UMADAOP Brochure - Mansfield UMADAOP
UMADAOP Brochure - Mansfield UMADAOP
Mansfield UMADAOP is a public 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) Non-Profit Agency Mission Statement Funded by Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) The mission of the Mansfield Urban Minority Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program is to ensure that alcohol and other drug services Richland County (ADAMHS) Richland County Children Services Governor's Initiatives Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Corrections (ODRC) populations. We strive to deliver these services in a manner Mansfield Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program Office of Faith-Based & Community are available, accessible and affordable to the African American, Appalachian and Hispanic Mansfield UMADAOP RESTORING HOPE AND BROKEN VISIONS Richland County Jobs and Family Services United Way Private Donations that is reflective of and responsive to the caltures of these populations. Our services include intervention, prevention and treatment. Committed to building a better community ... one day at a time. It is the mission of this agency to ensure that TRANSPORTATION the community is aware of the implications and AVAILABLE WHEN NEEDED consequences of the usage of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, violence and crime. 400 Bowanan St.-eet p.o. Box 1316 Mansfield. OR 44901 Tel: 419.525.3525 Dennis A. Bal~el', Executive Director D.I.P. PROGRAMS U.M.ID.I.O.P. Treatment Services- provide Assessments, Individual, Family and Group UMADAOPoffers the Drivers Inter- Counseling, Aftercare Groups and vention Program (DIP) 72 or 48 hour Relapse Prevention. (Evening and Week-End residential Services are available) residential. All programs are hosted or the 22 hour non- by the Richland County Community Mansfield UMADAOP's Staff Circle for Recovery (CFRO) - support serIs a team of multidisciplinary vices for parolees, probationers and court trained in Prevention and Treatment referrals. services. Family Re-Entry-reuniting Mansfield UMADAOP's Board families of in- from our community that are committed to the UMADAOP mission priate use of alcohol and drugs in our ivism. communilj: We willll1.sure services are readily rendered in a manner U.S. District Court-providing treatment services and specimen collection for Federal available and reflective and Drug Court Treatment-provide Mansfield UMADAOP's Treatment treatment to indigent clients referred by Program of Richland County Common Pleas Court. Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services (ODADAS) Kinship Navigator-resource coordination for family members raising MEDICAID APPROVED children. Help Me Grow-service coordination for pregnant women and infants from birth to three years old. that all responsive to the population served. Courts Is certified by the Ohio Department OUR GOAL is to prevent the iILappro- carcerated men and women to reduce recid- of Trustees Are professionals Alternative Center (CAC) professionals Phone: 419.525·3525 I'ax: 419.525.3538 Mansfield VMADAGP 400 Bownaan Bt•.eet P.G. Box 1316 Mansfield. OR 44901