wedding catering - Wascana Country Club
wedding catering - Wascana Country Club
THE WASCANA 2016 WEDDING CATERING Wedding CATERING 2016 THE IDEAL V ENUE FO R YOU R U PCOMING WEDDING Dear Bride and Groom, Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Thank you for your consideration and interest in utilizing The Wascana Country Club for this memorable occasion. Planning a wedding can be somewhat overwhelming at times. Our talented and professional event staff are prepared to assist with all of the details for your special day. They will work to ensure this day is flawless and memorable for you and your guests. The Wascana Country Club takes pride in our attention to detail and pristine surroundings that embrace the facility. From outdoor wedding ceremonies to receptions, T he Wascana Country C lub can be your venue from start-tofinish. T he Wascana Country Club is located along Wascana Creek, strategically landscaped to provide a beautiful and artistic setting. The opportunity for amazing photos is endless with such picturesque scenery. WASCANA COUNTRY CLUB Detailed catering menus are available for your convenience, however if you desire a more customized menu we are able to work with you on finding something that satisfies your needs. Should you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact our catering department at 306.586.5666 ext 224. Greg N. Dukart Chief Executive Officer 6500 Wascana PARKWAY, Regina, SK S4P 3C2 CanadA 306-586-5666 Outdoor Wedding Ceremony W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING Centennial Courtyard The Centennial Courtyard is located on the North side of the clubhouse. This patio landscaped area is perfect for a beautiful outdoor ceremony with the captivating golf course as the backdrop. The Centennial Courtyard is available only to those guests who have booked the Ballroom for the wedding reception. The space will be available one hour prior and one hour following the ceremony. Any additional time required in the Centennial Courtyard may result inadditional charges. Set up fee $ 1,200* Capacity 200 guests Wedding Ceremony includes • • • • Picturesque, one-of-a-kind ceremony location C hair rental S et-up of chairs and signing table R ehearsal times are subject to availability and must have prior approval • Wedding photographs within the Centenn ial Courtyard area THE BALLROOM The ballroom is an elegant space that overlooks the Centennial Courtyard and golf course. This spacious and beautiful room is the perfect area to accommodate a variety of functions. T he Ballroo m includes a full service bar, rock fireplace, dance floor, and patio area. The functionality of the room can accommodate numerous themes and seating arrangements. Capacity 180 guests (without dance floor) 160 guests (witH dance floor) SET UP FEES $ 600* (MIN. 90 GUESTS) NOTE: meal required for Saturday dates Wedding Reception Includes • S et-up of reception including the club’s tables, chairs, & place settings • S et-up of cake table, guest book table, gift table, DJ table • Table linens and linen napkins (white or black) • M enu options are available for your convenience, however customized menus can be accommodated • S pecial pricing for children meals • R ound mirrors for table centres • Podium with microphone • C onvenient and ample parking space for all guests * Prices subject to any applicable gratuities and taxes. PAGE 3 Venue Layout W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATERING 18 FT NORTHWEST ROOM 25 FT OUTER DECK DANCE FLOOR DIVIDE RS DO ORS 45 FT WEST ROOM 38 FT 41 FT BALLROOM 18 FT 13 FT F&B BAR FIREPLACE S E RV E RS ’ E NT RA NCE KITCHEN BASEMENT STAIRS STAIRS ELEVATOR PAGE 4 Sample Ballroom Floor Plan W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING OUTER DECK J. KE E CA B L TA D. DIVIDE RS DO ORS HEAD TABLE PODIUM F&B BAR FIREPLACE S E RV E RS ’ E NT RA NCE KITCHEN BASEMENT STAIRS STAIRS ELEVATOR PAGE 5 Plated Dinner Service W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING All Plated Dinners include: dinner rolls with butter, one salad selection, choice of entrée, choice of starch & vegetable, one dessert selection and coffee/tea salad (choose one): dessert (choose one): • B a b y gr e e ns with heritage carrots, radishes, roasted beets, topped with shaved asiago cheese and dill/red wine vinaigrette • C r ème br ul ee with garlic butter • Ar u g u l a , A s i ag o & A s i a n p e a r with candied pecans, drizzled with citrus vinaigrette • C u c u m b e r w ra p p e d b a b y g re e ns with heritage carrots, radishes, roasted beets, topped with teardrop tomatoes, peppered chevre, with an oregano herb vinaigrette • C a e sa r sa l a d with Wascana Caesar dressing and rusty garlic croutons PAGE 6 • C h o co l at e Tr uffl ico ius Ca ke • New Yo r k Ch eeseca ke • C h o co l at e Tr io Pl at e with accompaniments • Tir a misu Plated Dinner Service W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING All Plated Dinners include: dinner rolls with butter, one salad selection, choice of entrée, choice of starch & vegetable, one dessert selection and coffee/tea Entrées (choose one): Grilled Chicken Supreme 36*/person Stuffed with spinach & feta +$2 • s au c e choose ONE: Fire roasted tomato, Brie and tarragon, Wild mushroom • B u t t e r c hi c k e n AAA Sterling Silver BEEF $44*/person • Tender Mer lot br a ised sh o rt r ibs AAA Sterling Silver BEEF $46*/person • P r ime r ib o f beef with roasted shallot au jus • 8oz Sir lo in with chimmichurri sauce • 8 oz Tender lo in with wild mushroom jus Salmon or Trout – 36*/person PoRK LOIN – 36*/person • s au c e • s auce choose: Honey chilli glazed, dill cream sauce or lemon caper butter sauce with crispy capers choose: Orange ginger and hoisin sauce, Panko herb crusted with roasted shallot au jus or roasted with apple and Calvados jus PAGE 7 Plated Dinner Service W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING All Plated Dinners include: dinner rolls with butter, one salad selection, choice of entrée, choice of starch & vegetable, one dessert selection and coffee/tea Entrées (choose one): VEGETARIAN 36*/person • H er b r oa st ed p otato es • Wil d r ice p il a f • S a ffr o n scent ed co usco us • P orto b e l lo To w e r ratatouille vegetables, pepper jack cheese, barley risotto & fire roasted tomato sauce layered in a Portobello mushroom cap with herb oil • Q uinoa p il a f • S pi n ac h & ri cotta ca nne l lo ni with pesto cream & tomato sauce Vegetable (choose one): • M or o cca n s p i c e d le nt i l A N D ch i c k p ea tan g i ne with saffron cous cous and fire roasted tomato * Prices subject to any applicable gratuities and taxes. PAGE 8 Starch (choose one): • Ma sh ed p otato es infused wit h: choose: sundried tomato, buttermilk, roasted garlic • H er b scent ed v eg eta bl es with garlic butter • Ma p l e a nd ch il i g l a z ed ca r r ots • Gr een bea n a l mo ndine • Gr il l ed a spa r ag us Plated Dinner Service W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING All Plated Dinners include: dinner rolls with butter, one salad selection, choice of entrée, choice of starch & vegetable, one dessert selection and coffee/tea Additional coursES SoupS (+ $6/person) Sorbet (+ $4/person) • M a pl e r oa ste d b u t te rn u t s q ua sh with goat cheese & toasted pumpkin seeds • S pa r kl ing Wine AND l emo n • Roa st e d ca rrot & g i n g e r b i s q u e with chilli maple drizzle and crisp parsnip • G u i n n e ss m a ri nate d b e e f A N D porci n i broth with barley & sundried tomatoes • I ta l i a n W e ddi ng S o u p • Roa st e d pe p p e r & to m ato b i s q u e with herbed Boursin cheese and herb Camelina oil Appetizer (+ $9/person) • C r a b Ca ke s with roasted red pepper aioli • Tequil a l ime so r bet Childrens’ Menu (+ $17/person) Meals include dessert OF Ice Cream • C h icken fing er s with french fries and crudité • P enne Ma r ina r a with garlic toast • Gr il l ed ch eese sa ndwich with french fries and crudité * Prices subject to any applicable gratuities and taxes. • G r i l l e d ve g e ta b le A N D goat cheese terri ne PAGE 9 Country Club Buffet W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING All dinner buffets include: coffee AND tea $42*/person (Minimum 30 GUESTS) | $20*/CHILD • Di n n e r R o l l s AND B u t te r • M i x e d g r e ens w i th two dre s s i n gs (5-10 years) | NO CHARGE/CHILD (< 4 years) • H er bed r oa st ed p otato es OR Mashed p otatoes OR wild rice pila f • C he f ’s c ho i c e o f ( 3 ) f re s h s a la ds • F r esh sea so na l v eg eta bl es • Ve ge ta b l e c ru di t é w i t h di p • C h ef’ s ch o ice o f ( 3) fr esh sa l a d s • C he e se b oa rd w i th c rac k e rs • C h ef’ s sweet ta bl e • Re l i sh t r ay • F r esh sea so na l fr uit disp l ay Entrées (choose TWO): Grilled chicken breast • s au c e – choose: Honey chilli glazed, dill cream sauce or lemon caper butter sauce with crispy capers Honey glazed ham served with local mustards Filet of salmon served with honey chilli glaze Roast turkey Filet of trout Roast beef Vegetarian options – Ask your server. Slow roasted pork loin entrée +$4 per person TENDER Merlot braised short ribs +$4 per person Shrimp Cocktail +$4 per person served with stuffing, gravy & cranberry sauce served with horseradish, local mustard, roasted shallot jus • s au c e – choose: Orange ginger and hoisin sauce, Panko herb crusted with roasted shallot au jus or roasted with apple and Calvados jus PAGE 10 with lemon caper butter sauce and crispy capers ADDITIONS * Prices subject to any applicable gratuities and taxes. Reception W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING A minimum of two dozen is required for each item ordered. Recommended serving of 4-6 pieces per person for pre-dinner cocktail hour. Recommended serving of 10 pieces per person for cocktail party. Hot Hors D’oeuvres – $34*/dozen • M i n i b e e f we l l i ngto n • Ve ge ta b l e s a m o s a s with curried yogurt • S pr i n g r o ll s with plum sauce • I n d i a n spi c e d c h i c k e n s k e w e rS with chutney • S e sa m e c r u st e d M a n c h u ri a n c h icken • B aco n w r a p p e d s ca l lo p s • S pa n a kopi ta Upscale – $38*/ dozen (MIN. tHREE dOZEN) • Duck Fo ie Gr a s on Brioche with Smoked Salt • S ush i sel ect io n & Ca l ifo r nia r olls wasabi, pickled ginger and soya sauce • P istach io AND musta r d cr ust ed lamb chop s • Mini Yo r ksh ir e p uffs with braised beef short ribs • Duck co nfit sp r ing r o l l s Cold – $32*/dozen • B e e f T e n d e rlo i n Ca rpacci o with Béarnaise-style Aioli • St r awber r ies with peppered cream cheese • Ve g e ta r i a n P o l e nta b i t e s topped with parmesan & micro greens • B eet cur ed sa l mo n & h er b cr ea m cheese crost iniS • S hr i m p, m a n g o & m i nt f re s h ro l l s • C l a ssi c d e v i ll e d e g g s • Wat e r m e lo n & f e ta with mint honey • S h r imp co ckta il sh o ot er s • B o cco ncini ch eese, to mato A ND basil skewerS • Veg eta bl e Cr udit é g l a ss with creamy ranch * Prices subject to any applicable gratuities and taxes. PAGE 11 Reception Enhancements W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING Chef Stations : minimum 30 guests required Carved slow roasted AAA prime rib of beef $425*/piece (serves approx. 45 guests) Served with horseradish, local mustards and fresh baked buns Merlot braised beef short rib cupcakes $10*/PERSON with choice of mashed potato Jumbo prawn flambé $9*/PERSON with toasted coconut and Malibu charred pineapple Sesame crusted tuna $10*/PERSON Seaweed salad, ginger soy dressing, shrimp cracker Rack of lamb $12*/PERSON (Chef’s Gold Medal Plate) Mustard & pistachio crusted, green pea mint puree, potato & corn hash PAGE 12 Live oyster station Market pricing Seasonal east or west coast oysters, shallot vinaigrette, lemons & Tabasco sauce Poutine Bar $9.50*/PERSON Crispy fries, real cheese curds, mustard, ketchup, vinegar, scallions, diced peppers, pickles, bacon bites, flavoured salt Wild mushroom flambé $9*/PERSON Brandy flambéed wild mushrooms on garlic toast Smoked Salmon or House Marinated Gravlax $10*/PERSON Served with mini bagels, pumpernickel, cream cheese, capers and red onions * Prices subject to any applicable gratuities and taxes. Reception Enhancements W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING Platters & Boards International AND Domestic cheeseboard $9*/pERSON With assorted crackers Italian Platter $10*/PERSON with Genoa salami, cappicola, stuffed olives, house-made bruschetta, focaccia, bocconcine cheese Antipasto charcuterie platter Mediterranean Platter Olives, roast red peppers, marinated artichokes, hummus and grilled flat bread with Tabbouleh salad, dolmades, pita bread, roasted pepper hummus, tzatziki, olives Vegetable Crudité Cold Cut Platter with Dip with Kaiser Rolls, Assorted Cold Cuts, Sliced Cheese, Pickles, Cold Veggies & Dip $9*/PERSON $125* (serves approx. 25 people) Fresh Sliced Fruit $150* (serves approx. 25 people) with Honey Lemon Dip $10*/PERSON $10*/PERSON * Prices subject to any applicable gratuities and taxes. Shrimp Tower $10*/PERSON with cocktail sauce, Remoulade sauce & lemon PAGE 13 Late Lunch W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING Available only to groups having a meal service Deli Buffet Poutine Bar Kaiser Rolls, assorted cold cuts, sliced cheese, pickles, vegetables and dip. Crispy fries, real cheese curds, mustard, ketchup, vinegar, scallions, diced peppers, pickles, bacon bites, flavoured salt. $10*/PERSON Pizza $60* (approx. 30 slices) Homemade pizza dough with choice of 2 toppings: ham & pineapple, spinach & feta, pepperoni mushroom. Perogy Bar $9.50*/PERSON Served with sautéed onions, sour cream, chives, garnished with sausage. PAGE 14 $9.50*/PERSON Italian Platter $10*/PERSON Genoa salami, cappicola, stuffed olives, house-made bruschetta, focaccia, bocconcine cheese. * Prices subject to any applicable gratuities and taxes. Bar Information W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING SOFT DRINKS – $2*/GLASS Wines Beer • Lindema n’ s Bin 65 CHARDONNAY • Dom e st i c Be e r Coors Lite, Pilsner, Canadian, Alexander Keith’s, Bohemian, Rickard’s Red – $6.50/bottle • B LACK CELLAR PINOT GR IGI O CH A R DO NNAY • Dom e st i c Be e r Coors Light, Pilsner – $7.50/PINT • I m po rt e d B e e r Heineken, Sol, Stella, Guinness, Coors Banquet, Dos Equis – $7.50/BOTTLE Highballs • Dom e st i c Bra n d s Vodka, Gin, White, Dark or Spiced Run, Scotch – $6.50 $7.50/GLASS (5 OZ. ) | $34/BOTTLE $7.50/GLASS (5 OZ. ) | $34/BOTTLE • B LACK CELLAR MALBEC MERLOT $7.50/GLASS (5 OZ. ) | $34/BOTTLE • C o p p er Mo o n Sh ir a z $7.50/GLASS (5 OZ. ) | $34/BOTTLE Bar prices are inclusive of taxes Bar closure fee of $10/person for non-alcoholic bar events Cocktails Caesar, Long Island Iced Tea, Paralyzer – $7.50 PAGE 15 WEDDING Catering Policies W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING Provisional Booking and Contract Execution Once an tournament date has been coordinated with The Wascana Country Club your tournament will be provisionally booked for 72 hours. A signed contract is required within the first 72 hours to secure your requested event date. If you fail to submit an executed contract within 72 hours, T he Wascana Country Club reserves the right to open up the date to other tournaments. INITIAL Deposit and Payment A deposit of $1,000 is required 72 hours after the initial booking to secure the requested date. Should you decide to cancel your tournament this deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable. Final payment must be made one week prior to the event date. INITIAL Should you fail to meet any of the above payment terms, T he Wascana Country Club reserves the right to apply an interest rate of 1.5% to any outstanding charges. Cancellations Cancellations received within 90 days of an event date can result in a cancellation fee of 25% of the anticipated revenue; within 60 days prior 50% of the anticipated revenue; within 30 days or less 75-100% of the anticipated revenue. T he Wascana Country Club will make every effort to resell the space and will waive the cancellation fees if another event is booked of similar value. INITIAL Guarantees The guaranteed number of attendees is required one (1) week prior to the event. Should you fail to provide your guaranteed number of guests by this time T he Wascana Country Club will use the original number specified in the signed contract. Please note, T he Wascana Country Club will not be prepared for more than 5% attendance above the final guarantee. The billed amount will be calculated based on your guaranteed number of attendees or actual attendees, whichever is greater. INITIAL Prices INITIAL Dress code INITIAL All menu and room rental prices are subject to change without notice. Quoted prices will be guaranteed for ninety (90) days prior to the event. All catering and beverages are subject to 18% gratuities and 5% GST. Everyone is expected to dress in a tasteful and appropriate manner. Contemporary and fashionable attire is acceptable. Jeans of any kind are not permitted at T he Wascana Country Club. This dress code applies to all g uests ons ite for set up and teardown. PAGE 16 WEDDING Catering Policies W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING Menus No outside food or beverage of any kind will be allowed in the facility by any parties involved in the event. There are a variety of plated service and buffet dinner options included in this package. These packages are not to be viewed as the only option for your event, they are to be seen as guidelines. T he Wascana Country C lub is prepared to assist in menu customization for your event. Menus and all special menu requests (vegetarian, allergy concerns, etc.) are required to be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the event. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a menu selection from the E x ecut i v e Chef. For special menu requests please include the guest’s name. INITIAL Due to Health & Safety regulations, T he Wascana Country Club prohibits the removal of any food following the event, with the exception of anniversary, birthday, or wedding cakes. Alcohol and Beverage Service We offer a full-service bar. Open bar, cash bar, subsidized bar, host tickets etc. can all be accommodated for the event. T he Wascana Country Club operates in accordance with Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority regulations. No outside alcohol or beverages are permitted in the facility and the removal of any alcohol from the venue is strictly prohibited. INITIAL The bar can remain open until 1 AM at the latest. All guests and entertainers must vacate the premises by 1:30 AM. T he Wascana Country C lub reserves the right to discontinue service to all guests. Availability INITIAL Audio Visual (A/V) Equipment Requirements INITIAL SOCAN and Re:Sound INITIAL The space you have booked will be made available on the day of your event to begin decorating (specific times will be determined with the Cater i n g & Ev ents Manag er). All equipment and decorations must be removed at the end of the night. Any set-up or dismantling that needs to take place outside of these specified times must be coordinated with the Catering & Ev ents Manag er. You are responsible for notifying us of all a/v requirements you have for your event. Please provide us with the name of an a/v company of your choice and we can work with them directly. If you are not familiar with any a/v company, we can provide a List of recommendations for your review. Any audio visual charges will be itemized on your final bill. All live and recorded entertainment is subject to SOCAN (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) and Re:Sound fees. Should you have live or recorded entertainment a SOCAN fee of $59.17 (plus GST) and Re:Sound fee of $26.63 (plus GST) will be applied to your final bill. PAGE 17 WEDDING Catering Policies W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING Decorations T he Wascana Country Club permits you to decorate the room as required for your event. Fastening any object to the wall or electrical fixtures and the use of tacks, nails, screws, bolts, or any tools which could mark the floors, walls, or ceiling is strictly prohibited. Event staff can assist in decorating for your event at a charge of $50/hour at a minimum of three (3) hours. All decorations and equipment must be removed immediately after the event. The use of confetti, glitter, or rice anywhere on T he Wascana Country Club’ s premises (interior and exterior) is strictly prohibited and can be subject to a $500 clean up fee. INITIAL All signage should be of a professional quality. Requests to place promotional material, signage, etc. in the main lobby must be approved by the General Manag er two (2) weeks prior to the event. General The event representative is held responsible for any damages to the facility over the duration of the event that was caused by the act or negligence of any and all parties involved in the event. T he Wascana Country Club is not responsible for any loss or damage to goods stored prior to arrival and during or after the event. Any personal effects or items left behind must be retrieved within 24 hours following the event. Animals, with the exception of service animals, are not permitted within the facility. A service animal is defined as an animal that has been trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. INITIAL The Wascana Country Club reserves the right to host more than one function on the property at any given time. The Wascana Country Club reserves the right to host more than one function on the property at any given time. I hereby understand and agree to the terms and policies outlined above. I have initialed each section to signify I have read each stipulation. SIGNATURE DATE PAGE 18 WEDDING CATERING Contract W ASCANA COUNT R Y CLUB W EDDING CATE RING EVENT NAME: Date: Start Time: END Time: ROOMS: COST: Contact: Work:Cell: Email: Deposit: $ Paid by: Cheque Credit Card Payment Information: A valid credit card number is required to secure your tournament booking and security reasons for any damages the facility may receive due to any negligible act performed by the parties involved in your event. Credit Card #: Expiry Date: Cardholder’s Name: Cardholder’s Phone #: Cardholder’s Signature: By signing the above, the cardholder hereby authorizes T he Wascana Country Club to charge any outstanding amount from the total balance to the credit card information provided. A s i gned copy o f the p ol i c i es and p rocedures must be submitted along w i th the e x ecute d contract 72 hours after initial booking to secure date an d s paces selecte d. THE WASCANA 2016 WEDDING CATERING WASCANA COUNTRY CLUB 6500 Wascana PARKWAY, Regina, SK S4P 3C2 CanadA 306-586-5666 www.was canaco u nt ryclu b . com