PVP 2 - ES parama
PVP 2 - ES parama
LANDSCAPING FACULTY DEPARTMENT OF GARDENING AND AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES STUDY PROGRAMME: GARDENING TERRITORIES AND THEIR DESIGN (code) 653H93002 DALĖ EUGENIJA BULAVIENĖ, DONATAS KLIMAVIČIUS, AUDRONĖ JURKŠTIENĖ UPDATING MATERIAL OF STUDY SUBJECT PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY PRACTICE 2 TO SUPPORT THE PROJECT ‘INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ENGINEERING STUDY FIELD PROGRAMMES AND THEIR UPDATING BY CUSTOMIZING TO MEET COURSE DELIVERY NEEDS OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT THE LANDSCAPING FACULTY OF KAUNO KOLEGIJA/UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES‘ (VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-045) Mastaičiai 2012 Educational institution: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences Studies programme: Gardening Territories and their Design Study Subject Programme PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY PRACTICE 2 1. The Annotation. Systematics, morphological, decorative features and usage possibilities of main outside flowers are analysed in a programme. Principals of growing territories design as well as equipping and maintenance technologies are analysed. 2. The Aim of the Programme. To know and evaluate morphological, decorative features and usage possibilities of outside flowers. To know how to make designs of growing territories of different types, to choose the assortments of grass decorative plants for a particular growing territory as well as to organize their equipping and maintenance works. 3. The Length in Credits and Hours: Structure Study subject title Length in ECTS credits 1. Professional Activity Practice 2 Lectures, hours ECTS 3 Practical works, hours - 40 Consultatio ns, hours - Individu In total: al work, hours hours 40 80 Assessmen t Report of Professional Activity Practice 4. Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Agriculture, Information Technologies, a Foreign Language, Flowergrowing, Design, Equipping and Maintenance of Growing Territories, Drawing, Engineer Graphics, Fundamentals of Dendrology and Gardening. 5. Links between Learning Outcomes and Intended Study Subject Outcomes and Student Achievement Assessment Methods Intended learning outcomes 1. To evaluate and know the decorative and garden plants by analyzing their anatomy, morphology, systematics, bioecological characteristics and the newest growing technologies. 2. To know how to analyze and evaluate the interrelation of a man and created by him surrounding and nature from ecological, economical, aesthetical, etnocultural and social aspects when forming cultural landscape and designing gardening territories. Intended study subject (module) outcomes Study methods Student achievement assessment methods 1.1. To know outside flowers. 1.2. To evaluate the morphological, decoratie and bioecological characteristics of outside flowers. Identification, situation analysis, educational cognitive trip Presentation of professional activity of practice in verbal and writing 2.1. To analyze the assortments of different grass and woody decorative plants objects. 2.2. To evaluate the usage possibilities of grass and woody decorative plants. Cases analysis and educativecognitive trip. Verbal and written presentation of Professional Activity Practice report. 3. To know the principals, methods and means of landscape formation, gardening territories design and artistic composition. 4. To be able to perform geodesic measurements, gardening territories equipping and maintenance technologies as well as the principals ensuring actions management methods and quality. 3.1. To analyze the principals of gardening territories design and the pecularities of landscape formation. 3.2. To design the gardening territories of different types. 4.1. To know how to organize the works of gardening territories maintenance. 4.2. To be able to reconstruct the gardening territories. Cases and situations analysis, discussion, experts method, preparation of individual project Verbal and written presentation of Professional Activity Practice report. Cases and situations analysis, discussion, experts method Verbal and written presentation of Professional Activity Practice report. 6. Subject Study Plan: Contact hour number Seq. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Titles of key topics Annual and biennial flowers Perennial flowers Bulbous flowers Equipping of parterres Organizing the maintenance of spring gardening territories Design of catchment of gardening territories Preparation of a report (individual work). Presentation and discussion of specialization practice reports. Total number of hours for subject studies: Lectures - Practical works 4 8 4 4 Consultations - Total number of hours for study per topic 4 8 4 4 - 4 Individual work hours - 4 - 8 - - 8 - - - 40 40 - 8 - - 8 - 40 - 40 80 6. Subject study outcome assessment system: Individual Cumulative Index (IKI) Subjects of Professional Activity Practice: 1- Outside flower-growing (0.5); 2 – Design, equipping and maintenance of gardening territories (0.5). Assessment of separate subjects of Professional Activity Practice: IKI = 0.5 P + 0.5 S, where P - practice works, S – individual work (report) Assessment of Professional Activity Practice 2: IKI = 0.5 IKI (1) + 0.5 IKI (2) Mark and brief description of knowledge and abilities 10 (excellent) Excellent exceptional knowledge and skills 9 (very good) Strong good knowledge and skills Detailed description of knowledge, understanding and skills Topics are analyzed comprehensively and the text is very clear. The newest reference and other information sources are used. Understands and uses perfectly the concepts. Excellent topics analysis and data evaluation skills. Excellent presentation skills. Topics are analyzed very well. Understands very well the analyzed material and used concepts. Very good 8 (good) Better than average knowledge and skills 7 (averagely) Medium knowledge and skills, there are unessential mistakes 6 (satisfactory) Knowledge and skills (abilities) are lower than average, there are mistakes 5 (low) Knowledge and skills (abilities) meet minimal requirements 4 , 3, 2, 1 Minimal requirements are not met data evaluation skills. Very good performing quality and presentation skills. Topics are analyzed well. Knowledge and its application when solving practical problems is better than average . Understands and applies well the concepts. Good performing quality and presentation skills. Topics are analyzed averagely, there are some unessential mistakes. Main reference is used. The disclosure of topic is not successie. Understands and uses the concepts. Good performing quality and sufficient presentation skills. Topics are analyzed satisfactory. Knowledge is lower than average. Understands the conceptsconcepts satisfactorily. Got acquainted with main material. Satisfactory performing quality and presentation skills. Topics are analyzed scarcely. Knowledge meets minimal requirements. Satisfactory performing quality and presentation skills. Knowledge does not meet minimal requirements. Paper is partially plagiarized. 7. Attendance. The attendance of practical work sessions is compulsory. 8. Necessary Facilities and Learning Resources and their Brief Description: Collectional growing territory with outside flowers collections, exhibitions, Kaunas city gardening territories. Multimedia Reference and other information sources: Seq. No. Publishing year Information source (publication) author, title and identification number Publishin g location and house Kaunas College library Study Rooms Other libraries (a tick-mark shall mean availability of the source) Key Information Sources 1. 2003 JAKOVLEVAS – MATECKIS, Konstantinas. Miesto kraštovaizdžio architektūra. II dalis. 2. 2008 NAVASAITIS, Mindaugas. Medžiai ir krūmai parkams bei sodyboms. ISBN 978-9955-751-14-4 3. 1978 PETRULIS, J. Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra. 4. 2007 VAIDELYS, Jonas, et al. Gėlininkystė. [CD-ROM] ISBN 978-9955-27-051-5 5. 2006 VAIDELYS, Jonas; ir KLIMAVIČIUS, Donatas. Svogūninės ir kitos gėlės. ISBN 9955-27-002-0 6. 1997 7. 1995 VAIDELYS, Jonas; MAKŪNAS, Vaclovas; PRAKAPAITĖ, Genė. Daugiametės gėlės. ISBN 9986-09-155-1. VAIDELYS, Jonas; MAKŪNAS, Vaclovas; PRAKAPAITĖ, Genė. Vienmetės ir dvimetės gėlės Vilnius, ,,Technika ‘‘ √ √ Kaunas, Lututė √ √ Vilnius, ,,Mokslas‘ ‘ Mastaičiai, Želdinių ir agrotechno logijų katedra Kaunas, Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras Vilnius, „Margi raštai“ √ Vilnius, Valstybini s leidybos √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8. 1998 ISBN 9986-09-094-6. VAIDELYS, Jonas.Ūkio kraštovaizdžio tvarkymas: mokymo priemonė. ISBN 9986-524-24-5. centras Vilnius, Žiburio leidykla √ Additional Reading 1. 1991 BALIŪNIENĖ, Angelė; ir JUODKAITĖ, Regina. Tulpės. 2. 2006 3. 2005 4. 2008 5. 2003 6. 2010 7. 2011 8. 2008 9. 2011 BULAVIENĖ, Dalė, et al. Žalioji sodyba. ISBN 9955-708-00-X CHRISTENSEN, Alan – Jay. Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction. ISBN 0-7-144142-5.* VAIDELYS, Jonas; ir MISIŪNAS, Donatas. Dekoratyviųjų žolinių augalų sortimentas Lietuvos želdynams. ISBN 978-9955-27-5 RHS new Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers ISBN 978-1405300575* RICE, L.W.; RICE, R.P. Practical horticulture. ISBN 978-9955-27-5* BARANAUSKAS, G.; ZAKARAUSKAS, A.; VIZBULIS, D.; SABALIAUSKAS, R.; ANTANAVIČIUS, J. Kenkėjų kontrolės vadovas. ISBN 9786099526805 BYCZYNSKI, L.; The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower's Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers, Revised and Expanded. ISBN 9781933392653.* N. LEONARDI. Plans and Details for Contemporary Architects: building with color. ISBN 9780500342671* Periodical Publications 1. Цветоводство ISSN 0041-4905 2. Rasos ISSN 2029-1140 3. Sodo spalvos ISSN 1392-5849 4. Mano gėlynas ISSN 1648-4924 Aplinka: Darna. Atsakomybė. Apsauga. ISSN 2029-5375 6. Ландшафтный дизайн ISSN 47797 Online Information Sources 1. Online Landscape Architecture Degrees http://www.ehow.com 2. Designing and Planting a Garden 5. Vilnius, „Mūsų sodų“ žurnalo priedas √ √ √ √ √ MeGran – Hill, New York √ √ Kaunas, Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras c.Brickell √ Pearson AG Vilnius √ √ √ √ Chelsea Green Publishing √ √ √ √ Moskva Rosija Kaunas, Lietuva Vilnius, Lietuva Vilnius, Lietuva Vilnius, Lietuva √ √ √ √ Москва Россия √ √ √ √ √ Thames & Hudson √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. http://www.gardening.about.com/ Žurnalas ,,Rojaus sodai” http://www.rojaussodai.lt Žurnalas ,,Sodo spalvos” http://www.sodospalvos.lt Garden Design and Ideas http://www.gardendesigner.com/ Enciklopedia of flowers http://www.flowerdictionary.com/list.html Reference Library- Science-How Plants and Flowers http://www.kidport.com/.../Science/ * - reference for foreign students Subject Programme has been prepared by: lect. dr. Dalė Eugenija Bulavienė, assistant Audronė Jurkštienė and lect. Donatas Klimavičius Teacher coordinating the Subject: lect. dr.Dalė Eugenija Bulavienė LANDSCAPING FACULTY DEPARTMENT OF GARDENING AND AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES STUDY PROGRAMME: GARDENING TERRITORIES AND THEIR DESIGN (code) 653H93002 DALĖ EUGENIJA BULAVIENĖ, DONATAS KLIMAVIČIUS, AUDRONĖ JURKŠTIENĖ PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY PRACTICE 2 METHODOLOGY OF INDIVIDUAL WORK Mastaičiai 2012 The Aim of Individual Work Intended results of study subject Tasks of Individual Work Number of hours intended for Individual Work Topics Structure of report To prepare a report of Professional Activity Practice To identify outside flowers. To evaluate the morphological, decorative and bioecological pecularities of outside flowers. To analyze the assortments grass and woody decorative plants of different growing objects. To evaluate the usage possibilities of grass and woody plants. To analyze the principals of gardening territories design and the pecularities of landscape formation. To design the gardening territories of different types. To know how to organize the works of gardening territories maintenance. To be able to reconstruct the gardening territories. 1.To deepen the knowledge of flower-growing, equipping of gardening territories and maintenance matters by forming practical and individual work skills of students which are necessary when performing the tasks of Professional Activity Practice as well as analyzing and evalauting the achieved results. 2. To develop inforamtion sources and other material necessary for work performing usage abilities. 40 hours 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Annual and biennial flowers. Perennial flowers. Bulbous flowers. Evaluation of parterre assortment. Equipping of a parterre. Organizing the maintenance of spring gardening territories. Design of catchment of gardening territories. Front page Content Introduction Analyzed practice topics and their tasks Conclusions Information sources Annexes Methodological advice Requirements for practice report: 1. The analyzed goals are provided in the tasks of practice topics; 2. The reference of foreign and Lithuanian authors as well as other information sources are used, and its analysis necessary for the perfomrance of a concrete task is performed; 3. Conclusions are properly formed; 4. Practice report is written in good literary language; 5. Practice report is of proper format. The problem of individual work must be concretely and clearly formed as well as goals and tasks named in the introduction. In the part of analyzed practice topics, the solutions of formed in the task of practice goals must be provided. Conclusions is a significant part of practice report. Conclusions must be concrete, closely formed, correspond the tasks, aim and goals of topics. Performing of tasks during the practice, the analysis of proviedd in a report topics, conclusions and forming of work. Subjects of Professional Activity Practice: 1. Outside flower-growing . 2. Design, equipping and maintenance of gardening territories. Evaluation of Professional Activity Practice 2: IKI=0.5 IKI (1))+0.5 IKI (32) 10 (excellent) Topics are analyzed comprehensively and the text is very clear. The Excellent exceptional knowledge and newest reference and other information sources are used. Understands skills and uses perfectly the concepts. Excellent topics analysis and data evaluation skills. Excellent presentation skills. 9 (very good) Topics are analyzed very well. Understands very well the analyzed Strong good knowledge and skills material and used concepts. Very good data evaluation skills. Very good performing quality and presentation skills. 8 (good) Topics are analyzed well. Knowledge and its application when Better than average knowledge and solving practical problems is better than average. Understands and skills applies well the concepts. Good performing quality and presentation skills. 7 (averagely) Topics are analyzed averagely, there are some unessential mistakes. Medium knowledge and skills, there are Main reference is used. The disclosure of topic is not successie. unessential mistakes Understands and uses the concepts. Good performing quality and sufficient presentation skills. 6 (satisfactorily) Topics are analyzed satisfactory. Knowledge is lower than average. Knowledge and skills (abilities) are Understands the conceptsconcepts satisfactorily. Got acquainted with lower than average, there are mistakes main material. Satisfactory performing quality and presentation skills. 5 (low) Topics are analyzed scarcely. Knowledge meets minimal Knowledge and skills (abilities) meet requirements. Satisfactory performing quality and presentation skills. Assessment minimal requirements 4 , 3, 2, 1 Minimal requirements are not met Format of individual paper Knowledge does not meet minimal requirements. Paper is partially plagiarized. Font: Times New Roman, type of font: simple, font size: 12pt, format: A4, margins: top and bottom: 2 cm, left: 3 cm, right: 1.5 cm, the beginning of text paragraphs must be 1.5 cm from the left margin, space between lines must be 1.5 cm. Reference and other information sources: Seq. No. Publishing year Information source (publication) author, title and identification number Publishin g location and house Kaunas College library Study Rooms Other libraries (a tick-mark shall mean availability of the source) Key Information Sources 1. 2012 DEE, C. To Design Landscape. Art, Nature&Utility. ISBN 978-041558057* 2. 2011 HUTCHISON, E. Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Sketch to Screen to Site* 3. 2003 JAKOVLEVAS – MATECKIS, Konstantinas. Miesto kraštovaizdžio architektūra. II dalis 4. 2008 NAVASAITIS, Mindaugas. Medžiai ir krūmai parkams bei sodyboms. ISBN 978-9955-751-14-4 5. 1978 PETRULIS, J. Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra. 6. 2003 RHS new Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers. ISBN 978-14055300575* 7. 2009 TICHMARCH, A. How to Garden: Garden Design. ISBN 978-1-84-6073977* 8. 2007 VAIDELYS, Jonas, et al. Gėlininkystė. [CD-ROM] ISBN 978-9955-27-051-5 9. 2006 VAIDELYS, Jonas; ir KLIMAVIČIUS, Donatas. Svogūninės ir kitos gėlės. ISBN 9955-27-002-0 10. 1997 11. 1995 12. 1998 VAIDELYS, Jonas; MAKŪNAS, Vaclovas; PRAKAPAITĖ, Genė. Daugiametės gėlės. ISBN 9986-09-155-1. VAIDELYS, Jonas; MAKŪNAS, Vaclovas; PRAKAPAITĖ, Genė. Vienmetės ir dvimetės gėlės ISBN 9986-09-094-6. Ūkio kraštovaizdžio tvarkymas: mokymo priemonė. Sudarytojas J.Vaidelys. ISBN 9986524-24-5. √ √ Vilnius, ,,Technika ‘‘ √ √ Kaunas, Lututė √ √ Vilnius, ,,Mokslas‘ ‘ C.Brickell √ √ Mastaičiai, Želdinių ir agrotechno logijų katedra Kaunas, Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras Vilnius, „Margi raštai“ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Vilnius, Valstybini s leidybos centras Vilnius, Žiburio leidykla √ √ √ Vilnius, √ √ √ √ Additional Reading 1. 1991 BALIŪNIENĖ, Angelė; ir JUODKAITĖ, Regina. Tulpės. 2. 2006 BULAVIENĖ, Dalė, et al. Žalioji sodyba. ISBN 9955-708-00-X 3. 2005 4. 2008 5. 2004 CHRISTENSEN, Alan – Jay. Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction. ISBN 0-7-144142-5* VAIDELYS, Jonas; ir MISIŪNAS, Donatas. Dekoratyviųjų žolinių augalų sortimentas Lietuvos želdynams. ISBN 978-9955-27-5 WOLF, Rosa. Sodo augalai: žinynas. ISBN 9955-08-454-5 Periodical Publications 1. Цветоводство ISSN 0041-4905* 2. Rasos ISSN 2029-1140 3. Sodo spalvos ISSN 1392-5849 4. Mano gėlynas ISSN 1648-4924 Aplinka: Darna. Atsakomybė. Apsauga. ISSN 2029-5375 6. Ландшафтный дизайн ISSN 47797* Online Information Sources 1. Online Landscape Architecture Degrees http://www.ehow.com 2. Designing and Planting a Garden http://www.gardening.about.com/ 3. Žurnalas ,,Rojaus sodai” http://www.rojaussodai.lt 4. Žurnalas ,,Sodo spalvos” http://www.sodospalvos.lt 5. Garden Design and Ideas http://www.gardendesigner.com/ 6. Enciklopedia of flowers http://www.flowerdictionary.com/list.html 7. Reference Library- Science-How Plants and Flowers http://www.kidport.com/.../Science/ 5. „Mūsų sodų“ žurnalo priedas Vilnius, ,,Valstieči ų laikraštis“ MeGran – Hill, New York √ √ √ √ Kaunas, Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras Vilnius, ,,Alma littera“ √ √ √ √ √ Москва, Россия √ Kaunas, Lietuva Vilnius, Lietuva Vilnius, Lietuva Vilnius, Lietuva √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Москва Россия √ √ √ 1 LANDSCAPING FACULTY DEPARTMENT OF GARDENING AND AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES STUDY PROGRAMME: GARDENING TERRITORIES AND THEIR DESIGN (code) 653H93002 AUDRONĖ ONA JURKŠTIENĖ PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY PRACTICE 2 METHODOLOGY OF INDIVIDUAL WORK (REPORT) OF DESIGN, EQUIPPING AND MAINTENNACE OF GARDENING TERRITORIES Mastaičiai 2012 A. Jurkštienė PVP 2, Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra 2 The Aim of Work: to deepen the knowledge and skills of a subject by analyzing the situation in the gardening territories of different kind by making and individually drawing gardening territories designs, to solidify practical skills gained during the educational practice. Main Tasks of Individual Work: 1. To make and draw a sketch of catchment park plan of A2 page format. To divide the territory of the park into activity zones, to mark in arbitrary signs the elements of small architecture, parterres, groups of woody plants and individual plants; 2. To fill in a table of maintenance works of spring gardening territories; 3. To fill in a table of equipping works of a parterre; 4. To prepare a text of a report according general requirements of studies writing papers text and format. To prepare a design according the indications of practice lecturer and the requirements of technical drawing. To put the performed tasks into PVP 2, ‘Design, equipping and maintennace of gardening territories‘ report folder. Number of hours intended for Individual Work: 20 hours Expected outcomes: 1. Will develop general, personal and cognitive skills; 2. Will deepen the knowledge in the field of parterre equipping technology; 3. Will widen and deepen experience when making and drawing a design of recreational purpose gardening territory; 4. Will get acquainted with a variety and specifics of maintenance works of spring gardening territories. STRUCTURAL PARTS OF PAPER INTRODUCTION. The introduction deals with a short description of the significance of practical work and the actuality of topics. The aim of practice and main tasks are indicated. II METHODOLOGY OF WORK PERFORMING. Individual work is performed every day on the basis of the gained and performed tasks. In the place of practice performing, the tasks are corrected, means of work and works performing methodology are discussed. Performed works are described in chronological order and the proceeding of every day performed tasks is shortly decribed provided that when correcting a concrete task it was not intended otherwise. When performing the analysis of parterre equipping technology, the following research methods are used: observation, case analysis, A. Jurkštienė PVP 2, Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra 3 photofixation and situation discussing. Other works are performed when applying the creative, project, individual research and practical methods. III ANALYSIS OF GATHERED MATERIAL. The gathered data is analyzed. On the basis of the performed works and the results of the performed analysis, the necessary drawings are made, the provided in practice tasks tables are filled as well as necessary calculations are performed. Gathered digital photomaterial is used for supplementing of textual report and illustration of the performed analysis as well as to ground the statements and conclusions. IV SUMMARIZING AND CONCLUSIONS OF PAPER. Generalization and conclusions of individual work are performed in the subsequence order of the settled tasks. All performed works and achieved results are named and suggestions are provided. Conclusions are connected with aims. V INFORMATION SOURCES. In information sources, a list of studied and used for work performing reference are given. WORK PROCEEDING Individual tasks are performed every day, they are the continuation of practice tasks. Work consists of two parts. In the first part, students work with a lecturer; all group or individual small groups perform practical tasks of that day. In the second part, students work individually. The proceeding of nidividual work is discussed every day in a place of practice by performing the tasks with a lecturer. PROCEEDING OF INDIVIDUAL WORKS Name of practical task and proceeding of individual work task performing Equipping of parterres: A table of parterre equipping technology is filled in. Design of catchment gardening territory: A sketch of catchment park plan in A2 page format is made and drawn. In the territory of park, a site for community gatherings, individual children playing grounds for different age groups, zones for port equipment as well as site for a calm rest are marked. Separate zones are connected by paths system. Small architecture elements, parterres, groups of woody plants and individual plants are marked with arbitrary signs. Organizing of spring gardening territories maintenance A table of spring gardening territories maintenance works is filled. Bounded individual paper (report) is provided at the determined time to the lecturer of practice work. PAPER FORMAT A. Jurkštienė PVP 2, Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra 4 When writing and individual work, it is necessary to follow the requirements of record-keeping. The following requirements for a text of explanatory writing of individual work are set: font - Times New Roman; format – paper is written on one side of a white page of A4 format (210 x 297) ; recommended margins: top margin – 2 cm, bottom margin – 2 cm, left margin – 3 cm, right margin – 1.5 cm; the beginning of text paragraphs must be 1.5 cm from the left margin (Format/Tabs/ Tab stop position); space between the lines must be 1.5 (1.5 Space). Structure of paper: front page; title page; content; introduction; methodology of work performing; analysis of gathered amterial, generalizing and conclusions of paper; information sources and reference; graphical part (drawings). REFERENCE AND OTHER INFORMATION SOURCES: Seq. No Publishing year Author and name of information source (periodical) Number of copies Publishing location * In a library of Kaunas College In Study Rooms In other libraries Key Information Sources: 1. 1994 2. 2009 3. 1974 4. 1998 CROWE, Silvia. Garden Design. ISBN 1 870673 08 5* MILLER, L. B. Parks, Plants, and People. Beautifying the Urban Landscape. ISBN 978-0-393-73203-0* TAURAS, Antanas. Landšafto architektūra kaime. ISBN – nėra VAIDELYS, Jonas, et al. Ūkiokraštovaizdžiotvarkymas. ISBN London, Garden Art Press √ √ New York. London √ √ Vilnius √ √ Vilnius √ √ A. Jurkštienė PVP 2, Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra 5 5. 9986-524-24-5 PETRULIS, J. Þeldynø projektavimas, árengimas ir prieþiûra. 1978 Vilnius ISBN nëra Additional Reading: 1. 2005 2. 2005 3. 2004 BATH, Jane. The Landscape Design: Answer Book. ISBN 1-59186-250-7* CHRISTENSEN, Alan – Jay. Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction. ISBN 0-7-144142-5* MISIUS, Romualdas. Mažoji kiemo architektūra. ISBN 9955-416-81-5 HUTCHISON, Edward. DrawingforLandscapeArchitecture. Sketch to ScreentoSite. ISBN 978-0-500-34271* 4 2011 4. Cool Spring Press Nashville, (US) √ √ MeGran –Hill, New York √ √ Kaunas √ √ London √ Periodical Publications Aplinka: Darna. Atsakomybė. Apsauga. ISSN 2029-5375 Landscape Architecture ISSN 0023-8031* Sodospalvos ISSN 1392-5849 4. 5. 6. Vilnius, Lietuva Washington, USA √ √ Vilnius, Lietuva √ √ Online Information Sources Garden Design and Ideas http://www.gardendesigner.com/* The Free Enciclopedia http://www.wikipedia.org/* 1. 2. * - reference for foreign students. ASSESSMENT OF WORK Evaluation 10 (excellent) 9 (very good) Description of criteria Performs perfectly complicated nonstandard tasks of individual works. Perfect and exceptional practical and individual works and drawings performing quality when applying in drawing, engineer graphics, flower-growing and dendrology studies gained knowledge. Excellent expression and presentation skills. Understands well, what and why he does. Performs easily complicated typical tasks of individual works. Very good practical and individual works and drawings performing quality. Very good expression and presentation skills. Understands what methods and techniques he applies and why. 8 (good) Performs correctly individual works tasks of average complexity and more complicated ones. Good practical and individual works and drawings performing quality. A. Jurkštienė PVP 2, Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra 6 Good expression and presentation skills. Knows what methods and techniques to be applied. 7 (averagely) 6 (satisfactorily) 5 (low) Unsatisfactoril y Knowledge is applied following the given examples when performing the tasks of gardening territories design practical works. Good practical and individual works and drawings performing quality. Performs correctly the tasks of average complexity. Satisfactory expression and presentation skills. Satisfactory practical and individual works and drawings performing quality. Knows how to behave according the analogy. Performs correctly easy tasks of practical and individual works but does not understand more complicated ones. Satisfactory expression and presentation skills. Minimal satisfactory abilities of problems solving following the examples and performing practical and individual works as well as drawings making tasks of gardening territories design. Knows how to act according the provided analogy and performs at least half of practical and individual works tasks. Expression and presentation skills are satisfactory. Abilities do not meet minimal requirements when performing practical and individual works tasks of gardening territories design. In a general, cummulative evaluation of a subject (IKI), individual work (S) makes 50 per cent. Prepared by Audronė Ona Jurkštienė A. Jurkštienė PVP 2, Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra LANDSCAPING FACULTY DEPARTMENT OF GARDENING AND AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES STUDIES PROGRAMME: GARDENING TERRITORIES AND THEIR DESIGN (code) 653H93002 OF PUBLIC COMPANY KAUNO KOLEGIJA / UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY PRACTICE 2 TASKS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF PRACTICAL WORKS lect. dr. Dalė Bulavienė Tutoress Prepared by lect. dr.Dalė Bulavienė, assist. Audronė Jurkštienė, lect. Donatas Klimavičius Mastaičiai 2012 Educational institution: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences Studies programme: Gardening Territories and their Design Subject: Professional Activity Practice 2 PRACTICAL WORK NO 1 TOPIC: : ANNUAL AND BIENNIAL OUTSIDE FLOWERS Intended for 4 hours 1. The Aim of Practical Work: to be able to identify and evaluate anual and biennial outside flowers. 2. Goals of Practical Work: 2.1. To identify main anual outside flowers. 2.2. To identify main biennial outside flowers. 2.3. To be able to evaluate the decorative features of flowers and their application possibilities. 3. Innovative methods used for the performing of Practical Work: identification, situation analysis. 4. Assessment of Practical Work: students must perform the indicated in Practical Work tasks. The Assessment of achievements is threshold 5 (low) – tasks are performed in low level, knowledge meets minimal requirements. The quality of tasks performing is satisfactory. Student applies the knowledge to solve simple practical problems. Place of practice performing: A collectional outside flowers growing area of Landscaping faculty, parterres of the faculty, Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas Botanical Park. Information. Best acclimatized in a particular place, easily and quickly breeding and distinguishing by their exceptional decorative features flowers are called main annual flowers. Annual flowers live for one year. In different countries main annual flowers differ and it depends not only the assortment conditioning reasons but on the customs of a country as well. In Lithuania, the following annual flowers are common: China Asters, Aages, Antirrhinums, Blue Minks, Marigolds, Godetias, Nasturtiums, etc. Biennial flowers are blooming and reproducing in the second year flowers. Part of biennial flowers can start blooming in the first year of sowing (violas, daisies), the others do not die in hte second year and vegetate further (Rose Mallow, Daisy, Clove and Sweet William). A concept of the age and decorative features of the flower should be distinguished. The decorative features of annual flowers usually coincide with the age of a flower because these flowers live for one year. Biennial flowers are decorative in the second growing year when they start blooming. Different factors determine the possibilities of the adaptation of a flower in parterres. A higher value have flowers which are more widely adapted and can grow in different conditions and they are comfortable to fit with many other flowers. Many biennial flowers bloom in spring and at the beginning of summer when annual flowers do not blossom and biennial flowers blossom little. For this reason, these flowers are acceptable very much in spring parterres. The following biennial flowers are grown in Lithuania: Clove and Sweet William, Canterbury Bells, Pansy, Alp and Forest Forget-me-not, High Rose Mallow, English Daisy. Work proceeding: 1. A description of a practical tool is read. 2. A list of annual and biennial flowers is made in the place of Practical Work performing. 3. Annual and biennial flowers are identified in the place of Practical Work performing. 4. Morphological and household features as well as their application possibilities are evaluated according the indications in the methodological part of educational book ‘Flower-growing practical tool‘. 5. Obtained data is written in table 1. Table 1 Annual and biennial outside flowers English and botanical name of a plant Height of the plant cm General decorative features (in points) Duration of blooming Tasks of work are corrected in the place of Practical Work performing. REVISION QUESTIONS: 1. What do we call main annual flowers? 2. What analyzed annual flowers are high? 3. What analyzed annual flowers have the most decorative blooms? 4. What analyzed biennial flowers are the most decorative? 5. What analyzed flowers start blosoom earlier? 6. What parterres can the annual flowers be adapted in? REFERENCE Application possibilities (application positions should be named) 1.VAIDELYS, Jonas; MAK8NAS, Vaclovas; ir PRAKAPAITĖ, Genė. Vienmetės ir dvimetės gėlės. Vilnius, 1995. ISBN 9986-09-094-6. 2. VAIDELYS, Jonas; ir MISIŪNAS, Donatas. Vienmetės ir dvimetės gėlės.[CD-ROM]. Mastaičiai: Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras, 2006. ISBN 978-9955-27-039-3. 3.VAIDELYS, Jonas, et al. Gėlininkystė [CD-ROM]. Mastaičiai: Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras, 2006. ISBN 978-9955-27-051-5. 4. VAIDELYS, Jonas; ir MISIŪNAS, Donatas. Dekoratyviųjų žolinių augalų sortimentas Lietuvos želdynams. Mastaičiai: Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras, 2008. ISBN 978-9955-27-5. 5. RHS new Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers, 2003.ISBN 978-14055300575. 6. Цветоводство ISSN 0041-4905. 7. Rasos ISSN 2029-1140. 8. Sodo spalvos ISSN 1392-5849. Educational institution: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences Studies programme: Gardening Territories and their Design Subject: Professional Activity Practice 2 PRACTICAL WORK NO 2 TOPIC: : PERENNIAL OUTSIDE FLOWERS Intended for 8 hours 1. The Aim of Practical Work: to be able to identify and evaluate perennial outside flowers. 2. Goals of Practical Work: 2.1. To identify perennial outside flowers. 2.2. To be able to evaluate the decorative features of flowers and their application possibilities. 3. Innovative methods used for the performing of Practical Work: identification, situation analysis and educational cognitive trip. 4. Assessment of Practical Work: students must perform the indicated in Practical Work tasks. The Assessment of achievements is threshold 5 (low) – tasks are performed in low level, knowledge meets minimal requirements. The quality of tasks performing is satisfactory. Student applies the knowledge to solve simple practical problems. Place of practice performing: A collectional outside flowers growing area of Landscaping faculty, parterres of the faculty, Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas Botanical Park. Information. More than two seasons living flowers are called perennial flowers. These flowers are of various species. They come from different continents, thus, they grow and develop in very different ways. Vegetation of perennial flowers is very different. Short-age flowers live for 3-4 years, longage flowers live for7 and more years. There are perennial flowers living for 20 and more years. For 5-6 years, flowers of intermediate type vegetate. The age of perennial flowers do not coincide with a period of prevailing of decorative features. They are decorative for by a long way shorter time. Perennial flowers are not equally light, nutritious elements of soil, humidity of soil demanding. The following perennial flowers are prevailing in gardening territories: Orpines, Irises, perennial Asters and Pinks, Max Chrysanthemums, Hostas, Primroses, Common Garden peonies, Green Rues, Hybrid goldenrods, etc. When designing the parterres, it is necessary to pay attention to the height of a flower, time and duration of blossom, colour of blooms and leaves as well as longevity. Combinations of perennial parterres must be chosen very accurately because these parterres are designed for several years. Perennial flowers are reproduced in seeds and vegetatively. Work proceeding: 1. A description of a practical tool is read. 2. A list of perennial flowers in Lithuanian is made in the place of Practical Work performing. 3. Perennial flowers are identified in the place of Practical Work performing. 4. Morphological and household features as well as their application possibilities are evaluated according the indications in the methodological part of educational book ‘Flower-growing practical tool‘. 5. Obtained data is written in table 1. Table 1 Perennial outside flowers English and botanical name of a plant Height of the plant cm General decorative features (in points) Duration of blooming Application possibilities (application positions should be named) Tasks of work are corrected in the place of Practical Work performing. REVISION QUESTIONS: 1. What do we call perennial flowers? 2. What analyzed perennial flowers are high? 3. What analyzed perennial flowers have the most decorative blooms? 4. What analyzed perennial flowers are the most decorative? 5. What analyzed flowers start blooming earlier? 6. What analyzed perennial flowers have the widest adaptation possibilities? REFERENCE 1. VAIDELYS, Jonas, et al. Gėlininkystė [CD-ROM]. Mastaičiai: Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras, 2006. ISBN 978-9955-27-051-5. 2. VAIDELYS, Jonas; ir MISIŪNAS, Donatas. Dekoratyviųjų žolinių augalų sortimentas Lietuvos želdynams. Mastaičiai: Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras, 2008. ISBN 978-9955-27-5. 3. RHS new Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers, 2003. ISBN 978-14055300575 3. Цветоводство ISSN 0041-4905. 4. Rasos ISSN 2029-1140. 5. Sodo spalvos ISSN 1392-5849. Educational institution: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences Studies programme: Gardening Territories and their Design Subject: Professional Activity Practice 2 PRACTICAL WORK NO 3 TOPIC: BULBOUS FLOWERS OF SPRING BLOSSOM Intended for 4 hours 1. The Aim of Practical Work: to get acquainted with the variety, classification and species of bulbous flowers. 2. Goals of Practical Work: 2.1. To identify bulbous flowers of spring blossom. 2.2. To know the classification of tulips. 2.3. To know the classification of narcissuses. 2.4. To know how to describe the species of tulips. 2.5. To identify small bulbous flowers of spring blossom. 3.3. Innovative methods used for the performing of Practical Work: identification, situation analysis and educational cognitive trip. 4. Assessment of Practical Work: students must perform the indicated in Practical Work tasks. The Assessment of achievements is threshold 5 (low) – tasks are performed in low level, knowledge meets minimal requirements. The quality of tasks performing is satisfactory. Student applies the knowledge to solve simple practical problems. Place of practice performing: A collectional outside flowers growing area of Landscaping faculty, parterres of the faculty, Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas Botanical Park. Information: Bulbous flowers of spring blossom are the following: tulips, hyacinths, Camas, Glory-of-the-snow, endimions, snowflakes, Loddon Lilies, Sun Stars, Muscaris, Puschkinias, narcissuses and Bluebells. Florists classify bulbous flowers into large and small. Tulips, hyacinths and narcissuses are attributed to a group of large bulbous flowers. Snowflakes, Muscaris, Bluebells, Glory-of-the-snow, Loddon Lilies and Puschkinias are attributed to a group of small bulbous flowers. It is impossible to determine an exact number of derived species of tulips so far. A systematic classification of species was started in 1913 in England. The classification of tulips was again and again corrected. At this moment, a classification including 15 groups is followed. (Baliūnienė A.,Juodkaitė R. Tulpės. V., 1991.). Tulips and narcissuses are most widely grown. The variety of species and breeds of tulips is very large, thus, it is often not easy to determine which species are the most beautiful and the best. The most suitable should be considered less vulnerable to viruses and reproducing well tulips. For example, Darvin‘s Hybrids, Foster‘s and Greig‘s groups species. For growing of territories, Kaufman‘s and tulips of other species are better. From other groups, Triumph tulips are more valuable because they are in comparison less vulnerable to viruses, multicolourful, have strong pedicles, are suitable for growing of territories, bouquets and can blossom in winter. A registry of narcissuses is periodically looked through, new species are added and the old and of no value ones are deleted. About 200 species are registered every year. According nowadays classification, narcissuses are classified into 12 groups. There isn‘t a detailed classification of hyacinths species and registries provide only single and double blooms species. Camas is a perennial bulbous plants of liliaceous family. They blossom in May – June. A white snowflake is prevailing in Lithuania. They start blossom just after the snow melts. Work proceeding: 1. A description of a practical tool is read. 2. A classification of tulips and narcissuses learnt during theoretical lessons is repeated. 3. Species of tulips are identified in a place of practice performing. 4. 1-2 species of every garden tulips group is described. 5. Obtained data is written in table 1. 6. Small bulbous outside flowers are identified in a place of practice performing. 7. Obtained data is written in table 2. Table 1 Group/ Name of specy Height of the plant in cm Species of tulips Length of a bloom in cm Shape of a bloom Colour of a bloom Table 2 Name of a plant Small bulbous outside flowers Height of the plant Colour of a blooms Colour of leaves in cm Blossom duration Tasks of work are corrected in the place of Practical Work performing. REVISION QUESTIONS: 1. What do we call bulbous flowers? 2. When is the height of a bloom of tulips measured? 3. What morphological indicator of a bloom is the main specy description criterion? 4. How many groups and classes are used to classify tulips and narcissuses according modern classification? 5. What kinds of small bulbous flowers start blossoming the earliest? REFERENCE 1. VAIDELYS, Jonas, et al. Gėlininkystė [CD-ROM]. Mastaičiai: Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras, 2006. ISBN 978-9955-27-051-5. 2. VAIDELYS, Jonas ir KLIMAVIČIUS, Donatas. Svogūninės ir kitos gėlės. Mastaičiai: Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras, 2006. ISBN 9955-27-002-0. 3. VAIDELYS, Jonas; ir MISIŪNAS, Donatas. Dekoratyviųjų žolinių augalų sortimentas Lietuvos želdynams. Mastaičiai: Kauno kolegijos leidybos centras, 2008. ISBN 978-9955-27-5. 4. RHS new Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers, 2003. ISBN 978-14055300575. 5. Цветоводство ISSN 0041-4905. 6. Rasos ISSN 2029-1140. 7. Sodo spalvos ISSN 1392-5849. Educational institution: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences Studies programme: Gardening Territories and their Design Subject: Professional Activity Practice 2 (practice of subject ‘Design, equipping and maintenance of gardening territories‘) PRACTICAL WORK NO 4 TOPIC: EQUIPPING OF PARTERRES Intended for 4 hours 1. The Aim of Practical Work: to get acquainted with works of parterres equipping (reconstruction). 2. Goals of Practical Work: 1. To get acquainted with the proceeding of works of parterre equipping and reconstruction; 2. To get acquainted with a technology of parterre equipping; 3. To analyse a design of a parterre and to plan the proceeding of works as well as the needs of tools and material necessary for the equipping of a parterre. 3. Innovative methods used for the performing of Practical Work: introductory question, demonstration, observation, analysis and self-education. 4. Assessment of Practical Work: students must perform the indicated tasks and to know how to answer the given test questions. Individual work, the quality of work task performing and student‘s activity are evalauted. Work proceeding: 1. Students get acquainted with the task: design of a parterre and make a plan of parterre equipping works; 2. Contours of a parterre are marked and soil is prepared; 3. Areas of separate flowers are marked and flowers are planted; 4. The planted plants are watered and the surface of soil is mulched; 5. Task is corrected in the place of Practical Work performing. REVISION QUESTIONS: 1. What is the works proceeding of parterre equipping and reconstruction? 2. Why do the parterres have to be reconstructed? 3. What tools are used for parterre equipping? MAIN REFERENCE: 1. BARONIENĖ, Valerija, et al. Sodo knyga. Nuo aplinkos planavimo iki darbų kalendoriaus. Vilnius, 2011. ISBN 978 – 9955 – 38 – 998 - 9 2. JORGENSEN, A., KEENAN, R. Urban Wildscapes. 2011. ISBN 9780415581066 3. GRIKEVIČIUS, Rimantas, ULKIENĖ, Kristina. Želdinių apsauga ir tvarkymas urbanizuotose teritorijose. Vilnius, 2008. ISBN 978 – 9955 – 37 – 080 – 2 4. NAGEL, V.G. Understanding garden design. 2010. ISBN 9780881929430 5. RAKOW D., Lee, Sh. Public garden management . 2011. ISBN 9780470532133 ONLINE REFERENCE: 6. Exterior and Interior Design Architecture, http://www.exinteriordesign.com/ 7. Online Landscape Architecture Degrees, http://www.ehow.com/ 8. Žurnalas ,,Rojaus sodai‘‘, htpp: //www.rojausodai.lt 9. Žurnalas,, Sodo spalvos‘‘, htpp:// www.sodospalvos.lt Prepared by Audronė Ona Jurkštienė Educational institution: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences Studies programme: Gardening Territories and their Design Subject: Professional Activity Practice 2 (practice of subject ‘Design, equipping and maintenance of gardening territories‘) PRACTICAL WORK NO 5 TOPIC: ORGANIZING THE SPRING MAINTENANCE OF GARDENING TERRITORIES Intended for 4 hours 1. The Aim of Practical Work: to know how to organize and perform spring maintenance works in gardening territories. To prepare the gardening territories for a new vegetation season. 2. Goals of Practical Work: 1. To get acquainted with spring maintenance works in gardening territories and their organization. 2. To prepare the gardening territories for a new vegetation season. 3. To fill in a table of spring maintenance works in gardening territories. 3. Innovative methods used for the performing of Practical Work: introductory question, demonstration, observation, analysis and self-education. 4. Assessment of Practical Work: students must perform the indicated tasks and to know how to answer the given test questions. Individual work, the quality of work task performing and student‘s activity are evalauted. Work proceeding: 1. Annual and perennial gardening territories are arranged: edges of a lawn are cutted, old leaves and stems are cleaned, early weeds are taken out, soil is loosened, spring fertilizers are spread and mulch is poured on; 2. Roses are uncovered, soil is loosened, plants are pruned; 3. Lawn is raked and fertilized; 4. Soil is loosened under woody plants, edges of a lawn are cutted, plants are pruned and fertilized; 5. Task is corrected in the place of Practical Work performing. REVISION QUESTIONS: 1. What are spring maintenance works of gardening territories? 2. What are spring maintenance works of trees and bushes? 3. What kind of works are performed in spring in a garden of roses? 4. What kind of works are performed in spring in lawns when preparing them for vegetation season? 5. Why is the surface of soil mulched? MAIN REFERENCE: 1. BARONIENĖ, Valerija, et al. Sodo knyga. Nuo aplinkos planavimo iki darbų kalendoriaus. Vilnius, 2011. ISBN 978 – 9955 – 38 – 998 - 9 2. JORGENSEN, A., KEENAN, R. Urban Wildscapes. 2011. ISBN 9780415581066 3. GRIKEVIČIUS, Rimantas, ULKIENĖ, Kristina. Želdinių apsauga ir tvarkymas urbanizuotose teritorijose. Vilnius, 2008. ISBN 978 – 9955 – 37 – 080 – 2 4. NAGEL, V.G. Understanding garden design. 2010. ISBN 9780881929430 5. RAKOW D., Lee, Sh. Public garden management . 2011. ISBN 9780470532133 ONLINE REFERENCE: 6. Exterior and Interior Design Architecture, http://www.exinteriordesign.com/ 7. Online Landscape Architecture Degrees, http://www.ehow.com/ 8. Žurnalas ,,Rojaus sodai‘‘, htpp: //www.rojausodai.lt 9. Žurnalas,, Sodo spalvos‘‘, htpp:// www.sodospalvos.lt Parengė Audronė Ona Jurkštienė Educational institution: Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences Studies programme: Gardening Territories and their Design Subject: Professional Activity Practice 2 (practice of subject ‘Design, equipping and maintenance of gardening territories‘) PRACTICAL WORK NO 6 TOPIC: DESIGN WORKS OF GARDENING TERRITORIES IN A CATCHMENT AREA 1. The Aim of Practical Work: to learn to make a plan of gardening territory of a catchment. 2. Goals of Practical Work: 1. To make a design of gardening territory in a catchment in a given design of catchment situation adn to divide it into activity zones; 2. To make a design of children playing ground; 3. To finish a drawing according technical drawing requirements. 3. Innovative methods used for the performing of Practical Work: introductory question, demonstration, observation, analysis, self-education and a project. 4. Assessment of Practical Work: individual work is evaluated and the final result of Practical Work task - project (drawing). Students must know how to answer the given test questions. Work proceeding: 1. Situation analysis and drawing of a plan; 2. Choosing the location for children playing ground and correction of paths system; 3. Arrangement of gardening territories in a plan; 4. Final finishing of a drawing. REVISION QUESTIONS: 1. What is the purpose of a gardening territory of a catchment? 2. What activity zones are usually planned in a park of a catchment? 3. What elements are the constituent part of children playing grounds? 4. What plants can‘t be designed and planted near children playing grounds? 5. At what distances from a building should trees and bushes be designed? MAIN REFERENCE: 1. RAKOW D., Lee, Sh. Public garden management . 2011. ISBN 9780470532133 2. 1000 x landscape architecture. Berlin, 2009. 1024 psl. ISBN 978-3-938780-60-2 3. JORGENSEN, A., KEENAN, R. Urban Wildscapes. 2011. ISBN 9780415581066 4. JAKOVLEVAS- MATECKIS Konstantinas. Miesto kraštovaizdžio architektūra. II d., želdiniai ir jų komponavimas. Vilnius, 2003. ISBN 9986-05-687-X 5. NAVASAITIS, Mindaugas. Medžiai ir krūmai parkams bei sodyboms. Kaunas, 2008. ISBN 9789955-751-14-4. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE: 6. GRIKEVIČIUS, Rimantas, ULKIENĖ, Kristina. Želdinių apsauga ir tvarkymas urbanizuotose teritorijose. Vilnius, 2008. ISBN 978 – 9955 – 37 – 080 - 2 7. HAMPSHIRE, K The Complete Guide to Landscape Projects. Minnesota, 2010. ISBN 1-58923504-9 8. PETRULIS, Jurgis. Želdynų projektavimas, įrengimas ir priežiūra .Vilnius,1978. ISBN nėra 9. NAGEL, V.G. Understanding garden design. 2010. ISBN 9780881929430 10. TAURAS, Antanas. Landšafto architektūra kaime. Vilnius, 1974. ISBN nėra 11. ZIMMERMANN, Astrid. Constructing Landscape: materials, techniques, structural components. – Basel, 2009. ISBN 978-3-0346-0720-9 ONLINE REFERENCE: 12. Exterior and Interior Design Architecture, http://www.exinteriordesign.com/ 13. Online Landscape Architecture Degrees http://www.ehow.com/ 14. Žurnalas ,,Rojaus sodai‘‘, htpp: //www.rojausodai.lt 15. Žurnalas,, Sodo spalvos‘‘, htpp:// www.sodospalvos.lt Parengė Audronė Ona Jurkštienė