agenda - Waseca County
agenda - Waseca County
AGENDA Tuesday, December 15, 2015 9:30 a.m. County Commissioners Room 300 North State Street – East Annex Waseca, Minnesota 56093 (All times approximate) Persons with background material for agenda items are asked to provide them to the Administrator’s Office 5 days prior to the meeting date so that the material can be linked to the online agenda. If handouts at the Board meeting are necessary, please bring enough copies for the Board, county staff, the press and the public. Generally, 15 copies should be sufficient. Waseca County Ditch Authority 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. CD #11 and CD #38 Discussion 4. CD #30 Findings of Fact and Order 5. CD #34 Correction to Benefit Statement 6. Adjourn Waseca County Board of Commissioners 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Public Comment Those wishing to speak must state their name and address for the record after they reach the podium. Each person will have five (5) minutes to make his/her remarks. Speakers will address all comments to the Board as a whole and not one individual commissioner. The Board may not take action on an item presented during the Public Comment period, unless the item is already on the agenda for action. When appropriate, the Board may refer inquiries and items brought up during the Public Comment period to the County Administrator for follow up. 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Correspondence 6. Discussion of Bills 7. Department Head Time 8. Consent Agenda Items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and non-controversial by the County Board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a member of the County Board. a. Approval of Bills b.2nd Half 2015 County-Funded Agency Appropriations c. Temporary Transfer of Funds – A/T d. Fund Transfer – A/T e. Year End Check Run – A/T f. Move Funds into Assigned Accounts - SO g. Extension of Court-Appointed Attorney Contract - Adm h.Change in ID Badge Policy – SO & Fac i. Accept Veterans Service Monthly Report j. Unified Development Code Expenditure to Compile and Codify Zoning Ordinances– P&Z k. Shoreland Grant Application to Conservation Corps – P&Z l. Annual Renewal Waste Haulers Certificates - SW m. Set Date for Board of Equalization - Assr n.Accept Resignation of Brooke Erdes effective 12-26-2015 (P.T. CSO Steele-Waseca Drug Court) and approve filling vacancy o.Accept Resignation of Mark Vagts effective February 2, 2016 (County Assessor) and approve filling vacancy p. Approve Conditional Offer of Employment -Alex Saumer (Assistant County Attorney) q. Approve Conditional Offer of Employment – Megan Kirby (Community Health Specialist) - PH 9. Eric Gulbransen, SWCD a. Update on Timber Sale 10. End of Year Highway Budget Items – Nathan Richman 11. Planning/Zoning a. UDC Transfer of Development Rights, Resolution 2015-48 b.MnDOT Excess Land near Highway 14 12. County Administrator’s Office a. County Administrator Report b.MnPrairie Sub Lease c. Recruitment Update d. Set 2016 Commissioner Salaries & Per Diems e. Adopt Final 2016 Tax Levy f. Closed Session for Labor Negotiations Update 13. Reports of the Commissioners 14. Other County Board Business 15. Adjourn Lunch – “Out to Lunch” (Public Welcome) Meeting Reminders/Dates to Know December 22: MnPrairie Joint Powers Board Meeting (Dodge County) 11:30 a.m. December 24: Christmas Eve - Courthouse Closed at 12:00 Noon December 25: Christmas Day – Courthouse Closed all day January 1: New Year’s Day – Courthouse Closed all day Disclaimer: This agenda has been prepared to provide information regarding an upcoming meeting of the Waseca County Board of Commissioners. This document does not claim to be complete and is subject to change. WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: County Ditches #11 & #38 Consent Agenda: Yes No Requested Board Date: 12-15-15 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Auditor-Treasurer Tammy Spooner Recommendation/Action(s): Discussion about the condition of County Ditches #11 & #38. Summary: Budget/Financial Consideration: Attachments: Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Correction to County Ditch #34 Benefit Statement Consent Agenda: Yes No Requested Board Date: 12-15-15 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Auditor-Treasurer Tammy Spooner Recommendation/Action(s): Adopt corrected Benefit Statement as presented by the viewers to correct an error. Summary: Budget/Financial Consideration: Attachments: Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ AMYS 12/10/15 *** Waseca County *** 3:39PM Print List in Order By: Audit List for Board 4 1 2 3 4 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) Department (Totals by Dept) Vendor Number Vendor Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: N Paid on Behalf Of Name on Audit List?: N Type of Audit List: D Save Report Options?: N D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Page 1 *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Special Revenue Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 3653 Audit List for Board Rpt Accr A.H. HERMEL COMPANY INC 20-257-000-0000-6807 20-257-000-0000-6807 3653 A.H. HERMEL COMPANY INC 2535 AG POWER ENTERPRISES INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 2535 AG POWER ENTERPRISES INC 3278 ALCOHOL MONITORING SYSTEMS INC 01-254-000-0000-6264 3278 ALCOHOL MONITORING SYSTEMS INC 172 ANDROLI/RICHARD 01-002-000-0000-6334 01-002-000-0000-6334 01-002-000-0000-6334 01-002-000-0000-6334 01-002-000-0000-6334 01-002-000-0000-6334 172 1143 ANDROLI/RICHARD APG MEDIA OF SOUTHERN MN LLC 01-031-000-0000-6240 01-041-000-0000-6240 01-103-000-0000-6240 41-610-000-0000-6240 1143 277 APG MEDIA OF SOUTHERN MN LLC ARMSTRONG/MARTY 01-107-000-0000-6334 01-107-000-0000-6111 277 2455 ARMSTRONG/MARTY ASSOC OF MN COUNTIES 01-002-000-0000-6241 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Page 2 Warrant Description Service Dates Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 155.51 JAIL CANTEEN ITEMS 544586 Jail Canteen Disbursements 93.54 249.05 JAIL CANTEEN ITEMS 2 Transactions 547116 Jail Canteen Disbursements Amount Machinery/Vehicle Parts 1,338.56 1,338.56 PARTS 3,150.30 3,150.30 10/15 DAILY MONITORING FEES 1 Transactions 161.58 11/5-12/3/1 MILEAGE ANDROLI Travel Expenses - Mileage 241.50 7/23-11/3 MILEAGE ANDROLI Travel Expenses - Mileage 216.78 5/12-7/21 MILEAGE ANDROLI Travel Expenses - Mileage 224.83 3/10-5/5 MILEAGE ANDROLI Travel Expenses - Mileage 226.55 2/6-3/6 MILEAGE ANDROLI Travel Expenses - Mileage 200.10 1,271.34 1/5-2/4 MILEAGE ANDROLI 6 Transactions Travel Expenses - Mileage 1,542.05 CHS/CSO/PHN/VSO/HR/SHER POST 55193238 Advertising,Legal Notices & Subscript 343.80 AG & MOBILE HOME TAXES 55193238 Advertising,Legal Notices & Subscript 171.90 HOMESTEAD AD 55193238 Advertising,Legal Notices & Subscript CD30 HEARING 4 Transactions 55193238 Advertising, Legal Notices & Subscript 18.99 2,076.74 121515 1 Transactions 108964 Electronic Monitoring Services 0.92 12/3 PLNG COMM ARMSTRONG MILEAGE Travel Expenses - Mileage 75.00 75.92 12/3 PLNG COMM ARMSTRONG 2 Transactions PER DIEM Per Diems 25.00 AMC DISTRICT MTG NELSON 43555 Conference-Training-Registration-Dues Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM General Revenue Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 2455 ASSOC OF MN COUNTIES 2401 AUTO VALUE WASECA INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 2401 Rpt Accr BEHRENDS/MARK 41-610-000-0000-6260 682.50 CD34 DITCH INSPECTOR Prof & Tech Services 41-610-000-0000-6260 297.50 CD30 (BOB BURNS) DITCH INSP Prof & Tech Services CD34 DITCH INSP MILEAGE Travel Expenses - Mileage CD30 (BOB BURNS) DITCH INSP MI 4 Transactions Travel Expenses - Mileage 41-610-000-0000-6334 41-610-000-0000-6334 BEHRENDS/MARK BOCKS SERVICE INC 01-201-223-0000-6471 01-201-223-0000-6471 388 388 67 BOCKS SERVICE INC BOSS SUPPLY INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 BOSS SUPPLY INC BRIGGS & MORGAN P.A. 01-107-000-0000-6260 13-320-000-0000-6260 67 4469 BRIGGS & MORGAN P.A. 01-112-000-0000-6310 400 79.35 55.20 1,114.55 121515 1 Transactions NC1001259957 Clothes TIRES 11138 Tires 20.00 117.50 REPAIR TIRE 2 Transactions 140047 Tires 291.42 291.42 PARTS 97.50 6,930.00 4,001.00 10,931.00 Machinery/Vehicle Parts 121515 1 Transactions LEGAL FEES 11/15 STMNT Prof & Tech Services Prof & Tech Services ATTORNEY FEES 121515 2 Transactions BRITTON PLUMBING & HEATING INC 01-111-000-0000-6310 4469 Machinery/Vehicle Parts GLOVES/PANTS/SOCKS/CARDS 1 Transactions BARKER COMPANY INC/BOB 1713 1 Transactions 25.00 BRITTON PLUMBING & HEATING INC Page 3 Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 559.93 559.93 AUTO VALUE WASECA INC 807 1713 Warrant Description Service Dates PARTS BARKER COMPANY INC/BOB 01-201-217-0000-6459 2655 Amount COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 550.55 550.55 807 2655 Audit List for Board 150.00 REMOVE A/C MINI SPLIT CRTHSE 992556 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 335.00 485.00 IMPELLER & BEARING ASMBLY 2 Transactions 992546 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance BUDACH IMPLEMENT INC Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Public-Works Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula Audit List for Board Rpt Accr 13-340-000-0000-6564 Amount COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Warrant Description Service Dates Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name Machinery/Vehicle Parts BUDACH IMPLEMENT INC 19.46 19.46 PARTS 400 6121 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 01-119-000-0000-6564 11.99 WIPER BLADE DURANGO 6178-176484 Vehicle Parts 01-119-000-0000-6564 8.99 WIPER BLADE DURANGO 6178-176582 Vehicle Parts 01-521-000-0000-6310 34.34 PARK SUPPLIES 6178-171256 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 13-340-000-0000-6564 213.45 268.77 PARTS 86.85 MOUSE BCG5812 Office Supplies MARKERS BCQ0053 Office Supplies 48 PORT SWITCH CARD READERS 3 Transactions BHJ4949 Building Improvements 37.89 SUPPLIES 11/15 STMNT Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 6.29 SUPPLIES 11/15 STMNT Custodial/Building Supplies Tools & Maint Equipment 6121 4624 4624 327 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CDW GOVERNMENT INC 01-061-061-0000-6401 01-061-061-0000-6401 6.53 11-118-000-0000-6611 2,765.17 2,858.55 CDW GOVERNMENT INC CHARLIES HARDWARE INC 01-111-000-0000-6310 01-111-000-0000-6410 327 27.07 SUPPLIES 01-112-000-0000-6310 4.39 SUPPLIES 11/15 STMNT Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 01-115-000-0000-6409 2.99 SUPPLIES 11/15 STMNT Lighting Supplies And Expense 01-115-000-0000-6410 29.98 SUPPLIES 11/15 STMNT Custodial/Building Supplies 01-521-000-0000-6310 6.99 SUPPLIES 11/15 STMNT Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 13-340-000-0000-6562 406.03 PARTS/SUPPLIES 19-393-000-0000-6565 26.73 548.36 11/15 REPAIR SUPPLIES 9 Transactions CHRISTENSEN TIRE & AUTO REPAIR 13-340-000-0000-6563 308 CHRISTENSEN TIRE & AUTO REPAIR CHRISTIANSON/CHRIS 41-610-000-0000-6260 41-610-000-0000-6334 2823 Machinery/Vehicle Parts 121515 4 Transactions 11/15 STMNT 308 2823 121515 1 Transactions 01-111-000-0000-6590 CHARLIES HARDWARE INC CHRISTIANSON/CHRIS 5,730.90 5,730.90 TIRES Page 4 Other Auto Supplies 121515 11/15 STMNT 121515 1 Transactions Other Repair Supplies Tires,Tubes & Batteries 192.50 CD34 DITCH INSPECTOR Prof & Tech Services 14.95 207.45 CD34 DITCH INSPECTOR MILEAGE 2 Transactions Travel Expenses - Mileage Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM General Revenue Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 761 CITY OF MANKATO 01-061-061-0000-6262 761 CITY OF MANKATO 456 Audit List for Board Rpt Accr CONDON FARM SERVICE 01-111-000-0000-6602 01-111-000-0000-6602 456 CONDON FARM SERVICE 5548 CONNOR/KATHLEEN A 01-451-451-0000-6335 5548 CONNOR/KATHLEEN A 2165 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORPORATION 13-340-000-0000-6590 2165 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORPORATION 2505 COPIER BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INC 01-062-000-0000-6341 2505 COPIER BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INC 5818 CPS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC 01-061-061-0000-6310 5818 420 420 109 109 4016 4016 CPS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC DEML FORD INC 01-201-223-0000-6310 DEML FORD INC DEX MEDIA 01-062-000-0000-6803 DEX MEDIA DISTAD/DENNIS 41-610-000-0000-6260 DISTAD/DENNIS COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Page 5 Amount Warrant Description Service Dates Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 13,285.00 13,285.00 2015 SHARED RECORD SYSTEM 1 Transactions 2015-11-002612 Software Support 29.85 GRIT/SCOOPS 47480 Grounds Improvements 3.95 33.80 SCOOP 47493 Grounds Improvements 16.39 16.39 11/17-11/27 MILEAGE CONNOR 1 Transactions Travel Exp-Mileage-Homemakers 205.45 205.45 SUPPLIES 121515 1 Transactions Tools & Shop Materials 219.31 219.31 ESTUDIO 5502C MAIN EXTENSION 1 Transactions 261298 Copier Maintenance AS400 MAINT 1 Transactions 369415 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance SQUAD CAR REPAIRS & SERVICE 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Squad Car Repairs & Maintenance 98.00 98.00 2,845.51 2,845.51 2 Transactions 26.12 26.12 YELLOW PAGES AD 1 Transactions Miscellaneous Expense 2,572.50 2,572.50 JD24 DITCH VIEWER 1 Transactions Prof & Tech Services Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Building Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 896 Audit List for Board Rpt Accr DONAHUE ELECTRIC LLC 11-118-000-0000-6611 11-118-000-0000-6611 896 5058 5058 DONAHUE ELECTRIC LLC DULAS/JAY 01-201-226-0000-6331 DULAS/JAY 1832 ELLYN SATTER INSTITUTE INC 01-451-451-0000-6401 1832 ELLYN SATTER INSTITUTE INC 80 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 3975 01-041-000-0000-6241 80 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 3975 3151 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 7265 01-111-000-0000-6241 01-112-000-0000-6602 3151 1481 1481 632 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 7265 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA 01-201-226-0000-6263 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Warrant Description Service Dates Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 175.00 CELL #4 SEC BLDG 14700 Building Improvements 277.41 452.41 NEW DESK SPACE AUD/TREAS 2 Transactions 14701 Building Improvements Amount 9.39 9.39 Transport Meals TRANSPORT MEAL 1 Transactions 757.10 757.10 FEEDING WITH LOVE & GOOD SENSE 1 Transactions 2015-112 Office Supplies 265.00 265.00 MACO 2016 WINTER CONF REG 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Conference-Training-Registration-Dues 35.00 BOILER LICENSE RENEWAL TOMFORD 11/15 STMNT Conference,Training,Registration,Dues 41.44 76.44 HANDICAPPED PRKG SIGN SEC BLDG 2 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Grounds Improvements TRANSPORT MEAL 11/15 STMNT Transports 6.22 01-201-226-0000-6263 70.81 TRANSPORT HOTEL FARGO 11/15 STMNT Transports 01-201-226-0000-6263 24.63 TRANSPORT GAS 11/15 STMNT Transports 01-201-226-0000-6263 32.32 TRANSPORT GAS 11/15 STMNT Transports 01-201-226-0000-6263 25.47 DINNER TRANSPORT 11/15 STMNT Transports 01-201-226-0000-6263 21.92 GAS 11/15 STMNT Transports 01-201-226-0000-6263 18.08 DINNER TRANSPORT 11/15 STMNT Transports 01-201-226-0000-6263 34.22 GAS 11/15 STMNT Transports 01-201-226-0000-6263 88.51 HOTEL ROOM TRANSPORT 11/15 STMNT Transports 01-201-226-0000-6263 4.17 326.35 BREAKFAST 10 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Transports 114.00 ENGINEERING BOOKS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 13-320-000-0000-6240 Page 6 121515 Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems Advertising,Legal Notices & Subscript *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Waste Management Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula Audit List for Board Rpt Accr 19-398-000-0000-6241 632 465 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 4648 01-091-000-0000-6241 Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 46.92 160.92 SEMREX MEETING 2 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Conference,Training,Registration,Dues LAWYER REG DANIELSON 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Conference-Training-Registration-Dues PASSPORT STAMPS 11/15 STMNT Postage Prof & Tech Services 465 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 4648 3919 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 5215 01-101-000-0000-6202 230.00 3919 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 5215 40.00 270.00 CENTURY COLLEGE TRACKING CRDTS 2 Transactions 11/15 STMNT 424 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 5348 01-201-202-0000-6406 632.70 BUOYS WATER SAFETY 11/15 STMNT Equipment Or Supplies 247.95 WALMART SUPPLIES 11/15 STMNT Supplies, Deputies 220.46 1,101.11 LED ROAD FLARES 3 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Supplies, Deputies 44.88 44.88 BATTERIES 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Supplies, Deputies 23.00 23.00 TRANSPORT GAS 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Transports 399.00 399.00 LUMENRT GEODESGN 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Office Supplies 239.49 239.49 MOBILE MEDIA CART 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Office Supplies 11/15 MAT SERVICE 11/15 STMNT Custodial/Building Supplies 01-201-229-0000-6478 01-201-229-0000-6478 424 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 5348 411 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 5579 01-201-229-0000-6478 411 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 5579 3914 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 6072 01-201-226-0000-6263 3914 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 6072 3455 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 6171 01-107-000-0000-6401 3455 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 6171 634 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 8264 01-061-061-0000-6401 634 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA 8264 711 G&K SERVICES INC 19-391-000-0000-6410 Page 7 Warrant Description Service Dates Amount 252.00 252.00 01-101-000-0000-6260 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 43.86 Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Waste Management Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 711 4561 G&K SERVICES INC GRAMS/ALVIN 01-062-000-0000-6111 01-062-000-0000-6334 4561 GRAMS/ALVIN 4204 HEALTHY SMILES INC 20-456-453-0000-6260 4204 HEALTHY SMILES INC 437 1248 1248 3057 HEMOCUE INC HUNT/KELLY 01-107-000-0000-6420 HUNT/KELLY HY-VEE OWATONNA 19-393-000-0000-6559 3057 HY-VEE OWATONNA 4134 HY-VEE WASECA 01-107-000-0000-6420 19-393-000-0000-6559 4134 6004 Rpt Accr Amount 43.86 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Warrant Description Service Dates HY-VEE WASECA 1 Transactions 75.00 12/2 HRA GRAMS Per Diems 24.15 99.15 12/2 MILEAGE GRAMS 2 Transactions Travel Expenses - Mileage 300.00 300.00 10-11/15 CLNG/FLOURIDE/ED 1 Transactions 20 Prof & Tech Svcs-Dental Screenings 380.48 380.48 CUVETTES 1 Transactions 1336756 Medical Supplies 9.59 9.59 594.56 594.56 66.00 221.76 287.76 COFFEE REM FOR MEETING 1 Transactions Food & Beverages 18.58 TON CARDBOARD 1 Transactions Recyclable Materials CATERING MTG WATER PLAN Food & Beverages 6.93 TON CARDBOARD 2 Transactions Recyclable Materials Rental & Service Agreements Court Appointed Attorneys INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP 20-104-000-0000-6340 1,945.00 6004 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CORP 1,945.00 7596 MAINTENANCE AGRMNT KIP 02/01/2016 02/01/2017 1 Transactions 971 J SCOTT BRADEN LAW OFFICE 01-014-000-0000-6261 1,412.19 1,412.19 81PR14840 CRT APPT ATTY 1 Transactions 971 J SCOTT BRADEN LAW OFFICE Page 8 Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name HEMOCUE INC 01-451-452-0000-6430 437 Audit List for Board Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM General Revenue Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 5554 JACOBSON/RHONDA 01-451-451-0000-6335 5554 JACOBSON/RHONDA 301 301 2670 JANESVILLE HARDWARE LLC 13-340-000-0000-6590 JANESVILLE HARDWARE LLC JOBS PLUS INC 01-111-000-0000-6260 01-117-000-0000-6260 2670 1290 JOBS PLUS INC KALOW/NICOLE 01-252-000-0000-6330 01-252-000-0000-6330 01-252-000-0000-6330 01-252-000-0000-6330 01-252-000-0000-6330 01-252-000-0000-6330 1290 1237 1237 KALOW/NICOLE KIMBALL MIDWEST 13-340-000-0000-6562 KIMBALL MIDWEST Audit List for Board Rpt Accr COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name Amount Warrant Description Service Dates 5.75 5.75 11/15-11/28 MILEAGE JACOBSON 1 Transactions Travel Exp-Mileage-Homemakers 40.90 40.90 PARTS/SUPPLIES 121515 1 Transactions Tools & Shop Materials 92.28 11/15 TEMP CLNG HWY 11/15 STMNT Prof & Tech Services 11/15 TEMP CLNG JOHNSON BLDG 2 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Prof & Tech Services 422.77 515.05 56.00 QUICK RIDE RAMP 11/10-11/13 Travel Expenses - Room & Board 75.54 11/10-11/13 OUT OF STATE MEALS Travel Expenses - Room & Board 375.36 11/10-11/13 OUT OF STATE HOTEL Travel Expenses - Room & Board 60.00 11/10-11/13 LUGGAGE REIM Travel Expenses - Room & Board 96.00 11/10-11/13 SUPER SHUTTLE Travel Expenses - Room & Board 11/10-11/15 MILEAGE KALOW 6 Transactions Travel Expenses - Room & Board 1,612.76 1,612.76 PARTS/SUPPLIES 121515 1 Transactions Other Auto Supplies 86.25 749.15 1833 KINNEY & LARSON LLP 01-031-000-0000-6260 KINNEY & LARSON LLP 2,012.50 2,012.50 10-11/15 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1 Transactions Prof & Tech Services 1833 LESUEUR CO TREASURER 01-451-454-0000-6880 7,618.22 9/15 LPHG PUB HLTH NRSNG Lesueur Co Phn - Chs Lesueur Co Env Health - Chs 107 107 01-451-454-0000-6883 435.38 9/15 LPHG ENVIRON HLTH 01-451-454-0000-6882 11,111.40 TANF PYMNT PHN SERVICE 7-9/15 STMNT Lesueur Co Phn - Other 01-451-454-0000-6882 500.00 19,665.00 IPI VISIT REIM PH NRSNG 4 Transactions 7-9/15 STMNT Lesueur Co Phn - Other LESUEUR CO TREASURER Page 9 Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Waste Management Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 744 744 798649 Prof & Tech Services TIRE RECYCLING 801570 Prof & Tech Services 19-392-000-0000-6260 2,203.37 13,126.58 TIRE RECYCLING 3 Transactions 804113 Prof & Tech Services M PETERS ENTERPRISES 13-340-000-0000-6410 M PETERS ENTERPRISES MALTERER/DEANNE 01-107-000-0000-6334 01-107-000-0000-6111 MALTERER/DEANNE 3715 MARTIN ERDMAN LAWN CARE 01-107-000-0000-6255 3715 MARTIN ERDMAN LAWN CARE 4591 4591 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. 13-340-000-0000-6590 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. 3365 MATRIX COMMUNICATIONS INC 01-061-061-0000-6260 3365 MATRIX COMMUNICATIONS INC 995 MCNEILUS STEEL INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 995 MCNEILUS STEEL INC 4303 Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name TIRE RECYCLING LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING, LLC MD PRODUCTS & SOLUTIONS INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 740.41 740.41 80.00 80.00 Page 10 Warrant Description Service Dates 5,419.81 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 498 Amount 5,503.40 719 498 Accr 19-392-000-0000-6260 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 6026 Rpt COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING, LLC 19-392-000-0000-6260 719 6026 Audit List for Board PARTS Machinery/Vehicle Parts 121515 1 Transactions Custodial/Building Supplies 2 US FLAGS 121515 1 Transactions 6.44 12/3 PLNG COMM MALTERER MILEAGE Travel Expenses - Mileage 75.00 81.44 12/3 PLNG COMM MALTERER 2 Transactions PER DIEM Per Diems 675.00 675.00 2015 2ND HALF MOWING 1 Transactions Cemetery Maintenance 174.95 174.95 WELDING SUPPLIES 121515 1 Transactions Tools & Shop Materials 810.00 810.00 SUPPORT ON SWITCHES PHONE SYS 1 Transactions 87.40 87.40 PARTS 121515 1 Transactions 481.11 PARTS 121515 0204196-IN Prof & Tech Services Machinery/Vehicle Parts 26005 Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems Machinery/Vehicle Parts *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Public-Works Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 4303 2237 2237 2 Audit List for Board Rpt Accr MD PRODUCTS & SOLUTIONS INC MEDTOX LABORATORIES 01-451-451-0000-6260 MEDTOX LABORATORIES MEI TOTAL ELEVATOR SOLUTIONS 01-111-000-0000-6340 01-112-000-0000-6340 2 MEI TOTAL ELEVATOR SOLUTIONS 2326 MENARDS-MANKATO 13-330-000-0000-6503 2326 MENARDS-MANKATO 1707 MIDSTATES EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY 13-340-000-0000-6562 1707 MIDSTATES EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY 1318 MN BCA CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRNG & EDUCATION 01-201-214-0000-6339 01-201-214-0000-6339 1318 MN BCA CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRNG & EDUCATION 268 MN OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY 01-061-061-0000-6260 268 MN OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY 246 MN VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVTS 01-031-000-0000-6260 01-031-000-0000-6260 246 MN VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVTS 2807 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS OF WASECA 13-340-000-0000-6564 2807 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS OF WASECA Amount COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Warrant Description Service Dates Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 1 Transactions 481.11 LEAD/BLOOD/FILTER PAPER 1 Transactions 1120151690816 Prof & Tech Services 130.94 12/15 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 645293 Rentals & Service Agreements 130.93 261.87 12/15 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 2 Transactions 645293 Rentals & Service Agreements 69.54 69.54 Traffic Signs 88.63 88.63 SUPPLIES 121515 1 Transactions 533.80 533.80 SUPPLIES 121515 1 Transactions 215890 Other Auto Supplies TRAINING JAY D 22886 Registration Costs 120.00 195.00 TRAINING KARI K 2 Transactions 29242 Registration Costs 1,300.00 1,300.00 11/15 ROUTER USAGE 1 Transactions DV15110475 Prof & Tech Services PRE-EMP BACKGROUND CHK SAUMER 147 Prof & Tech Services 11/15 JACK KEMME 2 Transactions 148 Prof & Tech Services 75.00 38.00 6,000.00 6,038.00 475.92 475.92 PARTS Page 11 121515 1 Transactions Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems Machinery/Vehicle Parts *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM General Revenue Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 1827 NBS CALIBRATIONS 01-451-451-0000-6310 1827 NBS CALIBRATIONS 7771 NELSON/BLAIR 01-002-000-0000-6201 7771 3350 3350 4320 Audit List for Board Rpt Accr 3890 333 333 2322 THERMOMETERS CALIBRATION 1 Transactions 97858 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 01-002-000-0000-6334 63.25 12/2 MILEAGE NEW ULM NELSON Travel Expenses - Mileage 01-002-000-0000-6334 171.35 279.54 12/6-8 MILEAGE ST CLOUD NELSON 3 Transactions Travel Expenses - Mileage 120.27 120.27 PARTS Machinery/Vehicle Parts 408.75 CHS/CSO/PHN/VSO/HR/SHERIFF POS 24299 Advertising,Legal Notices & Subscript 108.00 2ND HALF RE TAXES 24299 Advertising,Legal Notices & Subscript 81.00 597.75 HOMESTEAD AD 3 Transactions 24299 Advertising,Legal Notices & Subscript PATTON HOVERSTEN & BERG PA 01-014-000-0000-6261 756.50 81JV15420 CRT APPT ATTY Court Appointed Attorneys 01-014-000-0000-6261 654.50 81JV15563 CRT APPT ATTY Court Appointed Attorneys 01-014-000-0000-6261 1,504.50 81JV15312 CRT APPT ATTY Court Appointed Attorneys 578.00 3,493.50 81JV15829 CRT APPT ATTY 4 Transactions Court Appointed Attorneys 14.72 12/3 PLNG COMM PEARSON MILEAGE Travel Expenses - Mileage 75.00 89.72 12/3 PLNG COMM PEARSON 2 Transactions PER DIEM Per Diems #10 REG ENVELOPES 1 Transactions 13747 Office Supplies NELSON/BLAIR NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL INC NRHEG STAR EAGLE INC 01-031-000-0000-6240 NRHEG STAR EAGLE INC PATTON HOVERSTEN & BERG PA PEARSON/MARVIN 01-107-000-0000-6334 01-107-000-0000-6111 3890 Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name Telephone - Commissioners 01-014-000-0000-6261 269 Warrant Description Service Dates 9-11/15 INTERNET NELSON 01-103-000-0000-6240 269 237.00 237.00 Page 12 44.94 01-041-000-0000-6240 4320 Amount COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES PEARSON/MARVIN PERSONALIZED PRINTING OF WASECA INC 01-107-000-0000-6401 PERSONALIZED PRINTING OF WASECA INC 327.00 327.00 121515 1 Transactions PETTIPIECE & ASSOCIATES LLC Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Small Cities Development Vendor Name No. Account/Formula Audit List for Board Rpt Accr 21-701-000-0000-6260 2322 6099 6099 3415 3415 PETTIPIECE & ASSOCIATES LLC PLUNKETT'S 19-391-000-0000-6260 PLUNKETT'S POWERPLAN INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 POWERPLAN INC 103 PROBUILD-MANKATO 13-330-000-0000-6504 103 PROBUILD-MANKATO 4574 RINKE-NOONAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 41-610-000-0000-6260 4574 RINKE-NOONAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1934 Amount 245.00 245.00 80.16 80.16 934.35 934.35 72.96 72.96 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Warrant Description Service Dates Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name SEPTIC REVOLVING LOAN FUND 1 Transactions 25597 Prof & Tech Services RODENT CONTROL 1 Transactions 5209223 Prof & Tech Services PARTS Machinery/Vehicle Parts 121515 1 Transactions Culverts SUPPLIES 121515 1 Transactions 200.00 200.00 11/15 RETAINER 1 Transactions 248499 Prof & Tech Services RIVER BEND BUSINESS PRODUCTS 01-061-061-0000-6401 179.00 INK FOR PLOTTER IPF825 78758-0 Office Supplies 01-061-061-0000-6401 178.00 INK FOR PLOTTER IPF825 78758-1 Office Supplies 01-062-000-0000-6341 86.34 CD COPIER LEASE BASE 028351 Copier Maintenance 01-062-000-0000-6341 405.73 CH COPIER LEASE BASE 028409 Copier Maintenance 01-062-000-0000-6341 116.62 SO COPIER MAINT BASE 028420 Copier Maintenance 01-062-000-0000-6341 116.62 PH COPIER LEASE BASE 028421 Copier Maintenance 01-062-000-0000-6341 251.64 CH COPIER LEASE BASE 82783-0 Copier Maintenance 01-062-000-0000-6341 36.51 PH COPIER PER PAGE 83493-0 Copier Maintenance 01-062-000-0000-6341 59.35 SO COPIER PER PAGE 83494-0 Copier Maintenance 01-062-000-0000-6341 46.98 LICENSE COPIER PER PAGE 83495-0 Copier Maintenance 20-092-000-0000-6401 131.48 MONTHLY LEASE AGMNT 028398 Office Supplies Forfeiture 20-092-000-0000-6401 66.72 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE AGMNT 81713-0 Office Supplies Forfeiture 20-104-000-0000-6340 154.63 COPIER MTHLY LEASE AGRMNT 028455 Rental & Service Agreements CANON COPIER SYSTEM 14 Transactions 81735-0 Rental & Service Agreements 20-104-000-0000-6340 1934 RIVER BEND BUSINESS PRODUCTS 1056 ROHLFING/GARETT 102.71 1,932.33 Page 13 Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM General Revenue Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula Audit List for Board Rpt Accr 01-107-000-0000-6334 1056 681 681 3891 ROHLFING/GARETT RUPP ANDERSON SQUIRES & WALDSPURGER PA 01-107-000-0000-6260 RUPP ANDERSON SQUIRES & WALDSPURGER PA SCHOENROCK/LEON 01-107-000-0000-6334 01-107-000-0000-6111 3891 SCHOENROCK/LEON 1369 SHRED RIGHT 01-252-000-0000-6260 1369 SHRED RIGHT 1828 SKIPPED PARTS, LLC 01-014-000-0000-6260 1828 SKIPPED PARTS, LLC 3223 3223 SKJEVELAND ENTERPRISES 19-393-000-0000-6559 SKJEVELAND ENTERPRISES 466 SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT INC 13-340-000-0000-6310 466 SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT INC 3672 SOMMERS/MARK 01-107-000-0000-6334 01-107-000-0000-6111 3672 3132 SOMMERS/MARK Amount 49.11 49.11 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Warrant Description Service Dates Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name Travel Expenses - Mileage 6/16-11/30 MILEAGE ROHLFING 1 Transactions CONSULT ZONING VIOLATION 1 Transactions 3627 Prof & Tech Services 12/3 PLNG COMM SCHOENROCK MILEAGE Travel Expenses - Mileage 75.00 91.10 12/3 PLNG COMM SCHOENROCK 2 Transactions PER DIEM Per Diems 15.60 15.60 PAPER SHRED SERVICES 1 Transactions 223224 Prof & Tech Services 268.25 268.25 16.10 Page 14 315.00 315.00 81CR14725 PSYCHO SEXUAL EVAL 1 Transactions Prof & Tech Services 464.32 464.32 14.51 TON CARDBOARD 1 Transactions Recyclable Materials 32.21 32.21 REPAIRS Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 10.70 12/3 PLNG COMM SOMMERS MILEAGE Travel Expenses - Mileage 75.00 85.70 12/3 PLNG COMM SOMMERS 2 Transactions PER DIEM Per Diems 121515 1 Transactions SPECIALTY PERSONNEL SERVICES INC 19-393-000-0000-6261 749.63 TRAVIS WOBSCHALL 11/30/15 400493 Contracted Labor 19-393-000-0000-6261 479.08 JEFF SEHA 11/30/15 400493 Contracted Labor 19-393-000-0000-6261 957.05 TRAVIS WOBSCHALL 12/7/15 400528 Contracted Labor Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Waste Management Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula Audit List for Board Rpt Accr 19-393-000-0000-6261 3132 4631 4631 SPECIALTY PERSONNEL SERVICES INC SPORTSMAN STOP 01-201-223-0000-6473 SPORTSMAN STOP 2241 STEELE CO DETENTION CENTER 01-201-217-0000-6258 2241 STEELE CO DETENTION CENTER 4220 4220 STEELE CO HIGHWAY DEPT 3893 STEELE COUNTY LANDFILL 19-391-000-0000-6254 3893 STEELE COUNTY LANDFILL 563 STEWART SANITATION 19-393-000-0000-6559 STEWART SANITATION 2594 STONEBROOKE ENGINEERING INC 13-320-000-0000-6260 2594 STONEBROOKE ENGINEERING INC 1324 STREAMLINE COMMUNICATIONS LLC 11-118-000-0000-6611 1324 STREAMLINE COMMUNICATIONS LLC 4586 4586 917 THE ELECTRONIC CONNECTION 01-061-061-0000-6401 THE ELECTRONIC CONNECTION TRADES OFFICE PRODUCTS 01-041-000-0000-6401 Page 15 Warrant Description Service Dates Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 389.76 2,575.52 JEFF SEHA 12/7/15 4 Transactions 400528 20.02 20.02 SHIPMENT FOR REPAIRS 1 Transactions Amount Contracted Labor Radios 2,940.00 2,940.00 HOUSING INMATE STEELE CO 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Out Of County Inmates 2,710.00 2,710.00 PUP RENTAL 121515 1 Transactions 970 Rentals & Service Agreements 7,611.24 7,611.24 GARBAGE 1 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Refuse Removal 1,639.68 1,639.68 51.24 TON CARDBOARD 1 Transactions Recyclable Materials 3,649.79 3,649.79 PROF ENGINEERING 121515 1 Transactions Prof & Tech Services 1,315.98 1,315.98 SEC & COMM ADD AUD/TREAS 1 Transactions 317 Building Improvements 95.04 95.04 AIDMI ADOPTERS 1 Transactions 10112258/22-C6 Office Supplies 35.78 NOTES/ERASER/COR TAPE/CALC RLL 26147-3318 Office Supplies STEELE CO HIGHWAY DEPT 13-330-000-0000-6340 563 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM General Revenue Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula Audit List for Board Rpt Accr 26147-3324 Office Supplies PAYROLL DESK/WORKSTATION 29897-1 Non-Capitalized Inventory 01-042-000-0000-6401 29.95 NOTARY STAMP JEAN 26147-3330 Office Supplies 01-042-000-0000-6401 19.99 TAPE 26147-3339 Office Supplies 321.99 TONER 30075-1 Office Supplies 129.99 PAPER SHREDDER 30039-1 Office Supplies 28.37 LABELS/CORR TAPE 30063-1 Office Supplies 59.55 PADS/MARKER/PENS/FOLDERS/LABEL 29977-1 Office Supplies TAPE DISPENSER 26147-3334 Supplies, Dispatch TABLES 29990-1 Supplies, Administrative Office TABLES 29991-1 Supplies, Administrative Office 01-107-000-0000-6401 01-201-229-0000-6476 01-201-229-0000-6475 4.19 1,889.88 01-201-229-0000-6475 1,641.88 01-201-229-0000-6475 45.27 IKJETS 30008-1 Supplies, Administrative Office 01-201-229-0000-6475 51.34 INK CARTRIDGE 30049-1 Supplies, Administrative Office 01-201-229-0000-6475 49.99 LABELS 30072-1 Supplies, Administrative Office 01-252-000-0000-6401 10.49 CARD HOLDER 26147-3198 Office Supplies 01-252-000-0000-6401 23.48 BINDER 26147-3308 Office Supplies 01-451-451-0000-6401 15.49 ENVELOPE 26147-3314 Office Supplies 01-451-451-0000-6401 50.48 LABELS/ENVELOPES 26147-3319 Office Supplies 19-398-000-0000-6401 73.73 7,785.42 TONER 29865-1 Office Supplies TRADES OFFICE PRODUCTS TUTTLE/WILLIAM 01-107-000-0000-6334 01-107-000-0000-6111 278 HIGHLIGHTERS 18.58 3,285.00 01-103-000-0000-6401 278 Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 01-041-000-0000-6480 01-101-000-0000-6401 TUTTLE/WILLIAM 20 Transactions 3.34 12/3 PNLG COMM TUTTLE MILEAGE Travel Expenses - Mileage 75.00 78.34 12/3 PNLG COMM TUTTLE 2 Transactions PER DIEM Per Diems DISPATCH CHAIRS 1 Transactions 1058569 Equip To Notify Emergency Svcs E911 3844 UNITED GROUP INC 20-207-000-0000-6481 3844 UNITED GROUP INC 1072 US AUTO FORCE 01-201-223-0000-6471 29.66 01-201-223-0000-6471 549.64 SNOW TIRES 1263845 Tires 549.64 SNOW TIRES 1305513 Tires SNOW TIRES 4 Transactions 1599348 Tires 01-201-223-0000-6471 01-201-223-0000-6471 1072 US AUTO FORCE 7346 WALMART PYMT PROCESSING ATLANTA Page 16 Warrant Description Service Dates 01-041-000-0000-6401 01-061-061-0000-6401 917 Amount COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 4,227.04 4,227.04 549.64 1,678.58 Tires LATE CHARGES Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM General Revenue Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 7346 Accr RETIREMENT CERT FRAMES 11/15 STMNT Office Supplies NOTEPADS & SHARPIES 11/15 STMNT Office Supplies 19-393-000-0000-6410 7.21 11/15 RECYCLING SUPPLIES 11/15 STMNT Custodial/Building Supplies 19-398-000-0000-6401 6.96 68.72 11/15 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Office Supplies 20.00 20.00 NOTARY REG JEAN 1 Transactions Conference,Training, Registration, Dues 65.00 65.00 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 1 Transactions Advertising,Legal Notices & Subscript 346.00 346.00 INMATE MEDICAL 1 Transactions 11/3 STMNT' Medical Costs GARBAGE 11/15 STMNT Refuse Removal DEMO 11/15 STMNT Refuse Removal FUEL SURCHARGE 11/15 STMNT Refuse Removal GLASS 11/15 STMNT Trucking IN TOWN RECYCLING 5 Transactions 11/15 STMNT Recyclable Materials WALMART PYMT PROCESSING ATLANTA WASECA COUNTY NEWS (SUBSCRIPTION) 01-602-000-0000-6240 WASECA COUNTY NEWS (SUBSCRIPTION) 4442 WASECA MEDICAL CENTER-MAYO HEALTH SYSTEM 01-201-217-0000-6268 4442 WASECA MEDICAL CENTER-MAYO HEALTH SYSTEM WASTE MANAGEMENT-CAROL STREAM 19-391-000-0000-6254 10,890.00 19-391-000-0000-6254 3,706.47 19-393-000-0000-6229 285.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT-CAROL STREAM WEIMERT/JODY 01-602-000-0000-6334 01-602-000-0000-6111 239 2312 2312 2623 5,340.00 19-391-000-0000-6254 19-393-000-0000-6559 239 Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 14.55 WASECA CO LICENSE BUREAU 2208 Warrant Description Service Dates 40.00 4711 2208 Amount Page 17 01-103-000-0000-6401 WASECA CO LICENSE BUREAU 01-042-000-0000-6241 4188 Rpt COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 01-031-000-0000-6401 4711 4188 Audit List for Board WEIMERT/JODY WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR 01-091-000-0000-6453 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR WET SIGNS 13-340-000-0000-6562 141.78 20,363.25 0.29 11/17 EXT COMM WEIMERT MILEAGE Travel Expenses - Mileage 75.00 75.29 11/17 EXT COMM WEIMERT 2 Transactions PER DIEM Per Diems 755.05 755.05 WEST INFO CHARGES 11/15 1 Transactions 833010054 Law Library-West Law Communication 125.00 SIGNS 3079 Other Auto Supplies 121515 Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Public-Works Fund Vendor Name No. Account/Formula 2623 3769 3769 3655 3655 2601 2601 WET SIGNS WINEGAR/DAVID 13-340-000-0000-6564 WINEGAR/DAVID WSB INC 13-320-000-0000-6260 WSB INC ZIEGLER INC 13-340-000-0000-6564 ZIEGLER INC Final Total ............ Audit List for Board Rpt Accr Amount Warrant Description Service Dates PARTS 121515 1 Transactions 10350 Machinery/Vehicle Parts 8,205.13 8,205.13 PROF ENGINEERING 121515 1 Transactions Prof & Tech Services 5,347.45 5,347.45 PARTS Machinery/Vehicle Parts 192,121.28 121515 1 Transactions 121 Vendors Page 18 Invoice # Account/Formula Description Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 1 Transactions 125.00 50.00 50.00 COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 241 Transactions Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems *** Waseca County *** AMYS 12/10/15 3:39PM Public-Works Fund Recap by Fund Audit List for Board Fund AMOUNT COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES Page 19 Name General Revenue Fund 1 90,736.26 11 4,533.56 13 38,433.86 Public-Works Fund 19 46,882.48 Waste Management Fund 20 7,176.63 21 245.00 41 4,113.49 All Funds 192,121.28 Building Fund Special Revenue Fund Small Cities Development Ditch Fund Total Approved by, ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... Copyright 2010-2015 Integrated Financial Systems 2015 2ND HALF WASECA COUNTY AGENCY APPROPRIATIONS (Per 2015 Budget, General Revenue Fund) 379 Agricultural Society 01-601-6918 23,887.50 2781 Cannon River Watershed Partnership 01-601-6916 250.00 696 Historical Society 01-501-6911 30,000.00 4515 Minn. Agricultural Interpretive Center 01-501-6914 7,500.00 296 New Richland Ambulance 01-282-6910 2,500.00 967 Small Business Development Center 01-701-6909 1,500.00 481 Southern MN Initiative Foundation 01-701-6925 2,400.00 179 Soil & Water Conservation District 01-601-6917 38,081.00 664 Southern Minn. Tourism Association 01-501-6913 478.50 01-501-6919 -0-* 15 Tourism Advisory Committee 479 Waseca Arts Council 01-501-6923 4,750.00 Economic Development Assistance: 3100 Janesville 3101 New Richland 3106 Waldorf 01-701-6910 01-701-6910 01-701-6910 TOTAL: 1,960.00 1,960.00 980.00 ___________ $ 116,247.00 *$1,500 Fireworks appropriation paid in full in July WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Temporary Transfer of Funds Consent Agenda: x Yes No Requested Board Date: 12-15-15 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Auditor-Treasurer Tammy Spooner Recommendation/Action(s): Approve the temporary transfer of funds from General Revenue to the Ditch Fund in the amount of $1,200,000. Summary: Each year we assess those ditches that were spent down or overspent due to repairs and redeterminations. Ditch law requires that one ditch does not borrow from another and a temporary transfer from the General Fund is in order. These ditches will be assessed in the tax rolls for 2016 and we will transfer the money back to the General Fund as soon as tax settlements cover the negative balance. In the past, we have lent the money to the ditch systems at 1% interest, I recommend that we use that same rate. Budget/Financial Consideration: Loan from General Fund to Ditch Fund. Attachments: Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Fund Transfer Consent Agenda: x Yes No Requested Board Date: 12-15-15 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Auditor-Treasurer Tammy Spooner Recommendation/Action(s): Request transfer of funds from the General Revenue Fund (01) to the Special Revenue Fund (20) in the amount of $39,000.00 for upcoming election equipment purchases. Summary: These funds were budgeted to remain somewhat consistent in our election budgeting with the plan of transfer of funds for future purchases. Our equipment will all need to be replaced in the next couple of years. Original equipment was purchased with a federal grant. We anticipate that there will not be grant funding for replacement purchases. Budget/Financial Consideration: $39,000.00 as budgeted Attachments: Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Year End Check Run Consent Agenda: x Yes No Requested Board Date: 12/15/2015 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Auditor-Treasurer Tammy Spooner Recommendation/Action(s): I am asking for permission to do a year end, check run on December 30, 2015 with authorization from the Board Chair or Vice Chair. Summary: The reason for this request is for payment of county expenditures that would need to be completed prior to year end. Budget/Financial Consideration: none, timing issue only Attachments: Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Wynkoop, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Moving funds into assigned accounts Consent Agenda: X Yes No Requested Board Date: 12/15/2015 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Sheriff’s Office Recommendation/Action(s): Approve the moving of funds into assigned accounts Summary: The Sheriff’s Office budget will have funds not used in 2015 that should be moved into assigned accounts. In the 2015 budget were monies to hire and outfit a deputy. None of these funds were used as a deputy was not hired in 2015. The plan is to hire in 2016. I would like to request $25,000 be placed in the uniform assigned account for use in 2016. With the retirement of Deputy Collins, whose position at some point we will request to be filled, the uniform budget for 2016 will be over without these funds being moved. We are also requesting $75,000 to be moved into the vehicle assigned account. Each year for the past 5 years we have tried to place an amount into this assigned account at the end of each year in order to have money set aside for new squad cars. We are requesting $25,000 to be moved into the radio assigned account. These monies are used for software upgrades and other unexpected costs to the radio system. It also can be used for maintenance agreements; the current agreement runs out at the end of 2016. Budget/Financial Consideration: Moving $25,000 into a uniform assigned account, moving $75,000 into the vehicle assigned account, and moving $25,000 into the radio assigned account from the 2015 budget. Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Extension of Court Appointed Attorney Services Consent Agenda: X Yes No Requested Board Date: December 15, 2015 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): County Administrator Curt Kephart Action: Extend the non-criminal court appointed attorney contract Summary: Waseca County contracts to provide court appointed attorney services in noncriminal cases. Typically, this contract is for a two (2) year time frame. The existing contract expires on December 31, 2015. There are already court hearings, scheduled on January 4, 2016, that will require court appointed attorney services. There is insufficient time to place this contract out for RFP. The recommendation is to extend the existing contract, for one (1) additional year. The current attorney providing those services, David Borchardt, has agreed to a one (1) year contract at his previously contracted amount of $1,400 per month for a yearly total of $16,800. Budget/Financial Consideration: This is included in the 2016 Court Administration budget. There is no increase or decrease in the contracted amount. Recommendation: It is recommended to extend the existing non-criminal court appointed attorney contract for an additional year pending a 2016 RFP for services. Attachments: NA Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Change of Policy on ID Badge Consent Agenda: Yes No Requested Board Date: December 15, 2015 Originating Department(s): Building/Grounds Maintenance Presenter(s): Brian Tomford Recommendation/Action(s): To instate the new policy with its changes. Summary: Too many people were involved with the old policy and employees were getting confused as to what to do for new, if lost, or damaged. The new policy is much clearer. Budget/Financial Consideration: Attachments: Yes Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Wynkoop, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Waseca County Employee Policy Manual SECTION XVIII EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION BADGES 18.1 This policy is under the authority of the County Administrator and shall be managed through the office of Human Resources in Administration. 18.2 Waseca County has developed a photo employee identification badge (ID badge) and key fob system for eligible employees of all departments in Waseca County. The ID badge shall be worn to identify personnel employed by Waseca County in an effort to facilitate safety and security and to authorize official contact in various departments and buildings. Badges may have first names only. It is the County’s intent to promote positive public relations by being more recognizable by our staff, as well as, the public. 18.3 Key fobs are issued to employees and those representing Waseca County to allow access to their designated work areas. For security reasons, Waseca County Employees should not attach their key fob to their ID badge. 18.4 Administration will issue and process all requests to obtain a new or replacement ID badge and/or key fob. 18.5 Administration authorizes and issues all key fobs for Waseca County buildings. 18.6 Sheriff’s Office personnel (uniformed, in plain clothes, or wearing logo-wear) need not display an external ID badge, but are required to be in possession of their ID badge at all times, unless directed otherwise by the Sheriff. 18.7 Each ID badge and key fob recipient is responsible for proper care, safekeeping and use of their ID badge and key fob. ID badges and key fobs are the property of Waseca County. Any employee who misplaces or loses their ID badge or key fob without immediately reporting it, alters or intentionally mutilates the ID badge and/or key fob, uses the key fob of another, or allows their key fob to be used by another, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 18.8 Employees shall report any damaged or lost ID badges and key fobs to their supervisor as soon as possible. Supervisors must report to Administration the status and/or need for a new ID badge or key fob. Key fobs may be suspended and later reactivated without charge. 18.9 Employees are responsible for the cost of replacement if their ID badge and/or key fob is lost, damaged or stolen ($5.00 for a replacement ID badge, $10.00 for a replacement key fob). All fees will be collected by Administration. (Refer to 18.7) 18.10 ID badges and key fobs shall be returned at the end of employment to Administration during an exit interview. Failure to turn in any Waseca County property at the end of employment may serve to delay final payment of any remaining benefits. Approved: December, 2015 Page 1 of 1 WASECA COUNTY Y REQU UEST FOR BOARD O ACTION N A Agenda Item: Consider Codification of o the Waseca a County Uniffied Developm ment Code C Consent Age enda: X Yes Y Requested d Board Date e: December 1 15, 2015 No O Originating Department(s D s): Planning & Zoning Presenter(s s): Mark Leife erman, Wase eca County Planning an nd Zoning Administrator ation of the Uniform Dev R Recommendation/Action(s): Conside er authorizing g the codifica velopment Co ode S Summary: Waseca W Countty has receive ed two bids to o complete th he codification n of the Unifo orm Developm ment code (UDC). The process will take the exis sting UDC (co odified ordina ance) and refformat the te ext into a standardized ccode. This is often compe eted by cities s and countie es because, over time, th he legislative process of amending o ordinances an nd the legal process p of co onstruing ordinances in a code may contain outdatted terms, su uperseded text, and redundant or co onflicting ordinances or sttatutes. Due to the size of a typical government code, the le egislative pro ocess of reco odification of a code can often take a decade or longer. Cod dification is a process ccompleted by attorneys and specialists to t take the UD DC and orga anize it into a standardized d code. S Since Waseca a County has the existing UDC code, th hen “recodificcation” is wha at will be comp pleted. Reco odification sshould begin with the up pdating of ou ur existing UDC U code wiith all of the e County sub bsequent gen neral and p permanent modifications. m Next, the codification c company c com mpletes legal research in ncluding a rreview for in nconsistencie es, duplications, proper grammar, con nflicts in the code and ad dditional legisslation by on ne of their a attorneys. The company will w also revie ew and comp pare the Cod de with current state law. They then implement these suggesttions to be ap pproved and republished r in n print and on nline. B Budget/Finan ncial Consideration: Stafff is recomme ending that th e Waseca Co ounty Board cconsider awa arding the rrecodification of the UDC to American n Legal Publishing http://w in the e sum of $9,,135 (plus sshipping). Altthough the bid d is higher tha an the bid by Municode, sttaff feels thatt it is appropriate due to the e fact that M Municode will not work to renumber r our code for easy insertion off amendmentss. L Legal Consid deration: the e proposal will be provided to the Wasecca County Atttorney. A Administrato or’s Office Us se: D Date Received: B Board Action: A Approved as Requested R _____ D Denied _____ T Tabled _____ O Other: ______ _______ _____ A Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasu A urer _ ___________ ____________ ___________ _ I I I I I I I I I Motion O Offered By Motion S Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote Distrrict 1 Peterson Distrrict 2 Hintz Distrrict 3 Nelson Distrrict 4 Androli Distrrict 5 Kuhns _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ Code of Ordinances Proposal for Waseca County, MN League of Minnesota Cities 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 American Legal Publishing One West Fourth Street, 3rd Fl. Cincinnati, OH 45202 Duke Addicks, Special Counsel (651) 281-1221 Ray Bollhauer, Staff Attorney (800) 445-5588 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES AND AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORPORATION PROPOSAL FOR WASECA COUNTY, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) Letter 2) Qualifications and Experience Key Personnel Profile 3) References 4) Proposed Agreement 5) Sample Code Style 6) Internet Services; Folio VIEWS Search & Retrieval Program 7) Sample Legal Report December 4, 2015 Laura Rohde Planning & Zoning Specialist Waseca County 300 N. State Street Waseca, MN 56093 Re: Codification of Zoning Ordinances Dear Ms. Rohde: As requested, enclosed is The League of Minnesota Cities’ proposal for codification of the county zoning ordinances. As part of the League's Codification Services Program, American Legal Publishing who is the codification consultant to the League, will assist the League by performing the editorial and publishing aspects of the codification project. The League’s experience in codifying local government ordinances is unmatched. We currently provide codification services to over 200 Minnesota cities. A codification includes incorporating amending ordinances into the zoning ordinance, creating an index and tables as needed, formatting the pages into single or dual column print at the county’s option, and printing complete copies of the entire code book. It also includes a review and written report by one of our staff attorneys. The review will look for inconsistencies in the ordinances that are being codified. Binders and divider tabs are included in the price. There is also the option to receive the new code on CD in Folio and have it on the internet in a searchable format. In future years, new ordinances can be easily added to your Zoning Code with American Legal's supplement services. And, when you need a model ordinance, simply call us; we don’t charge for providing model ordinances. You can also search all codes on our internet site free of charge when you feel like looking for models yourself. Should you have any questions about the proposal, please call us. Sincerely, RAY BOLLHAUER, ALP Staff Attorney DUKE ADDICKS, LMC Special Counsel and Codification Attorney (800/445-5588) [email protected] (615/281-1221) [email protected] If signing contract, please return to Ray at: American Legal Publishing One West Fourth Street, 3rd Fl., Cincinnati, OH 45202 QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK EXPERIENCE The League of Minnesota Cities proposes to work in conjunction with its Codification Consultant, American Legal Publishing Corporation, to perform this project for Waseca County. The League's codification attorney will assist American Legal in performing a review of the code. In addition, American Legal Publishing will perform the editorial and printing work for the project. American Legal Publishing Corporation began as the codification division of the Anderson Publishing Company of Cincinnati in 1934 and became a separate corporation in 1979. Beginning in 2006, it became primarily employee-owned. The editorial support staff consists of over 20 experienced editors skilled in the multiple disciplines required in providing codification services: editing, computer operation, proofreading and indexing. Our typical editor is a college graduate with a degree in English, Journalism, or Law. Today, American Legal serves nearly 2,000 local government clients across the nation, ranging in size from Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, Dallas and Boston, to cities with populations under 500. American Legal is also the publisher of the International Municipal Lawyers Association Model Ordinance Program and serves as the Association's official information management consultant. The League of Minnesota Cities has provided quality codification services to over 250 members during the last decade. This joint effort between LMC and ALP will allow your county to have the best of both worlds utilizing American Legal's codification expertise and the League's vast experience with Minnesota law and Minnesota local government. The primary contact persons for this project will be Duke Addicks, Special Counsel and Codification Attorney with the League of Minnesota Cities, and American Legal's project coordinator will be Ray Bollhauer, Staff Attorney. The only work which is subcontracted is the printing of code binders and tab dividers. KEY PERSONNEL LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES: DUKE ADDICKS - B.A. and J.D., University of Minnesota - Graduate, National Legal Officers College, U.S. Air Force Academy - M.A., United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities - Serves as the League's Special Counsel and Codification Attorney and oversees codification contracts, conducts legal research, and presents training and educational programs for city attorneys and city officials. He has written many editions of the Handbook for Minnesota Cities and is the author of the Minnesota Basic Code. Mr. Addicks has practiced municipal law for over 40 years and has represented local governments before the Minnesota State Legislature and Congress and the Supreme Courts of Minnesota and the United States.. He has served the League for over 25 years in numerous capacities including as Legislative Counsel, Director of Intergovernmental Relations and Director of Member Services. RACHEL CARLSON - B.A. Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota - J.D., Magna Cum-Laude, American University, Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C. - Serves as a League of Minnesota Staff Attorney in the Research and Information Service and as the League’s Charter Services Attorney. Carslon is a Board Certified Real Property Law Specialist and has ten years of municipal and government practice experience. AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING: STEPHEN G. WOLF - PRESIDENT - J.D., University of Cincinnati College of Law - B.B.A., Management, University of Cincinnati - Current City Attorney of an Ohio city, and former Mayor - More than thirty-five years with American Legal Publishing CYNTHIA A. POWELEIT - EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - J.D., Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University - B.A., English, Denison University - Responsible for editorial scrutiny, thoroughness and accuracy RAY G. BOLLHAUER - J.D., University of Cincinnati College of Law - B.A., Economics, University of Cincinnati - Former Trustee and Past President of local Council - Program Coordinator for League of Minnesota Cities codification program and League of Wisconsin Folio program CHRISTI G. BAUNACH - J.D., University of Louisville, Cum Laude - B.A., Political Science, University of Louisville, Cum Laude - Judicial Internship, Supreme Court of Kentucky - Oversees Minnesota reviews for American Legal TODD MYERS - J.D., University of Cincinnati College of Law - B.A., Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati - Twenty years with American Legal Publishing American Legal has 16 attorneys on staff. REFERENCES Carver County, MN Carver County Government Center Chaska, MN 55318 Contact: Patty May County Attorney’s Office (952) 361-1398 Wright County, MN 10 2nd Street NW Buffalo, MN 55313 Contact: Greg Kryzer County Ass’t Prosecutor (763) 682-7344 City of Waseca 508 S. State Street Waseca, MN 56093 Contact: J. Crystal Prentice City Manager (507) 835-9700 City of Stacy 30955 Forest Blvd. Stacy, MN 55079 Contact: Sharon Payne City Clerk (651) 462-4486 City of North Saint Paul 2526 7th Avenue E. North St. Paul, MN 55109 Contact: Mary Mills Deputy City Clerk (651) 748-2572 Other custom code clients: Amboy, Apple Valley, Arden Hills, Aurora, Austin, Avon, Babbitt, Backus, Bagley, Battle Lake, Benson, Bloomington, Brooklyn Park, Brooten, Buhl, Byron, Caledonia, Cambridge, Cannon Falls, Center City, Centerville, Chisholm, Clara City, Clarissa, Cokato, Cologne, Columbia Heights, Cosmos, Crookston, Dassel, Dayton, Dilworth, Eagle Bend, East Grand Forks, Eden Valley, Elbow Lake, Forest Lake, Fulda, Gaylord, Gilbert, Glenwood, Goodview, Granite Falls, Grygla, Hamburg, Hampton, Harris, Hastings, Hector, Hinckley, Hutchinson, Jackson, Janesville, Jordan, Kassota, Kasson, Keewatin, Kettle River, LaCrescent, Lake City, Lake Elmo, Lakefield, Lakeland, LeSueur, Lindstrom, Lino Lakes, Litchfield, Lonsdale, Madelia, Madison, Madison Lake, Mahnomen, Mantorville, Maple Plain, Mapleton, Mayer, Maynard, Menahga, Milaca, Mora, Morristown, Mountain Iron, Nashwauk, Newport, Nicollet, North Mankato, North Oaks, Ortonville, Osakis, Osseo, Owatonna, Park Rapids, Perham, Pine River, Preston, Redwood Falls, Rushmore, St. Anthony, St. Bonifacius, St. Charles, St. Michael, Sauk Centre, Savage, Shakopee, Shorewood, Slayton, Spring Lake Park, Stewartville, Two Harbors, Wadena, Walker, Wanamingo, Warren, Warroad, Waterville, Watkins, Waverly, Wayzata, Wells, West St. Paul, Winnebago, Worthington and Zumbrota. CODIFICATION SERVICES AGREEMENT December 4, 2015 Waseca County, Minnesota (“County”) and the League of Minnesota Cities and its codification consultant, American Legal Publishing Corporation, (jointly known as “Codifier”), agree as follows: I. THE CODIFIER SHALL: (1) Examine the County's Zoning Ordinance and all amending ordinances or resolutions provided by the County which have been passed since the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance, and determine which materials are to be codified. (2) Classify all materials into titles, chapters, and sections, according to subject matter. (3) Simplify language where appropriate to provide uniformity of style and to convert to gender neutral language wherever possible. (4) Organize the code in an easy to use manual which utilizes a numbering system that allows for the easy insertion of future ordinances, or at the County’s option, apply the numbering system currently utilized in the Zoning Ordinance. (5) (a) Prepare title, chapter, and section headings. (b) Prepare a legislative history for each section, citing the ordinance number and date of passage, as indicated on copies of ordinances supplied to the Codifier. (c) Prepare a table of contents and sectional analysis for each chapter. (d) Prepare an index (which will be created after the first draft of the Code is submitted). (6) Within six months of the execution of this contract and return of the code questionnaire, prior code and new ordinances by the County, submit to the County a draft of the code with a report prepared by American Legal with the assistance of the League's Attorney. (7) When the County either returns to American Legal its answers to the report with any additional comments about the draft, it shall be deemed authorization by the County to the Codifier to finish editing and publish the code in final form. Any further changes, additions, or deletions shall be made in the future supplements to the code in accordance with paragraph III (3) of this Agreement. (8) Within three months of receipt of authorization as indicated in paragraph (7), the Codifier will deliver 10 printed copies of the code meeting the following specifications: (a) Type to be single or dual column, at the option of the County. (b) Page size to be 8½” x 11”. (c) All copies to be in hard leather-like covered, 3-ring, loose leaf binders. All binders shall have the County's name stamped in gold and shall contain divider tabs. (9) Deliver to the County a sample ordinance that can be used to adopt the new Zoning Code. In addition, upon request, the Codifier will provide a copy of the completed code on CD-ROM in PDF, WordPerfect or Microsoft Word at no additional charge. Page 1 of 4 II. THE COUNTY SHALL: (1) Provide clear copies of all materials necessary to perform the codification, including a copy of any previously published zoning ordinance, ordinances passed since the zoning ordinances was adopted, and a completed new code questionnaire. (2) After receipt of the draft and report described in paragraph I (6), the County shall have 60 days to review the draft and report and to return to the Codifier its answers to the report. In the alternative, if the County opts for the conference described in paragraph III (1), it must contact the Codifier’s Staff Attorney within 60 days to set up a meeting date. The meeting, itself, need not occur within the same 60 day period. If the County is unable to either return its comments and answers to the report within 60 days or, if applicable, to set up a meeting date, the County may request that the Codifier extend the deadline in writing. The Codifier may adjust the contract price to cover any increased costs due to the County's delay, including applying a supplement editing rate to incorporate new ordinances, resolutions or changes to the code not previously provided to the Codifier within the 60 day time period - even if an extension is granted. Should the County abandon the project prior to completion, it will be billed for a total of 80% of the base price. (3) Pay the following sums (which can be paid over two fiscal years): a) The sum of $9,135 (plus shipping/handling) for codification, payable as follows: 10% down payment due upon acceptance of this agreement; 60% of the balance upon receipt of the first draft and legal report; The remaining balance upon receipt of the printed code books. (4) The base price above is based upon a code of the following number of pages according to the format option of the County. Should the final number of code pages exceed the estimate by more than 5%, the base price will increase accordingly at the time of final invoice: FORMAT NUMBER OF PAGES DECREASE 8½” x 11” Single-column page 435 $18 per page beyond 5% 8½” x 11” Dual-column page 370 $22 per page beyond 5% (5) Pay any invoices within 30 days of the invoice date. Invoices outstanding beyond the 30 day period shall be subject to a late payment equal to 1.5% of the unpaid balance per month, or part thereof. Page 2 of 4 III. OPTIONAL SERVICES. The County, by the initials of the person signing the agreement, chooses the following options: INITIAL (1) Conference: The Codifier’s Staff Attorney (or the League’s attorney if requested by the County) will meet with County representatives to review the draft of the code and the report. The County will pay for the Staff Attorney’ travel expenses from Cincinnati, Ohio (or the League’s attorney’s expenses from St. Paul, Minnesota), including meals and lodging expenses, and this charge is in addition to the base contract price. There is no additional charge for phone conferences. (2) Code Format: Print style (circle one): Single-column or Dual-column (3) Three year supplemental service plan: For a period of three years after delivery of the code: (a) The Codifier shall: 1. Incorporate into the zoning code new pertinent ordinances submitted by the County. 2. Revise or make additional entries to the table of contents and index as necessary to reflect the incorporation of additional, changed or deleted material. 3. Deliver to the County 10 printed copies of supplemental pages with an instruction sheet for directing the placement of the new pages in the code. (b) The County shall: 1. Provide a copy of ordinances or resolutions passed subsequent to publication of the previous zoning code supplement; 2. Pay to the Codifier the sum of $18 per single column page or $22 per dual column page which is re-printed for the supplement, plus shipping/handling. (c) Upon completion of the three-year period, this agreement shall automatically renew itself from year to year except that either party may alter or cancel the terms of this agreement at any time upon ninety days written notice. (4) Additional Copies of Code: number of copies ______ (with binders: Yes or No) The Municipality may purchase additional codes at: Page 3 of 4 $60 per copy or $45 without a binder. (5) Code on CD: At no additional charge, the Codifier will provide the code on CD in one of the following formats (circle one): PDF WordPerfect or Microsoft Word compatible (formatting might be slightly different than in WordPerfect file used to create code) (6) Code on Searchable CD and Internet using Folio Search and Retrieval program: (a) The codifier shall provide the County's Zoning code in the Folio format on CD with complete instructions and one copy of a manual for $595. Additional CD's are $10 each + $50 license fee ($60 each): #________ CDs (b) Future Supplements of Folio Code: (cost is in addition to editing charge for printed pages) • Annual update: $195 includes up to 100 pages • Six month updates: $150 for each 6 month period; includes up to 75 pages • Quarterly updates: $100 for each quarter, includes up to 50 pages - Excess pages charged at $1.95 each (c) Additional License Fees for a one-time fee of $50 each: Order: #______ of additional licenses (d) Code on the Internet (after Folio conversion) at $450 per year: IV. TRANSMITTAL AS OFFER: The transmittal of this Agreement to the County is an offer by the Codifier to perform the stated services at the terms referenced within the Agreement. This offer will expire if not executed by the County by March 31, 2016, unless such date is extended in writing by the Codifier. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands on the date(s) indicated: WASECA COUNTY, MN LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES AND AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING BY BY TITLE TITLE DATE DATE Return signed contract to: Ray Bollhauer American Legal Publishing One West Fourth Street, 3rd Fl. Cincinnati, OH 45202 Sample: Dual Column - CG Times 11 point CHAPTER 71: TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Section § 71.02 OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON UNPAVED PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY PROHIBITED. General Provisions 71.01 71.02 Speed limit in city alleys Operation of motor vehicles on unpaved public or private property prohibited (A) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle, as defined by the Florida Uniform Traffic Control Law, F.S. Chapter 316, as may be amended from time to time, on any unpaved public property, or on any paved or unpaved shoulder of a public road. Motorcycles; Motor Scooters and Motor Bikes 71.25 71.26 Safety helmet or headgear required Operator's permit required (B) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle on any unpaved private property, not owned by the operator or his immediate family, without the express written consent of the owner, lessee, tenant or other person entitled to possession and use of such premises; said written consent to be carried on the operator's person. 71.99 Penalty Cross-reference: Speed limits on designated streets, see Chapter 76, Schedule I Citations for traffic and parking violations, see §§ 72.150 through 72.157 (C) The foregoing provisions shall not apply to the following: (1) A licensed and franchised public utility in the conduct of its business; GENERAL PROVISIONS (2) Any federal, state or local governmental § 71.01 SPEED LIMIT IN CITY ALLEYS. agency; (A) For purposes of this chapter an ALLEY shall mean every street or way within a block, which is set apart for public use, vehicular traffic and local convenience. ('72 Code, § 34-4) (4) Any situation where such operation is necessary to avoid collision with other traffic; (B) No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon any alley in the city at a speed in excess of ten miles per hour. ('72 Code, § 34-5) (Ord. 2087, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-87-72, passed 1223-87) Penalty, see § 71.99 (5) Where such operation is in compliance with other laws or the directions of a law enforcement officer or official traffic-control devices. ('72 Code, § 34-13) (Ord. O-73-51, passed 6-27-73) Penalty, see § 71.99 (3) Any licensed emergency vehicle; 9 Sample: Single Column - CG Times 12 point CHAPTER 71: TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Section General Provisions 71.01 71.02 Speed limit in city alleys Operation of motor vehicles on unpaved public or private property prohibited Motorcycles; Motor Scooters and Motor Bikes 71.25 71.26 Safety helmet or headgear required Operator's permit required 71.99 Penalty Cross-reference: Speed limits on designated streets, see Chapter 76, Schedule I Citations for traffic and parking violations, see §§ 72.150 through 72.157 GENERAL PROVISIONS § 71.01 SPEED LIMIT IN CITY ALLEYS. (A) For purposes of this chapter an ALLEY shall mean every street or way within a block, which is set apart for public use, vehicular traffic and local convenience. ('72 Code, § 34-4) (B) No person shall drive a motor vehicle upon any alley in the city at a speed in excess of ten miles per hour. ('72 Code, § 34-5) (Ord. 2087, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O-87-72, passed 12-23-87) Penalty, see § 71.99 § 71.02 OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES ON UNPAVED PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY PROHIBITED. (A) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle, as defined by the Florida Uniform Traffic Control Law, F.S. Chapter 316, as may be amended from time to time, on any unpaved public property, or on any paved or unpaved shoulder of a public road. 9 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING INSTANT ACCESS TO YOUR CODE OF ORDINANCES Web Hosting Service: Built on Trust Join the growing list of municipalities that trust American Legal Publishing to host and maintain their Codes of Ordinances on the Internet. Los Angeles, Dallas, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, and over 800 other municipalities and organizations from 30 states are using American Legal Publishing for online hosting. American Legal Uses the Most Advanced Technology in the Industry • Your code will be fully searchable, by word or phrase, synonym searches, and automatic stem searches. • Browse and navigate your Code and other documents with an easy-to-use electronic table of contents. • Hyper-linked cross-references, create static links and set bookmarks. • Email and download chapters or sections directly from the web via RTF, PDF, EPUB, TXT, HTML and more. • You can have a customized web banner that matches your county’s or municipality’s website. • Add a Comprehensive Ordinance List and New Ordinance Notice to your Online Code to help keep your citizens more informed of changes to the Code. So, what are you waiting for? Call us today! AMERICA’S CODIFICATION PROFESSIONALS American Legal Publishing • One West Fourth Street • Cincinnati, OH • 45202 • 800-445-5588 • CODE ON SEARCHABLE CD AND ON INTERNET Below is information on Folio VIEWS, the computer search and retrieval program American Legal offers. Folio VIEWS allows you to access any section, word, or reference in your code instantaneously. Folio also provides you with a complete word index. Every word in your code is catalogued. With Folio you can conduct searches by word, phrase, section number, date, or anything you want. You can also perform stem searches when you are not sure of the ending of the words you want to find (e.g. go% = going, gone, went, etc.) proximity searches (e.g. find "penalty within 5 words of jail"), and more. You can also do searches by title, chapter, table of contents, and in multiple infobases (such as in the Code of Ordinances, Charter, Council Minutes, and anything else in the Folio format) at the same time. Additionally, Folio allows each user to customize his or her version by creating a shadow file with color and style highlights, bookmarks, notes, and pop-up links within the text without affecting the original text. This program has been recognized by the computer industry to be the leader in search and retrieval. In a review of computer programs in an issue of PC Magazine, Folio VIEWS was said to be "fast, flexible, and rock solid. It imported files that made other programs crash, and made virtually every step of creating and using an infobase simple and enjoyable. You'll need very convincing reasons for choosing anything else." American Legal Publishing can provide your Code and other material in Folio on CD and on the Internet. AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORPORATION Internet Features Frame and Frameless/Mobile version Yes Code Fully Searchable (by word or phrase) Yes (entire code, not just by title or chapter) Multiple Search formats Yes (3) 1. Quick Search Box 2. Advanced Search Template 3. Boolean Search Field Automatic Stem Searches Yes (finds plurals and other forms of words) Fence finds fence, fences, fenced and fencing Synonym Searches Yes Grass finds grass, turf, lawn Cross-references hyperlinked Yes Color Graphics Yes - if provided in color by the County to us Searchable CD-ROM version Yes Static Links and Bookmarks can be set Yes Can email and download chapters or sections directly from the web Yes (download into RTF, HTML or TXT) Online Samples at: Choose Minnesota, then any municipality or county listed under Library Support Help resources available online Toll free phone and email support included December 4, 2015 Ms. Laura Rohde Planning & Zoning Specialist Waseca County 300 North State Street Waseca, MN 56093 Sent Via Email: [email protected] Dear Ms. Rohde: Thank you for corresponding with our Mid-West Inside Sales Representative, Tracy Stevanov, and our Internal Account Executive, Alicia Bywaters, and expressing interest in utilizing us for your codification services. We have reviewed your Unified Development Code (Zoning Ordinance) and are pleased to submit the following information for your review. Our team is driven by the desire to serve you and your citizens. We believe that quality customer relationships and exceptional service are what have set us apart in the legal codification industry since 1951. Our commitment to service inspires us to: provide you with the highest quality legal codification services in the industry; set the standard for online and mobile services; ensure that you receive the most accurate and timely supplements possible and to work with you as a long-term partner. Our desire to serve you is why we have chosen this profession. Why Municode? Integrity. “Our word is our bond.” We believe that long-term relationships built on trust are built to stand the test of time. Our goal is to serve you and your citizens for the next 30 years or more. Attorneys. We have a team of full-time attorneys. All of your legal work will be completed by our experienced team of in-house attorneys. Experience. With over 3,755 customers in all 50 states, we are the most trusted and experienced codifier of local government codes in the nation. Our team of attorneys has an average of over 20 years of codification experience. With over 190 professionals committed to serving you, we have the depth of knowledge and experience that it takes to stay at the forefront of legal and technological developments. Relationships. For over 64 years, we have earned the trust, loyalty and respect of our customers by focusing on what is most important to us: our customers. We have a team of customer service professionals dedicated to serving you, your team and your citizens. No matter what the challenge, we are here for you. Quality. We are committed to excellence in every product that we create. Our team of legal editors and legal proofreaders, each averaging over eight years of service, is dedicated to providing you with the most accurate and timely product available in the nation. Technological Leadership. MunicodeNEXT is the nation’s most advanced, accessible and intuitive website. With MunicodeNEXT, your staff and citizens can have access to your code of ordinances, all archived versions of your code, every official copy of your ordinances, the power to compare versions of your code over time, the ability to be notified every time your code is updated and a powerful search engine capable of simultaneously searching your code, ordinances, minutes, resolutions, budgets and more. Our web tools are designed to make your job easier, your code more accessible and your citizens more informed. Commitment to Minnesota. We are proud to serve 58 clients in the State of Minnesota. We regularly attend, support and sponsor the Minnesota Municipal Clerks & Finance Officers Association . 1 Why Our Clients Love Us Applying our Legal Experience. We have a large team of full-time attorneys. This is a crucial factor to consider when assessing the qualifications of a codification company that is being considered for legal publication and supplementation services. We have been in business for over 64 years and have worked for decades serving the biggest and most advanced municipalities in the nation. No other codification company has this level of experience and knowledge that can be harnessed for your benefit. Team Approach. We have 14 legal editorial teams, over 35 legal editors and over 20 legal proofreaders. By partnering with us, you are provided with a depth of legal talent that is unmatched in the industry. You and your citizens deserve the best and deserve to have a team that will be here to serve you no matter what the situation. Customer Service. Our goal is to fully understand your unique needs. Your Municode Representative, James Bonneville, is able to meet with you in person anytime. James can also provide onsite training or host webinars throughout the term of the contract. Your Representative. Municode’s Mid-West Regional Sales Representative, James Bonneville, is located in Stillwater, Minnesota. He is available to answer questions and meet with you, as needed. James worked in state government, lobbying and governmental sales for over 13 years. James has been a part of Municode since 2009. He visits your area often and regularly attends the Minnesota Municipal League Conference, Clerks Conference and IIMC Conference. James is supported by our entire team in Tallahassee. Your Representative. Municode’s Mid-West Inside Sales Representative, Tracy Stevanov, meets with our mid-west clients virtually and on the telephone with webinars and teleconferences. She works hand in hand with James to ensure that our clients are well taken care of in the mid-west. She is available to answer questions or schedule a meeting with you as needed. Real People. If you have a question, our response time is normally less than a few minutes via e-mail (constantly monitored) or within the half-hour for phone correspondence. When you call us, you will find that our phones are answered by our employees…not an automated answering service. Personal Touch. We are a family-owned, medium size business which means you will receive a level of personal service that is unparalleled in the industry. We earn our reputation by providing exceptional customer service, offering helpful suggestions and developing solutions for your unique situation. Responsible Citizen. We are proud to support numerous Clerk, Attorney, Municipal and County Associations. Additionally, we partner with the International Institute of Municipal Clerks and International Municipal Lawyers Association to provide services to their members. Our Vice President of Sales, Dale Barstow, is the former President of the Municipal Clerks Education Foundation. We are also extremely active within our community, supporting the United Way, Boys Town, the Tallahassee Veteran’s Village and Ability First through quarterly employee volunteer days. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please call and speak with Tracy, or our Mid-West Regional Sales Representative, James Bonneville, or our Assistant Vice President of Sales, Steffanie Rasmussen. We are also happy to schedule a conference call or webinar with all interested parties, or meet with you personally. We are here to serve you! Sincerely, W. Eric Grant President WEG/amb Enc. Cc: Steffanie Rasmussen, Assistant Vice President of Sales [email protected] / 800-262-2633 ext. 1148 James Bonneville, Mid-West Regional Sales Representative [email protected] / (651) 262-6262 Tracy Stevanov, Mid-West Inside Sales Representative [email protected] / (800) 262-2633 ext. 1383 2 Executive Summary For further details on the project, please see page 4. Publication, Supplementation and MunicodeNEXT: Publication................................................................................................................ $6,9501 Supplementation ...................................................................................................... $18 per page Online Hosting and Support ..................................................................................... $395 Timeline.................................................................................................................... 4-6 months2 Pricing = Apples to Apples: We realize that different companies call services by different names. Here are some important considerations to keep in mind when comparing proposals: The publication base cost of $6,950 is based on a 410 page, single column code; Supplement charges - Single column per page rate of $18; The online code is fee is only $395 for our basic service. If you would like to further the transparency of your online code, you can elect the MyMunicode bundled package for only $995 per year. Municode does not charge an extra fee for posting supplements online. Municode does not charge an extra fee for printing your supplement pages. The supplement page rate is $18 for single column (including printing and posting each supplement on line). Some companies might have quoted you a double column price or no supplement rate at all. Please double check this when comparing responses. Please consider the fact that some codifiers charge an additional page rate to post your Unified Development Code online. Our basic code on the internet fee of $395, covers this cost. 1 Please 2 see page 5 for additional pricing details. Please see page 7 for a detailed timeline and milestones. 3 Publication Scope of Services We offer to publish the County’s Unified Development Code as follows: Editorial Review. We will review the Unified Development Code and any amendatory ordinances and submit recommendations as to numbering consistency and possible reorganization. Preparation. We would appropriately mark the copy submitted, thereby designating the styles of type and page format. Index. We would prepare a comprehensive general word Index for the Unified Development Code. Table of Amendments. We would establish a table of amendments for listing all future amendments and their disposition. Typesetting and Printing. The format of the page is designed to accommodate the maximum amount of material. The type is easy-to-read and includes special typefaces such as boldface and italics to provide eye appeal and readability. Proofs. A set of proofs will be provided to the Client for review prior to final printing. Binding. The Unified Development Code will be published as a standalone volume. Schedule. Proofs will be delivered approximately three to four months after receipt of the signed quote sheet and final product delivered approximately one to two months after return of the proofs. Internet Connection. The Unified Development Code will be posted on Municode’s web site and a link will be provided to the County for placement on their website. Electronic Media. Additionally, the Unified Development Code can be converted into a PDF, FOLIO or WORD (DOCX), and can be provided in a generic text format such as HTML. Supplement Service. Municode will include future amendments to the Unified Development Code through our supplement service. The Index and Tables would also be updated. The cost for publishing the Supplements is on a straight per page basis with no annual or minimum charge. Supplements may be published on a schedule to meet the requirements of the County. Electronic Supplementation. If you choose to receive the publication electronically, Municode can provide the Supplements electronically on a schedule to meet your needs, e.g. monthly or bimonthly. You may choose to have printed Supplements published less frequently. The electronic media will reflect the entire publication as updated through the most recent ordinance. The benefit of electronic supplementation is that it eliminates the need to insert the printed Supplements and it allows for a quicker update. 4 Publication Quotation Sheet for Unified Development Code for Waseca County, Minnesota3 Publication Base Cost Includes: $6,950 Conversion to Municode database; Editorial Review; Editing; Images, graphics and tabular matter; Indexing; Proofs; 10 copies with binders & divider tabs (select binder & stamping color below) Binder color: Semi-Bright Black, Burgundy, Dark Blue, Hunter Green Stamping color: Gold, Silver, White Base number of pages, as established in the table below Estimated pages based on page format and font size Font & Font Size Page Format Times New Roman 10 point Single Column 410 Base cost does not include: Reorganizing, renumbering or legally reviewing Unified Development Code content Pages in excess of the base, per page $14 Unified Development Code posted online Make selections on page 7 Freight Sales Tax, if applicable Payment for Publication: Execution of Agreement Upon submission of proofs4 Upon delivery $2,780 $2,435 Balance 3 Applicable sales taxes and actual shipping charges will be added. If proofs are not returned in a timely manner (as stated in proof letter), we will invoice for the balance due on the project. Once proofs are returned, we will correct, print and ship the new volumes as quickly as possible thereafter. Additional charges may apply if ordinances are added to the proofs. 4 5 Professional Services Quotation Sheet Continued5 Waseca County, Minnesota Supplement Service Base Page Rate6 Page Format Base Page Rate Single Column $18 per page Base page rate above includes Acknowledgement of material Data conversion, as necessary Editorial work Proofreading Updating the index Schedule as selected by you7 Updating electronic versions8 and online code Printing9 10 copies Base page rate excludes Freight, prebilled State sales tax Graphics10 & tabular11 matter, per page Actual freight If applicable $10 Electronic media options for Code of Ordinances (Sent via download) 12 Folio Bound Views WORD-DOCX Adobe PDF of the code Adobe PDF of each supplement $295 initially then $100 per update $150 initially then $75 per update $150 initially then $75 per update $75 per update Payment for Supplements and Additional Services: Invoices will be submitted upon shipment of project(s). 5 Applicable sales taxes and actual shipping charges will be added. All prices quoted in this section may be increased annually in accordance with the Producer Price Index – Bureau of Labor Statistics. 7 Schedule for supplements can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, tri-annual, semi-annual, annual or upon authorization. Electronic updates can occur more frequently than printed supplements. 8 We do not charge a per page rate for updating the internet, however a handling fee is charged for PDF, Word, Folio or additional electronic media items ordered. 9 Municode uses only acid-free paper. 10 Includes printing all copies. Additional fees will apply if graphics are printed in color. 11 Tabular matter is defined as tables, algebraic formulas, or other materials that require special programs or extra editorial time to modify and prepare for inclusion in an update. 12 “delivery” is defined as making updated electronic data available to you via download or FTP. Fee applies whenever content is delivered as HTML, PDF, Folio or Word, via one of the afore-mentioned mediums. 6 6 Web Hosting Quotation Sheet (Please see the website features defined page for a brief description of the services outlined below) Please check the appropriate box(es) to indicate your selection: $995 annually14, MyMunicode13 includes the following: Unified Development Code On Internet OrdBank CodeBank CodeBank Compare + eNotify MuniPRO Custom Banner In lieu of purchasing the above package, the Client can purchase each item a la carte: Unified Development Code on Internet (annually) CodeBank Compare + eNotify15 (annually) $395 $250 CodeBank (annually) $150 MuniPRO (annually) Custom Banner (onetime fee) $295 $250 MuniDocs Quote available upon request ORDINANCES PENDING CODIFICATION Option 1) OrdBank Per ordinance fee Flat annual fee (recommended if MyMunicode is not selected) $35 $385 Option 2) OrdBank + OrdLink Per ordinance fee Flat annual fee (recommended if MyMunicode is not selected) $60 $485 Municode does not charge a per page rate to update the internet – this is all included in the supplement per page rate. 13 Municode does not charge a per page rate for updating the Internet – this is included in the supplement per page rate. value if each item were to be purchased a la carte would be $1,725 per year thereafter with participation in our OrdBank service. 15 Enrollment in CodeBank is required in order to receive the CodeBank Compare/eNotify technology. 14 Total 7 This proposal shall be valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date appearing below unless signed and authorized by Municode and the Client. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall begin upon execution of this Agreement and end three years after the publication date of the new Code. Thereafter, the supplement service shall be automatically renewed from year to year provided that each party may cancel or change this agreement with sixty (60) days written notice. Submitted by: MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Municode Officer: Title: President Date: December 4, 2015 Accepted by: WASECA COUNTY, MINNESOTA (Unified Development Code) By: Title: Date: 8 MunicodeNEXT – Online Resource of Standard Features Modern Design – MunicodeNEXT was designed by our team with an emphasis on mobile devices. This means that tablet users will be directed to the full version of your site. This advance was made possible thanks to the responsive user interface that we have created. Being able to access the full version of MunicodeNEXT from a tablet means that your users will enjoy a more dynamic and satisfying user experience. Tablet friendly – Tablet users are directed to the full desktop version of the site. The advanced user interface uses large buttons and icons, making it extremely touch friendly. Searching – Search results begin in a popover, then move to a persistent left-hand tab as you cycle through the results. You can toggle between search and browse modes by selecting the appropriate tab. This enables you to quickly move through search results without clicking “back” to a search results page. The code is also indexed by the section, returning more accurate, granular results. Advanced Searching – You and your power users can conduct searches using Normal Language, Boolean Logic, Stemming, Fuzzy Search and Synonym search. Searchable ordinances – Thanks to our OrdBank service, ordinances posted pre and postcodification are full-text searchable with hit highlighting. 9 Searching all content types – If you use our OrdBank or MuniDocs service, you can search any combination of the code, ordinances, and MuniDocs simultaneously. Search results are color coded and labeled for easy identification. Narrow Searching – Your users have the ability to search selected chapters or titles in order to pinpoint their searches and find what they are looking for as quickly as possible! Print/Save/Email – Users can print, save (as Word) or email files at the section level, as well as, at the article or chapter level. You will also be able to print, save or email non-sequential sections from multiple portions of your code(s). Multiple publications – If you have multiple publications (code, zoning, etc.), they will all be searchable from one interface. Social Media Sharing – You and your users are able to share code sections via Facebook and Twitter. This will make it easier for you and your team to utilize social media in order to engage your citizenry and enhance your level of transparency. Internal Cross-Reference Linking – Cross-references within your code are linked to their respective destination Article, Chapter, or Section. Mouseover (cluetips) – Navigate to your code and any linked cross-reference will quickly display the pop-up preview window. Static Linking – Copy links of any section, chapter or title to share via email or social media. Scrolling Tables and Charts – Headers stay fixed while you scroll through the table/chart. GIS – We can provide a permalink to any code section and assist staff to create a link from your GIS system to relevant code sections. In-line Images & PDFs – We take great care to ensure that your images match online and in print, and are captured at the highest quality possible. Our online graphics can be enlarged with a frameless view to maximize the image. Municode can also incorporate PDFs of certain portions of the code that have very specific viewing and layout requirements. Collapsible TOC – The table of contents collapses and is re-sizeable, providing additional real estate with which you may view your code. Easily view your maps, graphs and charts by simply enlarging the item. Support – Phone, email and web support for citizens and staff: 24 hour email response; phone support from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (eastern) 10 MunicodeNEXT Take Your Online Code to the NEXT Level with these Exclusive, Premium Features! OrdBank. With our OrdBank solution, newly adopted legislation will be posted online in between supplements. Upon the completion of your supplement, the ordinances will be linked in your history notes and stored in your OrdBank Repository under the “ordinances” tab. (Hyperlinked Ordinance in Text) (One-Click Access to the Original Ordinance) OrdBank. With our OrdBank solution, newly adopted legislation will be posted online in between supplements. Upon the completion of your supplement, the ordinances will be linked in your history notes and stored in your OrdBank Repository under the “OrdBank” tab. (Hyperlinked Ordinance in Text) 11 (One-Click Access to the Original Ordinance) (OrdBank Repository) OrdLink + OrdBank. Prior to incorporating the ordinances into your code via supplementation, the OrdLink system can hyperlink newly adopted ordinances to the section being amended. Linked sections are highlighted in the table of contents and links are created from the amended sections to the new ordinances. Once the linked ordinances are incorporated into your code, they are added to your OrdBank repository and hyperlinked to your history notes. This service helps put everyone on notice that new ordinances have been adopted. 12 CodeBank. Our CodeBank service serves as an online archival platform for previous supplements of your code. Empower your staff and citizens to access every previous version of your code with one click. (CodeBank Tab) (Permanent Repository) CodeBank Compare. Our CodeBank Compare service is a powerful feature that provides users the ability to select a past version of your online code and compare it to any other version of your online code. The differences will be shown via highlights (added material) or strikethrough (deleted material). (Changes in Text) 13 Users will be notified of the changes in the table of contents and within the text of the code via “modified,” “new,” or “removed” badges. Users can also select an option to view all of the changes in a single view, complete with strikethrough and highlights showing the specific textual changes that were made. The CodeBank Compare service will show all amendments to your code that were implemented during the most recent update. (Changes Tab in Your Table of Contents) eNotify. Our eNotify service allows users to enroll online and receive email notifications each time your online code is updated. This will empower your staff and citizens to receive instant notifications every time your online code is updated. (eNotify Button for Easy Registration) (eNotify Sign-Up) 14 Custom Banner. We can customize the look and feel of your code to more closely match your website. MuniDocs. Enables municipal users to send material of your choosing directly to us to upload documents to your online code. Let us do all the work and upload your minutes, resolutions, budgets, and or any other non-code material online. Your collection of documents, will be posted alongside your code and will be fully searchable and filterable for ease of use. No need for you and your staff to learn and manage a new system. (MuniDocs Tab and Repository) MuniPRO. MuniPRO Searching allows you to search the over 3,140 codes we host (the entire country, a single state, or individually selected codes of your choosing). MuniPRO Searches are ideal for researching local regulations of special interest, or to find out how other communities are dealing with similar issues. If the IP based model is selected, only Multiple Code Searching is available. MuniPRO provides subscribers with the following tools: Multiple Code Search. Search all codes within one state, multiple codes within one state, or search over 3,140 codes in the entire U.S. hosted by Municode! Search results are sorted by relevancy and indicate the source publication, showing excerpts and keyword highlighting. MuniPRO Favorites. Create a “favorites” list of frequently visited codes or sections. This will save time by making navigation a one-click process from your dashboard. MuniPRO Notes. Create a note and attach it to any document in any publication. Note icons will show in both the table of contents and search results page, alerting the user to a previously written note. Notes can be shown or hidden when browsing and searching a publication, and a global listing of notes can be accessed with a single click from your dashboard. MuniPRO Drafts. Begin a new ordinance draft to keep track of pending legislation. Drafts icons will appear in the table of contents and search results, and can also be accessed from a single click. 15 WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Grant application to use Clean Water Funding for Conservation Corps crew labor for installation of vegetative grade stabilization buffers along shoreland properties. Consent Agenda: Yes Originating Department(s): Planning and Zoning aNo Requested Board Date: December 15, 2015 Presenter(s): Kelly Hunt, Water Resource Specialist Recommendation/Action(s): Acknowledge Planning & Zoning Department grant application to seek funding for crew labor on installation of vegetative grade stabilization buffers for 5 shoreland properties. Summary: The Conservation Corps, contracted with the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources, is currently seeking applications for funded crew labor for cities, counties, soil and water conservation districts (SWCD), and joint powers organizations to undertake projects consistent with the Corps mission to provide hands-on environmental stewardship and service-learning opportunities to youth and young adults while accomplishing conservation, natural resource management and emergency response work. Three-five landowners, owning shoreland properties on St. Olaf, Reeds and Clear lakes, have expressed interest in implementing best management practices (BMPs) for grade stabilization. Should funding be awarded, the implemented BMPs will result in reduced total suspended solid and total phosphorus concentrations, and thus improved water quality, within the aforementioned County lakes. Budget/Financial Consideration: The Conservation Corps grant will cover all costs associated with crew labor. The cost for plantings will be covered by landowners. The County is not required to provide matching funds, however, Planning & Zoning staff, with the Waseca County SWCD, will be involved in assisting property owners with planting plans. Legal Consideration: If a grant is obtained, there may be legal costs associated with the review of the grant documents. Attachment: Conservation Corps Request for Proposal. Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested _____ Denied _____ Tabled _____ Other: ____________ _____ Attest: Tamara J. Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer __________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ CLEAN WATER FUNDS FOR CREW LABOR Conservation Corps Minnesota is accepting applications for 2016 field projects. Funds are available for Conservation Corps crew labor on projects that protect, enhance and restore water quality in lakes, rivers and streams or protect groundwater and drinking water sources from degradation. Projects must be scheduled for completion during the 2016 calendar year. The Legislature has directed the Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR) to appropriate $500,000 of the Clean Water Fund to be contracted for services with Conservation Corps Minnesota. BWSR has contracted with the Corps to provide funded labor to cities, counties, soil and water conservation districts, watershed districts, metropolitan watershed management organizations, and joint powers organizations of those local government units to undertake projects consistent with the Corps mission, BWSR grant policies, and Clean Water Fund goals (Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 172, section 6). Contact Tim Johnson-Grass at 651.209.9900 x18 with any questions. WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: ANNUAL RENEWAL W ASTE HAULERS CERTIFICATES Consent Agenda: x Yes No Requested Board Date: August 18, 2015 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Solid Waste/Recycling Georgette Hanson Director Recommendation/Action(s): Commissioner Chair Michael Hintz signature on hauler license certificates. Summary: Annual renewal for individuals and companies hauling solid waste in Waseca County. Applications, fees and supporting documents have been submitted and approved by Solid Waste Director and Waseca County Attorney In accordance with the ordinances affiliated with Waseca County Solid Waste it is my request licenses for the following be approved and certificates be signed. LJP Enterprises, Inc. Lic. # 004 Skjeveland Enterprise Lic. # 008 Stewart Sanitation Lic. # 005 Thompson Sanitation, Inc. Lic # 003 Veit Disposal System Lic. # 007 Waste Management, Mankato, MN Lic. # 002 Waste Management, Clarks Grove, MN Lic. # 009 Hometown Haulers Lic. # 001 Herold Rolloffs Lic. # 006 Budget/Financial Consideration: None Attachments: File has been taken to Auditor/Treas Tammy Spooner and is in her possession. Administrator’s Office Use: Board Action: Approved as Requested _____ Denied _____ Tabled _____ Other: ____________ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By _____ Motion Seconded By _____ Vote By Acclamation _____ Roll Call Vote _____ District 1 Peterson _____ District 2 Hintz _____ District 3 Nelson _____ District 4 Androli _____ District 5 Kuhns _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Consent Agenda: Yes Requested Board Date: June 14th, 2016, 6:30pm No Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Assessor Mark Vagts Recommendation/Action(s): Set date for County Board of Equalization at June 14th, 6:30pm at East Annex Summary: Budget/Financial Consideration: None Attachments: Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: COMMUNITY HEALTH SPECIALIST-CONDITIONAL OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT Consent Agenda: Yes No Requested Board Date: December 15, 2015 Originating Department(s): Presenter(s): Public Health Sarah Berry, PHD/CHS Administrator Recommendation/Action(s): Approve hiring of Megan Kirby for the Environmental Health Specialist position. Summary: Myself, Brown – Nicollet/Le Sueur- Waseca SHIP Coordinator Patty Takawira, and Le Sueur County Public Health Director Cindy Shaughnessy conducted interviews for the Community Health Specialist position on December 8, 2015. A conditional offer was made and accepted by Megan Kirby. The offer of employment is conditional based on successful completion of a background and reference check along with Board approval. Budget/Financial Consideration: This position is included in the 2015 and 2016 Budget. Attachments: None Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: End of Year Highway Budget Items Consent Agenda: Yes X No Requested Board Date: December 15, 2015 Originating Department(s): Highway Presenter(s): Nathan Richman Action Item 1. Transfer $574.024.99 from the 2015 budget line item 13.320.6280 to the Assigned Infrastructure Fund. This is the County Construction line item. Summary: Action Item 1. The Construction County Funding budget for 2015 was $1,000,000. The County construction projects work in 2015 was $425,975.01. Therefore the transfer is $574,024.99. The work includes the reclamation work on 64 and 74, a culvert on 11, and the 2014 bituminous paving contract final payment in 2015. This is the difference between the 2015 budget and the total of the county contact expenses in 2015. Budget/Financial Consideration: These actions manage the line items. The Assigned Infrastructure Fund is reserving funds for the County Road 64 and County Road 74 paving projects planned for 2016. Attachments: None Administrator’s Office Use: Date Received: Board Action: Approved as Requested Denied Tabled Other: ____________ _____ _____ _____ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By Motion Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote District 1 Peterson District 2 Hintz District 3 Nelson District 4 Androli District 5 Kuhns _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ WASECA A COUNTY REQUESTT FOR BOARD D ACTIO ON Agenda Item: Eliminate sunset provision off December 31, 2015 fro om the Transsfer of Developm ment Rights section in th he Waseca County C Unifiied Development Code. Consentt Agenda: Yes Xx No Originating Departm ment(s): Planning and Zoning g Requestted Board D Date: Decem mber 15, 201 15 er(s): Markk Leiferman, Presente Planning g and Zoning g Administra ator mendation/A Action: App prove Resolu ution 2015-4 48 to remove e Decemberr 31, 2015 su unset Recomm provision n from Wase eca County UDC U (zoning g ordinance) . Summarry: In 2009, the Unified Developme ent Code inccluded a ne ew method o of regulating g new residential locations in the A-1 Agricultural A Protection District. Th he purpose o of the transffer of developm ment rights program is to transfer residential density from m eligible ssending site es to eligible receiving sites s throu gh a volun ntary proce ess for pe rmanently preserving rural resource es and lands that provide e a public be enefit. Budget/ffinancial co onsideration n: staff time e included in budget Legal Co onsideration: MN Statu utes regarding county la and use zoniing Attachm ments: Resolution n 2015-48 Transfer Development D t Rights provvision from U Unified Deve elopment Co ode. Administtrator’s Office Use: Date Rece eived: Commentts: Board Acttion: Approved as Requeste ed____ Denied ____ Tabled ____ Other ____ | | | | | | | ammy Spoone er, Auditor/Trreasurer Attest: Ta ________ ___________ ____________ ____ Mo otion Offered B By _________ ____ Mo otion Seconde ed By _________ ____ Votte By Acclam mation _________ ____ Roll Call Vote _________ __ _ Distrrict 1 Peterson__________ Distrrict 2 Hintz _________ ____ Distrrict 3 Nelson_ ___________ __ Distrrict 4 Androli _________ ____ Distrrict 5 Kuhns _ ___________ __ Resolution 2015-48 Resolution to Eliminate the December 31, 2015 Sunset Provision from Article 6 Zoning District Regulations Section 9 Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) In the Waseca County Unified Development Code Whereas, the provisions of Section 9, Transfer of Development Rights shall expire on December 31, 2015, unless otherwise extended by Waseca County Board Resolution, and. Whereas, the purpose of the transfer of development rights program is to transfer residential density from eligible sending sites to eligible receiving sites through a voluntary process for permanently preserving rural resources and lands that provide a public benefit, and the TDR provisions are intended to supplement land use regulations, resource protection efforts and open space acquisition programs and to encourage increased residential development density where it can best be accommodated with the least impact on the natural environment and public services by: (i) Providing an effective and predictable incentive process for property owners with rural resources to preserve lands with a public benefit; and (ii) Providing an efficient and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other county goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions of each receiving site, and Whereas, when the TDR section was added to the Unified Development Code in 2009, there were concerns that the provisions in the code would result in severe increases in residences in certain portions of Waseca County at the expense of other areas, and as a result, the Waseca County Board approved the TDR concept on a trial basis requiring that the Waseca Planning staff report annually on the TDRs that were issued and also that the TDR portion of the code have a sunset provision requiring the Waseca County Board to extend the TDR provisions (by resolution) in order to have the process continue, and Whereas, since the program’s creation in 2009, there have been 11 TDR certificates issued. Of that total, three certificates remain outstanding (no receiving site identified), and with regard to the TDR process, Planning & Zoning staff has not found that the administration of the program to be burdensome and has found that the TDR has assisted in increasing densities in certain quarter-quarter sections while limiting the overall residential densities in the A-1 Agricultural District, and Whereas, the Waseca County Planning Commission discussed the status of the Transfer of Development Program and noted no current concerns regarding the County’s land use plans and reached consensus to recommend that the County Board eliminate the sunset provision from the Unified Development Code. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, that the Waseca County Board of Commissioners hereby eliminates the sunset provision of December 31, 2015 and further directs the Waseca County Planning and Zoning staff to report annually on the issuance of TDRs to the Planning Commission and the County Board in case a different trend or circumstances appear that impact the Ag Protection District, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, or the Farmland Preservation Plan. Adopted by Waseca County on this 15th day of December, 2015 and effective on date of adoption. Attest: _______________________________ Michael D. Hintz, Chairman Waseca County Board of Commissioners ______________________________ Tamara J. Spooner County Auditor - Treasurer Section 9 Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) (a) Transfer of development rights (TDR) program - purpose. The purpose of the transfer of development rights program is to transfer residential density from eligible sending sites to eligible receiving sites through a voluntary process for permanently preserving rural resources and lands that provide a public benefit. The TDR provisions are intended to supplement land use regulations, resource protection efforts and open space acquisition programs and to encourage increased residential development density where it can best be accommodated with the least impact on the natural environment and public services by: (i) Providing an effective and predictable incentive process for property owners with rural resources to preserve lands with a public benefit; and (ii) Providing an efficient and streamlined administrative review system to ensure that transfers of development rights to receiving sites are evaluated in a timely way and balanced with other county goals and policies, and are adjusted to the specific conditions of each receiving site. (b) Transfer of development rights (TDR) program - sending sites. For the purpose of this chapter, a sending site means a parcel or parcels of land of at least a quarter-quarter section located within the A-1, Agricultural Protection District or, under certain restrictions, into the UE, Urban Expansion district. The parcel or parcels shall be under ownership by one person, a married couple or one corporation, a partnership or limited liability company or there must be a written agreement between all owners of a quarter-quarter section agreeing to the sale of a TDR. In addition, the sending quarter-quarter sections must not already be improved with a residence or residences. (c) Transfer of development rights (TDR) program - receiving sites. (i) Receiving sites located within the A-1 Agricultural Protection District must not: (1) Adversely impact any significant environmental resource or environmentally sensitive areas; (1) Require public services and facilities to be extended to allow the development of the receiving site. (i) When presented for approval, TDRs proposed within receiving sites located within the UE, Urban Expansion District, must include a covenant agreeing to allow an adjacent and abutting municipality to annex a subdivision when utilities can be made available. The Covenant must be approved by the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles for Waseca County. A notice provision by the annexing municipality to impacted property owners and public hearing by the municipality shall be required as part of the covenant. (ii) Except as provided herein, development of a receiving site shall comply with dimensional standards and minimum lot standards of the underlying A-1, Agricultural Protection District or the UE, Urban Expansion District. (iii) If an owner intends to occupy a residence, a TDR may be transferred to a location adjacent to a feedlot by the owner and operator of the feedlot. (iv) A TDR may be transferred within a township or between a common owner anywhere within Waseca County. A transfer between two owners and into another township shall be completed only by completing a Conditional Use permit and by following the requirements of this section. (d) Transfer of development rights (TDR) program - calculations. (i) (ii) (iii) The number of residential development rights that a sending site is eligible to send to a receiving site shall be determined by applying the TDR ratio of one TDR (Unit) to a receiving site per quarter-quarter section from a sending site. The maximum number of development rights transferred to any receiving area shall not exceed eight (8) TDRs per forty acres if a traditional subdivision is used or sixteen (16) TDRs per forty acres if an approved conservation subdivision is utilized. The TDR must come from a complete quarter-quarter section and sending quarter-quarter sections must not be improved with a residence, feedlot or commercial or industrial building(s). Any fractions of development rights that result from the calculation of a TDR shall not be included in the final determination of total development rights available for transfer. (e) Transfer of development rights (TDR) program - documentation of restrictions. Following the approval of the transfer of development rights from a sending site, a permanent easement documenting the development rights transfer shall be recorded in the Office of the Waseca County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles against the title of the sending site parcel. The form of the restriction shall be approved by the Waseca County Attorney and the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Administrator. The Planning and Zoning Office shall establish and maintain an internal tracking system that identifies all certified transfer of developments rights including the sending and receiving sites. When a Transfer of Development rights has occurred, the TDR restriction shall be documented on a map of Waseca County. The approved TDR restriction shall take the form of an easement and identify limitations on future residential development consistent with this code. (f) Transfer of development rights (TDR) program - transfer process. (i) Following review and approval of the sending site application by the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Administrator, a TDR certificate letter of intent, agreeing to issue a TDR certificate shall be prepared authorizing an exchange for the proposed sending site Transfer of Development Rights Easement. The sending site owner may then market the TDR sending site development rights to potential purchasers. If the TDR sending site that has been reviewed and approved by the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Administrator changes ownership, the TDR certificate letter of intent may be transferred to the new owner if requested in writing to the Planning and Zoning Administrator by the person or persons that owned the property when the TDR certificate letter of intent was issued. Documentation evidencing the transfer of ownership must also be provided to the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Department with the letter request. (ii) In applying for receiving site approval, the applicant shall provide the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Department with the following: (1) A TDR certificate letter of intent issued in the name of the applicant, and a copy of a signed option to purchase the TDR sending site development rights. (2) An application for a preliminary plat to subdivide the property through the process described in this code. The public hearing for the Preliminary Plat shall also function as the hearing authorizing the use the TDR sending certificates. (iii) All receiving sites must be located within a platted subdivision. Following preliminary plat approval, but before final plat recording of a receiving site development proposal which includes the use of TDR development rights, the receiving site applicant shall deliver the TDR certificate issued in the applicant's name for the number of TDR development rights being used and the TDR extinguishment document in the form of a permanent easement to the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Administrator. Both the TDR certificate issued and the extinguishment document in the form of a permanent easement shall be recorded with the Office of the Waseca County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles with or prior to the recording of a deed to transfer title. (iv) When the receiving site development proposal requires a public hearing under this title or its successor, that public hearing shall also serve as the hearing on the TDR proposal. The reviewing authority shall make a consolidated decision on the proposed development and use of TDR development rights and consider any appeals of the TDR proposal under the same appeal procedures set forth for the development proposal. (i) When the development proposal does not require a public hearing under this title, the TDR proposal shall be considered along with the development proposal, and any appeals of the TDR proposal shall be considered under the same appeal procedures set forth for the development proposal. (ii) Development rights from a sending site shall be considered transferred to a receiving site when a final decision is made on the TDR receiving area development proposal, the sending site is permanently protected by a completed and recorded land dedication easement and notification has been provided to the Waseca County Planning and Zoning Administrator of the recording of the documents. (g) Sunset Provision. The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall annually prepare a report regarding the use of TDRs within the County by January 31st of each year to assist the Planning Commission and the County Board in assessing the TDR program. The provisions of Section 9, Transfer of Development Rights shall expire on December 31, 2015, unless otherwise extended by Waseca County Board Resolution. To be valid, a TDR must be duly recorded by the office of the Waseca County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles by that date. Any unrecorded TDR will not be valid. WASECA COUNTY Y REQU UEST FOR BOARD O ACTION N A Agenda Item: Review Offe er to Purchase Excess MN NDOT Land ne ear Hwy 14 C Consent Age enda: Yes Y X No o Requested d Board Date e: December 1 15, 2015 O Originating Department(s D s): Planning & Zoning Presenter(s s): Mark Leife erman, Wase eca County Planning an nd Zoning Administrator R Recommendation/Action(s): Considerr the possible acquisition o of the first of fo four Minnesotta Departmen nt of T Transportation n (MNDOT) Parcels P S Summary: Waseca W County has receiv ved an offer letter from th he MNDOT ffor the tract of land locatted in the ssouthwest qua adrant of US Highway 14 and County Road 3 (Main n Street) loca ated to the so outh of Janesville. The o offer is dated November 9, 2015 and wa as received on November 17, 2015. T The offer (atta ached) outline es the terms of o sale includ ding that the 6 6.6 acre tract is being offered for sale to o Waseca C County for $65,000 ($9,448 8.48 per acre). The sale is s subject to: 1 1. Any taxes s, assessments or penalties. 2 2. The rights s of existing utilities. u 3 3. Access co ontrol as prov vided on the attached a map (Access resttricted to a po ortion of 380th Avenue). 4 4. County’s acceptance a of o the property y in “as is, “where is” cond ition. 5 5. The deed shall be subs stantially the form f as attac ched (no deed d is attached). 6 6. Payment is to be by ca ashier’s chec ck or money order o made o out to the Com mmissioner o of Transportattion in the s deed stamp p equal to $21 14.50). amount off $64,785.50 ($65,000 less 7 7. Payment must be rece eived by Janu uary 8, 2016 or the offer w will be null an nd void and M MNDOT may negotiate o the tract witth other partie es. the sale of 8 8. Upon rece eipt of payme ent, MNDOT will w provide a quit claim dee ed as the insttrument to tra ansfer title. O Other MNDOT T Parcels A As the County y Board is aw ware, there are a also three e other MNDO OT parcels th hat MNDOT has indicated d they will b begin to mark ket. There is another site in Janesville adjacent to tthe on-ramp tto Highway 14 from County Road 3 a and two near the intersection of US Highway 14 and State 13. On ne is located in the City off Waseca and d the other in n Waseca Co ounty. The sttate has had the tracts app praised and h has verbally indicated thatt the sale pricces should b be as follows: sville Tract B-- (MNDOT Pa arcel-Waseca County 75 akka Convey Pa arcels 17 & 18) = Size: 7.7 79 Acres Janes (estim mated size) – Price $67,000 0 ($8,600 perr Acre) Wase eca City Tractt- (MNDOT Pa arcel- Waseca a County 78 a aka Part of Parcel 26) = Size: Approxim mately 1 acre – Price $28,000 ($28,000 per p Acre) Wase eca County US S14 and MN 13- (MNDOT Parcel- Wasseca County 7 77 aka Conve ey Parcels 42 & 43) = Size: Approximately 1.18 acres – Price $18,0 000 ($15,125 per Acre) P Planning & Zoning Z staff review: r Iff I were to ra ank the purchases in orderr of marketab bility, I would suggest that the Waseca County US14 4 and MN 1 13 (Parcels 42 2 and 43) would be one off the easiest to t market and d at $18,000 tthe most afforrdable. Acce ess control iss an issue witth all of the siites, including g this tract. N Next, I would consider the e parcel curre ently being offfered to Wasseca as a clo ose second. This site hass the best vvisibility of the e sites being offered o by MN NDOT. W Waseca Coun nty has experienced both a decline in population a and significan nt job losses over the passt decade. W With these se erious issues facing Wase eca County, staff s would likke to explore e every option n available to o increase p population and employmen nt within our ju urisdictions. P Page 1 of 2 WASECA COUNTY Y REQU UEST FOR BOARD O ACTION N W With that in mind, m the Boa ard is advised d to review the possible pu urchase of th hese tracts that are being offered to W Waseca Coun nty by the Minnesota Dep partment of Transportation T n (MNDOT). Investing in real estate w without an in ntended userr often require es the buyer (the county) to o take a long--view of the ssituation. at the initial Industrial I Parrk developed east of the railroad trackk in the earlyy 1980s by th he City of Itt is noted tha W Waseca is no ow almost com mpletely full. The T 12-acre South S Industrrial Park was developed frrom 1999 to 2 2001, and n now after 15 years, y the parrk is home to three busines sses and all b but one of the e lots has sold d. A And looking at a the future picture of potential p econ nomic opporttunities for W Waseca Coun nty, the areas west of M Mankato are experiencing some growth h. The new Casey’s C conve enience store e, Walmart D Distribution Ce enter, and vvarious apartm ment projects provide some hope for de evelopment ne ear Janesville e. P Please review w the attached d staff recomm mendation summary. B Budget/Finan ncial Consideration: If all parcels were e purchased tthe total cost is estimated tto be $179,00 00. There w would also be e legal, site analysis, title and a other rela ated costs of holding the p property. The e Planning an nd Zoning B Budget could contribute $2 20,000 of 2015 funds to the e purchase if the County B Board elected to authorize a transfer to d fund. o a dedicated L Legal Consid deration: The e letter agree ement has bee en provided to o the Waseca a County Atto orney. A Attachments: Staff Recommenda R ation Summary (5 pages) Offer Letter – Parc cel 5, Novemb ber 9, 2015 MNDOT M to Wa aseca Countyy (4 pages) OT Offer Map p – Parcel 5, November N 9, 2015 (1 page e) MNDO A Administrato or’s Office Us se: D Date Received: B Board Action: A Approved as Requested R _____ D Denied _____ T Tabled _____ O Other: ______ _______ _____ A Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasu A urer _ ___________ ____________ ___________ _ P Page 2 of 2 I I I I I I I I I Motion O Offered By Motion S Seconded By Vote By Acclamation Roll Call Vote Distrrict 1 Peterson Distrrict 2 Hintz Distrrict 3 Nelson Distrrict 4 Androli Distrrict 5 Kuhns _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ Waseca County Planning & Zoning Staff Recommendation Summary 12.15.15 Economic Development Potential MNDOT excess parcels The letter offer appears to be the purchase agreement. As indicated, MNDOT did not provide Waseca County with a copy of the deed as indicated in the letter. MNDOT usually sells property using a quit claim deed. This type of deed provides no warranty for the title. If the property is considered for purchase, an abstract should be ordered and the title examined to make sure there are no title issues. The County GIS map shows two PID parcels that would be part of the proposed sale. MNDOT has prepared a legal description for the site. If a purchase is to be considered, a surveyor should be asked to review the tract description to make sure there are no errors. Any buyer of this tract should be aware that the parcel has been significantly altered to construct Highway 14, including the materials provided below the adjacent bridge (County Road 3). Topsoil and clay have been removed presumably to be used as borrow material to for these purposes. The site appears to have been lowered 2 to 4 feet or more. City Sewer and water may be available to the site at some time in the future. When the US Highway 14 was constructed, the City of Janesville installed “carrier pipes” under the highway. The carrier pipes allow smaller utility lines to be pushed through them to eliminate the cost of digging up the roadway. The utility lines would need to be extended to the carrier pipes which are located 1,500 to 1,700 feet east of the site. From there the utilities would need to be placed in the carrier pipes and then travel north to connect to the lines to municipal sewer and water. The cost of utility extension could be considerable. In addition, the City of Janesville sewer treatment plant is near capacity at this time. Smaller developments may be allowed, but a major development may force an upgrade to the Janesville treatment facility. Other utility locations should be identified to determine the cost of extending the services to the site. The Waseca County Public Health Services Department should address the feasibility of an SSTS system for the property. Probably the biggest unknowns for a party acquiring real estate on speculation is the determining if the price of the real estate is fair and if there is market for a particular tract. Waseca County Assessor, Mark Vagts tracts land sales for a number of uses including farm property and development land. The farm property values are pretty straight forward. The farm values for the past four years are shown below: 2012 AVERAGE $7,007 2013 AVERAGE 2012 MEDIAN $7,500 2013 MEDIAN $7,621 $7,859 2012 TILLABLE AVERAGE 2012 TILLABLE MEDIAN $8,102 $7,934 2013 TILLABLE AVERAGE 2013 TILLABLE MEDIAN $8,445 $8,373 2014 AVERAGE $6,787 2015 AVE. $6,109 2014 MEDIAN $6,881 2015 MEDIAN $6,521 2014 TILLABLE AVERAGE 2014 TILLABLE MEDIAN $7,667 $7,724 2015 TILL. AVE. 2015 TILL. MED. $7,592 $7,759 Source: Waseca County Assessor 12.15.15 1 Economic Development MNDOT land Planning & Zoning Staff Recommendation Summary ct is acquired by Waseca County C the pro operty could be farmed un ntil the land iss sold or utilized for If this trac another purpose. g the value of developmentt property varries considera ably. The Assessor informattion regarding e not a great many of parcels in Wase eca County th hat have rece ently sold and d are: 1) alon ng US There are Highway 14, 2) located outside of the city limits s and 3) have e limited or n no access to municipal uttilities. t were w sold to Mathiowetz M C Construction prior to the cconstruction o of the Two tractts that have transferred roadway. The first wa as a 4.74 acrre parcel sold d by RIC and d was used a as a borrow p pit and now a pond oard on it (PID D 12.019.0230). The prop perty sold in 2 2008 for $8,43 39 per acre. The second piece and billbo of land pu urchased by Mathiowetz M Construction C was w sold by tthe Iverson fa amily for $10,508 per acre e (PID 12.019.02 240). This tra act sold to Gre eg Harguth in 2014 for $11 1,603 per acre e. s another issu ue. Future use of the site is he 6.6 acre sitte is relatively y flat. The offf-ramp, Coun nty Road 3 an nd 280th Aven nue sit The useable area of th an the site. In one place, the site is as s much as 12 2 feet lower tthat the roadw way/off-ramp.. The higher tha site slopes down and opens o up to US U Highway 14 located norrthwest of the e site (see bellow). Field d Access Staff SSketchup Illustraation of the site ussing LiDAR data. ss will be limited by MNDO OT to portions s of 280th Ave enue. Site acces The locatiion of the current field acce ess to the site e is show abo ove. s zoned I-Indu ustrial which provides a wide variety of industrial use es. The site is Within the I-Industrial District, any y use or co onditional use e that is pro ovided for in n the HC-Hig ghway cial District is s also a perm mitted or conditional use in the I-Indusstrial District.. These use es are Commerc shown be elow (from the e Uniform Dev velopment Co ode, Article 6)). C may want w to get cre eative with the e zoning of th he parcels if p purchased. Waseca County 1 I General Industrial District Section 19 2. Perm mitted Uses. (a a) Agriculture, includin ng farm home esteads (b b) Agricultural chemicals, fertilizer sales s (c c) Agriculturally-orientted business (d d) Auction Houses (e e) Ethano ol or biofuel production, p co ommercial (ff) Feed and a seed sale es (g g) Grain elevator, grain storage and d drying (com mmercial) 12.15.15 2 Economic Developme ent MNDOT land Planningg & Zoning Staaff Recommendation Summary (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z) (aa) (bb) (cc) (dd) (ee) (ff) (gg) Natural resource manufacturing and processing Seasonal produce stand Highway maintenance shops and yards Local governmental agency building or facility, community center Parks and public recreation areas School, trade Adult uses Airport, heliport, aircraft rental, sale, servicing, manufacturing, and related services Automobile, trailer, marine, recreational vehicle, and farm implement sales Building material sales and storage, lumber yard, garden store, commercial greenhouse, manufactured home sales Office services Repair services Repair service include, but are not limited to, the repair of: appliances, furniture and upholstery, jewelry, shoes, musical instruments, watches, and other articles generally found for sale in retail sales establishments. Cold storage plant, ice plant Contractor’s yard with outdoor storage Industrial sales establishment includes: dental instruments and supplies, medical and surgical instruments and supplies, precision instrument sales, sign contractor, welding supply, and new and used equipment (except unlicensed motor vehicles);sales and inventory. Manufacturing, limited, including light assembly and packing- Limited manufacturing includes: Manufacture and assembly of cabinets and woodworking products; camera and photographic products; clothing; computers and accessories; confectionary and related products; footwear; film and video equipment; hand and edge tools; handbags and luggage; laboratory instruments and associated equipment; medical equipment; sports equipment; temperature controls; telecommunications equipment; bottling or distillation, printing, publishing, engraving and reproduction, newspaper plant and office, design and manufacture of patterns. Manufacturing, general- includes the manufacturing and/or assembly of these products or conducting these processes: electric lighting and wiring equipment; electrical products and appliances; fabricated metal, plastic and rubber products (except tires and inner tubes); glass and glass products; textiles and fabrics; optical instruments and lenses; gypsum, drywall, plaster, and stone products; machinery and equipment such as engines and turbines, cooling and refrigeration equipment, and machine tools; metal working such as stamping, welding, extruding, engraving, plating, grinding, polishing, cleaning, and heat-treating. Truck terminal, truck stop, freight terminal Warehouse distribution facility Railroad right-of-way, but not including railroad yard Kennels – private Outdoor display Parking facility Solar equipment Auction site Other accessory uses and structures that are incidental to the principal use 3. Conditional Uses (See Article 4 for Accessory Uses). (a) Mineral extraction, mining (b) Organized motor sports: ATVs, trucks, tractors or motorcycle tracks or trails (not including auto or other vehicle racing, tracks or events) (c) Automobile repair (d) Automobile service station, car wash (e) Convenience gas and goods sales 12.15.15 3 Economic Development MNDOT land Planning & Zoning Staff Recommendation Summary (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) Restaurant (drive-in), theater (drive-in), or similar uses that provide goods and services to patrons in automobiles Veterinary and animal clinic and facilities for the care and/or breeding of animals including kennels Advertising sign (off-site) Fertilizer manufacture Storage, bulk Landfill (sanitary), recycling facility Salvage yard, recycling facility with incinerator, other facilities with incinerators Antennae for radio, television, and communication facilities Essential services, facilities, and structures Wind turbine, accessory Section 17 HC Highway Commercial District Standards 2. Permitted Uses. (a) Agriculture, including farm homesteads (b) Agricultural chemicals, fertilizer sales, including the blending of fertilizer (c) Agriculturally-oriented business, including Auction Houses (d) Feed and Seed Sales (e) Grain elevator, grain storage and drying (commercial) (f) Natural resource manufacturing and processing (g) Seasonal produce stand (h) Accessory dwelling unit (i) Day care center (j) Local governmental agency building or facility, community center (k) Parks and public recreation areas (l) Go-cart track, miniature golf, skating rink (unenclosed) (m) Gun or archery range, indoor (n) Skating rink (enclosed), dance hall, game arcade, bowling alley, health club (o) Riding academy, boarding stable (p) Art, photography, crafts gallery, pottery shop, studios (r) Automobile repair (s) Automobile service station, car wash (t) Automobile, trailer, marine, recreational vehicle, and farm implement sales (u) Bakery, coffee shop (v) Barber, beauty shop (w) Bed and breakfast (x) Building material sales and storage, lumber yard, garden store, commercial greenhouse, manufactured home sales (y) Convenience gas and goods sales (z) Convention center, exhibit hall (aa) Flea market, auction site (bb) Laundry, Laundromat (cc) Motel, hotel (dd) Office- professional or medical (ee) Office, other than professional or medical (ff) Office services (gg) Repair services- Repair service includes, but are not limited to, the repair of: appliances, furniture and upholstery, jewelry, shoes, musical instruments, watches, and other articles generally found for sale in retail sales establishments. (hh) Restaurant (drive-in), theater (drive-in), or similar uses that provide goods and services to patrons in automobiles (ii) Restaurant (jj) Retail sales establishment- Retail sales establishments include, but are not limited to, establishments that offer the following goods and/or service: antique and collectibles, 12.15.15 4 Economic Development MNDOT land Planning & Zoning Staff Recommendation Summary (kk) (ll) (mm) (nn) (oo) (pp) (qq) (rr) (ss) 3. bicycle sales and repair, books, clothing, convenience food goods, drugs, groceries, guns and ammunition, hardware, jewelry, music, musical instruments, newspapers and magazines, office furniture and supplies, picture framing, recreation equipment sales and service, stationery, tobacco, tourist related sales and service, video sales and rentals. Shopping center Tavern, club Veterinary and animal clinic and facilities for the care and/or breeding of animals including kennel Railroad right-of-way, but not including railroad yard Parking facility Solar equipment Swimming pool, hot tub Water-oriented accessory structures (docks, lifts, etc) Other accessory uses and structures that are incidental to the principal use Conditional Uses. (a) Single-family detached dwelling (see Density & Other Standards) (b) Licensed residential program (up to 8 residents) (c) Religious institution (d) School, public or private (e) Campground (f) Golf course, country club, driving range (g) Gun or archery range, outdoor (h) Organized motor sports, ATVs, trucks, tractors or motorcycle tracks or trails (not including auto or other vehicle racing, tracks or events) (i) Paint ball course (j) Adult uses (k) Water-oriented commercial business (l) Advertising sign (off-site) (m) Truck terminal, truck stop, freight terminal (n) Warehouse distribution facility (o) Essential services, facilities, and structures (p) Outdoor display (r) Wind turbine, accessory 12.15.15 5 Economic Development MNDOT land Planning & Zoning Staff Recommendation Summary th December 15 , 2015 Volume 1, Issue 7 Administrator Update Waseca County - Effectively providing services for the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. From the desk of the Waseca County Administrator: Articles: Open Enrollment a success! Monthly Facility Core Group Update Public Servants Moving On 2016 Budget Adopted What‘s In Store for 2016? 2016 OPEN ENROLLMENT A SUCCESS We believe we have managed the 2016 Benefit open enrollment process with very few hiccups. Thanks to all team members who made this happen and for the patience shown. Some of the highlights of the enrollment include continued concern over regulations in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Many citizens may not be aware of provisions in ACA which require employers to contribute extra money to a fund on the basis of how many lives your plans cover. In our case Waseca County wrote a check in excess of $18,000 as our portion of the fees for ACA (not insurance coverage). Also, employers must be careful about having plans that may be called “Cadillac Plans” which when classified as one turn into another fee to ACA. In addition, the cost of insurance is a significant conversation piece, and both employees and taxpayers are experiencing sticker shock with higher premiums and deductibles. The County plans a Benefit Advisory Task Group in 2016 to explore options. MONTHLY FACILITY ASSESSMENT UPDATE “It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” ― Roy Disney The County Board retained services of Wold Architects to evaluate the condition and what repairs are needed to County facilities including the Courthouse. We will also review clustering of Departments to find the best floorplan, locations, and what linkage between departments makes the most sense. Wold requested a core focus group to advise in this process and members of the County Board building committee and staff from various departments came together on Friday, December 4th and discussed the process and steps necessary to bring a recommendation before the County Board in late spring of 2016. Part of this process is to keep people informed, address rumors, and clarify scope and purpose so that we do not drift too far from the mission. The exterior envelope of the Courthouse remains a large and potentially expensive concern, but if we do not preserve the exterior, the interior won’t last long so first things first. Security for the public and staff is also high on the list. The Sheriff is a part of this process advising on best practice in Courthouse security. Also, the county will address build or buy questions as we need to reconfigure spaces to provide the best service to the public we serve. ````` Administrator’s Update page 2 of 2 RETIREMENTS AND OTHERS MOVING ON One might get a complex starting a new job and having so many people advise that they are leaving the County. In my first week on the job about seven staff announced their retirements and since then we have had a number of staff retire or resign to move on to greater opportunities. As you may be aware, we are recruiting for a Human Resources Manager, a Veteran Services Officer, various staff positions in Sheriff, Public Health, Auditor/Treasurer and other Departments. For the latest information on our recruitments please check out the county website. Since changing a few procedures we are getting a number of questions about job closings and what to submit. Resumes’ may now be submitted with any 2016 BUDGET ADOPTED Waseca County is a small county with similar services as larger counties but not a broad tax base to provide those services. The 2016 budget process was difficult for the County because of increasing demands for service with minimal growth in the tax base. A recent article in a state daily paper recently spoke of building private/public partnerships to work the problem together. It is not the goal of this local government to just keep growing and taxing, yet many decisions made in St. Paul and D.C. translate to costs at the local government level. Community leaders in greater Minnesota have begun to identify that local government may not be the problem, but rules that are made elsewhere impact you all the same. application but are not required unless the position announcement says so. We no longer state “Closing Date” but rather a date when “First review of applications begins on…” this allows recruitment until a position is filled. All applicants are notified one way or the other when their application is processed. We hope to have a new Human Resources person here by February. Therefore, we must partner with the business community and local citizen taxpayers identifying how mandates impact property taxes. Even funded mandates expand a need for more staff and space in local government to provide services. We need partners making the case that technology will take us only so far , it takes people serving people. SAYING GOOD-BYE TO 2015 and HELLO TO 2016 “If you always make the right decision, the safe decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else.” ― Paul Arden As we come to the close of 2015 it bears repeating that this has been quite a year for Waseca County. The fact that most County services are provided at a superior level and employees are going above and beyond to Waseca County Administration 11-03-2015 assist the public, is testimony to public service which is often a thankless job. I wish to pause and give thanks to our local elected officials, our dedicated staff, and especially the taxpayers of Waseca County for allowing us the privilege of serving. It is an honor and privilege to be a public servant to people of Waseca County. May we be found diligent in our calling, may we uphold the values of this great place, and may we enter 2016 with an optimistic attitude. Happy New Year! Page 2 SUBLEASE OF COMMERCIAL SPACE THIS AGREEMENT, made this _____ day of _________________, 2015, by and between Waseca County (the County), Tenant, and Minnesota Prairie County Alliance (MNPrairie), Subtenant. WITNESSETH, that the Tenant in consideration of rents and covenants herein mentioned, does hereby sublease to the Subtenant, and the Subtenant does hereby take from the Tenant, the premises described below in the City of Waseca, State of Minnesota. 1. Term: (11) months commencing January 1, 2016, ending November 30, 2016. 2. Commencement of Sublease: The date upon which the term of this sublease begins is referred to as “commencement date” and shall be deemed to be the date which occurs on the first date following delivery of possession. 3. Rent: Rent shall be payable as follows: The sublease shall be $167,334.42 (annualized) which the subtenant shall pay in monthly installments of $13,944.57. There shall be no security deposit paid. 4. Scope of Sublease: Payment of rent applies to the following items: The office space currently occupied by Subtenant employees in the building located at 299 Johnson Avenue, Waseca, MN 56093, as well as use of all locations currently shared with Tenant employees. Attachment A to this sublease includes an existing diagram of the floor space. Office locations marked as PH are locations occupied by Tenant employees, and locations marked as MP are occupied by Subtenant employees. All locations that are not marked are shared locations where Tenant and Subtenant mutually agree to respectfully share use of facilities. Existing use of office space and shared facilities continues as currently configured throughout the term of this sublease unless otherwise mutually agreed. • Parking • Utilities, including water, sewer, gas and electricity • Garbage and recycling management • Maintenance of real property • Lawn care • Snow removal • Supplies for restroom facilities • Cleaning of leased office space • Cleaning of restrooms, waiting areas and other common areas • Access key for existing staff with a to be determined charge for new staff • Real property insurance Rent payments do not apply to the following items: • Copy machines • Paper shredding • Vehicles or specific designated parking spaces • Furnishings 5. Premises: Tenant hereby subleases to Subtenant and Subtenant hereby leases from Tenant, for term and conditions herein provided, premises described herein. Physical plant modifications are required to be mutually agreed on a case by case basis prior to any physical changes. 6. Use: Exclusive use – Tenant agrees that if Subtenant is not in default during the term of this sublease, or any extensions or renewals thereof, Tenant will not sublease any portion of the building to any other and Subtenant shall not sublease any portion of the building to any other unless mutually agreed. 7. Care of Property: Tenant and Subtenant mutually agree to keep said premises in an orderly, neat, clean, and business environment condition. If Tenant or Subtenant believes an unclean or unsafe condition exists on the property they shall give timely notice of the same, including specific location and conditions which need to be remedied the noticed party shall have 30 days in which to cure such condition. 8. Sub-lease or Assignment: Subtenant will not assign or underlet said premises or any part thereof without the written consent of Tenant. 9. Renewal: This sublease will expire November 30, 2016. The parties may mutually agree to renewals in increments no less than 30 days. Unless otherwise mutually agreed prior to expiration date no renewal will be automatically issued. If lease is not renewed, by November 30, 2016 all employee personal effects and items of Subtenant must be removed from premises by the close of business on that date. 10. Taxes: Tenant shall pay as responsible all real estate taxes due on the subject property. Payment shall be made directly to the Auditor/Treasurer of Waseca County in advance of the term of each rent period. 11. Insurance: The Tenant shall maintain appropriate insurance and the Subtenant shall maintain insurance applicable to its corporate and personal property. 12. Maintenance, repairs, and alterations: Routine maintenance includes but not limited to, light bulbs, cleaning supplies and floor coverings as responsibility of Tenant. In addition, major repairs are the responsibility of Tenant, unless negligence and/or abuse by Subtenant are reason for any malfunction or damage. 13. Utilities: The Tenant agrees to pay water, sewer, gas, and electrical utilities used herein during the term of this lease. Said Tenant is solely responsible for payment of such debts incurred for such use of utilities and will hold the Subtenant harmless for any delinquency that may incur. 14. Waiver and Indemnity: Tenant (including their officers, employees, agents and representatives) shall not be liable to Subtenant or those claiming directly or through or under Subtenant for any injury, death, or property damage occurring in, on or about the property except for negligence directly attributable to the Tenant. 15. Casualty: If the premises or property is damaged by fire, or other cause, the Tenant shall at their option, either: a) Undertake to restore such damages with all due diligence; or b) In the event the premises are damaged by fire or other cause to the extent that damage cannot in Tenant’s sole judgment be economically repaired within 30 days after the date of such damage, the sublease shall be terminated unless otherwise agreed upon by both the Tenant and Subtenant. 16. Default: This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. If the Subtenant defaults on this sublease, the Tenant may use any legal remedy recognized by laws of the State of Minnesota to recover any losses incurred therein. 17. Parking of vehicles: Tenant and Subtenant agree that they shall park no private vehicles or Subtenant owned vehicles in locations that are designated for public use for a period greater than two hours. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, both parties have signed this sublease the date herein written. ___________________________________ Waseca County Board Chair ___________________________________ MNPrairie Board Chair Dated: __________________________ Resolution 2015Resolution Establishing County Commissioners Salaries and Per Diems for 2016 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 375.055, Subdivision 1, requires the County Board of Commissioners to set salaries and per diem payments for its members prior to January 1 of the effective year; and WHEREAS, the County Board of Commissioners desires to set salaries and per diem payments for its members prior to January 1 of the effective year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the salary rate for Waseca County Commissioners be $23,500.00 per year with the chair receiving an additional $1,500.00, effective January 1, 2016. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Waseca County Commissioner’s 2016 per diem is set as follows: A county commissioner may collect one per diem of $95.00 for each day spent in performing the official duties pertaining to county business as per resolution appointing commissioners to boards and committees. Regularly scheduled county board meetings are exempt from per diems. Per Diem reimbursement requests should be turned in for payment within six (6) months after the per diem was incurred and no later than January 31st of the following year. Resolution 2015Resolution Approving Final 2016 Tax Levy, Collectible in 2016 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 275.065 requires the County Board to adopt a final property tax levy and certify said levy to the State pf Minnesota Department of Revenue; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 275.065 requires the County Board to conduct a public hearing prior to the adopting of its final property tax levy; and WHEREAS, on December 1st, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Waseca County Board conducted a public hearing on the preliminary tax levy and proposed 2016 budget where testimony was taken; and WHEREAS, the budget requests, revenue projections, levy data and needs of Waseca County have been duly considered, and WHEREAS, the Waseca County Board of Commissioners finds that said budget requires levies in the following amounts for Debt Service: 2013A GO CAP Notes – ARMER $298,563 Total Debt Service Levy $298,563 WHEREAS, the Waseca County Board finds it necessary to levy for the following funds with the following amounts: General Revenue Fund Building Fund Public Works Fund Human Services Fund Waste Management Fund $ 7,579,899 $ 100,000 $ 3,602,071 $ 2,198,219 $ -0- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Waseca County Board of Commissioners approves and hereby adopts the following property tax levy for 2016 in this stated amount: $ 13,778,752 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Waseca County Auditor/Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apportion this levy on the tax rolls of the County of Waseca, and certify this levy to the Minnesota State Department of Revenue as approved and adopted by the Waseca County Board of Commissioners. Dated this 3rd day of March, 2015. ATTEST: __________________________ Tammy Spooner, Waseca County Auditor/Treasurer WASECA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ___________________________ Michael D. Hintz Chair WASECA COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Agenda Item: Update County Board on Labor Negotiations for 2016/17/18 Closed Session Consent Agenda: Yes X Requested Board Date: December 15th,2015 No Originating Department(s): Administration Presenter(s): Curt Kephart Recommendation/Action(s): Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section § 13D.03 Attorney Client Privilege to discuss contract negotiations and strategy for wage and benefit terms and conditions. Summary: The Personnel Committee wishes to brief the County Board on the status of Collective Bargaining negotiations and to consider strategy and offers. Budget/Financial Consideration: These contracts may extend up to three years and no financial projection is available at this time. Attachments: None Administrator’s Office Use: Board Action: Approved as Requested _____ Denied _____ Tabled _____ Other: ____________ _____ Attest: Tamara Spooner, Auditor/Treasurer ________________________________ I I I I I I I I I Motion Offered By _____ Motion Seconded By _____ Vote By Acclamation _____ Roll Call Vote _____ District 1 Peterson _____ District 2 Hintz _____ District 3 Nelson _____ District 4 Androli _____ District 5 Kuhns _____