December 2013 - Girl Scouts of Central Maryland


December 2013 - Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
In This issue:
Cookie Sale Extended
p. 4
Make a Difference, Adopt-a-Ghost
p. 7
Letter from the CEO: Council Service Fee
p. 2
Happy Holidays
As we look back on 2012: The Year of the Girl, we have
so much of which to be proud. This year, many of our
girls demonstrated the skills learned through the Girl
Scout Leadership Experience. They have helped make the world a better place.
The annual Girl Scout Cookie Program is not least among their efforts. By selling
cookies, girls put smiles on many faces—including those who rely on local food
banks to fill their cupboards and military personnel who willingly sacrifice
on behalf of our country’s safety and stability. At this time of giving we hope
that you will remember that Girl Scout Cookies make great gifts and stocking
stuffers. GSCM board member Judy McGovern has shared what she has done
with Girl Scout Cookies this holiday season. We hope you will follow suit and
give cookies to your favorite teachers, neighborhood firefighters, EMTs, police
and nurses. Girl Scout Cookies are a great way to say thank you for your service.
And, this year, you still have time to sweeten the holiday season with delicious
Girl Scout cookies because the sale has been extended until December 21.
1 VINE: Volunteer Information & News Electronically
Gift Giving that
Gives Two Ways
By Judith McGovern, GSCM Board Member
I am excited to share
with all of you that I just
purchased 920 boxes
of Girl Scout cookies as
holiday gifts for my clients
and employees. I decided that I would
provide them eight boxes of cookies
each, and GSCM even supplied me with
the boxes to package them. I have a
neighborhood troop going to the Council
to package up the cookies and insert
a holiday card for me. The best part is
that this troop is receiving credit for the
sale! I wanted to share my story because
Troop 1394 delivered Cookies from the Heart to Marines in time for the
Thanksgiving holiday. Which heroes will you honor with cookies?
A Message from the CEO, Traci Barnett
Dear Girl Scout members, families and volunteers,
I think we all agree that Girl Scouting and the Girl Scout Leadership
Experience provide invaluable benefits to our girls. In addition to
teaching girls a variety of skills, girls also have opportunities to explore
careers; visit new places both in the U.S. and abroad; mentor younger
girls and be mentored; exercise independence; participate in service
projects and earn awards, some of which enhance their educational
and career prospects­—and a host of other opportunities that are
unique to Girl Scouting.
As the premier leadership development
program for girls in the country, Girl
Scouts provides unique leadership
opportunities that are not available
through any other organization. Members
currently pay annual $12 membership
dues which go directly to Girl Scouts of
the U.S.A. (GSUSA). In 2013 the annual
membership dues will increase to $15
per member to assist our national
organization with increased costs. Here
at the local level, providing a premier Girl
Scout program also comes with a cost
attached—and that cost increases every
year. In 2012 the cost to provide Girl
Scouting in central Maryland was $191.44
per girl. While the Council does receive
funding for some of our programming,
over the last several years we have lost
funding from organizations like the United
Way and experienced decreases in
donations from corporate donors as a
result of the economic downturn. And,
as mentioned above, the $12 member
registration fee goes directly to GSUSA
to subsidize the support it provides to
Girl Scout Councils, staff and volunteers
across the country.
At the 52nd GSUSA National Council
Session in November 2011, Girl Scout
delegates from across the country
overwhelmingly approved the voluntary
implementation of a council service fee
for each girl member. That fee would
2 VINE: Volunteer Information & News Electronically
be added at the time of registration.
Delegates recognized the financial
realities and responsibilities of operating
a Girl Scout Council in today’s economy
and felt strongly that giving Girl Scout
councils the option to add a Council
Service Fee (up to $15 per girl member)
was necessary given the substantial value
of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Discussions on this topic were held at Girl
Scouts of Central Maryland’s (GSCM’s)
spring and fall 2012 Association Forums.
Feedback from the GSCM delegates
was taken into consideration and after
thoughtful deliberation, GSCM’s board of
directors voted to implement a Council
Service Fee of $7 at the October 23, 2012
board meeting. The additional income
from the council service fee will help
defray the costs of a myriad of Council
operating expenditures.
Please note: The $7 service fee will be
added to all girl registrations beginning
with the early bird registration period in
the spring of 2013. Adult members will
not be assessed the $7 council service
fee, only girls. Girls who receive financial
assistance to pay for their memberships
will also not be assessed the $7 council
service fee.
The council service fee will support
the operation of our Council in the
following ways:
• General operating expenses for all
Council properties, service centers,
and camps including utilities, insurance,
maintenance and capital expenses.
• Supporting technology initiatives such as
online registration and maintenance of the
GSCM website.
• Providing quality customer service and
training to the volunteers who help GSCM
deliver the Girl Scout program to 27,000
• Adequately protecting girls and adults by
providing liability insurance coverage for
all council approved events, activities and
non-Girl Scout facility use.
• Subsidizing year-round turn-key outdoor
experiences for girls.
• Processing and placement of girls in
various membership pathways.
The council service fee, along with
product sales, corporate and foundation
support, and gifts from families and
friends to the Annual Fund campaign
(SHARE), will give us the combined
resources needed to deliver Girl Scouts’
premier leadership program for girls.
We hope you understand and support
our decision to implement the council
service fee. We believe we owe our girls
the opportunity to, in a safe, nurturing
environment, learn new skills; make
new friends; and develop courage,
confidence and character so that they
can make the world a better place.
So many Girl Scouts before them
have—and I don’t want any girl to miss
the opportunity to do the same. The
council service fee provides a source
of sustainable and renewable income
that supports our Council in a way that
ensures the Girl Scout program will
remain strong and viable in our local
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Traci A. Barnett, M.B.A.
Chief Executive Officer
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 P: 410.358.9711 F: 410.358.9918
Frequently Asked Questions: Council Service Fee
Does the Council
Service Fee apply to
both girls and adults?
No, the Council Service Fee
(CSF) applies only to girl
registrations. The total cost
for girl participation including
annual membership fee and
CSF is $22.
Will financial
assistance be available
to cover the CSF?
Girls who receive financial
assistance will be exempt
from the fee since GSCM
covers the cost of their
annual membership dues
whether in part or full.
How will the new CSF
impact adults?
The CSF does not affect
adult membership. Adult
registration fee remains at $12
currently which will increase
at Early Bird registration time
in April 2013 to $15 per adult
Why don’t adult
members pay the CSF?
The CSF applies only to
girl members because our
service is to the girls. Welltrained adult volunteers are
part of the service we provide
to girls but the direct service
is delivered to the girls.
What, if any impact
will the CSF have on
lifetime members?
As lifetime membership is
only available to adults, the
CSF has no affect on lifetime
What benefits will
girls receive from the
Council Service Fee?
The CSF enables the council
to sustain and support
the Girl Scout Leadership
program for girls at the local
level. This fee also ensures
the quality of service to and
the safety of girls.
Why is the Council
Service Fee being
implemented at this
Economic realities face us
all, therefore councils need
sustainable income to ensure
the quality of service to and
the safety of girls. At the 52nd
National Council Session in
November 2011, delegates
were given the opportunity
to take action in response
to this issue. GSCM’s
Council delegates along with
delegates across the nation
voted to approve the CSF.
How was the amount
of the CSF decided?
The decision was made
by our Council’s Board of
Directors to implement
the CSF after feedback
was received from GSCM
Delegates. The fee was
3 VINE: Volunteer Information & News Electronically
determined based upon the
funds needed to serve each
girl, while keeping within the
parameters set by GSUSA.
The CSF can not exceed
GSUSA’s annual membership
When will the CSF take
affect and how will it
be collected?
The CSF will be implemented
for the 2013 membership year
beginning with the early bird
registration in spring 2013.
The CSF will be collected at
the same time as the annual
membership fee.
Is the CSF being
implemented in all Girl
Scout councils across
the country?
Each Council will make the
decision regarding timing
of implementation and the
amount of the fee based on
their budget needs.
Will the CSF cause
a decrease in girl
Girl Scouts of Central
Maryland ranks among
the highest nationally in
retaining girls from year to
year. Research indicates
finances are not a key factor
for girls leaving. Reasons girls
have provided for leaving
the organization include:
lack of time, too many
other commitments, the
lack of an adult volunteer
to facilitate the Girl Scout
Leadership Experience and
troop disbandment. GSCM
allocates resources to retain
girls from year to year and
we believe the CSF will not
significantly impact retention.
It is important to remember
that financial assistance will
still be available to qualifying
Will the CSF amount
change each year?
The amount of the CSF is
based on two factors: (1) The
maximum amount of the
CSF can be no more than the
annual membership fee set
by GSUSA and (2) A decision
by our Council’s Board of
How about transfers
from Council to
Council? Will you
charge the service fee?
At this time, if a girl transfers
from one Council to another,
the receiving Council will not
charge a CSF. If you plan on
moving, please contact the
Council so we can facilitate
your transfer.
Will there still be
an Annual Family
Yes. The CSF, along with
product sales, corporate and
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 P: 410.358.9711 F: 410.358.9918
Cookie Sale Extended to 12/21/2012
A huge thanks to the dedicated volunteers and girls who have worked hard to make their goals!
By popular demand, the cookie sale has been extended through December 21, 2012 which gives
girls one last chance to meet their cookie goals for the year. This means there is one last chance
to do world of good through the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
This is also the last chance for troops to re-evaluate how they intend to use their cookie money.
You now have time to do a little extra. The proceeds from a few extra cases could be put toward
Hurricane Sandy relief. A few more customers can learn about the Cookies from the Heart
campaign and who your troop intends to honor. Hometown heroes really deserve a free box of
cookies—and we have many heroes to thank!
This is also an opportunity to support girls striving to reach their individual goals or girls who
want to move to the next reward level. You can support them by taking this remaining time to
encourage them to reach their goals.
So let’s go! Council will also have cookies on hand during normal business hours. Make sure you
call to reserve your cases and check the Google maps for cupboard updates weekly.
Gift Giving That Gives Two Ways...continued from p.1
every year I spend money on some sort of holiday gift for my clients and employees, which they
appreciate, but I am certain that they will enjoy our delicious Girl Scout cookies even more!
To quote the GS website: “The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the
country. Girls set cookie goals to support their chosen activities for the year, to fund community
service and leadership projects, to attend summer camp, to travel to destinations near and far
and to provide events for girls in their community.”
I encourage each of you to consider purchasing cookies as gifts for your clients/business
associates. It’s a win-win for everyone! Happy Holidays to all of you!
Best Regards,
There are lots of great
GSCM programs coming
up over the next few
months. Use the events
calendar links below to
discover available program
Please note: New programs and events
are added all the time, so be sure to
visit the events calendar often!
4 VINE: Volunteer Information & News Electronically
Council Service Fee
Frequently Asked
from p. 3
foundation support and gifts
from families and friends to
the Annual Fund Campaign,
gives us the combined
resources needed to get to
the current $191.44 per girl
cost locally that is necessary
to deliver the premier
leadership program for girls.
What specifically will
the income from the
CSF support?
The CSF will support the
operation of our local
council, including general
operating expenses,
property improvements,
supporting technology
initiatives, providing
quality customer care and
service to our members,
initiating background
checks of volunteers and
staff, providing liability
insurance, providing outdoor
experiences for girls and
processing girl membership.
Click for December
Click for February
Click for January
Click for March
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 P: 410.358.9711 F: 410.358.9918
Still Open
Think you are too late to sell cookies?
It’s never too late to start.
Even though the initial order deadline has passed girls can still go
door-to-door selling cookies and set up in a cookie booth. The troop
can pick up all the cookies they will need at the GSCM Urban Program
& STEM Center or at one of the cookie cupboards. Please see below
for cupboard locations open through the December 21 extension.
Once you or your cookie parent has registered as an adult member and completed the
volunteer approval process all you need
to do to start your girls on the exciting cookie journey is:
Step 1: Open a troop bank account:
Click here to open a troop bank account.
Step 2: Fill out and complete the ACH banking form for cookies.
Click here for the ACH form.
Note: if you are unable to open a bank account in time for this year’s sale, you may pre-pay for your cookies or sign out
cookies for a booth sale at the GSCM Urban Program & STEM Center then you may pick up cookies at here or at a cookie
cupboard location. A T-10 form (cookie responsibility form) will need to be
signed to take goodies for booth sales.
Click here for
links and guides
Click here for tips
and hints from
the bakery.
Click here for info
about a great way
to sell cookies
and support your
community at
the same time!
Step 3: Fill out and complete the troop cookie manager
job description and agreement. This is your guide to how,
when and where to sell cookies, as well a as a guide to other
resources and information you may want.
Click here for information about the Troop Cookie Manager
Step 4: Attend cookie training. Trainings are performed in your
neighborhood by your service unit cookie manager, if you do
not have that person in place, trainings will be done by Council
staff. Training is an hour and will cover all the information you
need to sell cookies and much more.
Here are the Cookie
Cupboards that are open
through December 21, 2012:
# 9000
Baltimore County
GSCM Warehouse
8800-8804 Orchard Tree Lane
Baltimore, MD 21286
Rob & Karen Coppage
410.294.7694 cell
410.530.7574 cell
410.663.1830 home
[email protected]
[email protected]
# 9001
Baltimore County
Linkus Refrigeration Inc.
36 Alco Place
Baltimore, MD 21227
Rhonda Linkus
410.636.2704 (h) 410.493.4419 (cell)
[email protected]
Linda Grice
443.527.7207 (cell)
[email protected]
# 9003
Baltimore City
GSCM Urban Program &
STEM Center
4806 Seton Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
Terry Mercer
[email protected]
410.358.9711 extension 227
(during normal business hours)
Step 5: Get the girls and sell some delicious cookies!
5 VINE: Volunteer Information & News Electronically
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 P: 410.358.9711 F: 410.358.9918
Spring Schedule for Adult Learning
Click for
Be sure to visit our website for a listing of the upcoming trainings,
webinars, and workshops for this spring. Some dates are still pending, so
as sessions are added, they will be posted.
We have six opportunities for basic camp training this spring. If your
troop is planning to camp this fall, be sure to take advantage of one these
spring sessions. You should allow at least four meetings from when you
finish your training before you plan to camp with the troop to give you plenty of time to plan with
the girls.
New in January and February – grade level chats. If you’re new to your grade level and still
have questions, join the online webinar for your grade level and get some additional tips and
information beyond basic grade level training. Content will be based on your questions!
Adult Learning Survey
Take the Survey
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland offers a variety of adult learning
opportunities, including in-person trainings/workshops, home
studies and webinars for our volunteers. To help us plan future
offerings to meet your needs, please let us know what types of learning opportunities you would
like. We ask that you complete the survey by January 25, 2013. [Click here to tak the survey] Thank
you in advance for your help!
Mondawmin Mall Lock-In (New Website)
Mondawmin Mall Lock-In has a new website. Go to to register for
this event. Be sure to regiser by March 8, 2013. The lock-in is open for Girl Scout BrowniesAmbassadors and costs $20 for registered Girl Scouts and $32 for non-registered girls.
# 9004
Anne Arundel County
GSCM Warehouse
703 East Ordnance Rd
Suites # 605-607
Glen Burnie, MD 21226
John & Cindy Geskey
[email protected]
[email protected]
# 9005
Howard County
Hadley Residence
9307 Michaels Way,
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Joyce R. Hadley
[email protected]
# 9015
Harford County
Cooke Residence
207 Doncaster Road
Joppa, MD 21085
Sabrina Cook
[email protected]
Print your work at Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
Did you know Girl Scouts of
Central Maryland has A PRINT
THAT can help you with your
printing needs?
The GSCM Print Production Department can print up to 12x18 size sheets in
color or black and white. Contact the GSCM Print Production Department
today to learn about the many products and affordable services they offer by
e-mailing [email protected] or calling 410.358.9711, ext. 207.
When you print with Girl Scouts of Central Maryland’s
Print Production Department, you are helping to
support local Girl Scouts.
Special offer!
Get 15% off color print orders until December 21, 2012
To learn more, please contact [email protected] or call 410.358.9711, ext. 207.
6 VINE: Volunteer Information & News Electronically
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 P: 410.358.9711 F: 410.358.9918
Make a
for a soldier
By Kim Jillson
Cookie Mom, troop 307, Westminster
Make a Difference, Adopt-a-Ghost
Adopt-a-Ghost is a non-profit organization serving active military personnel
and their families. Heather Vahovich, East Coast Captain for the organization,
has many opportunities for Girl Scout troops to support the deployed including
distributing Girl Scout Cookies from the Heart donations, writing cards, making
care packages AND many, many more ways to support these heroes and their
loved ones.
If you or your troop would like to get involved with Adopt-a-Ghost, or would like
more information, please contact Heather at [email protected].
Volunteers, speak up!
You have the chance to share your views about volunteering with Girl Scouts
of Central Maryland. If you lead a troop, facilitate a camp, run a cookie depot
or do any of the countless other things to
help girls Discover, Connect and Take Action,
we want to know what’s working and what’s
Take the Survey
not and how GSCM can better support you
as a Girl Scout volunteer. We are sending
out a volunteer survey in early January, but
only to people who have registered (it’s free!) with Girl Scout Voices at www. If you haven’t already done so, register today to join the
online advisory panel giving opinions on Girl Scouting.
My older daughter (now a
former Girl Scout) and my
younger daughter’s troops
have both donated their
gift of caring cookies to
overseas military troops
over the years. My sisterin-law, who is active-duty
in the army and has served
two overseas tours, shared
this story with me from her
first tour in Iraq:
There was a barracks room
that got hit by a mortar that
blew it up in Iraq in 2005.
The soldier who lived in
that building had just gone
to get Girl Scout cookies
they were handing out. It
saved his life because he
was going to his room until
he heard about the free
Girl Scout cookies.
Girl members, too, should join Girl Scout Voices so they can share feedback
about their experience in Girl Scouting. We will occasionally send surveys
geared to specific levels of Girl Scout membership, so urge troop members to
register at As an incentive, we will give a special patch
to 25 of the first girl members who register!
7 VINE: Volunteer Information & News Electronically
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 P: 410.358.9711 F: 410.358.9918
GSCM Holiday
The following is the
holiday schedule for
Girl Scouts of Central
December 21 (noon)January 1, 2013
GSCM Urban Program
& STEM Center and
both Juliette’s Closet
locations will be closed.
Juliette’s Closet will
be closed all day
December 21.
Juliette’s Closet
Troop Flags
Place orders for Troop flags with us! Prices range from
$36- $75. Please contact us for more information.
Store Manager, Ericca Barnett
Troop Flags:
Order your troop flag
from the GSCM store.
Girl Scouts Give Back
December 3-15 Donate a winter accessory to the
less fortunate (gloves, scarves, hats even coats) and
receive a 10% discount on your entire purchase! Offer is
valid on all purchases.
Take a Journey
For a limited time, ALL Adult Journey Guides are just $10!
That’s a savings of $5! Hurry, because this offer ends on December 31! This offer is valid
on all purchases.
Happy New Year’s Blowout Sale
Jan. 2-12 Save up to 50% on already marked down merchandise. This could
be your last chance to purchase the 100 and 50 anniversary merchandise. Don’t miss
out! Be a part of history and be sure to purchase your anniversary collectables today.
Offer will be valid while supplies last. Offer is valid in store only.
A Thank You to Our Customers
Spend over $75 and get a free Limited Edition 50th Anniversary
Mug! All customers that purchase on the internet will have the complimentary mug
shipped along with their purchase. Limit one per customer. Offer will be valid while
supplies last. Offer is valid on all purchases.
Jan. 21-26 8 VINE: Volunteer Information & News Electronically
Juliette’s Closet
GSCM’s Urban Program
& STEM Center
4806 Seton Drive
Baltimore, MD 21215
410.358.9711 ext.202
Hours of Operation:
M-T-W-TH: 9 am-5 pm
FRI: 9 am-3 pm
SAT: 9 am-2 pm
Juliette’s Closet
Clementine Peterson
Activity Center
5042 Ilchester Road
Ellicott City, MD 21043
New Hours of Operation:
T-W-TH: 9 am-4 pm
FRI: 9 am-3 pm
SAT: 9 am-2 pm
Shop with us online
on your time
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Dr. Baltimore, MD 21215 P: 410.358.9711 F: 410.358.9918