Team Profile - Splat Shack Paintball


Team Profile - Splat Shack Paintball
Failure to Flatline
We appreciate you
taking the time to view
our portfolio and
consider sponsorship
for the 2009 SPPL
Steven Caskey
Jason Caskey ▲
Being a Navy veteran, the intensity of
paintball is in Steven’s blood. Steven has
played paintball for 10+ years and finds his
biggest asset to the team being the area of
shooting. Steven has played in the SPPL
tournaments for four years now.
Jason began playing paintball with his
youth pastor which turned into an obsessive hobby and eventually a business. He
currently owns Splat Shack Paintball in
Apple Creek, Ohio. Jason has been playing for 10+years and his love for the sport
of paintball is obvious in his play & integrity with sportsmanship. He is also a
member of the CPPA (Christian Paintball
Players Association). Jason has played in
the SPPL tournaments for four years now.
Dale Auxier
Dale has a very strong competitive nature
which is essential for team motivation. As
an all around guy who excels as a paintball
ambush sniper, his skill is much desired for
our team. Dale was a part of two 7man
woodzball tournaments one receiving 1st
place and one receiving 2nd place, & a 3
man pump tournament which received
2nd place. Dale has played in the SPPL
tournaments for one year now.
Ben Masters
Ben has been a referee for the past 4 years
at Splat Shack Superfield. Because of his
refereeing experience he understands the
importance of being a good team player
while devoted to fair play. Every shot
counts in Ben’s book, making that his value
to our team. Ben has played in the SPPL
tournaments for two years now.
Todd Hinton
Being one of our youngest players on the
team has certainly not stopped him from
being a valuable team player. Todd is more
than excited to learn new moves, strategies & tactics. Anywhere Todd is needed
on the field, he gives 100%!
Michael Nussbaum
Outstanding all-around player! When we
need him as a front man for his speed &
agility, he’s ready! And, as a backman, patiently waiting for the opportune moment
when a player tries to sneak into our base,
he’s right there ready to snipe them!
Michael has played in the SPPL tournaments for two years now.
Mike Race
Ben Radley
Speedball is more of Ben’s desired play, but
a woodzball team could sure use players
with speedball experience if not just for
the energy that Ben exudes. He excels at
strategically assessing the field and removing key opposition players. Ben is truly
devoted to the sport of paintball as he was
previously a manager at a paintball field for
the Wooster Christian Children’s Home.
Ben has played in the SPPL tournaments
for two years now.
Hands down, Mike is one of the fastest
players on the team. His high school track
records can prove this! But, you don’t
need to look at records when you watch
him on the field. Mike’s skills & abilities
are displayed very accurately on the field.
A true team player he is - His love of various team sports has taught him how to be
a great team player! Mike has played in the
SPPL tournaments for one year now.
Foster Rose
As a great small group leader, Foster can
get a mini team up to the flag or base in no
time at all! His Air Force experience has
certainly factored into his play. There’s no
hesitation from Foster on the field—give
him an assignment and he’ll carry it out to
completion! He’s great at hand-signaling
and anyone on the team would pick Foster
any day to watch their back! Foster has
played in the SPPL tournaments for two
years now.
Addison Winstead ►
As one of our middle-men, Addison waits
for directions & carries them out as assigned. His communication skills are excellent and he’s a strong team player.
Addison focuses on making every move
count. Addison has played in the SPPL
tournaments for two years now.
Ben Back
Solid & steady are the two words that best
describe Ben & his play. Playing in the
middle ground is his preference as he carefully listens to orders barked out by the
commander. Ben is great at relaying commands to the rest of the team as his voice
booms through the woods. Ben has played
in the SPPL tournaments for one year
Mike Winstead
Backman is his specialty. The big brute
that Mick is, allows him to carry “the
guns!” Mick is one of our key communicators on the team and excels in the area of
sportsmanship. Mick will be there every
step of the way to encourage our players,
build team unity & crush the opponent!
With no doubt in our minds, Mick is a full
fledged paintball junkie! Mick has played
in the SPPL tournaments for two years
Rich Chaney
Got a bunker to bust? Rich is the man
we’re looking for! His heart and soul is in
this game. He’s an aggressive player &
doesn’t mind taking chances. If you ask
Rich why he takes the risks, he says it’s for
the love of the game! Rich’s old school
style comes from his experience playing
for the Mad Dogs Paintball Team (back in
the Day)! Rich has played in the SPPL
tournaments for one year now.
What is paintball?
Paintball is an extreme sport that has been growing in popularity
over the past 10 years. Because of the unique style of the game, the
sport does not discriminate against age, size, or gender. There are two
different forms of paintball—speedball & woodsball. Our team competes mainly as a woodsball team requiring various skills such as tactics,
team work & communication. Woodsball also demands more of a players
time on the field than speedball, as each game lasts approximately one
We have asked each team member to sign a team acceptance form
which included a pledge of commitment to promote good sportsmanship, safe play and the upholding of a good standard for the representation of the team.
This year our team competed in two Scenario Paintball Players
League (SPPL) qualifying rounds placing first in both in the Masters division, along with receiving the Sportsmanship award at the Michigan
Qualifier. FTF placed 4th at Nationals in Georgia in Oct 2009 and ended
2nd in the Series for the Masters Division. For more info on the SPPL
please visit For more info on our team please visit and click on the SPPL—Team “Failure to Flatline”
Failure to Flatline has been mentioned in the following:
Action Pursuit Games. Mar 2009 Issue. P34.
Facefull Jungle. December/January 2008 Issue. P10.
Paintball 2Xtremes. November 2008 Issue. P110-112.
The Daily Record ofWooster. (Wayne County, Ohio - Local
Newspaper). October 5, 2008. Section E. P1-2.
Paintball 2Xtremes. November 2007 Issue. P32.
Honors from 2008
• 1st Place Illinois Qualifier
• 1st Place Michigan Qualifier
• Sportsmanship Award Michigan Qualifier
• 4th Place SPPL Finals (Master’s Division)
• 2nd Place SPPL Series Championship (Master’s Division)
Tentative 2009 Events
SPPL Georgia Qualifier
SPPL Tennessee Qualifier
SPPL Michigan Qualifier
SPPL Finals
Splatter Park’s Spring Big Game
Mohawk Paintball’s Fall Big Game
Splat Shack Paintball—Open Play Dates
(Team helps ref as well as play to promote the sport of paintball)
What does in mean for you to sponsor our team?
When you sponsor our team we are asking you to provide product
or financial support for the qualifying rounds and finals of the SPPL. In
doing either of these you will earn a place for your logo/company
name/website on our team’s jerseys. The more significant the donation,
the more prominent the placement of your logo.
Our team will wear the jerseys during any publicity event for the
team, during the games of the SPPL qualifying round and any rounds to
follow. A team banner will also be made for us to put up to claim our
“locker room” & will be shown in our team pictures that are taken for
the SPPL tournament. Your business logo will also appear on this banner
if you provide the product or financial support as stated above. This
banner will also be displayed at local open plays and also at the Big games
and scenario events that the team attends.
If you would like to donate product, contact us for a better feel of the
products we may be in need of.
What are the costs for our team involvement in the SPPL?
Team registration is $500. Our team will go through approximately
$2000 to $3000 in paint throughout each qualifying event. The team will
spend 2 nights lodging and we will be traveling from Ohio to the qualifiers on the given weekends. Our team will also need to be fed for the
weekend and will need to be kept well hydrated during play.
Thank you for your time and consideration of our team sponsorship!
Failure to Flatline
Sponsorship Form
Name of company/individual sponsoring _____________
Amount of donation:
Logo on Splat Shack Paintball Website
Logo on Banner & Website
Logo on Banner, TShirt & Website
Logo on Banner, TShirt, Jersey & Website
_____$1000 or > Larger more prominent logos on all of the
above listed
If you have decided to donate a product please list details of
the product below:
Please attach your logo/company name/website as you
would like for it to appear on the jerseys and banner. Or, you
may email us your logo in jpg format to
[email protected]
Please return this form with your check to the
following address:
Splat Shack Paintball
Attn: SPPL—Failure to Flatline
7855 E Lincolnway
Apple Creek, Ohio 44606