Untitled - Academy of Mount St. Ursula


Untitled - Academy of Mount St. Ursula
Members of the Board of Trustees 2011 - 2012
Susan McCarthy Cronin ‘65
Fr. Kenneth Boller, SJ
Fordham Preparatory School
Sr. Brenda Buckley, O.S.U.
Faculty Member
The Ursuline School
Mary E. Cronin ‘70
Mamaroneck High School
Sr. Eileen Fane, O.S.U.
Executive Director
Ursuline Social Outreach
Adult Learning Center
Mrs. Kerri Gould Reynolds ‘86
The Career Starters Group, Inc.
Mr. Daniel Houlihan
Houlihan & O’Malley
Real Estate Services, Inc.
Sr. Jeannie Humphries, O.S.U. ‘89
Instructional Supervisor/
Educational Consultant
Cooke Center for Learning
and Development
Ms. Michelle Kelleher ‘81
Business Leader Global
Statistics, CPFA
Mastercard Worldwide
Sr. Mary Shea, O.S.U. ‘60
Director of Religious Education
St. Barnabas Parish, Bronx
Mr. John P. Sullivan
Coalition School for Social Change
Mrs. Claudia Toni-Smith ‘92
Vice President-Finance
Goldman, Sachs Co.
Mrs. Patricia MacRae ‘81
Mrs. Denise Tormey ‘72
Sonnenchein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP
Ms. Lisa Harrison (ex-officio)
Academy of Mount St. Ursula
Dr. Regina Peruggi ‘63
Kingsborough Community College
Fr. John A. Vigilanti, Ed.D. (ex-officio)
Academy of Mount St. Ursula
Barbara M. Heubel ‘72
VP, Cross-Business Leverage
Putnam Investments
Dr. Diane Ramos-Kelly ‘69
Valhalla School District
Sr. Sandy Wardell, O.S.U.
St. Athanasius School
Mrs. Anne Marie Hynes ‘67
Members of the Corporation
Sr. Bernadette Hannaway, O.S.U.
Sr. Pascal Conforti, O.S.U.
Sr. Eileen Finnerty, O.S.U. ‘58
Sr. Marion Lynch, O.S.U.
Sr. Marie-Celine Miranda, O.S.U.
Letter from the Chair of the Board of Trustees
Dear Alumnae and Friends of the Academy of Mount St. Ursula,
What makes you SMILE?
It is a simple question that brings to mind so many images of moments in our lives. This year
I had many special moments at AMSU and I would like to share a few. Imagine having the
opportunity to be “a girl of Mount St. Ursula” for a day! This past spring, four members of the
board teamed up with seniors and went “back to class” for a morning at Mount.
First period: Economics [never had that class in my senior year]….I learned about how to start
a small business, set up a website, market and advertise….whoa! ….my head was spinning!
The class went by in a flash. I left wanting more, but it was time to go to AP English. Our
talented students were on display reading their original poems. They compared and contrasted
an example of a poem that might be on the AP exam. I looked around the room, saw the thoughtful looks on faces and the rapt
attention. I was impressed! Third Period: Sociology [never had this subject either!] They discussed groups of people at different
times in history and how a simple thing like “courtly love” had such an effect on the mores of a time in history. Students were
raising their hands to get in on the discussion. I wanted to raise my hand too! All too quickly it was over and it was time to move
on! Fourth Period: Religion. One word appeared on the smart board: Cohabitation. I knew this was going to be one interesting
class! An article from the NY Times was passed out to the class: “The Downside of Cohabiting Before Marriage.” The discussion
began and a student tapped me on my shoulder and said: “Isn’t this class awesome?!” I agreed and wanted to return the next day!
Each of the board members [also alums] had a similar experience to mine. We were all bowled over by the students, the teachers,
and what was happening at our alma mater. There were big smiles all around! But I have one more experience to share with
you. The Juilliard Program has allowed our students to learn to play a musical instrument taught by Juilliard fellows. They were
having their last rehearsal before the Spring Concert and one of the Juilliard fellows turned to me and asked: “Would you like to
conduct?” After a short period of instruction I took the baton. Every time I think of that moment, I not only smile, but tears well
up in my eyes! These are just moments from my year as board chair at AMSU.
I have reason to smile when I think of the dedication that our President, Fr. John Vigilanti, our Principal, Lisa Harrison, our
assistant Principals, Carolyn Duggan and Joanne Kelly, bring every day to make this school such a special place. I smile when I see
the hard work of our Director of Development, Anna Parra Ramos, and her achievements in reaching our goal. I smile when I see
Julia Myers-Bartley’s efforts as Director of Admissions come to life when 106 new freshmen marched into the auditorium! I smile
when I witness board member, Kerri Reynolds, assume the chairmanship of our Capital Campaign. I smile because I get to work
with our outstanding and committed board of trustees. I smile when I see year after year, the unwavering support of the Ursuline
Bedford Park Community for AMSU. I smile when I have the opportunity to get to know these students….these exceptional young
women at AMSU….and get to hug them. [see photo] I smile when I see the overwhelming investment you have made in AMSU.
Last year in my letter I quoted from a book by Fr. Henri Nouwen: “we have a vision that is amazing and exciting.” Thank you for
believing in that vision. Our Capital Campaign will be relying on that belief! Your contributions to this vision and the smiles I see
at AMSU energize me every day. I am honored to be a graduate and your board chair. In the words of St. Angela: “Be confident,
risk new things, stick with it, and be ready for big surprises”. I think St. Angela is SMILING down at AMSU!
With Much Appreciation,
All the “Girls of Mount St. Ursula” and Me!
Susan McCarthy Cronin ‘65
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Financial Summary
Fiscal Year ‘11 - ‘12 (Audited Figures - $s in thousands)
Tuition and Fees
$2,816 60%
Development Income
$1,654 36%
Other Operating Income
$179 4%
and Fees
Interest and Investment Income $0
Total Revenue:$4,649
Instruction$1,318 28%
Plant Operation and Maintenance
Plant Operation and Maintenance
$408 9%
Staff Benefits$566 12%
Scholarship/Financial Aid
Staff Benefits
General Institutional$352
Scholarship/Financial Aid
Student Services$251
General Institutional
Development Expenses
$359 7%
Depreciation$105 2%
Student Services
Development Expenses
Total Expenses: $4,801100%
Net Loss:($152)
2011 - 2012:
Actual Cost to Educate
Tuition and General Fee $7,300
2011 - 2012
Tuition and General Fee
Actual Cost to Educate
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Annual Report
$4,000 $8,000$12,000$16,000
Visit us online @ www.amsu.org
Message from the President
Dear Alumnae, Benefactors, and Friends:
We are happy to provide you with the most current audited Annual Report. As the figures
demonstrate, certain costs have risen due to needed technology updates that benefit our
students and help streamline our administrative duties. In addition, new programs have been
added such as SAT Prep, Reality Works, more intensive public relations and communication
through TV and print media, and a reorganized Fine and Performing Arts department. As
this report makes clear, however, there has been no reduction in the support we receive from
the Ursulines, our alumnae, and benefactors who understand the important role AMSU has
played in the education of young women in the City of New York for almost 160 years. We are
extremely grateful for that support.
This past summer the bathrooms on the second and third floors were completely gutted and
renovated at no cost to the school through the donated services of eight local firms solicited by Richard Reynolds, the husband
of our alumna and board member, Kerri Reynolds ’86 with the assistance of Adrienne Rolla ‘76. This generosity saved the school
tens of thousands of dollars. Our buildings and the grounds remain in good shape because of our dedicated maintenance staff.
However, our primary need has been, and continues to be, replacement of the original school windows (over 50 years old) which
are totally energy inefficient and, quite frankly, an eyesore. The $250,000 estimated cost would require us to cut educational
services, something I am unwilling to do. If you have a connection, let me know, since foundations are slow to respond favorably
in these difficult economic times.
Finally, I should let you know that leading up to our 160th anniversary in 2015, we are preparing to launch a campaign to fund
the acceptance and education of students in need of more intensive instructional support, providing them with an Ursuline
education. More about this in the coming months. Once again, thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Fr. John A. Vigilanti Ed.D.
2011 - 2012
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Administration, Faculty and Staff 2011-2012
Rev. John Vigilanti, Ed.D
Marie Fabrizio *
Social Studies
Nathan Peluso
Lisa Harrison
Sr. Alice Marie Giordano, O.S.U. ‘52
Service Coordinator
Linda Peri *
Foreign Language
Carolyn Duggan
Assistant Principal for Discipline and
Student Affairs
Gladys Grimaldi
Health Officer
Aroon Rampersaud
Michael Henry
Social Studies
Jessica Ruiz
Development Associate
Gary Horn *
Joan Sipe*
Jillian Iacovone *
Physical Education/Health
Rosemary Sitler
Denise Kannar
Director of Finance
Leonardo Soliman
Lauren Lazar
Library and Media Services
Ruth Taveras
Kathleen F. Boland
Amy Malave
Finance & Development Offices
Dr. Suroj Tiwari *
Sr. Barbara Calamari, O.S.U.
Foreign Language
Lisa Manetta
Physical Education/Health
Christina Canty
Joan McCarthy
Food Services Director
Katherine Corticcio
Social Studies
Diana Mera
Foreign Language
Patricia Curley
Amanda Mirabella
Patrick Dannenhoffer
External Relations Associate
Laura Mulholland*
Rafael De La Rosa
Julia Myers-Bartley
Director of Admissions/Recruitment
Monica DeLaurentis ‘70 *
Donna Nelson
Jeanne DiBenedetto*
Student Affairs Coordinator
Luis Pantojas
Maintenance Supervisor
Barbara Dingee ‘65
Diana Papa *
Joanne Kelly
Assistant Principal of Academics
Anna Parra Ramos
Executive Director of Development
Susan Acocella
Administrative Assistant
Vincent Amendola
Joe Antonelli
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Annual Report
Dennis Tormey
Interim Treasurer
Henry Triana
Media Arts
Willy Valentine
*Department Chair
Visit us online @ www.amsu.org
Letter from the Principal
Dear Alumnae, Benefactors, and Friends,
Catholic schools, as service-based institutions, are organizations that are defined by and
predicated upon their need; they are systems that have subsisted on need and that will
continue to do so for the duration of their existence. It should come, then, as no surprise,
that AMSU has needs – pervasive, broad, and, of course, relative needs. I firmly believe that
this need is endemic to who we are and serves to keep us humble, rendering the education
we provide for our students a much more meaningful one, simply because it was born of and
sustained by the generosity of others. While balancing needs can be complicated for Catholic
schools, it also presents the opportunity to embrace a teachable moment. Need inspires the
motivation to serve, and reminds us that, as members of a community, we are responsible for
and must support one another.
As Fr. Vigilanti’s letter underscores, AMSU has an obligation to provide for its students’ varied
needs. We have our instructional needs, our technological needs, and our facilities needs,
among many others. And, of course, in these very difficult economic times, we cannot forget our families’ increasing financial
needs, which, for AMSU, translate directly into our own increasing financial needs. Through your generosity you help us to
satisfy these needs. Simultaneously, you model the spirit of Serviam, and act upon St. Angela Merici’s counsel to “Give good
example, teaching more by what you do than what you say.”
Your generosity is that much more profound because it is inspired by something tangible. For alumnae, it may be that you
yourself had a need fulfilled here at AMSU and you wish to respond in kind. For benefactors and friends, perhaps you believe so
deeply in the merit of our mission that it gratifies you to contribute to it in some concrete and substantial way. Regardless of the
reasons for your support, please rest assured that we do indeed celebrate your contributions in all that we do, and know that
we work daily in perpetuation of the spirit of Serviam to cultivate a similarly charitable affect in today’s young women of AMSU.
Thank you, as always, for your unwavering support of our school and its mission.
Lisa Harrison
2011 - 2012
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This listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2011 and August 31, 2012.
Donor Societies 2011-2012
($150,000 and above)
Student Sponsor Partners
Ursuline Community of Bedford Park
($100,000 to $149,999)
Inner City Scholarship Fund
($50,000 to $99,999)
Arch Capital Services Inc.
Children’s Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Judith A. Boyle (Coyle) ‘57
($20,000 to $49,999)
Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy) ‘65
Mrs. Marion Driscoll (Gyves) ‘57
Mr. James Houlihan
Ursuline Provincialate
Mrs. Joan Winant (O’Meara) ‘69
($10,000 to $19,999)
American Specialties (Adrienne Rolla) ‘76
Blackmer Foundation
Ms. Joan Cashman ‘47
Mrs. Patricia MacRae (Houlihan) ‘81
Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86
St. Vincent De Paul Foundation, Inc.
The Partnership for Inner-City Education
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Verrier (Jo-Ann Heilferty) ‘55
($5,000 to $9,999)
Brooklyn Benevolent Society
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Clemente
Mary Ellen Connerty, Esq. (Kubinec) ‘73
Mrs. Joan M. Delaney (Gorman) ‘60
Maureen D. Donovan, Esq. (Driscoll) ‘58
Guerrerio Family Foundation
(Joanne Finaro Guerrerio ‘67 &
Mary Finaro Cleary ‘65)
Mrs. Kathrene Houlihan
Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61
Dr. Angele McGrady (Vial) ‘59
Mr. Michael McRee
Mrs. Jean Moran (Hannigan) ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mosman
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pollard, III
Mrs. Kathleen Probst (McQuillan) ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Sprague
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Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tangney
Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) ‘59
Vice Admiral Patricia Tracey ‘66
Ursuline Community of Hering Avenue
Ursuline Community of Kimball Avenue
Ursuline Community of Linden Place
($2,500 to $4,999)
Miss Ann Bangert ‘55
Mrs. Mary Ellen Beitel (Fitzpatrick) ‘71
Ms. Margaret Casey ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Clementew
Mrs. Beatrice Dinger (Smith) ‘59
Dunwoodie Class of ‘71 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Estate of Sr. Kristen Wenzel
Ms. Barbara Heubel ‘72
Ms. Kathleen Keber ‘66
Mrs. Donna Kelly (McAuley) ‘54
KIPP Academy
Mrs. Maureen Kozma (Burns) ‘70
Mrs. Dorothy Mazaitis (Fitzgerald) ‘62
Mrs. Joan McGreevy-Glatzl ‘69
New York Nativity
Mrs. Elaine Sackmann (Castaldo) ‘61
Mrs. Nancy Shannon (Prior) ‘57
Mrs. Claudia Toni-Smith ‘92
($1,000 to $2,499)
Mrs. Eithne Bearden (Cotter) ‘74
Mrs. Catherine Bridge (Lynch) ‘68
Child, INC.
Mrs. Ann Chiodini (Bergassi) ‘65
Mrs. Margaret Conroy (Mitty) ‘45
Dr. Elynore Cucinell (Clark) ‘52
Mrs. Patricia Curley-Varricchio
Dr. Rosemary Dale ‘65
Dr. Maria De Blasio
Mrs. Barbara DeAngelo (Montenero) ‘69
Ms. Tania Degen ‘69
Mrs. Carolyn Duggan
Mrs. Kathleen Dunne (McKay) ‘58
Mr. and Mrs. John Elser (Norma Fazia) ‘49
Sr. Eileen Fane, O.S.U.
Fr. David Casella Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Margaret Friedberg (Giordano) ‘81
Ms. Bridget Gaffney ‘76
Dr. Mary Garner (Linhard) ‘71
Mrs. Patricia Gillin (Ahearn) ‘48
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayward (Curry) ‘50
Horace Mann High School
Mrs. Anne Marie Hynes (Nichol) ‘67
Mrs. Dian Jennings Mayo ‘49
Mrs. Elizabeth Kaming (Collins) ‘55
Ms. Kathleen Kearns ‘75
Ms. Michelle Kelleher ‘81
Mrs. Patricia Kelleher (Byrne) ‘42
Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leahy
Dr. Virginia Livolsi ‘61
Lone Pine Capital LLC
Manuel Cadena Memorial Fund
Ms. Judy Martinez ‘73
Mrs. Kathleen McCue (O’Rourke) ‘63
Mrs. Catherine McMahon (Condon) ‘71
Mr. Joseph Muriana
Ms. Patricia Murphy ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy
New York Life Foundation
Ms. Nancy Oakes ‘64
Mrs. Rose Marie Occhino (Caiazzo) ‘61
Mrs. Elizabeth Peloso (Byrne) ‘57
Ms. Mary Putnam
Mr. John F. Quinn
Raytheon Charitable Giving
Ms. Margaret Reilly-Brooks ‘80
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reynolds
Mrs. Angela Richards (Gagliardo) ‘69
Ms. Rosemary Rinder
Mrs. Anne Ryan (Rippon) ‘51
Mr. Peter Sackmann
Sacred Heart School
Ms. Teresita J. Sanabria ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. John Signorini
Mr. and Mrs. John Spollen
St. Jerome School
Mrs. Clare Thomenius (McKeon) ‘65
Mrs. Lynne Toumey (Berne) ‘65
Reverend John Vigilanti
Ms. Eileen Walsh O’Shea ‘72
($500 to $999)
Reverend Kenneth J. Boller, S.J.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke
Ms. Veronica Casey ‘62
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Christ
Ms. Julie H. Clarke
Ms. Deirdre Corio ‘77
Mrs. Susan Cote (Baltera) ‘72
Ms. Mary Cronin ‘70
Mrs. Joan Crosson (Dekan) ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. (Karen Cruz) Stapleton ‘78
Ms. Theresa Davis ‘69
Ms. Veronica Dengler ‘83
Ms. Kathleen Forbes-Fandetti ‘57
Ms. Maureen Fox ‘79
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Donor Societies 2011-2012
Ms. Nancy Gallagher ‘73
Ms. Mary Ellen Golden ‘57
Mrs. Rita Gorman (Moriarty) ‘58
Ms. Ann T. Graham ‘45
Mrs. Patricia Hajducek (Weir) ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Houlihan, Jr.
Mrs. Peggy Hayes Kelly ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kenny
Ms. Patricia Kiernan ‘40
Ms. Eileen Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Lynch (Garvin) ‘57
Mrs. Siobhan Mason (Murray) ‘81
MasterCard Worldwide Matching Gift Program
Mrs. Eileen McCarthy (Mulligan) ‘69
Ms. Mary McGreal ‘78
The Honorable Maureen McIntyre ‘65
Ms. Brenda McMahon ‘79
Mrs. Mary C. McShane (Colligan) ‘77
Mrs. Mary Ellen Melnyk (Sullivan) ‘63
Ms. Jeanne Murphy ‘57
Mrs. Mary Niedzwiecki (McKeon) ‘63
Dr. Regina Peruggi ‘63
Mrs. Ethel Reese (McKeon) ‘64
Dr. Louise Resor (Donohoe) ‘66
Mrs. Marilyn M. Roe ‘60
Mrs. Mary Santore
Mrs. Donna Sasso (Dircks) ‘71
Ms. Mary Sayers ‘53
Mr. Stephen Schultz M.D.
Ms. Margaret Sheahan ‘72
Ms. Judiann R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sohr
Mrs. Anne Stanton (Hickey) ‘54
Mrs. Mary Stump (Martin) ‘62
Mrs. Denise Tormey (Dalton) ‘72
Mrs. Germaine Trabert (Keogh) ‘54
Mrs. Trudy Trier (Craven) ‘62
Mr. Myles V. Whalen, Jr.
($250 to $499)
Dr. Mary Jane Alexander ‘66
Mrs. Eileen Altman (Shea) ‘57
Dr. Roanne Angiello (Schmidt) ‘62
Mrs. Sheila Baldwin-Cohen ‘73
Mrs. Concetta Bele (Pollio) ‘54
Mrs. Patricia Blessington (Murray) ‘52
Ms. Patricia Bommicino ‘60
Mrs. Debra Boyle (Brown) ‘80
Ms. Paula Cabrera-Urena ‘86
Mrs. Florence Calamari
Mrs. Geraldine Callahan (Saviola) ‘57
Mrs. Susan Cappiello (Wallace) ‘62
Mrs. Mary Carleton (Griffin) ‘72
Mrs. Catherine Carroll (Doorly) ‘72
Christ the King School
Mrs. Ann Marie Clancy (Williams) ‘66
Class of ‘82
Ms. Joan Close ‘65
Ms. Debra Cowart ‘72
Mrs. Mary Crabill (Tauranac) ‘51
Ms. Lonice Davis (Woods) ‘86
Mrs. Maureen Deacy (Gould) ‘80
Mrs. Monica DeLaurentis (Signorini) ‘70
Ms. Katrina Dengler ‘85
Mrs. Margaret D’Ippolito (Collins) ‘84
Mrs. Patricia Draddy (Shea) ‘49
Ms. Catherine Duffy (Daly) ‘91
Ms. Joan Ericsson ‘62
Mrs. Barbara Feeney (Bonsaing) ‘57
Sr. Eileen Finnerty, O.S.U. ‘58
Ms. Catherine Fuller ‘82
Mrs. Audrey Galligan (Field) ‘51
Mrs. Bernadette Garigliano (Raftery) ‘49
Mrs. Karen Goodwin (Anderson) ‘65
Mrs. Ann Marie Hackett (Costello) ‘74
Mrs. Ingrid Harris (Casimir) ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Houlihan
Sr. Jeannie M. Humphries, O.S.U. ‘89
Mrs. Eileen Huntington (McElligott) ‘66
Mrs. Sheila Kelly (O’Neill) ‘47
Mrs. Mary Kelly (Murray) ‘57
Ms. Kathleen King (Twiggs) ‘84
Lord & Taylor
Ms. Joan Maisch ‘62
Mrs. Claire Manto (Colangelo) ‘65
Ms. Regina Marengo ‘75
Ms. Eileen McCabe ‘69
Mrs. Mary Jane McCann (McPartland) ‘64
Sr. Joan McCarthy, OSU
Ms. Vivian Medina ‘83
Ms. Graciela Mercado ‘96
Mrs. Anne Michaels (Lafferty) ‘60
Ms. Aline Miller ‘57
Mrs. Jane Moore (Callahan) ‘64
Moretti Construction II, Inc.
Mrs. Ann Morison (Frank) ‘56
Mrs. Margaret Nix (Timoney) ‘47
Dr. Maureen Norris (Riordan) ‘62
Ms. Meaghan O’Toole ‘89
Mrs. Margaret Padnos (Mais) ‘66
Mrs. Diana M. Parra
Mrs. Rosemary Pellegrino (McMahon) ‘60
Ms. Laura E. Pennell
Mrs. Charmaine Pigue (Greer)
Mrs. Veronica Porter (Beach) ‘41
Mrs. Margaret Quinn (Corcoran) ‘33
Mrs. Siobhan Rini (O’Toole) ‘83
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Ripley
Mrs. Barbara Rizzo (Oliveri) ‘72
Ms. Norine Ryan ‘42
Dr. Wendis Santana-Joyce ‘95
Mr. Joseph Siebecker
Mrs. Mary Skibinski (Kearns) ‘74
Ms. Kathleen M. Slakas ‘72
Mrs. Kathleen Smith (Horgan) ‘52
Ms. Barbara Stronczer ‘60
Mrs. Alice Sweeney (Quill) ‘54
Mrs. Maria Taubner (Sartori) ‘72
The College of New Rochelle
Ms. Noreen Tobin ‘64
Ms. Tara Toure (Lawrence) ‘82
Ms. Christine Tralongo ‘66
Mrs. Julia Turk (Murphy) ‘67
Mrs. Eileen Tweedy (O’Rourke) ‘70
Ursuline Sisters of Liberty Avenue
Ms. Jo-Ann M. Verrier
Wells Fargo Matching Gift Ctr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willemin
Ms. Marian Wittenberg
($100 to $249)
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Ahern ‘54
Mrs. Ellen Alger (Smith) ‘62
Ms. Christine Alindogan ‘99
Mrs. Kathleen Anderson (Edery) ‘62
Mrs. Mary Ann Angelone (Wilson) ‘62
Mrs. Madeleine Anglim (Martyn) ‘48
Ms. Barbara Annis ‘70
Ms. Leisa Arisio (Soto) ‘77
Ms. Melissa Audain ‘05
Ms. Nancy B. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Aviles
Ms. Katherine Babiak ‘67
Ms. Patricia Barnes ‘65
Mrs. Anne Barrins-Slaby ‘69
Mrs. Margaret Bastone (Pond) ‘62
Ms. Dawn Beazer ‘85
Dr. Josephine Berthaume ‘70
Mrs. Margaret Blair (Grier) ‘66
Blue Moon Mexican Cafe
Ms. Barbara Blumers ‘76
Mrs. Patricia Bocker (Ahlberg) ‘61
Mrs. Marie Borelli
Mrs. Francesca Bossey (Kosick) ‘86
Colonel Donna M. Brazil ‘78
Miss Florence Bricker ‘59
Bristol-Myers Squibb Employee Giving Program
Mrs. Margaret Broderick (Farrelly) ‘70
2011 - 2012
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Donor Societies 2011-2012
Mrs. Catherine Brown (Dowd) ‘57
Ms. Courtney Brown (Smith) ‘92
Mr. Luvaghn Brown
Mrs. Joan Bundschuh (O’Connor) ‘81
Mrs. Kathleen Burke (Cuddy) ‘49
Ms. Loretta Burke ‘66
Ms. Rashida Burnham ‘06
Mrs. Anne Byrne (McElligott) ‘60
Mrs. Kelly Caivano (Raupp) ‘80
Ms. Margarita Calbitaza ‘02
Mrs. Mary Callahan (Zweifel) ‘43
Mrs. Theresa Cameron (Buckley) ‘75
Ms. Sarah Campbell ‘57
Mrs. Helen Capece (Ferrante) ‘60
Mrs. Diane Carcaterra (Conway) ‘65
Mrs. Jean Carden McGlinn ‘57
Ms. Helen Casey ‘57
Ms. Eileen Casey ‘61
Mrs. Kathleen Castillo (Holder) ‘70
Mrs. Elaine Ciccarelli (York) ‘92
Ms. Veronica Cilla ‘77
Mrs. Jeanne Coburn (Calamari) ‘60
Ms. Andrea Cody ‘82
Mrs. Mary Coleman (Houlihan) ‘76
Ms. Dereine Coleman ‘82
Mrs. Jean Colligan (Barrett) ‘46
Ms. Patricia Connolly ‘61
Mrs. Mary Lee Cooper (Sweeney) ‘72
Mrs. Mary Cooper (Flanagan) ‘71
Mrs. Adrienne Cosgrove (Matthews) ‘54
Mrs. Margaret Costigan (Reynolds) ‘58
Mrs. Monica Coyle (Norton) ‘62
Mrs. Virginia Cronin (Glendon) ‘65
Ms. Noreen Culhane ‘68
Mrs. Ruth Cunnion (McNamara) ‘37
Mrs. Patricia Curtis (Miller) ‘65
Mrs. Sarah D’Amico (Bonilla) ‘92
Mrs. Sheila Darken (Keane) ‘52
Ms. Ayisha Day ‘92
Mrs. Julia Deegan (Noonan) ‘39
Ms. Aileen Del Prado ‘83
Mrs. Mary Anne Denon (Doran) ‘57
Mrs. Mary Jane DePhillips (Lawlor) ‘42
Mrs. Barbara Di Fiore (Barron) ‘77
Dr. Camille Di Paola ‘67
Mrs. Patricia Diaz (Kipp) ‘82
Mr. Julius Difiore Esq.
Mrs. Rosemary Dilgard (Rando) ‘65
Ms. Marian Dillon ‘79
Mrs. Barbara Dingee (Farrell) ‘65
Mrs. Helen Donoghue (Deiser) ‘67
Mrs. Mary Jane Dooley (Coyle) ‘61
Mrs. Mary Anne Drew-Evans (Cotter) ‘62
Dr. Mary Driscoll
Mrs. Sheila Drohan (McGuirk) ‘62
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Ms. Anne Dunn (Sheehan) ‘51
Ms. Ann Marie Eagan ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Emmendorter
Mrs. Catherine Enright (Gormley) ‘46
Mrs. Lilliana Estrella-Castillo
Mrs. Maureen Fabel (Sullivan) ‘64
Mrs. Marie Fabrizio
Ms. Kathleen Fahy (Fahy) ‘82
Mrs. Winifred Farrell (Sieger) ‘44
Mrs. Eileen Fay (Donoghue) ‘62
Ms. Mary Fay-Zenk
Mrs. Mary Feely (Roche) ‘62
Ms. Barbara Ferrante (Frey) ‘59
Dr. Ann Finegan ‘73
Mr. John Fleming
Mr. John W. Foley
Mrs. Constance Fossa (Cronan) ‘62
Dr. Anita Franzione ‘75
Mrs. Jeanne Gaffney (McGuirk) ‘64
Miss Maria Garcia ‘02
Mrs. Dolores Gartner (Burckardt) ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Golaski (Toner) ‘64
Mrs. Kathryn Goldsmith (Anner) ‘51
Ms. Patty Gonzalez ‘93
Mrs. Karen Gormley-Vitale ‘75
Mrs. Adele Greco (Coppey) ‘85
Mrs. Maryanne Greene (McNally) ‘63
Ms. Lashonne Greene (Morgan) ‘87
Ms. Muriel Grim (Smith) ‘56
Mrs. Ann Grodzicki (Apicella) ‘68
Mrs. Rita Gruber (Tierney) ‘59
Mrs. Jeanne Grubert (McCormick) ‘62
Ms. Falland Hamilton (Toscano) ‘00
Mrs. Virginia Hanbridge (Carioscia) ‘63
Mrs. Catherine Haney (Kilian) ‘62
Mrs. Theresa Hannah (Donini) ‘63
Sr. Bernadette Hannaway, OSU
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hannigan (Eleanor) ‘50
Mrs. Myra Harmon (Guttilla) ‘92
Mrs. Patricia Hatfield (Lyttle) ‘63
Mrs. Marion Haughey (McCarthy) ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Hemerlein
Mrs. Marie Hermann (Lynch) ‘56
Mrs. Mary Hickey (Culhane) ‘73
Mrs. Mary Hill (Jones) ‘48
Mrs. Sapphira Hill (Molina) ‘92
Mr. John F. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vail Hogan
Ms. Kristina Hosch ‘85
Mrs. Mary Humphrey
Ms. Ann C. Hunt ‘61
Mrs. Julia Hurley (Loughran) ‘37
Ms. Elizabeth Jennings ‘84
Mrs. Cecile Johnson
Mrs. Camille Johnston (Cardon) ‘54
Ms. Mary Journette ‘82
Ms. Jane Joyce ‘73
B. J. Kakos
Mrs. Denise Kannar
Dr. Janet Keane (Dillon) ‘74
Mrs. Barbara Keckler (Pizzurro) ‘62
Ms. Marie Keegan ‘61
Sr. Regina Kehoe, O.S.U. ‘46
Mrs. Ellen Kehoe (Pacia) ‘56
Mrs. Barbara Kennedy (Boarman) ‘44
Ms. Ann Marie Kennedy ‘79
Ms. Anne Marie Kennedy ‘68
Mrs. Sheila Kenny (Kelleher) ‘82
Ms. Susan Kentler ‘85
Ms. Nancy Kerrigan ‘73
Mrs. Veronica Kiernan (Keefe) ‘65
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Landrey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kirkwood
Ms. Marguerite Kissane ‘77
Mrs. Beverly Knox (Powers) ‘51
Mrs. Catherine Kolpak (Howard) ‘71
Mrs. Marie La Tourette (Sherry) ‘70
Mrs. Patricia Lammers (Byrnes) ‘49
Mrs. Anne Lauenstein (Durner) ‘56
Mrs. M. Martha Lauro Eid ‘77
Mrs. JoAnn Leahy (Gorham) ‘63
Mrs. Elizabeth Leitner (Maier) ‘62
Ms. Wanda Llambelis ‘77
Lee Llambelis, Esq. ‘79
Ms. Alexis Lorenzo ‘82
Mrs. Mary Lupo (Castro) ‘82
Mrs. Susan Lyons (Krunocky) ‘66
Ms. Maryalice Madden-DuVal ‘65
Mrs. Margaret Mahoney (Hartigan) ‘48
Ms. Michele Mahoney (Spicciani) ‘62
Mrs. Rebecca Malone (Sheridan) ‘82
Mr. Hugh Maragh
Mrs. Karen Ann Marcon (Reynolds)
Mrs. Karen Maresco (Baffuto) ‘76
Mrs. Barbara Marsh
Mrs. Sandra Masiello (Benedetti) ‘64
Mrs. Rosaleen Mason (Byrne) ‘71
Mrs. Jean Maun (Briody) ‘47
Dr. Linda Mauro (Mastrangelo) ‘63
Ms. Patricia McCann (Brunke) ‘71
Ms. Bridget McCarthy (Smith) ‘70
Mrs. Joan McCarthy
Ms. Jane McDonnell ‘62
Mrs. Jean McDonough (Welden) ‘62
Mrs. Regina McEneaney (Roth) ‘67
Mrs. Barbara McEneney (Cavanagh) ‘62
Mrs. Ann McEvily (Colligan) ‘75
Ms. Maryann McEvoy ‘59
Ms. Mary Jane McGahan
Mrs. Josephine McGlynn (Moran) ‘62
Visit us online @ www.amsu.org
Donor Societies 2011-2012
Mrs. Lynda McGoey (Mulligan) ‘82
Ms. Cara G. McGuigan Mr. Mark Sullivan
Mr. Bernard McGuire
Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna (O’Reilly) ‘52
Mrs. Frances McLoughlin (Cloonan) ‘54
Mrs. Ursula McMahon (Kehoe) ‘56
Ms. Carolyn McNally ‘67
Mrs. Grace McNamara (Monahan) ‘70
Mrs. Teresa Melanson (LaRocca) ‘60
Mrs. Pamela Menk (Reasoner) ‘71
Mrs. Susan Mercurio (Hopkins) ‘63
Mrs. Constance Miller (Stanionis) ‘61
Mr. and Mrs. Luke W. Mills
Mrs. Audrey Mincey (Warren) ‘82
Ms. Adriana Minchilli (Minchilli) ‘87
Mrs. Jane Mitrovic (Cunningham) ‘51
Mrs. Beatrice M. Mondare (Lynch) ‘59
Denise C. Moore, Esq. ‘68
Dr. Noreen Moran (Deane) ‘59
Mr. Jeff Moretti
Morgan Stanley
Mrs. Ann Moroney (McCabe) ‘62
Ms. Margaret Mullin ‘77
Mrs. Alice Munzo (Pisani) ‘66
Ms. Janet Murphy (Barelli) ‘61
Mrs. Ellen Murphy (Kissane) ‘50
Ms. Muriel Murphy ‘67
Mrs. Catherine Murtha (Frank) ‘64
Mrs. Linda Nagle (Fortuna) ‘70
Mrs. Donna Nava (Benza) ‘71
Mrs. Carol Nealon (Donlon) ‘52
Mrs. Joan O’Brien (Carroll) ‘68
Mrs. Jacqueline O’Brien (Mooney) ‘81
Mrs. Barbara O’Brien (Murphy) ‘73
Mrs. Ann O’Connell (McGuire) ‘51
Mrs. Ann O’Connell (Clancy) ‘61
Mrs. Teresa O’Connell (Smith) ‘45
Mrs. Catherine O’Connor (White) ‘49
Ms. Jeanne O’Connor ‘66
Mrs. Noreen O’Meara-Shanbacker ‘67
Mrs. Susan O’Neill (Dolan) ‘65
Mrs. Ofelia Otheguy (Schwiep) ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. John V. O’Toole
Mrs. Marilyn Owens (Sheerin) ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. James Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Parra
Ms. Anna Parra Ramos
Mrs. Jeannette Parshall (Carry) ‘51
Mrs. Carole Pegoraro (Nela) ‘55
Mrs. Marisol A. Pellecier-Rivera
Mrs. Claire Pellegrino (Imperato) ‘61
Ms. Teresa Peloso ‘56
Mrs. Barbara Pennipede (Moravek) ‘63
Ms. Jennifer Perez ‘97
Mrs. Joanne Pergolis (Limberg) ‘61
Ms. Dorothy Perta ‘62
Mrs. Angela Peteani (Nieves) ‘82
Mrs. Marie Peterson (Wolf) ‘47
Mrs. Jane Petri (Zeoli) ‘77
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Petrovich Rosemary (Joyce) ‘71
Mrs. Eileen Phelps (McGowan) ‘61
Mrs. Mary Pinto (Krupp) ‘66
Ms. Eileen Power
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Powers
Ms. Theodora Prentice
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Linda Purvis
Mrs. Gilda Puzio (Cardillo) ‘44
Mr. and Mrs. John Rapillo
Sr. Mary Beth Read, O.S.U.
Mrs. Jane Reichle (Scully) ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Reilly (McLaughlin) ‘50
Mrs. Margaret Reynolds (O’Connor) ‘66
Mrs. Margaret Rice (McCullen) ‘63
Mrs. Nancy Rizzuto
Mrs. Georgina Robillard (Rodriguez) ‘72
Ms. Nancy Rodrigue ‘87
Mrs. Diana Rodriguez (Cioffi) ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers
Ms. Adrienne Rolla ‘76
Ms. Susan Ross ‘80
Mrs. Patrice Rossettie (Gentsch) ‘68
Mrs. Rose Ann Rush Salvate ‘82
Mrs. Maureen Saldarini (Cusack) ‘61
Mrs. Kerri T. Santorelli
Mrs. Claire Santoro (Pacia) ‘56
Mrs. Elizabeth Sauthoff (Muller) ‘60
Mrs. Valerie Schoeck (Wilson) ‘57
Mrs. Anne Schulman (O’Toole) ‘72
Mrs. Jill Schwartz (Butler) ‘62
Reverend Nafisa Sharriff ‘76
Mrs. Regina Sheil (McLester) ‘74
Mrs. Dorothy Shillinglaw (Hanrahan) ‘46
Mrs. Eileen Sibson (Case)
Ms. Annabelle Simpson ‘65
Ms. Patricia Sipos-McDermott ‘82
Mrs. Margaret Slyngstad (Malloy) ‘49
Mrs. Denise Smith (Delaney) ‘54
Mrs. Ann Marie Stangenberg (Lorum) ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Staun
Mrs. Dorothy Sturek (Johnson) ‘59
Mrs. Mary Sullivan (Burke) ‘62
Ms. Joy Summerville-Johnson (James) ‘92
Mrs. Eileen Sutter (Tobin) ‘66
Ms. Jane Syracuse ‘70
Ms. Virginia Syron ‘58
Target, Take Charge of Education Program
Dr. Ellen Tedaldi ‘71
The College of Westchester
The Station House
Mrs. Yvette Thomas ‘82
Mrs. Mary Tierney (Duffy) ‘70
Mrs. Virginia Tierney (Andriola) ‘66
Ms. Regina Tobin ‘66
Mrs. Elena Torregrossa (De Matteo) ‘55
Mrs. Louise J. Troisi
Mrs. Dorothy Tubman (Krug) ‘59
Ms. Eileen Twiggs ‘85
Mr. Peter G. Ulrich
Ursuline Community of City Island
Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa
Mrs. Lois Van Fleet (Neggesmith) ‘63
Mrs. Joanne Venino (Madori) ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Verhaegen
Ms. Helinda Villalona-Perez ‘92
Mrs. Helen Walsh (Synan) ‘74
Mrs. Joan Walsh (Henry) ‘41
Mrs. Lois Weeks (Lekow) ‘59
Mrs. Marguerite Weibel (Crowley) ‘64
Miss Edwina Weisheit ‘42
Ms. Julia Whalen ‘51
Mrs. Kathleen Whiteside (Brocks) ‘67
Mrs. Carole Wittenberg (Healy) ‘77
Mrs. Mary Beth Woods
Mrs. Ellen Zuercher (Potdevin) ‘59
(up to $99)
Mrs. Patricia Abrams (Maffei) ‘82
Miss Kemi Adewumi ‘02
Ahold Financial Services
Mrs. Jacqueline Alexander (West) ‘92
Mrs. Ginger Alexander (Monz) ‘61
Mrs. Rebecca Alvarez (Pla) ‘87
Mrs. Mary Anne Alvarez (Fleming) ‘77
Mrs. Rosemarie Amoroso (Grillo) ‘51
Ms. Victoria Amoruso ‘65
Mrs. Cecelia Andretta (Falcone) ‘52
Mrs. Jennifer Balbuena (Luciano) ‘92
Miss Lisa Marie Balubayan ‘02
Mrs. Eileen Barrett (Sullivan) ‘63
Ms. Crystal Barrow ‘92
Ms. Mary Barry ‘77
Mrs. Regina Beechert (Ambery) ‘86
Ms. Kathleen Bell
Mrs. Maureen Bellotti (O’Farrell) ‘66
Mrs. Margaret Bischof (Green) ‘57
Ms. Cheryl Bohn
Ms. Kathleen F. Boland
Mrs. Theresa Boland-Spear ‘77
Sr. Mary Jane Bookstaver, O.P.
Mrs. Isabel Bossong (Brust) ‘41
Mrs. Mary Jane Boyle (Denneen) ‘53
2011 - 2012
- 11 -
Visit us online @ www.amsu.org
Donor Societies 2011-2012
Ms. Mindy Breyer
Ms. Joi Britt (Britt) ‘02
Mrs. Estelle A. Brocks (Harper) ‘45
Mrs. Ellen Buccellato (Whalen) ‘62
Mrs. Ursula Burke (Hutchinson) ‘59
Ms. Marian Burke ‘73
Ms. Margaret T. Burns ‘82
Mrs. Patricia Cademartori (Dailey) ‘45
Sr. Barbara Calamari, O.S.U.
Ms. Dianne Campbell ‘92
Mrs. Dale Candela (Evans) ‘63
Mrs. Anna Marie Carberry (McLester) ‘77
Mrs. Joan Carney (Benvenuto) ‘66
Ms. Carolina Castillo ‘92
Mrs. Nikia Castillo-Garcia ‘92
Ms. Marianne Cattier
Mrs. Louisa Chen ‘87
Mrs. Anna Chielli (Scaccia) ‘67
Mrs. Ann Marie Ciaramella (Duminuco) ‘58
Mrs. Zena Clancy (Mc Laughlin) ‘92
Mrs. Denise Clark (Cleary) ‘72
Mrs. Carolyn Clarke (Grant) ‘47
Mrs. Mary Clifford (Crowe) ‘52
Mrs. Mary Agnes Coady (Dress) ‘60
Ms. Mary Beth Coffey ‘87
Mrs. Eileen Collins (Murphy) ‘57
Columbia Florist Inc.
Mrs. Pamela Conlon (Mantegazza) ‘64
Ms. Mary Connor ‘71
Mrs. Emily Consigli (Patrizzi) ‘49
Dr. Marianne Conway ‘62
Mrs. Elizabeth Corbett (Dooley) ‘50
Ms. Vanessa Cortes-Maldonado ‘97
Mrs. Vivienne Courtney (Frohlich) ‘74
Mrs. Anne Courtney ‘77
Mrs. Ann Crawshaw-Coquin (Di Fede) ‘57
Mrs. Elizabeth Crookston (Harper) ‘49
Mrs. Marion Crowley (Haggerty) ‘54
Ms. Florence Cucchi (Alaimo) ‘58
Ms. Lisa Cunningham ‘82
Mrs. Grace Daly (Lucey) ‘77
Mrs. Evelyn R. D’Amore
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. D’Amore
Mrs. Judith Darling (Caddell) ‘64
Mrs. Catherine Davis (Flynn) ‘77
Mrs. Dolores De Cesare (Bartell) ‘57
Ms. Gianna Dell’Olio ‘89
Mrs. Elizabeth DeLorenzo (Saviola) ‘52
Mrs. Nancy-Jo Di Luzio (Tarantino) ‘67
Mrs. Alice Di Pirro (Hennessy) ‘53
Miss Janice Diaz ‘00
Mrs. Joan DiGiulio (Nugent) ‘56
Mrs. Denise Donaghy (O’Flynn) ‘77
Mrs. Teresa Donohue Foley ‘79
Mrs. Meghan Donovan (Byrne) ‘92
- 1 2 - Annual Report
Mrs. Caroline Duggan (Browne) ‘87
Mrs. Eileen Dunnion (Farrell) ‘81
Mrs. Beatrice Easton (Cunningham) ‘54
Ms. Rosemary Eivers ‘74
Mr. Thomas Ekkers
Dr. Kathleen Elkins (Calmel) ‘57
Ms. Lisa Escobar (Escobar) ‘92
Ms. Vanessa Evans ‘92
Dr. Cathy E. Fagan (Mirenda) ‘68
Mrs. Patricia Feierman (Reilly) ‘77
Ms. Caren S. Feldman
Mrs. Mary Ferguson (Melvin) ‘74
Mrs. Lillian Ferguson (Boccardi) ‘55
Mrs. Sheila Finer (King) ‘70
Sr. Jane Finnerty, O.S.U. ‘61
Mrs. Jacqueline Fitzgerald (Healy) ‘64
Ms. Kathleen Fleming
Mrs. Una Flynn (Owens) ‘66
Mrs. Virginia Fogarty (Bowman) ‘62
Ms. Jill Foltin (Ciamarra) ‘87
Ms. Melissa Gabriel ‘67
Mrs. Ann Gallo (MacClave) ‘62
Ms. Grace Gambino (Longo) ‘54
Mrs. Joan Garber (Ott) ‘54
Ms. Teresa Garcia ‘92
Ms. Elizabeth Gelbord (Ahern) ‘68
Mrs. Catherine Giammatteo (Arcoleo) ‘51
Mrs. Jeanine Giannone (Arenella) ‘87
Mrs. Marykaye Gibson (Power) ‘77
Ms. Leslie Gill (Milhouse) ‘77
Ms. Bernadette Gillis ‘61
Sr. Alice Marie Giordano, O.S.U. ‘52
Ms. Dolores Giordano-Savona ‘87
Mrs. Marie Giuriceo (Pandolfi) ‘63
Mrs. Ann Marie Gizzi (D’Alisera) ‘79
Ms. Veronica Glynn ‘36
Mr. John Godin
Miss Ines Goldin (Tosto) ‘81
Ms. Yolaica Gonzalez (Moreno) ‘97
Annette Goodman (Goodman) ‘82
Mrs. Eileen Gorman (Heveran) ‘63
Ms. Nadine Graham ‘92
Ms. Cecilia Granda ‘99
Mrs. Mary Grochowski (Diskin) ‘87
Mrs. Susanne Grossman (Lynch) ‘63
Mrs. Eleanor Guerriero (Walters) ‘53
Mrs. Maureen Haggerty (Kenny) ‘82
Sr. Mildred Haipt, O.S.U.
Mrs. Jacqueline Halpin (Mullarkey) ‘82
Sr. Jeanne Hamilton, O.S.U. ‘52
Mrs. Joan Hanel (O’Keeffe) ‘47
Ms. Jean D. Harrigan (Mirenda) ‘63
Mrs. Nicole Harrison (Perepeluk) ‘92
Ms. Lisa A. Harrison
Ms. Margaret Hartmann ‘57
Ms. Mary Harvey ‘79
Mrs. Virginia Hawkins (Regan) ‘77
Ms. Melody Hawkins ‘82
Ms. Barbara Heaney ‘58
Mrs. Theresa Helbeck (Nassisi) ‘55
Mrs. Monica Henneberry (Horan) ‘65
Mr. Michael Henry
Mrs. Maureen Hentrich (Driscoll) ‘66
Mrs. Anne Herndon (Rogan) ‘28
Mrs. Adrienne Herrera (Barone) ‘83
Mrs. Michele Hess (Mazzola) ‘68
Ms. Barbara Higgins ‘61
Mrs. Lisa Higgins (Butler) ‘87
Mrs. Claire Hofer (Conlin) ‘67
Mrs. Romaine Hoffman (Genovese) ‘65
Mrs. Arleen Hoffmann (Groark) ‘71
Mrs. Eileen Hogan (Cooney) ‘60
Mr. Kenneth Holbrook
Ms. Tara Holland ‘92
Mrs. Patricia Holland (O’Brien) ‘48
Mrs. Helene Holohan (Douglas) ‘59
Mrs. Elva Hone ‘77
Miss Anne Hughes ‘42
Ms. Shananne Hutter (Donley) ‘87
Mrs. Judy Hynes (Killeen) ‘54
Jane G. Iacobellis, Esq. (Grantmyre) ‘65
Miss Adrienne Jackson ‘02
Mrs. Theresa Jimenez (McLaughlin) ‘77
Miss Janine John ‘02
Ms. Tiffiney Johnson ‘97
Mrs. Ursula Johnson (Barrett) ‘39
Mrs. Susan Kane (Duggan) ‘50
Mrs. Margaret Keating (Brennan) ‘62
Ms. Mary Keber ‘70
Sr. Margaret Kelleher, O.S.U. ‘58
Mrs. Joanne M. Kelly
Mrs. Audrey Kelly (Kearns) ‘46
Ms. Linda Kelly ‘83
Sr. Geraldine Kennedy, O.S.U. ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keri
Dr. Rosanne Kiely (Kelly) ‘65
Mrs. Mary Lou Kintz (Cronin) ‘53
Ms. Joanne Kleifgen
Mrs. Kathleen Klein (Rees) ‘47
Mrs. Anneliese Kovach (Gerritzen) ‘51
Ms. Maria Kovachev (Geraci) ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kuszel (Medranda) ‘84
Mrs. Maureen Lambert (Baldwin) ‘47
Ms. Francine Lampidis (Napoliello) ‘61
Dr. Deirdre LaPorte ‘59
Ms. Gillian Lassen (Lebron) ‘92
Mrs. Margaret LaTouche (Lane) ‘47
Mrs. Hildegard Lawrence (Hoffman) ‘55
Ms. Sheetl Lawrence (Majeed) ‘92
Mrs. Marion Lechowicz (Carbery) ‘55
Visit us online @ www.amsu.org
Donor Societies 2011-2012
Mrs. Mary Leone (Dowd) ‘52
Mrs. Margaret Lewis (Donlon) ‘70
Mrs. Irene Lewis (Hard) ‘67
Ms. Melissa Libran ‘92
Mrs. Joanne Lo Pinto (Deagan) ‘66
Ms. Stephanie Long ‘72
Ms. Yesenia Lopez ‘92
Ms. Olga Lugo-Hardy ‘92
Mrs. Laurie Lutz (May) ‘77
Sr. Frances Lyle, O.S.U.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lynch
Sr. Marion Lynch, O.S.U.
Ms. Brenda Lyons (Fox) ‘81
Mrs. Patricia MacDonald (Ryan) ‘59
Macy’s, Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Mrs. Carol Maher (Ferguson) ‘57
Ms. Patricia Maiorano ‘92
Ms. Mary Malloy ‘61
Mrs. Victoria Marz (Roberts) ‘70
Mrs. Jane Massey (Yannaco) ‘72
Ms. Anne McAuliffe-O’Donnell ‘59
Mrs. Virginia McBrien (Dufford) ‘77
Mrs. Patricia McCabe (Doolan) ‘82
Ms. Melanie McCarroll ‘71
Mrs. Dorothy McCartney (Riley) ‘52
Ms. Monique McCatty ‘02
Mrs. Siobhan McCullough-Staar ‘77
Mrs. Joan McDonough O’Malley ‘62
Ms. Mary McGee ‘84
Mrs. Nancy McKoy (Kirk) ‘69
Mrs. Eileen McLaughlin (Hagan) ‘51
Mrs. Anne McMahon (Dempsey) ‘73
Ms. Sharon McMillian
Mrs. Lillian McNulty
Mrs. Marina McPadden (Collins) ‘85
Mrs. Patricia McShea (Casey) ‘55
Mrs. Mary Ann Michalski (Reuther) ‘65
Mrs. Sestina Miller (Rao) ‘72
Mrs. Lorna Minor (Hurley) ‘61
Ms. Mary Agnes Mittiga
Mrs. Regina Monte (McGrory) ‘62
Mrs. Maureen Mooney (Griffin) ‘57
Mrs. Louise Morgner (Roy) ‘60
Miss Margaret Moroney ‘49
Ms. Iovonna Moss ‘87
Ms. Joan Mullee ‘75
Mrs. Mary Muller (Casey) ‘59
Ms. Rosemarie Mullin ‘75
Mrs. Kathleen Mullin (Kilroy) ‘92
Mrs. Eileen Munoz (Cafferty) ‘67
Mrs. Mary Murphy (Smith) ‘50
Mrs. Patricia Murphy (Grey) ‘62
Mrs. Linda Murphy (Carroll) ‘67
Ms. Grace Murphy
Miss Angela Murray (Murray) ‘49
Mrs. Barbara Napholtz (Zygmunt) ‘73
Mrs. Margaret Nealon
Mrs. Doris Ann Nelson (Isolini) ‘48
Ms. Helena Nielsen (Derrig) ‘88
Ms. Linda Nissen ‘67
Mrs. Melody Nista (Pontell) ‘60
Ms. Joanne O’Beirne ‘73
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ocasio
Ms. Wendy Ocontrillo ‘92
Mrs. Mary O’Donnell (Hehir) ‘57
Mrs. Mary O’Grady (Casey) ‘52
Ms. Maureen O’Hara ‘80
Ms. Josephine O’Hara ‘77
Mrs. Nancy O’Neil (Parks) ‘62
Mrs. Anna Marie O’Neill (Dineen) ‘84
Ms. Theresa O’Rourke ‘46
Mrs. Theresa Orsogna (Krupp) ‘68
Mrs. Sharon O’Sullivan (Kelly) ‘85
Mrs. Barbara Packwood (Gehan) ‘49
Ms. Jacqueline M. Parisen ‘57
Mrs. Eileen Pastore
Ms. Beth-Ann Permuy (Schwartz) ‘92
Mrs. Barbara Phillips (Gibney) ‘54
Mrs. Lisa Pilla (Barry) ‘77
Ms. Mary C. Porter
Mrs. Margaret Posca (Ruane) ‘87
Mrs. Maria Posey (Caretti) ‘59
Ms. Yvette Postadan (Lee) ‘82
Mrs. Noreen Power (Duignan) ‘77
Ms. Catherine Pragoff ‘68
Miss Therese Quinn (Duda) ‘77
Ms. Mary Ann Raftery ‘92
Sr. Mary Beth Read, O.S.U.
Mrs. Maureen Regan (O’Connell) ‘57
Ms. Tanya Regan ‘92
Mrs. Gail Ricchezza (Sullivan) ‘77
Ms. Rita Ricci-Diaz ‘85
Mrs. Maureen Riemer (Woods) ‘62
Mrs. Eileen Rios-Abdallah ‘99
Mrs. Ida Rivera (Vega) ‘87
Ms. Jessica Rodriguez ‘92
Mrs. Annemarie Romagnoli (Russo) ‘52
Ms. Jamie Romano ‘92
Sr. Angela Rooney ‘34
Mrs. Catherine Rossignol
Ms. Patricia Rowan (Reagan) ‘47
Mrs. Mary Rowden (Oliva) ‘53
Sr. Patricia A. Russell, O.S.U. ‘60
Mrs. Phyllis Ryan (De Simone) ‘69
Mrs. JoAnn Santora Christensen ‘67
Mrs. Marie Sasso (Santone) ‘54
Ms. Lisa Scarano (Coutinho) ‘76
Mrs. Kathleen Schneller (Ferguson) ‘62
Mrs. Maeve M. Scott (McGoey) ‘77
Mrs. Karen Scovers-Amato ‘91
Mrs. Annmarie Scrobola (Moynihan) ‘87
Mrs. Frances Sellner (Schmidlein) ‘43
Mrs. Joanne Shea (McLean) ‘65
Mrs. Maria Sheehan (Moreno) ‘92
Ms. Noreen Sheehy ‘85
Miss Helen Shubik ‘43
Ms. Gail Silke (Driscoll) ‘82
Mrs. Claire Skoglund (McElroy) ‘60
Mrs. Luana Slaughter (Kelly) ‘85
Ms. Alisa Spivey ‘92
St. Joseph’s Ursuline Nuns
Edna Stafford ‘82
Mrs. Mary Fran Stamm (Hage) ‘82
Mrs. Nina Strattner (Sheehan) ‘51
Mrs. Marianela Suarez ‘82
Ms. Mildred Suarez-Milligan ‘82
Mr. John P. Sullivan
Ms. Gena Surphlis ‘92
Mrs. Audrey Tarantino (Milde) ‘53
Mrs. Rosemarie Tardibuono (Morreale) ‘62
Mrs. Colette Taussi (Bradley) ‘87
Ms. Ruth Taveras
Mrs. Ursula Thomas (Chase) ‘76
Dr. Ruth Anne Thompson (Cronin) ‘50
Col. Sheila Toner ‘60
Mrs. Joan Van Gieson (Rogers) ‘42
Mrs. Elizabeth Varenne (Mazzella) ‘92
Ms. Kimcita Vargas-Walker ‘92
Mrs. Odaliz Vasquez (Nieves) ‘10
Mrs. Myrna Velazquez (Gomila) ‘87
Ms. Joan Vertigan (Miller) ‘73
Mrs. Patricia Voorhees (Lace) ‘47
Ms. Kim Walker ‘87
Mrs. Nora Walsh (Dowd) ‘54
Dr. Mary Ward ‘62
Ms. Regina Ward ‘93
Mrs. Dorothy Welch (Poloso) ‘45
Mrs. Jeannie Weldin (McDermott) ‘72
Mrs. Josephine Wernau (Scottino) ‘63
Mrs. Marguerite Witte (Hoffmann) ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. William Wood (Bauert) ‘82
Ms. Keisha Wooten ‘92
Mrs. La Shell Wooten ‘87
2011 - 2012
- 13 -
Visit us online @ www.amsu.org
Class of 2012 - College Acceptances
Adelphi University
Alfred University
American University
American Musical and Dramatic Academy
Bloomfield College
Boston College
Carnegie Mellon University
College of Mount St. Vincent
College of Saint Rose
Cornell University
CUNY Baruch College
Borough of Manhattan Community
Bronx Community College
Brooklyn College
Hostos Community College
Hunter College
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Kingsborough Community College
LaGuardia Community College
Lehman College
Medgar Evers College
Queens College
The City College of New York
York College
Daemen College
Delaware State University
DeSales University
Dowling College
Drexel University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Felician College
Fordham University
George Washington University
Hampton University
Hofstra University
Howard University
Iona College
Ithaca College
Kings College
LaSalle University
LeMoyne University
Laboratory Institute of Merchandising
Long Island University-Brooklyn
Long Island University-CW Post
Loyola University-New Orleans
Manhattan College
Marist College
Marymount Manhattan College
Mercy College
Michigan State University
Monroe College
Mount St. Mary College
Mount St. Mary’s University
New York Institute of Technology
Newbury College
New York University
New York University Polytech
North Carolina Agricultural
and Technical University
Pace University
Pennsylvania State University
University Park
Quinnipiac University
Rider University
Rutgers University
Sage College of Albany
Seton Hall University
Siena College
South Carolina State University
Spelman College
St. John’s University
SUNY Binghamton University
Buffalo State College
Purchase College
Stonybrook University
The College at Brockport
University at Albany
University at Buffalo
Syracuse University
Tuskegee University
University of Bridgeport
University of Connecticut
University of Hartford
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of New Haven
University of Notre Dame
University of Rochester
University of Vermont
Vassar College
Virginia State University
Virginia Union University
Wentworth Institute of Technology
William Patterson University
Winston-Salem State University
Academic Awards
In Honor of Michael Hannigan, Sr.
Aria Feliciano
Jacqueline Martinez
Theresa Kim Vu
In Memory of Mary Power
Mariana Pinos
Maria Rymer
Bianca Trinidad
In Honor of Theresa Haipt
Jacqueline Martinez
In Memory of Gertrude E. McCarthy
Jacqueline Martinez
Aleysha Taveras
In Honor of Matilda Morelli and
Evelyn Bahr Curry, ’38
Jacqueline Martinez
Physical Education
Kimberly Escobar
- 1 4 - Annual Report
Veronica Lugo
Kayla Martin
Danielle Willis
Performing Arts
Maria Rymer
Aleysha Taveras
Religious Education
In Honor of Jane and Joseph Coyle
Ozioma Oku
Media Arts
Nicole-Ashley Carumba
In Honor of Anthony and Ellen
Jacqueline Martinez
Mariana Pinos
In Honor of Maria Delgado
Bree Capel
Marline Coronado
Julissa Guzman
Dominique Vazquez
Art Awards
Visual Art
Meghan Evangelista
Shanaelia Gayle
Mariana Pinos
Amber Thomas
Theresa Kim Vu
Service Awards
Character and the Pursuit of Excellence
In Memory of Marcella C. Maher
Annlady Jorge
Jacqueline Martinez
Spirit, Leadership, and Service
In Memory of Ruth McEvoy ‘25
Jacqueline Martinez
Ursuline Serviam Award for Service to
Alanna Hepburn
Aleah Hepburn
Annlady Jorge
Jacqueline Martinez
Nicole Smith
Bianca Trinidad
Kathryn Trujillo
General Excellence
Jacqueline Martinez
Second in Excellence
Mariana Pinos
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Valedictorian - Jacqueline Martinez
Good morning Father Vigilanti, Ms. Harrison, Mrs. Duggan, Mrs. Kelly, faculty, families, friends,
and my fellow graduates. Can you believe it? From fresh-faced freshmen to sophisticated
seniors, we are finally here to close one chapter and look forward to the future. The journey
to where we are today hasn’t always been easy, but the memories we’ve made here at the
Academy of Mount St. Ursula have definitely made it all worth it. As we look forward to the
future, we also reflect on the past four years that have helped shape all of us into the people
we are today.
For most of us, this journey began nearly four years ago when we first entered this auditorium
to report for our first day of freshman year. It’s hard to remember how nervous and excited
we were on that September morning: nervous about the rigors of high school and yet excited
about making friends and feeling “older.” Some of us came alone while others came here with
friends. Regardless, it was a new beginning for each person. New teachers, new classes, new
friends, new environment, but AMSU quickly became our home. We became used to the many essays Ms. Corticcio assigned us
and the regents review questions from Ms. Sitler.
Even though we have to say goodbye, we also remember how amazing our class as a whole has been. In the years to come, this
school will never forget about the class of 2012. The last class to wear the winter skirt. One of the last classes to be able to learn
in the convent side of the building, that we miss so much. One of the classes that was here when AMSU made the transition into
the technological world with the introduction of Edline. The first senior class to have a dance in this school in over 20 years. They
can’t ever forget us. Let’s face it, we’re a great class and we’ve certainly made our mark here at AMSU. And we won’t ever forget
each other and the close bonds that we’ve formed in the last four years. Yes, we’ll be going off into different directions but we’ll
go to these new places with the memories we’ve made here in our hearts. These memories and these events that are helping us
become the people we want to be.
Now we’re about to be in the same transition phase as we were four years ago. Some of us will be going to college alone, but for
some the journey will continue with one or two friends from AMSU. This time, however, it will be different because we won’t
always have our parents and teachers there to guide us. This is now our time to be independent, make our own decisions, and
most importantly grasp the opportunities as they come. And we can do this because there is something within each one of us
under that cap and inside of that gown: our will and our heart that makes each one of us special. That will to get something done
and that heart to want it done in the best way possible.
As we approach the future, we cannot forget those who have helped us to get to where we are today. Firstly, our classmates, our
friends, our sisters: the ones who have made the last four years something to remember forever, especially from endless laughter
to the frequent complaining about all the homework given to us. Next, we acknowledge our teachers and administration, not
just here at AMSU but also from our elementary and middle schools, who without their guidance, wisdom, and sometimes
needed discipline, we could not be the young women we have grown into. Most importantly, we cannot forget about our very
first teachers, our parents, who have taught us that love is the most important thing in the world. Without them, all of this would
never have been possible.
Congratulations to the Class of 2012; we finally did it and always remember to live for today, plan for tomorrow, and party tonight
because you only live once and we are the girls who run the world.
2011 - 2012
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Alumnae Donors 2011-2012
Class of
# of Donors
Out Of
% of Participation
Class of
# of Donors
Out Of
% of Participation
Class of 1987
- 1 6 - Annual Report
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Salutatorian - Mariana Pinos
Good Morning, Father Vigilanti, Ms. Harrison, Mrs. Duggan, Mrs. Kelly, Faculty, Friends, Family,
and my fellow graduates, welcome to the moment many of us have anxiously awaited, the
2012 graduation of the Academy of Mount St. Ursula. It has been a long and well-earned
journey that I have proudly shared with each of you.
It’s hard to believe our four years here are at its end. As I began writing this speech, one
question stumped me: How do you sum up four amazing years? Well, the answer is you don’t.
The values and traditions that have been instilled in us were not meant to be summed up
and remain as memories of our high school days. These four years have brought us triumphs,
celebrations, lifelong friends, and most importantly sisters who will carry on with us beyond
college. It has definitely been “Four Years to Last a Lifetime.”
Four years ago, in this very auditorium, Ms. Harrison quoted Aristotle; “We are what we
repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” I stand here before all of you filled with a profound sense pride. Our
habits, our talents, our determination have brought us to today. We did it! We’ve overcome every challenge, every obstacle to
stand here together in celebration. I am able to speak to you not only as a fellow graduate, but also as a friend, and as your friend,
I want to leave you with some advice that I hope you carry on into college and life. Do what makes you happy. Only you know what
that is, so don’t let yourself be miserable in any aspect of your life. Put your heart into everything you do, only then can you make
a difference. Don’t let anyone bring you down and make you feel worthless. Just always remember---you are a wonderful person.
Always have compassion for other people. You never know what someone else is going through, what cross he or she has to
bear, and if you’re ever that person with a heavy heart always remember we’re in this together. Remember you have sisters and
a family here to encourage you to get back up and keep going.
So smile and laugh a lot, and be nice to everyone you meet. Build yourself up when people try to break you down. Don’t take
anyone or anything for granted, and above all, remember where you came from. You always have a foundation here, and sisters
to rely on.
While this may seem as an ending, this is only the beginning for us.
I wish you all the best as we begin a new chapter in our lives.
Congratulations, Class of 2012!
2011 - 2012
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This listing reflects gifts received between September 1, 2011 and August 31, 2012.
Alumnae Donors 2011-2012
Mrs. Anne Herndon (Rogan)
Mrs. Margaret Quinn (Corcoran)
Sr. Angela Rooney
Ms. Veronica Glynn
Mrs. Ruth Cunnion (McNamara)
Mrs. Julia Hurley (Loughran)
Mrs. Julia Deegan (Noonan)
Mrs. Ursula Johnson (Barrett)
Ms. Patricia Kiernan
Mrs. Isabel Bossong (Brust)
Mrs. Veronica Porter (Beach)
Mrs. Joan Walsh (Henry)
Mrs. Mary Jane DePhillips (Lawlor)
Miss Anne Hughes
Mrs. Patricia Kelleher (Byrne)
Ms. Norine Ryan
Mrs. Joan Van Gieson (Rogers)
Miss Edwina Weisheit
Mrs. Mary Callahan (Zweifel)
Mrs. Frances Sellner (Schmidlein)
Miss Helen Shubik
Mrs. Winifred Farrell (Sieger)
Mrs. Barbara Kennedy (Boarman)
Mrs. Gilda Puzio (Cardillo)
Mrs. Estelle A. Brocks (Harper)
Mrs. Patricia Cademartori (Dailey)
Mrs. Margaret Conroy (Mitty)
Ms. Ann T. Graham
Mrs. Teresa O’Connell (Smith)
Mrs. Dorothy Welch (Poloso)
- 1 8 - Annual Report
Mrs. Jean Colligan (Barrett)
Mrs. Catherine Enright (Gormley)
Sr. Regina Kehoe, O.S.U.
Mrs. Audrey Kelly (Kearns)
Ms. Theresa O’Rourke
Mrs. Dorothy Shillinglaw (Hanrahan)
Ms. Joan Cashman
Mrs. Carolyn Clarke (Grant)
Mrs. Joan Hanel (O’Keeffe)
Mrs. Sheila Kelly (O’Neill)
Mrs. Kathleen Klein (Rees)
Mrs. Maureen Lambert (Baldwin)
Mrs. Margaret LaTouche (Lane)
Mrs. Jean Maun (Briody)
Mrs. Margaret Nix (Timoney)
Mrs. Marie Peterson (Wolf)
Ms. Patricia Rowan (Reagan)
Mrs. Patricia Voorhees (Lace)
Mrs. Madeleine Anglim (Martyn)
Mrs. Patricia Gillin (Ahearn)
Mrs. Mary Hill (Jones)
Mrs. Patricia Holland (O’Brien)
Mrs. Margaret Mahoney (Hartigan)
Mrs. Doris Ann Nelson (Isolini)
Mrs. Kathleen Burke (Cuddy)
Mrs. Emily Consigli (Patrizzi)
Mrs. Elizabeth Crookston (Harper)
Mrs. Patricia Draddy (Shea)
Mrs. Norma Elser (Fazia)
Mrs. Bernadette Garigliano (Raftery)
Mrs. Dian Jennings Mayo
Mrs. Patricia Lammers (Byrnes)
Miss Margaret Moroney
Miss Angela Murray
Mrs. Catherine O’Connor (White)
Mrs. Barbara Packwood (Gehan)
Mrs. Margaret Slyngstad (Malloy)
Mrs. Elizabeth Corbett (Dooley)
Mrs. Eleanor Hannigan (Donlon)
Mrs. Joan Hayward (Curry)
Mrs. Susan Kane (Duggan)
Mrs. Ellen Murphy (Kissane)
Mrs. Mary Murphy (Smith)
Mrs. Patricia Reilly (McLaughlin)
Dr. Ruth Anne Thompson (Cronin)
Mrs. Rosemarie Amoroso (Grillo)
Mrs. Mary Crabill (Tauranac)
Ms. Anne Dunn (Sheehan)
Mrs. Audrey Galligan (Field)
Mrs. Catherine Giammatteo (Arcoleo)
Mrs. Kathryn Goldsmith (Anner)
Mrs. Beverly Knox (Powers)
Mrs. Anneliese Kovach (Gerritzen)
Mrs. Eileen McLaughlin (Hagan)
Mrs. Jane Mitrovic (Cunningham)
Mrs. Ann O’Connell (McGuire)
Mrs. Jeannette Parshall (Carry)
Mrs. Anne Ryan (Rippon)
Mrs. Nina Strattner (Sheehan)
Ms. Julia Whalen
Mrs. Cecelia Andretta (Falcone)
Mrs. Patricia Blessington (Murray)
Mrs. Mary Clifford (Crowe)
Dr. Elynore Cucinell (Clark)
Mrs. Sheila Darken (Keane)
Mrs. Elizabeth DeLorenzo (Saviola)
Sr. Alice Marie Giordano, O.S.U.
Sr. Jeanne Hamilton, O.S.U.
Mrs. Mary Leone (Dowd)
Mrs. Dorothy McCartney (Riley)
Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna (O’Reilly)
Mrs. Carol Nealon (Donlon)
Mrs. Mary O’Grady (Casey)
Mrs. Annemarie Romagnoli (Russo)
Mrs. Kathleen Smith (Horgan)
Mrs. Mary Jane Boyle (Denneen)
Mrs. Alice Di Pirro (Hennessy)
Mrs. Eleanor Guerriero (Walters)
Mrs. Mary Lou Kintz (Cronin)
Mrs. Mary Rowden (Oliva)
Ms. Mary Sayers
Mrs. Audrey Tarantino (Milde)
Ms. Patricia Ahern
Mrs. Concetta Bele (Pollio)
Mrs. Adrienne Cosgrove (Matthews)
Mrs. Marion Crowley (Haggerty)
Mrs. Beatrice Easton (Cunningham)
Ms. Grace Gambino (Longo)
Mrs. Joan Garber (Ott)
Mrs. Judy Hynes (Killeen)
Mrs. Camille Johnston (Cardon)
Mrs. Donna Kelly (McAuley)
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Alumnae Donors 2011-2012
Mrs. Frances McLoughlin (Cloonan)
Mrs. Barbara Phillips (Gibney)
Mrs. Marie Sasso (Santone)
Mrs. Denise Smith (Delaney)
Mrs. Anne Stanton (Hickey)
Mrs. Alice Sweeney (Quill)
Mrs. Germaine Trabert (Keogh)
Mrs. Nora Walsh (Dowd)
Miss Ann Bangert
Mrs. Lillian Ferguson (Boccardi)
Mrs. Theresa Helbeck (Nassisi)
Mrs. Elizabeth Kaming (Collins)
Mrs. Hildegard Lawrence (Hoffman)
Mrs. Marion Lechowicz (Carbery)
Mrs. Patricia McShea (Casey)
Mrs. Carole Pegoraro (Nela)
Mrs. Elena Torregrossa (De Matteo)
Mrs. Jo-Ann Verrier (Heilferty)
Ms. Margaret Casey
Mrs. Joan DiGiulio (Nugent)
Ms. Muriel Grim (Smith)
Mrs. Marie Hermann (Lynch)
Mrs. Ellen Kehoe (Pacia)
Mrs. Anne Lauenstein (Durner)
Mrs. Ursula McMahon (Kehoe)
Mrs. Ann Morison (Frank)
Ms. Teresa Peloso
Mrs. Claire Santoro (Pacia)
Mrs. Eileen Altman (Shea)
Mrs. Margaret Bischof (Green)
Mrs. Judith A. Boyle (Coyle)
Mrs. Catherine Brown (Dowd)
Mrs. Geraldine Callahan (Saviola)
Ms. Sarah Campbell
Mrs. Jean Carden McGlinn
Ms. Helen Casey
Mrs. Eileen Collins (Murphy)
Mrs. Ann Crawshaw-Coquin (Di Fede)
Mrs. Dolores De Cesare (Bartell)
Mrs. Mary Anne Denon (Doran)
Mrs. Marion Driscoll (Gyves)
Dr. Kathleen Elkins (Calmel)
Mrs. Barbara Feeney (Bonsaing)
Ms. Kathleen Forbes-Fandetti
Ms. Mary Ellen Golden
Ms. Margaret Hartmann
Mrs. Mary Kelly (Murray)
Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch (Garvin)
Mrs. Carol Maher (Ferguson)
Ms. Aline Miller
Mrs. Maureen Mooney (Griffin)
Ms. Jeanne Murphy
Mrs. Mary O’Donnell (Hehir)
Mrs. Marilyn Owens (Sheerin)
Ms. Jacqueline M. Parisen (Parisen)
Mrs. Elizabeth Peloso (Byrne)
Mrs. Maureen Regan (O’Connell)
Mrs. Valerie Schoeck (Wilson)
Mrs. Nancy Shannon (Prior)
Mrs. Marguerite Witte (Hoffmann)
Mrs. Ann Marie Ciaramella (Duminuco)
Mrs. Margaret Costigan (Reynolds)
Ms. Florence Cucchi (Alaimo)
Maureen D. Donovan, Esq. (Driscoll)
Mrs. Kathleen Dunne (McKay)
Sr. Eileen Finnerty, O.S.U.
Mrs. Rita Gorman (Moriarty)
Ms. Barbara Heaney
Sr. Margaret Kelleher
Ms. Virginia Syron
Miss Florence Bricker
Mrs. Ursula Burke (Hutchinson)
Mrs. Beatrice Dinger (Smith)
Ms. Barbara Ferrante (Frey)
Mrs. Rita Gruber (Tierney)
Mrs. Marion Haughey (McCarthy)
Mrs. Helene Holohan (Douglas)
Sr. Geraldine Kennedy, O.S.U.
Dr. Deirdre LaPorte
Mrs. Patricia MacDonald (Ryan)
Ms. Anne McAuliffe-O’Donnell
Ms. Maryann McEvoy
Dr. Angele Vial-McGrady
Mrs. Beatrice M. Mondare (Lynch)
Dr. Noreen Moran (Deane)
Mrs. Mary Muller (Casey)
Mrs. Maria Posey (Caretti)
Mrs. Dorothy Sturek (Johnson)
Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor)
Mrs. Dorothy Tubman (Krug)
Mrs. Lois Weeks (Lekow)
Mrs. Ellen Zuercher (Potdevin)
Ms. Patricia Bommicino
Mrs. Anne Byrne (McElligott)
Mrs. Helen Capece (Ferrante)
Mrs. Mary Agnes Coady (Dress)
Mrs. Jeanne Coburn (Calamari)
Mrs. Joan M. Delaney (Gorman)
Mrs. Eileen Hogan (Cooney)
Mrs. Teresa Melanson (LaRocca)
Mrs. Anne Michaels (Lafferty)
Mrs. Louise Morgner (Roy)
Mrs. Melody Nista (Pontell)
Mrs. Rosemary Pellegrino (McMahon)
Mrs. Marilyn M. Roe
Sr. Patricia A. Russell, O.S.U.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sauthoff (Muller)
Mrs. Claire Skoglund (McElroy)
Ms. Barbara Stronczer
Col. Sheila Toner
Mrs. Ginger Alexander (Monz)
Mrs. Patricia Bocker (Ahlberg)
Ms. Eileen Casey
Ms. Patricia Connolly
Mrs. Joan Crosson (Dekan)
Mrs. Mary Jane Dooley (Coyle)
Sr. Jane Finnerty, O.S.U.
Ms. Bernadette Gillis
Ms. Barbara Higgins
Ms. Ann C. Hunt
Ms. Carole Kakos
Ms. Marie Keegan
Ms. Francine Lampidis (Napoliello)
Dr. Virginia Livolsi
Ms. Mary Malloy
Mrs. Constance Miller (Stanionis)
Mrs. Lorna Minor (Hurley)
Ms. Janet Murphy (Barelli)
Mrs. Rose Marie Occhino (Caiazzo)
Mrs. Ann O’Connell (Clancy)
Mrs. Claire Pellegrino (Imperato)
Mrs. Joanne Pergolis (Limberg)
Mrs. Eileen Phelps (McGowan)
Mrs. Elaine Sackmann (Castaldo)
Mrs. Maureen Saldarini (Cusack)
Mrs. Ellen Alger (Smith)
Mrs. Kathleen Anderson (Edery)
Mrs. Mary Ann Angelone (Wilson)
Dr. Roanne Angiello (Schmidt)
Mrs. Margaret Bastone (Pond)
Mrs. Ellen Buccellato (Whalen)
Mrs. Susan Cappiello (Wallace)
Ms. Veronica Casey
Mrs. Madeline Connolly (Steakelum)
Dr. Marianne Conway
Mrs. Monica Coyle (Norton)
2011 - 2012
- 19 -
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Alumnae Donors 2011-2012
Mrs. Mary Anne Drew-Evans (Cotter)
Mrs. Sheila Drohan (McGuirk)
Ms. Joan Ericsson
Mrs. Eileen Fay (Donoghue)
Mrs. Mary Feely (Roche)
Mrs. Virginia Fogarty (Bowman)
Mrs. Constance Fossa (Cronan)
Mrs. Ann Gallo (MacClave)
Mrs. Jeanne Grubert (McCormick)
Mrs. Catherine Haney (Kilian)
Mrs. Margaret Keating (Brennan)
Mrs. Barbara Keckler (Pizzurro)
Mrs. Elizabeth Leitner (Maier)
Ms. Michele Mahoney (Spicciani)
Ms. Joan Maisch
Mrs. Dorothy Mazaitis (Fitzgerald)
Ms. Jane McDonnell
Mrs. Jean McDonough (Welden)
Mrs. Joan McDonough O’Malley
Mrs. Barbara McEneney (Cavanagh)
Mrs. Josephine McGlynn (Moran)
Mrs. Teresa McQuade-Kao
Mrs. Regina Monte (McGrory)
Mrs. Ann Moroney (McCabe)
Mrs. Patricia Murphy (Grey)
Dr. Maureen Norris (Riordan)
Mrs. Nancy O’Neil (Parks)
Ms. Dorothy Perta
Mrs. Maureen Riemer (Woods)
Mrs. Kathleen Schneller (Ferguson)
Mrs. Jill Schwartz (Butler)
Mrs. Mary Stump (Martin)
Mrs. Mary Sullivan (Burke)
Mrs. Rosemarie Tardibuono (Morreale)
Mrs. Trudy Trier (Craven)
Dr. Mary Ward
Mrs. Eileen Barrett (Sullivan)
Mrs. Dale Candela (Evans)
Mrs. Marie Giuriceo (Pandolfi)
Mrs. Eileen Gorman (Heveran)
Mrs. Maryanne Greene (McNally)
Mrs. Susanne Grossman (Lynch)
Mrs. Virginia Hanbridge (Carioscia)
Mrs. Theresa Hannah (Donini)
Ms. Jean D. Harrigan (Mirenda)
Mrs. Patricia Hatfield (Lyttle)
Mrs. JoAnn Leahy (Gorham)
Dr. Linda Mauro (Mastrangelo)
Mrs. Kathleen McCue (O’Rourke)
Mrs. Mary Ellen Melnyk (Sullivan)
Mrs. Susan Mercurio (Hopkins)
Mrs. Mary Niedzwiecki (McKeon)
Mrs. Barbara Pennipede (Moravek)
- 2 0 - Annual Report
Dr. Regina Peruggi
Mrs. Kathleen Probst (McQuillan)
Mrs. Jane Reichle (Scully)
Mrs. Margaret Rice (McCullen)
Mrs. Lois Van Fleet (Neggesmith)
Mrs. Josephine Wernau (Scottino)
Mrs. Pamela Conlon (Mantegazza)
Mrs. Judith Darling (Caddell)
Ms. Ann Marie Eagan
Mrs. Maureen Fabel (Sullivan)
Mrs. Jacqueline Fitzgerald (Healy)
Mrs. Jeanne Gaffney (McGuirk)
Mrs. Louise Golaski (Toner)
Mrs. Sandra Masiello (Benedetti)
Mrs. Mary Jane McCann (McPartland)
Mrs. Jane Moore (Callahan)
Mrs. Catherine Murtha (Frank)
Ms. Nancy Oakes
Mrs. Ethel Reese (McKeon)
Ms. Noreen Tobin
Mrs. Marguerite Weibel (Crowley)
Ms. Victoria Amoruso
Ms. Patricia Barnes
Mrs. Diane Carcaterra (Conway)
Mrs. Ann Chiodini (Bergassi)
Mrs. Mary Cleary (Finaro)
Ms. Joan Close
Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy)
Mrs. Virginia Cronin (Glendon)
Mrs. Patricia Curtis (Miller)
Dr. Rosemary Dale
Mrs. Rosemary Dilgard (Rando)
Mrs. Barbara Dingee (Farrell)
Mrs. Dolores Gartner (Burckardt)
Mrs. Karen Goodwin (Anderson)
Mrs. Monica Henneberry (Horan)
Mrs. Romaine Hoffman (Genovese)
Jane G. Iacobellis, Esq. (Grantmyre)
Dr. Rosanne Kiely (Kelly)
Mrs. Veronica Kiernan (Keefe)
Ms. Maryalice Madden-DuVal
Mrs. Claire Manto (Colangelo)
The Honorable Maureen McIntyre
Mrs. Mary Ann Michalski (Reuther)
Mrs. Susan O’Neill (Dolan)
Mrs. Joanne Shea (McLean)
Ms. Annabelle Simpson
Mrs. Clare Thomenius (McKeon)
Mrs. Lynne Toumey (Berne)
Dr. Mary Jane Alexander
Mrs. Maureen Bellotti (O’Farrell)
Mrs. Margaret Blair (Grier)
Ms. Loretta Burke
Mrs. Joan Carney (Benvenuto)
Mrs. Ann Marie Clancy (Williams)
Mrs. Una Flynn (Owens)
Mrs. Maureen Hentrich (Driscoll)
Mrs. Eileen Huntington (McElligott)
Ms. Kathleen Keber
Mrs. Peggy Hayes Kelly
Mrs. Joanne Lo Pinto (Deagan)
Mrs. Susan Lyons (Krunocky)
Mrs. Alice Munzo (Pisani)
Ms. Jeanne O’Connor
Mrs. Margaret Padnos (Mais)
Mrs. Mary Pinto (Krupp)
Dr. Louise Resor (Donohoe)
Mrs. Margaret Reynolds (O’Connor)
Mrs. Eileen Sutter (Tobin)
Mrs. Virginia Tierney (Andriola)
Ms. Regina Tobin
Vice Admiral Patricia Tracey
Ms. Christine Tralongo
Ms. Katherine Babiak
Mrs. Anna Chielli (Scaccia)
Mrs. Nancy-Jo Di Luzio (Tarantino)
Dr. Camille Di Paola
Mrs. Helen Donoghue (Deiser)
Mrs. Joanne Guerrerio (Finaro)
Ms. Melissa Gabriel
Mrs. Claire Hofer (Conlin)
Mrs. Anne Marie Hynes (Nichol)
Mrs. Irene Lewis (Hard)
Mrs. Regina McEneaney (Roth)
Ms. Carolyn McNally
Mrs. Eileen Munoz (Cafferty)
Mrs. Linda Murphy (Carroll)
Ms. Muriel Murphy
Ms. Linda Nissen
Mrs. Noreen O’Meara-Shanbacker
Mrs. Ofelia Otheguy (Schwiep)
Mrs. JoAnn Santora Christensen
Mrs. Julia Turk (Murphy)
Mrs. Kathleen Whiteside (Brocks)
Mrs. Catherine Bridge (Lynch)
Ms. Noreen Culhane
Dr. Cathy E. Fagan (Mirenda)
Ms. Elizabeth Gelbord (Ahern)
Mrs. Ann Grodzicki (Apicella)
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Alumnae Donors 2011-2012
Mrs. Michele Hess (Mazzola)
Ms. Anne Marie Kennedy
Denise C. Moore, Esq.
Mrs. Joan O’Brien (Carroll)
Mrs. Theresa Orsogna (Krupp)
Ms. Catherine Pragoff
Mrs. Patrice Rossettie (Gentsch)
Mrs. Anne Barrins-Slaby
Ms. Theresa Davis
Mrs. Barbara DeAngelo (Montenero)
Ms. Tania Degen
Ms. Eileen McCabe (McCabe)
Mrs. Eileen McCarthy (Mulligan)
Mrs. Joan McGreevy-Glatzl
Mrs. Nancy McKoy (Kirk)
Mrs. Angela Richards (Gagliardo)
Mrs. Phyllis Ryan (De Simone)
Mrs. Joan Winant (O’Meara)
Ms. Barbara Annis
Dr. Josephine Berthaume
Mrs. Margaret Broderick (Farrelly)
Mrs. Kathleen Castillo (Holder)
Ms. Mary Cronin
Mrs. Monica DeLaurentis (Signorini)
Mrs. Sheila Finer (King)
Ms. Mary Keber
Mrs. Maureen Kozma (Burns)
Mrs. Marie La Tourette (Sherry)
Mrs. Margaret Lewis (Donlon)
Mrs. Victoria Marz (Roberts)
Ms. Bridget McCarthy (Smith)
Mrs. Grace McNamara (Monahan)
Mrs. Mary Michener (Costigan)
Mrs. Linda Nagle (Fortuna)
Ms. Jane Syracuse
Mrs. Mary Tierney (Duffy)
Mrs. Eileen Tweedy (O’Rourke)
Mrs. Mary Ellen Beitel (Fitzpatrick)
Ms. Mary Connor
Mrs. Mary Cooper (Flanagan)
Dr. Mary Garner (Linhard)
Mrs. Patricia Hajducek (Weir)
Mrs. Arleen Hoffmann (Groark)
Mrs. Catherine Kolpak (Howard)
Mrs. Rosaleen Mason (Byrne)
Ms. Patricia McCann (Brunke)
Ms. Melanie McCarroll
Mrs. Catherine McMahon (Condon)
Mrs. Pamela Menk (Reasoner)
Mrs. Donna Nava (Benza)
Mrs. Rosemary Petrovich (Joyce)
Mrs. Donna Sasso (Dircks)
Dr. Ellen Tedaldi
Mrs. Mary Carleton (Griffin)
Ms. Maureen Carmody
Mrs. Catherine Carroll (Doorly)
Mrs. Denise Clark (Cleary)
Mrs. Mary Lee Cooper (Sweeney)
Mrs. Susan Cote (Baltera)
Ms. Debra Cowart
Mrs. Ingrid Harris (Casimir)
Ms. Barbara Heubel
Ms. Maria Kovachev (Geraci)
Ms. Stephanie Long
Mrs. Jane Massey (Yannaco)
Mrs. Sestina Miller (Rao)
Ms. Patricia Murphy
Mrs. Barbara Rizzo (Oliveri)
Mrs. Georgina Robillard (Rodriguez)
Mrs. Anne Schulman (O’Toole)
Ms. Margaret Sheahan
Ms. Kathleen M. Slakas
Mrs. Maria Taubner (Sartori)
Mrs. Denise Tormey (Dalton)
Mrs. Joanne Venino (Madori)
Ms. Eileen Walsh O’Shea
Mrs. Jeannie Weldin (McDermott)
Mrs. Sheila Baldwin-Cohen
Ms. Marian Burke
Mary Ellen Connerty, Esq. (Kubinec)
Dr. Ann Finegan
Ms. Nancy Gallagher
Mrs. Mary Hickey (Culhane)
Ms. Jane Joyce
Ms. Nancy Kerrigan
Ms. Judy Martinez
Mrs. Anne McMahon (Dempsey)
Mrs. Barbara Napholtz (Zygmunt)
Ms. Joanne O’Beirne
Mrs. Barbara O’Brien (Murphy)
Mrs. Ann Marie Stangenberg (Lorum)
Ms. Joan Vertigan (Miller)
Mrs. Eithne Bearden (Cotter)
Mrs. Vivienne Courtney (Frohlich)
Ms. Rosemary Eivers
Mrs. Mary Ferguson (Melvin)
Mrs. Ann Marie Hackett (Costello)
Dr. Janet Keane (Dillon)
Mrs. Regina Sheil (McLester)
Mrs. Mary Skibinski (Kearns)
Mrs. Helen Walsh (Synan)
Mrs. Theresa Cameron (Buckley)
Dr. Anita Franzione
Mrs. Karen Gormley-Vitale
Ms. Kathleen Kearns
Ms. Regina Marengo
Mrs. Ann McEvily (Colligan)
Ms. Joan Mullee
Ms. Rosemarie Mullin
Ms. Barbara Blumers
Mrs. Mary Coleman (Houlihan)
Ms. Bridget Gaffney
Mrs. Karen Maresco (Baffuto)
Ms. Adrienne Rolla
Ms. Lisa Scarano (Coutinho)
Reverend Nafisa Sharriff
Mrs. Ursula Thomas (Chase)
Mrs. Mary Anne Alvarez (Fleming)
Ms. Leisa Arisio (Soto)
Ms. Mary Barry
Mrs. Theresa Boland-Spear
Mrs. Anna Marie Carberry (McLester)
Ms. Veronica Cilla
Ms. Deirdre Corio
Mrs. Anne Courtney
Mrs. Grace Daly (Lucey)
Mrs. Catherine Davis (Flynn)
Mrs. Barbara Di Fiore (Barron)
Mrs. Denise Donaghy (O’Flynn)
Mrs. Patricia Feierman (Reilly)
Mrs. Marykaye Gibson (Power)
Ms. Leslie Gill (Milhouse)
Mrs. Virginia Hawkins (Regan)
Mrs. Elva Hone
Mrs. Theresa Jimenez (McLaughlin)
Ms. Marguerite Kissane
Mrs. M. Martha Lauro Eid
Ms. Wanda Llambelis
Mrs. Laurie Lutz (May)
Mrs. Virginia McBrien (Dufford)
Mrs. Siobhan McCullough-Staar
Mrs. Mary C. McShane (Colligan)
Ms. Margaret Mullin
Ms. Debra O’Connor (Kiernan)
Ms. Josephine O’Hara
Mrs. Jane Petri (Zeoli)
Mrs. Lisa Pilla (Barry)
2011 - 2012
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Alumnae Donors 2011-2012
Mrs. Noreen Power (Duignan)
Miss Therese Quinn (Duda)
Mrs. Gail Ricchezza (Sullivan)
Mrs. Maeve M. Scott (McGoey)
Mrs. Carole Wittenberg (Healy)
Colonel Donna M. Brazil
Mr. Karen Cruz-Stapleton
Ms. Mary McGreal
Ms. Marian Dillon
Mrs. Teresa Donohue Foley
Ms. Maureen Fox
Mrs. Ann Marie Gizzi (D’Alisera)
Ms. Mary Harvey
Ms. Ann Marie Kennedy
Lee Llambelis, Esq.
Ms. Brenda McMahon
Mrs. Debra Boyle (Brown)
Mrs. Kelly Caivano (Raupp)
Mrs. Maureen Deacy (Gould)
Ms. Maureen O’Hara
Ms. Margaret Reilly-Brooks
Ms. Susan Ross
Mrs. Joan Bundschuh (O’Connor)
Mrs. Eileen Dunnion (Farrell)
Mrs. Margaret Friedberg (Giordano)
Miss Ines Goldin (Tosto)
Ms. Michelle Kelleher
Ms. Brenda Lyons (Fox)
Mrs. Patricia MacRae (Houlihan)
Mrs. Siobhan Mason (Murray)
Ms. Joan McGillycuddy
Mrs. Jean Moran (Hannigan)
Mrs. Jacqueline O’Brien (Mooney)
Ms. Teresita J. Sanabria
Mrs. Patricia Abrams (Maffei)
Ms. Margaret T. Burns
Ms. Andrea Cody
Ms. Dereine Coleman
Ms. Lisa Cunningham
Mrs. Patricia Diaz (Kipp)
Ms. Kathleen Fahy
Ms. Catherine Fuller
Ms. Annette Goodman
Mrs. Maureen Haggerty (Kenny)
- 2 2 - Annual Report
Mrs. Jacqueline Halpin (Mullarkey)
Ms. Melody Hawkins
Ms. Mary Journette
Mrs. Sheila Kenny (Kelleher)
Ms. Alexis Lorenzo
Mrs. Mary Lupo (Castro)
Mrs. Rebecca Malone (Sheridan)
Mrs. Patricia McCabe (Doolan)
Mrs. Lynda McGoey (Mulligan)
Mrs. Audrey Mincey (Warren)
Mrs. Angela Peteani (Nieves)
Ms. Yvette Postadan (Lee)
Mrs. Diana Rodriguez (Cioffi)
Mrs. Rose Ann Rush
Ms. Lisa Scott
Ms. Gail Silke (Driscoll)
Ms. Patricia Sipos-McDermott
Ms. Edna Stafford
Mrs. Mary Fran Stamm (Hage)
Mrs. Marianela Suarez
Ms. Mildred Suarez-Milligan
Mrs. Yvette Thomas
Ms. Tara Toure (Lawrence)
Ms. Eileen Watkins
Mrs. Joanie Wood (Bauert)
Ms. Aileen Del Prado
Ms. Veronica Dengler
Mrs. Adrienne Herrera (Barone)
Ms. Linda Kelly
Ms. Vivian Medina
Mrs. Siobhan Rini (O’Toole)
Mrs. Margaret D’Ippolito (Collins)
Ms. Elizabeth Jennings
Ms. Kathleen King (Twiggs)
Mrs. Aracely Kuszel (Medranda)
Ms. Mary McGee
Mrs. Anna Marie O’Neill (Dineen)
Ms. Dawn Beazer
Ms. Katrina Dengler
Mrs. Adele Greco (Coppey)
Ms. Kristina Hosch
Ms. Susan Kentler
Mrs. Marina McPadden (Collins)
Mrs. Sharon O’Sullivan (Kelly)
Ms. Rita Ricci-Diaz
Ms. Noreen Sheehy
Mrs. Luana Slaughter (Kelly)
Ms. Eileen Twiggs
Mrs. Regina Beechert (Ambery)
Mrs. Francesca Bossey (Kosick)
Ms. Paula Cabrera-Urena
Ms. Lonice Davis (Woods)
Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould)
Mrs. Rebecca Alvarez (Pla)
Ms. Kathleen Campbell
Mrs. Louisa Chen
Ms. Mary Beth Coffey
Mrs. Caroline Duggan (Browne)
Ms. Jill Foltin (Ciamarra)
Mrs. Jeanine Giannone (Arenella)
Ms. Dolores Giordano-Savona
Ms. Lashonne Greene (Morgan)
Mrs. Mary Grochowski (Diskin)
Mrs. Lisa Higgins (Butler)
Ms. Shananne Hutter (Donley)
Ms. Adriana Minchilli
Ms. Iovonna Moss
Mrs. Margaret Posca (Ruane)
Mrs. Ida Rivera (Vega)
Ms. Nancy Rodrigue
Mrs. Annmarie Scrobola (Moynihan)
Mrs. Colette Taussi (Bradley)
Mrs. Samantha (Poskitt)
Mrs. Myrna Velazquez (Gomila)
Ms. Kim Walker
Mrs. La Shell Wooten
Ms. Helena Nielsen (Derrig)
Ms. Gianna Dell’Olio
Sr. Jeannie M. Humphries, O.S.U.
Ms. Meaghan O’Toole
Ms. Catherine Duffy (Daly)
Mrs. Karen Scovers-Amato
Mrs. Jacqueline Alexander (West)
Mrs. Jennifer Balbuena (Luciano)
Ms. Crystal Barrow
Ms. Courtney Brown (Smith)
Ms. Dianne Campbell
Ms. Carolina Castillo
Mrs. Nikia Castillo-Garcia
Mrs. Elaine Ciccarelli (York)
Mrs. Zena Clancy (Mc Laughlin)
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Alumnae Donors 2011-2012
Mrs. Sarah D’Amico (Bonilla)
Ms. Ayisha Day
Mrs. Meghan Donovan (Byrne)
Ms. Lisa Escobar
Ms. Vanessa Evans
Ms. Teresa Garcia
Ms. Nadine Graham
Mrs. Myra Harmon (Guttilla)
Mrs. Nicole Harrison (Perepeluk)
Mrs. Sapphira Hill (Molina)
Ms. Tara Holland
Ms. Gillian Lassen (Lebron)
Ms. Sheetl Lawrence (Majeed)
Ms. Melissa Libran
Ms. Yesenia Lopez
Ms. Olga Lugo-Hardy
Ms. Patricia Maiorano
Mrs. Kathleen Mullin (Kilroy)
Ms. Wendy Ocontrillo
Ms. Beth-Ann Permuy (Schwartz)
Ms. Mary Ann Raftery
Ms. Tanya Regan
Ms. Jessica Rodriguez
Ms. Jamie Romano
Mrs. Maria Sheehan (Moreno)
Ms. Alisa Spivey
Ms. Joy Summerville-Johnson (James)
Ms. Gena Surphlis
Mrs. Claudia Toni-Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth Varenne (Mazzella)
Ms. Kimcita Vargas-Walker
Ms. Helinda Villalona-Perez
Ms. Keisha Wooten
Ms. Patty Gonzalez
Ms. Regina Ward
Miss Janice Diaz
Ms. Falland Hamilton (Toscano)
Miss Kemi Adewumi
Miss Lisa Marie Balubayan
Ms. Joi Britt
Ms. Margarita Calbitaza
Miss Maria Garcia
Miss Adrienne Jackson
Miss Janine John
Ms. Monique McCatty
Ms. Melissa Audain
Ms. Rashida Burnham
Mrs. Odaliz Vasquez (Nieves)
AMSU has made every effort
to complete and present
an accurate listing of all
donations in this Annual
Report. If your name is
omitted or incorrectly listed,
we apologize for this error.
Please inform the Office
of Development/Alumnae
Relations of any corrections.
Dr. Wendis Santana-Joyce
Ms. Graciela Mercado
Ms. Vanessa Cortes-Maldonado
Ms. Yolaica Gonzalez (Moreno)
Ms. Tiffiney Johnson
Ms. Jennifer Perez
Ms. Christine Alindogan
Ms. Cecilia Granda
Mrs. Eileen Rios-Abdallah
2011 - 2012
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Donor Categories 2011-2012
1855 Society
Miss Ann Bangert ‘55
Ms. Margaret Casey ‘56
Mrs. Bernadette Garigliano (Raftery) ‘49
Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna (O’Reilly) ‘52
Mrs. Maria Posey (Caretti) ‘59
Mrs. Maureen Regan (O’Connell) ‘57
Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke
Mrs. Mary Carleton (Griffin) ‘72
Mrs. Catherine Carroll (Doorly) ‘72
Ms. Joan Cashman ‘47
Child, INC.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Christ
Mrs. Ann Marie Clancy (Williams) ‘66
Ms. Julie H. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine L. Clemente
Mary Ellen Connerty, Esq. (Kubinec) ‘73
Mrs. Mary Lee Cooper (Sweeney) ‘72
Ms. Debra Cowart ‘72
Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy) ‘65
Ms. Mary Cronin ‘70
Mrs. Maureen Deacy (Gould) ‘80
Dunwoodie Class of ‘71 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. John Fleming
Fr. David Casella Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Margaret Friedberg (Giordano) ‘81
Mrs. Patricia Gillin (Ahearn) ‘48
Mrs. Ingrid Harris (Casimir) ‘72
Ms. Barbara Heubel ‘72
Horace Mann High School
Mr. James Houlihan
Ms. Elizabeth Jennings ‘84
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Ms. Carole Kakos ‘61
Ms. Kathleen Keber ‘66
Mrs. Donna Kelly (McAuley) ‘54
Ms. Kathleen King (Twiggs) ‘84
KIPP Academy
Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leahy
Lone Pine Capital LLC
Ms. Eileen Lynch
Mrs. Patricia MacRae (Houlihan) ‘81
Manuel Cadena Memorial Fund
Mrs. Sandra Masiello (Benedetti) ‘64
Mrs. Siobhan Mason (Murray) ‘81
Mrs. Dorothy Mazaitis (Fitzgerald) ‘62
Mrs. Joan McGreevy-Glatzl ‘69
The Honorable Maureen McIntyre ‘65
Mrs. Mary C. McShane (Colligan) ‘77
Mrs. Jean Moran (Hannigan) ‘81
- 2 4 - Annual Report
Mr. Jeff Moretti
Mr. Joseph Muriana
Ms. Patricia Murphy ‘72
New York Nativity
Mrs. Angela Peteani (Nieves) ‘82
Pfizer Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pollard, III
Mrs. Kathleen Probst (McQuillan) ‘63
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reynolds
Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86
Sacred Heart School
Mrs. Anne Schulman (O’Toole) ‘72
Mr. Stephen Schultz M.D.
Mrs. Nancy Shannon (Prior) ‘57
Ms. Margaret Sheahan ‘72
Ms. Judiann R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John Spollen
St. Jerome School
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tangney
Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) ‘59
Mrs. Claudia Toni-Smith ‘92
Mrs. Denise Tormey (Dalton) ‘72
Mrs. Lynne Toumey (Berne) ‘65
Vice Admiral Patricia Tracey ‘66
Ms. Maureen Udo
Ursuline Community of Kimball Avenue
Ursuline Sisters of Hering Avenue
Mrs. Elizabeth Varenne (Mazzella) ‘92
Ms. Jo-Ann M. Verrier
Ms. Eileen Walsh O’Shea ‘72
Angela Cruz Stapleton Scholarship
Alliance Bernstein, L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cruz-Stapleton
Mr. Kenneth Holbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Luke W. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sohr
Estate of Sr. Kristen Wenzel, O.S.U.
Board of Trustees
Reverend Kenneth J. Boller, S.J.
Sr. Brenda Buckley, O.S.U.
Mrs. Susan Cronin ‘65
Ms. Mary Cronin ‘70
Sr. Eileen Fane, O.S.U.
Ms. Lisa Harrison
Ms. Barbara Heubel ’72
Mr. Daniel J. Houlihan, Jr.
Sr. Jeannie M. Humphries, O.S.U. ‘89
Mrs. Anne Marie Hynes ‘67
Ms. Michelle Kelleher ‘81
Mrs. Patricia MacRae ‘81
Dr. Regina Peruggi ‘63
Sr. Mary Shea, O.S.U. ‘60
Mrs. Kerri Reynolds ‘86
Mr. John P. Sullivan
Mrs. Claudia Toni-Smith ‘92
Mrs. Denise Tormey ‘72
Reverend John Vigilanti
Sr. Sandy Wardell, O.S.U.
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Blackmer Foundation
Brooklyn Benevolent Society
Children’s Scholarship Fund
Fr. David Casella Memorial Scholarship
Guerrerio Family Foundation
Inner City Scholarship Fund
Macy’s, Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Manuel Cadena Memorial Fund
Pfizer Foundation
St. Vincent De Paul Foundation, Inc.
Student Sponsor Partners
The Partnership for Inner-City Education
Ahold Financial Services
Ms. Kathleen Bell
Blue Moon Mexican Cafe
Ms. Cheryl Bohn
Reverend Kenneth J. Boller, S.J.
Ms. Mindy Breyer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke
Sr. Barbara Calamari, O.S.U.
Mrs. Florence Calamari
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Clemente
Mrs. Evelyn R. D’Amore
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. D’Amore
Ms. Caren S. Feldman
Mr. John Godin
Sr. Mildred Haipt, O.S.U.
Mr. John F. Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keri
Ms. Joanne Kleifgen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leahy
Sr. Marion Lynch, O.S.U.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lynch
Sr. Joan McCarthy O.S.U.
Ms. Cara G. McGuigan and Mr. Mark Sullivan
Mr. Bernard McGuire
Ms. Mary Agnes Mittiga
Ms. Laura E. Pennell
Ms. Mary C. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Powers
Sr. Mary Beth Read, O.S.U.
Ms. Rosemary Rinder
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Donor Categories 2011-2012
Mr. and Mrs. Mills Ripley
Mrs. Nancy Rizzuto
Mrs. Catherine Rossignol
Mr. Peter Sackmann
Mrs. Mary Santore
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Sprague
Ursuline Community of Bedford Park
Ursuline Community of Linden Place
Ursuline Provincialate
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Verhaegen
Reverend John Vigilanti
Mr. Myles V. Whalen, Jr.
Ms. Marian Wittenberg
Fund for the Future
MasterCard Worldwide Matching Gift Program
Gifts in Kind
American Specialties
Mrs. Susan Cronin (McCarthy) ‘65
Ms. Lonice Davis (Woods) ‘86
Mrs. Barbara DeAngelo (Montenero) ‘69
Mrs. Monica DeLaurentis (Signorini) ‘70
Maureen D. Donovan, Esq. (Driscoll) ‘58
Mr. Michael Henry
Mrs. Siobhan Mason (Murray) ‘81
Mr. Michael McRee
Mrs. Mary C. McShane (Colligan) ‘77
Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86
Mrs. Mary Santore
Ms. Judiann R. Smith
Mrs. Kathleen T. Tashner (Treanor) ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Verrier (Jo-Ann Heilferty) ‘55
Karen Marsh Award
Class of ‘82
Ms. Dereine Coleman ‘82
Mrs. Sheila Kenny (Kelleher) ‘82
Mrs. Rebecca Malone (Sheridan) ‘82
Mrs. Barbara Marsh
Ms. Patricia Sipos-McDermott ‘82
Ms. Edna Stafford ‘82
Mrs. Mary Fran Stamm (Hage) ‘82
Matching Gift Companies
Alliance Bernstein, L.P.
Arch Capital Services Inc.
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
Goldman Sachs Educational Matching Gift Program
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Macy’s, Inc. Matching Gifts Program
MasterCard Worldwide Matching Gift Program
Mutual of America Matching Gift Program
Pfizer Foundation
Past Parents
Mrs. Elizabeth DeLorenzo (Saviola) ‘52
Mrs. Lilliana Estrella-Castillo
Ms. Bridget Gaffney ‘76
Mrs. Cecile Johnson
Mrs. M. Martha Lauro Eid ‘77
Mr. Hugh Maragh
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ocasio
Mr. and Mrs. John V. O’Toole
Mrs. Marisol A. Pellecier-Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Petrovich (Joyce) ‘71
Ms. Theodora Prentice
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rogers
Rose Massey Heilferty Scholarship
Sr. Mary Jane Bookstaver, O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Verrier (Jo-Ann Heilferty) ‘55
Ms. Graciela Mercado ‘96
Mr. Peter G. Ulrich
SSP Donors
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
Sr. Eileen Fane, O.S.U.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harley
Mrs. Peggy Hayes Kelly ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kenny
Mrs. Patricia MacRae (Houlihan) ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mosman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy
Mrs. Rose Marie Occhino (Caiazzo) ‘61
Ms. Mary Putnam
Mr. John F. Quinn
Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86
Mrs. Elaine Sackmann (Castaldo) ‘61
Ursuline Community of Bedford Park
Thomas Parra Scholarship
Ms. Anna Parra Ramos
Mrs. Diana M. Parra
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Parra
Tuition Assistance Fund
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
Sr. Eileen Fane, O.S.U.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harley
Mrs. Peggy Hayes Kelly ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kenny
Mrs. Patricia MacRae (Houlihan) ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mosman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy
Mrs. Rose Marie Occhino (Caiazzo) ‘61
Ms. Mary Putnam
Mr. John F. Quinn
Mrs. Kerri Reynolds (Gould) ‘86
Mrs. Elaine Sackmann (Castaldo) ‘61
Ursuline Community of Bedford Park
Ursuline Communities
Ursuline Community of Bedford Park
Ursuline Community of City Island
Ursuline Community of Hering Avenue
Ursuline Community of Kimball Avenue
Ursuline Community of Liberty Avenue
Ursuline Community of Linden Place
Ursuline Convent of St. Teresa
Ursuline Provincialate
Keisha Henry Scholarship
Ms. Dawn Beazer ‘85
Ms. Susan Kentler ‘85
Macy’s, Inc. Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Rita Ricci-Diaz ‘85
Malanga Scholarship
Mrs. Marion Driscoll (Gyves) ‘57
Marion Gyves Scholarship
Mrs. Marion Gyves (Driscoll) ‘57
2011 - 2012
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Honorary and Memorial Gifts 2011-2012
In Honor of Myrna Castalia
Mrs. Luana Slaughter
In Honor of the Class of 1959
Mrs. Beatrice M. Mondare
In Honor of the Class of 1965
Mrs. Clare Thomenius
In Honor of Veronica and Joseph Coppey
Mrs. Adele Greco
In Honor of Katherine Corticcio
Ms. Graciela Mercado
In Honor of Susan Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine L. Clemente
In Honor of Mary Clare Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayward
In Honor of Teresa A. Donohue Foley
Mrs. Laurie Lutz
In Honor of Aimee Kakos
Ms. Carole Kakos
In Honor of Michael Kakos
Ms. Carole Kakos
In Honor of Charles J. McLester
Mrs. Regina Sheil
In Honor of The Monz Family
Mrs. Ginger Alexander
In Honor of Anne M. Napoliello
Ms. Francine Lampidis
In Honor of Donald Raupp
Mrs. Kelly Caivano
In Honor of Mary Beth Read
Ms. Gianna Dell’Olio
In Honor of Kathleen T. Tashner
Ms. Carole Kakos
In Honor of Ursuline Teachers
Miss Ann Bangert
In Honor of Jo-Ann Verrier
Sr. Mary Jane Bookstaver, O.P.
Ms. Jo-Ann M. Verrier
- 2 6 - Annual Report
In Honor of John Vigilanti
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harley
Ms. Grace Murphy
Ursuline Provincialate
In Honor of Mother Virginia
Mrs. Eileen Altman
In Memory of Mother Mary Austen
Mrs. Camille Johnston
In Memory of William J. Baldwin
Mrs. Sheila Baldwin-Cohen
In Memory of Anthony Barone
Mrs. Adrienne Herrera
In Memory of Patricia A. Brown
Ms. Kathleen Bell
Mr. John Godin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Powers
In Memory of Julian Calamari
Mrs. Florence Calamari
In Memory of Bridget Casey
Ms. Eileen Casey
In Memory of Martin Casey
Ms. Eileen Casey
In Memory of Tina Cataliotti
Mrs. Dale Candela
In Memory of Emily Clemente
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine L. Clemente
In Memory of Helena Coen
Dr. Elynore Cucinell
In Memory of Ignatius Conlon
Mrs. Eileen Altman
In Memory of John J. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayward
In Memory of Veronica M. Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayward
In Memory of Agnes Dailey
Mrs. Patricia Cademartori
In Memory of Helen Davison
Mrs. Dorothy Tubman
In Memory of Sofia De Blasio
Dr. Maria De Blasio
In Memory of Deceased Ursuline Faculty
Ursuline Sisters of Hering Avenue
In Memory of the Deceased Members of the Class of ‘72
Ms. Barbara Heubel
In Memory of Sr. Elizabeth Therese Doyle OSU
Dr. Noreen Moran
In Memory of Sr. Pierre Drury, O.S.U.
Mrs. Audrey Galligan
In Memory of Reed B. Farrell
Mrs. Winifred Farrell
In Memory of Anthony Ferrante
Mrs. Helen Capece
In Memory of Ellen Ferrante
Mrs. Helen Capece
In Memory of Rosemary L. Gamache
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lynch
In Memory of Mary Margaret Garvin
Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch
In Memory of Michael Guerriero
Mrs. Eleanor Guerriero
In Memory of Keisha Henry
Macy’s, Inc. Matching Gifts Program
In Memory of John Horan
Mrs. Monica Henneberry
In Memory of Monica Horan
Mrs. Monica Henneberry
In Memory of Michael and Agnes Kakos
Ms. Carole Kakos
In Memory of Anna Kakos Houwink
Ms. Carole Kakos
In Memory of Marion T. Keegan
Mrs. Mary Jane McKenna
In Memory of Dorothy Ann Kelly
Dr. Mary Driscoll
Ms. Barbara Higgins
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Honorary and Memorial Gifts 2011-2012
In Memory of Anne Kendall
Dr. Janet Keane
In Memory of Joseph Nagle
Mrs. Linda Nagle
In Memory of Julia F. Verhaegen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Verhaegen
In Memory of Rose-Marie Kiernan Clay
Ms. Patricia Kiernan
In Memory of Virginia Navin
Mrs. Margaret Rice
In Memory of Margaret Waters
Ms. Mary Fay-Zenk
In Memory of Gertrude Marie J. Krug
Mrs. Dorothy Tubman
In Memory of Mary Norton
Mrs. Monica Coyle
In Memory of Arthur Krupp
Mrs. Mary Pinto
In Memory of Mary I. O’Keefe
Mrs. Susan Mercurio
In Memory of Mary Krupp
Mrs. Mary Pinto
In Memory of Ellen E. Pennell
Mrs. Mary Ann Angelone
In Memory of Mary F. Lang
Ms. Joan Cashman
In Memory of Stephen Puzio
Mrs. Gilda Puzio
In Memory of Suzanne T. Welsh
Ms. Mindy Breyer
Ms. Cheryl Bohn
Mrs. Evelyn R. D’Amore
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. D’Amore
Ms. Caren S. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Keri
Mr. Bernard McGuire
Ms. Mary C. Porter
Mrs. Nancy Rizzuto
Mrs. Catherine Rossignol
In Memory of Marie Q. Lekow
Mrs. Lois Weeks
In Memory of Margaret Reehill Nash
Ms. Carole Kakos
In Memory of Helen Whetzel
Mrs. Sheila Kenny
In Memory of Elizabeth Linhari
Dr. Mary Garner
In Memory of Mary C. Reilly
Ms. Carole Kakos
In Memory of Barbara Wren
Mrs. Mary Ellen Melnyk
In Memory of Virginia Madigan
Mrs. Barbara Kennedy
In Memory of Leanor Bergen Rinder
Ms. Rosemary Rinder
In Memory of Karen Marsh
Class of ‘82
Ms. Dereine Coleman
Mrs. Sheila Kenny
Mrs. Barbara Marsh
Ms. Patricia Sipos-McDermott
Mrs. Mary Fran Stamm
Ms. Edna Stafford
In Memory of Reginald Lovett Rinder
Ms. Rosemary Rinder
In Memory of Margaret Mary
Ms. Joan Maisch
In Memory of Emma Schwiep
Ms. Joanne Kleifgen
In Memory of Maureen McCarthy
Mrs. Rita Gorman
In Memory of Francine Scioli
Ms. Loretta Burke
In Memory of Dorothy McGreevy
Mrs. Joan McGreevy-Glatzl
In Memory of Frank Tralongo
Ms. Christine Tralongo
In Memory of Vojslav Mitrovic
Mrs. Jane Mitrovic
In Memory of Lucette Tralongo
Ms. Christine Tralongo
In Memory of Sr. Elizabeth Monaghan O.S.U.
Mrs. Eileen Altman
In Memory of Ursulines
Mrs. Mary Humphrey
In Memory of Anna and Thomas Murray
Mrs. Patricia Blessington
In Memory of Joan Vail Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vail Hogan
Mr. John F. Hogan
In Memory of Ken Russell
Mrs. Mary Santore
In Memory of John Scala
Mrs. Adrienne Herrera
2011 - 2012
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Painting by Meghan Evangelista ‘12
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Painting by Yazmine Fuentes ‘14
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