Growing Investment in the Power of Human Intellect
Growing Investment in the Power of Human Intellect
A N N U A L R E P O RT T O DONORS 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 Growing Investment in the Power of Human Intellect A N N U A L R E P O RT T O M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T The Campanile Foundation provides San Diego State University with the community expertise, oversight and advocacy to increase private giving and manage the philanthropic assets of the University. DONORS 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT S an Diego State University is an institution esteemed for its century-long history, distinguished by a commitment to excellence in teaching, research and community service. I'm pleased to report that we are also seeing SDSU grow in another critical indicator of institutional health: private giving. Instituted just two years ago, The Campanile Foundation, the University’s first philanthropic body, has already matured into its intended role of supporting San Diego State University by increasing and managing the University's philanthropic assets. In this past fiscal year, 2000-2001, The Campanile Foundation led the way to an institutional fund-raising record of $42.1 million. Significantly, that figure includes an 89 percent increase over the prior year in gifts earmarked for academic programs, and faculty and student support. You, our donors, were each a part of this outstanding achievement. On behalf of our entire university community, thank you for undergirding our work in education, scholarship and service. Stephen L. Weber, President San Diego State University A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN I t has been an honor and a privilege to serve as chairman of the board of The Campanile Foundation at San Diego State University. As a charter member of the Foundation’s board of directors and a long-time supporter of SDSU, I believe strongly in the positive impact of volunteer support on the overall quality of the University. The establishment of The Campanile Foundation was a critical first step in SDSU’s efforts to enhance philanthropy and to engage the support of alumni and friends of the University. This year’s record-breaking results in private giving demonstrate the value of a philanthropic foundation and the fruits of a collaborative effort among our talented board, university staff, faculty, students and, most importantly, you, the donor. This is truly an exciting time to be involved with San Diego State University. Much has been accomplished; however, significant challenges lie ahead. Our board of directors is prepared to meet these challenges, and we look forward to engaging our donors, alumni and friends in our endeavors. Ron L. Fowler, Chairman The Campanile Foundation Board of Directors 2 GROWING INVESTMENT IN THE POWER OF HUMAN INTELLECT What do we plant when we plant the tree? We plant the ship that will cross the sea, We plant the mast to carry the sails, We plant the planks to withstand the gales– The keel, the keelson, and beam and knee– We plant the ship when we plant the tree. –Henry Abbey Abbey’s point also applies to universities. Plant a tree, nurture it carefully, and it will grow to sustain you. Just two years ago, San Diego State University planted a metaphorical tree when it established The Campanile Foundation, an auxiliary organization dedicated to increasing private giving and managing philanthropic assets. No longer a seedling, The Campanile Foundation has already matured into a vital source of sustenance for the University, yielding a record $42.1 million in private gifts in the 2000-2001 fiscal year. Importantly, two-thirds of that total will benefit key university funding priorities—academic programs, faculty support and student support. In case after case, as illustrated by the four stories that follow, The Campanile Foundation is connecting donors with the academic talent of SDSU to solve problems and meet community challenges. By supporting and expanding San Diego State University's commitment to excellence in teaching, research and community service, The Campanile Foundation is growing our collective investment in the power of human intellect. THERESA M. MENDOZA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER THE CAMPANILE FOUNDATION 3 University House MORE THAN A RESIDENCE T o Malin Burnham, the need seemed obvious. A major institution like San Diego State University "ought to have a presidential home." Burnham, chairman of the Burnham Companies and a member of The Campanile Foundation Board of Directors, had seen the benefits of a university house at other campuses. "Nurturing important relationships is better done in the president's house, where there’s a quiet ambiance," he explained. "It's a residence, but it's more than a residence." Burnham made it a mission to establish a university house for SDSU. He quickly found the perfect neighborhood in Alvarado Estates, a handsome gated community just a mile or so from campus. But it was months before the perfect house became available. "I thought it should have a certain feel and look," spacious but not pretentious, Burnham said. In the meantime, he secured pledges from other Campanile Foundation board members to help finance the $1.2 million canyon-rim home. They bought the property outright and turned the deed over to the University in the fall of 2000. Barbara Daly appreciates that commitment. A member of SDSU BRIDGES, a group of prominent San Diego women committed to lifelong learning and advancing the University, Daly has visited with SDSU President Stephen L. Weber and first lady Susan Weber in the new San Diego State University House. "My mother always said the highest compliment you could pay anyone is inviting them to your home," Daly said. "Having a university house is essential to building the image of SDSU in the community. It's a place to say who we are, to show the personable face that complements the University’s academic excellence." "It's a marker," agreed Susan Weber. "It gives SDSU a certain panache. I like to say that it’s like the University, because it looks good from the outside, and when you come inside, it’s even better." MALIN BURNHAM AT THE UNIVERSITY HOUSE WITH BARBARA DALY (LEFT) AND SUSAN WEBER. 4 Literacy Center GIVING THE GIFT OF READING W illiam Lynch believes the care and education of children is "the ultimate worthy cause." In fact, the mission statement of his William D. Lynch Foundation for Children declares "... every child saved is a universe preserved." That belief motivated Lynch to support San Diego State University’s drive to establish a Literacy Center in City Heights. The Center, which opened in early 2001, delivers free and low-cost literacy services, including assessment, basic skills and remediation, to elementary, middle school and high school students. In addition, it houses core training programs for graduate students in SDSU's College of Education, which also conducts research at the facility. Lynch is especially pleased to support the Center's Reading Recovery Program®, an early-intervention curriculum designed to help first-graders having difficulty developing literacy skills. The program also trains "teacher leaders," who share new skills with other literacy teachers. The Literacy Center is one of only 24 regional teacher-leader training centers in the country. Reading Recovery fits Lynch's philosophy that prevention is more effective, and far less costly, than remediation. "Once kids fall behind in reading, they fall behind in every other academic subject," Lynch said. "That can destroy their self-esteem, and that becomes a problem to be treated, too, not always successfully." Patricia Kelly, director of Reading Recovery at the Literacy Center, works to make sure that doesn’t happen. And she sees results. Under her direction, selected first-graders from nearby Rosa Parks Elementary School participate in an intensive 12- to 20-week program of daily, one-on-one lessons. WILLIAM LYNCH AT THE LITERACY CENTER WITH KIMBERLY VALDEZ FROM THE READING RECOVERY PROGRAM®. "We take any first-grader who is at the bottom of their class in reading," Kelly said. "We’ve been tracking every child who’s gone through the program, and about 80 percent will be reading at the average for their class—or above—when they finish." 5 Compact for Success A CLEAR PATH TO COLLEGE M ichael Ellis, founder and president of San Diego-based Metabolife, knows what it takes to succeed, and he wants to be sure young people in his home community of South Bay have it. "The days of working your way up through the ranks with an eighth-grade education are over," he said. Ellis is an alumnus of the Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD), California's largest secondary school system with approximately 33,000 7th- to 12th-grade students, many from low-income families hobbled by a lack of education. Ellis wanted to do something to help Sweetwater students stay in school, but he was having trouble finding the right solution. Then SUHSD Superintendent Edward Brand suggested a groundbreaking new idea. Compact for Success is a partnership between SUHSD and San Diego State University’s College of Education, aimed at preparing students for college even before they reach high school. "I recognized that San Diego State University and I have the same goals," Ellis said. "We want to help students overcome the social and economic obstacles that may keep them from applying for college and then staying on to graduation." The six-year program began in 2000 with Sweetwater’s entire seventh-grade class, almost 6,000 students. Those who chose to participate—and their parents—committed to a demanding college preparatory plan. Every student who successfully completes the program is guaranteed admission and full tuition to SDSU, funded with a $500,000 gift from the Ellis Foundation. No doubt, one of those students will be 13-year-old Kathleen Rodriguez, who now feels free to share her dreams of law school or medical school with her friends. "They’re all talking about college," said Kathleen’s mother, Mary Rodriquez. "They're just now seeing it as a real possibility." MICHAEL ELLIS (LEFT) AND EDWARD BRAND WITH STUDENT KATHLEEN RODRIGUEZ. 6 Nurses Now RX FOR A CRITICAL HEALTH CARE CRISIS L ike other hospital administrators across the nation, Dan Gross had a real problem. As chief executive officer of San Diego's Sharp Memorial Hospital, he was finding it difficult to maintain a full nursing staff. The reason? Not enough new nurses entering the profession to replace those reaching retirement age. The solution? Increase the number of nursing graduates—and fast. An alumnus of SDSU's School of Nursing himself (1988, M.S., nursing systems administration), Gross knew no one in the region graduated more bachelor's-level nurses than San Diego State University, and no one was more likely to possess the resources and commitment to tackle such a difficult challenge. "San Diego State is clearly recognized for being community-focused and wanting to meet the needs of San Diego," he explained. But even SDSU couldn't produce enough new nurses to alleviate the growing crisis. "We needed to increase the number of faculty members," Gross realized. In response, Sharp and other major regional health care organizations joined with SDSU in 2000 to create Nurses Now, a three-year partnership providing the financial support the College of Health and Human Services needed to hire additional nursing faculty. A year later, the number of prospective nurses entering SDSU each semester is up from 50 to 90. Recent SDSU nursing graduate Toby Richards, who finds his own job in UCSD Medical Center’s neonatal intensive care unit "a perfect fit" with his desire to help others, is happy about that expansion. "People who initially thought they would have to either go to another type of program or have to wait now have the opportunity to start school when they want to and get on with their dreams," he said. "Nurses Now is truly a win-win situation for both the profession of nursing and prospective nurses." NURSE TOBY RICHARDS AND SHARP MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CEO DAN GROSS. 7 Growing Forward LEADING THE WAY M embers of The Campanile Foundation Board of Directors represent San Diego State University in the community and advance the University's reputation at the state, national and international levels. Every member is distinguished by an impressive record of singular achievements in business, education, technology, philanthropy or the arts. And every member has demonstrated a lifelong commitment of time, talent and generous financial support for the University. T HE CA M PA NI L E F O UN DATI O N BOARD OF DIRECTORS S TANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Malin Burnham, L. Robert Payne, Douglas X. Patiño, Leon W. Parm a , Stephen L. We b e r, Timothy M. Considine, Jeff rey W. G laze r, Ron Williams. S E ATED, LEFT TO RIGHT: T h e resa M. Mendoza, Lilly Cheng, Nikki Clay, Ron L. Fowler, Betty M . Hubbard, B e rn a r d Lipinsky, Maurice C. Kaplan. NO T PICTURED: Jack W. Goodall, John J. Moore s , Marion Ross, Ralph R ubio, James D. Sinegal. 8 TCF Board Members M r. Jack Goodall Ms. Marion Ross Retired Chairman, Jack in the Box Inc. Actress ADVANCING M r. Ralph Rubio OUR MISSION Ms. Betty M. Hubbard Co-Founder, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Rubio’s Restaurants Inc. Civic Volunteer and Philanthropist M r. Maurice C. Kaplan M r. Malin Burn h a m Chairman, The Burnham Companies Arts Philanthropist and Investment Analyst D r. Bern a rd Lipinsky D r. Lilly Cheng Associate Director, Office of Global Partnership Development, SDSU Dr. Cheng is a faculty representative to The Campanile Foundation Board. President, North Park Mortgage/Harris Investment Ms. Theresa M. Mendoza Vice President, University Advancement, SDSU Chief Executive Officer, The Campanile Foundation Ms. Nikki Clay Partner, Carpi & Clay M r. John J. Moore s M r. Timothy M. Considine Chairman and Owner, San Diego Padres Chairman, Considine & Considine M r. Ron L. Fowler President and Chief Executive Officer, Liquid Investments Inc. Chairman, Neon Systems Inc. D r. James D. Sinegal Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer, Costco Wholesale Corp. D r. Stephen L. We b e r President, San Diego State University President, The Campanile Foundation M r. Ron Wi l l i a m s President, SDSU Associated Students Mr. Williams is the student representative to The Campanile Foundation Board. Chairman, JMI Services Inc. M r. Leon W. Parm a Chairman, The Campanile Foundation Chairman and Owner, Parma Management Company Inc. D r. Jef f Glazer Assistant Dean of Student Relations, SDSU College of Business Administration Director, Aztec Business Alliance Dr. Glazer is a faculty representative to The Campanile Foundation Board. D r. Douglas X. Patiño Vice Chancellor Emeritus, California State University President, The Patiño Group M r. L. Robert Payne President and Chief Executive Officer, MultiVentures Inc. 9 Private Support CHARTING OUR PROGRESS S DSU's fund-raising total of $42.1 million for 2000-2001 set an institutional record and exceeded a 12 percent growth target set for the fiscal year. Private giving to the university has increased 40 percent since 1998. "Increasing private support is very important as we expand our educational programs and implement new projects that address regional and global issues," commented SDSU President Stephen L. Weber. "This year's fund-raising total indicates that we are broadening and deepening our relationships with donors who are clearly proud of San Diego State University and want to invest in its future." ANNUAL F UND- RAI SI NG P ERFORMANCE VE RS US 12% ANNUAL GROWTH TARGET IN MILL IONS OF DOLLARS P rivate giving to SDSU in 2000-2001 included an 89 percent increase over the previous year's dollars dedicated to academic support, i.e., support of faculty, students and academic programs. Academic support totaled $26.4 million in 2000-2001, up from $14 million in the previous fiscal year and accounting for approximately twothirds of total philanthropic gifts contributed. SDSU is increasingly dependent on both private support and publicly funded research grants to achieve its academic mission. Among these gifts were significant donations to the Hospitality and Tourism Management curriculum, the School of Nursing, the SDSU Literacy Center in City Heights and the Construction Engineering and Management program scheduled to launch in fall 2002. 10 GROWTH OF ACADEMIC SUPPORT I N MILL IONS OF DOL LARS A N N U A L R E P O RT T O B E C A U S E Y O U G I V E I n an era of uncertainty and fluctuating government appropriations, private giving has become the margin of excellence for large, public institutions like San Diego State University. Tax dollars provide only 35 percent of SDSU’s annual operating budget; tuition and fees contribute only 17 percent. The balance comes from sponsored research, university enterprises and investments, and private giving. We recognize and thank you, our donors, for making it possible to excel in our work of teaching, research and community service, both now and into the future. To express our gratitude for your partnership in this work, we are pleased to introduce new donor recognition categories and benefit packages that we hope appropriately acknowledge this vital relationship and help you stay connected to SDSU. As an additional token of our appreciation, we present this Donor Honor Roll for 2000-2001, which includes the names of individuals and organizations who have partnered with us financially, providing essential support for the ongoing work of San Diego State University. DONORS 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 Annual Giving Annual donors to San Diego State University provide the foundation necessary to achieve academic excellence and success. Their investments and active participation in the University community furnish the resources that allow SDSU to maximize current opportunities and be ready to take advantage of emerging possibilities. Friends of SDSU The Friends of San Diego State University provide a broad base of critical support, helping both individual programs and the University as a whole to thrive. The Friends of SDSU designation recognizes individuals making annual gifts at six levels: BenefactorPlatinum, for gifts of $10,000 or more; Benefactor-Gold, for gifts from $5,000 to $9,999; Benefactor-Silver, for gifts of $1,000 to $4,999; Patron, for gifts from $500 to $999; Associate, for gifts from $250 to $499; and Contributor, for gifts from $100 to $249. Benefactor • Platinum $10,000+ Carlton R. and Eileen Appleby Thomas J. Atchison Lynne S. and Van Ballew 12 Arthur R. Barron** William R. Bradley William L. Brandt Malin and Roberta Burnham Allen H. and Nancy S. Center Kun-Tsan Chang and Shu-Ju Chang Liu George H. and Dorothy H. Codling Stephen and Michelle Coslik Clare B. and Loch Crane Tom and Jan Darcy Elisabeth K. Ecke Joseph J. Fisch and Joyce E. Axelrod Patricia Warnke Fischer and Bruce A. Fischer Ron L. and Alexis Ann Fowler Francis and Edna Rae Frye Jack W. Goodall, Jr. and Mary E. Goodall Phillip L. Green Alan J. Gruber frederic j harris William M. Hawkins, Jr. and Florence E. Hawkins Barbara B. and Edvard A. Hemmingsen Matthew C. Hervey Arthur and Eleanor Herzman Gale Anne Hurd Maurice C. and Charmaine Kaplan Mrs. Rose Kaplan† Junko Koike Robert A. Leonard William E. Leonhard, Jr. Bernard Lipinsky William D. and Donna Lynch Jess and Pam Marino Dan D. McLeod and Sumi Adachi Mark D. and C'ann L. McMillin John J. and Becky Moores Harriet G. Newmark Luis G. Nogales R. Michael and Christine T. Pack Carol Pan Leon W. and Barbara Parma L. Robert and Patricia L. Payne Sol and Helen Price Arthur and Jeannie Rivkin Estate of Joseph A. Rodney Paul A. Sager Thomas Shepherd Jim and Janet Sinegal Alexander and Jeannette Srbich Dwight E. and Fern Stanford Carey Gail Wall G. Pitt and Virginia R. Warner Ruth A. Warwick † DECEASED Stephen L. and Susan K. Weber John H. and Beulah J. Wills Don and Diane Wozniak Benefactor • Gold $5,000 – $9,999 Roselle A. Balingit Arthur E. and Collette R. Bartlett Giles Bateman Robert W. and Darcy Bingham Albert S. and Penny Bradford Timothy M. and Sharon E. Considine Jerome and Renee Covin Clarence R. and Areta Crowell Thomas M. Davies, Jr. and Adele L. Davies Darlene G. Davies David L. Dennis Raymond V. Dittamore Danah H. Fayman Joseph J. Ferrero Elizabeth A. Galligan Ernest Harburg Lola G. Hickey Harry T. Hodgetts, Sr. and Patricia Hodgetts Frederick W. and Teddie Kasch Ronald H. and Cheryl A. Kendrick John Kissinger Harriet G. Kopp Lionel R. Meno Matthew J. Olow Norman L. and Judith C. Pasas Deb C. Pedersdotter John G. Pitcairn** John L. Quigley Holly E. Ransom C. Edward Reed Michael J. Roberts and Maridell Evans Patti Roscoe Francoise and Salim Shah Estate of John W. Terhune Walter and Marian Turner Robert D. and Ginger Wallace Benefact or • Silver $1,000 – $4,999 Helen and Steve Adams Walter D. and Judy L. Alexander Evelyn C. Allen Brock and Barbara E. Allen Peter A. and Janis F. Andersen Anne H. Anderson Alicia M. Annas ** P RESIDENT’S CIRCLE MEMBERS FRIENDS OF SDSU CONTRIBUTOR $100-$249 ASSOCIATE $250-$499 PATRON $500-$999 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BENEFITS QUARTERLY ISSUES OF SDSU MAGAZINE RECOGNITION IN THE ANNUAL D ONOR HONOR ROLL BENEFACTOR BENEFACTOR BENEFACTOR SILVER GOLD PLATINUM $1,000-$4,999 $5,000-$9,999 $10,000+ INVITATION TOTHE STATE OFTHE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS INVITATION TO A CAMPUS LANDMARK TOUR INVITATION TO PRESIDENT’S BREAKFAST Van Artherton William R. Ashcraft, Jr. and Orlene Ashcraft Christine A. Audette and Hans Leenhouts Edwin D. Austin, II** Allan R. and Nancy A. Bailey George O. Baker Shepard Barbash and Vicki Ragan Rick and Denice Bay Pamela and Charles Becker Keith Benton Michael Bertolino Ramon Betancourt Bruce G. and Linda C. Blakley Edward and Charlotte Blank Steven A. and Cheryl Bloom** Keith E. Boger Sidney and Elynnor Bolter John L. Boyer Terri Breining Juanita L. and Robert C. Brents Betty L. and Glen M. Broom James Silberrad Brown Nancy H. and David L. Brubaker Sandra A. Brue Henry W. and Cindy J. Burgess Alan and Diane Burye David and Stephanie Callender Nona H. Cannon Nancy M. Carmichael and Charles J. Stewart Charles F. Carstarphen Deborah Gann Carstens Thomas F. and Judith J. Carter** Pauline C. Case Joanne W. and Paul B. Casterline Mary Anne and Don Chalker Wen Chang William F. and Aimee L. Cheek Emmet and Lavon Christensen Kathee M. and C. Ben Christensen X James M. Clamage James W. Cobble Charles M. and Sabra Jean Cobleigh Albert A. and Norma Cooper Charles H. Cotton and Henry C. Metzger Donald A. Cotton Deborah L. Cross Susan Ramsey Crutchfield Susie M. Custodia Ronald E. Dietz Julie Dillon Charles V. and Patricia N. Dintrone Jack Dolan Connie Vinita Dowell Christine J. Downs Ernie Dronenburg Kathy Drucquer Duff and George Duff Donald F. and Margaret Duff Craig P. Dunn Luci Danielson Duvall Dianne K. Earle Jo Ann Eder Michael Eichler William J. Elliott and Wendy G. McClave-Elliott David Ellis and Mary S. Holder William F. and Hortencia Emery Paul B. and Rita C. Etzel Ramona Q. and Steven W. Fahlbusch Stephen A. and Janice R. Farnow Dominic Favaloro-Ross and Kathleen H. Ross Antje Marie and Robert A. Fechner Vivian C. Finch Sally Shafer Finch Frederick H. Fisher Art L. Flaming Sharon and Jon R. Fleagane Kim T. Folsom Burton Fox Andrea Funkhouser John D. and Betty B. Garrison Joyce M. Gattas James W. and Elizabeth S. Gautsch Audrey S. Geisel Arthur and Judy Getis Steven and Elizabeth Gex Jeffrey W. Glazer and Lisa S. Braun-Glazer Julia W. Gough Betty Upham Gouraud Ernst C. and Christina Griffin Diana L. Grubbs Margaret M. Gunthorp-Bailey Thad L. Gustafson Walter C. Gutjahr, Jr. Alicia and Tony Gwynn Charles L. Hahn Bruce K. Handa Judith C. Harris Helen H. Harris James S. and Barbara W. Hartung Salah M. Hassanein** Scott A. Heising Ronald S. Himes Geraldine Hird May Fong Ho Patricia Hoffman Judd and Lewis Judd Sally Hoier Beverly C. Holland John M. Hood, Jr. and Barbara M. Hood Linda M. and David Hood Charles W. Hostler Thomas B. Hoyt and Carolyn Zawacki Betty M. Hubbard Thomas H. and Wanda S. Insley Henry L. and Marjorie T. Janssen Ann M. and David H. Johns Albert W. and Susan G. Johnson C. Dale Johnson Charles N. Johnson Margaret E. Kasch and Louis B. Rickards Robert M. Keil Dennis G. Keith Jack C. Kelly Wayne Kenaston, Jr. Robyn Kettering Harry A. King and Paola Desii Ronald J. Kolodkin Daniel and Eva Krall Paul E. Kreutz Sharon Labovitz Steve Lacher Margaret O. Lambert Gene G. and Ellen E. Lamke Robert E. and Phyllis A. Lando Peggy Lasko-McCarthey and R. Eric McCarthey Georgie A. Lee Mary B. Leutloff Theodore I. Libby Roseanne M. and Romulo Lopez Charles S. and Robin B. Luby Peter and Karen Marschalk Steven A. Martin Micae N. Martinet Henry E. McAdams Lori McFaddin Estate of Irene McFarland Jean and Matthew S. McLaughlin Ival M. McMains John M. McNamara Tom and Pam Merritt Alfred R. Miramontes Humberto L. Monge Marguerite G. Monsees Harold B. and Marion E. Moore Ed and Carol Morrison 13 Collins Munns James W. and Frances A. Neel Pauline Newberg Stephen B. Nielander and Dominique K. Alessio Douglas and Suzan Obenshain Terry L. O'Donnell Michael and Blair M. Okuma Elvi J. Olesen Zoubir Ouadah Thomas A. and Evelyn Page John and Frances Pardee Douglas X. Patiño Kenneth B. and Karen Perry Gary L. Peterson Lance R. Picha Frederick W. Pierce, IV Frank S. Radford Arch and Laree Rambeau Constance H. and Neil D. Reid Barbara J. Riegel S. Donley and Sharon Ritchey Stephen P. Robbins and Laura F. Ospanik Paul E. Robinson Stephen and Phoebe E. Roeder Dennis Roemmich John J. Rogers Estate of Patricia R. Rogers Marlene Ruiz Judy Sackett Terry A. and Jon A. Sattler Jack H. Schlacter Andrew P. Schlaefli and Sandee S. Witcraft-Schlaefli Gerald C. and Elaine Schleif George E. and Nancy S. Schmall James C. and Jerrie L. Schmidt Joseph F. and Lenore T. Schneider Fay Schopp Anita J. Scott Robert G. Slyker, Jr. and Barbara W. Slyker Cody L. Smith, Jr. and Nicole Johnson Smith Gerard A. Smith Jane K. Smith and Robert D. Smith, Jr. Lynette De St. Croix Smith Teri M. and William A. Smith, Jr. Gerald L. Smithson Elene and Herbert J. Solomon** Thomas A. Spencer Jocelyn M. Steer Andrew R. Stegen Paul J. Strand and Sarah P. Hillier Carol A. and William B. Sumner Gary Sutton John M. Tamkin 14 J. L. and JoAnn Tanzer Barbara A. Theberge Lee O. and Cindy L. Thomas Mary B. and Gordon M. Thompson Steve Thunder Henry S. Ting Howard R. and Leslie A. Toole Erika and Fred Torri Nancy K. Varga Maggie and Robert J. Watkins Robert D. and Teresa L. Weaver Marjorie Webster John M. Wedemeyer, Jr. and Marianne Wedemeyer James E. Weir Lucille and Aubrey Wendling JoAnn L. Wheeler G.E. Whittenburg Reed Wicander Donna M. Wigand Robert W. and ElizabethR. Wilbur Dean R. Wilson Donald G. Wilson Pen Wilson Bruce D. Wingerd Terri L. Womack Stewart S. Wong Dolores A. Wozniak Teresa T. Young P a t ron $500 – $999 Amer Al-Aloussi Elizabeth M. Alexander Lloyd W. Allen Hal and Alethea Altenbern John J. Anders Larry E. and Mary B. Anders Barton B. and Marie Antista Neila J. Ashman Peter M. and Kathryn S. Aufsesser Jana L. Barsten William P. Bechtel Larry and Andrea Beck Laura Benedict and Michael Bark Edward D. Bennett Beverly Berry Edward W. Bettencourt Lowell and April Blankfort Charles L. Bowes William J. Brack Corey L. Breininger Arthur and Sophie Brody David W. Brown Ellery J. Brown Esther J. Burnham Nico Calavita Walter A. Carey John R. and Lori Carter Williston B. Case, Jr. Frank and Nancy Chavez Steven P. Clancy Eileen S. Coe Jean and Joe L. Collonge Harry T. Colthurst, Jr. Dan R. Cornthwaite John Corrente James R. Corridan Randi L. Coulthard Julia G. Cox Beverly Crampton David E. Cranston John D. and Virginia Dahlen Carlo V. Daleo Steven D. Davis Barbara Deza LeslieDiBona andSteveMcGivern John H. Dirks Stephen F. Dodd Michael J. and Betsy J. Donecho John Donnelley Charles S. Dozer Ian P. Ellison John and Linda Eves Donna Baker Feeney and Francis X. Feeney, Jr. James R. Fier Lawrence M. and Irene A. Fine Honorable Marco Firebaugh Kathleen Fisher Robert J. Fowler Barbara E. Fredrich Joan M. Freeman Goodwin David and Donna Frost Edwin S. and Wita Gardiner R. H. Garstang Steven J. Gee Suzanne B. and Jack Geller Billye L. Giesecke Adam Gifford, Sr. and Evelyn A. Gifford Michael Gilmartin Richard W. Gittings William T. Gochnauer Dianne J. and John D. Goddard, Sr. Alan D. Gold Darrell Goodwin Kenneth C. Gott Susan M. Graham Louise S. Gresham Max Gresoro, Jr. and Donna Gresoro Anita S. Harbert Jack Harper David S. Hassin Roger N. and Susan E. Hefty William Hektner Britt C. and Toni L. Hensley Donald R. Heye Mr. Kenneth E. Hill Kim A. Hill Christine Hines Lauren Ho Michael B. and Georganne J. Hoctor Carolyn and Leland B. Housman Patricia Hurl-Tuffley and Michael C. Tuffley Thomas H. Johnson Kathleen B. Jones Gary Joyner Yehuda Kamari Jerald L. and Margaret A. Katleman W. Lloyd and Joanna Kendall Josephine S. Kenney Philip M. Klauber Dona Kathleen Kopels† Jay and Lael Kovtun Sue J. Lang Lois B. and James E. Lasry Margaret M. Lawrence Richard S. and Wendy Ledford Raymond Lee Mark A. Leeds Theodora F. Lewis Virginia C. Lingren Melody A. Lord Steven and Rita Loughrin-Sacco Rebecca D. Luers Gene A. and Beth Lynes Debbie S. Macdonald Michael E. Mangan Frank M. Martinez Ronald V. and Dale B. May Marjorie Ann McBride Carol A. McLaughlin Vince Meades Wendy S. Mihalic David M. and Christiana Mills Kaley K. and Rodney V. Mish Chesney R. Moe Niaz Mohamed Susan H. and Gregory F. Moore Dan Morales Albert F. Moreno William E. and Patricia E. Morris Robert A. and Edith M. Mott Alan D. and Abby L. Murray Robert G. and Gail A. Myers Florence F. Myers David Oddsson Vincent Roy Okamoto Heinz Otzen David C. Papayoanou Robert J. Parrott Leonard Pellettiri Linda J. Pinder Fredric H. Plon Dean O. and Sharon Popp Diane Powers Sharon J. andDouglas David Reid Richard K. and Wendy S. Reynolds Devin W. and Carrol Rickard Richard H. Robinson and Marjorie Swartz Martha J. Rodgers Gonzalo G. and Clarisa A. Rojas Gregory F. Roman Sally F. Roush Timothy A. Ryan Maria A. Sardiñas Linda Scaroni-Rossi Joseph D. and Andrea H. Schmidt Jonathan M. Schneider Alane D. Schnelker Stacey Scott Thomas R. Scott Richard and Linda Sens Tim N. Shaheen Pam Shelby Jolene and Cory Shepard Jon C. Shotwell Annette R. Smith Glen W. Sparrow Bryan G. and Harriett Speegle Robert T. and Frances H. Sprouse Clarence E. and Catherine A. Stephenson Elizabeth B. Stewart Kris Stewart Shauna M. Stokes JoAnn and Daniel J. Stoll Douglas A. Stow Susan K. and James W. Street Harry and Janet Sundblad Janusz C. Supernak Michael Svec Paula A. Taylor and Bernard A. Kulchin Patrick G. Theodora Daniel L. Tittle Iwao Tomita Jeff Townsend C. Anne Turhollow and Michael J. Perkins Lester L. Turner Pieter A. and Joan L. Vandenberg Gretchen N. Vik and Larry R. Clapper Helen E. Wagner Merle L. and John P. Wahl John J. Walsh Edward W. and Mary J. Warren Maria Barbara Watson Robert K. and Cheryl Weidner Molly B. Wendell Doris White William R. White Kathryn A. Williams Mary A. Williams Charlotte Wingfield Benson Wisckol Jacob Craig Wittler Joseph V. and Sana Wolden James R. Wren Diane E. Zeps Chunyan Zhang Bonnie Zimmerman Marko Zorman Ass ociate $250 – $499 Joseph A. Abbate and Lori A. Sevcsisin-Abbate Thomas A. and Liz Abel Cynthia V. Abercrombie Jerry Michael Abercrombie Miles N. Acker Abdulmuti Al Andejani Christine Alba Charles H. and Sarah R. Alexander Javier Francisco Alonso James M. Andersen Ronald J. Angione J. David Archibald Rose L. Armour Phyllis A. and Michael L. Atkins Catherine J. Atkins-Kaplan and Robert M. Kaplan Donald W. and Kaye F. Baake Adolfo and Elidia Bahuman David W. Baker Joseph W. Ball Hector S. and Kathleen J. Barajas Lee R. Barken Lawrence and Bonnie E. Baron Molly and Samuel F. Barr Howard W. Baumann J. Woodrow and Doro t h yG . Beard Lawrence Beckwith, III and Sandra E. Beckwith Linn Bekins William Bender Bernard E. and Cynthia L. Benson Joseph E. Berg, III Sanford I. and Laurel S. Bernstein Eileen M. Black 15 Virginia L. and James O. Black E. James Boggus Kathryn M. Bogomaz Sunna Bohlen Karen G. Bowden Allen W. and Sandra J. Boyce David C. Boyden Edward H. and Irene F. Brabant Herman J. and Mary L. Branin Bernard E. Brauer Corey J. Braun Robert Breitbard Caryl Brennan-Farrell John E. Bridges Susan L. Brodecky Debbie Broida Ronald L. Brookshire Joe E. Brouillette Gary J. and Susan B. Brown Diane E. and Daryl E. Brumley John A. Brunkow Dave E. Bucher and Linda Valente-Bucher Mark C. and Jane Butler John J. Cabral, II Virginia Y. Calderon Mary Ruth Carleton and Bruce Hunt Rene Q. Carmichael G. Kevin Carruth J. E. L. Carter Phyllis A. and Dana R. Chapin Edward J. Chapman Bruce K. Chatterton George S. Christensen David E. Clark Marlene F. Clark Debra L. Clauson Diane H. and John S. Cleverdon John C. and Julie T. Clymer Nancy N. Cochran Noel L. and Beatrice B. Concepcion Nancy V. Conner Al S. and Debra A. Conte Steven N. and Linda J. Copp Michael W. and Barbara J. Corson Ann B. and Don M. Cottrell Bruce F. Cowen Timothy L. Coyle Kirk V. and Debra P. Crawford Cornelius J. Crisley Brian E. Crist Wendy L. Cross Steven W. and Ty A. Cull James R. Cullen Gina Z. and Richard A. Cunningham Juli Anne Cunningham Susan R. Curtis 16 John S. and Mary N. Cwynar Elza Cypis Byron C. and Pamela S. Dahl William F. and Patricia L. Daiber Roohi K. Darugar James R. Dawe Betsy N. Dawes Margaret C. DeCaro David A. and Kim B. DeLong Guy C. and Deborah J. Dunn Janet C. Dwire Sue W. and Lester E.† Earnest George K. and Annette C. Easton Dean Eckenroth John Edgerton Scott C. and Lori Erreca Rebecca Estacio Thomas E. Esten John D. Eudy Judi K. and William S. Evans Christine Favus Vincent Ferrante, Sr. Arline M. Fisch Richard C. Flowerree Ivan and Lily Fong Timothy W. Forrest Daniel G. and Debra FoxGliessman Debbie Frame Tellervo Von H. Frankel Earl G. Freymiller Anne L. and Ken Fujioka Jeffrey G. Gaines Georgianna K. and James P. Galas David W. Galloway Lynn H Gamble Michael Gannis Douglas E.andMarilyn J. Gardner Michael N. Gassner Doreann and Steven D. Gibson Doris S. and Benjamin Gimpelson Harvey T. and Frances V. Goerlitz Lucy Goldman Donna A. and Thomas S. Golich Robert P. and Suzie T. Gonzalez Don C. andAmparo Goodenough Thomas L. and Charlotte A. Gorham Helen E. Gorton Carol Lea Goyne Donald M. and Charlotte M. Gragg Dorothy M. Greenan Richard S. Greenwood Kathleen M. Griffin Richard Griswold Del Castillo and Rita Griswold Joseph M. Grygar and Kelly A. Kiraly-Grygar Mary G. Gunder Robert C. Haggerty Robert Haimsohn D. James Hallameyer Robert and Harriet G. Halley Judith W. Hamilton William and Nell Hanchett Karl-Erik Hansson John H. Hardaker Damon E. Harrison Rebecca M. Harshberger Brenda A. and Nigel S. Hartley Jonathan L. Hartmann Henry K. and Doris M. Hauser Brendan C. Hayes Asahel E. and Juanita Hayes Robin L. Heckler Susan C. Heiser David R. Hickey Troy O'Brien Hill Bette B. Holt Linda Thompson and Stephen Horrell Lorna Q. Houck Nancy L. Houser Laura D. Howard Richard W. Howe, Jr. and Susan L. Howe Edward P. and Rebecca A.Hughes Adylia Hull Mary Carroll Hull Violet M. Huls Gwenyth M. Humphrey Eunice B. Hunt Ronald K. and Ellen L. Hunter Ronald K. Ishii Henry T. James Judith M. James Henry E. Jarrell Linda Jay Gertrude A. Jockusch Arthur J. and Marilyn S. Johnson Evan R. Johnson Janet Susan Johnson Leonard Johnson Lori S. Johnson Nancy L. and John F. Johnson Charles C. Jones Cecile B. Jordan Gina M. and Charles Kakos Weyman Kam Louisa S. Kassler Susan and Koji C. Kasuyama Mark E. Kessler David S. Kidwell Corvan G. and Judy Y. King Kathleen Kinley David A. Kitchen and Susan M. Shotland Mary C. Kittrelle Frank R. and Laura A. Klein Barbara Stone Kort Simon Koz David P. Kreinheder Marvin L. Krichman Susan K. and Jerome B. Kuenster Jason A. Kundrot Cheryl T. Kuptz Bessie Lambron Gertrude M. Lamden Joseph A. and Clara La Plante J. D. Larison Linda L. Larson and Walter Kuhn, Jr. Richard J. and Carol S. Leavitt Van G. Leichter and Marcy L. Supovitz Dorothy J. and Daniel R. Leonard Sam S. Leslie David A. and Cheri K. Levenson Sandra and Arthur Levinson Ray J. and Linda H. Lish Paul and Jan Lovoi Jean Lunsford and Michael O'Rourke Raymond E. and Sue A. Lussa Steven A. Lyon Jean P. Malcolm Keith T. Malmborg E. Gregory Marchand Nancy A. Marlin and Fred W. Kolkhorst James H. and Sue F. Mathewson Michael J. Mau Dan J. May John K. McAvoy Irma McClure Robert S. and Susan McCormack Jeffrey S. and Kimberly M.McCoy Robert and Arlene C. McCoy Betsy McCullough and James B. Hare S. Scott McDonald Heather L. McDowell and Thomas W. McDowell, Jr. Robert McGivern Jean McKenzie Randi and Thomas L. McKenzie Sharon S. McMahon Valerie A. McPherson and Michael J. Gilligan Thomas E. Mead James D. Means and Lark E. Herrick Allen C. Merrill Kathleen A. and Brian C. Meyer Benjamin D. Miller and Charee J. Coultis John W. and Audrey G. Miller Gary T. Miyata Roy Paul Moeller Daniel W. Monson Frank William Moore Michael S. and Mary T. Mosier Frank Moss Elizabeth M. Mullin Michael D. Murphy Dana W. Murphy Michael D. and Karen M. Murphy Sue and John M. Murray Thomas M. Murray Brian and Susan L. Musson Michael T. Nadolski Amy D. Nance Antonia Navarro Kerry A. Nelson Steven A. and Kathy A. Nelson John E. and Rachel Nemeth Mark D. Neumann Arthur E. Nicholas Kathryn J. Nielsen Kenneth B. Nolen Sandra M. Nordahl Priscilla G. Norris Bert and Lee Odio Robert H. and Susan H. Odle Amy M. Okamura Edwin G. O'Kelly, III Jasmine Zabala Ortega Isidro D. Ortiz Larry E. and Diane E. Orville Mabel R. Oshiro Randall K. Oto John M. Owen, III and Mary M. Owen L. J. Palmer Paul J. and Maureen G. Paolini C. Lowell Parsons Travis J. Pearson Jack Y. Peckenpaugh Claude D. Pentecost, Jr. Fred Peterson Mary L. Petito Ellen Phelan Carol R. Phillips Doris F. Pichon Givens William R. Pieren, Jr. Christine M. Plante James F. Ply Michael D. and Jeri Pollard Alan L. Poovey Cesar Portillo Karl and Viola Preibisius Dale W. Pruitt Francisco P. Quizon Seymour and Marilyn Rabin Jeffery M. Raimundo and Rebecca J. La Vally Gabrielle Rakib Rick W. and Mary C. Reeder Anthony J. Rendine Hadi Reza James O. Rice Laurie C. and Steve H. Richard Milton Richlin Brenda J. and James R. Richmond Rollin C. Richmond Jeanette C. and Alex L. Rigopoulos Daniel and Joan Roman Thomas C. and Jennifer N. Rose Jodyne Roseman Theodore A. and Mary H. Ryrie J. Bart Salatka Edward and Rae Samiljan Iwona Sartan Janet B. Savage Harry and Katherine S. Scheifele Clifford A. Schenkhuizen Michele Schlecht and Richard A. Covey Joyce C. Schmock Emil Schultz Stanley and Laurel Schwartz Carole A. and Christopher Scott James T. Scott Michael A. Setili Thomas F. Shadek Theresa L. Shah Barbara M. Shaver Theodore R. Shaw Gerard R. Sheehan, Jr. Yi Shen Mary Jo Shields Jack E. Shirley Robyn K. Shobu Robert Shugert Stephen N. Sisson Johnny L. Slater Walter T. and Frances M. Slavey Howard H. Smith 17 Richard G. and Michele Smith Charles C. Snow Gregory J. and Lisa J. Sonek Scott David and Judy A. Sorensen Irving A. and Helen D. Sparks Dorothy and David L. Stanley Gary R. Stephany Andrew Stevenson Maureen L. Stewart and Neil H. Bobroff Robert B. and Joanne B. Stewart Denise M. Stone Michael D. and Paula Straw Charles E. Suggs Maureen and Michael W. Sund Bettymae G. Swan Brandon Kenneth Swan F. D. and Jacquelyn Talbert Donald M. Telford Gary L. Tellgren Steve L. Ten Broeck Harry Tennebaum Ann L. Thompson Allen Thompson Donald L. Towner Robert L. and Sally J. Trovaten Jose P. Unibe Heidi Urbina Steven T. Van Voorhis Michelle K. and David W. Vanderpool Carol Venable Emmanuel Vicente Danny Villanueva Merle J. Vogel, Jr. Ronald N. Voss W. Christopher Waddell Brian H. and Carol M. Ward David A. Watson Benjamin F. Weaver John R. and Deanna H. Weeks Jay C. and Cathie K. Wegrzyn Cynthia and Sydney Wexler Jane B. and Robin J. White Bruce Williams Bruce L. Wing Jan Wischnia Diana K. Withee Susan M. Witt Kathleen B. and Walter C. Wittgow Linda S. Wojcik Gayle G. and Ted G. Wolken James R. Woodard Skip J. Woodson Craig A. Wright Rodolfo R. Yabut, II and Noemi C. Yabut Madeline Tsengyun Yang 18 Yeong-Ling Helio Yang Angela Yates Dianne M. Yen Ronald A. Yukelson Stephen A. Zegler Judith W. Zyskind Memorial Contributions SDSU Has re c e i v e d gifts in memory of: Harvey P. Allan Michael Anaya Todd Barthold David Belcher Marjorie Bell Roberta Borkat Wallace Bradley Charles Brotherton Rebecca Bryson-Kissinger Gail Burnett Enrique Camarena Pauline Case John Chamley Cesar Chavez Patricia Clapp Jordan Covin Maurice Crawford James E. and Mary P. Crouch Betty Dunshee Don Eden Dale B. Ferrel Connie Fotinos E. Hiland Fox Stephen Keith Fraser Daphne Marschalk Fredrickson Kurt Friedrich Jamie Geller Reinhard Giesecke Roberta Graves Helen Hawkins William B. Hekter R.C. Hird Harry Huls Russell James Maxine Johnson Barbara Johnston Laurin Jones Michael Kilbane Kathy Kopels Charles W. Lamden Wayne E. Leutloff Barbara Lippman Lucia Mandil Johnson McAdams Jane McNabb Gilbert L. Morlan Christopher Mortenson Jane Nelson Barbara Nielsen Bruce Nordahl Andrea O'Donnell L. Matsueda Okuma Linda Orcutt Emma Pellettiri Cathy Riggins Kramer and Marjorie Rohfleisch Richard Ruetten Helen Ryan John Schopp William H. Schutte Marjorie Shelton Robert Siegel Alexander Sonek Ethelyn Sorenson Christina Velasco Marco Walshok Donald Wassenberg Peggy Wolter Theodora Yarborough Mervin Yerkey William Young Community Council The Community Council comprises organizational donors, including corporations and foundations, whose gifts help ensure the University’s ability to conduct its vital work in education, research and community service. The Community Council designation acknowledges organizations making annual gifts at three levels: Benefactor, for gifts of $25,000 or more; Patron, for gifts of $10,000 to $24,999; and Associate, for gifts of $1,000 to $9,999. Benefactor $25,000+ Alliance Healthcare Foundation Alvarado Hospital Medical Center (Tenet Healthcare) Anheuser-Busch Foundation Applied Micro Circuits Corporation ARCS Foundation, Inc. Bergelectric Corp. Bernard & Dorris Lipinsky Trust The Blasker-Rose-Miah Fund The Bradley Foundation Budget Rent a Car The Burnham Foundation Conexant Systems Charitable Fund of the California Community Foundation California Restaurant Association Children's Hospital & Health Center The Coca-Cola Company Conexant Systems, Inc. Cox Communications, Inc. Cymer, Inc. Ellis Foundation Ford Foundation Fred J. Hansen Foundation The Hurd Foundation Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. J.R. Filanc Construction Joe & Dorothy Goldberg Fund Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. ASSOCIATE $1,000-$9,999 COMMUNITY COUNCIL PATRON $10,000-$24,999 BENEFACTOR $25,000+ BENEFITS QUARTERLY ISSUESOF SDSU MAGAZINE X X X RECOGNITIONIN X X X X X THE ANNUAL INVITATION TO THE STATEOF DONOR HONOR ROLL THE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS INVITATION TO THE PRESIDENT’S FOOTBALL SKYBOX Kaplan Lead Trust Liquid Investments, Inc. Long Island Company Microsoft Corporation The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. Pacific Bell Paradise Valley Hospital Parma Family Foundation Pasteur Merieux Connaught L.Robert & PatriciaL. Payne Fund PBK Architects, Inc. Price Charities QUALCOMM Incorporated RB Enterprises Robert Wood Johnson Foundation San Diego Foundation San Diego Natural History Museum Scripps Health Sensormatic Corporation Sharp Healthcare Shuang Dah Book Co., Ltd. Stuart Foundation Sun Microsystems Foundation, Inc. Thomas Associates Architects Thomas G. & Audrey Pine Foundation Tri-City Medical Center TRW Foundation TRW Space & Electronics UCSD Medical Center Union Bank of California Waitt Family Foundation Washington Mutual Weingart-Price Fund Whitaker Foundation William & Flora Hewlett Foundation P a t ron $10,000 – $24,999 Academy Foundation Adobe Systems Inc. Bank of America Brandes Investment Partners, L.P. BRPH Architects-Engineers, Inc. Business Ventures, LLC California Bank & Trust Callo & Company DDH Enterprises, Inc. Direct Auto Plaza Eastman Kodak Company Electrical Manufacturing and Coil Winding Association ERI Economic Research Institute Fundacion La Puerta General Atomics Gilbert J. Martin Foundation** Hervey Family Fund Intel Corporation Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Kingscott Legat Architects Maurice J. Masserini Trust The MBK Foundation Mission Federal Credit Union The Nicholas Fund Pack Foundation Research Corporation San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation Schmidt Associates Students In Free Enterprise Target Stores and Mervyn's California Town & Country Resort Hotel Venture Capital Online, Inc. Wal-Mart Foundation Xilinx, Inc. Associate $1,000 – $9,999 AACOM Advanced Marketing Services AG Tech International, Inc. Albert & Norma Cooper Foundation Alitum, Inc. Alliance Pharmaceutical Corporation Alliance Staffing Associates The Allstate Foundation X American Institute of Physics Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Austin Management Company AutoFusion, Inc. Aztec Shops Ltd. BAE SYSTEMS Bank of America Foundation Barbash Family Fund Barona Band of Mission Indians Bechtel Foundation Ben Ziri Caravan No. 218 Berryman & Henigar, Inc. Beta Alpha Psi BF Goodrich Aerospace BFG Rohr Employees' Will-Share Club Boeing North American, Inc. Brian Schultz Memorial Foundation C.W. & Associates Cablemas Cabrillo National Monument Foundation Calexico International Center, LLC California Retired Teachers Association California Society of CPA's California Wellness Foundation Campus Store Advisory Committee Carpenter Technology Corporation CH2M Hill Foundation The Charles Wei-Hsun Fu Foundation Chevron Corporation Chevron Products Company Chicano Federation of San Diego County Christie's Los Angeles Clem C. Glass Foundation Coast Distributing Company Combined Jewish Philanthropies Community Health Group Computer Sciences Corporation Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors Cooley Godward LLP 19 Cooper Roberts Bennett Coronado Financial Corporation Corporate Directors Forum Cotton-Bridges, Inc. Coup, Smith, Diaz Architects CSU Foundation Cubic Corporation Daniels Cablevision, Inc. Deep Sky Software Delaware North Companies, Inc. Deloitte & Touche LLP Dillon Development, Inc. Discovery Channel Store #12 dj Orthopedics, LLC Dominica Management, Inc. Doris A. Howell Foundation The Doves Dr. Seuss Foundation Dr. Seuss Fund Ekstrom Industries EMBA Class IX Enterprise Partners Ericsson, Inc. Ernst & Young Foundation Ernst & Young LLP Exxon Corporation Farmers Insurance Group (George Schmall Agency) Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Fieldstone Communities, Inc. The Fieldstone Foundation First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego Friedman Family Foundation Future Kids International G.P.T., Inc. Gateway, Inc. Genmark Automation, Inc. Gen-Probe Glazer Foundation Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich Growth Strategies Seminars, Inc. H. Donald Lynn Trust Haggerty Communications Group The Harburg Foundation, Inc. Hecht, Solberg, Robinson & Goldberg Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe LLP Hewlett-Packard Company Hirsch & Company Hotel Sales and Marketing Association Hyatt Regency San Diego Imperial Irrigation District IMS Health - IDRAC Indus Technologies, Inc. Interlake Foundation 20 Isabella Foundation James S. Copley Foundation JBM Properties The J.M. Long Foundation John Burnham & Company Josephson Werdowatz & Associates Kalusugan Community Services KB Books Kiewit Companies Foundation Kiwanis Club of Coronado Foundation KNSD-TV 39 KSWB Channel 69 KSWT TV 13 Kyocera America, Inc. La Avenida Inn Laird Norton Family Fund Leap Wireless International, Inc. Lions Club - La Mesa Living Learning Center Council Lottie E. Olberg Trust Luce Forward Hamilton & Scripps LLP Lundy & Crawford Fund Mandell Weiss Charitable Trust Manpower Temporary Services MargueriteBrydegaard 1985 Trust Mental Health Systems, Inc. Mortar Board Alumni Chapter Motorola, Inc. Muller Family Foundation Nasland Engineering National Philanthropic Trust NASSCO Naval Officers' Spouses' Club of San Diego Newport Corporation Nielsen & Bainbridge North Island Financial Credit Union Nuffer Smith Tucker, Inc. OFIS Optical Society of San Diego Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Orincon Technologies Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc. Phi Beta Delta The Pierce Company, Inc. Piper Jaffray Companies, Inc. Potts by Patt PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Procopio Cory Hargreaves & Savitch LLP ProFinance Associates, Inc. Project Design Consultants Rancho Santa Fe National Bank Raytheon Systems Company ResMed Corp. Rick Engineering Company RJR Enterprises, Inc. Robert F. Driver Company, Inc. Russell Allen Trust Rutter Communications Network, LLC SAIC The Salah M. Hassanein Foundation Sammy's Woodfired Pizza San Diego City Firefighters #145 San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau San Diego Dental Health Foundation San Diego DPC San Diego Employer Advisory Council San Diego Gas & Electric San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina San Diego National Bank The San Diego Union-Tribune Santo Tomas, Inc. Sanwa Bank California Jim Schmidt Endowment Fund SDSU Alumni Association SDSU Associated Students SDSU Aztec Parents SDSU Women's Association Sea World Incorporated Sempra Energy Society of American Military Engineers Solar Turbines Sony Electronics, Inc. Sony USA Foundation Inc. Southern California Rock Products Association Southwest Strategies LLC Southwestern CommunityCollege Structural Engineers Association of San Diego Sycuan Casino Szekely Family Foundation Time Warner Cable Tournament of Driving Forces Tzu-Chi Foundation USA U.S. Bank UFCW Region 8 J.L.M. Underwood & Associates United Jewish Federation of San Diego County United Technologies United Way of King County, Washington United Way of San Diego County The University Club San Diego Supercomputer Center The Upper Deck Company Valley Independent Bank Vanguard Charitable Endowment Via Design Viejas Casino & Turf Club Viejas Tribal Government Ginger & Robert Wallace Foundation WD-40 Company Wells Fargo Foundation West Consultants, Inc. Western Auto Supply Company WorldTravel Partners Matching Gift Companies 3M Foundation, Inc. Accenture Foundation, Inc. Accenture LLP AIG Corporation Allegheny Teledyne, Inc. Allmerica Financial The Allstate Foundation Alyeska Pipeline ALZA Corporation American Express Foundation ARCO Products BAE SYSTEMS Bank of America Foundation The Baxter Allegiance Foundation Beckman Coulter Boeing BP Amoco Corporation The Burnham Foundation Cadence Design Systems, Inc. The Capital Group Companies, Inc. Carpenter Technology Corporation Foundation Caterpillar Foundation Chevron Products Company Chubb Foundation Cisco Foundation The Coca-Cola Company Computer Associates International Inc. James S. Copley Foundation Corning Inc. Foundation Deloitte & Touche Foundation Delta Air Lines The Walt Disney Company Edison International Equifax, Inc. Equiva Services LLC Ernst & Young Foundation First Union Securities FleetBoston Financial Foundation FM Global Foundation Ford Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund General Electric The J. Paul Getty Trust BF Goodrich Company GTE Foundation Harcourt General, Inc. Hawaiian Electric Industries Hewlett-Packard Company Home Depot Honeywell Foundation Household International IBM International Intel Foundation SC Johnson Fund, Inc. KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund Lockheed Martin Corporation Lucent Technologies Mallinckrodt, Inc. Mattel Children's Foundation Mazda North American Operations McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co.Foundation,Inc. Microsoft Corporation The Montana Power Foundation,Inc. Motorola Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation National Semiconductor Corporation NCR Foundation Nissan Motor Corporation USA Northern Trust Company Office Depot Ontario Corporation Foundation,Inc. Pennzoil Company Philip Morris Incorporated Phillips Petroleum Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Procter & Gamble Fund QUALCOMM Incorporated Quest Diagnostics Raytheon Company SAIC Corporate Contributions San Diego Gas & Electric SBC Foundation Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Sempra Energy Simpson Strong Tie Sony USA Foundation, Inc. Southern California Edison Sprint Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation SunMicrosystems Foundation, Inc. Sundstrand Corporation Swiss Reinsurance America Corporation Teledyne, Inc. Tenet Texaco, Inc. Textron, Inc. Time Warner Foundation, Inc. The Times Mirror Foundation Toys R Us TRW Foundation Union Bank of California Foundation United Technologies Corporation The UPS Foundation US West Foundation Washington Mutual Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Zurich Scudder Investments 21 Cumulative Giving Donors who continue to give to the University over time provide an integral part of SDSU’s long-term support system. Their ongoing commitment serves as a tribute to their belief in the mission of the University and constitutes a higher level of philanthropy that transcends campus boundaries. Tower Society The Tower Society was established in 1997, the University’s centennial year, to honor individuals who have given cumulatively $25,000 or more to SDSU. Members of the Tower Society have created a legacy of giving that will continue TOWER SOCIETY to advance the University’s educational mission for generations. The Tower Society designation recognizes donors at four levels: Summa Cum Laude, for gifts of $1 million or more; Magna Cum Laude, for gifts of $500,000 to $999,999; Cum Laude, for gifts of $100,000 to $499,999; and Honors, for gifts of $25,000 to $99,999. Summa Cum Laude $1,000,000+ John R. Adams† Bruce A. and Patricia W. Fischer Ron L. and Alexis Ann Fowler Estate of Harold B. Grant Estate of Conrad Klement William E. Leonhard, Jr. Bernard and Dorris† Lipinsky John J. and Becky Moores L. Robert and Patricia L. Payne Estate of Don Powell Sol and Helen Price Dwight E. and Fern Stanford Estate of John W. Terhune Magna Cum Laude $500,000 – $999,999 Adams Family Estate of Lorraine Sears Bryant Field Family Trust Eleanor and Arthur Herzman Loren S.† and Dorothy M. Hover Rose Kaplan† Leon W. and Barbara Parma Cum Laude $100,000 – $499,999 Thomas E. and Nancy Ables Estate of Richard G. Ahrens Dominic J. Alessio Douglas O. Allred Estate of Helen Gavin Ash Arthur R. Barron Sanford I. Berman Robert W. and Darcy Bingham David D.† and Beverly D. Blair Eugene† and Barbara Bowman Shirley M. Bunker Malin and Roberta Burnham Allen H. and Nancy S. Center Louise M. Clark James W. and Margaret A.†Cobble William E. Cole, Sr. Timothy M. and Sharon E. Considine Alexander J. and Kathleen Cota Charles H. Cotton and Henry C. Metzger James E.† and Mary P.† Crouch Marie S. Curtright Allan C. and Janet T. Dale Thomas M. Davies, Jr. and Adele L. Davies Glenn A. and Joanne D. Dethloff Ronald E. Dietz Leonard Friedman Jack W. Goodall, Jr. and Mary E. Goodall Herta Hamber Trust Estate of Harlan J. Hayden Everett W. Hesse HONORS CUM LAUDE MAGNA CUM LAUDE SUMMA CUM LAUDE $25,000-$99,999 $100,000-$499,999 $500,000-$999,999 $1,000,000+ BENEFITS QUARTERLY ISSUESOF SDSU MAGAZINE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RECOGNITIONON THE DONOR HONOR WALL - FALL 2003 X X CAMPUS CONCIERGE X X RECOGNITIONIN THE ANNUAL DONOR HONOR ROLL INVITATION TO ANNUAL RECEPTION TIFFANY CRYSTAL LIFETIME ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP 22 X John M. Hood, Jr. and Barbara M. Hood Kaye Hunt† Gale Anne Hurd Estate of Helen May Marcy Johnson Ron Jurgensen Maurice C. and Charmaine Kaplan Ruth G. Keen† Charles G. and Nancy W.† Kerch Alma L. Koch and Michael Pollak Harriet Green Kopp Donald B.† and Charlotte G. Leiffer William E. Leonhard, Sr. and Wyllis M. Leonhard Gerald J. Lewis Estate of William F. Lucas William D. and Donna Lynch Estate of H. Donald Lynn Joan MacFarlane Estate of Irene McFarland Alfred H. McLeod Dan D. McLeod and Sumi Adachi Estate of Louise H. McNally Vince Meades Estate of Tennes Arthur Moe Francie Mortenson-Perkins Estate of Mabel A. Myers Harriet Newmark Foster S. Post Trust Estate of Bessie Purdy Marvine M. Quam Estate of Keith Ritchie Estate of Joseph A. and Dorothy Rodney Marion Ross Margaret B. Ruzich Thomas Shepherd Estate of Christine Springston Robert T. and Frances H. Sprouse Estate of Albert Storts Ruth W. Sweeney J. L. and JoAnn Tanzer Michael T. and Carol Thorsnes Dorsha Wallman† Bruce D. and Margo Walsh Ruth A. Warwick Estate of Edwin A. Watkins Stephen L. and Susan K. Weber R. Dennis Wise Honors $25,000 – $99,999 Kasi and Rajeswari Anantha Carlton R. and Eileen Appleby Desi Arnaz† Darrell P. Asquith† Ben Bagnas Douglas E. Barnhart Arthur E. Bartlett Stanley J. and Karen Bartnick Rick and Denice Bay Hewes A. Bel Roy M. Bell Abram S. Benenson Ronald R. Blair James G. Boswell Albert C. and Elisabeth L. Boyer William R. Bradley Clare B. and Samuel M. Bradsher William L. Brandt Robert and Lillie† Breitbard Steven Brooker Andreas L. Brown James E. Brown James Silberrad Brown Ronald W. and Marilyn J. Brown Marguerite Nordahl Brydegaard† Reginald F. and Grace† Buller Sharon and Gerald Burgreen Dr. Gail A. Burnett† Donald Byers John W. Carlson Thomas F. and Judy Carter Winifred W. and Leonard G. Chase T. T. Chen Ginevra M. Cleveland George H. and Dorothy H. Codling Robert C. Conklin David C. Copley Paul L. Corriere, Jr. and Joanne H. Corriere Stephen and Michelle Coslik Jerome and Renee Covin Clifford W Colwell, Jr. and Carolyn B. Colwell William S. Cowling, II Richard A. Cramer Loch and Clare B. Crane John D. and Virginia Dahlen Thomas E. and Janet E. Darcy Joe Di Bernardo Denny Dickenson Margaret Diehl Jim Dietz George G. and Margaret Dillon W. Rodger and Barbara Dishong Raymond V. and Janice M..† Dittamore Robert F..† and Fredricka† Driver Harry Drogin Irene Dublin Stephen J. and Joyce A. Duich Estate of Robert E. Duke Lester E.† and Sue W. Earnest Elisabeth K. Ecke Mr. Rollin P.† and Ellen† Eckis Jo Ann Eder Darrel Edwards Robert Radlow and Janet Brody Esser David A. Farris† Charles I. And Alberta L. Feurzeig Joseph J. Fisch and Joyce E. Axelrod Art L. Flaming Karen G. Foshee Marvin Fox S. L. Frankel Elizabeth A. Galligan Audrey S. Geisel Archie Gerard† Jeffrey W. Glazer and Lisa S. Braun-Glazer Martin L. and Enid Gleich Allen R. Glick Joseph C. and Beverly Glickman Ernst C. and Christina Griffin Tony and Alicia Gwynn Grace M. Hall Donald E. and Barbara Halte Bernard H. Hamling Edgar E. and Catherine Hardy Oscar L.† and Bobbie Harkey Earl G. Harrington frederic j harris William M. Hawkins, Jr. and Florence E. Hawkins William E. Hazen Lawrence and Cynthia Heffner James D. Hennessy John A. Hine, Jr. Harry T. Hodgetts, Sr. and Patricia Hodgetts Douglas Holthaus Grace V. Hoover Richard V. and Carol Hyatt Hugh C. Hyde Charlie and Hallie Jackson Jeff Jacobs Henry L. and Marjorie T. Janssen June Jensen Douglas R. Johnson Ruth Katzen Patty Kawano Wilbur S. Kelley, Jr.† and Marian Kelley† Sherry B. and Thomas S. King Von Kirk Joan B. Kroc Larry E. and Jeanine Kuhlken Paul F. Leader Raymond and Mei-Jia Lee Travis Lee Robert A. Leonard Donna J. Leonhard Richard Lin Virginia C. Lingren Jim G. and Norma L. Malik Douglas F. and Betsy Manchester Jess and Pam Marino C. Dennis† and Linda Marteeny Marcia J. McKeon Matthew S. and Jean McLaughlin Mark D. and C'ann L. McMillin Niaz Mohamed Kenneth Monson James B. Morris Gary F. and Sharon W. Naiman Jack Naiman Luis G. Nogales Ricardo De Lacerda Nogueira James M. and Mary A. O'Hara Estate of Lottie E. Olberg Ferdinando Orlando William S. Ozenbaugh Herbert and Nancy K. Palmtag Carol Pan Norman L. and Judith C. Pasas Alfred Pease Eugene H. Pennell Ralph R. and Eva Sanchez Pesqueira Lawrence and Madeline Petersen Frederick W. Pierce, IV John G. Pitcairn James and Margaret Polak Mary Mackenzieand Kedar D. Pyatt C. Edward Reed Robert E. and Claire K. T. Reiss S. Donley and Sharon Ritchey Arthur and Jeannie Rivkin John J. Rogers Richard Rosenblatt Robert A. and Judy Rubenstein Ralph and Dione Rubio Gerald G. and Dorothy Rundle Jerome M. and Bonnie J. Sattler Jack H. Schlacter R. Joseph and Helen Pastore Shultz Jim and Janet Sinegal Eric T. Smith Irving Snyder† Thomas A. Spencer E. F. Sprague Alexander and Jeannette Srbich Scott F. Steckel Joe and Alice Sullivan Richard Sulpizio Betty and Joe Suozzo David G. Teincuff William P. and Julie A. Tifft 23 Harold B. and Gracielle V. Tipton Lu Tongbi Terry B. Tri Walter and Marian Turner Gianangelo Vergani Carey Gail Wall Robert D. and Ginger Wallace G. Pitt and Virginia R. Warner James E. and Marjorie Webb Walter E. Weiss John H. and Beulah J. Wills Donald G. Wilson Janet Wood Ellen Woolley Edward C. Wright, Jr. and Rona Wright Community Part n e r s Community Partners are organizational donors, including corporations and foundations, whose cumulative gifts help ensure the University’s ability to conduct its vital work in education, research and community service on a continuing basis. The Community Partners designation acknowledges organizations making cumulative gifts at three levels: Summa Cum Laude, for gifts of $1 million or more; Magna Cum Laude, for gifts of $500,000 to $999,999; and Cum Laude, for gifts of $100,000 to $499,999. Summa Cum Laude $1,000,000+ Aztec Shops Ltd. Cipher Data Products, Inc. The Coca-Cola Company Daisy Systems Corp. Fred J. Hansen Foundation Hewlett-Packard Co. Japan Foundation Liquid Investments Inc. Mentor Graphics Nature Conservancy QUALCOMM Incorporated San Diego Foundation Sensormatic Corporation Magna Cum Laude $500,000 – $999,999 Alliance Healthcare Foundation ARCS Foundation, Inc. AT&T Foundation Stephen and Mary Birch Foundation Calma Company Coast Distributing Dixieline Lumber Company Ellis Foundation Alfred Harcourt Foundation, Inc. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation San Diego Gas & Electric Seismic Micro-Technology Time Warner Inc. Lawrence Welk ABC Productions Cum Laude $100,000 – $499,999 Alvarado Hospital Medical Center (Tenet) Apple Computer, Inc. ARCO Products ARGUS Financial Software Avis Rent A Car BAE Systems Bank of America Foundation Barona Casino Bully's East Restaurant CACI Incorporated California Restaurant Association Casey Foundation CBT Systems Chevron Products Company COMMUNITY PARTNERS CogniSeis Development Copley News Service Cox Communications, Inc. Cubic Corporation Deloitte & Touche LLP Fieldstone Foundation First USA Bank Reuben H. Fleet Fund Ford Foundation Frazee Paint & Wallcovering General Dynamics/Convair Division W.T. Grant Foundation Great American Bank Harris Corporation Hilton Hotel-San Diego Mission Valley Hughes Electronics Corporation IBM Corporation John A. Jester Trust James Hervey Johnson Trust Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Kaiser FoundationHealthPlan, Inc. Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership W. M. Keck Foundation Jessie Klicka Foundation KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation Lockheed Corporation Maurice J. Masserini Trust Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Microsoft Corporation Mobil Foundation, Inc. Muscular Dystrophy Association The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering Inc. Newport Corporation Northern Telecom Electronics Pacific Bell David and Lucile Packard Foundation Perkins School Thomas G. & Audrey Pine Foundation R & R Advertising CUM LAUDE MAGNA CUM LAUDE SUMMA CUM LAUDE $100,000-$499,999 $500,000-$999,999 $1,000,000+ BENEFITS QUARTERLY ISSUESOF SDSU M AGAZINE X X X RECOGNITION IN THE ANNUAL DONOR HONOR ROLL X X X INVITATION TO THE STATE OFTHE UNIVERSITY ADDRESS X X X X X INVITATION TO ANNUAL RECEPTION RECOGNITION ONTHE DONOR HONOR WALL - FALL 2003 24 X SAIC San Diego International Sports Council San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation Schlumberger GeoQuest Etta Schweider Trust Scripps Mercy Hospital SDSU Associated Students Dr. Seuss Foundation Sharp Healthcare Stuart Foundation Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tektronix Inc Telesis Foundation Tenet Texaco Inc. The Blasker-Rose-Miah Fund The California Endowment TODD-AO Toshiba American Incorporated Town & Country Resort Hotel TRW TRW Space & Electronics Group Union Bank of California United Jewish Federation of San Diego County US Air VeriBest, Inc. Wal-Mart Foundation Washington University School Of Medicine Whitaker Foundation Planned Gifts Donors who arrange to benefit San Diego State University through planned gifts provide transformational support enabling the University to fulfill its obligations to future generations. Their vision, dedication and generosity ensure continuing excellence in education, research and service. Planned gifts, primarily those that create endowments and provide support in perpetuity, help shape the University by creating and undergirding critical academic programs. Heritage Society The Heritage Society recognizes individuals who have included SDSU in their estate plans through trusts, bequests or other forms of planned giving. Harry R. and Jean Albers Dorothy Allshouse John D. and Paula Atkins Allan R. and Nancy A. Bailey Marybelle Bigelow Beverly D. Blair Barbara Bowman Albert C. and Elisabeth L. Boyer Robert C. and Juanita L. Brents Andreas L. Brown Shirley Mae Bunker Gerald and Sharon Burgreen Richard M. Cariker Nancy M. Carmichael and Charles J. Stewart Sean Caruana Allen H. and Nancy S. Center James A. Clapp Louise M. Clark James W. Cobble William E. Cole, Sr. Fred M. Conger A. Cooper and Jan Swanson Thomas B. and Suzanna Cooper Stephen and Michelle Coslik Charles H. Cotton and Henry C. Metzger Jerome and Renee Covin Beverly Snow Cramb Loch and Clare B. Crane Richard C. Crowe Rodger E. and Bellaflor Cryer Marie S. Curtright Allan C. and Janet T. Dale Thomas M. Davies, Jr. ANY AMOUNT HERITAGE SOCIETY BENEFITS QUARTERLY ISSUESOF SDSU MAGAZINE X RECOGNITION IN THE ANNUAL DONOR HONOR ROLL X LAPEL PIN X INVITATIONTO ANNUAL R ECEPTION Ronald E. Dietz Mary M. Donaldson Lucinda D. Duvall Bruce A. and Patricia W. Fischer Ron L. Fowler Elizabeth A. Galligan Joseph A. Gann Channing and Marie K. Gilson Alan J. Gruber Theodore Hackett Ellen S. Hawkins William E. Hazen Frederick G. Henry Arthur and Eleanor B. Herzman Ervin Hjemvik Harry T. Hodgetts, Sr. and Patricia Hodgetts John M. Hood, Jr. and Barbara M. Hood Dorothy M. Hover Muriel B. Ingham William G. Irish Judith M. James Henry L. and Marjorie T. Janssen Marilyn E. Jess Maurice C. and Charmaine Kaplan M. C. and Betty J. Keithley M. Norman and Greta G. Kemp Aline T. King Eleanor L. Kingsbury John W. and Helen Knauer AlmaL.KochandMichael S. Pollak Lynda L. Koolish Harriet G. Kopp Robert E. Lando Robert P. Lantz Frederick W. and Sharon Lear Jerome P. Ledin Charlotte G. Leiffer Daniel R. and Dorothy J. Leonard Bernard Lipinsky Charles S. and Robin B. Luby Robert H. Lynn and Kleon Howe Terry M. and Esther C. Maxey Patricia McCuen Alfred H. McLeod Dan D. McLeod Vince Meades X Patrick C. Mercardante W. Dean and Marian E. Miller Bernice Moore Lewis C. and Patricia N. Moulton Ida H. Nasatir D. Wayne andShirleyA.Newman Harriet G. Newmark Stephen B. Nielander Tosh Nomura Calvert E. Norland Terry L. O'Donnell Allen W. and Mary Osterling Ivy O'Sullivan Jerry Pease Deb C. Pedersdotter Lawrence W. Petersen Frederick W. Pierce, IV B. James and Margaret M. Polak Paul M. Propp Susan B. Razzaia C. Edward and Bobbie L. Reed Charles L. Richard, Jr. and Jennifer Richard James K. Richardson Alan D. Riedler John J. Rogers Steven M. Rogers Hugo F. Sahlein David B. Sayres Barbara M. Schuch Stephen N. Shinsky Robert T. and Frances H. Sprouse Alexander L. and Jeannette L. Srbich Dwight E. and Fern Stanford David R. Stepsay Marguerite R. Strand Robert W. and Marilyn Straumfjord Joseph M. and Betty Suozzo Ruth W. Sweeney J. L. and JoAnn Tanzer Helen I. Taylor Donald W. and Lois J. Thiel Michael T. and Carol Thorsnes Mary H. Tupper Merle B. and Marjorie S. Turner William A. Waite Janet Wallace G. Pitt and Virginia R. Warner 25 Robert J. and Maggie Watkins Aubrey and Lucille Wendling John K. Williams, Jr. John H. and Buelah J. Wills Mary J. Wilson Samuel J. and Paulette Wilson Joseph V. Wolden Aztec Athletic Foundation The Aztec Athletic Foundation is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose mission is to support and promote SDSU athletics primarily by fund raising, providing student-athlete scholarships, recognizing male and female student-athletes and fostering community support. The Aztec Athletic Foundation recognizes athletics boosters in seven giving categories. Golden Aztec $10,000+ Thomas E. Ables Steve and Lisa Altman Astro Aluminum Treating Co. Aztec Shops Ltd. Ben and Tina Bagnas Barona Band of Mission Indians Barona Casino Beer King Stephen and Mary Birch Foundation William R. Bradley Steven Brooker James S. Brown John W. Carlson 26 The Century Club of San Diego Clear Channel Communications Kevin McCarthy Paul L. Corriere, Jr. Cox Communications Ronald E. Dietz dj Orthopedics - Les Cross Douglas E. Barnhart Inc. Art L. Flaming Jack and Mary Goodall Jefferson-Pilot Communications Jessie Klicka Foundation Patty Kawano Gerald J. Lewis William P. Marchbanks Mesa Distributing Company, Inc.Ron Fowler Mission Janitorial Supplies John and Becky Moores Richard and Gaby Sulpizio Mike and Carol Thorsnes Wells Fargo Bank Lawrence A. Willens R. Dennis Wise Silver Aztec $5,000 – $9,999 Levent Alkibay Bank of America Foundation Rick and Denice Bay Bully's East Restaurant Sharon Burgreen A. John Busch Considine & Considine Timothy Day Gene Dente Glenn A. Dethloff Denny Dickenson Margaret Diehl W. Rodger and Barbara Dishong Geotechnics Incorporated Jeff Goodall David Grooms Tony Gwynn Richard H. Jarvis L.Robert & Patricia L. Payne Fund LMS Inc. Luce Forward Hamilton Scripps LLP Carl S. Maggio John J. Martin Gregory Nelson Nina Hartwell Trust Old Town Mexican Cafe Christopher Penrose Pressley Peterbilt J. Michael Reed Mel Riddlespurger Gerald G. Rundle Robert G. Scurrah, Jr. San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation Herbert J. Solomon Thomas C. Ackerman Foundation Venture Kevin Wells B ronze Aztec $2,500 – $4,999 Allenbrooke Insurance Randy and Charisse Beck Clifford P. Bee Hewes A. Bell Roy M. Bell Jay S. Berenter Vincent and Betsey Biondo, Jr. Arthur F. Butler, Jr. Cal Fed Carrier Johnson Alexander J. Cota John D. Dahlen Tom and Ann Day Stephen J. Duich William T. Earley Roland W. Eddy Darrel Edwards Nicholas L. Frazee Fresh Pac William Geppert Charles W. Giacomini Carl Haines Bobbie Harkey Haven Financial Services Hirsch & Company Harry T. Hodgetts, Sr. Mike Ibe William Jeffery Rulon Charles Jenson Bruce R. Johnson Thomas S. King Ronald G. Krueger La Mesa Carpet & Linoleum William D. Lynch Linda Mc Mullen Kenneth Monson Scott Mubarak Jose E. Munoz, Jr. Murray Callan Swim School Nielsen-Dillingham Builders Owen O'Brien David G. Pierce Thomas G. Pine, Jr. Donald W. Purvis Rick W. Reeder John K. Richards Ted Roth John A. Russell PROUD AZTEC $100 DEFENDING AZTEC $250 FIGHTING AZTEC $500 CHAMPION AZTEC $1,000 BRONZE AZTEC $2,500 SILVER AZTEC $5,000 GOLDEN AZTEC $10,000 AAF MEMBERSHIP CARD X X X X X X X AZTECS ON-LINE NEWSLETTER ❶ X X X X X X X AZTEC ATHLETIC FOUNDATION MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS AAF FOOTBALL TAILGATE PARTY X X X X X X X GAME PROGRAM RECOGNITION X X X X X X X FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL SEATING PRIORITY ❶❷ X X X X X X X ADVANCE SINGLE-GAME TICKET OPTION ❶❸ X (PRIORITY 7) X (PRIORITY 6) X (PRIORITY 5) X (PRIORITY 4) X (PRIORITY 3) X (PRIORITY 2) X (PRIORITY 1) POST-SEASON TICKET PRIORITY ❶❸ X (PRIORITY 7) X (PRIORITY 6) X (PRIORITY 5) X (PRIORITY 4) X (PRIORITY 3) X (PRIORITY 2) X (PRIORITY 1) X X X X X X X (PRIORITY 5) X (PRIORITY 4) X (PRIORITY 3) X (PRIORITY 2) X (PRIORITY 1) FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL VIP PRE-GAME RECEPTIONS ❶❷ X X X X FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL SCOREBOARD RECOGNITION X X X X SPECIAL INVITATIONS TO AZTEC EVENTS FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL VIP PARKING PASS ❶❷❸ FOOTBALL & BASKETBALL MEDIA GUIDES X X FOOTBALL TRAVEL WITHTHE TEAM X X 1INVITATION/1G AME 2 INVITATIONS/1GAME ❶ BASED ON “UNRESTRICTED” CONTRIBUTIONS. ❷ REQUIRES SEASON-TICKET PURCHASE. ❸ BASED ON AVAILABILITY San Diego International Sports Council - Ky L. Snyder Richard K. Shea Matt Spathas Larry Swikard Walter A. Turner, Jr. Volume Services America Jacqueline B. Wells Daniel M. Whitaker Skip J. Woodson Champion Aztec $1,000 – $2,499 A & J Foster Inc. John Alspaugh Jess Alvarez Stanyon Anderson Craig G. Anderson James H. Ashcraft Astelford Construction Inc. Terry L. Atkinson Michael Salud Bagnas Allan R. Bailey Jack A. Balistreri Dave Ball Baltimore Ravens Beachcomber Bearing Construction Inc. Ronald E Beckman Robert G. Bell Gordon Bell John M. Billings Stephen S. Billings Andy G. Borgia William R. Brault Robert Breitbard Martin J. Bridges Thomas G. Brown Christine C. Bruce Mark C. Butler Anthony J. Byzewski California Bank & Trust California Portland Cement Cal-Sorrento Limited Douglas C. Capps Gordon Carrier Castle Advertising Robert J. Cenko Patrick T. Collins Michael P. Colman Comerica Bank Fred M. Conger Les Conner Larry Cook Stephen Coslik Richard H. Crafts Clyde C. Crockett Dennis S. Cruzan Frank A. Cuenca James R. Cullen Joseph Cusimano, Jr. David F. Davis Richard R. Davis Mike Dee Guy P. DeFeo George Dell Richard DeMartini Jim Dietz William K. Dietz W. Rodger Dishong Donley's Inc. Earl R. Dowdy Carolyn Downey Driscoll Mission Bay LLC Michael P. Drogin Ken Duncan C.A. and Sharon Dunn Elvin R. Durup William C. Fanning, Jr. Aaron J. Farmer Stephen Fazziola James F. Gandolfi General Motors Corporation Arthur Getis Timothy Giles Jeffrey W. Glazer John Gomez R. Randy Goodson Gregory Specialty Machine Rondi Grey Ernst C. Griffin Joshua D. Gruenberg Daniel L. Guevara Robert C. Haggerty Justin Halenza Michael Hamilton Michael Harding Mark A. Harmon William E. Hartleb H. Douglas Harvey Brendan C. Hayes Jack K. Heilbron Sherry K. Henderson Frank B. Hermes David R. Hickey Scott Highfill Mitchel Hirota J. Patrick Hodgetts Russell Hoffman Bruce A. Hosfeld Thomas B. Hoyt Frank P. Hurst Richard V. Hyatt Bryan Ireland John O. Irwin Camille L. Johnson Edwin A. Johnson George J. Jones Scott A. Jones Jordan-Wilcomb Construction Howard J. Justus Thomas L. Karlo Allan Keck Surl Kim James Kitchen J. Andrew Kitzman Hart G. Klein L. A. Jack & Co. Lamb & Medina Frederick W. Lear Thomas Lohner Jim G. Malik Jim Marshall Fred C. Martin Brad Mason Willie Matson Peter A. Mattera Timothy P. McCardle Michael McCarron Jack and Janet McKeown Sean McNanie Faustino J. Medina 27 Thomas Mercer Christopher Moran Martin Morris Joe Morse Ford F. Mudgett Gerald S. Mulder Muller Family Foundation John Mutch Neil Dymott Perkins Brown & Frank Chad K. Nelson Craig Alan Nelson Stephen B. Nielander James R. Norgan Daniel B. Nowak Gregory L. Ny OASIS Medical Group Inc. Richard Okleshen Michael Owens Pacific Bell Weber Payne Ralph R. Pesqueira Mark E. Peterson Frederick W. Pierce, IV Antoinette L. Pitts Matthew J. Pohl Prudential Securities Inc. Ian Pumpian QUALCOMM Incorporated Floyd M. Ramsey Craig A. Ramseyer Red Lion Hanalei Hotel C. Edward Reed Sara Regalia John G. Reinhardt REMAX William Rice Murray Rogow M. Gale Ruffin Rush Printing & Mailing Inc. James R. Ryan S D S U Alumni Association San Diego Gas & Electric San Diego National Bank Paul Sanit Donald Sarantos Sol Schultz Gordon L. Shackelford Shaw & Little Inc. Matthew J. Shevlin Gary Shira Terri L. Shives Lon Showley Ed Silverstein Simplified Mortgage Dale and Kathy Skinner Barb Smith Thomas Smith Ky L. Snyder Standard Truck Line 28 Jack L. Stanley Dave Stecher Steve Burt & Assoc. Dennis Stewart James E. Stuemke Jeffrey S. Styers Alan Swinney Nore F. Thiesfeld Gordon M. Thompson Howard Tirschwell Alfred T. Tollner Robert J. Toomey Kyle Turley Jessie Van Deventer Joseph and Molly Vasquez W. Christopher Waddell Donald Walker Bill and Lori Walton Carl R. Weaver Stephen L. Weber Barry Weiss Richard K. Williams, Jr. Roger D. Wolfe Roy Younggren Zurich Scudder Investment Fighting Az tec $500 – $999 Jan Adler Emmanuel T. Akporiaye Walter S. Albright W. Kirk Allen Nicholas S. Alston AMS Plastics Peter A. Andersen Larry Andrews Peter and Snejina Anguelov Ronald J. Anuskiewicz Robert Anuskiewicz Al C. Araiza, Jr. Michael Arnold Hermann Baecht George F. Bailey Jolene Elizabeth Baker Don L. Ballantyne Steven J. Banner David A. Bantz James P. Bartell Batchelder & Partners Steve Beenfeldt Wendell W. Bemis Jim Berg Ed Berner Susann M. Blair Albert J. Blaylock Robert M. Bley Steven A. Bloom James J. Boland Michael R. Bolton Cletus Bond Boulder Family Dental Bouman & Merryman Appraisal Larrie Brainard D. Brucker John A. Brunkow Albert E. Bruton, Jr. Ken Bryan Ron Bumgarner Burke Productions Patricia Argent Burruss John D. Butler Robert S. Butler Jeffrey H. Byroads Robert L. Calentino Joseph R. Cave Harry J. Cebron Mark Champagne Paul A. Champlin Chicago Title Co. Joe M. Christenson Ben H. Clark† Michael A. Clawson Tom Clements George H. Codling Cohart Products Brita Colburn Michael J. Collins John R. Collura John P. Colson, Jr. Compliance & More Michael E. Conboy Mike Connolly Construction Testing Leonard R. Cordova Marc D. Corwin Kevin Geoffrey Craven Enrico S. Cruz D & L Tile Inc. Robert Dahlquist Dandy Boy Inc. Data Systems Of San Diego Paula J. Davila Steven D. Davis Dave Davis Tom L. Delonge Denfran Systems, Inc Wallace C. Dieckmann Dildonic International George G. Dillon Vince Diserio John Richard Doerr Jana S. Doggett Allen M. Donovan William Duty John and Marjorie Dykema Robert A. Eichhorst Walter C. Emery Empire Associates Deanna T. Encarnacion Richard Engelberg Hector F. Estevane Karen J. Evans John W. Eves, Jr. Kevin L. Faulconer Richard D. Ferrier Perry Feurer Thomas Finch Sanford Fisch Mike Flanagan Randy W. Floyd Four Square Productions Inc. Howard B. Frank Milton Fredman David A. Frieden Bryan C. Gannon Dave Garcia Bill Garrett Gregory Gastaldo Gerry Living Trust Charles R. Gill William Godwin-Austen Louis E. Goebel Charles Goldberg D. G. Goodwin Got Milk Fundraiser Carolyn Graney - John Hancock Funds John E. Grant Alan Greenway Max Gresoro, Jr. Robert Griego Larry Haeger Steven Halgren Scott M. Hall Larry Hall W. Brian Hames Judith W. Hamilton Harvey Hanenburg Thomas E. Harper Joseph E. Heatherman Dennis Heipt Gerald M. Hermanson Clark E. Higgins Harold Hilliker Al Hinkle Roland (Sonny) Hogue, Jr. Roland J. Hogue, III Michael P. Hornung Walden Hudson Martin Imhof Jack in the Box, Inc. Phil Jelsma James Jernigan Ezra Ian Johnson Ladrue R. Jordan Dan Juaire Kabyn Books Douglas A. Karney Eugene Kemp Kevin R. McCarthy & Associates Terry W. Keyes Robert E. Knauer Andrew Knutson William H. Kronberger, Jr. Darren La Rue Lawton Law Firm Richard J. Lennon Ronald M. Lentz Wayne Lettiere Douglas P. Lewis Jonathon A. Lewis Lois Lewis Dr. Benjamin Ling Don List Leo L. Lyon Micheal Madden William W. Marckwardt Jack F. Marquardt George A. Marston C. Dennis Marteeny† Elaine B. Marteeny Deborah J. Martin Robert May Mike Mc Candless David McDonough Donald C. McDougal, Jr. Ronald J. Mc Elliott† Michael H. McGeath McGregors Grill & Ale House Martin Mc Guinn McIntyre Construction, Inc. Craig D. Mc Mahon John W. McMullen Aspen Paulette McPartland Martha E. McPhail John W. Meagher Josh M. Mellinger Bryant W. Mendelson Keith L. Mendoza Frank B. Merhar Michael Mericle Joseph P. Miller, Jr. Brian Mink Joe Moeller Donald B. Moore Kurt Morgan Bert Morrison Gregory I. Mowat Mark Muller Dennis Munn Tom Murdock Richard Muscio Nasland Engineering Navajo Bobby Sox Robert P. Nees, Jr. Doug Nelson T.K. and Debbie Ness David Norelius Bruce Nunes Michael L. Osbourne Pacific Freight Transportation Michael Pancer Jack Parkinson Leon W. Parma Harold L. Parsons Kevin G. Paulson Michael Peckham Tony Pena Steve J. Pfrenzinger Edward F. Plant Charles J. Platt Burdett B. Plumb Powell Financial Service Inc. David Pryor Dale Pursel Raceway Ford Inc. Cloyd P. Reeg Dr. George Reese Thomas Reid Ramon F. Rendon Jamie Reno Richard Shapiro Richard R. Riley Mickey Roberts Arthur G. Robertson Paul E. Robinson Clayton M. Robison Fred O. Rodgers Rowling, Dold & Associates Rosemary Ryan Gary R. Sage San Diego Engineering Services San Diego Sheet Metal Works Douglas F. Sawyer Norma Schauermann Kathleen Schultze Jerry A. Segal Daniel D. Selstad Thomas Seymour Charles H. Shedd Richard L. Shick, Jr. M. Carter Shrum Ann M. Shultz O. Morris Sievert Simplex 29 Scott W. Sonne Phillip and Donna Soroky David Stanfield Susan Steckel-Conway David P. Stephenson Stan and Mindy Stewart Charles Stanley Stockwell Dan Storrs Jeremy Strauss William E. Stumph Superior Pool Sutro and Co. Mark D. Talley Jay L. Tank Robert H. Theberge Robert L. Thomas Michael Thomas Howard R. Toole Jon and Ellen Towers Gerald Treadway John Trowbridge Steve A. Tucker Gary D. Tutt Sotiro Tzathas Union Bank of California Ronald D. Urich George Veeder Gregory Verdon Joanne L. Vilarino Don K. Vonk Phillip A. Ward John A. Warner Bob Watts Hugh D. Weckerly Weldrite Manufacturing Steve Wheeler Charles H. White Mike Wilder Buford Wiley Mitchell J. Williams Stephen B. Williams Tonya Wood William G. Woodrow Carol Wright Robert D. Yarbrough Randy F. Zimmer Defending Aztec $250 – $499 John Ace John D. Adams Jackie Adams Advantage Law Group - Patrick Nellies Advantage Law Group - Marc Kroop John H. Agle Ernest W. Anderson, III 30 Appliance Parts Center Inc. Sharon Armstrong Frank D. Aronoff Paul F. Asbury Joanne Auerbach Bryan Bagnas Michael J. Barney Doug Barnhardt Gary L. Barrett John C. Barrons Susan B. Bartlett Alfred Bastisda T. O. Bateman John and Christin Batt Nancy L. Batterman Larry Bell Scott Bellamy Alex Belliaeff Michael Berg Berg-Nelson Corp. Nadine Bezuk G. Casey Blank Martin Block Evan Bloom Blowout Video Sales Everett Bobbitt Mark E. Bonebright Russell Bordonaro Newell Bowen James A. Bradbury David N. Bradford Brandlin & Associates Accountants Herman J. Branin James V. Braun Glen M. Broom Walter G. Brown Simon C. Brumbaugh, Jr. Joel H. Bryden Rob Bryson Joe Buompensiero Jimmy Burkhalter Lyle W. Butler Timothy J. Buzbee Paul Cacho California Metals Inc. Bob L. Calmenson Gerald E. Campbell Bruce G. Campbell Tim C. Campbell Daniel C. Cannon Delmar G. Carlson Thomas F. Carter Kathleen L. Casas Andrew G. Castiglione Matthew Edwin Chaffee Robert A. Chandler Charlie Rose Jeffrey L. Chess Chicago Title Co. of San Diego Tom Christensen C. Ben Christensen Eugene M. Chubb Keith L. Circosta Bob Clark David T. Claycomb Douglas S. Coe Philip M. Cohen Harry C. Comer Alan L. Cook P. M. Cooper James Corlew Larry Cornick Dan R. Cornthwaite John Cota Jeff and Pamela Cotta Richard G. Cotton Richard D. Coutts James W. Crawford Kirk V. Crawford Jerry Cross Russell Croteau Crystal Cleaners Susan M. Cutler Mike Czysz Dennis and Julie Danielson Bruce Darby Nancy J. Dartez Robert W. Davies† DeMarco Plumbing & Drain Athon Denos Jeff Derbes David A. Desiderio Frank Devaney Bob Dickie George M. Dillard Robert L. Dodge Michael J. Donnelly Downtown Johnny Browns Jeffery M. Drew Debbie Drew Barbara L. Driscoll Dawn M. DuCharme Richard A. Dukleth William S. Dusz Stephen Echard-Musgrave Enterprise Rent-A-Car Hector Eribez Pete Esquivel Oberlin J. Evenson Factual Data Credit Serv. Diana M. Falar Glen L. Faringer John C. Fawcett Edward P. Feighery Jeff Ferrantino Paul J. Fieri Scott D. Finders Harry Finn Robert T. Fischbach Mike Flanagan Barry R. Fleming Jeffrey W. Fleming Jerry C. Fort Jerry L. Foster Kathleen Fox Stephen H. Frantz Sal Freitas Gregory Friedman William Gable George L. Gaines Philip B. Gair Robert D. Gale Christopher P. Gallo Dennis Arthur Garon Edward Gergosian Tom Gibbins Ralph C. Gibson Devoe C. Gill Lance W. Glogovac Patricia D. Glover Robert A. Goff Bryant R. Gold Thomas S. Golich Thomas L. Goodbody, Jr. Charles E. Graf David Gregg Lynne Grenfell John F. Groebli Bob Grossman Sherry L. Guess Kenneth S. Gunter Stephen Haase Douglas O. Haigh, Jr. Kenneth G. Hale Robert and Mary Annette Hall Timothy V. Hallahan Michael F. Hallahan Robert Halley David B. Hamilton Louis R. Hanoian Felix Hardt Sean Hargaden James H. Harker Steven Harkey James S. Hartung Asahel E. Hayes Edward V. Heck Paul Heggie Bradley I. Helman Philip K. Hench James Herrick Ronald W. Hess Lawrence T. Hitt Rodney D. Hoffman Walter Hogle Vern Holmberg Tory S. Holway William Horejs Joel Hortizuela Ronald R. House James T. Hull Lyle R. Hull Douglas Hunt Michael J. Irwin Robert Jacobs Robert J. Jacobson Richard W. Jarrett, II Robert W. Jassoy, Jr. John F. Johnson Fon C. Johnson Mary A. Johnson Donald V. Jones Ellis Jones Ron Kabot Jerry Kahn Susan Kasuyama George Kengott Kevin Neal Williams Insurance Agency Patrick Kilkenny David Kindig Lev Y. Kirshner Jamie J. Kiskis William L. Knoll James P. Knott Glen Kopp John M. La Plante Kathryn J. LaMaster Albert Lantz David L. Lay Michael Learned Dick Leech Bob Lennon John C. Leppert Gary S. Levine Michael D. Lewis Raymond Lidstrom Bob Lincoln Byron F. Lindsley Deborah A. Loehr David D. Lynn Nan Mac Isaac Jesse M. Mackey, Jr. William L. Maddox Gregory Madison Barry W. Madosky Jeffrey J. Malik John R. Marsh Tammi B. Marshall Christopher and Heidi Martin Edward F. Martin Jeffrey L. Marxen Ralph Mason Edward R. Mateer Marcus S. Matherly Michael T. Matherly Gerald P. May, Jr. Don B. McAnally Kenneth F. McCain John W. Mc Cardell Michael McCarthy Micheal McCarthy Tom Mc Cormack Jeffrey S. McCoy Jerold Mc Cray Roy D. McDonald Steve Mc Gee James R. McKechnie Daniel H. McMillan Anne E. McMillan James McNeal Albert F. Meier Klaus Mendenhall Mesa Blueprint William Mezger Christopher J. Miller Fred L. Miller James R. Miller Justi Rae Miller Michael W. Miller Eric and Elaine Miyajima Moceri Produce Dick Moomaw Brian F. Mooney Gloria J. Moore Edward A. Morris Robert C. Moss, Sr. Dave Mount Michael H. Muirhead NationalSteel & Shipbuilding Co. Michael P. Neal Kim E. Nelson Dinah Nesbit Greg Newbold Grant L. Nielsen Judith A. Nordberg Rebecca Nunes Timothy O'Malley Alfred C. O'Neal, Jr. Dennis S. O'Neill John W. Orendain JoAnne Ortega David C. Osborne 31 32 Bob Ottilie Pacific Color Pacific Communities Escrow Pacific West Douglas E. Panter Wayne Papac Patrick J. Papin Robert J. Parrott Michael J. Pekos Robert H. Perry Gregory P. Persky Valentino Pest Rob Phillips Robert J. Piserchio Thomas Plachek James C. Poe Dean O. Popp Robert A. Prahl Professional Kicking Services Proforma Pacific Graphics Edward Quigley Eric G. Ramstrom William V. Redfern John Richards Boyd D. Richardson James K. Richardson Alan B. Richmond Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates Bud A. Robinson Phyllis Roddy Richard A. Rogers Philip Ronningen Sally F. Roush Michael Ruble Allan Rudick Margaret M. Ruetten C. Keith Rutledge Hugh M. Saddington San Diego Crew Classic Inc. San Diego District Tennis San Diego Padres Baseball Club Allan N. Sapp Richard D. Scharff Anthony F. Schilens Annabel and Herbert Schnall John Schneidmiller James and Cynthia Schoeneck Eric S. Schoeppler Steve Schulman Ted Scott Steve E. Shafer Roy Shepard Judy Sheriff C. T. Sherman Thomas E. Shipman Mike Sigler Dave Silveri Gary R. Sims William N. Smerdon Avery J. Smith Clifton L. Smith Doug Smith George R. Smith Mark Smith Sharon M. Smith William E. Sommer Frederick Spencer E. F. Sprague Greg F. Stanovich Gary R. Stephany Keith Stevenson Charles J. Stewart Linda A. Stewart Robert Stewart James Stieringer David O. Stine Neale R. Stoner Peter F. Stratton Michael D. Straw David J. Streich Adam L. Streltzer Thomas Strobbe Frances B. Takvam Louis A. Tapia Barry Y. Tarvin Vincent Teran, Jr. James W. Terry Frederick H. Thompson John Thorsnes Tod Thorsnes Dick Thurlow Jay Timmons Joseph C. Torres Luis Torres Vivian Trickey Stephen A. Trobaugh Benjamin A. Trovaten Robert L. Trovaten Adam Truitt Deborah L. Tweit-Hull Karl F. Ulle, Jr. Bruce Urquhart Charles R. Valenta Valley House Restaurant & Lounge Jan Vangrov Robert Varrett Vincent Velasco Joseph R. Verbanic, II Videotech Co. Walter R. Vierra Gretchen N. Vik Todd R. Vradenburg Christopher L. Wakeman Walters Caietti Rutan Lopez Wood LLP Robert L. Walton Jerry Ware Edward C. Watkins, Jr.† Graham G. Weiss Jeffrey N. Weiss Michael L. Wells Donald Whaling Ronald and Diana Wheatcroft Margaret S. White Michael A. White Charles M. Wilborn Marilyn Huntamer Wilkinson Robert E. J. Wilm Duane E. Wilson Rodney D. Winter Gary D. Wisehart Toni Wisehart Kevin W. Woo Phillip B. Wood John A. Woodburn Susan Woodburn Milton D. Woodruff Thomas J. Young George Ziegenfuss Betty Ziegler Anthony Mate Zoric A N N U A L R E P O RT T O F I N A N C I A L O P E R A T I O N S Because philanthropic gifts help meet critical educational and community goals, private support is one of the most important elements in building and sustaining academic excellence in higher education. DONORS 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 A MESSAGE FROM THE CEO The Campanile Foundation operates as an institutionally related philanthropic foundation created to support the educational mission of San Diego State University. The first 18 months of operation have necessarily focused on the creation of basic financial policies and procedures that govern the receipt and management of philanthropic gifts to San Diego State University. Because these gifts help meet critical educational and community goals, private support is one of the most important elements in building and sustaining academic excellence in higher education. As the Foundation moves from an organizational to a growth mode, it is committed to identifying strategies to minimize the cost of administering philanthropic resources. The 2000-2001 fiscal year occurred in one of the most difficult economic and investment environments in recent memory. Of particular significance, equity returns turned decidedly negative after a number of years of positive double-digit returns. Like that of other educational foundations around the country, The Campanile Foundation’s investment policy is based on generally accepted investment and endowment spending policies, targeted toward long-term returns. The Campanile Foundation's pooled endowment fund returned -1.4 percent for the fiscal year 2000-2001, a performance that placed The Campanile Foundation in the top 41 percent of all foundations. Although the absolute return is disappointing, given economic and stock market conditions that saw the S&P 500 index down -14.8 percent for the year, results could have been much worse. The Campanile Foundation will continue to work to refine its investment strategy in light of current environmental and economic conditions. I look forward to continuing to share with you the financial progress of The Campanile Foundation in enhancing the impact of private support on the academic quality of San Diego State University. Given the significant impact of SDSU on this community and region, an enhanced University is a benefit to us all. Theresa M. Mendoza, CEO 34 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Board of Directors The Campanile Foundation San Diego, California We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of The Campanile Foundation as of June 30, 2000 and 2001, the related statements of activities and cash flows for the year ended June 30, 2001 and period from August 4, 1999 (inception) through June 30, 2000. These financial statements are the responsibility of The Campanile Foundation's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Campanile Foundation as of June 30, 2001 and 2000, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year ended June 30, 2001 and period from August 4, 1999 (inception) through June 30, 2000 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. San Diego, California September 25, 2001 35 THE CAMPANILE FOUNDAT I O N S TATE M E NT S O F F IN AN CI A L P O S I TI ON June 30, 2000 and 2001 ASSETS 2001 Short-Term Investments (Note 4) Notes and Other Receivables Due from Auxiliary (Note 2) Pledges Receivable (Note 5) Long-Term Investments (Note 4) TOTALASSETS 2000 $ 314,651 12,848,031 6,737,833 46,867,494 $40,604,295 559,541 7,107,720 7,888,950 2,472,073 $66,768,009 $58,632,579 $ $ LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Liability for Amounts Held for Others TOTALLIABILITIES 56,365 3,192,174 37,456 1,040,289 3,248,539 1,077,745 315,950 34,215,804 28,987,716 417,127 31,350,020 25,787,687 63,519,470 57,554,834 $66,768,009 $58,632,579 Commitment (Note 6) Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted (Note 3) Permanently restricted (Note 3) TOTALNET ASSETS TOTALLIABILITIES AND NETASSETS See Notes to Financial Statements. 36 THE CAMPANILE FOUNDAT I O N S TATE M E N TS OF A CT IV I TI E S Year Ended June 30, 2001 and Period from August 4, 1999 (Inception) Through June 30, 2000 2001 TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED TOTAL 705,061 9,306 9,667,614 $ 9,386,545 2,030,897 (1,729,562) 1,421,041 (9,667,614) $ 3,200,029 - $12,586,574 2,735,958 (1,720,256) 1,421,041 - 10,381,981 1,441,307 3,200,029 15,023,317 6,948,339 2,690,312 728,396 116,111 - - 6,948,339 2,690,312 728,396 116,111 10,483,158 - - 10,483,158 Change in Net Assets, before net transfer in of net assets Net transfer in of Net Assets (Note 2) (101,177) - 1,441,307 1,424,477 3,200,029 - 4,540,159 1,424,477 Change in Net Assets, after net transfer of net assets (101,177) 2,865,784 3,200,029 5,964,636 417,127 31,350,020 25,787,687 57,554,834 315,950 $34,215,804 $28,987,716 $63,519,470 UNRESTRICTED TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED TOTAL $ 1,014,401 640,468 10,013 68,211 907,770 $ 9,756,928 610,461 (264,118) 626,991 (907,770) $ 2,425,169 12,350 - $13,196,498 1,250,929 (254,105) 707,552 - 2,640,863 9,822,492 2,437,519 14,900,874 997,580 1,148,099 400,628 16,968 - - 997,580 1,148,099 400,628 16,968 2,563,275 - - 2,563,275 Change in Net Assets, before net transfer in of net assets Net transfer in of Net Assets (Note 2) 77,588 339,539 9,822,492 21,527,528 2,437,519 23,350,168 12,337,599 45,217,235 Change in Net Assets, after net transfer of net assets 417,127 31,350,020 25,787,687 57,554,834 - - - - $ 417,127 $31,350,020 $25,787,687 $57,554,834 UNRESTRICTED REVENUE, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions: Community and campus programs Other Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments Investment income Net assets released from restrictions $ TOTALREVENUE , GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT EXPENDITURES AND DEDUCTIONS Campus programs (Note 2) Student scholarships Fund-raising expenses General administration TOTALEXPENDITURES AND DEDUCTIONS NETASSETS , BEGINNING OFYEAR NETASSETS , END OF YEAR $ 2000 REVENUE, GAINS, AND OTHER SUPPORT Contributions: Community and campus programs Other Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments Investment income Net assets released from restrictions TOTALREVENUE , GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT EXPENDITURES AND DEDUCTIONS Campus programs Student scholarships Fund-raising expenses General administration TOTALEXPENDITURES AND DEDUCTIONS NET ASSETS, BEGINNINGOF YEAR NET ASSETS, END OFYEAR See Notes to Financial Statements 37 THE CAMPANILE FOUNDAT I O N STATEME NTS OF CASH FLOWS Year Ended June 30, 2001 and Period from August 4, 1999 (Inception) through June 30, 2000 Cash Flows from Operating Activities Change in net assets, after transfer in of net assets Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets, after transfer of net assets to net cash provided by operating activities: Contributions restricted for long-term investments Net unrealized losses Net transfer in of net assets Decrease (increase) in assets: Notes and other receivables Due from auxiliary Pledges receivable Increase in liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Liability for amounts held for others NETCASH 2001 2000 $ 5,964,636 $57,554,834 (3,200,029) 1,720,256 (1,424,477) (2,437,519) 254,105 (45,217,235) 244,890 (5,740,311) 1,151,117 (276,440) (336,881) (6,990,157) 18,909 2,151,885 37,456 134,628 886,876 2,722,791 926,011 (5,012,916) (5,160,310) (4,086,905) (5,160,310) 3,200,029 2,437,519 - - PROVIDED BYOPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash Flows from Investing Activities Proceeds from sale of investments Purchase of investments NETCASH (USEDIN ) INVESTING ACTIVITIES Cash Flows from Financing Activities, proceeds from restricted contributions NETINCREASE IN CASH Cash, beginning of the year Cash, end of year $ - $ - Supplemental Disclosure of Non-Cash Investing and Financing Activities Transfer in of Net Assets (Note 2): Investments Due from auxiliary Student loans receivable Pledges receivable Gifts-in-kind transferred out to the University Liability for amounts held for others NETTRANSFER IN OFNET ASSETS See Notes to Financial Statements. 38 $ 2,328,204 - $ 1,889,751 43,051,251 283,101 898,793 2,328,204 46,122,896 903,727 - 905,661 $ 1,424,477 $45,217,235 NO TE S TO F IN AN CI A L STAT E M E N T S N O T E 1. NAT U R E OF BUSINESS AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES NATURE OFBUSINESS The Campanile Foundation (TCF) is an auxiliary organization of San Diego State University (University), organized and operated in accordance with the Education Code of the State of California and the California Code of Regulations. The Foundation is a nonprofit corporation chartered to provide and augment programs that are an integral part of the educational mission of the University. TCF was organized in August 1999 to assist the University in the acquisition of gifts, the management of philanthropic gifts, and the investment of certain endowment gifts. TCF began its operations effective January 1, 2000, in conjunction with the transfer of assets, as discussed in Note 2. TCF’s financial statements are included as a component unit of the University’s annual general purpose financial statements. This is required by governmental accounting standards which apply to the University. A summary of the significant accounting policies utilized by TCF are as follows: BASIS OF ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING In order to ensure observance of limitations and restrictions placed on the use of available resources, the accounts of TCF are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting. This procedure is done for regulatory reporting requirements and to ensure that expenditures of restricted and unrestricted funds are spent according to donor and other internally or externally imposed directives. TCF’s financial statements present net assets and contributions classified as unrestricted, temporarily restricted and permanently restricted. These classifications are based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions relating to contributions and are summarized as follows: Unrestricted net assets consist of net assets that are neither permanently restricted nor temporarily restricted by donor-imposed stipulations. Temporarily restricted net assets consist of unspent contributions that are subject to specific donor restrictions that can be fulfilled by actions of TCF or by the passage of time. These include unspent purpose-restricted expendable gifts, certain pledges payable in future periods, unspent time-restricted gifts and term endowments. Permanently restricted net assets consist of contributions made with donor imposed stipulations that the funds be held in perpetuity. Generally the income earned on such contributions is available for use by TCF for the benefit of the University. As stated above, the classification of net assets is based upon the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions on contributions. Net assets also include funds other than contributions that have been designated for specific purposes, which are classified as unrestricted in the financial statements. N O T E 1. NAT U R E ( CO N T I N U E D ) OF BUSINESS AND S I G N I F I C A N T A C C O U N T I N G PO L I C I E S USEOF ESTIMATES The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates. INVESTMENTS Investments in equity securities with readily determinable fair values and all investments in debt securities are reported at fair value with gains and losses included in the statement of activities. CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions, including unconditional promises to give (pledges), are recognized in the year the promise is made as opposed to when assets are received. Contributions with donor-imposed restrictions are reported as temporarily or permanently restricted contributions. Temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets at such time as the Foundation has fulfilled the donor-imposed restriction. Contributions where donor imposed restrictions both arose and expired in the same fiscal year are reported as unrestricted contributions. Pledges that are expected to be collected within one year are recorded at their net realizable value. Pledges that are expected to be collected in future years are discounted, at approximately 6%, to their estimated net present value (Note 5). TRUSTS TCF serves as trustee and administrator for various types of trust arrangements, including split interest agreements whereby the beneficial interest is shared with one or more parties. The arrangements generally require payment of annual trust income to the income beneficiary or beneficiaries over the term of the trust with the remainderman portion of the assets reverting to TCF. The liability for amounts held for others on the statements of financial position represents the present value of the estimated future payments to be distributed to these beneficiaries. FUNCTIONAL ALLOCATIONOF EXPENSES The costs of providing various programs, fundraising, and other activities have been summarized in the statement of activities. Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated among the programs and fundraising activities benefited. INCOME TAXES TCF is an organization exempt from federal and state income taxes. In order to maintain that status, the organization is precluded from making certain expenditures, principally in support of political parties. Management believes that no such expenditures have been made. 39 NO TES TO FIN A NC IA L STATEMENTS N O T E 2. TR A N S F E R OF NET ASSETS N O T E 4. I N V E S T M E N T S On January 1, 2000, the San Diego State University Foundation (SDSUF), under direction from the University as the ultimate beneficiary of all donated assets, transfer red net assets of approximately $45,217,000, consisting primarily of certain endowment and student aid funds (as jointly selected by the University and SDSUF) to TCF. Effective January 1, 2000, TCF began accepting the majority of all gifts on behalf of the University. In accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 136, "Transfers of Assets to a Not-for-Profit Organization or Charitable Trust That Raises or Holds Contributions for Others," the transaction was recorded as an equity transfer between financially inter related organizations and appears on the Statement of Activities as a transfer in of net assets. In conjunction with the transfer of assets, SDSUF entered into an agreement with TCF to provide certain administrative services including cash management processes, gift account administration, and accounting and financial reporting assistance through endowment gift funds at the time TCF expends the funds and retains interest earnings on all funds that are not specifically invested in an endowment fund for the administration of TCF’s gifts. The arrangement will be renegotiated at the end of the term. During the year ended June 30, 2001, TCF received a transfer of net assets of approximately $2,300,000 from a related University auxiliary. The amount is restricted for use in alumni affairs and is reflected in the statement of activities as net transfers in to temporarily restricted net assets. During the year ended June 30, 2001, TCF received approximately $1,658,000 in a fund-raising campaign to purchase, remodel and maintain a University House for the use of the President of the University. Included in the statement of activities as expenditures for campus programs is approximately $1,212,000, which represents TCF’s allocations to the University for the University House. As of June 30, 2000, TCF held investments in an intermediary short-term money market account, pending transfer of the funds to an endowment pool allocated to a set of investment managers, pursuant to TCF’s investment policy. Investments consisted of the following, considering the effect of the subsequent June 30, 2000 transfer, at June 30: Large Cap Equity International Equity Core Fixed Income Small/Mid Cap Growth U.S. Equity Other Investments 2001 2000 $14,670,556 4,766,584 18,059,769 2,979,113 6,391,472 14,350,000 6,150,000 16,400,000 4,100,000 1,452,000 624,000 $46,867,494 $43,076,000 N O T E 5. P L E D G E S RE C E I VA B L E Contributions are recorded as revenue when a donor makes an unconditional promise to give. Contributions pledged are expected to be collected as follows: AMOUNTS DUE IN: Less than one year One to five years More than five years Less discount at 6% to present value $2,765,576 4,425,849 506,986 (960,578) $6,737,833 N O T E 6. C O M M I T M E N T N O T E 3. RE S T R I C T I O N S ON NE T AS S E T S TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED Temporarily restricted net assets are available for the following purposes or periods: CAMPUS PROGRAMS: Use or time restricted Student aid $23,247,415 10,968,389 $34,215,804 PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED Permanently restricted net assets are restricted to: ENDOWMENTS: Campus programs Student aid Annuity trust agreement $10,250,246 15,577,295 3,160,175 $28,987,716 40 ALUMNI HOUSE PROJECT During the year ended June 30, 2001, TCF on behalf of the SDSU Alumni Association, entered into agreements for campaign fund-raising and project management for the construction of an Alumni facility. The total commitment outstanding for these services as of June 30, 2001 was approximately $271,000. Subsequent to June 30, 2001, TCF entered into a contract with certain architects to develop plans for constructing the facility. The total architectural commitment is for approximately $324,000. The total project is expected to be approximately $6,000,000, contingent on a successful fund-raising campaign. 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego, California 92182-8045 Phone: 619 • 594 • 6817 Fax: 619 • 594 • 6409