AnnuAl FlOwers
AnnuAl FlOwers
43 AnnuAl FlOwers Annuals last for one growing season. Many are started early indoors while others are directly sown outside. As young seedlings grown indoors are very delicate, they need to be toughened up (a process known as hardening off) before they are transplanted outside. After five to eight days of hardening off, seedlings should be ready for planting out. To be safe, do not transplant outside until after the last spring frost date has come and gone as exposure to cold and frost can be deadly for young seedlings AGAsTACHe (Agastache foeniculum ) 2400 sds/g A tender perennial with a pleasant anise scent. Sow indoors in March, barley cover the seed and germinate at 18C/65F for 14-21 days. Early sown plants bloom the first season. (Zone 6). 5002 – FRAGRANT DELIGHT MIXED Attractive to beneficial insects and hummingbirds with their tall brightly coloured spikes of raspberry, lilac and orange flowers and wonderful aromatic foliage. Brightens borders and containers with a long flowering period. Matures to 60 cm (2’) height. AlYssuM (Lobularia maritima) 2800 s/g Reliably compact & uniform. Easy to sow directly outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Blooms in 6 to 8 weeks from sowing. For transplants, sow indoors beginning of April. Germinates at 20C (70F) in 3-5 days. Transplant at the end of May spacing 10cm (4") apart in the garden. 5005 – CARPET OF SNOW The best and most popular white for edging or ground covers – pretty fragrance too! Mound shaped plants average 8-12cm (4-5") tall and spread to 30cm (1') across. Pkt $1.89; 5g $6.85, 25g $18.95; 125g $66.35 Order by telephone (519) 886-0557 FAX (519) 886-0605 Pkt of 35 sds $2.49; 100sds $7.95; 250sds $15.95. 5010 – ROYAL CARPET Vibrant purple-red blooms have a tiny white bee and just cover the compact, densely branched plants from spring to fall. early to bloom with vigorous growth to 15cm (6") high. Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 25g $13.95; 125g $48.85 5015 – WONDERLAND MIXED Fragrant blooms in shades of blue, citron, copper, white, pink, rose and purple – the foliage disappears under the blooms. Grows to 7.5cm (3") high and spreads to 20cm (8"). Pkt $1.89; 2g $9.50; 5g $19.95 AGerATuM (Ageratum houstonianum) 7500 s/g Adaptable to most soils, sun or partial shade. Sow seed indoors mid-May leaving uncovered on the surface of the starting mix. Germinate at 20C (70F) for 7-10 days. Grow on at 15C (60F). 5000 – BLUE MINK Plants are upright, yet compact in habit growing only 20cm (8") tall. early flowering and vigorous. Great for borders or as a cut flower Pkt $1.89; 5g $7.20; 25g $22.00; 125g $82.50 5000 - Ageratum BLUE MINK 5002- Agastache FRAGRANT DELIGHT 5005 - Alyssum CARPET of SNOW 5010 - Alyssum ROYAL CARPET 5015 - Alyssum WONDERLAND MIXED 44 5020 - Amaranthus LOVE-LIES-BLEEDING AMArAnTHus (Amaranthus caudatis) 1600 s/g Thrives in dry soil. Sow seed directly outdoors after danger of frost has passed. May be started indoors. Germinates at 20C (70 F) in 10-14 days. 5020 – LOVE-LIESBLEEDING Pendants of red blooms trail from the thick main stems 6090cm (2-3') in height. Flowers appear in early summer and carry through to frost. excellent for drying or as a cut flower. Pkt $1.89; 5g $5.95 5025 - ANNUAL MIXTURE AnnuAl MIXTure Sow seed directly outdoors in mid-May or later. For earlier flowering, start indoors from mid-March to early April. Germinates at 21C (70F) in 710 days. 5025 – ANNUAL MIXTURE Over 20 specially selected varieties blended together for fail-proof results. Plant height averages 60cm (2'). Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 25g $13.75; 125g $47.85 5030 - Aster GIANT CREGO MIXED AsTer (Callistephus chinensis) 400 s/g A superb cutflower that can be used in beds, borders or containers in sites with full sun to partial shade. Sow seed outdoors in mid May or for earlier flowering, start indoors mid March to early April. Germinates at 21C (70F) in 710 days. Note: Germination can be irregular and ranges from 50-80%. 5030 – GIANT CREGO MIXED Immense double flowers averaging 10-15cm (4-6") in size are perched on top of sturdy 60cm (2') high stems. Colours include white, pink, crimson, salmon-rose, blue and purple. Pkt $1.89; 5g $5.95; 25g $14.85; 125g $49.95 5035 – POWDERPUFF BOUQUET upright plants that average 60cm (2') in height and only 30cm (1') across. Fully double 6cm (4") blooms are borne in such numbers, they almost hide the foliage of the plant! wilt resistant. Pkt $1.89; 5g $5.95; 25g $14.85; 125g $49.95 5035 - Aster POWDERPUFF BOUQUET 5045 - BACHELOR BUTTONS BACHelOr BuTTOns (Centaurea cyanus) 220 s/g Heirloom Sow seed directly outdoors mid-April to mid-May, lightly cover and keep evenly moist during the 7-10 day germination period. Thin plants to 20 cm (8") in the garden and be advised that this variety does not transplant well. 5045 – OSC SPECIAL BACHELOR BUTTONS robust 60cm (2') high plants are filled with double flowers in a wide array of clear bright colours. uniform, bushy plants – a real dandy! Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 25g $13.75; 125g $47.85 5040 – JUBILEE GEM Masses of cornflower blue blossoms fill these compact 25-30cm (10-12") plants. Very easy to grow and requires little if any care! Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 25g $13.75; 125g $47.85 5040 - Bachelor Button JUBILEE GEM 5050 - BALSAM BAlsAM (Impatiens balsamini) 125 s/g Heirloom Light is required for germination. Germinates at 21C (70F) in 714 days. Grow plants on at a slightly cooler temperature. 5050 – BRILLIANT MIXTURE A charming old heirloom favourite with double and semidouble flowers carried above bushy, green foliage. This mixture contains the full colour range and once flowers start, the plants will bloom all summer. Grows to 60cm (2') in height. Pkt $1.89; 5g $5.50; 25g $13.15; 125g $39.60; 500g $104.50 For an unique shopping experience, visit our historic seed store: Ontario seed Company 16 King st. south waterloo, On (519) 886-2990 45 5065 - BELLS OF IRELAND Bells OF IrelAnD (Molucella laevis) 150 s/g Heirloom Sow indoors in early April, pre-chilling at 0C (32F) for 10 to 12 days. Move to 21C (70F) for germination. Sporadic germinator. Direct sowing outdoors more successful if the seed is sown in mid April. 5065 – GREEN BELLS Green flowers! Flower head turns a light brown colour when dried. Grows to 60cm (2') in height. Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 25g 12.65; 125g $38.50 CAnDYTuFT (Iberis umbellata) 350 s/g Direct seed outdoors about 6mm (1/4") deep in mid to late April. Germination will occur in 7-14 days after which plants can be thinned to 20cm (8") apart. 5105 – FAIRY MIXED Clusters of fragrant flowers in pink, rose, white, crimson and scarlet. Growing to 25cm (10") in height. used as an edging plant and in rock gardens. Pkt $1.89; 25g $11.95; 125g $33.00 CACTus Easy to grow. Sow seeds indoors from 3-6mm (1/8-1/4") deep in a mixture of sandy soil and vermiculite. Germination occurs at 23C (75F) in 14-30 days. Place container in a bright spot and keep growing medium from drying out during the germination period. 5075 – MIXED CACTUS A mix of miniature desert plants is a real pleasure to grow! Pkt $2.49 5105 - Candytuft FAIRY MIXED 5100 - CANARY CREEPER 5075 - MIXED CACTUS 5080 - Calendula PACIFIC BEAUTY CAnArY CreePer (Tropaeolum peregrinum) 8 s/g Easy to grow. Direct sow in the garden. Sow outdoors in late May about 6mm (1/4") deep thin afterwards to 30cm (1') apart. Full sun with light afternoon shade. 5100 – CANARY CREEPER A vigorous climber loaded with tons of yellow, 2-3cm (1-1/2") wide, nasturtium-like flowers all summer long. For walls, fences and arbours where it can grow to 3m (10') in height. Pkt $2.49; 25g $9.95 CArDInAl ClIMBer (Ipomoea quamoclit) Sow directly in the garden late May 6mm (1/4") deep – thin to 30cm (12") apart. Germination in 7-14 days. For best performance, do not overfertilize. Prefers slightly acidic soils. Prune as required. Hardy to Zone 6. Full sun. 5110 – CARDINAL CLIMBER Produces small, bright crimsonred, white-throated flowers. Best in full sun with afternoon shade. Climbs walls, fences and arbours, reaching over 3m (10') in height! Pkt $2.49; 25g $5.95 CAlenDulA (Calendula officinalis) 100 s/g Easy to grow. Adaptable to poor soil and will tolerate light shade! Direct sow in the garden in midlate May. Sow seed 6mm (1/4") deep. Protect seedlings from rabbits. Eventually thin to 20 cm (8") apart. For an early start, sow seeds indoors in April at 21C (70F) for the 5-10 day germination period. Grow-on at a lower temperature of 10-13C (50-55F). 5080 – PACIFIC BEAUTY MIXED spectacular Calendula with 10cm (4") blooms – yellow, orange, apricot and cream. Flowers freely through the summer on plants that grow to 45 cm (18") in height. Pkt $1.89; 5g $6.55; 25g $18.70 ALL PURPOSE PLANTING TRAYS 5110 - CARDINAL CLIMBER seeD sTArTInG All PurPOse PlAnTInG TrAYs Items Sold Separately Measures 27.5 cm x 64.20 cm (11 x 21"). use with cell paks or to hold your own planting containers. known in the trade as “1020” trays. 260 – 5 trays for $11.25 261 – 10 trays for $19.50 Cell PAKs lightweight, reuseable plastic Inserts 260-4 – “4 Cell” Paks x 8 sections, 32 hole 260-6 – “6 Cell” Paks x 8 sections, 48 holes 260-9 – “9 Cell” Paks x 8 sections, 72 holes 5 for $11.25; 10 for $19.50 HeATInG MAT 8-7/8” x 19-1/2” 480– $32.95 ea. 46 6395 - Carnation CHABAUDS GIANT CArnATIOn (Dianthus caryophyllos) 500 s/g Best started indoors 8 weeks before last frost. Sow seed 3mm (1/8") deep and keep at 21C (70F). Transplant late May. Keep 30cm (1') between plants. 6395 – CHABAUDS GIANT IMPROVED Mixed colours and spicy scent. Great cut flower. Zone 5. Pkt $1.89; 5g $10.45; 25g $29.70; 125g $100.00 5120 - Celosia Plumosa MIXED CelOsIA PluMOsA 1300s/g (Celosia argentea var. plumosa) Seed can be sown directly in the garden in midMay – barely cover with soil. Celosia is a very dependable plant. 5120 – MIXED COLOURS Celosia. Bushy plants growing to 90cm (3') tall are topped with brilliantly coloured feathery plumes in a full range of colours from intense red to bright yellow. Pkt $1.89; 5g $10.00; 25g $30.80; 125g $91.30 5090 - CALIFORNIA POPPY CAlIFOrnIA POPPY (Eschscholzia californica) 600 s/g Heirloom 5090 – CALIFORNIA POPPY sow direct in late spring. scarlet red, copper, orange and yellow. Free flowering. lacy grey-green foliage compliments flowers. Grows 30 cm (1') tall. Flowers from early summer right through to frost. Pkt $1.89; 15g $6.55; 25g $15.95; 125g $47.85 5115 - Celosia COCKSCOMB 5115 – COCKSCOMB SEMI-DWARF look for large , showy heads of odd shaped, crested flowers on dwarf 30cm (1') high plants. The brilliantly coloured flowers can be used as cutflowers – plants also put on quite a show when planted in a mass bedding! Pkt $1.89; 5g $10.00; 25g $30.80; 125g $91.30 5125 - Cineraria DUSTY MILLER CInerArIA (Senecio cineraria) 5200 s/g Best started indoors 8-10 weeks before planting out. Sow seeds right on the surface due to their small size. Water from below or use a mister. Germinates in 16 days at 24C (75F). Thin to one plant per cell and grow-on at 15C (60F). transplant outside in mid to late May. Space plants 25cm (10") apart in the garden. Grows best in full sun but will tolerate light shade. 5125 – DUSTY MILLER Almost ice white, deeply serrated, velvety foliage makes for an outstanding contrast plant in gardens and planters. Growing at least 25cm (10") tall, tolerant of high temperatures and drought conditions. Performs well into late fall. Pkt $1.89; 2g $7.70; 5g $14.25; 25g $44.00 COTTAGe GArDen Beautiful assortment of old fashioned favourites. Mixture of sun loving annuals and perennials. Easy to grow. Directly sow outside in May. 5180 – COTTAGE GARDEN COLLECTION each collection consists of six packets. One each of Cosmos, lavatera, sweet Pea, nicotiana, Black-eyed susan and Hollyhock. Garden plans and growing instructions are included. Pkt $5.95 each. 5130 - Clarkia DOUBLE MIXED ClArKIA (Clarkia amoena) 1300 s/g Sow seed outdoors in mid-May and once or twice more at two week intervals. Plant seed 3mm (1/8") deep and keep the soil from drying out during the 7-14 day germination period. Thin seedlings to 25cm (10") apart when they are 10cm (4") high. 5130 – DOUBLE MIXED Flowers resemble hollyhocks. Colours include white, pink, red, salmon and white. Growing to 60cm (2') in height, Clarkia makes an elegant statement in the garden and works nicely as a cut flower. Pkt $1.89; 25g $8.25; 125g $26.40 5185 - Chrysanthemum FORMULA MIXED CHrYsAnTHeMuM (Chrysanthemum carinatum) 500 s/g Direct seed outdoors in full sun, late May, 3mm (1/8") deep. Start indoors 6-8 weeks before planting out. Sow seed 3mm (1/8") deep at 16C (60F). Plant out in late May spacing at 30cm (12") apart. Pinch back plants when 10-15cm (4-6") high. 5185 – FORMULA MIXED extra large single blooms include many bi-colours. with its extra long stems, this variety makes a superb cutflower! Pkt $1.89; 5g $6.60; 25g $18.70; 125g $63.75 47 5135 - Cleome PINK QUEEN CleOMe (Cleome hasslerana) 500 s/g Heirloom May be directly sown in the garden in mid to late May planting the seed 3mm (1/8") deep thinning to 40cm (16") apart later in the season. Starting in mid-March to midApril, plant seed no more than 3mm (1/8") deep in a light mix, moisten, then chill at 4-7C (4045F) for 5-10 days. After chilling keep at a temperature of 21C (70F) for the 8-14 day germination period. Even after all this, germination can be erratic. Cleome prefers a sunny site. A good performer in droughty locations. 5135 – PINK QUEEN Flowers in a progression of shades from dark pink to almost white – a real eyecatcher! Grows to 90cm (3') in height. Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 25g $14.25; 125g $49.50 5140 - Coleus RAINBOW MIXTURE COleus (Solenstemon scutelarioides) 3500 s/g Start indoors about 8 weeks before planting out. Sow seed 3mm (1/8") deep and provide bottom heat to keep the mix at a temperature of 24C (75F) for the 8-12 day germination period. Grow on at a slightly cooler temperature of 18-20C (65-70F). After hardening off, plant out in late May spacing the plants 25cm (10") apart. A great plant for providing colours in shady gardens. 5140 – RAINBOW MIXTURE This highly coloured, small leaved, variegated foliage plant is extremely popular for bedding, window boxes or other containers and of course, shade gardens. Pkt $1.89; 1g $14.25; 5g $45.10 5160 - Cosmos SENSATION MIXED COsMOs (Cosmos bipinnatus) 70 sds/g Sow directly into your garden. Choose a sunny site with well drained soil and sow the seeds 3-6mm (1/8-1/4") deep in mid to late May. Thin to 30-40cm (12-16") apart when the seedlings are 5-8cm (2-3") tall. 5152 – COSIMO PURPLE RED-WHITE stunning 5-7 cm (2-3”) bicoloured flowers striped purple, red and white fill these dwarf, compact 60cm (24”) plants. Pkt.35 sds $2.49; 100 sds $7.95; 250 sds $10.95 5155 – CARPET FORMULA MIX Delightful mini-Cosmos for bedding and pots. Compact, well-branched plants are covered in brilliant semi-double flowers in a myriad of colours. Height 30 cm (1’). Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95 25 g $10.95; 125g $27.50 5160 – SENSATION MIXED Heirloom A rich mixture of bright clear blooms in shades of pink, white and red averaging 5cm (2") in diameter. Pretty, dense, finely cut foliage grows to 90cm (3') high. will still flower nicely in partial sun. 5150 – BRIGHT LITES 5155 – CARPET FORMULA 5165 – SENSATION PINK 5170 – SENSATION ROSE 5175 – SENSATION WHITE Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95 25 g $10.95; 125g $27.50; 500g $85.00 5152 - Cosmos COSIMO PURPLE RED-WHITE Did you know... 5165 - Cosmos SENSATION PINK CYnOGlOssuM (Cynoglossum amabile) 170 sds/g This old time favourite can be direct seeded in the garden in mid April to mid May. Sow seed 6mm (1/4") deep and water lightly. Germination occurs in 5-10 days. Thin to 30-35cm (12-14") apart when the seedlings are 7.5cm (3") tall. Plants grow best in full sun but will tolerate partial shade as well as both wet and dry conditions. 5190 – CHINESE FORGET-ME-NOT Very fast growing plant producing sweetly scented, indigo-blue flowers at the top of 40cm (16") high plants. Foliage is an attractive silvery-grey. Plants will often re-seed themselves for the following season. Pkt $1.89; 5g $5.45; 25g $13.20; 125g $39.00 5190 - CHINESE FORGET-ME-NOT As Cosmos plants mature, they may get unruly. Try growing inside bamboo tee-pees to help contain thier exuberance. 48 5195 - Dahlia DWARF HYBRID 5210 - silver Drop euCAlYPTus DAHlIA (Dahlia x hybrida) 100 sds/gram Direct sow in mid-May – barely cover the seed with soil and keep moist during the 7-14 day germination period. May be started started 6-8 weeks early indoors. Germinate at 15-18C (60-65F). Grow-on at 13-15C (55-60F). Transplant to the garden in late May. Enjoys full sun. 5195 - UNWINS DWARF HYBRID DAHLIA large double and semi-double flowers 7.5cm (3") across. Colours include soft pink, deep rose, yellow, orange scarlet and crimson. The nicely branched, bushy plants grow to 60cm (2') in height. Pkt $1.89; 2g $7.70; 15g $22.00; 25g $38.50 5217 - EVERLASTINGS 5200 - African Daisy AURANTICA AFrICAn DAIsY (Arctotis stoechadifolia) 150 sds/g Directly sow outdoors in a sunny spot in early May. Sow seed 6mm (1/4") deep, then thin to 30cm apart when the plants reach 5-8cm (2-3") in height. Seed can also be started indoors 8 weeks before planting out. Germination is quick, occurring in 5-10 days at a temperature of 21C (71F). Grow on at 13-16C (55-60F). Pinch out young plants to stimulate bushy growth. Good plants for sunny, dry areas. 5200 - AURANTICA HYBRIDS Pretty, single daisy-like flowers in shades of orange, buff and yellow. long blooming. Pkt $1.89; 5g $7.15; 25g $17.80; 125g $53.40 euCAlYPTus (Eucalyptus spp.) 1500 s/g This easy to grow tender perennial is grown as an annual. Sow seed 6 weeks early indoors about 6mm (1/4") deep in separate peat pots. Seed will germinate in 10-14 days at 21C (70F) – keep growing medium moist during the germination period. Grow on at a temperature of 16C (60F). 5210 – SILVER DROP Perfect as a container plant or grown as a point of interest in the garden. Beautiful silvery blue foliage makes a pretty counterpoint in fresh or dried flower arrangements. Packet of 25 seeds $2.99 5215 - Euphorbia SUMMER ICICLE DIAnTHus (Dianthus chinensis) 850 s/g For early flowering, it is best to start this plant indoors in March. Sow seed 3mm (1/8") deep. Germination takes 10 days at a temperature of 21C (70F). Grow-on temperature 10-13C (50-55F). Transplant out in mid to late May. Direct seeding can be done in mid to late May. Thin seedlings to 25cm (10") apart when they reach 5-8cm (2-3") in height. Best in full sun. 5205 – CHINENSIS DOUBLE MIXED Heirloom An old fashioned favourite with deeply frilled and sweetly scented double flowers. Plants flower in clusters with shades of pinks, reds and whites predominating. Plants grow to 40cm (16") tall. Pkt $1.89; 5g $6.55; 25g $16.50; 125g $44.00 euPHOrBIA (Euphorbia marginata) 88 s/g A beautiful annual that’s a native of Mexico and the southern USA. Very rugged plants they will grow in full sun to partial shade tolerating heat and drought. 5215 – SUMMER ICICLE An improvement over the regular “snow On The Mountain” with white leaf coloration that’s 2 to 3 weeks earlier than before. It’s also more compact. note; when touched the sap may irritate the skin. Matures to 60 cm (2') height. Pkt $1.89; 5g $5.95; 25g $27.00 5205 - Dianthus CHINENSIS DOUBLE MIX eVerlAsTInGs Sow this mix outdoors in midMay in a sunny location. Cover seed lightly and keep moist during the germination period. Thinning is not necessary unless bushier plants are desired. 5217 – EVERLASTINGS BLEND A selected blend of annuals, tender perennials and grasses that are easy to grow. These varieties are colourful in the garden and dry nicely for use in dried flower arrangements in the home. Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.25; 25g $13.50 GArDen rOw & POT lABels Just the perfect item for labelling your seedling trays. works great for peat pots. or marking transplants in the garden. PlAsTIC lABels 5" long x 5/8" wide #408 – Pkg of 100 $4.99 #409 – Pkg of 1000 $49.95 wOOD lABels 4" long x 5/8" wide #410 – Pkg of 100 $3.40 #411 – Pkg of 1000 $32.99 wOOD lABels 6" long x 5/8" #412 – Pkg of 100 $4.99 #413 - Pkg of 1000$47.99 Did you know... Plastic pots heat up much faster than clay pots. Use clay pots whenever possible to limit constant watering and make gardening a little easier! Glazed pots are best! 49 5220 - FLOWERING CABBAGE 5230 - Four O’Clocks MARVEL OF PERU 5325 - Godetia AZALEA MIXTURE 5360 - Gypsophilia COVENT GARDEN GAIllArDIA (Gaillardia pulchella) 600 s/g Heirloom Direct seed outdoors 6mm (1/4") deep mid-May, thin established plants to 20-30cm (8-12") apart. Germinates in 714 days. May be stared indoors early April. Zone 5 hardy. 5225 - FLOWERING KALE FlOwerInG CABBAGe (FlOwerInG KAle) (Brassica oleracea) 250 s/g Seed can be started indoors 6 weeks early. Sow 12mm (1/2") deep and keep the temperature around 20C (70F). Grow-on at 14C (58F) until transplanting outside in mid to late May. Direct seed outdoors in mid-May to midJune then thin to 60cm (2') apart when the plants reach 5cm (2") in height. 5220 – FLOWERING CABBAGE looks like a miniature cabbage but with the colour of kale. stunning mix of wavy-leaved red and white types. Pkt $1.89; 5g $7.95 5225 – FLOWERING KALE A cabbage-like kale that highlights any garden with its rose or purple coloured frilly leaves. Pkt $1.89; 5g $7.95 5240 - Four O’Clocks ROSE FOur O’ClOCKs (Mirabilis jalapa) 10 s/g Sow seed directly in the garden in late May and early June about 1cm (3/8") deep and at least 60 cm (2') from other plants. Thin to 45cm (18") apart when 5-8 cm (2-3") tall. Start indoors 6 weeks earlier. Germination occurs very quickly – 7days at 21C (70F). Grow-on at 15C (60F). Transplant in late May to early June in full sun. 5230 – MARVEL OF PERU Very bushy, vigorous plants growing to 60cm (2') in height. Bright, clear flowers open during the mid-day and include white, red, yellow, rose and lilac. suitable as an informal flowering hedge. Mixed colours. Pkt $1.89; 25g $7.95; 125g $23.00 500g $66.00 Hard-to-find Individual Colours of Four O’ Clocks: 5235 - YELLOW 5240 - ROSE Pkt $1.89; 25g $7.95 125g $23.00; 500g $66.00 5245 – PICTA DOUBLE MIX A fully double mixture with well rounded flower heads up to 12.5cm (5") across. Plants grow to 40cm (16") in height and produce bold, brightly coloured flowers from summer through to early autumn. Pkt $1.89 ; 2g $5.50; 15g $14.30 GODeTIA (Godetia whitneyi) 1800 s/g Grows much like Clarkia. Godetias express a huge variety of colour and flower patterns. They bloom in early summer. Where summers are cool, the blooms continue through to late summer. 5325 – AZALEA FLOWERED MIXTURE Bushy, 30cm (1') tall plants are almost completely covered with pretty double flowers. Colours include white, pink, red, purple and mauve to name a few. Pkt $1.89; 5g $8.25; 25g $26.40 5250 - Gazania SUNSHINE HYBRIDS MIXED GAZAnIA (Gazania x hybrida) 400 s/g Loves high temperatures and full sun. Sow seed outdoors 6mm (1/4") deep in early to mid-May. Thin to 20cm (10") apart when the plants are 2.5cm (1") in height. Sow indoors 7-8 weeks before the last frost date. Germinates in 10-14 days at 21C (70F). Grow on at 15C (60F). 5250 – SUNSHINE HYBRIDS MIXED Brilliantly coloured, eyecatching daisy-like flowers that are perfect for hot, dry, sunny sites. Brilliant mixture of colourful blooms. Great for containers or gardens – plant with other annuals that prefer similar conditions. Ht. 30cm (1 ft.) Pkt $2.49; 1g $4.95 Many destructive insects are hard to control because they hide on the underside of leaves. When spraying with a soap-based organic insecticide, remember to spray both sides of the leaves. Did you know... Here are some suggestion for plants suitable for full sun and drier soil: California Poppy, Candytuft, Cornflower, Dusty Miller, Gaillardia, Gloriosa Daisy, Marigold, Nasturtium, Salvia, Tithonia, Zinnia. Just be sure to keep watered until plants are established. 50 5330 - Gomphrena MIXED 5375 - Heliotrope MARINE GOMPHrenA GYPsOPHIlA (Gomphrena globosa) 350 s/g Globe Amaranth. Sow seed outdoors just covering with soil, in a sunny location in late May – soak seed for 24 hours prior to planting. Thin to 45cm (18") apart. Seeds can be sown indoors 6 weeks before planting out. Germination will occur in 10-14 days at 21C (70F). Grow on at 15-18C (6065F) then transplant out after the danger of frost has passed. 5330 – GOMPHRENA MIXED An ‘everlasting’ (as a dried flower) with attractive, small ball shaped clover-like blooms. Perfect for rock gardens and borders. Flowers are white, pink, rose and red shades. Thrives in hot weather. Pkt $2.49; 5g $5.95; 25g $20.85 (Gypsophila muralis) 6900 s/g Sow outdoors early May and every two weeks until July for continuous blooms. Sow seed in sunny area 3mm (1/8") deep, thin young plants to 30cm (1') apart. Sow indoors during March, germinates in 714 days at 21C (70F). 5360 – COVENT GARDEN Heirloom Beautiful sprays of white, airy flowers form on these 90cm (3') high plants. Pkt $1.89; 25g $5.35; 125g $18.75; 500g $52.50 5365 – ROSE robust plants produce clouds of tiny pink flowers with feathery grey-green foliage. Adds the finishing touch to all types of bouquets and dried flower arrangements. Height 50 cm (20"). Pkt $1.89; 25g $9.95; 125g $37.50 5345 - Gourd GOBLIN EGGS HelIOTrOPe (Heliotropium arborescens) 1800 s/g Heirloom Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Barely cover the seeds with the growing medium, water with a fine mist then keep at 21C (70F) for 7– 14 day germination period. Grow on at 16-18C (62-65F) thin when the seedlings reach 8cm (3") in height. After hardening off, transplant outside after danger of frost has passed spacing plants 30cm (1') apart. Intense fragrance. Full sun is best, partial shade tolerated. Moist soil. 5375 – MARINE sweetly scented, stunning deep violet-blue flowers on dark green, bushy plants 30cm (1') tall. Great for borders or containers. Attracts butterflies. An heirloom variety that deserves more attention. Pkt $2.49; 1/2g $8.95 5336 - Gourd SPECKLED SWAN 5335 - Gourd BIRDHOUSE / BOTTLE 5350 - Gourd KOSHARE YELLOW OrnAMenTAl GOurDs (Cucurbita spp.) For cleaner fruit, vines can be trained to grow on a trellis. Cut ripe fruit from the vine when firm and no longer yield to pressure. Be careful not to bruise--this encourages rot. Wash fruit and store in a warm, very well ventilated place to dry for at least 2-3 weeks (occasionally turn the fruit) – larger fruits take longer to dry. Should rattle when shaken, if drying is complete. Glaze with a floor wax to help preserve the skin. 5335 – BIRDHOUSE/BOTTLE 5336 – SPECKLED SWAN 5337 – CAVEMAN’S CLUB 5340 – CROWN OF THORNS 5355 – ORNAMENTAL MIX GOURDS PRICING Pkt $1.89; 10g $ 4.25; 25g $7.65; 125g $24.25; 500g $67.90 5350 – KOSHARE YELLOW 95 days An unique looking spoon shaped fruits with dark green and golden yellow banding patterns and up to 5 bands at full maturity. Mature fruits average 10 cm (4.5") length. Pkt $1.89; 100 sds $7.95 5345 - GOBLIN EGGS 80 days egg shaped fruits with a unique blend of colors and markings. Great for unique Hallowe’en decoration or easter eggs. Pkt $1.89; 100 sds $7.95 Place orders weekdays by calling our mail order office at (519) 886-0557 or FAX to (519) 886- 0605. Office hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Eastern. Online anytime: 51 5315 - HARDY GERANIUM HArDY GerAnIuM (Pelargonium sanguineum) 100 s/g (zone 4-9) sow in January or February about 6mm (1/4"). Once seeds have sprouted, grow on at 1416C (58-60F). Transplant outside in May to sunny and partially shaded sites. 5315 – HARDY GERANIUM Brilliant rosy-purple flowers 5cm (2") across are produced from June through to september. The mound shaped plants have bright green foliage and grow to a height of 45cm (18"). Pkt of 10 sds., $3.69 5280 - GERANIUM MAVERICK ORANGE IVY leAF GerAnIuM (Pelargonium peltatum) 200 s/g 5255 - SUMMER SHOWERS Trailing stems, ivy shaped leaves & brilliantly coloured flowers in reds, pinks, near whites and more! Good disease resistance and a perfect choice for hanging baskets and elevated planters. Pkt of 8 seeds $5.49 5275 - GERANIUM MAVERICK MIX HYBrID GerAnIuMs (Pelargonium x hortorum) Start indoors late January/early February. Sow 6 mm (1/4") deep at 21-24C (70-75F). Germination may take up to 20 days. Grow-on at 15-18C (6065F). Transplant month-old seedlings to 10 cm (4’) pots for growing-on. Transplant after all danger of frost has passed, space, 45cm (18’) apart. 5265 - CORAL 5270 - LAVENDER 5285 - PINK 5290 - RED 5295 - SALMON 5300 - SCARLET 5305 - VIOLET 5310 - WHITE MAVerICK serIes Home gardeners too can benefit from its early blooming features, multiple stems and large 12 to 16 cm (5-6") flowers on deep green, zonal leaf plants. Matures to a garden height of 35-40 cm (14-16"). Sold by seed count. 5265 – Coral 5270 – Lavender 5275 – Mixed Colours 5280 – Orange 5285 – Pink 5290 – Red 5295 – Salmon 5300 – Scarlet 5305 – Violet 5310 – White Packet of 10 sds. $3.69 ea. Did you know... Young plants can be pinched back to encourage compact growth. Grow at cooler temperatures after pinching, for best results. Geraniums benefit from generous applications of soluble fertilizer. Remove faded blooms to encourage more flowers. 5255 - Geranium SUMMER SHOWERS 52 5415 - ELFIN FORMULA MIX XP 5540 - ACCENT MIXED 5550 - CHOICE MIXED DWARF 5380 - BLUE PEARL XP 5385 - CORAL XP 5400 - RED STARBURST XP 5395 - SCARLET XP 5387 - PINK XP 5410 - WHITE XP 5405 - VIOLET XP 5440 - ALTHENA MIXED IMPATIens (Impatiens wallerana) 1400-2100 s/g The best bedding plant for partial shade. Their bright colours sparkle in the shade all summer long, right through to the killing frosts of fall. Start indoors 8-10 weeks early. Sow on the surface of the growing medium at 21-24C (70-75F) for the 10-21 day germination period. Grow-on at 15-18C (6065F). Hardening-off before transplanting is essential. Plant outside after the danger of frost has passed. Space plants 2025cm (8-10") apart in the garden. suPer elFIn XP serIes The best selling Impatiens just got better with the XP advantage. More consistent flowering, more plant uniformity, larger blooms and improved garden performance! It’s still early blooming, very dwarf averaging only 20 cm (8”) in height and needs no pinching. 5380 – BLUE PEARL XP 5385 – CORAL XP 5387 – PINK XP 5395 – SCARLET XP 5400 – RED STARBURST 5405 – VIOLET XP 5410 – WHITE XP 5415 – FORMUAL MIX XP Pkt of 20 seeds $2.99 syngenta Image 5523 - ACCENT ORANGE STAR DOuBle IMPATIens 5440 – ALTHENA MIXED Blooms longer and quicker than any other fancy-flowered Impatiens. Athena covers the garden semi-double blooms of appleblossom, orange, red, bright purple, red-white and orange-white bicolours. Dark green leaves, robust plants reach 30-60 cm height and 45-60 cm spread. Pkt of 20 seeds $2.99 The earliest clue of a nutrient deficiency is a progressive chlorosis (yellowing leaves). Wanting for nitrogen? look for older leaves turning yellow and whithering away. Need phosphate? Young plants are stunted and fail to thrive. Short on potash? Older leaves curl and dry-up, DOuBle scorch spots may appear. IMPATIens 53 5560 - DIVINE ORANGE BRONZE LEAF syngenta Image 5530 - ACCENT SALMON ACCenT PreMIuM serIes Unsurpassed colour either in containers or in the garden. Larger and more prolific than the Super Elfin series. These early blooming plants grow to a height of 30-40cm (12-16"). 5520 – DEEP ORANGE 5523 – ORANGE STAR 5525 – PINK 5527 – RED 5530 – SALMON 5533 – VIOLET 5535 – VIOLET STAR 5538 – WHITE 5540 – MIXTURE Packet of 20 sds, $2.99. sPeCIAl BeDDInG VArIeTY The price is right for this mixed open pollinated impatiens variety. Known for decades as the best for mass plantings! 5550 – CHOICE MIXED DWARF Compact, 25cm (10") tall plants in a full range of colours. Great for mass plantings, containers and hanging baskets. Pkt $2.49; 1g $21.95 5538 - ACCENT WHITE syngenta Image 5535 - ACCENT VIOLET STAR new GuIneA IMPATIens 5533 - ACCENT VIOLET syngenta Image (Impatiens hawkeri) 600 s/g 5560 – DIVINE ORANGE BRONZE LEAF Bright orange flowers 5 cm (2") wide cover green, bronze tinged foliage of these bushy plants all summer long. uniform shaped plants grow to 60 cm (2') in height and spread to 45 cm (18") wide. Packet of 10 sds. - $3.69 Our retail store is located at: 5525 - ACCENT PINK 16 King st. s., waterloo, On, Tel. (519) 886-2990 Open MondayFriday 8:30 am 6:00 pm saturday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm (Closed sunday) 5527 - ACCENT RED 5520 - ACCENT DEEP ORANGE 54 5565 - Larkspur IMPERIAL STRAIN 5580 - Lavatera MONT BLANC lArKsPur (Consolida ambiguea) 325 s/g It is best to plant this variety directly outdoors in a sunny area, as it does not transplant well. Sow seed in late April or early May 3mm (1/8") deep – keep the seedbed moist during the 14-day germination period. Thin the seedlings to 20cm (8") apart. Consolida is of the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae. Originally from western Europe. The common name, Larkspur is sometimes also used as a name for Delphiniums. Consolida flowers differsfrom Delphinium in that the flowers are open and branched, rather than the column of flowers found in Delphinium, Delphinium species are often perennial, all Consolida species are annual. 5565 – IMPERIAL STRAIN Mixed colours. long stems and large double florets spaced closely together. shatter resistant blooms come in lovely clear colours: dark blue, pinks, whites and more. Towering plants 90cm (3') tall make an impressive garden statement. Pkt $1.89; 15g $7.65; 25g $18.65 5570 - Lavatera MIXED COLOURS 5600 - Malope TIGRIDA MIX lAVATerA (Lavatera trimestris) 115 sds/g Also known as annual mallow or rose mallow. Beautiful hibiscus-like blooms up to 7cm (3") across cover these bushy, multi-branched plants all summer long and well into fall! Prefers full sun but will tolerate partial shade and makes its best growth in cooler weather. Sow seed directly in the garden in early to mid- May about 3mm (1/8") deep. Thin seedlings to at least 30cm (1') apart. For a jump on the season, seed can also be started indoors 6 weeks before planting out. Seed will germinate in approx. 7 days at 21C (70F) – grow on at 15C (60F), then harden-off and transplant out in late May. Plants can grow to 60cm (2’) tall with an equal spread. If you are fortunate to live in Zone 6 or warmer, there is a chance the Lavatera will overwinter. 5575 – LOVELINESS Pink 5580 – MONT BLANC White 5570 – MIXED COLOURS Pkt $1.89; 5g $6.85; 25g $17.60 5575 - Lavatera LOVELINESS 5595 - Lobelia TRAILING SAPPHIRE lOBelIA (Lobelia erinus) 35,000 sds/g Best started indoors. Sow 8 weeks early, uncovered on the surface of the growing medium. Moisten by misting or bottom watering. Germinate at 24C (75F) for the 20-25 day germination period. Grow-on at 15C (60F) Transplant after the danger of frost has passed. 5585 – CASCADE MIX As the name suggests, a full colour mixture of pinks, reds, purples, white, blues and lilac that tumbles out of containers and hanging baskets. Pkt $1.89; 5g $8.75; 15g $19.75 5595 – TRAILING SAPPHIRE A charming, cascading variety for hanging baskets, window boxes and containers. Cool deep blue/white centre. Pkt $1.89; 5g $8.75; 15g $19.75 Order by telephone: 519-886-0557 Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 PM eT 5585 - Lobelia CASCADE MIX MAlOPe (Malope trifida) 350 sds/g Sow directly outdoors in May, 3mm (1/8") deep in partial shade. Thin seedlings 30cm (1') apart. Or, start indoors in early March for flowering in late June and July. Cover seed 3mm (1/8") deep in the growing medium – germinates in 10-14 days at 21C (70F). Transplant outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. Tolerant of just about any soil type. Happy with soil pH ranging from acidic to neutral. Will tolerate slopes. Good variety for cut flowers. Excellent selection for gardeners struggling with summers that are hot and humid. Resistant to salt spray, making it a good choice for seashore cottage gardens. 5600 – TIGRIDA MIX Bright green, scalloped leaves provide a beautiful backdrop for the purple, rose and white funnel shaped flowers. Plants grow to 75cm (2-1/2') high and are free flowering all summer long. Pkt $1.89; 5g $8.75; 25g $29.95 55 5695 - Marigold PERFECTION YELLOW 5700 - Marigold PerFeCTIOn OrAnGe 5630 - Marigold ANTIGUA YELLOW MArIGOlDs (Tagetes spp.) 300 sds/g These incredibly easy to grow annuals can be directly seeded in the garden in mid to late May. Sow 6mm (1/4") deep, watering as necessary until germination occurs in roughly 7 days. Thin or transplant the seedlings when they are 5-8 cm (2-3") tall. For earlier blooms start seed indoors 6 weeks before planting out time. American & African types produce big, double blooms up to 15 cm (6") across on tall, sturdy stemmed plants. French types are refined, compact plants with numerous, smaller blossoms. Marigolds are superb for edging, mass plantings and window boxes. The unusual scent of marigolds seem to repel insects and are often planted in vegetable gardens for this reason. 5635 - Marigold ANTIGUA MIXED AMerICAn TYPes PerFeCTIOn HYBrIDs (T. erecta) ‘Wings’ Removed Great for mass plantings. A spectacular show of large 15 cm (6") blooms whose unique, tight flowers have unsurpassed weather tolerance. uniformly shaped plants have strong stems, deep green foliage and are 35-40 cm (14-16") tall. 5690 - PERFECTION GOLD– Brilliant gold 5695 – PERFECTION YELLOW – Clear yellow 5700 – PERFECTION ORANGE – striking intense orange Pkt of 20 seeds $2.99; 100 sds $9.95; 500 sds $28.50 5625 - Marigold ANTIGUA PRIMROSE AnTIGuA HYBrIDs Seed ‘Wings’ Removed A more compact version of the Perfection types with a naturally dwarf branching habit that makes it perfect for low border or container planting. Fully double 7.5 cm (3") flowers fill the neat, compact 25 cm (10") plants all summer long. Much improved weather tolerance and a more uniform flowering habit. 5615 – ANTIGUA GOLD 5620 – ANTIGUA ORANGE 5625 – ANTIGUA PRIMROSE 5630 – ANTIGUA YELLOW 5635 – ANTIGUA MIXED Pkts of 20 sds $2.99; 100 sds $9.95; 500 sds $28.50 FIrsT lADY Seed ‘Wings’ Removed Hybrid. no other marigold comes close! Capable of producing up to 100 clear yellow, carnation-type blooms per plant that average 7.5cm (3") in size! At 35cm (16") tall it is perfect for mass plantings and containers. 5610 - FIRST LADY HYBRID Pkt of 20 seeds $2.99; 100 sds $9.95; 500 sds $28.50 5610 - Marigold FIRST LADY 56 5640 - Marigold CRACKERJACK MIXED AFrICAn MArIGOlDs (Tagetes erecta) 5640 – CRACKERJACK (MIXeD COlOurs) One of the first large flowered African types to bloom. large 10-12cm (4-5") ‘cannonballshaped’ flowers in brilliant shades of yellow and orange. Plants growing from 60-90cm (2-3') tall proudly present their blooms right in front of your eyes! Pkt $1.89; 15g $9.85; 25g $27.50; 125g $60.50 5645 – YELLOW TREASURE Ahoy! Th’ar be pirates in ye back yard! A treasure chest full of uniform sized, lemon-yellow flowers are held on plants growing to 60cm (24") tall. Incredibly prolific! Pkt $1.89; 15g $9.85; 25g $27.50; 125g $60.50 5665 – SPARKY larger than the petites at 2025cm (8-10") tall with bigger flowers too! A striking combination of gold blooms highlighted with a blazing red! Very early and continuous flowering. Pkt $1.89; 15g $13.20; 25g $38.50; 125g $66.00 5660 – QUEEN SOPHIA uniform, rounded, compact plants just 25-30cm (10-12") tall are covered with waves of waxy 5cm (2") double flowers. Petals are soft rust colours that are edged with a delightful golden yellow. Pkt $2.99; 15g $13.20; 25g $38.50;125g $84.00 5650 - Marigold DWARF FRENCH PETITE MIXED 5650 – DWARF FRENCH PETITE MIXED Dwarf, fully double crested flowers only 2.5cm (1") across literally cover these bushy 15cm (6") high plants. Flowers come in a full range of oranges, mahoganies, reds and yellows. Pkt $1.89; 15g $13.20; 25g $38.50; 125g $84.00. 5655 – PETITE YELLOW same characteristics as the mixed but in this case flowers are a pure yellow. Pkt $1.89; 15g $13.20; 25g $38.50; 125g $84.00 sInGle DwArF FrenCH TYPes DIsCO serIes (Tagetes patula) The seed ‘wings’ removed for easier handling. Compact, well-branched plants growing to 30 cm (1') high are covered with large 5 cm (2") blooms. The earliest and most floriferous French type. Try some in your garden and in as few as 10 weeks from seed, you will see what we mean! 5670 – MARIETTA (yellow/mahogany centre.) 5675 – ORANGE 5680 – YELLOW 5685 – MIXTURE Pkt $1.89; 100 sds $7.65 DwArF FrenCH CresTeD MArIGOlD This French marigold is a more compact, bushier plant that provides phenominal colour in mass borders, walkways or container plantings. 5605 – DURANGO OUTBACK MIX These crested beauties set the standard for anemone-type marigolds. Compact, bushy plants are loaded with tons of double blooms, 5 to 7cm (2”-3”) across. extra strong stems and great branching habit plus an excellent tolerance to summer heat. Festive colours include red tipped yellow Bolero accents, deep reds, rich yellows and tangerine. Pkt $1.89; 100 sds $7.50 5655 - Marigold PETITE YELLOW 5665 - Marigold SPARKY 5645 - Marigold YELLOW TREASURE 5680 - Marigold DISCO YELLOW Did you know... Marigolds contain the pigments lutein and zeaxanthin. When included in chicken feed, marigold petals help turn egg yolks a golden yellow. 5685 - Marigold DISCO MIXTURE 5675 - Marigold DISCO ORANGE 57 5605 - Marigold DURANGO OUTBACK MIXED 5660 - Marigold QUEEN SOPHIA 5710 - Matricaria GOLDEN BALL MOnArDA (Monarda citriodora) 1900 s/g Start indoors 8 weeks before planting out in late May or early June. Leave seed uncovered, water carefully and maintain 22C (72F) for the 10 day germination period. Growon at 14C (58F) until planting out. Choose a sunny site and space plants 25 cm (10") apart. 5725 – LEMON MINT lavender-white flowers are produced in clusters at the top of strong, 60 cm (2') high stems. Both the leaves and flowers release a delightful lemon fragrance when bruised. Pkt $2.49; 25g $7.50 5670 - Marigold DISCO MARIETTA MATrICArIA (Tanacetum parthenium) 7500 sds/g Heirloom Feverfew. Tender perennial, treated as an annual. Start indoors February. Leave seed uncovered on the surface, carefully moisten with a mister and keep at 21C (70F) for the 14 day germination period. Grow-on at 15C (60F). transplant outside after frost danger has passed. 5710 – GOLDEN BALL Covered with bright yellow, cushion shaped flowers. Best massed in beds or as borders and edging. Pkt $1.89; 5g $7.70; 25g $38.50 Did you know... MIMOsA (Mimosa pudica) 150 s/g Sow seed 3 mm (1/8") deep in a fine mix. Maintain a growing medium temperature of 26C (80F) for the 15 day germination period. Grow on at 18C (65F), move them outside to the garden after the danger of frost has passed. Prefers hot, humid growing conditions. Not winter hardy. 6070 – SENSITIVE PLANT Heirloom Fern-like leaves of this plant fold up when touched then reopen a short time later. A whispering noise accompanies their closing. Mimosa also produces cute, globeshaped pink or purple flowers. Great houseplant. Pkt $1.89; 15g $12.95 Get a jump on spring by building a cold frame. Another useful idea is to use large plastic pop bottles. Cut off the cap-end and place the remainder over your tender seedlings to help retain heat and moisture. Remove when weather permits. 5720 - Mignonette SWEET SCENTED 5835 - NIGELLA 5725 - Monarda LEMON MINT 6070 - SENSITIVE PLANT MIGnOneTTe MOOnFlOwer (Reseda odorata) 800 sds/g Heirloom Quiescent blooms possess an intoxicating fragrance. Thin plants to 15-30cm (6-12") apart when they are 8cm (3") high. To take full advantage of the fragrance, plant mignonette near windows. 5720 – SWEET SCENTED Produces 45cm (18") tall plants with trusses or dull white blooms that produce the overwhelming fragrance. Pkt $1.89; 10g $7.95: 25g $15.95 nIGellA (Nigella damascena) 385 sds/g Heirloom Select a sunny site and direct sow this annual in early May planting the seed 3mm (1/8") deep – sow a second crop in 3 weeks. Thin seedlings to 30cm (12") apart when they are 7.5cm (3") tall. 5835 – LOVE-IN-A-MIST Gorgeous cornflower blue flowers have a delicate, feathery fringe. Grows to 45cm (18") tall. Pkt $1.89; 10g $8.95; 25g $16.95 (Calonyction spp.) 4 s/g Night flowering cousin to morning glories. Best sown directly in the garden in midMay. Soak seed overnight before sowing 2 cm (3/4") deep in a sunny site. Moonflowers don’t transplant well. Start indoors about 8 weeks before last frost date. Use Jiffy7’s or peat pots. Don’t disturb roots when transplanting. 5755 – MOONFLOWER Beautiful, fragrant white flowers 12.5cm (5") across open at night on this robust climber. numerous, decorative heart shaped leaves make this variety suitable for use as a screen. Vines will readily wrap themselves around any decent support. Pkt $2.49; 25g $9.95; 125g $28.50 5755 - MOONFLOWER 58 5765 - Morning Glory MILKY WAY 5740 - Morning Glory FLYING SAUCERS 5760 - Morning Glory LA VIE EN ROSE 5745 - Morning Glory GRANDPA OTT 5735 - Morning Glory DACAPO LIGHT BLUE 5750 -Morning Glory HEAVENLY BLUE MOrnInG GlOrY (Ipomoea tricolor) 25 sds/g. Soak seed overnight before sowing directly in the garden mid-May, 6 mm (1/4") deep and 7.5 cm (3") apart. Thin to 15 cm (6" apart when the vines are 7.5 cm (3") tall. Morning Glories don’t transplant well. Vines may grow up to 4 m (13’) long. 5730 – CRIMSON RAMBLER (BI-COLOUR) Deep crimson-red with a contrasting white throat. Absolutely stunning! Pkts $1.89; 25g $9.35; 125g $26.40 5735 – DACAPO LIGHT BLUE exquisite creamy white and light blue flowers veined softer purple. Highlighted with a creamy white throat. Pkts $1.89 15g $18.95; 25g $25.95 5740 – FLYING SAUCERS Fast growing twining vines with heart-shaped leaves and flowers marbled with white and purpleblue markings. Pkts $1.89; 25g $9.35; 125g $26.40 5760 – LA VIE EN ROSE A lovely blend of pale pinks through light to deeper rose coloured blooms. Gently veined with a brushed white centre. Pkts $1.89; 15g $18.95; 25g $25.95 5765 – MILKY WAY A white with pale blue striped named variety. Give this variety a try as a screen for unsightly wire-mesh fences. loves hot weather. Pkts $1.89; 25g $9.35; 125g $26.40 5770 – MIXED COLOURS Old-fashioned smaller types in shades of white, pink, mauve and purple. Always reliable for a good show! Pkts $1.89; 25g $9.35; 125g $26.40 5775 – PEARLY GATES large flowers of pure, gleaming white with a cream shading in the throat. Very popular summer blooming morning glory. Pkts $1.89; 25g $9.35; 125g $26.40 5745 – GRANDPA OTT An heirloom variety with rich blue-purple flowers with a darker red star. Flowers June to september. Pkts $1.89;25g $9.35;125g $26.40 5750 – HEAVENLY BLUE sheets of incredibly pretty, sky blue flowers. Blooms start early and are 10cm (4") across – the biggest of the morning glories! Pkts $1.89; 25g $9.35;125g $26.40 5790 - Nasturtium OUT OF AFRICA nAsTurTIuM (Tropaeolum majus) 6 s/g Directly sow into well drained soil – lightly fertilize. Direct sow in late May 2.5 cm (1") deep and 5 cm (2") apart, thinning to 20 cm (8") apart. Seed generally germinates within 12 days. Full sun is preferred. Partial shade is recommended in hot summer areas. Resents transplanting. Blooms have a peppery taste and are quite popular as a salad garnish. 5780 – DWARF JEWEL MIXED Heirloom semi-double flowers tall above the foliage coloured red, yellow and orange. non-trailing. remove faded flowers to lengthen blooming period. Plants grow to 30 cm (1') high. Pkt $1.89; 25g $6.50; 125g $17.60; 500g $48.00 5785 – EMPRESS OF INDIA Crimson red flowers. edible. Flowers 5-7.5 cm (2-3") across. Great in borders, averaging only 30-40 cm (12-16") height. Attracts hummingbirds. Pkt $1.89; 25g $9.95; 125g $26.95 5730 - Morning Glory CRIMSON RAMBLER 5790 – OUT OF AFRICA A trailing variety with mottled, variegated foliage and a nice colour combination of yellow, red, cream and peach pink. reaches 1.5 m (5’) height Pkt $1.89; 25g $9.95; 125g $26.95 5800 – TALL CLIMBING MIXED strong, vigourous vines 2 m (6') tall. Flowers stuffed with chopped & blended antipasto ingredients make for unique hors d'oeuvres. Pkt $1.89; 25g $6.50; 125g $17.60; 500g $48.00 5795 – PEACH MELBA unique colour blend of primrose-cream flecked with pearly-red kisses. Very striking. 25 cm (10"). Pkt $1.89; 25g $9.95; 125g $26.95 5805 – WHIRLYBIRD CREAM Medium sized 30cm (12”) plants. excellent for hanging baskets, rock gardens or flower beds. Pkt $1.89; 25g $9.95; 125g $26.95 5805 - Nasturtium WHIRLYBIRD 5795 - Nasturtium PEACH MELBA 5780 - Nasturtium DWARF JEWEL 5785 - Nasturtium EMPRESS OF INDIA 59 5815 - Nemesia DWARF CARNIVAL neMesIA (Nemesia strumosa) 3200 s/g Sow directly in the garden late May. Select a sunny site and scatter the seed, barely covering it with soil. Thin to 20 cm (8") apart when the plants are 7.5 cm (3") tall. Keep the plants well watered and try to provide some afternoon shade in hot summer areas. 5815 – DWARF CARNIVAL Mixed colours. One of the prettiest of the easy to grow annuals! Plants growing 20 cm (8") high produce mounds of sweetly scented, orchid-like blooms in a mix of brilliant colours. recommended for rock gardens, window boxes and borders. Blooms into late summer. Pkt $1.89; 2g $5.95; 5g $10.40 neMOPHIlA (Nemophila menziesii) 3000 s/g Sow outdoors early to mid-May in a sunny to partially shaded area barely covering the seed with soil. Keep the seeded area evenly moist through the 14 day germination period. Thin the plants to 15 cm (6") apart when they are 5 cm (2") tall. Nemophila grows well in containers. Restrict the size of pots as it prefers a crowded root system. When container grown, they are best kept in partial shade. 5820 – BABY BLUE EYES Tidy, 20 cm (8") high plants are covered in clouds of cupshaped, sky blue flowers all summer long. Pkt $1.89; 25g $7.65; 125g $26.75 5825 - Nicotiana SENSATION MIXED nICOTIAnA (Nicotiana alata) 6200 sds/g Also known as ‘flowering tobacco’. Lovely scented plants ideal for beds and borders in full sun. Start seed six weeks early indoors leaving them uncovered on the surface of the growing medium. The seed is minuscule, take care when sowing. The soil should be finely pulverized and well enriched in order to produce tall plants and large flowers. Carefully water with a mister. Germination will normally occur at 24C (75F) in fifteen days. Grow-on at 17C (62F), gradually raising the temperature to 23C (73F). Harden off and transplant outside after the danger of frost has passed. Sow directly in the garden mid to late May. Space plants 3045cm (12-18") apart in the garden. Water well during dry weather. 5810 – SARATOGA MIX Bushy, compact plants of 30 cm (1') height with eye-catching trumpet-shaped flowers look great in large beds or containers in sun or shade. A full colour range. earlier to flower than the competition by a full week so you can enjoy their garden beauty longer. Pkt of 25 seeds $2.49 5825 – SENSATION MIXED scarlet, crimson, rose, lavender and yellow flowers. unlike regular nicotiana, this mix blooms all day long. spectacular plants grow to 90 cm (3') in height. Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 15g $10.95; 25g $19.50 5885 - Pansy SUPER SWISS GIANTS 5890 - Pansy MARIPOSA TRUE BLUE 5820 - Nemophila BABY BLUE EYES 5830 - Nieremergia PURPLE ROBE nIereMBerGIA PAnsY (Nierembergia hippomanica) 6000 sds/g Start seed indoors 8-10 weeks before planting out in mid to late May. Leave seed uncovered on the surface of the growing medium, keep the seed carefully watered and maintain a temperature of 21C (70F) for the 7-15 day germination period. Grow on at 15C (60F) before hardening off and transplanting outside. 5830 – PURPLE ROBE A dwarf rockgarden plant only 20 cm tall. Produces a carpet of dark purple blooms that fade attractively in the heat of summer. Pkt $2.99; 2g $8.95; 5g $15.95 Did you know... The genus nierembergia is named after Juan Eusebio Nieremberg, a 17th century Spanish Jesuit and naturalist. Interestingly, nierembergia is a member of the Nightshade family, which includes petunias and potatoes. (Viola wittrockiana) 700 s/g Sow seed directly outdoors in early fall or spring. Welldrained soil is best in full sun to partial shade. Lightly cover the seeds with soil. Thin or transplant seedlings to a spacing of 20 cm (8") apart. Seed can also be started inside in late February and early March. Germinates at 24C (75F) in about 16 days. Growon at 10C (50F). Transplant outdoors in early May. 5885 – SUPER SWISS GIANTS large, graceful flowers 9cm (3.5") across with smiling faces or brown blotches. Plants are nicely compact at 15cm (6") in height and flower from early spring until mid-summer. Pkt $2.49; 2g $7.95; 5g $15.95; 25g $47.30 5890 – MARIPOSA TRUE BLUE eye-catching,mid-size 5-7 cm(2-2/12") flowers fill these dwarf, compact 12-18 cm (57") tall plants. Hardy, freeflowering, compact plants. excellent in borders or baskets Pkt $2.49; 50 sds $4.25 60 5915 - Super Cascade WHITE 5945 - PURPLE PIROUETTE 5925 - ORCHID DADDY 5895 - Super Cascade BLUE DOuBle PeTunIA Impressive, fragrant, well doubled flowers often up to 11cm (4") across. Compact mounding plants are quite early flowering with excellent weather tolerance. 5950 - Double Cascade BURGUNDY PeTunIA (Petunia x hybrida) 850010000 sds/g Start seed indoors 8 weeks before the last spring frost. Seed is very small. Handle with care. Light is essential for germination. Sow uncovered on the surface of the growing medium. Pelleted seed (Waves) must be lightly misted until seed coating dissolves. Apply bottom heat to keep the growing medium temperature at 25C (78F) for the 14 day germination period. Grow-on at of 15C (60F) until transplanting after danger of frost has passed. Harden-off transplants. Place transplants 20cm (8") apart in the garden 5995 - TIDAL WAVE SILVER suPer CAsCADe serIes Huge 10 cm (4") blossoms on compact plants. Free flowering all season long. 5895 – BLUE 5900 – BURGUNDY 5905 – PINK 5910 – RED 5915 – WHITE 5920 – MIXED CASCADE super Cascade Packets $2.99 GrAnDIFlOrA HYBrIDs Early blooming. Compact habit and excellent all around garden performance. Mature height of 30 cm (1') spreading 60 (24"). While these varieties are not as stress tolerant as Multifloras, they have much larger blooms. 5925 – ORCHID DADDY Plants are compact and neat with exceptional vigour and long season performance. Outstanding! Packet $2.99 6000 - DwArF BeDDInG MIX Petunia 5910 - Super Cascade RED OPen POllInATeD 6000 – GRANDIFLORA DWARF BEDDING MIX A mixture of smaller flowered, dwarf, and open pollinated Grandiflora types. Our most popular and economical mixture for mass planting or bedding plant market sales. Pkt $1.89; 2g $9.90; 10g $25.30; 25g $49.95 5930 – ALL DOUBLE GLORIOUS MIXED 5945 – PURPLE PIROUETTE 5950 – DOUBLE CASCADE BURGUNDY Packets above Pkt $3.69 each 5940 - PICOBELLA MIX 61 5975 - Wave Petunia LAVENDER 5970 - Wave Petunia BLUE 5995 - Tidal Wave Petunia SILVER TIDAl wAVe Hedgiflora Type. An AAS Winner. Terrific flower power with a more aggressive plant habit. Dense, mounded plants billow with vibrant flowers. Plant height is determined by spacing. The closer together, the taller they’ll grow. Average height is 50 cm (20"). Plants farther apart will grow as a ground cover producing 1 m (3’) long ‘vine-like’ habit. 5995 – TIDAL WAVE SILVER Pkt of 8 seeds $5.49 5942 - Petunia CELEBRITY YELLOW 5985 - Wave Petunia PURPLE 5953 - Shock Wave Petunia PINK 5955 - Shock Wave Petunia PURPLE MulTIFlOrA PeTunIA 5940 – PICOBELLA MIX The next generation of ultracompact petunias. Better garden performance with greater vigour, more weather tolerance and better mounded spreading habit making them more suitable for mass planting and containers. Flowers average 2.5 cm (1”) across in a blend of seven pretty colours. Pkt $2.99 5942 – CELEBRITY YELLOW A stunning colour for a multiflora petunia with pure yellow centred flowers fading to a soft cream edge. superb outdoor performance, bloom time and abundance of 7.5 cm (3”) flowers describes these uniform 25 cm (10”) plants. Pelleted seed. Pkt of 25 seeds $2.99 sHOCK wAVe PeTunIA The earliest to flower spreading petunia. You’ll be shocked a how quick one plant with its masses of 4cm (1-1/2”) flowers can fill a 25cm (10”) basket to over-flowering. Mix a few colours together for an outstanding display of bloom. These lush, self-cleaning plants with their mounded, spreading foliage recover from rain faster than all other petunias. Pelleted seed. 5952 - COCONUT SHOCK WAVE 5953 - PINK SHOCK WAVE 5955 - PURPLE SHOCK WAVE Pkt of 8 sds. $5.49 The Pelleted Seed Advantage - Our tiny seeds such as petunias are pelleted to aid handling. The pellet is a harmless clay coating that dissolves on contact with water. Please make sure the seed coating completely dissolves by liberally misting at sowing. Germination may not occur if any coating remains. 5952 - Shock Wave COCONUT wAVe PeTunIA All Wave varieties have their seed coated (i.e., they are ‘pelleted’) for easier handling. The original Wave varieties are the best seed raised trailing petunias. They require no pinching and a single plant can spread to 1.5 m (4’) across and hugs the ground at only 15 cm (6") tall. Colourful 5-7.5cm (23") blooms smother the plants. Wave petunias are a bedding plant and hanging basket favourite. 5970- BLUE WAVE 5975- LAVENDER WAVE 5980- PINK WAVE 5985- PURPLE WAVE Pkt of 8 sds. $5.49 62 6010 - Poppy DOUBLE SHIRLEY MIXED POPPY (Papaver rhoeas) Heirloom 7000 s/g Sow seed directly outdoors in a sunny site in early spring or late fall - barely cover the seed with soil. And that’s about all there is to it! 6005 - Phlox DRUMMONDI MIXED PHlOX (Phlox drummondi) Heirloom 500 s/g Sow outdoors 3 mm (1/8") deep late May in a sunny site. Best started indoors midApril transplant to the garden in June. Phlox resent transplanting. Sow seed in Jiffy 7’s or peat pots at 18C (65F) for the 15 day germination period. Grow-on at 14C (58F) until transplanting outside. Space plants 20 cm (8") apart in the garden. 6005 – DRUMMONDI MIXED Compact 20 cm (8") tall plants. Individual florets are very large. Colour ranges from a rare lavender-blue and deep blue to shades of pink, buff, white and more. Plants can spread to 35 cm (14") across. Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.60; 25g $19.95; 125g $82.00 Growing tip... Different colours of Drummondi phlox grow at diverse rates. When thinning seedlings, leave some of as varied sized seedlings as you can. This will maximize the mixture of bloom colour when the plants mature. 6010 – DOUBLE SHIRLEY MIXED COLOURS early blooming, upright spreading plants with large, dazzling flowers and interesting lacy foliage. Flower colour ranges from dainty pink, red and salmon shading to white in the centre. Growing to 60cm (2') tall, shirley makes an excellent border plant or cutflower. Pkt $1.89; 25g $15.40; 125g $43.00 6015 – FLANDER'S FIELD The “wwI poppy” common to european fallow fields. Brilliant crimson, single red blooms with black centres. long lasting blooms. Very pretty in the garden. This poppy has naturalized throughout much of europe and north America. Grows up to 45 cm (18") tall. Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 25g $15.40; 125g $43.00 Did you know... A natural way to lower soil pH is to apply early in the spring, liberal amounts of sulphur dust. Work in well by cultivating to a depth of 6 inches. Modifying soil pH is a long term commitment. This is especially true in alkaline soils with high pH derived from limestone. You will need to reapply the sulphur year after year. It’s a good idea to test your soil pH before and after applications of sulphur to guide your efforts. 6015 - Corn Poppy - FLANDER'S FIELD POrTulACA (Portulaca grandiflora) 10000 s/g Here’s the plant you need when the sun is hot and the summers long. In mid to late May, seed can be scattered directly on the ground and barely covered with soil. For a jump on the season, start seed indoors 6-8 weeks before planting outside in late May. Leave the seed uncovered on the growing medium and maintain a temperature of 26C (75F) for the 7-14 day germination period. Grow on at a cooler temperature of 18C (62F) until transplanting outside after hardening off. In hot areas where many other plants languish, these feisty, low growing, spreading plants will carpet an otherwise blasé area in brilliant colours all summer long. Now you’re ready. Bring on the heat! 6025 – SINGLE MIXED 6020 – DOUBLE MIXED Pkt $1.89; 5g $5.95; 25g $23.80; 125g $93.50 sCABIOsA (Scabiosa atropurpurea) 200 s/g Sow directly outdoors for best results. Select a sunny site with well-drained soil. Barely cover seed with soil and keep moist through the 10-14 day germination period. Thin the seedlings to 30cm (12") apart when the plants are 5cm (2") tall. 6060 – IMPERIAL GIANTS MIXED Big rounded flowers in a full colour range are carried on long stems. At 30 cm (1') in height, the plants are useful in borders and mass planting. Pkt $1.89; 10g $7.70; 25g $14.50; 125g $49.00 6020 - Portulaca - DOUBLE MIX 6060 - Scabiosa IMPERIAL GIANTS MIXED 6030 - ROCKERY PLANTS rOCKerY PlAnTs Outstanding A blend of low growing, heat and drought tolerant annual varieties especially suited to the dry harsh conditions often found in rock gardens. 6030 – ANNUAL MIX Pkt $1.89; 5g $6.50 15g $12.95; 25g $15.40 Growing tip... If you find your portulaca plants show promising flower buds but never seem to bloom, check for chipmunks. These attractive rodents consume the flower buds as an excellent source of moisture during summer droughts. 63 6055 - Sanvitalia GOLD BRAID sAnVITAlIA (Sanvitalia procumbens) 1000 s/g “Creeping Zinnia.” Sow directly in the garden mid to late May – barely cover with soil. Thin to 30 cm (1'). Start indoors mid-April. Resents transplanting. Sow in peat pots or Jiffy 7’s at 21C (70F) until germination. Grow- on at 15C (60F). Harden-off before transplanting outside. Tolerant of both heat and drought. Flowers all season long until fall frosts. 6055 – GOLD BRAID spreading plants 4cm tall, a carpet of colour with masses of golden yellow single or double flowers 2.5cm (1") in diameter. Foliage is a rich dark green. Pkt $1.89; 2g $4.95; 5g $9.95 sCHIZAnTHus (Schizianthus x wisetonensis) 1600 s/g Sow indoors 6 weeks early on the surface of the growing medium, place the germination tray in darkness, at 21C (70F). Move seedlings to a bright site as soon as they appear. Growon at 15C (60F) until moving the plants outside. Very suitable plants for pots beds and borders. Prefers full sun to partial shade 6065 – DR. BADGERS large, brilliantly coloured orchid-like flowers in light pink, purple and scarlet shades each with a golden centre. Foliage is fern-like and grows to 30 cm (1') in height. Often referred to as the poor man’s orchid! Pkt $2.49; 5g $9.90; 15g $20.75 6065 - Schizanthus DR. BADGERS sAlVIA (Salvia spp.) Direct garden sow end of May. Barely cover the seeds with soil. Keep medium moist though the 7-14 day germination period. Thin or transplant to 30 cm (12") apart when the seedlings are 5 cm (2") tall. For earlier flowering, start seed indoors in late March. Leave seeds on the surface of the growing medium and maintain a temperature of 21-24C (70-75F). Grow on at 15C (60F) before hardening off and transplanting outside in late May. 6040 – SALSA ALL COLOUR BLEND (S. splendens) 250 s/g A blend of solids and unusual bi-colours. “salsa” offers great garden performance in sun or partial shade. Colours include white, red, rose, purples, rose/white and red/white. 40cm (16") tall. Pkt $2.49 6045 – ST JOHNS FIRE (S. coccinea) 500 s/g Intense scarlet red blooms contrast beautifully with the very dark green foliage. Compact plants grow to 30 cm (1') tall. Pkt $1.89; 2g $5.95; 5g $10.50; 25g $32.00 6035 – BLUE BEDDER (S. farinacea) large, intense violet-blue spikes on bushy 45 cm (18") plants. Huge visual impact when loaded with flowers! Very unusual. Pkt $2.49; 2g $5.95; 10g $10.50; 25g $32.00 6040 - Salvia ALL COLOUR BLEND snAPDrAGOn (Antirrinum majus) 6300 s/g Select a sunny to partially shaded site outdoors and sow seed 3 mm (1/8") deep. Thin or transplant seedlings to 30 cm (12") apart when they are 5 cm (2") tall. For June & July flowers, start seed indoors in mid-March leaving the seed uncovered on the growing medium. Germination will occur in 14 days at 21C (70F). Grow-on at 15C (60F) until moving outside in late May. Our snapdragons are heat and disease resistant. 6085 – MAGIC CARPET Dwarf, bushy, ball shaped plants to 20 cm (8") tall are just covered in a mass of flowers. Ideal for rock gardens and borders. An exciting blend of reds, pinks and whites! Pkt $1.89; 10g $9.95; 25g $19.95 6095 – ROCKET HYBRIDS sensational tall hybrids for home gardeners! They grow to 90cm (3') in height and produce long flower spikes with many closely packed florets. Mixed colours. Pkt $2.49; 500 seeds $8.95 6090 – PANORAMA MIXED exceptionally vigorous plants 50-60 cm (20-24") tall with flowering so prolific, the foliage almost disappears! Clear, vibrant colours and a good garden habit make this the recommended variety for mass plantings. Pkt $1.89; 10g $9.95; 25g $19.95 6045 - Salvia ST. JOHNS FIRE 6035 - Salvia BLUE BEDDER 6095 - Snapdragon ROCKET HYBRIDS 6085 - Snapdragon MAGIC CARPET Did you know... Don’t let the roots dry out. Shade new transplants for several days if possible. Water frequently for the first week to help roots establish and reduce shock. 64 6215 - Sunflower RUBY ECLIPSE 6175 - Sunflower FANTASIA 6210 - Sunflower MOONSHADOW 6190 - Sunflower INDIAN BLANKET 6170 - Sunflower DORADO 6165 - Sunflower CHERRY ROSE 6185 - Sunflower GOLDEN CHEER HYBrID sunFlOwers SEEDLESS & POLLEN FREE 6165 – CHERRY ROSE Only 40 days to flower. Beautiful cherry-red flowers with lemon tips. A great cutflower. 150 cm (5’) tall. Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6200 - Sunflower LEMON SORBET sunFlOwer (Helianthus annus) Easy to grow. In late May, choose a sunny site with well draining soil and sow about 6-12 mm (1/4-1/2") deep and 7.5-10 cm (3-4") apart. Thin or transplant to 30-45cm (12-18") apart after germination. Start seed 2-3 weeks early indoors using plantable peat pots or Jiffy 7’s at 21C (70F). Plant in full sun and fertilize twice during the season. Looking for a great idea for marketing yourself or a product? Check out our promotional sunflower seed packet on page 97. 6170 – DORADO A gold mine of colour! Brilliant yellow flowers form on single stems. Grows to 120 cm (4') tall. Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6175 – FANTASIA A formula blend of all sunflower colours to provide the most spectacular garden shows imaginable. Grows to 150 cm (5') tall. Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6185 – GOLDEN CHEER Big 12-15 cm (4-5") double yellow flowers with a soft green disc. For cutflowers or tall borders maturing to 180 cm (6’) height. Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6205 - Sunflower MONET’S PALETTE 6190 – INDIAN BLANKET Double and semi-double blooms of reds, lemon and red bi-colours. Branching plants produce multiple blooms. Grows to 200 cm (6') tall. Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6205 – MONET’S PALLETE A true masterpiece! A rare mix of colour and flower form borne on an old-fashioned plant habit. Grows to 200 cm (6') tall. Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6200 – LEMON SORBET Beautiful, high class 12-15 cm (4-5") single lemon flowers with a dark central disc. Multibranched stems. Height 150 cm (5’). Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6215 – RUBY ECLIPSE ruby red, lemon tipped bicoloured flowers. Grows to 200 cm (6') tall. Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6195 – KONG Just what you would expect! King size sunflowers that can reach up to 3.5 m (14') tall! Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 6210 – MOONSHADOW Multi-branching plants produce loads of small flowers with a dark central disc. Grows to 120 cm (4') tall. Pkt $2.49; 50 seeds $6.95 Bulk Prices for Hybrid Sunflowers: 200 sds $13.95; 500 sds $21.95. 65 6135 - Sunflower LEMON QUEEN 6150 - Sunflower TALL SUNGOLD sTAnDArD sunFlOwers Great for attracting pollinators, for borders, and for feeding wild-life! 6145 – SUNSPOT large 25cm (10") diameter flower heads form on dwarf 60cm (2') high stems! Flowers are a bright yellow with a deep golden-yellow centre. 15 s/g Pkt $2.49; 25g $8.75; 125g $24.50; 500g $58.30 6135 – LEMON QUEEN long blooming, multi-branched plants 15cm (6") diameter lemon yellow blooms with a darker centre. Foliage is distinct and attractive. 30 s/g Pkt $2.49; 25g $8.75; 125g $24.50; 500g $58.30 6150 – TALL SUNGOLD Brilliantly coloured goldenyellow, double petalled flowers are a real showpiece! Grows to 1.5 m (5') tall. 38-40 s/g Pkt $1.89; 25g $8.75; 125g $24.50; 500g $58.30 6155 – TEDDYBEAR Also known as dwarf sungold. Flowers resemble those of tall sungold, yet the plants are only 60cm (2') tall! 50s/g Pkt $1.89; 25g $8.75: 125g $24.50; 500g $58.30 6195 - Sunflower KONG 6155 - Sunflower TEDDYBEAR 6140 – MAMMOTH RUSSIAN Heirloom Huge, single yellow blooms ranging from 25-35cm (10-14") in diameter. Tree trunk like stems grow to 3m (9') or more in height! This is the best variety for the birds and roasting. 9-10 s/g Pkt $1.89; 25g $7.65; 125g $17.60; 500g $42.60; 1 kg $75.00 6125 – COLOUR FASHION MIXED A beautiful blend of yellow, bronze, red and purple single flowers averaging 20cm (8") in diameter. Plants grow to 1.5m (5') tall. 40 s/g Pkt $1.89; 25g $8.75: 125g $24.50; 500g $58.30 6160 – VELVET QUEEN Dark, velvety crimson blooms have faint traces of yellow. 30 sds/g Pkt $2.49; 25g $8.75; 125g $24.50; 500g $58.30 Growing tips... 6160 - Sunflower VELVET QUEEN 6145 - Sunflower SUNSPOT 6140 - Sunflower MAMMOTH RUSSIAN 6125 - Sunflower FASHION MIXED sTrAw FlOwer (Helichrysum bracteatum) 1500 s/g Heirloom In late May or early June, sow seed directly outdoors 6mm (1/4") deep then thin to 30cm (1') apart when the plants are 5-7.5cm (2-3") tall. To produce extra large flowers, remove all but 1 bud from each flower stem. Cut stems before the flowers are fully open and hang upside down to dry in a shaded, well-ventilated site. 6123 – MIXED COLOURS Old fashioned straw Flowers. exceptionally bright and colourful in the garden. Make one of the prettiest dried flowers going. upright, branching plants can reach 90cm (3') in height. Pkt $1.89; 25g $8.75; 125g $33.00 6123 - Strawflower MIXED COLOURS Did you know... Country gardeners can take advantage of a bale or two of straw for a wonderful garden mulch. It helps suppress weeds, hold soil moisture and reduces splashing of mud on lettuce and other leafy crops. Sunflowers generally are well behaved, sturdy and dependable. Attention to a few details will guarantee spectacular results: 1 - Watering. Sunflowers are well adapted to droughty conditions but perform even better with weekly, deep irrigation. Avoid light sprinkling. 2 - Re-enforcement. Tall varieties of sunflowers can be staked to help avoid toppling over after the flowers form seeds. This is especially important with large flowering varieties. 3 - Fertilizing. Avoid fertilizing seedlings as they are very sensitive to fertilizer salts. Apply fertilizer once the sunflowers have sprouted their second set of leaves. 66 6100 - Statice ART SHADES 6245 - Sweet Pea ROYAL MIXED sTATICe (Limonium spp.) Start indoors. Lightly cover seed and germinate at a temperature of 21C (70F). Plant outside mid May. 6100 – ART SHADES MIXED (L. sinuata) 300 s/g long graceful sprays of paperlike flowers. A full range of colours on 75cm (2.5') tall plants. Pkt $2.49; 2g $8.25; 5g $13.95; 25g $47.25 6105 – RUSSIAN STATICE (L. suwowrii) 6800 s/g long branches, colourful spikes of bright rose flowers – gracefully curled and twisted! Grows 45cm (18") tall. Pkt $2.49; 2g $8.95; 5g $13.95; 25g $47.25 Did you know... Statice is of the genus limonium. The name is derived from an ancient Greek word meaning “meadow dweller.” Statice flowers are used extensively for border, flower bed & cut flowers. Dried Statice flower stocks are an old-time favourite at farmers’ markets in late summer. 6105 - Statice RUSSIAN 6225 - Sweet Pea BIJOU MIXED sTOCKs (Matthiola incana) 600 s/g Heirloom start seed indoors, and transplant into the garden mid May. 6115 – TEN WEEKS DWARF Double florets begin blooming when the plant is only 15cm (6") tall and continue all season long. Mature plants average 30cm (1') in height. Intoxicating fragrance emits from flowers in shades of pink, red, mauve and white – a must for every garden! Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.95; 15g $8.95; 25g $15.95; 125g $48.95 6120 – EVENING SCENTED (M. bicornis) lilac coloured flowers open at night to emit their wonderful fragrance – particularly noticeable on still summer evenings or after a summer shower! Flower stalks are more open than the Ten weeks variety. Plants grow to 45cm (18") tall. Pkt $1.89; 15g $8.95; 25g $15.95; 125g $48.95 6115 - Stocks TEN WEEKS DWARF sweeT PeA 6120 - Stocks EVENING SCENTED (Lathyrus odoratus) 12 sds/g Heirloom Lovely fragrance and beautiful colours. Blooms late spring to late fall! Select a site with deep, well-drained soil in full sun Sow April and early May when the soil becomes workable but is still quite cool. Soak seeds overnight in water then sow seed 12 mm (1/2") deep about 5 cm (2") apart – germination can take up to 20 days. Thin to 10 cm (4") apart when they are 7.5 cm (3") tall. Keep well watered and fed through the year. Sweet pea makes an excellent cut flower! rOYAl FAMIlY sweeT PeA serIes 6245 – ROYAL FAMILY MIX Mixed colours red, maroon, lavender, lilac, violet and pink. long stems, larger flowers, improved heat resistance and earlier to bloom. Climbing vines of 1-2 m height (3’-6’) are loaded with very fragrant blooms. 6250 – ROYAL BLUE 6255 – ROYAL PINK 6265 – ROYAL WHITE 6260 – ROYAL SCARLET 6245 – ROYAL FAMILY MIX Royal Family Series, Pkt $1.89; 25g $5.25; 125g $13.75; 500g $39.25 eleGAnCe sweeT PeA serIes The earliest flowering, most heat tolerant climbing sweet peas available. Spectacular. 6230 – MID BLUE rich lavender-blue. 6235 – PINK DIANA soft pink with a hint of white. elegance series. Pkt $1.89; 25g $5.25; 125g $13.75; 500g $39.25 6225 – BIJOU MIXED Good for window boxes, container planting and beds. Grows to 45 cm (18") tall. Pkt $1.89; 25g $5.25; 125g $13.75; 500g $39.25 Growing tips... Statice prefers warm, well drained soils in full sun. Roadside plantings do well as Statice is tolerant of salty soil. 6235 - Sweet Pea PINK DIANA 6230 - Sweet Pea MID BLUE 67 6275 - Tithonia GOLDFINGER TITHOnIA (Tithonia rotundifolia) 125 s/g Seed can be started directly outdoors in late May in a site with full sun & good air circulation. Protect seedlings from rabbits. Thin or transplant seedlings to 60 cm (2') apart. Start indoors for earlier flowering in mid-April. Leave seed on the surface of the growing medium and at 21C (71F). Grow-on at 15C (60F) until transplanting outdoors. 6275 – TITHONIA GOLDFINGER Blooms 9cm (3.5") across. A useful cutflower and attractive to butterflies. Grows to 75cm (30") tall. Pkt $2.49; 10g $29.00; 25g $54.95 Best plants for full sun/dry soils: California Poppy Candytuft Cornflower Dusty Miller Gaillardia Gloriosa Daisy Marigolds nasturtium Portulaca salvia Tithonia Zinnia 6277 - Verbena IDEAL FLORIST MIXED VerBenA (Verbena x hybrida) 350 s/g Erratic germination. Sow seed heavily. Chill seed for 10 days before planting directly in the garden in mid-May. Select a sunny, well-drained site and sow directly on the surface. Keep evenly watered for the 20+ day germination period. Thin seedlings to 20 cm (8") apart when they are 7.5 cm (3") high. Start indoors late April. Leave seed uncovered and apply bottom heat at 24C (75F). Grow-on at 15C (60F). 6277 – IDEAL FLORIST MIXED large flowers in a wide range of colours - many with attractive white eyes. Compact 30cm (12”) plants. Good heat tolerance. Ideal for sunny window boxes and container plantings. May be used as a cut flower. Pkt $1.89; 5g $4.60; 15g $9.95; 25g $15.95; 125g $53.00 VenIDIuM (Arctotis fastuosa) Great in rock gardens and hot, dry locations in full sun. Sow indoors in early to mid-April. Leave seed on the surface of the growing medium, water carefully and keep at a temperature of 21C (70F) for the 10 day germination period. Grow-on at 15C (60F) before transplanting at a spacing of 30 cm (1') in the garden mid to late May. Sow outdoors in late May. 6276 – MONARCH OF THE VELDT Vibrant orange, daisy-like flowers, maroon around a black centre. Grows to 45cm (18") in height. loves the heat. Pkt $1.89; 5g $8.65; 25g $25.95 6276 - Venidium MONARCH OF THE VELDT 6270 - Thunbergia BLACK EYED SUSAN 6312 - GLADIOULUS THunBerGIA GlADIOulus (Thunbergia alata) BulBs 40 s/g Challenging plant. Sow seeds in Jiffy 7’s then keep at 24C (75F) for the 14 day germination period. Seed can be directly sown outside in late May after soaking in a wet paper towel for several days. A very pretty effect! Vines can grow to 2 m (6') in height. 6270 – BLACK EYED SUSAN VINE An eager climber with bright green leaves and yellow or orange flowers and a startling black-eye. Pkt $2.49; 2g $9.85; 5g $18.95 Did you know... Irregular watering can cause annual flowering plants to drop their emerging flower buds prematurely. Please note: Glad bulbs shipped only after danger of frost. To cover the additional postage, a $3.95 charge is included in the price. (Gladiolus communis) Gladiolus bulbs are technically not ‘bulbs.’ They are ‘corms’, which have the characteristics of bulbs. Plant corms out into the garden after all danger of frost has past. Deep cultivation too near the roots breaks off the new roots and slows up growth. Irrigation is essential for growing Gladiolus successfully. Rain seldom supplies enough moisture. Start watering when the new foliage emerges. Water if there has been less than 1” (2.5 cm) of rain in the week. Gladiolus bulbs will not survive winter in most of Canada. You can keep the bulbs from year to year by lifting the new corms after the first autumn frost. Rinse off excessive soil from the corms and air dry. Store the corms smothered in peat moss somewhere cool, dark & frost free. 6312 – GLADIOULUS BULBS Mixed Colours 10 bulbs for $8.95 25 bulbs for $13.95 68 6290 - Zinnia GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA 6295 - Zinnia POMPON / LILLIPUT 6290 – GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA MIXED Immense, double flowers 12.515cm (5-6") across form on plants growing to 90cm (3') tall! The overlapping petals are more loosely placed than the dahlia flowered types and the flowers themselves are much flatter – generally about 2.5cm (1") thick. Pkt $1.89; 25g $11.95; 125g $39.95 6310 - Zinnia ZOWIE! YELLOW FLAME Place orders by calling (519) 886-0557 or FAX to (519) 886-0605. Mail-order hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Eastern. Online anytime: ZInnIA (Zinnia elegans) 100-200 s/g Sow directly where you want them to grow. Select a sunny site with well drained, organic soil. Sow in late May when the soil has warmed. Cool, damp soil causes seed to rot. Barely cover the seed with soil. Under ideal conditions, germination will occur within a few days. When the seedlings are 7.5 cm (3") tall, thin smaller varieties to 25 cm (10") apart and larger varieties to 35 cm (14") apart. Thinning enhances blooming and improves the overall sturdiness of mature plants. Zinnias make excellent cut flowers. Plant several varieties in successive sowings to provide a steady supply of cut flowers. 6300 - Zinnia STARLIGHT ROSE 6305 - Zinnia THUMBELINA MIXED 6280 - Zinnia HYBRID CACTUS FLOWERED 6285 - Zinnia GIANT LIME 6285 – GIANT LIME Tall, thick stems support fully double 10-13 cm (4-5”) blooms of a unique, bright lime green. excellent addition to fresh bouquets. superior tolerance to powdery mildew. Pkt of 10 sds $2.49 6295 - POMPON or LILLIPUT MIXED Dainty little Pompon zinnias have been garden favourites for many years. Flowers bloom in just a few weeks from seed sown outdoors and continue in great profusion until the frosts of fall. Plants grow to 75cm (21/2') tall. Pkt $1.89; 25g $11.95; 125g $39.95 6280 – HYBRID CACTUS FLOWERED spectacular performer in full sunlight. An extra large strain of cactus zinnia with flowers up to 15 cm (6") across. The stocky, upright plants first start to bloom when roughly 37.5 cm (15") tall. Grows 90 cm (3') Pkt $1.89; 25g $11.95; 125g $39.95 6305 – THUMBELINA MIXED This midget zinnia is just loaded with 4cm (1-1/2") semidouble and double flowers set just above the mounded foliage. The first really dwarf zinnia with a garden height of only 15cm (6")! Pkt $1.89; 25g $11.95; 125g $39.95 6310 – ZOWIE! YELLOW FLAME Intensely coloured semi-double, 7.5-10 cm (3-4") flowers contain a scarlet-rose centre. Petal tips are a deep yellow radiating a stunning "flame". will bloom in 10 weeks from sowing. Mature plants reach up to 60 cm (24") tall, and about 50 cm (20”) wide. Packet of 10 sds. $2.49 6300 – STARLIGHT ROSE Heat and disease tolerant. Boasts big 6 cm (2-1/2”) single white blooms brushed with rose on the interior of the petals. Colour varies by environment with best colour from full sun, good fertilization and cool night. Mature plants reach 30-35cm (12-14”) height. Packet of 10 sds. $2.49 Growing tips... Reduce the chance of mildew on Zinnia foliage by aggressively thinning seedlings. Water beneath foliage to keep leaves dry. 69 6330 - Arenaria MOUNTAIN SANDWORT 6345 - Cerastium SNOW IN SUMMER 6335 - Armeria MARITIMA SPLENDENS PerennIAl GrOunD COVers ArenArIA 6320 - Arabis SNOW CAP ArABIs (Arabis caucasica) 4800 sds/g Start seed indoors January or February; germinate at 24C (75F) for 21 days. Press seed into contact with the soil but do not cover as light is essential for germination. Zone 4. Two grams sows three square metres. 6320 – SNOW CAP (Rock Cress) snow white flowers in early spring. An excellent ground cover all season long. Freely flowering, compact plant habit. reaching typically 20 cm (8") tall but may get a bit bigger. Zone 4 Pkt $2.49; 2g $5.75; 5g $13.15; 25g $46.00 Growing tips... If you have a spot in the yard where growing a lawn is difficult, consider a perennial ground cover. You can directly sow most perennial ground covers into your soil or for a head start, grow indoors under-lights or in the greenhouse, begin seedlings indoors mid March through May. (Arenaria montana) 800 sds/g Hardy to Zone 4. May need one growing season in the garden before it flowers. Sow indoors Jan. through April. For blooms in late May. Germinates at 20C (70F) in 20 days. Grow-on slightly cooler, around 13C (55F). Do not cover seed as light helps germination. Transplant to a garden site in full sun. 6330 - MOUNTAIN SANDWORT Creeper with attractive white flowers. Blooms 2.5 cm (1”) across sit just above the foliage and flower early May. Plants spread up to 20-30 cm (10-12”) across while keeping their low growing habit of 5-10 cm (2-4”). Tolerant of moderate foot traffic. Ideal for pathways, or in rockeries Pkt of 100 sds, $2.49; 500 sds $6.95 ArMerIA (Thrift)1700 sds/g A hardy perennial that is sometimes erratic to start from seed. Germinates at 15C/60F in 28 days. Soak seed several hours prior to sowing. A late summer sowing in August will also work. Hardy to Zone 3. Two grams sows 2.5 square metres. 6335 – MARITIMA SPLENDENS Also known as sea Pink. For its abundant rose coloured blooms in late spring and early summer. low evergreen foliage. Grow to 20cm (8") height. sow at 1000 seeds per square metre. Pkt $2.49; 500mg $5.45; 2g $14.85; 5g $27.85 6350 - SOAPWART OR SAPONARIA AuBreTIA (Aubretia cultorum) 2500 sds/g Sow seed indoors April at 15C/60F for 14-21 days. Note – higher temperatures have an adverse effect on germination. Two grams sows three square metres. 6340 – FALSE ROCK CRESS low growing carpet of dense green foliage smothered with flowers of pink, crimson and blue shades only 15cm (6") tall. Great for rockeries or walls. Grows best in full sun. Vigorous and free-flowering. Zone 4 Pkt $2.49; 2g $5.75; 5g $15.50; 25g $46.00 CerAsTIuM (Cerastium tomentosum) 2100 sds/g Excellent perennial ground cover. Sow seed indoors midMar at 18F/65F or directly in the garden mid to late May. Grows to 20cm (8”) tall. Zone 3. Two grams sows 4 square metres. 6345 – SNOW - IN - SUMMER snow white, late spring flowers with silvery foliage and a prolific spreading habit. One of the best ground covers for hot, dry areas and poorer soil conditions. Pkt $2.99; 2g $5.75, 5g $13.15; 25g $46.00 6340 - Aubretia FALSE ROCK CRESS sOAPwOrT (Saponaria ocymoides) 440 sds/g Cover seed with a fine sifting of soil. Resents transplanting. Sow directly outdoors early May or late fall. Hardy to Zone 3. Sow 5 g per two square metres. 6350 – SOAPWART or SAPONARIA Flowers June/July. Grows to a mature height of 15cm (6"). Pkt $2.49; 5g $5.95; 25g $19.95 6355 - CREEPING THYME THYMe (Thymus serpyllum) 5100 sds/g Direct garden sow early May or start indoors March 1st. Germinate at 20C/70F for 14 to 21 days, sometimes longer. Outdoors grow plants in full sun. Dormant fall sowings are very effective too. Hardy to Zone 4 (1 gram sows 6 square metres.) 6355 – CREEPING THYME Thrives in dry, sunny locations. May be lightly mowed from time to time. Grows 15cm (6") tall. excellent for filling in between patio stones. small purple flowers appear early July and produce a nice lemon scent when brushed. Pkt $2.49; 5g $9.95, 25g $35.00