Investment Passport
Investment Passport
ІNVESTMENT PASSPORT of Cherkasy oblast Cherkasy STATE AGENCY FOR INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL PROJECTS OF UKRAINE STATE AGENCY FOR INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL PROJECTS OF UKRAINE CHERKASY REGIONAL STATE ADMINISTRATION CHERKASY REGIONAL CENTER FOR INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2013 GREETINGS Investment passport of Cherkasy oblast is created by State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine in collaboration with Cherkasy Regional State Administration. It contains quality up-to-date comprehensive information on competitive advantages and investment opportunities of the region; it aims at disclosure and realization of its investment potential. We hope that the publication would be not only a source of information for business but would also allow raising investment attractiveness of the region, would become an effective tool to set business contacts with potential investors, would favor making positive decisions on investing in Cherkasy region. State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine Cherkasy oblast is the youngest region of Ukraine. Next year it turns 60. Nevertheless, economic potential of the region brings it to the leaders in the country according to the rating of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Hard work and persistence of people who live in the oblast contributed to establishment on its territory of modern machine building, chemical and processing enterprises, which have potential for growth and are investment attractive. The region is rich in fertile lands. Therefore, agricultural sector is significantly developed here. Oblast keeps leading position among Ukrainian regions in terms of grain yields, livestock breading and production of agricultural goods. Cherkasy oblast is ready to become a reliable partner and prospective destination for development of your business. We invite all our potential partners to the region of new opportunities and perspectives. Cherkasy Regional State Administration 3 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE REGION • Natural resources: agricultural lands of Cherkasy oblast are among the richest in the country in terms of fertility. • Favorable geographical position. The region is situated on the intersection of transport communications, having access to Dnipro River as a water transportation artery of Ukraine. • Availability of comparatively cheap workforce. • Favorable business climate and local authorities’ transparency. 4 CONTENTS SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION 1.1. Geography and climate.....................................................................................................................8 1.2. Demography.......................................................................................................................................9 1.3. Human resources...............................................................................................................................9 1.4. Education...........................................................................................................................................10 1.5. Property.............................................................................................................................................10 1.6. Economic potential..........................................................................................................................11 1.7. Success stories..................................................................................................................................13 1.8. Transport and communications...................................................................................................14 1.9. Socio-cultural sphere......................................................................................................................16 SECTION 2. INVESTMENT OFFERS 2.1. Priority spheres for investment....................................................................................................20 2.2. National projects in the region....................................................................................................20 2.3. Strategic regional projects.............................................................................................................20 2.4. Land plots..........................................................................................................................................21 SECTION 3. CONTACTS.............................................................................................................................24 5 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND SOURCES WERE USED WHILE DRAFTING THE INVESTMENT PASSPORT • • • • • • Ukraine’s Regions Competitiveness Report 2012 ( State Statistics Service of Ukraine ( Main Administration of Statistics in Cherkasy Oblast ( Cherkasy Regional State Administration ( Cherkasy City Council ( Investment Atlas of Ukraine 2013, State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine ( • Regional Investment Attractiveness Rating, 2013, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, State Agency for Investment and National Pojects of Ukraine DEPARTMENT FOR INVESTMENT POLICY AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 6 CHERKASY OBLAST Investment passport of the region Section 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION Geography and climate Education Economic potential Ratings Human resources Demography Transport and communications Cherkasy oblast Success stories Property Socio-cultural sphere • 1.1. Geography and climate MAP OF THE REGION AREA OF THE REGION – 20.9 thousand km² SUNNY DAYS PER YEAR – 230 ALTITUDE ABOVE SEA LEVEL — 275 m WATER RESOURCES OF THE REGION 1037 rivers are identified on the territory of the region. The main river that flows through the oblast is Dnipro (150 km). The biggest artificial water reservoirs within the region are Kaniv and Kremenchuk, formed by the cascade of electricity power stations. PRECIPITATION From 450 to 520 mm per year. Moderate continental climate. AVERAGE TEMPERATURE January: - 8.9 Ñ°, July: +27.5 Ñ° 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE MAIN RIVERS WITHIN THE REGION stretch, km water intake, km² Pivdennyi Buh’s basin stretch, km water intake, km² Ros 101 3670 Hirskiy Tikych 161 3510 Tiasmyn 133 3750 Hnylyi Tikach 157 3150 Vilshanka 100 1260 Yatran 104 2170 Supiy 130 2000 Zolotonoshka 88 1260 Irkliy 39 318 Dnipro’s basin • 1.2. Demography THE LARGEST CITIES AGE STRUCTURE Major cities thou.pers. Cherkasy 60 years and elder 20.6% 283.6 Uman 86.1 Smila 67.7 Zolotonosha 28.9 Kaniv 25.6 Vatutine 18.0 16-59 years old 64.9% 0-15 years old 14.5% GENDER Male – 46.0% POPULATION – 1261.2 thousand people (as of 01.01.2013) • Female – 54.0% 1.3. Human resources WORKABLE POPULATION (%) Younger than employable 14.1% Employable 59.0% Elder than employable 26.9% EMPLOYABLE POPULATION – 751.4 thousand people REGISTERED UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 3.3% (to the employable population) AVERAGE WAGE – UAH 2508.0 (for 2012 as of 01.01.2013) DIVISION OF EMPLOYEES BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES employees total – 261.9 thousand people 23.9% industry education agriculture and hunting health care and social aid transport and communication commerce civil service property, engineering services construction finances hotels and restaurantes 17.3% 14.1% 12.9% 8.1% 6.7% 5.7% 3.1% 2.2% 1.6% 0.4% 0 5 10 15 20 25 9 • 1.4. Education There were 657 comprehensive schools with 111.5 thousand pupils in 2012/2013 school year. Vocational technical schools amounted to 23 units with 10.0 thousand students. Training of personnel with higher education by professional orientation is carried out in 29 higher education institutions (HEI), among which 22 HEI have I-II accreditation levels, 7 HEI have III-IV accreditation levels. HEI are divided into types in the following way: •7 technical schools •6 specialized schools •8 colleges •1 academy •6 universities •1 institute 47.2 thousand people have got an education in HEI of all the levels of accreditation. LEADING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of ²²²-²V levels of accreditation Faculties Training domains Students 6 1 3000 12 5 9 2 4 9 10 17 5 16 7500 8000 7450 1500 7600 - Heroes of Chornobyl Academy for Fireguards of the State Emergency Service - P.Tychyna Uman National Pedagogic University - Uman National University of Horticulture - Cherkasy State Technology University - Charkasy Banking Institute - B.Khmelnytskyi Cherkasy National University LEADING COLLEGES AND SPECIALISED SCHOOLS - Cherkasy Medical College - Cherkasy Polytechnics Technical School - S.Hulak-Artemovsky Cherkasy Music School - Uman Agro-technical College - State Agrarian Technical School of L. Symyrenko Mliiv Institute of Horticulture - Smila Radio Technical School of Cherkasy State Technology University - Smila Technical School for Food Industry - Zolotonosha State Professional School for Veterinary Medicine • Educational institutions thou. people HEI I-II levels of accreditation 3.22 III-IV levels of accreditation 10.8 Technical schools 4.97 Comprehensive II degree 12.85 III degree 9.56 1.5. Property HOUSING 26.7 m² per one resident of the region HOUSING STOCK Total housing stock — 33800 thousand m² AVERAGE HOUSING COST (houses) in Cherkasy – 650-850 USD/m² (including price of the land plot) AVERAGE HOUSING COST (apartments) primary market – 650-1000 $/m² secondary market – 650-850 $/m² 10 GRADUATES in 2012 AVERAGE RENT – HOUSING 1-roomed flats UAH 1200-1500 per month 2-roomed flats UAH 1400-2000 per month 3-roomed flats UAH 1800-2500 per month AVERAGE RENT – OFFICE SPACE – UAH 50 per m² Rental charge of office facilities depending on a facility category: • Category «À» – UAH 80-150 per m² • Category «Â» – UAH 70-120 per m² • Category «Ñ» – UAH 30-100 per m² AVERAGE RENT – STORAGE SPACE, WAREHOUSES – UAH 10-20 per m² AVERAGE RENT – PRODUCTION FACILITIES – UAH 16-50 per m² • 1.6. Economic potential PRIORITY SECTORS OF ECONOMY IN THE REGION 542 industrial enterprises function in the region. Such types of economic activity as food processing, production of chemical industry goods and machine building make 78.7% in gross regional product. EXPORT/IMPORT, COUNTRIES, BALANCE Enterprises and organizations of Cherkasy oblast were exporting to 106 countries as well as importing goods from 80 countries of the world in 2012. Export amounted to 1007.6 million USD in 2012. Import grew 1.5 times, compared to the same period in 2011, and amounted to 1189.1 million USD. Therefore, negative foreign trade balance amounted to 181.5 million USD in 2012. Major partners in export of goods Russian Federation Poland Major partners in import of goods 19.6% 14.5% India 8.2% China 5.4% Brazil 4.8% Turkey 4.1% Italy 3.8% Belarus 3.1% Kazakhstan 2.8% Germany 64.1% Belarus 4.2% China 3.7% Germany 3.6% Bulgaria 3.0% Sweden 2.6% Poland 2.5% Italy 2.2% 0 Russian Federation 5 10 15 1.2% 0 20 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 The volume of export of grain has risen by 55%, meat products 2.2 times, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages – 1.7 time in 2012, compared to the same period in 2011. The volume of import of mineral products has risen 2 times in 2012, compared to the same period in 2011. Major partners in export of services Major partners in import of services USA 51.6% Russian Federation 13.1% Mongolia 8.1% Great Britain 6.6% Belarus 3.9% Germany 2.7% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 USA Russian Federation Germany Belgium Austria Great Britain France Poland 18.2% 12.1% 10.2% 9.3% 8.5% 7.9% 5.9% 5.9% 0 5 10 15 20 External economic operations in services the region conducted with 19 countries of the world in 2012. 11 Goods exported chemical industry products plant origin products ready food products fats and oils machines and equipment mineral products other goods 2.2% 5.4% Goods imported mineral products chemical industry products machines and equipment plant origin products ready food products - fats and oils other goods 15.7% 0.3% 36.8% 2.6% 3.5% 8.2% 13.6% 6.8% 11.4% 53.2% 20.3% 20.0% PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED IN THE REGION Manufacturing of particular industrial products Unit weigh of the region in the economy of Ukraine, % Fresh or frozen poultry meat and other sub-products 37.9 Nitrogen mineral or chemical fertilizers 23.2 Groats 19.3 Spreads and fat mixtures 18.2 Fat cheese 13.7 Flour 5.5 Bread products 3.8 Dairy products 2.8 Crude sunflower oil 2.2 MAJOR COMPANIES LOCATED IN THE REGION Name Type of activity Azot Cherkasy production of fertilizers and nitrogen composites, other chemical products Automobile assembling plant of Automotive Company “Bohdan Motors” Cherkasy production of cars and trucks Cherkaske himvolokno, division of Cherkasy Heat and Electricity Center Cherkasyoblenergo Cherkasy production of electricity Cherkasy oblavtodor, State Joint Cherkasy distribution of electricity Stock Company “Automobile roads of Ukraine” Cherkasy construction of roads and highways Cherkasygas Cherkasy distribution of natural gas Vatutine Bread Factory Vatutine production of bread and bread products, confectionary Science and Production Pant “Smila Electro-mechanic Plant” 12 Location Smila production of electrical engines and generators Umanfermmash Uman Myronivska Ptahofabryka production of machines and equipment for farming, agriculture and forestry Stepantsi, Kaniv district Science and Production Firm “Urozhai” KorsynSevchenkivsky poultry, growing of grain, pulses and oil plants growing of grain, livestock breading MAJOR FOREIGN INVESTORS Foreign direct investment stock as of 01.01.2013 amounted to 884.1 million USD. FDI inflow in 2012 was 598.4 mln USD. Foreign direct investment was attracted from 42 countries of the world in 2012. Major investing countries (95.4% of invested capital) are: •Belize – 585.5 mln USD •Cyprus – 145.1 mln USD •Great Britain – 54.3 mln USD •Germany – 24.8 mln USD •France – 13.1 mln USD •Spain – 12.1 mln USD •Russian Federation – 8.5 mln USD Belize 66.2% Cyprus 16.4% Great Britain 6.1% Germany 2.8% France 1.4% Spain 1.3% Russian Federation 0.9% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 VOLUMES OF DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENTS FOR THE BEGINNING OF A YEAR 2011 – 289.4 mln USD 2012 – 285.7 mln USD 2013 – 884.1 mln USD • 1.7. Success stories Project’s specifics A group of companies “Erkonprodukt” (Russian Federation) established company “Frau Marta” in 2003. Company “Cherlis” – is one of three seeds producing plants of “Euralis Semences” in Europe (two other plants are located in France and Spain). Its product company “Cherlis” sells not only in Ukraine but exports it also abroad. Project’s initiator Information on initiator Ekonprodukt A group of Russian companies (Russian Federation) “Ekonprodukt” operates on the market of canned products since the mid 90-s. “Ekonprodukt” is one of the largest Russian producers of canned vegetables and milk. Euralis Semences (France) Euralis Semences (France) is one of the leading producers of seeds in Europe. Science potential of the company and its international scope contributed to the significant results in production of sunflower, maize, soy seeds and sorgo. 13 “Vatutine Plant of Refractories” became a part of “IMERYS” Group in 2007. The plant is one of the largest production facilities in Ukraine to produce refractory goods. IMERYS Group (France) The Plant for production of carton packaging “MM Packaging Ukraine” was opened in 2008. This is the second plant to produce packaging for tobacco industry in Cherkasy oblast. MM Group (Austria) MM Group with its headquarters in Vienna is one of the biggest producers of carton from recycled materials “Automobile Assembling Plant no.2” – the daughter company of “Bohdan Motors” is opened in Cherkasy oblast. Automotive Company “Bohdan Motors” is one of the biggest “Bohdan Motors” automotive companies in Ukraine. It produces cars and trucks in Cherkasy. Varnish and Paint Plant “Avrora” joined the “Helios Group” corporation in 2008. Production facility “Techno” started its operation in Cherkasy region in 2009. It belongs to the “TechnoNikol” Corporation and is the only producer of isolation materials from stone wool in Ukraine. Helios Group (Slovenia) Helios Group unites 30 companies and more than 2500 employees in 16 countries in Europe. It is one of the leading producers of varnishes and paints in South-Eastern Europe. TechnoNikol The company has entered Ukrainian (Russian Federation) market in 2009. It produces isolation materials for construction industry. “Rasec Cherkasy” – a plant for production of metal constructions for hyper- and supermarkets was opened in 2011 in Cherkasy. “Rasec Group” Company “OSTCHEM” has purchased a control share of Joint Stock Company “Azot” (one of the biggest Ukrainian producers of fertilizers) in 2011. DF Group (Cyprus) The plant for hot galvanizing of metal construction of the company “Metal-Invest” started its operation if 2012. Metal-Invest Factory “FES Ukr” for production of coffee was opened in 2012 in Zolotonosha. The factory produces coffee under the trade mark “Mac Coffee”. • IMERYS Group (France) is one of the biggest minerals extraction and processing company. Navas UKr Investments LTD Food Empire Holdings (Ukraine. Singapore) Rasec Groups has been operating on the Ukrainian market since 2006. DF Group unites several international companies. It was established in 2007. The company works with nitrogen, titanium, gas resources. It is also active in banking business. Company has invested 880 thousand USD into the modernization of the production. Food Empire Holdings is a global leader in production of instant drinks, frozen food products and snacks. 1.8. Transport and communications Transport network of Cherkasy oblast encompasses rail- and roadways, air and river ports. MAJOR MOTORWAYS Network of roadways for general application in the region makes 6142.8 km and consists of state level (1794.5 km), international (217.4 km), national (398.5 km) and regional (339.7 km) motorways. 14 Highway Kyiv-Odesa (M05) matches with the European automobile route E95 (St.-Petersburg-KyivOdesa-Samsun-Merzyfon) and goes through the region. Main interstate automobile routes: Cherkasy-Kyiv (H08, P10, H01); Cherkasy-Lviv (M06, P32); Cherkasy-Kharkiv (M03), CherkasyDnipropetrovsk (P10, H08); Cherkasy-Donetsk (M04); Cherkasy-Odesa (H16, M05); Cherkasy-Mykolaiv (H14); Cherkasy-Uman (H16); Cherkasy-Kaniv, Chyhyryn (P10). RAILWAY NETWORK 3 railway stations and 32 railway stops cover th railway transportations in the region. The total length of railroad in the oblast amounts to 649.5 km. • Railway junction: T. Shevchenko (Smila) and Hrystynivka. AIRPORTS Municipal airport “Cherkasy” services all the air transportations in the region. BUS ROUTES DIAGRAM from Uman St.-Petersburg BUS TERMINALS There is 1 bus terminal and 29 bus station that service passengers’ and goods’ transportation in Cherkasy oblast. Kaliningrad Minsk Svitlohorsk Mozyr Chernihiv Rivne Kyiv Krakow Zhytomyr Prague Uman Lviv Ternopil Khmelnytskyi Donetsk Chernivtsi Chisinau Kherson Bendery Brest Karlovy Vary Sevastopol TRANSPORT MAP Yalta Napoli 15 • 1.9. Socio-cultural sphere MAJOR HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS There operate 235 medical institutions of different levels in Cherkasy oblast. There were in total 10,2 thousand beds in the hospitals available in 2012. Major healthcare institutions are: - Cherkasy Regional Hospital of Cherkasy Regional Council (Mendeleev str., 3) - Cherkasy Regional Children Hospital (30 rokiv Peremohy, 16) - Cherkasy Regional Oncology Hospital (Mendeleev str., 7) - Cherkasy Regional Anti-tuberculosis Hospital (Dyspanserna str., 1) - Cherkasy Regional Cardiology Center (Mechnykova str., 25) - Cherkasy Regional Center for HIV (Nechyi-Levytskyi str., 22) - Cherkasy Regional Perinatal Center (30 rokiv Peremohy, 16/1) CULTURE, SPORTS, TOURISM There are 2 professional theatres, 59 museums, 740 libraries, 737 cultural centers and 1 zoo operational in Cherkasy oblast. Major leisure and recreation spots Name Description Sports complex OSDIYSSHOR (Cherkasy, Pasterivska str., 102) Sports complex unites light athletics hall, tennis courts and football stadium. Sports complex “Budivelnyk” of Cherkasy City Council (Cherkasy, Khimikiv str., 50/1) Sports complex is used as training base for national volleyball, basketball and wrestling teams of Ukraine. Sports complex hosts various championships of local, national and international level each year. Municipal Central Stadium Sports and Recreation Center (Cherkasy, Yaroslavska str., 5) Central football stadium, 7 pitches for basketball, volleyball, mini-football, reserve football field and runways. Sport Club “Fotoprylad” (Cherkasy, Smilianska str., 78) Mini-football: 1 pitch with an artificial cover and 3 pitches with the grass cover. Sports Hotel “Selena” (Cherkasy district, Svydivok, Dahnivska str., 21) Sport club offers swimming pool, boxing ring, power-lifting hall, gymnastics hall, badminton, tennis, volleyball, basketball, mini-football pitches, fitness and shaping studios. 11 tennis courts, football and volleyball pitches, yacht-club Equestrian Club “Parad Allure” (Zhashkiv, Artema str., 6) Club serves as training base for Olympic horse riding team. It hosts various horse riding championships each year. Palace of sports “Spartak” (Cherkasy, Dashkovycha str., 23) Gymnastics and chess center. Stadium “Umanfermmash” (Uman, Kolomenska str., 12) Multifunctional sports complex. Stadium with 7552 seats, reserve football field, volleyball and basketball pitches, tennis court. MUSEUMS These museums are worth of being visited: - 16 Cherkasy Regional Local Culture Museum Cherkasy Arts Museum Museum of “Kobzar” (T. Shevchenko) B. Khmelnytskyi museum - Chyhyryn Archeology Museum Subotiv History Museum S. Pushkin Literature and Memorial Museum P. Chaikovsky Literature and Memorial Museum NATURAL RESERVES The area of natural reserves fund of Cherkasy oblast covers 61054.1 hectares which is 2.9% of total region’s territory. Region can offer the tourists, when planning their visits, one of the 9 historic and culture reserves, located here, such as: Shevchenko National Reserve in Kaniv, National Reserve “Homeland of Taras Shevchenko”, National Historic Reserve “Chyhyryn”, Korsun-Shevchenkivsky State History and Culture Reserve, Kamianskiy History and Culture Reserve and State History and Culture Reserve “Trypillya culture”, State History and Culture Reserve “Trahtemyriv” in Kaniv, State Historic and Architecture Reserve “Old Uman” and National Dendrology Park “Sofiivka”. SANATORIUMS 81 recreation facilities, 15 sanatoriums and 63 recreation centers form the region’s valuable tourism assets. The most famous among them are: • • • • Sanatorium “Ukraine” – cardiology and pulmonology. Sanatorium Moshnohiriya – cardiology, nervous and digestive system. Regional Children Anti-tuberculosis Sanatorium “Ruska Poliana” Cherkasy oblast childrens multifunctional Sanatorium “Sosnovyi Bir” – digestion organs and respiratory system. HOTELS Hotel-restaurant “Centralnyi” (Lenina str., 30) Hotel “Selena” (Svydivok, Dahnivska str., 21) Hotel “Dnipro” (Frunze str., 13) Hotel “Zhovtnevyi Apelsyn” (Frunze str., 145) Hotel “Nyva” (Smilianska str., 144) Hotel “Ukraina” (Lisova str., 1) Hotel “Parade Allure” (Zhashkiv, Artema str., 6)Ãîñòèíèöû-Æàøêîâà/ Ãîñòèíè÷íî-ðåñòîðàííûé-êîìïëåêñParade-Allure-3645.html Hotel-restaurant “Vitriak” (Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi, Cherkasy roadway) Hotel “Chyhyrynsky zamok” Korsun-Shevchenkovsky-Vetrjak (Chyhyryn, Hryshevskoho str., 29) Hotel “Tarasova hora” (Kaniv, Shevchenka str., 96) cherkasytour/tarasova-gora.htm 17 18 CHERKASY OBLAST Investment passport of the region Section 2. INVESTMENT OFFERS Industrial property and land plots Priority spheres Іnvestor National projects in the region Strategic regional projects • 2.1. Priority spheres for investment 1. Agriculture 2. Food processing industry • 3. Chemical and petrochemical industry 4. Hotels and tourism 2.2. National projects in the region according to the Agreement signed on 20.09.2012 between Cherkasy Regional State Administration and State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine - «NEW LIFE» – establishment of Cherkasy regional perinatal center. Project tackles the issue of newborn children mortality and efficient health care for pregnant mothers. - «OPEN WORLD» – establishment of information and communication educational network of national scope based on 4G technologies. Project aims at supplying selected schools in the region with computers, interactive and multimedia equipment as well as internet to enable young people access to the educational resources. - «ENERGY of NATURE» – project for biomass energy utilization and energy-conserving. - «TIMELY ASSISTANCE» – establishment of a unified regional dispatching service equipped with GPRS to coordinate the route of ambulance and cut the time of its arrival to the place of emergency. • 2.3. Strategic regional projects Name of the project 20 initiator cost term of implementation implementation stage expected results Reconstruction of International the international Airport airport “Cherkasy” “Cherkasy” into cargo air terminal 20.0 mln USD 3 years search for potential investors Establishment of a cargo airport to develop transit potential and attractiveness of the region. Construction of a waste processing plant Cherkasy Regional State Administration to be determined 4 years search for potential investors Improvement of ecological situation in the region. Construction of a corn elevator, 50 thou. tons loading capacity Cherkasy Regional State Administration 5.6 mln USD 3 years search for potential investors Creation of conditions for grain storage. Establishment of solar panels production Buda Solar-Uman 18 mln USD 2 years search for potential investors Development of alternative energy sources Establishment of charcoal production Istok 8.5 mln USD 1 year search for potential investors Development of alternative energy sources • 2.4. Land plots Area Location Brief description LAND PLOTS 152.9 ha Chyhyryn district, Vitove Land plot is suitable either for establishment of light production facilities, IT centers or recreation resort. Gas supply – 5 km, water supply – 3 km. Electricity is on the site. 32.6 ha Drabiv district, Shramivka Land plot is suitable for industrial production. Gas supply – 0.1 km, electricity supply – 2.0 km, water supply is absent. 8.0 ha Chyhyryn distric, Cherneche Land plot suitable for industrial production. Technical infrastructure connection points: gas supply – 1.0 km, electricity – 1.0 km, water supply – natural well. 7.1 ha Hrystynivka district, Hreblya Agricultural land. Technical infrastructure connection points: gas supply – 3.0 km, electricity – 2.0 km, water supply – 3.0 km. 6.66 ha Hrystynivka district, Zoryane Agricultural land. Technical infrastructure connection points: gas supply – 0.5 km, electricity – 1.5 km. The land plot is supplied with water. 5.5 ha Kamianka district, Rebedailivka Land plot, suitable for extraction of clay. Technical infrastructure connection point: gas supply – 1.0 km, electricity – 0.3 km. Water supply is absent. 5.0 ha Horodyshche district, Horodyshche Land plot suitable for industrial production. Technical infrastructure connection points: gas supply – 0.5 km, electricity – 1.5 km, water supply – 1.0 km. 2.0 ha Uman district, Babanka Land plot, suitable for establishment of a market. Technical infrastructure connection points: gas supply – 27.0 km, water supply – 0.2 km, electricity – 0.1 km. 1.09 ha Uman Land plot suitable for industrial production, supplied with gas. Water and electricity. 1.0 ha Kaniv Land plot, suitable for commercial premises construction. Technical infrastructure connection points: Gas supply – 2.0 km; water supply – 0.2 km, electricity supply – 0.2 km. 0.89 ha Zvenyhorodka district, Zvenyhorodka Land plot suitable for industrial production. Technical infrastructure connection points: gas supply – 0.3 km, electricity – 0.1 km, water supply – 0.3 km. 0.685 ha Kaniv Land plot suitable for construction of a warehouse. Technical infrastructure connection points: gas supply – 0.2 km, water supply – 0.2 km, electricity – 0.2 km. 21 22 CHERKASY OBLAST Investment passport of the region Section 3. CONTACTS CHERKASY REGIONAL STATE ADMINISTRATION Shevchenka ave., 185, Cherkasy, 18000 Òel.: +38 (0472) 45 32 14, +38 (0472) 32 23 57 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Web-site: CHERKASY REGIONAL COUNCIL Shevchenka ave., 185, Cherkasy, 18000 Òel.: +38 (0472) 37 29 52, +38 (0472) 54 04 69 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: CHERKASY REGIONAL CENTER FOR INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Khreshchatyk str., 219, Cherkasy, 18001 Òel.: +38 (0472) 32 03 34 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: CHERKASY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Lenina str., 105, Cherkasy, 18001 Òel.: +38 (0472) 36 08 60, +38 (0472) 36 08 59 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: UNIFIED PERMITTING CENTER OF CHERKASY CITY Blahovisna str., 170, Cherkasy, 18000 Òel.: +38 (0472) 36 01 63, +38 (0472) 45 50 85 E-mail: [email protected] 24 Department for Investment Policy and Regional Development 11 Velyka Zhytomyrska str., Kyiv, 01601 tel. +38 (044) 270 63 05 e-mail: [email protected]