The Jungle Fowls
The Jungle Fowls
Animal Production Practical (動物生產實習) The Modern Commercial Chickens Chen Shuen-Ei Dept. of Animal Sci. The Jungle Fowls (Gallus ferrugineus or bankiva) Red Jungle Fowl: The progenitor of modern chickens Male female 1 Other Jungle Fowls Green or Forked-Tail Jungle Fowl cannot reproduce offspring with modern chickens Variation, the driving force of selection Diversity within a breed 2 Divergence by Selection The Most Dominant Meat-type Chickens Broilers 3 Monopoly by the Breeder Companies Production: 40 billion broiler chickens per year in the world Ross Arbor Acres L.I.R. Aviagen 35-45 % Cobb 30-40 % Hubbards 10-20 % Hybro Others 5-10 % USA Europe 10-20 % Broiler Production System Breeder companies: Pedigree, 90000 hens of pure lines, intensive selection never Great grandparents, 250000 hens, sold some selection pressure, mainly for grandparent production Breeder farms: Grandparents, 10000000 hens, sold as chicks Parents, 400000000 hens, sold at one day age Broiler farms: Broilers, 40000000000 chickens per year 4 Meat-type Chicken Production in Taiwan Poultry meat production: 85 % chickens (NT %) 10-15 % ducks < 5 % geese <1 % others (turkeys, guinea fowls, quails) 50 % broilers, 50 % (semi-)country chickens (NT %) of meat-type chicken production in Taiwan 110000000 broilers per year in Taiwan Breeders or breeder parents are controlled by the monopoly breeder companies Genetic Origins of Broilers Intensive genetic selection for early rapid growth by many breeder companies starting in 1950s 2 kg at 6 weeks of age for market weight Feed efficiency; 4 folds than unselected lines of birds 80% contribution are from genetic selection Some defects with selection: ascites, sudden death, skeletal deformities, poor reproductive performances and immune responses, fatty liver 5 Broiler Ancestors Cornish Varieties: dark, white, white laced red, buff (light brown) Excellent muscle development as the ultimate meat bird Greatly contributing its genes to build the vast broiler industry Derived from Aseel (or Asil) breed A white Cornish rooster A dark Cornish rooster and hen A white-laced red Cornish roost 3 buff Cornish hens 6 Broiler Ancestors (continued) Aseel (or Asil), Indian Game fowls The Progenitor of Cornish Breed Variety: black, white, red spangled The purest one of oldest breeds in the world Go broody, slow maturing, aggressive, fierce Broiler Ancestors (continued) Plymouth Rock Most of Genetics of Modern Broilers are derived from Rock Varieties: barred, white, partridge, buff, silver-penciled, dark, white-laced Crosses from Dominique, Java, Cochin, and Perhaps Malay and Dorking Barred: the foundation breeds for the early broiler industry White Rock: used as the female side for the modern broiler cross. 7 A barred Plymouth Rock rooster and hen A white Plymouth Rock rooster and hen A partridge Plymouth Rock rooster and hen A buff Plymouth Rock rooster and hens 8 A dark Plymouth Rock pullet A silver-penciled Plymouth Rock hen A white-laced Plymouth Rock rooster and hen Broiler Ancestors (continued) Dominique For both meat and egg purpose use Barred Dominique Roosters and hens A Dominique pullet 9 Broiler Ancestors (continued) Java go broody a black Java rooster a mottled black Java rooster very slow maturing Broiler Ancestors (continued) Cochin The Fashion Show of chickens Varieties: buff, black, partidge, white, barred, gold-laced, molted black, blue, silver-laced Originally from China Extremely persistent broodiness; good mothers 10 A black Cochin cockerel and hen A blue Cochin cockerel and hen Partidge Cochin cockerels and hens 11 A barred Cochin cockerel and hen A mottled black Cochin cockerel and hen A pen of Gold-laced Cochins A white Cochin cockerel and hen 12 A buff Cochin cockerel and hen Silver-laced Cochin cockerels and hens Broiler Ancestors (continued) Malay-Game Fowls Go broody, slow maturing Placid than other game birds 2 dark Malay roosters and hen 13 a Wheaten Malay hen A white Malay rooster A Black Breasted Red Malay cock and hen Broiler Ancestors (continued) Dorking Variety: silver gray, white, dark, barred, colored, partidge One of the oldest breeds of chickens. Broody tendency 14 A silver gray Dorking rooster and hens A red Dorking rooster and hen A black Dorking rooster and hen Two Rose Combed barred Dorking cockerels 15 A spangled Dorking hen A colored Dorking rooster and hen A rose comb white Dorking cockerel A red barred Crele Dorking male and female Leghorns-the Most Dominant Egg-type Chickens 95 % at peak, average > 80% egg production (egg/day/hen) Never go broody; bad mothers Well developed in the 19th century, named for the city, Leghorn, in Italy Single and rose comb with various feather colors 16 A Single Comb White Leghorn cockerel and hen the dominant line of Leghorns A flock of Single Comb Exchequer Leghorns Single comb Rose comb female male 17 A Single Comb buff Leghorn cockerel and hens A Rose Comb buff Leghorn cockerel and hen A Light Brown Leghorn rooster and hen A Dark Brown Leghorn rooster and hen 18 Sliver leghorns Pile leghorns A Cuckoo Leghorn female Mottled leghorns 19 20
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