international journal of greenhouse gas control 1 (2007) 69–74 available at journal homepage: ‘‘The Schweinrich structure’’, a potential site for industrial scale CO2 storage and a test case for safety assessment in Germany Eric Kreft a,*, Christian Bernstone b, Robert Meyer c, Franz May c, Rob Arts a, Arie Obdam a, Rickard Svensson b, Sara Eriksson b, Pierre Durst d, Irina Gaus d, Bert van der Meer a, Cees Geel a a TNO, PO Box 80015, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands Vattenfall Utveckling AB, SE-162, 87 Stockholm, Sweden c BGR, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany d BRGM, F-45060 Orleans, France b article info abstract Article history: The identification of risks associated with the geological storage of CO2 requires methods Received 31 July 2006 that can analyse and assess potential safety hazards. This paper evaluates how perfor- Received in revised form mance assessment can be used as a method for assessing the impact of CO2 storage on 20 December 2006 health, safety and the environment (HSE) with particular respect to potential future aquifer Accepted 22 December 2006 storage in the anticlinal structure Schweinrich in Germany. The performance assessment Published on line 9 March 2007 was conducted under the CO2STORE European Fifth Framework project as one of the four cases on the aquifer storage of CO2. It is known as the Schwarze Pumpe case study. Keywords: Being a case study, it is restrictive from a feasibility study point of view—i.e., the CO2 storage extended identification of the key safety factors where an actual CO2 storage project would Aquifer storage be considered for the Schweinrich structure. The study is based on data currently available, Geological storage gathered in prior surveys, and on the use of simplified models, with CO2 leakage levels from Safety assessment natural analogues being the evaluation criteria. While the results should be interpreted as FEP analysis provisional, they point out clearly which additional data should be gathered in relation to the long-term storage performance in the event that the site warrants further investigation. # 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Assessing and managing the risks associated with the geological storage of CO2 is a relatively new area of research; there is no detailed knowledge base as a frame of reference. This therefore shifts the focus to learning from studies conducted for other substances whose risks are similar yet contain differences. A thorough safety assessment method called performance assessment has been adopted on this basis. Natural gas storage teaches us that several HSE risks associated with subsurface storage can be managed through the strict regulation of site selection and well construction. Thus, it is also important to establish guidelines, in addition to performance assessment evaluation, for inclusion in a future safety standard for CO2 storage. The performance has been applied to the Schwarze Pumpe case study. The Schwarze Pumpe plant is located in Brandenburg (Niederlausitz) 150 km southeast of Berlin and * Corresponding author. Current address: EBN, 3511 DX, Utrecht, The Netherlands. E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Kreft). 1750-5836/$ – see front matter # 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S1750-5836(07)00009-6 70 international journal of greenhouse gas control 1 (2007) 69–74 operated by Vattenfall Europe Generation. The potential Schweinrich storage site is located in the north-eastern region of Germany, about 100 km north-west of Berlin, at a depth of approximately 1600 m. It was selected as the most suitable candidate in the north-eastern German basin for the underground storage of 400 million tonnes of CO2, which corresponds to 40 years’ production from a 1600 MW lignite-fired power plant. 2. The geology of the structure The Schweinrich structure covers an area of about 100 km2 and its estimated storage potential is between 500 and 840 tonnes of CO2 (Meyer et al., 2006). Its anticlinal structure (Fig. 1) contains two main reservoirs: the shallower one in the Lower Jurassic (Lias, Hettang) and the deeper one in the Upper Triassic (Keuper, Contorta). The total reservoir thickness ranges between 270 and 380 m and consists of several layers of fine-grained, highly porous sandstone, which is overlain by several hundred meters of thick Jurassic clay formations that cap the storage system. The current geological model of Schweinrich is based on the information available from 2D seismic lines and from exploration wells near the structure, mostly recorded and drilled in the early 70s. No wells penetrate the anticline. Refinement of the geological model combined with new data as it is gathered will continue throughout the performance assessment process. The Schweinrich structure has been used as a representative generic model that is also valid for other potential storage sites in north-east Germany. 3. The methodology involves the: Definition of a basis for the assessment; analysis of features, events and processes (FEPs) formation of safety scenarios; development of dedicated models for probabilistic simulation of safety scenarios; evaluation of HSE effects on safety. The basis of the methodology is a comprehensive evaluation of potential safety factors (FEPs) that may affect the future performance of the storage site. A large number of FEPs are evaluated and the most relevant and critical regarding safety are selected for further evaluation. The FEPs are the building blocks for the construction of safety scenarios, which are simulated by numerical models. The long-term storage performance is evaluated using probabilistic simulation in order to cover the uncertainty related to the future impact of the safety factors. This study compares the results from the simulation models against the CO2 leakage levels from natural analogues (e.g., reported in Streit and Watson, 2004). The FEP analysis of the Schweinrich structure evaluates potential HSE factors within the next 1000 years following CO2 injection. However, since the safety factors that are identified may generate hazards, the simulations are run for additional 9000 years. The outcome of the safety scenarios was expressed as the maximum concentration and maximum flux of CO2 in the pore system in the Pleistocene sediments in the shallow subsurface and represented in the simulation models by the topmost subsurface layer. Since no modelling of the flow and fate of CO2 in the shallow groundwater compartment was conducted, no outcome was given with respect to groundwater deterioration and mobilisation of heavy metals. This has been planned for the next phase of the performance assessment. Methodology The purpose of the performance assessment study has been to evaluate its suitability as a method for determining the Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) effects of CO2 storage. These effects have also been evaluated from a feasibility point of view, thereby identifying and evaluating the key safety factors at an early stage (for further examination in a follow-up project). 4. Identified safety scenarios Four safety scenarios were identified through FEP combinations: 1. Reference: no failure of the containment zone occurs. This scenario, considered to be the most likely, reflects the CO2 Fig. 1 – Cross-section of the Schweinrich anticline between two salt diapers. The hatched area indicates the reservoir and storage position. 71 international journal of greenhouse gas control 1 (2007) 69–74 Table 1 – Number of grid blocks of different Schweinrich simulation models Simplified radial model (2D) Simplified Cartesian model (3D) Deterministic 3D model # Grid blocks X # Grid blocks Y # Grid blocks Z 25 20 84 21 40 16 17 22 injection process and the flow and fate of CO2 in the reservoir after abandonment of the site. 2. Leaking-seal: the leaking seal scenario reflects the CO2 injection process and the flow and fate of CO2 through the cap rock due to geochemical deterioration. The reason for the possible release of CO2 through the cap rock might be due to small amounts of carbonates and thin marl layers in the shale layers that form the cap rock. 3. Leaking-fault: the leaking fault scenario reflects the flow and fate of CO2 through a fault system running from the cap rock to the shallow subsurface. The interpretation of the existing seismic lines over the Schweinrich structure are not conclusive due to the poor data quality, but the existence of fault systems in the Mesozoic and Caenozoic overburden cannot be ruled out (Fig. 1). At this moment, the constituency of such a fault system and its permeability are simply unknown and require additional data acquisition. 4. Leaking-well: the leaking well scenario reflects the CO2 injection process and the flow and fate of CO2 along the well trajectory due to several events and processes. The drilling and completion schedule of future wells are unknown. Therefore a ‘‘generic’’ abandoned old well safety scenario based on a previous study was applied to the FEP evaluation (Wildenborg et al., 2005). This scenario was chosen mainly to evaluate the differences in outcome with the above scenarios. It must be noted, that no abandoned wells penetrate the Schweinrich structure and that all possible precautions can still be taken for future injection wells making the occurrence of leaking wells highly unlikely. 5. Model development The safety scenarios present the possible future flow and fate of CO2 for 10,000 years after injection. The scenarios are represented in simplified 2D and 3D models with stochastically varied input parameters using the multi-component flow Time per run 22 s 20 min 2 days simulator SIMED-II (Stevenson and Pinczewski, 1995). Because Simed II does not allow mechanical and chemical processes to be modelled, the mechanical and chemical safety factors that apply to the identified safety scenarios are represented by adjustments in hydrodynamic properties (Svensson et al., 2005). The advantage of using simplified models is their limited run time, which allows a large number of stochastic input combinations to be modelled (Table 1). Simplifications relate mainly to the limited number of grid cells and the homogeneous layer properties. The simplified models have been calibrated to a detailed, deterministic, finely scaled model of the Schweinrich structure over an injection period of 40 years (Fig. 2) based on the following: 1. Similar input properties: the stochastic models should have similar input properties, such as porosity and (relative) permeability. For the coarser stochastic models these properties have been averaged on the basis of the detailed deterministic model. 2. Similar pressure development: the development of the pressure of the reservoir in time needs to be similar to the development in the deterministic model over the first 40 years. 3. Similar CO2 spread/distribution: the spread of the CO2 front in the stochastic models should be similar to the spread in the deterministic model where the CO2 front has a lateral spread of more than 2 km after 40 years. Buoyancy is the main cause of CO2 rising. One thousand simulations were carried out for each safety scenario, with the variation of the stochastic input parameters, such as permeability, constrained on the basis of related studies (Hildenbrand et al., 2004; Schlömer and Krooss, 1997). An example of the magnitude is given in Table 2 (Svensson et al., 2005). In the event of uncertainty about input parameters that were not varied stochastically, worst-case values were generally selected. Moreover, neither the CO2 dissolution in the aqueous phase nor capillary entry pressures were taken into account. A Fig. 2 – Development of the CO2 gas saturation in time (3D deterministic model). 72 international journal of greenhouse gas control 1 (2007) 69–74 Table 2 – Stochastic input parameters of the leaking fault scenario Parameter Reservoir horizontal permeability Distance between fault and well Fault vert. permeability (clay) Fault vert. permeability (silt) Fault vert. permeability (sand) Units Type of distribution Low High mD m mD mD mD Uniform Uniform Uniform 100 fault vert. perm. (clay) 10,000 fault vert. perm (clay) 50 50 10 3 10 1 10 1 1000 2500 10 1 10 1 10 3 few sensitivities were run, including CO2 dissolution, in order to evaluate the effects on the outcome of the model. Changes in flux and concentration with respect to the case without CO2 dissolution varied between 2% and 25% in flux and between 0% and 7% in concentration for high and low release rates, respectively. For these reasons the outcome expressed as the maximum flux of CO2 in the shallow subsurface Pleistocene sediments are biased towards the worst-case scenarios. 6. Simulation results The reference scenario and the leaking-seal scenario show no increase of CO2 in the Pleistocene sediments over 10,000 years. The CO2 escaping from the seal is sufficiently held up and spread over time that it does not reach the shallow subsurface (Fig. 3). The leaking-fault scenario, i.e. where it is assumed that a fault extends from the cap rock to the shallow subsurface, shows a relatively slow migration process of CO2 along the fault plane. An example of one of the simplified model runs is presented in Fig. 4. Maximum CO2 fluxes vary between 0.00025 and 0.62 tonnes/(year m2) in the Pleistocene sediments (Fig. 5). These values are comparable to leakage rates from natural CO2 accumulations in Europe and Australia (Streit and Watson, 2004). The maximum CO2 gas concentration in the shallow subsurface Pleistocene sediments is less than 4% at a depth of 80 m, which is close to the lower limit of moderate effects on trees and crops (Saripalli et al., 2002). The effects of the fluxes and concentrations on the shallow subsurface ecosystem will be investigated in a later phase. The ranges in outcome show that further research on the existence of the faults through the cap rock is required. Such a study would be a priority if actual CO2 storage project were to be considered at Schweinrich. The location of the faults can be investigated by running a 3D seismic survey, and the fault properties determined by conducting a special study on the local fault permeability. These fault property values would be needed for detailed coupled THMC models in order to restrict the range of fluxes obtained from the stochastic models. Note that the simulation results should be interpreted as worstcase scenarios, especially since the presence of faults cutting the cap rock has not yet been established. The leaking-well scenario (Fig. 6) is the most dramatic, with average release percentages of 60% of the total amount of injected CO2. The release of CO2 is directly proportional to the permeability of the well zone, which increases in time as a result of various FEPs that apply specifically to this scenario. It should be noted is that the study is based on the data of an existing abandoned old well and not the quality to Fig. 3 – Cross-sections of the simplified 2D flow model presenting subsurface CO2 saturation in the leaking-seal scenario. The CO2 injection is positioned on the left-hand side of the sections. international journal of greenhouse gas control 1 (2007) 69–74 73 Fig. 4 – Quadrant of the simplified 3D flow model presenting subsurface CO2 saturation in the leaking-fault scenario. The CO2 injection is positioned in the lower left corner. Note that this scenario assumes that a permeable fault from the cap rock to shallow subsurface is present, but this cannot be confirmed at this stage. More data (i.e., seismic data) is needed to explore the extent of the fault system. Fig. 5 – Simulated maximum fluxes and maximum concentrations in local groundwater for the leaking-fault scenario (assuming there is a leaking fault). Results were acquired without modelling CO2 dissolution in the aqueous phase. Fig. 6 – Cross-sections of the simplified 2D leaking-well scenario, presenting the subsurface CO2 saturation. 74 international journal of greenhouse gas control 1 (2007) 69–74 be expected from a purpose-designed abandoned CO2 injection well. Maximum fluxes in the Pleistocene vary between 15 tonnes/(year m2) and 350 tonnes/(year m2). This flux is about 1–10 times the fluxes measured at the Cava dei Selci near Rome, where fatal accidents were caused by natural CO2 emissions (Carapezza et al., 2003). However, this is not a realistic scenario for Schweinrich since new wells would be better designed and high leakage rates in the well zone detected early enabling mitigating actions to be taken to avoid further leakage. Most probably, the injection wells would be placed on the lower flanks of the Schweinrich structure. As mentioned previously, this scenario was run mainly to evaluate the differences in outcome with the scenarios above. 7. Conclusions This first HSE performance assessment of the Schweinrich structure was conducted on the basis of the available existing and limited input data prior to commercial site exploration. The reference scenario and some worst case scenarios have been analysed using simplified models. The outcome is biased towards worst-case scenarios because of the uncertainty about the input parameters and the use of simplified models. The results are provisional, given the ongoing data-gathering process and refinement of the geological model. The methodology evaluation shows that the performance assessment methodology is a powerful tool for use in safety assessments of CO2 storage projects, one that is able to distinguish relevant safety scenarios at an early stage. The performance assessment clearly reveals which additional data should be gathered in respect of long-term storage performance if further investigation of the site should be needed. Acknowledgements This study is part of the European CO2STORE project. The authors thank the European Commission and the industrial consortium partners for funding this research. references Carapezza, M.L., Badalamenti, B., Cavarra, L., Scalzo, A., 2003. Gas hazard assessment in a densely inhabited area of Colli Albani Volcano (Cava dei Selci, Roma). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 123, 81–94. Hildenbrand, A., Schlömer, S., Krooss, B.M., Littke, R., 2004. Gas Breakthrough Experiments on Pelitic Rocks: Comparative Study with N2, CO2 and CH4, Geofluids. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 4-6180. Meyer, R., May, F., Krull, P., Durst, P., Gaus, I., Kreft, E., Meer, B.v.d., Geel, K., Svensson, R., Bernstone, C., 2006. Geological characterisation of the structure Schweinrich—a suitable candidate site for industrial CO2 storage in Germany? In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 19–22 June, 2006, Trondheim. 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