Touch Publishing Winter 2015-2016 Catalogue We Publish Books


Touch Publishing Winter 2015-2016 Catalogue We Publish Books
Touch Publishing
Winter 2015-2016 Catalogue
We Publish Books You’ll Love
P.O. BOX 180303
TEL: 817-617-2012
What Jesus Did: Evangelism for Everyone
David Soesbee
Evangelism is one of the most misunderstood components of the Christian culture.
In this study, you will learn that it is not complicated or scary to share your faith.
Evangelism and discipleship go hand-in-hand. It begins with understanding the
magnitude of what Jesus did for you. This book is an in-depth 7-week study that will
change the way you approach evangelism. Includes practical strategies and tools to
develop your personal story. For individual, group, or church-wide study.
Bible Study / Christian Growth / Teaching Resource
The New Testament Challenge
Aaron Mitchell
Come along on a journey to more deeply understanding and applying the New
Testament to your life. This one-year reading plan will give you insight into the biblical
culture, the writers, and the writing style of the greatest book of all: the Bible.
For each chapter in the New Testament, the reader is guided through a devotional, key
scripture, journaling questions, and prayer prompts.
Ideal for individual, group, or church-wide study.
Bible Study / Christian Growth / Devotional
Miracles: Coincidence or Divine Intervention?
John Murray
Author John Murray spent more than 30 years traveling Europe as the Evangelism
Director for Eurovangelize Canada. In his time, he saw God at work in ways that our
human minds have trouble believing. Do you believe God works miracles? This book
will open your eyes to the miraculous with this collection of astounding stories woven
together with biblical teaching and group discussion guidance.
Christian Living / Study Group
The Transparent Life
McKrae Game
Author McKrae Game is the president of Hope for Wholeness Network; a connection
of ministries dedicated to helping those seeking freedom from homosexuality or
sexual addictions. In this book, McKrae shares his own personal journey and
experience living with secrets, shame, and lies. He helps the reader understand that
freedom comes through living a transparent life that seeks wholeheartedly to follow
Christ. Whether or not you personally struggle with sexual sins or addition, this book
will help the Christian better understand a Christian response to these emotionallycharged issues.
Christian Living / Addiction / Freedom / Homosexuality
Radical Love
Kimberly Soesbee & Donna Lowe
With all of the information available in this world about “love,” why do so many of
us still struggle to get it right? Yet, Jesus tells us to love others.
If you find it downright exhausting to love others unconditionally, then this book is
for you. Identify and destroy the barriers keeping you from experiencing radical
love in your life.
Christian Living / Personal Growth
Examine Your Heart
Kimberly Soesbee & Donna Lowe
Spiritual dryness has a root in our own sin. Ouch! The good news is there are steps
we can take today to quench our thirsty spirits.
Examine Your Heart is an 8-session study to guide you to dig deep into your heart to
let Jesus heal the spots keeping you from loving well. For individual, discipleship, or
small group study.
Bible Study
Can Jesus Get A Witness?
Fredricc & Kan’Dace Brock
Light a fire in your faith with this collection of biblical teaching from Pastor Fredricc
Brock and his wife, Christian Speaker and Teacher Kan’Dace Brock. They hold
nothing back as they use scripture to challenge you to move from a stagnant faith to
be the active powerful witness you were created to be. Twenty sermons that are
backed with scripture and sound teaching.
Christian Growth / Sermons
What’s Next?
J. Hawkins
This e-Book is an easy to read guide of first steps for a new believer in Christ. Meant
to be the beginnings of spiritual nourishment, J. Hawkins higlights some terms and
explains what someone new to Christian faith can do to take the next steps in their
Christian Growth / e-Book only (find on Amazon)
The Rhythm of Faith
Jeneen Kohler
Is your faith in rhythm with God’s Plan for your life? If you have ever wondered if
you have enough faith or you see the faith of others and wonder why your faith
isn’t as strong, then this book is for you. Jeneen takes you on a practical,
applicable journey to ensuring your faith is grounded and growing. Includes Bible
study questions at the end of each chapter. For individal, discipleship, or group
Christian Living / Bible Study / Personal Growth
The Bridegroom’s Voice
Kimberly McCarthy
Do you long to hear the voice of your Bridegroom, Jesus Christ? He longs to speak
to you. This 45 week devotional will draw you to a deeper love and appreciation for
Jesus as your Bridegroom. Allow author Kimberly McCarthy to lead you on a
personal journey to better know Jesus as your Bridegroom and, in turn, ready your
heart for Him. Have a heart-to-heart, spirit-to-spirit adventure by listening to The
Bridegroom's Voice.
Bible Study / Devotional
Conversations with a Scientist
Dr. Stephen Benoit and Kimberly Soesbee
Does science have a place within Christianity? For one man, when the scientific
teaching he received in University clashed with the Christian faith instilled in him as
a child, he found the two were diametrically opposed, and faith lost the battle. And
yet, his soul longed for peace that he did not get in his scientific studies.
In these pages, Dr. Stephen Benoit discloses the inner battle he fought for 26
years. The questions which rocked his belief system to the core haunted him as he
explored other faiths, engaged pastors and Christians in discussion, and searched
for reconciliation between science and God.
Christian Living
Rusting Toys
Dr. Dale Douglas
There are more than three million reports of child abuse every year. Dr. Dale Douglas
grew up in a home that was broken, abusive, and neglectful. He saw how his
childhood experiences shaped not only his life, but that of his 7 siblings. This book is
his recollection of his growing up years and shows how abusive cycles are
perpetuated throughout one's life. Without a dramatic, intentional decision to stop the
abuse, breaking free is nearly impossible.
Personal Growth / Abuse / Christian Living
Sent Out
Don Overstreet
For more than 50 years Don Overstreet has followed the call on his life to be an apostlemissionary. He has had the opportunity to reach people and plant more than 500
churches. In his book Sent Out, Don shares the requirements for being called into the
world as an apostle-missionary. He challenges each follower of Christ to consider the
place he or she has been "sent" to and explains how to make the most of that calling.
Through these pages you will not only learn that God's marching orders to us are no
different than they were to the early apostles, you will also see what is required of you
as you go into your mission field.
Missions / Christian Living
God’s Call to the City
Don Overstreet
The Christian church must get serious about impacting the world’s mega-cities for
Christ. The majority of the population of the world live in cities. The greatest needs are
in the cities because of population growth, crime growth, poverty, broken lives and the
fact that SIN dominates our cties. The city is where JESUS would be, thus we must
catch up with Him and go to them. We must plant our lives and God's church
strategically, intentionally, and with urgency!
Missions / Christian Living
Friday Night Lights: Untold Stories from Behind the Lights
Dr. Nathanial Hearne
Permian High School was the setting and subject for the bestselling book, movie, and TV
series: Friday Night Lights. Dr. Hearne was the first black football coach hired at Permian. He
has a unique perspective on approaching success, the stories, and the lessons to be learned
behind the lights. Ideal for teachers, coaches, leaders, sports enthusiasts, and those
responsible for growth and character development in others.
Sports / Leadership / Personal Growth
Bible Study 978-0-9911511-2-7
Ode of Champions
Nicholas Williams
Football fans! Relive the excitement of the Texas Longhorns’ 2005-2006 National
Championship season in this clever book by sportswriter Nick Williams. Nick captures the
essence of each game in a rhythm and rhyme play-by-play recap. This book makes a
great gift for University of Texas alumni and college football fans.
Sports / Football / Gift book (hardcover)
Fit Your Body to Honor God
Mechele West
Bodybuilder, Martial Artist, and Personal Trainer Mechele West gives workouts, biblical
teaching, and eating plans to help you get in better overall health. If you need to get more
fit, give Mechele’s proven techniques a try. She walks you through practical steps to take
at home or in a gym to guide you to better choices.
Christian Living / Fitness
How I Lost 50 Pounds in 5 Seconds
Steve Fitzhugh
Former NFL free safety Steve Fitzhugh weighed 197 pounds his rookie year in the league.
After retirement, however, he gained more than 100 pounds. He felt terrible, looked
terrible, and wasn’t living a lifestyle that promoted longevity. With diabetes in his family
history and stroke-level blood pressure, he made the decision, “I’m not going out like
Be inspired as you read Steve’s story. Today is the best day to start.
Fitness / Sports / Health
Training for the Tough Game of Life
Eddie Mason
Eddie Mason, former NFL linebacker (New York Jets, Jacksonville Jaguars, Washington
Redskins), takes you on a deeply honest trek through some of the most difficult times of his
life in his new book Training for the Tough Game of Life. His career was marked with promise
and potential--and also by serious mistakes that nearly cost him everything.
Sports / Leadership / Personal Growth
Zavier Hall
Personal trainer and motivator, Zavier Hall, shares with you the philosophies and guiding
principles he has learned by studying the world’s greats in business, sports, and
leadership. His personal experience that lifted him from mediocrity will challenge you to
assess the path you are journeying along. If you desire to take your physical, spiritual, and
emotional state further; if you desire to not only dream about success, but achieve it; if
you are tired of being average, then give it all you’ve got. All the time. Starting now.
Fitness / Leadership
The Leader in the Mirror
Eric J. Powell
Using Nehemiah as a leadership model, this book uses biblical structure, personal
testimony, and real business and political examples to demonstrate leadership gaps.
Becoming a transformational leader begins with the leader in your mirror. Identify the
kind of leadership you demonstrate and clearly develop a vision for where you need to
grow. Author Eric Powell is the founder of the CUE Leadership Program.
Leadership / Business / Personal Growth
Pastor, We Need A Bigger Boat
Steve Fitzhugh
With more than 30 years of experience working with youth in churches and through
communtiy outreach, Steve Fitzhugh offers a much-needed paradigm shift to reach
young people in our current culture. Pastors and those who are in church leadership
need this resource to help them better understand the situation of our nation’s youth
and gain wise strategies for ensuring they are being effective, responsible stewards of
the young people in their community and church.
Leadership / Church Growth / Pastor’s Resource
Kimberly Soesbee
See Haiti through the eyes of an orphan named Maneeya.
Inspired by her visits to Haitian schools and orphanages following
the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January 2010, author
Kimberly Soesbee shines a light on the physical and spiritual
struggles that Haitians face every day in this fictional story of
The Timeline Series
Steven Foster
The first 2 books in this 5 book fiction adventure series will have
you turning pages quickly to find out what happens next. One of the
best new fiction series available! Exciting, unpredictable, and
daring, youth, teens, and adults have all given high praise for The
Timeline Series.
Age 10 +
Science Fiction / Adventure
The Minuteman Project 978-0-9919839-2-6
Journey to Skeleton Island 978-0-9919839-8-8
Who Will Survive?
Steve Fitzhugh
Satan hates teenagers. This book is written from the perspective of Satan as he plans his
schemes against the nation’s youth, his prime target. Meant to encourage discussion,
enlighten, and awaken parents, youth leaders, and teens, this book is a perfect youth group
study. If you have a teenager, you need this book!
Age 13+
Bible Study / Youth 978-0-9937951-1-4
The Adventures of Lil’ Stevie
Steve Fitzhugh
Former NFL Denver Bronco Steve Fitzhugh shares
delightfully entertaining stories from his childhood. Full of fun,
laughter, and family values, this book will be enjoyed by kids
of all ages. Each book in this series contains 10 short stories
that give a life lesson that kids will immediately relate to and
can apply to their lives.
Age 8 +
Juvenile Nonfiction / Humor
Book 1: 978-0-9919839-1-9
Book 2: 978-1-942508-08-3
Rachael, Did You Know?
Veronica Sites
A personal journey of healing and hope to help you through the pain of losing a loved one.
For a child, losing a sibling, close friend, or relative brings hurts, questions, and internal
struggles that many adults do not know how to handle. Veronica Sites is a gentle guide
through the hard times by bringing personal experience, expertise, and biblical wisdom.
This book is a welcome guide for someone in grief.
Age 12 +
Grief / Bereavement / Self-help
CoCo’s Bananas
Kimberly Soesbee
Illustrated by Cooper Soesbee
CoCo’s Bananas is a sweet story about a monkey, who loves bananas, and his mom,
who would like him to try other foods. This is the first book in the Triangle & Square
Program from Touch Publishing. The illustrations were done by a very special boy.
Ages 3 - 7
Children’s Fiction 978-1-942508-06-9
Oops! There’s A Squirrel in the Library!
Barbara Hobbs
Illustrated by Sandahl L. Anderson
Skippy the squirrel loves the library and all of the adventures held within the
pages of the books. But when he is discovered, will he be evicted from his library
Ages 3-8
Children’s Fiction 978-0-9919839-6-4
There’s Magic in the Bear
Rosa Frost
Ken Bear lives in London with his boy Gregory. Tattered and nearly beyond repair he
has been resigned to a place high on a shelf, out of harm’s way, and seemingly
forgotten. With hope all but gone, one day he learns that Gregory is taking him to a
faraway place called Texas where a mysterious Gramma will try one last bit of magic to
fix him.
Ages 5-10
Children’s Fiction 978-1-942508-10-6
The Best Christmas Wish
Rosa Frost
A Christmas poem that will quickly become a family favorite.
Santa is ready to ride, but a Christmas wish that arrives at the last minute sends
Santa into a frenzy!
Ages 3 - 8
Children’s Fiction / Holiday 978-1-942508-01-4
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