whaa newsletter - Johnstown Cafe
whaa newsletter - Johnstown Cafe
WESTMONT HILLTOP HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION WHAA NEWSLETTER Pride and Tradition Volume 1 Issue 2 Second Quarter 2013 WHAA Bulletin Board WHAA TAILGATE PARTIES: The Westmont Hilltop Alumni Association is planning to have tailgate parties before these three home high school football games this coming season! Other dates may be added. Where: In the parking lot of the Middle School When: Starting at 11:00am prior to the high school football games on the following dates: August 31st vs Forest Hills September 14th vs Greater Johnstown September 28th (Homecoming) vs Bedford Please come support the WHAA, eat some food and help build that Westy pride and spirit!!! CLASS REUNIONS: If you know of an upcoming WHHS class reunion, please let us know and we will post information about it on the WHAA website and Facebook page. If you are responsible for the planning of your class reunion, please email us at [email protected] WHHS CLASS OF 2013: Don’t forget to sign up for your free four year membership in the WHAA! ABOUT THE WHAA Your Westy Pride doesn’t end when you graduate! An enthusiastic group of alumni spanning more than 50 years have come together to establish the Westmont Hilltop Alumni Association. This organization will serve both the alumni and current students and families at Westmont in various ways: Planning alumni events at key times of year, providing opportunities for graduates to reconnect, network and have fun Offering support and resources to class representatives who are planning reunions Promoting current school activities, athletics and other events to the alumni community Connecting alumni and current students for college and career planning Raising funds to provide financial support for projects, updated materials, new equipment and supplies and upgraded technology for current students and teachers 1 RAFFLE WINNERS! Congratulations to the winners who were drawn on May 10th: First place (autographed, authentic Mario Lemieux home jersey) - Brian Chirillo Second place (Carolina Hurricanes hat and puck signed by Eric Staal and Cam Ward) - Devin Dorian Third place (Pitt Zoo t-shirt and mini replica helmet) - Theresa Finamore INSIDE THIS ISSUE… 1 WHAA Bulletin Board About the WHAA Raffle Winners 2 Hilltoppers in the News Looking back at the 80s Happy Retirement Westy Spirit 3 Pictures Alma Mater 4 Hilltopper Alumni Spotlight 5 The Westmont Impact Welcome New Members 6 2012-2013 Academics 7 2012-2013 Academics 8 2012-2013 Academics 9 2012-2013 Athletic 10 Contact Information General Information Membership Form Hilltoppers in the News Dana Heinze (Class of 1986) was featured on WJAC in Johnstown and in PittsburghSportingNews.com, spotlighting his importance to the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey organization. Looking back at the 80s... Students in the 8th grade had one semester of drafting and one semester of shop class. (Plastic ashtray anyone?) Southmont closed in 1980, and Westmont became a three building School District. At the high school, there were 7 classes a day; 6 on Fridays. An activity period was every Friday. All club meetings were held at this time. Homeroom was eliminated and students just reported to their first period class as their homeroom assignment. The Hilltopper mascot was prevalent. Students dressed as a Hilltopper and attended school events. Driver's ed was part of the 10th grade curriculum, and behind the wheel training could be taken during school hours. Dance class was offered as an alternative gym class for juniors and seniors. On the last day of school before Christmas break, the Student Council held a blood drive in the gym. This was also the day yearbook photos were taken for clubs. Yearbooks were only offered in high school. Happy Retirement On May 15th, 2013, the Westmont Hilltop Education Association Spring Banquet, held at Sunnehanna Country Club, honored the following teachers who retired after the 2012-2013 school year: Mary Jane Bassi David Benford Deborah Donahue Elizabeth Good Gloria LaMonaca Barbara Miltenberger Denise Roberts Diane Rugh Kristen Santos Joselle Skelley Diane Skoner Thank you for your service, your hard work and all the great memories and best of luck in your retirement! In Memorium It is with heavy hearts that we say farewell to these dedicated Westmont Hilltop faculty members: Sam Hillard, Middle School Mike Karolchik, High School Guidance Marge Kaufman, High School Music Don Stramanak, Middle School Science Westy Spirit On April 25th, 2013, Westmont Hilltop High School graduates had a gathering at Westmont Gardens that drew dozens of alumni. Russ Lauf (Class of 1985) and his band were the entertainment for the evening. 2 From Yesteryear ... WESTMONT HILLTOP ALMA MATER 1950 Southmont High School Tigers Basketball Team Dear Alma Mater we sing to you, sing of your kindness your power too. We glory in your name, your works to view, Dear Alma Mater, we sing to you. Dear Alma Mater we sing to you, pledging our loyalty our vows renew. Your name we’ll ever love, your precepts true. Dear Alma Mater, we sing to you. Written by Willard E. Ackley, the supervising principal 2013 WHHS Graduation ... 3 Hilltopper Alumni Spotlight ... Cl a ss of 1 98 5 Darren Trebel Darren Trebel graduated from Westmont Hilltop High School in 1985. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Syracuse University (NY) where he studied art history, painting and art conservation techniques, completing the last year of his undergraduate studies in Florence, Italy in 1989. He was awarded a Masters in Art History (Italian Renaissance Art and Contemporary Theory) from the University of Virginia in 1992 and has taught art and art history for twenty years. In August of 1995, he joined the art faculty at Frankfurt International School (Frankfurt, Germany) and has been Head of the Visual Arts Department since 1999. In 2001, Darren accepted a position as an examiner for the highly respected International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) based in Cardiff, Wales - an international primary and secondary curriculum program with 3,619 schools in 145 countries that develops and offer challenging programmes to over 1,115,000 students worldwide. In 2008, Darren was made a senior examiner for the Diploma level Visual Arts course and in 2011, he accepted the position of Chief Examiner for the Diploma level Art History course, making him primarily responsible for developing and administering the examination of all diploma candidates taking the IB Art History course across the globe. Darren is a painter and has been fortunate to have had several recent solo exhibitions in the Frankfurt area and is represented by the Galerie Paul Sties, in Kronberg, Germany. He also is an avid foil fencer and has been teaching beginning fencing locally in Frankfurt for eighteen years. He lives in Oberursel, Germany with his wife, Masha (art teacher at International School Wiesbaden) and his two daughters, Hannah and Sasha. 4 The Westmont Impact Westmont Hilltop High School played a valuable role in my career development. There were four specific reasons. 1). The courses I took in math, quantitative skills and science were vital in improving my test scores and grades for highly competitive colleges. 2). Teachers, like Mr. Good, inspired me to ask questions, question things (no "glittering generalities") and to think about the underlying meaning of facts, including what or who was behind them. He was also a strong voice for taking responsibility in civic life and encouraged us to vote consistently and become involved in the community and country. He took his job very seriously and treated us in a way that encouraged us to do so in our "job" as students and future leaders. 3). Peer culture at WHHS focused on many discussions about preparing for, learning about and planning to attend a competitive college. I had numerous discussions about where were the best schools in the country, what did you need to do to apply to them and what was the long term future of life and work if I excelled. 4). I participated in Forensics with Ms. Brezovic and the Yearbook with Mrs. Goerlich. A). Thanks to Forensics, I can quickly organize thoughts, do research, write a bulleted outline and deliver an articulate, thoughtful presentation in public. I am grateful for the coaching, skills, and competition that honed those abilities. They were highly useful in college and graduate school, but even more so now in my professional life. B). The Yearbook gave me a great window in the many communities at the school. It was a great journalism and editing internship. I learned much more about my classmates than I would have otherwise. At a deeper level, I learned a great deal about the history of WHHS. I saw the distinguished legacy of its graduates, so many of whom have gone on to leadership and professional positions in the community and the country. Most importantly though, I met a wonderful set of colleagues and friends that I work with to this day, on our Class Reunion Committee. I can say it was a life changing experience then, and continues to be after every single Reunion now. Sincerely, Donald M. Bonk Economic Development Consultant to Carnegie Mellon and Senior Advisor to Abraham & Roetzel Government Affairs. B.A., University of Pennsylvania M.P.M. Carnegie Mellon University jxÄvÉÅx Alumni & Associate Members Business Sponsors Tracy Bunja Sarang Mercedes Wolfe Russ Mark Griffith Darren Trebel Tom Been Jodie Esch Dello Stritto Calvin Hetrick Leah Mercik Hilltop Nurseries 5 2012-2013 WHHS Academics Review Westmont Hilltop Education Association Top Ten Awards Board Treasurer’s Academic Recognition Awards Elizabeth Patton Atterbury Kirsten Elizabeth Coyle Daniel Brian Durham Christiana Rodgers Faucher Kasia Noelle Foster Stacee Danielle Glass Evan Thomas Louder Shannon Renee Marko Elizabeth Ashley Petrell Angela Rose Sutt Class of 1947 Westmont/Upper Yoder Endowment Fund Shannon Renee Marko Class of 1960 Taylor Morgan Davis Class of 1972 Jill Helen Kittka Jackie Young-Flack Memorial Scholarship Christiana Rodgers Faucher Oreo Foundation Scholarship Rachel Isabella Roper United States Merchant Marine Academy Appointment Stacee Danielle Glass Dharbhamulla Award for Excellence in Forensics Stacee Danielle Glass United States Naval Academy Appointment Donald Charles Shovestull National Merit Scholarship Corporation – Letter of Commendation Daniel Brian Durham Christiana Rodgers Faucher Westmont Hilltop Student Memorial Scholarship Awards Jill Anne Clark Daniel Brian Durham Johnstown Area Music Scholarship Dante Horvath Sergeant First Class Raymond Richard Buchan Memorial Scholarship Paige Elizabeth Lamberson The Challenge Program Award for Academic Excellence Taylor Morgan Davis Westmont Peace Award Victoria Anne Parlock The Challenge Program Award for Community Service Yan Feng Wang Westmont Hilltop Educational Association Scholarship Award Megan Bernetta Miller The Challenge Program Award for Most Improved in Grade Amanda Dawn Miller Mitchell and Rebecca Azar Family Scholarship Robert Joseph Varner The Challenge Program Award for Attendance Jill Anne Clark James Kocher Memorial Music Award Dante Horvath The Challenge Program Award for STEM Daniel Brian Durham Catherine Hubbard Memorial Award Abbigail Marie Bealonis West End Lions Club Scholastic Awards Daniel Brian Durham Christiana Rodgers Faucher Metz & Associates Scholarship Stephanie Lynn Hetrick Westinghouse Science Honors Institute Timothy Brian Barry Lindsay Grace Geiser Gella Family Scholarship Daniel Brian Durham Christiana Rodgers Faucher Elizabeth Ashley Petrell Cambria County Secondary School Principal Association Jill Anne Clark Key Club Award Jill Anne Clark Elizabeth Ashley Petrell CBW Schools Federal Credit Union Scholarship Megan Bernetta Miller American Red Cross/Blood Drive Scholarship American Red Cross/Making a Difference Educational Scholarship Taylor Morgan Davis Christiana Rodgers Faucher Westwood Kiwanis Club Scholarship Jill Anne Clark 6 Faith in Community Award given by Moxham Lutheran Church Lauren Elizabeth Ecklund 2012-2013 WHHS Academics Review President’s Award for Educational Excellence School Citizenship Awards Elizabeth Patton Atterbury Joshua James Cavrak Kirsten Elizabeth Coyle Taylor Morgan Davis Daniel Brian Durham Christiana Rodgers Faucher Kasia Noelle Foster Blaine Patrick Friday Tara Lynn Fritz Stacee Danielle Glass Dante Horvath James Mayer Kane Seneca Leigh Koontz Mariel Nicole Kramer Evan Thomas Louder Shannon Renee Marko Sarah Grace Marley Joel Samuel Neff Elizabeth Ashley Petrell Andrew Sameh Rizkalla Erin Catherine Rodgers Rachel Isabella Roper Anthony John Rosage Donald Charles Shovestull Angela Rose Sutt Madalynn Elizabeth Swaltek Robert Joseph Varner Michael Thomas Vliet Yan Feng Wang Grade 12 Tayler Brittany Boxler Arik Jeffrey Koontz Madison Alayne LaMantia Anthony John Rosage Grade 11 Ian Joseph Campbell Madison Justine Milligan Zachary Michael Yonko Bailyn Alexis Yost Grade 10 Baylee Elizabeth Bortz Daniel Cooley Sarah Lynette Fisher Cullen Patrick Kaschalk Grade 9 Emily Ann Brazill Mitchell Scott Hochfeld Bryan Andrew Mock Gina Marie Yonko National School Choral Awards Dante Horvath Jill Helen Kittka Madalynn Elizabeth Swaltek Music Monster Awards Dante Horvath National School Orchestra Award Rebekah Marie Platzer Director’s Award for Band Emily Rochelle Mayket Sean Winters Robb Courtney Lynn Schilling Samuel Hillard Outdoor Award Dante Horvath Samuel Hillard Indoor Award MorganAnn Elizabeth Millinder Ken Null Memorial Award David James Carney John Phillip Sousa Award Shannon Renee Marko Rhythm & Groove Award for Jazz Studies Shawn Matthew Willard 7 2012-2013 WHHS Academics Review Academic Letter Awards Class of 2013 Academic Achievement Awards Class of 2013 Academic Achievement Awards Class of 2014 Academic Achievement Awards Class of 2015 Academic Achievement Awards Class of 2016 Michael Joseph Arcurio Elizabeth Patton Atterbury Abbigail Marie Bealonis Marley Rebecca Bonner Jeremy William Burnheimer David James Carney Joshua James Cavrak Jill Anne Clark Sarah Beth Clark Kirsten Elizabeth Coyle Taylor Morgan Davis Hannah Nicole Drane Courtney Lynn Drennen Owen Charles Dunagan Daniel Brian Durham Christiana Rodgers Faucher Kasia Noelle Foster Blaine Patrick Friday Tara Lynn Fritz Samuel Stephen Gagan Stacee Danielle Glass Stephanie Lynn Hetrick Bryan Robert Hoegg Dante Horvath James Mayer Kane Sara Marie Kimmell Nikolas Ian Kindya Jill Helen Kittka Lukas Aaron Kleinmeyer Seneca Leigh Koontz Mariel Nicole Kramer Paige Elizabeth Lamberson Evan Thomas Louder Shannon Renee Marko Sarah Grace Marley Leah Marie Mercik Kaitlin Alyse Mical Megan Bernetta Miller Hannah Gwynn Mills Meghan Nicole Mock Joel Samuel Neff Margaret Erin Oberst Victoria Anne Parlock Elizabeth Ashley Petrell Dominic Ross Ramirez Andrew Sameh Rizkalla Erin Catherine Rodgers Sarah Marie Rogers Rachel Isabella Roper Anthony John Rosage Donald Charles Shovestull Angela Rose Sutt Allison Rose Swadley Madalynn Elizabeth Swaltek Jessica Marie Toth Robert Joseph Varner Michael Thomas Vliet Jonathan Edward Wagner Melissa James Walko Michael Joseph Arcurio Elizabeth Patton Atterbury Abbigail Marie Bealonis Tayler Brittany Boxler Jeremy William Burnheimer David James Carney Joshua James Cavrak Jill Anne Clark Sarah Beth Clark Kirsten Elizabeth Coyle Kevin Joseph Dailey Taylor Morgan Davis Hannah Nicole Drane Courtney Lynn Drennen Daniel Brian Durham Christiana Rodgers Faucher Kasia Noelle Foster Blaine Patrick Friday Tara Lynn Fritz Samuel Stephen Gagan Stacee Danielle Glass Karli Marie Grow Bryan Robert Hoegg Dante Horvath James Mayer Kane Nikolas Ian Kindya Jill Helen Kittka Lukas Aaron Kleinmeyer Seneca Leigh Koontz Mariel Nicole Kramer Madison Alayne LaMantia Paige Elizabeth Lamberson Brennan Elijah Lorditch Evan Thomas Louder Shannon Renee Marko Sarah Grace Marley Leah Marie Mercik Kaitlin Alyse Mical Joel Samuel Neff Margaret Erin Oberst Victoria Anne Parlock Elizabeth Ashley Petrell Dominic Ross Ramirez Andrew Sameh Rizkalla Erin Catherine Rodgers Sarah Marie Rogers Rachel Isabella Roper Anthony John Rosage Angela Rose Sutt Allison Rose Swadley Madalynn Elizabeth Swaltek Jessica Marie Toth Robert Joseph Varner Michael Thomas Vliet Jonathan Edward Wagner Melissa James Walko Michael Fitzgerald Walsh Yan Feng Wang Steven Paul Zipf Nicole M. Barnhart Timothy B. Barry Grant F. Bernstein Lewis A. Buchkovich Ashlyn M. Bulas Ian J. Campbell Rex M. Cosgrove Karlee M. DeMarco Hannah G. Dorian Natalie A. Fiorica Hunter C. Funk Grant J. Gagnon Lindsay G. Geiser Devon J. Gilbert Alex M. Hockensmith Taylor M. Hoover Brittany N. Irwin Isaac W. Joseph Benjamin Katz Jonas M. Kresak Brianne T. Krieger Kayla M. Lamison Josh W. Livingston Aaron D. Marko Noah J. Marley Alyssa K. Miller Andrew A. Miller James A. Miller Madison J. Milligan MorganAnn E. Millinder Courtney J. Morder Alexandra R. Mostoller Dorothea G. Oller Abby J. Panek Patrick J. Petrell Caroline R. Rea Sydney R. Ruis Cody M. Sabo Abbigail E. Smajda Timothy E. Smith Taylor A. Somerville Abigail P. Stern Emily L. Strandquest Daphne I. Valencia Hailey M. Varner Matthew W. Walker Emily M. Ward Matthew D. Wehner Robert S. Whitlow Sean R. Winters Zachary M. Yonko Bailyn A. Yost Ashley N. Young Matthew D. Zolnosky Tristan R. Aiken Tyler M. Azar Baylee E. Bortz Olivia L. Bridges Sadie D. Carney Corrin E. Claycomb Daniel Cooley Drake D. Dorian Ethan Ross Y. Dumayas Anna K. Ecklund Alexandria L. Edwards Aubrianna S. Fisher Sarah L. Fisher Jillian R. Foster Nina K. Foster Lauren M. Fregly Kyle J. Geibig Jonas I. Geisel Margaret M. Gerow Maura E. Glennon Noah M. Gordon Kaylee R. Grassmyer Kasey J. Helmick Samuel J. Hoover Ellis M. Kane Cullen P. Kaschalk Taylor N. Kaseler Edwin C. Kesslak Emily M. Kilmartin Dylan A. Kmecak Jenna L. Kutchman Maiya L. Mastovich Emily R. Mayket Grace M. McIlhenny Juliet F. Messer Nicholas J. Mical Maura F. Milligan John T. Minnick Bridget A. Moyer Alexandra M. Nash Cameron J. Nulton Kaitlyn E. Pawcio Francesca N. Ramirez Alexander M. Roper Courtney L. Schilling Bridget C. Sheehan Amanda M. Slezak Kyleigh D. Smith Nicholas J. Sturniolo Jacob P. Suppes Shivangshu Tandukar Nicole E. Taylor Sadie M. Thompson Bradley D. Trevorrow Sara E. Trio Truman A. Welsh Erin M. Whyte John M. Williams Aidan P. Winterscheidt Megan A. Zolnosky Meghan R. Albertelli Lindsey N. Aman Karly L. Balon Samuel W. Barry Emily A. Brazill Quinn A. Callihan Georgann M. Carnevali Bethany G. Carney Chase A. Davis Evan J. Dluhos Brianne L. Ferpas Gabrielle E. Fiffick Alec B. Geibig Jamie L. Geiser Gregory P. Heider Mitchell S. Hochfeld Leah M. Hockensmith Madison R. Hrin Courtney L. Irwin Sarah C. Kilpatrick Tristin N. Kresak Ashley M. Kush Victoria A. Louder Shiann R. Malcolm Katheryn M. Marley Autumn N. McClain Caitlyn M. Miller Sarah L. Minnick Bryan A. Mock Kathyleen A. O’Leary Inez Panebianco Allison M. Petrick Veronica L. Petrus McCabe D. Rakvin Morgan A. Ruis Jenna M. Rutledge Jarod R. Shark Alana R. Somerville Nora P. Springer Helen I. Stern Sara M. Stumpo Dylan J. Sutt Jenna L. Toth Alyssa J. Trofino Emily S. Tyger Zachary J. Vliet Brittany M. Walker Erik D. Wehner David D. Williams Hunter C. Williams Gina M. Yonko Michael Fitzgerald Walsh Yan Feng Wang Deana Loraine Werner Steven Paul Zipf 8 2012-2013 WHHS Athletics Review The 2012-2013 year in Athletics was yet another great year for the Hilltoppers. The fall season kicked off with another championship for the girl’s tennis team, and runner up finishes for both the boys and girls soccer teams and cross country teams. An exciting football season was highlighted by a goal line stand against Somerset to seal a victory as well as national prominence in the “All the Right Moves” reunion game which was reported on across the country on every major sports network. A solid volleyball season and a promising showing by a young golf team started the school year off on a positive note. Winter brought yet more accolades for our athletic teams. The girls basketball team once again played in the LHAC Championship and advanced to the state tourney, while the boys team, although the youngest that anyone can remember, thrilled its fans with up tempo style. Wrestling continued its tradition of winning by earning a 2nd place in the LHAC, while swimming continued its dominance. Hockey advanced to the Penguin Cup Semi-final while having a roster of mainly underclassmen, which bodes well for the future of hockey in Westmont. Spring brought us yet another LHAC championship tennis team, while track had an impressive showing with 7 athletes moving on to the state championships. Softball proved to be very exciting this season, and baseball picked up a pivotal LHAC Cup win. Overall Westmont Varsity Athletic Teams had a win loss record of 192-96 and claimed the Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference All Sports Trophy. This marks the 8th time in the 13 year history of the cup that Westmont has claimed this award. This past year’s graduating seniors have 2 cup championships under their belt, a feat to be proud of. The 2013-2014 sports season is right around the corner. New football uniforms will grace Price Field with a new look. Soccer, Cross Country, Volleyball, and Golf will also start the fall season. Homecoming will be September 28th as the Hilltoppers take on the Bedford Bison in Football. If at any time you have any questions, please feel free to contact that Athletic office. We can help in arranging game activities for your class reunion or any special events. Westmont has a proud tradition of athletics, and has enjoyed great success in all sports. Part of that success is attributed to our alumni, who were the building blocks for these traditions, and who during one year or another shined on our fields and courts. We enjoy having you at our events, and would love to see more class reunions make a Westmont sporting event part of your class celebration. Next time you are at a game, stop by and introduce yourself, enjoy the performance of our athletes, and perhaps relive past achievements as Hilltoppers! Tom Callihan, Athletic Director Westmont Hilltop High School brought home the LHAC Cup (Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference All-Sport Trophy) for the 2012-2013 school year. 9 Officers President John DeMarco Vice President William J. Hargreaves Treasurer Colleen Goerlich Secretary Paula Ostrich School Information You can Contribute! Westmont Hilltop High School 200 Fair Oaks Drive Johnstown, PA 15905 Phone: 814.255.8726 If you have information, stories or pictures, please send them to: [email protected] WHAA Meetings Westmont Hilltop Middle School 827 Diamond Boulevard Johnstown, PA 15905 Phone: 814.255.8704 Westmont Hilltop Elementary School 675 Goucher Street Johnstown, PA 15905 Phone: 814.255.8707 Join/Support the WHAA Useful Links Board of Directors Brian A. Krise Carol M. Pavlosky Charles Zimmerman Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm in room 111 in the Middle School. Occasionally the date, time and/or location must be changed, so please check the Facebook page and the calendar on the WHAA website for information. We hope to see you! Westmont Hilltop Alumni Association http://www.westyalumni.com Westmont Hilltop School District http://www.whsd.org/ Westmont Hilltop Recreation Commission http://www.westmonthilltoprecreation.com Support the Alumni Association with a membership and/or a contribution. Membership amounts are: $10 Individual $35 Family $50 Business You can now donate using Paypal! Please visit the WHAA website for details 10
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Your Westy Pride doesn’t end when you graduate!
An enthusiastic group of alumni spanning more than 50 years have come together to establish the Westmont Hilltop Alumni Association. This organizatio...