Wh ti th f t f h What is the future of search marketing? marketing?
Wh ti th f t f h What is the future of search marketing? marketing?
Whatt iis th Wh the ffuture t off search h marketing? We are the brave marketers biggest supporters! …. When h h help l iis needed d d around d search h and d how to integrate it – we cheer you up! In March, 221.2 million Europeans conducted 24.6 billion searches, averaging 111 searches per searcher. Yandex, - a search portal t l ranked k d thi third d with 2.2% search market share. Slightly ahead of Yahoo Sites at 2 2.0% 0% and Microsoft Sites at 1.9%. How o aaree the t e search sea c engines e g es changing? c a g g 13 So how o do we e adapt to tthese ese new e features? eatu es Remember e e be Googles Goog es launch au c campaign? ca pa g • Bring back the love http://www youtube com/watch?v=cpGAAFb6bLM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpGAAFb6bLM Is this yyour brand? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8XxcOj3Seo Nestlé + + + - + - - 50% negativ “shelf shelf space” space Crest Mouthwash Warning for offensive material … ”S show ”So, h me some examples l off success!”…. !” Final story When the consumer loves your y product so much it becomes their lifestyle and hobby hobby… How a traditional notebook .. (No – not a laptop! )… became a webmarketingsuccess... The Modo & Modo sold in 2006 to Société Général for 60 million Euros!! Marketing and Product research efforts: Volunteers (Cost: free) Armand says: ” it’s more efficient to take a barometer reading of a brand’s brand s health directly from the weatherman in the field, than from a weather website” .. And I know put out a ggood word for Mr. Franceschi will p us” Question you probably ask yourselves….. How do I find someone like Armand? Well.. Really it is: ”Do you have a product like the Moleskine that people can become obsessed with?” You know that you have a great product (or story) when you can sell a notebook for 75 USD (84 CHF) ….. And people can’t wait to buy it… When you can sell a notebook for 75 USD ….. If you forget it all – Remember 3 things: 1. Use the web and search engines not only as a marketing channel, but also as a resource to improve! 2 Listen to the voice of your customer and act 2. on your findings! 3. Your Advertising is wasted if your product fails to deliver, so it is your responsibility to interact with all parts of your organisation… Lead – Dont follow! Thank you! Sara Andersson sara @ search-integration.com www.search-integration.com g EXTRA