Human cost of drunk driving


Human cost of drunk driving
August 10, 2016
6 Dhul Qa’ada 1437 AH
6 085010 120010
MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Qaboos
bin Said has sent a cable of congratulations to President Dr. Rafael Correa Delgado of Ecuador on the occasion of his
country’s Independence Anniversary.
In his cable, His Majesty the Sultan has
expressed his sincere congratulations
and best wishes to President Delgado
and the Ecuadorian people. -ONA
On the occasion of
the Opening of the
State Consultative
Council, 1981
‘His Majesty’s Wisdom’
It is our duty to learn from our experiences, and
to work together to the utmost of our ability with
self sacrifice for the benefit of this and generations
to come, and also to the benefit of our Arab and
Islamic nation and mankind as a whole.
Founded 1975 . Volume 41 No. 143 | 36 Pages . Baisas 200 . Subscription OMR63 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company | Chairman/Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali | Printed & Published by Muscat Media Group
Human cost of
drunk driving
Life has become difficult for the families
dependent on the remittances of the deceased
[email protected]
MUSCAT: Ten days have passed.
But Shanavas Attumpuram’s
family in India is still grieving
after an alleged drunk driving
juvenile took his and four other
people’s lives in Muscat.
Five lives were lost on the night
a 17-year-old decided to drive
drunk. Many more lives are now
hanging in the balance, especially
the extended families back home
in India dependent on the money
Shanavas regularly sent home
to Kerala.
They are now dependent -
through no fault of their own - on
handouts from neighbours and
In the wake of Oman adopting
a zero tolerance approach to motoring offences with a raft of new
laws to jail errant drivers, Ashraf
PG, the brother-in-law of Shanavas, said that laws on the books
are fine but authorities should
make sure that they are followed
strictly and offenders don’t walk
free after claiming lives.
Shanavas Attumpuram and
Sainul Abdeen from the south
Indian state of Kerala, two KFC
drivers in Muscat, two police officers and an Omani lost their
lives after an alleged drunk driver
ploughed his car into them in
the early hours of July 31 at SQU
Street in Al Khoudh, Muscat.
The amended traffic law
states that fines will be
OMR3,000 and jail terms will
be two years if an accident takes
place and the victim either dies
or is permanently disabled as a
result of negligence, drunk driving or recklessness.
Earlier, driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol was
punishable by imprisonment of
up to one year and/or a fine of up
to OMR500. >A4
See also >A3
Government statement
on freedom of expression
MUSCAT: The Government has
followed up closely, carefully and
transparently what was published
recently in one of the local daily
newspapers and found out that the
published material constituted a
flagrant violation of the ethics of
freedom of expression, which is
an authentic value advocated by
Omani society and reaffirmed by
the Basic Law of the State, said an
official source yesterday.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, the source added that the material published recently did not
only ignore the basics of freedom
of expression, but it also degraded
this value to utilise it in such a
manner that harms one of the basic pillars of the State — the justice
institution, which should be an
object of respect and gratification
rather than a target of deliberate
accusations meant to shake confidence, as was intended by the said
newspaper in its recent series of
articles and interviews.
The judicial institution is the
guarantor of justice and public
rights, and it is the safeguard of
society’s stability, its protector and
point of reference that is resorted
to upon litigation between individuals.
Following its keenness to
shoulder its responsibilities, the
Government — as it espouses the
principles set forth by the Basic
Law of the State and perceives
the essence of His Majesty Sultan
Qaboos bin Said’s Royal speeches
on responsible freedom of expression, and after elaborate study of
all aspects of the issue — has undertaken procedures to protect
the judicial institution and secure
it against tampering of the injudicious and the scornful attitude of
any entity that might disdain the
values of Omani society.
In doing so, the Government
also perceives the overall good of
society, takes insight from relevant
articles of laws that provide it with
the tools that enable it to perform
its role and shoulder its responsibilities as stipulated by those laws,
foremost of which is the responsibility to safeguard the gains of the
blessed Renaissance. >A5
Indian girl now stable
[email protected]
MUSCAT: A nine-year-old Indian
girl, who fell through the window
from the third floor of a building
while feeding pigeons in Al Khuwair on Monday morning, is recovering at the hospital, her father’s
friend said.
“She is recovering. Her vitals
are becoming stable now. However, she is still in the intensive
care unit and under observation,”
the father’s friend, who had visited her in the hospital, said. The
girl, a fourth standard student at
a private school, was rushed to the
Khoula Hospital in Muscat after
she fell through the window while
feeding pigeons. The accident occurred on Monday.
An astrophotographer’s
tryst with night sky
Oman welcomes
social media star
9 killed in Saudi-led
air strikes in Yemen
Oil price dip to raise
bad loans of banks
A fall in oil prices and
the slowing down of
gross domestic product
(GDP) growth rate in the Gulf
countries could lead to an
increase in non-performing
loans (NPLs) of banks,
according to an International
Monetary Fund (IMF) working
paper. >B1
Social media star Sheikh
Majed Al Sabah, a member
of the Kuwaiti royal family
and a pioneer in the Middle
East fashion world, is in Oman,
a tweet from Oman Tourism
said. Sheikh Majed Al Sabah has
266,000 followers on Instagram
and 562,000 followers on
Twitter. >A4
Four nationals, Ethiopian
maid killed in Haima crash
Times News Service
MUSCAT: Four nationals, including two children and an Ethiopian housemaid, died in a road
accident in Haima this morning,
according to the Royal Oman Police (ROP).
ROP said the fatalities were
caused when a car and truck collided in the Al Khamham area
near Um Zamayim in Haima in Al
Wusta Governorate.
The ROP Air Wings Division
airlifted three victims to Nizwa
Hospital, while the two children
were transported by an Oman
Oil Development Company
The vehicle carrying the victims was coming from the Wilayat of Adam and heading towards
Dhofar Governorate when a tyre
burst, causing the car to cross into
oncoming traffic and strike the
oncoming truck.
Car splits
The force of the collision caused
the car to split in two, killing
those inside, said officials. The
truck also suffered heavy damage,
though the driver was unharmed.
Oman, in coordination with ROP
and Ministry of Tourism, announced they will conduct free
checks of tyres from July 22 to
August 2 this year, in a bid to
educate the public about the importance of properly maintaining
TRAGIC CRASH: The force of the collision caused the car to split in
two, killing those inside, said officials. -Photos supplied
tyres, especially when travelling
long distances by car.
The ROP also reminded the
public to check their vehicle
tyres, making announcements on
social media.
Some 2,100 accidents occurred
in the first six months of this year
in Oman, resulting in 336 deaths.
The number of deaths has increased by 8.4 per cent, compared
to 310 in the same period last
year. Omani deaths registered a
4.3 per cent rise with 219 fatalities, while expatriate deaths due
to road accidents rose by 17 per
cent, with 117 during the first half
of this year. Meanwhile, injuries
decreased by 23.3 per cent during
the first half of 2016, with 1,410
registered, compared to 1, 838 in
2015. More than two-thirds of injuries were registered as Omani,
at 1,071, while expatriates reported 339 injuries.
The total number of accidents,
however, decreased by 37 per
cent, compared to 3,334 accidents
during the same period in 2015,
according to NCSI figures.
A Saudi-led military
coalition conducted air
strikes on the Yemeni
capital Sanaa for the first time
in five months, residents said,
after UN-backed peace talks to
end the conflict broke down over
the weekend. Medics said nine
civilians were killed in a strike on
a potato chip factory. >A7
The book (Alamat Arabiya) has been a hit amongst
business leaders in Saudi Arabia and Oman
Ahmed Al Tattan, founder of Brandin’ You
Company and author of the book
Three Omani brands
feature in elite list
Heavy rain in
parts of Sohar
Staff Reporter
‘Finjan’ and ‘The
Quarry’ of AlAlamah marketing
agency and ‘Lomi’ of
Packagin’ You were
among more than
60 selected brands
from different Arab
countries in the
second edition of the
book ‘Alamat Arabiya’
[email protected]
MUSCAT: Three Omani brands
have been featured in a major publication about visual identities in
the Arab World.
‘Finjan’ and ‘The Quarry’ of
Al-Alamah marketing agency
and ‘Lomi’ of Packagin’ You were
among more than 60 selected
brands from different Arab countries in the second edition of the
Brands) book was published in
June after three months of collecting and selecting the brands.
The made-in-Bahrain book is of
240 pages and features a number
of brands with short description
in English and Arabic, according
to Ahmed Al Tattan, founder of
Brandin’ You Company and author
of the book.
He explained that the book is
being seen as an encyclopedia for
marketing and branding in the region.
“The book has been a hit among
business leaders in Saudi Arabia
and Oman,” he said, adding that he
hopes his book will take part in the
upcoming Muscat International
Book Fair 2017.
Talking to Hashar Al Munthiri,
CEO of Al-Alamah marketing
company, he said that Finjan (Arabic coffee cup) project started as a
trial to invest in the Omani coffee
and turn it into instant coffee, all
whilst maintaining the authentic-
ity of taste and experience.
“Gradually, it would expand to
provide an integrated experience
that deals with the Omani coffee
ranging from coffee production
into other products such as saffron, dates and nuts.
“By virtue of the novelty of the
project, each product is a separate
identity from the other products.
However, the unification of all
products within The Finjan’s vis-
ual identity gives the name of the
company.” he explained.
Hashar added that Al-Alamah
chose to create a minimalistic logo
design using an Omani coffee cup
as its form.
“The design was unique as it
was compatibility between Arabic and Latin. With this simple
optical pattern it carried all signs,
symbols and the atmosphere that
accompanies the Omani coffee
Talking about his other brand,
Hashar clarified that Al-Alamah
faced a challenge when they
worked on the identity of the company that specialises in the supply of marble called The Quarry
“The company’s founder was
strongly interested in the embodiment of the quarry within the
logo and visual identity options,”
Hashar explained.
“By using the image of The
Quarry sent by the client as an
inspirational basis, we started to
draw our perception of a scene
that could remain with the company for decades after. After long
drawing stages in the drawing and
simplification, we have managed
to get to the final logo drawing,” he
The book can be ordered online
at the cost of OMR15.
It also includes an infographic
on how to create a visual identity.
MUSCAT: While many parts of
the Sultanate were covered with
clouds, Sohar experienced heavy
rainfall on Tuesday; a weather
enthusiast confirmed, quoting
the residents.
“Heavy rain fell in some parts
of Sohar on Tuesday,” said Bader
Ali Al Baddaei, an administrator at, a local
web-based forum that discusses
weather in Oman.
Cloudy skies in Muscat have
weakened the temperature,
which was hovering around 35
degrees Celsius on Tuesday.
“Weather is good for the last
couple of days and we hope it will
continue like this,” an outdoor
worker, who works in Ruwi, said.
“It is not as hot as a few days
back, but in the afternoon, its bit
hard to tolerate,” Sunil Kumar
said. The wilayat of Dalkut in the
Dhofar governorate recorded the
lowest temperature of 22 degree
Celsius on Tuesday.
Temperature levels in other
parts of the Sultanate hovered
between 25 and 45 degrees
Celsius on Tuesday, according
to the Oman Meteorological Department.
Higher temperature level in
Muscat in the coming days will be
between 27 and 35 degrees Celsius, the Oman Meteorological
Department predicted.
It also forecast cloudy skies over
the coastal areas of the Dhofar Governorate and adjoining
mountains, with intermittent
rain on Wednesday.
“Some of the clouds may be an
extension of the monsoon low
near the India/Pakistan border. There might be some spotty
storms in next few days,” a senior
official in said.
Isolated thundershowers over
desert areas of the Dhofar Governorate, parts of the Al Wusta
Governorate, the Al Hajar Mountains and adjoining areas during
Wednesday afternoon have also
been forecast.
“Mainly clear skies over the
rest of the Sultanate, with existence of high clouds over most of
the Sultanate and chances of convective cloud development,” the
forecast added.
RESPITE FROM HEAT: The wilayat of Dalkut in the Dhofar governorate recorded the lowest temperature of 22 degrees Celsius on
Tuesday. – @RthathWeather
Share your
world with us
on Instagram
If you must take that call when
driving, use hands-free devices
Confusion is
prevailing among
The best advice to drivers is not to use a mobile
phone at all whilst driving and if they do need to
make an urgent call, they should pull over in a safe
place and make the call, however, the law now
says that you may talk on the phone using Bluetooth,
which road users should use if required
some people in Oman
as to whether one
would be fined for
just talking on the
phone while driving
or even when using
hands-free devices
Mark Pudwell
Staff Reporter
MUSCAT: Drivers are being encouraged to use hands-free and
Bluetooth devices following the
announcement of the new Traffic Law, which includes a hefty
fine for those caught using their
phones while driving.
Confusion is prevailing among
some people in Oman as to whether
one would be fined for just talking
on the phone while driving or even
when using hands-free devices.
Article 49 of the Traffic Law
DON’T DO THAT: Article 49 of the Traffic Law clearly states that imprisonment for a period up to 10
clearly states that imprisonment
for a period up to 10 days or a fine
of up to OMR300 shall be awarded
to those, who use their hands to
carry the phone or any electronic
device while driving.
Using a hands-free and Bluetooth device for phone calls while
driving is considered perfectly legal around the world.
Expert advice
Mark Pudwell, business development manager at Competence HR
and a fire and safety expert, said a
high number of vehicles in this day
and age are equipped with built in
Bluetooth systems and almost everyone has access to them.
“The best advice to drivers is not
to use a mobile phone at all whilst
driving and if they do need to make
an urgent call, they should pull over
in a safe place and make the call;
however the law now says that you
may talk on the phone using Bluetooth, which road users should use
if required,” said Pudwell.
Set up the system
“If users don’t know how to syn-
chronise their cars with their
phones, they should go to the dealerships that will set up the system
for them,” he added.
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Distracted Driving
Global Fact Sheet states that
“Distracted drivers are about four
times as likely to be involved in
crashes as those who are focused
on driving. Drivers, who are texting, are more than 20 times more
likely to crash than non-distracted
The fact sheet also stated that
“By 2030, road traffic injuries are
projected to be the fifth leading
cause of death worldwide, surpassing HIV/AIDS, all forms of
cancer, violence, and diabetes.”
One detained over attempt to
smuggle in 217 bank cards
$1 million theft accused arrested
Times News Service
MUSCAT: Police officers who detained an expat over a labour law
violation ran his fingerprints to
discover he was wanted in connection with theft of $1 million.
The man, living in the desert
town of Ibri, had entered Oman illegally in 2012. Officers, with no
paperwork to check, fingerprinted
Times News Service
MUSCAT: A Nigerian man has
been detained at Muscat International Airport after he allegedly
tried to smuggle 217 bank cards
into the Sultanate .
The Royal Oman Police (ROP)
arrested the Nigerian national
when he was attempting to smuggle the cards at the airport.
Fuel station robbery
An Omani national was arrested
for armed robbery at five petrol
stations in Sohar, the ROP reported on Tuesday.
According to the ROP, the accused had threatened the stations’ staff using a knife late
at night.
The masked criminal had taken
away money and mobile cards
from the fuel stations.
The ROP said that he was
caught only half an hour after
committing his crimes.
Business development manager at Competence HR
days or a fine of up to OMR300 shall be awarded to those, who use their hands to carry the phone or
any electronic device while driving. – File photo
BID FOILED: Royal Oman Police arrested a Nigerian national attempting to smuggle bank cards at the airport. – Supplied photo
Marijuana possession
Meanwhile, a man of Arabian nationality was arrested in Ibri on
charges of possessing Marijuana,
the Royal Oman Police reported
on Tuesday.
Drug smuggling bid
Airport customs officials also
foiled a separate attempt to
smuggle 730 Tramadol capsules
into Oman.
Liquor smuggler arrested
Meanwhile, an Omani national
was arrested at Khatmat Milaha
border for trying to smuggle 119
bottles of liquor.
the man and found he was wanted
for questioning over impersonating
a security officer and the theft of the
money in a neighbouring country.
He was arrested by Royal Oman
Police (ROP) in Dariz area in Ibri,
around 270 km from Muscat for violating the Labour Law but found
with no identification documents.
After taking fingerprints of the
accused it turns out that he is want-
ed as a circular was issued on him
by Communication Department of
Arab and International Police. He
confessed later he entered Oman illegaly through the sea. The circular
of the Communication Department
of Arab and International Police
shows he was accused of impersonating a security officer and stealing $1m. He was referred to public
prosecutor for further legal action.
September is the date from
which the new traffic rules will
be enforced in the Sultanate
Shooting in the dark: Omani skies
as seen by an astrophotographer
Sharukh Zalam who took these breathtaking
pictures recently on a visit to Jabel Shams
and luckily was able to capture a shooting
star, plans to see the cosmic display
of the “Perseids Shower” lighting up
the summer sky of Oman this weekend
[email protected]
MUSCAT: Many would wish upon
a shooting star for a better love life,
wealth or health, but Zalam’s only
wish is to capture them crossing
the heavens.
On a dreamy, moonless night,
Sharukh Zalam travelled from his
house in Darsait to Jabel Shams,
the highest peak in the country.
Last Friday, the 25-year-old astrophotographer captured Oman’s
starry sky at its most beautiful.
With three of his friends, the Indian national arrived at the mountain at midnight and started his
photography session.
“I was lucky enough to snap
a shooting star,” he said, adding that it is not possible to capture such images in the city,
where light pollution covers the
bright stars.
After three hours of taking pictures, Zalam had his breakfast on
the breezy heights, drove back to
Muscat, and shared his photographs with us.
He said he will go to see the cosmic display of the “Perseids Shower” lighting up the summer sky of
Oman this weekend.
Outburst effect
The shower, which began in midJuly, will continue until late August with the best chance to see
the shower on August 12 at around
11pm and on August 13 at 4.30am.
According to the United States’
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), this
year’s shower is extra special
because of its “Outburst effect,”
when it may exceed more than 200
flares in ideal conditions.
Warm welcome for fashion
pioneer, social media star
the dependents gets tough
“The human life loss is irreparable, be it of any nationality. What
we came to know is that the drunk
driver ploughed the car into the
scene claiming our Shanavas’
and others life. If he is charged
for drunk driving, he will be jailed
for two years. After that he will
walk free. Let it be two years or 20
years. Loss is for victims’ relatives
only,” Ashraf added.
A senior official from the ROP
told Times of Oman earlier that
a minor accident took place in Al
Khoud, where the driver left the
accident scene.
[email protected]
MUSCAT: Social media star
Sheikh Majed Al Sabah, a member
of the Kuwaiti royal family and a
pioneer in the Middle East fashion
world, is in Oman, a tweet from
Oman Tourism said.
In a tweet posted with his picture, the authority revealed that Al
Sabah had arrived.
Al Sabah has 266,000 followers
on Instagram and 5,62,000 followers on Twitter.
According to his official website,
his love of fashion started from a
young age, and he dreamt of gathering all the giant brands into one
place. He wrestled his way on the
fashion ramp walks, and then negotiated with designers.
Al Sabah then attracted designer brands to Kuwait, and then
Villa Moda was founded, which
garnered attention not only in Kuwait, but also in the Gulf and the
Middle East.
He started blending scents and
creating perfumes from his room,
and for his personal use, “What
is the perfume you are wearing?”
was a question he asked everybody, whether he was in meetings,
or simply walking past people.
Al Sabah later collaborated with
Tom Ford to blend and create for
him the famous “Arabian Wood,”
which became an instant best-
A1 Bread earner gone, life for
TOP NOTCH: Sheikh Majed Al Sabah’s TFK brand is sold at the
prestigious Bergdorf Goodman in New York, Nieman Marcus in Los
Angeles, Harvey Nichols and Selfridges in London, Milan, Russia,
and across the Gulf. – Supplied photo
seller. The success of his perfume
also encouraged him to start the
TFK brand in 2012, based on the
philosophy of “East Meets West.”
Today, the TFK brand is sold at
the prestigious Bergdorf Goodman
in New York, Nieman Marcus in
Los Angeles, Harvey Nichols and
Selfridges in London, Milan, Russia, and across the Gulf.
When not doing business, using
social media is Al Sabah’s way of
approaching and engaging with his
followers in a fun-loving way.
With his charming and witty
personality, Al Sabah has changed
the perception of using Snapchat.
Sharing his stories with over a
million viewers across the region,
his “snaps” can be fun, informative, include facts, history, and his
view as a world explorer in gaining
knowledge from different cultures
around the world.
Another accident
According to the official, when
the driver was contacted, he came
back driving fast, which resulted
in another accident claiming the
lives of Shanavas and Sainul, two
police officers and the life of a copassenger in the car.
“A few days back only we completed the final rituals. His nephews loved him a lot. They were
waiting for him to bring gifts
while he was supposed to come
in December for his engagement.
Loss of Shanavas is irreparable
for us,” Ashraf added.
“Shanavas had lost his mother
and his father had married another woman long back. It was
Shanavas who took care of his
sisters and my wife. Still, he never
used to say no to their demands.
Even though he was younger to
PM, Sainul’s close friend in India, said that it’s difficult to say
how the family is coping with
the situation. – Supplied photo
them, he was leading the family,”
Ashraf added.
Meanwhile, Nadeera Ashraf
and Salma Hameed, sisters of
Shanavas, said that they are still
not over the shock of losing him.
“He loved us a lot. He was our
support. As we lost our mother
early and father left us alone behind, he was the guy who took
care of us. He did everything for
us. We wanted to support him and
see him having a family and all.
However, we lost him,” the sisters
said in a statement.
Meanwhile, Sainul’s relative
Mohammed Nissar, said that
there are five dependents – an
ageing father, mother, unemployed wife and two girls aged 12
and 9, all of whom are now facing
uncertain futures.
“Till yesterday, I was there at
Sainul’s home. They are facing the
toughest time….we have to find a
job for his wife. For now, neighbors are supporting the family,
but how long?” Nissar asked.
Hussain PM, Sainul’s close
friend in India, said that it’s difficult to say how the family is coping with the situation.
“Sainul had just built a house
with a loan from a bank. The loan
is pending. We don’t know how
to support the family,” Hussain
Preventing accidents
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin
Said issued Royal Decree 38/2016
last Thursday. In some cases, the
new traffic fines are almost ten
times the previous level. The fines
and jail sentences have been introduced with the aim of preventing accidents and saving lives due
to reckless driving, driving under
the influence and negligence.
Motorists have 25 days from
Wednesday to prepare. The Royal
Oman police will begin enforcement from September 4.
Tweet all
about it
33 houses of poor
renovated in Sur
by Oman LNG
Times News Service
MUSCAT: Renovation and maintenance work on 33 houses belonging to low-income and social
security families in different parts
of Sur, was recently completed by
Oman LNG.
The houses were restored as
per the requirements of a project,
which targeted families, including
widowed, divorced and single parents in Tiwi, Ras Al Hadd, Qalhat
and Bilad Sur.
As part of Oman LNG’s commitment to promoting a better quality of life for families subsisting
on social security, this comes as
part of an agreement signed with
the Sur Social Development Committee targeting over 100 homes in
the Wilayat.
The restoration of houses is part
of a wider effort to address home
renovations for low-income families in the Wilayat of Sur.
The objective of the project is to
repair old and dilapidated infrastructure, such as broken drainage, leaking roofs and cracks in
walls, which raise daily problems
for the families residing in these
homes, some of whose family
members are also disabled.
The project included, but was
not limited to, building new rooms
with toilets, particularly designed
to meet the special needs of disabled family members and included
adding hand rails, ramps and remodelling to the convenience and
comfort of the home owners.
“The completion of the project
demonstrates our ongoing commitment towards the community
in Sur where, like much of Oman,
we are investing in initiatives that
will have an immediate, lasting,
measurable impact on the lives of
the people,” said Hilal Al Sinani,
acting chief executive officer of
the Oman LNG Development
The foundation addresses many
areas of social development in the
country. Oman LNG has also been
recognised by the Council of Ministers of Social Affairs for the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) as the
best company in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
in Oman.
ANCIENT HERITAGE: Oman had nominated Qalhat site for inclusion in the World Heritage Property list. – Photo supplied
Chance for Qalhat to
be on UN heritage list
Oman had submitted an entry in January
this year, but it was rejected after being
deemed incomplete, according to a senior
official in the UNESCO’s Media Department
[email protected]
SPECIAL NEEDS: The restoration of houses is part of a wider effort to address home renovations for low-income families in the
Wilayat of Sur. – Photo supplied
GRTC chief
SALALAH: Sayyid Mohammed bin Sultan Al Busaidi,
Minister of State and Governor
of Dhofar received in his office Dr. Abdullah bin Said Abu
Ras, Director General of Gulf
Radio and Television Corporation (GRTC) in the presence of
Nasser bin Sulaiman Al Sibani,
Deputy Chairman of the Public Authority of Radio and
Television (PART) and some
PART officials.
The meeting comes within
the framework of the training
course “Digital Radio Archive,”
which is being organised by
GRTC, in cooperation PART
in Salalah from August 7 until
August 18. -ONA
A1 Legal
The Government has taken legal
action against the perpetrators
of all that (published material),
but without excess or exaggeration.
While undertaking these procedures, the Government reiterates that freedom of expression
will remain an authentic value
that cannot be evaded and that
freedom of expression should
become a responsible action
that is not motivated by any
personal impulses. The Government also reaffirms that the institution of justice will continue
to be a formidable edifice and a
lofty symbol of virtue, to which
the Government holds firm and
fast. -ONA
MUSCAT: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
World Heritage Centre would
consider including the Sultanate’s
ancient city of Qalhat in its World
Heritage Property list if Oman
submits a supplementary submission before February next year.
Oman had submitted an entry
in January this year, but it was
rejected after being deemed incomplete, according to a senior
official in the UNESCO’s Media
“If Oman decides to submit
a completed entry to the World
Heritage Centre before February
1, 2017, our advisory bodies will
examine the nomination and prepare their recommendations for
the 2018 World Heritage session,”
the official told Times of Oman.
“The city of Qalhat is there in
the tentative list for Oman since
2013,” he added. A Tentative List
is an inventory of those properties, which each State Party intends to consider for nomination.
Oman had nominated Qalhat
site under the criterion numbers
II, III, V and VI.
Under criterion II, a site should
exhibit an important interchange
of human values, over a span of
time or within a cultural area of
the world, on developments in
architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or
landscape design. Criterion III
states a site must bear a unique or
at least exceptional testimony to a
cultural tradition or to a civilisation, which is living or which has
Criterion V relates to an outstanding example of a traditional
human settlement, land-use, or
sea-use, which is representative
of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment, especially when it has
become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change.
As per Criterion VI, a site must
be directly or tangibly be associated with events or living traditions,
with ideas, or with beliefs, with
artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance.
Seven properties
Till date, Oman has seven properties on the Tentative List, along
with the ancient city of Qalhat,
which are the Forts of Rustaq
and Al Hazm (1988), Halaniyat
Islands (2013), Bar al Hakman
(2013), the Jebel Samhan Nature
Reserve (2013), the Damaniyat Islands Nature Reserve (2013), the
Ras al Hadd Turtle Reserve and
the Heritage Site of Ras al Jinz
(2013), and the Cultural Landscape of Bisya and Salut and its
Archaeological Remains (2014).
To figure on the World Heritage
List, nominated properties must
be of outstanding universal value
and meet at least one out of 10 selection criteria, according to the
UNESCO’s official website.
Four on the list
Oman already has four properties included in the World Heritage Property list, which are the
archaeological sites of Bat, Al
Khutm and Al Ayn (1988), Bahla
Fort (1987), Land of Frankincense
(2000) and the Aflaj Irrigation
Systems of Oman (2006).
“Once a site has been nominated
and evaluated, it is up to the World
Heritage Committee to make the
final decision on its inscription. It
can also defer its decision and request further information on sites
from the state parties,” UNESCO’s
website noted.
The World Heritage Committee is an independent body of 21
states that have ratified the World
Heritage Convention.
Part of the Committee is replaced every two years, according
to the official.
We are enjoying full freedom and
our country is open to all religions
Abdullah Numsuk, Assistant professor
HM receives thanks
from Egypt, Jordan
MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan
Qaboos bin Said has received a
cable of thanks from President
Abdel Fattah El Sisi of Egypt in
reply to His Majesty’s congratulatory cable to him on the 23rd July
Revolution. In his cable, President
Sisi expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Majesty the Sultan, praying to Allah the Almighty
to grant His Majesty a good health,
happiness and success and perpetuate blessings of security, stability
and peace on the Omani people. He
affirmed his country’s keenness to
promote the bilateral relations between the two countries in all domains to achieve aspirations of the
two people.
The Media Committee for the 2nd Term Municipal Council Elections held its first meeting yesterday under the chair of
Nasser bin Sulaiman Al Sibani, Deputy Chairman of the Public Authority for Radio and Television (PART), Head of the Media
Committee. The officials discussed media preparations for the elections and coverage of this event in print, audio and visual
mediums.— ONA
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin
Said has received a cable of thanks
from King Abdullah II of Jordan in
reply to His Majesty the Sultan’s
congratulatory cable to him on the
70th Independence Anniversary
of Jordan. In his cable, King Abdullah expressed his utmost thanks for
His Majesty’s feelings that depict
the deep relations binding the two
countries. He affirmed his keenness to promote the relations in
all fields for the good of the people,
praying to Allah the Almighty to
protect His Majesty the Sultan and
grant him success to achieve all aspirations of progress and prosperity for the Omani people under His
Majesty’s wise leadership. -ONA
PACI chief inspects
cotton products
MUSCAT: Sheikha Aisha bint
Khalfan Al Siyabiyah, Chairperson
of the Public Authority for Craft
Industries (PACI) visited Yarns
Production and Training Centre in
the Wilayat of Manah.
During her visit, Sheikha Aisha
inspected a number of Omani cot-
ton products at the centre and the
equipment used in the production
process. She expressed satisfaction over the mastering of art and
the quality of products prepared at
the centre. She advised the necessity of exerting more efforts to develop quality items. -ONA
Salalah Port, Navis join
hands to boost efficiency
Port of Salalah is
strategically located
in the major EastWest Shipping Lane,
and is a large port
managed by
APM Terminals
SALALAH: Port of Salalah (PoS)
and Navis launched the Terminal
Business Knowledge Exchange
Partnership Programme recently.
PoS is strategically located
in the Sultanate of Oman in the
major East-West Shipping Lane,
and is a large multipurpose port
managed by APM Terminals and
a world-class transhipment hub.
Navis, which is part of the Cargotec Corporation, and provider
of operational technologies that
unlocks greater performance and
TRANSHIPMENT HUB: As part of the Port of Salalah strategy to
become a world class Gateway port.
efficiency for the world’s leading
terminal operators, supplies the
mission critical Terminal Operating System and services to the
Port of Salalah.
As part of the PoS strategy to
become a world class Gateway
port, PoS teamed up with Navis on
a two-week knowledge exchange
programme in July 2016.
“PoS and Navis’s top management together developed this programme to enhance and foster a
closer partnership to share expertise and improve performance at
the terminal,’’ said Abdul Hakeem
bin Zidi Tabok, senior manager of
The exchange programme focused on following common objects represented in enhancing
Navis personnel’s understanding
of the operational models at PoS in
the Middle East region, enabling
Navis Support teams to better understand the PoS environment for
better investigation of system issues, operational issues or product
functionality, developing a common understanding of responses
in the terminal’s subsequent cases
and business requests, enabling
PoS to develop a better understanding of the Navis support
team’s capabilities and the process
for case management, sharing best
practices within selected regions
and across the globe on business
practices, as well as the Navis
product’s functionality.
“Both PoS and Navis look forward to the programme serving
as a platform for an ongoing collaborative partnership, expanding across various departments
in Navis and PoS,” stated Joseph
Schofield, chief operation officer
of the PoS Container Terminal
(CT). -ONA
Conference to focus ‘Muslims enjoy full
liberty in Thailand’
on diversification
of Oman economy
[email protected]
Times News Service
MUSCAT: A conference to celebrate Oman’s move away from
oil and gas sector investment will
be held at the Oman Convention
& Exhibition Centre early next
year, organisers have announced.
The Oman Downstream Conference, to be held between April
4 and April 6 next year, will focus
on the Sultanate’s commitment
to invest in the non-oil sector
and allow industry experts from
across the world to see for themselves the steps taken by Oman
to secure an economic future not
reliant on oil.
The brochure for the event, recently released, states: “Despite
many projects in the oil and gas
sector… having been put on hold
over the last 18 months, the Arabian Gulf region and, in particular Oman, has continued to invest
in downstream expansion to diversify away from oil products
and build downstream industries
that create value and jobs for a
youthful population.”
Two new Oman projects
(Orpic’s Liwa Plastics Project and
Oman Oil’s Duqm Refining and
centre stage at the conference,
with the Sultanate further investing in its logistical infrastructure with the construction
of the Port of Duqm, the Muscat
Sohar Product Pipeline and multiple storage terminals to ensure
the new products being produced
can reach market.
It is against this backdrop that
the second Oman Downstream
Exhibition and Conference is
being specifically designed with
the help of an expert advisory
board of executives and experts
representing Oman’s main downstream stakeholders, according
to organisers.
The advice of the advisory
board will shape the key themes,
both strategic and technical, and
help us to set the event’s objectives, topics and content that
will go onto form the conference
Not only will the summit present updates from key stakeholders on the aforementioned
new refining and petrochemical
projects, but will also address
key challenges for realising the
downstream vision of the Sultanate such as; storage and distribution, LNG (onshore vs. offshore storage), logistics, talent
development, SMEs and petrochemical market dynamics and
trading hubs.
The second Oman Downstream Exhibition and Conference will once again provide a
platform for connecting leading
technology and service companies with Oman’s principle public and private sector players to
directly support the Ministry
of Oil & Gas’ quest of delivering
further value downstream and
diversifying away from the crude
barrel. New opportunities will be
promoted arising from new investments the Ministry of Oil and
Gas, Orpic and Oman Oil are all
committed to.
MUSCAT: Muslims in Thailand
enjoy more freedom than most
other places in the world, according to the country’s leading Muslim advisor.
More freedom
“Thai Muslims have more freedom than any other country in
the world – even more than in a
Muslim country,” Ass. Prof. Abdullah Numsuk said, during a
visit to the office of Sheikul Islam
in Bangkok.
“We are enjoying full freedom
and our country is open to all
religions,” he added, addressing
a visiting media pack from the
Sultanate of Oman.
Sheikul Islam is the official
representative of Muslims in
Thailand. It is a government position and his decisions are accepted by Muslims and government alike.
Sheikhul Islam is selected by
the 39 provincial committees in
“As per our constitution, the
monarchy has to support every
religion,” Numsuk said.
Support to Islam
“Our leader has an important role
in supporting Islam; he has supported the translation of the holy
Quran,” he added.
“All Thai Muslims are very
proud to be known as a citizen
of Thailand because we have the
liberty and right to do whatever
things we like,” Numsuk said.
“Government has never used
the term or considered the Thai
Muslim as a minority and we are
free to join any parties,” he added.
According to unofficial statistics, nine per cent, 7 to 8 million
of the total population of Thailand, are Muslims.
“The Thai government is not
willing to classify its people in
terms of religion so we don’t
have an exact stat of Muslim
population in the Kingdom,” the
advisor said.
There is no discrimination between the Islamic sects which
sets Thailand apart from other
countries, according to the
4,000 mosques
Thailand has over 4,000 mosques
and most of them are situated in
the southern part of the country
where the Muslim populations
are large in number.
Around 70 per cent of the population in the south is Muslim
and most of them have Malaysian
origin, according to Numsuk.
“Imams are selected by the
members of the mosque and
these Imams select the provincial
committees,” the advisor said.
Imams are free to give sermons
and it is not monitored by the
government or by any security
forces of Thailand.
“So far we don’t have any reports that an Imam was taken
by security forces for questioning because of his sermons,”
Numsuk said.
More than 300 Islamic schools,
which follow the government syllabus and Islamic curriculum,
offer education to around 2,200
Muslim students all around the
country, he added.
Allies air strikes kill 13 in Sanaa
Fighting has
US approves $1.15b sale of tanks, other equipment to Saudi Arabia
intensified since
UN-sponsored peace
talks ended on
Saturday without
an agreement.
ADEN: At least 13 people were
killed on Tuesday in the first air
strikes by a Saudi-led coalition on
the Yemeni capital in five months,
residents said, as the head of the
UN expressed concern about the
escalation in the fighting.
Fighting has intensified since
UN-sponsored peace talks between the Houthis, backed by
forces loyal to former president
Ali Abdullah Saleh, and the internationally recognised government
ended on Saturday without an
Medics put the death toll at 13.
Most of the casualties were women working at the Al Aqel potato
chip factory in the Nahda district
of the capital.
Residents said the factory was
inside an army maintenance camp
that had been hit by repeated air
strikes since fighting began in
States State Department has
approved the potential sale of
more than 130 Abrams battle
tanks, 20 armoured recovery
vehicles and other equipment,
worth about $1.15 billion, to
Saudi Arabia, the Pentagon said
on Tuesday.
The approval for land force
equipment comes at a time
when Saudi Arabia is leading a
military coalition in support of
Yemeni forces loyal to the exiled government of President
Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who
are trying to oust Houthi forces
from the capital, Sanaa.
The US Defence Security Cooperation Agency, which oversees foreign arms sales, said
that General Dynamics will be
the principal contractor for the
March last year. The Houthi-run
news agency has put the death toll
at seven, including five women,
and said 13 people were injured.
Footage from the scene showed
firefighters battling flames inside
the factory, while rescue workers carried casualties wrapped in
sale, adding it would contribute
to US national security by improving the security of a regional partner.
“This sale will increase the Royal Saudi Land Force’s (RSLF)
interoperability with US forces
and conveys US commitment
to Saudi Arabia’s security and
armed forces modernisation,”
the agency said in a notice to
lawmakers posted on its website. Lawmakers have 30 days
to block the sale, although such
action is rare.
Saudi Arabia and Arab allies
intervened in Yemen’s civil war
in March 2015 after the Houthi
movement had pushed the Hadi
administration into exile in
Saudi Arabia. — Reuters
clothes away. Residents and local
Yemeni media also reported air
strikes in the Red Sea port city of
Hodeida and other parts of Yemen.
The Saudi-led coalition is backing Yemeni forces loyal to the government of President Abd-Rabbu
Mansour Hadi, who are trying to
UN urges urgent humanitarian
truce in Aleppo to deliver aid
GENEVA: The United Nations
called on Tuesday for an urgent
ceasefire in the divided Syrian
city of Aleppo, where it said two
million people lacked access to
clean running water, with children most at risk of disease.
Access is needed to deliver
food and medical supplies and for
technicians to repair electricity
networks that drive water pumping stations, which were heavily
damaged in attacks on civilian infrastructure last week.
“The UN is extremely concerned that the consequences
will be dire for millions of civilians if the electricity and water
networks are not immediately repaired,” it said in a statement.
The statement was signed by
Yacoub El Hillo, UN Resident and
Humanitarian Coordinator for
Syria, and Kevin Kennedy, UN regional humanitarian coordinator
for the Syria crisis.
An estimated 250,000-275,000
people are trapped in eastern
Aleppo following the closure of
Castello road last month, the last
remaining access route to the
opposition-held part of the city, it
said. Insurgents effectively broke
a month-long government siege of
eastern Aleppo on Saturday. Their
advance severed the primary government supply corridor running
into the city from the south and
raised the prospect that government-held western Aleppo might
in turn become besieged by the
insurgents. This brought the total
number of civilians in the city under “de facto fear of besiegement to
over two million”, the UN said.
UN Special Envoy for Syria
Staffan de Mistura and UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen
O’Brien are to brief the Security
Council on the deteriorating situation in Aleppo on Tuesday.
Young children are especially
vulnerable to diarrhoea and other
water-borne diseases from a heatwave and drinking dirty water, the
UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
said. “In the eastern parts of Aleppo up to 300,000 people - over a
third of them are children - are
relying on water from wells which
are potentially contaminated by
fecal matter and unsafe to drink,”
UNICEF spokesman Christophe
Boulierac told a briefing.
UNICEF and other aid agencies
are bringing emergency drinking
water by truck to an estimated
325,000 people in western Aleppo
per day, he said. But Aleppo’s sick
and wounded lack access to health
care. In July there were at least 10
confirmed attacks on health facilities in Aleppo city, the World
Health Organisation (WHO) said.
“According to Eastern Aleppo
City local health authorities, 8
out of 10 hospitals and 13 out of
28 primary health care centres
are now partially functional or
out of service as a result of these
attacks,” WHO spokesman Tarik
Jasarevic said. “Only 35 medical
doctors remain in the city, and
their capacity to cope with the
excess demand has been overwhelmed,” he said, quoting local
health authorities. — Reuters
BOOSTING DEFENCE: US M1A2 Abrams tank fires during US
led joint military exercise “Noble Partner 2016” near Vaziani,
Georgia, on May 18, 2016. The approval for land force equipment comes at a time when Saudi Arabia is leading a military
coalition in support of Yemeni forces loyal to the exiled government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who are trying to
oust Houthi forces from the capital, Sanaa. – Reuetrs File
oust Houthi forces from the capitol, Sanaa. Hadi was forced to flee
Yemen to Saudi Arabia as Houthi
forces advanced on his headquarters in Aden in March 2015.
United Nations SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon said he was
concerned about the reports of
increased fighting, a UN spokesman said on Tuesday, but added
the world body was unable to independently verify reports of civilians deaths.
“What is clear, however, is that
the reported escalation in fighting exacerbates the already dire
humanitarian and human rights
situation and the suffering of the
Yemeni people,” the spokesman,
Farhan Haq, said in a statement.
At least nine civilians were
killed by coalition air strikes in
Nehm district, east of Sanaa on
Sunday night, residents said on
Monday, as forces loyal to Hadi
forces stepped up an offensive in
the area.
The United Nations children’s
Fund said in a statement on
Tuesday that four children were
“reportedly killed” on Sunday in
Nehm but did not say who was
behind the attacks. UNICEF said
that it had verified that 1,121 children have been killed and another
1,650 injured since the conflict began in 2015.
Coalition also forced the suspension of flights into Sanaa International Airport for 72 hours from
late on Monday, an airport official
and aid agency sources said.
In a separate development, residents in Azzan in the province of
Shabwa in southern Yemen said
Al Qaeda militants had dismantled
their checkpoints and had withdrawn from the city on Tuesday
following air strikes - apparently
by the Saudi-led coalition - targeting their positions there.
The militants took advantage
of the country’s wartime chaos to
seize control of much of southern
Yemen, but have suffered military
setbacks inflicted by coalitionbacked local forces. — Reuters
Robbers steal
Rs50m from
moving train
CHENNAI: In a daring heist in
a moving train, Rs50 million out
of Rs3.4 billion cash being sent to
Reserve Bank of India from Salem
in Tamil Nadu was found stolen on
Tuesday, police said.
A sum of Rs50 million had been
stolen, Inspector General of Police
(IGP) M Ramasubramani told reporters hours after the incident
came to light when four of the 226
boxes stacked with the cash were
found tampered with on arrival of
the train.
Meanwhile, an RBI official
said the train was carrying also
soiled notes from Salem to Chennai in 226 boxes with a total value
of Rs3.4 billion. “Out of the 226
wooden boxes, four boxes were
found tampered with soon after
the train reached Chennai from
Salem,” the official said.
Police said an air-vent in one of
the three cargo coaches in which
the cash boxes were kept was
found broken, triggering doubts
that someone could have entered
from its roof.
They suspect that culprits could
have entered the coach on the Salem-Vriddhachalam section where
trains don’t run on electricity but
on diesel locomotives, making it
easy for the robbers to make their
way from the top. Police said they
were probing several angles. — PTI
Former Arunachal chief
minister ‘commits suicide’
One of the wives of
former Arunachal
Pradesh chief minister
Kalikho Pul found
him hanging from
the ceiling fan in his
bedroom. Pul had not
met any outsider for
the past seven days
Forty-seven-yearold Kalikho Pul was
found dead at the
chief minister’s
official residence
which he was
yet to vacate
ITANAGAR: Former Arunachal
Pradesh chief minister Kalikho
Pul allegedly committed suicide
on Tuesday, weeks after the Supreme Court unseated him and
restored the Congress government, sparking violent protests in
the northeastern state.
Forty-seven-year-old Pul was
found dead at the chief minister’s
official residence which he was
yet to vacate, police said, adding
that one of his wives found him
hanging from the ceiling fan in his
According to the doctors, the
death occurred between 7:00 and
Officer-in-Charge of
Itanagar Police Station Sora said
three to four persons have been
injured in incidents of stone pelting during the protests.
The state government declared
a three-day state mourning.
Chief Minister Pema Khandu
has expressed shock over the sudden and premature demise of his
former colleague Pul.
As soon as the news of Pul’s
death spread, scores of his support-
ers gheraoed Khandu’s bungalow
in Niti Bihar area and demanded a
probe into Pul’s “unnatural” death.
They also set on fire an under-construction building of the deputy
chief minister and damaged two
official bungalows.
Pul, who is survived by three
wives and four children, had not
met any outsider for the past seven days, according to his family.
Pul briefly served as the chief
minister from February 19 replac-
ing Nabam Tuki and remained in
the post till July 13 before the government headed by the Congress
rebel was unseated by the apex
court. Starting his career as a carpenter, Pul went on to become a
guard and then earned the distinction of being the longest serving finance minister of the state under
various chief ministers, including
Gegong Apang, Mukut Mithi and
late Dorjee Khandu.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
condoled the death of Pul, saying
his services to the state will be remembered.
President Pranab Mukherjee
also condoled the death of Pul,
saying his passing away is a loss
for the state as well as the country.
Minister of State for Home
Kiren Rijiju, who hails from
Arunachal Pradesh, also expressed his deep condolences to
the aggrieved family.
“I am shocked and deeply saddened to know about the sad demise of Pul. I express my deepest
condolences on his untimely and
tragic demise.
Pul’s supporters said they
would not allow his body to be taken out from his bungalow at ESS
sector and demanded that he be
buried inside the premises.
A coffin, which was brought
from outside, was damaged and
set on fire by the crowd before the
assembled media.
A section of the supporters
headed towards the official residence of Deputy Chief Minister
Chowna Mein, less than 100 metres away, damaged the outer wall
and at least 10 vehicles parked in
the premises.
An under-construction premises of the deputy chief minister
was also set on fire, police said,
adding there were no casualties.
Protesters also damaged the official bungalow of Industries Minister Tapang Taloh.
A high-level cabinet meeting was convened and police reinforcements, including state
police and ITBP, were sent to
the high-security VVIP zone
where the ministers’ residences
were located.
Pul’s body will be kept at his
bungalow to enable the public to
pay respects, official sources said.
Pul had led a group of dissident
MLAs from Congress against Tuki
early this year and was sworn-in
as chief minister a few hours after
President’s Rule was revoked in
the state on February 19.
Pul’s eldest wife has appealed
to the public to maintain calm and
not indulge in violence. — PTI
ATM fraud: Kerala police seek Interpol help to nab foreign nationals
The Kerala police has sought the
help of Interpol to nab some foreign nationals suspected to be behind the fraudulent withdrawal of
Rs250,000 from ATMs using duplicate cards.
Additional Director General
of Police B. Sandhya on Tuesday
visited an ATM of the State Bank
of India located in the heart of
the city.
“Scientific evidences is being
collected. We have got in touch
with other state police and have
also sought the help of Interpol,”
Sandhya told reporters.
Some Russian and Kazakh nationals, who were in the state capital for 10 days, are suspected to be
involved, according to police.
The matter came to light after
50 complaints were registered by
city residents of their money be-
ing withdrawn fraudulently. All
of them used to frequent the SBI
ATM at Alathara.
The police, after initial probe,
said the gang had fixed an electronic device that looked like a smoke
alarm in the ATM kiosk, and an
ATM card reader.
The police said the electronic
device took a picture when the
customer keyed in his secret PIN
number, while the device placed
in the card reader got the information of that particular card.
The gang made a duplicate card
and withdrew money from ATMs
located outside the city.
The visuals of two foreign nationals working on the ‘smoke alarm’
inside a SBI ATM was shown on
TV channels on Tuesday. “I was
surprised to get an SMS alert on
Sunday when I was home that
there were two withdrawals of
Rs 10,000 each in a space of two
minutes. I rushed to the ATM and
when I took a statement of my account, I found out that I had lost
money. Later I came to know that
the withdrawal had taken place
in Worli in Mumbai,” said an
SBI customer.
Meanwhile, a special team has
been formed under Inspector Gen-
eral of Police, Manoj Abraham, to
probe the incident. A group of officials has already left for Mumbai.
“The state police chief has informed all bank officials to see
that they conduct an immediate
inspection of all ATM kiosks to ensure that everything is fine,” Abraham told reporters. The police
have also advised people to change
the PIN of their ATM card to prevent any foul play. — PTI
‘Iron Lady’ Irom Sharmila
breaks 16-year-long fast
IMPHAL: Breaking into tears,
Manipur’s ‘Iron Lady’ Irom
Sharmila on Tuesday broke her
16-year-old hunger strike, the
world’s longest, and declared that
she wants to become the chief
minister so that she could repeal
the contentious AFSPA.
Outside a government hospital, a room of which was turned
into a jail for her, the 44-year-old
iconic rights activist turned emotional as she licked honey from
her palm to end the fast that she
undertook in protest against the
Armed Forces Special Powers Act
During her fast she was forcefed through a nasal tube to keep
her alive. Now the familiar Ryles
tube hanging from her nose was
missing as she broke the fast.
“I want to be the chief minister of Manipur to make positive
changes..... If I become chief minister, the first thing I will do is to
remove the AFSPA,” she told reporters.
“I need power. In Manipur
politics is so dirty and everyone
knows it. But people don’t realise
that the people are also involved
in this dirtiness,” Sharmila said,
adding “I want to invite 20 independent candidates to join me
and topple Chief Minister Ibobi”.
Asked about Narendra Modi,
she said, “Mr Prime Minister, you
need non-violence in this age.
Without this draconian law (AFSPA) you would be able to connect with us. PM Modi needs to
follow the path of non-violence of
She said that she would now
stay in an Ashram and wouldn’t
need any security.
“I don’t like to be called a Goddess of Manipur. I am a human
being,” she said.
Earlier in the day, Imphal West
district’s chief judicial magistrate
Lamkhanpau Tonsing in his order
said as the offence under section
309 (attempt to suicide) is a bailable offence he is inclined to allow her on bail on her furnishing a
personal bond of Rs10,000.
After the bond was furnished,
it was accepted by the court and a
SYMBOL OF RESISTANCE: Irom Sharmila eats honey to break her
fast during a press conference in Imphal on Tuesday. – AFP
release order issued. She has been
asked to appear before the court
again on August 23.
Sharmila also expressed her
intention not to start eating food
immediately. Doctors attending
on her said that since she was on
a liquid and semi-solid diet taken
through a nasal tube for 16 years,
she should avoid start eating solid
food immediately. “She has to
start slowly so that her digestive
system can once again start absorbing sold food,” they said.
Sharmila wasn’t shy in accepting that she knew nothing about
the world of politics which would
be her future from now.
“I know nothing about politics
or academics. My education is
very low but I want to convince
our people,” said the activist, often described as the “Prisoner of
She also made it clear that
she would not go home till her
goal of repealing the AFSPA was
It was also evident that some
of her supporters was against her
quitting the hunger strike.
“Some people remain negative
towards me over my decision.
They don’t want it (dropping
fast). They want me to remain a
symbol of resistance,” she said.
Sharmila will soon contact the
Election Commission in order to
fight the Assembly election, due
early next year, as an independent
Asked about her love life and
boyfriend, who is a British national of Indian origin, she said it
was her personal life and that it
was natural to fall in love.
She said she would tie the knot
only when her goal was finished.
On protest against AFSPA in
Kashmir, she said that the people
there should be given a chance for
“In Manipur also people want
self-determination. People want
the basic necessities of life,”
Sharmila said. — PTI
A 10
Wrong place to be
on your birthday
ISLAMABAD: Young advocate
Syed Ziauddin was celebrating his
30th birthday on Monday when he
was killed, along with at least 70
others, in a suicide bomb attack at
the Civil Hospital in Quetta.
Ziauddin, who hails from Pishin,
had rushed to the hospital along
with dozens of other colleagues
and friends to mourn the attack on
Balochistan Bar Association President Bilal Anwar Kasi. Instead he
too became a target.
The blast seriously wounded
him, leaving his arm and leg broken with further injuries to his
face. He ultimately succumbed to
his injuries.
Ziauddin hailed from the Hajizai Syedan Killi village in Pishin
district. Born on August 8, 1986,
he was the only son of his parents
and a brother to nine sisters. His
father, Syed Abdul Rab Agha was a
retired Wapda engineer.
Having married last year, he
leaves behind a young daughter.
The young lawyer had earned
his law degree from the International Islamic University along
with his buddy Aimal Khan. The
two were together when the bomb
went off at the Civil Hospital and
died together in the blast.
While his family was affiliated
with the Jamiat-i-Ulema Islam
(JUI), Ziauddin was an activist
of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
(PTI). Despite his age, he was
well respected among his friends
and peers. ‘A junior of prominent
lawyer Manzar Siddiqi, Advocate
Ziuddin was respected among his
colleagues,” recalled his friend
Syedur Rehman.
A religious person, he had embraced a modern outlook, especially with respect to political issues.
Rehman said before becoming a
Syed Ziauddin hailed
from the Hajizai Syedan
Killi village in Pishin
district. Born on August
8, 1986, he was the only
son of his parents and a
brother to nine sisters.
Having married last
year, he leaves behind a
young daughter
lawyer, ZIauddin wanted to appear
for the civil service exams. But his
friends and uncles convinced him
to take up law.
“Life is too short, Ziauddin
wrote on his Facebook page,” Rehman said, recalling that the young
advocate was quite regular on social media, discussing national and
international political affairs.
“I will never forget his smiling face,” Rehman said with tears
VIGILANT: Soldiers patrol a street a day after a suicide bombing at the Civil Hospital in Quetta on Tuesday. — AFP
Lawyers go on strike
after Quetta attack
Medical staff said up
to 60 of those killed
in Monday’s bombing
at a government
Jurists’ body, Red
Cross slam carnage
ISLAMABAD: The International
Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and
the International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC) have strongly condemned Monday’s terror attack at a hospital in Quetta.
In a press statement, the ICJ
termed the suicide attack which
claimed around 70 lives “the
deadliest attack ever on lawyers
in Pakistan and among the worst
anywhere”. Separately, the ICRC
said it was deeply saddened by the
horrific attack. “We are shocked to
see so many innocent people killed
in cold blood today just outside the
casualty department of the Civil
Hospital in Quetta.
“Hospitals are places where
lives are saved — there can be no
justification for such horrendous
acts. We share the grief and pain of
the bereaved families at this difficult time,” said Reto Stocker, head
of the ICRC delegation in Pakistan.
Stocker said diminishing respect for hospitals, medical staff
and ambulances is at the heart
of the ICRC’s concerns globally
and in Pakistan. “The sanctity of
healthcare facilities must be respected at all costs. Together with
Pakistan’s medical fraternity, the
ICRC has been working for the last
two years to promote the safety of
healthcare services in all circumstances,” the statement quoted
him as saying. — Express Tribune
SITE OF ATROCITY: Policemen stand guard at the site a day after a
suicide bombing at the Civil Hospital in Quetta on Tuesday. — AFP
hospital were
lawyers as the death
toll increased to 74
ISLAMABAD/QUETTA: Pakistani lawyers staged a nationwide
strike on Tuesday after dozens of
colleagues were slain in a suicide
bombing that killed 74 people at a
hospital in the southwestern city
of Quetta.
Medical staff said up to 60 of
those killed in Monday’s bombing at a government hospital
were lawyers who had gathered
to mourn the assassination earlier that day of the president of the
Balochistan Bar Association, Bilal
Anwar Kasi.
On Tuesday morning, four of
over one hundred people wounded, including two more lawyers,
died in hospital, taking the toll to
74, said Abdul Rehman, the medical superintendent at the Civil
Hospital Quetta.
Shops, businesses, schools and
universities in the city and several other towns in the southern
province of Balochistan remained
closed as the government announced three days of mourning.
IS was one of two extremist
militant groups to claim responsibility for the atrocity, although officials and analysts said they had
doubts over whether the movement was behind the blast.
It was the deadliest militant
attack in Pakistan this year and
the latest in a string of strikes on
lawyers, seen by some militants
as an extension of the state and so
legitimate targets.
FURIOUS: Lawyers shout slogans against the killing of their colleagues a day after suicide bombing
at the Civil Hospital in Quetta, during a protest in Islamabad, on Tuesday. — AFP
“How weak and pathetic are
these people who target hospitals, where women and children,
where patients, go to get treatment?” Ashtar Ausaf Ali, Pakistan’s attorney general, said on
Tuesday at a protest outside the
Supreme Court in the capital Islamabad.
Supreme Court Bar President Ali Zafar called for the government to do more to protect
“Lawyers are relatively more
vocal against militancy and they
are fighting cases against people
accused of terrorism, so it would
make sense that they are being
targeted,” said Ali Malik, a Lahore-based lawyer.
“An attack on lawyers makes a
mockery of the law enforcement
agencies, it undermines the promises of the state against terrorists
and breeds fear among vulnerable
The bombing in Quetta, the
provincial capital of Balochistan
province, was initially claimed by
Jamaatur Ahrar, a faction of the
Pakistani Taliban that is fighting
to overthrow the government.
Later, however, IS said one of
its fighters carried out the attack,
in what would mark an escalation in the ability of the group, or
its regional offshoots, to strike
in Pakistan.
IS claim unconvincing
Some Pakistani analysts were
“The ISIS (IS) claim seems
very unconvincing,” said Imtiaz
Gul, director of the Center for
Research and Security Studies in
“The claim of responsibility by
Jamaatur Ahrar is more credible,”
said Muhammad Amir Rana,
head of the Pakistan Institute for
Peace Studies.
He noted that Jamaatur Ahrar
had sworn loyalty to IS’ leadership in 2014, but later switched
back to the Taliban.
“Every time they have carried
out an attack, they have taken
responsibility independently (of
IS),” Rana said.
It remains unclear what ties,
if any, Jamaatur Ahrar has to IS,
whose leadership is a rival to both
the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
In September 2014, Jamaatur
Ahrar rejected the Pakistani Taliban during a leadership struggle
and swore allegiance to IS.
By March 2015, the group was
again swearing loyalty to the main
Pakistani Taliban.
The reason for its return to the
fold remains murky, but Jamaatur
Ahrar also never specifically disavowed IS.
Only last week, Jamaatur Ahrar
was added to the United States’
list of global terrorists, triggering
Balochistan, which borders
Afghanistan, is home to many
militant groups, most notably sectarian outfits who have launched
a campaign of suicide bombings
and assassinations of ethnic Hazaras who mostly emigrated from
Afghanistan. — Reuters
‘Garbage as big a challenge as target killers, terrorists’
KARACHI: People of Karachi
have suffered a lot at the hands of
target killers and terrorists and
now, when law and order has been
restored, the lifting of garbage has
become a big challenge, said Sindh
Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah
said on Monday.
“Karachiites, including myself, are very annoyed,” said Shah,
while presiding over a meeting at
the New Sindh Secretariat.
Murad said his government was
being criticised for the garbage
accumulated everywhere. “This
is a very serious situation and the
complaints and protests of the
people are manifestations of their
annoyance,” he said, adding that
this is the time to give the people
some relief.
Frontline sweeping and lifting
of garbage cannot be done properly as there is a shortage of sweepers, said the deputy commissioners and administrators of district
municipal corporations (DMC) at
the meeting.
The meeting was told that the
Defence Housing Authority (DHA)
is dumping garbage in Malir River
and at Qayyumabad. On this matter, Murad asked the commissioner to speak to the DHA administrator and get the matter resolved.
“I am also fed up with complaints of encroachment by
pathara (road-side vendors) and
other such make-shift establishments,” he said, directing the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation
administrator and DMCs to get
The garbage and debris lying there must be lifted and
saplings be planted along the roads, Sindh Chief
Minister Murad Ali Shah
anti-encroachment police from
the Board of Revenue (BoR) to get
them removed.
The DMCs were further directed to remove garbage from prominent roads such as II Chundrigar,
Mai Kolachi, Expressway, Korangi
Road, Abul Hassan Isphahani
Road, University Road, Sharae
Faisal, main roads of District Central and others.
“The garbage and debris lying there must be lifted and sap-
lings be planted along the roads,”
said Murad.
It was pointed out that the
garbage lifted from frontlines is
dumped at play grounds and parks.
Turning parks and play grounds
into ‘garbage transfer stations’
is unacceptable at any cost, said
Murad, adding that there should
be designated dumping spots
with signs near them for public
All the DMCs, KMC and deputy
commissioners were told to furnish an inventory of their refuse
vehicles and machinery at the
CM’s principal secretary’s office.
“Your inventory must have columns of the vehicle/machinery
on-road, off-road and requirement, so that action can be taken
accordingly,” ordered Murad.
Work hard
Murad said that he had been seeing presentations and briefings for
many years, but now wants results.
“You have to work hard. Your
hard work is your biggest `sifarish’
(cronyism), otherwise I will not
listen to any recommendation,”
Shah said, categorically.
Meanwhile, during a visit to
Kashyana-e-Atfal-o-Naunihal and
Darul Sukoon, Murad said that it
is great worship to look after special children and orphans. “The
height of your worship is when
you make them [special children
and orphans] useful members of
society,” he said while attending
Independence Day programmes at
the centre.
The children presented tableaus
on national songs, while Shah
mingled with the children and
presented them gifts, buntings and
national flags. Murad announced
Rs100million for Darul Sukoon to
construct a new building so the institution may accommodate more
children. “I am impressed with
their [Darul Sukoon’s] service and
will be playing my role to help,” he
said. — Express Tribune
Stay ahead of
the curve with
Japan warns China of deteriorating
ties over East China Sea islets row
Chinese envoy in
Philippines ex-president ‘optimistic’ about ice breaking China visit
Tokyo reiterated
Beijing’s stance that
the specks of land
were its territory and
called for talks to
resolve the dispute
warned China on Tuesday that ties
were deteriorating over disputed
East China Sea islets, and China’s
envoy in Tokyo reiterated Beijing’s
stance that the specks of land were
its territory and called for talks to
resolve the dispute.
The diplomatic tussle comes
amid simmering tension as China
builds on outposts in the contested South China Sea, including
what appear to be reinforced aircraft hangars, according to new
satellite images.
Ties between Asia’s two largest economies have been strained
in recent days since Japan saw a
growing number of Chinese coastguard and other government ships
sailing near the East China Sea
islets, called the Senkaku in Japan
and Diaoyu in China.
The flurry of Chinese incursions
into the waters follows a period of
sustained pressure on China over
its activities in the South China
Sea, and China’s criticism of what
it sees as Japanese interference in
that dispute.
Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida called in Chinese ambassador Cheng Yonghua for the
second time since Friday and told
him China was trying to change
the status quo unilaterally, the
Japanese foreign ministry said.
HONG KONG: Former Philippines president Fidel Ramos on
Tuesday named the head of a
Chinese government thinktank among the experts and
officials he hoped to meet on a
trip to rekindle ties with China
soured by a maritime dispute in
the South China Sea.
On July 12, an arbitration
court in the Hague ruled that
China had no historic title over
the busy waterway and had
breached the Philippines’ sovereign rights there, infuriating
China, which had dismissed the
case. “I’ve always been a very optimistic person, always looking
for the best results,” Ramos told
reporters in Hong Kong. “But of
course that also depends on the
attitude of the Chinese officials.”
Ramos gave no details of his
itinerary or of those he planned
to meet, except for Wu Shicun,
who heads the National Institute for South China Sea Studies think-tank, based on China’s
southern island of Hainan.
Asked about others, such as
China’s former deputy minister
for Foreign Affairs Fu Ying, Ramos said he did not know yet.
“They all have links with
Beijing, because some of them
are already retired but elevated
Kishida told Cheng the environment surrounding Sino-Japanese
ties was “deteriorating markedly”,
the ministry said.
The Chinese diplomat said
after the meeting that he had
told Kishida the islands, which
are controlled by Japan, were
an integral part of China’s territory and the dispute should be
TRIP TO REKINDLE TIES: Former Philippine president Fidel Ramos speaks to journalists during
a visit to Hong Kong, China, after the Hague court’s ruling over the maritime dispute in South
China Sea, on Tuesday. – Reuters
to the parliament as chairman
of this and that committee.”
Ramos said he sought to
improve economic and tourism
links, such as by allowing “more
fishing in the common fishing
ground” of the Scarborough
shoal in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. “The idea
is to use the South China Sea as
resolved through dialogue.
“I told him... it is natural that
Chinese ships conduct activity in
the waters,” Cheng told reporters.
Dozens of Chinese vessels sailed
near the islands on the weekend
raising alarm in Japan. Cheng
was called in by Japanese Vice
Foreign Minister Shinsuke Sugiyama last Friday over the incur-
a place to save lives, but not to
kill people or to destroy lives,”
he added.
Ramos, 88, who described
his role as an “icebreaker”, is
known for an impromptu duet
of Elvis Presley’s ‘Love Me
Tender’ with former Chinese
president Jiang Zemin at a
1996 banquet.
sions into what Japan see as its
territorial waters.
The United States, its Southeast
Asian allies and Japan have questioned Chinese land reclamation
on contested islands in the South
China Sea, particularly since an
international court rejected China’s historic claims to most of that
sea last month.
His trip represents “the
first concrete step” in engagement for both sides and “could
open a new chapter in settling
disputes”, China’s state news
agency, Xinhua, said in a commentary. Ramos was Philippines
president from 1992 to 1998,
when China occupied the submerged Mischief Reef. — Reuters
China has refused to recognise
the court ruling on a case brought
by the Philippines. Japan called on
China to adhere to it, saying it was
binding, but Beijing responded by
warning Japan not to interfere.
Satellite images taken in late
July over the South China Sea
show that hangars constructed
on Fiery Cross, Subi and Mischief
Reefs in the Spratly islands, have
room for any fighter jet in the Chinese air force, the Washingtonbased Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS) said.
The think-tank said in a report there was little evidence
that China had deployed military
aircraft to the outposts, but the
“rapid construction” of reinforced
hangars suggested that was likely
to change.
“They are far thicker than you
would build for any civilian purpose,” Gregory Poling, director of
CSIS’s Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, told the New York
Times, which first reported on the
new images.
“They’re reinforced to take a
China claims most of the South
China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes
every year. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei
have overlapping claims.
The United States has urged
China and other claimants not to
militarise their holdings there,
prompting repeated denials from
China that it is doing so. Instead,
China has blamed US patrols and
exercises for ramping up tension.
“China has indisputable sovereignty over the Spratly islands and
nearby waters,” China’s Defence
Ministry said in a response to a request for comment on Tuesday.
“China has said many times,
construction on the Spratly islands and reefs is multipurpose,
mixed, and with the exception of
necessary military defensive requirements, are more for serving
all forms of civil needs,” it said.
Separately, relations between
China and another US ally, South
Korea, have been strained in recent days by a decision by South
Korea and the United States to
deploy an advanced anti-missile
defence system, to guard against
North Korean attacks, that China
fears could be used against its military. — Reuters
A 12
Iraqi court closes
corruption case
against Speaker
BAGHDAD: An Iraqi court
closed a corruption case brought
against Parliament Speaker Salim
Al Jabouri by Defence Minister
Khaled Al Obeidi, citing lack of
evidence, a judiciary spokesman
said on Tuesday.
In parliament last week, Obeidi
accused Jabouri and five other
Members of Parliament (MPs) of
lobbying for businesses seeking
contracts to sell overpriced planes,
vehicles and other goods to the
armed forces.
He said they sought to influence
ministry appointments and some
tried to blackmail him. All six denied the accusations.
Evidence lacking
The spokesman, Judge Abdul Sattar Al Bayraqdar, told state television: “The evidence is lacking.”
A travel ban imposed on Jabouri
because of the accusations was
lifted on Tuesday, the speaker’s
spokesman, Imad Al Khafaji, said.
Obeidi made the accusations
while appearing before parliament
on August 1 to respond to separate
Participants perform during National Day celebrations in Singapore on Tuesday. Singapore celebrated its 51st anniversary
as a republic on Tuesday under tight air, sea and land security, after the discovery of an Indonesian extremist plot to attack
the city-state. — AFP
Salim Al Jabouri
corruption allegations at his ministry.
He called his summons to address MPs a “conspiracy by the
The Defence Ministry has been
accused by lawmakers of wasting
billions of dollars in public funds
and weakening the armed forces to
the point where they collapsed in
2014 in the face of the threat from
IS militants, under the previous
government, led by Nuri Al Maliki,
who was also acting defence minister. — Reuters
Erdogan meets Putin as
coup spurs reconciliation
Erdogan tried to avoid questions on Syria, where Turkey and
Russia are on opposing sides of
the violent conflict.
The Turkish president said the
issue would be discussed later on
Tuesday during a separate meeting between his delegation and
Russian bureaucrats, including
foreign ministers.
Meeting came nearly
nine months after
Russia’s leader called
Turkey’s downing
of a Russian fighter
jet near the Syrian
border a ‘stab in the
back’ and imposed
a series of punitive
MOSCOW: Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is holding
talks with his Russian counterpart
Vladimir Putin, seeking to rebuild
relations with a major economic
partner and the now-dominant
force in the war in Syria.
Erdogan said in St. Petersburg
on Tuesday that Turkey is chasing
“big goals” in its rapprochement
with Russia, and Putin said talks
have focused on economic issues
as well as counter-terrorism.
Their meeting came nearly
nine months after Russia’s leader
called Turkey’s downing of a Russian fighter jet near the Syrian
border a “stab in the back” and
RESET: Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, speaks to Turkish
President Tayyip Erdogan during their meeting in St. Petersburg,
Russia, on Tuesday. — Reuters
imposed a series of punitive sanctions. “This was our first face to
face meeting since the incident,”
Erdogan said, in an apparent reference to the jet. “Both sides have
the determination and will to restore bilateral ties to their former
levels and even improve them
beyond.” Sitting next to Erdogan,
Putin said the “logic of mutual respect” has shaped bilateral ties.
While the patch-up began
before last month’s attempted
coup in Turkey, the trip has since
gained in significance, and is Erdogan’s chance “to show Turkish
society that he’s not isolated,” said
Ozgur Unluhisarcikli, director of
the German Marshall Fund of the
US in Ankara.
Erdogan is also demanding the
US extradite Fethullah Gulen, the
cleric he blames for the military
uprising, and can use the meeting
with Putin to send a message to
Washington, he said.
The two leaders will discuss
bilateral relations and regional
challenges, including counter-terrorism and the Syrian crisis, Erdogan’s spokesman Ibrahim Kalin
said in a recent interview with
the TASS newswire, according to
his office. Kremlin foreign policy
aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters
last week that Russia expects to
gradually lift sanctions on Turkey
and hopes that the Turkish position on Syria would become “more
Democratic means
“A democratic transformation can
only be reached through democratic means,” said Putin, who has
turned the war in Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad’s favour
since deploying Russian planes to
support government offensives.
Russia and Turkey “have a common goal of resolving the Syrian
crisis,” he said.
Russia’s intervention in Syria
has posed a major challenge for
nations like Turkey that have
backed rebel forces in the conflict
and insist Assad must stand down
as part of any settlement.
Activists monitoring the war
say Turkey, which borders Syria,
has slowed arms shipments to
rebels since the July 15 coup attempt, signaling a possible strategic rethink.
Turkey may adopt a “low-profile” stance on Syria and move
“closer to the idea of a negotiated
settlement where Assad is in office at the beginning of the process
but is not in office at the end of it,”
Unluhisarcikli said.
In an interview broadcast by
Russian state television on Mon-
US delivers
military aid
to Lebanon
day, Erdogan called Assad a “killer” who shouldn’t be supported.
His spokesman Kalin told TASS
that “in cooperation with Russia,
we would like to facilitate a political transition in Syria as soon
as possible.”
Russian sanctions on Turkey
included a ban on charter flights
taking Russian holidaymakers to
Turkish beaches.
That led to a 93-per cent slump
in Russian visitors in June compared to the same month in 2015.
Turkey’s exports to Russia have
also dropped, falling an annual 63
per cent in June. The ban on agricultural imports from Turkey,
a major blow to Turkish farmers,
may be lifted by the end of the year
as Russia ensures products are in
compliance with its regulations,
Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev told reporters after the two
presidents met.
BEIRUT: The United States delivered 50 armoured vehicles, 40
artillery pieces and 50 grenade
launchers to the Lebanese army on
Tuesday, part of its efforts to bolster Lebanon against a threat from
militant groups in neighbouring,
conflict-ridden Syria.
The equipment, worth $50 million, is part of an aid package that
has now topped $220 million this
year, making Lebanon the fifthbiggest recipient of American
military assistance, US Ambassador Elizabeth Richard said during the delivery. Fighting between
IS and other militant groups in
Syria often flares in the mountains
along Lebanon’s northern frontier
and the violence has periodically
spilled across the border.
Eight IS suicide bombers targeted a Christian village in Lebanon near the Syrian frontier last
month, killing five and raising
fears of a new campaign of attacks.
Akkuyu nuclear project
Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci said Russia’s intention to restore economic ties was
evident at the meetings, citing a
common interest in completing a
nuclear power plant that Russia’s
Rosatom is building on Turkey’s
Mediterranean coast.
The Akkuyu project would be
given the status of a strategic investment, qualifying for special
incentives, Erdogan said.
Turkey is also interested in
resuming talks over the Turkish
Stream gas-pipeline project with
Russia. — Bloomberg
Regular incursions
Militants from IS and other groups
also stage regular incursions
across the poorly demarcated border around the northern Lebanese
town of Arsal, which they briefly
overran in 2014 before the army
drove them out.
Lebanon has a weak government and a number of countries
support its armed forces as a bulwark against destabilisation in a
country where around a quarter of
the population are Syrian refugees.
This year Saudi Arabia suspended $3 billion in aid to the security
forces. — Reuters
Campaigners urge Manila to
act promptly over HIV cases
JAKARTA: The Philippines has
posted a record number of new
HIV infections, prompting campaigners to call on authorities to
step up efforts to battle the potentially deadly disease.
A total of 841 new cases were
recorded in June, the highest ever
monthly figure since the country’s first reported case in 1984,
according to the health department’s latest statistics released
this week.
Over 90 per cent, or 777 cases,
were transmitted through physical contact, the majority of them
among men. Injecting drug users
accounted for 60 new cases and
the remaining four were cases of
mother-to-child transmission.
New cases of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which
can lead to AIDS have been rising
in the Philippines, bucking the
international trend which shows
new infections falling.
“This is a cause of concern for
us,” Gerald Santos from Manilabased campaign group Project
A total of 841 new
cases were recorded in
June, the highest ever
monthly figure since
the country’s first
reported case in 1984
Red Ribbon told the Thomson
Reuters Foundation on Tuesday.
“But to look at it with the glass
half full, it also shows awareness
is at an all-time high, meaning
more people are aware of HIV and
are getting tested.”
However, he said the actual
number of new infections could
be higher, as stigma associated
with HIV prevents at-risk group
from getting tested.
“The government should double their efforts in spreading
awareness about HIV before it
is too late,” added Santos, the
group’s treasurer.
The Philippines saw new infections double between 2001 and
2012, according to a UN AIDS
agency (UNAIDS) report in 2013
which showed the epidemic was
also expanding in Indonesia and
Increasing infections among
injecting drug users sharing contaminated needles combined
with low use of precautions and
high fertility rates have raised
concern over “downstream”
HIV infections - when the virus
spreads to people not typically at
risk of HIV, like children who acquire the virus through motherto-child transmission.
There have been 34,999 HIV
cases in the Philippines since
record-keeping started in 1984,
with 83 per cent diagnosed in the
last five years, according to the
health department. — Reuters
1 Zero tolerance to traffic
1 Nigerian man arrested with
offences in Oman
217 ATM cards
2 Jail term, fines for littering in
Founder: Essa bin Mohammed Al Zedjali
Chairman / Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Anees bin Essa Al Zedjali
Chief Executive Officer: Ahmed Essa Al Zedjali
Telephone: 24726666
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E-mail: [email protected]
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3 India moves to protect female
migrants to Oman and GCC
Telephone: 24726666
Fax: 24818270
E-mail: [email protected]
2 Two arrested over
housemaid death in Oman
4 Five die in Haima road crash
3 9-year-old Indian girl
5 Sign ministry-approved
injured after falling out of
window in Oman
training contracts only,
Omani job seekers told
Printed and published by: Muscat Media Group
Post Box: 770
Postal Code: 112
4 Perseids: Stargazers in
Oman set to witness meteor
5 Oman tourism hit by falling
tourist numbers, declining
China policies not a
threat to world order
Zhu Feng
New traffic laws in Oman
A drawback to hosting the
games is public scrutiny. Rio de
Janeiro’s preparations to host
this year’s Summer Games did its
international image no favours. A
city known for its natural beauty
and fun-loving lifestyle is now
known for corruption, violence,
bad traffic, pollution, political
instability, and the Zika virus
3 magnificent chandeliers at the Sultan Qaboos Grand
Mosque in #Oman - the middle one is a 14m high
With the American economy now
enjoying a solid recovery, the best
approach may be to move faster
toward normalizing debt policy,
and not to assume that foreign
lenders will be patient, regardless
of the direction of American
Better not to violate traffic rules as someone is waiting
This refers to the story, Oman accident: Five die in Haima road crash
(August 9). In my opinion, it is must for all us that we do not violate
traffic rules and always think that it would be better to reach my destination safely as someone is waiting. I hope
everyone will be safe.
— Umer Shah, via Facebook
Scan this QR code
to send letters to the
Readers’ Forum,
containing not more
than 200 words with
full name, address
and telephone
number, may be sent
by e-mail (akhtar@
Criminals should be given
hard labour jail terms
This refers to the story, Nigerian man
arrested with 217 ATM cards (August 8). I
salute the ROP for doing an excellent job. All
criminals, whoever they are, should be given
hard labour imprisonment while expatriate
criminals should be deported after their
serving sentences.
— Baboo Gandhi , via Facebook
Clinton’s campaign promises to
be a consolidation of the Obama
presidency. It is dependent on
the Obama coalition, but it’s also
an extension of it. She has placed
Hispanic immigrants at the centre
of the cause, promising she’ll go
beyond Obama’s efforts in their
behalf. Her campaign affirms and
elevates women
Better to punish litter bugs by
community service sentences
This refers to the story, Jail term, fines for
littering in Oman (August 8). I believe punishing through community services should
be considered. As if this is not done more prisons might be required.
Prison time is wasted while community service time is of value.
— Chris Solomon , via Facebook
“Insure with
New India and
be secure”
Tel: 24838800 | Fax: 24838899 | Email: [email protected] | Website:
When you write things down, they sometimes take you places you
hadn‘t planned.
bit of China-bashing is inevitable in any
US election year. Over the past month,
though, after China roundly dismissed
an arbitration ruling that rejected its claims in
the South China Sea, a chorus of voices has angrily denounced the country as an international
outlaw. Western pundits have likened China’s
reaction to imperial Japan’s decision to quit
the League of Nations, which eventually led
to war in Asia, or even to Hitler’s trampling of
the global order.
This is pure, unwarranted hyperbole. And it’s
no more helpful than eruptions from Chinese
right-wingers, who see the ruling as part of a conspiracy to hem in their country’s rise. If the West
wants to change China’s attitude, it also needs to
reexamine its own.
In reality, China’s objections to the tribunal established at the Permanent Court of Arbitration
in The Hague hardly constitute an earth-shattering rejection of the global order. The tribunal
judges may have rebuffed China’s argument that
the case brought by the Philippines involved sovereignty issues, and hence fell outside their jurisdiction. But it’s not crazy to think that at least part
of the Philippines’ motivation was to improve its
sovereignty claims over parts of the South China
Sea. Nor is China’s rejection of the tribunal’s final
ruling unprecedented. Both the UK and Russia
have ignored similar awards that they didn’t like.
And the US doesn’t exactly boast a strong record
of adhering to international rules. It still hasn’t
ratified UNCLOS, and it simply rejected the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice
when it ruled against the US in a case brought by
Nicaragua in the 1980s. More recently, of course,
the US launched its 2003 invasion of Iraq without any international authorisation, then proceeded to abuse prisoners of war at Abu Ghraib
against commonly accepted rules of war. Rather
than branding the US a rogue nation, China has
actively participated in reconstructing Iraq and
done what it could to help stabilize the country.
China’s critics are right about one thing: The
country has benefited greatly from the rulesbased order in place since the end of World War
II -- and indeed, from the US security presence
in the Pacific, which has given China the space to
concentrate on its economic development. Why
would it want to overturn that order wholesale?
Its respect for other global rules and institutions
-- since joining the World Trade Organisation in
2001, China’s won 21 of the 36 WTO arbitration
cases it’s brought -- should be obvious by now.
At the same time, China is clearly groping for
a way to integrate into the current global order
while also being accorded the respect and influence it feels it deserves. Frictions are inevitable.
That doesn’t mean each is an attack on the preexisting system, or part of some master plan to overturn it and place China at the head of a new one. It
does mean that the system itself needs to be open
to evolving, instead of being treated as an inviolate structure that can’t possibly be questioned.
Judging China by whether it implements the
award 100 per cent, immediately, is therefore neither fair nor wise. The tribunal’s ruling is a genuine setback, both legally and diplomatically, and
China can’t be expected to give up all its claims
overnight. Instead the goal should be to create
space so that China can gradually and gracefully
conform to the ruling over time, through a process of developing new norms in maritime Asia.
The priority for now should be to ease tensions
and find a set of rules upon which everyone in
the region can agree. Fortunately, this realisation
seems to be sinking in, with the US encouraging
talks between the Philippines and China and refraining from conducting more provocative naval operations near islands controlled by China.
Such talks should proceed without preconditions
on either side: China can’t be expected to accept
the ruling first, nor the Philippines to abandon
it. Instead, the two sides should concentrate on
less-controversial issues such as fishing rights
and infrastructure development, just so they can
start talking again. The tribunal ruling is certainly a lesson for China: It needs to be smarter and
more skillful about mastering international rules
and norms if it wants to continue its steady rise.
But the process of integrating China fully into the
rules-based global order is going to be a slow one
and depends as well on halting progress toward
establishing rule of law on the mainland itself.
Meanwhile, the world should pay less attention
to caricatures of China and more to its actual behaviour -- and work patiently to keep the country
heading in the right direction. - Bloomberg View
Sultanate tops WHO figures
LONDON: The Sultanate is the number one country when
it comes to health services as revealed by WHO figures to be
published today. Mediterranean country give the Sultanate
company in the august standing. The Sultanate’s efficient
services are all the more remarkable given the comparative
standing like Britain which came 24th and the United States
72nd. Scientists, however, said the measurement of individual
countries’ health services was best sketchy.
We invite our readers
to write articles on topics
related to Oman. The articles
should not exceed 800 words.
Send us your article along
with your picture to
[email protected]
1539: King Francis of France declares that all official documents are to be written in French, not Latin..
1846: The Smithsonian Institution is established in Washington
through the bequest of James Smithson.
1977: United States and Panama sign Panama Canal Zone
accord, guaranteeing Panama would have control of the
canal after 1999..
National Centre for Statistics & Information
Serenity, peace, reflection …
three words almost never used to describe
the dizzying capital of Thailand.
Few places on earth are so comfortable
being so many different things at the same time,
Bangkok is a schizophrenic city of multiple identities,
all of them engaging in different ways.
idden away in the bustling metropolis of Bangkok, and perhaps all the more powerful because of their unbelievable
contrasts, little slices of heaven can be found, and these
moments of peace in the swirl of madness are the moments
that stand out the most. Wandering amid the golden spires
of the Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha is one such moment. Having ploughed through the city
traffic (in an incredibly reasonable priced taxi cab), weaving between high-rise offices and low-rise shanty dwellings, the utter
calm to be found in this centuries-old treasure is breathtaking. Nothing
can be finer than simply meandering around this sprawling royal complex, comprised around 100 buildings, jaw slack as you gape at majestic
temples, intricate carvings or giant statutes of fearsome warriors. It’s all
so visually stunning that even in the midst of a pulsing crowd of (usually
Chinese) tourists, the noise slips away as you soak up the scene.
This is one of those times that you’ll want to take some pictures, but
keep the selfies to a minimum, put the camera phone back in your
pocket and concentrate on burning this experience in to your memory,
rather than your memory stick. (Quick tip, if someone wearing a tourism police T-shirt outside the palace tells you it is shut, ignore him, it’s
a scam, just keep walking.)
Continue to page 15 >
had your fill of the
Grand Palace (if that is possible)
it’s a pleasant 10-minute meander
to the similarly impressive Wat
Pho, otherwise known as the Temple of the Reclining Buddha. This
huge golden statue (15m high and
46m long) has to be seen to be believed and is well worth the stroll
whatever the weather. Again ignore anyone telling you it is shut.
Wat Pho is not just a one trick
pony — the grounds are as stunningly serene as those of the Grand
Palace and in some ways almost
nicer, as this is a temple in which to
explore little alleyways to discover
more carvings, statues, and gorgeous architecture seems straight
from a fantasy novel.
Take a short ferry ride across the
Chay Phraya River to Wat Arun, the
Temple of Dawn, for another dose
of soul-stirring peace. Again beautiful grounds hold a host of treasures including the huge Khmerstyle colourful tower of tiles or the
45 - 31 40-17%
fat golden Buddha (Chinese style,
Thai Buddhas are slimmer). To
truly cement a powerful morning
of reflection jump back on the ferry
and on the riverside near Wat Pho
you’ll find a number of hidden away
eateries offering the chance to sit,
enjoy a local brew, great food and
watch the busy waterfront traffic
perform for you – Bangkok, after all,
is called the Venice of the East.
Following all that serenity you
might be in need of an adrenalin
shot and none can be more exhilarating than a TukTuk motorcycle
taxi ride back through the city traffic to your hotel. While this will
possibly cost you twice the fare
of a normal cab, the thrill ride at
breakneck speed is the fastest way
to get back to where you have laid
your hat. In a city such as Bangkok
accommodation choices abound,
but few offer this particular bewildering cocktail of contrasts better
than the Siam Kempinski Hotel, a
resort slap bang in the heart of the
city’s premier shopping and enter-
Fajr (Tomorrow)
tainment district of Rama 1 Road.
This beautiful hotel is an oasis of
calm, seemingly holding back the
noise and frenetic chaos of the city
beyond its walls, looking inward
on a huge garden and pool complex
one might expect to find at a beach
resort. It even has cabana rooms
with private access into the pool
to increase that feeling of being a
million miles from the city. It’s a
grand illusion but it works. As luxury hotels go the Siam Kempinski
is an impressive affair featuring
a jaw-dropping lobby to rival any
Oman Air offers 23,000
more seats to Salalah
and further enhancing capacity.
Furthermore, Oman Air has
deployed Boeing 737 airliners on
its six daily frequencies between
Salalah and Dubai, enabling increased numbers of customers
from the UAE to enjoy both Oman
Air’s outstanding passenger experience and the warm hospitality
offered to visitors in Salalah.
It also continues Oman Air’s
year-on-year expansion on routes
out of Salalah, which last year saw
a record 52,274 seats offered by the
carrier on flights between Salalah
and Dubai. In 2016, Oman Air increased that number by 46%, or
22,000 seats, to 74,176 seats.
—[email protected]
found in the Gulf’s uber luxury
offerings. Acres of marble, including pillars which stretch up into
the skies, greet the arriving traveller. All that sumptuous stone is
warmed by huge brass sconces intricately carved with Thai designs
that throw out light in the shape
of lotus flowers. Warmer still is
the greeting from the hotel team,
who clasp their hands together,
smile and give a slight bow whenever you pass. This hospitality is
so engrained in every member of
staff that it is impossible not to feel
Oman Air is expanding its capacity to the principal city of Dhofar,
Salalah, by an additional of almost
23,000 seats, compared with the
previous year.
The unprecedented increase
will see Oman Air offer a total of
317,600 seats to and from Salalah.
The increased capacity has been
enabled by an increase in flight
frequencies between Salalah and
Muscat, and between Salalah and
Dubai. Eleven flights per day are
now operating between Salalah and
Muscat. In addition, the deployment of Boeing 737, Boeing 787 and
Airbus 330 aircraft on the Salalah/
Muscat/Salalah sectors is complementing the increased frequencies
welcome at the Siam Kempinski.
The rooms are modern Thai with
wooden floors and comforting
carpet setting a soothing tone, a
refreshing change from the marble favoured in GCC properties.
Pick a deluxe residence in the
Royal Wing and you’ll get a pool
and city view, complimentary
mini-bar and wifi, a spa-esque
bathroom with bath and shower,
and of course a sprawling bed.
Dining options are plentiful in
Kempinski, which has one of the
finest choices of restaurants in
Bangkok. SraBua by KiinKiin offers modern Thai fine dining and
is the concept of renowned chef
HenrikYde- Anderson,whose
KiinKiin restaurant in Copenhagen, Denmark has held a
Michelin star since 2008. Slightly
more relaxed is Brasserie Europa,
which offers all-day dining and
an informal European a la carte
menu, while Niche, the other allday option, offers a more intimate,
yet still relaxed, atmosphere. Apart
from the utter luxury of it all, another bonus of staying at the Siam
Kempinski is that it is connected
via a sky bridge to the adjacent
Siam Paragon Mall. This is highend shopping at its best so if you
are looking for Jimmy Choo, Prada, Gucci and the like then you are
in luck (Pro Tip: Fly Air Asia X into
Bangkok and use the money you
save to splurge in the shops).
It’s impossible to leave Bangkok
without being slightly changed by
this astonishing city even if you
spend just 24-hours there. For so
extreme are the contrasts — high
octane energy alongside deep
spirituality — that it stretches the
soul, making you more open to
change and frenetic chaos than
you thought possible. Despite all
that exhausting hustle and bustle,
punctuated by moments of profound peace, at the end of the day
Bangkok leaves you feeling revived
and just slightly more alive than
when you arrived.
—[email protected]
Contact (10 am to 6PM) 24567664 | 68
Suicide Squad – 3D (12+) Action, Crime,
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
3:30, 6:30, 9:00, 11:30 PM
Ice Age: Collision Course – 3D (PG)
Animation | Adventure | Comedy
Cast: Ray Romano, Denis Leary, John
3:00, 5:30, 7:30PM
Bad Moms – 2D (15+) Comedy
Cast: Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen
7:15 PM
The Conjuring 2 – 2D (15+) Horror
Cast: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson
9:15 PM
The Legend of Tarzan – 3D Action
Cast: Alexander Skarsgård, Rory J. Saper
3:15, 9:30, 11:45 PM (PG12)
Jason Bourne – 2D (PG12) Action
Cast: Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones,
Alicia Vikander
5:00, 11:45 PM
Central Intelligence (Action) (12+)
Cast: Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart
3:15 & 11:45PM
The Ice Age: Collision Course (3D) (PG)
Cast: Ray Romano, Denis Leary, John
1.15, 2.45, 4.45, 7.30pm
The Legend of Tarzan (3D) (PG12)
Cast: Alexander Skarsgård, Rory J. Saper,
Christian Stevens
12:30, 6:45, 9:30PM
Suicide Squad Gold Class (3D)(12+)
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
3:45, 6.15, 8.45, 11.15pm
Suicide Squad (3D)(12+)
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
9.00, 11.30pm
Bad Moms (2D) English (15+)
Cast: Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen
Suicide Squad - (3D) (Action) (12+)
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
3:45, 9:00 & 11:30PM
Suicide Squad - (4D) (Action) (12+) MX4D
9:00 & 11:30PM
Suicide Squad - (3D) (Action) (12+)
2:30, 6:45, 9:15 & 11:45PM
Ice Age: Collision Course - (4D)
(Animation) (PG) MX4D
Cast: Ray Romano, Denis Leary
3:30, 5:30 & 7:15PM
Ice Age: Collision Course - (3D)
(Animation) (PG)
5:00 & 7:30PM
Midnight Sun - (2D) (Drama ) (PG)
Cast: Bella Thorne, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Rob Riggle
Bad Moms - (2D) (Comedy) (15+)
Cast: Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen
The Legend of Tarzan - (3D) (Action)
The Legend of Tarzan - (3D) (Action)
2:45, 9:30 & 11:35PM
Jason Bourne - (2D) (Action ) (PG12)
Cast: Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones
Bad Moms - (2D) (Comedy) (15+)
Cast: Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen
3:15 & 9:15PM
The Conjuring 2 - (2D) (Horror ) (15+)
Cast: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson
5:00 & 11:30PM
Ice Age: Collision Course (3D)
(Animation | Adventure | Comedy) (PG)
2:45, 6:00 PM
The Legend of Tarzan (3D) (Action)
Cast: Alexander Skarsgard
4:30, 11:30 PM (PG12)
Suicide Squad (3D) (Crime) (12+)
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
3:30, 7:45, 11:45 PM
Dishoom (2D) (Action |Adventure) (PG12)
Cast: John Ibrahim , Varun Dhawan
3:45, 6:15, 8:45, 11:15 PM
Sultan (Hindi) (2D) (Action) (PG12)
Cast: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma
3:00, 10:15 PM
Kasaba (Mal) (2D) (Action ) (PG12)
Cast: Mammootty, Jagadish, Sampath Raj
6:35, 9:10 PM
Thirunaal (Tamil) (2D) (Romance) (PG12)
Cast: Jiiva, Nayanthara, Meenakshi
6:15, 8:50 PM
Screen 1
Dishoom (Action) –PG
Cast : John Abraham, Varun Dhawan,
Jacqueline Fernandez, Akshaye Khanna
3.30, 6.30, 9.30 PM
Screen 2
Sultan (2D) (Action, Drama) –PG12
Cast : Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma
3.45, 9.45 PM
Kasaba-2D (Malayalam/ Action) (PG12)
Cast: Mammootty, Jagadish, Sampath Raj
6.45 PM
Screen 3
Suicide Squad-2D (Action) (12+)
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
3.45, 6.45, 9.45 PM
The Legend of Tarzan (3D – Action)
Cast: Alexander Skarsgard, Rory J.Saper,
Christian Stevens
7.00, 11.30 PM (PG12)
Dishoom (Action – Hindi)(PG12)
Cast: John Ibrahim, Varun Dhawan
7.00 PM
Ice Age: Collision Course (Animation
Cast: Ray Romano, Denis Leary
5.15 PM
Suicide Squad (Action –English 3D)(12+)
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
4.30, 9.15, 11.45 PM
Kasaba (Action- Malayalam)(PG12)
Cast: Mammootty, Jagdish, Sampath Raj
11.00 PM
The Legend of Tarzan - 3D (Drama)
3:00, 5:15, 9:15, 11:30PM (PG12)
Jason Bourne 2D (Action ) (PG12)
Cast: Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones
2:30, 11:30PM
Ice Age: Collision Course-3D (Animation/Adventure/Comedy) (12+)
5:00, 7:25PM
Mojave – 2D (Thriller) (12+)
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Garrett Hedlund,
Louise Bourgoin
4:45, 11:45PM
Midnight Sun – 2D (Romance) (PG)
Cast: Bella Thorne, Rob Riggle
4:45, 11:45PM
Suicide Squad-3D (Action/Crime) (12+)
2:30, 6:45, 9:15, 11:45PM
Kasaba-2D (Mal/ Action/Drama) (PG12)
Cast:Mammootty, Jagadish, Sampath Raj
Thirunaal-2D (Tamil/ Action) (PG12)
Cast:Jiiva, Nayanthara, Meenakshi
Dishoom - 2D (Action/Adventure) (PG12)
6:30, 9:15PM
The Legend of Tarzan (3D) PG12
Cast: Alexander Skarsgård, Rory J. Saper,
Christian Stevens
7.00 & 9.00 PM (Action )
Suicide Squad (3D) 12+ (Action )
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
4.45, 6.45, 9.00 & 11.30 PM
Ice Age: Collision Course (3D) PG
(Animation | Adventure | Comedy)
5.00 PM
Dishoom PG12 (Hindi ) (Action | )
7.00 & 11.15 PM
Mojave 12+ (Thriller)
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Garrett Hedlund, Louise
5.15 & 11.45 PM
Kasaba PG12 (Mal) (Action |Drama )
Cast: Mammootty, Jagadish, Sampath Raj
9.15 PM
Suicide Squad (3D) (12+) (Action, Crime )
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
12:45, 2:00, 6:45, 9:10, 11:45PM
Ice Age: Collision Course (3D) (PG)
Voice Overs: Ray Romano, Denis Leary
12:15, 3:15, 5:15PM
The Legend of Tarzan (3D) (PG12)
(Action )
Cast: Alexander Skarsgård, Rory J. Saper,
Christian Stevens
4:30, 7:15, 11:55PM
Jason Bourne (2D) (PG12) (Action)
Cast: Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones
1:30, 9:25PM
Bad Moms (2D) (15+) (Comedy)
Cast: Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen
Kasaba (2D) (PG12) (Action |Drama )
Cast: Mammootty, Jagadish, Sampath Raj
Dishoom (3D) (PG12) (Hindi) (Action)
Cast: John Ibrahim, Varun Dhawan,
Jacqueline Fernandez
Thirunaal (2D) (PG12) (Action | Drama
| Romance)
Cast: Jiiva, Nayanthara, Meenakshi
Mojave 12+ (Thriller)
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Garrett Hedlund,
Louise Bourgoin
5.15 & 11.45 PM
Film information 24540856 / Advance
Booking 24540855
Suicide Squad (Action / Adventure /
Cast: Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot
5.15, 7.30, 9.45 & 11.55 p.m.
CP No : 1950 (12+)
Mojave (Thriller)
Cast: Oscar Isaac, Garrett Hedlund,
Louise Bourgoin
1.15 & 4.00 p.m.
CP No :1951 (12+)
Bad Moms (Comedy)
Cast: Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen
2.00 & 6.00 p.m.
CP No : 1952 (15+)
The Legend Of Tarzan ( Action)
Cast: Alexander Skarsgard, Rory J. Saper
10.00 & 11.55 p.m.
CP No: 1946 ( PG12 )
Jason Bourne ( Action/Thriller )
Cast : Matt Damon, Alicia Vikander
3.00 & 7.45 p.m.
CP No : 1947 (PG12)
Film information 24791641 / 24786776
Kasaba (Mal) ( Act) ( PG 12)
Cast : Mammootty & Varalaxami
3-30 & 9-30 pm Cinema Main
Kabali ( Tamil) ( Action) ( PG 12)
Cast : Rajanikanth & Radika Apte
3-45 & 6-45 pm Cinema-4
Anuraga Karikkin Vallam (Mal)
( Comedy) (PG 12)
Cast: Biju Menon & Asif Ali
6-30 Pm Cinema Main; 9-45 pm
Thirunaal ( Tamil)(Act) ( PG 12)
Cast : Jiva & Nayantara
3-45, 6-45 & 9-45 Pm Cinema -3
Next Change: Rustom ( Hindi); Babu
Bangaram ( Telugu); Dharma Durai
Programmes are subject to change
wimming is a great
way to get refreshed
from the mundane office hours and stressed
work schedule. Besides
it is considered the top workout
programme to burn fat, shape
body, and improve breathing,
among many other benefits.
Muscat is a perfect place for
swimming enthusiasts as the capital area has beaches perfect for
sea swimming. During the evening hours even on weekdays we
can see the Shatti beach area is
crowded with people venturing
out in the sea after having the
regular exercise or a game of
football. The long stretch from
the Crowne Plaza to the Chedi
Hotel end is ideal playground
for swimmers. There are groups
doing swimming exercise as well.
Swimming in a group has
many advantages. According to
experts, the group activity brings
the best out of individuals. Ocean
swimming also helps you come
closer with the nature. If you are
a beginner do it with the guid-
ance of a trainer. It is always better to learn swimming from an
experienced trainer, before taking
a plunge. One such big group is
doing it in Muscat near Kalbouh
Park in Muttrah. Dr R. K. Sanghavi has been training swimmers
here since 1984. Sanghavi, who is
a medical practitioner by profession, has been offering free swimming classes to all for more than
two decades during weekends.
From little kids to people above
fifty are among the group.
—[email protected]
Dr Sanghavi’s free
training classes
Location: Kalbouh Park
When: Friday and Saturday
Time: From 7am onwards
Things to bring: Goggles
and swim suit
Banyan Tree opens
first all-pool villa
resort in Morocco
Banyan Tree will open Banyan Tree Tamouda Bay, Morocco’s first all-inclusive pool villa resort and first destination
spa resort on September 1, this year. Banyan Tree’s inaugural
venture in the Mediterranean and Africa features 92 luxury
pool villas, all with awe-inspiring views of the Mediterranean
Sea. Combining Moroccan charm with a refreshing Mediterranean spirit, the resort is perfect for couples and families. Banyan Tree Tamouda Bay opens up a new destination
to discerning travellers seeking a rich cultural adventure to
beautiful historic towns, quiet unspoiled beaches, and exhilarating outdoor activities. Offering the largest and most
private resort-villas in Morocco, each beautifully-designed
villa pays homage to the rich local architecture and design
found across the region. Ranging from 200 to 423 square
metres, each villa comes complete with a lush garden and
private pool, whilst some villas have direct access to the
beach. The only resort in the region to offer a Destination
Dining experience - choose from a relaxed dinner by the
beach, or a Moroccan feast under a traditional tent. With
four restaurants and 24-hour in-villa dining, guests can also
enjoy savoury Moroccan delicacies, Mediterranean-inspired
seafood dishes and international favourites.
To celebrate the opening of Banyan Tree Tamouda Bay,
guests can choose between two offers. Enjoy a “Night On Us”
– a complimentary night stay with every three nights booked
from September 1 till October 31 or “Credit Goes To You” valid
until October 31 and receive $100 worth of credits per villa
per night to be used for F&B and spa treatments during your
stay. Terms and Conditions apply.
Email: [email protected]
Call +212 539 669 999
Nuno Neves new cluster
GM for Park Inn Hotels
Nuno Neves has been appointed as
cluster general manager of Park Inn
Muscat and Park Inn Duqm. A Portuguese national, Nuno started his career
as a flight attendant for TAP Air Portugal and later on changed his path to hotel industry. With more than 22 years
expertise in the hospitality industry,
Nuno had joined Rezidor in November 2004-2008 and has held key management positions at Radisson Blu Rome and Radisson SAS
Grand Hotel in France. During his career, Neves has worked
in Italy, France, Malta, Spain, Morocco, Tunisia and Portugal
with a strong background in food and beverage, working with
international hotel groups such as Starwood Hotels & Resorts
and Hilton Hotel Group.
He briefly exited the company from 2008 till 2012. In
2013, he returned to Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, and joined
Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel Freetown in Sierra Leone
during the property’s pre-opening period as Pre-Opening,
Opening and Post-Opening General Manager. In his new position, Nuno Neves will oversee all day-to-day operations for
the Park Inn by Radisson Muscat and Park Inn by Radisson
Hotel & Residence Duqm in Oman.
—[email protected]
Oman Crude (October delivery)
edged up 24 cents to $42.60
per barrel on Tuesday. The
average price of Oman Crude
(August delivery) was $46.60
per barrel - $2.27 higher than
July delivery. – ONA
Top stories in one minute
with our new daily Digest
+ 10.17
+ 0.17%
+ 10.94
+ 0.31%
Abu Dhabi
- 15.37
- 0.34%
Saudi Arabia
+ 46.10
+ 0.73%
- 7.70
- 0.14%
- 0.67
- 0.06%
- 1.76
- 0.02%
Type ............................Delivery...........Price
Forex rates vs OMR1*
US Dollar ................................. 2.58
Euro ............................................. 2.31
Pound ...........................................1.98
Indian Rs ...............................172.71
Pakistan Rs ....................... 267.09
Bangla Taka......................200.88
Indian Rs ...................................173.55
Pakistan Rs ............................. 271.60
Sri Lanka Rs .................................. N/A
Bangla Taka........................... 203.60
Phil Peso .................................... 121.50
Muscat 24ct per gm (OMR) ....... 17.05
Oman Crude............. (Spot) .........$41.30
Dubai Crude ............. (Spot) .........$41.45
Murban Crude ........ (Spot) ........$42.65
Arabian Light ......... (Spot) .........$41.58
N.Sea Brent............... (Spot) ........$45.55
West Texas Int ....... (Spot) .........$43.14
* Rates are as of August 9
Source: Bank Muscat
* Rates as of August 9
Source: Oman UAE Exchange
Oil price dip to raise
GCC banks’ bad loans
Strong banking
sector soundness
banking system in the GCC” was
jointly prepared by Padamja Khandelwal, Ken Miyajima, and Andre
[email protected]
Projected oil price
The paper states that data on actual and projected oil price performance for 2015 to 2020 suggests
that oil prices will, on average, remain 50 to 60 per cent below the
2014 peak in the medium term.
“Similarly, non-oil GDP growth
is assumed to weaken by 3percentage points,” it added.
Oil prices have rebounded vigorously from their trough in early-2016 and are expected to stage
a more moderate rally in the next
two years.
The West Texas Intermediate
(WTI) spot price fell close to $30
a barrel in February 2016(monthly
average data), losing nearly three
fourth of its value since June 2014.
MUSCAT: A fall in oil prices and
the slowing down of gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in
the Gulf countries could lead to an
increase in non-performing loans
(NPLs) of banks, according to an
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) working paper.
The working paper entitled,
“The impact of oil prices on the
Recovery expected
“However, by mid-May, they have
rebounded by more than 50 per
cent. Pricing of futures contracts
suggests that oil prices are expected to recover at a more measured
pace, by 5 to 10 per cent over the
coming two years.”
Strong banking sector soundness provides an important buffer
provides an
important buffer in
the Gulf Cooperation
Council for the oil
price decline since
mid-2014, an IMF
working paper says
in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation
Council) for the oil price decline
since mid-2014.
“GCC banks had strong capital
and liquidity buffers as of end2014. Capital buffers and provisioning levels were above those in
many other commodity exporting
countries. The NPL ratios are low
and both loan loss provisions and
profits were strong. In fact, provisions fully cover NPLs, on average.
Strong macroeconomic performance helped, so did strengthened
regulatory frameworks and improved risk management.”
“However, liquidity conditions
have started tightening more recently. While credit growth has remained robust, deposit growth has
slowed, largely as governments
and government-related entities
have withdrawn deposits from
the banking system,” added the
working paper.
Interbank rates have edged
higher since the beginning of the
summer of 2015.
The IMF paper also stated that
generally, GCC economies can be
adversely affected by low oil prices
for at least two reasons.
Firstly, the GCC economies are
highly dependent on oil and gas exports. During the 2011 to 2014 period, hydrocarbon exports repre-
sented about 70 per cent of exports
of goods and services on average.
“Fiscal dependence on hydrocarbon revenues was even greater,
accounting for over 80 percent of
total fiscal revenues on average,”
noted the working paper. Over the
past decade and a half, the dependence on hydrocarbon fiscal revenues did not decline despite efforts
at economic diversification.”
Secondly, macro-financial linkages in the GCC can amplify the
effects of oil price movements over
the financial cycle.
Oil price movements and government spending policies create feedback loops between asset
prices and credit that can lead to
the build-up of systemic vulnerabilities in the financial sector.
Oil price upturns lead to higher
oil revenues, and stronger fiscal
and external positions.
Equity market returns are larger
as investors anticipate the impact
of higher oil prices on the corporate sector, and generally stronger
government spending growth. In
turn, stronger government spending leads to higher non-oil output
growth, greater banking sector liquidity and credit growth, higher
real-estate prices, and stronger
bank balance sheets, the paper
Muscat 22ct per gm (OMR) ........16.31
Dubai 24ct per gm (Dh) ............ 161.50
Dubai 22ct per gm (Dh) .............. 151.75
* Rates as of August 9
Source: Malabar Gold & Diamonds
Oman’s antimony
project awards
equipment contract
[email protected]
MUSCAT: Strategic and Precious Metals Processing (SPMP),
which is building a project to produce 20,000 tonnes of high quality antimony and 50,000 ounces
of gold per annum, has awarded
its first major equipment order
launching its Oman Antimony
Roaster (OAR) project into procurement and implementation
phase. “This award will provide
the roaster with a modern metal
oxide reduction technology.
Of the three furnaces ordered,
two are for antimony production
and the third is for the recycling of
calcines, which enables OAR to recover gold,” said a company release.
Modern furnace technology
This modern furnace technology allows OAR to operate in a
clean and low emission manner,
a key differentiator for antimony
products to be produced from the
SPMP together with its consulting engineers and equipment
supplier partners are committed to completing the project on
schedule, expected to be commissioned in the fourth quarter
of 2017, and with the board approved capital budget, including the gold recovery plant, of
SPMP intends to deliver a
modern, safe and environmentally compliant facility. Name
plate capacity of the facility is
20,000 tonnes per annum of high
quality antimony, of which up to
10,000 tonnes can be converted
into value added antimony trioxide products, and 50,000 ounces
of gold per annum.
The inclusion of the calcine
recovery furnace and the associated plant for gold recovery, has
allowed the project to accept a
wider range of feedstock sources,
which also improves the operational flexibility and economics,
increasing the plant revenue opportunity by 50 per cent compared with antimony alone.
Send us your comments at
[email protected]
Oman’s national
enterprises should
expand beyond
domestic market
MODERATE INFLATION: While inflation recorded a 0.3 per cent increase in July 2016 as against June figures, average inflation over the
January-July period increased by 0.82 per cent compared with 2015. – Times file picture
Inflation in Sultanate
grows by 1.3% in July
Inflation is primarily driven by a 7.87% rise
in transport and 0.88% rise in housing, water,
electricity, gas and fuel prices, said the
National Centre for Statistics & Information
MUSCAT: Oman’s consumer
price index (CPI)-based inflation
rose 1.3 per cent in July 2016 over
the same month in 2015, primarily driven by a 7.87 per cent rise in
transport and 0.88 per cent rise
in housing, water, electricity, gas
and fuel set prices, according to
the latest data released by the
National Centre for Statistics
and Information.
Central Bank of
Oman issues
OMR84 million
treasury bills
MUSCAT: The Central Bank of
Oman (CBO) has floated a tender
for treasury bills this week.
The total value of the allotted
treasury bills amounted to OMR84
million, for a maturity period of 91
days, from August 10 to November
9, 2016.
The average accepted price
reached 99.814 for every OMR100
while the minimum accepted price
arrived at 99.785 per OMR100. The
average discount rate and the average yield reached 0.74776 per cent
and 0.74930 per cent respectively.
The interest rate on the repo
operations with CBO is 1.0119 per
cent for the period from August 9
to August 15, while the discount
rate on the Treasury bills discounting facility with CBO is 1.7619 per
cent for the same period.
The Treasury bills are shortterm highly secured financial instruments issued by the Central
Bank of Oman on behalf of the government, which helps the licensed
commercial banks to gainfully
invest their surplus funds, with
added advantage of ready liquidity through discounting and repurchase facilities (Repo) offered by
the central bank.
Treasury bills promote the local money market by creating a
benchmark yield curve for shortterm interest rates. - ONA
While inflation recorded a 0.3
per cent increase in July 2016
over June figures, average inflation during January-July period
grew by 0.82 per cent compared
with 2015.
However, the foods and nonalcoholic beverages set registered
a price decline of 2.11 per cent in
July 2016 compared to the same
month of 2015. Prices of bread
and cereals fell by 2.74 per cent
while fish and seafood declined by
13.67 per cent.
Milk, cheese and eggs prices
went down by 0.50 per cent along
with oils and fats, which declined
by 0.58 per cent.
Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables too recorded
a price decrease of 2.53 per cent and
0.23 per cent, respectively. Meat,
on the other hand, turned costlier
by 0.19 per cent as did sugar, jam,
honey and confectionary items
whose prices went up by 0.23 per
cent in July 2016 compared with
last year. Prices of other food
products fell 0.24 per cent.
Non-alcoholic beverages experienced an upward price revision
of 0.46 per cent during the month.
Tobacco set logged a price rise
of 0.38 per cent while clothing and
footwear prices rose 0.31 per cent.
Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance set reported an increase
of 0.43 per cent even as health set
prices went up 0.94 per cent.
The communication and recreation sub-segment logged a price
fall of 0.26 per cent and 0.46 per
cent, respectively while education
prices moved up by 3.03 per cent.
Restaurants and hotels set too
registered a price rise of 0.32 per
cent in July compared with July
2015 figures whereas prices of
miscellaneous goods and services
went up by 0.39 per cent. - ONA
Send us your comments at
[email protected]
Central bank leaves India’s
key interest rate unchanged
MUMBAI: India’s central bank
governor Raghuram Rajan left
interest rates unchanged at his
last policy review as food prices
threaten to push inflation above
the nation’s target.
The benchmark repurchase
rate will stay at a five-year low of
6.50 per cent, the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) said in a statement in
Mumbai on Tuesday. The move
was predicted by 27 of 29 economists in a survey, with two expecting a cut to 6.25 per cent.
“Risks to the inflation target of
5 per cent for March 2017 continue to be on the upside,” the
statement read. “It is appropriate
for the Reserve Bank to keep the
policy repo rate unchanged at this
juncture, while awaiting space for
policy action.”
Since surprising India by announcing a return to academia
when his term ends on September
4, Rajan has urged his yet-to-benamed successor to continue the
fight against one of Asia’s highest
inflation rates. The next governor
will need to assess whether the
revival of the monsoon has created room for India to follow nations like Malaysia and Australia
in monetary easing as risks to the
global economy mount.
“From the current governor’s
perspective, with an upward risk
to inflation target of 5 per cent,
afterward, Rajan said he hoped a
proposed monetary policy committee (MPC) would be in place
to make the next decision on interest rates. “This is my last statement, but there are still 28 days
in my term, which I intend to use
fully,” he told reporters.
Although consumer inflation
touched a 22-month high in June,
reports of above-average rains
in the annual June-September
monsoon may provide some relief
— particularly after the first backto-back droughts in three decades.
Raghuram Rajan. – AFP
there is no rate cut,” said Indranil
Pan, chief economist with IDFC.
“A lot will depend on the new governor.” The stance of monetary
policy remains accommodative
and will continue to emphasise
the adequate provision of liquidity
Bonds advance
Indian bonds advanced after the
decision. The yield on sovereign
notes due January 2026 dropped
four basis points, the most since
July 28, to 7.13 per cent as of
11:16am in Mumbai.
The rupee fell 0.1 per cent to
66.88 per dollar, according to
prices from local banks.
In a press briefing immediately
Rajan to leave
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
government last week cemented
Rajan’s inflation target through
2021. A rate setting panel will
soon follow, completing the biggest overhaul of the 81-year-old
central bank.
Modi has less than four weeks
to pick a successor for Rajan, who
announced his exit almost two
months ago following criticism of
his policy decisions by a key ally
of the prime minister.
During his three years in office, India’s central bank governor Raghuram Rajan has boosted
foreign-exchange reserves to a
record, stabilised the rupee and
pressured banks to begin cleaning
up $120 billion of souring loans.
— Bloomberg News
ince the dawn of the
Sultanate of Oman’s
Renaissance, the
private sector has been
highly regarded as one of
the mighty pillars of the
national development plan.
Today, national enterprises
are present in all sectors.
However, Omani businesses have not been able
to achieve the same amount
of success outside the
national borders, as it is able
to achieve within the Omani
borders. Therefore, their
contribution to the national
gross domestic product
(GDP), exports and foreign
currency reserves remains
below expectations.
Different funds
To play their aspired role in
the national economy, the
Omani businesses need to
expand to a greater level in
the regional markets, and
eventually need to compete
globally. But, the two important hurdles which block
the way of development
are, lack of motivation and
limited sources of risk capital. Sovereign and pension
funds should play the role
of Angel Investor (AI) and
the Venture Capitalist (VC).
Government should impose
rules and regulations that
incentivises equity funding.
Large national businesses and government
owned companies are the
main incumbents that
have the capital strength to
expand regionally. For big
national businesses, their
focus remains on domestic
market where they enjoy
the advantage of being the
pioneers. Most of those
business-owned agencies
enjoy a steady growth. For
them expanding regionally or internationally will
not provide them with the
same advantage they enjoy
at home. Their activities
outside remains mainly on
low risk sectors such as real
estate and money market.
For government owned
companies, their focus
is mainly on to invest in
international private equity
as a mean to expand beyond
national borders. This strategy might have borne fruits
as a financial investment
strategy but it lacks the local
content and it comes under
a lot of public scrutiny especially when those investments do not deliver their
Monopoly status
Over the last decade, many
local companies have been
established. A lot them
couldn’t enjoy the monopoly status exactly some
of the older companies had
enjoyed in the early days
of the Renaissance. These
companies have proved to
have validated businesses
models. We can find many
examples in the Oil and
Gas sector and hospitality sector, to name a few.
However, these businesses
could not fully deploy to
regional markets that share
many similarities with local
market. Such expansion will
require significant capital
which is very hard to attain
via debt market. And in
the absence of AI and VC
culture, these businesses
remain domestic.
In order to start the culture of investing in start-up
and scale-up businesses, a
successful model is a must.
Such role can only be taken
by government investment
arms or an enlightened
But in the absence of
such businessmen, the
government should take the
initiative to close the gap.
Sovereign funds should be
used to change the culture
of project investment and to
start to invest in businesses.
They should seek to take
national businesses to international market instead
of providing much needed
capital to international
Introduce rules
To support this culture,
government should impose
rules that make is attractive for big companies to
incorporate. Such move will
put pressure on those companies to achieve higher
growth rates, and hence,
will take more risk. At the
same time, such companies
that enjoy protected market
position should be taxed
differently and tax breaks
should be given for scale-up
and start-up business differently. It should be made
easier for companies to go
for the initial public offering (IPO), hence, should
encourage VC to cash out
and provide them an exit
It does take much to
notice companies from
neighboring countries every
time you drive around town
or every time you walk into
a mall. The opposite is not
true. It is still rare to see an
Omani company or a local
brand outside our borders.
Policy makers should
realise that what is next for
national businesses is to
expand beyond domestic
market. This will require
a change in the strategic
direction of the government
investment strategy as well
as to frame a set of rules and
regulations to bring about
the required results.
*The writer is a Muscatbased business strategist
Maisarah unveils contract financing for corporates
and it is based on the concept of
restricted Mudarabah, which is
a partnership contract where we
provide the capital to the customer
who carries out a specific contract,
project or transaction,” he said.
Times News Service
MUSCAT: With its continued dedication and focus to enrich service
for corporate customers, Maisarah
Islamic Banking Services of BankDhofar has announced the launch
of its flagship Mudaraba-based
transaction finance solution.
The fastest growing Islamic
banking service provider reiterated its commitment to cater to
the needs and requirements of its
retail and corporate customers
across the Sultanate of Oman by
expanding its diverse array of tailor-made Sharia-compliant products and services.
New products
Fawaz Al Ojaili, senior executive
manager and acting head of Corporate Banking at Maisarah Islamic
Banking Services, stressed on the
Islamic window’s efforts to provide a wide range of customised
Under this scheme, we offer transaction specific finance
facility to help our business customers enhance their cash
flow management that is required to complete certain business
transactions, finalise contracts or jump-start projects
Fawaz Al Ojaili
Senior executive manager and acting head of Corporate Banking, Maisarah Islamic Banking Services
financial solutions to suit its customers’ needs and requirements,
stating that new products and services will be launched as per the
Islamic window’s strategic growth
plan. “Under this scheme, we offer
transaction specific finance facility to help our business customers
enhance their cash flow management that is required to complete
certain business transactions,
finalise contracts or jump-start
projects. This product has been
developed to add more convenience to our corporate customers,
Customer service
finance product adds to the wide
range of Sharia-compliant financial
solutions, innovative products and
best-in-class services that Maisarah offers to cater to the needs of its
retail and corporate customers.
These solutions include credit
card, home finance, auto finance,
goods finance, personal finance,
education finance, travel finance,
prize account, savings account,
current account, fixed deposit,
Ameen term deposit, call account,
working capital finance, goods finance, property, equipment & project finance, Wa’ad product (alternate to forward cover), as well as
trade financing solutions such as
letter of credit and letter of guarantee services.
The Islamic window celebrated
the inauguration of five new
branches this year, bringing
the total number of Maisarah
branches to 10 branches that are
strategically located in major cities
across Oman.
As part of its future growth plan,
the Islamic banking service provider plans to distinguish itself by
focusing on prominent customer
service, developing and launching new products, and investing
in technology to provide the best
customer experience in timely and
convenient manner.
Send us your comments at
[email protected]
Ominvest awaits
regulatory nod
to buy OAB unit
Ominvest and its
MEETING: Members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries are planning to hold talks
in Algeria next month when they gather for a meeting of the International Energy Forum. – File picture
Opec faces same hurdles
to agree on oil output limit
strategic partners
– Oman Investment
Fund and Arab Bank
(Switzerland) - have
signed a MoU with
Oman Arab Bank to
LONDON: An informal Opec
meeting next month is unlikely
to deliver any agreement to limit production because several
members including Iran are still
pumping below capacity.
Members of the Organisation
of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) are planning to hold
talks in Algeria next month when
they gather for a meeting of the
International Energy Forum, the
group’s president Mohammed Al
Sada said. But the same obstacles that prevented an agreement
on proposals to freeze output in
April or fix a new production target in June are still there, according to UBS Group.
“We still haven’t reached the
moment when Opec members
will agree to a production agreement, as Iran has not yet recovered its pre-sanction production
levels,” Giovanni Staunovo, an analyst at UBS, said by e-mail. “Nigerian and Libyan oil output are
also currently below capacity.”
Oil tumbled into a bear market
last week, ending a recovery that
saw prices almost double from
a 12-year low in February. That
increased the pressure on many
Opec member countries that are
still unable to balance their budgets. Al Sada’s comments indicate
the group is concerned by the renewed slide in prices.
Iran’s opposition
Oil dropped from the highest
close in two weeks, slipping as
much as 44 cents, or 1 per cent,
to $42.58 a barrel. Opec shifted
to targeting market share over
price in 2014, adopting a Saudiled strategy to keep pumping in
the face of oversupply. Efforts
by some Opec members over the
past two years to limit the group’s
output have come to nothing.
In Doha in April, talks with
other producers including Russia to freeze output ended in failure after Saudi Arabia decided it
wouldn’t back the accord as long
as Iran refused to join. At the
group’s June meeting, another
proposal for production targets
went nowhere. Before both gath-
erings, Iran had ruled out any limits on its output as it ramped up
production after the easing of international sanctions in January.
Iran’s crude production increased by about a quarter since
the start of the year to 3.6 million
barrels a day in July, according to
data. However, it has yet to fully
recover the levels pumped before sanctions were imposed four
years ago, according to the country’s Deputy Oil Minister Amir
Hossein Zamaninia.
Low-risk strategy
Crude production in Libya remains at less than a quarter of its
level before the ouster of Muammar Al Gaddafi in 2011 as political
rivalries divide the North African
country. In Nigeria, a resurgence
of rebel attacks against oil infrastructure is holding output close
to the lowest level since 1989, according to data.
Holding an informal meeting is
an opportunistic, low-risk strategy for Opec to deal with the problem of falling prices. - Bloomberg News
acquire the latter’s
investment banking
business in March
Times News Service
MUSCAT: Oman International Development and Investment Company (Ominvest) and its strategic
partners are in the process of finalising regulatory approval for acquiring Oman Arab Bank’s investment
banking business (OABINVEST),
according to the company’s halfyearly financial statement.
Ominvest and its strategic partners – Oman Investment Fund
(OIF) and Arab Bank (Switzerland) - have signed a memorandum of understanding with Oman
Arab Bank in March this year to
acquire the latter’s investment
banking business.
“There has been substantial progress in the acquisition of OAB’s
Investment Banking Business,”
Ominvest said in its announcement of first half result.
With a successful track record
spanning over two decades, OABINVEST is one of the largest asset
managers in Oman.
It serves leading institutional
and ultra-high net worth (HNW)
clients and has a healthy pipeline
of corporate finance deals involving initial public offerings, debt
placements and advisory mandates.
The new shareholding structure of OABINVEST will comprise
Ominvest 36 per cent, ABS 34 per
cent and OIF 30 per cent, according to a statement released by Ominvest in March.
Oman’s evolving economy presents significant opportunities for
high-quality investment banking
services and products. There has
been an acute need for a large local
player with top-tier capabilities to
effectively serve public and private
sector clients.
This deal is also a major step towards building fee-based income
sources for Ominvest and further
diversifying its revenue streams.
Group revenue
Total group revenue of Ominvest
surged ahead by 110 per cent to
OMR108.9 million, while group
net profit declined by 6 per cent to
OMR17.3 million in the first half of
2016, over the same period of last
year. Ominvest’s share of the group
net profit stood at OMR11.7 million, compared to OMR10.5 million, a growth of 11 per cent over
the same period in 2015.
OAB’s profit
Oman Arab Bank, which is a subsidiary of Ominvest, posted a
profit of OMR11.5 million for the
first half of 2016 against OMR15.9
million for the same period of last
OAB’s loans and advances grew
by 15 per cent to OMR1.6 billion
by end-June 2016, compared to
OMR1.4 billion for the same period of 2015.
Customer deposits rose by 9
per cent to OMR1.7 billion from
OMR1.5 billion during the period
under review. The shareholders’
fund increased by 10 per cent to
OMR237 million from OMR215
Index .................................................High .................Low..................... Value ............... Prev . Value.......... Diff ...............Diff %
MSM30 Index ........................................ 5,897.71 ...............5,885.54 ................... 5,896.97 ...................5,886.80.................. 10.17 ................... 0.17
Financial Index .....................................7,600.52 ...............7,584.76 ....................7,596.83 ................... 7,584.76..................12.07 ................... 0.16
Industrial Index .................................... 7,573.77 ...............7,559.32 ....................7,571.33 ................... 7,553.40.................. 17.93 ...................0.24
Services Index .......................................3,208.81 ...............3,207.35 ...................3,208.54 ................... 3,207.87....................0.67 ...................0.02
MSM SHARIAH INDEX....................... 893.11 .................. 891.70 .......................893.03 ......................892.04....................0.99 ................... 0.11
Trading Summary
Volume ................Turnover ..........Trades .............. Market Cap............. Up............Down ............. Equal .........Sec. Traded
13,705,175 ................... 2,691,611 .....................810 ............... 17,277,982,332 ................ 15 ........................6 ....................22 .........................43
ISIN ......................................SECURITY NAME ..................................................................VOLUME..... TURNOVER............TRADES ......OPEN PRICE......HIGH ............. LOW ........ CLOSE PR. ...PREV. CLOSE...DIFF (RO).........DIFF % .............LAST PR.....LAST BID .............LAST OFFER ........MARKET CAP.PAR VALUE
Muscat Securities Market. – Times file picture
MSM index
ends higher
REGULAR MARKET .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
OM0000003125 ............GLOBAL FINANCIAL INVESTMENT ................ 371,661 ............ 63,298..................... 27 ............0.168 ........... 0.173 ...........0.168 ........... 0.170 .............0.164............ 0.006............. 3.659 ................0.172 .............. 0.172...................0.174 .................. 34,000,000 ........0.100
OM0000001962............AL MADINA INVESTMENT ....................................... 9,373 ..................609........................4 ........... 0.064 ...........0.066 ...........0.064........... 0.065 .............0.064 ............0.001 ............. 1.563 ................0.065..............0.064...................0.065...................13,464,840 .........0.100
OM0000002028 ...........GULF INTERNATIONAL CHEMICALS ............ 223,462 ............58,535......................31 ........... 0.262 ...........0.264 ...........0.260 .......... 0.262 .............0.258 ........... 0.004............. 1.550 ................0.264..............0.262...................0.264 ...................5,502,000 ..........0.100
OM0000001418 ............RAYSUT CEMENT ........................................................60,425 .............87,010........................8 ............1.420 ........... 1.440 ...........1.420........... 1.440 .............1.420 ........... 0.020............. 1.408 ................1.440..............1.420...................1.450................. 288,000,000 .......0.100
OM0000004768 ...........AL MADINA TAKAFUL............................................... 15,953 ............... 1,196........................4 ............0.075 ........... 0.075 ...........0.075........... 0.075 .............0.074 ............0.001 ..............1.351.................0.075..............0.073...................0.075...................13,125,000 .........0.100
OM0000002549 ...........BANK DHOFAR ............................................................ 510,000 .........124,350......................11 ........... 0.242...........0.245 ...........0.242 .......... 0.244 .............0.241 ........... 0.003............. 1.245 ................0.245..............0.245...................0.248 .................414,605,142........0.100
OM0000003521 ............GALFAR ENGINEERING AND CON. .................. 2,054,626 ..... 218,827...................105 ............0.107 ........... 0.107 ...........0.106........... 0.107 .............0.106 ............0.001 .............0.943 ................0.106..............0.106...................0.107...................31,027,928 .........0.100
OM0000001533 ............OMINVEST .................................................................... 230,073 ..........129,767........................9 ........... 0.564 ........... 0.570 ...........0.564........... 0.564 .............0.560 ........... 0.004............. 0.714 ................0.570..............0.564...................0.570..................358,586,061........0.100
OM0000002200 ...........AHLI BANK .................................................................... 500,000...........94,500........................7 ............0.189 ........... 0.189 ...........0.189 ........... 0.189 ............. 0.188.............0.001 ............. 0.532 ................0.189 ..............0.182...................0.189..................269,331,831 ........0.100
OM0000001145 ............PORT SERVICES CORPORATION ....................... 167,164 ............ 39,062......................16 ........... 0.233 ...........0.236 ...........0.233........... 0.234 .............0.233 ............0.001 ............. 0.429 ................0.234..............0.233...................0.234 ..................22,239,360.........0.100
OM0000003224 ...........RENAISSANCE SERVICES ..................................... 600,972 ......... 166,692..................... 54 ........... 0.275 ...........0.279 ...........0.275........... 0.277 .............0.276 ............0.001 ............. 0.362 ................0.277..............0.277...................0.279................... 82,761,416 .........0.100
OM0000001160 ............NATIONAL GAS ................................................................3,733 ...............2,314........................1 ........... 0.620 ...........0.620 ...........0.620........... 0.624 .............0.624 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.620..............0.620...................0.628...................34,320,000 ........0.100
Top gainer was Global Financial Investment,
up by 3.66 per cent, while Oman Ceramics
OM0000001483............NATIONAL BANK OF OMAN ...................................50,864 .............12,919........................2 ........... 0.254 ...........0.254 ...........0.254........... 0.254 .............0.254 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.254..............0.254...................0.259................. 374,594,444 .......0.100
OM0000001517 ............HSBC BANK OMAN .................................................... 555,914.............55,591........................9 ........... 0.100 ........... 0.100 ...........0.100........... 0.100 .............0.100 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.100..............0.100...................0.101 ..................200,031,279........0.100
OM0000001525 ............OMAN INVESTMENT AND FINANCE.............. 273,531............ 56,347......................11 ........... 0.206...........0.206 ...........0.206 .......... 0.206 .............0.206 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.206............. 0.206...................0.207 ..................41,200,000.........0.100
OM0000001772 ............AL ANWAR HOLDING............................................... 463,800 ............90,381..................... 32 ............0.195 ........... 0.196 ...........0.193 ............0.195 ............. 0.195............ 0.000.............0.000 ................0.194.............. 0.193...................0.195 ...................34,125,479 .........0.100
was the day’s top loser, down by 9.82 per cent.
OM0000002168............AL ANWAR CERAMIC TILES .................................10,000 ...............2,250........................2 ........... 0.225 ...........0.225 ...........0.225........... 0.225 .............0.225 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.225..............0.223...................0.225 ..................66,648,078.........0.100
OM0000002176 ............AL JAZEERA STEEL PRODUCTS ........................ 690,397 ..........185,317..................... 46 ........... 0.270 ...........0.270 ...........0.268........... 0.268 .............0.268 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.270..............0.268...................0.269 ..................33,472,653 .........0.100
OM0000002226 ...........AL JAZEERA SERVICES ............................................ 19,905 ...............4,076........................8 ........... 0.207 ...........0.207 ...........0.204 .......... 0.205 .............0.205 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.204 ............ 0.204...................0.206 ..................12,546,876 .........0.100
MUSCAT: Shares on the Muscat bourse continued its positive
momentum on Tuesday, despite
low volumes. The MSM30 Index
ended at 5,896.97 points, up by
0.17 per cent. The MSM Sharia
Index closed at 893.03 points, up
by 0.11 per cent. Galfar Engineering was the most active stock
in terms of volume, while Bank
Muscat led in terms of turnover.
Tuesday’s top gainer was Global
Financial Investment, up by 3.66
per cent, while Oman Ceramics
was the day’s top loser, down by
9.82 per cent.
As many as 810 trades were
executed on Tuesday, generating turnover of OMR2.69 million
with 13.7 million shares changing
hands. Out of 43 traded securities, 15 advanced, six declined
and 22 remained unchanged.
GCC and Arab investors were
net buyers for OMR356,000 followed by foreign investors for
OMR45,000 while Omani investors remained net sellers for
OMR401,000 worth of shares.
Financial Index advanced
0.16 per cent to close at 7,596.83
points. Global Financial Invest-
ment, Muscat Finance, Al Izz
Bank, Al Madina Investments
and Al Madina Takaful gained
3.66 per cent, 1.69 per cent, 1.59
per cent, 1.56 per cent and 1.35
per cent, respectively. Gulf Investment Services, Al Sharqia
Investments and Oman & Emirates Holding declined by 0.80 per
cent, 0.69 per cent and 0.69 per
cent, respectively.
Industrial Index ended at
7,571.33 points, up by 0.24 per
cent. Construction Materials,
Gulf International Chemicals,
Raysut Cement, Al Hassan Engineering and Galfar Engineering gained 3.13 per cent, 1.55 per
cent, 1.41 per cent, 1.28 per cent
and 0.94 per cent, respectively.
Oman Ceramic lost 9.82 per cent
to close at OMR0.404.
Services Index stayed flat at
3,208.54 points, up by 0.02 per
cent. Port Services and Renaissance Services gained 0.43 per
cent and 0.36 per cent, respectively. Oman National Engineering and Oman Telecommunications Company declined by 3.74
per cent and 0.30 per cent, respectively. — United Securities
OM0000002366 ...........AL BATINAH DEV. INV. HOLDING ........................85,245 ............... 8,197........................7 ........... 0.098 ...........0.098 ...........0.096........... 0.096 .............0.096 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.096..............0.095...................0.096....................2,880,000..........0.100
OM0000002796 ...........BANK MUSCAT ............................................................ 1,809,152 ...... 702,737................... 136 ........... 0.390 ...........0.390 ...........0.386........... 0.388 .............0.388 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.388..............0.386...................0.388..................968,545,100........0.100
OM0000003281............TAAGEER FINANCE ...................................................18,000 ...............2,196........................3 ............0.122 ........... 0.122 ...........0.122........... 0.122 .............0.122 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.122..............0.120...................0.122...................30,937,980 .........0.100
OM0000003398 ...........BANK SOHAR................................................................ 228,495 ............41,770......................21 ............0.183 ........... 0.183 ...........0.182............0.183 ............. 0.183............ 0.000.............0.000 ................0.182 ..............0.180...................0.183..................293,623,379........0.100
OM0000003968 ...........OOREDOO....................................................................... 132,597............. 99,713......................17 ............0.752 ........... 0.752 ...........0.752 ........... 0.752 ............. 0.752............ 0.000.............0.000 ................0.752 ..............0.744...................0.752..................489,510,061 ........0.100
OM0000004735 ...........SEMBCORP SALALAH..................................................4,000 ..................964........................2 ........... 0.238 ...........0.242 ...........0.238........... 0.237 .............0.237 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.242............. 0.242...................0.245 .................226,233,552 .......0.100
OM0000004925 ...........AL BATINAH POWER..................................................59,202 .............11,840........................3 ........... 0.200...........0.200 ...........0.200 .......... 0.200 .............0.200 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.200 ............ 0.200...................0.202 .................134,977,486 ........0.100
OM0000004933 ...........AL SUWADI POWER ......................................................2,000 .................. 396........................3 ............0.198 ........... 0.198 ...........0.198 ........... 0.198 ............. 0.198............ 0.000.............0.000 ................0.198 ..............0.198...................0.209 .................141,452,455 ........0.100
OM0000005005 ...........ALMAHA CERAMICS .................................................. 28,451 .............13,656......................11 ........... 0.480 ...........0.480 ...........0.480........... 0.480 .............0.480 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.480..............0.480...................0.484 ..................25,200,000 ........0.100
OM0000003026 ...........OMAN TELECOMMUNICATION ..........................36,476 ............ 60,210......................15 ............1.650 ........... 1.655............1.650 ............1.650 ............. 1.655............-0.005 ........... -0.302 ...............1.650 .............. 1.645...................1.650................1,237,500,000 ......0.100
OM0000001681 ............OMAN AND EMIRATES INV. HOLDING.............29,630 ...............4,247........................6 ............0.144 ........... 0.144 ...........0.143 ........... 0.143 .............0.144 ...........-0.001 ........... -0.694 ...............0.143 ..............0.142...................0.144................... 17,428,125 .........0.100
OM0000002440 ...........AL SHARQIA INVESTMENT HOLDING ........... 222,420............31,774......................19 ............0.147 ........... 0.147 ...........0.142........... 0.143 .............0.144 ...........-0.001 ........... -0.694 ...............0.142..............0.142...................0.144...................12,870,000.........0.100
OM0000002820 ...........GULF INVESTMENT SERVICES ......................... 133,365............. 16,517........................4 ............0.124 ........... 0.124 ...........0.123 ........... 0.124 ............. 0.125............-0.001 ........... -0.800 ...............0.123 .............. 0.121...................0.124.................... 7,296,559 ..........0.100
.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 9,600,886...2,387,263...................634 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ......32........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
PARALLEL MARKET .................................................................................................................................................................................
OM0000001368 ............CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS IND. .................. 549,239 ............18,124......................18 ........... 0.033 ...........0.033 ...........0.032........... 0.033 .............0.032 ............0.001 ............. 3.125 ................0.033..............0.032...................0.033....................2,805,000 ..........0.100
OM0000001590............MUSCAT FINANCE......................................................10,000 ...............1,200........................3 ............0.120 ........... 0.120 ...........0.120........... 0.120 ............. 0.118............ 0.002............. 1.695 ................0.120..............0.120...................0.123...................32,005,869.........0.100
OM0000004511 ............ALIZZ ISLAMIC BANK.............................................. 1,136,588 ........ 72,537..................... 25 ........... 0.063 ...........0.064 ...........0.063........... 0.064 .............0.063 ............0.001 ............. 1.587 ................0.064..............0.063...................0.065.................. 64,000,000 ........0.100
OM0000002564 ...........AL HASSAN ENGINEERING.................................. 348,969 ............27,646..................... 33 ........... 0.080 ...........0.080 ...........0.078........... 0.079 .............0.078 ............0.001 ............. 1.282 ................0.080..............0.079...................0.080 ................... 5,941,432 ..........0.100
OM0000001566 ............OMAN FISHERIES ..................................................... 1,026,687 .........67,526..................... 56 ........... 0.068 ...........0.068 ...........0.065........... 0.066 .............0.066 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.065..............0.064...................0.065....................8,250,000 ..........0.100
OM0000004420 ...........BANK NIZWA ................................................................ 565,213.............43,521..................... 10 ........... 0.077 ........... 0.077 ...........0.077........... 0.077 .............0.077 ........... 0.000.............0.000 ................0.077..............0.077...................0.078..................115,500,000........0.100
OM0000005963 ...........PHOENIX POWER ...................................................... 435,053 ........... 66,560......................18 ............0.153 ........... 0.153 ...........0.152 ............0.153 ............. 0.153............ 0.000.............0.000 ................0.153 .............. 0.152...................0.153 ..................223,778,023........0.100
OM0000001152 ............OMAN NATIONAL ENGINE. INVT. ......................12,602 ...............2,273........................4 ............0.182 ........... 0.182 ...........0.180........... 0.180 ............. 0.187............-0.007 ............-3.743................0.180..............0.180...................0.183...................18,000,000.........0.100
OM0000002689 ...........OMAN CERAMIC COMPANY .....................................9,737 ...............3,938........................6 ........... 0.448 ...........0.448 ...........0.404 .......... 0.404 .............0.448 ...........-0.044 ............-9.821................0.404............. 0.000...................0.404 .....................764,447............1.000
.............................................SUM: .................................................................................. 4,094,088 .....303,326................... 173 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
........................................................................................................................................... TRADED SEC. ........ 9........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Gaming firms caught off-guard by
runaway success of Pokeman Go
game companies, caught offguard by the runaway success of
Pokemon Go, are wrestling with
how to play catch-up to the augmented reality app that has become a worldwide phenomenon.
Nearly a dozen executives at
companies from Sony to Angry
Birds-creator Rovio said Pokemon Go would be a tough act to
follow, and some even said a challenge would not be worth it. Gamers should not expect the quick release of a rival app anytime soon,
some said.
On mobile devices, players
search for and capture cartoon
characters from the Pokemon
franchise — displayed in the real
world, using the live view from
a smartphone camera. Pokemon
Go has been the most downloaded
mobile game since its July release.
Executives said hundreds of
game developers at their companies are playing to understand
how it has captivated audiences.
Augmented reality experience
“Today is not the right moment to
release an (augmented reality) experience,” said Neil Young, chief
executive of mobile game developer N3twork Inc and a former
group general manager at Electronic Arts Inc. “That moment
is sort of reserved, I think, for
Pokemon Go.”
Some executives said they
would not copy the game because
it was a fad driven by the Pokemon
brand and that it lacked social features, such as letting players talk
and collaborate on a hunt.
The success in getting players
onto their feet was seen as brilliant but difficult to replicate, and
the deft use of mapping technology also sets a high bar.
OVERWHELMING SUCCESS: Pokemon Go has been the most downloaded mobile game since its July
release. — Bloomberg file picture
Pokemon Go developer Niantic,
spun off from Google, had no comment. Analysts calculate the game
is on track to earn between $200
million and $500 million in revenue in one year.
The higher figure would rank
Pokemon Go in the top 20 grossing mobile games in history, said
Michael Pachter, an analyst at
Wedbush Securities.
“We’re just sort of scratching
the surface of what we’re going to
see” in augmented reality, said David Haddad, president of Warner
Bros Interactive Entertainment.
Warner Bros is in the early stages
of developing augmented reality games but had no plans to announce a new title.
Zynga Inc is still studying what
to do in the space, Chief Executive
Frank Gibeau said in an interview.
“Pokemon has really shown new
paths and new ways to grow that’s
very exciting for customers, players, developers,” he said.
The Pokemon Company, partly
owned by Nintendo, is celebrating
the 20th anniversary of Pokemon
games and their menagerie, led
by the rabbit-like Pikachu. It has
generations of fans.
That brand power is tough to
match, said Richard Marks, senior researcher at Sony Interactive
Entertainment, comparing Pokemon Go to an augmented reality
animal game for PlayStation Portable called Invizimals.
“Lizard No.3 or Lizard No.4; it
doesn’t get you that excited. You
need it to be Pikachu,” he said
comparing the two games.
Clone of Pokemon Go
Copying a hit mobile game is
an unofficial industry tradition.
While a clone of Pokemon Go in
China has been reported, big gaming studios typically take months
longer to make a copy. In this
case, rivals also lack the extensive location services expertise of
Pokemon Go-developer Niantic,
whose chief executive helped develop Google Earth.
However, some gaming executives do not believe Pokemon Go
is the future of gaming. Mobile
scavenger hunts require physical
activity and could be a hard sell to
most video game players. — Reuters
Iran in talks to sell
crude to Trafigura
for Chinese refiners
SINGAPORE: Iran’s state-run oil
company is said to be in talks to sell
more crude to oil trader Trafigura
Group, including via a potential longterm deal, in a strategy that may help
it break into the market to supply
China’s independent refiners.
National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC)
may sell more of its Heavy crude
grade to Trafigura, according to
people with knowledge of the matter, who asked not to be identified
because the discussions are confidential. The supplies may then
be resold to Chinese independent
processors, known as teapots, they
said, adding that the talks are ongoing and a deal hasn’t been finalised.
A Geneva-based spokeswoman
for Trafigura declined to comment
while NIOC officials in Tehran
weren’t available for comment.
The potential sale of oil to teapots would help Iran’s drive to
expand market share in Asia after
international sanctions were removed against the country.
The Middle East producer sells
most of its crude via long-term
contracts directly to refiners, and
allows existing buyers to purchase
additional spot cargoes. But it’s
now willing to reach Chinese private refiners via Trafigura because
the trader would be better suited
to supply the processors who typically buy shipments at short notice
and in small quantities.
Trafigura bought about 2 million barrels of Iranian Heavy crude
from NIOC for June loading, with
the tanker carrying the supply currently anchored off South Korea.
Previously, the shipment floated
for three weeks off the Chinese
port of Qingdao, which is used by
teapots to receive oil supplies.
Earlier this year, Iran’s rival producer Saudi Arabia broke from its
usual practice of selling via longterm contracts to supply a cargo to
a Chinese teapot refiner, in what
Citigroup Inc. then said was a “dramatic” shift in the Middle Eastern
kingdom’s oil-market strategy.
— Bloomberg News
MARKET SHARE: The potential sale of oil to teapots will help Iran’s
drive to expand market share in Asia . — Bloomberg file picture
Love us on
Fuel-efficient Fluence
offers excellent mileage
Meticulously crafted
to please the eye and
soothe the senses,
Home Centre brings
colour and character
to children’s rooms
the Renault Fluence
stands out for prompt
acceleration, fluid
driving, great engine
and fuel economy
MUSCAT: With an unmatched
fuel efficiency that has become a
hallmark of Renault Fluence, it
is time to own the family car also
known for its design, comfort,
technology and safety.
Customers would be delighted
to know that the comfortable and
lively Renault Fluence offers an
excellent mileage of 19.6km/l (extra urban condition) and 149 g/km
of CO2. Meticulously crafted to
please the eye and soothe the senses, the Renault Fluence stands out
for prompt acceleration, fluid driving, great engine and fuel economy,
says a press release.
The Renault Fluence features a
great look with the 1.6 16V 115 CVT
X-Tronic automatic gearbox and
the 2.0 16V 140 CVT X-Tronic automatic gearbox. Fitted with a new
petrol engine that is powerful and
dynamic (117 hp and 156 Nm), Renault Fluence sparks with energy.
With the CVT X-Tronic next-generation automatic gearbox, the 1.6
16v 115 combines responsiveness
and low fuel consumption. CVT
technology – Continuously Variable
Transmission – allows for smooth
gear shifting with instant responses
and no bumps. Fluence 1.6 16v 115
CVT X-Tronic is dynamic and lively
with low fuel consumption.
A senior official for SBA said,
“With the outstanding mileage it
offers, it would be a wise decision
to buy the fuel-efficient Renault
Fluence now. Fuel efficiency is
a main consideration for buyers
these days and Renault Fluence
would be the right choice for them.
In addition to that customers can
also relish a dependable and robust sedan that features a host
of innovations, a comprehensive
safety package and a spacious premium interior.”
The fantastic Fluence
With its flowing and modern lines,
the Renault Fluence features new,
confident and more dynamic frontal design identity. Inside, the cabin carries over the major themes of
the previous version but delivers
finishes that are more sophisticated and a more hi-tech ambience.
The redesigned front end enhances the new Fluence’s unique
character which takes its inspiration from the Renault F1 and the
aerodynamics of the F1 cars. The
focal point at the front is a prominent logo set vertically to a gloss
black and chrome strips background. Meanwhile, the new Renault Fluence’s curvier lines and
full surfaces ensure a more dynam-
ic, assertive stance, underlining the
model’s status-enhancing look.
The other exterior features include LED lights that enhance the
overall appeal of the rear of the
vehicle. To exalt the design of the
Fluence, the vehicle comes with
17” Akihiro two tone alloy wheels
in the LE version. The reassuring side panels favour fluid, energetic lines. The design of the front
bumper is bolder, with a large lower air intake that broadens towards
the base: fog lights set against a
gloss black surround have the
effect of visually widening this
lower intake, giving the front a
sporty touch. Finally, wheel arch
openings that are two centimetres tighter than on the previous
version provide the 2015 Fluence
with an even more dynamic allure.
The insides of the headlamp
units have been reworked in order
to convey a more expressive and
more upmarket effect. The headlight module is equipped with a
lens, which concentrates the beam
of light and ensures superb quality
illumination at night.
The metal-effect ‘eyelid’ and
dark-coloured headlight mask add
further depth to New Renault Fluence’s look. The higher-end equipment levels are distinguished by
the addition of a series of gloss
black trim features, as well as
bright-effect chrome.
High-end technology
The new Renault Fluence is
packed with high-end technologies designed to make driving simpler. The principal instrument inside the cabin incorporates a large
round LCD screen, the main function of which includes a digital
speed display and the white segments around the circumference
of the LCD screen indicate the settings of the cruise control and the
speed limiter systems.
The multimedia functions on
the new Renault Fluence include
hands free mobile phone connectivity and audio streaming music
with Bluetooth or with USB / jack
The Renault Fluence also offers
a range of driver-assistance technologies, including the hands-free
key card for no-touch locking and
unlocking of doors, as well as pushbutton ignition in LE version.
SBA is largely committed to supporting Renault Oman’s growth
in the Sultanate through major
emphasis on customer satisfaction and by providing world-class
after-sales services in Oman.
Joyalukkas presents Audi to promo winner
MUSCAT: The mega winning opportunity at Joyalukkas Summer
Winnings received an overwhelming response from customers
across GCC.
Audi was presented to the winner Geetha recently by Joy Alukkas, chairman & managing director, Joyalukkas Group in the
presence of Joyalukkas officials
and various customers, says a
press release.
Joy Alukkas said, “As the
‘World’s Favourite Jeweller’ we
are committed to giving our customers the best in quality, value,
choice and service at all times and
the Joyalukkas Summer Winnings
was one of the many ways in which
we make jewellery shopping experience of millions of customers, a
truly rewarding one. The luckiest
one drove away in an Audi car.”
“It’s a pleasure to see such an overwhelming response for Joyalukkas
Summer Winnings campaign. This
mega winning opportunity made
many dreams come true and we feel
happy to be able to enable this,” said
John Paul Alukkas, executive director, Joyalukkas Group.
Geetha, winner of the Audi
said, “I’ve been a proud customer
of Joyalukkas for many years and
winning this fantastic prize has
made Joyalukkas jewellery my favourite jeweller for life.”
MUSCAT: With a new academic
year around the corner, children
are gearing up to return to school.
Home Centre’s kids’ collection
has been designed to keep kids inspired and refreshed through the
year, says a press release.
This collection features bright
and colourful accessories, fancy
furniture and storage compart-
ments showcasing adventurous and playful themes such as
pirates, fairy-tales, football and
more. It also includes a variety of
playful lunch boxes, fun cutlery
and creative stationary that are
sure to motivate children to look
forward to school. The vibrant
kids’ collection is available across
all Home Centre outlets.
Al Mumayaz monthly
draw held in Salalah
The draws conducted
included the monthly
Leather & Lather
introduces new
range of beard care
OMR10,000 general
draw, OMR1,000
children’s draw,
OMR10,000 ladies
draw (for two
winners) and the
exclusive OMR10,000
monthly draw
SALALAH: Bank Sohar conducted its sixth monthly draw of Al
Mumayaz Savings Scheme 2016,
at a recent ceremony held in its
branch in Salalah, revealing the
names of over 30 lucky winners for
the month of July.
The draws conducted included
the monthly OMR10,000 general draw, OMR1,000 children’s
draw, OMR10,000 ladies draw (for
two winners) and the exclusive
OMR10,000 monthly draw, says a
press releases.
The branch guaranteed draws,
which saw one winner from each
of the bank’s 27 branches win
OMR1,000, were conducted earlier at the bank’s head office. In total,
the monthly draws witnessed over
OMR55,000 won by 32 winners
across all categories.
Representing Bank Sohar at the
event were Khamis Masoud Al
Rahbi, senior AGM of Branches
and acting head Retail Banking,
and Amur Said Al Amri, senior
chief branch manager of the Salalah branch, together with other
senior members of the bank, who
welcomed the bank’s guests for
the event.
Commenting on the occasion,
Khamis Al Rahbi said, “Our Al Mu-
mayaz Savings Scheme was developed in order to instil the habit
of savings in our customers by rewarding those that do.
“With the completion of this
draw our family of Al Mumayaz
Savings Scheme winners for this
year alone has already grown to
well over 800 members. I am confident the success stories of such
a large number of winners from
across our entire branch network
will continue to inspire our customers to save more and increase
their chances of winning their
share of the prize pool.”
The event was inaugurated by
Amur Al Amri, who delivered the
welcome address and was soon
followed by a comprehensive overview of the features of the 2016
savings scheme as well as a presentation on various retail products
delivered by Adil Khamis Al Balushi, assistant manager - Events
and Promotions at Bank Sohar;
who also highlighted the main enhancements for the new scheme
compared to the previous year and
other value added advantages.
Following the presentation, the
five major draws were conducted
beginning with the children’s draw
which saw Fatima Mohammed
(Minor), from the bank’s MBD
branch, win OMR1,000.
The two ladies draws saw Farah
Mothana, from the bank’s MBD
branch, and H. H. (Minor), from
the bank’s Al Amerat branch, win
OMR5,000 each; while the exclusive draw saw S. H., from the
bank’s Jalan Bani Bu Ali branch,
win OMR10,000. The final draw
of the day was the general draw for
July, which saw Hasnaa Ali, from
the bank’s Al Khuwair branch, win
The monthly branch guaranteed draws, conducted earlier at
the bank head office, witnessed a
customers from each of the bank’s
branches win OMR1,000, where
Jasim Al Farsi was the winner
from the Al Suwaiq branch, Fawziya Al Araimi from the Sur branch,
Noor Shari Asim Khan from the
Al Buraimi branch, Faisal Khamis
from the Shinas branch, Salim Ali
from the Sinaw branch, Hassan
Al Lawati from the MBD branch,
Salim Said from the Barka branch,
Khalfan Al Sinani from the Saham
branch, R. M. from the Privilege
Banking branch, Juma Al Balushi
from the Al Khaboura branch,
Hamed Al Gharibi from the Nizwa
branch, Adil Al Raisi from the Al
Seeb branch, Salim Mohammed
from the Salalah branch, S .K. S.
from the Bahla branch, Mohammed Salim from the Ibri branch,
Mubarak Al Wahaibi from the Al
Azaiba branch, Hamed Al Battashi
cause of many factors, specially
given the fact that they’re on
the facial skin which itself is the
most sensitive part of the body
and facial hairs are usually very
pointy and brittle. That’s why it’s
imperative to nurture the beard.
Organic oils help in cleaning, softening and maintaining shine on
the beard.
Leather & Lather is luxury boutique stocking the finest brands of
leather ware, writing instruments,
shaving systems, luxury soaps and
colognes and grooming items.
omanoil supports
tourism festival
SALALAH: Supporting the
growth of the Sultanate’s various economy boosting sectors,
Oman Oil Marketing Company
(omanoil) has once again demonstrated its commitment towards enhancing highly popular
tourism and hospitality events
by sponsoring the Salalah Tourism Festival 2016.
The immensely popular event
is one of Oman’s fastest growing
tourism attractions, welcoming
hundreds of thousands of visitors
from across the globe every year.
Faisal Al Shanfari, general man-
ager of Shared Services, said, “The
Salalah Tourism Festival forms
one of the most important events
in the Sultanate’s social calendar
and is extremely important to the
growth and development of the
nation’s lucrative tourism sector.
omanoil consistently explores opportunities to drive the economic
growth and prosperity of the communities it serves, which is why
we are supporting this event and
hope to position it as a platform
to share the Sultanate, its people
and renowned hospitality with
the world.”
Tropical opens new outlets
MUSCAT: Tropical Juices and
Ice Creams is on an expansion
spree. With a fresh new logo, this
100 percent Omani enterprise
has recently opened outlets at the
Al Maha petrol pump in Al Mouj,
Suqoon complex in Azaiba, Oman
Oil petrol pump in Al Khuwair and
at Mabela Sanaya.
These new outlets have been designed with a modern stylish look
and they offer the best of Tropical
traditions, in terms of its relaxed
ambience with the scents of freshness and the sweet tastes of nature
in all its glory, says a press release.
Moreover, many new additions have been made to the existing menu. At its Al Mouj branch,
Tropical is also offering fat-free
cholesterol-free frozen yoghurt in
a variety of flavours – a frozen treat
to beat the summer heat!
Najeeb Ahmed Al Balushi,
chairman, Golden Spoon Group of
Restaurants, said: “Tropical is an
integral part of our group and the
only Omani brand to offer 100 per
cent fresh juices and ice creams
produced with the freshest of ingredients, like fresh milk, fresh
cream and a variety of seasonal
fresh and dry fruits.
“Over the years, we have
brought in a lot of changes in
terms of our products, services,
outlet’s designing etc. as it is extremely important for us to keep
from the Qurayat branch, Hamed
Salim from the Al Qurum branch,
Mohammed Al Zadjali from the Al
Khoudh branch, Ahmed Al Shamsi
(Minor) from the Sohar branch,
N. H. K. from the Jalan Bani Bu
Ali branch, A. M. from the Ruwi
branch, R.H.A. (Minor) from the Al
Amerat branch, Abdullah Al Shukaili from the Al Rustaq branch,
S. S. S. from the Ibra branch, J. B.
from the Al Khuwair branch, and
Omar Khamis from the Avenues
Mall branch.
Congratulating the winners,
Khamis Al Rahbi said, “With this
draw we have crossed the half way
mark for this year’s scheme; and
on behalf of the bank, I would like
to congratulate each of the winners of our Al Mumayaz Scheme
so far. There are however, well over
100 prizes to be won every month
till the end of the year. As such, I
would also like to encourage our
customers to continue saving to
maximise their chances of winning and wish them the very best
of luck for the upcoming draws.”
Launched in January, the Al
Mumayaz Savings Scheme was
revamped for 2016 to include a
larger number of winners with
more frequent draws, expanded
prize segmentation and guaranteed winners from each branch
across the country.
MUSCAT: Leather & Lather,
the only exclusive gents grooming store in Oman, has now introduced a new range of organic
beard care for the urban bearded
gents in Oman.
The new range of beard care is
from the USA and naturally made
from organic oils like almond oil,
Jojoba, grape seed oil and citrus
grandis and free from synthetics or harmful chemicals, says a
press release.
Growing and maintaining a
beard can be very challenging be-
up with our customers’ evolving
tastes and preferences.
“Yet, we remain true to our traditional roots as we believe that
being traditional is always trendy.
We are very excited about the current Tropical outlet expansion in
strategic locations that would cater to our existing and prospective
clients. Even though these outlets
have been designed in a very contemporary way with a totally different branding, they still offer the
same fresh delightful experience
that Tropical is known for. We
have made a lot of additions to our
existing menu as well. We sincerely hope our customers will relish
the new sweet offerings.”
Starting in 1999, Tropical has
proven to be one of the most successful ice cream parlours in
Oman in a short span of time.
“The main area where Tropical has a leading edge is the freshness quotient of our products with
no additives or preservatives. Our
production team consists of professionals committed to the highest global standards and this is
evident with the immense popularity of our ice creams, juices and
in-house specialities. We will be
launching two new menus – the
breakfast menu and the wellness
and healing menu – by next month
to cater to our discerning customers,” Najeeb added.
Toyota unveils new redesigned website
MUSCAT: Saud Bahwan Automotive (SBA), the exclusive distributor of Toyota in Oman, announced the launch of the brand’s
freshly redesigned website www., which offers
customers a new digital experience across multiple devices including desktop, tablet and mobile.
The new site has a very sleek,
stylish look and its enhanced
features make it even more userfriendly and easy to navigate. The
layout of the home page is more
streamlined and more focused
on what the customer needs. The
website caters to the needs of a
digitally-savvy audience that researches online before visiting the
showroom and taking a final purchase decision, says a press release.
Enhanced functionality
According to the spokesperson,
“The site
offers enhanced functionality to
customers looking to find details
about purchasing a brand new
Toyota vehicle as well as the excellent part and service aftersales
support. The brand philosophy
of Toyota ‘Always a Better Way’
is reflected in the website, where
in customers can view the entire
range of vehicles that Toyota has
on offer in one central online location. It has a section showcasing the key features of the model
and a colour selector that shows
the model in the desired colour. It
also has a gallery of images to explore the models, in-depth. Model
pages on the website are like virtual catalogues - all the necessary
information is made available in a
visually-rich manner.”
Campaign section
“There is a campaign section on
the home page that promotes the
currently running promotion.
Latest news and happenings or
events can also be found easily on
the home page itself. An exclusive
section has information about
Toyota’s brand philosophy. In
this section, one can find the history of the evolution of the Toyota
logo and can explore the pillars of
the Toyota brand in detail,” the
spokesperson added.
For seamless integration between the website and Toyota
Oman’s social media presence, a
live feed of its Facebook fan page
and YouTube channel is present
on the home page. An interesting
page on the website is, the ‘Did
you know?’ section that throws
various interesting lesser-known
facts about Toyota. For current
and future customers, there is a
very useful ‘Buyer’s Support’ section. Here customers can download brochure of their favourite
Toyota cars and even request for a
test drive of it.
One can also locate the nearest showroom, service centre
through the website. Customers
can voice their opinions, ask queries, request for information at
the enquiry section. Visitors will
also find corporate information
about SBG and Toyota with accolades and milestones of Toyota
The spokesperson continued,
website is yet another platform
that allows us to reach and touch
the lives of our customers. By establishing a comprehensive web
presence, we are able not just
to utilise but also maximise the
power of the digital technology. It
is only to serve our customers better, to add to their satisfaction and
to make a meaningful difference
in their lives.”
“We look forward to serving our
customers through the site and welcome
them to visit it, at the earliest. We
are sure that they will experience
a gratifying level of care – to further add to their satisfaction.”
Love us on
‘Tajribati’ session debates turning
hobbies into successful businesses
Muna Al Khusaibi, jewellery designer, owner
of Kidani - Dar Al Washa and a prominent
member of Zubair SEC, was the main speaker
at the Tajribati session
MUSCAT: Zubair Small Enterprises Centre’s (Zubair SEC) recent ‘Tajribati’ session discussed
the topic of ‘Converting hobbies
into businesses’.
The ‘Tajribati’ session was attended by entrepreneurs who had
turned their passion into business,
industry consultants and aspiring
It was held to highlight the fact
that converting a hobby into business is possible if one works hard
and does sufficient research before
starting a business. The discussion
attracted the participation of many
members of Zubair SEC, SMEs and
new entrepreneurs from different
sectors, says a press release.
The ‘Tajribati’ series serves as a
unique platform to connect busi-
ness experts with start-up owners
and new entrepreneurs to exchange
views, discuss common challenges
and share best practices.
Muna Al Khusaibi, jewellery
designer, owner of Kidani - Dar
Al Washa and a prominent member of Zubair SEC, was the main
speaker at the session.
A winner of Zubair SEC’s Direct Support Programme, Muna
is someone has who turned her
hobby into business. Muna, who
initially designed jewellery only
for family and friends, was encouraged by them to work towards becoming an entrepreneur.
At the session Muna spoke
about the importance of identifying the needs of the market; supporting the hobby with sound
knowledge; building the correct
business model; and creating the
right identity for the business and
having a solid marketing strategy.
“Make sure there’s a market for
your goods and services,” Muna said
adding that successful businesses
require dedicated work and responsibility. She also reminded that once
the hobby is turned into a business
the pressure of working to a deadline, meeting financial objectives
and customer expectation will set in.
“People must understand that
there is a difference between doing
something for fun and doing it as a
business,” she said.
“Starting a business based on
your hobby can be deeply satisfying, but it will almost certainly be
challenging,” she said.
The ongoing ‘Tajribati’ discussion series organised by Zubair
SEC, a social responsibility initiative of The Zubair Corporation, is
aimed at supporting young entrepreneurs and owners of small and
medium enterprises. The session
provides them a platform to have
dialogues and discussions with experts on topics related to business.
Moderator of this session Adel
Al Hubaishi, senior adviser, Zubair
SEC said, “We are delighted to
host sessions on interesting topics such as this one. Participants
have gained immensely from the
‘Tajribati’ sessions as per the feedback we have received so far. Both
members and non-members who
attend the sessions have acknowledged the importance of hosting
such sessions as they help entrepreneurs to-be.”
Referring to the topic of discussion, Al Hubaishi said, “The speaker with her thoughts has inspired
and encouraged young entrepreneurs to have the courage to convert their hobby into business. As
she rightly said when one is ready
to move his or her activity beyond
a hobby, they need to get serious
about managing it. The session
was rewarding and insightful.”
Travel Point promotes Qatar Summer Festival
MUSCAT: Travel Point, Oman’s
largest travel and hospitality consortium, in collaboration with the
Qatar Tourism Authority, is promoting the Qatar Tourism Festival 2016 in Muscat, says a press
Qatar Tourism Authority has
organised a wide range of funfilled, innovative and entertaining
events for all age groups for the
festival, running from August 1 to
August 31.
With regards to the festival,
Sunil Prabhakar, CEO said, “Qatar is a unique and beautiful travel
destination with the perfect balance of modern facilities and traditional hospitality. Some of its
main attractions like the Doha
Corniche, Souq Waqif, the Museum of Islamic Art and the Katara Cultural Village are filled with
wonder and opportunities to relax,
enjoy and unwind with family and
friends. Travel Point is proud to be
a partner in promoting the Qatar
Summer Festival 2016 with its attractive packages and exclusive
offers that are made for all age
groups and travellers looking for
the perfect combination of relaxation and discovery.”
The Qatar Summer Festival
2016 is like never before, with a
solid line up of artists, musicians,
outdoor activities, shopping experiences and a wide range of family oriented activities that make
Qatar the place to be this summer.
Travel Point is the primary contact for all Qatar Summer Festival
2016 travel offers and will also be
conducting major promotional
events around Oman in Nizwa,
Sohar, Salalah and Muscat as the
festival comes closer.
Visit the Qatar Summer Festival
2016 booth at Muscat Grand Mall
from 10am - 10pm on August 11, 12
and 13 for fun filled activities and
great prizes in store.
McDonald’s launches its eighth annual MB Holding sponsors
Charity Book Campaign at Dar Al Hanan Omani Student Expo
MUSCAT: McDonald’s Oman
launched its 8th annual Children’s
Charity Book at the Oman Cancer
Association’s Dar Al Hanan centre, with McDonald’s Hamburglar
character painting smiles on the
faces of young children.
McDonald’s Children’s Charity
Books are themed around the big
impact of small deeds in everyday
life. This year’s exclusive titles
continue the stories from last year,
looking at the valuable lessons and
values through the power of good
deeds. The four books, Rana Helps
the Pets, Noor Brings Hearts Closer Together, Sami Helps the Environment and Nadeem Reduces the
Distances, have been developed in
collaboration with writer Rania
Zbib and illustrator Fadi Salame,
says a press release.
Ali K. Daud, president and Development Licensee of McDonald’s Oman, said, “There are many
Don’t litter a beautiful country
like OMAN.
Ensure proper disposal of garbage.
ways to expand your child’s world
and creativity through stories and
books, which are some of the oldest ways of passing on knowledge
in an entertaining and fun way.
With the rich heritage that we hold
here in the Sultanate of Oman, the
love for storytelling and literature
comes naturally to our people. We
aim to provide the means for parents to share with their children
the pleasures of reading and storytelling as they spend quality time.”
McDonald’s is giving away its
children’s charity books to its chosen charities including the Oman
Cancer Association.
“The charity book campaign
is our way of giving back to the
communities we live in and what
better gift we give than the love of
reading. We are proud to be a part
of this initiative and will continue
to give back to our society through
other such initiatives,” Daud said.
MUSCAT: MB Holding sponsored the first Omani Student
Expo held at the Sultan Qaboos
University recently. Salim bin
Nasser Al Aufi, undersecretary of
Oil & Gas, was the guest of honour for the expo.
The exhibition gave students
on international scholarships a
platform to present their innovative projects and academic research in the fields of science &
mathematics, health & environment, and engineering. Twenty
six projects were presented at
the event by students attending
universities across the United
States, United Kingdom and exceptionally two bright girls currently attending high school in
Izki, says a press release.
The event was put together by
the student committee at Sultan
Qaboos University. The expo provided an excellent opportunity
for students to showcase their
projects, in addition, inspired
creativity and innovation thinking in other students.
An award ceremony was held
to recognise the winning projects. Dr Said Al Mufarji, general
manager of Petrogas Rima who
was on the board of judges said
that the judging process was difficult as all projects were revolutionary in their respected fields.
The ceremony opened with
the recitation of the Holy Quran,
followed by a welcome speech by
Ahmed Al Manji, a member of the
organising committee. Yasser Al
Mughairi, head of HR & Admin,
Petrogas E&P was then invited
on stage to speak on behalf of MB
Holding. His speech highlighted
how innovative thinking allowed
MB to expand from petroleum
services into diverse industries
Salim Al Aufi presented the
awards to the winners.
Love us on
Qatar Airways offers 25% discount on flights to Doha from Oman
DOHA: Qatar Airways has announced a 25 per cent discount on
flights to Doha to celebrate the Qatar Summer Festival.
The special promotion, delivered in partnership with Qatar
Tourism Authority, is available on
flights to Doha from Oman, in both
Economy and Premium cabins,
says a press release.
Frequent travellers that take
advantage of this great offer can
receive even more benefits by enrolling in the Qatar Airways Privilege Club programme at qmiles.
com. Privilege Club members will
earn double Qmiles as part of this
promotional offer. Privilege Club
is Qatar Airways’ frequent flyer
programme where members enjoy a range of exclusive privileges
and benefits, including the opportunity to earn Qmiles that can be
redeemed on flights to more than
As part of the summer promotion travellers can take
advantage of special promotions and packages in 56
hotels in Qatar choosing from ‘pay for two nights and
stay for three’ or, ‘pay for five nights and stay for six’ in
hotel apartments
1,000 destinations served by Qatar
Airways, the one world alliance or
Qatar Airways’ airline partners.
Travellers must book to travel
by August 31 to benefit from these
great offers.
As part of the summer promotion travellers can take advantage
of special promotions and pack-
ages in 56 hotels in Qatar choosing
from ‘pay for two nights and stay
for three’ or, ‘pay for five nights and
stay for six’ in hotel apartments
through visiting
The Qatar Summer Festival
is a month-long series of special
events, promotions and entertain-
ment for families, reflecting the
rich culture and heritage of the
Gulf. Taking place in August, the
nationwide festival is one of the
largest annual events in Qatar, attracting visitors from throughout
the GCC region.
This year the festival will see
the largest-ever Entertainment
City at the Doha Exhibition and
Convention Centre, featuring
games, rides, entertainment and
food. The festival programme also
features a three-day Doha Com-
Bank Muscat presence
complements Salalah fest
As main sponsor of the annual festival, Bank
Muscat aims to unite citizens, residents
and visitors in sharing the good times and
discovering the joy of being connected
MUSCAT: Bank Muscat, the flagship financial services provider in
the Sultanate, has made its presence felt at Salalah Tourism Festival, the Sultanate’s annual tourism and cultural extravaganza held
from 15 July to August 31.
The bank has extended lead
support to the festival as part of
its commitment to promoting
national celebrations within the
framework of showcasing Oman
as a unique tourist destination.
Celebrates cultural heritage
Salalah Tourism Festival celebrating the monsoon splendour and
cultural heritage of Oman perfectly fits into the corporate ethos
of Bank Muscat in serving the
largest banking family in Oman as
well as visitors from the region and
around the world. As the nation’s
flagship financial services provider, Bank Muscat seeks to utilise
all opportunities in reaching out to
people, offering them an enriching
experience. While Salalah offers a
rewarding experience to enjoy nature’s bounty, Bank Muscat complements this experience by facilitating banking convenience to all.
Bank Muscat stalls adorn the
festival venue where the bank
personnel are available to familiarise visitors on promotional
campaigns, services and products
offered by the bank.
Bank Muscat ATMs and CDMs
provide banking convenience to
visitors and tourists.
In all the previous editions of
Salalah Tourism Festival, Bank
Muscat has been closely involved
with the popular family event. The
partnership with Salalah Tourism Festival is an earnest attempt
by Bank Muscat to propagate the
core family values held dear by
Omanis. The bank is committed
to making the event a great success. As main sponsor of the annual festival, Bank Muscat aims to
unite citizens, residents and visitors in sharing the good times and
discovering the joy of being connected. The bank seeks to serve as
a focal point in the preservation of
Oman’s rich heritage and culture,
encouraging people to maintain a
strong link to the glorious legacy,
thereby reinforcing the Sultanate’s distinct cultural character.
The presence of Bank Muscat
complements in making the event
a memorable experience.
Volkswagen Oman introduces Passat R-Line
edy Festival, ‘Street Madness’ at
Al Gharrafa Sports Club, and firework displays at the Corniche to
celebrate the opening and closing
of the Festival.
Ehab Amin, senior vice president - Commercial GCC, Levant,
Iran, Iraq,Yemen, Africa & Indian
Sub Continent - Qatar Airways
said: “There is no better time to
book a trip to Doha, as Qatar Airways is offering 25 percent discount on flights, as well as a double
Qmiles and Qpoints. Travellers
can also take advantage of incredible hotel deals and enjoy a host of
amazing entertainment and promotions during the Qatar Summer
Festival. Qatar is the number one
choice for families looking for a
getaway this August.”
Rashed Al Qurese, chief marketing and promotions officer
- Qatar Tourism Authority, said:
“The Qatar Summer Festival is
one of the marketing initiatives
planned by QTA for the annual
festival calendar to encourage
families from the region to come
and enjoy the innovative festival
entertainment programme during the month of August.”
He added: “We are particularly
encouraged by the extremely positive response at the festival venues so far, and we look forward to
welcoming further visitors from
throughout the region.”
TAC promotes Saud
Abdulla as its Chief
Operating Officer
MUSCAT: Towell Auto Centre
(TAC), a leading automobile distributor in Oman and the region,
recently announced the promotion of Saud Abdulla Al Zadjali
as the chief operating officer –
Legal and Corporate Affairs of
the company.
In his new role, Saud Zadjali
will look after the legal and corporate matters of TAC including
crafting solutions to help TAC
address legal and public policy issues and finding innovative solutions to corporate concerns, says
a press release.
With an undergraduate degree
in law and master’s in business
management, Saud Zadjali has
more than two decades of experience in his industry.
He has been with Towell Auto
Centre for 14 years and served
the company with his wide
knowledge and dedication.
S. Kasthurirengan, CEO, TAC
commented: “Saud Zadjali has
been an integral member of TAC
family and his contribution to the
HR and legal matters has been
invaluable. His passion and commitment to work and his leadership and problem-solving skill is
outstanding. We all congratulate
him and wish him all the luck. We
are sure with his new responsibility; Saud Zadjali will add tremendous value and take TAC to
even greater heights of success
and glory.”
Saud Zadjali has thanked W J
Towell Management group for
giving him this opportunity: “I
am grateful to the management
for expressing faith in my abilities and giving me this important
opportunity. I will certainly do
my very best. TAC is a great place
to work and I am looking forward
to serving the company in my
new role.”
In Oman, TAC represents Mazda cars, Geely cars, Higer Buses
and Pickups, JAC trucks & International Trucks in the automotive arena. Amongst the pioneers
in the automobile business since
1972, TAC is recognised as a trusted name in customer service.
I am grateful to the
management for
expressing faith in my
abilities and giving
me this important
opportunity. I will
certainly do my very
best. TAC is a great
place to work and I
am looking forward to
serving the company
in my new role
Saud Abdulla Al Zadjali
Chief operating officer – Legal and
Corporate Affairs, TAC
Audi wins Digital Economy Award
MUSCAT: Volkswagen, represented in Oman by Wattayah Motors, recently announced the introduction of the 2016 Passat R-Line
to the Oman model range.
The new trim level enhances the
already striking design of the new
Passat with a sporty R-Line exterior and interior styling package
and 19” alloy wheels.
Andrew Squires, general manager of Wattayah Motors, said:
“The introduction of the R-Line
adds a layer of personalisation
for buyers considering the Passat Sport. The cosmetic upgrades
on the already progressive design
and sophisticated looks of the new
Passat, give the R-Line a dynamic
presence on the road. The sophisticated technology and safety features available in the new Passat,
add to the overall driving experi-
ence of the Volkswagen Passat
Launched in January this year,
the 2016 Passat was initially available in four configurations - S,
SE, SEL, and Sport; and features
more sophisticated styling than
its predecessor, with a new hood,
front fenders, grille, front and rear
bumpers, trunk lid and with LED
headlights and taillights available.
The Passat R-Line – sits above the
Passat Sport and enhances the Passat models already dynamic styling
with the R-Line exterior package.
This sporty design package provides owners with stylish R-Line
bumpers, an R-Line logo on the
radiator grille, side sill extensions,
and 19 inch Salvador alloy rims.
Inside, the upgraded interior
of the new 2016 Passat, is further enhanced with the exclusive
Dark Vanadium R-Line interior
trimand unique R-Line door still
protectors. Also included as part
of the R-line package are Steering
Wheel mounted Triptronic paddle
shifters that lend themselves well
to the sporty theme of the Passat
Aside from the design enhancements, the Passat R-line benefits
from all the performance, comfort
and features available in the Passat Sport. This includes a rear view
camera, two-zone climatronic air
conditioning, a Fender sound system with subwoofer, LED headlights and taillights, leather sport
seats with 8-way electric seat adjustment for the driver, navigation
system, and easy-open keyless access for the trunk.
The Passat R-Line also features
the most feature-packed version
of the second-generation in-car
infotainment system, also known
as MIB II by Volkswagen.
The system features a capacitive touchscreens as standard
equipment on the R-line; enabling
gesture controls like swiping and
It also features a proximity sensor, which detects when a hand is
nearby and automatically switches its display to allow easier selection of specific features. Featuring
the three major smartphone integration platforms – Apple CarPlay,
Android Auto and MirrorLink, the
in-car infotainment system also
allows seamless integration with
the vast majority of smartphones
available today.
The 2016 Passat R-Line is now
available at Volkswagen showrooms across Oman.
INGOLSTADT: On its way to
becoming a digital car company,
Audi is making its production
sites fit for the digital future.
In recognition of this, the
company received the ‘Digital
Economy Award’ from Initiative Deutschland Digital (IDD)
in Bonn recently. The brand with
the Four Rings took first place in
the category Company 4.0, says a
press release.
Audi follows the maxim of
making production processes efficient, flexible, highly automated
and fit for the future. Audi’s production processes are already
thoroughly connected today. In
order to create even more synergies and to remain competitive, the premium manufacturer
is continually pushing forward
with digitisation and connectivity in its plants. In the future,
for example, Audi will apply a
cloud-based Internet of Things
(IoT) platform developed by the
startup company nextLAP in
Munich. All IoT objects that are
relevant for the production process will be connected with the
platform – whether robots, cordless screwdrivers or tablets.
“In this way, we will reach the
next stage of digitisation, because
all the data from production and
logistics will be stored on the
platform. This will allow us to
implement complex production
and logistics processes significantly faster, more flexibly and
cost-effectively, and to optimise
them holistically with intelligent algorithms,” stated Antoin
Abou-Haydar, head of Vehicle
Assembly Audi A4/A5/Q5, who
accepted the prize on behalf of
Audi AG.
Germany’s Jung claims eventing
gold, France win team honours
In men’s hockey, India survived
a final quarter onslaught from Argentina for a nail-biting 2-1 win
that enhanced their quarterfinal
chances. The second win in the
pool stage has virtually secured
India a quarterfinal berth as they
rose to the second position with
six points. Germany on top with
nine points and the Dutch second
on seven points.
In other matches, the Netherlands defeated Canada 7-0 and
Germany scored a 3-2 win over
Ireland. On Thursday, India take
on the Dutch.
France’s Nicolas
Astier took silver with
one rail down and
Phillip Dutton of the
United States won
bronze medal
Michael Jung claimed his second
consecutive individual eventing
gold medal on Sam after posting
two clear rounds in the final show
jumping phase on Tuesday.
France’s Nicolas Astier took silver with one rail down and Phillip
Dutton of the United States won
Eventing is a three-phased sport
including dressage, cross country
and show jumping.
Jung, widely considered the best
eventing rider ever, only turned
to Sam, the 16-year-old German
Sport Horse he rode to win gold in
London, a week before the animals
were due to fly to Rio. His first and
younger choice, Takinou, had suffered an infection.
Earlier, France won its first gold
medal of the Rio Games in eventing in a dramatic show jumping
final, rising two places from the
cross country phase after riders
from Australia and New Zealand
knocked rails down.
Germany had to settle for silver
as their Olympics’ streak of two
team titles ended despite their
TWO IN A ROW: Germany’s Michael Jung on Sam competes in the eventing’s individual jumping of the
equestrian at the Olympic Equestrian Centre in Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday. – AFP
2012 individual gold medallist Michael Jung posting a clear round
with no penalties.
Australia took bronze while
New Zealand, who were in the
running for silver after the cross
country, slipped to fourth after
seven-time Olympian Mark Todd
knocked three rails down.
Indian hockey team win
Little fancied archer Atanu Das
stormed into the pre-quarterfinals
of the individual event while the
men’s hockey team stood up to the
challenge posed by Argentina to
virtually sew up a last-eight spot.
Das first defeated Nepalese rival
Jitbahadur Muktan 6-0 and then
vanquished Cuba’s Adrian Andres
Puentes Perez 6-4 to enter the prequarters where he will face a tough
rival in former world No. 5 South
Korean archer Lee Seung-Yun on
August 12.
Lee was a part of the victorious South Korean outfit that won
a gold medal in the team Recurve
event at the ongoing Games.
What was impressive about Das
was the manner in which he held
his nerve during his last shot in the
fifth and final set.
The score was 19-18 and a
INTENSE TRAINING: Oman’s Hamed Al Khatri has been undergoing intense training ahead of his
participation in the men’s 50m rifle 3 positions in Rio de Janeiro. – Supplied photo
Barakat arrives in Rio
RIO DE JANEIRO: Oman’s ace
sprinter Barakat Al Harthy arrived in Rio on Tueday even as the
other two athletes of the Sultanate who will be competing in their
respective disciplines in the coming days are gearing up for Olympic action.
Among the four who are representing the Sultanate at the Rio
Games, Barakat is the only athlete to have achieved the qualifying mark while the other three
received wild card invitations to
the Olympics.
Barakat achieved his qualifying mark back in October 2015
when he won the 100m gold at the
World Military Games organised
in South Korea.
The whole of Oman is expecting Barakat to advance from the
100m qualifying heats and the
star sprinter will start his participation with the first round heats
on August 13.
Fellow sprinter Mazoon Al Alawi is all set to make her debut at the
Olympics. The 18-year-old will be
competing in the women’s 100m
qualifying heats on August 12.
Meanwhile, shooter Hamed
Al Khatri is undergoing intense
ALL PRAISE: Oman Olympic Committee Secretary-General and
Oman Swimming Association chairman Taha Al Kishry, right,
with FINA chief Julio César Maglione. – Supplied photo
training ahead of his participation in the men’s 50m rifle 3 positions. Hamed will start his participation on August 14.
Taha meets FINA chief
Meanwhile, Oman Olympic Committee Secretary-General and
Oman Swimming Association
chief Taha Al Kishry met world
swimming body FINA’s president
Julio César Maglione. Julio Maglione lauded the role played by
Oman Swimming Association in
developing the sport in the country and the co-operation they
have with the Asian and world
swimming federation.
FINA’s Uruguayan chief also
promised all the support for the
Sultanate and help the association
in further developing the sport.
‘10-pointer’ would have ensured
his place in the last-16 even before
his opponent had aimed for his final strike. Das did not disappoint
as he hit the ‘Bull’s Eye’ taking an
unassailable lead and winning the
final set 29-28.
The Kolkata-based Das defeated
his Cuban rival 28-26, 29-26, 2627, 27-28, 29-28.
Earlier in the day, he made short
work of Muktan in three straight
games with a comprehensive
scoreline of 29-26, 29-24, 30-26,
enjoying a fair lead in all three sets
including a hat-trick of Perfect 10’s
in the final game.
Murray marches ahead
Britain’s Andy Murray enjoyed
a routine win over Argentina’s
Juan Monaco to ease into the third
round of the tennis tournament,
while Spain’s world No. 12 David
Ferrer was knocked out.
Murray, who won singles gold
at the London Games, outclassed
Monaco 6-3, 6-1 in just over an
hour and will next face either
France’s Benoit Paire or Italy’s Fabio Fognini.
Earlier, Russia’s Evgeny Donskoy edged 34-year-old Ferrer in
three tense sets. Donskoy, ranked
84 in the world, upset former
French Open finalist Ferrer 3-6,
7-6 (1), 7-5.
In the women’s tournament,
American world No. 9 Madison
Keys reached the quarterfinals after outlasting Spain’s Carla Suarez
Navarro 6-3, 3-6, 6-3.
Copeland in shock exit
Defending champion Kat Copeland and her partner Charlotte
Taylor exited the women’s lightweight double sculls at the repechage stage on Tuesday in the
biggest shock of an Olympic rowing regatta already packed with
incident. The Britons had come in
fifth and last in their opening heat,
then in the repechage on Tuesday
placed third behind the United
States and Japan, trailing the second boat by five seconds.
Taylor said there were a lot of
tears afterwards and, perhaps castigating herself too much, said she
felt she had let Copeland down.
Copeland won gold at the 2012
Olympics in London with Sophie
Hosking, who subsequently retired.
The new partnership won European gold and world silver last year
but they have struggled to find form
in the run-up to the Rio Olympics.
Zielinski sent home
Tomasz Zielinski, brother of the
2012 Olympic champion Adrian
Zielinski, has become the second
weightlifter sent home from the
Rio Games for doping.
European champion Zielinski,
due to compete with his brother in
the 94kg, tested positive for nandrolone. On the day of the opening
ceremony Cyprus announced that
they had sent home Antonis Martasidis, an 85kg lifter, when an out-ofcompetition test came up positive.
Japan stun All Blacks
New Zealand suffered one of the
biggest upsets in sevens rugby history when they were beaten 14-12
by Japan on the opening morning
of the inaugural men’s Olympic
tournament on Tuesday.
In echoes of the victory of their
15-man team over South Africa at
the Rugby World Cup last year, the
Japanese thoroughly deserved their
first ever win over the All Blacks, the
third seeds in Rio. - Agencies
Stay ahead of
the curve with
Al Wahaibi aims to unite
Oman football fraternity
After filing his
nomination papers
for the chairmanship
of OFA, the only
candidate to do so
until now, Sheikh
Salim Al Wahaibi
spoke about his
mission and vision
for Oman football
[email protected]
MUSCAT: Raising the profile of
Oman national team, overall development of leagues and ‘bringing
together’ the Sultanate’s football
fraternity will be high on the agenda of Sheikh Salim Al Wahaibi if he
gets elected as the chairman of the
Oman Football Association (OFA).
A member of prominent business family that has always been
involved in and supported the
sports, Sheikh Salim has previously served as the vice-chairman
of the OFA. And with nobody else
coming forward to enter the fray
in the September 29 elections, he
is virtually assured of realising his
ambition to occupy the hot seat
PRIME CONTENDER: Sheikh Salim Al Wahaibi speaks during a press conference at Hotel City Seasons
on Tuesday. Right, Sheikh Salim files his nomination for OFA chairman’s post. – JUN ESTRADA / Times of Oman
left vacant by the outgoing chairman — his ‘good friend’ and charismatic Sayyid Khalid bin Hamed
Al Busaidi.
A director of Assarain Group
of Companies, Sheikh Salim filed
his nominations at the OFA Headquarters on Tuesday morning
and a couple of hours later called
a press conference at Hotel City
Seasons to brief the media about
his mission and vision for the
Omani football. But the initial and
obvious queries were why he quit
as vice-chairman back in 2011 and
why he has now come forward to
contest for the chairmanship.
“There is a misunderstanding
among many about end of my tenure as vice-chairman. Everybody
thinks I had quit whereas I had
actually completed my four-year
term and preferred not to seek
another term.... though the reasons are many, some issues, family
and work commitments,” Sheikh
Salim said with a smile.
“Now why I am contesting for
the chairmanship. Because I see the
need and I think it is the right time
to step forward and help in further
development of national team and
Oman football in general.”
Sheikh Salim, however, revealed
that it’s not a decision taken in
haste. “I have been thinking about
it for the last two years and during
that time my interactions with officials of the clubs and those who
love Omani football and sports
made me realise the need to do my
bit,” he added.
take up once he gets elected.
“We need more sponsors for
Oman football to grow. Here we
are not talking about just one main
sponsor for the Premier League.
There has to be backing of more
sponsors — like venue and match
sponsors in all the regions and
sponsors for league and competitions. I would like to see the new
board members and the clubs
work towards that goal in harmony,” he explained.
Main objectives
Speaking about his main objectives, he stressed the need to ‘bring
the national team to the level they
were before’.
“Over the past few years, the national team has not been doing that
well. Their performance level has
slipped considerably. I want to see
the team get back to that former
level and compete well at the GCC
and Asian level.”
Attracting more sponsors to
football will also be one of the major tasks Sheikh Salim wants to
Work in unity
Sheikh Salim also stressed the
need for everyone involved with
the game to work in unity for the
cause of the Sultanate’s soccer.
“At present, there some differences with some clubs and sections of the media. But my primary
objective is to bring everyone together and work for the development,” he said.
Asked about the financial situation of the OFA, he said: “If I
remember correctly in the last
AGM, the board had mentioned
about some financial deficit. Every
sports association faces such issues. But I don’t see it as a big issue.
With right approach and support,
these issues can be overcome.”
Asked about his opinion about the
outgoing chairman Sayyid Khalid
and the way he led the association,
Sheikh Salim said: “Sayyid Khalid is
a good friend of mine. He has done
a very good job as the chairman of
the OFA and turned it into a professional and corporate (business)
entity. The professionalism that he
incorporated into the system will
help us take Oman football forward
and to an even higher level”.
More freedom
At the same time, Sheikh Salim
stressed there will be, ‘if required’,
some changes in the set up.
“We will see how that set up is
helping in the growth and if required we will do away with some
departments if they are not required in the development process.
“There will be more ‘freedom
and value to the people’ to work
with responsibility. For example
there is a CEO (of Omantel Professional League). The board members will make their decisions but
the CEO will be running the day to
day affairs,” he said.
Asked whether the new board
under him will set sights on Oman
qualifying for the 2020 Tokyo
Olympics and 2022 World Cup in
Qatar, he said: “Our national team
came close to qualifying Athens
Olympics (2004) and then narrowly
missed the berth for London Games
(2012). It’s too early to talk about the
2020 Games and 2022 World Cup.
But we have to keep working.”
HCC to host
Summer Cup
MUSCAT: The Holiday Cricket
Club (HCC) will organise HCC
Summer Cup cricket tournament at their ground in Wadi
Adai on Friday.
The matches in the tennis
ball tourment will be of six overs
a side.
The teams that have confirmed their participation so far
in the 10-team event are Tarbodas, Royal Challengers, Master
XI, South XI, Golden Sedan,
DSS, Saillkot, SARCO and FCC.
For further details contact
Akshath (96420350) or Aamir
Pogba joins
United for
record fee
LONDON: France midfielder
Paul Pogba has rejoined Manchester United from Italian
champions Juventus on a fiveyear contract, with the option
to extend for a further year, the
Premier League club said in a
statement on Monday.
British media said United
splashed out a world record fee
of £89 million ($115.98 million)
on the 23-year-old, eclipsing the
$110.84 million Real Madrid paid
for Welshman Gareth Bale from
Tottenham Hotspur in 2013.
“I am delighted to rejoin United. It has always been a club
with a special place in my heart
and I am really looking forward
to working with (manager)
Jose Mourinho,” Pogba said in
a statement. “I have thoroughly
enjoyed my time at Juventus
and have some fantastic memories of a great club with players
that I count as friends. But I feel
the time is right to go back to
Old Trafford.” - Reuters
Man City rope in
defender Stones
LONDON: Manchester City
signed John Stones from Everton
for £47.5 million ($61.7 million)
on Tuesday, making the England
international the world’s second
most expensive defender.
The 22-year-old agreed a
six-year contract to join City
as new manager Pep Guardiola
continued a major overhaul of
his squad in a bid to reclaim the
Premier League title they last
won in 2014.
John Stones, who joined
Everton from Barnsley in 2013
for three million pounds, is football’s second costliest defender
after Brazilian star David Luiz,
who moved from Chelsea to
Paris St Germain for £50 million back in 2014. - Reuters
EFG Sailing Arabia score Farr 30 success
Charged also with
promoting the 2017
EFG Sailing Arabia
– The Tour, Caffari
and her team found
themselves taking
plenty of enquiries
from Farr 30 crews
seeking winter
training and racing
MUSCAT: Oman Sail’s Farr 30
women’s crew on EFG Sailing Arabia left Sweden in high spirits this
week after successfully flying the
flag for the 2017 EFG Sailing Arabia – The Tour and posting a top 10
result in the 2016 Farr 30 International Regatta at Bastad
Strong winds on three of the
four days made life tricky for Dee
Caffari’s half Omani half European crew since they were around
100kgs lighter in weight than other
teams. They finished in 10th place
overall after 12 races.
TOP 10 FINISH: Oman Sail’s Farr 30 women’s crew on EFG Sailing
Arabia in action at 2016 Farr 30 International Regatta at Rastad.
Charged also with promoting
the 2017 EFG Sailing Arabia –
The Tour, Caffari and her team
found themselves taking plenty
of enquiries from Farr 30 crews
seeking winter training and racing
“We did a whole presentation
on the 2017 edition of EFG Sailing
Arabia – The Tour one evening and
there was definite interest from
the German, Dutch and Swedish
Indian batsmen falter
against West Indies
GROS ISLET: Indian batsmen faltered against the rising
ball before Lokesh Rahul’s solid
50 left his team at 87 for three at
lunch on day one of their third
Test against the West Indies here
on Tuesday.
Ajinkya Rahane (17 not out)
and Rohit Sharma (9 not out)
were the unbeaten batsmen going into the break, after India
made a minor recovery from 19
for two at one stage.
It was after West Indies won
the toss and elected to field given
the lively pitch. - PTI
India 1st innings (at lunch)
L. Rahul c K. Brathwaite b Chase
S. Dhawan c Dowrich b Gabriel
V. Kohli c D. Bravo b Joseph
A. Rahane (not out)
R. Sharma (not out)
Extras (b-4, lb-1, nb-1, w-1)
Total (3 wkts, 23 overs)
Fall of wickets: 1-9, 2-19, 3-77.
Bowling: S. Gabriel 7-0-33-1 (nb-1);
A. Joseph 5-1-15-1; M. Cummins 4-022-0 (w-1); J. Holder 4-2-6-0; R. Chase
Fatma advances in Spain
MUSCAT: Oman’s tennis star
Fatma Al Nabhani progressed both
in the singles and doubles competition at the $10,000 Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria ITF Pro Circuit
tournament in Spain on Tuesday.
According to information received here, the top seeded Omani,
who at 392 is the highest ranked
player in the tournament, had an
easy outing in the women’s singles.
In her first round match, Fatma
conceded four games on her way to
a straight sets 6-1, 6-3 victory over
Dutch girl Nikki Luttikhuis.
In the second round, Fatma
awaits the winner of the match
between Janine Hemmes of the
Netherlands and Patrycja Polan
of Poland. In the doubles, Fatma
and her Belgian partner Helene
Scholsen received a walkover
from Natalia Orlova of Russia and
Angelique Svinos of Australia.
In the second round, Fatma and
Helene will take on Sofia Dmitrieva of Russia and Lisa Ponomar
of Germany. Sofia and Lisa advanced to the second round with
a 6-0, 6-1 win over Spanish duo of
Carlota Martin Santana and Andrea Sauco Roque.
teams in a winter sunshine and
close racing competition with the
windward/leeward and offshore
course mix,” said Caffari.
“Those teams all now know
about the event and the EFG Sailing Arabia girls were mixing it in
the Farr 30 fleet which showed the
others that the standard of racing
at SATT17 will be competitive and
Her crew of Ibtisam Al Salmi,
Marwa Al Khaifi and Tamadher
Al Balushi all sailed with Caffari
in EFG Sailing Arabia – the Tour
last year while Libby Greenhalgh,
Abby Ehler and Kate Macgregor
arrived from Britain to pass on
their expertise and experience
from their Volvo Ocean Race and
Olympic match-racing careers.
“We did well when conditions
were light but because we were so
lightweight, we just fell over rather
than go forward when the wind
blew more than 18 knots.
“There was certainly progression
throughout the week – the Omani
girls had never sailed in such strong
winds before but they loved being
back racing on the Farr 30.
“They also loved the input from
the European girls who were new
faces so they learned a lot. And
they loved being in Sweden so the
upshot is they are inspired by the
idea of doing the 2017 Sailing Arabia – the Tour so I might even try
and put together two all-women’s
crews,” said Caffari.
The 2017 edition of EFG Sailing Arabia – the Tour will take
place next February with a new
route that will be unveiled in the
coming weeks.
The annual offshore classic around the Arabian Gulf has
changed and grown with each edition over six years to become the
most highly regarded sailing event
in the Middle East as well as an effective tourism platform for showcasing the Gulf and its maritime
National Sailing next week
MUSCAT: A new set of young
sailing champions will be
crowned next week when
Oman’s young sailors will
compete in the 2016 Oman
National Sailing Championships in Sur. Around 60 Omani
sailors, between the ages of 1017, representing Oman Sail’s
four sailing schools at Al Mouj,
Bandar Al Rowdha, Mussanah
and Sur, will be in contention
with school honours also up
for grabs at the event which
runs August 14-18.
For the first time since
Oman Sail established the
Oman National Sailing Championships in 2014, three youth
classes will sail together in a
competition and at the end
of the five day event new
champions will be crowned
in the Optimist, Laser 4.7 and
Techno 293 classes.
The racing will take place
in front of the corniche in Sur
offering the local community,
plus fans from further afield,
an ideal viewing platform to
support family members and
friends and watch the nation’s
young sailing talent in action.
“Sailing is a sport that
teaches vital life skills such
as teamwork, discipline,
responsibility and communication from a very young age.
We are thrilled to be hosting
this important Youth National
Championships in Sur – an
event that is bursting with such
fantastic young talent” said David Graham, Oman Sail CEO.
The Oman National Sailing
Championships are the most
important national competition of the year since they
offer young sailors from the
Omantel Youth Sailing Programme a chance to measure
their skills. Before racing gets
underway, all the sailors will
take part in a training camp
in Sur from August 11 to 13,
which will be run by Oman
Sail’s qualified coaches.
“The National Championships are an opportunity for
the sailors to put their skills to
the test against their counterparts on a national scale. We
will be working closely with
each sailor during the training
camp to ensure that they can
improve their performance,”
said Mohsin Al Busaidi, Youth
Sailing Manager at Oman Sail.
Have faith, it’s getting cleaner: Bolt
In search of
star power,
media lap
up Usain
Bolt show
Bolt is seeking to
secure a “tripletriple” in the 100
metres, 200 metres
and 4x100m relay
and was his usual
self as top billing
in an eye-catching
Jamaican team news
conference at Barra’s
massive Cicada
des Arts theatre
SHOW OF THE STAR: Usain Bolt gestures during a Jamaican Olympic Association and Puma press conference at the Cidade Das Artes in
Rio de Janeiro. – AFP
waltzed in to sprinkle a bucket of
stardust over Rio on Monday, and
while there were Samba smiles and
dancing girls, the biggest name at
the Olympics could not escape the
ever-present spectre of doping.
Bolt is seeking to secure a “triple-triple” in the 100 metres, 200
metres and 4x100m relay and was
his usual show-stopping self as top
billing in an eye-catching Jamaican
team news conference at Barra’s
massive Cicada des Arts theatre.
But he also had to face up to
questions about how and why fans
could have any faith in athletics after the battering it has taken on the
doping front in the last 18 months.
“I think we are going in the right
direction. People should have
faith,” said Bolt, who won 100m,
200m and 4x100m golds at the last
two Olympics.
For more Olympic Games
reports from Rio visit
“We are weeding out the bad
ones and I personally think we are
on the right track. We have had to
go through a rough time before the
good times. But in a few years, the
sport should be clean and I look
forward to that.”
Last year, Bolt edged out American Justin Gatlin to win the world
championship 100 metres final in
a race widely billed as “good v evil”,
with the Jamaican ‘saving’ the
sport from an athlete back in action after two doping bans.
Asked if fans could believe they
were watching a clean race when
the two, if all goes to plan, face off in
the 100 metres final next Sunday,
Bolt was a touch more diplomatic.
“In life nothing is guaranteed,” he said. “But I never worry
about drugs. That’s for WADA, the
IAAF and the IOC. I go out and
compete and wow the crowd and
entertain people.”
He did say, however, that he supported the governing body’s decision to ban Russian track and field
athletes because of the country’s
extensive state-sponsored doping.
Making a statement
“I think they want to make a statement and that’s why they really
need to show people that if you
cheat this is what’s going to happen,” Bolt told Reuters.
“So, for me, if making a statement is going to help the sport,
then I will support it because this
is what I do. This is my sport and
I really enjoy competing, and it
would be better for my sport if
it is clean.”
The Jamaican superstar, who
turns 30 later this month, confirmed that this would be his final Olympics but said the lure of
the big championships remained
strong and in the final weeks of
build-up, he really felt focused on
the tasks ahead.
He has certainly had some work
to do as, having missed the 200
metres in the Jamaican qualifiers because of a hamstring strain,
he found himself lagging behind
where he wanted to be in his
He did manage to fit in a 200
metres at the London Diamond
League three weeks ago but though
he won in 19.89 seconds, it was
hardly a smooth performance —
something his coach Glen Mills
made sure he was aware of.
“I called him and he asked me
what I thought and I said I thought
it was okay, maybe not a great
bend,” he said.
“My coach said ‘No, that was one
of the worst races you’ve ever run.
The bend was awful’... and he just
went on until I was depressed.”
In light of those missed weeks of
training and some rust around the
edges, super-fast times are probably unlikely for Bolt in Rio but,
as ever, he remained supremely
“I really want to run under 19
seconds, that’s my focus. It will be a
little bit hard because I missed out
on a few weeks of training, but you
never know,” said the man who set
the world record of 19.19 in 2009.
“Going through the rounds of the
100 always helps my 200.” - Reuters
As a dozen scantily clad
Brazilian Samba dancers
gyrated on to the stage,
rocking peacock-style
headdresses and glittery
thongs, Usain Bolt was not
about to be intimidated
or upstaged. Instead, the
world 100 metres record
holder hoisted his arms in
the air and began moving
to the Samba beats, delighting hundreds of journalists and photographers
seeking a little sparkle to
light up the Rio Games.
Very few people on the
planet transcend sport
or command the world’s
attention in the way Bolt
does. “Guys like Usain
happen once every several
generations. You cannot
expect to hit the jackpot
every four years,” Carlos
Laje, the Latin America
general manager for Puma,
told Reuters. Laje said Bolt
had a knack of producing “once in a lifetime
moments in history”, and
drew comparisons with
Argentine legend Diego
Maradona, who delighted
fans across the globe with
his virtuoso performances
at the 1986 World Cup in
Mexico. — Reuters
Racism inspires Brazil’s golden girl to greatness
(Top 10 countries at 10pm Oman time on
United States
8 20
5 13
4 8
2 9
7 10
0 3
3 10
South Korea
PROUD GIRL: Brazil’s judoka
Rafaela Silva. – Reuters
RIO DE JANEIRO: Brazil’s first
gold medallist of the Rio Olympics basked in her newfound fame
on Tuesday, with judoka Rafaela
Silva taking aim at the racism
that first threatened to defeat her
and then became the affront that
spurred her to greatness.
Silva, who grew up in the City of
God favela, the community made
famous in the 2002 film, was disqualified in London for an illegal
move and was described online as
a monkey and taunted with other
abuse. She considered giving up
but friends — and the help of a psychologist — convinced her to keep
going. The 24-year-old proved
them right and the doubters
wrong on Monday evening when
she delighted the home crowd by
winning Brazil’s first gold of the
games in the 57kg judo final.
“I can serve as an example for
the children of the community, because just being black means that
people look at you in a different
way. You walk down the street and
people hold on to their bags,” Silva
told a news conference on Tuesday.
“(The victory) shows the value
that a child from a favela can have.
“I just remembered that sensation I had and the suffering of that
defeat and I wanted to have a different feeling,” Silva added. “Judo
has its favourites but the one that
wins on the mat is the one who
wants it most and in my house no
one wants it more than me.”
Silva was encouraged to take up
judo as a way of channeling her
natural aggression and she learnt
her trade at the Instituto Reacao
(Reaction Institute), an NGO set
up by Flavio Canto, the Brazilian who won bronze in Athens
in 2004.
Her win delighted a crowd that
was patiently waiting for a local
winner. Silva climbed into the
stands to hug her family and coach
who had travelled just a few minutes from her nearby favela home
to the Olympic Park.
Silva, who was woken after four
hours of sleep by friends desperate to see her medal, promised to
keep going and defend her title in
Tokyo in 2020. — Reuters
New Zealand eye victory after late wickets on fourth day
BULAWAYO: Seamers Trent
Boult and Tim Southee struck late
to leave New Zealand needing seven Zimbabwe wickets on the final
day of the second Test after setting
their hosts an unlikely victory target of 387 runs on Tuesday.
Zimbabwe closed day four at the
Queens Sports Club in desperate
trouble on 58 for three after New
Zealand had smashed a quick-fire
166 for two declared in 36 overs in
their second innings.
Craig Ervine and nightwatchman Donald Tiripano will resume
in the morning having yet to get off
the mark after Zimbabwe lost their
top three before the close.
Chamu Chibhabha (21) edged
seamer Neil Wagner to Martin
Guptill at third slip before Tino
New Zealand 1st innings: 582 for 4 decl (T.
Latham 136, R. Taylor 124no, K. Williamson
113, M. Guptill 87, B. Watling 83no)
Zimbabwe 1st innings:
T. Mawoyo b Southee
C. Chibhabha c Williamson b Santner
S. Raza c Williamson b Wagner
C. Ervine c Wagner b Sodhi
P. Masvaure b Santner
S. Williams lbw b Sodhi
P. Moor c Guptill b Sodhi
G. Cremer lbw b Boult
D. Tiripano lbw b Wagner
J. Nyumbu c Santner b Sodhi
M. Chinouya not out
Extras (b-12, lb-6, nb-1)
Total (all out, 143.4 overs)
Fall of wickets: 1-65, 2-83, 3-107, 4-115,
5-147, 6-295, 7-319, 8-327, 9-352, 10-362
Bowling: T. Southee 28-14-73-1, T. Boult
27-13-45-1, M. Santner 35-8-105-2, N. Wagner
31-8-61-2 (nb-1), I. Sodhi 21.4-9-60-4, M.
Guptill 1-1-0-0
New Zealand 2nd innings:
M. Guptill c Nyumbu b Chinouya
T. Latham c Moor b Tiripano
K. Williamson not out
R. Taylor not out
Extras (lb-4, w-3)
Total (for 2 wickets decl., 36 overs)
Fall of wickets: 1-24, 2-26.
Did not bat: H. Nicholls, M. Santner, B. Watling, I. Sodhi, T. Southee, N. Wagner, T. Boult
Bowling: M. Chinouya 9-2-45-1 (w-2), D.
Tiripano 6-1-14-1 (w-1), C. Chibhabha 3-0-220, G. Cremer 11-0-59-0, J. Nyumbu 7-0-22-0
Zimbabwe 2nd innings:
T. Mawoyo lbw b Boult
C. Chibhabha c Guptill b Wagner
S. Raza lbw b Southee
D. Tiripano not out
Extras (b-1, lb-1)
Total (for 3 wickets, 25.2 overs)
Fall of wickets: 1-45, 2-58, 3-58
To bat: C. Ervine, P. Masvaure, S. Williams, P.
Moor, G. Cremer, J. Nyumbu, M. Chinouya
Bowling: T. Southee 6.2-3-18-1, T. Boult 6-211-1, N. Wagner 8-3-21-1, M. Santner 5-2-6-0
Mawoyo (35) was trapped lbw by
Boult in the penultimate over.
It got worse for the hosts when
two balls later Southee produced
a superb in-swinger to have Si-
kandar Raza (0) leg before as well.
Survival will be top of the agenda for Zimbabwe on an excellent
batting wicket but they must find
a way to counter the prodigious
swing of the New Zealand seamers. Zimbabwe were 305 for six
overnight in their first innings
and lost their remaining four
wickets for 57, including anchor
Ervine for 146, his maiden Test
century, as he picked out Wagner
at long-off off the bowling of spinner Ish Sodhi.
The latter was the pick of the
visitors’ attack with 4-60 as New
Zealand chose not to enforce the
follow-on having been in the field
for 143.4 overs.
Quick runs
They rather pushed for quick runs
in their second innings but slipped
to 26 for two before captain Kane
Williamson (67 not out) and
Ross Taylor (68 not out) shared
an unbeaten third wicket-wicket
stand of 140.
The declaration came four overs
after tea, leaving the tourists a
minimum of 116 overs to bowl out
their hosts.
New Zealand lead the twomatch series 1-0 after an innings
and 117-run victory in the first
Test. - Reuters
W W W.T I M E S O F O M A N . C O M
W E D N E S DAY, AU G U S T 1 0, 2 0 1 6
In MSQ. Near ABA school one villa
for rent 6 rooms, 4 bathrooms,
house maid room, AC split unit,
swimming pool
One flat in CBD 2 bedrooms,
sitting room, 2 bathrooms & Kitchen
One flat in Qurum 29 – 1 & 2 rooms,
AC split unit, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen
In Al Hail one office space –
(Near Main Road) one room attach
with bathroom and kitchen.
W E D N E S D AY, AU G U S T 1 0, 2 0 1 6
Email: [email protected]
classifi[email protected]
Tel.: 24726666
413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461
*Tourist visa arranged
350 labours & staff can stay
With all facilities,
near by Express way.
99364765 / 92699949
5 bedroom brand new
villas for rent in Al Khoud,
near Al Ruwad
International School.
99447002 / 98116480
1000 sqm Industrial plot
compound wall & two room at
Misfah I/A. Contact: 99342733
Ruwi office space for rent,
Saravana Bhava Building.
Contact: 95729549
2 bedroom flat – luxury fully furnished at Al Khuwair, 2 bedrooms
at the Wave, 3 bedrooms at Azaiba,
2 bedrooms at Al Walja, 600 sq.
mt Warehouse – Sinaya, Ghala
for short or long term contract.
Contact Atlas Real Estate & Rent
a Car LLC. Contact 99436312 /
92888376 / 94617563
Flat in new building P.D.O road
2 bedroom + Deluxe with AC.
Contact: 24810423 / 99358433
Brand New two bed room flat split
Acs Near Sultan Center Qurum,
330 R.O/- pm. Contact 95278815
2BHK commercial Al Khuwair
RO 350. Contact: 92144045 /
Flat for rent in Al Mawaleh South
3, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, hall,
kitchen & store with air condition.
Contact 98575157
Flats for rent near Indian School
in Wadi Kabir. Contact 99777122
Flats, shops & store for rent in
MBD area Ruwi, Mumtaz area.
Contact: 97293708 / 92433127
3 Rooms, 2 Toilets Flat for Rent.
18 November Street. Near Mars Hypermarket and The Chedi. Ghobrah
-Good for Commercial or Residential use. OMR 295/- month.
Call 94477222
1 Bed room, sharing K& T, R.O 100,
2 bedrooms , sharing K& T R.O
200/- in AL Khuwair.
Contact 95154331
Flat in Al Khuwair opp grand mall
4 room 3 toilet + hall kitchen in 3
floor 400. Contact 99420346
Flat 2 BR at Wadi Adai.
Contact: 94643380
New Building in Muttrah, 2 B/D
Room Flat + Setting Room,3 Baths+
Kitchen with split unit Ac’s. Behind Khimiji’s main office/opposite
to Oman House Call 99419712/
2BHK in Wattayah, behind Honda
show room and Al Mannam2 Hotel Apts, 2 Bed rooms, spacious Hall, 2 Bath rooms. Very well
maintained building, Families
Only. Call 99419712/ 92608505
1 BHK Flats are available near Lulu
Darsait (Opp. to Min. of Defense)
Contact: 93202733 / 94771769
Rooms for rent in Al Khuwair near
Ibis hotel. Contact: 95724975
2BHK spacious room available
in Al Khuwair behind Zawawi
Mosque/Rotana Hotel.
Contact 99590942
Furnished room in CBD for Executive bachelors WIFI free, advance
deposit. Contact: 90631572
1& 2BHK Flat for rent at MBD, Hallat Saad, Opp. Al Nahda Hospital, Al
Khoudh Souq and Mabela Sanaya
No.2 and shop at Al Khoudh.
Contact: 24834644, 93994401/
02/ 03
3 BHK flat in Azaiba, opp. Sultan Centre. Contact 99261522 /
2 BHK Ghubra RO 300.
Contact: 92144045 / 94327972
Flat for rent in Wadi kabeer near
Indian Primary School 1B & 2B,
1 H& 1K. Contact: 92222922
Flat for rent in Darsait nr Indian
School with 2 room & kitchen.
Contact: 92245110 / 98191919
3BHK Al Khuwair RO 350.
Contact: 92144045 / 94327972
Flats for rent at Al Khuwair, bedroom and toilet. Contact: 92277419
2 BHK at Darsait RO 250/-.
Contact: 92144045
Flats, shops for rent in Ruwi
Mumtaz, MBD area Honda road.
Contact : 97293708 / 92433127 /
I BHK Flat -3 Nos at Hamriya –
R.O. 175/-3 Bed Room/ 3 Bath
room/ Very big sitting area/ kitchen - Villa 1st floor with A/C at Al
Khuwair Near Rayyan Residence.
R.O 360/-For families. Contact:
94934353 - 9 am to 7 Pm.
Email – [email protected]
4BHK Villa Qurum RO 550.
Contact: 92144045 / 94327975 /
Studio Al-Khuwair RO 130.
Contact: 92144045 / 94327975
House for rent at Amerat near Sultan Center, 2 bedrooms, 2 toilets, 2
sitting rooms, including Curtains
and air conditioners. RO.250/-.
Contact 99469 203
14 flats for rent in Al Hail each
flat 2Bed rooms, hall, 2 toilets &
kitchen, price 250/- O.R for each.
Contact: 99222130
Brand new 2 bedroom flat with
split A/Cs, near Sultan Center
Qurum, RO 330/- pm.
Contact 95278815
3 bedroom flat in Wadi Kabeer,
2 bed room villa in Sidab.
Contact : 95755953 / 95555162
2 BHK near Khimji Training Institute Darsait. Contact : 99428764
30 New Deluxe Flats & Shops in
Al Khoud. Contact 99738881
Flats in Al Khuwair, Al Bustan,
Azaiba, Wadi Kabeer, Darsait,
Hamirya, Al Hail & Seeb.
Contact: 24182000 / 95250300 /
Flat with 2 room + kitchen +hall,
3 toilets in al Quram Breeiq
Al Shatti RO 650. Contact
99738881 / 99314314
2 B/R new bldg, Bausher from
owner. Contact : 92158031
2 B/R near Grand Hypermarket Ruwi.
Contact: 92617250 / 92880738
1 bedroom family / bachelors in
Al Khuwair R.O 90/-.
Contact: 95154331
Flats in Al Wadi Al Kabeer near
to Al Kuwaiti Mosque.
Contact : 99428958
3 bedroom well maintained flat
(villa Type - only 2 flats in one
bldg) in Al Khuwair, behind Al
Akhtam Restaurant Villa No1839,
Way No 3922, Block No 239.
Contact: 99462980
2 BHK flat at Wadi Kabir, behind
Pioneer Hotel Apartment.
Contact 99261522 / 99857332
Flat for rent in Al Khoud, 2 rooms
& hall. Contact: 91763665
1BHK near Medical Darsait
Muttrah house R.O 175/-.
Contact: 95076261
2 bedroom centrally air conditioned
flat in CBD near Central bank.
Contact : 24714625 / 91173997
2 Bedroom flat near Riyam Park,
Corniche. Contact: 24714625 /
Flat behind Mazoon Mosque with
3 room + 3 toilets, RO 230.
Contact 99738881 / 99420346
2 bedrooms flats R.O 370/- & one
bedroom flat R.O 325/- in South
Ghubra, behind Asalah Bhawan
building. Contact: 96202490
3BHK Al Khuwair.
Contact : 99024730
Spacious 3 BHK apartment + store
room with split A/C Al Seeb,
Mabelah South near Goat
market, near Expressway R.O 320
negotiable. Contact: 96920789 /
Wadi Kabeer Industrial 80 sm
show rooms for rent 400/- R.O.
Contact: 99879939
Flat for Rent 2 bed room Near ISM
muscat Indian Scoole
Darsate Tel : 00 968 95158570
Two bedrooms flat behind German Embassy near to Al Nahda
Hospital. Contact: 99209354
Flats for rent South Al Mabela.
Contact: 95233117 / 95230355
2BHK split A/C 200/- Monthly
& 1BHK spilt A/C 150/- monthly
new building good location Barka
Market. contact 99342661
2BHK Big Size Flat Behind Bank
Muscat, Wadi Kabir. Near ISWK.
97826454, 24815012.
Flat for rent in South AlGhubrah
3 rooms, hall and 3 toilets, kitchen
rent 450/-. Contact: 99335580
Furnished office (61M2) for sale
/ rent Al Khuwair near Zawawi
Mosque. Contact: 95611569
Warehouse at Wadikabir - total
area 3500 sqm - covered warehouse (500sqm), office,
accommodation (1000sqm),
open area (2000sqm) please
contact: 99273774 - 99202278
Coffee shop near Al Sarooj “Turkish Shawarma & Grill “ at the prime
location for sale. Contact: 94034778
/ 94034731
Running Restaurant for sale at
Ruwi’s heart, 90+ chairs minimal
rent 7 visas. Contact : 94909192
Restaurant sale: at prime location
in Sohar. Newly built with sitting
capacity of 80+ persons. Ready
with visas. Contact : 94400478
2BHK split A/C for rent Muttrah
near Oman House.
Contact: 97007934 / 92629232
Ice cream shop. Prime location,
Ruwi for sale. Contact: 92150455
Flat for rent 2 BHK 2 split A/C,
2 toilets, Wadi Kabir near Kuwaiti
Masjid. Contact 97007934 /
Ladies beauty parlour for sale
near ROP Building Honda road
Ruwi. Contact: 98746259 /
96713752 / 92486412
W E D N E S DAY, AU G U S T 1 0, 2 0 1 6
Dental chairs for sale sparingly
used dental units for sale.
Contact Mr. Ansari 92616343.
Kumar 99570284
Coffee shop for sale at Al Khuwair
33. Contact: 92994415
Building in Al Khuwair for sale,
also we have in Ghala, Al Hail,
Al Khoudh 6, Mabella.
Contact: 91155779
Mabellah industrial land 6000
sqm for sale. Contact: 91155779
Farm in Barka for sale.
Contact: 91155779
Space for printing press available at wadikabir with or without
machinery. Contact 99328430
Almost new beach/ garden
lounge chairs /bar stools/ counter.
Photos can be sent 95865457
Hotel apartment in Mawaleh for
sale. Contact: 91155779
5 BHK villa at AL Khuwair 17/1
R.O 135/- thousands. #98802280
1. Portacabins
2. Window A/Cs (used)
3. Heavy Equipments
(Boom Loader, Back Hoe
Loader, Mini Rollers)
4. Hino Water Tanker
(2000 Gallon – 2015 Model)
5. Scaffolding Materials.
Contact 93990154
Big room with attached bathroom
available at Honda Road, Ruwi for
Executive bachelor.
Contact 95527969
One very spacious 1 BHK Flat
available for rent @R.O. 275/- at
Ruwi (Grand Hypermarket Building), near Sultan Qaboos Mosque,
from 1st Sep 2016.
Contact: 97237595
Furnished apartment for rent,
two rooms, majlis, hall, kitchen.
Near Carrefour al-mawalah.
Contact 99336776
Fully furnished room for Indian
Executive near Sheraton MBD.
Contact 99219337
3BHK flat Qurum R.O 75/- thousands. Contact: 98802280
Sharing accommodation available
for an Executive Bachelor in Al
Khuwair (near Zawawi Mosque).
Contact 92138451.
1No brand new containerized
package type STP 100 m3/ day
with blower equipments (suitable
for camps). Serious Buyers may.
Contact: 99445367
Ex bachelor or couple room in
Wadi Kabir. Contact: 99014325 /
Kids & women cloth, shoes accessory shop in Al Khoud.
Contact: 91121277
HD Scaffoldings, Shuttering
Jacks, Wooden Planks, Shuttering
wood assorted, Tower hoist (lift),
Concrete Mixer, Bending Machine,
Steel Fabrication Machinery
(Searing/Cutting, lathe & Welding)
including tools for immediate sale:
Contact 99273774/ 99202278
Single colorful Bed and Sofa for Sale
at Al Khuwair. Contact 92881849 /
What`s up No 97290565
Steel Scrap materials for immediate sale. # 99273774/ 99202278
Restaurant for sale heart of Ruwi.
Contact 93687466
Shop for sale near Oman House,
Muttrah. Contact 99024362.
Party & Wedding equipment rentals. Full line, from Tables, Linen
& Skirting, Chairs & Chair covers,
Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware,
Chafing Dishes, Ice Sculptures, to
Large Sound Systems and spectacular lighting. Call Andrea 9606
2222 for Catering and Croyden
9623 5555 for Sound & Light.,
E-mail: [email protected]
Furnished room available with
attached bath & balcony near
MBD area. Contact: 95031132
A big room available near
Hamriya round about for Muslim
couple / small family / Executive
bachelor rent 125/- per month
including W+E.
Contact: 99495131
Furnished unfurnished room for
rent at Mumtaz area.
Contact: 95212017
Room with attached bathroom
and sharing kitchen available for
Executive bachelor or
small family at wadikabir.
Contact 93049849
1 BHK appartment for rent in
Al Khoud Shabiya near mazoon
mosque for rent (next to alkhoud
medical center and squ)
MOB: 93913224
One single furnished room with
attached bathroom required for a
Indian decent Executive bachelor
non cooking, in MBD, CBD, Rex
road, Ruwi, Hamriya Area.
Contact 96328687
Furnished room in ruwi and
azaiba for rent for executive
bachelors. Gsm 99058344
Sharing Accommodation available for working ladies opposite
Al Nadhah Hospital. Preferably
Indians. Room with seperate toilet
and sharing kitchen.RO.90.
Contact: 96524717
Room available in Mumtaz area
1 room, 1 Bathroom, Kitchen &
1 room, common bathroom.
Interested please contact
92680041 Mr. Altaf
Furnished room attached bath
for Indian bachelor, Al-Falaj
Ruwi & lady Wadi Kabir near
Mars hypermarket. Contact:
Furnish bedroom with attach
bathroom for executive bachelor.
Contact: 97704794
Room available for Executive
bachelor at Al Hail.
Contact 96234708
Room, bath room
for executives in Wadi kabir.
Contact 99336206
Bobcat available for rent.
Contact 97623299
Buying cars for cash.
Contact 90202090
Kia Sportage, 2008 4 CYL, excelent
condition. Contact 99378397
Prado 2011. Contact : 99336093
2010 Pajero KMS 59,000, excellent condition fully automatic
sun roof. Contact: 99354340
Sportage model 2012, Corolla 1.6,
2013, Mazda 6 2012, Mitsubishi
pick up diesel 2011 4WD.
Contact: 96565082 / 99839898
2013 Lexus GS 350, Single Owner,
No Accident,45 000km,Black.
Contact 98960915
Nissan Qashqai 2013 Kms 30,000
VGC comprehensive insurance UAE
/ Oman. Contact: 96995430
2015 Chrysler 300 S ,Special Edition, Hard to find,19000 km, single
owner, No Accident, beautiful Red,
Full option. Contact 98960915
2015 Toyota Camry SE, single
Owner, No Accident 27000 km,
All power. Contact 98960915
2015 Mazda 3i Sport, Single
owner, No Accident, 22000 km,2.0
Engine. Contact 98960915
Urgently required looking to
immediately buy used Grit blasting
& airless spray equipment
1 No each. Contact: 968 24810930 /
93203772 / 93203773 / 93203778
IELTS Coaching (academic)
required nearby wadi Kabir
area. Please call on mobile or
msg on Whats up. Contact
Pakistani Muslim divorced male,
63, in Muscat seeks suitable alliance from widow/divorcee/ single.
Email:[email protected]
Pure Veg. Kachhi Coffee shop only
in Wadi Kabir. S.P. Sravan, sabu
Vada, Sabu Khichdi, F.Kachori,
F. Chevda, no other branch in
Muscat. S.P. Khuwair.
Contact 99437869
Parents of a Muscat Indian Sunni
Muslim Engineer son 33 tall, fair
looking for professionally qualified
bride, preferably from Uttar Pradesh.
Email: soulmatesearch2016@gmail.
Ezhava fair girl, 31, B.Tech,
Infosys Thiruvananthapuram,
Pooradam seeks suitable alliance.
Contact: 99190303
Wanted a suitable veg Tamil
groom for bride- age 32 (DOB
14/11/1983. 6.10- AM, Trichy, Tamil Nadu), Ht 170 cm, Wt 72 Kgs,
wheatish, ME qualified, working
in college, Oman, Expected : Age
difference 3 yrs max, “Rich in
honesty”; please contact:
E.Ramesh Baabu-92040174
Looking bride for boy, 35 yrs,
BE(MS) working in London as a Software Engineer, Christian, height 5’5,
reference : Reg. no. M 2194,, mail :
[email protected]
Parent of Thrissur based Hindu
Ezhava girl aged 20, Slim,Atham
star, Studying for B. Pharm seeking alliance from well employed
Graduates, preferably in Engineering Contact :96425102
Spacious semi furnished room
with separate bathroom for
Executive bachelor Opp. O.C.
Centre Ruwi . Call : 90611670
Sunni Muslim URDU girl 26 yrs,
B.E, M.B.A invites alliance from
Tamil Nadu Benglauru Mysore.
Contact: 99502581
Sharing accommodation
near ISD. Contact: 99657340
Malankara Catholic Male Nurse
(28) from Thiruvalla working in
Nizwa Private Co. Alliance invites
parents/nurses working in Oman.
Contact 968 98267338,
0091 9287215726
Room with attached bathroom for
a family in Wadi Kabir.
Contact 97167857
Supply of loading and unloading
people available. # 99325887
Ayurvedic treatment for joint
pain, backache, paralysis, massage, steam bath, obesity, Spondylitis. Ideal Care Ayurvedic Clinic,
18 November Street, Ghubra.
Contact: 99639695 / 97397320
Car care - care for your car.
Stop worrying about your car.
Enjoy your vacation peacefully.
Here is a solution for safe parking
and cleaning your car when you
are away on vacation. Taking very
good care of your car, trust us.
Contact: 96964767
Ayurvedic treatment for backache,
paralysis, arthritis etc & massage,
All Season (Vaidyaratnam). Contact:
24475280 / 95371664 / 92504980
Pure VEG coffee shop open 3/8/16
Dabeli, VADA PAV, PAV Bhaji many
more at Al Khuwair near Rawasco
behind NBO. Contact 99066469 /
Ayurvedic treatments & massage
– Ayurvedic Clinic Al Khuwair.
Contact 97263637 / 93309131
Rawaai Al Fan Al Mumaiz for
Cont ASTD company which is
recorded under the commercial
register number 1208545 is
going to change its legally shape
from ASTD company to L.L.C
to company And in accordance
with Article 13 of the Commercial
Companies Law No. 4/74. This is
to inform any body who concerns
about that to 2 months from the
date publishing this advertising.
W E D N E S D AY, AU G U S T 1 0, 2 0 1 6
Email: [email protected]
classifi[email protected]
Tel.: 24726666
413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461
Fax: 24812624
Required male, female GP,
Dentist, Administrator,
Nurses, Pharmacist,
Lab Technician
for a Polyclinic at Ibra.
Contact 71100596,
[email protected]
With 6 years of experience.
The candidates should be a
commerce graduate
experienced in auditing.
Interested candidates may
mail their CV’s to:
Our company
is seeking for an
Outdoor Salesman.
[email protected]
[email protected]
3-5 years experience preferably
in Ceramic division (tiles).
Should be with degree,
technical knowledge & English
Send CV to
[email protected]
Grade excellent contracting and interior designing company
urgently requires experienced professionals
for the following positions :
PRO with minimum experience of 4 years.
Civil Engineer with experience in interior and finishing works
Experience of minimum 5 years
Administrative officer (female, Filipino or Indian with minimum
3 years experience in the same field to join in September
Full time work, the candidates with D/L has added advantage.
Send your CV to [email protected]
A leading cosmetic company in
Muscat is looking for an
Accountant. Email :
maryana _makeup
Executive (Sales & Marketing) –
Sanitary Only (3 nos.)
Sanitary ware relevant experience in Oman (2-3) years
Driving license
Good communication skills
Full time / part time / commission basis.
Good computer skills.
with minimum of 5 years GCC Exp.-2 Nos.
with minimum 15 years GCC Exp. -1Nos.
Shawarma / grill / Salad / Asian
Cook. Contact: 95529970
Wanted Civil Engineer with
minimum 3 years experience with
valid GCC / Oman driving license.
Contact: 97991654 / 97991652
Kindly send CV at Email:
[email protected] /
[email protected]
Wanted full time Housemaid
preferably Tamilian / Malayalee for
Tamil Family at Wattayah, Muscat.
Contact 94043238
Housemaid wanted to care for
children and home. Accommodation provided. Call 95123244
House maid for Omani family.
Contact: 99773100
Wanted Driver for heavy (sewage
vehicle) and light vehicle with
valid Oman driving license.
Contact: 97991654 / 97991652
Kindly send CV at
Email: construction@remasalseeb.
com /
[email protected]
Required Omani Driver
for a restaurant. Contact 95929911
Interior designer needed urgently.
Email: [email protected]
Required English, computer and
science female Teachers up to
grad 4. Contact 95054916,
Email:- [email protected] after 5PM
Qualified and experienced Refrigeration Technician required,
who can repair cold room, freezer
room and all other types of
refrigerated equipments.
Email: [email protected]
fax : 24727481
Required Electrician and
Instrument technician With an
experience of 3yrs in GCC. email :
[email protected]
Phone No.:+968-93267619
with minimum of 10 years GCC Exp. - 2 Nos.
5. MEP DRAFTSMAN With minimum 5 years GCC Exp. - 1 Nos.
Candidate having GCC Valid Driving license & NOC
May forward their CV to - [email protected]
Required Electrical B.Tech
with 5 years of Oman experience &
D/L. Electrical with ITI -Industrial &
MEDC license. Contact: 99454425
Required Shop Sales man + Hardware Technician for IT Company
with minimum 2 years experience.
Contact: 98825806 / 98825806,
Email: [email protected]
Part time work as Survey
Interviewers: College Students,
Omanis male / female, read & write
in English part time work only.
Call or SMS: 97984307
A leading Carpentry & fitouts
contractor requires experienced
personnel immediately - Project
Manager, Carpentry – Foreman,
Sales Executive, Accountant.
Send CV : [email protected]
Required candidates for following
posts: Accountant, Storekeeper,
Foreman Building Maintenance,
Van-salesman (water), Helpers.
Candidates with Omani driving
license preferred.
Contact 99273774/99202278
Required gynecologist GEN:
practitioner lady lab Technician
and pharmacologist immediately
for a clinic in Suwaiq.
Contact 95081010
Email: [email protected]
Immediately required an Indian
Medical Practitioner with license
for a well established clinic in
Barka. Contact : 99474954
GP doctor needed for reputed clinic. Preferably with MOH license or
with Dataflow & Paramatics pass
Contact: 95388934
For a Travels & Tour
Operating Co.
Require Ticketing Clerk
with Min. 2 Yr. Exp.
Contact: 95697401
Email:[email protected]
Contact 71108232,
Email : [email protected]
3. MEP Division Manager BE (EEE/Mech)
Wanted Executive for Marketing lights & lighting
control system.
Candidate must have minimum 5 years experience
in similar field & valid GCC license.
with minimum Of 10 years GCC Exp.- 2 Nos.
Situation Vacant
4. PM MEP - BE (EEE/Mech)
Contact # 92025033,
Email : [email protected]
An Excellent Grade Construction Firm based in Muscat
has immediate vacancy for the following position
1. PM -(BE/B-Tech- Civil)
An Omani Audit firm is seeking
audit partner to join the firm, the
candidate should be completed any
certificate course CIA,CPA, CA, ACC,
and 4 years’ experience, interested
candidates to submit their CVs to :
[email protected]
Please send CV to
[email protected]
With MOH Licence and Data Flow for
Al Saadi Specilised Medical Centre, Musanna.
Send Resumes: [email protected]
2. PE-(BE/B-Tech – Civil)
Required experienced Accountant for a restaurant in Muscat.
Contact: 93500992
Having experience in
Building materials.
Transferable Visa is a must.
WANTED Female Gynaecologist,
Female GP- Two Female Staff Nurse
(From India or Pilipino)and One
Female Dental Assist and
Female Lab Technician.
Catering Co. requires Procurement
Manager (7 years with Gulf experience) & Pest Control Supervisor (5
years with Gulf experience). Omani
Heavy Truck (freezer) driver, 5 yrs
experience with PDO license will be
preferred. Send CV : info@rcsoman.
com, contact 95892831 /
A leading travel & tour Co. requires Tour Operator - male / female,
Ticketing & Reservation Agent - male / female, Customer Service Head
- male / female, Sales & Marketing - male / female.
Send CV to [email protected], [email protected].
Contact : 97461515. Salary negotiable.
Required Indian Mason – 5 nos.,
eligibility (minimum 5 yrs experience in road construction field).
Contact: 99882127
Email: [email protected]
Wanted urgently General Practitioner, Gynecologist & Dental
Surgeon. Contact:92951642
Lady Clinical Dietician for Weight
Management Center, utilizing the
“Eurodiet” method. Experienced in
individual counseling along with
excellent communication skills.
Arabic speaking would be an
advantage. Call: 945 66 777
Email: [email protected]
Wanted DENTIST with MOH
license to run a clinic. Wanted
GYNAECOLOGIST to run a clinic
or work on salary. # 99334689
MOH licensed /Prometric passed
GP Doctor, Staff nurse & Lab
technician for Oman - A 22 yrs
old well -established clinic in Ibri
,Oman is looking for energetic &
qualified GP doctors,staff nurses
& Lab technicians for immediate
placement. Package will be best in
the sector. send CV :
[email protected]
for queries : 93828382
Wanted Staff Nurses (female)
with or without MOH license for
a polyclinic near Sohar. Excellent
salary & accommodation.
Contact 99006915, Email :
[email protected]
Care Medical Centre Al Seeb
requires Gynecologist and General
Practitioner. Mail CV to:
[email protected]
A medical centre is looking to
hire immediately a talented
Nurse to join our successful team,
required 3 years of experience,
Oman prometric, data flow. Send
your CV to- [email protected] or
Whatsapp - 91254820
Wanted Staff Nurse for
a dermatology clinic in Muscat .
Must have MOH license and NOC.
Attractive salary offered. Email:
[email protected]
Required immediately a quality
control Supervisor/ Senior lab
Technician for a water treatment
and bottling factory.
Contact. 98598099,
email. [email protected]
Ladies experienced in Sales &
Marketing with excellent communication skills for Dietetic &
Healthy food products for immediate employment. Call: 945 66 777
[email protected]
Dynamic outdoor Sales Executive
required for a building Materials
company in Ghubrah. Candidates
with release preferred.
Mail your resume to :
Looking for Indian marketing
lady with journalistic, advertising
& media background.
Contact 93946622
Email: [email protected]
Qualified and experienced Sales
Executive required for UAE.GCC/
UAE license, product knowledge
for commercial kitchens bakery
and laundry equipments.
Email: [email protected]
fax : 24727481
Required smart, young, dynamic
Sales & Marketing Executive
having 2-3 years sales experience for a reputed manufacturing
company in Oman, having its
Head Office in Ruwi. Experience
in building materials is an added
advantage. Omani Driving License
and NOC is a must. Attractive
remuneration package.
Apply with photograph to
E-mail: [email protected]
Required building material sales
Man with Arabic and English
language tel 97004186
Indian male Accountant looking
for a suitable placement in Salalah.
More than 20 years experience in
Accounting job (upto the finalization
of accounts) 8 years working experience in Middle East in Dubai, Muscat
& Salalah. Contact : 91325029
Indian male 30 Chartered Accountant having 2 yrs Oman exp. looking
for suitable openings in accounts,
finance & audit with Oman driving
license. NOC available
.email: [email protected],
Mobile : 96357827
Indian male, 25 yrs, B.Com, MBA in
Finance & Marketing, SAP (Level -1)
Certified, 1 yr exp in Office Administration, good communication skills
in English, Now in Oman for visit
visa looking for suitable placement.
Contact 97914014
Email : [email protected]
Chief / Senior Accountant, having
12 years Oman experience looking
for a job NOC / Release with D/L
available. Contact: 97385562
Male 36 MBA finance 7 yrs GCC
exp in accounts & admin knowledge
of quickbooks tally n office suite,
Oman D/L and NOC available.
Contact 96763275.
[email protected]
Pakistani male 32 yrs, Chartered
Accountant having 5 yrs experience, looking for suitable replacement in finance and audit field.
E mail: [email protected]
MBA/B. Sc looking for suitable
position having 3 years experience
in financial operations, banking
& Administration with driving
license. Contact 96428822
Accounts Part time : services available to handle all accounts up to
finalization on monthly Basis, finalisation works. Contact : 96247295
Furniture & décor co. require
Outdoor sales team,
immediate joining.
Email: [email protected]
MBA in Finance & Marketing
with 3 years experience in Sales,
Marketing & Procurement division.
NOC available seeking for suitable
post. Contact 92877851,
[email protected]
Required marketing / PR manager
for a modern restaurant group in
Oman , proficient in illustrator &
Photoshop charismatic , proactive ,
creative & flexible excellent writing
/ Editing skills degree in relevant
area fluent in English. Send CV to
[email protected]
Purchase Manager or in Accounts
department seeking job in Muscat
Hotels. In purchasing having
7 years experience and 2 years in
accounts department kindly
contact 98659529 or whats app
Accountant B.Com, Tally Indian
male, 14 yrs Oman experience with
driving licence & NOC seeks suitable job. Contact 97942044
Indian female, senior Accountant
/ast.Finance manager having 15
years oman experience with d/l and
noc looking for a suitable placement
. Contact : 94838231
Indian (M) / B. Com, MBA in
Finance, in GCC for 26 years, well
experienced in Accounts & Finance,
4 years in L&T , Speaks Arabic,
having Driving License & NOC.
Contact: 95588565
Indian male, MBA 2 yrs of experience in accounting looking for
suitable placement in finance joining
immediately. Contact: 93972065
Indian male, B.Com, MBA in
Finance, 4 yrs in Larsen & Tourbo,
26 yrs in Oman, English/ Arabic
speaking with driving license. NOC
available. Contact 95588565
Fresher 25, ACCA Affiliate,
Advanced diploma in Accounting
and Business seeking suitable
placement in Accounts, Finance or
Audit with oman driving license.
Contact - 92430152 ,
Email - [email protected]
Indian male age 26, Accountant
one year experience in accounts
looking for suitable job. Contact Email: Anishkhan991867@gmail.
Com Mobile: +968 9565 9415
32 years, male Chartered Accountant having more than 10
years experience in one the leading
Audit firm and Govt. owned entity
looking for better opportunity.
Contact : 968 98264415.
Graduate from Alexandria University in Accounting has freelance
Interior designing experience
in different design programs &
recorded projects achievements,
willing to join suitable job for his
qualifications & talents. Contact: +
201003966769 in Oman 99602608
Email: [email protected]
44 years, Indian male B. Com, MBA,
finance having more than 12 years
experience in finalization of Accounts looking for better opportunity
in Muscat. Contact : 95710936 .
Accountant Indian male B.Com
with 8 years experience in Oman,
knowledge in tally ERP, SAP AX,
MIS up to finalization, NOC available. Contact: 96989872, Email:
Accountant 8Years Experience
with D/L and NOC.
Contact 97712084
W E D N E S DAY, AU G U S T 1 0, 2 0 1 6
Electrical Engineer (B.Tech),
Indian Male MBA (UK),
Indian male MBA
9 years experience in Dubai/London/
Mumbai in Management Consulting,
Sales & Marketing, Business
Development for Real Estate/Banking
seeks similar placement with D/L.
Finance & Marketing 26 yrs
having 1.9 years of experience
in Finance & Marketing
Contact: 95206140/ 96992013
B.Tech, MBA, PRINCE-2, British Citizen
now available with NOC in OMAN. 25
yrs. exp in EPC Project Management of
Oil & Gas, Pipelines, Refineries & Power
Plants. Seeking job immediately/
Contact -
having 7 yrs of Gulf experience,
expertise in Project Management,
planning, construction activities,
testing & commissioning of electrical
systems, presently on visit visa,
seeks job in Muscat.
97281023 / 90631567
Contact 91228167
Contact: 95168205
[email protected]
Contact- 00968-94731728/
[email protected]
Oman experienced Indian Lawyer,
Indian female 25 yrs M.Sc
Administrator, 30 yrs experience
as Office Manager Project
Executive Secretary, document
Controller, Commercial Officer
with driving license on release.
Indian male, MBA,
Hotel/Restaurant/ Hospitality
6 yrs experience in Sales &
Marketing, Export / Import,
logistics (general trading),
holding Oman driving license,
presently on visit visa,
looking for suitable jobs.
Professional with 21 years of rich experience
as CEO/General Manager, in managing
business operations/ revenue expansions in
hospitality/hotel sector with MBA in Hotel
Management and possessing strong business
acumen with excellence in executing a wide
range of strategies for profitability looking for
challenging career opportunity as VP/GM/CEO.
Experienced Software Professional over 20
years in Oman. Involved in system analysis,
design, testing and implementing new
applications, provide training and helpdesk.
Best suited to produce cost centre,
consolidated, MIS reports from various
applications. Manage Software, Hardware,
Network resources, Wi-Fi/Biometric/CCTV
Devices. Expertise in SQL, Crystal Reports,
MS Office, Foxpro.
Contact - 91544858
Call 9785 5160
Contact # 92839516
Indian male 25 yrs, Graduate in
commerce, overall 5 yrs exp in
accounts/ finance field. On visit
visa. Immediately available.
Contact 92836216 /
[email protected]
Indian/MBA/male Chief
Accountant 18Yrs Experience,
MIS, C.Flow, Budgeting,
ERP, Cost accounting &Liasing
with auditors. NOC available.
Contact: 92254691/97826674
email: [email protected]
Qualified and experienced MBA
post graduate with proven work
exposure in Middle East & India,
having more than 5.5 years of rich
experience in accounts , project
coordination and administration
in (3.5 years UAE experience) oil
and gas projects is currently
looking for suitable job.
Contact 93953613, [email protected]
Indian female / MBA / 4+ years
experience in India and Oman
looking for a suitable job. Priority
location in Barka region.
Contact: 96140588 / 99214913
Email: ramya2007mba@gmail.
24 years, Indian Lady -Married
, Educational Qualification, ICWA
for a job in Oman to gain experience in the field of Accounting /
Finance / Management. Contact [email protected] or
+968 94959636 / +968-94288177
Senior Accountant, B Com, Indian,
10 yrs of Finance and Accounts
experience (7 yrs Oman and
4 yrs Dubai) , NOC Available.
Contact: 99776450;
Email:[email protected]
Accountant Indian male
12 yrs exp seeks suitable job.NOC
available . Contact : 91212471
Email: [email protected]
Indian Female,33 Years
MBA,MCOM & CA Inter , 3 Years’
experience in Accounts and
Auditing ,seeking suitable position
.Knowledge in MS Excel, Tally and
having good communication skills.
NOC Available. Mob:90146233,
mail: [email protected]
Accountant B.Com Indian male
B.Com Tally experienced 3 years in
Muscat with NOC looking suitable
job. Contact: 97151457
ACCA member with 6 yrs of experience in Oman looking for a suitable
job in finance. Contact 99284193
Indian female 28 yrs B.Com 4 yrs
experience in MNC’s currently in
Muscat seeking suitable placement in Finance / Admin.
Contact :94743790
Sudanese Accountant, Alexandria
University Graduate bachelor of
commerce Diploma of Marketing
professional photographer worked
in PR and social media for 2 years
looking for a job in public relations
media, social media or marketing.
Contact: 96976240
Accountant & sales & marketing.
Contact: 99730968 / 90696269
An Audit & finance professional
with 4+ years of diversified GCC
experience, available for a suitable position. Contact: 91206192 or
Email: [email protected] for
further details.
Indian female CA Inter, M.Com, 3
years experience in Audit, seeking
suitable jobs. Contact: 94863876
Indian male 34 Yrs, Dual MBA
Finance and marketing with IT
skills, 7+ yrs of experience,
Looking for suitable placement.
Contact 94879615,[email protected]
Indian female, MBA, Finance,
B.Com & PGDM
2 years experience as Financial Analyst
looking for suitable position in Accounts
Administration or Executive positions,
presently available in Oman.
96126736 / 95629821
Email: [email protected]
Accountant available with NOC,
7 years experience in Oman.
Ready to join immediately.
Contact 98263394
28/male/MBA - finance/B.Com Accountant with 4 years of Dubai/
India experience looking for a
suitable placement.
Contact 90187483
[email protected]
Indian Keralite, B.Com, male 25
yrs, 1.5 yrs exp.,looking for suitable job in Muscat currently on
visiting visa. Contact: 90931930
Email: [email protected]
7 Years experience as Financial
Analyst, MBA in finance. Responsibilities- research contributor,
financial statement analysis, generating MIS & efficiency report,
managing TAT, business & clients.
On visit visa in Muscat.
Contact- 90191628 / 96175780
Accounts part time services
available to handle all accounts up
to finalization on monthly basis.
Finalization and audit works.
Contact: 96247295
Finance Manager 16 years experienced chartered accountant (Sri
Lankan) looking for a suitable post.
NOC available.Contact: 92194926
Email: [email protected]
Indian, Kerala Male B.COM & B.PE,
Currently on Visit Visa. Looking
for a suitable job in Accounts,
Store Keeper, Sales etc. Ready to
join as early as possible.
Contact 96988923
email:- [email protected]
Indian male with 6 yrs of HR &
Admin experience (3 yrs in Oman)
looking for suitable position. NOC
available. Contact 98752013, Email :
[email protected]
Indian male, rich oman experience as – personal assistant /
office manager / executive secretary / administration / business
development asst., omani license
with valid visa / release available
– 99168054
Indian Female, MBA-HR having
8+ experience in Administration/
HR, Customer Support, Office
Coordinator with good Computer
skill, Now on Visit Visa,
looking for suitable position.
Contact 90196235
A highly competent motivated
and team spirited HR Administration, Business development
with 14yrs exp seeks suitable
placement. Qualification BA MSW
PGDDM. Contact 92438185/
email:[email protected]
Indian female 32 yrs P.G English
having 6 yrs exp in MNC’s (Tech.
M, IBM TCS) in HR/Admin on visit
visa looking for suitable placement. Contact : 91063848, Email:
[email protected]
Filipino HRD especialist / material
controller supervisor with 18 yrs
experience looking for suitable job
in Oman. Contact: (+968) 98037142
/ (+968) 92659817
Architect Engineer seeking for
suitable job, 8 years experience.
GSM : 96075000, Email :
[email protected]
Senior Accountant
B.Com, 18 yrs experience abroad,
12 years in Oman with an excellent grade
construction company, handling day to day
activities upto finalization, proficient in
Microsoft GP, knows AX – 2012, valid D/L,
looks for suitable placement in Accounts /
Admin. Local release available.
Contact: 968 97702648
Architect looking for job, with
bachelor degree and have 6 yrs
experience in Oman as HOD. Having good command of AutoCAD
3D Studio Max & other graphics
software. Contact 94404784,
[email protected]
ARCHITECT, Postgraduate in Environmental Planning from School
of Planning & Architecture, Indian
(Female), Looking for suitable placement. Tel. 94969570/ 92103206,
Email: [email protected]
Freelance Sr. Architect /
Interior 2D / 3D, walkthrough
Contact- 95047231 ,
Email: [email protected]
Female Architect qualified with
Masters degree (March) from London seeking suitable placement.
Contact : 95385028 / 99357177
Junior Architect, female from NIT,
looking for suitable placement.
Contact: 92705130
35, BA, Arabic, LLB, MBA,
knows English, Arabic looking for
suitable position in Companies or
legal firms., presently working as Legal
Advisor. NOC available.
Contact 97351649,
Email : [email protected]
Contact - 96501189
House driver/ company,
valid Gulf D/L (overseas).
Contact 95175192
Heavy duty driver / operator (GCC
plant valid license (overseas).
Contact 95175192
Light duty driver 3 yrs experience seeks placement. Knows
Hindi, Arabic & Urdu.
Contact: 97762303
Indian light driver 3.5 yrs exp
in Oman visa seeks placement.
Contact 94158505
Looking for job driver with car.
Contact 99154473
Looking for driving job 5 years
experience. Contact : 92024487
Light Driver. Contact 92703258 /
Looking for driver job having
5 years experience in Oman.
Contact: 98779907
Looking for light driving job.
Contact: 91209086
Architectural Interior Draftsman
seeking job. Contact: 95516807
Looking for light driver, 6 yrs exp.
Contact: 97098018
Driver looking for job.
Contact: 95892363
CAD/GIS Draughtsman with
15 years experience. Contacts:
94001764 / [email protected]
Interior Designer AutoCAD Draftsman 3D Max, now in Muscat on visit
visa. Contact 92714377 / 90865342
AutoCAD Draughtsman Indian
male 8 years experience in Oman
well knowledge in Civil, Interior,
pre casting having GCC driving
license (NOC Available)
Contact: 92188496
Email: [email protected]
Revit, Autocad D/man, expected
salary 200 OMR PH :92279784
Architectural Draftsmen diploma
in construction technology with 6
years experience in drafting and
detailing as per British standard
in Oman with valid Omani license
looking for suitable opportunity
Noc available. Call 94375897.
Filipino Senior Revit/AutoCAD
Draftsman with 20 years professional experience is looking for
suitable job in Oman.
Please Contact: 96489798,
(+974) 66653780.
Light duty driver with car, 8 yrs
exp seeks placement.
Contact: 95785372
Driver job wanted.
Contact : 96393082
Driver looking for job.
Contact : 93822195
Gulf & Embassy driver more than
15 years experience seeks suitable
placement. Contact: 92191698
Contact - 98842135, 98030818
With 14 years of Oman experience in Omanization,
well familiar with Oman labor laws,
employee relations / welfare,
Liasion & Coordination, Strategic HR Planning,
performance Appraisal & General Administration.
Chinese cook looking for job only
in hotel apartment.
Contact 98224709
Freelance ARCH 2D / 3D
rendering / graphic design bldg
PH : 97103168
email: [email protected]
With 2 yrs experience in Scientific
Analysis looking for suitable placement
interested in Quality Control in food
processing sector & Medical
Sector also.
Looking for light driving job
3 years exp. Contact: 91625977
Looking for driving job.
Contact: 94706179
Indian lady (House maid) looking
for a part time job, 20 years
experience in mother & baby
massage after delivery.
Contact: 92072866
House boy / Tea boy (overseas).
Contact 95175192
BE in Mechanical Engineering
with MBA in operations Mgt, with 4
yrs of experience in oil & gas field
seeking job as a mechanical/planning Engineer in Oman, Contact:
94683501 e-mail: shakir.zabiulla@
27 yrs, Indian male Civil Engineer
(B.Tech) with 5 yrs India exp as Site
Engineer in residential, commercial,
industrial projects looking for job
opportunity presently in Oman on
visit visa ready to join immediately.
Contact: 968 94965278 Email:
[email protected]
Engg/ Tech/ Mech 24 m, MBA
/B. Tech 2 yrs HVAC-fire fighting
experience seeking placement.
Contact : 90924711, E mail :
[email protected]
Civil Engineer diploma 3 yrs having 11 yrs exp in Oman 6 yrs as a
Site Engineer supervisor, all type
of Civil Construction activities
commercial and residential villa.
Contact: 99771890
Sudanese Civil Engineer 3 years
experience have valid Oman
residency looking for suitable
position. Contact: 94284030
Indian Male 28 yrs, B.E with 6 yrs
exp in Marketing Research and
business strategy providing PR
services looking for suitable placement. Contact: 90801510.
E mail:[email protected]
Sri Lankan male 25 yrs, having
5 yrs experience in Quantity Surveying in Civil & MEP, is looking
for a suitable placement.
Contact: 92032632 Email:
[email protected]
Quantity Surveyor 14 years exp.
seeking suitable placement, NOC &
D/L available. Contact: 90936370
mail: muhammedjahan@gmail.
Civil Engineer Indian (B.Tech,
M.Tech) 8 years experience, having Oman D/L, NOC available.
Contact: 94195397
Indian male Civil Engineer 1.6 yrs
exp, having Omani D/L, looking for
suitable position. NOC available.
Contact – 92157694 /
[email protected]
Diploma in Mechanical Engg,
10 years exp in steel fabrication
site work with valid Oman driving
license. Contact: 94696192
Civil Engineer diploma, 4 yrs
exp seeks suitable position in a
reputed company. NOC available.
Contact 96789711
Indian male B.E Telecommunication Engineering & M. Tech
Digital Electronics having 3 years
experience seeking for a suitable
job immediately, presently on visit
visa. Contact 90929272
email [email protected]
Electrical Engineer 6 years experience in OHL, primary &distribution sub stations, driving licence
and NOC available.
Contact : 99410588 / 95120225.
Civil Draughtsman seeking job.
Contact: 93136850
Indian Female Civil Engineer,
M.Tech in Structural with Construction management. 1 year
Lecturing Experience seeking Lecturing /Lab Assisting/QS /Design/
Planning jobs. Contact 92550987,
Mail : [email protected]
Mechanical Engineer, Indian,
Male, 30yrs. Experienced in Steam
turbines and Thermal Power house
seek employment.
Contact - +91 8130553668 or
[email protected]
IT Support Engineer, MBA,
Diploma in Hardware & Networking, MCSE, CCNA having more
than 6 yrs exp in IT field, (3 yrs
exp in Oman), NOC available
looking for suitable job.
Contact: 97125886
Email: [email protected]
Electrical Engineer, 24 yrs, Indian
Male , Fresher, Training Undertaken in Electrical Draughtsman, Fire
Alarm, Fire Fighting and Industrial
Automation. Contact: 94989767,
Email: [email protected]
Female Civil Engineer 6 years
total experience, 2 years Oman
experience in structural design,
shop drawing & Q.S.Full or part
time. Mobile 93010350.
Indian male, 32 yrs, B.Tech, PGDIT,
IBM Sterling Integrator, having 9 yrs
experience from IBM, Cognizant &
Emphasis, Oman driving license
looking for suitable placement.
Contact - 93221395
Indian FM, B.A, B.ED English Lit,
4 yrs Teaching experience in
Oman and 2 yrs in India,
immediate joining.
Contact - 94202122
B.E Mechanical Engineer, age 24
with almost 1 year experience as
Production Shift Engineer, has
achieved training on HVAC
Engineering design and has good
hands on software like AutoCAD
and HAP.Currently in Oman on a
visit visa, looking for a suitable
placement.Contact: 95065955
email: [email protected]
Civil Engineer 8 years experience
Structural buildings marine.
Available NOC release.
Contact 92451323.
Email: [email protected]
Indian male Electrical Engineer,
having 6 years gulf experience in
designing, assembling, commissioning execution etc having valid
GCC license too looking for a suitable. Contact: 00968-98052942
Email: [email protected]
Civil Engineer (B.Tech), Indian
male 24 years with 1+years Indian
experience,(Certified in Staad
Pro/ Quantity Survey/ Auto Cad).
Looking for a Suitable position.
Available In Sultanate of Oman
(Muscat) on Visit Visa. CONTACT
92157694. E-mail:
[email protected]
An Iraqi civil with more than
30 years experience in (Iraq and
G.C.C) looking for a job, (N.O.C)
available. Contact: 96561306
Email: [email protected]
Construction Machinery repairs
Engineer, 5 years, driving license,
Contact - 94001961
Project/Estimation Engineer,
Mechanical,5 Oman
construction field including shop
and site erected Tanks, Vessels,
Piping & Steel structures
Mail; [email protected]
Ph-968 98486585
Electrical Engineer having 16 years
experience in Switchgear / transformer / over head lines & lines &
trading for sales / procurement &
project execution, valid Oman D/L.
Contact: +968- 95994727,
Email : [email protected]
Indian Male, Graduate 28 years,
3 years experience in Automotive
Co. as customer relation Executive
,looking suitable job in Muscat
currently on visit visa.
Contact No.968-96349191
Indian male 26 BE Mechanical 2
years experience in HVAC seeking
suitable placement now on visit
visa. Contact: 90810193 Email:
asifi[email protected]
Iraqi Civil Engineer (Road)
4 years experience, 1 year in
Oman with driving license & NOC.
Contact: 91142290
Electronics and Communication
Engineer with 2 years experience
in Telecom Sector as RF Engineer
(drive test, RF & LOS survey).
Contact: 93919943
Email: [email protected]
Electrical Engineer: Indian male
30 years, having 5 years of experience in industrial automation &
utility maintenance in India, holding valid Oman D/L.
Contact: 92789995 Email:
[email protected]
Project Management and Supervision, expert professional Civil
Engineer, 26 years experience
in Contractor and consultancy
companies with N.O.C & driving
license. Contact : 92668679
Graduate from Alexandria
University Mechanical Power
Engineering and certified international Procurement Manager
CIPM basics of supply chain management B SCM, APICS, seeking
suitable job for his qualifications.
Contact: +2001222399139 Oman
99602608 C/O Email:
[email protected]
W E D N E S D AY, AU G U S T 1 0, 2 0 1 6
Email: [email protected]
classifi[email protected]
Tel.: 24726666
413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461
Fax: 24812624
Indian male, Mechanical
Engineer having 1year experience, on visit visa looking for
suitable job. Contact:97416564,
Email:[email protected]
Civil Engineer 8 years experience
in Oman as a project engineer for
governmental & private projects.
Contact – 90164912
Young Indian, Engineering in
Bio-technology, Bio-chemical and
Chemical, looking for a challenging placement in Oman.
Contact 97607000. Email:
[email protected]
Civil Engineer (Indian male)
5 years experience in Oman with
valid Omani driving license & NOC
looking for suitable opportunity.
Contact: 93101283
17 years MEP Engineer exp in
Oman U.A.E with transferable visa
looking for suitable job in same
field. Contact : 91758258 Email:
[email protected]
Sr. Electrical Engineer with17+
yrs of exceptional exp in spear
heading strategic planning and
project management initiatives &
executing various high rise residential & commercial building as
well as roads and highway project
with proficiency in installation,
seeking a challenging position in
a dynamic organization.
Contact 96570891
Indian male B-tech 8 years experience as senior electrical project
engineer / QC engineer on visit
visa seeks suitable placement.
Contact 94094543
Email: [email protected]
Indian male 24 ,B.E ( E.C.E ) graduate with 3 years of experience in
the fields of BMS and Low current
systems and has good knowledge
about Electronic Security Systems,
currently working in Oman, NOC
Available. Contact:- 94737033/
[email protected]
Mechanical/ Piping Engineer
(B.Tech.) on visit visa looking for
suitable job. Contact 94703350
mail: [email protected]
Civil Engineer (B.Sc) with 5 years
experienced (more than 4 years in
Oman) in construction & project
management and seeking suitable
position (NOC available).
Contact 99604563,
Email: [email protected]
Site Supervisor, Diploma in
Civil Engg (cert attested) knows
autocad revit, salary exp: 250
Ph : 92279784
Pakistani male Diploma Civil
Engineer 4yrs exp in Oman bulling & mega projects, valid license
Oman. Contact: 98921022
Indian male, Structural Engineer
looking for job in structural
design field. Having 6 years of experience in design field. Residing
in Muscat. Contact: 91176187
Email: [email protected]
Electrical Engineer (B.SC) with
1 year experience currently
seeking job on 3 month visit.
Contact 91791568
Civil Engineer, young Indian
having almost 2 years experience
looking for a challenging position
seeks suitable position in Oman/
GCC. Please contact 92718490,
Email ID: [email protected]
Electrical & Electronics Engr,
knows autocad & revit.
PH: 93837973
Mathematics Lecturer , Indian
Female, M Sc Mathematics from a
Prestigious University, B.Ed qualified, distinction holder with 7 yrs
teaching experience in colleges.
Contact: 91360147.
Graduate from Tanta University
license of Education and Diploma
of studies in French language from
Ministry of Education in France
courses in Picardie University Julesverne & Mont Lambert School
from France, has experience in
teaching French in Egypt Ministry
of Education, seeking job as teacher of French language or translator
for French, English & Arabic.
Contact: 99602608 Email:
[email protected]
Young, female, diploma in aviation, hospitality, travel management, with family visit visa, seeks
suitable placement with employment visa in airlines / hospitality
/ administration & in any company. Gsm 9092-1438
Male 32 yrs hotel management
Chef 14 yrs experience in Bahrain from India, Kerala looking for
suitable jobs in hotel 3 star, 5 star.
Contact: 98926299 / 92268172
Housekeeping Supervisor, Hotel
Industry seeks placement.
Contact 96152305
IT Support Engineer, Exp 3 years
in Oman 2 years in India.
Contact: 94672759
IT field 3 years of experience,
female seeking suitable job in Oman.
Contact: 96350234 Email:
[email protected]
Indian Male, MCA Graduate, 15 yrs
exp in ERP, CSM Certified, seeking
suitable role.NOC Available.
Contact : GSM : 90189284
Email: [email protected]
5yrs exp in IT, Indian female seeks
placement. Contact: 94969654
Indian Male, B.Tech IT, 4 years
Oman Experience in IT & NETWORKING, holding Oman D/L,
seeks suitable placement. NOC
available. Contact: 92462578
Indian male 25 years, BCA Graduate and MCITP, CCNA certified
with 2 years experience looking
for suitable job having Oman driving license. Contact: 94170892
Indian female IT Post Graduate
(MCA) with 3 yrs experience in
teaching, seeking job in IT firms
ad knowledge in MS Office &
other basic software.
Contact: 98454159
Computer hardware maintenance
& CCTV Technician Indian male,
8 years experience in Computer
hardware & 2 years experience in
CCTV, presently on visiting visa
seeking suitable placement.
Contact: 92164971 / 94638875
Indian female M.Sc Computer
Science seeking suitable placement in Muscat area.
Contact: 98660672
Indian male 4 years experience in
IT as Programmer / Web Support/
CCNA/ Network on visit visa
seeking placement.
Contact: 93069694
Email: [email protected]
Mechanical Engineer, Graduate,
Indian male, 21 yrs from Symbiosis Pune 6 months work experience at SKF India looking for Engineering on technical services on
visit visa. Contact 97945161,
Email : [email protected]
Female B. Ed English teacher,
7 yrs exp seeking suitable
placement. Contact 99739415 /
Mathematics Lecturer , Indian
Female, M Sc Mathematics from a
Prestigious University, B.Ed qualified, distinction holder with 6 yrs
teaching experience in colleges.
Contact: 91360147.
Teacher Female , Phd in Chemistry having 3.5 yrs of Experience in
India. Staying here on Family Visa
& seeking for a suitable placement. Contact – 99675828, Email
- [email protected]
Filipino Male, 28 years Old. Looking for job, Have experience in Rent
a Car/ Cargo & Logistics / Real
Estate/ Customer Care Executive /
Sale Executive & Marketing/ Shop
In- Charge. Hard working w/ good
computer and communication skill.
GSM: 97761075
Indian male, 28, post graduate,
6+ yrs exp in Oman in sales (back
office) & credit control with valid
Oman D/L looking for suitable
lacements. NOC available.
Contact 92066 523
Indian male looking for a suitable
post with 30 yrs experience in
showroom project hotel handling
on visit visa. Contact : 95213689
Email: [email protected]
Sudanese male bachelor geology
and mining with 3 years experience in MUD logging and training
in soil investigation.
Contact 92956848
GYM Instructor 12 years experience single. Contact: 96700192
Indian male 10 years experience
jobs in automobile, logistics & cargo,
store keeping & catering.
Contact: 91798685
Email: [email protected]
Filipino Graphic Designer / I.T.
looking for a suitable job with 10
years experience. Very good in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Photography, Knowledge in CCTV & Access
Controls. Pls. Call 79042628.
BS in Electrical Engineering,
Experience: 5 years(Power Plants).
Contact: 92475206 Email:
[email protected]
Indian, 15+ years experience In
Purchase looking for suitable jobs
in Oman (NOC available). Contact
96388496,[email protected]
CEO, CEO Assistant looking for
senior management position
with more than 25 yrs Business
developing experience Marketing
business planning U.S.A, Africa,
Kazakhstan, Saudi & Qatar MBA
, TEXAS A &M – USA University.
Contact: 92010247
IND male ERP Project Manager
15 yrs exp can handle complete
IT division looking for suitable
placement with Oman D/L, NOC
available. Contact : 94700212
Indian male, Senior logistics Incharge 20 yrs experienced with oil
& gas products with Oman driving
license, NOC available.
Contact 95370652,
[email protected]
Indian male, Country Manager,
48 years, M.Tech MBA, 25 years
experience seeks suitable placement valid, D/L & NOC.
Contact: 92279972
Email: [email protected]
Graduate degree 5 yrs experience
as Sales and Marketing in Oman
with D/L& NOC available looking
for a suitable placement.
Contact: 92506310
Indian male 14 yrs exp in business
development, Sales & Marketing,
4 yrs in building material in Oman
Contact: 93956234.
MBA Indian male 12 yrs Oman
experience Sales Marketing with
driving license, excellent market knowledge and strategic role
player looking for suitable position.
NOC available. Contact: 91437484
Indian male 42 yrs searching for
suitable job, experience in Saudi
Arabia, Oman, Saudi D/L holder,
fluent in Arabic, English, Hindi
Gulf experience 20 yrs manpower
co-ordinator, sales & marketing,
logistics. Contact: 90518114
Indian male, 26 yrs, 7 yrs experience in Sales & driving in Oman,
looking for job in Sales & Marketing. NOC not required. Languages :
Arabic, Hindi, English.
Contact 93426858 / 98148269
Indian 15 yrs Sales Marketing/
manager, Supervisor having visa &
D/L. Contact : 98604960
Indian, 23 yrs, 2 yrs experience
in Sales in Dubai in readymade &
shoes, experience in Dubai Mall, on
visit visa for 1 month.
Contact 98401675
Holder of light driving license, having excellent experience of outdoor
sales, good knowledge of Arabic,
English, Hindi looking for suitable
placement as Driver cum Outdoor
Salesman. Contact 96395841
Indian male Diploma having 6 yrs
experience in Sales & Marketing
(FMCG) with Saudi, valid driving
license currently on visit visa looking for suitable position.
Contact: 92720013
Executive purchase logistics with
10 years experience, NOC available.
Contact: 91432512
Indian male with 14 Years Oman
Experience as Assistant Pharmacist
with Valid MOH License and Oman
D/L is looking for a Suitable Job in
Muscat Area. NOC Available. Please
Contact: 92121414 / 92879050
Indian male age 24, B.Com. having
2 year experience and currently in
visit visa. Looking for suitable placement in Sales, Marketing & finance.
Contact: 90766307
Email: [email protected]
Female Homeo doctor, 26 yrs 5ft,
8 inch Muslim from Kottayam
looking for suitable alliance.
Contact: 92659795
Oil & gas experienced Indian lady
with 6 years in sales & marketing
to PDO and having valid Omani
driving license. Contact 96143430
/ 99875919
Filipino Medical Assistant
with 3 yrs experience is looking for
suitable job in Oman.
Contact: +968 9261 0394
Indian female GNM Nurse 10
years experience Oman prometric & dataflow passed. Contact:
94413100 / 00918281710464,
Email: [email protected]
Iraqi Dentist, 9 yrs exp pass prometric and dataflow searching for
suitable placement.
Contact: 90611395
Iraqi Dentist female, MOH license
seeks suitable job in clinic in
Muscat. Contact 97891219
Veterinary Doctor: Indian Female
looking for a suitable placement.
Contact: 96906534 / 99014885,
Email: [email protected]
Indian male 37 years MBA graduate in marketing with 9yrs of
experience in UAE in field of brand
promotions & marketing with UAE
D/L on a visit seeking suitable
position. Conatct 95792820
MBA 6 year Multi fields Experience, Marketing, Strategic planning, Administration skills. Having
Driving Licenses, NOC Available
Seeking for Job, fouzang@hotmail.
com Contact 97468157, 92521080.
Indian male 1 yr exp in sales
automotive (TBL) looking for best
opportunity , NOC available.
Contact: 97793879
Email: [email protected]
Indian female 29 years Post Graduate with computer Knowledge 2
years of Oman experience in coordinator & 5 years of experience in
customer service, client relation
officer with excellent communication skill seeks suitable placement. Contact: 95337665
Indian male, 4 years experience,
looking job in call centres/infocom.
Contact No.968-96349191.
Indian male Graduate with 18
years of Marketing experience
presently in Oman on family visit
visa, looking for best opportunity.
Contact: 96168687
Email: [email protected]
Indian Male, MBA marketing 5 yrs
exp. in sales & 4 yrs in FMCG
sector, looking for best opportunity.
NOC available. Contact: 96001877
Indian Male, 26 M.Com with
4 yrs of Experience in Accounting
& Administration in a Financial
Company in India, seeks suitable
job, Currently in India.
Contact India:-+918907212253
Akhil:-93626288, Email:
[email protected]
Resident in Oman 18 years, 10
years experience in setup marketing plans and strategies, sales,
import & logistics, procurement,
Omani government tenders, organizing projects & events, import fireworks for festivals, NOC available,
have car. Contact 94123939.
Email: [email protected]
Indian male 26 years of experience of sales & marketing in surgical and laboratory equipments.
Looking for good replacement.
Contact – 92015894 / 95774854
Filipino Male, 28 years Old. Looking for job, Have experience in Rent
a Car/ Cargo & Logistics / Real
Estate/ Customer Care Executive /
Sale Executive & Marketing/ Shop
In- Charge. Hard working w/ good
computer and communication skill.
GSM: 97761075
Co-ordinator / Secretary Indian
male, 42 yrs, 16 yrs experience
having Oman driving license, release available. Contact 93412622
Lady Secretary / Sales Co-coordinator 12 years experience in
Oman in reputed companies, seek
immediate Employment.
Call: 95244761
Indian female, M.Com, 8 yrs experience in Call Center Insurance,
customer service, team handling
negotiation analysis & secretarial
role. Excellent written & verbal
communication with computer
knowledge, presently on visit
looking for suitable vacancy.
Contact 95166496
B.E Engineer Indian male with total
7+ years experience in the field of
telecom projects, operations and
sales, 3 years experience in Oman,
with license and NOC seeks suitable
placement. GSM- 92961033
E MAIL [email protected]
Looking for part time job Secretarial / Data Entry / Documentation available every day after 5:00
pm Friday / Saturday full day area
preferred Ruwi/ CBD/ MBD /
Al Khuwair. Contact: 90414827
SH/carpenter, Mason, steel fitter,
helper, electrician, Plumber,
(Overseas). Contact 95175192,
[email protected]
Indian/male(26)/MBA/2 years experience in procurement, coordination and distribution management,
with valid oman license available
for immediate joining.
Contact: 92536194
email:[email protected]
Sr Project Engineer, 30 Years,
Mechanical, 8 Yrs. experience in
Oman & Qatar, Qatar Petroleum
approved, Experienced in EPIC
Projects Tanks, Vessels, Piping,
Steel structures
Mail; [email protected],
Ph-00974 66772193
ENGINEER, 3 years’ experience
in production industry, B tech in
Mech engg, Proficiency in AutoCAD, Primavera certified,
Contact- [email protected]
Mob 00919895233155
Male,26 years, 3 Years’ experience in Projects of Tanks, Boilers
and Steel structures, Aware of int.
Standards,B tech in Mech engg.
com, Mob-00917350860889
Indian 30 years, Autocad Draftsman 10 years experience in India.
2 years Oman experience in MEP
Drawings and QS Estimation.
Contact: 9353 1192, 9086 4988
B.E Engineer and also did NEBOSH
(IGC), Fire and Safety (HABC) First
Aid.3 year of Gulf experience As
a Safety Engineer looking for job.
Available to join respective firm.
Contact number# 94618504,
Email: [email protected]
Indian male B.Tech, DCE Civil
Engineer 14 years Gulf experience.
Contact 97045409
Female, 25yrs old with 4 yrs
experience in admin, HR and
Secretary position looking for a job.
Contact [email protected]
Indian male 23 Diploma in Automobile engineering Experienced
restaurant manager/supervisor and
Marketing knowledge searching for
suitable position in your company
currently on a visit visa.
Contact: 90801420,
Email:[email protected]
Pakistani Male having 7 years
Experience Valid Omani Driving
license working as a Transport
Manager looking for a suitable
position. Salary is negotiable. Email:
[email protected],
Mob: +96893363316 / 94202746
Indian male 32 years (MBA) Having 7 years experience in Oman,
Seeking for Business Development/
Business Support job, having Valid
Oman Driving License.
Mobile No : 00968 98403599
Indian Female, 28 Years - MSc
Microbiology, Quality checking
food industry, Looking for suitable
job. Contact 98170510 Email:
[email protected]
Indian senior Mechanical Engineer
experienced in EPC projects in
crushing, construction chemical,
concrete products etc. # 9109 6940
E: [email protected]
Electrical Engineer, 24 yrs, Indian
Male Fresher, Training Undertaken
in Electrical Draughtsman, Fire
Alarm and Fire Fighting. Salary
expected negotiable. #94989767,
Email: [email protected]
Indian male 25, Graduate in commerce ( having 2 years of
experience in Accounts looking for
a suitable placement presently on
a visit visa. Contact : 97939084 /
97351786 E-mail :
[email protected]
Indian male Executive Secretary
having vast experience in admin,
logistics & procurement well versed
with computer seek suitable placement. Contact : 99514286
email: [email protected]
IT professional, BE. in IT, CCNA,
MCSA, MCSE, 3yrs exp. in it, valid
Omani D/L seeking suitable placement in it/network/server support/
retail sales. Contact 91496939.
Civil Engineer with 6 yrs exp. In
construction and all related works
having Omani license & NOC. looking for job. Contact 94520994
Indian male, 26 years, 3 years’
experience in projects of tanks,
boilers and steel structures, aware
of int. standards, b tech in Mech
engg. contact-rahulkunnath23@, mob-00917350860889
Male Indian current job : call
center job, B.E (ECE) searching for
suitable job, email:
[email protected]. mobile:
+919677642346 / +918428617572
Part- Time Accountant, well
experience senior accountant, doing all type of accounting works,
Finalization, Budgeting available.
Contact 98803439
23 Male Indian 3 year experience in restaurant manager &
accountant job & marketing
experience looking for suitable
job. Contact:90801420 , WhatsApp no :+917411062397, E-mail:
[email protected]
Mechanical, 8 Yrs. experience in
Oman & Qatar, Qatar Petroleum
approved, Experienced in EPIC
Projects, Tanks, Vessels, Piping,
Steel structures.
Mail;[email protected]
Ph-00974 66772193
TEKLA & AutoCAD.5 years Oman
experience in project execution
and detail drawing of Steel
structures, site and shop erected
tanks. Diploma in mech.Engg.
Mob: 98486585
[email protected].
Civil Engineer (B-tech) Indian
male 1+ years experience in high
rise building (G+21) site Engineer,
experience in QC ,QS, and surveying looking for a job (NOC)
available. #90924737 / 97470742
Email: [email protected]
Indian Male 23 Photographer
searching for suitable job.
Contact: 90801420
WhatsApp: +917411062397
for my sample shots,
Email: [email protected]
4 years experience in IT Executive and also ticketing staff, seeking placement contact 94948622.
Email [email protected]
28 years, Indian (Kerala )lady
seeking job as a primary teacher .
Qualifications : +2 , TTC and Graduation in Sociology. She has 4 years
experience in the Teaching field.
Contact +968 94743882
4 years experience in IT Executive
and also ticketing staff, seeking
placement contact 94948622.
Email [email protected]
B.E Engineer and also did NEBOSH
(IGC), Fire and Safety (HABC) First
Aid.3 year of Gulf experience As
a Safety Engineer looking for job.
Available to join respective firm.
Contact # 94618504, Email:
[email protected]
B.E Engineer and also did NEBOSH
(IGC), Fire and Safety (HABC) First
Aid.3 year of Gulf experience As
a Safety Engineer looking for job.
Available to join respective firm.
Contact # 94618504, Email:
[email protected]
3 years’ experience in production
industry, B tech in Mech engg,
Proficiency in AutoCAD, Primavera
certified. Contact arn9895@gmail.
com, Mob 00919895233155
Indian female, IT seeking
position. Contact: 94133849
Indian male, 11 years exp. in
accounting, knowledge in tally
also. looking for a part time job.
Contact . 98983122
W E D N E S DAY, AU G U S T 1 0, 2 0 1 6
Indian Female 23 Years, B.Sc
Nursing , Seeking for Nursing Jobs
, Good Communication Skill Contact 96723359, 97470727
E-mail : [email protected]
Experienced Restaurant Manager/
supervisor, direct sales searching
for suitable position Indian male
23 Diploma in Automobile engineering. Contact: 90801420,
Email: [email protected]
Indian Male 23, BE. Mechanical
Engineer currently on visit visa
Seeking for suitable Job. Software
Proficiency AUTOCAD, CATIA,
No: 90924672 / 98859557,
[email protected]
INDIAN FEMALE 28 yrs, M.Sc B.ed
Science, Experience 2Years In
Teaching In India, seeking suitable
Job. Contact 0091 9676814123,
Email;[email protected]
Indian male Accountant.
Completed MBA with 1 year experience, good working knowledge in
Tally & Excel. Searching for
suitable job. Contact :
919715874548 , 918015907437,
Email : [email protected]
Graduate (C.M.A & B.Com) having
4 yrs experience in U.A.E & Pakistan in accounts/ Audit now in
Oman immediate available.
Cell # 94973273 (call & Whatsaap)
Sr Project Engineer, 30 Years,
Mechanical, 8 Yrs. experience in
Oman & Qatar, Qatar Petroleum approved, Experienced in EPIC Projects Tanks, Vessels, Piping, Steel
structures. Ph-00974 66772193,
Mail: [email protected]
2 years experience looking for a
job accounts / logistics field on
visit visa. Contact: 93884951
Looking for Land surveyor job 5
years experience in Oman fully
know autocad GPS and latest total
station instruments NOC available:+96894144052
[email protected]
Filipina, 33yrs old, with Bachelors Degree in Hotel and
Restaurant Management, with
experience as Senior Housekeeping Supervisor in famous hotels
and resorts looking for suitable
job in Muscat. Please contact
Well-qualified Indian Female
with 8 years Oman experience in
Procurement Supply Chain from
reputed Companies in Oman seeks
placement, contact – 95423692
ENGINEER, 3 years’ experience
in production industry, B tech in
Mech engg, Proficiency in AutoCAD, Primavera certified,
Contact [email protected],
Mob 00919895233155
B.E Mining Engineer and also did
NEBOSH (IGC), Fire and Safety
(HABC) First Aid.3 year of Gulf experience looking for job. Available
to join respective firm.
Contact 94618504
B.E Engineer and also did
NEBOSH (IGC), Fire and Safety
(HABC) First Aid.3 year of Gulf
experience As a Safety Engineer
looking for job. Available to join
respective firm.
Contact 94618504
Indian Male, 26 years, 3 Years’
experience in Projects of Tanks,
Boilers and Steel structures Aware
of int. Standards, B tech in Mech
engg. Contact- 00917350860889
[email protected]
MBA in HR & Finance with 2
years experience in HR seeking for
a suitable post, presently in family
joining visa. Contact : 9058 7631
Indian male 25, Graduate in
commerce ( having 4 years
of experience in Office Administration (admin) looking for a
suitable placement presently on
a visit visa. Contact : 97939084 /
97351786, E-mail :
[email protected]
Civil Engineer (B-tech) Indian
male 1+ years experience in high
rise building (G+21) site Engineer,
experience in QC ,QS, and surveying
looking for a job(NOC) available
contact :90924737 / 97470742
Email:[email protected]
Indian male part time Accountant
looking for a job. Contact 96761026
Email: [email protected]
Chief Accountant , 7 years experienced (out of 25 years experience
in accounts) worked in reputed
group companies. Currently procuring MBA finance and having Omani
Driving License seeks suitable
openings from reputed companies.
Contact 98803439 / 97413784
B.E Engineer and also did
NEBOSH (IGC), Fire and Safety
(HABC) First Aid.3 year of Gulf
experience As a Safety Engineer
looking for job. Available to join
respective firm. Contact number#
94618504, Email: [email protected]
Search job as light driver, experience 3 years language Hindi, English, Arabic. Contact: 97941771
Electrical Engineer, Indian male
4 years of experience in India /
Oman. NOC available Looking for
job in electrical field, Having good
academic records and good communication skill. GSM: 94579857
Email: [email protected]
Iraqi Civil Engineer 25 years experience in governments building
and construction projects resident
in Oman. speak And write English
Contact: 98930502.
Email: [email protected]
B. Tech Comp Science 3+ yrs,
looking for administration or IT
/Management or other profile
with flexible timings. Contact
Airfreight/logistics Manager,
male 35, MBA, Indian, 5 years experience in Oman seeks job. Contact0091-9526166169 / 99630159,
E mail - [email protected]
B.E(Mechanical) 12years industrial sales one year Muscat
experience, presently in India ,
Immediately ready to join ,Mobile
no :917338899372 , email id :
[email protected]
Driver with car available.
Contact : 90139903
Airfreight/logistics Manager, male
35, MBA, Indian, 5 years experience
in Oman seeks job. Contact0091-9526166169 / 99630159 ,
e mail - [email protected]
Indian male 25, Graduate in commerce ( having 2 years of
experience in purchase (supply
chain management) looking for a
suitable placement presently on
a visit visa. Contact : 97939084 /
97351786, E-mail :
[email protected]
Building foreman, Experience :
More than 20 years with 12 years
in Saudi Arabia 4 years in Oman
and 4 years in Pakistan with D/L.
Contact : 968 94153911, Email :
[email protected]
B.E Engineer and also did NEBOSH
(IGC), Fire and Safety (HABC) First
Aid.3 year of Gulf experience As
a Safety Engineer looking for job.
Available to join respective firm.
Contact # 94618504 , Email:
[email protected]
Diploma in Civil Engineering, B.
Tech in Civil engineering from
Kurukshetra university, persuing
M. Tech Structural Engineering
distance mode from Kurukshetra
University, more than 07 years
experience. Contact+96891431483
[email protected]
MECHANICAL/PRODUCTION ENGINEER, 3 years’ experience in production industry, B tech in Mech
engg, Proficiency in AutoCAD,
Primavera certified, Contact Mob
mail: [email protected]
25 - 50 seater bus with PDO & BP specification for monthly rent &
small car with driver. Contact 99839898
4 years experience in officer coordinator & Sales Executive looking
for suitable placement, NOC and
Oman driving license available.
Contact: 98215753 / 92392646,
[email protected]
Civil Engineer 5 years experience in Oman / India as Quantity
Surveyor for mosque & building
(N.O.C) Contact: 97826597
Email: [email protected]
Indian P.G , DCA need job.
Contact: 94829545
Indian male need part time job.
Contact : 90169048
3 years experience in production
industry, B tech in Mech engg,
Proficiency in AutoCAD, Primavera
certified. Contact arn9895@gmail.
com, Mob 00919895233155
Purchase & store experienced 8
years in Oman Construction company Indian male 47 years looking
for suitable job, NOC release, Oman
driving license available.
Contact: 98456535 / 93996983
For a successfully
Catering Restaurant
Investor cum Partner is
Indian male 6 years exp as Sales
Executive with valid Oman driving
license, languages known Hindi
and English, looking for any good
job. Contact 95642297
Indian male, 28 YEARS Msc Bed
Chemistry 2 years, experience In
Teaching In India seeking suitable
Job. Mob No-00919505671750,
Email;[email protected]
Indian Female 10 years exp as
cook in Oman, South Indian & Gujarati special .looking for job,
Contact 95795971
Investor with fixed returns
also welcome.
Partner available, if u have an
established business & looking for
partner for expanding or open new
branch. Contact: 92010247
[email protected]
If you want to sell your product in
the market. Contact: 92162623
Male, Electrical Engineer, 4 years
of experience in India /Oman. NOC
available. Contact Mob: 94579857,
Email: [email protected],
WEB, ERP and Business Intelligence (BI) creation and management at rock bottom price.
Contact: http//webviewoman
Please contact – 95213273
W E D N E S D AY, AU G U S T 1 0, 2 0 1 6
Email: [email protected]
classifi[email protected]
Tel.: 24726666
413 / 430 /431 / 456 / 461
Fax: 24812624
Dolphin Watch, Dhow Cruise with Buffet, & Land Tours Al- Ainain Marine
Tours contact 98029602, 92808636
We arrange tours & accommodation at all the beautiful places in Oman.
Contact 99839898
We Provide Cleaners,
Office boys, Cleaning Contracts,
General cleaning etc.
Al Mudakhir National Est. LLC
Contact : 94277020
Spoken Arabic class for Non
Arabic Speakers & English
class for Malayalam Speakers
in Azaiba and Ruwi
• Learn in two months
• Satisfaction guaranteed
Tel: 95244310
Karate and self defense classes at Azaiba 18 Nov Street. RO 10 per
month twice a week Monday and Tuesday 6. 30 TO 7. 30. PM.
Contact: 98294551
Control of cockroaches, bedbugs,ants etc..
Odourless and harmless
Trained and experienced staffs
Quality service in reasonable charge
we use quality products approved by Oman Govt.
we undertake yearly contracts for commercial
& residential bldgs
Civil Engineer, B.E 26 years, 4 yrs
experience GCC, 6 years Singapore
in roads, buildings, infrastructure
have employment visa, release
available. Contact: 94786687
Email: [email protected] /
[email protected]
CALL: 99040032
Pest control & Building cleaning
all kinds of pest control
building. Cleaning tiles /
Marble polishing monthly/
Yearly contracts available.
Contact: 98814733 /98814740
Al Husn Cleaning L.L.C
Carpet & sofa shampooing,
Contact 99314807/24792998
Furniture shifting with expert
technicians. Contact: 99041337
Water proofing ABUQABASContact 99320217/24788722
House shifting packing.
Contact: 99657644/98518013
Pest control treatments,
Ocean center LLC
Contact 99344723
All Maintenance and services
electric, CCTV Camera, Plumbing,
A/C service and gas installation,
painting tiles. Contact: 96524904
/ 94285064
restore the original shine of
your marble. Contact 24793614/
Split unit & widow unit A.C
servicing & maintenance.
Contact 95323517 / 93769089
Carpet Shampoo, marble & tile
polishing, pest control &
anti-termite treatment, general
cleaning painting,Plumbing,
Electrical, shifting. Contact Mundhir Al-Rizaiqi trading. L.L.C.
Contact: 24810137, 99450130
Pest control Gulfa international.
Contact: 92326955
CAD drawings Archi/ MEP CAD –
comply BIM.
Contact: 91233975
Al farzdaq Al Fedi Trad and Cont
Maintenance services electric,
plumbing and A/C. Contact:
96524904 /94285064
For any 3d signboard, acrylic
works with painting please
contact us on 90786240 or follow
us in instagram: silver_concepts
Window & split unit A.C servicing &
repairing. Contact: 99557080
Split unit & window unit A.C
servicing & maintenance.
Contact 96236476
Marble Restoration, Mosaic tiles
polishing, carpet shampooing,
maintenance. Contact ABU QABAS- 99320217 /24788722
Transport. Contact: 99542393
Azaiba, Al Khuwair, Qurum, Ghala
& Ruwi. Contact: 97424997
Transportation Engage.
Contact: 92711421
Transportation. Contact: 94510847
Marble crystallization & grinding,
cleaning & carpet shampooing.
Ocean center LLC. Contact
A/c Servicing & Maintenance.
Contact Abdul Rehman
Contact: 99382104
Marble crystallization & grinding,
Ocean center LLC
Contact: 99344723
*Classified Advertisement
space booking with text,
should be done till 12.00 noon
for next day’s publication.
* Subject to space availability
Transportation available
Al Khuwair, Ghobrah, Azaiba,
Al Hail & Al Khoud. Drop & pick.
Contact 95250161
Transportation available Ruwi to
Al Khuwair, Ghubra & Azaiba.
Contact: 91103909
Transportation. Contact
Transportation required from
Qurum to WadiKabir at afternoon
only 1 PM. Contact - 99012165
Transportation. Contact 92015894
Transportation. Contact
Electrical Foreman, 25 years’ experience, Indian male currently in
Oman looking for suitable position.
Gsm – 96718013, Email :
[email protected]
INDIAN male, 33 yrs, BSC
Chemistry 8years, experience
as Medical Representative In Zydus
company in India, seeking suitable
Job. Contact -00919505671750,
Email; [email protected]
Regin accountant, male Indian, 2
years of experience doing accounts
in tally and excel searching for suitable job. GSM no: 7373387282
E mail: [email protected]
B.E Engineer and also did NEBOSH
(IGC), Fire and Safety (HABC)
First Aid.3 year of Gulf experience
As a Safety Engineer looking for
job. Available to join respective
firm. Contact number# 94618504
Email: shan37yousfani@gmail.
Indian female 23 Oracle ERP technical consultant 2+exp skills: oaf,
forms & reports, bipublisher
email: ramyaoracleapps02@gmail.
com, Contact: 91156571
Indian Male, 22, Diploma in
Automobile Engineering (DC),
Experience In Restaurant Management and in sales looking for
suitable position. Contact: 90801420,
Email: [email protected]
Sr Project Engineer, 30 Years,
Mechanical, 8 Yrs. experience in
Oman & Qatar, Qatar Petroleum approved, Experienced in EPIC Projects Tanks, Vessels, Piping, Steel
structures. Ph-00974 66772193
Mail;[email protected]
Male 25, Graduate in commerce
( having 2 years of experience in Sales & Marketing looking
for a suitable placement presently on a visit visa. # 97939084 /
97351786, [email protected]
Mathematics Lecturer Indian Female, M. Phil in Mathematics with
5 years of experience in school
and colleges. Now in Oman on Visit
Visa. Contact- 92119428, 96714746
Heavy Driver available with Oman
Driving License.Contact: 94190541
4 Years experience as Electronics
Service Engineer. Knowledge in all
type of Electronics items, looking
for suitable placement.
GSM- 99105043
Indian male, 24 yrs Civil Engineering Graduate, on visit visa looking for
a suitable placement. #92724814