MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro series
MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro series
Powerful New Formula Whey Protein Is Great... This Protein 73% Is Scientifically Shown to Be Better! “Why use whey protein when you can build 73% more muscle?” – Jay Cutler, 3-Time Mr. Olympia Introducing a new scientifically advanced whey protein formula with core components shown in a university study to pack on 73% more lean muscle than whey protein and increase strength by 143% more than whey protein. The NEW Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula contains 25% more protein per serving than the previous Nitro‑Tech Hardcore formula, and the protein component in each maxed-out daily dose delivers an incredible 11 g of leucine and an additional 13 g of BCAAs! Fact: Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series is an incredibly powerful musclebuilding protein formula. F or years, MuscleTech®, the #1 selling sports supplement brand, has provided industry-dominating, hardcore formulas. And now with the much-anticipated launch of an advanced protein supplement with a core formula shown to help you build 73 percent (8.8 vs. 5.1 lbs.) more muscle and 143 percent more strength (34 vs. 14 lbs.) than whey protein in six weeks, the musclebuilding legacy indisputably continues. Engineered by the same highly skilled and experienced scientists who, through exceptional research and development, created the past decade of award-winning MuscleTech products, the NEW Nitro‑Tech® Hardcore Pro Series formula has been designed for absolutely superior results! SPECIAL 4-PAGE AD REPORT Bodybuilding icons trust their high-profile careers to the core Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula: Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler, Branch Warren, Dexter Jackson, Johnnie Jackson, Melvin Anthony, Gustavo Badell, David Henry, Darrem Charles… and the list goes on. Among these elite bodybuilders exist Mr. Olympias, Arnold Classic Champions and a World Record Holder. And these icons know they can trust their careers with the NEW Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula for one reason and one reason only – it works and Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series can work for you! 73% More Muscle. 143% Increase in Strength. Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series Outperforms Whey Protein! Every single hard-training lifter – from beginner to professional – builds muscle the same way. When physical activity occurs, SPECIAL 4-PAGE AD REPORT a metabolic stress is exerted on the body, energy stores are broken down to meet training-related demands and what can result is a bodybuilder’s worst nightmare: catabolism. To fuel dense, massive muscle, it is critical to be anabolic post- University research shows you can pack on 73% more muscle than with whey protein! workout. How can you do this? Consume Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series after your training sessions. It’s a scientifically advanced, fast-absorbing whey protein supplement that was built upon, and ultimately surpasses, the tried and true capabilities of whey protein. Don’t let anyone tell you their product there’s Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series Q&A with Dr. Prisk Q: Dr. Prisk, what do you see as being the key strengths of Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series? Dr. Prisk: The core formula in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series has been shown to be effective through a collaborative study conducted by researchers from two universities, so hard-training bodybuilders can rest assured that it will go to work helping them get results. Q: Exactly what kinds of results were shown through these university findings? Dr. Prisk: Here are the facts: In a sixweek collaborative, double-blind study conducted by researchers from University of Saskatchewan and St. Francis Xavier Using the Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula, you can gain 143% more strength than with whey protein! University, 36 test subjects with at least three years of weight-training experience were selected to be part of a comparative musclebuilding investigation. Test subjects using the core formula in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series packed on 73 percent (8.8 vs. 5.1 lbs.) more muscle than subjects using whey protein; the placebo group only gained 2 pounds. In this same six-week study, subjects taking the core formula in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series increased their bench press by 143 percent (34 vs. 14 lbs.) more than subjects using whey protein; the placebo group only gained 15 pounds. Q: Why is Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series so effective and why is it superior to whey protein? Dr. Prisk: Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is so effective because, for one, the protein in the Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula is ultra-pure and of the utmost quality thanks to its Tri-Phase Filtration Technology. In addition to its high-quality protein, Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series contains state-of-the-art proprietary blends ENZYPLEX, Nitroxen and Insulogen, and its formula is driven by the powerful SynthePro complex. Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is superior to whey because in a university study its key components have been shown to build muscle dramatically faster than whey protein. This formula also includes Nitrogen Retention Technology for superior nitrogen retention, and Micro-Diffuse Technology for micron-sized particles of a key musclebuilding ingredient. This is why Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series is effective and also why it’s superior to whey protein alone. High-Quality, Pure Protein and State-of-the-Art Technologies Make Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series a Must-Have! Team MuscleTech™ was so unflinchingly adamant about developing a scientifically advanced formula to promote huge muscle gains. Extensive supplement development entailed the inclusion of three state-of-the-art technologies: 1 Nitro‑Tech® Hardcore Pro Series contains 25 percent more protein per serving than the previous formula, and the protein component delivers an incredible 11 grams of leucine and an The protein component in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series delivers a whopping 11 grams of leucine and an additional 13 grams of BCAAs in each maxed-out daily dose! additional 13 grams of BCAAs per maxed-out daily dose! Along with these extraordinary benefits, Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series contains Enzyplex and proprietary blends Nitroxen and Insulogen, 2009 Jr. Nationals Champ Transformed His Physique! BEfore AFter Results will vary. Below, Dr. Victor Prisk lets you in on some secrets as to what makes the new Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula so incredibly effective at building massive muscle and strength. Gain 73% More MusCle while the anabolic musclebuilding power of the is just as good – if it’s cheaper, SynthePro® complex drives the formula. SynthePro® Probably a good reason why. contains a potent musclebuilding driver and the blends AminoFlex, AminoFX, AminoChain and AminoDrive. These blends are exclusive to the Nitro-Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula and are not available in any other protein. The SynthePro complex is what makes Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series so unique and superior to whey protein. Every two scoops contain over 10,000 mg of the powerful combination of ingredients, which help to force rapid and dramatic muscle growth at the cellular level. By consuming this critical musclebuilding compound, protein synthesis is accelerated, which increases the production of muscle tissue. In other words, you gain serious, hardcore, huge muscle and strength – FAST! It’s an indisputable fact: the new Nitro‑Tech® Hardcore Pro Series formula is a powerful musclebuilding protein. And with it in your musclebuilding arsenal, it’s going to help you avoid a muscle-devastating catabolic state and shift your body towards anabolism and huge muscle gains! 2 Nitrogen Retention Technology is a technology engineered to drive superior nitrogen retention for ultimate muscle and strength gains. This is illustrated by the incredible muscle gains experienced by subjects using the core formula in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series in the six-week study outlined in Dr. Prisk’s Q&A. Micro-Diffuse Technology delivers micron-sized particles of a key musclebuilding ingredient with enhanced dissolution properties. 3Tri-Phase Filtration Technology is designed to enhance and refine the purity of the whey protein in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series and ensure the ultra-anabolic properties remain intact. “I highly recommend you take Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series because a study shows its core formula builds 73% more muscle. That’s a ton of muscle!” –J ay Cutler, Mr. Olympia and MuscleTech® Superstar The Bottom Line: Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series Builds Huge Muscle & Strength – FACT. Research Shows That’s Exactly What It Does! Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series is a musclebuilding protein engineered to build massive, noticeable muscle. From amateurs to rising stars to IFBB professionals, the core Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula is relied on for fueling full-body transformations and unprecedented musclebuilding results. Zinjun Croon, Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series even contains 25% MORE PROTEIN per serving than the previous formula! 2009 Jr. Nationals Champ and MuscleTech Rising Star says, “The core formula in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series helped me win the 2009 Jr. Nationals!” Meanwhile, three-time Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler attests, “Nothing builds crazy muscle like the core Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series formula. It’s all I’ll trust to help me get bigger than ever.” If it’s powerful enough for these guys, it’s powerful enough for you. Get on Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series today and start activating massive muscle growth! “The core formula in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series helped me win Jr. Nationals! After just 17 weeks, I noticed huge changes in my physique.” – Zinjun Croon SPECIAL 4-PAGE AD REPORT Read the label before use. Zinjun Croon used the core formula in Nitro‑Tech Hardcore Pro Series and other MuscleTech® supplements and has been remunerated. © 2009. SPECIAL 4-PAGE AD REPORT
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