Spring 2013 - Faith In Action


Spring 2013 - Faith In Action
Faith In Action of Bloomington-Normal
Footsteps of Faith
Volume 4, Issue 2
Spring 2013
As of May 2: We have a new home!
Thanks to the very successful gala in February, as well as
the generous support of many other community members, Faith in Action has a wonderful new office to move to
before our current building is demolished.
We are so thankful to Second Presbyterian for generously
providing office space to us free from any charges for rent
or utilities for over seven years. With their support, we
have been able to grow and strengthen our ministry. In
addition, as word has spread about our services and the
need for increased resources to pay for rent, God’s blessings have overflowed, and we have been blessed with
enough resources to make this move possible.
Our new location is part of what is referred to as the “Y
Dorms” on the grounds of the Old Soldiers and Sailors
home. In Normal on Beech Street , follow the signs for the
Normal Senior Center and One Normal Plaza. Business
names and suite numbers are listed on the door. We are
ordering a sign with our name and logo to hang over the
Smaller but more offices for privacy
The new office is smaller than our current space, but provides more privacy. There will be a reception area with our
Transportation Desk volunteers, as well as Office Manager
David Nybakke. Carolyn Wetzel, Volunteer Coordinator,
will have a small office that she will share with a volunteer
desk. A third office will provide space for our office volunteer Chasmine Thornton, as well as space for interns or
other volunteers working
on projects. Finally, Linda
Inside this Issue
Bollivar, Director, will
Director’s Notes … 2 have an office as well.
Down the hall, we will
Vitas Becomes Partner … 2
Volunteer Blessing … 2 have a small room with a
Care Receiver Thanks … 3 work table and a bit of
Volunteer Spotlight … 3 storage. The office has a
Gala Auction Wrap-up … 4 shared conference room,
Program Spotlight … 5 as well as shared bathrooms and a kitchen.
Dedicated Donors … 6
Other business sharing
Upcoming Events … 8
the common areas include
705 E. Lincoln, Suite 110,
Normal, IL 61761
1. From Beech Street, turn east on Lincoln.
2. Drive to the end of the street and into the parking
lot with the green sign.
3. Enter the door marked ‘705’.
New Office Opens: May 1, 2013
Fall Open House: Date and details to be announced
Phone, Email, Web: No change!
the landlord Tyler Earnst’s accounting firm, ABC Counseling, Kirk Appliance repair, and many other small businesses.
We have already been able to schedule our staff meetings,
board meetings, and orientations for the conference
room. Our phone number, email addresses, and website
will remain the same. As of May 1, the only thing that will
change is our mailing address, and of course our location.
Footsteps of FAITH
Page 2
Volume 4, Issue 2
Vitas Hospice Partners with Faith in Action
Vitas Hospice, the second oldest Hospice in the United States, is partnering with Faith in Action of BloomingtonNormal through quarterly donations. Vistas chose FIA because of our shared mission of supporting people at home.
Vitas hosted a luncheon for the FIA Board and office volunteers on Wednesday, April 3. Vitas General Manager Pam
Kanies, Marketing Director Lynn Van Norman, and Volunteer Coordinator Rosana Madrigal were all on hand to present the check for $2,500 to the Faith in Action Board. They provided a delicious lunch from Fresh Market, and
shared a presentation on the services they offer. Vitas is fairly new to the Bloomington-Normal area, and is looking
forward to supporting the ministry of FIA.
FIA Is very grateful for their generous support, and looks forward to a continued partnership. For more info on Vitas,
please call
From the Director — Spring!
I often run into people
who tell me, “You do
great work.” I know that
the “you” is plural, because the ministries of
FIA are only possible with
a whole community.
There are those
who serve directly,
those who serve in
the office, on committees, or in fundraising. Others let
us into their
homes and hearts
to provide care,
and still others open their
wallets and support us
generously financially.
Equally important are
those who hold us up in
prayer regularly, asking
God’s blessing on our
During this time of transition, I would ask you to
continue to hold the ministries of FIA in prayer.
Specifically, we
ask for prayers
for a smooth
transition, as
well as prayers
for the safety of
the volunteers
doing the physical lifting. We
pray that as we move into
the next phase of our
growth, we may continue
to bless more people.
If you are aware of a
group that may be interested in learning more
about our services, or opportunities for volunteering, please let us know.
We are also available to
do presentations on “5
Wishes,” which is a planning document to help
your loved ones know
how you wish to be cared
for in case you are seriously ill and unable to
speak for yourself. Thank
you for your ongoing support.
Linda Bollivar
Volunteer Blessing
April 25
Save the Date for our
Volunteer Blessing and
Here are the details:
Volunteers are free, guests are
$10 each.
Wesley United Methodist
Church, 502 E. Front Street,
April 25
5:30 registration
6:00 blessing
6:45 dinner
Please RSVP to
our office (309-827-7780 or
[email protected]).
Volume 4, Issue 2
Footsteps of FAITH
Page 3
Evelyn: Retired Teacher, Care Receiver, AND Volunteer
Evelyn Johnson of Bloomington is
a native of New Orleans. She
taught history and social studies
from 1972-2002 at Alcee Fortier
High School in New Orleans. She
said that she was not the most
liked teacher because she was very
tough on her students. “I saw
young people who were their own
worst enemy because they were
purposely not working up to their
academic capacity.” One of her
former students who is now a merchant marine recently told her that he
remembered everything she taught
him and he was grateful for having her
as a teacher. She started an alumni
club and still keeps in contact with
many of her past students. On a recent visit to New Orleans she met
with several alumni. They presented
her with a card and a dozen roses.
problems at her current housing
complex. “The problem that
caused me to call was a blessing in
disguise,” she said. She receives
rides to church, doctor appointments, and grocery shopping. She
said, “You name it, you’ve taken
me.” She used to take a cab almost everywhere before Faith in
Evelyn even volunteers for Faith
in Action by making friendly
phone calls to other care receivers
In 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit,
and she also sends them greeting
Evelyn’s son Joel drove to New Orle- cards. She sends cards to many indians to get his mother and brother.
viduals for all occasions. “I have more
Evelyn stayed in Bloomington and fell cards in my apartment than a Hallinto a deep depression which incapac- mark store,” she said. She became a
itated her for several years. Eventually volunteer because she needed a place
she was able to get out of bed and
for her energy.
was in a wheelchair for about a year.
By the beginning of 2012 she was able Evelyn attends Adoration at Holy
Trinity monthly and is very involved
Evelyn has two sons: Joel and David. to walk again.
there. She also has been a member of
Joel lives in Bloomington and works
In March of 2012 Evelyn was referred the Knights of St. Peter Claver Court
for State Farm. David lives in New Or- to Faith in Action by the YWCA whom for 30 years. One of her favorite bible
leans and is employed as a Master
she contacted after having some
scriptures is Matthew 21:22,“And
Control Operator at WWL TV. She has
whatever you ask in prayer, you will
one granddaughter named Gabrielle.
receive, if you have faith.”
(all photos by Madison Roberts)
Volunteer Georgene Is ‘Giving Back to the Community’
Georgene Chissell’s first involvement with Faith in Action was
cleaning the office through the
Bloomington Township program
which helps those who are down
on their luck. Not long after that,
Georgene started her own cleaning business, Divine Cleaning. She
started with only three places to
clean, and now often has more
than thirty.
versity, and uses her passion to help
others and her need to be a part of
the community in her business as
well. “I hire those who may not otherwise have an opportunity; I give them
a second chance.” Georgene stated.
“I am so content now with the American dream…if anyone needs my help
I’m here to help them reach theirs,”
she smiled.
Georgene’s positive attitude is infectious. She receives
rave reviews from those she serves through Faith in Action. She was also an active part of the Silent Auction
committee for the FIA Gala. Sharing her passion for FIA’s
ministry with her business clients, she solicited some
wonderful donations for the auction. She also donated
cleaning services to be auctioned. It is such a blessing to
Georgene has a degree in business from Illinois State Uni- have Georgene as part of our ministry.
She wanted to give back to the community, so she become an FIA volunteer. “I remember when I was down
and out and I couldn’t do anything to help myself.” Now
that Georgene is well again, she says, “Why not give back
to people who need my help now that opportunity is
there for me?”
Page 4
by Sandy Holcomb
2013 Gala Auction Chair
Footsteps of FAITH
Volume 4, Issue 1
Together—A Dream Comes True!
When preparations for the Faith in Action Gala Auction began, the team of volunteers and staff knew that this was the
most important fundraiser to date. FIA was facing the new expense of renting an office space. There was also a dream
to update second hand computers and an archaic phone system. Our prayers were answered and the Faith in Action
Gala Auction on February 9th was the biggest and best ever!
Nearly 300 guests enjoyed a social hour with a silent auction of over 100 items, appetizers and music from the
IWU Jazz Combo. Dinner and a lively auction followed with some spectacular items.
Our hearts were touched by a video featuring one of our care receivers, Albert , and FIA volunteer Donna. Donna had
passed from brain cancer
not long after the video was
shot and her family was
there to share what Faith in
Action meant to their mom.
With their inspirational story
in mind, the Fund-A-Need resulted in $37,000
donated to cover the cost of new phones and
computers, and the first year’s rent. Faith in
Action cleared over $60,000. This will go a long
way to help with
the move to our
new home in the
old Soldiers and
Sailors Home area.
Thank you to
everyone who
contributed to
the success of this
evening: the donors, sponsors,
the teams of volunteers, staff and
especially anyone
who donated or
attended. Working together we
were able to make
our dreams come
Volume 4, Issue 1
Footsteps of FAITH
Page 5
New computers and phones
Due to the success of the “Fund a Need” portion of
the gala, we are purchasing new computers so that
our equipment will all be of good quality, and have
the same operating systems and software versions. In addition, we have been blessed with the
donation of phones from Dixie Enterprises, LLC, and
we only had to purchase the phone system itself. We
are entering a new age of technology!
Program Spotlight
Letter Bag
Thank you for your loving
care of both Mom and Dad.
It helped us caregivers, especially for Dad and dialysis
3x per week.
— Mary Lou V.
Thank you for providing this
valuable service to me and
others. The drivers have
been great even with appointments several days a
week. I’m still unable to
drive, probably until the end
of March.
— Henry B.
Thank you so much for your
help in a time of need.
—Barbara A.
Welcome, Volunteers!
(Since our last newsletter)
Sherry Blessing
Shana Snoeyink
Elsie Cadieux
Jim Snow
Barb Fulk
Theora Stark
Stephen Hermes
Linda Stawick
Mary Rose Hill
Susan Strubhar
Sheryl Huber
Linda Tidei
Derek Johnson
Sue Virtue
Jim Keegan
Marcia Wheeler
Carol Lehman
Brittany Wilson
Sharon McNamara
Doug Zitkus
Friendly Visits and Phone Calls
Faith in Action’s Friendly Visit and
phone calls are scheduled for two
Phone Call program is a great way to times per month. Once the match is
help people feel connected. When
established, the two may choose to
someone is no
visit more or less
longer able to
often. Currently,
Friendly Visits
drive, and their
we have 26 care
Coordinator is Esther Brokaw receivers with
friends have less
mobility as well,
friendly visitors,
they may begin to
and nine who have
befeel isolated. As
a friendly caller. If
time goes on,
you know of somefriends and loved
one interested in a
ones may pass away, or children are friendly visitor or caller, please have
busy with their work and growing
them contact our office at 309-827families. Some seniors relocate to
7780. If they are not a current care
another community to be close to
receiver, they will be asked to go
their grown children, and others find through the usual assessment prothemselves left behind when their
cess. Happy visiting!
friends move. The friendly visitor
program of Faith in Action is here to
help alleviate this loneliness.
Blair House Garage Sale
Friendly Visit Coordinator Esther
Brokaw is a volunteer who comes to
our office several times each week to
match individuals who would like
friendly visits or phone calls with volunteers who are interested in the
same. Esther talks to each person to
find out their interests, then does her
best to match people with something
in common. Initially, the visits or
for FIA May 18
Do you love a garage sale? Blair
House, 1200 E. College Ave. in Normal is hosting a garage sale on
Saturday, May 18 from 10 am – 3
pm and sharing the proceeds with
Faith in Action. If you are a bargain
hunter, stop by this sale and support the cause!
Page 6
Volume 4, Issue 1
Footsteps of FAITH
Thanks to Our Dedicated Donors
We are so grateful for these generous donations during the first quarter (Jan. 1 - Mar.31, 2013).
$1000 & up
Jan & Larry Pritts
Matthew Hynes
R Mack Brown
Linda Williams
Brian Tatro
Gerry Decker
John Plattner
Owen Foundation
Linda Thomas
William Thacker
Pam Ritch
Walter and Linda Crowley
Kathleen & Richard Phillips
Christopher & Kristen Ayers
Sandy Holcomb
Carol Csanda
Kay and Michael Marvin
Michael and Susan Andresen
John & Linda Stuckey
Larry and Jane Phillips
Bob & Martha Hillmer
Sandy Oye
Linda Stawick
John Tournquist
Todd and Angela Isaacson
St Mary's Church
Dr. Thomas Nielsen
Pam Smith
Steve & Karen Timmermann
David Selzer
Michael O'Donnell
Christopher & Julie Bennett
John & Christine Stoffer
Neil and Dorothy Sallee
Karen Bersche
Jody & Adam Pomis
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Wesley United Methodist
Champion, DeDee
Rosemary Bryant
Bill & Diana Ducett
Anthony Deangelis
Lowell and Lois Lueck
Barb and Aaron Quick
Jack and Rosemary Danaher
Janet and Herbert Wiser
David Salch
Carolyn Johnston
Tanja Mahner
Steve and Cathy Roszhart
Ronald & Amy Davis
Jerome Oakey
Elizabeth Rexstad
Arthur Riddle
Alma Stoddard
Advocate BroMenn Health Care
Heartland Bank
Illinois Vein Specialists
Luther Oaks
Linda Sorrells
Vitas Hospice
Mary Vohland
Henry Bruens
Westminster Village
Staycee Hynes
Michael Novario
Jeffrey & Susan Clark
Kenneth Mann
Gary& Dixie Brandenburg
Kimberly Bray
Richard & Kathleen Ott
Lori Harvey
Sverre and Sara Olsen
Robert & Linda White
Janis Bloom
Ron & Toni Wilkin
Wendy Woith
Marilyn Holcomb
Julie and Robert Dobski
Jo Ann Krupa
Agnes Hedin
Stan & Kathy Case
Margene Taylor
Gary & Dixie Brandenburg
David and Cindy Honegger
Doug Cutter & Kyle Ciani
Leif and Ginia Roll
Chris & Deanne Eytallis
Mark & Jill O'Flaherty
James Williams Jr.
Robert & Linda Fisher
Rebecca Hill
Margaret Wolf
Second Presbyterian Church
Charlotte and Joe Talkington
Covell Community Church
Sylvia & Bruce DeGooyer
Evergreen Place
Evergreen Village Supportive
Gregory Guard
Mid-Illini Credit Union
Larry Gaylord
Gezil and Jessie Andrews
Father David Halt
Linda L Bollivar
Paul & Kathryn Fish
Bruce & Sara Decker
Steven and Debra Paullin
Darren and Heather Plattner
Julie & Gene Sidak
Nancy Barling
Orlyn and Jana Edge
Bob & LaVon Milligan
Dennis & Gail Nolan
Erik & Terri Prenzler
Rev. and Mrs. James Reents
John & Lisa Weber
Walter Clark
Anita Gibb
Gary & Carol Montague
Phyllis Sproull
Jessica Eller
Robert & Sandra Kolhase
Lisa Rebecca Elliott
Linda G. Lane
William Holtz
Mary Hospelhorn
Stephanie Breedlove
Duwayne & Mary Jo Hull
Michael & Jennifer Schwarz
Sarah Bailey
Fay Bailiff
Jackie Hux
Tim & Susan Boisseau
Sue Kiley
Kourtney Klein
Di Anne Wunderle
Guy and Andrea Banicki
Glenn & Janet Wilson
Linda Lehmann
Tom and Doretta Herr
Lynn VanNorman
Brock Westbrook
McLean County Health Department
Susan Hoblit
Laura & Steven Furlong
Karen Fleming
Roger and Rita Yordy
Bill Alverson
Greg & Cathe Carter
Janis & Ernest Hoffman
Sonja Reece
Tanya Rose
Mary Ellen Schoon
Pamela Kanies
Theora Stark
Robert & LaVon Milligan
Barry & Teresa Brenneman
Audrey Bishop
Esther Brokaw
Walt and Jan Clark
Robert & Barbara Hathway
Franklin Hoopes
Tim Leighton
Kim Moore
Elsie Mucci
Payne, Paula
Karen A Schmidt
H. Louise Stillman
Marc & Darlene Miller
continued on page 7
Footsteps of FAITH
Volume 4, Issue 1
Page 7
Dedicated Donors continued from page 6
George Wells
Jan and Lynn Brown
A. B. Hatchery
Sandy & John Baker
Ann & Deacon Brendan Carolan
Shelley Brenneman Carter
Walter Jr & Elizabeth Clark
Raydean & Myla Sue Davis
Robert & Julie Dobski
First United Methodist - Women
Steven Haas Agency
Joy Hippensteele
Holy Trinity Church
Mark & Carol Hootman
Kevin & Susan Hoss
Lloyd & Carolyn Johnson
Tom Masten
Kathy Patterson
Rebbec Motor, Inc
Linda & Robert Roberts
John Robertson
James and Connie Siebenmorgen
Pratt, Barbara
Dr. Wilma Miller
Ken and Cheryl Dorsey
John & Laura Robinson
Erik & Theresa Prenzler
Pat Parmenter
Sokan, Ann
Matthew Hawkins
Georgene Chissell
Barbara King
Susan & Chris Hoover
Anonymous Donor
Barbara Allsup
Owen Boettcher
Dan Brady
Jane Chamberlain
Croxton, Charles and Brenda
Larry & Christine Eggan
Cheryl Hospelhorn
Phyllis Hayford
Jeanette Follick
Lawrence and Opal Kneezel
Erica Larkin
Sharon Lawlis
Nick Miketchuk
Doris Ruble
Rita Scanlon
Mary Anne Schierman
Harold Skillrud
Larry and Mary Jean Weller
Barbara Anderson
Thomas & Dianne Clemens
Karen Coughlin
Stephen & Mary Lou Dean
James & Mary Dever
Mary Lou Farnsworth
Wilma Gasaway
Valerie Hawkins
Mary Jacobson
Peg Lucht
Joan Miller
Dian Nealey
Nancy Ragsdale
Ray Rybarczyk
Jenni Shelton
John & Mary Richter Zeunik
Phyllis Shannon
Linda Sweeney
Peter Martin
Doris Ritter
Bill & Paula Hancock
Eleanor Balthrope
Gosnell, Cynthia
Tari Renneri
Edmonia Banks
Barbara Guetschow
June Ladwig
Jerry Mitchell
Krista Gaff
Audrey Hart
Mark and Mary Nickum
Michael and Debra Willenborg
Mark & Diane Koth
James & Judith Lindsay
J Donald & Margaret Merritt
Lenora Quackenbush
Lisa Stark
Kathy & John Tymonko
McLean United Methodist
Joseph Bandy
Evelyn Tosh
Viola Fenstermaker
Edith Gray
David Nybakke
Marcella Wilson
Charlotte Woelfle
Claudio Bueno
Al & Teresa Dulyea-Parker
William Hancock
Mario Mancinelli
Pat & Micki McCleary
Louise Barnes
Joyce Blanchard
Fred Kujawka
Gloria McConnell
Jan Johnson
Albert Crawford
Gloria Golinveaux
Helen Moore
Leah Moore
Sharon Roczynski
Avis Hartman
Jeff & Gina Kurtz
Ken & Gail Woodshank
Margaret Tulloch
Virginia Dixon
John & Judy Oakey
Party City
Ema Streitmatter
Barbara Fulk
Delores Volle
Linda Howley-Skuby
Mary Ann Seebauer
Morris Tick
In Memory
In Memory of Donna Mann
Debra B. Leighton Trust
Ann Soka
Elvis & Beverly Forde
Janet Hoffman
Rhonda & Keith Jenkins
Sally McMullen
Fred & Connie Wade
Gary & Dixie Brandenburg
Cheryl Hospelhorn
Jeffrey & Judy Eckhoff
Carol Scott
In Memory of Mary Knuth
Linda Wade
Bonnie Knuth
Nancy Cole
In Memory of Wayne Baird
Ann Carolan
Mary Lou Van Valey
In Memory of Dennis
Delora Griffin
In Memory of Daisy Beal
Susan Crabill
Honorary Gifts
Honor of Jayne Delforge
Gregory & Louise Darnall
Honor of Glenna
Louise Harpster
Joan Welch
Honor of Laverne Bustle
Mary Lou Van Valey
Honor of Carolyn Wetzel
William Skinker
State Farm Insurance
Frank Ripsom
Ernest Hoffman
John Stuckey
Monical’s Pizza
Faith In Action of
705 E Lincoln St Suite 110
Normal, IL 61761
Return Service Requested
Phone: 309-827-7780
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Web: http://bnfia.org
Faith in Action - Bloomington/Normal
A neighbor’s
depends on you.
Upcoming 2013 Events
See page 1
Our New Home
Open House This Fall!
Watch for date and details in the July
2013 newsletter
Volunteer Blessing
Thursday, April 25
Details on page 2
Our Mission
FIA provides spiritual, physical, and
emotional support to seniors 60 years
and over, and their caregivers, to
maintain independence, dignity, and
improved quality of life. We accomplish this through an interfaith network of volunteers, congregations
and community organizations.
Day Date Time
Volunteer Blessing &
Last day in current
Tues. Apr 30 9 —4pm
Apr 25 5:30 pm — Wesley United
FIA opens new office Wed. May 1
9 am
May 14 12 noon
See details
page 2
410 N. Prairie St.
705 E. Lincoln,
Ste 110, Normal
Staff meeting
Memorial Day
Mon May
705 E. Lincoln,
Ste. 110, Normal
Staff meeting
Jun 11
12 noon
705 E. Lincoln,
Ste. 110, Normal
Jun 12 6—8pm
705 E. Lincoln,
Ste. 110, Normal
Independence Day
Thur July 4
See details
page 1, 2
705 E. Lincoln,
Ste. 110, Normal