Public Release of the TIGER Water Observation and
Public Release of the TIGER Water Observation and
Special Edition, September,2014 Public Release of the TIGER Water Observation and Information System Contents Public release of the WOIS 1 WOIS Capacity 2 Product Portfolio 3 Software Access 4 TIGER-NET Project Information 4 As part of the TIGER initiative, ESA funded the TIGER-NET project to develop and provide an open-source Water Observation and Information Systems (WOIS) enabling to support monitoring, assessing and inventorying water resources in a cost-effective manner using Earth Observation (EO) data. The selected consortium was led by GeoVille and included DHI GRAS, TU Wien, DTU and ISIM. Since the project was officially kicked off at the World Water Forum in Marseilles in March 2012, the technical teams were busy to lay down the requirements with the African water authorities and developed the software in collaboration with the African experts. So far the first version has been installed and trained at eight participating transboundary and national African Water Authorities: Lake Chad Basin Commission, Nile Basin Initiative, Volta Basin Authority, Zambezi Watercourse Commission, Department of Water Affairs in Namibia, South Africa and Zambia as well as MettelSat of Democratic Republic of Congo. We are pleased to ANNOUNCE THE PUBLIC RELEASE OF THE CURRENT WOIS VERSION, which empowers Water Authorities to produce a comprehensive suite of water related information products based on observations from satellites. The main advantages of the WOIS are: Satellites provide transboundary observation capacity for river basins EO derived products provide transparent information for reporting and IWRM As an open-source software the WOIS including dedicated workflows is a sustainable and user friendly tool (see for more details below – page 2: full software specifications, page 3: product portfolio, page 4: download information). A short video overview of the WOIS capacity is available under The recent publication in the Special Remote Sensing Issue on Earth Observation for Water Resource Management in Africa provides the scientific background and in depth insights of the various processing chains. Edited by: GeoVille Information The next release of the software is focused on the Sentinel (1 & 2) support to ensure a fully operational capacity. Already the current WOIS has an initial Senitel-1 processing capacity for flood mapping, which will be extended to all water body related information products. This was recently demonstrated when Namibian authorities triggered a Sentinel-1A tasking of the Caprivi flood plain on the 13th of April, which was processed with the WOIS to capture the full extent of the flood, providing a crucial monitoring capacity to help decide how to respond to a serious flood. Until May 2015 TIGER-NET will continue to make the WOIS ready for the Sentinel missions and provide dedicated support to all participating African water authorities. The TIGER Capacity Building Facility, responsible for implementing the capacity building element within the TIGER initiative, will integrate the WOIS in its training programme on monitoring, assessing and inventorying of water resources using EO. The TIGER Newsletter 1 The Water Observation and Information System Capacity The WOIS has been designed in direct response to user requirements, i.e., based on extensive consultation, review and analysis of the user needs in terms of their current technological and personnel capacity, applicationspecific monitoring demands, as well as geo-information and system needs. The corresponding WOIS is a multipurpose system consisting of a multi-connectivity database, extraction and processing of the satellite EO data through customized processing facilities, and integrative tools and models aimed at decision support e.g. Hydrological modelling and GIS embedded visualisation and analysis tools. The WOIS is designed around Quantum GIS (QGIS), which acts as the front-end Graphical-User-Interface (GUI). The other components of WOIS are: GRASS GIS (providing raster and vector analysis algorithms), BEAM and NEST (processing of optical, thermal and radar ESA and ESA Third Party Missions data products), Orfeo Toolbox (high resolution image processing), Soil Water Assessment Tool – SWAT (hydrological modelling), R scripts (statistical and graphical tools) and PostGIS (spatial database). Figure 2. The WOIS graphical user interface, including the embedded workflow library (center) and wizard-based processing workflow (right). The plugin has been used to generate a workflow library with step-by-step guidance for the users to extract specific water information products. The workflows are first and foremost supporting novice and intermediate users, while the more advanced users may choose to explore the full suite of algorithms and tools available from SEXTANTE in order to create their own workflows. Moreover, preparameterized SEXTANTE models for certain products are provided to enable an automatized production of information flows for operational applications. As part of the WOIS framework a PostGIS database is provided, enabling de-centralized operation of multiple user identities. A library of partly automatized import/export function further ensures the integration and/or connection to existing IT infrastructures and databases. SYSTEM KEY ADVANTAGES Cost and license free – Open Source Easily transferable – Easy to operate Capable of: retrieving, storing and processing EO satellite data as well as integrating in-situ data producing EO-based water related information products Figure 1. Open-source software packages integrated as part of the Water Observation and Information System (WOIS). The functionality from the different software components are integrated using the SEXTANTE spatial data analysis library, which provides a framework for incorporating algorithms from the various providers (such as GRASS GIS, BEAM, etc.) into QGIS (Figure 1). A key advantage of SEXTANTE is the ability to seamlessly use functionalities from different providers for data processing and analysis, and via a unique QGIS plugin it is possible to sequentially combine algorithms from the different providers into wizard-based processing i.e. standardised workflows of complex tasks with instructions (Figure 2). The TIGER Newsletter integrating hydrological modeling functions supporting decisions based on full GIS framework mapping and reporting functionality integrating and linking to existing user systems scaling up for future applications and demands supporting the full observational capacity of the upcoming Sentinels Source: TIGER-NET 2 WOIS Product Portfolio The operational and practical use of the WOIS to support Integrated Water resource Management (IWRM) in Africa is practically enabled through the capacity to derive a comprehensive suite of water related information products. These have been demonstrated via a series of user-specific demonstration cases, which are viewable via the TIGER-NET PORTAL and are described in the WOIS publication. The WOIS derivable water information products include: Water body mapping (small/large, shoreline changes, wetlands) Water quality monitoring (lake surface temperature, chlorophyll and sediment load) Hydrological monitoring (precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and derived indicators, water level) Hydrological modelling (scenario analysis, nearreal time water discharge and operational forecasting) Flood forecasting, monitoring, historical and vulnerability assessment High to medium land cover, change and degradation mapping (incl. land degradation vegetation indices) Soil erosion potential mapping Urban sanitation planning support The detailed description and technical specifications for each WOIS water information product is available via the TIGER-Net description of products and the WOIS System and Product Portfolio pdf. Figure 3.Examples of (from top to bottom) Pan African Operational Hydro Meteorological WOIS products (evapotranspiration, rainfall, soil moisture & derived Indicators) for focused basin wide characterization; Long term high resolution land cover characterization and monitoring of changes, showing major land cover characteristic relevant to integrated water resource management Zambezi Sentinel-1 SAR flood extent monitoring (left) and WOIS dynamic flood mapping (right) capacity providing essential information for flood monitoring. Source: ESA & TIGER-NET The TIGER Newsletter 3 WOIS Software Access The TIGER initiative is pleased to announce the public release of the current version of the open-source Water Observation and Information System (WOIS), aiming to enable African water authorities the production and application of a range of satellite earth observation based information products needed for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Africa. The WOIS is available freely to any interested user pending a short registration. The Download page will offer the possibility to download the WOIS Installation and User guide (providing system specifications and installation instructions), WOIS and Products Portfolio (description of the products, which can also be interactively searched on the TIGER-NET PORTAL), WOIS Software (single zip file of 2.7 GB or multi-part edition to be recompiled) and access to the source codes (for programmers). The help files contained in the WOIS application windows provide useful documentation about the implemented workflows. To download the WOIS, please register following the link appearing at: Source: ESA & TIGER-NET TIGER-NET Project Information The WOIS was developed within the TIGER initiative as part of the TIGER-NET project in a close collaboration with several African trans-boundary and national water authorities, which provided input on the specifications, tested and demonstrated the use of the WOIS. The initial WOIS host institutions are: Nile Basin Initiative Lake Chad Basin Commission Department of Water Affairs, Namibia Department of Water Affairs, South Africa Department of Water Affairs, Zambia Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) Volta Basin Authority Mettelsat, Democratic Republic of Congo For detailed information about the TIGER-NET project, please visit the website. Source: ESA The TIGER Newsletter 4