Tiger Flyer


Tiger Flyer
African Union Commission
African Water Facility
SA Department of Water Affairs
World Bank
“Initiatives such as TIGER, which will deliver enhanced
and timely information for water resource management,
are therefore of critical importance to developing nations”
Looking After Water in Africa
TIGER initiative: www.tiger.esa.int/index.php
© ESA 2013
Honourable Buyelwa Sonjica MP, Former Minister
of Water Affairs and Forestry of the Republic of South Africa
TCBF: www.itc.nl/tiger
TIGER-NET: www.tiger-net.org
In 2002, responding to the urgent need for action in Africa stressed by
the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD),
the European Space Agency (ESA) within the framework of the Committee
of Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) launched the TIGER initiative –
Looking After Water in Africa.
Over more than 10 years of existence the TIGER initiative has established
and supported capacity building activities and development projects
involving some 42 African countries and reaching more than 150 African
water authorities and research institutes.
TIGER Objectives
TIGER promotes the use of Earth Observation (EO) for improved Integrated
Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Africa. The overall objective of
the initiative is to assist African countries to overcome problems faced
in the collection, analysis and use of water related geo-information by
exploiting the advantages of EO technology. The aim is to build the local
capacity for an effective and sustainable water resources management
within African water authorities and research institutions at national and
trans-boundary basin scale.
TIGER is based on a user driven approach under African leadership the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) has endorsed TIGER
in 2006. The following international partners support and advise the
TIGER initiative on its implementation and evolution: AMCOW, African
Union Commission, African Water Facility, Department of Water Affairs of
the Republic of South Africa, CSA, ESA, Ramsar Secretariat, UNESCO-IHP,
UN-Economic Commission for Africa, UNDP Cap-Net and the World Bank.
TIGER Elements
TIGER is based on two major elements:
• Capacity building & Training to support the consolidation of a critical
mass of scientists and institutions in Africa with the skills and capabilities
to derive and exploit space-based water relevant information
• Development of EO-based information services for IWRM by developing,
demonstrating, validating and transferring to African water authorities
the relevant knowledge, tools, products and services.
Sustainability of the process is ensured by the direct involvement and
ownership of African scientists and water experts in all phases of
development, from product/service specification to its transfer to operations:
• Tools such as the Water Observation and Information System (WOIS) are
developed upon specification from African end-users (Water authorities)
• Projects and services are demonstrated and transferred to African water
authorities supported by dedicated training and capacity building
• Training of the (African) Trainers maximises the spread of EO-related
knowledge within the African continent
• Collaboration with international development agencies and initiatives
aims to create synergies and leverage existing resources
TIGER Workshop 2011 hosted by DWA and SANSA gathered the TIGER community in South Africa
Study sites of current TIGER research projects (2009-2013)
lead by African scientists
→ Capacity Building and Research
TCBF Activities
The TIGER Capacity Building Facility (TCBF) was launched in 2006 to
respond to training needs and offering scientific support to African
researchers in the field of IWRM and the Earth’s water cycle.
To date more than 300 African water experts, scientists and stakeholders
from universities to regional water authorities have received training from
the facility.
The Facility supports African researchers and water managers via a
portfolio of activities including:
Develop training courses & material focussed on selected earth
observation techniques.
Conduct specialized training courses with African scientists, water
managers and stakeholders
• Provide tailored scientific support and facilitate EO data access for 70
research projects
• Provide scientific research supervision, including research stages and
• Support the four Regional Offices AGHRYMET (Niger), RCMRD (Kenya),
WRC (SA), OSS (TU) in regional capacity building activities
TCBF Objectives
The TCBF is devoted to support African scientists to develop scientific
skills and technical capacity to make the best use of Earth Observation
technology for water resources management in Africa. The activities run
by the Facility also contribute to the building of a community that unites
the African users of Earth observation technology for water research and
applications around the continent.
To foster North-South exchanges, scientific supervision of research
projects and post-graduate fellowships are supported in direct scientific
collaboration between African and European research institutions. In
particular, ESA is funding through the TIGER Alcantara Studies (part of
ESA’s General Studies Programme) six research projects lead by African
scientists selected from the TIGER network to carry out research work
during scientific fellowships at European research institutes.
To reinforce the capacity building actions, training and education tools have
been produced, such as the TIGER Training Kit. This aims to provide African
partners with a common baseline in terms of knowledge and understanding
of the use of EO technology in support to water-related issues.
1. Participants to the ‘Advanced EO Methods in Water
Management’ and ‘High level introductory short training on
DDS & RWIS’ training courses hosted at SANSA
3. Training Course “Synergic Use of Advanced EO for Water
Management” hosted by DW Zambia in collaboration with the
World Bank
2. Lake Malawi ENVISAT, MERIS [12-Oct-2010]
→ Water Observation and Information System (WOIS)
WOIS development and capabilities
In March 2012 ESA launched at the World Water Forum the TIGER-NET
project, which develops and demonstrates in close collaboration with
African water authorities an user-driven, open-source Water Observation
and Information System (WOIS) based on EO technology.
The project has developed an open-source WOIS, which enables the
production and application of a range of satellite EO based information
products needed for IWRM in Africa. The specification and development
of the WOIS was conducted in close collaboration with African water
authorities: Nile Basin initiative, Lake Chad Basin Commission, Volta
Basin Authority, Department of Water Affairs South Africa and the
Ministry of Water of Namibia. The tool is being installed, demonstrated
and transferred to the African organisations, which are receiving specific
training on its usage, exploitation and integration to their operational
work flow (e.g. reporting).
Free data access (with the future Sentinel missions), free licensing,
processing capacity and integrate ability with existing systems are key
advantages of the WOIS, which shall enable extension to other countries
and regions in Africa and encourage user-driven sustainability in terms of
funding and operation.
Building on the long-term TIGER development and experience, the
TIGER-NET project aims to support the assessment and monitoring of
water resources from watershed to cross-border basin level delivering
indispensable information for Integrated Water Resources Management
in Africa through:
• Development of an open-source WOIS for monitoring, assessing and
inventorying water related processes in a cost-effective manner
• Capacity building and training of African water authorities and technical
centres to fully exploit the increasing observation capacity offered by current
and upcoming generations of satellites, including the Sentinels missions.
eo water products
• Large lakes water quality
and levels monitoring
• Soil moisture
• Evapotranspiration (optional)
• Precipitation (optional)
• Base mapping
• Medium resolution land
degradation index
• Medium resolution full basin
4. User requirement consultation meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
5. Lake Chad surface area extent and high resolution land cover,
derived with the WOIS based on optical satellite data (left side)
for the Lake Chad Basin Commission
• High resolution full basin
• Small water bodies mapping
• Flood mapping system
• Hydrological characterization
• Water supply and sanitation
planning support
Structure of the WOIS and integrated software modules
processing capacity
Water Observation & Information System
Fresh Water
• Storage • Import/export • ftp
• Pre-processing • Image classification
• Change detection • Accuracy assessment
• Visualization • Digitizing • Multi-criteria decision
analysis • Presentation (Maps, Charts, Plots, Tables)
• Data preparation • Hydrological response units
based on terrain slope, land cover and soil type
• Simulation of crop growth, soil moisture,
groundwater storage and river discharge
• Post-processing of time-series and map output
from the simulation • Validation from in-situ data,
radar altimetry and soil moisture products
• Support for scenario development
(e.g. land-use change, irrigation development)
applications for african
water authorities
TIGER-NET Objectives
African Union Commission
African Water Facility
SA Department of Water Affairs
World Bank
“Initiatives such as TIGER, which will deliver enhanced
and timely information for water resource management,
are therefore of critical importance to developing nations”
Looking After Water in Africa
TIGER initiative: www.tiger.esa.int/index.php
© ESA 2013
Honourable Buyelwa Sonjica MP, Former Minister
of Water Affairs and Forestry of the Republic of South Africa
TCBF: www.itc.nl/tiger
TIGER-NET: www.tiger-net.org