St. Mary Orthodox Church St. Mary Orthodox Church
St. Mary Orthodox Church St. Mary Orthodox Church
St. Mary Orthodox Church The Self-Ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest “The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.” (Acts 11:26) October 21, 2012 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Weekly Schedule of Services Saturday: 5:30 p.m. -- Great Vespers Sunday: 8:45 a.m. Matins -- 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. Matins -- 10:30 a.m. Bible Study (Confessions by Appointment) 6330 W. 127th St., Palos Heights, IL 60463 Phone : (708) 239-0004, Fax : (708) 221-6449 ([email protected]) Fr. Mousa Haddad - cell phone: (708) 979-3222, email: [email protected] Fr. Malek Rihani - cell phone: (708) 516-6417, email: [email protected] Church Office Hours : Monday - Friday 10:00am10:00am-3:00pm Welcome to St. Mary Orthodox Church! We extend our warmest and heartfelt greetings to you and your family. If this is your first time with us, we pray that you feel at home. After all, we are gathered together in our Father's house. Please see one of the ushers at the end of the service for a “Welcome Packet” for more information. May God bless you and give you many healthy years in His service. ! ! " #$ %& .% !( ) & * #$ + , ( , ./ 0 1& ) 2 .3 4 # "6 ) !! !0" 7 8/ !9 8 #$ #$ 7 ! + " ( .6 !9 #$ 37 : 7 ; . ! ) !! .7 * Clergy, Parish Council , Committees, and Ministries Parish Clergy: Committees: Organizations and Ministries: Rev. Fr. Mousa Haddad, Pastor Rev. Fr. Malek Rihani Subdeacon Matthew Sweis Subdeacon Ameer Tadros Altar / Liturgics Parish Council: Fundraising & Stewardship Sunday School Director Omar Sweiss Sunday School Spiritual Director Fr. Mousa Haddad Ladies Guild President Kholoud Swais Ladies Guild Spiritual Director Fr. Mousa Haddad Fellowship President Khalil Haddad Fellowship Spiritual Director Fr. Mousa Haddad SOYO President Marram Salman SOYO Advisor Orieb Sweis & Steve Rihani SOYO Spiritual Director Fr. Malek Rihani Handmaids of the Lord Mansoura Khouri & Lina Haddad Handmaids Spiritual Director Fr. Malek Rihani Choir Director Michael Rascia Chanter Khaled Salman & Faris Samawi Mazen Ammari & Steve Rihani Expansion & Maintenance Luai Sweiss Rashid Sweis & Bassam Salman Presiding Officer Rev. Fr. Mousa Haddad Chairman Fadi Abu Manneh Financial Abdullah Tadros Communication Vice Chairman Abeer Khouri Rashid Sweis Constitution Treasurer Ramzi Sweis Abdullah Tadros Humanitarian Financial Secretary Shireen Salman Samer Tadros Secretary Abeer Khouri Ushering Fadi Abu Manneh Council Members: Web Master George Barakat Maher Ibrahim CJ Kari Bassam Salman Faris Samawi Ramzi Sweis Sana Sweis Office Administrator Katia Haddad Church Hall Rental - Call the church office or email: [email protected] 2 Changes in the Liturgy Entrance Hymn O Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ. Save us, O Son of God, who art risen from the dead, who sing to Thee: Alleluia! ! & < = >)!/ ! ? ! ; :9 > 8 ! @! A ( & Troparion of the Resurrection (Tone Three) Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, for the Lord hath done a mighty act with His own arm. He hath trampled down death by death, and became the first-born from the dead. He hath delivered us from the depths of Hades, granting the world the Great Mercy. B ! C B : )! B B B B B B 6 4 4 .) E F 8B ) ! .) )! D GBHC B >17 0% 7 A : B B B ..!I ! @ ! .( JC ( C ! Troparion of St. Hilarion (Tone Eight) The barren wilderness thou didst make fertile with the streams of thy tears; and by thy deep sighing thou hast given fruit through thy struggles a hundred-fold. Accordingly, thou hast become a star for the universe, sparkling with miracles. Therefore, O righteous Father John, intercede with Christ God to save our souls. K E B ! B .2 < B + )! B 8 .)7 B B B B M B !7 !B # ) ):$ .J L ! < 7! * (! 3 !! B B B B B . .2 AH,$ . 6 ( % Q! ! % H N 9 OP @! Troparion of the Dormition (Tone One) In thy birth giving O Theotokos, thou didst keep and preserve virginity; and in thy falling asleep thou hast not forsaken the world; for thou wast translated into life, being the Mother of Life. Wherefore by thine intercessions, deliver our souls from death. B .OP 3 OB B )B C !& ! <B ? B #$ 8B: )B I B <B ! B ! 3 .2 )B C < #$ C H B BB . H )! ! * < 7 H,$ .3 R < Kontakion of the Theotokos (Tone Four) O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, mediation unto the Creator most constant, O despise not the suppliant voices of those who have sinned; but be thou quick, O good one, to come unto our aid, who in faith cry unto thee: Hasten to intercession, an speed thou to make supplication, thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honor thee. B B B B B 9 S >0 9 M ! B / .3! M H, C ): 7 #E L B B . !T B B ! ! B K #$ #7 7 H, .2 *B < 9 : > : < =C >3+ 9 B ! #$ ! H,! >OP 3 B C B .<! 3 Epistle for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Sing praises to our God, sing praises! Clap your hands, all you nations! The Reading is from St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians (1:11-19). Brethren, I would have you know that the gospel which was preached by me is not man’s gospel. For I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ. For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it; and I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers. But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and had called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned to Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and remained with him fifteen days. But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord’s brother. ! 8B P B !* H: ! A!( *(1:11-19) ! "# $ * B ,4 * =(P B B 4 ! B7 392 C !B O!C 4 O!C 4 # * P 6 V O ) B ! ? 4T$ *@! B B K 8B E ) B 4!B #$ % !? # X = 2 B 7T #W 8 B B # #(B #$ # ! B 4!B #$ % !R 0 * & ! K $T ; .7 8 B B B # 7 #! J( !B #0$ !4 $ *# Y ) .7 %3M 8! $ * ; .E B BB K K .2 ) B #7 B! C B : B C *O! #4 $ O O , / * .2 Z: B B .2 ) #2W 4 *L,! = .2 B .2 ) 6B ( < = #? , B [ )!? +$ V B : 1M 0 *% ! , 7 !9 17 .2 ) , #9 6 .6 S =B R !B 4 Gospel for the Sixth Sunday of St. Luke , $ *+ The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke (8:26-39). At that time, Jesus arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is opposite Galilee. And as He stepped out on land, there met Him a man from the city who had demons; for a long time he had worn no clothes, and he lived not in a house but among the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him, and said with a loud voice, “What hast Thou to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beseech Thee, do not torment me.” For Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. [For many a time it had seized him; he was kept under guard, and bound with chains and fetters, but he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the desert.] Jesus then asked him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Legion”; for many demons had entered him. And they begged Jesus not to command them to depart into the abyss. Now a large herd of swine was feeding there on the hillside; and they begged Jesus to let them enter these. So He gave them leave. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they fled, and told it in the city and in the country. Then people went out to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had gone, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. And those who had seen it told them how he who had been possessed with demons was healed. Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gadarenes asked Jesus to depart from them; for they were seized with great fear; so He got into the boat and returned. The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with Jesus; but Jesus sent him away, saying, “Return to your home, and declare all that God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city all that Jesus had done for him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onoring your loved ones: Please consider signing up for one or more Sundays to provide Holy Bread and Coffee hour. It’s this gift of Holy Bread that we use to prepare communion and to share with our parishioners at the end of the service. What better way to honor your loved ones on their birthday, anniversary, graduation or memorial. It takes minimal effort, and it encourages fellowship among our community. Hospitality Teams “Let us love one another that with one mind we may confess, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the Trinity one in essence and undivided.” - From the Divine Liturgy Holy Bread and Coffee Hour / 10/21: Elias and Raeda Tadros & Family V 3 V :10/21 10/28: Romel and Nabeela Sweis & Family N: =! :10/28 11/04: Ghaleb and Rita Sweis & Family N: 6 M :11/04 Epistle Readers: Today: English – Jasmine Sweis , Arabic – Asmahan Fakhouri Next Week: English – Marram Salman, Arabic – Nour Swaiss “Bible Verse of the Week” “May my words and thoughts please you. LORD, you are my Rock— the one who rescues me.” Psalm 19:14 B $ ) ! B B =C ? >4* $ B #B9: >; .#B? $ # ! 19:14 !_0!_ 6 St.MaryOrthodoxChurchofPalosHeights CalendarofEvents Every Week (unless otherwise noted) Sun - 8:45am Matins, 10:00am Divine Liturgy & Sunday School Wed -10:00am Morning Prayers, 10:30am Parish Bible Study Sat -1:30pm, Youth Sports League (Ages 5-12) 3:30pm, Arabic School 5:30pm, Great Vespers October 2012 Sat - 10/20/12 Sat - 10/20/12 Sun - 10/21/12 Sun - 10/21/12 Tue - 10/23/12 Thu -10/25/12 Fri - 10/26/12 Sat - 10/27/12 Sun - 10/28/12 Mon - 10/29/12 2:00pm: Bible Bowl Study Session 6:30pm: SOYO Bible Study 11:30am: St. Mary Annual Family Health Fair 3:00pm: Volleyball League Games 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 7:00pm: Ladies Guild Meeting 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 6:30pm: SOYO Fall Ball 3:00pm: Volleyball League Games 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym November 2012 Fri - 11/02/12 Sat - 11/03/12 Sat - 11/03/12 Sun - 11/04/12 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 10:00am: Liturgy for St. Raphael of Brooklyn 2:00pm: Bible Bowl Study Session Daylight Saving Time Ends Tue - 11/06/12 Fri - 11/09/12 Sat - 11/10/12 Sun -11/11/12 Sun- 11/11/12 Mon - 11/12/12 Thu - 11/15/12 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 6:30pm: St. Mary Annual Thanksgiving Hafleh 10:00am: Blood Drive 6:30pm: Fellowship NADI Bears Game 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym Nativity Fast Begins 7 Fri - 11/16/12 Tue - 11/20/12 Wed - 11/21/12 Thu - 11/22/12 Sat - 11/24/12 Sat - 11/24/12 Mon - 11/26/12 Fri - 11/30/12 Fri - 11/30/12 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 10:00am: Liturgy for the Presentation of the Theotokos into the Temple 10:00am: St. Mary Annual Turkey Bowl 2:00pm: Bible Bowl Study Session No Youth League & No Arabic School 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 7:00pm: Ladies Guild Meeting 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym December 2012 Sat - 12/01/12 Mon - 12/03/12 Wed - 12/05/12 Fri - 12/07/12 Sat - 12/08/12 Sun -12/09/12 Tue - 12/11/12 Fri - 12/14/12 Sat - 12/15/12 Sat - 12/22/12 Mon - 12/24/12 Wed - 12/26-28 Fri - 12/28/12 Sat - 12/29/12 Sun - 12/30/12 Mon - 12/31/12 2:00pm: Bible Bowl Study Session 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 7:00pm: Liturgy for the Feast of St. Nicholas 7:00pm: SOYO Bible Study 10:00am: Breakfast with St. Nicholas! 1:00pm: Visit to Hope Children’s Hospital 6:00pm: Volleyball Open Gym 7:00pm: Fellowship Bible Study 2:00pm: Bible Bowl Study Session No Youth League & No Arabic School 6:00pm: Christmas Services SOYO Christmas Retreat 6:00pm: Ladies After Christmas Party No Youth League & No Arabic School No Sunday School (Christmas Break) 7:00pm: Liturgy for the New Year and Feast of the Circumcision of our Lord January 2013 Sat - 01/05/13 Sun - 01/06/13 Fri - 01/11/13 No Youth League & No Arabic School No Sunday School (Christmas Break) 7:00pm: Fellowship NADI Game Night February 2013 Sun - 02/03/13 Sat - 02/09/13 5:30pm: Fellowship Super Bowl Party 7:00pm: Annual St. Valentine’s Day Hafleh !!! Mark Your Calendars !!! 8 Congratulations! !7 $ Wedding 8 9 Bisher Elias Hanania & Amanda Ousama Makhamre 3! 9! ! ! V , Newborn * $ London Heart Tadros Parents: Samer and Amanda Tadros $ $ : Living a Life of Faith Audition Workshop October 21, 2012 Oct. 13 6:15pm - 9pm OCCHY BLURB Anyone who is interested to audition must attend. Please bring your audition form if you have one. If you are auditioning to dance in the show bring clothes suitable for dancing. OCCHY MESSAGE Red Ribbon Week October 24-31 Sunday – October 14, 2012 Most schools have prevention or OCCHYactivities QUIZ FOR TEENS speakers scheduled during Red Ribbon Week. Your Church School ?HS SC or Parochial School may also. Ask your child what's happening at school this week and take the opportunity False! to talk with him/her about how drugs & alcohol getthe in the of of a healthy successful Hookah smokers are at can risk for sameway kinds diseases and as are caused by cigarette smoking, including oral cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, canfuture. cer of the esophagus, reduced lung function, and decreased fertility. National Family Partnership Nuwayhid, I, Yamout, B., Ghassan, and Kambria, M. Narghile (Hubble-Bubble) Smoking, Low Birth Weight and Other Pregnancy Outcomes American Journal of Epidemiology 1998;148:375–83 [accessed 2011 Feb 15] 9 There will be a second collection today to Support our Special Olympics Sports Camp 10 St. Mary’s Annual Thanksgiving Dinner (Hosted by Our Ladies Guild) Saturday, November 10th, 2012 SS. Constantine & Helen Church 11025 S. Roberts Road Palos Hills, IL 60466 Doors Open at 6:30p.m. Live Entertainment (singer TBA) Tickets Adults: $30 Children: $15 “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” Please contact Rita Sweis 773-510-4303 or Shireen Salman 708-717-9640 for Tickets. 11 Taking our faith outside the church walls ject o r P a e h t o l i St. Ph Orphans e h t r o f e iv r nitarian D a m th u H l a u n 4 An How would y ou if you had no socks??? Items neede SOCKS and feel d: UNDERWEA R For Boys an Ages 3 – 14 d Girls years old Collection bo xes will be av ailable in the Fellowship ha ll Please see K h. Delia with a ny questions 12 All Teens are welcome to attend !!!Potluck Event!!! St. Mary Orthodox Church, Palos Heights, IL 13 St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church Presents The 4th Annual Fellowship Spiritual Retreat To the Antiochian Village Friday, 10/19/2012- Sunday 10/21/2012 Departing Thursday night from St. George Church (Cicero) Featuring Guest Speaker: His Grace Bishop Anthony Michaels WORSHIP FELLOWSHIP BONFIRE For further information, contact Rammy Zanayed at [email protected] or Deacon Saed at [email protected] 14 Fellowship of St. John the Divine This Sunday, October 21st 2012 11:30 to 1:30 in the Gym Family Health Fair • • Diabetes Blood Pressure Monitoring Medication Management And much more! Take charge of your Health! St.MaryOrthodoxChurch 6330W.127thSt. PalosHeights,IL60463 Contact Abeer Khouri or Jennifer Sweis with any questions. 15 16 Saturday December 8, 2012 @ 10am Saint Nicholas, the true “Santa Claus”, will be visiting St. Mary’s! Please join us for breakfast with your children to celebrate the real Santa Claus! God bless! 17 Weekly Synaxarion On October 21 in the Holy Orthodox Church we commemorate our righteous Father Hilarion the Great of Palestine. Like a rose growing among thorns, this great saint was born of pagan parents in the village of Tabatha near Gaza in Palestine. Hilarion’s parents sent him to study in Alexandria, where the gifted youngster quickly excelled in both secular learning and spiritual wisdom. Coming to know the Lord Christ, he was baptized, and desired to dedicate himself completely to the service of the true God. With this desire in his heart, Hilarion visited St. Anthony in the desert and became his disciple. Then he returned to his homeland and lived a life of asceticism near Maïuma at Gaza. Demons tried to terrify Hilarion in various ways, but by prayer to God and the sign of the Cross he always overcame them and drove them away. Many lovers of the spiritual life gathered around him. Hilarion became for Palestine what St. Anthony was for Egypt. A divine teacher, a strict ascetic and a wonderful miracle-worker, Hilarion was revered not only by Christians but also by pagans. He peacefully entered the Heavenly Kingdom in the year 372 at the age of 80. On this day, we also commemorate Christodoulos of Patmos the wonderworker; Martyrs Socrates and Theodota at Ancyra; Venerable-confessors Vissarion and Sophronios of Ciorara, and Martyr Oprea of Salistie in Romania. By the intercessions of Thy Saints, O Christ God, have mercy upon us. Amen. 18