GRAND RAPIDS CHARTER TOWNSillP REGULAR TOWNSillP MEETING 1836 EAST BELTLINE N.E. March 17, 2015 7:00p.m. AGENDA 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Brief Public Comment. (Brief2-3 minutes per person relating to agenda items). *3. Approve minutes of the regular Township Board meeting of March 3, 2015. *4. Consider bills to be paid. *5. Consider approval of the addition of 'Capital One Commercial' to the list of prior payment authorizations. *6. Consider approval of the topsoil expense for Crahen Valley Park. *7. Presentation by Wayne Harrall, Kent County Road Commission. 8. Board Comments. 9. Public Comments. 10. Adjournment. (Please limit comments to less than 5 minutes and state yo ur name and address for the recording secretary). GRAND RAPIDS CHARTER TOWNSHIP REGULAR TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETING March 3, 2015 A meeting ofthe Grand Rapids Chat1er Township Board was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Michael DeVries. The meeting was held in the Township Hall. The following were present: Supervisor Michael DeVries, Clerk Edward Robinette, Treasurer David Van Dyke, Trustees David Pierangeli, and Lee Van Papering. Trustees Rusty Merchant and Robett Roth were absent. There was one person in the audience. 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 2. BRIEF PUBLIC COMMENT. There was no public comment. 3. APPROVE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 17,2015. Lee Van Papering, seconded by David Pierangeli, moved approval of the minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 4. CONSIDER CASH DISBURSEMENTS. Lee Van Papering, seconded by David Pierangeli , moved approval of the Cash Disbursements as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 5. CONSIDER BILLS TO BE PAID. Lee Van Papering, seconded by David Pierangeli, moved payment of the bills as presented. The motion passed unanimously. 6. DISCUSSION OF THE RIGHT PLACE ANNUAL REPORT. A brief discussion was held regarding the Annual Report of The Right Place. 7. TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR COMMENTS. The Supervisor reviewed pending Planning Commission, ZBA, and Capital Projects. 8. 9. BOARD COMMENTS. There were none. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were none. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm . Edward J. Robinette, Clerk GRAND RAPIDS CHARTER TOWNSHIP 03/10/2015 11 : 49 AM User : BGRISWOLD DB : Grand Rapids To Claimant 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22. 23 . 24 . 25 . 26. 27 . 28 . INVOICE APPROVAL BY VENDOR REPORT FOR GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP EXP CHECK RUN DATES 03/20/2015 - 03/20/2015 UN JOURNALIZED BOT H OPEN AND PAID Amount Claimed Amount Owed ABSOPURE WATER CO . ADVANCE NEWSPAPERS APPLIED IMAGING CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL CARDMEMBER SERVICE CONSUMERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EVERGREEN UNDERGROUND FIREHOUSE MAGAZINE GRAND RAPIDS CITY-WTR SYS IAFC MEMBERSHIP KCI KENT COUNTY CLERKS ASSOC KENT RECORD MANAGEMENT INC LOWE I s MI FIRE INSP SOCIETY MOORE & BRUGGINK OFFICE DEPOT ORKIN INC PASS PLEUNE SERVICE COMPANY SAMM SIEGFRIED CRANDALL PC TDS METROCOM TECH MASTERS TENDER LAWN CARE TENDER LAWN CARE TENDER LAWN CARE TENDER LAWN CARE 45 . 00 423 . 00 833 . 60 157 . 36 1 , 004 . 10 360 . 00 642 . 31 24 . 95 269 . 47 209.00 635 . 71 30 . 00 284 . 20 87 . 13 60 . 00 7 , 698 . 96 298 . 78 7 6 . 90 2 , 440 . 00 145 . 00 977 . 12 11 , 500 . 00 359 . 20 1 , 069 . 58 3 , 968 . 00 533 . 90 426 . 55 2 , 603 . 00 ***TOTAL ALL CLAIMS*** 37 , 162 . 82 BD1/1 Page : Amount Rejected 03/05/2015 10 : 04 AM User : BGRISWOLD DB : Grand Rapids To Claimant INVOICE APPROVAL BY VENDOR REPORT FOR GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP EXP CHECK RUN DATES 03/09/2015 - 03/09/2015 UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Amount Claimed Amount Owed l. CONSUMERS ENERGY 7 , 786 . 84 2. 3. 4. DTE ENERGY FLEET SERVICES - WEX BANK MARATHON FLEET - WEX BANK 1 , 162 . 05 272 . 33 ***TOTAL ALL CLAIMS*** 9 , 740 . 51 519.29 Page: BD 1/1 Amount Rejected Bt> 02/27/2015 03 : 15 PM User : BGRISWOLD DB : Grand Rapids To INVOICE APPROVAL BY VENDOR REPORT FOR GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP EXP CHECK RUN DATES 03/02/2015 - 03/02/2015 UN JOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Claimant 1. Amount Claimed POSTMASTER 606 . 11 ***TOTAL ALL CLAIMS*** 606 . 11 Amount Owed Page : 1/1 Amount Re jected 02/26/2015 08 : 50 AM User : BGRISWOLD DB : Grand Rapids To INVOICE APPROVAL BY VENDOR REPORT FOR GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP EXP CHECK RUN DATES 03/01/2015 - 03/01/2015 UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID Claimant 1. 2. 3. Amount Claimed COMCAST CONSUMERS ENERGY DTE ENERGY 142 . 85 1 , 170 . 58 633.30 ***TOTAL ALL CLAIMS*** 1 , 946 . 73 Amount Owed BD Page: 1/1 Amount Rejected MI C H A E L J. R usTY M ERCHANT DEVRIE S T RUSTEE S uPERVISOR R oBER T E DWARD J. R O BI N ETT E W. R oTH T RUSTEE C LERK D AVID M . Pr ERANGELI T RUSTEE D AVID A . V AN D YK E L E E V AN P OPERING T REASURER T RUSTEE Item# 5 March 17, 2015 TO: Grand Rapids Charter Township Board of Trustees FROM: Sue Cady Deputy Treasurer I Office Manager RE: Payment authorization of specific invoices RECOMMENDATION Consider approval of the payment of Capital One Commercial invoices prior to Board approval in order to avoid late fees. The Board would still approve as a disbursement. BACKGROUND This recommendation would revise the list of suppliers that are paid prior to Board approval. The revised complete list would be as follows: Capital One Commercial Cardmember Services Comcast Consumers Energy DTE Fleet Services Marathon Fleet Postmaster TDS PH O NE : 1836 EAST BELTLINE N . E . • GRAND RAPIDS , Ml 49525 -4514 (616 ) 361-7391. F AX : ( 616 ) 361 -6620. WEB SiTE : WWW .GRAN D RAP ID S T W P .ORG MI CHAEL J. R usTY M ERCHANT DEVRI ES T RUSTEE SUPERVISOR R OBERT W . R OTH EDWARD J. T RUSTEE R O BINETTE CLERK D AVID M . P IERANGELI T RUSTEE D AVID A . V AN D YKE L EE V AN P OPERING T REASURER T RUSTEE Item# 6 March 17, 2015 TO: Grand Rapids Charter Township Board of Trustees FROM: Michael J. DeVries Township Supervisor RE: Crahen Valley Park RECOMMENDATION Consider approval ofthe invoice in the amount of$15,960.00 ($6.00/yard delivered) for 2,660 cubic yards of topsoil. BACKGROUND There was an opportunity to purchase topsoil at a large discounted price for use at the mined area ofCrahen Valley Park. Current topsoil prices exceed $15.00/yard. The expenditure is budget constrained. PH ON E: 1836 EAST BELTLINE N.E. • GRAND RAPIDS , Ml 49525-4514 ( 616 ) 361 -7391 • F AX: ( 61 6 ) 361-6620 • WEB SITE : WWW.GRANDRAPIDSTWP.ORG SITE DEVELOPERS, LLC Invoice 2364 Birnam Woods Drive NE Grand Rapids, Ml 49505 Date Invoice# 3/5/2015 150-005 Bill To Grand Rapids Township 1836 East Beltline Avenue Grand Rapids, Ml 49525 Attn: Michael DeVries Terms Net 10 - Date Description 12/12/2014 Topsoil delivered to Knapp Court per Bill Byrne Qty Unit Rate 2,660 cu_ yds_ 6_00 Amount 15,96o_oo i I I I I I I I Thank you for the opportunity to do business with you! Total I .__ Payments/Credits Balance Due I Phone# 1 616 459-5800; 616 ... Fax# 616 459-0997 $15,960_00 $0_00 $15,960.00 MI C H AE L J. R usTY M ERCHANT DEV RI E S T RUSTEE SUPER V ISOR R OBERT W . R OTH J. E DWARD R O BI N ETTE T RUSTEE CLERK D AVID M. P IERANGELI T RUSTEE D AV ID A. V AN D YKE L EE V AN P OPER ING T REASURER T RUSTEE Item# 7 March 17, 2015 TO : Grand Rapids Charter Township Board of Trustees FROM: Michael J. DeVries Township Supervisor RE : Kent County Road Commission presentation RECOMMENDATION No action required. BACKGROUND Wayne Harrall, director of engineering for the Kent County Road Commission, will speak on Proposal! issues. Attached is the 2014 Act 51 required report. PH ON E : 1836 EAST BELTLINE N . E . • GRAND RAPIDS , Ml 49525 -4514 (616 ) 361 -7391 • F AX: (616 ) 361 -6620 • W EB S iT E : WWW.GRANDRAP IDSTW P .ORG Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Kent 1500 Scribner Ave., N.W. (616) 242-6900 Chairman Mark E. Ram bo Commissioner Cynthia Porter Janes Grand Rapids, Ml 49504-3299 Fax # (6 16) 242-6980 Vice-Chairman David M. Groenleer Commissioner Patrick G. Malone Steven A . Warren Managing Director Gerald J Byrne Deputy Manag1 ng Director - Operations Wayne A. Harra ll Deputy Managing Director- Engineering Com missioner David J. Morren John L. Strauss Director of Finance February 16, 2015 The Honorable Michael J. DeVries Grand Rapids Charter Township Supervisor 1836 East Beltline A venue NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 Dear Supervisor DeVries: Re : Act 50 of 1999 reporting Enclosed are two schedules from the 2014 Act 51 report prepared by Kent County Road Commission that are provided to the townships within Kent County as required by Act 50 of 1999. A brief description of each schedule follows. Schedule of Township Expenditures and Contributions This schedule shows the expenditures for construction and heavy maintenance with the corresponding contributions towards these expenditures from townships. Construction/ Capacity Improvements includes creating a new road or bridge where none existed before, or adding additional traffic lanes. Preservation/Structural Improvements is generally bridge replacements, road reconstruction, road resurfacing and the paving of gravel roads. This schedule does not include costs for routine maintenance such as snow and ice removal , pothole filling, grading of gravel roads, shoulder maintenance, ditching, mowing and brush removal. Schedule of Township Mileage and Population To assist you in understanding what data is included and not included, "Attachment A" is a block diagram of the distribution formula for the Michigan Transportation Funds. This schedule of township mileage and population is misleading because it suggests that the township population plays a major role in determining primary road funds to be received by the road commission. Please review "Attachment A", noting the following comments: A. Approximately 83% of the state road funds received by the road commission are for the primary roads. As you can see from Attachment A, 75% of the primary road funds received is the result of motor vehicle registration fees (still referred to as weight taxes) collected in Kent County. B. All 83 Michigan county road commissions equally share 15% of the primary road funds received. Page 2 Act 50 of 1999 Reporting C. Only l 0% of the primary road funds received are based on the total primary road mileage in Kent County compared to the total primary road mileage in the entire state. The schedule shows each township's share ofthis 10% portion only. The revenues that are based on the weight taxes collected and the amount shared equally by all counties, are not included on the schedule. D. Local roads represent the remaining 17% of the total state road funds received by the Kent County Road Commission. All local roads are within the townships and the road commission does not have jurisdiction of the local roads located within the cities and villages ofthe county. E. As indicated on the lower right side of Attachment A, 35% of the local road funds are based on the population of the Kent County townships compared to the population of the townships statewide. The remaining 65% is based on the total local road mileage in Kent County compared to the total local road mileage statewide. F. The terms "Local Urban" and "Primary Urban" refer to those local and primary roads that lie within the federal aid urban boundary. The road commission receives more revenue from roads that lie within that boundary. This is an attempt within the distribution formula to provide more funding for those roads with higher traffic volumes. This is done through the "Urban Factor" shown on Attachment A. The schedules do not reflect all of the Michigan Transportation Fund revenues received nor do they contain all of the expenditures. Because federal funds are included in the expenditure totals but not included in the revenue totals, you are presented with an "apples and oranges" situation in trying to compare the revenues and expenditures shown in the two schedules. This is not an attempt to confuse the readers of these statements but simply the way the forms were designed by MOOT as directed by Act 50. I hope the above explanation has provided you with assistance in interpreting the attached tables. Jfyou should have additional questions regarding the attached, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Director of Finance Enclosure CC: Clerk KCRC Board and Managing Director Working to keep Kent County moving www .Kent County Roads. net Report Date: Kent 1/23/2015 Year Ended Start: 10/01/2013 Page 20 of23 2014 End: 09/30/2014 SCHEDULE OF TOWNSHIP MILEAGE AND POPULATION Primary Roads Local Roads Miles Outside Municipalities Local Total Local Urban (ml) (mi) 56.30 51.90 59.61 67.47 Cannon -·----------~ ... -~·-···- Cascade Courtland Miles Outside Municipalities Funds Population Funds Total Primary Primary Urban Received Outside Received (mi) (ml) ($) Municipalities ($) 34.94 34.94 - - 34?,569.8?._, ______ }3,14~ _ _150,344.48 31.52 - - - 320,17~ - 18.05 1 90,7~·7.10 39.83 ~--·-- 40.14 37.52 2.92 96.75 76.22 74.02 60.74 ·-----78.78 _ 204,620.10 237,679.26 8·;,;., 7.:;.. 8 _ __;:;;..;..J~;.;.;;.;:... _..;.7:..:. 9,932 113,622.08 13,336 152,563.84 35,280.96 32.48 335,584.63 3,084 20,317 232,426.48 37.96 379,702.59 12,332 141,078.08 21.32 --~9.22 -·__ 193,732.27 --~""-'-.:;_ 13,336 __ _152,563.84_ ~c.;..;;,.~. 40.92 40.92 405,885.46 17,134 _196,012. 96. 60.23 31.04 140,614.39 23.95 16.60 175,467.25 7,678 87,836.32 64.08 60.30 188,007.12 48.97 46.80 467,401.27 25,146 287,670.24 51.22 51.22 154,530.74 22.70 22.70 225,161.31 16,661 190,601.84 Grattan 56.11 0.00 90,280.99 24.92 0.00 36,657.32 3,621 41,424.24 Lowell 5,949 _ __;:.,:=..:.:.=..:.. 68,056.56 46.91 _ _.:;, 7.46 113,786.29 _ _ _.::.!.:...:.:.__ 9·:.::. 9::... 5 _ _89,487.79 - - 34.51 - - - ------''---66.16 _ _ _ 2._70 110,253.05 25.78 . _ _1.44 50,087.50 4,764 54,500.16 Gaines ~Grand Rapids Nelson Oakfield 59.41 _ _...;;o...;; .o;.;;.. o Plainfield 122.47 Solon 122.47 95,590.69 _ _24.04 . -·-- o.oo _ _ _35,362.84 · 369,491.99 44:20 -~4.20 . ----~8,41.~;!!!., 92,429.30 _ _1~ --, 5,782 66,146.08 ______ ;!9!~_?_____ 1.57 - - - 42,~1.. - - -5,974 . 354,090.~ Spencer 55.38 _ _.::. 2':..:. 3.:... 6 34.62 ___ ! 0.48- 74.32 0.00 Tyrone 43.85 0.00 70,554.65 26.44 0.00 38,893.24 4,731 54,122.64 Vergennes 51.80 7.66 94,131.48 27.71 4.15 75,820.61 4,189 47,922.16 685.42 $3,055,918.60 655.61 372.34 $4,109,930.58 231,130 $2,644,127.20 Sparta 266. Totals 1,299.47 Local Road Rate Per Mile ·----- 70,459.42 ·-~- 12.33 119,580.88 23.58 _ _.0:..'.:.. 00:... 1609 ---·-- Primary Road Rate Per Mile 157,119.84 34,686.18 1471 --~- Local Urban Road Rate Per Mile 1408 Population Rate Per Capita 11.44 Primary Urban Road Rate Per Mile ---8448 9,110 ··3,960 68,342.56 104,~~ 45,302.40 Report Date: Kent 1/23/2015 Year Ended· Start: 10/01/2013 Page 21 of23 2014 End: 09/30/2014 SCHEDULE OF TOWNSHIP EXPENDITURES AND CONTRIBUTIONS Expenditures Construction/ Capacity Improvement($) Township Ada ---Algoma -----Alpine Bowne Township Contributions* ($) Total($) 0.00 214,467.53 214,467.53 142,321.85 33,214.95 _ _ _920,519.30 673,508.53 706,723.48 191,960.96 1,877,580.34 2,798,099.64 89,222.18 2,168.21 2,168.21 543.03 0.00 ---------160.90 -------· Byron Preservation Struct Improvement ($) 366,378.43 366,539.33 317,003.96 Caledonia -·----· 0.00 4,968.63 4,968.63 316,642.47 Cannon 0.00 232,158.22 232,158.22 335,267.06 Cascade 0.00 0.00 0.00 182,213.97 200.68 499,618.66 24,216.37 1,357,686.69 1,381,903.06 108,369.81 894,033.59 1,002,403.40 Grattan 0.00 19,175.61 19,175.61 158,102.97 Lowell ---·Nelson Oakfield ----..--... Plainfield Solon -------· Sparta 0.00 1,186,205.31 1,186,205.31 53,304.30 77.67 77.67 2!,816.06 0.00 0.00 159,801.78 Courtland 0.00 Gaines Grand Rapids -------0.00 ...---1,591.65 0.00 --·~------ ........... ·--~,..,..........,.. Spencer ___ __._ . ------200.68 - . 81,029.46 ~---.... 498,861.41 475,426.51 477,018.16 99,011.22 0.00 4,945.66 4,945.66 157,873.68 0.00 215,540.01 215,540.01 15,000.00 0.00 916.57 916.57 119,232.77 Tyrone 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,025.07 Vergennes 0.00 544,109.02 544,109.02 34,100.01 $1,088,072.98 $8,069,547.21 $9,157,620.19 $3,500,952.87 267. Totals *The Township Contributions Totals and the Funds expended for Construction and PreseNatlon amount may not balance. The Township Contributions list all funds contributed by each township and will balance back to the amount reported on the Statement of Revenues, Une 74, Township Contributions. The total funds expended are for Construction and PreseNation onl·f. They do not contain funds expended for Routine Preventative Maintenance. Michigan Transportation Fund ATIACHMENT A After Deductions Up to 10% Comprehensive Transportation Fund $7.25 million Critical Bridge Fw1d I I I I 39.1 % MDOT I I I I 39.1% Road Commissions I I I I I I Snow Fund I I 10% Urban Factor $10,000/County for County 1-lwy Eng I I I I Urban Primary I 21.8% Cities & Villages I Urban Local 4% Local Road Factor Remainder = Approximately 85% l I 75% Primary Roads I 75% I I I Weight 15% Equal Tax Share I I I 25% Local Roads Primary Road Fund 10% Primary Mileage Popul ation Local Mileage I l J I 35% Township I 65% I Local Road Fund I ~