Haisai OAA News - Okinawa Association of America
Haisai OAA News - Okinawa Association of America
Haisai OAA News March 2014 ● No. 82 In This Issue: President’s Corner OAA Man & Woman of the Year Martial Arts Committee カチャーシーとアッチャメー小の本 来の意味及び 新年宴会余興プロ グラム OAA Members in the News Commendation from the Consulate General of Japan Uchinaaguchi 101 ある人生、桃原昌男さん 新年会及び新役員就任式 北米沖 縄県人会 Donations Calendar 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 7 8 Cover Images Kachaashii at the OAA New Year's Party; Breaking of sake barrels; Swearing-in of the 2014 Board of Directors (photos by Stuart Yamashiro); Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko - Los Angeles Branch; Singing of Bashofu (photos by Chogi Higa) OAAのビデオ! Watch event videos & more on the OAA YouTube Channel youtube.com/oaacentennial 北米沖縄県人会四季報 2014年3月 ● No. 82 II SOOGWACHI DEEBIRU! 2014 NEW YEAR’S PARTY By Joseph Kamiya Pictures have been posted on our Facebook page and blog (oaamensore.wordpress.com). The New Year’s Party has become the OAA’s largest annual event, bringing together attendees of all ages and generations to celebrate with Uchinaanchu spirit. On January 19th, over 500 OAA members, relatives, friends, volunteers, and performers filled the banquet room of Quiet Cannon in Montebello, California. Colorful nobori (banners) decorated the large room along with gorgeous floral arrangements on each table (arranged by Setsuko Fujimoto) and lining the front of the stage (donated by Takako Yamashiro). For lunch, Quiet Cannon served filet mignon and salmon entrees (or vegetarian pasta) with cherries jubilee flambe for dessert. A combination of installation luncheon and cultural celebration, the OAA New Year’s Party was an event not to be missed. “It was the best damn New Year Party I've ever attended!” exclaimed Christine Inouye, a first-time attendee. “My best friends are from Okinawa and together we attended the New Year Party and had a blast!” She cited the traditional Okinawan performances as her favorite part of the event, adding: “I'm starting to learn the Okinawan culture is very rich and colorful. Although I'm of Kagoshima descent, I think it's wonderful to acquaint myself with many cultures.” A big draw for our New Year’s Party is definitely the entertainment program. Due to the formal atmosphere of the event, many of the musicians and dancers don traditional kimono and montsuki hakama. Also, this is one of the few opportunities for Southern California residents to experience a ceremonial Kaimaku (Opening Classical Music). This year’s Kaimaku featured over two dozen koto and sanshin musicians gracing the red-carpeted stage. For some attendees, the traditional entertainment induced a bit of nostalgia. Stage lighting volunteer Steve Kohatsu commented: “The program was fantastic. It brought back memories of my grandfather and grandmother playing the sanshin and koto.” (full list of per performers on page 6) In addition to a line-up of amazing groups and solo performers, we were proud to debut a number of collaborations. Shingi Kuniyoshi (OAA President) paired with Setsuko Fujimoto (OAA Karaoke Club Chairperson) to sing a charming rendition of the popular minyo song, “Juku nu Haru.” For many, it was a pleasant surprise to see the hosting association’s president take the stage and entertain the audience! Harriet Harumi Furuya then wowed the audience with her powerful voice on Rimi Natsukawa’s “Umi nu Kanata,” featuring a stunning Tahitian dance that was choreographed and performed by Ai Teshima. Atsushi Gushi provided shime-daiko (Okinawan taiko drums) for Furuya and Teshima’s performance and later returned for our final collaboration of the afternoon, a drum-off with jazz drummer WilContinued on page 6 会長メッセージ President’s Corner Shingi Kuniyoshi わ ったー(私 たち の)比嘉 朝 儀しんし ー( 先 生 )が O A A でウチ ナ ーグチ 講 座 を 開 い て 、今 年 で12年目になる。今 で こそ、ウ チ ナ ー グ チが見直されて、沖 縄 で も日本 で も 、ウ チ ナ ー グチ の 学 習 や 普及活動が 盛 ん であ る。特に、2 0 0 9 年、U N E S C O が 琉 球諸語は消滅危機言語と指定して以来、言語学 者だけでなく、一般人も危機 感を感じて、ウチナ ーグチの保存、復活に必死になっている。琉球諸 語とは奄美から八重山諸島にかけて確認されて いる6つの独立言語である。 その中の2つ(八重 山語と与那国語)はCritically Endangered Languageとして赤信号がついている。 比嘉さんはいち早く2002年にウチナーグチの 普及をアメリカで始めた。言語と文化は密接な関 係にある。言語なしには、文化の本質はわからな い。真の文化を知りたければ、まず、その国の言葉 を知れ。沖縄の文化を保存、普及することはOAA のミッションだから、OAAはウチナーグチの学習 を奨励する。比嘉さんのクラスには、スペイン語、 英語、日本語、ポルトガル語などを母国語として育 った人たちがくる。ユーモアたっぷりの授業で、生 徒たちは楽しみながら、ウチナーグチ会話を習っ ている。 王国時代から琉球は500年以上も独自の文化 圏をもっていた。1879年に日本に強制的に併合さ れて以来、日本政府は意図的に沖縄の言葉や習 慣を消そうとした。しかし、日本政府の直接統治は たった107年である。500年以上も続いた琉球の文 化は簡単に消えるものではない。その文化は芸能 や生活習慣に受け継がれている。沖縄の民謡や 組踊りは教えや歴史を伝える。言葉がわからない と、芸能も歴史もわからない。言葉は民族の誇りに つながる。 沖縄県では条例をつくって、全島的にウチナー グチの普及を奨励している。9月18を「島くとぅばの 日」ときめて、各地でウチナーグチ大会を行ってい る。那覇市では「ハイサイ、ハイタイ運動」を起こし て、職員はウチナーグチで市民と対応するようにし ている。島くとぅば連絡協議会は2013年を「島くとぅ ば復興元年」と位置つけている。 2013年には、琉球の独立を目指して、研究や討 議をする学会もできた。今のところ政治運動には いたっていないが、公開講義や討論会をしたり、 専門誌を発行したりしている。若い人たちが琉球 の独立を考え、ウチナーグチの復興を目指してい る。独立と言語は共存関係にある。ウチナーグチ を日常的に使ったことがない人たちも、ウチナーグ チにチャレンジしている。 OA Aはロサンゼルスに40もあるという県人会 の中で、一番会員が多く、活動も活発である。なぜ か。沖縄には独特の文化と歴史と言葉があるから だ。沖縄の芸能や精神文化に惹かれて、会員が 集まってくる。人はみな、アイデンティティーや誇り を必要とする。食べて生きるだけではない。心を豊 かにしたい。OA Aは心を豊かにする場でありた い。私はウチナーンチュと一緒に居ると何だかほ っとする。ウチナーグチで話すと、親しみや同胞感 が倍増する。言葉の力はすごい。 私たちは多くの民族、人種、言語、価値観、宗教 などが混在している社会に住んでいる。OA Aだ けを見ても、3,4,5世、新1,2世、ハワイや南米経由 の会員がいて、複雑だ。それでも、皆、沖縄という共 通点で結ばれている。各自がユニークであるよう に、私たちはOkinawan American団体として、一般 社会にユニークな貢献ができると思う。 國吉信義 Linguists recognize 6 independent languages in the Ryukyu Archipelago from Amami to Yonaguni Islands, and in 2009 the UNESCO designated the languages as endangered languages, two of which, Yonaguni and Yaeyama languages, as critically endangered. Since then, the Okinawa prefectural and municipal governments have launched a campaign to preserve and promote the indigenous languages. Naha city officials are encouraged to greet customers with Uchinaaguchi. September 18 is set as the Shima Kutuba Day (island language day), and on that day speech contests and other promotional events are conducted throughout Okinawa. Before the UNESCO recognition and before the government campaign, our own Chogi Higa started an Uchinaaguchi class in 2002. It is remarkable that his class is still going strong and popular and prospective students are put on the waiting list to be admitted. Higa’s passion for Uchinaaguchi stems from his conviction that culture and language go handin-hand. The OAA promotes the Okinawan culture, and to appreciate the culture fully, one must understand the Okinawa language. Before forcefully incorporated into Japan in 1879, Ryukyu was an independent kingdom that lasted more than 500 years. The cultural heritage carried down from the kingdom days is still recognized in Okinawa geino, custom and language. The OAA values and promotes the Okinawan spirit, performing arts, language, and history. Through our diverse members, we are connected by our love of Okinawa. We Okinawan Americans are a small but unique group. We help each other and culturally contribute to the larger society. 2014 OAA Man and Woman of the year Herbert Shinei Asato Herbert Shinei Asato was born on December 8, 1931 in Kaneohe, Hawaii and is the eighth of 13 children of Shinki and Matsu Asato. His parents, originally from Kitanakagusuku, Okinawa, worked at the Waialua Sugar Plantation on Oahu for a few years, before moving to Kaneohe, where they raised vegetables and pigs on their farm. In 1949, Herb graduated from Benjamin Parker High School in Kaneohe and served in the U.S. Air Force for 4 years. In 1956, he graduated from Northrop Aeronautical Institute in Los Angeles and decided to settle down in S. California. He worked as an aircraft mechanic for American Airlines for 39 ½ years. Herb joined the OAA in 2005 to learn Uchinaaguchi from Chogi Higa in preparation for his trip to Okinawa. To this day, he remains an Continued on page 7 2 Haisai OAA News No 81 Yoneko Nakamura Shimoguri Yoneko Nakamura Shimoguri was the youngest of 10 children, born and raised in Osaka, Japan. Her parents, Seiichi and Kameko Nakamura owned a retail kimono shop where they wove and hand-made kimonos. After graduating from high school in 1965, Yoneko moved to Inglewood, California, before settling down in Gardena. She has always been a hard worker, responsible and generous with her time and contributions for the sake of her family and the community. The United Way charity organization recognized her as one of the 3 top fundraisers in the South Bay in 1983. She received an all-expense-paid trip to Sacramento where CA Governor Jerry Brown publicly awarded her for her accomplishments. Yoneko has also been a member of the City of Gardena Recreation, Parks & Senior Citizens Continued on page 7 www.oaamensore.org ● Herbert Shinei Asato and Yoneko Nakamura Shimoguri with their Man and Woman of the Year certificates at the 2014 OAA New Year's Party. (photo by Stuart Yamashiro) Okinawa Association of America Martial Arts Committee I want to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who supported me throughout the years as Vice Chairman of the Okinawan Association of America/ Martial Arts Committee. My induction at the OAA new years par party as the new Chairman was a very great honor. I also wish to extend my gratitude and congratulations to the following people who have been elected as 2014 MAC Officers. Vice Chairman Prince Loeffler, Treasurer Maria Evans, and Secretary Nurys Saldana. I would like to thank Sensei Ota for his By Michael George service as MAC's Chairman for the past 4+ years, and Michael DeDonato for his service as our Treasurer. Eihachi Ota Sensei will join Tomohiro Arashiro Sensei and Garrett Ginoza Sensei as Chairman Emeritus. Sensei Maria Evans will be hosting her grand opening of her new dojo Feb. 16, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. We wish her the best in her new location. 9248 Magnolia, Riverside, CA 92505. In the Palm Square Center (across from Stater Bros). Kobudo Seminar March 14 - 16, 2014 Best Western Plus Inn Suites 3400 Shelby Street Ontario, CA 91764 Hosted by Sensei Maria Evans and the Okinawa Kobudo Doushi Renshikai, California Branch. Presenting Neil Stolsmark, Kyoshi, 8th Dan. Sponsored by Sensei Nurys Saldana. Supported by OAA MAC. カチャーシーとアッチャメー小の本来の意味及び 新年宴会余興プログラム Original Meaning of Kachaashii and Atchamee-gwa, and Entertaiment Program for the 2014 New Year’s Party by Chogi Higa 比嘉朝儀 記 写真: 比嘉博子 カチャーシーとアッチャメー小についてはいろ いろな説があるが、カチャーシーは「幸せをかき 回し、その幸せをみんなと分かち合う」という意味 も含まれています。またカチャーシーは楽曲のこ とであり、かき回して三線(サンシン)を弾くという。 サンシンの地謡の熟練者はその場で即興で歌 詞を変えたりして、座にマッチした歌詞で歌うこと が多いと言われています。 アッチャメー小は、「歩舞小(あっちゃめーぐぁ) 」と漢字で書く。即ち「歩きながら舞う」ことを意味 するのである。その踊りは自由で闊達である。二 歳達(ニーセーター)は、踊りの中に空手の手法 を取り入れたりすると力強く観衆を舞台に引きつ け魅了する。その一方では美童(みやらび)や小 姉達(あんぐぁたー)が昔風に頭に物を乗せて踊 ると、働き者の女性として羨望の目で見られ、嫁 に貰い手が多かったという。時には観衆が環に なって一人ひとり代わる代わる踊ったりし、座の多 くが参加することさえある。 八重山地方では、カチャーシーとか、アチャメ ー小とは呼ばず「モーヤー=舞い」と呼び一般 的には六調を使用するが踊りの型は、カチャー シーとほぼ同じである。鹿児県・奄美地方の徳 之島以北では八重山と同じく六調の曲で踊られ る。六調は九州から奄美を経て八重山に伝わっ たという。奄美地方の南部の与論島、沖永良部 島あたりでは沖縄本島と同じカチャーシーの楽 曲で踊られる。 カチャーシーは音楽の曲を指し、「わたしがカ チャーシーを弾くから、あなた方はアチャメーグ ァを踊りなさい」と昔の三線地謡(さんしんじうてぇ ー)は言ったという。 Continued on page 7 OAA Members in the News The Haisai OAA Newsletter writers do not always have time nor space for full articles about recent OAA member achievements. We welcome short write-ups and/or pictures with captions of OAA members describing their achievements. Please send your submissions to [email protected]. Kyoshi Menkyo-jyo (teaching certificate) Heartiest congratulations to Lynn Narita (La Palma, CA) for receiving her Kyoshi Menkyo jyo (sanshin teaching certificate) from Nomura Ryu Koten Ongaku Kyokai in Okinawa, Japan. Ms. Narita is a student of Kaishu, Takushi Yasukazu. Ms. Narita also studied under the late Shihan Menkyo-jyo, George Asato, who also was a member of the Wado Kai. Written by Lorraine Shimakawa. Nanka Kenjinkai Kyogikai President Congratulations to Sadao Tome, who has been elected president of the Nanka Kenjinkai Kyogikai (Japanese Prefectural Association of Southern California)! He was officially sworn in at the NKK's 2014 Officers Installation Ceremony on February 9th at Quiet Cannon www.oaamensore.org ● Kaishu, Takushi Yasukazu and Lynn Narita. (photo by Lorraine Shimakawa) (Montebello, CA). Many OAA officers and members were in attendance to show their support. The luncheon also featured traditional Ryukyu dances by Majikina Honryu led by Aiko Majikina and Miyagi-ryu Nosho Kai led by Nosho Miyagi. Mr. Tome is a past OAA President, retired OAA Board Member, longtime OAA member with his wife Aiko, and a North America correspondent for the Ryukyu Shimpo. Written by Joseph Kamiya. Shinjinsho (first level mastery certificate) Congratulations to Kyle Yamaoka, grand- Okinawa Association of America Kyle Yamaoka son of OAA member Sueko Yamaoka, who achieved shinjinsho (first of three mastery tests) for Ryukyu classical music in uta-sanshin! At 14 years old (13 at the time of testing), Kyle is the youngest member of Ryukyu Koten Afuso Ryu Ongaku Kenkyuu Choichi Kai Los Continued on page 4 Haisai OAA News No 81 3 Commendation from the Consulate General of Japan By Ben T. Higa On Tuesday, November 26, 2013, the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles conferred upon Mr. Chogi Higa, Okinawa Goodwill Ambassador and Okinawa Language instructor, the prestigious Commendation of the Consul General. He will only be the 10th person to receive this award. The Commendation is bestowed upon individuals or organizations promoting mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and foreign nations, in support of a consulate general’s mission. Mr. Higa has long been an active member of various Japanese American community or organizations since the 1960’s. At the Japanese School “Rafu Uwamachi Daini Gakuen,” he served as the Executive Chairman of the board for three years and contributed to nur nurturing youth and promoting Japanese language education. He has also filled various positions successfully in the Okinawa Association of America, Inc. and the Japanese Prefectural Association of Southern California - deepening his ties in the community. As Mr. Higa believes, a people’s culture resides in the hearts of their people, no matter if they are living in their homeland or abroad. Mr. Higa continues to remain active in promoting Japanese and Okinawan culture. He continues to teach the Okinawan language to Okinawa Association of America members, OAA Members in the News Continued from page 3 and he is currently an active board member of the Japanese Prefectural Association and was recently elected to be the 50th Anniver Anniversary Chairperson for their milestone celebration. His work of introducing and promoting Okinawan culture in the U.S. has played an important role in presenting Japan’s multiculturalism. Top left image: Chogi Higa with the Consul General of Japan, Jun Niimi. (photo by Ben T. HIga) Angeles under the instruction of Ryan Nakamatsu Sensei. Prior to his shinjinsho test, Kyle spent a few months with Grandmaster Choichi Terukina in Naha, Okinawa to practice and polish his performance of "Nufwa Bushi," a 6.5-minute classical song. Grandmaster Ter Terukina (National Living Treasure of Japan) will be visiting on March 15th for a celebratory luncheon in Gardena, California to formally award shinjinsho certificates to Kyle and fellow Choichi Kai LA shinjinsho awardee Aimee Buday. Written by Joseph Kamiya. Happy Retirement! Les Inafuku, youngest son of late OAA members George and Ruby Inafuku, recently retired after 38 years with the National Park Service. Mr. Inafuku was named superintendent at the Manzanar National Historic Site (MNHS) in December 2008, becoming the site's first superintendent of Japanese (Okinawan) ancestry. Recently, Mr. Inafuku worked with community members to protest the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's plan to build a 1,200-acre solar ranch near the MNHS. A community songfest was held at Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Church (Los Angeles, CA) on December 15th to celebrate and honor Mr. Inafuku's decades of service. Written by Joseph Kamiya. Uchina Junior Study Program (formerly Jr. Study Tour) The Okinawa Prefectural Government (OPG) is once again offering the Uchina Junior Study Program (formerly the Junior Study Tour), an annual 10 day immersion program that brings together middle and high school students (15 from over over- seas and the rest from within Japan) to Okinawa. This year’s program will be July 27 – August 11, 2014 (arrival and departure dates included). Selected students will study Okinawan history, culture, society, and Disapora, with an emphasis on nature, peace, and identity. Students will also be given the opportunity to interact with uchinanchu from around the world as well as students from Okinawa. Continued on next page Uchinaaguchi 101 by Chogi Higa, Instructor ウチ ナ ー グチ ミチ ナラーチ クィミソーレー。 マーカイ メンシェーガ。 ミヤコ ホテル ンカイ イチャビーン。 クヌミチ マッシグ メンソーチ、ニジリ(フィジャイ)ンカイ ホテル ヌ アイビーン。 Michi naraachi kwimi sooree. Maa kai mensheega. Miyako Hoteru nkai ichabiin. Kunu michi masshigu mensoochi, nijiri (fijai) nkai hoteru nu aibiin. 4 Haisai OAA News No 81 Dialogue Practice Chiruu: Michi naraachi kwimi sooree. Please show me the road. (how to get there) Taruu: Maa kai mensheega. (a guide) Where are you going? Chiruu: Miyako Hoteru nkai ichabiin. I’m going to the Miyako Hotel. Taruu: Kunu michi masshigu mensoochi, nijiri (fijai) nkai hoteru nu aibiin. Please go straight on this road, there is the hotel the on right (left) side. www.oaamensore.org ● Okinawa Association of America ある人生、桃原昌男さん 当銘貞夫 記 本部町具志堅出身の桃原昌男さん(69)の娘マ サコ・トーバルさん(29)がロサンゼルス・タイムズに 紹介された。ロサンゼルス近郊富裕層が住むアナ ハイム・ヒルズの劇場経営のプロダクション・マネジ ャーとして手腕を発揮しているとの記事である。 マサコさんは昌男さんの一人娘でカリフォルニ ア大学アーバイン校演劇学部を卒業した。父親 の昌男さんに言わせると「小さい時はあまり落ち着 きのない子で、こずかいばかりせがんでいたが、上 級になるに従って成績も上がり、一人前に成長し ていった」と手放しで喜んでいる。 昌男さんは上本部中学校を卒業し、大きな夢 を抱いてロサンゼルスへ移住したのが26歳の時だ った。ロサンゼルス下町にスナック・バー(居酒屋) を経営、その間に結婚、10年ほど店を続けた。だ が、夜のビジネスは不健康でお客と一緒に飲んだ くれの毎日で、収入にはあまり結びつかなかった。 次に取り組んだのがガーデニング(庭園業)であ る。同時に再婚相手の女性との間に生まれたのが マサコさんである。ガーデナーの朝は早い。埃と汗 まみれになって働き、一日の仕事を終わっていっ ぱいのビールを飲む幸せに浸り、何よりも娘の大 学教育をサポートすることができたと、しみじみ語 る。 昌男さんはくよくよしない性格で、いつでも笑 顔で人と接している。「うだつの上がらない70年近 くを歩んできた、一人娘の活躍を横目に見ながら 余生を楽しく過ごしたい」と敬愛する北島三郎の 演歌を口ずさんだ。 写真は娘マサコさんの記事が掲載されたLA タイムズを片手に、取材に応じる桃原昌男さん、北 米沖縄県人会パーキング場にて。 新年会及び新役員就任式 北米沖縄県人会 当銘貞夫 記 北米沖縄県人会の新春親睦会と新役員 就任式が1月19日、ロサンゼルス郊外モンテ ベロー市のゴルフ場クワイエット・キャノンレス トランで行われ520人が参加した。コリン・フー さんの歯切れの良い司会で第一式を進行、 国吉信義会長はウチナーグチと英語で新年 の挨拶をし、古典音楽斉唱で開幕した。 サンシン、琴、太鼓などの演奏の後、マン オブザイヤー(年男)にハーバート・アサトさん、 ウーマンオブザイヤー(年女)にヨネコ・ナカム ラさんが選ばれ、ガーデナ市長ポール・タナ カさん、国吉信義沖縄県人会長から表彰状 が授与された。そのほか4人のボランティアに 特別賞が授与された。引き続き来賓の紹介 があり、当銘貞夫南加(南カリフォルニア)県人 会協議会会長、青木義男南加日商の二人が 代表挨拶をした。 比嘉朝儀元沖縄県人会長が在ロサンゼ ルス日本国総領事賞を受賞したことを受けて 沖縄県人会が表彰した。総領事賞とは、在外 公館の任務遂行に協力し、諸外国との相互 理解及び友好親善の促進など、特に推奨す るに値する顕著な貢献又は善行を行ったと 認められる個人を顕彰する目的で行われて いる。 第2式はジョセフ・ジョーンズさんとアキコ・ Uchina Jr. Study...continued from previous page Application Requirements: • Must be of Okinawan descent • Applicants or their parents must be current OAA members • Must be enrolled in middle or high school and between the ages of 13 – 19 years old • Must have relatives or friends in Okinawa available for applicant’s homestay for part of the program To apply, please submit: • OAA application form • 2 copies of applicant’s passport photo (3cm www.oaamensore.org ● Members of Miyagi-Ryu Nosho-Kai Miyagi Nosho Ryubu Kenkyusho performing "Wakashu KutiBushi" (photo by Sadao Tome) ヤマウチさんが司会で余興プログラムを 進 行した。多くの琉球舞踊、フラダンス、琉球民 謡、歌謡舞踊、カラオケとダンス、琉球国祭り 太鼓、抽選会などがあり、最後にカチャーシ ー、みんな輪になって芭蕉布を歌って閉幕し た。 写真は壇上でポール・タナカガーデナ市長 の先導で宣誓をする新役員ら、ロサンゼルス 郊外クワイエット・キャノンレストランにて。中央 が国吉信義会長。 写真2は宴会を祝してゲストによる鏡割り、 右端がポール・タナカ ガーデナ市長。 写真3は余興の部で琉球舞踊を披露する 宮城能松先生の門下生。 x 2cm) • 1 page essay: “What I want to experience in the Junior Study Program” Please contact the OAA office for an application or for more information. Junior Study Youth Leader: Applications for a past Junior Study participants to serve as a group leader who can speak conversational Japanese will also be accepted. OAA member and proud dad, Masao Tobaru, holds up the LA Times article that mentions his daughter, Masako Tobaru, a dedicated theater production director. (photo by Sadao Tome) OAA Scholarship Applications for Graduating High School Students Applications for the OAA’s annual scholarship awards for 2014 high school graduates are now available! Applicant requirements: • Must be graduating high school in 2014 • Must be of full or partial Okinawan descent • Parents or applicant must be OAA member(s) • Minimum 3.0 GPA DEADLINE: Friday, June 13, 2014 The awards will be based primar primarily on academic accomplishments with due consideration given to extra-curricular and community activities and financial needs. The scholarship awards will be presented at the OAA’s Annual Picnic at Whittier Narrows Recreation Park on Sunday, July 13, 2014 (Date subject to change). Please contact the OAA for additional information. Application deadline: Wednesday, 3/26/2014 Okinawa Association of America Haisai OAA News No 81 5 OAA New Year's Party continued from page 1 liam Logan. The two drummers synced perfectly, providing an electrifying rhythm section for Yuki Shingaki who sang and played the anthemic “Hiyamikachi Bushi” on sanshin. “[It was] truly an amazing experience,” praised Prince Loeffler, a karate instructor in Torrance. “And we didn’t have to leave the country to enjoy the sights and sounds of ... Okinawa.” Every year, the entertainment program is preceded by a series of formalities. The event commenced with OAA President Shingi Kuniyoshi addressing the audience in both English and Uchinaaguchi. The Man and Woman of the Year Awards are given to acknowledge OAA members who have made tremendous contributions to the organization during the past year (and long before that). This year’s awardees were Herbert Asato and Yoneko Nakamura. After OAA Vice President Eddie Kamiya read their biographies, they were each presented with certificates from the OAA and the offices of CA State Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi and Gardena Mayor Paul K. Tanaka (Man/Woman of the Year biographies on page 2). Certificates of Appreciation were also given to four members who went above and beyond as volunteers in 2013: Mariko Bringentoff, David Fusato, Saeko Gushiken, and Fujiko Nakano. The first part of the program also included the installation of 2014 OAA Board Members, Officers, and Chairpersons. Gardena Mayor Paul K. Tanaka led the swearing-in of the Board Members, a special treat considering the Mayor’s busy schedule. President Kuniyoshi presented certificates to Eihachi Ota (outgoing Martial Arts Committee Chairperson), Nosho Miyagi (outgoing Board Member), and Ethel Asato (retiring Treasurer) to commemorate their service as OAA officials. Ethel was called back on stage and, to her surprise, was given a plaque and coin lei for her 18 years of service (including 12 years as a Board Member and 8 years as Fujinbu Chairperson). A coin lei was also given to Chogi Higa (Uchinaaguchi instructor and past OAA President) in honor of his 2013 achievements which included the Nisei Week Pioneer Award and a Commendation from the Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles. Speeches were also given by Sadao Tome (President of Nanka Kenjinkai Kyogikai and past OAA President) and Yoshio Aoki (President of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Southern CA). To close out the formalities, VIP guests Yoshio Aoki, MyLoc Dinh (representative for CA State Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi), Leslie Ito (President/CEO of the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center), Shingi Kuniyoshi (OAA President), Yumiko Miyamoto (IACE Travel), Gardena Mayor Paul Tanaka, Sadao Tome (President of the Japanese Prefectural Association of Southern CA), and Ta- 6 Haisai OAA News No 81 miko Uyehara (Uyehara Travel Agency) were invited onstage for the Sake Barrel Ceremony. Cups of awamori (donated by Yoshihiro Tome) were given to VIP guests and cups of sparkling apple cider to the rest of the audience. OAA members who were born in the Year of the Horse were called on stage for a group “kampai” led by 96-year-old Silver Star medalist Korean War veteran and fellow Year of the Horse celebrant Rodney Kamiya. Four lucky winners took home our top raffle prizes: one roundtrip airfare to Tokyo, Japan (donated by Uyehara Travel), two $200 travel vouchers (donated by IACE Travel), and two VIZIO 32” HD Smart TVs (donated by the OAA Martial Arts Committee and Kamiya Insurance Agency). Smaller raffle prizes included gift cards to Marukai and Macy’s, cash prizes, kitchen appliances, and homeware, which were all donated by OAA members and committees (full list of donors on page 7). We thank everybody who helped to make our 2014 New Year’s Party a success! We owe it all to the guests, New Year’s Party Committee volunteers, event volunteers, volunteer performers, and of course those who donated money, in-kind items, and raffle prizes (full list of donors and volunteers on page 7). The Staff: Note: These names are based on volunteers who signed-up and/or worked for a minimum of 4 hours. If we missed your name, please let us know and we will make a correction in our next newsletter. • Chairperson/Coordinator: Mieko Shima* • Committee Members: Naomi Endow, Joey Kamiya, Violet Nishihira, Joan Oshiro, Doreen Watanabe, Janice Yamanaka, Yuko Yamauchi, Phyllis Yogi • Audio Mixer: David Yoshimichi Shinjo* • Backstage Manager: Hiroshi Yamauchi* • Cleanup/Loading Volunteers: Nicholas Awakuni, Herb Asato*, David Fusato*, Collin Hoo*, James Ishiara*, Mary Ishiara*, William Logan, Kohki Nishioka, Naomi Shinzato, Clarence Watanabe • Fujinbu/Kajimaya Table: Leila Higa, Kyoko Nakahara • Kampai Hostess: Yoneko Nakamura • Membership Table: Amy Asato, Joan Oshiro, Barbara Shimabukuro, Betty Yamashiro • Merchandise Table: Janice Yamanaka • Photography: Stuart Yamashiro (lead), Eric Takushi (candid) • Raffle Table: Sachi Kinjo*, Sayuri Kinjo*, Phyllis Yogi • Reception Table: Doreen Watanabe*, Ken Yamauchi, Kristin Yamauchi • Stage Crew: Adam Arnot*, Michelle Gingras*, Tsuyoshi Kaneshiro*, David Khem*, Keith Matsushita*, Erika Minei*, Richard www.oaamensore.org ● Yamashiro*, Yoshi Yonamine* • Stage Lighting: Brian Kato, Steve Kohatsu • Stage Manager: Masanobu Ajifu* • V.I.P. Reception Table: Nobuko Ajifu, Jane Kamiya, Yuhi Miyazato Matsushita*, Amy Ono*, Hideko Sueyoshi, Kumiko Takamine, Aiko Tokunaga • V.I.P. Waitresses: Setsuko Fujimoto, Yoneko Nakamura • Videography: Joey Kamiya*, Ryo Yamaguchi* *special thank you to the volunteers who worked multiple shifts before, during, and after the event (most of whom volunteered for the entire day)! Performers: • Kaimaku (Opening Classical Music): SANSHIN: Ryukyu Minyo Kyokai Hokubei Shibu • Nomura-Ryu Koten Ongaku Hozon-Kai • Nomura-Ryu Ongaku Kyokai Hokubei Shibu • Ryukyu Koten Afuso-Ryu Ongaku Kenkyuu Choichi Kai - L.A. Branch KOTO: Ryukyu Sokyoku Koyokai L.A. Chapter Teruya Katsuko Sokyoku Kenkyukai TAIKO: Mitsufumi-Ryu Taiko Hozonkai Gushi Atsushi Renjo • Okinawan Dance: Miyagi-Ryu Nosho-Kai Miyagi Nosho Ryubu Kenkyusho • MiyagiRyu Toyomu-Kai Arakaki Sachiko Ryubu Kenkyusho • Miyagi-Ryu Nosho-Kai Numata Michiko Ryubu Kenkyusho • Okinawan Music: Ryukyu Minyo Kyokai Hokubei Shibu • Okinawan Eisa: Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko – Los Angeles Branch • Karate: Okinawa Budokan (Instructor Eihachi Ota) • Karaoke: Shingi Kuniyoshi (OAA President) & Setsuko Fujimoto (OAA Karaoke Club Chairperson) • Special Guest Performers: Yoko Awaya Koto Music Conservatory (traditional Japanese music), Michiko Mickey Doktor (traditional Japanese dance), Hickory Elementary & Madrona Middle School (hula) • Special Collaborations: Harriet Harumi Furuya & Ai Teshima (karaoke with original Tahitian dance choreography) • Atsushi Gushi, William Logan, and Yuki Shingaki (jam session with sanshin, Okinawan taiko, and western drums) • Shout-out to our wonderful emcees, Collin Hoo (part 1), Joseph Jones (part 2), and Akiko Yamauchi (part 2)! Raffle Donors • Uyehara Travel - 1 roundtrip airfare to Tokyo • IACE Travel - 2 travel vouchers of $200 each Continued on next page Okinawa Association of America OAA New Year's...Continued from previous page • Kamiya Insurance Agency - Vizio 32" HDTV • OAA Martial Arts Committee (MAC) Vizio 32" HDTV • OAA - 1 x $100 cash prize, 4 x $50 cash prize, and gift bags • OAA (Shingi Kuniyoshi) - 5 x $50 Trader Joe's gift card • OAA Fujinbu - 5 x $20 Marukai gift certificate • Alice Kimura - Charter Club body wrap blanket & Martha Stewart throw blanket • OAA Geinobu - Electric grill pan • OAA Seisonenbu - 4 x $25 cash prize • Yoneko Nakamura, Setsuko Fujimoto, Violet Nishihira - 4 x $20 Marukai gift certificate • OAA Uchinaaguchi Class - 5 x $20 Marukai gift certificate • Henry and Naomi Endow - 5 x $25 Macys gift card • Sayuri Kinjo - Soda Stream Machine • Setsuko Fujimoto - flower arrangements • Barbara Shimabukuro - 3 x See's Candies gift certificates • Minyo Kyokai Hokubei Shibu - 2 slice toaster & coffee maker In-Kind Donations • Hiro Tome - 2 sake barrels, 2 bottles of awamori, Hello Kitty marshmallows for VIP bags • Setsuko Fujimoto - main floral arrangements, centerpieces, corsages, boutonnieres • Stuart Yamashiro - photography services • Joey Kamiya - videography services • Kenji Kato & Steve Kohatsu - lighting • Masanobu Ajifu - truck services • Hiroshi Yamauchi - delivery of lighting equipment • Takako Yamashiro - potted plants and flowers stage decoration and raffle/volunteers • David Shinjo - audio services • Bryan Endow - sushi delivery • Russell Nakada - Label Service donating the printing of certificates カチャーシーとアッチャメー小の... Continued from page 3 今年の新年宴会の余興プログラムは、開幕演 奏、舞踊、民謡、ハワイアンダンス、祭り太鼓、ジャ ム セッションとして太鼓とアメリカンドラムとのコ ラボレーションなど、実にバライエティーに富んい て、幅広い年齢層の老若男女を魅了した。続い て会場の観衆がステージに上がり、カチャーシ ーの曲に乗ってアチャメー小を舞い、会場は佳 境に達し、昔の毛遊びを彷彿させた。延々と続 いたプログラムは午後4時30分ごろ終了し、来年 の同イベントでの再会を誓い合い、各々の家路 につた。 写真は2014年度の新年宴会で観衆がステ ージで舞うシーン。 Kachaashii at the end of the New Years Party. (photo by Hiroko Higa) Man of the Year continued from page 2 Woman of the Year continued from page 2 avid student. Another person who motivated him to explore his cultural roots and support the OAA was the late Kenneth Kamiya, who sat next to him in Uchinaaguchi class. Herb admired Kenny’s dedication to the OAA and its mission to educate the younger generations about their Okinawan heritage. He inspired Herb to help the OAA in its endeavors and volunteer his services. For years, Herb has been a consistent OAA Center volunteer. He repairs, cleans and maintains the buildings, constructs shelves and storage containers and re-organizes the storage areas. He also volunteers at almost every OAA event. Although his membership is relatively short compared to others, he has become indispensable to our organization and we are proud to name him the 2014 OAA Man of the Year. Commission, where she worked tirelessly to fundraise for activities for the handicapped and for disadvantaged children. Yoneko joined the OAA about 20 years ago. She was prompted by her sons, who encouraged their mother to learn some form of Okinawan performing arts. Yoneko decided to study Okinawan dance under Master Sachiko Arakaki and studied Okinawan taiko with the late Master Seiichi Shima. Yoneko also par participates actively and enthusiastically in the OAA, often cooking for annual events. She has supervised the annual Keiro Kansha no Hi (Senior Appreciation Day) for the past 2 years and currently serves as Vice-Chair of the OAA Fujin-bu (Women’s Club), Chair of the OAA Kajimaya (Senior Citizen’s) Club, and is on the Board of Directors. www.oaamensore.org ● Okinawa Association of America DONORS CORNER: We apologize if we missed anyone. Please let us know, so we can acknowledge your donation in a future issue. (As of February ) In memory of Fumie Shimabukuro - $150 Shigeichi Shimabukuro and Family In memory of Yoko Higashi - $2695 Steven & Melanie Higashi • $220 Arthur & Haruko Wehner • $100 Betty & Frank Hiji New Years $200 - Haru Evans • $101 - Koyu Shiroma • $100 - Barbara Shimabukuro • Betty H. Oshiro • Bob/May Sueyoshi • Chiyoko Sunabe • Chogi/Hiroko Higa • Dennis/ Joan Oshiro • Dina/Phyllis Yogi • Doreen Watanabe • Greg/Yoshiko Walker • Helene Shimane • Hiroshi Yamauchi • James/Mary Ishiara • Kenji Takara • Kitty Sankey • Mike/ Kay Nakamura • Miyo Haver • Nanka Miyagi Kenjin Kai • Noriko Cuaron • Sadao/ Aiko Tome • San Diego Okinawa Kenjinkai • Shigeo/Kimiko Goya • Shingi Kuniyoshi • Shizue Maleport • Teodoro/Yoko Pagador • Tomohiro/Tami Arashiro • Yasukazu Takushi • Yoshihiro Tome • $95 - Rodney Kamiya • $95 - Morio Inamine • $80 - Yasoji Matsuoka • Betty Yamashiro • $50 - Constanza Higa • David Shinjo • Diane Mihara • Dick/ Jean Enomoto • Ellen Asato • Ellen Wauke • Ethel Asato • Herbert/Elaine Higa • Hideko Harper • Japanese Chamber of Commerce • Joe Yamagawa • Mery Higa • Mickey Michiko Doktor • Mr./Mrs. Shigeo Oshiro • Nanka Kagoshima Kenjin Kai • Nanka Kenjin Kai Kyogikai • Nanka Kumamoto Kenjin Kai • Nanka Saga Kenjin Kai • Nanka Shizuoka Kenjin Kai • Nosho Miyagi (Yoko Wilkison) • Seiei Higa • Takeo Kaneshiro • Teruko Awakuni • Thomas Fukuhara • Yoshie Zwald • $40 - Rose Takushi • Steve Kaneshiro • Tomi Tsuha • Yuki Kochi • $30 - Aiko Tokunaga • Florence Yakahi • Katsuo/Betty Nakata • Shosei/Emiko Yamauchi • $25 - Midori Endo • $20 - Haru Mosby • Keiko Taira • Shigeko Yamauchi • Stan/Thelma Shibata • $10 - Jane Peck Building - $300 Afuso Ryu Kenkyuu Choichi Kai Los Angeles • $50 John/Beatrice Ozaki Geinobu - $500 Nosho Miyagi • $300 Chogi Higa General - $300 Tsuneko Taira • $100 Tetsuo/ Dorothy Asato • $30 Faye Doi Membership - $20 Steven Kaneshiro • Harry & Nobuko Kobashigawa • Hisako Miyashiro Scholarship - $100 Kevin S. & Jane Kuniyoshi Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - $100 Betty Oshiro • $25 Robert & May Sueyoshi • $20 Elaine Higa • Violet & Joe Nishihira • Rose Takushi Year End 2013 - $500 Brenda Higa Bazaar Correction - $25 Masakazu & Emiko Yamauchi Haisai OAA News No 81 7 Place Stamp here Ichi nu Ichimadin: From Generation to Generation Okinawa Association of America, Inc. 501(c) (3) non-profit organization OAA Center 16500 S. Western Avenue #203 Gardena, CA 90247 Phone: (310) 532-1929 Fax: (310) 808-9280 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oaamensore.org Okinawa Association of America Place Address Label here Haisai OAA News Staff EDITOR/LAYOUT Kristin Yamauchi Upcoming Events & Activities (subject to change) March 2 3月2日 Fujinbu Shinbokukai/60th Anniversary 親睦会・婦人部創立60週記念 March 14-16 3月1 4 16日 Martial Arts Weapons Seminar by the Okinawa Kobudo Doushi Renshikai California Branch April 23 4月23日 Fujinbu Pechanga Casino Fundraiser ペチャンガ・カシノ(婦人部) May 4 5月4日 Woman of the Year Luncheon by Downtown JACL and So. CA Women’s Association ウーマン・オブ・ザ・イヤー(ダウンタウン JACL/南加婦人会主催) May 18 5月18日 Minyo no Yuube (Evening of Folk Music) Show 「民謡の夕べ」芸能部:琉球民謡協会北 米支部 This is the official newsletter of the OAA, Inc. Contributions are welcome. For newsletter committee approval, email your article to [email protected] no later than May 5, 2014 for the next issue. June 1 6月1日 Kajimaya (Senior Citizens) Club Anniversary Celebration カジマヤー高齢者クラブ記念 パーティー July 12 7月12日 Picnic bento preparation and truck loading at the OAA Center ピクニック準備・ボランティア募集 Back cover image is of Kohki Nishioka and Clar Clarence Watanabe from Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko Los Angeles Branch at the 2014 OAA New Years Party. (photo by Chogi Higa) July 13 7月13日 OAA Annual Picnic 県人会ピクニック WRITERS Michael George, Ben T. Higa, Chogi Higa, Joseph Kamiya, Shingi Kuniyoshi, Lorraine Shimakawa, Sadao Tome PROOFREADERS Naomi Endow, Michael George, Ben T. Higa, Chogi Higa, Hiroko Higa, Joseph Kamiya, Shingi Kuniyoshi, Sadao Tome, Doreen Watanabe, Yuko Yamauchi PHOTOGRAPHERS Ben T. Higa, Chogi Higa, Hiroko Higa, Joseph Kamiya, Eric Takushi, Sadao Tome, Stuart Yamashiro Haisai OAA News No. 82 www.oaamensore.org www.oaamensore.org ●● Denotes non-OAA event 当県人会以外の行事 Weekly Activities (subject to change) • COMPUTER CLASS ($5/class): Every Thursday 10am - 12noon, Friday 1 3pm, and Saturday 10am - 12noon. コンピューター・クラス Monthly Activities (subject to change) • VOLUNTEER DAY: 1st Tuesday of every month 第1火曜日:ボランティア・デー • HISTORY BOOK II MEETING: 1st SaturSatur day of every month 第1土曜日:歴史部会議 • UTA-SANSHIN CIRCLE: 2nd Sunday of every month (subject to change) 第2日曜日唄三線サークル • UCHINAAGUCHI CLASS ($2 donation/ class): 2nd Friday of every month 第2金曜日 ウチナーグチ クラス • KARAOKE CLUB ($5/admission): 3rd Saturday of every month 第3土曜日:カラオケ・クラブ Okinawa Okinawa Association Association of of America America