QUESTIONS? What is Eagle Air Med? SERVICE AREA MAP Service area not limited to base locations Eagle Air Med is a regional air ambulance provider that transports patients from rural medical facilities to larger hospitals with specialty care services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We primarily provide air medical services in Alamosa, CO; Gallup, NM; Chinle, AZ; and Kayenta, AZ. Our headquarters is in Blanding, UT. Montan a Why Should I Become an Eagle Air Med Plus Program Member? Your membership helps offset the high cost of providing medical air transport to you, your community, family and friends. It also helps purchase equipment and medical supplies for the helicopters and airplanes. In the event that you or a family member requires a medically necessary transport from one hospital to another, or to be transported from an emergency scene by an AMRG Company, you will not have any out of pocket charges. North Dakota Wyomin g Utah Arizona How does this Work? The Eagle Air Med Plus Program and AMRG family of transport programs (see service area map) work closely with local fire departments, ground ambulances, W hile none of us ever expect to need air ambulance transportation, it is comforting to know that you and your family are guaranteed exceptional care, prompt and dependable service, peace of mind, and no out-of-pocket expenses when you are an Eagle Plus member. Colora do New Mexico FIND BETTER PEACE OF MIND Michigan law enforcement agencies, medical facilities, and physicians, to ensure safe, expedient, and lifesaving care for our patients. Hawaii If another air transport company flew me, will my membership cover their bill? Puerto Rico B No. Your membership will not cover any charges from another service. If I am traveling am I covered? Yes. If you are transported by any AMRG company, you are covered by your membership at no additional cost! deductible and co-pay, leaving members with no out-of-pocket expenses. Alaska 866-290-0473 CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION y becoming a member you become affiliated with the largest, most respected, and most experienced air ambulance service in Southern Colorado and the Four Corners area. We have over 30 years experience and have transported more than 31,000 patients. Each patient is cared for by a highly trained, registered flight nurse and flight paramedic, and is flown by an experienced air transport pilot. DISCLAIMER By enrolling in the Eagle Air Med membership program, I agree as follows: • Membership applies to me, my spouse/partner and dependent children under the age of 26 who live with us and are insured, as listed on the application. • All services covered by this membership must be arranged through or authorized by Eagle Air Med and must be within Eagle Air Med’s scope of care. • If I receive an air medical transport by Eagle Air Med, Air Medical Resource Group (Eagle Air Med) will bill my insurance or other responsible third party payer (collectively, “Insurance”). Eagle Air Med will accept the amount paid by my Insurance as payment in full for any medically necessary transport. The membership fee constitutes prepayment for any deductible, copayment or other out-of-pocket expense not covered by my insurance, so I will be relieved of any out of pocket expense following transport. Subject to the foregoing, I acknowledge that I am responsible for payment for ground ambulance services rendered to me. Any payment(s) sent to me by my insurance for a Eagle Air Med air ambulance flight must be submitted to Eagle Air Med within ten (10) days of receiving payment. • In the event I am transported by an Eagle Air Med transport program, I hereby assign and transfer to Eagle Air Med all benefits payable by Insurance to or for my benefit, or the benefit of my spouse or dependents that are named as enrollees on my membership, for any services rendered. • Membership covers only medically necessary air medical transports completed by Guardian Flight, or another AMRG company, and only those transports to the closest appropriate hospital. Medical necessity is determined by my insurance based on information from the attending physician. I am responsible for the cost of any transports that are determined not to be medically necessary by my insurance. • I understand that under some circumstances, Eagle Air Med may not be available to transport me. This may be due to weather conditions, maintenance, aircraft previously committed to another transport, FAA restrictions, governmental market restrictions or other factors. I understand that membership does not cover the cost of any transport rendered by other air or ground providers other than Eagle Air Med. • Membership becomes effective three (3) days after Eagle Air Med receipt of a completed application, accompanied by a payment of the membership fee. There is no waiting period for membership renewal. • I agree to notify Eagle Air Med Membership Office within five business days of any change in my Insurance or the Insurance of any family members enrolled in the Eagle Air Med Membership Program. • Neither I, nor the family members named below, are Medicaid enrollees. I understand that my Eagle Air Med membership is not an insurance product. I certify that I am the individual applying for membership and am the legal representative of my spouse and dependent children listed below, and am duly authorized by them to execute this application and accept its terms and conditions on their behalf. A copy of member(s) insurance card must be submitted with application. If spouse/partner and dependents listed above have different insurance, submit a copy of their card. QUESTIONS? PLUS PROGRAM APPLICATION You can also fill out an application online at www.eagleairmed .com/membershipapp Member’s Full Name: First Birth Date: Month Mailing Address: Day Middle If I’m a renewing member, do I have to fill out the application? Last Yes, AMRG companies are legally required to have a new application yearly. This also ensures AMRG companies have your most up-to-date information. Phone: Year Number and Street or P. O. Box # City State Health Insurance: Health Insurance ID #: Provider’s Phone: Health Insurance Group #: Family Member’s Name*: Relationship to Primary Member: Insurance Provider: Zip Code If I’m on a fixed income, is it wise for me to join the Eagle Air Med Plus Program? The Eagle Air Med Plus Program is ideal for anyone on a fixed income, who might otherwise have to absorb the portion of the bill not covered by insurance. Birth Date: If I am transported by ground ambulance to the aircraft, will my Eagle Air Med Plus Program cover the cost of the ground ambulance? No, the Eagle Air Med Plus Program does not cover ground ambulance charges unless transported by Med Star ground ambulance in Gallup, NM. Is an AMRG company guaranteed to be available when requested for transport? Membership Plans with Yearly Rates for Singles and Families* (Check box): 1-Year Single or Family with Insurance: $50 1-Year Single or Family without Insurance: $80 * Family members include spouse and dependents to age 26. If more space is required to include all family members, continue on an additional piece of paper and attach. Signature: Date: Referred by: [ ] Eagle Air Med Employee [ ] Hospital Staff [ ] Event [ ] Other: Mastercard American Express Check/Money Order (mail with this application) Name as It Appears on Card (please print): Credit Card Account #: • Aircraft may be dedicated to a prior patient transport • Weather conditions may prevent flying in your area • You may be in a location where aircraft cannot land • You may require ground transport • You may not be in an area where an AMRG aircraft is not available If I am a Medicaid recipient should I purchase the Plus Program? No, in fact, the application will ask if you or any family member is a Medicaid recipient. Medicaid already completely covers the cost of your transport. PAYMENT OPTIONS Visa AMRG companies make every effort to respond to requests from our members. We have flight crews and aircraft on duty and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, there are many reasons an AMRG company aircraft may be unavailable to respond: Signature of Cardholder: Expiration Date: Date: More Questions? Call a Membership Specialist at 888-566-4868, go to, or e-mail [email protected]. MAIL APPLICATION AND PAYMENT TO: AMRG, ATTN: Memberships, 10888 S 300 W, South Jordan UT, 84095
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