The Bloomfield Group Site Specific Fact Sheet


The Bloomfield Group Site Specific Fact Sheet
The Bloomfield Group
Site Specific Fact Sheet
To ensure your Booking Request can be confirmed, you and / or your
company are required to supply the following documentation.
Induction Booking Form
Company details, payment & inductees to be inducted.
Induction Information Form
Inductee and Site Contact details need to be completed.
Statement of Competency
Completed & signed by manager or supervisor to verify that inductee is
trained and competent in task to be performed. Work history to be completed.
Drivers Licence/Proof of Identity
(provide on a separate piece of paper)
Government body Drivers Licence, all states accepted / Government Proof of
Age card.
(provide on a separate piece of paper)
Trade Certificate and Contractor / Supervisor Trade Licence relevant to job.
Other Tickets
(provide on a separate piece of paper)
All Certificates and Licences to be provided relevant to job.
i.e. WorkCover Licences
$33.00 inc GST for existing cardholders.
$66.00 inc GST for new inductees (including card).
Payment Options
Approved account holders - use P/O, Credit Card or Direct Deposit.
Documentation Submission
Qualifications to be scanned one per page, clear, legible and in colour.
Approval Time Frame
Bookings will be processed and approved by the Bloomfield Group.
Contractors will receive notification when they have been approved to
complete the induction.
Before inductions can be booked all mandatory company information must be provided and approved by the Bloomfield Group.
This paperwork can be found on the Pegasus Portal.
Please note - if all of the above documentation and requirements haven’t been met, your booking will be returned without confirmation until you can
provide all the documents and payment. Bookings will not be confirmed until all documentation is received. There are no company reservations or
proforma invoices.
Document Name: PEG-SAFE-FRM-Bloomfield Coal Site Specific sheet | Authorised by: Chief Operating Officer | Document Owner: Induction Supervisor
Original Issue:01/05/2013 | Current Version: V1 | Review Date: 28/05/2015
T 4930 2691 | F 4933 8940 | E [email protected]
The Bloomfield Group
Induction Process
Accessing the Pegasus Safety Portal
access the Pegasus Safety Portal:
Type into your web browser
Select the Online Booking tab at the top right hand corner of your screen
Select Inductions, then select Mining and Logistics
If your company is not registered with Pegasus, you will be required to ‘register’ as a new company. If your company is already registered
you will be able to login using your existing login details.
Online Induction
The Bloomfield Group Generic Induction consists of seven sections covering basic information required to be understood by contract employees
working at a Bloomfield Group site. In particular it provides an overview of the Management Systems, Policies and Procedures that are in place at
the Bloomfield Group. Each section is followed by a subject exam which will make up the overall exam result.
Please note: The induction is not complete until all questions in sections 1 -7 have been read and answered correctly. When the induction has
been completed, the Exam Results page will be shown. Each contractor should print this page as a confirmation of their induction. This will also
act as a temporary pass for the contractor until their existing card is updated or until they receive their official Onsite Track Easy card.
The Bloomfield Group Generic Induction is valid for two years from the completion date.
Site Orientation
Once the generic induction has been completed contractors will need to book into a site orientation/s. This can be done through the Pegasus
Safety Portal. The contractor will be required to select the site where they will be required to complete work. After booking into the Orientation
the contractor is required to attend the site at the time specified to complete the Orientation.
Pegasus Safety will print and mail each contractors Onsite Track Easy card to the mailing address your company has provided, once they have
passed the Bloomfield Group Generic Induction. However, contractors are not permitted to commence work until they have completed a Site
Orientation with a Bloomfield Group representative and provided other necessary documentation i.e. safe work method statement.
T 4930 2691 | F 4933 8940 | E [email protected]