global mba - Thunderbird School of Global Management
global mba - Thunderbird School of Global Management
GLOBAL MBA 2010 - 2012 UCE AW SOTRRKAITNE G G I FC OARL LYI O AN Mural - Tecnológico de Monterrey Tecnológico de Monterrey is the best-known school in Mexico with highly renowned programs in engineering and business. Tecnológico de Monterrey is a private institution with a main campus in Monterrey and 33 campuses throughout Mexico with a Fall 2009 total enrollment of over 91,000 students and 195,000 alumni. The Global MBA for Latin American Managers program is delivered through the Virtual University (Universidad Virtual) and supported academically by the School of Business Administration and Leadership (Escuela de Graduados en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, EGADE). Tecnológico de Monterrey has more than 20 years of experience in distance learning in Mexico and Latin America. The Global MBA for Latin American Managers program takes a master’s degree education to the next level. Through the use of live satellite broadcasting, local class facilitation and virtual interaction, students earn a joint degree from both Tecnológico de Monterrey and Thunderbird. Accredited by AACSB-International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; EQUIS - European Quality Improvement System and SACS - Southern Association of Colleges and Schools “As a global MBA student, you will have the opportunity to be part of an elite program that prepares you to face the challenges of globalization. Using state-of-the-art technology combined with traditional class attendance, this program allows you to get a prestigious degree from two topranked universities and live an unforgettable experience in a multicultural environment.” — Dr. Miguel Moreno Tripp Tecnológico de Monterrey Global MBA Director WORKING FOR YOU Welcome Wall - Thunderbird USA Campus As the world’s No. 1 ranked graduate school in international business, Thunderbird is dedicated to educating global leaders who create sustainable prosperity worldwide. The entire Thunderbird community is the living embodiment of the belief that global management can be a force for positive economic and social change. Some of the world’s most prominent thought leaders and enterprising business innovators come together at Thunderbird to build borderless global communities by embracing cultural diversity “The Global MBA program allows you to have it all: a top-notch MBA while you continue with your current career and family life. What you’ll learn from two top-ranked schools and from your diverse classmates and faculty will enable you to cross cultures to be successful as a global leader. The world-class degree, executive-based schedule and an affordable investment are priceless to your professional growth.” — Dr. Humberto “Bert” Valencia Thunderbird Global MBA Director and promoting world prosperity through global citizenship. Alumni comprise more than 40,000 individuals who work in more than 12,000 corporations, governments and NGOs in 141 countries. As a T-bird you become part of this elite and close-knit community. More than Thunderbird’s ability to develop leaders who work successfully with individuals from diverse cultures and manage effectively in different social, economic, and political environments is the core value the school provides, and the global mindset that sets T-birds apart from their peers. Accredited by AACSB-International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; and NCA - Northern Central Association of Colleges and Schools Designed and delivered for working global professionals Today’s working professionals understand the importance of moving forward with their careers while continuing to learn and develop in today’s global business environment. They also understand the importance of balancing their priorities. The Global MBA program fits your needs. You’ll receive a world-class education from two top-ranked universities and learn to succeed in a global business market without interruption to your current job responsibilities or family and personal life. Through the course of the program, you’ll learn from a blended format. Face-to-face seminars, live classes delivered via satellite and local tutors for onsite case discussions are all used to bring you a world-class education. Classes are held every other Friday afternoon and Saturday. Discussion groups and other asynchronous Web-based interaction also occur throughout the semester from any location that is convenient for you. Effective global managers must speak fluent English, therefore all classes in the program are taught in English 4 6 C RED IT- H O U R C U R R I C U L U M Basic and advanced global business strategy, management and leadership Cross-cultural and executive business communication International relations with a focus on global and Latin American business issues Case studies for applied learning throughout the program T U I T I O N I NCL U D E S Fees for program coursework (24 courses) All books, cases and course materials Two trips to Phoenix, Arizona USA (airfare, campus dorm room, meals, and activities) One trip to an interim seminar on location (airfare to destination not included) Graduation regalia and fees Note: Annual, term and monthly payment plans are available. GLOBAL CURRICULUM The 21-month program curriculum covers basic and advanced global business topics, cross-cultural negotiation and communications, and a variety of global issues from a Latin American perspective. These new management skills are delivered to you through a lock-step curriculum, meaning that students progress together through the program, taking courses in a prescribed sequence. Students who drop out of the sequence must restart their coursework with a subsequent class. O R I E N TAT I O N A N D I N - R E S I D E N C E W E E K - A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 August 7: Fly to Phoenix, Arizona USA August 8-9: Orientation at Thunderbird Campus August 9-14: Global Business Leadership for the 21st Century (3) August 15: Fly Home T E R M 1 - FA L L 2 0 1 0 September 3-4, 17-18 October 1-2, 15-16, 29-30 Cross-Cultural Communication for International Managers (2) Fundamentals of Macroeconomics (1.5)* November 12-13, 26-27 Finals: December 3-4 Business Communications for Executives (2) Fundamentals of Microeconomics (1.5)* *Waivable Courses: Microeconomics (1.5) and Macroeconomics (1.5) TERM 2 - WINTER 2011 January 14-15, 28-29 February 11-12, 25-26 March 11-12, 25-26 Global Political Economy (2) Accounting Fundamentals (1.5) April 8-9 Finals: April 15-16 International Negotiation and Bargaining (2) Financial Accounting (1.5) INTERIM- 2011 One week trip: either May 8-14 or May 15-21 International Business Interim (1) – Destination options may include: Dubai, Geneva, or Tokyo TERM 3 - SUMMER 2011 May 27-28 June 10-11, 24-25 July 8-9, 22-23 Competing through Strategy (1.5) Managerial Accounting (1.5) Fundamentals of Managerial Finance (2) August 5-6, 19-20 Finals: August 26-27 Competing through People (1.5) Profit Planning (1.5) T E R M 4 - FA L L 2 0 1 1 September 9-10, 30 October 1, 14-15, 28-29 November 11-12, 25-26 Advanced Managerial Finance (3) International Trade (1.5) December 9-10 Finals: December 16-17 Global Economics (1.5) Regional Business Environment in North America (2) TERM 5 - WINTER 2012 January 20-21 February 3-4, 17-18 March 2-3, 16-17, 30-31 International Marketing Management (3) Regional Business Environment in Latin America (2) April 20-21 Finals: April 27-28 Production and Operations Management (3) GLOBAL MBA CAPSTONE SEMINAR - 2012 June 9: Fly to Phoenix, Arizona, USA June 10-14: Latin American Business Leadership for the 21st Century (3) G R A D U AT I O N - 2 0 1 2 June 15: Ceremony in Phoenix, Arizona Note: We reserve the right to modify this schedule. BECOME A CITIZEN Global MBA for Latin American Managers students begin the program with a nine-day, on-site seminar at the Thunderbird Global students. Global alumni. Global MBA students come to the program from all over the world for a unique joint degree experience that blends high-tech learning with high-touch instruction. Their cultures, backgrounds and ambitions exemplify the global mindset both common and unique to those who join this program. Once graduated, these individuals continue to pursue their global passions – putting their world-class degree to work for them. S tu d e n t B ody Pro fi le Current Enrollment Undergraduate Majors: 2010/2011: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303 Engineering Sciences: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51% Male/Female: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72%/28% Business Administration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45% Average Age: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 years Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Professional Experience: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 years Program Graduates (to date) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,317 Countries Represented: Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Class of 2010-2011 Average Test Scores Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England, France, PAEP/GMAT: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628/593 Germany, Guatemala, India, Israel, Mexico, Nicaragua, TOEFL:Computer/Written/Internet . . . . . 250 /600/100 Peru, South Korea, Spain, United States, and Venezuela OF THE WORLD campus in Glendale, Arizona and reunite midway through the program to participate in a one-week, on location seminar. “Before beginning the Global MBA for Latin American Managers program, I wondered how I would be able to juggle my studies along with my job and other commitments. During the program, I realize that we not only had a manageable schedule and workload but, that we are on a path to success.”” —Arjan K. Shahani Moreno, Class of 2009 Chief of Corporate Communications Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, Monterrey, Mexico A WORLD OF Thunderbird faculty like Dr. Kishore Dash deliver an invigorating learning experience for participants. World-class professors The character of great business schools is synonymous with their great thinkers, teachers and writers who originate new ideas and perspectives and inspire a global following in their fields. The Global MBA faculty is recognized for innovative teaching methods, global best business practices and groundbreaking research, as well as commentary and viewpoints on the global business scene. They are: Global thought leaders from countries throughout the world. Most faculty have extensive professional experience working and living internationally, which they incorporate into their teaching. Real-world consultants who are highly sought after to help companies worldwide remain competitive in rapidly evolving global markets. Published authors/academics who write about the future of global business through a stream of thought-provoking books, articles, guest lectures, blogs and more. Contributors to Thunderbird’s thought leadership community forum at OPPORTUNITITES A world apart from the average MBA The Global MBA program is by no means just another distance learning MBA. Top-notch Thunderbird and Tecnológico de Monterrey faculty bring proven tactics and valuable insight into every lesson. Plus, you will learn from your peers too. This program offers the finest assembly of professionals who bring to class the most diverse views on current events — and the greatest experience in Latin American issues faced day-to-day in their jobs. No other distance learning MBA offers as much. “The Global MBA’s one-week international interim seminar included a visit to the World Trade Organization’s headquarters in Geneva. The opportunity to see the organization in action was an experience that I always dreamed of having.” —Antonio Peredo Arenas, Class of 2010 Santa Fe, Mexico Campus World-class alumni Nothing symbolizes the Global MBA more than its alumni themselves. They are global business leaders representing both Thunderbird and Tecnológico de Monterrey every day by their words and deeds. Most significant is the impression each of them leaves on those whose lives they touch. This impression is one of extraordinary business acumen, integrity, and a global mindset that is unparalleled in graduate business education. To date, over 1,300 alumni have completed this elite program. In just three short years, while earning his MBA from the joint Thunderbird-Tecnológico de Monterrey program at the Santa Fe campus in Mexico, Echeverria made four significant professional leaps. He credits the Global MBA for the swift career advancement and marketable skill set. “Since day one, I was able to translate my school learning into my job,” he says. — Rodrigo Echeverria, Class of 2006 Senior Operations Manager for Teletech’s U.S. Embassy account V I RT U A L U N I V E R S I T Y Ì Originating Sites z Current Sites Future Sites UNITED STATES Los Angeles, USA Ì Phoenix, USA (Thunderbird) MEXICO z Miami, Florida Monterrey, Mexico (Tecnológico de Monterrey) Leon, Mexico z Guadalajara, Mexico z Mexico City, Mexico Ì Ì z San Salvador, El Salvador z San Jose, Costa Rica Panama City, Panama Bogota, Colombia z z Lima, Peru Santa Cruz, Bolivia Buenos Aires, Argentina RANKINGS Thunderbird is consistently ranked #1 in interna- Expansión ranked Tecnológico de Monterrey’s tional business by leading global publications EGADE Monterrey as the number one school of (Financial Times 2009, U.S. News & World Report business in Mexico for four consecutive years and 2010). Thunderbird’s Distance Learning MBA is a top ranked MBA program in Latin America ranked #7 in the world (Economist Intelligence Unit according to AméricaEconomía 2008). In 2009, AmericaEconomia ranked Thunderbird #9 among the best business schools in the world (outside of Latin America). THUNDERBIRD TECNOLÓGICO DE MONTERREY Dr. Humberto “Bert” Valencia 1 Global Place Glendale, AZ 85306-6000 [email protected] Tel: +1 602 978-7535 Fax: +1 602 978-7874 Dr. Miguel Moreno Tripp Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur 2501 64849 Monterrey, N. L., México [email protected] Tel: (52 81) 8358-1400 ext. 6161 Fax: (52 81) 8358-1400 ext. 6176 Cover photo: Rodrigo Vallejo, Class of 2010, Bogota, Colombia campus
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