Articles of Incorporation (Amended as of 2011
Articles of Incorporation (Amended as of 2011
Republic of the Philippines Deparhetrt of Finmce Securitiesand ExchangeCommission SECBLrildins, EDSA,Geenhirs,Mandaluyons city CoMPANYREG.NO. ,\509ll-007160 CERTIF'ICATE OF FILING OF AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION KNOW ALL PERSONSBY THESE PRESENTS: This is tocedfy that the amendedarti(les of in.orporation of the ARTHALAND CORPORATION lAmending Article VI thereotl copy annex€d, adoptedon March 30, 201I by majority vot€ of the Board of Dir€ctorsand on June24,2011 by the vote of the stockholdersowning or representing more than sixty-seven (670/.)oI the outstaDdingcapital stock, and certified under oath by th€ Secretary and a majority of the Bosrd ofDir€ctors ofthe corporationwas approvcdby the Commissionon July 29,2011pursuantto the provisionofSection16 olthe CorporationCod€ofthe Philippines!Batas PanbansaBlg. 68,approvedon May l, 1980and copiesthereofar€filed with the Commission. Unlessthh corporation obtains or already has obtaired the appropriate Secondary License from this Commission. this Ccrtificat€ does not authorize it to und€rtakebusinessactivitiesrequiring a SecondaryLic€nsefrom this Comnissionsuch as, but not Iimited to acting as: broker or d€aler in s€curities,governm€nts€curitieseligible derler (GSED), investmentadviser of an inv€stmentcompany, close-endor open-endinvestmcnt company, investment house, transfer agent, connodity/financial futures exchange/broher/merchrnt,financing company and til|le sharcs/club shar€s/nembership certificatesissuersor sellingagentsthereof. Neitherdoesthis C€rtincat€constituteas permit to undertakeacti!iti$ for which other governmentag€ncies r€quirea licenseor pcrnit. Thh certificate is a replacementofthe certificate I signcd on July 29,2011, which erron€ouslysiatedthe Dir€ctorsme€tingas May 30,201I insteadof March 30, 2011. lN wlTN[SS WHEREOF. I hatesetmy handsndcauscdthesealofihir Coryniisionro beaffi\edro thisCcrtilicaterr MrndalulongCity.\4crroManita.Phitippine.. lhis __.l6fa da] of September! Twenty El€ven. NITO A. CATARAN CompanyRegistrationand Monitoring Department COVERSHEET 0 0 7 1 0 S.E.C.Registration Number (F o R M o N D A R T H A E R B R P o R o R A L T D o D 4 T H N P R s) (Company's FullName) 8 A D P o s I T A R B u 7 T H s T, B o N F A I o T A ( BusinessAddress: No.StreetCity/ Town/ Province) R. I 7 8 0 9 0 Company Telephone Numbef M6, Riva KhristineV. Maala ContactPerson mm Amendmentof AOIand BL Day E. T-T___l FORI']ITYPE r--r--l ttl Month Annual Meeling LicenseType,lf Applicable Secondary thisDoc AmendedArticlesNumber/Seclion TotalAmountof Borrcwinqs Foreign Tolal No. ot Stockholders To be accomplished by SEC Persoijielconcerned FileNumber Document LD. STAI\4PS Remarks= pls.use blackink fof scanningpurposes Cashier e{,"}:-*-; KNOW ALL MEN BY THBSEPRESENTS: constitutingthe majority of the BoardofDirectorc and the WE, the undersigned, CorporateSecrctaryofARTHALAIID CORPORATION (ALCO), herebycertify that: The AmendedArticles of lncorporationand By-laws heretoattachedas l Atrnexes"A" and "B" are tie full, true and completecopiesof ALCO'S Artioles of lncorporationand By-lawswhich wereamendedby the majorityvote of ALCO'S Board of Dircctorsat its meetingheld on 30 March 2011 at its principal office at the 8/F Picadilly Star Building, 4'nAvenuecorner 27'oStreet,Borifacio Global City, Taguig City 1634, and by ALCO'S stockholdersrepiesentingmore than sixty-sevenpercant (67%)ofall outstanding capitalstockentitledandqualifiedto vote at the duly calledand stockiolders' Meetingheld on 2,1June 2011 at the Arthaland sales convenedAnnual Pavilion,McKinley Parkway cortrer 7th Avenue,Global Cify, Taguig City. 2. Tli,eameldmentto the existingArticles of lncorporationand By-Lawsof ALCO consistsofthe increasein the numberofjts directorsfrom seven(7) to nine(9), to wit: AMENDED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION )cxx SIXTH - That the numberof directorsofthe Corpomtionshallbe ofthe directorswho arc the names,citizenshipand residences 4j19-1p1and arc duly electedandqualifiedas providedby to serveuntil theirsuccessors the ByJaws xxx (,4saze dedon21Jale201l) -0- AMENDEDBY.LAWS ARTICLEIII TheBoardofDirectors xxx Page1 of3, Directors'Ceilificaie-Aol and By-laws .? - The Boardof Directors Section2. Number,TenureandQualifications shallbe composed of !!iq9_]9members, at leasttwo of whomshallbe independent directors. xxx (Asdmended on24June2011) xxx WITNESSOURHANDthis24'ndayofJune2011atTaguigCiry. -t ( /) tl ^" A AAWfr, " -';l w'* tv DAISY P/ ARCE Corporate Secrctary Passport No. EBo13 4668/04.22.2010/Manila TIN No,r'1 19-882-908 GONZALEZ of the Board 163561/03.04.09Mani1a 1(";i o.171457-p49 / lfil"* A DE I'ILLA LACSON Vice Chcliman Passport No. XX0353323/ 01.1L08,Manila TINNo. 1p633-454 ,a o.XX2304619/10.17.08/Manila TIN Noil 101-775-758 w A- OMAR[.\A]-vo PAUL C. TAN Director/Comp li anceOfr cer Passpon No.1A0005 137/ | I.09.0sA4anila Passport No.XXI 3Ati 8/02.1 7.09n'4,antla TIN No. 138-050-692 TIN No'.100-666150 ERNESTK, CIJYEGKENG LUKBAN Independent Director Direclor Passport No.XX3032586/02. 17.09,ManilaPassp o.XX3298713/03.2 1.09,Manila TINNo. 101-265-572 TIN No. 1l2-212-739 Page2 of3, D;eclois' C€rrificate-Aoland Bylaws OATII Republicofthe Philippines ) TaguigCity ) SS. I certit, that on this 24o day of June 2011, before me, a notary pubiic duly authorizedin the city above-named to take acknowledgments, personallyappearedthe foregoingpersons(i) whom I have identifiedthroughtheir respectiveTax Identification Numbers,a competentevidenceof identity,to be the samepersonsdescribedin the foregoinginstrument,(ii) who acknowledged beforeme thattheyvoluntarilyaffixedtheir respectivesignatureson the instrumentfor the purposestatedtherein,and (iii) who declaredto me that they haveexecutedthe inshumentas their free and voluntaryact and deed. IN WITNESSWIEREOF, I hereuntoset my hand and affix my notarialsealon the dateandat the placeabovewritten. Doc.No.3za PageNo.@ BookNo._(l Series of201l ANA VICTORIAG. CA*RL . NOTARY PUBLIC TAG{,IG, PASIG, PAIEROS r SAN Until Dsc. 31, 2012 R o l l N o . 5 3 7 0 t ,l 8 f N o . 1 R N . 0 7 4 1 1 PTR No. 3662111,0t/04itl MCLECcmpliahceno, t.0004144 2 F - 0 e L € o n B t d g . ,A t m e d ap, a t e r o s r . r . N o . 6 6 8 7 9 0 90,9 1 9 8 ? 8 7 1 5 8 'a.r.smarasiganlaw@gmail,com Page3 of3, Difectois'Cerrificate-Aoland By-la ANNEX'.A" AMEI\DEDARTICLESOFINCORPORATION ARTIIALA}ID CORPORATION formerlyEIB RealtyDevelopers, Inc. (Asamended on 30March2011and24June2011) Itr]OW ALL MEN BY TITESE PRESENTS: ThatWE, all of legalage,a majorityof whomarecitizensandresidents of the Philippines, havethis dayvoluntarilyassociated ourselves togetherfor the purposeof forminga corpomtion underthelawsofthe Republic ofthePhilippines. AND WE CERTIFYTHAT: FIRST- ThatthenameoftheCorpomtion shallbe: ARTHALA}{D CORPORATION formerlyEIB RealtyDevelopers, Inc. (Asamendedon 27 No1)embet 2008) SECOND That the purposesfor which the Corpomtion is fomed are: PRIMARY PURPOSE To principally engage in the realty developmentbusiness,including home buildingand development, and to deal,engage,investand ttansact,direotlyor indirectly, in all forms of businessand mercantileactsand tansactionconcemingall kinds of real property, inoluding but not limited to the acquisition,constuction, utilization and disposition,sale,lease,exchangeor any mode of nansferof residential,industrialor commercial Property. SECONDARY PURPOSE l. To purchase,acquire,own, lease,sell and conveyreal propefies suchas lands,buildings,factoriesand warehouse and machineries, equipmentand otherpe$onal propertiesas may be necessary or incidentalto the conductof corporatebusiness,andto pay in cash,sharesof its capitalstockdebentuesand otherevidencesof indebtedness of other securities,as may be deemedexpedient,for any businessof properlyacquiredby the corpomtion; 2. To borow or raisemoneynecessary to meetthe financialrequirements ot its businessby ihe issuanceof bonds, promissorynotes and other evidencesof indebtedness,and to securethe repa)rmentthereof by mofigage, pledge, deed of trust or lien uponthe propertiesofthe Corporation,or to issuepu$uantto law shalesofits capital stock,debentures and otherevidencesofindebtedness in paynent for propertiesacquircd the by Coeorationor for moneyborrowedin the prosecution of it5 law{irlbusiness; 3. To investand deal with ihe moneyand propertiesof the Corporationin suchmanneras may from time to time be considered expedientfor the advancement of its PageI of5, ALCO Aol-Amendedon 24 June20ll interestsand to sell, disposeof or transferthe business,propertiesand goodwill of the Corporationor any partthereoffor suchconsideration and undersuchter; as it shallsee fit to accept; To aid in any mannerany corporation,association or trustestate,domestic or ioreign.or any fiIm or individual,any sharesof stockin which any bonds,debenLures, notes,securities.evidencesof indebtedness, confiactsor obligations ofwhich are held by -corporations or for this Corpomtion,directlyor indirectlyor throughother or otherwise; 5. To enter into lawful arTangement for sharingprofits, union of inrcresL, utilization or farm out agrcement,reciprocal concessionor cooperationwith any corporalion,association,partnershipsyndicate,entity, personor government,municipal or public authority,domesticor foreign,in the carryingon of any businessor transaction deemednecessary, convenientor incidentalto cairying out any of the purposesof this Corporation; 6. To acquireor obtainfrom any govemmentauthority,national,provincial, municipal or otherwise,or any corporation,companyor parhership,or person,such charter,. contracts,franchise,privileges,exemption,licensesand concessions as may oe conduciveto any ofthe objectsofthe Corporation; 7. To establishand operateone or more branchof{icesof otherasenciesand to carryot anyor all of its operationsand businesg withoutany restrictionsaito placeor amount,inoludingthe right to hold, purchaseor otherwiseacquire,Iease,mongage, pledgeand conve, or otherwisedeal in and with real and personalpropertyanl,where within the Philippines;and, 8. To conductand transactany and ail lawful businessand to do or causero be doneany one or more ofthe actsand thingshereinsetforth as its purloses,witnrn or without the Philippines,and in any and all foreign counlries,and t; do ever),thing necessary, desirableor incidentalto the accomplishment ofthe purposesofthe exeriiseof any one or more of the powershereinenumerated. or which shall at an)time appear conduciveto or expedientfor the protectionor benefitofthis Corporation. THIRD - That the placewherc the principaloffice of the Corporationis ro De established or locatedis at Metro Maniia,philippines. FOURTH Thar the term for which said Corporationis to exist is FIFTY (50) yea$ fiom the dateandafterthe dateof incorporation. FIFTH - That the names,citizenshipand residences of the incorporatorsare as followst NAME CITIZENSH]P TEODOROC. BORLONGAN Filipino I SparrowSt.,Creenmeadows I, Cityl Metro Manila Quezon JOSUEA. CAMBA,JR Filipino I I I Sampaguita St., Valle VerdeIII, Pasig,Metro Manila RESIDENCE Page2 of 5, ALCO Aol-Arnendedon 24 Jun€2011 CORAZONM. BEJASA Filipino 30AmethystStreetGreenheights Subd.,Pamnaque, MetroManila DENNISD. DECENA Filipino 2473A. Crisostomo St.,BF ResortVillage,LasPinas,Metro Manila NIDA S. SANTOS Filipino 28 F. Rodriguez Ave,,Sto.Nino, Marikina,MetroManila SIXTH- Thatthenumberofdirectors ofthe Corporation shallbenine(9)andthe names, citizenship andresidenoes ofthe directors whoareto seryeuntil theirsuccessors arcdulyelected andqualifiedasprovidedby theByJawsareasfollows(ssamended on 30March201I and24June2011): NAME CITIZENSHIP RESIDENCE TEODOROC. BORLONGAN Filipino I SparowSt.,Greenmeadows I, City, Metro Manila Quezon JOSIJEA. CAMBA, JR American . 111Sampaguita St., Valle VerdeIII, Pasig,Metro Manila CORAZONM. BEJASA Filipino 30AmethystStreetGreenheights Subd.,Paranaque, MetroManila DENNISD. DECENA Filipino 2473A. Crisostomo St.,BF ResortVillage,LasPinas,Metro Manila NIDA S,SANTOS Filipino 28 F, Rodriguez Ave.,Sto.Nino, Marikina,MetroManila SEVENTH That the authorizedcapital stockofthe Coryorationis philippine Pesos:Two Billion Nine HundredFofy Six Million Two HundredFifty SevenThousand One HundredThirty Five and 821100e2,946,257,t35.82),and said capital stock is dividedinto 16,368,095,199 commonshareswith a par value of Phitippinepesos: EighteenCentavos(P0.18)per share.(AsAmendedon 28 JanudD)2008) The sharesof stock of the corporationare not subjEctto pre-emptiverights of stockholders, and may be issuedfor the unissuedportionofauthorizedoapitalstockin such quantities,at suchtimes,andundersuchtermsasthe BoardofDirectorsshalldetermine. EIGHT That the anount of saidcapitalstock,which hasbeenactuallysubscribed, is ONE HLTIIDREDMILLION PESOS(P100,000,000.00), Philippinecurrency,and the following personshavesubscribed for the numberofsharesandthe amountofcaDitalstock indlcaled opposite theirrespecli\e namessetoutaffertheirrespective names: Pase3 of5,ALco Adr-Amended on 24June20lt O {,* Citizenship Name UrbancorplnvestmentInc. Filipino TeodoroC. Borlongan Filipino JosueA. Camba,JI. No. of Shares AmounrSubscribed 999,995 P99,999,500.00 100.00 I Amencan 100.00 Nida S, Santos Filipino 100.00 CorazonM. Bejasa Filipino 100.00 DennisD. Decena Filipino 100.00 1,000,000 P100,000,000.00 NINTH That the following personshave paid on the sharesof capitalstockfor which theyhavesubscdbed the amounts,setout aftertheir resp€ctivenamesl Name Urbancorplnvgstment,lnc. TeodoroC. Borlongan JosueA. Camba,Jr. Nida S. Santos CorazonM. Bejasa DennisD. Decena AmountPaid P 29,999,500.00 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 P 30,000,000.00 TENTH - That no issuanceor hansferof sharesof stockofthe Corporationwhich would reducethe stock ownershipof Filipino citizensto lessthan the percentage of the outstaDding capitalstockrequiredby law to be ownedby Filipino citizens,shallbe allowed or permittedto be recordedin the books of the Coryoration. This restrictionshall be pdntedor indicatedin all the certificates ofstock to be issuedby the Coryoration. ELEVENTH - That NIDA S. SANTOS has been electedby the subscribersas Treasurerofthe Corporationto actas suchuntil her successor is duly electedandshallhave qualilied in accordancewith the ByJa$,s; and that, as such heasurershe has been authorizedto receive for the corporationand to issue in its name recaipts for all subscriplions paidin by lhesubscribers. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,we have hereuntoset our handsthis 2l,t day of July lq94al VakaLi.Merro\4anila.Philippines. (Ssd)TEODOROC. BORLONGAN Page4 of5, ALCO Aol-Amehdedon 24 June201I (Sgd)JOSUEA. CAMBA, JR. (Ssd) CORAZoN M. BEJASA (Sgd)DENNISD. DECENA (Sgd) NIDA S.SANTOS S]CNEDIN THEPRESENCE OF: (lllegible) (lllegible) ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLICOFTHE PHILIPPINES ) MAKATI,METROMANILA ) SS. this - BEFOREME, a NotaryPublicfor andin Makati,MetroManila,phjlippines, 2l" ofJuly 1994,personally appeared thefollowingr Name 1 LODORO C. BORLONCAN JOSUEA. CAMBA,JR. NIDA S.SANTOS CORAZONM. BEJASA DENNISD. DECENA Res.Cef. No. Date/Place lssued 2250528 793308842 22516804 22520525 22520528 2.t8.s4/Makali 4.1L94l pasig 2]7j4/Makati 2.18.94lMakati 2.l8.94,Makari all knownto me andto me knownto be the samepersons who executed the foregoing Articlesof Incorpomtion andtheyacknowledged to methatthe sameis theirfreeactand deed. IN TESTIMONYWHEREOF, I havehereunto setnryhandandaffixedmy notarial sealon the dateandat theplacefirst abovewritten. j50 Doc.'No. CUNANAN Ltf,3rJffi;jt*t*LDAR PageNo.71 BookNo.IV Seriesof 1994. UntilDecember 31, 1995 P T RN o . 1 7 8 1 1 5 3 lssuedat QuezonCity on January13, 1994 Page5 ol5, ALCOAoliAmendedon24 June2011 n