Energy Savings - American Green Technology
Energy Savings - American Green Technology
A M E R I C A N TM R G R E E N TECHNOLOGY CASE STUDY Bob’s Store Energy Savings Bob’s Store ACTUAL DATA 57% Cost Savings Total Energy Savings $631 Saved @ 1 Month $75,720 Saved @ 10 Years CASE STUDY A M E R I C A N G R E E N TECHNOLOGY PROJECT: BOB’S STORE MAIN LOBBY PROJECT OVERVIEW The clean, crisp illumination of AGT Induction lighting out shines other technologies in retail applications. Colors are accurate, displays fresh and inviting. Induction light is comfortable for shoppers to linger under. Product labels are sharp and easy to read with induction’s high CRI and broad color spectrum, second only to the sun. Induction does not flicker, does not color shift, and maintains strong lumen output throughout its ultra long life. Using less than 50% of the energy of traditional lighting technologies, Induction drives dollars to the bottom line. N/A MARKET LOCATION START DATE COMPLETION DATE 10 YR ENERGY COSTS TOTAL SAVINGS INFO 2013 HB04 OLD TECHNOLOGY NEW TECHNOLOGY TYPE: METAL HALIDE TYPE: AGT INDUCTION (HB04) Point Source lamps with short, 8,000 hour life, quick lumen depreciation, color shift, degrading CRI, and high monthly maintenance costs. AGT Induction with ultra long life, excellent visual acuity, zero maintenance costs for up to ten years. Colors are sharp and true. COMMERCIAL SHREWSBURY, MA 2011 2011 $133,990 $58,210 SAVINGS COMPARISONS 10 YEAR COST MONTHLY COST INDUCTION COST $58,210 $631 SAVINGS METAL HALIDE COST $133,990 57% 57% American Green Technology $75,720 SAVINGS *Based on listed data. 52129 State Route 933 South Bend, IN 46637 (269) 340 - 9975 [email protected]