92 Summer - Princeton Garden Theatre


92 Summer - Princeton Garden Theatre
Princeton Garden Theatre
Paul Henreid, Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart in CASABLANCA
609 279 1999
Welcome to the nonprofit Princeton Garden Theatre
The Garden Theatre is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
Seniors (62+) & University Staff.......................... $9.00
Students ............................................................$8.00
Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri before 4:30
Sat & Sun before 2:30......................................$8.00
Wed Early Matinee before 2:30.........................$7.00
Affiliated Theater Members**............................$6.00
You must present your membership card to obtain membership discounts.
The above ticket prices are subject to change.
**Affiliated Theater Members
The Garden Theatre, the Ambler Theater, the County Theater, and the
Hiway Theater have affiliated admission benefits. Your membership
will allow you $6.00 admission at the other theaters, as well as at
all participating “Art House Theaters” nationwide.
Children under 6 – Children under age 6 will not be admitted to our
films or programs unless specifically indicated.
Late Arrivals – The theater reserves the right to stop selling tickets
(and/or seating patrons) after a film has started.
Outside Food and Drink – Patrons are not permitted to bring outside food and drink into the theater.
Accessibility & Hearing Assistance – The Garden Theatre
has wheelchair-accessible auditoriums and restrooms, and
is equipped with hearing enhancement devices. (For headphones, please see the theater manager when you arrive.)
Check our website for parking information.
A new management team.
Nonprofit Renew Theaters joined the Princeton community as
the new operator of the Garden Theatre in July of 2014. We
also run three golden-age movie theaters in Pennsylvania – the
County Theater in Doylestown, the Ambler Theater in Ambler, and
the Hiway Theater in Jenkintown. We are committed to excellent
programming and to meaningful community outreach.
How can you support
the Garden Theatre?
Be a member.
Become a member of the nonMEMBER
profit Garden Theatre and show
your support for good films and
a cultural landmark. See back
panel for a membership form or join online. Your financial
support is tax-deductible.
Be a sponsor.
Receive prominent recognition for your business in exchange
for helping our nonprofit theater. Recognition comes in a variety
of ways – on our movie screens, in our brochures, and on our
website. Contact us at 215 348 1878 x112 or at
[email protected].
Make a gift.
Your additional gifts and support make us even better. Your
donations are fully tax-deductible. Contact our Business Office
at 215 348 1878 x117 or at [email protected].
Get our weekly email notices.
We can keep you up-to-date on all our events and scheduling
via our weekly email notices. Visit our website to sign up, and
then stay plugged into our latest programming news.
Give us feedback.
Your film experience is the most important thing to us, so we
welcome your feedback. Please let us know what we can do
better. Contact us at 215 348 1878, or
[email protected].
We’re nonprofit.
Princeton Garden Theatre
160 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542
609 279 1999 HOTLINE
215 348 1878 Administrative Office
PREVIEWS (92) JUNE 1, 2015
Princeton Garden Theatre LLC is a 501(c)(3) organization, registered in the State of New Jersey. Contributions are deductible to
the fullest extent of the law. The official registration and financial
information of Princeton Garden Theatre LLC may be obtained
from the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey by calling
800 242 5846 or online at http://www.state.nj.us. Registration with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement. Our
federal tax identification number is 46-5444212.
Be a member
of the nonprofit
Princeton Garden Theatre.
Show your support for the Garden by becoming a member of our
community theater. As a member, you will receive reduced (or free)
admission to all films and other events at the theater. Memberships and
gifts to the theater are tax-deductible (as described) and will be used to
make the theater a valued cultural asset. Join today!
Be a member of the
nonprofit Garden Theatre
The Princeton Garden Theatre is open to the
public. However, you can become a member
of the nonprofit Garden Theatre and show
your support of good films and a cultural
landmark and get a reduced ticket price.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the full
extent of the law. Your membership is valid
for one (1) year from your date of joining.
Checks payable to:
Garden Theatre/Renew Theaters, Inc.
Mail to: Princeton Garden Theatre
174 Nassau St., Box 211
Princeton, NJ 08542
Membership Cards will be mailed to you.
Basic Annual Membership
$50 Individual
$75 Couple/Dual
$40 Senior (62+)
$65 Senior Couple (62+)
$40 Student
Basic membership gives you:
• $6.00 admission to all Main films
• Family Benefit - Member’s children
under 18 may attend for $6.00
• Tax-deductibility
• $6.00 admission to Hiway, County,
and Ambler Theaters
• Membership admission prices
are subject to change
Sustaining Annual Membership
o $120 – Producer (one person)
o $110 – Senior Producer (62+) (one person)
Individual Producer (one person) receives 6 free
tickets + basic benefits
o $600 – Mogul
Free admission for one named member
+ 2nd named individual membership
with basic benefits
o $160 - Producer Couple
o $140 - Senior Producer Couple (both 62+)
Producer Couple receives 6 free tickets +
basic benefits
o $1,200 – Angel (Couple)
Receives free admission for two Angel
members + basic benefits
o $5,000 – Icon (Couple)
Receives free admission for two Icon
o $250 – Executive Producer Couple
o $220 – Senior Exec. Prod. Couple (both 62+) members + family + basic benefits +
one free private screening
Executive Producer Couple receives 12 free
tickets + basic benefits for couple
Join online at:
$___________Total Membership Fee
$___________Extra Gift
o My check is enclosed.
Make checks payable to:
Garden Theatre/Renew Theaters, Inc.
Please charge my:
Card Number: ______________________________________________________________Exp. Date___________________
o MasterCard o VISA
o Discover o AMEX
Main Attractions
What main films will play at the
Garden? This section lists the Main
Attractions that we intend to play in the
coming weeks. Additional unlisted films
will also become available. This list is
only an educated guess, though, since
film release plans often change.
When will these main films play?
Scheduling our Main Attractions is weekto-week. On Monday, we decide what
main films will play starting that Friday.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, we set the
showtimes for the upcoming week and
then update our website and telephone
hotline. We also send out a weekly email
(which you can receive by signing up
at our website). Sometimes, we book
a main film a few weeks in advance,
which we post on our website’s “Coming
Attractions” section.
For our latest Main Attractions plans,
visit: PrincetonGardenTheatre.org (Or
call our hotline at 609-279-1999.)
Me and Earl and
the Dying Girl
USA - 1 hr 44 min - Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
Greg, a high school senior with a penchant for low-budget filmmaking, is forced
by his mother to spend time with a classmate who has just been diagnosed with a
terminal illness. With the help of his best
friend Earl, he decides to make a film
as a tribute to his newfound friendship.
Praised for its humor and tenderness, this
acclaimed film won both the Grand Jury
Award and the Audience Award at this
year’s Sundance Film Festival.
Gemma Bovery
Mr. Holmes
United Kingdom - 1 hr 43 min - Bill
Venerated actor Ian McKellen plays the
iconic British detective Sherlock Holmes
in this updated take on Arthur Conan
Doyle’s classic character. In 1947, a
retired and aging Holmes reflects upon
his life, career, and the unsolved case
that led to his retirement. Also with
Laura Linney as Holmes’ housekeeper.
USA - 1hr 18 min - Paul Weitz
Lily Tomlin’s impeccable wit is in top
form in Paul Weitz’s exuberant, edgy
comedy. When her granddaughter
unexpectedly shows up with an
emergency that requires immediate
money, the two go on a journey that
rattles skeletons and digs up secrets.
Also starring Marcia Gay Harden.
Madame Bovary
USA - 1 hr 58 min - Sophie Barthes
Mia Wasikowska stars in this gorgeous
period adaptation of Flaubert’s classic
novel about a pretty, bookish country
girl who marries a dull doctor. When life
proves boring, she commences a series
of love affairs in the hope of ascending
the social ladder, but every step upward
only brings her closer to a devastating
fall. Co-starring Paul Giamatti, Olivier
Gourmet, Ezra Miller, and Rhys Ifans.
I’ll See You In My Dreams
USA - 1 hr 32 min - Brett Haley
Blythe Danner stars as a retired widow
and former singer whose tranquil
day-to-day routine begins to lose its
appeal. Following the death of her
beloved dog, she explores new paths
and relationships and experiences
a rejuvenated spirit in this uplifting
comedy. With an superb ensemble
cast including Rhea Perlman and June
The End of the Tour
USA - 1 hr 46 min - James Ponsoldt
A magazine reporter recounts his travels
and conversations with author David
Foster Wallace during a book tour.
Directed with humor and tenderness by
James Ponsoldt (The Spectacular Now),
THE END OF THE TOUR is surprising
and compelling as it seeks to uncover
Wallace’s troubled soul. Featuring
emotional performances from Jason
Segel and Jesse Eisenberg.
609 279 1999
Limited Engagements
We try to play each of our Main
Attractions films for a full multi-week
run. Sometimes, however, we are unable
to play a film in a timely or complete
way, and it becomes a question of either
squeezing it in or not playing it at all. We
then often schedule that film for a couple
of mid-week screenings, called Limited
Engagements. Make sure that you sign
up for our weekly email, so that you don’t
miss these short, last-chance screenings.
Mr. Holmes
The Hundred-Year-Old Man
Who Climbed Out of the Window
and Disappeared
Sweden - 1 hr 52 min - Felix Herngren
After a seasoned and thrilling life, a
100-year-old man escapes the confines
of his nursing home and finds himself on
yet another adventure. Based on the bestselling novel of the same title, this film
has become one of the most successful
Swedish films of all time.
The Wolfpack
USA - 1 hr 29 min - Crystal Moselle
This compelling documentary crafts a
portrait of an extraordinary family in
New York. Locked away from society and
home schooled in an apartment on the
Lower East Side, which they are literally
prohibited from leaving by their father,
the six Angulo brothers learn about the
outside world through the films that
they watch. Nicknamed the Wolfpack,
the brothers spend their childhood reenacting their favorite films. A unique
Gemma Bovery
France - 1 hr 39 min - Anne Fontaine
In English and in French with subtitles
Gemma Arterton glows as the title
character — a passionate young
Englishwoman whose dull married life
in a provincial Norman town steers her
towards adultery — in this charming
update of Flaubert’s Madame Bovary.
From French director Anne Fontaine
(Coco Before Chanel) and based on the
graphic novel from Posy Simmonds.
609 279 1999
Hollywood Classics
June 10 Wed 7:00
June 11 Thurs 7:00
The stars of Hollywood’s Golden Age return
to the silver screen every week this summer.
We’ve got a little bit of everything: comedy,
romance, action, suspense, and familyfriendly favorites. Whether you are enjoying
these classics for the first or thirtieth time,
seeing them on the big screen with an
engaged audience is the perfect way to spend
a summer evening. (And all these films have
been digitally restored for the best viewing
experience possible!)
Reduced admission for young patrons. Most
of these Hollywood Classics are good for any
age audience - and each film of the entire
Classics series is only $3 for patrons 18
years old or younger. Also, if you dress “in the
theme” of the movie - you get a free popcorn.
Plus some edgier choices. Not all of the films
in this series are classics from the Golden
Age. Some are edgier. They were not made
for the entire family. But they definitely were
made to be seen on the big screen. Are they
new classics in the making? You be the judge.
(We have included ratings, where available, in
the credits.)
Blue Velvet
1986 – 2 hr – color - R - USA – DCP
d: David Lynch - w/ Kyle MacLachlan, Isabella
Rossellini, Laura Dern, Dennis Hopper
In David Lynch’s unsettling tale of suburbia,
an investigation is launched after a young
man discovers a severed human ear in a
vacant field. With an all-star cast that includes
Kyle MacLachlan, Isabella Rossellini, and a
memorable Dennis Hopper, BLUE VELVET pries
open an alternate reality of dread and evil that
lurks just beneath the surface of everyday life.
Sony Pictures Entertainment has just completed a painstaking 4K
restoration of a number of Frank Capra’s classics. This summer
we are proud to share three of these memorable films with you: It
Happened One Night, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, and You Can’t Take
It With You. These heart-warming American gems helped define the
Golden Age of Hollywood.
Shadow of a Doubt
1943 - 1hr 48 min - b/w - USA - DCP
Universal - d: Alfred Hitchcock - w/ Teresa
Wright, Joseph Cotten, Macdonald Carey
Uncle Charlie travels to the sleepy town of
Santa Rosa under the pretense of visiting his
relatives. But his favorite niece soon begins
to suspect that her uncle is the Merry Widow
Murderer, setting in motion a deadly game of
June 24 Wed 7:00
June 18 Thurs 7:00
It Happened One Night
1934 - 1 hr 45 min - b/w - USA
DCP - Columbia - d: Frank Capra
w/ Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert,
Walter Connolly, Roscoe Karns
This early screwball comedy features
spitfire dialogue between Clark Gable
and Claudette Colbert. A spoiled rich
girl escapes from her millionaire father,
who wants to stop her from marrying
a worthless playboy. En route to New
York, she gets involved with an out-ofwork newsman. When their bus breaks
down, the bickering pair set off on a
comic hitchhiking expedition. New 4K
digital restoration!
All About Eve
1950 - 2 hr 18 min - b/w - USA - DCP - 20th
Century Fox - d: Joseph L. Mankiewicz
w/ Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders
Bette Davis and Anne Baxter tangle in this
brilliant drama about ambition and betrayal.
Davis is an aging Broadway actress and Baxter
is the young ingénue who works her way into
Davis’ life and begins to usurp her. In the
immortal words of Margo Channing: “Fasten
your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.”
June 25 Thurs 7:00
July 1 Wed 7:00
Pickup on South Street
1975 - 2 hr 4 min - color - USA - PG - DCP - Universal - d: Steven Spielberg - w/ Roy Scheider,
Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss
Join us as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of this unnerving classic. When a great white shark
terrorizes the townspeople of Amity Island, the police chief, a grizzled shark hunter, and an
oceanographer must set out to kill it. Director Steven Spielberg invented the summer blockbuster
with this thriller adapted from Princeton resident Peter Benchley’s novel.
1953 - 1 hr 20 min - b/w - USA - DCP - 20th
Century Fox - d: Samuel Fuller - w/ Richard
Widmark, Jean Peters, Thelma Ritter
An excellent Cold War film noir from a
master of the genre, director Samuel
Fuller. Hardboiled pickpocket Skip McCoy
accidentally steals a microfilm that contains
top U.S. secrets and finds himself on the run
from federal agents and communist spies
alike. A passionate and tightly woven classic
that’s bursting with tension.
July 2 Thurs 7:00
1942 - 1 hr 42 min - b/w - USA
DCP - Warner Bros - d: Michael
Curtiz - w/ Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid
Bergman, Claude Rains
The Bogart film of all Bogart films,
with nightclub owner Rick fighting
his cynicism to choose between
love and duty. Set in Morocco during
WWII, this treasure contains one
memorable scene after another, only
to be topped by one of the greatest
endings ever. Co-star Ingrid Bergman
simply glows on the screen. Don’t
miss our annual screening with an
appreciative packed house.
July 8 Wed 7:00
July 9 Thurs 7:00
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
1936 - 1 hr 55 min - b/w - USA - DCP
Columbia - d: Frank Capra - w/ Gary Cooper,
Jean Arthur
Frank Capra’s classic romantic comedy
starring Gary Cooper as Longfellow Deeds, a
small-town guy who unexpectedly receives a
huge inheritance from his uncle. Jean Arthur
plays a cynical reporter who dupes the naive
Deeds in order to write a series of mocking
newspaper articles about him. A lighthearted
morality tale, presented in a beautiful new 4K
digital restoration.
The Godfather
1972 - 2 hr 55 min - color - R - USA - DCP
Paramount - d: Francis Ford Coppola
w/ Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan,
Robert Duvall
One of the greatest American films ever, THE
GODFATHER is the compelling story of a mafia
family establishing itself in America. Featuring
legendary performances by Brando, Pacino
and a magnificent cast, brilliant direction by
Coppola, stunning cinematography by Gordon
Willis, and a memorable score by Nino Rota.
In addition to up-to-date movie listings
and information about upcoming films and
programs, the Garden Theatre website also
offers a quick and easy way to become a
Our weekly email update.
Sign up at our website and we’ll send you
our weekly email.
Join in the conversation.
Become a fan of the Garden Theatre on
Facebook and Twitter, or check out our blog
at RenewTheaters.org/blog
July 16 Thurs 7:00
July 15 Wed 7:00
Trouble in Paradise
1932 - 1 hr 23 min -b/w - USA - DCP - Paramount - d: Ernst Lubitsch - w/ Miriam Hopkins, Kay
Francis, Herbert Marshall, Charles Ruggles
TROUBLE IN PARADISE is a “caper comedy” from one of early Hollywood’s most respected directors,
Ernst Lubitsch. Herbert Marshall plays a notorious jewel thief who teams up with a pickpocket, played
by Miriam Hopkins, to con the owner of a perfume company - but the plan goes awry when romance
gets in the way. With all the wit and style that became known as “the Lubitsch touch”.
1958 - 2 hr 8 min - color - USA - DCP Paramount - d: Alfred Hitchcock - w/ James
Stewart, Kim Novak
VERTIGO is the crowning achievement of
Hitchcock’s artistry. Jimmy Stewart plays a
detective with a fear of heights who has a
powerful obsession with a young woman
played by Kim Novak. Great cinematography,
great action, great music, great filmmaking.
July 22 Wed 7:00
1946 - 1 hr 41 min- b/w - USA - HD Digital - RKO - d: Alfred Hitchcock - w/ Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains
This Hitchcock espionage thriller is dark and full of intrigue. Bergman plays a woman whose notorious reputation leads Grant to recruit her to spy on Nazis
in postwar Rio. There she soon finds herself in grave peril. In addition to extraordinary acting, NOTORIOUS features some memorable Hitchcock camera
July 23 Thurs 7:00
July 29 Wed 7:00
Shaken, Not Stirred:
James Bond Fest
Affiliated Membership Benefits
Being a member of any one of our sibling
theaters - the County, Ambler, Hiway, or
Princeton Garden - gives you reduced
admission at the others. It will also give you
additional opportunities to see more films on
the silver screen.
1964 - 1 hr 50 min - UK - color - DCP
d: Guy Hamilton - w/ Sean Connery
Connery was at the height of his powers as the
smooth and resourceful 007, here assigned
to prevent a notorious gold smuggler from
robbing Fort Knox. There’s sexy pilot Pussy
Galore, nasty henchman Oddjob, and a deadly
laser. Plus Bond’s super cool Aston Martin.
Join us for a special evening with trivia, games,
and giveaways. Dress as your favorite Bond
character to win prizes!
Duck Soup
1933 - 1 hr 8 min - b/w - USA - DCP Paramount - d: Leo McCarey - w/ The Marx
DUCK SOUP may be the most beloved of
all Marx Brothers films. Groucho becomes
dictator of the tiny country of Freedonia, but
a misunderstanding with the ambassador
of a bordering nation leads to war. The Marx
Brothers are at their crazy best in this raucous
political satire of spies and counterspies.
July 30 Thurs 7:00
Aug 5 Wed 7:00
You Can’t Take It With You
Double Indemnity
1944 - 1 hr 47 min - b/w - USA - DCP - Paramount - d: Billy Wilder
w/ Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson
Billy Wilder’s DOUBLE INDEMNITY is a defining film of the film noir genre. Fred MacMurray plays
an insurance salesman lured into murder and fraud by the seductive wife of a client played by the
incomparable Barbara Stanwyck. With a screenplay co-written by Raymond Chandler and adapted
from the James M. Cain novel.
Aug 6 Thurs 7:00
1938 - 2 hr 6 min - b/w - USA - DCP
Columbia - d: Frank Capra - w/ James
Stewart, Jean Arthur, Lionel Barrymore,
Edward Arnold
The final film in our Capra series, this romantic
comedy stars a young Jimmy Stewart as a
wealthy heir to his family’s company. While
courting Jean Arthur, he coordinates a hilarious
meeting between his family of rich snobs and
Arthur’s rather eccentric household. It’s pure
Capra, through and through.
Aug 12 Wed 7:00
42nd Street
The Third Man
1949 - 1 hr 33 min - b/w - UK - DCP
d: Carol Reed - w/ Orson Welles, Joseph
Cotten, Alida Valli
THE THIRD MAN is one of the greatest British
noirs of the post-war era. Pulp novelist
Holly Martins travels to shadowy, postwar
Vienna, only to find himself investigating the
mysterious death of an old friend. Featuring a
haunting zither score that lingers long after the
film’s viewing. Voted the #1 British Film of the
20th Century by the British Film Institute.
1933 - 1 hr 29 min - b/w - USA
DCP - Warner Bros - d: Lloyd
Bacon - w/ Warner Baxter, Bebe
Daniels, George Brent, Ruby
Keeler, Ginger Rogers
An early pioneer of the
backstage musical genre, which
still pops with the same energy
over 80 years later, 42ND
STREET is the most celebrated
of Warner Brothers’ Depression
Era musicals. Starring Ruby
Keeler as a naive chorus line girl
from Pennsylvania who gets her
big break the night before the
show’s opening.
Aug 13 Thurs 7:00
Aug 19 Wed 7:00
The Birds
1963 - 1 hr 59 min - color - PG13 - USA
DCP - Universal - d: Alfred Hitchcock
w/ Tippi Hedren, Rod Taylor
Alfred Hitchcock’s twisted and scary tale about
menacing birds that terrorize a small town.
The film’s pioneering use of special effects, as
well as the pure dread that Hitchcock created
from simply showing birds landing on a
playground, prove why he was rightly known as
the “Master of Suspense.”
Out of the Past
Aug 20 Thurs 7:00
Aug 26 Wed 7:00
Roman Holiday
1953 - 1 hr 58 min - b/w - USA - DCP
Paramount - d: William Wyler - w/ Audrey
Hepburn, Gregory Peck
In this delightful romantic comedy, Audrey
Hepburn makes her memorable movie debut.
Playing a princess who is trying to escape
the rules of royal life, she falls for a reporter,
wonderfully played by Gregory Peck. As the
two explore Rome, she must make a choice
between two possible lives.
1947 - 1 hr 37 min - b/w - USA - HD Digital - RKO - d: Jacques Tourneur - w/ Robert Mitchum,
Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas
Another moody noir classic starring Robert Mitchum, ensnared here by the beautiful, but very
calculating Jane Greer. After leaving the seedy life of a small-time private eye, Mitchum is pulled
back into trouble when his past returns to haunt him. Remarkable cinematography by Nicholas
Musuraca sets the brooding tone of fatalism that makes this extraordinary film so compelling.
Aug 27 Thurs 7:00
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Destry Rides Again
1939 - 1 hr 34 min - b/w - USA - DCP
Universal - d: George Marshall - w/ James
Stewart, Marlene Dietrich, Mischa Auer, Brian
George Marshall’s comedy Western features
Jimmy Stewart as Tom Destry, Jr., the son of
a famous lawman. After order breaks down in
the raucous town of Bottleneck, young Destry
is called in as the new sheriff. But he doesn’t
even pack a gun! Loaded with real action as
well as Stewart’s deft humor.
1981 - 1 hr 55 min - color - PG -USA - DCP
Paramount - d: Steven Spielberg
w/ Harrison Ford, Karen Allen
Steven Spielberg and George Lucas
resurrected the action serial with this film
featuring the celebrated archaeologist and
adventurer Indiana Jones. Indy is hired by the
government to locate the legendary Ark of the
Covenant, but soon finds himself up against
the entire Nazi regime.
Aug 30 Sun 12:30
Gone with the Wind
1939 - 3 hr 58 min - color - USA - DCP - Selznick International - d: Victor Fleming - w/ Clark
Gable, Vivien Leigh
This epic stars Vivien Leigh as self-absorbed, headstrong Scarlett O’Hara, a southern belle who
meets her match in Rhett Butler, played by Clark Gable. It’s a sweeping story that starts just as the
Civil War is breaking out. One of the most monumental of all Hollywood films, we are pleased to
present this on the big screen in a superbly restored digital version. With one intermission.
Sept 2 Wed 7:00
North by Northwest
1959 - 2 hr 16 min - color - USA - DCP - MGM - d: Alfred Hitchcock - w/ Cary Grant, Eva Marie
Saint, James Mason
The quintessential Hitchcock romantic-thriller, with bewildered businessman Cary Grant chased
across the country by both spies and the police. It contains one memorable scene after another –
including the drunken cliff edge drive, the United Nations murder, the crop-duster attack, and the
Mount Rushmore climax.
June 10 (Wed) 7:00
Blue Velvet
June 11 (Thurs) 7:00
Shadow of a Doubt
June 18 (Thurs) 7:00
It Happened One Night
June 24 (Wed) 7:00
All About Eve
June 25 (Thurs) 7:00
July 1 (Wed) 7:00
Pickup on South Street
July 2 (Thurs) 7:00
July 8 (Wed) 7:00
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
July 9 (Thurs) 7:00
The Godfather
July 15 (Wed) 7:00
Trouble in Paradise
July 16 (Thurs) 7:00
July 22 (Wed) 7:00
July 23 (Thurs) 7:00
July 29 (Wed) 7:00
Duck Soup
July 30 (Thurs) 7:00
Double Indemnity
Aug 5 (Wed) 7:00
You Can’t Take It With You
Aug 6 (Thurs) 7:00
The Third Man
Aug 12 (Wed) 7:00
42nd Street
Aug 13 (Thurs) 7:00
The Birds
Aug 19 (Wed) 7:00
Out of the Past
Aug 20 (Thurs) 7:00
Roman Holiday
Aug 26 (Wed) 7:00
Destry Rides Again
Aug 27 (Thurs) 7:00
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Aug 30 (Sun) 12:30
Gone with the Wind
Sept 2 (Wed) 7:00
North by Northwest
National Theatre Live
June 14 Sun 12:30
The Hard Problem
1 hr 40 min (no intermission)
Acclaimed playwright Tom Stoppard returns to
the National Theatre with his highly-anticipated
new play, directed by Nicholas Hytner. A young
psychology researcher at a neuroscience institute contemplates the troubling question: If
there is nothing but matter, what is consciousness? This ‘hard problem’ puts her at odds
with her colleagues, including her first mentor,
her boss, and the billionaire patron.
$18 General
$16 Members
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
June 17 Wed 7:00
June 28 Sun 12:30
Aug 9 Sun 12:30
A Little Chaos
Julie Taymor’s
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
UK - 1 hr 57 min - Alan Rickman
Join us for a special sneak preview presented
in conjunction with the Friends of Princeton
University Library and the Gardens of Versailles
exhibit. Alan Rickman directs and stars with
Kate Winslet in this period piece about two
talented landscape artists who become
romantically entangled while building a
garden in King Louis XIV’s palace at Versailles.
Also starring Stanley Tucci and Matthias
Free admission. Reservations required.
2 hr 24 min (no intermission)
Julie Taymor’s virtuosic stage production of
Shakespeare’s delightful play was filmed
last fall during its acclaimed run at the new
Polonsky Center in Brooklyn. This inventive,
immersive film captures the intimacy of the
performance through the use of hand-held
cameras placed amid the action onstage. It’s
visually breathtaking, funny, sexy, and darkly
$18 General
$16 Members
Exhibition on Screen
July 12 Sun 12:30
National Theatre Live
July 26 Sun 12:30
Sept 6 Sun 12:30
1 hr 37 min
Made in collaboration with Amsterdam’s Van
Gogh Museum, this film marks a major reshowing of the gallery’s collection on the 125th
anniversary of Van Gogh’s death. Experience
Van Gogh’s masterpieces on the big screen, in
high definition, while world-renowned curators
and art historians offer their interpretations and
explanations of his work.
Chiwetel Ejiofor takes the title role in this
dynamic new production of one of English
drama’s oldest plays, directed by the National
Theatre’s new Director Rufus Norris. One of
the great primal, spiritual myths, EVERYMAN
asks whether it is only in death that we can
understand our lives. A cornerstone of English
drama since the 15th century, it now explodes
onto the stage in a startling production with
words by Carol Ann Duffy and movement by
Javier De Frutos.
$14 General
$12 Members
$18 General
$16 Members
Vincent van Gogh
National Theatre Live Fall Preview
Royal Opera Fall Preview
La Boheme
Benedict Cumberbatch takes on the title role
of Shakespeare’s great tragedy. Compelled
to avenge his father’s death but paralyzed
by the task ahead, Hamlet rages against his
predicament, threatening both his sanity and
the security of the state. This eagerly awaited
production is directed by Lyndsey Turner.
2 hr 55 min w/ 2 intermissions
A lost key and an accidental touch of cold
hands in the dark – so begins one of the great
romances of all opera, told in vivid detail
in this classic production. Anna Netrebko
and Joseph Calleja star in John Copley’s
iconic production of Puccini’s masterpiece,
a staple at the ROH since 1974 and which
will be retired this year after this final set of
(Dates and times to be announced.)
(Dates and times to be announced.)
$18 General
$16 Members
$18 General
$16 Members
Exhibition on Screen
Aug 23 Sun 12:30
The Impressionists
1 hr 31 min
Parisian art collector Paul Durand-Ruel’s exhibited Impressionists paintings in New York in 1886
and introduced America to Monet, Degas, Cezanne, Renoir, and Pissarro. This energetic and
revealing film tells his remarkable story along
with that of the Impressionists themselves.
Featuring masterpieces from the Musée du
Luxembourg Paris, the National Gallery London,
and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
$14 General
$12 Members
Royal Ballet Fall Preview
Romeo and Juliet
3 hrs w/ 2 intermissions
A tragic tale of star-crossed lovers: Kenneth
MacMillan’s poignant setting of Prokofiev’s
score is a 20th-century classic. Shakespeare’s
timeless love story is set against a wonderful
evocation of 16th-century Verona, and includes
a bustling marketplace that erupts into a
violent sword fight, and a lavish ball held in an
elegant mansion.
(Dates and times to be announced.)
$18 General
$16 Members
I joined the Garden Theatre.
Now it’s your turn, pardner.
Be a member
of the nonprofit
Princeton Garden Theatre.
Show your support of the nonprofit
Garden by becoming a member.
As a member, you will receive
reduced (or free) admission to
all films and other events at the
theater. Memberships and gifts to
the theater are tax-deductible (as
described). Join today!
Thank you to our 1,943 members
(as of May 1st). We couldn’t
revitalize the Garden without your
support. Help us surpass 2,500
members by our 1st Anniversary on
July 4th by joining or renewing your
membership. Thank you!
I persuaded Rhett and Ashley to join the Garden Theatre.
Now it’s your turn.
arts Council of Princeton
summer Camps
Offering 11 weekly options for art enrichment
Register today!
aCP art fundamentals:
abC (art builds Character)
for ages 5-9: June 22 - September 4
Drama Camp
for ages 5-9: select weeks
June 29 - August 21
summer arts studios
for ages 10-12 and 13-16:
June 22 - September 4
Paul Robeson CenteR foR the aRts
102 Witherspoon St, Princeton
Register online, call or come in!
It’s worth crossing the Delaware . . .
TO BUCKINGHAM GREEN on Route 202, 6 miles south of New Hope, PA!
Silverman Gallery
215-794-4300 • www.silvermangallery.com
160 Nassau St., Princeton, NJ 08542
Please check your mailing label for the
expiration date of your membership.
It may be time to renew.
Previews 92G June - August 2015
Design: The Steve Williams Design Office, Pipersville, PA
Be a member of the nonprofit Garden Theatre.
Become a member of the
nonprofit Garden Theatre
The Princeton Garden Theatre is open to the
public. However, you can become a member
of the nonprofit Garden Theatre and show
your support of good films and a cultural
landmark and get a reduced ticket price.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the full
extent of the law. Your membership is valid
for one (1) year from your date of joining.
Checks payable to:
Garden Theatre/Renew Theaters, Inc.
Mail to: Princeton Garden Theatre
174 Nassau St., Box 211
Princeton, NJ 08542
Membership Cards will be mailed to you.
Basic Annual Membership
$50 Individual
$75 Couple/Dual
$40 Senior (62+)
$65 Senior Couple (62+)
$40 Student
Basic membership gives you:
• $6.00 admission to all Main films
• Family Benefit - Member’s children
under 18 may attend for $6.00
• Tax-deductibility
• $6.00 admission to Hiway, County,
and Ambler Theaters
Sustaining Annual Membership
o $120 – Producer (one person)
o $110 – Senior Producer (62+) (one person)
Individual Producer (one person) receives 6 free
tickets + basic benefits
o $600 – Mogul
Free admission for one named member
+ 2nd named individual membership
with basic benefits
o $160 - Producer Couple
o $140 - Senior Producer Couple (both 62+)
Producer Couple receives 6 free tickets +
basic benefits
o $1,200 – Angel (Couple)
Receives free admission for two Angel
members + basic benefits
o $5,000 – Icon (Couple)
Receives free admission for two Icon
o $250 – Executive Producer Couple
o $220 – Senior Exec. Prod. Couple (both 62+) members + family + basic benefits +
one free private screening
Executive Producer Couple receives 12 free
tickets + basic benefits for couple
• Membership admission prices
are subject to change
Join online at:
$___________Total Membership Fee
$___________Extra Gift
o My check is enclosed.
Make checks payable to:
Garden Theatre/Renew Theaters, Inc.
Please charge my:
Card Number: ______________________________________________________________Exp. Date___________________
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