical support on-site before you consider placing yourself at risk. Please be safe, be smart and have lots of fun! 18 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION AND ACCESS TO NOWHERE 2012 The purchase of the ticket and/or entry to the event (“the Event”) implies the acceptance and agreement of the following terms and conditions, as Participant: 1. Disclaimer THE PARTICIPANT VOLUNTARILY ASSUMES THE RISK OF PROPERTY LOSS, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH BY ATTENDING THIS EVENT, AND ASSUMES AS WELL FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR THE PARTICIPATION. Art installations, theme camps (Barrios), vehicles, events and performances are not owned or operated by Nowhere (Europe) Ltd and/or Nowhere España (‘NOrg’) and therefore the Participant also assumes any and all risk of injury or loss associated with or arising from their operation or occurrence and release NOrg from any claim arising from this risk. The Participant agrees to hold NOrg, its officers, directors, members, employees, volunteers, representatives, agents, contractors and subcontractors, and other participants, harmless from any damages, injuries, losses, liabilities and expenses relating to, resulting from or arising out of the participation in any programme, event, activity or service at the Event. The Participant also agrees that the present terms and conditions shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under all applicable law. 2. Remember that The Participant agrees to read and abide by the present conditions, all the rules in the survival guide, principles of participation, as well as to comply with local and national Spanish laws. All vehicles, including trucks, trailers and campers entering and exiting the Nowhere Event site are subject to search by the Gate staff. The Participant must bring enough food, water, shelter and first aid to survive one week in a harsh desert environment. Commercial vending is prohibited, as are all firearms, solid fuels, fireworks, rockets and other explosives. This is a LEAVE NO TRACE Event. You are asked to contribute at least one hour of site cleanup in addition to your own camp, before departure. 3. Right of Admission Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by her/his mother, father or guardian. If a Participant brings a child to the event, then she/he/they agree on behalf of the child to the contractual terms and conditions and she/he/they are solely responsible for the child, holding NOrg harmless from any liability or damages, while at the Event. Entry to the Event is a revocable license that may be revoked at any time for any reason in accordance to law. 4. Early termination of the Event The amount of the ticket is non-refundable even if the Event is terminated early, due to harsh weather, acts of nature, governmental regulation or other conditions beyond NOrg’s control. 5. Privacy To protect the rights to privacy and free expression of the Participant, use of images taken at Nowhere (other than for personal use) is prohibited without the prior written consent of NOrg. 6. Updates We may from time to time contact the Participant by email or post with news and information about Nowhere and related events. We may need to update the present terms and conditions from time to time. Please see the Nowhere 2012 Survival Guide for the final version. The Event and entry, and the present conditions are subject to the applicable Spanish law. In case of dispute with NOrg, the Participants with express renounce to its own or applicable jurisdiction, accept to be bound by the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona. Moreover, in case of discrepancy on the translation of the present conditions, Spanish version shall prevail. Nowhere is entirely run by volunteers, to find out how you can contribute, contact: [email protected] 19 Alegón 20 A-23 E-90 A-2 Z-40 Cuarte de Huerva A-2 A-68 Zaragoza Villanueva E-7 Zuera Alfajarín A-129 E-7 AP-2 N-II N-211 Bujaraloz A-230 La Almolda Castejón de Monegros Sariñena A-131 AP-2 N-211 E-90 A-131 N-420 Fraga Lleida C-12 Soses Alcarràs A-22 AP-2 N-420 Mollerussa C-26 Valls Alcover A-27 C-14 Montblanc E-30 L’Espluga de Francoli C-14 AP-2 C-25 Vilanova i la Geltrú Calafell Vendrell AP-7 Llorenç del P Sitges C-32 Sabadell Castelldefels Hostpialet de Llobregat Badalona Cerdanyola del Vallès Barcelona C-16 Sant Boi de Llobregat E-90 E-9 C-16 C-25 From Barcelona or Zaragoza take the E-90/AP-2. Take Exit 3 onto the A-230 towards Sariñena. Continue for 11km and then follow the directions on the rear of this booklet. Directions From Castejón Desde Castejón Depuis Castejón Von Castejón 0.0km At this sign, just before Castejón de Monegros, SET YOUR TRIP ODOMETER TO ZERO A la altura de este cartel, justo antes de Castejón de Monegros, pon tu cuentakilómetros a cero Au niveau de ce panneau, juste avant Castejón de Monegros, mettez votre compteur kilométrique à zéro An diesem Schild, kurz vor Castejón de Monegros, SETZT EUREN KILOMETERZÄHLER AUF NULL. 2.2km Take this RIGHT TURN signposted ‘Ermita de San Miguel’ Gira a la derecha, donde indica “Ermita de San Miguel” Prenez À DROITE au panneau “ERMITA DE SAN MIGUEL” Biegt hier RECHTS ab (Schild ‘Ermita de San Miguel’) 2.7km BEAR LEFT following the main dirt road Continúa a la izquierda siguiendo el camino de tierra principal TOURNEZ À GAUCHE en suivant la principale route de terre Haltet euch LINKS und folgt der Hauptschotterstrasse. Ruta Jubierre 3.3km BEAR LEFT at this fork Aquí toma el desvío a la izquierda TOURNEZ À GAUCHE à cette fourche Haltet euch an dieser Weggabelung LINKS 5.6km BEAR RIGHT at the fork Toma el desvío a la derecha TOURNEZ À DROITE à la fourche Haltet euch an der Weggabelung RECHTS 3.8km CROSS THE PAVED ROAD onto the dirt road towards ‘Ermita de San Miguel’ Cruza la carretera pavimentada hacía el camino de tierra en dirección “Ermita de Sanmiguel ‘ COUPEZ LA ROUTE bitumée et continuez sur la route de terre en direction “Ermita de San Miguel” Überquert die BEFESTIGTE STRASSE, weiter auf der Schotterstrasse Richtung ‘Ermita de San Miguel’ 8.5km Prepare to lose your breath as you ENTER THE VALLEY OF NOWHERE Prepárate para perder el aliento el entrar la VALLE DE NOWHERE Préparez-vous à être époustouflés en entrant dans la VALLÉE DU NOWHERE Bereitet euch auf einen atemberaubenden Anblick vor, wenn ihr ins NOWHERE TAL 15.0km TURN LEFT here, 200m before the church Gira a la izquierda, a 200 metros antes de la iglesia TOURNEZ À GAUCHE ici, 200m avant l’église Biegt hier LINKS ab, 200m vor der Kirche 15.3km Take the RIGHT FORK Toma el desvío a la derecha TOURNEZ À DROITE à la fourche Nehmt die RECHTE Weggabelung 4.4km BEAR RIGHT following the main dirt road Continúa a la derecha siguiendo el camino de tierra principal TOURNEZ À DROITE et suivez la principale route en terre Haltet euch rechts, weiter auf der Schotterstrasse. 12.6km BEAR LEFT at this fork Toma el desvío a la izquierda Prenez À GAUCHE à cette fourche Haltet euch LINKS an dieser Weggabelung 16.2km One last RIGHT FORK Toma el último desvío a la derecha TOURNEZ À DROITE une dernière fois Noch einmal die RECHTE Weggabelung !!! Bienvenido a casa ... home... Has llegado a Nowhereere! Willkommen zuhause... me lco We ! ere wh No e gon wh You’ve nue à la maison... Ihr seid in No Vous êtes au Nowhere ! Bienve From Sariñena take the A-131 towards Fraga. Desde Sariñena toma la A-131 hacia Fraga. Depuis Sariñena prendre la A-131 direction Fraga. Von Sariñena aus nehmt ihr die A-131 Richtung Fraga. Ruta Jubierre 1 You’re going the right way if you cross this bridge Estás en el buen camino si cruzas este puente Vous êtes dans la bonne direction si vous passez ce pont Ihr seid auf dem richtigen Weg, wenn ihr über eine Brücke fahrt 2 4 The infamous river! ¡El río infame! La fameuse rivière ! Der berühmt-berüchtigte Fluss 7 Take the first right turn — this is the view from beyond the turn Tomar la primera a la derecha — esta es la vista desde detrás de la vuelta Prendre la première à droite — voici la vue après le virage Nehmt die erste Abzweigung rechts — dies ist der Blick nach der Abzweigung The next turn is by the trees you see ahead Tienes que girar donde ves estos arboles Le prochain virage est près de ces arbres que vous voyez Die nächste Abbiegung ist bei den Bäumen, die ihr vor euch seht 5 Follow the road round to the right Sigue la carretera hacia la derecha Suivre la route qui tourne vers la droite Folgt der Strasse nach rechts 8 Take the right fork Tomar el desvío a la derecha Prendre l’embranchement de droite Nehmt die rechte Weggabelung 3 Turn right here Gira a la derecha Tourner à droite ici Biegt hier rechts ab 6 La Hermita. The next turn is coming up La Hermita. Estas cerca de donde tienes que girar ahora Chapelle La Hermita : le prochain virage arrive La Hermita. Die nächste Abbiegung kommt bald 9 Take the right fork again Tomar otra vez el desvío a la derecha Prendre à nouveau l’embranchement de droite Nehmt nochmals die rechte Weggabelung You’ve gone Nowhere! Welcome home... Has llegado a Nowhere!!! Bienvenido a casa ... Vous êtes au Nowhere ! Bienvenue à la maison... Ihr seid in Nowhere! Willkommen zuhause...
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