Customized Activity Book
Customized Activity Book
Customized Activity Book For HALEY LYNCH Kid’s College is an online program that diagnoses a student’s mastery of essential skills in reading, language arts and mathematics. Once diagnosed, the student is provided instructional practice on any foundational skills not mastered at earlier grade levels, then quickly brought up to the instructional skills at their current grade level. The online video games within Kid’s College both motivate and offer an incentive for students to stay on task and perform more accurately. Student performance is continually monitored, providing teachers, parents and administrators with snapshots of each student’s progress. Based on the results of a recent assessment in Kid’s College, this customized Activity Book has been generated to boost your student's performance in skill strands that need improvement. Mathematics: Operations with W hole Numbers The following section of this customized textbook includes material from these skill areas: Skill Description 2465:apply order of operations to solve problems 2.3 Illustrate general properties of operations. 2497:solve addition problems with whole numbers 5.1.spi.4 add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers (multipliers and divisors no more than two-digits). 2507:apply rules to determine divisibility 2511:solve division problems with whole numbers with and without remainders 5.1.spi.4 add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers (multipliers and divisors no more than two-digits). 2515:solve multiplication problems with whole numbers 5.1.spi.4 add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers (multipliers and divisors no more than two-digits). 2519:solve problems with ratios 2520:solve subtraction problems with decimals 5.1.spi.8 add, subtract, and multiply decimals; 2521:solve subtraction problems with fractions 5.1.spi.12 add and subtract commonly used fractions. 2522:solve subtraction problems with integers 2523:solve subtraction problems with whole numbers 5.1.spi.4 add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers (multipliers and divisors no more than two-digits). 6416:determine operations and order of operations for whole number problems Page 2 Choosing the Operation After the problem is identified and carefully read, find out what operations are needed. Watch for word clues that give a hint at the operation. 5,958,000 people visit an emergency T he words h o w m an y fe w e r suggest that subtraction is the operation for this problem. room for stomach pain each year. 2,867,000 visit an emergency room for head pain. How many fewer visitors are seeking help for head pain? I n the United States, there is one doctor for approximately every 365 people. T he words o n e h un dre d tim e s as m an y suggest I n M ozambique, there is one doctor for about one hundred times as many that multiplication is the operation for this problem. people. About how many patients are there per doctor in M ozambique? Choosing the Ord er of Operations M any problems call for more than one operation. S ometimes, it mak es a difference which operation is done first. L ook carefully at the problem before you decide the order of the operations. An orangutan weighed 5 times as much as a 15kg gibbon. A chimpanzee weighed 25 kg less than the orangutan. A gorilla weighed twice as much as the orangutan. W hat is the total weight of all these animals? F irst: . . . Multiply 5 and 1 5 to find the orangutan’s weight: S econd: . . . . . . . Subtract 2 5 from the orangutan’s weight: T hird: . . . . . . . . . . . Multiply the orangutan’s weight by 2 : F ourth: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Add all four weights: Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 3 193 Get Sharp: Approaches to Problems A d d ition Addition is the combining of two or more numbers or amounts. 52 + 10 0 + 1,0 0 0 + 640 = 1,792 ad d end s su m T he symbol for addition is + T he word used for addition is plus . T he numbers being combined are adde n ds . T he number resulting from addition is a s um . Each year in the U.S., about 5,100,000 people go to hospital emergency rooms with pains in the stomach. About 2,500,000 visit the emergency room with head pain. Another 4,500,000 go with chest pains. 76 Get Sharp: Addition Page 4 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. A d d ition w ith Carry ing ( or R enam ing) When addition results in a sum greater than 9 in any place, any amount over 10 is carrie d to the nex t place. In the ones place of this ex ample, 8 + 8 = 16. T he 6 is written in the one s place, and the rest of the amount (1 ten) is carrie d over to the te ns place. T hat ex tra ten is added to the other tens in the column. R e n am in g and re g ro upin g are other terms used for this process. In the ex ample, 8 + 5 eq uals 13. S ince these digits are in the tens place, the sum of these digits has a value of 13 tens. T he amount of 1 3 tens is re n am e d as 3 te ns a nd 1 h u ndr e d. T he 3 is written in the te ns place, and the 1 (value of 1 0 0 ) is added to the other amounts in the h u ndr e ds column. S everal addends lined up beneath each other form a column. T his is called co lum n additio n . 17 88 42 90 5 + 66 30 8 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 5 77 Get Sharp: Addition Add & Subtract Whole Numbers EN GUARD! Fencing was one of the events at the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896, but it began around 4000 B.C. Fencers use various types of swords: the foil, which weighs about 500 grams; the épée, which weighs 770 grams; and the sabre, which weighs 500 grams. When the director of the bout calls “en guard,” the competitors take a ready position. They begin the “bout” when the director gives the “fence” command. Try your skill in this bout with addition and subtraction. 1. 47 9 + 10. 2. 3. – 4. 1 2. + 5. 1 3. 89 24 + – 11 . 179 761 + 6. + 234 78 + 864 342 229 6 44 – 8 1 49 28 8 9 8000 505 1 4. 333 222 – 7. 712 5 42 + 15. 30 ,0 6 8 + 9 5 ,5 8 1 6161 40 9 9 1 0 ,0 0 0 – 7108 16. – 8. – 9. – 666 47 7 973 45 8 7 40 0 42 Olympic Fact Fencers began to wear white uniforms because ink from the end of the weapon would leave a spot when a hit was made. The ink showed up well on the white. This practice is not followed anymore, but fencers still wear the white uniforms. Some fencers would dip their uniforms in vinegar so the mark would not show. Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 39 6 Answer Copyright key page 26, unit 239 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Whole Number O p eration s THE BI G WI NNERS The Modern Olympic Games began in 1896, 100 years before the S ummer Games in Atlanta. S ince then, thousands of medals have been given to hard-working athletes. The gold medal for first place is the most priz ed award! A silver medal is given for second place, and a bronz e medal is given for third place. A new design for the medals is created for each Olympic Games. S olve the problems below with the information from the chart of top medal-winning countries. 1. Total medals won by the top 5 countries = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Germany’s medals + Canada’s = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ won about 3 times as many as Cuba. 4. Great Britain won _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fewer medals than the U .S . 5. This country won 211 fewer medals than Japan. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ won about 4 times as many as Greece. 7. The Netherlands won _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fewer medals than France. 8. Belgium and D enmark together won _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ medals. 9. S witz erland won _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fewer medals than Germany. 10. The top 10 winners had a total of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ medals. 11. Before the 1996 Olympics, S pain had a total of 46 medals. H ow many did S pain win in 1996? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. Before the 1996 Olympics, the U nited S tates had a total of 1,910 medals. H ow many did the U nited S tates win in 1996? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Olympic Fact The gold medal is not really made of gold. It is made mostly of silver, but it must contain at least six grams of pure gold. Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 26, unit 240 2 4 07 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. D iv id in g a N u m b e r b y Its e lf A N Y number divided by itself yields D iv id in g a N u m b e r b y O n e 1! yields that number 65 ÷ 65 = 1 No matter HO W number divided by 1 A N Y . 95 ÷ 1 = 95 BI G the number is, the quotient is still O NE. 999,999,999 ÷ 999,999,999 = 1 70 0 ,0 0 0 ÷ 1 = 70 0 ,0 0 0 D ivisibility A number is div is ible by another number if the q uotient of the two numbers is a whole number. (5 0 is divisible by 5 because the q uotient is a whole number, 1 0 .) A number is div is ible by 2 if the last digit is 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 , or 8 . A number is div is ible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3 . A number is div is ible by 4 if the last two digits are divisible by 4 . A number is div is ible by 5 if the last digit is 0 or 5 . A number is div is ible by 6 if the number is divisible by both 2 and 3 . A number is div is ible by 8 if the last three digits are divisible by 8 . A number is div is ible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9 . A number is div is ible by 1 0 if the last digit is 0 . 84 Get Sharp: D iv ision Page 8 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. D ivision w ith One- D igit D ivisors S te p 1 : D oe s 5 g o into 7 ? (y e s —1 tim e ) Write the 1 above the 7 . M ultiply 1 x 5 . Write the product under the 7 . S ubtract 7 – 5 ( = 2 ). B ring the nex t digit (9 ) down nex t to the 2 . S te p 2 : D oe s 5 g o into 2 9 ? (y e s —5 tim e s ) Write the 5 above the 9 . M ultiply 5 x 5 . Write the product under 2 9 . S ubtract 2 9 – 2 5 ( = 4 ). B ring the nex t digit (7 ) down nex t to the 4 . S te p 3 : D oe s 5 g o into 4 7 ? (y e s —9 tim e s ) Write the 9 above the 7 . M ultiply 9 x 5 . Write the product under 4 7 . S ubtract 4 7 – 4 5 ( = 2 ). Write the remainder (2 ) nex t to the q uotient. D ivision w ith M u ltiples of T en 36,0 0 0 ÷ 10 0 = S te p 1 : P lace a decimal point after the dividend: S te p 2 : M ove the decimal point one place to the left for each z ero in the divisor: 36,0 0 0 . 360 .0 0 (The decimal point was moved 2 places because 100 has 2 zeros.) S te p 3 : D rop any z eros to the right of the decimal point: 36,0 0 0 ÷ 10 0 = 360 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 9 85 Get Sharp: D iv ision D ivision w ith L arger D ivisors When the divisor has more than one digit, division problems can get very trick y. H ere are some steps to help you handle this process without feeling baffled. S te p 1 : D oe s 3 2 g o into 1 ? (no) S te p 2 : D oe s 3 2 g o into 1 1 ? (no) S te p 3 : D oe s 3 2 g o into 1 1 8? (y e s ) R ound 3 2 to the closest 1 0 . (3 0 ) E stimate the number of 3 0 s in 1 1 8 . (about 3 ) Write 3 above the 8 of 1 1 8 . M ultiply 3 x 3 2 . Write the product under 1 1 8 . S ubtract 1 1 8 – 9 6 (= 2 2 ). B ring down the nex t digit (4 ) beside the 2 2 . S te p 4 : D oe s 3 2 g o into 2 2 4 ? (y e s ) R ound 3 2 to 3 0 again. E stimate the number of 3 0 s in 2 2 4 . (about 7 ) Write 7 above the 4 of 1 ,1 8 4 . M ultiply 7 x 3 2 . Write the product under the 2 2 4 . S ubtract 2 2 4 – 2 2 4 (= 0 ). B ring down the nex t digit (8 ) beside the 0 . S te p 5 : D oe s 3 4 g o into 8? (no) Write 0 above the 8 of 1 1 ,8 4 8 . M ultiply 0 x 3 2 . Write the product under 8 . S ubtract 8 – 0 (= 8 ). 8 is smaller than the divisor, 3 2 . T herefore, 8 is the remainder. Write the remainder beside the q uotient. 86 Get Sharp: D iv ision Page 10 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. D iv ide Whole Numbers F ANSBYTHE THOUS ANDS When a country hosts the Olympic Games, they spend many months and a lot of money getting ready. Most countries try to use sports arenas and areas that they already have, but many new buildings and venues must be built for all the events and the spectators. U sually a country builds a new Olympic S tadium. The stadium in Atlanta was built to hold 85,000 fans. If the 8 5,000 se ats in Atlanta we re arrang e d in 50 e q ual se ctions, how m any se ats would the re be in e ach se ction? To find the answe r, you would ne e d to div ide 8 5,000 by 50. U se div ision to find the answe rs to the se p roble m s. 1. Aq uatic Center— swim events 14,000 seats ÷ 20 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Georgia World Congress— fencing, judo 7,500 seats ÷ 25 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Georgia Tech Coliseum— box ing 9,500 seats ÷ 10 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Nagano’s H ockey Arena— hockey 10,000 seats ÷ 50 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. White R ing— speed skating 7,300 seats ÷ 5 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Nagano Olympic S tadium 50,000 seats ÷ 50 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. Atlanta Olympic S tadium 85,000 seats ÷ 50 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. Clark U niversity S tadium— field hockey 9. Georgia D ome— basketball 10. Omni Coliseum— baseball 11. 9 8190 12. 3 1227 5,000 seats ÷ 25 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32,000 seats ÷ 8 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 52,000 seats ÷ 40 sections = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13. 6 9 5 3 4 14. 8 46,328 Olympic Fact Atlanta spent $500 million on new buildings for the 1996 O lympics. The O lympic Stadium cost $209 million. Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 26, unit 244 2 4 4 11 Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page M u ltiplic ation M u ltip lic a tion is repeated addition. When you multiply, you are adding the same number over and over again. Y ou can add 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 to get 4 2 . O r, you can multiply 6 x 7 and get 4 2 . 6 x 7 means seven groups of six . 6 x7 42 f ac tors prod u c t 111 x 4 444 3,333 x 3 = 9,999 f ac tor f ac tor prod u c t M u ltip ly in g b y O n e A N Y number multiplied by one has a product the same as the number! 65 x 1 = 65 999,999 x 1 = 999,999 M u ltip ly in g b y Z e ro A N Y number multiplied by zero is 0! 65 x 0 = 0 N o m a t t e r H O W B IG t h e n u m b e r is , t h e p r o d u c t is s t ill Z E R O . 0 x 999,999,999,999 = 0 80 Get Sharp: Mu ltiplication Page 12 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. M u ltiplic ation w ith R enam ing S ometimes you will need to r e na m e (or regroup) numbers to complete a multiplication task . H ere’s how it work s. S te p 1 : M u ltip ly th e one s . 6 x 9 = 5 4 one s . R ename the 5 4 ones as 5 tens and 4 ones. Write the 5 above the tens column, and the 4 in the ones place in the product. S te p 2 : M u ltip ly th e te ns : 6 x 3 = 1 8. Add the 5 tens. 1 8 + 5 = 2 3 tens. R ename the 2 3 tens as 2 hundreds and 3 tens. Write the 2 above the hundreds column, and the 3 in the tens place in the product. S te p 3 : M u ltip ly th e h u ndr e ds : 6 x 8 = 4 8 h u ndr e ds . Add the 2 hundreds: 4 8 + 2 = 5 0 hundreds R ename the 5 0 hundreds as 5 thousands and 0 hundreds. Write the 0 in the hundreds place, and the 5 in the thousands place in the product. M u ltiplic ation w ith M u ltiples of T en 30 x 80 0 = S te p 1 : S te p 2 : S te p 3 : D rop the z eros and rewrite the problem as a basic multiplication fact. F ind the product. At the end of the product, write the same number of z eros you dropped. 3x8 3 x 8 = 24 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 13 24,0 0 0 81 Get Sharp: Mu ltiplication M u ltiplic ation by L arger N u m bers S te p 1 : M u ltip ly b y one s . M u ltip ly 7 x 8 (7 x 8 = 5 6 one s ) R ename the 5 6 ones as 5 tens and 6 ones. M u ltip ly 7 x 6 (7 x 6 = 4 2 te ns ). Add the 5 tens. (4 2 + 5 = 4 7 tens) R ename the 4 7 tens as 4 hundreds and 7 tens. M u ltip ly 7 x 3 (7 x 3 = 2 1 h u ndr e ds ). Add the 4 hundreds. (2 1 + 4 = 2 5 hundreds) R ename the 2 5 hundreds as 2 thousands and 5 hundreds. S te p 2 : M u ltip ly b y te ns . M u ltip ly 5 x 8 (5 x 8 = 4 0 te ns ) R ename the 4 0 tens as 4 hundreds and 0 tens. M u ltip ly 5 x 6 (5 x 6 = 3 0 h u ndr e ds ). Add the 4 hundreds. (3 0 + 4 = 3 4 hundreds) R ename the 3 4 hundreds as 3 thousands and 4 hundreds. M u ltip ly 5 x 3 (5 x 3 = 1 5 th ou s a nds ). Add the 3 thousands (1 5 + 3 = 1 8 thousands). R ename the 1 8 thousands as 1 ten thousand and 8 thousands. S te p 3 : M u ltip ly b y h u ndr e ds . M u ltip ly 2 x 8 (2 x 8 = 1 6 h u ndr e ds ) R ename the 1 6 hundreds as 1 thousand and 6 hundreds. M u ltip ly 2 x 6 (2 x 6 = 1 2 th ou s a nds ). Add the 1 thousand. (1 2 + 1 = 1 3 thousand) R ename the 1 3 thousands as 1 ten thousand and 3 thousands. M u ltip ly 2 x 3 (2 x 3 = 6 te n th ou s a nds ). Add the 1 ten thousand. (6 + 1 = 7 ten thousands.) S te p 4 : Add th e c olu m ns . 82 Get Sharp: Mu ltiplication Page 14 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. M ultip ly Whole Numbers MAYTHE BES TS AI L OR WI N Y achting has been an Olympic sport since the 1896 games in Athens. U nfortunately, the yachting races had to be canceled at those games! The weather was just too bad. In each racing class, all the yachts must have the same design. This way, the best sailor wins the race, not the best boat! Solv e the m ultip lication p roble m s in the p uz z le . U se the color code to find the color for e ach se ction. If you g e t the answe rs rig ht, the colore d p icture will show you one kind of yacht use d in O lym p ic racing . COLORCODE Red 66,16 Hot Pink 5 4, 5 6 , 8 4, 7 2, 41 0 Purple 42, 8 0 W hite 25 , 7 5 DarkBlue 36 , 440 , 6 0 , 8 9 1 , 11 0 Bright Green 44, 6 5 , 9 0 , 1 0 8 , 1 26 Olympic Fact Competitors sail 1 race each day of the competition. The crew throws out their worst race. All the other scores are added together. The lowest score wins! Orange 9 6 , 49 , 30 Yellow 1 2, 48 , 32 Brown 1 20 , 8 1 Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 4 315 Answer Copyright key page 26, unit 243 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book R atio A r a tio is a comparison between two numbers or amounts. R atios are used to compare all k inds of things, such as age, prices, weights, times, or distances. T erm s of a R atio T he numbers in a ratio are called te r m s . In the ratio of spiders to rats above, the terms are 12 and 6. T he 12 is the first term and the 6 is the second term. Watch the order of the terms carefully. T he above ratio 12 : 6 is the ratio of spiders to rats. W h a t is th e r a tio of r a ts to s p ide r s ? T he terms get reversed! 6 . T he ratio is 6 : 12 o r 12 — (P ay close attention to the o rde r of terms! If y ou chang e the order, the meaning of the ratio is entirely different.) 10 6 Get Sharp: R atio Page 16 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. R ed u c ing R atios to L ow est T erm s R atios are reduced in the same way that fractions are reduced. 6 1 — . T his can be reduced to — . T he ratio of r a ts to s p ide r s is 12 2 6 1 T he ratio of r a ts to tota l c r e a tu r e s is 24 — . T his can be reduced to — . 4 Changing F rac tions to W hole N u m ber R atios Y ou can change a fraction ratio to a whole number ratio. 2 T he ratio of s p ide r s to r a ts is 12 — , reduced to — . 6 1 S o you can say, th e re are 2 s pide rs fo r e v e ry rat, or 2 to 1 . E q u ivalent R atios E q u iv a le nt r a tios are ratios that name the same value. When reduced to lowest terms, eq uivalent ratios will be the same. 7:5 6 is eq uivalent to 4:3 2 7 1 . 5—6 in lowest terms is — 8 4 1 . 3—2 in lowest terms is — 8 U sing E q u ivalent R atios to F ind M issing N u m bers When you k now the ratio, you can use eq uivalent ratios to find missing q uantities. O n this camping trip, there are 60 mosquitoes in the 15 tents. Every tent has the same number of mosquitoes. How many mosquitoes are in 1 tent? S te p 1 : Write the ratio. 60 15 S te p 2 : S te p 3 : 60 F ind a ratio eq uivalent to 1 5 . S ince the q uestion ask s how many mosq uitoes in 1 tent, the second term of the second ratio must be 1 . T o get 1 in 60 this ratio ( 1 5 ), you must divide the denominator by 1 5 . 60 ÷ 15 15 ÷ 15 = D ivide the 6 0 by 1 5 also. Write this as the first term in the new ratio. 4 1 4 m osq u itoes in 1 tent! Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 17 10 7 Get Sharp: R atio Operations w ith D ec im als A d d ing & S u btrac ting D ec im als S te p 1 : L ine up the decimal points of both numbers in the problem. S te p 2 : Add or subtract just as with whole numbers. S te p 3 : Align the decimal point in the sum or difference with decimal points in the numbers above. M u ltiply ing D ec im als S te p 1 : M ultiply as you would with whole numbers. Multiply 2 .65 x 3 9 .6 to g e t 1 0 4 ,9 4 0 . S te p 2 : C ount the number of places to the right of the decimal point in both factors (total). C o un t th e n um be r o f place s to th e rig h t o f th e de cim al po in t: 2 .65 h as 2 ; 3 9 .6 h as 1 , fo r a to tal o f 3 . S te p 3 : C ount over from the right end of the product that same number of places. I n th e pro duct, co un t 3 place s back w ard fro m th e rig h t. S te p 4 : Insert the decimal point. P lace th e de cim al po in t be tw e e n th e 4 an d th e 9 . Q uillayute ’s an n ual pre cipitatio n is abo ut 1 0 4 .9 4 in ch e s . 112 Get Sharp: D ecimal C on cepts Page 18 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Operations w ith M oney O perations with money are just lik e operations with decimals, because money amounts are decimals. A d d ition S u btrac tion L ine up the decimal points carefully in both addends. Align the decimal point in the sum (answer) with the numbers above it. L ine up the decimal points carefully in both numbers. T hen, align the decimal point in the difference (answer) with the numbers above it. O n the opening weekend of a new All that popcorn and candy made kids superhero movie, kids in our city really thirsty. They spent $20,554.25 spent $53,850.50 on movie tickets. on drinks at the movie. Those same kids spent $29,282.35 How much more did they spend on on candy and popcorn at the movies. candy and popcorn than on drinks? How much did they spend all together? M u ltiplic ation D ivision M ultiply as with whole numbers. T ally the total number of places to the right of the decimal point. C ount the same number of places from the right in the product. M ove the decimal point in the divisor to mak e it a whole number. M ove the decimal point in the dividend the same number of places. Align the decimal point in the q uotient with the decimal point in the dividend. D ivide as with whole numbers. Anna paid the train fare for herself and four friends when they went into the city M ax, a great moviegoer, spent a total of to see a movie. The roundtrip fare $37.60 on movie tickets last month. O n the was $5.25 for each rider. average, how much did he spend each week? How much did Anna spend? Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 19 115 Get Sharp: Mon ey A d d ing & S u btrac ting F rac tions H ow to A d d & S u btrac t L ik e F rac tions S te p 1 : If the fractions have lik e denominators, just add or subtract the numerators. (D enominators stay the same.) S te p 2 : R educe sums or differences to lowest terms. H ow to A d d & S u btrac t U nlik e F rac tions S te p 1 : F ind the L C M for all denominators and change the fractions to lik e fractions. S te p 2 : Add or subtract the numerators. (D enominators stay the same.) S te p 3 : R educe sums or differences to lowest terms. H ow to A d d & S u btrac t M ixed N u m erals S te p 1 : C hange all mix ed numerals to improper fractions. S te p 2 : F ind the L C M for all the denominators and change the fractions to lik e fractions. S te p 3 : Add or subtract the numerators. (D enominators stay the same.) S te p 4 : R educe sums or differences to lowest terms. Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 20 10 3 Get Sharp: O peration s w ith F raction s Operations w ith Integers T he sum of two positive integers is a positive integer. 1 2 — +— 3 = 3 5 + 10 0 = 10 5 0 .5 + 1.3 = 1.8 1 — 3 T he sum of 2 negative integers is a negative integer. –5 + –8 = –13 –8.5 + –2 = –10 .5 2 + –— 1 = –— 3 –— 4 4 4 T he sum of a positive integer and a negative integer has the sign of the number with the greater absolute value. 10 0 + –6 0 = 40 –30 .5 + 10 = –20 .5 4 + –— 7 3 — 8 8 =–— 8 T o subtract an integer, add its positive. –6 – ( –3) = –6 + 3 = –3 10 – ( – 4) = 10 + 4 = 14 12 – ( –14) = 12 + 14 = 26 80 – 3 = 80 + –3 = 77 17 6 Get Sharp: In tegers Page 21 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. T he product of two positive integers is a p os itiv e integer. 7 x 10 = 70 0 .3 x 6 = 1.8 1 1 — 2 x 3 = 1— 2 T he product of two negative integers is a p os itiv e integer. –5 x –0 .5 = 2.5 –10 x –20 = 20 0 1 x–— 1 =— 1 –— 4 2 8 T he product of a positive and a negative integer is a ne g a tiv e integer. 10 0 x –6 = –6 0 0 –0 .2 x 16 = –32 6 x –6 = –36 T he q uotient of two positive integers is a p os itiv e inte g e r . 15 ÷ 5 = 3 6 70 ÷ 10 0 = 6 .7 5 0 ÷ 5 = 10 T he q uotient of two negative integers is a p os itiv e inte g e r . –80 ÷ –10 = 8 –12 ÷ –0 .5 = 24 –45 0 0 ÷ – 9 = 5 0 0 T he q uotient of a positive and a negative integer is a ne g a tiv e inte g e r . – 5 6 0 ÷ 8 = –70 –25 .5 ÷ 0 .5 = –5 1 810 ÷ –9 0 = –8 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 22 17 7 Get Sharp: In tegers In teg ers TEMPERATURE COUNTS The temperature really does matter for ski races. S now conditions change with temperature changes, and this can affect the skiers’ speed and control. As a result, racers, coaches, and Olympic officials pay a lot of attention to the thermometer. U se this the rm om e te r as a num be r line to he lp you solv e the se p roble m s with inte g e rs. R e m e m be r, inte g e rs are a se t of p ositiv e and ne g ativ e num be rs. 1. At 5 o’clock in the morning, the temperature at the top of the race course was – 13°. By 10:00 A.M., it was + 12°. H ow much had the temperature risen? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. The temperature rose from + 12° to + 23° by noon. H ow much did the temperature change? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. In the afternoon, the temperature fell rapidly from + 23° to -1°. H ow much change is this? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. By 7:00 P.M., the temperature was – 9°. H ow much had the temperature changed from 10:00 A.M.? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. It continued to get colder. By midnight, the temperature was 35° colder than it had been at noon. What was the midnight temperature? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. If the temperature rose 12° between midnight and 6:00 A.M. the nex t morning, what was the temperature at 6:00 A.M.? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F inish the se p roble m s. 7. 30 – 41 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. – 12 + – 4 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. – 10 + 15 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. 40 + – 6 + – 10 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. 5 + – 7 = ________ 13. – 10 + – 5 + 15 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. – 9 + 4 = ________ 14. 20 + 3 + – 6 = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 6123 Answer Copyright key page 28, unit 261 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book S u btrac tion S u b tr a c tion is the operation of finding a missing addend (or, the tak ing away of one number or amount from another). T he symbol for subtraction is – T he word used for addition is m in us . T he number being subtracted from is the m in ue n d. T he number being subtracted is the s ubtrah e n d. 78 Get Sharp: Su btraction Page 24 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. S u btrac tion w ith B orrow ing ( or R enam ing) S ometimes a digit in the minuend is smaller than the digit of the same place in the subtrahend. When this happens, it is necessary to bo rro w from the nex t place to the left. B o rro w in g is the same as re n am in g . It means ex changing a ten to mak e a number in the ones place la r g e r than the digit in the subtrahend. (O R , it might mean ex changing a hundred for 1 0 tens, or a thousand for 1 0 hundreds, etc.) Addition & Subtraction Are Relatives! Addition and subtraction are opposite ( inverse)operations. 9 + 7 = 16 16 – 9 = 7 and 16 – 7 = 9 An addition problem can be checked with subtraction. 8,222 + 9,666 17,888 17,888 – 9,666 8,222 A subtraction problem can be checked with addition. 50 ,0 0 0 – 50 0 49, 50 0 49,50 0 + 50 0 50 , 0 0 0 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. In this ex ample, 8 is too large to subtract from 5 . S o, one of the tens is bo rro w e d o r re n am e d as 1 0 ones. N ow there are 1 5 ones. 8 can be subtracted from 1 5 . T hat leaves only 2 tens. (S ee the 2 written above the tens place.) In this, the 8 in the tens place is smaller than the 9 in the tens place. S o, one of the hundreds is bo rro w e d o r re n am e d as 1 0 tens. N ow there are 1 8 tens. 9 can easily be subtracted from 1 8 . T his leaves only 6 hundreds. (S ee the 6 written above the hundreds place.) Page 25 79 Get Sharp: Su btraction Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH Copyright © 2003 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 43 Page 26 Get Set: Probem-Solving Skills 44 Get Se:-Problem-Solving Skills Page 27 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH Copyright © 2003 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH Copyright © 2003 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 45 Page 28 Get Set: Probem-Solving Skills 90 Get Sharp : O p erations Page 29 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH Copyright © 2003 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH Copyright © 2003 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 193 Page 30 Get Sharp : Ap p roaching Problems C hoose C orrect O p eration BUMPS ,BRUI S ES ,&BREAKS The Blue Berg H ockey Team never makes it through a game without some injuries. It looks as if Bruiser is out of the game for a while! H elp the team solve some of their injury problems by deciding what operation is needed for each one. (S ome may need more than one.) Write A (add ), S (su b trac t), M (m u ltip ly ), or D (div ide) nex t to each problem. Then use a separate piece of paper to find the answers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. The cost of hospital trips for the Blue Bergs averages $ 125,000 a season. If the season is five months long, what is the average monthly hospital cost for the season? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Pierre, the goalie, lost an average of 27 minutes per game because of bloody noses. H ow many games did he play in if he lost 135 minutes total for his nosebleeds? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 . The Blue Bergs had a total of 396 teeth intact when they started the season. They lost 45 of them. H ow many teeth did the team have left at the end of the season? _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 . E ach defensive player bumped his shins and bruised his nose a total of 26 times in each game period. There are 3 game periods and 2 defensive players. At this rate, how many bumps and bruises will they get in the entire game? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. In one season, 12 of the 130 total injuries were broken bones and torn ligaments, 53 were broken or lost teeth, and 30 were black eyes. The rest were bumps and bruises. H ow many were bumps and bruises? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Two team members got food poisoning the morning of the big game. Twice that many had colds and couldn’t play. Three more were on crutches. If there are 18 players on the team, how many were left to play the game? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. D uring one game, a referee called minor penalties on Big Bruno and Biffo for roughing. Five more players got minor penalties for tripping and 3 more for high sticking. If a minor penalty is 2 minutes in the penalty box , how many total minutes did the team spend in the penalty box during the game? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 . In one game alone, there were these injuries: one player had a hockey stick broken over his head, two guys got in a bloody fist fight, and five more got cut by skates to the cheek. All of them had to take time out from the game. H ow many players got called off the ice for injuries? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 1731 Answer Copyright key page 25, unit 217 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book C hoose O p eration s TOURI S TATTRACTI ONS Two million people attended the 1996 Olympics. They bought tickets; watched events; traveled to different venues; toured Atlanta; lived in hotels, tents, campers, and homes; and bought a lot of food and souvenirs. De cide which op e ration you should use to solv e e ach of the se p roble m s about O lym p ic tourists. W rite the op e ration ( add, subtract, m ultip ly, or div ide ) afte r e ach p roble m . The n solv e the p roble m . 1. Tickets for the kayaking race cost $ 27. The ticket office counted $ 29,403 for this event. H ow many tickets were sold? O p e ration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Answe r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. If hot dogs sold for $ 2.00 in the Olympic Park and 986,443 hot dogs were sold, how much money was collected? O p e ration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Answe r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. 26,000 bus and limo drivers were hired for the Olympics. If 35 worked every day, how many worked at one time? O p e ration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Answe r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. One family drove 243.33 km from their home to Atlanta for the games. They went home by a route 21.7 km longer. H ow long was their trip home? O p e ration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Answe r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. In Nagano, 10,000 people could attend a hockey game at once. Of these, 15 had “standing room only” tickets. H ow many fans had to stand? O p e ration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Answe r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Brielle’s family bought 18 Olympic basketballs as souvenirs to take home to friends. They spent $ 412.20. H ow much did each ball cost? O p e ration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Answe r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. Not all sports fans can get to the Olympics, so they are televised around the world. TV rights cost $ 2,500,000 in 1968. In 1992, they cost 120 times that much. H ow much did the 1992 rights cost? O p e ration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Answe r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. In Nagano, tickets for good seats at the Opening Ceremony cost $ 350. In Atlanta, the tickets cost $ 636. H ow much did Joanna’s family of 4 pay to go to both? O p e rations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Answe r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 26, unit 246 2 4 632 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Mathematics: Fractions The fol l owing section ofthis customized textbook incl udes materialfrom these skil lareas: Skill Description 2299:understand concepts ofrate and rate ofchange 2.4 Anal yze change in various contexts. 5.2.spi.8 extend rate charts to sol ve real -worl d probl ems. 2443:Fractions 5.1.spi.11 compare and order fractions using the appropriate symbol(<,>,=); 2445:rel ate fractions to decimal s 2446:represent fractions in equival ent forms 5.1.spi.2 connect symbol icrepresentations ofproper and improper fractions to model s ofproper and improper fractions; 5.1.spi.13 generate equival ent forms ofcommonl y used fractions, decimal s, and percents (e.g., 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4); 2495:sol ve addition and subtraction probl ems with fractions 5.1.spi.12 add and subtract commonl y used fractions. 2509:sol ve division probl ems with fractions 2513:sol ve mul tipl ication probl ems with fractions 5.1.spi.14 mul tipl y a fraction by a mul tipl e ofits denominator (denominator l ess than or equalto 10)(3) Page 33 R ates A r a te is a ratio that compares q uantities of different units. R ed u c ing R ates to F ind Q u antities S ince you k now the ratio (rate), you can find the cost by reducing the ratio to lowest terms. D ivide both terms of the ratio by 4 . (Y ou use 4 because the second term of the new ratio must be 1 , so you must use the number that will yield a q uotient of 1 when it goes into 4 .) It c o s ts $ 3 .2 0 p e r p o u n d ! U sing E q u ivalent R atios to F ind Other R ates S ince you k now the ratio (rate), you can find other costs by writing eq uivalent ratios. M ultiply both terms of the ratio by 5 . (Y ou use 5 because the second term of the new ratio must be 2 0 , so you must choose the number that will yield a product of 2 0 when multiplied by 4 .) It c o s ts $ 64.00 p e r 2 0 p o u n d s ! 10 8 Get Sharp: R ates Page 34 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. T im e Z ones As E arth turns, the sun shines on different parts of the sphere at different times. B ecause of this, we have divided E arth into several time z ones. T he line of 0 ° longitude (the P rime M eridian) goes through G reenwich, E ngland. E arth’s time z ones are all related to the time in G reenwich, called G reenwich time. F rom G reenwich, an hour is subtracted as you travel west through each time z one. As you travel east from G reenwich, an hour is added to the time. It it it it it it it is is is is is is is 7 a .m . ( 5 t im e z o n e s w e s t ) 4 a .m . ( 8 t im e z o n e s w e s t ) 3 a .m . ( 9 t im e z o n e s w e s t ) 1 p .m . ( 1 t im e z o n e e a s t ) 3 p .m . ( 3 t im e z o n e s e a s t ) 8 p .m . ( 8 t im e z o n e s e a s t ) 9 p .m . ( 9 t im e z o n e s e a s t ) in in in in in in in N e w Y o r k C it y , N Y L o s A n g e le s , C A A n c h o ra g e ,A K Pa r is , F r a n c e M o s c o w , R u s s ia H ong Kong To ky o ,J a p a n a n d . . . it is m id n ig h t ( 12 t im e z o n e s e a s t o r w e s t ) o n t h e In t e r n a t io n a l D a t e L in e ( 180 ° E o r W lo n g it u d e ) M easu ring R ate R a te is a measure of an amount compared to something else. O ften it is an amount compared to time. R ate can tell how far something moves or how often something occurs over a certain period of time, such as a second, minute, hour, week , year, and so on. S peed is described as a rate. 1 8 6 ,2 8 2 ,3 9 7 miles per second (mps) speed of light 6 6 miles per hour (mph) speed a sailfish can swim 6 5 k ilometers per hour (k ph) speed a mallard duck can fly 1 2 miles per hour (mph) speed of a running rabbit 1 1 .6 k ilometers per hour (k ph) speed a honeybee can fly 0 .0 3 miles per hour (mph) speed a snail can crawl 2 6 1 .8 miles per hour (mph) speed of J apan’s fast N oz omi 5 0 0 train 2 6 pounds per year amount of chocolate eaten by average S wiss person 4 8 gallons per year amount of soda pop drunk by average American Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 35 14 9 Get Sharp: Measu remen t F rac tions A fr a c tion is any number written in the form of a b F raction comes from the L atin word fractio, meaning brok en parts. F ractio n means part o f a s e t or part o f a w h o le . A fraction is written in a way that compares two numbers or amounts. P roper & Im proper F rac tions In a p r op e r fr a c tion, the numerator is smaller than the denominator. 7 8 11 12 2 3 14 20 3 10 0 6 9 2 9 reads s e v e n -e ig h th s reads e le v e n -tw e lfth s reads tw o -th irds reads fo urte e n -tw e n tie th s reads th re e -h un dre dth s reads s ix -n in th s 96 Get Sharp: F raction C on cepts In an im p r op e r fr a c tion, the numerator is larg er than the denominator. T he value of the fraction is always eq ual to or g reater than one. 12 7 R ead ing and W riting F rac tions A f r a c t io n is a ls o a w a y o f w r it in g a d iv is io n p r o b le m . 3 24 m eans 3 ÷ 24 ( t h r e e d iv id e d b y t w e n t y - f o u r ) Page 36 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Solv e P roblems w ith D ecimals “ FI GURI NG”OUT DECI MAL S Tamara is working on perfecting her figures for a skating competition. They must be precise for the judges. Numbers with decimals can be tricky, too. Y ou can practice decimals by finding the decimal number in Jenny’s figure 8 that matches the problem. Circle each one with the correct color. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. one-tenth more than 7 R E D _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. five-hundredths more than 6.3 BL U E _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. the difference between 10.8 and 10.2 PINK _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. one hundred plus twelve-hundredths BL ACK _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. 3 tenths more than 6 hundredths Y E L L OW _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. 0.05 plus 0.04 PU R PL E _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. 9 tenths less than ten TAN _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. two-tenths more than 14 OR ANGE _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. 5 hundredths more than 2 BR OWN _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. one-tenth less than one TAN _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. two-tenths plus four-hundredths S IL V E R _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. 9 tenths plus 9 hundredths GR E E N _ _ _ _ _ _ 13. ten plus twelve-hundredths R E D _ _ _ _ _ _ 14. eight-hundredths more than eight BL U E _ _ _ _ _ _ 15. one-tenth less than ten GR E E N _ _ _ _ _ _ 16. two-tenths less than nine PINK _ _ _ _ _ _ 17. ten less than 12.4 PU R PL E _ _ _ _ _ _ 18. 0.004 more than 0.005 R E D _ _ _ _ _ _ 19. ten less than 10.22 OR ANGE _ _ _ _ _ _ 20. 0.6 more than three Y E L L OW _ _ _ _ _ _ 21. two-tenths more than 0.3 BL U E _ _ _ _ _ _ 22. 5 tenths less than fifty-one GR E E N _ _ _ _ _ _ 23. five-tenths less than 21 S IL V E R _ _ _ _ _ _ 24. one hundred plus two-tenths PU R PL E Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 1537 Answer Copyright key page 25, unit 215 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book F raction s as P arts of Sets WATCHTHATPUCK! These fans are gathered for an ex citing, high-speed ice hockey game. All the action in the game is focused on a little rubber disc that moves so fast that often it is hard to tell where it is and which team has it! An ex citing Olympic moment for the U nited S tates was in 1980 when the U .S . team defeated Finland to win its first gold medal in 20 years. Olympic Fact The 1998 W inter O lympics in Japan were the first G ames that permitted women to compete in ice hockey. P ay atte ntion to the se fans to p ractice your fraction-hunting skills. W rite a fraction to fill e ach blank. 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans are holding balloons. 11. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans are wearing earmuffs. 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans are holding flags. 12. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans are wearing hats. 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the flags have words on them. 13. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the shoes and boots have laces. 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the flags are black. 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the flags have no words. 14. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the hands are wearing mittens or gloves. 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans are holding cups. 15. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans are wearing scarves. 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the cups have 2 straws. 16. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans are hatless. 8. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the cups have no straws. 17. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the hats have feathers. 9. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans are wearing boots. 18. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the fans have mustaches. 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the shoes and boots have black on them. 19. _ _ _ _ _ _ of the balloons are held by the girl with pigtails. Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 27, unit 248 2 4 8 38 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. C omp are & O rder F raction s OVER THE NET Olympic Fact In beach volleyball, each team has only two players. They play barefoot in the sand. Beach volleyball began in the 1940s on the beaches of California. It was played for fun at first, but now it is a serious professional sport. It did not gain a place at the Olympic Games until 1996, when the U .S . men’s teams won the gold and silver medals. C om p are e ach se t of fractions be low to se e which is g re ate r. C ircle the larg e st fraction. If the fractions are e q ual, circle the m both! 2 4 1. 1 4 2. 5 7 3 7 3. 2 7 4. 5. 1 3 5 8 9. 2 3 10. 2 4 1 3 1 6 6. 3 4 7. 4 8 7 9 5 6 1 3 7 8 8. 11 12 2 10 11. 2 5 4 10 5 6 1 5 12. 2 10 R e write the fractions in orde r from sm alle st to larg e st. 1 2 13. 2 5 1 4 __________________ 14. 3 18 5 6 2 3 __________________ 15. 2 5 6 7 5 9 __________________ Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 4 9 39 Answer Copyright key page 27, unit 249 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book C omp are F raction s L OS T! Badminton may seem like a rather easy sport where you just hit the “birdie” around at a slow pace. Actually, it is the world’s fastest racket sport. The “birdies” are really called shuttlecocks, and they travel as fast as 200 miles per hour. Players must be very q uick, strong, and agile to compete. P e te has g otte n se p arate d from the badm inton te am on the way to the com p e tition. To he lp him join his te am m ate s, com p are the fractions in e ach box . C olor the box e s that hav e the corre ct sig n ( < , > , or = ) be twe e n the fractions. If you do this corre ctly, you will hav e colore d a p ath for P e te . 8 2 = 12 3 11 5 <3 6 2 5 > 3 4 3 4 2 4 5 = 10 6 3 = 8 4 4 5 7 < 10 2 9 2 5 5 > 10 8 4 12 =6 7 4 6 3 2 3 7 1 = 16 4 20 4 = 25 5 = 7 14 = 12 24 0 2 < 3 6 > 1 2 = 4 6 = 0 4 Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 27, unit 250 2 5040 Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page Imp rop er F raction s & M ix ed Numerals THE L ONGES TJ UMPS It sounds pretty hard! An athlete runs down a short path and jumps as far as possible, landing into a pit of sand. A measurement is taken from the beginning of the jump to the impression the body leaves in the sand. If the athlete falls backward from where the feet land, the measurement will be shorter than desired! H e re are som e m e asure m e nts of long jum p s from athle te s of all ag e s. The y are writte n as im p rop e r fractions. C hang e the m into m ix e d num e rals. Olympic Fact U.S. track and field athlete Jackie Joyner-Kersee won the gold medal in 1988 with a jump of 24 ft 3 12 in. U.S. jumper Carl Lewis won the gold medal in the long jump at the last four O lympic G ames:1984, 1988, 1992, & 1996. 1. Carl 57 2 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. James 49 4 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. L utz 57 6 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. R andy 109 4 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Jackie 97 4 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. Tatyana 71 3 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. H eike 47 2 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. Mary 63 4 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. Amber 32 5 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13. Bob 165 6 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Y vette 85 8 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14. Albert 129 12 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. Arnie 88 3 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15. Jenny 101 4 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. E llery 83 4 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16. Tommy 14 3 feet = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 27, unit 252 2 52 41 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Imp rop er F raction s & M ix ed Numerals GETTI NG TO VENUES A venue is a place where one of the Olympic events is held. There are many venues at each Olympic Games. These Olympic athletes are trying to get to their proper venues, but their paths are blocked. R emove the obstacles along the paths by changing each improper fraction to its correct mix ed numeral. Olympic Fact There were 27 different venues at the 1996 games. Some were many miles away. Canoeing and kayaking events took place on the O coee River in Tennessee, 150 miles from Atlanta. Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 5342 Answer Copyright key page 27, unit 253 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book F rac tions & D ec im als H ow to W rite a F rac tion as a D ec im al S te p 1 : D ivide the numerator by the denominator. S te p 2 : Write a z ero to hold the ones place (if there is no number in that place). 7 = 0 .875 8 H ow to W rite a D ec im al as a F rac tion S te p 1 : R emove the decimal point and write the number as the numerator. T he denominator is 1 0 or a multiple of 1 0 , depending what place the last digit of the decimal occupied. F or instance, in 0 .0 4 4 , the last digit is a thousandth. S te p 2 : R educe the fraction to lowest terms. 44 11 10 0 0 reduced to lowest terms is 250 . 116 Get Sharp: F raction s & D ecimals Page 43 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Solv e P roblems w ith P ercen t & F raction s HANG TEN PERCENT The surf’s up at S hark Beach! One hundred surfers showed up on S aturday to “hang ten” for the awesome waves. If a surfer is “hanging ten percent”— what would that mean? S ee if you can figure it out! Choose the correct percentage from the waves below to match the fraction in each problem. Write the answer on the line. S ome answers may be used more than once. R em em b er: To w rite a frac tion as a p erc ent, y ou hav e to w rite an eq u iv alent 20 = 20% ! frac tion w ith a denom inator of 100. For ex am p le: 51 = 100 ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3 of the surfers fell off their boards. 4 1 can hang ten. 10 1 forgot their sunscreen. 5 9 are afraid of sharks. 10 1 wear sunglasses at all times. 4 8 wax their own boards. 10 1 have been stung by jellyfish. 2 ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 4 10 have sand in their swimsuits. 1 2 0 have never seen a shark. 6 2 0 saw a shark today. 55 100 have had surfing injuries. 3 2 0 are very sunburned. 27 learned to surf very young. 30 9 forgot to eat breakfast. 12 10 100 are over 50 years old. 4 16 did not fall today. 3 10 never had a surfing lesson. 2 got smashed by the last wave. 5 4 are high school students. 5 11 have on wet suits today. 22 Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 25, unit 220 2 2 044 Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page F raction s & D ecimals OVER THE TOP Pole vaulters sprint along a short track with a long, flex ible pole. Then they plant the pole and soar upside down over another pole that might be almost 20 feet high. The goal is to make it over the top without knocking off that pole! At the 1996 Olympics, Jean Galfione from France won the gold medal with a jump over a pole that was 19 feet, 5 inches high! If a p ole v aulte r m ake s it ov e r the top 6 tim e s out of 7 trie s, a fraction ( 67 ) can show his succe ss rate . The fraction can be chang e d to a de cim al score . ( Div ide 6 by 7. The de cim al is 0.8 6.) F ind the de cim al to m atch e ach fraction that shows how the se p ole v aulte rs are doing at the ir p ractice . R ound to the ne are st hundre dth. Athlete Fraction Decimal 1 . M ax im 14 18 ________ 2 . J av ier 16 20 ________ 3 . Serg ei 20 27 ________ 4 . Wolfg an g 13 18 ________ 5 . F rederick 20 26 ________ 6 . Q uin on 13 16 ________ 7 . P hilip p e 21 28 ________ 8 . William 16 22 ________ 9 . C harles 15 21 ________ 9 12 ________ 1 0 . G rig ori Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 59 45 Answer Copyright key page 28, unit 259 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book E q u ivalent F rac tions E q u iv a le nt fr a c tions are two or more fractions that represent the same amount. H ow to F orm E q u ivalent F rac tions 3 = 4 56 = 72 Ste p 1 : M ultiply or divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same nonz ero number. Ste p 2 : Write the new fraction. 3x2 = 6 4x2 8 56 ÷ 8 = 7 72 ÷ 8 9 H ow to T ell E q u ivalent F rac tions Ste p 1 : C ross multiply. Ste p 2 : C ompare the two products. Ste p 3 : If the products are eq ual, the fractions are eq uivalent. O therwise they are not. 2 5 4 10 2 x 10 = 20 5 x 4 = 20 2 0 = 2 0, s o th e fr a c tio n s a r e e q u iv a le n t 7 9 4 5 7 x 5 = 35 9 x 4 = 36 3 5 =/ 3 6, s o th e fr a c tio n s a r e n o t e q u iv a le n t Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 46 99 Get Sharp: F raction C on cepts E q uiv alen t F raction s WI NTER OL YMPI CTRI VI A D o you know the name of the most difficult ice-skating jump ever landed in Olympic competition? D o you know what is the oldest game played on ice? D o you know how fast downhill skiers might travel? D o you know how many people fit on a luge sled? D o you know the length of the longest cross-country ski race? F ind the answe rs to the se and othe r triv ia q ue stions while you p ractice ide ntifying e q uiv ale nt fractions. In e ach p roble m , two of the fractions are e q uiv ale nt. The fraction that is not e q uiv ale nt g iv e s the answe r to the triv ia q ue stion! C ircle the non-e q uiv ale nt fraction in e ach p roble m . 1. L uge sleds can reach speeds over A. B. C. 16 18 8 9 5 9 150 mph 300 mph 80 mph B. C. 2 3 1 5 6 9 curling A. B. C. B. A. ice bowling B. 200 mph C. 80 mph 40 mph B. C. A. B. C. 3 5 4 7 8 14 1992 1984 1998 7 8 9 12 28 32 ice skate V iking ship snowshoe 7. People have been using skis for A. 4. The number of competitors riding each luge sled is 1 3 7 21 5 8 6. The speedskating rink in L illehammer in 1994 was shaped like a ice hockey 3. D ownhill racers travel at speeds of up to 4 5 7 9 12 15 A. C. 2. The oldest game played on ice is A. 5. The first Olympics that included snowboarding was in 1 11 2 12 1 6 A. 3 or 4 B. 4 or 5 C. 3 4 6 7 18 21 B. 1 2 5 11 C. 2 4 A. 9000 years 200 years 100 years 8. H ow far can ski jumpers fly? 1 or 2 9. The biathlon combines skating & skiing cross-country skiing & rifle shooting luge & bobsled 10. The most difficult iceskating jump landed in Olympic competition (as of 1997) was about 600 feet A. about 1 mile B. about 2000 feet C. 1 4 2 8 2 6 the q uadruple lutz the triple flip the triple ax le Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 5147 Answer Copyright key page 27, unit 251 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Add & Subtract F raction s THE #1S PORT In ancient versions of soccer, players tossed the ball around in the air, bouncing it off their hands and heads. Today, only the goalie is allowed to touch the ball with his or her hands while it is in play on the field. S occer was the first team sport to be included in the Olympics. At every Olympic Games, it draws some of the biggest crowds. In Barcelona, S pain, the mainly S panish crowd was thrilled to see the S panish team win the gold medal! L ook on the socce r fie ld for the answe r to e ach p roble m . C ircle the corre ct answe r with the color shown ne x t to the p roble m . Answe rs m ust be in lowe st te rm s. 1. GR E E N: 2 3 + 1 6 = _________ 8. PINK : 1 2 + 2 22 = _________ 2. R E D : 5 10 – 1 5 = _________ 9. R E D : 20 30 – 2 6 = _________ 3. BL U E : 5 12 – 1 3 = _________ 10. BL U E : 1 9 + 2 3 – 1 3 = _________ 4. Y E L L OW: 3 4 – 5 8 = _________ 11. PU R PL E : 2 9 + 8 9 – 1 3 = _________ 5. PU R PL E : 1 4 + 4 16 = _________ 12. GR E E N: 4 7 + 1 3 = _________ 6. BR OWN: 10 25 + 2 5 = _________ 13. OR ANGE : 11 14 – 3 7 + 1 7 = _________ 7. OR ANGE : 11 12 – 3 4 = _________ 14. BR OWN: 1 6 + 3 4 – 1 8 = _________ Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 27, unit 254 2 54 48 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. D ivid ing F rac tions H ow to D ivid e F rac tions S te p 1 : Invert (flip over) the second fraction (the divisor fraction). S te p 2 : C hange the problem into a multiplication problem. S te p 3 : M ultiply the fractions. S te p 4 : R educe the q uotient fraction to lowest terms. H ow to D ivid e a W hole N u m ber by a F rac tion ( or a F rac tion by a W hole N u m ber) S te p 1 : C hange the whole number into an improper fraction with the whole number as the numerator and 1 as the denominator. S te p 2 : P roceed with the instructions for dividing fractions. S te p 3 : C hange any improper fractions in the q uotient to mix ed numerals, and reduce to lowest terms. H ow to D ivid e M ixed N u m bers S te p 1 : C hange any mix ed numbers into improper fractions. S te p 2 : P roceed with the instructions for dividing fractions. S te p 3 : C hange any improper fractions in the q uotient to mix ed numerals, and reduce to lowest terms. Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 49 10 5 Get Sharp: O peration s w ith F raction s D iv ide F raction s THROUGHWI L D WATERS In the Olympic kayaking events, kayakers race through wild, foaming water (called whitewater). They must get down the river through a series of gates safely and fast! S ome of the gates req uire them to paddle upstream against the raging waters! Of course, sometimes the kayaks flip, but the athletes are good at turning right side up again. To div ide fractions, you ne e d to do som e flip p ing , too! The se cond num be r in the p roble m m ust be turne d up side down. The n, you m ultip ly the two fractions to g e t the answe r to the div ision p roble m ! 3 ÷ 7 = 3 x 10 = 30 = 6 5 10 5 7 35 7 F lip the se cond fraction in all the se p roble m s to find the rig ht answe rs. 1. 3 4 ÷ 7 8 = _________________________ 2. 4 7 ÷ 1 2 = _________________________ 9. 1 6 ÷ 2 3 = _________________________ 3. 9 11 ÷ 2 3 = _________________________ 10. 4 5 ÷ 1 9 = _________________________ 4. 2 3 ÷ 1 5 = _________________________ 11. 5 12 ÷ 1 3 = _________________________ 5. 1 30 ÷ 2 20 = _________________________ 12. 8 9 ÷ 3 4 = _________________________ 6. 2 9 ÷ 4 5 = _________________________ 13. 1 6 ÷ 2 5 = _________________________ 7. 7 8 ÷ 5 6 = _________________________ 14. 3 4 ÷ 3 4 = _________________________ 8. 10 11 ÷ 11 10 = _________________________ 15. 2 5 ÷ 5 2 = _________________________ Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 5550 Answer Copyright key page 27, unit 255 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book M u ltiply ing F rac tions H ow to M u ltiply F rac tions S te p 1 : M ultiply the numerators; this product is the new numerator. S te p 2 : M ultiply the denominators; this product is the new denominator. S te p 3 : R educe the product fraction to lowest terms. H ow to M u ltiply a F rac tion by a W hole N u m ber S te p 1 : M ultiply the numerator by the whole number. S te p 2 : Write this product as the numerator in the answer. S te p 3 : Write the original denominator in the answer. S te p 4 : C hange the improper fraction into a mix ed numeral, and reduce to lowest terms. H ow to M u ltiply M ixed N u m bers S te p 1 : C hange all mix ed numerals to improper fractions. S te p 2 : M ultiply the numerators; this product is the new numerator. S te p 3 : M ultiply the denominators; this product is the new denominator. S te p 4 : C hange the improper fraction into a mix ed numeral, and reduce to lowest terms. 10 4 Get Sharp: O peration s w ith F raction s Page 51 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Mathematics: Geometry The fol l owing section ofthis customized textbook incl udes materialfrom these skil lareas: Skill Description 2301:estimate angl e measures 2318:use coordinate graphs to pl ot and name ordered pairs 0506.5.2 :Represent data using ordered pairs in the first quadrant ofthe coordinate system. 2321:draw and discuss transformations 3.3 Appl y transformations and use symmetry to anal yze mathematicalsituations. 5.3.spi.4 use spatialreasoning to predict the resul t ofsl iding, fl ipping, or turning a twodimensionalshape; 2324:identify and construct congruent figures 2326:identify and construct symmetricalfigures 3.3 Appl y transformations and use symmetry to anal yze mathematicalsituations. 5.3.spi.2 identify l ines ofsymmetry in two-dimensionalgeometricfigures. 2331:understand the properties ofpl ane geometricalfigures 2337:identify and describe basicproperties ofcommon pl ane geometricfigures and their corresponding parts 3.1 Anal yze characteristics and properties oftwo-and three-dimensionalshapes. 5.3.spi.3 identify two-or three-dimensionalshapes given defining attributes; 5.3.spi.6 cl assify geometricfigures using properties; 2338:identify and describe basicproperties ofcommon sol id geometricfigures and their corresponding parts 3.1 Anal yze characteristics and properties oftwo-and three-dimensionalshapes. 5.3.spi.3 identify two-or three-dimensionalshapes given defining attributes; 5.3.spi.6 cl assify geometricfigures using properties; Page 52 A ngles An a ng le is a figure formed by two rays with a connecting e ndp oint. T his endpoint is called a v e r te x . Angles come in many siz es. Angles are classified by their measurements. T he unit of measurement for an angle is a de g r e e . Ap r otr a c tor is used to measure angles. 12 4 Get Sharp: Plan e Geometry Page 53 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. A ngle R elationships Angles have some very curious and interesting relationships with one another. M ak e sure you can k eep all these relationships straight! C ong r u e nt Ang le s Angles that have the same measure are congruent. ∠ C D F and ∠ FD E are congruent because they both measure 4 5 ° . Write ∠ C D F ≅ ∠ FD E C om p le m e nta r y Ang le s When the sum of two angles is 9 0 ° , the angles are complementary. ∠ GHJ and ∠ J HI are complementary. S u p p le m e nta r y Ang le s When the sum of two angles is 1 8 0 ° , they are supplementary. ∠ K L N and ∠ N L M are supplementary. Adja c e nt Ang le s When angles have a common vertex and a common edge (or leg), they are adjacent. ∠ O P R and ∠ R P Q are adjacent. V e r tic a l Ang le s When two lines intersect, vertical angles are formed. T hese are the angles that are opposite each other at the vertex . T wo pairs are formed ↔ ↔ by the intersection of S T and U V . T hese pairs are: ∠ S W U and ∠ V W T ∠ S W V and ∠ U W T Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 54 12 5 Get Sharp: Plan e Geometry G raphing on a Coord inate P lane A c oor dina te p la ne is formed by two lines, called a x e s , drawn perpendicular to each other to form a grid. An or de r e d p a ir of numbers (such as 5 , 4 ) can be graphed as a point on a coordinate plane. T he pair of numbers gives the c oor dina te s (location) of the point. T he h or iz onta l line is the x -a x is . T he v e r tic a l line is the y -a x is . T he two ax es meet at a point called the or ig in. Fou r q u a dr a nts , or sections, are formed when two ax es cross. T his coordinate graph (grid) below shows one q uadrant. O n this graph, all the numbers along the x - and y - a x e s are positive integers. T o graph an ordered pair (5 , 4 ), start at the origin. M ove 5 units along the x -ax is. T hen move 4 units along the y-ax is. D raw a point. O n this graph, (5 , 4 ) gives the coordinates of point B. O ther coordinates: A (3 ,0 ) C (1 ,5 ) 18 8 Get Sharp: C oordin ate Graphin g D (0 ,7 ) E (6 ,6 ) Page 55 F (8 ,7 ) G (7 ,2 ) H (3 ,7 ) I (4 ,5 ) Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. G raphing in T w o Q u ad rants T he coordinate graph (grid) below shows two of the four q uadrants that are formed when two perpendicular ax es intersect. O n this graph, the numbers along the x -a x is are positive integers to the right of z ero and negative numbers to the left of z ero. O nly the positive portion of the y -a x is is shown. Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 56 18 9 Get Sharp: C oordin ate Graphin g G raphing in F ou r Q u ad rants T he coordinate graph (grid) below shows all four of the q uadrants that are formed when two perpendicular ax es intersect. O n this graph, the numbers along the x -a x is are positive integers to the right of z ero and negative numbers to the left of z ero. T he numbers along the y -a x is are positive integers above z ero and negative integers below z ero. 190 Get Sharp: C oordin ate Graphin g Page 57 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. F in d L ocation s on a C oordin ate G rid DOZENSOFDANCERS D ancers around the world try to set records for the longest or fastest dance, or for the dance with the most people. The biggest tap dance, with 6,654 dancers, took place in New Y ork City. The longest line dance had 5,502 dancers. The longest dancing dragon was made up of 2,431 people. These dancers are making their line around a coordinate grid. Write the coordinates of each dancer on the grid. Write coordinates like this: (x , y). A. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D . _______ E . _______ F. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H . _______ I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K . _______ L. _______ M. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q . _______ Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 8 358 Answer Copyright key page 30, unit 283 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book T essellations, T ransf orm ations, & S y m m etry Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 59 133 Get Sharp: Plan e Geometry R ecog n iz e T ran sformation s of P lan e F ig ures OUTOFORDER The sports storage room is a mess. Pieces of eq uipment have been tossed around carelessly. Custodian George has to put things back in order. L ook at each pair of items. Tell whether the second item in each pair is a slide, flip, or turn of the first item. Write S , F, or T beside each pair. (S ome pairs may have more than one label!) D raw a slide (translation) of this figure: D raw a turn (rotation) of this figure: D raw a flip (reflection) of this figure: D raw a turn (rotation) of this figure: Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 69 60 Answer Copyright key page 29, unit 269 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Congru ent & S im ilar F igu res C ong r u e nt fig u r e s are figures that have the same siz e and shape. E ach angle in one figure has a corresponding angle of the same measure. E ach side in one figure has a corresponding side of the same length. S im ila r fig u r e s have congruent corresponding angles, but the corresponding sides are not necessarily congruent. C ong r u e nt Ang le s T wo angles are congruent when they have the same measure. Angle Y is congruent to angle B because they have the same measure. Write: ∠ ABC ≅ ∠ XY Z C ong r u e nt Tr ia ng le s T hese triangles are congruent. (T hey have the same siz e and shape.) T he corresponding angles are congruent. (T hey have the same measure.) T he corresponding sides are congruent. (T hey have the same length.) N otice how the angles and sides are mark ed alik e to show the congruence. Write: ∆C D E ≅ ∆FGH O th e r C ong r u e nt P oly g ons T hese two polygons are congruent. F or each side and angle in figure M N O P Q , there is a corresponding congruent side or angle in figure S TU V W . Write: M N O P Q ≅ S TU V W S im ila r Fig u r e s T he angles in figure A are congruent with corresponding angles in figure Z . T he lengths of the sides, however, are different. F igure A is similar to figure Z. F igure F is similar to figure G. Write: A ∼ Z F∼G 132 Get Sharp: Plan e Geometry Page 61 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Iden tify Sy mmetrical F ig ures MI RROR I MAGES Jenna often practices her dance moves in front of a mirror. S he hopes the reflection shows a perfect performance. In a symmetrical figure, each half is a perfect reflection of the other. L ook at the figures below. Color the ones that are symmetrical. U se a ruler to draw the line of symmetry in each symmetrical figure. Complete figures I, J, and K to make them symmetrical. The line of symmetry is already given for you. Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 29, unit 268 2 68 62 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. P oly gons A p oly g on is a plane figure formed by joining three or more straight line segments at their endpoints. T he line segments are called s ide s . E ach endpoint where sides join is a v e r te x . P oly g ons a r e na m e d b y th e nu m b e r of s ide s . 12 8 Get Sharp: Plan e Geometry Page 63 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. T riangles A tr ia ng le is a three-sided plane figure. B ut not all triangles are the same! Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 64 12 9 Get Sharp: Plan e Geometry Q u ad rilaterals A q u a dr ila te r a l is a polygon that has four sides and four vertices. D on’t be confused by the different k inds of q uadrilaterals. A p a r a lle log r a m is a q uadrilateral that has parallel line segments in both pairs of opposite sides. O pposite internal angles are congruent. O pposite sides are congruent. A r e c ta ng le is a parallelogram that has four right angles. A s q u a r e is a rectangle that has sides of eq ual length and four right angles. A sq uare is a parallelogram. A r h om b u s is a parallelogram that has four sides of eq ual length. A rhombus does not necessarily have four right angles. A tr a p e z oid is a q uadrilateral that has only one pair of parallel sides. An is os c e le s tr a p e z oid is a trapez oid that has congruent nonparallel sides and congruent base angles. 130 Get Sharp: Plan e Geometry Page 65 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Circ les A c ir c le is the set of all the points in a plane that are the same distance from a particular point. T hat given point is the center of the circle (N ). T he dia m e te r is a chord that passes through the center of the circle. T he diameter is twice the length of a radius. — — E x amples: Q T and M K are diameters. T he r a diu s is any line segment from the center to a point on the circumference of the circle. — — — — — N Q , N H are radii. E x amples: N M , N T, N K , T he c ir c u m fe r e nc e is the distance around the outside edge of the circle. T he circumference of a circle is the length of its diameter multiplied by π (pi, which is approx imately eq ual to 3 .14 ). A ta ng e nt is a line that touches the edge of a circle at one point but does not pass into or through the circle. — E x ample: V W touches the circle at point X. A c e ntr a l a ng le is an angle formed by two radii of a circle. E x ample: ∠ TN K and ∠ HN M are central angles. A c h or d is a line segment joining two points on the circle. — — E x ample: Q J and Q T are chords. An a r c is any part of the circle or any section of the line segment that forms the outside edge of the circle. E x ample: H to T is an arc. Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 66 131 Get Sharp: Plan e Geometry Iden tify P oin ts, L in es, An g les, R ay s, & P lan es S I GNSFROM THE CROWD The rowdy crowd is getting ready for the opening football game of the season between the Ashland Griz z lies and the Crescent City Cougars. D raw a line from each label to match the correct sign. Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 28, unit 262 2 62 67 Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page Iden tify P lan e F ig ures A PL ANE MES S Coach Jackson teaches math when he is not coaching volleyball. H e had some great posters ready for his geometry lesson today, but, as usual, he forgot to close the window. A huge wind blew his stuff all over the floor. Get the definition posters back together with the math terms in time for class. D raw a line from each math term to its matching poster. Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 6368 Answer Copyright key page 28, unit 263 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Iden tify K in ds of P oly g on s THE GREATS HAPE MATCHUP All the parents of the basketball players have come to watch the first home game. They’re all holding up numbered cards with symbols to match the names of their kids on the team. S earch the cards to match the parents and players. Write the number of each card on the correct player. Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 28, unit 266 2 6669 Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page Iden tify K in ds of Q uadrilaterals KEEPI NG BUS Y Ashley never stops being active in sports! As soon as one season is over, she starts something new. S o, she has many labels: athlete, basketball player, volleyball player, tennis player, gymnast, pitcher, and swimmer. Q uadrilaterals are like that, too. They have many labels. All q uadrilaterals have four sides. But a four-sided figure can show up in many “uniforms” or different “looks.” Which figures match each description? (There may be more than one.) 1. All angles are right angles, but all sides are not eq ual. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Only one pair of opposite sides is parallel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. A rectangle with all sides eq ual _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. A figure with two pairs of opposite sides parallel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. A parallelogram with all sides the same length _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. All sides are eq ual, but all angles may not be eq ual. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Write (T) TR U E or (F) FAL S E nex t to each statement. _____ 1. All sq uares are rectangles. _____ 6. A sq uare is a rectangle. _____ 2. All rectangles are q uadrilaterals. _____ 7. All sq uares are rhombuses. _____ 3. No rhombuses are trapez oids. _____ 8. A trapez oid is a q uadrilateral. _____ 4. R ectangles have no right angles. _____ 9. All parallelograms are rectangles. _____ 5. A rectangle is a sq uare. _ _ _ _ _ 10. All rhombuses are sq uares. Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 6770 Answer Copyright key page 29, unit 267 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book S pac e F igu res S p a c e fig u r e s are geometric figures with three dimensions (length, width, and height). M ost space figures have fa c e s (sides that are polygons), v e r tic e s (points where more than two sides meet), and e dg e s (lines along which two sides meet). M ost also have a b a s e . (T he base is one of the faces.) A p oly h e dr on is a space figure with faces that are polygons. A p r is m has two congruent polygonal bases. A prism is named for the shape of its base. A c u b e is a rectangular prism with six sq uare, congruent faces. (T he faces are all ex actly the same siz e and shape.) A p y r a m id has a polygonal base. All other faces meet at a single vertex . A pyramid is named for the shape of its base. T he base is the face opposite the vertex . A c one has a circular base. O pposite the base, the curved face meets at a single vertex . 134 Get Sharp: Space Geometry Page 71 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. A c y linde r has two congruent circular bases. A curved face joins the two bases. A s p h e r e is a space figure with curved edges. E very point on the edge is an eq ual distance from the center in all four directions. A sphere has no base and no polygonal sides. F ig u r e S hape ofB ase cube N um ber of N um ber of N um ber of fa c e s (F V e r tic e s (V ) E d g e s (E ) square 6 8 12 rectangle 6 8 12 triangle 5 6 9 pentagon 7 10 15 octagonal prism octagon 10 16 24 triangular pyramid triangle 4 4 6 rectangular pyramid rectangle 5 5 8 hexagonal pyramid hexagon 7 7 12 rectangular prism triangular prism pentagonal prism Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 72 135 Get Sharp: Space Geometry Mathematics: Probability The fol l owing section ofthis customized textbook incl udes materialfrom these skil lareas: Skill Description 2552:cal cul ate the probabil ity ofan outcome or event 2553:compare experimentalresul ts to theoreticalprobabil ity 2555:determine possibl e outcomes, combinations, and permutations Page 73 Ou tc om es & E vents An ou tc om e is the result of an action or ex periment. If you spin this spinner, there are four possible outcomes: re d, blue , ye llo w , or g re e n . If you flip a coin, the number of possible outcomes is two: h e ads or tails . If you toss one die, the number of possible outcomes is six : a 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , or 6. An e v e nt is a particular outcome or set of outcomes. If you spin this spinner once, the number of possible outcomes is 8 , but the number of times that 1 5 is a possible outcome is 3 . F or this spinner, some events are m or e lik e ly to happen than others. F or instance, the event of stopping on 1 5 is certainly more lik ely than stopping on 6 . P robability of an event = the nu m ber of possible events the total nu m ber of possible ou tc om es T he probability of stopping on 1 5 is written this way: P ( 15) = T he probability of stopping on 8 is written this way: P ( 8) = 16 4 Get Sharp: Probability Page 74 number of 15s total possible outcomes number of 8s total possible outcomes = 3 8 = 2 8 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Ou tc om es of T w o A c tions When tw o actions happen, the possible outcomes can be shown in a table. Tw o c oins a r e tos s e d . . . T he table shows the four possible outcomes. What is the probability that both coins will land with heads facing up? T o find the probability, use this formula: P robability ( of an event) = the nu m ber of possible events the total nu m ber of possible ou tc om es 1 P (H , T ) = — 2 P (H , H ) = — 4 4 Tw o dic e a r e tos s e d . . . T he table shows the 3 6 possible outcomes. 1 P( 6 , 6 ) = — 36 6 (o r P( b o t h t h e s a m e ) = — 36 2 (o r P( a 3 a n d a 4) = — 36 1) — 6 1 ) — 18 J ojo s p ins b oth s p inne r s onc e . . . T he table shows the 1 2 possible outcomes. 1 P( 8, g ) = — 12 2 or — 1 P( 4, n o t g ) = — 12 6 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 75 16 5 Get Sharp: Probability F in d P robability of an E v en t PI GGYBANKPROBABI L I TI ES It has taken Ove Nordstrom forty years to build his record-setting collection of piggy banks. H e now has 3,575 pig-shaped containers that hold money! This piggy bank has seven coins inside: A. If you shake one coin out, what is the probability (chance) that it will be a q uarter? 1. P (Q ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. What is the chance it will be a penny? P (P) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. P (D ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. P (N) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B. A piggy bank has these coins: 6 dimes, 3 q uarters, 3 nickels, 2 pennies. S hake out one coin. C. A piggy bank has these coins: 7 pennies, 4 dimes, 5 nickels. S hake out one coin. 1. P (D ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. P (not a dime) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. P (Q ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. P (N) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. P (N) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. P (P) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. P (not a dime) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. P (D ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. P (not a q uarter) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. P (N or D ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. P (D or N) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. P (Q uarter) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. P (Q or a P) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. P (D or P) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 30, unit 284 2 8 4 76 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. F in d P robability of an E v en t L OTS&L OTSOFL I TTER One day a huge number of collectors gathered to pick up litter in one place. There were 50,405 people that worked to pick up litter on the California coast. This set a record for the most litter collectors. This bag of litter contains 10 old shoes (S ), 5 banana peels (BP), 5 burned out light bulbs (L B), and 10 candy wrappers (CW). If you reach in and grab the first piece of litter you touch, what is the probability (chance) that it will be a . . . . 1. P (S ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. P (BP) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. P (L B) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. P (CW) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Another bag of litter contains 6 soda pop cans (S P) 4 cracker box es (CB) 8 mittens (M) 2 hats (H ) If you reach in and grab the first piece of litter you touch, what is the probability (chance) that it will be a . . . 5. P (S or CW) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. P (not a CW) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. P (not a BP) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. P (BP or L B) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. P (not a S ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. P (not a L B) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. P (S P) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. P (CB) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13. P (M) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14. P (H ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15. P (M or H ) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16. P (not M) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 8 577 Answer Copyright key page 30, unit 285 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book F in d P robability of an E v en t WAL KI NG T AL LFOR NEW RECORDS The longest walk on stilts covered 3,008 miles. Joe Bowen walked from California to K entucky in 1980. The tallest stilts ever used for a walk were over 40 feet tall. Travis Wolf walked 26 steps on these in 1988. The spinner is a guide for kids doing a stilt race. The spinner tells them how many steps to take on each turn. L ook at the spinner to answer these probability problems. 1. H ow many different outcomes are there for ONE spin? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ What is the probability for each outcome below with ONE spin? 2. P (6 steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rd wa r o F ep s t s 6 F or w 6 st ard ep s 3. P (5 steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F or w 5 st ard ep s ard kw B ac ste p 1 F or w 4 st ard ep s rd wa r o F ep 1 st 4. P (1 step forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. P (2 steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. P (4 steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. P (steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. P (steps backward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. P (1 step in either direction) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. P (3 steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rd wa F or te p s 2 s F or w 4 st ard ep s 11. P (less than 5 steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. P (more than 2 steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13. P (more than 2 steps backward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14. P (5 or 6 steps forward) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 30, unit 286 2 8 678 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. F in d O dds of an E v en t WI L LTHERE BE L I GHT? S ix hundred thousand lightbulbs would give off a lot of light. This is how many bulbs the world’s greatest collector of lightbulbs has gathered. H ugh H icks has been keeping lightbulbs since childhood. Is it possible that they all still work? Out of 10 lightbulbs, 4 are burned out. If you choose a bulb, what is the chance that it will be 4. burned out? Y ou know that the probability of choosing a burned-out bulb is 10 There is another way to talk about such choices. This is to describe odds in favor of an event and odds against an event. number burned out 4 “Odds in favor” are written like this: or . number not burned out 6 The odds in favor of getting a burned-out lightbulb are 4 or 4 to 6. 6 The odds against getting a burned-out lightbulb are 6 to 4 or 6 4 . 1. 8 lightbulbs; 3 are burned out a. odds in favor of choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. odds against choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. 20 lightbulbs; 8 are burned out a. odds in favor of choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. odds against choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. 7 lightbulbs; 6 are burned out a. odds in favor of choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. odds against choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. 11 lightbulbs; 1 is burned out a. odds in favor of choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. odds against choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. 10 lightbulbs; 5 are burned out a. odds in favor of choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. odds against choosing a burned-out bulb = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 8 779 Answer Copyright key page 30, unit 287 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book F in d P robability of T w o E v en ts THE BI GGES TDROP ,CONT. U se the table you finished on page 288 to help you solve these probability problems. The problems ask about the probability for different outcomes when the tightrope walkers tossed two dice to decide who would walk the rope first. 1. P (1, 3) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. P (two numbers ≥ 4) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. P (3, 3) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12. P (two numbers < 4) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. P (5, 6) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13. P (two numbers < 6) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. P (6, 7) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14. P (two odd numbers) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. P (two of same number) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15. P (no ones) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. P (a 4 and a 3) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16. P (4, 6) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. P (2 even numbers) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17. P (two numbers < 3) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8. P (an odd and even number) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18. P (a sum of 8) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. P (a sum of 2) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19. P (a sum of 10) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10. P (a sum of 4) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20. P (a sum of 11) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The longest tightrope walk lasted 205 days. An amaz ing performer, Jorge Ojeda-Guz man, spent all this time dancing and walking and balancing a chair on the tightrope that was 35 feet above the ground. Y ou can imagine how much fun this was for the spectators! U se with page 288. Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 8 9 80 Answer Copyright key page 30, unit 289 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book U se R an dom Samp lin g to M ak e P robability P rediction s A PUZZL I NG RECORD The largest jigsaw puz z le on record that was successfully finished was 43,924 pieces. Imagine how long it took to put this one together! Patricia wants to figure out how many puz z le pieces of each color are in this bag of 1200 pieces. S he does not have time to count all the pieces, but she can estimate the number of pieces by taking a sample. S he draws 5 puz z le pieces and records the colors. S he puts the pieces back and draws another sample of 5. Patricia does this 4 times. Out of her 20 samples, she has found: 2 white 10 red 4 purple 4 black 1. In her sample, what was the probability of white? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. What was the probability of red? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. What was the probability of purple? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. What was the probability of black? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. Can you use these probability fractions to predict the number of each color in the whole bag of 1200? a. white = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. red = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c. purple = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d. black = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. A bag of snack bars contains 500 bars. A sample of 50 gives these results: 20 chocolate 25 strawberry 5 apple Predict the total number of each flavor in the bag of 500. a. chocolate = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b. strawberry = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c. apple = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. 2 9 181 Answer Copyright key page 30, unit 291 Page The BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book P robability of Ind epend ent E vents E vents are inde p e nde nt when the outcome of one event is not affected by the outcome of the other. F or instance, if a coin is flipped and one die is tossed, the outcome of the coin toss will not affect the outcome of the toss of the die. T o find the probability of two independent events, multiply the probability of one event by the probability of the other. P ( event A ) x P ( event B ) or P (A ) x P (B ) 2 x— 2=— 4 =— 2 P( r e d s h ir t a n d je a n s ) = P( R ) x P( J ) = — 6 5 30 15 2 x— 1 =— 2 =— 1 P( b lu e s h ir t a n d g r e y p a n t s ) = P( B ) x P( G ) = — 6 5 30 15 1 x— 1 =— 1 P( s t r ip e d s h ir t a n d k h a k is ) = P( S ) x P( K ) = — 6 5 30 1 x— 3 =— 3 =— 1 P( w h it e s h ir t a n d n o t je a n s ) = P( W ) x P( n o t J ) = — 6 5 30 10 16 6 Get Sharp: Probability Page 82 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. P robability of D epend ent E vents E vents are de p e nde nt when the outcome of one event is affected by the outcome of a previous event. For instance, Ben buys a gumball from a machine that contains 12 j umbo balls. The machine has 3 blue, 4 white, 2 red, and 3 pink. He puts in his quarter and the first gumball comes out. He puts in a second quarter. The probability of the color of the second gumball will be affected by the color of the first gumball. The probability of one event ( B)happening, given that another event ( A)has already taken place, is written like this: P (B | A ) and reads the probability of B given A . Use this formula for the probability of two dependent events: P ( A and B ) = P ( A ) x P ( B | A ) B en’s first gumball is blue . What is the probability that th e s e co n d o n e will be w h ite ? P( B a n d W ) = P( B ) x P( W | B ) 3 x— 4 = — 12 11 1 12 = — =— 132 11 What is the probability that bo th will be re d? P( R a n d R ) = P( R ) x P( R | R ) 2 1 =— 12 x — 11 1 2 = — =— 132 66 Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page 83 16 7 Get Sharp: Probability T ree D iagram s A tr e e dia g r a m is an interesting and helpful visual tool for figuring probability. All the possible outcomes for independent events can be shown on a tree diagram. Angie got to lunch late. There were 3 sandwiches left: 2 turkey and 1 roast beef. There were 2 cookies left:1 chocolate and 1 peanut butter. All cookies and sandwiches were wrapped, but had no labels. Angie took one sandwich and one cookie. The tree diagram shows the possible outcomes for Angie’ s choices. T = turk e y s an dw ich R = ro as t be e f s an dw ich 16 8 Get Sharp: Probability Page 84 C = ch o co late co o k ie P = pe an ut butte r co o k ie Better Grades & Higher Test Scores / MATH gr. 4–6 Copyright ©2005 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. D escribe O utcomes of T w o E v en ts THE BI GGES TDROP The highest tightrope walk on record was set by a Frenchman in 1989. Michel Menin walked high above the countryside in France at 10,335 feet in the air. This is the biggest drop on record. Fortunately, Michel did not drop off the rope! In one tightrope contest, the competitors rolled two dice to see who would walk the rope first. The person with the highest number was the starter. When you roll two dice, what are all the possible outcomes of the two events? It is helpful to put the outcomes on a chart. Finish the chart to show all the possibilities. U se the chart to help solve the probability problems on page 289. (1, 1) Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 30, unit 288 2 8 8 85 Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page Iden tify C ombin ation s of Sets Within a Set CAREFUL L YBAL ANCED EGGS It is q uite a trick to balance one egg on the edge of a table or ledge. Imagine how difficult it must be to balance 210 eggs at the same time. This is the record for egg balancing by one person. It was set by K enneth E pperson of Georgia, in 1990. A. When egg balancer E gbert gets ready to practice, he takes several eggs out of his egg bag. Today his bag contains eggs of four colors: red, blue, green, and white. E gbert chooses two eggs. There are an eq ual number of all the colors in the bag. What different color combinations are possible for E gbert to choose? (The order of the colors does not matter; for instance, red and b lu e is the same combination as b lu e and red.) U se the table to show the different combinations. B. If there are five colors— red, blue, pink, orange, and white— what combinations of two eggs could E gbert possibly choose? U se the table to show the different combinations. Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 30, unit 290 2 9 086 Page Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. U se P robability C on cep ts to Solv e P roblems BARROW RACI NG FOR DOL L ARS The shortest time on record for racing a wheelbarrow one mile is 4 minutes, 48.51 seconds. This record was set in S outh Africa in 1987. The wheelbarrow racers are hoping to win some priz es. E ach race has two competitors. When the race is over, each competitor chooses an envelope. They combine their winnings. The envelopes contain $ 10, $ 20, $ 50, and $ 100 bills. E very racer has an eq ual chance of getting any of the envelopes. 1. H ow many different possible totals are there? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Write them on the table. 2. Could Will and Wilma win $ 100 between the two of them? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Could they win $ 250 after one race? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Could they win $ 50 total? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. Could they win $ 70 total? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. What is the probability of winning $ 200? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name BASIC/Not Boring Fifth Grade Book Answer The key page 30, unit 292 2 9 2 87 Copyright © 2000 by Incentive Publications, Inc., Nashville, TN. Page