peder eide - Hampton Chronicle
peder eide - Hampton Chronicle
HAMPTON C AN H IOWA R NEWSPAPER O N ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY | DECEMBER 18, 2013 | Volume 136 | Number 51 Bulldogs split open triangular LETS GET SOCIAL Like us on Facebook at Go to to view all of our newspaper publications. UP FRONT I AWARD C WINNING L E NEWSPAPER $1.25 Newsstand 3 DAY FORECAST WEDNESDAY MOSTLY SUNNY 37˚ 26˚ THU FRI 28˚ 13˚ 16˚ 4˚ 40% Chance Freezing Rain Cloudy SAT 22˚ 10˚ Mostly Cloudy | | Call 641-456-2585 or 1-800-558-1244 &LW\FRXQFLODJUHHVRQWUDI¿F light repairs Sports, Page 11 Local News, Page 2 H-D handles Eagle Grove, falls to Clear Lake on Thursday, December 12. The Hampton City Council agreed on Dec. 12 to move forZDUGZLWKSODQVWKDWZLOOFUHDWHDIRXUZD\VWRSZLWKÁDVKLQJ red lights at the intersection of Highway 3 and First Street. 2013 Christmas Special TAKE A LOOK Supervisors move forward with emergency dispatchers agreement Live Nativity at Dumont The New Hope Parish United Methodist Church of Dumont, Aredale, Bristow and Green has a live nativity Sunday, December 22, at 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. The nativity service will take place in a building on the Minnier farm site, located 2.5 miles north of Dumont or 2.5 miles south of Aredale on the blacktop (Clay Ave./CR-T16) on the east side of the road. Watch for signs. There is ample parking at the site. By Nick Pedley &RQWUDFWQHJRWDWLRQVZLWK+DPSWRQ·VHPHUJHQF\GLVSDWFKers inched forward Monday after the Franklin County Board of Supervisors gave their approval of a document outlining salary DQGEHQHÀWGHWDLOVIRUWKHJURXS The supervisors gave the go-ahead for a memorandum of understanding between the City of Hampton and Teamsters Local 238, which is representing the dispatchers during contract negotiations. The 911 dispatchers have tried for the past two years to come to terms with the city and county on a contract that would switch their employment over to the county-level under the Franklin County Emergency Management Commission (FCEMC). Once a deal is reached, the dispatchers can move from the Hampton Police Department to the Franklin County Law Enforcement Center and begin duties there. Board Chair Corey Eberling explained the supervisors needed to review the memorandum of understanding to make sure WKH ÀVFDO GHWDLOV RI WKH GRFXPHQW DOLJQHG ZLWK FRXQW\ VWDQdards. The dispatchers will eventually move to a county-fundHGDJHQF\²WKH)&(0&²ZKLFKQHFHVVLWDWHGWKHVXSHUYLVRUV· oversight. ´:KDWZHGLGZDVNLQGRIZRUNRIIWKHFLW\·VDWWRUQH\µVDLG Eberling. “We aligned what we thought needed to be aligned and left it at that.” The supervisors felt the memorandum of understanding was suitable, and they expressed desire to bring the prolonged negotiations to an end relatively soon. The dispatchers and their union representation will have to approve the terms before any other progress can be made. ´,·P UHDG\ WR PRYH RQ LWµ VDLG 6XSHUYLVRU -HUU\ 3ODJJH ´:H·UH QRW JRLQJ WR PDNH LW D SHUIHFW GRFXPHQW 7KHUH DUH things that are going to have to be dealt with as they pop up.” Hampton Mayor Shawn Dietz was on hand to represent the FLW\GXULQJGLVFXVVLRQ+HVDLGFLW\RIÀFLDOVHFKRHGWKHVXSHUYLVRUV·VHQWLPHQWVDQGIHOWWKHWHUPVLQWKHPHPRUDQGXPRIXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIIHUHGWKHEHVWVKRWDWÀQDOL]LQJDGHDO “Yeah, absolutely. The city manager [Ron Dunt] and I reviewed it, and we had absolutely no problems. I agree with Jerry, we have to keep moving,” Dietz said. ,IWKHPHPRUDQGXPLVDSSURYHGE\WKHGLVSDWFKHUVRIÀFLDOV can move forward with the county-wide 28E agreement. ´,WKLQNWKDW·VNLQGRIZKHUHZH·UHDWULJKWQRZ,W·VLQWKH KDQGV RI WKH HPSOR\HHV %XW ,·P FRPIRUWDEOH ZLWK ZKDW ZH came up with,” said Eberling. “The 28E agreement is what throws all the wrinkles into it.” The supervisors expressed desire to have everything hashed out and in place so the dispatchers can begin work at the law enforcement center by July 1, 2014. Franklin County Sheriff Larry Richtsmeier said he planned to advise the FCEMC at their meeting Tuesday to purchase the necessary dispatch HTXLSPHQWEHIRUH-DQVRWKHFRXQW\·VSUHQHJRWLDWHGJUDQWV DQGGLVFRXQWVGRQ·WH[SLUH “The nice thing about it is that we have a place we can store and install it right away,” said Richtsmeier. &RXQW\ DQG FLW\ RIÀFLDOV ZLOO QRZ SOD\ WKH ZDLWLQJ JDPH EXWERWKHQWLWLHVIHOWFRQÀGHQWWKDWDGHDOZDVQHDU ´,ZDVKRSHIXOZH·GKDYHDVPXFKRIWKHUHGWDSHDVSHFWVRI LWEXWWRQHGXSE\-DQDQG,WKLQNZH·UHFORVHWRWKDWµVDLG Dietz. Treasures both old and new abound in former Chapin gas station By Nick Pedley Months of hard work and dedication have begun to pay dividends for Chapin Station owners Holly and Randy Coffee. The couple has seen a steady crowd of customers come through the doors of their recently-opened gift shop in the tiny Franklin Chapin Station owners Holly and County town. The Coffees came Randy Coffee opened the gift into possession of the building in shop in October following months July and spent the summer and fall of remodeling to the former gas preparing the former gas station station and repair shop. for its October grand opening. Construction crews, electricians and other contractors completed extensive remodeling work and transformed the run-down building into a suitable shop that now houses antiques, knickknacks and other crafts. “Basically, we gutted it completely,” said Randy. “We took everything back to the studs and built it back up from there.” The renovation process was long, and the Coffees admitted they ran into a few bumps along the way. Raccoons and other vermin made See GAS STATION: Page 3 The food pantry stocks a variety of items, including both perishable and non-perishable foods. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle) FRANKLIN CO. FOOD PANTRY TIGHT ON SPACE DURING BUSY HOLIDAY MONTHS Betty Springer stacks a box of saltines on a shelf at the Franklin County Food Pantry Friday morning. According to Springer, space is hard to come by during busy months. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle) By Nick Pedley The holidays usually usher in a sweeping mood of generosity and kindness this time of year, and nowhere is that giving spirit more evident than at the Franklin County Food Pantry. ´7KDW·V RXU ELJJHVW SUREOHP ² space,” said Food Pantry director Betty Springer. “If we put a large RUGHU LQ WKLV URRP WKHUH·V MXVW QR space.” Springer was busy placing a donation of saltines and other goods on a shelf in a small room inside the Community Resource Center at Hampton. The Food Pantry uses two rooms inside the building, both of which were packed wall-to-wall with non-perishable food items like canned vegetables, pasta and soup. Springer said an uptick in holiday donations has forced the Food Pantry to seek out other storage options during busy winter months, December 21st 7 pm Church of the Living Word Auditorium L I V E NAT I V I T Y R E F R E SH M E N T S Doors open at 6 pm WWW.PEDEREIDE.COM WWW.TASTEWORSHIP.COM but their hands are somewhat tied. The current location is ideal for both clients and volunteers alike ² LW·V KDQGLFDS accessible and sufficiently accommodates Springer the elderly and other patrons. ´:H OLNH LW KHUH LW·V JRRG IRU WKHSHRSOHµ6SULQJHUVDLG´,FDQ·W LPDJLQHWKHUH·VVRPHWKLQJWKDWFDQ have access like this.” Springer has explored potential short-term solutions with countyOHYHO RIÀFLDOV UHFHQWO\ ZLWK KRSHV RIÀ[LQJWKH)RRG3DQWU\·VVWRUDJH needs. She met with the board of supervisors on Dec. 9 and detailed 7KLUGFLYLOFDVH¿OHG against Brian Hansen By Ryan Harvey Publisher 7DUD+HQVOH\ÀOHGDFLYLOODZVXLWDJDLQVWIRUPHU+DPSWRQGRFWRU%ULan Hansen on Friday, Dec. 6, alleging workplace assault and supervisor negligence, among other claims. Hensley, of Rockwell, a physician assistant at Franklin General Hospital, also named Franklin GenHUDO+RVSLWDO0HUF\+HDOWK6HUYLFHV²,RZD&RUSRUDtion/Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa. The lawsuit claims Hansen committed multiple assaults to Hensley on the Franklin General Hospital premises, causing emotional distress and other damages. She is seeking punitive damages in an amount VXIÀFLHQWWRGHWHU+DQVHQIURPVLPLODUFRQGXFWLQWKH future. Hansen Hansen pled guilty to sexual exploitation in May, D &ODVV ' IHORQ\ +H ZDV VHQWHQFHG WR ÀYH \HDUV RI probation, 15 years as registered sex offender, a no-contact order against VHYHQ YLFWLPV D ÀQH VH[XDO UHKDELOLWDWLRQ WKHUDS\ DQG YLFWLP UHVWLWXWLRQ7ZRRIKLVYLFWLPVKDYHVLQFHÀOHGODZVXLWVVHHNLQJGDPDJHV IURP+DQVHQLQDGGLWLRQWR+HQVOH\·VODZVXLW +HQVOH\·VVXLWFODLPVDOOHJDWLRQVRIDVVDXOWDQGEDWWHULQWHQWLRQDOLQÁLFWLRQRIHPRWLRQDOGLVWUHVVQHJOLJHQWVXSHUYLVLRQDQGQHJOLJHQWUHWHQtion by Mercy Health Services. She has also alleges a violation of the Iowa Civil Rights Act by Retaliation against her for opposing illegal sexual harassment and discrimination. See FOOD PANTRY: Page 2 E D I E R E D PE d n o W e v o L s rou 13 0 2 R U O ST A M T S I R THISS ISS A FREE R EVE EVENT ENT CH See LAWSUIT: Page 2 2 LOCAL NEWS Wednesday, December 18, 2013 LAWSUIT +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ FOOD PANTRY From Page 1 From Page 1 The lawsuit states that in May of 2012 Hensley complained to the defendants about the assaults she endured at the hands of the former doctor DQG DERXW +DQVHQ·V EHKDYLRU DJDLQVW RWKHU KRVSLWDO HPSOR\HHV +HQVley contends that Franklin General and Mercy have since discriminated against her with respect to the terms and conditions of her employment LQDYHQJHIXOPDQQHUDQGVXEMHFWHGKHUWRDGGLWLRQDOKDUDVVPHQW6KH KDVÀOHGDFODLPZLWKWKH,RZD&LYLO5LJKWV&RPPLVVLRQDOOHJLQJ0HUF\ and FGH retaliated against her, and the ICRC has subsequently issued a right to sue letter. Her husband, Thomas Hensley, alleges loss of spousal consortium GXHWR+DQVHQ·VDFWLRQV 7KH+HQVOH\VKDYHUHTXHVWHGDMXU\WULDOZKLFKZLOOEHVFKHGXOHGDW later date. FGH CEO Kim Price was unable to be reached for comment regarding the lawsuit. ´.LP ZRQ·W EH DEOH WR FRPPHQW RQ D SHUVRQQHO LVVXHµ VDLG )*+ Foundation/Marketing Director LeAnn Strother. the seasonal spatial issues; however, neither Springer nor the supervisors FRXOGÀJXUHRXWDÀ[ ´7KDW·VDJRRGSUREOHPWRKDYHµVDLG6XSHUYLVRU-HUU\3ODJJHDWWKH'HF 9 meeting. “We appreciate you coming in and explaining the problem, but ULJKWQRZZHGRQ·WKDYHDVROXWLRQµ $PRQJ WKH VROXWLRQV GLVFXVVHG DW WKH PHHWLQJ ZDV ÀQGLQJ D QHZ location for the Food Pantry, which both parties felt was a last option. The supervisors proposed that the Food Pantry use the hallways or lobby of the Community Resource Center as a short-term solution for storage needs, but issues persisted with that idea as well. Putting goods in the hallway and OREE\FRXOGYLRODWHÀUHFRGHLQDGGLWLRQWRFUHDWLQJDQH\HVRUH ´,W·VQRWDJRRGDWPRVSKHUHWRZDONLQWRDPHVVµ6SULQJHUVDLG Springer also pointed out that placing orders in the hallway and lobby ZRXOGPDNHLWGLIÀFXOWIRUYROXQWHHUVWRWUDQVSRUWWKHPWRWKHVKHOYHV0DQ\ RIWKHZRUNHUVDUHHOGHUO\DQGZRXOGÀQGLWGLIÀFXOWWRFRQVWDQWO\OLIWDQG move goods like heavy cans . Currently, two tables in both storage rooms allow workers to put food on the surface prior to placing it on the shelf, creating a shorter reach. ´,FDQGRLWEXWLW·VQRWDOOWKDWFRPIRUWDEOHWRJRGRZQRQWKHÁRRUµVKH VDLGSRLQWLQJRXWQHDUO\DOORIWKH)RRG3DQWU\·VYROXQWHHUVDUHROGHUWKDQ her. “The physical factor of trying to move stuff would be impossible.” Springer said she would continue to explore options within the Community Resource Center. She said the possibility of utilizing another room in the building exists, but it currently houses records and other paperwork. She VDLGWKHVHDVRQDOFUXQFKRQVSDFHVKRXOGQ·WGHWHUORFDOVIURPGRQDWLQJIRRG to the pantry because it sees more use during the holidays. ´:H MXVW QHHG DQ HPSW\ URRP ZH GRQ·W HYHQ ZDQW LW SHUPDQHQWO\µ 6SULQJHUVDLG´,GRQ·WNQRZZKDWWKHVROXWLRQLVµ LEFT: Long-time Franklin County Food Pantry volunteer Stewart Riggins tends to one of the shelves Friday morning. Also on hand was volunteer Beulah Holmgaard. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle) RIGHT: All items are stacked neatly to conserve the maximum amount of shelf space. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle) HAMPTON COUNCIL AGREES ON TRAFFIC LIGHT REPAIRS; HEARS KAZMERZAK UPDATE Happy Holidays During this holiday season and every day of the year, we wish you all the best. John F Rowe, AAMS® Financial Advisor . 1202 4th Street NE Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-4946 Member SIPC MKT-1919-A CHRISTENSEN JEWELRY By Nick Pedley The Hampton City Council agreed on Dec. 12 to move forward with plans that ZLOOFUHDWHDIRXUZD\VWRSZLWKÁDVKLQJ red lights at the intersection of Highway 3 and First Street. 7KH SURMHFW ZDV HVWLPDWHG DW DURXQG $1,700 and will refurbish wiring in the existing poles to bring all four red lights into operable condition. Neither the green QRU \HOORZ OLJKWV ZLOO EH À[HG DQG WKH council emphasized that the intersection will remain a four-way stop like it is right QRZ7KH\IHOWWKHÁDVKLQJUHGOLJKWVZLOO make the intersection more visible during nighttime and other low-visibility conditions, thus lessening the likelihood of someone running the stop and creating an accident. “From my understanding, the three lights [red, yellow and green] would stay, MXVWWKHWRSUHGRQHZRXOGJRLQWRRSHUDtion,” said Hampton Public Works Director Doug Tarr. 7KH FRXQFLO KDG GHEDWHG KRZ WR À[ WKHLQWHUVHFWLRQ·VWUDIÀFOLJKWVVLQFHWKH\ went out of operation during the fall. City maintenance crews had originally placed a four-sided stop sign in the middle of the intersection, but had to remove the apparatus so snow removal could proceed during the winter months. Four large stop signs have since been fastened to each corner of the intersection to remind motorists of the stop. “My feeling was the $1,700 route was the good way to go,” said Council Member Dick Lukensmeyer, adding that many of the citizens he talked to wished for the intersection to remain a four-way stop. The council discussed a long list of VROXWLRQV IRU WKH WUDIÀF OLJKWV DW WKHLU Dec. 9 workshop. The Department of Transportation presented four options: completely replace the all of the lights for $150,000; refurbish the existing red, yellow and green lights and bring them into operation for $25,000-$30,000; inVWDOO QHZ IRXUZD\ UHG ÁDVKLQJ EHDFRQV suspended by cable diagonally across the intersection overhead for $7,000; or reIXUELVKWKHZLULQJIRUUHGÁDVKLQJOLJKWV on the current poles for $1,700. “I can live with that,” said Council Member Craig Eckhardt, regarding the $1,700 option. “I agree with Dick. I think WKHSULFHLVULJKWDQG,WKLQNLW·VWKHHFRnomical and feasible way to go.” The council unanimously agreed to proceed with the $1,700 solution, but there were still concerns. Council Member Dyanne Pralle felt some citizens might think the lights would eventually return to their original three-color operation because the yellow and green lights would remain following completion of the plan. Pralle TXHVWLRQHG ZKHWKHU LW·G EH SRVVLEOH WR eliminate the yellow and green lights so only one red light remained on each light box. Tarr cautioned against it. ´, FDQ ORRN LQWR WKDW , WKLQN WKHUH·V Merry Christmas from This product is nothing short of spectacular! The center diamond(s) never stop moving. This constant movement creates a breathtakingg display of brilliance and color. HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE 19900 Saturday, Dec. 21 1-5 p.m. at COME TO THE STORE… SEE IT FOR YOURSELF… IT IS POSSIBLY THE MOST 112 months INCREDIBLE PIECE OF JEWELRY interest free financing with qualified credit YOU WILL EVER SEE! Free Gift Wrapping! Layaway for Christmas Mon.-Fri. Fri 9 aa.m.-5:30 m -5:30 5:30 p p.m.• m • Sat Sat. 9 aa.m.-4 m -44 p p.m. m Call for after hours appointment. “Your Direct Diamond Source.” 641-456-3473 or toll free 866-4AJEWEL MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express and Christensen’s Charge (90 Days Interest Free). 120 1st St. N.W. NOW OPEN Highway 65 Antiques & Gifts Starting $ probably going to be more costs associDWHGZLWKWKDW²WKHUH·VJRLQJWREHPRUH FRPSRQHQWVµ KH VDLG ´, FDQ GHÀQLWHO\ FKHFN LQWR WKDW LI \RX·G OLNH EXW ZH·UH GHÀQLWHO\JRLQJWRUXQLQWRPRUHFRVWVµ The council was uninterested in prolonging the issue further, and felt moving forward with the current plan was their best option. Tarr said the DOT expected WKH SURMHFW WR EH FRPSOHWHG ZLWKLQ WKUHH ZHHNVIURPWKHWLPHRIWKHFRXQFLO·VDSproval. “Obviously, the weather could play into that,” he said. )ROORZLQJ WKH WUDIÀF OLJKW GLVFXVVLRQ Hampton Police Chief Bob Schaefer presented a department update to the group. Schaefer reported that efforts to locate missing Hampton man Ethan Kazmerzak remain at a standstill. A Wisconsin-based search and rescue team returned to the area Dec. 12 after they reviewed some of the sonar data collected during a late-November scan of local ponds. However, their return trip proved as fruitless as their ÀUVWYLVLW “In going through the video that they had, they found two things that they thought deserved some more attention,” said Schaefer. “Basically, the only thing they found were rocks. The way it showed up on the sonar, they were concerned enough to drive down here and check that out. But again, all we found were rocks. Nothing more to report on that.” HAMPTON Wine & Gourment Cheese Tasting WINE SPECIALS $5 OFF any cork cage. Door Prizes COME SEE US OR CALL Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. or by appointment 2138 160th Street • Hansell, IA • 641-456-2836 Open 10-5 Everyday til Christmas! Loads of unique, last minute gifts & stocking stuffers! FURNITURE • QUILTS • LINENS • CHINA POTTERY• GLASSWARE • COUNTRY Visit the Pantry for… Specialty Foods, Coffees and Teas 214 4th Street SE (Hwy 65) Hampton • 641-456-2311 +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ LOCAL NEWS Wednesday, December 18, 2013 3 GAS STATION From Page 1 the building their own after the gas station closed years ago, and they left their presence known. The couple explained extensive cleaning was needed in addition to the remodeling. “There was this smell in here ZKHQ ZH ÀUVW WRRN SRVVHVVLRQ of it,” Holly said. “We had to FOHDQ HYHU\WKLQJ ² WKH ÁRRUV ² everything.” Once the internal work like dry walling and insulating began, Holly started collecting merchandise for WKH VWRUH 6KH·V DWWHQGHG DXFWLRQV regularly throughout her life, and considers herself an avid collector RI´IXQN\MXQNµ “I used to go years ago with P\ GDG $W WKDW WLPH , GLGQ·W understand why I did it, but it was good spending time with him,” she VDLG´1RZHYHU\RQHVD\V,·PWKH JRWR MXQN JLUO EXW ,·P QRW VXUH how I feel about that.” +ROO\ VDLG VKH·V WKRURXJKO\ HQMR\HG WUDYHOLQJ WKH 0LGZHVW “picking” items to put in her VWRUH0DQ\DQWLTXHVÀOOWKHWKUHH rooms inside Chapin Station, EXW WKRVH NQLFNNQDFNV DUHQ·W WKH only items that Holly has to offer. Certain custom arrangements like metal lettering cutouts have been extremely popular since the business opened during the fall. “It really depends on the crowd,” Holly said. “One week ZH·OOVHOODORWRIVRPHWKLQJWKHQ WKH QH[W WLPH LW·OO EH VRPHWKLQJ else.” +ROO\·V QR VWUDQJHU WR UXQQLQJ a small business. She previously owned Little Bit Country in 6KHIÀHOG SULRU WR VWDUWLQJ D MRE at Sukup Manufacturing. She VDLG VKH HQMR\HG WKH FKDOOHQJH of opening up a new store, even WKRXJK VRPH PLJKW WKLQN VKH·V D little crazy doing so in Chapin. ´,W·V EHHQ DPD]LQJ , DGYHUWLVH all over, and we get people in here IURPERUGHULQJVWDWHV,IVRPHRQH·V home to visit family or something, a lot of them will make it a point to come in and make a trip out of it,” she said. Chapin Station is open one weekend each month, but the business held extra hours in December to accommodate KROLGD\ WUDIÀF +ROO\ VDLG VKH·V HQMR\HG LPSURYLQJ RQH UXQGRZQ property in town but has shifted her attention to another eyesore. She said she and Randy would like to purchase the old church and turn it into a community center for local residents. ´(YHU\RQH VD\V ,·P FUD]\ KHUH LQ&KDSLQIRUZDQWLQJWRÀ[XSWKH FKXUFK 7KH\ VD\ ¶7KDW WKLQJ·V IDOOLQJDSDUW·$QG,VD\¶:HOOVR ZDVWKLV·µVKHVDLG´6RPXFKRI WKHVPDOOWRZQVDUHMXVWJHWWLQJWRUQ GRZQEXW,WKLQNLW·VLPSRUWDQWWR SUHVHUYH,·PDOODERXWWKHKLVWRU\µ Old black and white photos from Chapin’s past are hung on the walls throughout the store. Here, Lorel Winfrey can be seen posing outside of the orginal gas station in this decades-old photo. Dumont/Aredale/Bristow/Greene New Hope Parish UMC invites you to a: LIVE NATIVITY SERVICE Sunday, December 22 • Join us at either 4:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. 2.5 miles North of Dumont on the blacktop (Clay Ave/CR-T16) 2.5 miles South of Aredale on the blacktop (Clay Ave/CR-T16) East side of the road on the Minnier farm site. THE LIVING NATIVITY WILL TAKE PLACE IN A BUILDING ON THE SITE. There is ample parking at the site and the building will accommodate more people this year. Please join us as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through a live nativity h for and candlelight service in a humble setting reminiscent Watecsigns th of the stable in Bethlehem. PURCHASE YOUR GIFT CERTIFICATE AT SEVEN STARS! Chapin Station owner Holly Greimann-Coffee said cut-out metal lettering like the kind seen here has been a popular item since the business opened. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle) For every $20 you spend on a gift certificate during the month of December , receive an additional $5 added value to your certificate. Buy a $40 Gift Certificate and get a $50 Value Buy a $60 Gift Certificate and get a $75 Value Buy a $100 Gift Certificate and get a $125 Value 641-456-5378 • HWY 65 SO. • HAMPTON So much of the small towns are just getting torn down, but I think it’s important to preserve. I’m all about the history. - Holly Greimann-Coffee Greg Giddings - Owner State Licensed Electrical Contractor Many nostalgic signs highlighting the building’s past like this one can be seen throughout the Chapin Station. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle) HANSEN ARRESTED ON PROBATION VIOLATION ALLEGATIONS By Ryan Harvey Publisher Former Hampton doctor Brian Hansen was arrested on Dec. 12 for allegedly violating the terms of his probation that stemmed from his May sexual exploitation guilty plea. According to court documents, Hansen was arrested following an incident on Nov. 30, in which he entered &DVH\·V *HQHUDO Store in Hampton after allegedly seeing one of Hansen his victims go in MXVW EHIRUH KLP 7KH WHUPV RI +DQVHQ·V SUREDWLRQ includes a no-contact order with all seven victims named in the sexual exploitation case. Documents indicate that Hansen admitted to being in the store at the same time as the victim, named as J.K., and stated that he was there ÀUVW +RZHYHU VXUYHLOODQFH YLGHR shows Hansen entering the store shortly after J.K., according to the report. Additionally, when interviewed by Hampton Police, Hansen admitted to entering the store after seeing J.K. enter. Hansen explained to investigators that he pulled into the parking lot ahead of J.K. and did not think it would be a problem to go in since she saw him on the premises. Hansen denies saying anything or making eye contact with the victim, court documents stated. 7KHYLFWLPVSRNHZLWKRIÀFHUVRQ Dec. 3 about the run-in. J.K. stated that she stopped at the store on the morning of the Nov. 30 to buy a soda. She stated that while in the store, the defendant came in and poured a cup of coffee while standing next to her. She added that Hansen gave her a dirty look, which caused her to feel uncomfortable. She then reported the incident to Hampton Police. A hearing is scheduled for Jan. 7 regarding the alleged probation vioODWLRQ+DQVHQ·VÀYH\HDUSUREDWLRQ sentence was granted in lieu of a ÀYH\HDUSULVRQVHQWHQFH IT’S FAIR TO COMPARE YOUR CROP INSURANCE. Crop insurance may look the same to you, but it isn’t all the same to us. Our full-time specialists spend every worki ng day learning, talking and planning crop p insurance. Discover the difference with a no-cost,, no-obligation crop insurance plan revie ew. WE DELIVER, WE SERVICE, AND WE BEAT CHAIN STORE DEALS APPLIANCE & TV MASON CITY OFFICE: 641-423-2862 DECORAH OFFICE: 563-382-8413 417 Washington Ave., Iowa Falls Financing Available We Service What We Sell! Don & Lois Jones - Owners 1-800-662-5529 • 641-648-5529 Winter Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Sat. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. or by appointment 4 Wednesday, December 18, 2013 OPINION +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ FIRST AMENDMENT to the CONSTITUTION Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. STATE of IOWA MOTTO Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain. A NATION OF LAWS Where the will of men exceeds the rule of law, there, tyranny prospers. HAMPTON CHRONICLE Postal Notice & Opinion Page Policies UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE REQUIRED NOTICE: The Hampton Chronicle is produced weekly and distributed on Wednesdays by Hampton Publishing Company, a division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation, +DPSWRQ,$3HULRGLFDOVSRVWDJHSDLGDWWKH+DPSWRQ3RVW2I¿FH Hampton, IA 50441. Send address changes to Hampton Chronicle, PO Box 29, Hampton, IA 50441. Postal Permit USPS 234-020. This is issue Volume 136, Number 51, on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. OPINION PAGE POLICIES: The Chronicle accepts letters. All such material should clearly and concisely express and opinion or solicit a call to action regarding a particular issue. Letters must include the name, address, and SKRQHQXPEHURIWKHDXWKRUIRUYHUL¿FDWLRQSXUSRVHV7KH&KURQLFOH¶VVWDQdard practice is to not publish unsigned or anonymous letters. The Chronicle has the right to edit all letters and guest editorials for length, clarity, taste and libel. All personal columns and letters on this page are the views of the auWKRUVDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFWWKHYLHZVRIWKH+DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH Letter to the Editor Congratulate those who work hard to support themselves To the editor: ,·P ZULWLQJ WR UHFRJQL]H D group of people that are overlooked. We have all read about or heard about the abuse of food stamps or welfare by people taking advantage of the system. 7UXH ORWV RI SHRSOH FRXOGQ·W make it without these programs, but, we all know there are lots of people who abuse the system. ,·PZULWLQJLQVXSSRUWRIWKRVH who are working or sometimes ZRUNLQJPRUHMREVWRPDNHDJR of it. I know of two young women who are doing exactly that. ,·P VXUH ZH DOO NQRZ SHRSOH OLNH WKHVH WZR ÀQH ODGLHV WKDW could try to take advantage of the system, but, instead, do their best to work. Next time you see one of these people who are willing to work PXOWLSOHMREVWRPDNHHQGVPHHW shake their hand or give them a hug. 7KH\GHVHUYHLW Ron Fielding, Hampton A Christmastime evolution Every family has their own holiday traditions. Some travel to visit relatives, some stay home and some do nothing at all. It depends NICK PEDLEY RQ\RXUSUHIHUHQFHVDQG,·YHVWDUWed to notice a shift in the way even my own family celebrates Christmas each year. ,·GVD\,JUHZXSDGKHULQJWRUHODWLYHO\VWDQGDUGKROLGD\WUDGLWLRQV (DFK\HDU,·GYLVLW6DQWD&ODXVDWWKH7RZQ+DOO,·GUHFLWHRQHRUWZR OLQHVLQWKHSDJHDQWDWFKXUFKDQG,HQMR\HGWHDULQJRSHQSUHVHQWVRQ Christmas morning. It was as status quo as any other kid growing up in the Midwest, I imagine. 0\IDPLO\KDGWKHLURZQVSHFLDOKROLGD\WUDGLWLRQVDVZHOO:H·GKHDG RYHUWRP\JUDQGSDUHQWVRQ'HFIRU&KULVWPDVRQP\PRP·VVLGH WKHQZH·GJRWR&KULVWPDVRQP\GDG·VVLGHWKHQH[WQLJKW6DQGZLFKHG LQEHWZHHQZDV&KULVWPDVDWRXURZQKRXVH:H·GRSHQSUHVHQWVHQMR\ an omelet brunch around 10:30 a.m. and sip mimosas throughout the PRUQLQJVSDUNOLQJJUDSHMXLFHDQG2-IRUPHDQGP\VLVWHU However, things gradually started to change over the years. We no ORQJHUKDGDODUJHFHOHEUDWLRQDWP\JUDQGSDUHQWV·KRXVHHDFK&KULVWPDV Eve, as my cousins began starting their own families with their own traditions. Gradually, I lost interest in Santa and quit buying the spiel around age 9. To top it all off, my parents opted to forego the annual trip WRWKHWUHHIDUPLQIDYRURIDQDUWLÀFLDORQHZKLFKQHYHUTXLWHVDWZHOO with my sister and I. It seemed Christmas and its traditions had lost some of their glimmer, DQGWKHKROLGD\IHOOLQWRVRPHZKDWRIDOXOOIRUPHIRUDEULHIZKLOH,MXVW VLPSO\ORVWWUDFNRIZKDWPDGHWKHVHDVRQVRVSHFLDOEXWDOOWKDW·VWXUQHG around in recent years. I credit nobody other than my niece and nephew for my turnaround. These two youngsters have reinvigorated a sense of childhood amusePHQWDERXW&KULVWPDVZLWKLQPHDQGLW·VH[WHQGHGWRQHDUO\HYHU\IDFHW of the holiday in recent years. First and foremost, Santa Claus is very real once again. My nephew was quick to tell me last year that he needed to be nice to his little sister RUHOVHKHZRXOGQ·WJHWDQ\SUHVHQWV+LV\RXQJHUVLVWHUZDVDOLWWOHOHVV versed in Christmastime lore, but she knew right away who packed all the unwrapped presents underneath the tree last Christmas Eve. ´6DQWDµ VKH VKULHNHG ZKHQ , DVNHG KHU ZKR EURXJKW KHU D 0LQQLH Mouse toy. ,W·VVLPSO\MXVWIXQZDWFKLQJD\RXQJFKLOGJHWVRH[FLWHGRYHU&KULVWmas. I really look forward to gift-opening time, but not for my own VHOÀVKSXUSRVHV6HHLQJP\QLHFHDQGQHSKHZULSLQWRSUHVHQWVEULQJV back my own visceral memories of tearing up wrapping paper as a child. :KHWKHULWZDVD3RZHU5DQJHURU3OD\'RXJKVHW,FRXOGQ·WZDLWWRVHH ZKDWZDVQH[W1RZ,FDQ·WZDLWWRVHHZKDWWKH\JHWQH[W Finally, these two kids got me thinking about the real reason for the VHDVRQ0\QHSKHZZDVLQKLVÀUVWSDJHDQWODVW\HDUDQGKHUHPLQGHG PHRQ&KULVWPDV(YHWKDWLWZDV-HVXV·ELUWKGD\WRPRUURZ+HFRXOGQ·W quite get through his short line at the play that night, but I think he might this year. Another year older, another year braver. Christmas has sort of reverted back its glory days of my youth now that I think about it. My sister and brother-in-law bought my grandparHQWV·KRXVHDQGZHUHVWDUWHGWKHWUDGLWLRQRIKRVWLQJD&KULVWPDV(YHJHW together there. We go to the Christmas pageant, and Santa once again JUDFHVXVZLWKKLVSUHVHQFHHYHQWKRXJKLW·VQRWIRUPHDQ\PRUH7KH WUHHLVVWLOOIDNHEXW,JXHVV\RX·YHJRWWRSLFN\RXUEDWWOHV I wish all of you a Merry Christmas surrounded by the ones you love. ,W·VDVSHFLDOVHDVRQDQG,KRSHDOORI\RXDSSUHFLDWHWKHWLPHVSHQWZLWK family and friends 1LFN 3HGOH\ LV WKH HGLWRU RI WKH +DPSWRQ &KURQLFOH 7KH 6KHIÀHOG Press and Pioneer Enterprise. Chronicle Editorial The story of Christmas From time to time as Christmas approachHV,ORYHWRSXOORXWRQHRIP\VRQV·ERDUG books and read it to them. The book, written by Joseph Slate entitled “Who is Coming To Our House,” gives a glimpse of what happened in the barn over 2,000 years ago. “Who is coming to our house?” “Someone, someone,” says Mouse. Who is that someone? $V&KULVWPDVDSSURDFKHVMXVWDIHZVKRUW GD\VDKHDG,·OOUHFLWH0DWWKHZRI the New International Version. This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” $OOWKLVWRRNSODFHWRIXOÀOOZKDWWKH/RUG had said through the prophet: “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”--which means, “God with us.” When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus. After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When KHKDGFDOOHGWRJHWKHUDOOWKHSHRSOH·VFKLHI priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this LVZKDWWKHSURSKHWKDVZULWWHQ´·%XW\RX Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the RYAN HARVEY VKHSKHUGRIP\SHRSOH,VUDHO·µ7KHQ+HURG called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon DV \RX ÀQG KLP UHSRUW WR PH VR WKDW , WRR may go and worship him.” After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was IXOÀOOHGZKDWWKH/RUGKDGVDLGWKURXJKWKH prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.” When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said WKURXJK WKH SURSKHW -HUHPLDK ZDV IXOÀOOHG “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who ZHUHWU\LQJWRWDNHWKHFKLOG·VOLIHDUHGHDGµ So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. 6R ZDV IXOÀOOHG ZKDW ZDV VDLG WKURXJK WKH prophets: “He will be called a Nazarene.” :KLOH ,·YH UHFLWHG WKHVH ZRUGV IURP WKH Bible to our readers for the past several years, ,·GOLNHWRVKDUHVRPHWKLQJWKDWP\ZLIH-LOO has started this year with our two young children. 3KLOLS DJH DQG %HQMDPLQ DJH DUH MXVWEHJLQQLQJWRXQGHUVWDQGWKHPHDQLQJRI Christmas. As we discuss Jesus at home with our chilGUHQ ZH UHPLQG WKHP WKDW &KULVWPDV LVQ·W MXVWDERXWWKHJLIWVXQGHUWKH&KULVWPDV7UHH QRULVLWMXVWDERXWWKH&KULVWPDVPXVLFSOD\LQJRQWKHUDGLRLW·VWUXO\DERXW-HVXV·ELUWKday. Like recent years, again this year my wife has decided, along with our kids, to make a birthday cake for Jesus. The cake will be WUHDWHGMXVWOLNHDQ\RWKHUELUWKGD\FDNH,W·OO be loaded with frosting, sprinkles as the kids help her decorate it, and of course a few candles. It got me to thinking about how truly important this tradition can become. The idea of decorating a cake, putting on the frosting and sprinkles, along with the candles will help to ingrain in our kids how truly important it is WRUHPHPEHU-HVXVQRWMXVWDWRXUWUDGLWLRQal candlelight services, but by celebrating at home with each other. We make a cake for all of our family members as their birthdays DUULYHHDFK\HDUZK\VKRXOGQ·WZHFHOHEUDWH with cake on Christmas, too? Jesus is a part of our family, too. $QG VR EDFN WR 6ODWH·V ERRN« ´:KR LV coming to our house?” “Mary and Joseph,” whispers Mouse. “Welcome, welcome to our house.” Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you, our loyal readers. My family and I would like to wish you nothing but the best of health and good will in 2014. Ryan L. Harvey, of Hampton, is the president and CEO for Mid-America Publishing Corporation. He can be reached at [email protected] A look back at the year in review December gives us a chance to close the books the skills gap. This year we provided over $10 milon 2013. As I look back on the past year and review lion for new initiatives that offer education and UNDER THE what the Legislature was able to come together and WUDLQLQJ IRU ,RZD·V ZRUNHUV 7KLV LQYHVWPHQW ZLOO GOLDEN DOME, TOO accomplish, I am pleased about the strong bi-partihelp Iowans get the training they need to access new LINDA UPMEYER san work that was done to strengthen middle class. careers. The more progress we make in developing Plenty of attention is given to big pieces of legD VNLOOHG ZRUNIRUFH WKH PRUH ZH ZLOO HQDEOH MRE islation but there are less talked about initiatives growth and high-paying careers. WKDWKDYHDVLJQLÀFDQWLPSDFWRQRXUVWDWH(YHQLIWKH\GRQRWJUDE Too often I hear from a company who wants to hire but is having headlines, these things contribute to our efforts to increase opportu- WURXEOHÀQGLQJTXDOLÀHGZRUNHUVWRÀOOWKHMRE:KHQWKHSUREOHPEHnities for Iowans. comes more serious, a business owner can feel like they need to move This year we focused on empowering the next generation of Io- WKHMREVRXWRIWKHVWDWH:HQHHGWRPDNHVXUHWKDWGRHVQRWKDSSHQ wans by investing in education. We enabled the ability to create enInvesting in better-educated graduates and better-trained adults is trepreneurial education accounts so that students can develop skills a smart way to let everyone know that Iowa is committed to providing related to starting and running a business. We fought to keep college the best workforce in the country. When we do that, opportunities in education accessible by freezing tuition at our state universities. That communities large and small with abound. Those opportunities are is something that had not happened in decades. critical to strengthening our middle class and must always be a focus We also had a number of items that should help ensure there are for us in the Legislature. opportunities for young Iowans to stay here. The beginning farmI think we have made progress in 2013, and we need to build on er program was expanded to help the next generation continue the that in 2014. This holiday season, be safe, stay warm and have a Merlegacy of agricultural leadership in Iowa. A targeted small business U\&KULVWPDV program will make microloans available to the small businesses that ,DSSUHFLDWHKHDULQJIURP\RX3OHDVHGRQ·WKHVLWDWHWRFRQWDFWPH are the backbone of our communities and engines of growth. with your thoughts and feedback at 515-281-4618 or Linda.Upmey7RLQFUHDVHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUWRGD\·VZRUNHUVZHPXVWDGGUHVV [email protected]. OPINION +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Ringing the Bell for Capitalism Am I a weirdo for anxiously anticipating this season because I volXQWHHUIRUWKH6DOYDWLRQ$UP\",VQ·W P\ DWWLWXGH FRQWUDU\ WR WKH VHOÀVK side of human nature? From my little survey at the enWUDQFHWR)DUHZD\,GRQ·WWKLQNSHRple are all that bad. There are some who appear to need money for shoes, putting paper money in the kettle. It is quite heartening; like seeing Al Gore driving a Geo Metro. Unlike the mythological conservatives portrayed in the media today, I GRQ·WKDWHSRRUSHRSOH In fact, I was a poor person at one time. As mentioned in a column one year ago, I had plastic instead of glass on my windows of an abandoned house, hauled water in ÀYHJDOORQEXFNHWVIURPDFUHHNDQG never dreamed of going to a movie, Á\LQJ RQ DQ DLUSODQH RU VWDUWLQJ D IDPLO\EHFDXVH,FRXOGQ·WDIIRUGLW In an editorial in a local paper it was mentioned that a great many in this country want to discourage the poor from applying for help unless they are desperate. What does desperate look like compared to the FRQGLWLRQV , MXVW GHVFULEHG" %\ WKH way, I was perfectly happy carrying water and feeding a wood stove in a house with a thirty degree variation in temperature between ceiling and ÁRRUIRUDZKLOH7KHQ,JRWWLUHGRI LWVR,PRYHGDQGJRWDGLIIHUHQWMRE Maybe these meanies who have different standards for “desperate,” endured conditions the so-called SRRU RI WRGD\ KDYHQ·W GUHDPHG RI and were too proud to ask for help. 6RWKH\GRQ·WWKLQNWD[SD\HUVVKRXOG be tapped for assistance until people are truly desperate. The editorial I mentioned above was about the small portion of Pope )UDQFLV· ´DSRVWROLF H[KRUWDWLRQµ where he criticized “trickle-down” economic policies and failed capitalism as widening the gap between rich and poor. The editorial goes on to say more laws are needed to control unbridled capitalism because of these failures. The question is, are the failures of capitalism caused by unbridled capitalism or by the bridle? What if the failures were caused by manipulation or interference, rather than by freedom? Adding more regulation would make matters worse. After calling for more “vigilance” by the states for “the common good,” the editorial gets to the real meat of the issue, “the free market drains away capital badly needed for economic growth that would trickle down to those in need. Real gas gets better mileage than ethanol blends and wind power is outrageously FRITZ GROSZKRUGER more expensive than coal power. Yet our dear crony-capitalist goverLVQ·W UHDOO\ IUHH DQ\PRUHµ DQG LV nor travels around lobbying to “save rooted in “crony-capitalism.” How MREVµ To claim that these misguided can there be so much criticism of IUHHPDUNHWVWKDWGRQ·WH[LVWDQGKD- ´LQYHVWPHQWVµ EHQHÀW WKH SRSXORXV of Iowa, ignores the fact all the peoYHQ·WVLQFHEHIRUH::," The concept of opportunity cost I ple of Iowa are paying more for enlearned about at Iowa State can be HUJ\MXVWWREHQHÀWZRUNHUVLQWKHVH used to explain the widening gap of LQGXVWULHV 6RPH RI WKHVH ZRUNHUV· wealth that we (so obviously) are ex- ZHDOWKPD\WULFNOHGRZQEXWWKHUH·V QRZD\WKHUH·VHQRXJKRIWKDWWRRXWperiencing today. It is not a problem created by cap- ZHLJK VXFK EURDGO\ LQHIÀFLHQW HQitalism. It is crony-capitalism, where HUJ\ FRVWV $UWLÀFLDOO\ ORZ LQWHUHVW costs are shifted to society in general rates provided by Federal Reserve WREHQHÀWVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWV7KHVKHH- bond buying and fractional reserve SOHDUHFRQYLQFHGWKHVHFRVWVEHQHÀW banking also hurt the poor in unthe common good as they are being der-appreciated ways. The value of cash savings of middle class and rerobbed. If the Pope and the media really WLUHG IDPLOLHV VKULQNV WR EHQHÀW WKH care about the poor, there are some big banks and crony-capitalists at things widely ignored that they the receiving end of the new money. should focus on instead of gouging 7KLVLVUHÁHFWHGLQKLJKHUSULFHVDQG the rich folks who actually do lift up then mistakenly blamed on greedy the poor by employing them for pro- merchants or corporations. The “covetous heart, the feverish ductive purposes. “Renewable energy” is a prime pursuit of frivolous pleasures, and a example of malinvestment which blunted conscience” the Pope men- tions is probably better assigned to those receiving government largess, whether corporations or low income assistance, than CEOs and independent business people whose products DUH FKRVHQ SXUHO\ IRU WKHLU EHQHÀWV to customers. Whether our concerns are for the GHVSHUDWHO\QHHG\RUMXVWWKRVHVWXFN in a subsistence rut, the answer is not further soaking of the rich but of restricting access to productive FLWL]HQV·ZHDOWKWKURXJKJRYHUQPHQW central planning and encouragement. The gap between the rich and the rest of us has widened in direct proportion to government spending. The connection should be obvious. The call for more of the same either shows ignorance or bad intentions. Capitalism is what enables prosperous countries to lead the world in charitable giving. 'RQ·W OHW \RXU JHQHURXV VLGH EH KLMDFNHG E\ WKH ZHOIDUH VWDWH *LYH IUHHO\ WR D SULYDWH FKDULW\ DQG OHW·V put the crony-capitalists out of business. 3OHDVHYLVLW)ULW]·VZHEVLWHwww. for additional ideas or entertainment, or contact him at [email protected] Looking Back Forty Years Ago December 20, 1973 Three year old Michael Woods, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Woods of Hampton, was eager to tell Santa Claus his Christmas wishes, and OLWHUDOO\OHDSHGLQWRWKHMROO\IDWPDQ·V arms. Santa came to Hampton at the request of the Hampton Chamber of &RPPHUFHPHUFKDQWVIRUWKHEHQHÀW of all area children. Latimer Commercial Club HOHFWLRQ RI RIÀFHUV IRU ZHUH elected Monday night during the December meeting. New president is August (Gus) Schaefer, vicepresident is Garland Koch, and secretary-treasurer is Dr. Robert Means. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Behn of Hampton announce the engagement of their daughter, Jodi Lynn, to Jamie Patton of Ames, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Patton of Mason City. Miss Behn is employed at Thorp Credit in Ames and Mr. Patton is employed at the Speed & Sport Shop in Ames. A February wedding is being planned. Thirty Years Ago December 22, 1983 The live nativity scene will be on display at the First Christian Church, Hampton, on Thursday and Friday night. Members of the church along with farm animals will depict the nativity scene from 7 to 9 p.m. on the south lawn of the church on Highway 65 North. Allison Hopkey of CAL High School proudly displays the banner she designed. The banner was chosen from 15 entries to represent the CAL Music Department. It will be displayed at CAL concerts and the design will be stamped on all CAL Music Department letterheads. Fire Prevention Poster Winners— Fourth grade winners are Patty %UDPPHU ÀUVW SODFH 7LQD )UHLH second place, Chris Sheppard, third SODFH 7KH ÀIWK JUDGH ZLQQHUV DUH 5\DQ 0LHVW ÀUVW SODFH -LP Cassmann, second place, Barton Gamber, third place. Arlyn Miller who presented checks to the winners. First place received $5, second place received $3 and third place received $2. the county. Then, the state legislature will have to lift the moratorium on new gambling licenses in Iowa. During their Monday meeting, the Franklin County Board of Supervisors set Tuesday, Jan. 27, as the date for a gambling referendum. Voters will have to answer yes or no to the question, “Gambling games on an excursion boat in Franklin County are approved.” A third obstacle facing most counties hoping for a gambling facility should not be a Twenty Years Ago problem for Franklin County. Thee question of who will develop the December 23, 1993 Anna Oltmann, 92, took a broom casino took a step toward solution to the light coating of snow that when a Rockford couple presented an greeted Hampton residents Tuesday hour-long proposal to the supervisors. morning. Oltmann was clearing the Gayle and Roger Burnett, who sidewalk in front of her home at 18 operate R&G Oil LLC, in Rockford, an oil wholesale business, want to Third Ave. N. W. Mr. and Mrs. Don Deam of build the casino in Franklin County. Fifth graders from St. Paul Chapin spent Wednesday to Saturday last week with friends Lutheran Church in Hampton Mr. and Mrs. William Evans at collected food for the Hampton Waukon, MN. En route home they Food Pantry earlier this month. lunched with their son-in-law and One of the stops they made was daughter Kern and Penny Linton at the Hampton Chronicle, where they picked up a few of the items in St. Louis Park, MN. Carl and Marian Hageman, of collected by the Chronicle during Hampton entertained employees a November food for subscription and their spouses of the Gold Key drive. Lugging the items out of Motel at a dinner in the Gold Key WKH &KURQLFOH RIÀFH DIWHU JHWWLQJ Restaurant on Sunday. Margaret and those with their pose, were, Kirk Klein, Mason Everman and Joel Lindy Green, of Chapin attended. DeYounge. Taran Kloetzer, Hampton, was Ten Years Ago among 37 students taking part December 17, 2003 As of Monday morning, Dec. in a recent business education MXVW WZR REVWDFOHV UHPDLQHG LQ conference. She is a member of )UDQNOLQ &RXQW\·V SDWK WRZDUGV D the Kirkwood Community College gambling casino. First, Franklin chapter of Business Professionals County voters will have to decide of America and attended the BPA whether or not they want gambling in Fall Leadership Conference Oct. 7-8 BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Call Barb to place your business on our directory today! 641-456-2585 ACCOUNTANTS PHARMACIES COONLEY & HEILSKOV, CPA'S KOERNER-WHIPPLE PHARMACY Pharmacists Elaine Coonley, CPA Bruce Whipple • Todd Wragge Patricia Heilskov, CPA Wendal Speake • Katie Regan Coonley Office Building Erica Miller 121 1st Ave. NW Professional Prescription Service 24 Hours a Day Every Day Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-2510 641-456-2441 JEFFREY A. JAACKS Licensed Public Accountant MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Phone 456-4146 Hampton Office West Side of City Park 3 -1st Street SW Hampton, Iowa 50441 641-456-4125 STEVEN E. PEARSON Certified Public Accountant State Farm Insurance Building P.O. Box 61 Hampton, Iowa 50441 Bus. 641-456-4829 OPTOMETRISTS DR. CRAIG L. SEMLER Optometrist 402 12th Ave. NE Hampton Phone 456-4251 RICK'S PHARMACY Richard Grote, R.Ph. Phone 456-3538 • Hampton After Hours Emergency Phone 456-3268 CHIROPRACTORS HICKMAN CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Jay Hickman 820 Hwy 65 N. Hampton Phone 641-456-2280 KOENEN & COLLINS CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Dr. James Koenen Dr. Chad Collins 303 Central Ave E. Hampton Phone 641-456-4142 MEDICAL CLINICS HAMPTON CLINIC IOWA SPECIALTY HOSPITAL 700 2nd St. SE, Suite 101 Hampton, IA 50441 (641) 812-1094 Hannah Lokenvitz, P.A.-C. Emily Hill, D.O., F.A.C.O.O.G. Gautam Kakade, M.D. Phillip Greenfield, D.P.M. Krista Ysker, A.R.N.P. FRANKLIN GENERAL HOSPITAL FRANKLIN MEDICAL CENTER 1720 Central Avenue E. Hampton, IA 50441 (641) 456-5000 Family Practice Providers Keith Hansen, DO David Dennis, D.O. Toni Lauffer, D.O. Orville Jacobs, D.O. Erin Murphy, P.A.-C. Tara Hensley, P.A.-C. Daphne Landers, A.R.N.P. BUSINESS INTERNET 1-866-DO-WMTel FUNERAL HOMES RETZ FUNERAL HOME Sheffield 892-4241 Meservey 358-6105 Thornton 998-2311 Call Collect HAMPTON PUBLISHING COMPANY and the HAMPTON CHRONICLE A Division of Mid-America Publishing Corporation OFFICE LOCATION & INFORMATION: 3K\VLFDOSURGXFWGHOLYHULHVWRQG6W 1:+DPSWRQ,$ 0DLO32%R[+DPSWRQ,$ 2I¿FHKRXUV0RQGD\WKUX)ULGD\ -REDSSOLFDWLRQV$YDLODEOHGXULQJUHJXODU EXVLQHVVKRXUV<RXPD\DOVRDSSO\RQOLQH E\XVLQJWKHIRUPDYDLODEOHDWWKH+DPSWRQ &KURQLFOHZHEVLWHKDPSWRQFKURQLFOHFRP DEADLINES: /HJDO1RWLFHV:HGQHVGD\VSP 6XEPLWWHGQHZV7KXUVGD\VSP 1HZVSDSHU$GV,QVHUWV)ULGD\VQRRQ &ODVVL¿HG$GV0RQGD\VDP 2ELWXDULHV0RQGD\VQRRQ &RYHUDJHUHTXHVWVKRXUQRWLFH TELEPHONE CALLS: 2XU WHOHSKRQH LV DQVZHUHG E\ RXU DXWRPDWHG V\VWHP ([WHQVLRQV IRU YDULRXV VHUYLFHVDQGFRQWDFWVDUHOLVWHGEHORZ /RFDO7HOHSKRQH 7ROO)UHH7HOHSKRQH )D[&RPPXQLFDWLRQ ADMINISTRATION: 3XEOLVKHU 5\DQ / +DUYH\ 'LDO H[WHQVLRQ RU HPDLO U\DQKDUYH\PDS#JPDLO FRP CIRCULATION & SUBSCRIPTIONS: 'LDOH[WHQVLRQRUHPDLOPDSFLUFXODWLRQ#LRZDFRQQHFWFRP CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: 'LDORUHPDLOPDSFRS\#JPDLOFRP by Joyce Schomburg Fifty Years Ago December 19, 1963 A new hospital administrator had been named by the Franklin General Hospital board of trustees. He is Richard M. Clock, a former resident of Franklin county, who is planning to take over his responsibilities at the KRVSLWDO LQ +DPSWRQ DIWHU WKH ÀUVW of the year. Clock, age thirty, will be replacing W. A. “Bill” Weber, who is closing out nine years of service in Franklin county hospital administration. He and his wife, Ravenna, have two sons, Robert, who ZLOOEHÀYH\HDUVROGLQ)HEUXDU\DQG Alan, who will be one year old in February. The employees of the Davies Manufacturing Company and their wives and husbands were entertained at a Christmas dinner party Saturday night in the Gold Room of the Hampton Café. Twenty-six were present. After the dinner cards were played with the high score prizes going to William Bottke and Mrs. Willis Towne and the low score prizes to Wayne Branan and Mrs. William Bottke. The Hampton Rotary Club was entertained at their regular meeting yesterday noon at Hotel Coonley by the Congregational church choir under the direction of L. Maurice Feese. The group presented “The Song of Christmas” with duets by Mr.s John A. Cullen and Ray Ziegler and solos by Mrs. Norlinn W. Paine. 5 ATTORNEYS COONLEY & COONLEY Lawyers John E. Coonley 121 1st Ave. NW Hampton Phone 456-4741 Sheffield Office • By Appointment Dows Office • By Appointment HOBSON, CADY & CADY G.A. Cady III Megan Rosenberg Office West Side of City Park Hampton Phone 456-2555 RANDY D. JOHANSEN Lawyer 1562 200th St. Sheffield Phone 456-2970 in Des Moines. Kloetzer is in the Administrative Assistant program and plans to graduate in 2005. She is the daughter of Terry and Annette Kloetzer. Five Years Ago December 17, 2008 Wintry look around here— Winter took a hiatus last Saturday and early Sunday around here, with temperatures rising to near 40, but snow returned Tuesday, and 3 to 5 inches were expected in the Hampton area. The Dumont City Council has had a maintenance contract IRU WKH FLW\·V ZDWHU WRZHU ZLWK Mcguire Iron, from South Dakota, for the past 20 years. When that ÀUP DVNHG IRU D UHQHZDO RI WKDW contract when the council met in regular session on Thursday, Dec. 11, that request was denied. The reason? The city council decided to keep all of its options when it comes time to get bids on painting the inside and outside of the water tower. The Dumont City Council is pondering plans to have its water tower repainted inside and out, but the big question is how to pay for it. Cassandra Lumley, Richelle Orr, and the rest of the basketball FKHHUOHDGHUVZLOOVHHWKHLUÀQDODFWLRQ of 2008 when they cheer for the girls and boys basketball teams that play at Clarion Dec. 19. Looking Back is compiled weekly by Joyce Schomburg. REALTORS ABBOTT REALTY Home is Where Our Heart Is! Ph. 641-456-4707 Downtown Hampton Kathy Stanbrough - 641-430-3821 Chuck Svendsen - 641-425-7159 CASTLE, DICK & KELCH INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 2 2nd St. NW, Hampton P.O. Box 299 Ph. 456-2578 Fax 456-2546 Duane Kelch Linda Campbell Tom Birdsell Terry Pecha Tonya Markwardt JASPERSEN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE LTD 123 1st St. NW PO Box 296 Hampton 641-456-2266 MILLER AND MILLER, P.C. Attorneys at Law KRUKOW REAL ESTATE Brian D. Miller Highway 3 West Andrea M. Miller 515 Central Ave. West, Hampton 7 First Ave. NE Ph. 641-456-3883 Fax 641-456-5553 Hampton, IA Yvonne Krukow - 641-425-0923 Erran Miller - 641-456-2447 Phone 641-456-2111 Jerry Plagge - 641-430-7951 Michelle Sackville - 641-430-6305 DANIEL F. WIECHMANN JR. Ashley Tufte - 319-213-7307 Attorney at Law Tonya Kregel - 641-425-4993 114 3rd St. NE Don Plagge - 641-892-4893 Hampton Phone 456-4545 STALEY REAL ESTATE 21 4th St. NE., Hampton Ph. 456-3607 Fax 456-5910 TONY D. KRUKOW Jerry Staley - 456-3607 Attorney at Law Brad Staley - 425-9400 P.O. Box 343 Susan Staley - 425-9431 515 Central Ave. W. Kent Brown - 456-4664 Hampton Kurt Thielen - 430-3659 Phone 641-456-5999 Jay Brower 641-580-4070 [email protected] PAPER OR INTERNET ADVERTISING: %DUE6PLWK'LDOH[WHQVLRQRUHPDLO EDUEVPLWK#JPDLOFRP )UDQNLH$OLX'LDOH[WHQVLRQRUHPDLO KDPSWRQDGV#JPDLOFRP PRINTING, RETAIL & PHOTO SERVICES: /LVD)ODFN'LDOH[WHQVLRQRUHPDLO OLVDÀDFNPDS#JPDLOFRP :HRIIHUFRPSOHWHSULQWLQJIRUEURFKXUHV QHZVOHWWHUV EXVLQHVV FDUGV SRVWHUV SKRWRV FORWKLQJ VSHFLDOWLHV DQG PRUH 0DNH SKRWR UHSULQWV IURP RULJLQDOV RU GLJLWDO ¿OHV RQ RXU 6RQ\ 3LFWXUH 6WDWLRQ *HW IXOOFRORU FRSLHV'HVLJQVHUYLFHVDYDLODEOH BILLING & ACCOUNTING: 'LDO RU SDPGHYULHV#LRZDFRQQHFW FRP PRINTING PLANT & MAILING: 3UHSUHVV 'DQ 5RGHPH\HU 'LDO H[WHQVLRQRUHPDLOKSF#LRZDFRQQHFWFRP NEWSROOM: 1HZV(GLWRU1LFN3HGOH\'LDOH[WHQVLRQ RUHPDLOFKURQLFOHQHZV#LRZDFRQQHFW FRP 8VH WKLV FRQWDFW WR RIIHU VWRU\ WLSV RU VHQGOHWWHUVWRWKHHGLWRURUSUHVVUHOHDVHV 5HJLRQDO1HZV(GLWRU1LFN3HGOH\'LDO H[WHQVLRQ RU HPDLO QLFNSHGOH\PDS# JPDLOFRP 8VH WKLV FRQWDFW WR RIIHU VWRU\ WLSV 5HJLRQDO6SRUWV(GLWRU.ULVWL1L[RQ'LDO H[WHQVLRQ RU HPDLO FKURQLFOHVSRUWV# LRZDFRQQHFWFRP 8VH WKLV FRQWDFW WR RIIHU VWRU\WLSV 1HLJKERUV QHLJKERUV#LRZDFRQQHFW FRP8VHWKLVFRQWDFWIRUHQJDJHPHQWVDQQLYHUVDULHVZHGGLQJVQHZDUULYDOVDFKLHYHUVDQGRWKHUVXFKLWHPV 2ELWXDULHV6HQGLQTXLULHVSKRWRVRELWXDU\ FRS\ DQG ELOOLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ WR RELWV PDS#JPDLOFRP 'HDGOLQH LV QRRQ 0RQGD\V SERVICES: (QJDJHPHQWV DQQLYHUVDULHV ELUWKGD\V ZHGGLQJV ELUWKV DQG IDPLO\ UHXQLRQV LQIRUPDWLRQLVSXEOLVKHGIUHHRIFKDUJH7KHUHLV DFKDUJHIRUHDFKEODFNDQGZKLWHSKRWR DQGDFKDUJHIRUHDFKFRORUSKRWR%LUWKGD\DQG%LUWKSKRWRVDUHSXEOLVKHGFROXPQ LQZLGWK$QQLYHUVDU\DQG(QJDJHPHQWSKRWRVDUHSXEOLVKHGFROXPQVLQZLGWK2WKHU VXFKSKRWRVDUHSXEOLVKHGLQDZLGWKDSSURSULDWHWRWKHQXPEHURISHRSOHLQWKHSKRWR 3D\PHQWLVH[SHFWHGDWWLPHRIVXEPLVVLRQ HLWKHU YLD FUHGLW FDUG GHELW FDUG FKHFN RU FDVK 2ELWXDULHV :ULWWHQ DQQRXQFHPHQW RI EDVLFLQIRUPDWLRQLQFOXGLQJVHUYLFHVLVIUHH )DPLO\RELWXDU\LVDQGFDQEHZULWWHQE\ WKHIDPLO\([FHVVLYHYHUEDJHPD\UHVXOWLQ H[WUDFRVWV3KRWRVDUHSXEOLVKHGIUHHZLWK SDLGRELWXDULHVLQDLQFKZLGHIRUPDWEODFN DQGZKLWH%LOOLQJLVWKURXJKIXQHUDOKRPHV RU SD\PHQW LV H[SHFWHG DW WLPH RI VXEPLVVLRQHLWKHUYLDFUHGLWFDUGGHELWFDUGFKHFN RUFDVK HAMPTON STAFF MEMBERS: 5HJXODU HPSOR\HHV LQ RUGHU RI FRQWLQXRXV \HDUV RI VHUYLFH Joyce Schomburg, 5HFHSWLRQ 3URRIUHDGLQJ %RRNNHHSLQJ ³/RRNLQJ %DFN´ Deb Chaney, &LUFXODWLRQ 0DQDJHUDan Rodemeyer, 2IIVHW6XSHUYLVRU3UH3UHVVElaine Meyer, ,QVHUWHU0DLO 3UHSDUDWLRQ&RRUGLQDWLRQ%LQGHU\Glenn Kew, ,QVHUWHU0DLO3UHSDUDWLRQ'ULYHUBarb Smith, $GYHUWLVLQJ 6DOHV Ryan Harvey, 3UHVLGHQW &(2 3XEOLVKHU Pam DeVries, 2I¿FH 0DQDJHU %RRNNHHSHU &KLHI )LQDQFLDO 2I¿FHU Lynn Byrne, &LUFXODWLRQ$VVLVWDQW Tom Johnson, 0DLO +DQGOHU Debbie Hansen, ,QVHUWHU%LQGHU\Lisa Flack, ComPHUFLDO 3ULQWLQJ &RRUGLQDWRU &RPSRVLWLRQ 5HFHSWLRQ Debbie Collins, ,QVHUWHU 'ULYHU Donald Vaughn, 3UHVV 2SHUDWRU Amy Wilkinson, ,QVHUWHU0DLQWHQDQFHKathleen Fisher, %RRNNHHSLQJ 3URRIUHDGLQJ Annette Harris, %RRNNHHSLQJLynnette Richardson, %RRNNHHSLQJ 3URRIUHDGLQJ Zach Wanken, 3UHVVPDQ Pia Hovenga, $GYHUWLVLQJ &RPSRVLWLRQ 0DQDJHU 3ULQWLQJ &RPSRVLWLRQ5HFHSWLRQKristi Nixon, 5HJLRQDO 6SRUWV(GLWRUGerald “Red” Haugland,,QVHUWHU'ULYHU Frankie Aliu 0DUNHWLQJ 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHCynthia Jones, ,QVHUWHUJerrad Robinson, ,QVHUWHU'ULYHUNick Pedley, 5HJLRQDO1HZV(GLWRURebecca Boneschans, 3ULQW&RPSRVLWLRQ$G&RPSRVLWLRQ5HFHSWLRQ Monica Edeker, 3ULQW &RPSRVLWLRQ %RRNNHHSLQJRobert Wood3UHVVPDQ +RPHWRZQ1HZV&RUUHVSRQGHQWVLoren Bier, $OH[DQGHU 1HZV Marie Teggatz, /DWLPHU 1HZV April Fiet, 'XPRQW 1HZV Openings exist for: $FNOH\%UDGIRUG%ULVWRZ&KDSLQ'RZV&RXOWHU3RSHMR\5RZDQ6KHI¿HOG&DOOIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 6 RECORDS Wednesday, December 18, 2013 +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ From the Log Hampton Police Monday, December 9: 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG FDOOV IRU service. Among the calls were: three misc. civil calls, two 9-1-1 openended/hang-up calls, two phone FDOOV ZLWK LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU RI¿FHUV D UHTXHVW IRU ¿QJHUSULQWV IRU IRVWHU care, an open door report, a found dog report, a found cat report, a loose dog report, a report of a trailer without lights, and a hit deer report. 2I¿FHUV FKDUJHG +HDWKHU 6 Shelton-Rivera, 37, Hampton, with failure to pay parking ticket; and Juan Jose Sanchez-Urbina, 34, Hampton, with providing false LQIRUPDWLRQWRRI¿FHUV DP 2I¿FHUV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 800 block of 2nd St. SE. SP 2I¿FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a domestic matter at 214 2nd St. NW. Tuesday, December 10: 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG VL[ FDOOV IRU service. Among the calls were: forwarded a dispatch call to another agency, two 9-1-1 hang-up calls, a phone call with information for RI¿FHUVDQGDPLVFFLYLOFDOO SP 2I¿FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a juvenile matter at 601 12th Ave. NE. 2I¿FHUV FKDUJHG (PPDQXHO 0LUR7RUUHV+DPSWRQIRUQRGULYHU¶V license and no insurance. Wednesday, December 11: 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG FDOOV IRU service. Among the calls were: vehicle in ditch on I-35, two motorist assist calls, a 9-1-1 hang-up call, LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU RI¿FHUV UHTXHVW IRU ¿QJHUSULQWV IRU IRVWHU FDUH requested to assist another agency, UHTXHVWIRU¿QJHUSULQWVIRUGD\FDUH and a report of a vehicle without taillights. G i f t Certificates Gift C rrtificates t i f i c aates t eess available available! aava availa availab vai ailabl labl ! Still In Persistent Pain? • Chronic and persistent pain Accepting • Headaches and Migraines • Post-Surgical pain • Arthritis New Patients • Tendonitis • Numbness • Back & Neck pain • Leg & Hip pain • Foot & Heel pain • Knee & Ankle pain • Shoulder & Elbow pain • Carpal Tunnel Dr. Mark B Hanson, • Sports and other injuries • Fibromyalgia D.C., Dipl. Ac. • Neck & Back pain due to auto accidents • Dry & Wet Cupping • Needle • Ultrasound Therapy • Non-Needle Techniques Hanson Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Mark Hanson, D.C., Dipl. Ac. 215 Ohio Avenue • Iowa Falls Call 641-648-2255 Fall Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday 8-Noon 2I¿FHUV FKDUJHG 0DUN .OXQGHU 50, Hampton, with failure to maintain control; and Benito Hernandez 21, Hampton, with two counts of driving while suspended and no SR22 insurance. SP 2I¿FHUV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 100 block RI%HQQHWW'U6KHI¿HOG SP 2I¿FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a verbal domestic dispute at 414 2nd Ave. SW. Thursday, December 12: 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG ¿YH FDOOV IRU service. Among the calls were: two reports of 9-1-1 hang-ups, and a non-emergency phone call. 2I¿FHUVFKDUJHG6WHYH)8OULFK 61, Clarksville, with failure to obey a WUDI¿FFRQWUROGHYLFH SP2I¿FHUVSHUIRUPHGD welfare check at 205 1st St. NW. SP2I¿FHUVDUUHVWHG%ULDQ Hansen, 40, Hampton, on an arrest warrant for a probation violation. Friday, December 13: 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG FDOOV IRU service. Among the calls were: an open door report, a possible phone scam report, a misc. civil matter, a harassment report, request for assistance, dispatch another agency, and a disabled vehicle report. DP2I¿FHUVWRRNDUHSRUW of an attempted break-in and entry at 1317 4th St. NE. SP 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG a report of subjects burning out of season in the 200 block of 8th St. NW. Subjects cited. SP 2I¿FHUV WRRN D suspicion report at 216 3rd Ave. NE. SP 2I¿FHUV WRRN D WKHIW report at 105 1st Ave. SW. SP 2I¿FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a disturbance at 1207 3rd St. NE. 2I¿FHUV DUUHVWHG %UXQR =DYDOD Jr., 28, Hampton, at 1020 2nd St. NW, for domestic abuse assault. He was held to appear. Saturday, December 14: 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG HLJKW FDOOV IRU service. Among the calls were: nonemergency phone call, a disturbance report, dispatched another agency, possible check scam report, 9-1-1 hang-up call, a DOA deer report, and a misc. civil report. 2I¿FHUV FKDUJHG +HDWK 5 Wessels, 19, Kanawha, with expired registration. DP2I¿FHUVZHUHFDOOHG to a report of a burglar alarm going off at 121 1st St. NW. SP 2I¿FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a verbal domestic matter at 308 HOLIDAY John Morrell Spiral Sliced Bone-In Half Ham USDA Choice Whole Boneless Ribeye 12 - 16 lb. Avg. 8 $ 99 1 $ 88 /% USDA Choice Boneless Arm Roast 3 $ 49 /% /% 1st St. NW. Sunday, December 15: 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG FDOOV IRU service. Among the calls were: a vehicle complaint, report of a found dog, and two misc. civil matters. DP2I¿FHUVDVVLVWHGWKH Iowa State Patrol in arresting Charles Michael Buseman, 28, Alden, for operating while intoxicated. He was placed in a cell and held to appear. DP 2I¿FHUV WRRN D suspicious vehicle report at 808 4th St. NE. DP2I¿FHUVWRRNDUHSRUW of a stolen tablet from 120 3rd St. NE. DP 2I¿FHUV DUUHVWHG Michael Lee Johnson, 54, Hampton, on a Cerro Gordo County warrant for a probation violation. SP2I¿FHUVSHUIRUPHGD welfare check at 205 1st St. NW. SP 2I¿FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to a disturbance at 502 Federal St. S. SP 2I¿FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to 208 3rd Ave. NW for a juvenile behavior matter. SP 2I¿FHUV ZHUH FDOOHG to 301 1st St. SE for a domestic juvenile behavior matter. SP2I¿FHUVZHUHFDOOHGWR 313 3rd St. SW for a juvenile matter. Monday, December 16: 2I¿FHUV UHFHLYHG RQH FDOO IRU service before 5 a.m. It was a disturbance call. Franklin Sheriff Thursday, December 5: SP'LVSDWFKHUVUHFHLYHG an open ended 9-1-1 call in the 100 block of S. Akir, Latimer. Called back DQG VSRNH WR VXEMHFW DOO ZDV ¿QH must have pocket dialed. SP 'HSXWLHV ZHUH advised of a dead deer one half mile east of Vine on 210th St. Deputy checked and deer had been moved. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHDGYLVHG of a vehicle, which was having a hard time keeping it between the lines on Olive southbound out ot 6KHI¿HOG'HSXW\VSRNHZLWKGULYHU all was OK. Friday, December 6: DP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a shop alarm going off in the 800 block of Finch Ave. Alarm was cancelled. DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG a motorist on Mallard Ave. south of Highway 3 as he stood by with vehicle and driver until help came. SP 'HSXWLHV WRRN D report of a horse loose near the intersection of Lake Drive and 17th St. Deputies and a passerby got the horse back in. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a property damage accident in the 1700 block of Raven Ave. Son rolled car, no ambulance needed. Report completed. Saturday, December 7: DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG ¿UH SHUVRQQHO LQ WKH EORFN RI 230th St., Latimer. Two buildings on ¿UH 3DJHG /DWLPHU :HVW )UDQNOLQ (06 6KHI¿HOG )LUH &RXOWHU )LUH Thornton Fire, and County Roads Department. SP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 1800 bock of 60th St., Geneva. Franklin General Hospital ambulance paged. Sunday, December 8: SP 'HSXWLHV FDOOHG WR a civil dispute in the 900 block of Mallory Dr. Monday, December 9: DP 'HSXWLHV ZHUH advised of a burglar alarm going off in the 1300 block of Highway 3. Upon arrival, they were in process of removing snow. SP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 300 block of Broadway, Geneva. Franklin General Hospital paged. SP'HSXW\WUDQVSRUWHGD subject per court order from Latimer to Mercy 5 East. SP'LVSDWFKHUVUHFHLYHG an open ended 9-1-1 call from Hampton. Tuesday, December 10: DP'HSXWLHVWDJJHGDQ abandoned vehicle for removal in the 900 block of Highway 65. DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG a motorist near the intersection of Lemon Ave. and 70th St. Subject requested a tow. Wednesday, December 11: DP 'HSXWLHV FDOOHG WR a residential alarm going off in the 1900 block of Vine Ave. Deputy spoke with homeowner who accidentially set off the alarm. SP 'HSXWLHV VSRNH ZLWK DVXEMHFWLQ6KHI¿HOGZLWKUHJDUGVWR vandalism to her vehicle. SP 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG a report of a cow standing in the roadway near the intersection of Grouse Ave and 140th St. Owner was contacted. SP 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D report of a vehicle in the ditch near the intersection of 155th St. and Raven Ave. Deputy stood by until the vehicle was pulled out. Thursday, December 12: DP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to 2255 30th St., Ackley for a medical situation. Dispatchers paged Ackley Ambulance. Upon arrival, deputies requested the medical examiner and funeral home. DP'HSWLHVZHUHDGYLVHG RIDYHKLFOHKDYLQJDÀDWWLUHHDVWRI Hampton. Caller advised the vehicle will be moved as soon as possible. SP 'HSXWLHV WRRN D UHSRUW of snowmobiles in the Coulter Ball Diamonds and Coulter Park. Deputies checked the area but were XQDEOHWR¿QGDQ\ Friday, December 13: DP'LVSDWFKHUVUHFHLYHGDQ open ended 9-1-1 call in the 200 block of S. Van Kirk, Latimer. After contacting the subject everything was OK, it was an apparent misdial. Butler Sheriff Monday, December 9: 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG RQH WUDI¿F stop, assisted three medical calls, and received reports of one controlled burn. SP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG with a personal injury accident in the 29500 block of 202nd St., Clarksville. Report was incomplete. SP'HSXWLHVDVVLVWHGZLWK a property damage accident near the intersection of Trapper Road and Union Ave., New Hartford. No UHSRUW¿OHG SP'HSXWLHVSHUIRUPHGD welfare check in the 400 block of S. Church St. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a residence in the 2100 block of Parriott Ave., Aplington, where a subject was removing clothing from a residence. SP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG D motorist near the intersection of N. 5th St. and E. Dow St. SP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG with a property damage accident in the 100 block of Cherry St., Allison. 1RUHSRUW¿OHG SP 'HSXWLHV ZHUH called to a dog-deer matter in te 3200 block of Highway 14. SP'HSXWLHVDVVLVWHGD motorist in the 900 block of 7th St. SP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG a motorist in the 30000 block of Highway 3. Tuesday, December 10: 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG WZR WUDI¿F stops, assisted four medical calls, and received reports of four controlled burns. DP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to the 900 block of N. Cherry, Shell Rock, for an unknown problem. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to the 1200 block of N. Elm St., for a dog-deer matter. SP 'HSXWLHV DUUHVWHG Mitch J. Burkett, 25, Dumont, for OWI 3rd. Burkett was held to see the judge. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to the 300 block of Main St., on a report of possession of controlled substance. The report was unfounded. SP 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D suspicious vehicle/person report near the intersection of 290th St. and Temple Ave., New Hartford. Deputies were unable to locate. Wednesday, December 11: 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG RQH WUDI¿F stop and assisted with two medical calls. DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG a motorist near the intersection of Highway 3 and Quail Ave. DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG D motorist near the intersection of 170th St. and Highway 14. DP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to an alarm in the 31300 block of Butler Ave. DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG with a routine transfer. DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG with a property damage accident near the intersection of N. Cherry St. and W. Main St., Shell Rock. No LQMXULHV UHSRUW EXW DQ XQVSHFL¿HG citation was issued. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to an alarm in the 1100 block of Water St. SP 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D report of trespassers in the 20200 block of Highway 57. Unwelcome hunters on the property. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a dog-deer matter near the intersection of Hickory Ave. and Highway 57. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a faily domestic matter in the 500 EORFNRI(DVW6W1RUHSRUW¿OHG SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a dog-deer matter near the intersection of Highway 188 and Highway 3. Thursday, December 12: 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D UHSRUW RI four controlled burns. DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG medical personnel in the 32000 block of Spring Ave. for an unknown problem. DP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a dog-deer matter in the 11100 block of Lodge Ave. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a family domestic matter in the 2100 block of Parriott Ave. SP 'HSXWLHV ZHUH called to a dog-deer matter near the intersection of 220th St. and Highway 3. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to an alarm in the 1100 block of Water St. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a dog-deer matter in the 28700 block of Temple Ave. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to the 500 block of Lincon St for a verbal dispute. Friday, December 13: 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG WZR WUDI¿F stops, assisted with one medical call, and received a report of one controlled burn. DP'HSXWLHVWRRNDWKHIW report of jewelry in the 1300 block of Main St., New Hartford. No value determined. DP 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG with a routne transfer in the 900 block of 3rd St., Dumont. ANOTHER BURIED TREASURE Fareway’s 2/3 Ham 1/3 Pork Ham Loaf Wimmer’s Deli Style Smoked Beef 7 $ 99 /% 2 $ 69 /% Aqua Star Cocktail Shrimp 51 - 60 ct. 12 oz. 6 $ 49 (DFK © 2006 FAREWAY STORES, INC. 456-2756, Meat 456-5253, Store Prices Good Wednesday, December 18, thru Tuesday, December 24, 2013 Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday thru Saturday HAMPTON, IOWA Closed Sundays, Closed December 24, 5 p.m. James was a bright student. He wanted to be a teacher... English, Science or Math. But one day he was drinking and driving. Now he’s History... The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and the Iowa Highway Patrol will be observing all vehicles during this Holiday season for drunk drivers. If you don’t want to be caught - DON’T DRIVE! LARRY RICHTSMEIER, FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF RECORDS +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ Obituaries Kenneth Lein Ray Elphic, Jr. Ray Elphic Jr., 71, of Hampton, died on Sunday December 15, 2013, at WKH6KHIÀHOG&DUH&HQWHULQ6KHIÀHOG Visitation will be held Tuesday, December 17, from 4-7 p.m. at the Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Home in Hampton. Funeral services will be held at Ray Elphic, Jr. 11 a.m. on Wednesday, December 18, at the First Christian Church in Hampton with Pastor Alan Berneman RIÀFLDWLQJ%XULDOZLOOWDNHSODFHDW the Hampton Cemetery in Hampton. Ray Elphic, Jr., was born March 3, 1942, in Hampton, to Ray and Carol (McAfee) Elphic, Sr. He graduated from Hampton High School in 1960. He served his country in the United States Army. Ray was married June 7, 1971, Sioux Falls, S.D. to Donna McNealy of Hampton. He worked at Farmland Foods, Inc. for 24 years then he was employed with the Hampton-Dumont Schools and the transportation superintendent for 17 years. He was a member of 1942-2013 the Hampton Lions Club, HamptonServices: Dumont Booster Club, and First 11 a.m., December 18 Christian Church in Hampton. Ray First Christian Church HQMR\HG FDU UDFLQJ ZRUNLQJ RQ FDUV 3DVWRU$ODQ%HUQHPDQRI¿FLDWLQJ and classic car shows. Burial: He is survived by his wife, Donna, Hampton Cemetery of Hampton; daughter, Carolyn Arrangements by: Hudman, of Frankfort, Ky.; daughter, Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Home Melody, and husband, Jason Fort, Hampton of Phoenix, Ariz.; son, Jonathan sietsemavogelfuneralhomes. Elphic, of Hampton; granddaughters: com Paige Hudman, Samantha Fort, and 641-456-3232 Hayden Fort; grandson: Trenton Elphic; brother: Wilbert Elphic, of Hastings, Colo.; and a sister, Luberta Weese, of Hinesville, Ga. He is preceded in death by his parents and daughter Tammie. Max Foughty Max Foughty, 86, of Dallas Center, died on Wednesday, December 4, 2013. Private graveside services were held at Brethern Cemetery in Dallas Center. Max was born in Hampton to Virgil and Maguerite (Windelow) Foughty. He served in the US Army during World War II. Max worked at the Des Moines Register for 26 years in the composing department before retiring in 1989. Max is survived by his wife of 49 years, Beverly, and his sister, Virginia Lunning, of Hampton. Memorial contributions may be made to Hope Ministries in Des Moines. On-line condolences will be welcomed at Max Foughty 1927-2013 Graveside Services: Private services at Brethern Cemetery, Dallas Center Tillie Gamble Ethelda “Tillie” Gamble, 89, of Hampton, died on Sunday December 15, 2013, at the Rehabilitation Center of Hampton in Hampton. Graveside services will be held at a Tillie Gamble later date. There will be no visitation. Ethelda Gamble was born September 13, 1924, in Hansell, to Bill and Lessie (Jones) Branan. Tillie was united in marriage to Gene Eitel on February 1, 1945, in Hampton and then she married Jim Gamble on October 21, 1977, in Vermillion, S.D. Tillie is survived by her son James Eitel(Joyce), of Newton; son, Bob Eitel(Connie), of Lemoore, Calif.; and son-in-law, Terry Wilkinson, of Hampton; grandchildren: Lessie 1924-2013 Eitel, of Geneva, Marcy Eitel, of Graveside Services: Hampton; Ty Eitel(Jaime) , of Dexter; At a later date Dean (Wanda) Miller, of Newton; Arrangements by: Shane Eitel, of Lemoore, Calif.; Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Home Scott Eitel, of Lemoore,Calif.; Angie Hampton Miller-Goodell(Mike), of Hampton; sietsemavogelfuneralhomes. and Amy Wilkinson-Busby(Lyle), of com Hampton; great-grandchildren: Cole 641-456-3232 and Cash Eitel, of Dexter; Courtney and Rebecca Eitel, of Lemoore, Calif.; Ciera Gunderson (Blake), of Hampton; Colten Miller, of Hampton; Carlie Miller, of Hampton; Mylee Goodell, of Hampton; Jordan Wilkinson, of Hampton; Hunter Wilkinson, of Hampton; and Alycia Martinez, of Hampton; and a sister, Dottie Olson, of Florida. She was a member of the 8QLWHG 0HWKRGLVW &KXUFK (QMR\HG SOD\LQJ FDUGV ZLWK VRPH ´6SHFLDOµ /DGLHVDQGMXVWVSHQGLQJWLPHZLWKIDPLO\DQGIULHQGV6KHLVSUHFHGHGLQ death by a daughter, Pam Wilkinson, great-grandchild, Jordan Eitel; parents; husbands; and a brother. Those planning an expression of sympathy may wish to consider memorials to North Iowa Hospice in her name. Great athletes make those around them better. Great men do the same. Ken Lein was both, always seeing the best in all and helping them see the best in themselves. Kenneth Lein, a native of Roland, Iowa died while resting comfortably December 5th at his home in San Clemente, CA. A teacher, coach, father and friend, Ken was born July 14th, 1934 to .QXWHG DQG$OHWWDG /HLQ +LV HDUO\ \HDUV ZHUH ÀOOHG ZLWK hard work and sports, in particular basketball, baseball and swimming. Ken starred on the 1951 Roland Rocket High School basketball team. With a school population of around 50, the Roland team played Davenport High School, with a school population of over 2000, losing 50-40 in the Iowa state championship game. Ken and friend Gary Thompson put on a memorable VKRZLQWKH'DYLGDQG*ROLDWKOLNHVWDWHÀQDO Although Ken had many offers to continue playing either basketball or EDVHEDOODWWKHFROOHJLDWHOHYHOKHLQVWHDGFKRVHWRVHUYHKLVFRXQWU\MRLQLQJ the Coast Guard immediately after high school. He traveled to Ellis Island, &DSH0D\1-DQGWKHQ%XUOLQJWRQ97ZKHUHKHPHWKLVÀUVWZLIH3DWULFLD Lavoie(Dominski). After the service, Ken went to Ellsworth Junior College in Iowa Falls on a EDVNHWEDOOVFKRODUVKLSDQGIROORZLQJDWHUULÀFWZR\HDUFDUHHU.HQDWWHQGHG and played ball at Northwest Missouri State in Maryville, MO. He gradated in 1958 with a degree in Social Science Education. .HQ·VÀUVWWHDFKLQJMREZDVLQ5LYHUWRQ,$.HQZDVDSRSXODUWHDFKHUDQG FRDFKLQWKH5HGÀHOG,$'H[ÀHOG3RUW%\URQ,/5LYHUGDOH+LQHVEXUJ VT(Champlain Valley), Manly, IA(North Central), Postville, IA, Hampton, IA school districts in a 23-year span. He coached basketball, baseball, track, softball, golf and football in that time period. Ken accumulated over 250 wins as a basketball coach in four states. At each stop along his storied career, he also ran the local swimming pools and instructed Red Cross lifesaving. Ken VDYHG D PDQ·V OLIH LQ WKH 9HUJHQQHV 97 SRRO SXOOLQJ WKH GURZQLQJ PDQ from the deep end and providing resuscitation. Ken saved this life literally, DQG PDQ\ RWKHUV GXULQJ KLV \HDUV LQ WKH FODVVURRPV DQG RQ WKH ÁRRU DQG ÀHOGV+LVRSWLPLVPDQGEHOLHILQWKHKXPDQVSLULWFRQWLQXHVWRUHVLGHLQVR many he touched. .HQ·VDWKOHWLFWHDPVZHUHNQRZQIRUFRQWUDVWLQJVW\OHVDQGLQQRYDWLRQ+LV Riverdale team held the ball and left one man back on the defensive end, upsetting a powerful Rock Island squad in the district championship that featured future Boston Celtics star Steve Kuberski. His Postville team was known for up-tempo, setting a national record at the time for points E\ WZR WHDPV ORVLQJ WR &HQWUDO (ONDGHU LQ .HQ·V WHDPV were perennially in the top ten rankings in the state of Iowa with numerous FRQIHUHQFHVHFWLRQDODQGGLVWULFWWLWOHV+LVWHDPVZHUHÁDPER\DQWKHUROOHG RXWDUHGFDUSHWIRUWLPHRXWVDQGWKHER\VODLGRQWKHÁRRU+HKDGHDFKRI his teams wear high, “target”-striped socks so they could better identify their teammates for fast-breaks. He had several all-state players go on to great collegiate careers in all of the athletics he led. $IWHU.HQ·VWHDFKLQJDQGFRDFKLQJFDUHHUKHHQWHUHGWKHEXVLQHVVZRUOG ÀUVWZRUNLQJKLVZD\XSIURPVDOHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHWRUHJLRQDOPDQDJHUIRU DeVry Institutes of Technology. He then worked for a series of companies LQWKHHGXFDWLRQLQGXVWU\ÀQDOO\UHWLULQJWRVXEVWLWXWHWHDFKLQJIDPLO\DQG California lifestyle. His passion was still sports and he loved the Cubs and the Iowa college teams that he followed religiously. His dog Buddy, who was at his side at his death, was his constant companion. .HQLVVXUYLYHGE\KLVVLVWHU$UOHQH0DQJROGRI)XOOHUWRQ&$KLVÀUVW wife Patricia Dominski(Mitch) of Sebastian, FL; second wife Joette Wattier of San Clemente, CA: son Kevin(Amy) Lein of Harrisburg, SD; daughters Kim(Bernie)Peine of Underhill, VT and Kamela(John) Behrendt of Dunlap, IA; stepsons Brian(Leah)Wattier of Sacramento, CA, and Jason(Holly) Wattier of Philadelphia, PA and stepdaughter Jocelyn(John) White of San Clemente, CA; grandchildren Kyle and Megan Behrendt of Dunlap, IA: Kodi Lein of Brulington, VT; Karter and Kennedy Lein of Harrisburg, SD; Madison, Thomas and Alex White of San Clemente, CA; Ella and Sophia Wattier of Morgantown, PA, Ken was preceded in death by his parents, his brothers Don and Stanley DQGKLVVLVWHU0DUMRULH$EVKHU $FHOHEUDWLRQRI.HQ·VOLIHZHUHKHOGDWSPRQ)ULGD\'HFHPEHU at the Adams Funeral Home in Story City. Funeral services were held at the Bergan Lutheran Church in Roland, on Saturday, December 14, at 10:30 a.m. with subsequent burial at the Roland Cemetery. ,Q OLHX RI ÁRZHUV WKH IDPLO\ DVNV WKDW DQ\ PHPRULDO FRQWULEXWLRQV EH given to the Ken Lein Memorial Scholarship which will be established to assist Roland-Story high school student-athletes with post-high school pursuits. Those contributions can be given directly at the services or contact Kevin Lein([email protected]) for information. Linda Dirksen Linda Kay Dirksen, 68, of Hampton, died on Saturday, December 14, 2013, at the Muse Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit in Mason City. She was born on May 3, 1945, in Hampton, to Floyd “Bud” and Dorothy (Engelkes) Dirksen. Linda attended Geneva and Hampton Schools. She painted houses, mowed the cemetery lawn, cleaned homes and cared for her aging parents. She loved animals and gardening. Linda is survived by two aunts, Lois Paullus of Hampton and Mildred Engelkes of Ackley, along with numerous cousins and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents Bud and Dorothy, aunts and uncles and her beloved dog Bo. There will be no services held for Linda. Burial will take place in the Lindenwood Cemetery in rural Geneva. The Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Home of Hampton was in charge of the arrangements. Memorials may be sent to Hospice of North Iowa. Wednesday, December 18, 2013 7 From the Log SP 'HSXWLHV UHFHLYHG D report of suspicious activity in the 17100 block of 270th St., Aplington. Deputies were unable to locate, possibly a UPS truck. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a car-deer property accident near the intersection of Beaver Valley St. and Butler Ave., New Hartford. Saturday, December 14: 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG VL[ WUDI¿F stops, assisted with one medical call, and received a report of one controlled burn. DP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a deer mater in the 600 block of 6th St. SP 'HSXWLHV DUUHVWHG Robert William Gilliland, 27, Greene, for driving while barred and Michelle Graham, 33, Greene, for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled VXEVWDQFHGXULQJDWUDI¿FVWRSQHDU the intersection of 110th St. and Newell Ave., Greene. SP 'HSXWLHV WRRN D harassment report in the 700 block of S. Pearl St. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a car-deer property damage accident near the intersection of Glen Hall Road and Highway 3. Sunday, December 15: 'HSXWLHV H[HFXWHG IRXU WUDI¿F stops, assisted with four medical calls, and received a report of one controlled burn. SP'HSXWLHVWRRNDUHSRUW of suspicious activity in the 600 block of Parriott St. SP'HSXWLHVZHUHFDOOHG to a dog-deer-livestock matter near the intersection of 255th St. and Highway 14. SP'HSXWLHVWRRNDUHSRUW of the theft of 200 skinned raccoon hides near the intersection of Martin Ave. and Mesa Place, Allison. Subject reported the items were taken Friday. SP 'HSXWLHV WRRN a vandalism/criminal mischief complaint from the 400 block of N. Main St. Monday, December 16: 'HSXWLHV DVVLVWHG ZLWK WZR medical calls prior to 9 a.m. 1s tA n Me Op nua et en l H ou Ho oli rn ew u d GM se ay , Ja Mo yR ew n 4:3 da 0 t y, D Re o ec Ev fresh .2 ery men 5:3 0 on ts ei p 3, s i Sn .m nv ack ite s . d. Dr aw ing s Fred Hoiberg’s Auto Sales Center 1501 Central Ave E, Clarion THE HAMPTON CHRONICLE will close at 1:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 25 to celebrate Christmas. EARLY DEADLINES for the Dec. 25 issue LEGALS…Wednesday, Dec. 18 at 5 p.m. NEWS AND ADVERTISING…Thursday, Dec. 19 at noon. CLASSIFIEDS…Friday, Dec. 20 at 10:00 a.m. Evelyn Schipper Mary “Evelyn” Schipper, 89, of Iowa Falls, died on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at the Ellsworth Municipal Hospital, Iowa Falls. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. on Monday, December 16, 2013 DW /LQQ·V )XQHUDO +RPH :DVKLQJWRQ $YHQXH ,RZD )DOOV ,RZD $ time of visitation will be held one hour prior to the service at the Funeral +RPH%XULDOZDVDWWKH2DNKLOO&HPHWHU\3RSHMR\ 7KH/LQQ·V)XQHUDO+RPH,RZD)DOOV&KDSHOZDVLQFKDUJHRIWKHDUUDQJHments. Timothy Gibbons M. D. Offering a full range of Orthopaedic services including Total Hip Replacement, Hip Resurfacing, Minimally Invasive Total Knee Replacement and Sports Medicine WčĆę’Ę FĔė LĚēĈč? Seeing patients @ Franklin General Hospital Dr. Gibbons • January Dates January 10 & 31 a.m. only Our goal is to provide the top-quality and safe orthopaedic care to our patient. Talk to your Family physician today or call our office today. Mason City Clinic Department of Orthopaedics 250 South Crescent Drive, Mason City, IA 50401 Phone 1-800-622-1411 ext 5210 22 units of various sizes Jr. Edgington ~ Owner /RFDWHGRQWKHZHVWURDGLQ6KHIÀHOG PHONE: 641-892-8086 or 641-425-0295 HAMPTON-DUMONT SCHOOLS: Monday, December 23 - Friday, December 27: NO SCHOOL - Merry Christmas! AGWSR SCHOOLS Monday, December 23 - Friday, December 27: NO SCHOOL - Merry Christmas! CAL SCHOOLS Monday, December 23 - Friday, December 27: NO SCHOOL - Merry Christmas! CONGREGATE MEALS Monday, December 23: Egg/Pots bake, asparagus, blueberry/oat muffins, fresh apples, T-Juice. 1:00 Bingo Tuesday, December 24: Turkey, sweet potato, green beans, apple/cran. salad, pumpkin dessert. 12:45 Cribbage Closes at 3:00 Wednesday, December 25: CENTER CLOSED • MERRY CHRISTMAS FORM OUR HOUSE TO YOURS! Thursday, December 26: CENTER CLOSED Friday, December 27: Crab cakes, roasted potatoes, Cr. Peas, bananas/oranges, rasp. lemonade. 1:00 Bingo SPONSORED BY H AUSER F INANCIAL G ROUP Philip F. Hauser, CLU Phone: 641-456-5255 Website: WEALTH ACCUMULATION PLANNING, RETIREMENT AND ESTATE PLANNING, LIFE, HEALTH, LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE, ANNUITIES, INVESTMENTS 16 4 TH ST. NE • HAMPTON, IA 50441 PHILIP F. HAUSER REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVE: SECURITIES OFFERED SOLELY THROUGH AMERITAS INVESTMENT CORP. (AIC). MEMBER FINRA, SIPC. AIC AND HAUSER FINANCIAL GROUP ARE NOT AFFILIATED. ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MAY BE AVAILABLE THROUGH PHILIP F. HAUSER OR HAUSER FINANCIAL GROUP THAT ARE NOT OFFERED BY AIC. SECURITIES • E-MAIL: [email protected] 8 RELIGION Wednesday, December 18, 2013 +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ Church Activities Baptist Paul Faith Baptist Hwy. 3 E., Hampton Senior Pastor David Koenigsberg, Associate Pastor of Connecting Brad VanHorn :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU DP:RPHQ·V3UD\HUDP0HQ·V Prayer; 6 p.m. kidsLIFE, CIA; 7:30 p.m. Aftershock 6DWXUGD\'HFHPEHUSP Peder Eide Concert at CLW 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Prayer; 9 a.m. Worship Service with &KLOGUHQ·V&KULVWPDV3URJUDP 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Candlelight Christmas Service :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU&KULVWPDV2IÀFH&ORVHG Catholic 6W0DU\·V&DWKROLF Ackley / Rev. Mike Tauke 6XQGD\VDP0DVV 6W3DWULFN·V&DWKROLF 1405 Federal St. N., Hampton Rev. Mike Tauke 1405 N. Federal St. 6DWXUGD\VSP0DVVLQ6SDQLVK 6XQGD\VDP0DVV Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) First Christian Pastor Alan Berneman 605 4th St. NE, Hampton :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU p.m. Elders meeting )ULGD\'HFHPEHU1HZVOHWWHU Deadline 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, &KXUFK2IÀFH&ORVHG :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU&KULVWPDV'D\&KXUFK2IÀFH&ORVHG Episcopal St. Matthew-by-the-Bridge Episcopal Rev. Elliot Blackburn 507 Railroad St., Iowa Falls 6XQGD\VDP%LEOH6WXG\ 10:30 a.m. Family Worship Service Latter Day Saints The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Hampton / Miguel Sosa Garcia, Branch President 6XQGD\VDP:RUVKLS6HUYLFH Spanish Activities Lutheran Church of the Living Word, LCMC 420 1st Ave. NE, Hampton 641-456-8175 Jacob Rahrig, Pastor To reserve auditorium or gym, contact Kay Hinrichs at 456-2706 or at kay. [email protected] 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\6FKRRO 10 a.m. Celebration Service 7XHVGD\VDPQRRQ0LQLVterial Crisis Center, 456-8272 :HGQHVGD\VSP%RG\%\ Jesus, Preschool-Sixth Grade; 6:308p.m. 7th-12th Grades 2XU6DYLRU·V/XWKHUDQ 121 Prospect, Ackley Pastor Gary Burkhalter 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\6FKRRO 10 a.m. Divine Service (Communion 2nd, 4th, 5th); 11 a.m. Fellowship 7XHVGD\VSP7XHVGD\6FKRRO Trinity Lutheran Church 16 12th Ave. NE, Hampton The Rev. Karl Bollhagen, Pastor Vicar Nathan Schieber :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Special Needs Communion; 6 p.m. &RQÀUPDWLRQSP$GYHQW6HUYLFH 7KXUVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Esther Circle 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Lutheran Hour on KLMJ; 8:15 a.m. Choir; 9 a.m. Worship Service; 10:15 a.m. Bible Class, Sunday School, Worship Broadcast on KLMJ, LYF Meeting 0RQGD\'HFHPEHUDP 0HQ·V%LEOH&ODVVDP%LEOH&ODVV 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP &KLOGUHQ·V&KULVWPDV(YH6HUYLFH p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Methodist Nazareth Lutheran Coulter / Pastor Dave Bernhardt 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Coffee Hour; 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Holy Communion 6W-RKQ·V/XWKHUDQ 1207 Indigo Ave., Hampton Pastor Dave Bernhardt 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP:RUship; 10 a.m. Coffee with fellowship 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Holy Communion St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Pastor Steve Winsor 17 2nd St. NE, Hampton &KXUFK2IÀFH+RXUV0) 6XQGD\VDP:RUVKLS6HUYLFH 7XHVGD\V'RUFDV&LUFOH0HHWV Third Tuesday of Each Month at 9:30 a.m. at the Church :HGQHVGD\VDPQRRQ4XLOWLQJ Group; 10 a.m., Coffee Hour — Everyone is Welcome; 5:30 p.m. WOW; 6:30 p.m. Youth Group 7KXUVGD\V3ULVFLOOD&LUFOH0HHWV Third Thursday of Each Month 6W3DXO·V/XWKHUDQ 304 W. Main, Latimer Pastor Travis Berg, Pastor 6DWXUGD\'HFHPEHUSP Vespers 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Worship; 10:15 a.m. ABC and Sunday School 6W3DXO·V&KXUFK 400 Larch St., Thornton Pastor Johnson 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\6FKRRO at UMC; 10:30 a.m. Worship at St. Ackley United Methodist Jerry Kramer, Pastor 416 Hardin St. :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Bible Study at the Library; 6 p.m. Christmas Caroling 7KXUVGD\'HFHPEHUDP WIC; 4 p.m. Bible Study at Presbyterian Village; 7 p.m. Lions Meeting 6DWXUGD\'HFHPEHUDP 0HQ·V%UHDNIDVWDQG%LEOH6WXG\ 9:30 a.m. Acolyte Training 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP6XQday School; 10 a.m. Worship Christmas program during worship; 11 a.m. Fellowship 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Candlelight Service :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU0HUU\ &KULVWPDV&KXUFK2IÀFHFORVHG First United Methodist 7KRPSVRQ6W6KHIÀHOG Sandi Gobeli, Pastor 6XQGD\VDP:RUVKLS Geneva United Methodist 603 Front St. Jim Gochenouer, Pastor 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\ School; 10:30 a.m. Worship Hampton United Methodist Pastor Corby Johnson 100 Central Ave. E. :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP NAOMI Circle potluck; 5:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Trustees Meeting; SP&RQÀUPDWLRQ&ODVVSP Senior Youth 7KXUVGD\'HFHPEHUDP Prayer Breakfast at 7 Stars; 10 a.m. Advent Study; 10:30 a.m. Devotions at Franklin Prairie Apartments 6DWXUGD\'HFHPEHUSP Worship 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Worship Service; 11:15 a.m. Radio Broadcast on KLMJ; 11:30 p.m. Fellowship 0RQGD\'HFHPEHUSP $GYHQW6WXG\SP*RG·V)/2&. West Fork United Methodist 7XOLS$YH6KHIÀHOG Sandi Gobeli, Pastor 6XQGD\VDP:RUVKLS New Hope United Methodist Parish: Aredale, Bristow, Dumont Ann Donat, Pastor $UHGDOH&HQWHU6XQGD\:RUVKLS 8 a.m. 'XPRQW&HQWHU6XQGD\6FKRRO 8:30 a.m.; Worship, 9:30 a.m. United Methodist Church Morgan, Lee Center, Bradford Rev. Judy Eilderts, Pastor 6XQGD\VDP:RUVKLS% 9:30 a.m. Worship, (LC); 10:30 a.m. Worship (M) 7XHVGD\VSP1$ AA Bible Study; 7:30 p.m. (B) Bible Study United Methodist & Presbyterian 'RZV²$OH[DQGHU Shawn W. Hill, Pastor 6XQGD\VDP$OH[DQGHU Methodist Worship; 9 a.m. Dows Sunday School; 10 a.m. Dows Joint Worship at Presbyterian Church on ÀUVWWZR6XQGD\VHDFKPRQWKDQGDW United Methodist Church on remaining Sundays 7KXUVGD\VDP3UHVE\WHULDQ Women Non-Denominational Abundant Life Chapel 202 Fairview St., Dows 515-852-4520 / Bruce Klapp, Pastor 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\6FKRRO for all ages including adults; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with Nursery DQG&KLOGUHQ·V0LQLVWU\DYDLODEOH 5:30 p.m. (3rd Sunday of each month) Adult Bible Study with childcare available. Food and fellowship follows. :HGQHVGD\VSP$GXOW%Lble Study with Nursery, Children and Youth Ministry Call 641-456-2303 641-456-3355 B & C KITCHEN 641-456-2788 7 1 AVE. NW • HAMPTON ST FUNERAL HOME AND MONUMENT SALES Iowa Falls, 641-648-2569 Toll Free 1-800-464-2569 Neighborhood Bible 1570 Hwy. 65 N., Hampton Joel Anderson, pastor 978-810-0383 Darren Chipp 641-430-0701 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\ School; 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship :HGQHVGD\VSP%LEOH Study and Prayer (YHU\RQH:HOFRPH&RPH$V<RX Are. Partnering with Evangelical Free Church of America. Reformed Dumont Reformed 912 3rd St. Pastors April and Jeff Fiet 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\6FKRRO (age 3 through high school); 10 a.m. Worship (nursery care provided each ZHHNFRPPXQLRQRQWKHÀUVW6XQGD\ of each month) :HGQHVGD\VSP5&<)\RXWK group from 8th-12th grade) Sietsema-Vogel Funeral Homes and Monument Sales 641-456-3232 Allison • Dumont • Hampton • Latimer Seven Stars Family Restaurant 119 North Akir St Latimer, IA 641-579-6240 Member FDIC Lighthouse of Life 420 4th St. SE, Hampton 7KXUVGD\VSP6SDQLVK6HUYLFH with Pastors Antonio and Jeannete Pichardo Zion Reformed -RQTXLO$YH6KHIÀHOG First Citizens National Bank Chef Jeffrey Ho Chinese Cuisine DINE IN • TAKE OUT • CATERING Sixth Street Church of Christ (Acapella) 909 6th St. SW, Hampton Jim Zacharias, Minister 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\ School; 10:30 a.m. Worship; 4:30 p.m. Worship :HGQHVGD\VSP%LEOH Study New Beginnings Church 420 4th St. SE, P.O. Box 553 In town delivery starting at 5 p.m. Hwy. 3 West, Hampton Church of Christ 22 1st St. NE, Hampton Rocky Woolery, Pastor 6XQGD\VDP:RUVKLS*DWKering :HGQHVGD\VSP%HOLHYHUV Gathering First Reformed 214 Brown St., Alexander Pastor Philip Arnold 6XQGD\VDP3DVWRU3KLO·V 5DGLR0LQLVWU\RQ.4&5DP :RUVKLSSP3DVWRU3KLO·V5DGLR Ministry on KLMJ Monday Night Buffet 5 - 8 pm Dan Schipper - Manager Sovereign Grace Church 109 N. Eskridge St., Dows Dows / Doug Holmes, Pastor 6XQGD\VDP6XQGD\ School; 11:15 a.m. Worship at First Presbyterian in Dows Living Well Fellowship 917 Howard St. (First Presbyterian Church), Aplington 319-247-5569 0RQGD\VSP&RQWHPSRUDU\ Worship Exploring Redemption and Healing. Come Early for Hot Chocolate or Cappuccino. Godfather’s Pizza Serving All of Central Iowa From Hampton! Hampton/641-456-8262 Troy Wood, Pastor Hwy 65 So. 641-456-5378 Open 6:30 am-8 pm Tues. thru Fri. Sat. & Sun. 7 am-8 pm Rev. Arthur Zewert :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU p.m. Lohrbach/Meints rehearsal; 7 p.m. Program Practice 7KXUVGD\'HFHPEHUDP Bulletin Deadline 6DWXUGD\'HFHPEHUSP Meints/Lohrbach wedding 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Worship; 10:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 a.m., Junior Choir; 7 p.m. Sunday School Program 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Candlelight Service Seventh Day Hampton Seventh Day Adventist P.O. Box 464, Hampton Jose LaPorte, Pastor 6DWXUGD\VDP%LEOH6WXG\ 11 a.m. Worship United Church of Christ First Congregational U.C.C. 22 1st. Ave. SW, Hampton Pastor John Byrne :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Advent Service; 6:30 p.m. Trustees; 7 p.m. Cabinet 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Bells; 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Christmas Eve Service. Invite your family and friends to share a special evening Immanuel U.C.C. 204 E. South St., Latimer The Rev. Lindsey Braun, Pastor :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU SP&RQÀUPDWLRQSP7HDFKHU Training )ULGD\'HFHPEHUSP/RQgest Night Worship 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship 7XHVGD\'HFHPEHUSP Christmas Eve Service :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU&KULVWmas Day 6W3HWHU·V8&& 496 B Raven Ave., Geneva [email protected] Rev. John Hanna, Pastor :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU a.m. Ackley Presbyterian Village Communion Service 6XQGD\'HFHPEHUDP Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Worship; 6:30 p.m. Sunday School Christmas Program :HGQHVGD\'HFHPEHU p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 1280 Imperial Rd., Hampton 641-456-2500 Global Appraisal Service Real Property Appraisals: Specializing in Commercial & Eminent Domain Appraisals Call 641-456-4477 Steven E. Pearson, CPA CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Hansell Ag Repair, Inc. State Farm Building, P.O. Box 61 General Tractor & Lawnmower Repair 104 Federal St. N, Hampton 1612 Vine Ave., Hampton 641-456-4829 641-456-2034 Visit our website @ Hwy 3 W., Hampton, IA 641- 456-3883 515 Main St., Dumont, IA 50625 FRANKLIN CO. AUTO BODY, INC. “Serving Hampton Area for over 40 Years” 16 4th St. N.E. HAMPTON, 641-456-5255 “We Meet By Accident” 401 1st St. SW - Hampton, IA 50441 505 E. Gilman St., Sheffield, IA 50475 Phone: 641-892-8080 641-456-5293 Phone & Fax: 641-456-4124 Hwy 3 & Hwy 65 641-456-2594 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 - 5:30 • Sat. 7:30 - 12:00 Syngenta Seeds, Inc. “Wapping your Communication Needs in Service” 1274A Olive Ave. - Hampton 641-857-3211 BELEN KRABBE Investment Advisor Representative 11 First Ave. N.W. • Hampton, IA 50441 or Toll Free 877-599-4644 [email protected] Securities offered through ING Financial Partners, Inc. Member SIPC 641-456-5608 Jeffrey A. Jaacks, LPA Stihl Products 641-456-4264 3 - 1st St. SW, Hampton 641-456-4125 641-857-3216 Highway 3, Dumont, IA “Please Worship with Your Family” Call 641-456-2585 for you! Call 641-456-2585 owner Licensed Public Accountant This space is reserved This space is reserved to help sponsor 1410 Olive Ave., Hampton, IA • 3/4 mile N. of Fairground corner Dumont Implement Co. Retz Funeral Home E&E RepairGene Elphic Corn Belt Power Cooperative To help sponsor this page, call Barb at 641-456-2585 ext. 120 641-892-4691 641-456-2592 641-892-4241 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE After hours 641-456-3744 Auto, Truck Repair & Welding 100 Bennett Drive Sheffield, Iowa 50475 “Skilled Nursing and Outpatient Rehab. Respite Stays” Sheffield - Meservey - Thornton 641-456-4644 Grocery 641-456-5253 Meat 641-456-2756 Hampton, Iowa 24 1st St. NW - Hampton, IA 50441 641-866-6866 Toll Free 1-877-667-8746 Sheffield Care Center [email protected] Noon Buffet Monday - Friday P.O. Box 400 1451-A Gull Ave. Latimer, IA 50425 Hwy 65 South, Hampton 112 1st Ave NW Hampton, IA 50441 Stitch It - Print It - Wear It “Your One Stop Water Shop” Auto Parts, Inc. 641-456-3242 641- 456-3473 Mike and Gwen Thornburgh Mort’s Incorporated Crossroads of Hampton 120 1st Street NW, Hampton 641-857-3287 “Offering A Great Selection Of Floor Covering & Expert Installation” “The Power of Human Connections” Humboldt • Hampton Emmetsburg • Spencer for you! to help sponsor BURESH BUILDINGS Brian Buresh President 641-456-5242 808 Central Ave. W., Hampton This space is reserved for you! Call 641-456-2585 to help sponsor FROM YOUR NIEGHBORS +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Community Notes Public Health Clinics The following clinics have been scheduled for the Franklin County Public Health. Hampton Rotary Hampton Rotary Club meets Wednesdays at 12:05 SPDW*RGIDWKHU·V3L]]D-D\ Van Wert, song leader; John Currier, invocation; Todd LetWRZ ÀQH PDVWHU (G %XWOHU Alan Menning, John Rowe, program. Thursday, December 19, 2:304 p.m., Immunization Clinic, Franklin County Public Health, Tuesday, December 24, Pubic +HDOWK2IÀFHVFORVHDWQRRQ Floor Covering Sales & Installation Hampton Lions Hampton Lions Club meets Thursday, January 9th DW*RGIDWKHU·V3L]]D3URJUDP by Todd Sabin and Merlyn Hofer. Hampton Jaycees Hampton Jaycees meets ÀUVW0RQGD\RIHYHU\PRQWK DWSPDW*RGIDWKHU·V3L]]D in Hampton. AA, Al Anon %UDGIRUG $$ DQG $O Anon meets Sundays starting at 7 p.m. at the Bradford Methodist Church. $$ 2OG7LPHUV *URXS and Al Anon, Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Franklin County Alcoholism Service Center. $$:HGQHVGD\VSP at the FCASC in Hampton. Latimer Community Club 2SHQPHHWLQJVRIWKH/Dtimer Community Club are held the 1st Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Latimer Golf Course. Franklin County Tea Party Movement The Franklin County Tea Party Movement meets 6:30 p.m., second Wednesday of each month in the GodfaWKHU·V3L]]DPHHWLQJURRPLQ Hampton. Share your meeting Email time, date and place of your non-church group meeting to [email protected] for inclusion here. Meetings run the prior week unless otherwise requested. (Church activities go on the Religion page.) ❚ ❚ ❚ DIETZ, ECKHARDT HONORED FOR SERVICE Outgoing Mayor Shawn Dietz, left, and outgoing Councilman Craig Eckhardt, right, were honored for their service to the city prior to the Dec. 12 Hampton City Council meeting. Dietz served as mayor from January 2012-December 2013, while Eckhardt served on the council following his appointment in May 2003 until December 2013. (Photo by Nick Pedley, Hampton Chronicle) ❚ By Hanna Benning, reporter The regular meeting of the Osceola Raiders was held Dec. 7 at the Hampton Wellness Center. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Nathan Ackerman. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the members. The roll call was answered by 27 members stating ´:KDWGR\RXZDQWIRU&KULVWPDV"µ Two leaders and 16 guest were also present. 7KHVHFUHWDU\·VUHSRUWZDVJLYHQE\0D.HQQD .XSHU DQG WUHDVXUH·V UHSRUW ZDV JLYHQ E\ Brody Angstman. 2OGEXVLQHVVLQFOXGHGLQVWDOOLQJRIÀFHUV and delivered ornaments to Presbyterian Village residents. New business was review the 4-H Newsletter. Community Notes Blood drive set for Dec. 23 The Hampton Community Blood Drive will be held on Monday, December 23, IURPSPDW6W3DWULFN·V Catholic Church in Hampton. To schedule an appointment, \RX PD\ FDOO 4903 or do so online at The blood drive is sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary. 4-H Market Beef Weigh-In will be held Dec. 30 at Hampton 9HW &OLQLF DW DP 7KDQN\RX note was read from the Ackley Food Pantry. The club voted and passed a donation towards the Olmstead Family. Bills that were presented were the Wellness Center and Breadeaux Pizza. The leaders handed out the calling tree and yearly agenda. The club had a $5 gift exchange. The meeting was adjourned by Cameron Johnson and seconded by Hanna Benning. The 4-H Pledge was led by the Leaders. Next meeting will be held Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. at the Ackley Civic Center. The hosts will be Jami and Jodi Johnson and Taylor Sperfslage. Allison and Police Chief Bob Schaefer. We ate our lunch before our business meeting. Our Educational Program ZDV RQ ´:RPHQ·V 6DIHW\µ E\ Police Chief Bob Schaefer. Our next Candle-Stick Chapter DAR meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 2014, at the Hampton Wellness Center. Our program will be the Election RI2IÀFHUVDQGZRUNLQJRQWKH Master Questionnaire. Kim Bosch, Secretary Candle-Stick Chapter DAR Tires Brakes Alignment Shocks Oil Change Monday-Friday 7:30-5:30 Saturday 7:30-12 Noon Iowa Falls, IA 50126 ❚ Floors Since 1968 641-648-2520 NOW OFFERING Oil Change Open 2 Sat.po8in-1 tment by ap 641-456-5297 Brent Kotenbrink, Owner 1683 B HWY. 65 NORTH • HAMPTON, IOWA Mandie’s House of Hair MEN • WOMEN • CHILDREN MANDIE PIGMAN~ Owner/Stylist 641-456-9186 KRISTY REYNOLDS~ Stylist 641-210-8545 ASHLEY HARMON ~ Stylist 641-425-6712 CALL 641-456-9186 TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! NEXT TO PIT ROW PUB - HAMPTON CARPET CLEANING OUR LOCAL CARPET CARE PROFESSIONALS We move the furniture for you! 641-456-3633 1-866-950-3633 CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR CARPET CLEANING • Area Rugs • Furniture • Upholstery • Or any other cleaning task Fire & Water—Cleanup & Restoration Nationally Known—Locally Owned Mohawk, Shaw, Beaulieu, Kraus & Barrett Carpet Karndean & Armstong Commercial Flooring ◆ Solid & Engineered Hardwood Floors ◆ Laminate Wood Flooring ◆ Nafco Permastone Vinyl Tiles ◆ Congoleum Vinyls, Durastone and DuraCeramic ◆ ◆ 8-5 Monday-Thursday, Friday 8-4, or by appointment Stop in our showroom located in the King Construction building! 1205 N. Oak ◆ Iowa Falls ◆ 641-648-5575 Make sure yours is running like it should! Works on all makes and models of walk behind snowblowers. (And any other snowblowers) GIVE US A CALL! 641-456-2585 or 800-558-1244 Darren & Jeanene Chipp, Owners Lawn Mower Sales & Service Cell: 641-430-0701 Winter Build Sale Experience The Cleary Advantage! ͻϯWůLJEŽŶͲ^ƉůŝĐĞĚ>ĂŵŝŶĂƚĞĚŽůƵŵŶ ͻWƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůůLJŶŐŝŶĞĞƌĞĚ͕ƵƐƚŽŵĞƐŝŐŶĞĚ We Appreciate Your Business! Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year! Hardin County Tire Olberding Installer Owned Great Floors BRENT’S AG & AUTO REPAIR Candle-Stick Chapter The Candle-Stick Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution held their monthly meeting at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at Godfathers Pizza in +DPSWRQ ZLWK ÀYH PHPEHUV one prospective member and three guests present. Our guests were Omar Blanco-Valentin, who is the Northeast Iowa Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen District winner and Leo Allison, one month old son of our DAR member Krystle Bosch- ❚ Showroom Open Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! • 619 Washington Ave., Downtown Iowa Falls, IA Osceola Raiders 4-H Club news The Iowa Health and Wellness Plan insurance will go into effect on Januaty 1st. Assistance in completing the insurance applicaWLRQIRUSHUVRQVDWRUEHORZSHUFHQWRIWKHIHGHUDOSRYHUW\ level is now being offered at the Community Resource Center. 7RVHHLI\RXTXDOLI\ÀQDQFLDOO\SOHDVHYLHZWKHFKDUWRQWKH Franklin County Facebook page. To schedule an appointment IRUDVVLVWDQFHSOHDVHFDOO Hwy. 65 South ❚ Carpet Vinyl Ceramic wood Laminate Club Notes Assistance available for insurance sign-up 641-648-4229 1-800-698-4229 Wednesday, December 25, PubOLF+HDOWK2IÀFHVFORVHG )ULGD\'HFHPEHU a.m., Blood Pressure, Franklin County Public Health, walk-in Hampton Kiwanis Due to the Christmas holiday the Hampton Kiwanis Club will not meet again until January 7. TOPS #272 TOPS #272 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Tuesday, with weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting at 6 p.m. Anyone interested can visit a meeting. For information, call Mary Gregory at 641-456-2304. The meeting LVDWWKHSXEOLFKHDOWKRIÀFHDW 1600 Central Ave. E., Hampton. 9 )URP$UW-XQH'HUROG From June, From Art,Art, June, Gerald, Darlene 'DUOHQH'DU\O & Darlene & Derold Derold A.L. BUSEMAN INDUSTRIES 319-347-6282 Kesley, Iowa ͻƵŝůĚĞƌƐZŝƐŬΘ&Ƶůů/ŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞ WINTER SPECIALS! ϰϮΖdžϴϭΖdžϭϰΖͻΨϮϯ͕ϴϳϱ ϲϬΖdžϭϮϲΖdžϭϲΖͻΨϱϭ͕ϲϮϱ ϳϮΖdžϭϮϬΖdžϭϵΖͻΨϴϮ͕ϯϮϱ Built on your level site. Contact us for a FREEĐŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶ͊ Waverly, IA (319) 352-9497 Building pictured is not priced in ad. Crew travel required over 50 miles. Local building code PRGL¿FDWLRQVH[WUD3ULFHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH ZLWKRXWQRWLFH FEATURING: 800-373-5550 10 FROM YOUR NEIGHBORS Wednesday, December 18, 2013 +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ Reader of the Week Achievers R eader of the Week at the Hampton Public Library is Kaitlyn Kotenbrink, age 8 years and in the 3rd grade. Kaitlyn is the daughter of Liz Kotenbrink and her favorite book is Ponyella by Laura Numeroff. Library Fun Fact: The Library IPTV free apps for your smart phone or Ipad. These apps are educational and are for children ages 3-8. Please stop in at the Library today to get your codes so you can provide your child ZLWK HGXFDWLRQDO IXQ 7KLV LV D JUHDW opportunity, but the app codes expire ,I \RX GRQ·W KDYH DQ ,SDG Iowa Public Television gave the Library 3 Ipads for the children to use. Before DAYS 12 It’s our E Christmas 2013-2014 HAMPTON CHRONICLE’S Mason named to honor roll at AIB Maicie Mason of Hampton has been named to the Honor Roll at AIB College of Business for the Fall 2013 term. “I am always pleased by the academic success of our students,” said Dr. Susan Cigelman, Vice President for Academic Affairs at AIB. “By challenging themselves in the classroom and making the most of the educational opportunities offered at AIB, they are sure to be well-prepared to build their careers in the business world.” To qualify for the Honor Roll, Mason attained a grade point average of 3.0 to 3.49 for the term. Mason is earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration at AIB. Kregel named to Honor Roll at AIB Becca Kregel of Dumont has been named to the Honor Roll at AIB College of Business for the Fall 2013 term. “I am always pleased by the academic success of our students,” said Dr. Susan Cigelman, Vice President for Academic Affairs at AIB. “By challenging themselves in the classroom and making the most of the educational opportunities offered at AIB, they are sure to be well-prepared to build their careers in the business world.” To qualify for the Honor Roll, Kregel attained a grade point average of 3.0 to 3.49 for the term. Kregel is earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting at AIB. See All Local Events in ANYONE who opens ANY account at First Citizens during our 12 Days Before Christmas, December 13th - 24th, will be entered to win 1 of 12 The Chronicle! Hurry in before Christmas Eve - we want YOU to be one of our lucky customers! THE BOOK THIEF $100 MasterCard Gift Cards to be given away! First Citizens National Bank Member FDIC 119 North Akir Street Latimer, IA 50452 641-579-6240 $25.00 Winner SUE GARRETT $15.00 Winner EUGENE UBBEN PG-13 December 20 - 26 FRI. - THURS. 7:30 P.M. TUES., DEC. 24 AT 2:00 PM ONLY Like Us On Facebook! Dumont Implement Adults - $2, 15 & Under - $1 New Lyric Theatre Main Street - Belmond 641-444-7225 Hwy. 3 - DUMONT | | 641-857-3216 H Notre Dame at Ohio State 119 1st St. N.W. HAMPTON 456-3773 Elysium A Division of Winfield Solutions 1280 IMPERIAL RD HAMPTON 641-456-2500 Michigan State at Texas The Lone Ranger PG-13 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters PG HAMPTON SHEFFIELD 641-456-2372 641-892-4791 Grand Prize PIZZA PARTY with 2 Large 1 Topping Pizzas and 1 Large Order Cheese Sticks! CONTEST RULES: To enter, list the team you think will win that particular game in the proper space on the official entry blank. People in the same household may make copies of the entry form to enter. Entries must be completed and brought in or mailed (P.O. Box 29, Hampton, IA) to the Hampton Chronicle office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday of each week. $25 in Hampton Chamber bucks will be awarded to the winner. $15 in Hampton Chamber bucks will be awarded by a drawing of all completed entry forms. All entries will be entered in a season-ending drawing for a pizza party for 8 people at Breadeaux Pizza. Party includes 2 large one topping pizzas and one large order of cheese sticks. Prize winners will be notified and may pick up their Chamber Bucks at the Hampton Chronicle office. Employees and family of the Hampton Chronicle are ineligible entrants. Advertisers and their employees are invited to enter. Northern Iowa at Virginia Koenen & Collins Chiropractic Clinic *indicates game of the week_______________________________ Total Points______________ Name _____________________________________Phone __________________ 303 CENTRAL AVE. E. HAMPTON 641-456-4142 Oklahoma State at Colorado BELEN KRABBE Investment Advisor Representative 11 First Ave. N.W. • Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-4644 or Toll Free 877-599-4644 [email protected] Belen Krabbe, CLU, ChFC, RHU REBC, LUTCF Registered representative of and securities offered through Member SIPC FINANCIAL PARTNERS Georgetown at Kansas $ 1699 PER WEEK • UNLIMITED VISITS * MYSTIC MONDAY * ONLY $999 3 ways to keep that Summer Tan! Stop in and check out your options! Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10-9; Fri. & Sat. 10-10; Sun. Noon-9 MARSHALL & SWIFT Dry cleaning & Laundry DOWNTOWN HAMPTON | DELIVERY AVAILABLE | 641-456-5608 ✁ CLIP & SAVE BYU at Oregon AUTO PARTS, INC. Kent Wheeler Store Manager 641-456-2594 621 - 4th St. SE HAMPTON Kansas State at Gonzaga Steven E. Pearson C.P.A. HAMPTON 641-456-4829 Florida State at Massachusetts Do it best with DUMONT HARKEN LUMBER 641-857-3842 Address __________________________________ City ____________________ riday! Starting Fith w Now ĈęĎĔē ėĔďĊ DĎČĎęĆđ P HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE PG DECEMBER 20 - 26 13 STARRING: JOSH HUTCHERSON & JENNIFER LAWRENCE SHOWTIMES 7:00 p.m. Nightly (Closed Monday Nights) 1:00 p.m. Matinee on Sunday ******* DUMONT, IA ISU at George Mason PLEASE SAY “THANKS” TO THE MERCHANTS WHO MAKE THIS CONTEST POSSIBLE!!! ONLY Dr. James Koenen, Dr. Chad. A. Collins ENTRY FORM 1. Dumont Implement _______________________________________________________ 2. Omnium ________________________________________________________________ *3. Murphy’s Heating & Plumbing ______________________________________________ 4. Koenen & Collins Chiropractic Clinic ________________________________________ 5. Belen Krabbe ____________________________________________________________ 6. Breadeaux Pizza _________________________________________________________ 7. Auto Parts, Inc. __________________________________________________________ 8. Steven E. Pearson ________________________________________________________ 9. Dumont Harken Lumber ___________________________________________________ 10. Hampton Publishing ______________________________________________________ Tie Breaker: "Game of the Week" total points scored. VS game played at a neutral location. * RED LIGHT THERAPY * TICKET PRICES $3.00 for youth (16 & under); $4.00 for adults Senior Sunday's $2.00 (50 & up) Tues. & Thurs. ALL $2.00 ******* SPECIAL MONDAY NIGHT SHOW Dec. 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Matinee on Christmas Eve at 1:00 p.m. NO SHOW CHRISTMAS EVE DEC. 24TH HAMPTON C AN H IOWA R NEWSPAPER O N ASSOCIATION I AWARD C WINNING L 9 2nd St. NW HAMPTON Illinois at Missouri Mon., Jan. 6th, 2014 • 6 - 9 p.m. E NEWSPAPER 641-456-2585 DECEMBER 27 • FROZEN • PG FOR MORE INFO: WWW.WINDSORTHEATRE.COM OR FIND US IN FACEBOOK AT WINDSOR HAMPTON ✁ CLIP & SAVE SPORTS +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ WRESTLING OPENING TRIANGULAR H-D handles Eagle Grove, falls to Clear Lake it was two seniors vs. two freshmen from our team. ´&OHDU /DNH WKH\·UH UHDOO\ JRRG ZKHUHZH·UHUHDOO\\RXQJDQGZH·UH UHDOO\ JRRG ZKHUH WKH\·UH UHDOO\ young, so it was like, we got our wins and they got theirs. They have a lot more experienced guys than we do.” $W ÀUVW LW DSSHDUHG &OHDU /DNH was on its way to its eighth straight match win as Gonzalez gave up the ÀUVW WDNHGRZQ DQG D ODWH SHQDOW\ SRLQWLQWKHÀUVWDQGUHYHUVDOWRVWDUW the second had him trailing 5-4. But Gonzalez worked to get the reversal to lead 6-5 entering the third period and chose down to start the third against Alex Medellin but not before getting sick momentarily. 0HGHOOLQFRXOGQ·WWXUQ*RQ]DOH] and opted to let him go only to be taken down on a shot attempt. “It was hard, all about the mind and conditioning, to stay in there and not give up,” Gonzalez said. “To not JHW SLQQHG RU ORVLQJ LW·V DOO DERXW VD\LQJ¶,FDQ·DQGQRW¶,FDQ·W· “The support of the fans cheering me on helped me to keep going and not give up. If I give up, that would have been a big advantage to their team than ours.” Suntken, ranked third, earned the only pin over the Lions with D IDOO ULJKW DW WKH HQG RI WKH ÀUVW period. Fifth-ranked Lehmann and Peña both had to work for their decisions as Lehmann earned a pair of takedowns, an escape and was awarded a stalling point in a 6-1 decision. Peña, top-ranked at heavyweight, gained a second period escape and rode out Mitchell Jordan in the third for a 1-0 victory. Carter Barkema, who is still working his way down to 113, ZDVQ·W JRLQJ WR JHW D UHPDWFK ZLWK &OHDU /DNH·V 5\DQ 6FKPDOHQ DQ\ZD\VLQFHWKHÀIWKUDQNHG/LRQV· wrestler recently broke his arm in 11 :DUKDZNVDW¿UVWHYHUKRPH ZUHVWOLQJPHHWDW6KHI¿HOG BULLDOGS SPLIT By Kristi Nixon +$03721²$IWHUDGRPLQDWLQJ performance against Eagle Grove, the Hampton-Dumont wrestling WHDP·VKRSHVIRUDVZHHSLQLWVKRPH opener were dashed by Clear Lake on Thursday, Dec. 12. 7KH %XOOGRJV JRW WKHLU ÀUVW dual victory of the season over the Eagles, 66-12, and watched as the Lions put up a perfect score (84-0) against Eagle Grove. :KHQ LW ZDV +'·V WXUQ DJDLQVW Clear Lake, it fared slightly better, but it resulted in a 53-15 loss as the /LRQVZRQWKHÀUVWVHYHQPDWFKHVRI the dual to lead 37-0. %XW ZKHQ WKH %XOOGRJV· 160-pounder Alex Gonzalez posted WKH ÀUVW YLFWRU\ LQ WKH GXDO D decision in which he trailed twice, he showed exuberance. “I was pretty excited because it ZDVWKHÀUVWYDUVLW\PDWFK,ZRQWKLV VHDVRQDQG,ZDVWKHÀUVWRQHWRZLQ a match (against Clear Lake) and I got excited, I guess,” Gonzalez said. ´,WZDVQ·WQHFHVVDU\EXW,ZDVWU\LQJ to get the team pumped up and it felt pretty good with everyone cheering me on.” H-D coach Nick Bretz added, “It ZDV JRRG ² KLV FHOHEUDWLRQ ZDV D bit much, but it was good for him. +HQHHGHGWKDWNLQGRIFRQÀGHQFHWR JHWWKURXJKWKHUHVWRIWKHVHDVRQ,W·V hard to come by a win sometimes.” $IWHU *RQ]DOH]·V ZLQ WKH Bulldogs won three of the next ÀYH ZLWK DOO WKUHH E\ +'·V UDQNHG wrestlers, Grant Lehmann at 170 pounds, Kendrick Suntken at 220 and Mario Peña at 285. Gonzalez, Grant Lehmann, Suntken and Peña all went 2-0 on the night but all four had forfeits against Eagle Grove. ´, WKRXJKW ZH GLG D JRRG MRE against Eagle Grove,” Bretz said. “We beat one of their captains and the other we took all three periods: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 practice and was wearing a cast. He could be out for most, if not all, of the season. But Barkema had trouble with Ryan Leisure, who won by tech fall, 18-2. +'KDGÀYHZLQVE\IDOODJDLQVW the Eagles, including Isaiah Noelck DWEXWFRXOGQ·WUHSHDWWKHVDPH results against the Lions. “Not to fault our kids, they all came out very aggressive; they are trying to do their own things, EXWZHGRQ·WKDYHWKHWHFKQLTXHWR really back it up yet,” Bretz said. ´7KH\·UH SK\VLFDO WKH\·UH VWURQJ WKH\·UH IDVW ZH·UH MXVW QRW TXLWH there with mat time yet. We need more experience.” Hampton-Dumont 66 Eagle Grove 12 285 – Mario Peña (H-D) won by forfeit; 106 – no match; 113 – Austin Weland (EG) pinned Jacob Grefe 1:59; 120 – Carter Barkema (H-D) pinned Parker Slagle 1:20; 126 – Gus Jacome (H-D) pinned Nathan Curtis 5:15; 132 – Kainan Braun (H-D) won by forfeit; 138 – Max Lehmann (HD) won by forfeit; 145 – Johnny Guerrero (H-D) pinned Devon Omvig 5:40; 152 – Lincoln Miller (EG) pinned Isaac Shelton 5:46; 160 – Alex Gonzalez (H-D) won by forfeit; 170 – Grant Lehmann (H-D) won by forfeit; 182 – Logan Chipp (H-D) pinned Preston Jacobson 3:14; 195 – Isaiah Noelck (H-D) pinned Harrison Helgevold 1:00; 220 – Kendrick Suntken (H-D) won by forfeit. Clear Lake 53 Hampton-Dumont 15 113 – Brennen Doebel (CL) pinned Jacob Grefe 0:31; 120 – Ryan Leisure (CL) won by tech fall over Carter Barkema 18-2; 126 – Spencer Orr (CL) won by forfeit; 132 – Ryan Faught (CL) pinned Kainan Braun 3:00; 138 – Andres Gonzalez (CL) major dec. Max Lehmann 16-5; 145 – Blake Kelso (CL) major dec. Johnny Guerrero 9-1; 152 – T.J. Hauser (CL) pinned Isaac Shelton 1:36; 160 – Alex Gonzalez (H-D) dec. Alex Medellin 9-5; 170 – Grant Lehmann (H-D) dec. Logan Wilcke 6-1; 182 – Connor Nosbisch (CL) pinned Logan Chipp 2:00; 195 – Carter Garrington (CL) major dec. Isaiah Noelck 14-6; 220 – Kendrick Suntken (HD) pinned Kyle Willms 2:00; 220 – Mario Peña (H-D) dec. Mitchell Jordan 1-0; 106 – Sam Jones (CL) won by forfeit. 6+()),(/' ² (YHU since West Fork started its wrestling program, the Warhawks have always wrestled home meets at Rockwell. But on Thursday, Dec. 12, they held their ÀUVWHYHU WULDQJXODU DW 6KHIÀHOG DJDLQVW &HQWUDO Springs and Newman, dropping a pair, including a competitive match with the Knights. The Panthers defeated West Fork 58-15 before topping Newman 51-27, leaving the Warhawks WRÀQLVKXSZLWKDORVVLQWKHÀQDOH Earning a pair of wins for coach Jared $UEHJDVW·VVTXDGZHUH-DFRE+DQVHQDW and Tanner Shreckengost (220). Hansen decisioned Mattheu McDonough RI &HQWUDO 6SULQJV DQG SLQQHG 1HZPDQ·V Spencer Pham in 2 minutes, 15 seconds. Both of 6KUHFNHQJRVW·VZLQVZHUHE\IRUIHLW Central Springs 58 West Fork 15 120 – Marcus McDonough (CS) pinned Devlynn Sasse 1:13; 126 – Jacob Hansen (WF) dec. Mattheu McDonough 9-3; 132 – Dylan Mueller (CS) pinned Colton Rowe 1:49; 138 – Ethan Blanchard (CS) won by forfeit; 145 – Jarel Arbegast (WF) pinned Hunter Veech 5:11; 152 – Levi Nettleton (CS) major dec. Austin Steil 12-0; 160 – no match; 170 – Kegan Fingalsen (CS) pinned Matt Ries 1:31; 182 – Cam Moorehead (CS) pinned James Vestweber 5:12; 182 – Nick Miller (CS) pinned Morgan Steenhard 0:25; 220 – Tanner Shreckengost (WF) won by forfeit; 285 – Tommy Dalton (CS) won by forfeit; 106 – Caileb Pate (CS) won by forfeit; 113 – Coleman Waters (CS) pinned Justin Anderson 0:50. Mason City Newman 48 West Fork 30 132 – Colton Rowe (WF) pinned Tristan Caulder 5:13; 138 – Peyton Scott (MCN) pinned Devyn Brady 3:02; 145 – Reed Rognes (MCN) pinned Jarel Arbegast 2:28; 152 – Michel Tan (MCN) pinned Austin Steil 0:48; 160 – Brenden Weber (MCN) won by forfeit; 170 – Matt Ries (WF) pinned Patrick Anderregg 1:56; 182 – James Vestweber (WF) won by forfeit; 195 – Coltan Hansen (MCN) pinned Morgan Steenhard 0:16; 220 – Tanner Shreckengost (WF) won by forfeit; 285 – Will West (MCN) won by forfeit; 106 – no match; 113 – Jeremiah Colon (MCN) pinned Justin Anderson 2:15; 120 – Jacob Hansen (WF) pinned Spencer Pham 2:44; 126 – Ben Ball (MCN) won by forfeit. +DQVHQHDUQV¿UVWWRXUQH\WLWOH in West Fork wrestling history 1$6+8$ ² -DFRE +DQVHQ :HVW )RUN·V SRXQG freshman wrestler, went 3-0 DW WKH 1DVKXD3ODLQÀHOG tournament on Saturday to EHFRPH WKH :DUKDZNV· ÀUVW ever tournament titlist in the VFKRRO·VKLVWRU\ Hansen (7-0) earned a PDMRUGHFLVLRQDJDLQVWWKHKRVW VFKRRO·V -DFRE (LFN WR KHOS :HVW )RUN ÀQLVK ZLWK team points for 11th place out of 12 teams competing. 2WKHU ÀQLVKHV IRU FRDFK -DUHG $UEHJDVW·V :DUKDZNV included sixth-places for Colton Rowe at 132 and James Vestweber at 182. Both are 4-4. Clarksville won the team title with 232.5 points with two individual champions and three RWKHUVLQWKHÀQDO 1DVKXD3ODLQ¿HOG7RXUQDPHQW Team Scoring &ODUNVYLOOH 1DVKXD3ODLQ¿HOG /DNH 0LOOV +XGVRQ *DUQHU+D\¿HOG9HQWXUD (GJHZRRG&ROHVEXUJ Northwood-Kensett 89; 8. Waterloo Columbus 75.6; 9. Gladbrook-Reinbeck/North Tama 72.5; 10. Riceville 44; 11. West Fork 41; 12. Rockford 34. Individual Results 120:)LUVWURXQG-DFRE+DQVHQKDGDE\H4XDUWHU¿QDO+DQVHQSLQQHG$XVWLQ 2ERUQ\ *+9 6HPL¿QDO +DQVHQ SLQQHG (WKHQ (UKDUGW *517 Final, Hansen major dec. Jacob Eick, N-P 15-2. 132: )LUVW URXQG &ROWRQ 5RZH KDG D E\H 4XDUWHU¿QDO 0LFKDHO 2OVHQ /0 major dec. Rowe 12-2; Cons. Round 2, Rowe had a bye; Cons. Round 3, Rowe pinned Nathan Graves (Hudson) 5:54; Cons. Semi, Eric Schaffer (Wat. Columbus) dec. Rowe 7-1; 5th place, Jacob Back (Riceville) pinned Rowe 1:40. 138:)LUVWURXQG-DUHO$UEHJDVWKDGDE\H4XDUWHU¿QDO2PDU0DUWLQH]*5 NT) pinned Arbegast 4:44; Cons Round 2: Arbegast had a bye; Cons. Round 3, Reece Reams (N-P) pinned Arbegast 1:37. 145: First round, Brandon Klaes (Riceville) pinned Austin Steil 3:13; Cons. Round 1, Steil had a bye; Cons. Round 2, Tristin Johanningmeier (G-R/NT) major dec. Steil 8-0. 182: )LUVW URXQG -DPHV 9HVWZHEHU KDG D E\H 4XDUWHU¿QDO 6N\OHU *LOEHUW (Clarksville) pinned Vestweber 2:03; Cons. Round 2: Vestweber had a bye; Cons. Round 3: Vestweber pinned Dmitriy Strohbehn 5:21; Cons. Semi, Dylan Buechele (N-K) pinned Vestweber 3:41; 5th place, Jon Anderson (LM) dec. Vestweber 12-9. The support of the fans cheering me on helped me to keep going and not give up. If I give up, that would have been a big advantage to their team than ours. $OH[*RQ]DOH] O M N U T D DUMONT IMPLEMENT COMPANY, INC. Johnny Guerrero picks up Eagle Grove’s Devon Omvig for a takedown during his match on Thursday, Dec. 12. Guerrero pinned Omvig in 5:40. (Kristi Nixon/ Hampton Chronicle) SALES PHONE 857-3216 DUMONT SERVICE HARKEN LUMBER DUMONT, IOWA 50625 Racing News, Stats & Trivia All-Time Top Drivers Bio This Week’s Racing News Racing History Pro Racing News is brought to you by: Where did Jimmie Johnson earn his first career Cup series pole position? a) Martinsville b) Daytona ? c) Talladega d) Pocono Answer : b) Jimmie earned his first career pole position at the 44th Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway. Dec. 21, 1971 - Clyde Minter, who finished in the top five in each of his first four Cup starts, died on this day at age 50. Minter was 27 in 1949 when he started the sixth and eighth races in NASCAR’s first Strictly Stock season and finished fourth at both Martinsville and North Wilkesboro. He made eight starts in 1950, finishing third at Charlotte and fifth at Martinsville. Minter started his 42nd and final Cup race in 1955. Racing Trivia Auto Parts Wholesale 641-456-2594 Northland Oil • Wix Filters • Raybestos Brakes 621 4th St. SE • Hampton 641-857-3842 • Dumont, IA HARRISON-THORNBURGH INSURANCE WEEKLY PRO RACING UPDATE Jimmy Small has been tabbed to operate the Iowa Speedway. Small was informed by NASCAR CEO Brian France in late September that he would lead the speedway if a deal to purchase the facility from the family of Featherlite Trailers founder Conrad Clement was finalized. At NASCAR, Small has worked with nearly 30 tracks to develop and orchestrate everything from prerace activities to victory lane. “Anything a fan sees or experiences, I’ve been involved in it,” he said. Small reiterated NASCAR’s position when it bought the track that a Sprint Cup Series race is not a part of Iowa Speedway’s foreseeable future. Small confirmed for the first time, however, that 2015 has been ruled out as well. He said, “You can never say never, but not for 2015. Our focus is going to be on the popular series we already have.” Do it best with Jimmie Johnson 641-857-3413 517 Main St. Born: Sept. 17, 1975 Cup wins: 66 Cup top-tens: 272 Cup championships: 6 Jimmie Johnson was born in El Cajon, California, and began racing motorcycles at the age of four. After graduating from Granite Hills High School he competed in off-road series. In 2000, he began racing in the NASCAR Nationwide Series. He moved to Hendrick Motorsports in the Sprint Cup Series in 2002. After finishing fifth in the points in his first full season, he was second in 2003 and 2004 and fifth in 2005. Johnson won his first Cup series championship in 2006. He went on to win the Cup series championship the next four years and became the only driver in NASCAR history to win five consecutive championships. During the 2011 season, Johnson finished sixth in points, while he finished third in 2012. In 2013, Johnson won his sixth championship, one fewer than Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt who have the record for the most championships. Johnson is also a two-time Daytona 500 winner. Scan this QR code to get more race results and news “Full Line Pharmacy” Dumont, Iowa DUMONT 611 Main Street Ph. 857-3285 Mon. thru Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. ALLISON Main Street Ph.319-267-2650 Mon. thru Sat. 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Sun. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. NOW DELIVERING PRESCRIPTIONS TO DUMONT MONDAY-FRIDAY CALL 641-456-2510 104 1ST ST. NW • DOWNTOWN HAMPTON We have AT&T phones. Check our prices for Residence or Business Phone Equipment. 641-857-3211 • Dumont, IA Jamie Winkowitsch, Owner/Stylist By Appointment Only 11235 Hwy. 3 Dumont, IA 50625 M-G FLOOR DECOR FLOOR COVERING EXPERT INSTALLATION Mike & Gwen Thornburgh 515 Main Street, Dumont 641-857-3287 Linda Shear - owner Specializing in Silk Floral Creations and Home Decor. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 1-5 or by appointment. 820 Broadway St., Dumont 641-857-6238 Dumont Wellness Center UG6WUHHW'XPRQW,$ ZZZDEFPFRUSFRP Enhancing Relationships Let these businesses serve your needs in Dumont! 12 SPORTS Wednesday, December 18, 2013 GIRLS BASKETBALL +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ No. 7 Clear Lake stops H-D girls +$03721²&ODVV$VHYHQWKUDQNHG&OHDU Lake could do no wrong in handing the HamptonDumont girls basketball team its second loss against a ranked team on Friday, Dec. 13. The Lions dominated on both ends in a 57-25 win over the Bulldogs. 'HIHQVLYHO\ &OHDU /DNH KHOG DOO RI +'·V VFRUHUV WR VLQJOH GLJLWV DQG ÀQLVKHG ZLWK WKUHH SOD\HUV LQ GRXEOH ÀJXUHV OHG E\ /RJDQ Clear Lake 57 Hampton-Dumont 25 Clear Lake 15 13 16 13 H-D 7 6 8 4 R E V O G N I K TA Clarksville’s Brittney Litterer, left, tries to tie up CAL’s Jenna Johnson (33) underneath the basket in the ¿UVWTXDUWHURIWKH&DGHWV¶ZLQRYHUWKH,QGLDQV.ULVWL1L[RQ+DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH CAL GUARD WON’T BE STOPPED IN WIN OVER CLARKSVILLE By Kristi Nixon &/$5.69,//( ² &ODUNVYLOOH coach Joe Huck and his team knew ZKDWZDVFRPLQJIURP&$/·V.DUWHU Miller. But the Indians were unable to stop her, anyway. $W RQH SRLQW ODWH LQ WKH &DGHWV· 53-43 win, Miller had 36 points and Clarksville as a team had 35. “That second quarter, we were up, we were doing well and we told the girls coming in that Miller was the key to the game,” Huck said. “We had to stop her, we had to slow KHUGRZQDQGZHGLGQ·WGRLWµ 0LOOHUÀQLVKHGZLWKSRLQWVÀYH rebounds, three steals and an assist as CAL improved to 2-1 overall and in the Iowa Star Conference. The Indians (2-3, 2-1 Iowa Star) OHGDIWHUWKHÀUVWTXDUWHUEXWWKDW LV ZKHQ WKH &DGHWV· IRRW VHQLRU guard started to take command. It frustrated Huck because it was something he stressed to his team the previous 24 hours. ´,W·V QRW DQ\WKLQJ ZH GLGQ·W WDON WRWKHPDERXW²WKDWLVWKHIUXVWUDWLQJ part about it for me is that this is VWXIIZH·UHZRUNLQJRQµ+XFNVDLG “They knew going in they had to FRQWUROKHUEXWLQWKHJDPHWKHÀUVW person gets on her, gets a couple of fouls; next person, gets a couple IRXOV 6KH GLG DQ H[FHOOHQW MRE RI attacking the hoop and attacking when the help defense turned their heads.” Three Clarksville players fouled RXWLQWKHIRXUWKTXDUWHUDOO,QGLDQV· guards. But CAL coach Ashley Sears credited her other players for FRPSRXQGLQJ &ODUNVYLOOH·V IRXO troubles. ´7KDW·V DZHVRPHµ 6HDUV VDLG “Karter gets noticed for doing WKRVHWKLQJVZKLFKLVJUHDWEXWLW·V the other players that got the other WHDP LQ IRXO WURXEOH 6KH FRXOGQ·W have done those things without the absence of some of the other players they were missing.” However, the referees were calling fouls on both sides throughout the night and the Cadets fell victim to foul trouble as well. “It made me nervous,” Sears admitted, “especially with most of our starters with three or four fouls DQG 6LGQH\ 7XUQHU ÀQLVKHG ZLWK ÀYHVRLWUHDOO\KXUWXVMXVWEHFDXVH of the fact we had leadership out there; we had to play players who GRQ·WKDYHDVPXFKH[SHULHQFHEXW it was a lot easier knowing we could put them in and take care of the ball a little bit.” CAL out-rebounded Clarksville 33-30 with Jenna Johnson leading the way with 12. Amber Zewert added six. “Jenna Johnson had a lot of rebounds, that really helped us out,” Sears said. “(It was) all of the little WKLQJV WKDW SHRSOH GRQ·W QRWLFH WKDW ZH·UH UHDOO\ DSSUHFLDWLYH RI LQ WKLV kind of win.” &ODUNVYLOOH NHSW FXWWLQJ &$/·V OHDGWRXQGHULQWKHÀQDOPLQXWHV of the fourth quarter, but shots ZHUHQ·W IDOOLQJ IRU WKH ,QGLDQV DQG they kept fouling after misses and sending the Cadets to the free throw line. The Cadets were 23-of-40 from the foul line in the game, but most QRWDEO\ZHUHRILQWKHÀQDO and a half minutes of the game. “We got ourselves in foul WURXEOHµ+XFNVDLG´:H·YHNQRZQ from the beginning of the year how they are going to call games and ULJKW QRZ ZH·UH QRW DGMXVWLQJ WR LW:H·UHZRUNLQJRQLWLQSUDFWLFH ZH·UH ZRUNLQJ RQ LW EHIRUH JDPHV talking about moving our feet and we continued to rack up about 40 personal fouls tonight. “And when we get in that range, our guards start getting into foul trouble, we start bringing more JXDUGVLQ:H·UHDWWKHSRLQWZKHUH we are having players in roles they DUHQRWXVHGWRDQGWKHQZH·UHJRLQJ further down the bench to players ZKR DUH LQ UROHV WKH\·UH UHDOO\ QRW used to and ready for. It makes it tough on us. In all three games ZH·YHORVWLW·VEHHQWKHVDPHWKLQJ we get a couple of people in foul WURXEOHKDYHWRPDNHDGMXVWPHQWVµ - 57 - 25 Clear Lake (4-1, 4-0) – Lindsey Loudenburg 5-9 2-2 13; Kay Faber 1-2 0-0 3; Emily Phalen 0-0 0-0 0; Logan Anderson 4-12 4-5 14; Kylie Bottjen 0-0 0-0 0; Madi Faber 1-2 0-0 2; Carney Frahm 0-0 0-0 0; Katie Hewett 1-2 2-5 4; Trudy Peterson 3-7 0-1 9; Bailey Kibsgaard 4-6 4-5 12. Totals 19-40 12-18 57. H-D (3-2, 3-2) – Mallory Wohlford 0-0 0-0 0; Lexi Sorenson 1-5 0-0 2; Jessica Speake 1-5 1-3 3; Shelby Tidman 0-5 0-0 0; Jordan Prantner 3-13 0-0 6; Paige Wragge 4-9 0-3 8; Katie Brolsma 0-2 1-2 1; Kennedy Wohlford 2-6 0-0 4; Payton Miller 0-0 1-4 1; Brooklyn Plagge 0-0 1-4 1; Maddie Mason 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 11-45 3-12 25. No doubt: By Kristi Nixon 6+()),(/'²$IWHU\LHOGLQJWKHRSHQLQJEDVNHW:HVW )RUN·VJLUOVEDVNHWEDOOWHDPVFRUHGXQDQVZHUHGDQGOHIW QR RQH ZRQGHULQJ WKH RXWFRPH RI LWV ÀUVW KRPH FRQWHVW against West Hancock, 70-31, on Monday, Dec. 9. The Warhawks were aggressive early and often in building a 35-point lead mid-way through the third quarter to start a continuous clock. West Fork came up with 15 steals and forced the Eagles into countless turnovers with its pressure, but also committed 21 fouls to send them to the free throw line. ´:HVWLOOKDYHWRGRDEHWWHUMRERIEHLQJVPDUWµ:HVW Fork coach Rodney Huber said. “Not fouling so much, being in better position. Sometimes when you get on them so fast, you have a tendency to pick on them and reach IRUWKHEDOODQGWKDW·VVRPHWKLQJZH·UHWU\LQJWRJHWDZD\ CAL 53, Clarksville 43 7 18 10 18 11 5 10 17 from. ´:H·UHJRLQJWRSOD\DJJUHVVLYHDQGZH·UHJRLQJWRJHW out and that type of stuff.” $WUXHWHDPHIIRUWWZRSOD\HUVÀQLVKHGLQGRXEOHÀJXUHV with Lindsey Peterson tallying a double-double with 13 points and 11 rebounds while Sydney Shreckengost added 11 points and four steals. Courtney Larson and Madison Shreckengost each posted nine points with Larson pulling down six boards, handing out four assists and coming up with four more steals. ,W ZDV DQ RYHUDOO JRRG QLJKW IRU MXQLRU VWDUWHU 0LFNHH Guritz, who scored eight, had two rebounds, an assist, steal and two blocks. ´2XUSODQLVWRUXQDQGJXQUHDOIDVWMXVWNHHSPRYLQJ NHHSWKHWHDPJRLQJVRZHGRQ·WVORZGRZQDQGNHHSRXU DGUHQDOLQHµ*XULW]VDLG´&RDFKMXVWZDUQHGXVWRNHHS RXUKDQGVRIIDQGPRYHRXUIHHWDOLWWOHELWPRUHDQGGRQ·W reach.” +XEHUZDVKHVLWDQWWRVD\ZKHWKHULWZDVKLVWHDP·VEHVW performance in the early going, preparing his team for its biggest test of the season thus far against conference rival North Butler on Friday. ´,W·V KDUG WR VD\µ +XEHU VDLG ´, WKRXJKW WKH ÀUVW KDOI ZDVQ·WRXUEHVW7KHVHFRQGKDOIZHSOD\HGEHWWHU(YHQ LILW·VDQRSSRQHQWZHEHDWXSRQ,·PVWLOOORRNLQJDWWKLQJV WRJHWEHWWHULQDJDPH7KDW·VRXUPDQWUDULJKWQRZ ´7KHVHÀUVWIRXUJDPHVFRPLQJLQWR1RUWK%XWOHUZH have to be better.” Guritz added that she felt the team looked good going up against the Bearcats. ´,·PDFWXDOO\IHHOLQJUHDOO\JRRGµ*XULW]VDLG´,NQRZ WKH\·YHKDGVRPHWURXEOHZH·UHMXVWKRSLQJZKDWHYHUZH do can get us to the win.” West Fork 70, West Hancock 31 West Fork (2-0, 0-0) – Taylor Logan 0-2 6-8 6; Courtney Larson 4-7 1-3 9; Cailey Weaver 0-0 2-2; Mickee Guritz 3-8 2-2 8; Kelsey Nierengarten 0-1 1-4 1; Madison Shreckengost 3-5 0-0 9; Lindsey Peterson 5-7 3-6 13; Anne Jorgensen 2-5 2-4 6; Sydney Shreckengost 5-10 1-5 11; Kaitlyn Liekweg 2-4 0-0 5; Kalynn Washington 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 24-49 18-34 70. - 53 - 43 THREE POINT GOALS – CAL 0-6 (Miller =HZHUWREBOUNDS – CAL 33, 4 RIIGHI-RKQVRQ=HZHUW0LOOHU Porzio 5, Turner 3, Thielen 2). ASSISTS – CAL 5 (Johnson 3, Miller, Arnold). STEALS – CAL 14 (Miller 3, Turner 3, Johnson 3, Porzio 2, Thielen 2, Arnold). BLOCKS – CAL, None. TOTAL FOULS – CAL 21. FOULED OUT – CAL, Turner. THREE-POINT GOALS – CL 7-19 (Peterson 3-7, Anderson 2-6, Faber 1-2, Loudenburg 1-4); H-D 0-10 (Speake 0-1, Brolsma 0-1, K. Wohlford 0-1, Sorenson 0-2, Prantner 0-5). REBOUNDS – CL 26, 7 off., 19 def. (Kibsgaard 11, Loudenburg 7, Peterson 5, Phalen, Anderson, Faber); H-D 29, 14 off., 15 def. (K. Wohlford 8, Prantner 7, Wragge 5, Plagge 3, Brolsma 3, Mason 2, Speake). ASSISTS – CL 19 (Peterson 6, Loudenburg 4, Anderson 2, Bottjen 2, Faber 2, Kibsgaard 2, Hewett); H-D 7 (Prantner 2, Speake 2, Brolsma, Sorenson, Wohlford). STEALS – CL 17 (Anderson 4, Phalen 3, Kibsgaard 3, Loudenburg 2, M. Faber 2, Peterson 2, K. Faber); H-D 13 (Speake 4, Wragge 3, Prantner 2, Wohlford 2, Sorenson, Mason). BLOCKS – CL 4 (Peterson 2, Anderson, Kibsgaard); H-D 5 (Wohlford 4, Wragge). FOULS – CL 14, H-D 19. FOULED OUT – H-D, Speake. West Fork girls roll by West Hancock CAL (2-1, 2-1) – Karter Miller 13-24 1217 38; Sidney Turner 0-4 1-2 1; Rachael Arnold 0-0 0-0 0; Dianna Porzio 0-7 4-11 4; -HQQD-RKQVRQ$PEHU=HZHUW 0-6 1-2 1; Stephanie Thielen 2-6 2-2 6. Totals 15-52 23-40 53. CAL Clarksville $QGHUVRQ·VSRLQWV In addition to four blocked shots, the Lions came up with 17 steals and forcing the Bulldogs into 10 second-half turnovers. The Bulldogs out-rebounded Clear Lake 2927 with Kennedy Wohlford leading the way with HLJKW ERDUGV 3DLJH :UDJJH ÀQLVKHG ZLWK HLJKW SRLQWVÀYHUHERXQGVWKUHHVWHDOVDQGDEORFNLQ the loss. W. Hancock West Fork West Fork’s Mickee Guritz’s reaches for a rebound in front of West Hancock’s Kaylee Hudspeth on Monday, Dec. 9. (Kristi Nixon/Hampton Chronicle) 8 22 8 5 15 21 10 13 - 31 - 70 THREE POINT GOALS – WF 4-12 (M. Shreckengost 3-5, Liekweg 1-3, Larson 0-1, Guritz 0-1, S. Shreckengost 0-2). REBOUNDS – WF 34, 12 off. 22 def. (Peterson 11, Larson 6, Jorgensen 3, S. Shreckengost 3, Logan 2, Guritz 2, Nierengarten 2, M. Shreckengost 2, Weaver, Liekweg, Washington). ASSISTS – WF 13 (Larson 4, Logan 2, Weaver 2, Peterson 2, Guritz, M. Shreckengost, S. Shreckengost). STEALS – WF 15 (Larson 4, S. Shreckengost 4, M. Shreckengost 2, Peterson 2, Guritz)). BLOCKS – WF 3 (Guritz 2, Peterson). TOTAL FOULS – WF 21. Grueling week ends with overtime victory for Bulldog girls basketball team, 50-47 H-D’s Kennedy Wohlford challenges the shot of North Butler’s Emily Dolan during Saturday’s non-conference game. The Bulldogs won 5047 in overtime. (Kristi Nixon/Hampton Chronicle) By Kristi Nixon *5((1( ²$IWHU LWV WKLUG JDPH DJDLQVW D UDQNHG RSSRQHQW WKLV ZHHN +DPSWRQ'XPRQW·V JLUOV EDVNHWEDOO WHDP KDG WR ZRUN RYHUWLPH WR JHW LWV only win in the stretch, a 50-47 victory against Class 2A No. 10 North Butler on Saturday afternoon. It was a bright moment for the Bulldogs, who suffered a road loss at Fort Dodge St. Edmond on Tuesday, Dec. 10 and had their worse loss of the season against Clear Lake Friday night. ´,WZDVDJUHDWZD\WRHQGLWµ+'FRDFK&KDG-RKQVRQVDLG´:HGLGQ·W VWDUW ZHOO WKH ÀUVW WZR JDPHV EXW ER\ WKH NLGV MXVW SHUVHYHUHG RXW WKHUH They played hard tonight and it was fun ball to watch tonight. “I thought defensively, we took away their high post game a little bit and UHDOO\FRQWHVWHGHYHU\VKRWDQG,WKRXJKWZHGLGDQLFHMREGRZQWKHVWUHWFK we shot some free throws and pulled the game out in the end.” 7KH%XOOGRJVWRRNDOHDGDIWHUWKHÀUVWTXDUWHUEXWWKH%HDUFDWVKDG FRQWURODIWHUWKDWOHDGLQJDWKDOIWLPHDQGKHDGLQJLQWRWKHÀQDO eight minutes of regulation. .HQQHG\:RKOIRUGVFRUHGÀYHRIKHUSRLQWVLQWKHIRXUWKTXDUWHUWR help H-D force overtime, hit a couple of free throws with 17.5 seconds to go and got a big defensive play Katie Brolsma in the extra period as the Bulldogs hung on. Brolsma made a clean block on a three-point attempt by Lisa Feldman with Hampton leading by four and on the other end the Bulldogs were able to extend the lead to six. “We were playing great defense,” Brolsma said. “The refs were doing a JRRGMREEXWWKH\ZHUHQ·WUHDOO\FDOOLQJLWFORVHDQG,WKRXJKW,FRXOGJRIRU it and I saw her go up for it and I knew I could block it. I had a feeling it was JRLQJWREHDFOHDQRQH,GLGQ·WKDYHDERG\RQKHUVR,WKRXJKWLWZDVJRRG and it went my way.” Johnson added, “Katie played really well tonight, I thought, she rebounded the ball exceptionally well and that defensive play she made at the end there ²WKDWZDVDJUHDWSOD\E\KHUµ North Butler, too, had a battle against previously unbeaten conference rival No. 13 West Fork the night before, pulling out the road win. “Last night we had a big game in the conference with West Fork and the starters had to play a lot of minutes last night and it was a hard-fought game,” North Butler coach Jeff Lindell said. “And today playing a good HamptonDumont team, we had no legs, no energy and it was a struggle all night for shots to go down. ´:H VKRW XQGHU SHUFHQW IURP WKH ÀHOG DQG ZH ZHUH NLQG RI GHDG OHJJHGDQGFRXOGQ·WJHWDQ\WKLQJGRQH:HWULHGRXUKDUGHVWDQGEDWWOHGLW MXVWZDVQ·WPHDQWWREHµ Channing Wunsch led the Bearcats with 10 points, hitting all four of her foul shots. Jessica Speake scored 11 in each half to tally a game-high 22 points. The Bulldogs out-boarded a good rebounding Bearcat team 37-32 with Paige :UDJJHDQG:RKOIRUGHDFKQRWFKLQJ%UROVPDDGGHGÀYH And it was a cleanly-played game with few fouls called on either side. “We knew they were going to be big, they were going to be tough, so we NQHZZHKDGWRJHWLQWKHUHDQGJHWDERG\RQWKHPDQGZHWKRXJKW¶VKRRW WKHUHIVDUHQ·WFDOOLQJLW·µ%UROVPDVDLG´%XWZHNHSWWRXJKNHSWRXUKHDGV up and kept going.” /LQGHOO DGGHG ´7KH\ OHW XV SOD\ WRQLJKW WKH\ DUH JRRG RIÀFLDOV VWDWH WRXUQDPHQWRIÀFLDOVDQGWKH\OHWSHRSOHEDWWOHDQGSOD\LQWKHUH,WKRXJKW WKH\GLGDJRRGMREDOOQLJKWQRFRPSODLQWVDWDOO´ And the tough competition will only help the teams down the schedule. ´:HWDONHGDERXWWKDW²SOD\LQJWKHVHUDQNHGWHDPVµ-RKQVRQVDLG´7KDW is great for us right now and it will help us in the future as well.” Brolsma added, “We had some really good teams to face, great teams, and we got beat on defense a little bit and so we worked all week on that LQSUDFWLFH:HMXVWUHDOO\ZDQWHGWRJHWWKDWZLQWRQLJKWDQGWKDW·VZKDWZH did.” Hampton Dumont 50 North Butler 47, OT H-D 14 3 14 11 N. Butler 9 14 13 6 8 5 - 50 - 47 H-D (4-2, 3-2) – Mallory Wohlford 0-0 0-0 0; Lexi Sorenson 2-6 0-0 5; Jessica Speake 8-17 2-2 22; Shelby Tidman 0-1 0-0 0; Jordan Prantner 2-11 5-6 10; Paige Wragge 0-0 0-0 0; Katie Brolsma 0-2 0-0 0; Kennedy Wohlford 5-10 3-6 13; Brooklyn Plagge 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 17-48 10-14 50. North Butler (4-1, 2-0) – Jenny Rottler 2-7 1-2 6; Katelyn Shultz 0-0 0-0 0; Marisa Speedy 2-7 0-0 4; Kenzie Siemens 4-8 0-1 9; Lisa Feldman 2-14 0-0 6; Emily Dolan 4-12 0-0 8; Channing Wunsch 3-8 4-4 10; Haley Landers 2-3 0-0 4. Totals 19-59 5-7 47. THREE-POINT GOALS – H-D 6-20 (Speake 4-10, Prantner 1-6, Sorenson 1-3, Brolsma 0-1); NB 4-25 (Feldman 2-13, Rottler 1-5, Siemens 1-3, Dolan 0-1, Speedy 0-3). REBOUNDS – H-D 37, 8 off., 29 def. (Wragge 10, Wohlford 10, Brolsma 5, Prantner 4, Plagge 3, Mason 2, Sorenson 2, M. Wohlford, Speake, Tidman); NB 32, 12 off., 20 def. (Wunsch 7, Team 5, Feldman 5, Speedy 4, Dolan 4, Siemens 3, Rottler 2, Landers 2). ASSISTS – H-D 15 (Prantner 6, Speake 3, Wragge 3, Brolsma); NB 13 (Speedy 4, Dolan 3, Speedy 2, Feldman 2, Shultz, Landers). STEALS – H-D 11 (Brolsma 5, Prantner 2, Wragge 2, Speake, Sorenson); NB 7 (Speedy 2, Siemens 2, Landers 2, Feldman). BLOCKS – H-D 5 (K. Wohlford 4, Brolsma); NB 3 (Dolan 2, Feldman). FOULS – H-D 11, NB 15. FOULED OUT – None. SPORTS +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ Wednesday, December 18, 2013 13 BOYS BASKETBALL NORTH BUTLER RALLY DEFIES H-D ATTEMPT AT FIRST BOYS BASKETBALL VICTORY H-D’s Levi Pratt shoots over the oustretched arms of North Butler’s Gavin Scroggin during Saturday’s non-conference game at Greene. The Bearcats rallied to win over the Bulldogs 55-53. (Kristi Nixon/ Hampton Chronicle) By Kristi Nixon *5((1(²7UDLOLQJE\HQWHULQJWKHIRXUWK quarter, North Butler found a way to overcome WKH GHÀFLW DQG WRS WKH +DPSWRQ'XPRQW ER\V basketball team on Saturday afternoon, 55-53. Reid Lammers hit three 3-pointers, including one that tied the score at 51 with 1 minute, 23 seconds to go and Shaylon Lahr hit 4-of-6 IUHH WKURZV LQ WKH ÀQDO PLQXWH WR VHDO LW IRU WKH Bearcats. ´6KRWVZHUHIDOOLQJIRUXVÀQDOO\µ1RUWK%XWOHU coach Dave Brown said. “For three quarters, ZH·UHVKRRWLQJZH·UHWDNLQJJRRGVKRWVWKH\MXVW ZHUHQ·W JRLQJ LQ WKH EXFNHW 7KH IRXUWK TXDUWHU shots started to fall and it makes it easier on you when you get the ball to go in the bucket.” The Bulldogs committed seven turnovers in WKHÀQDOHLJKWPLQXWHVLQFOXGLQJDFKDUJLQJIRXO DQGDELJMXPSEDOOFDOOZLWKDPLQXWHOHIWDV1RUWK %XWOHU KHOG +' WR MXVW HLJKW SRLQWV LQ WKH ÀQDO quarter. ´:H PHQWDOO\ GLGQ·W NQRZ KRZ WR EXFNOH down, be tough enough to take care of the ball,” Hampton-Dumont coach Heath Walton said. ´7KH\ H[HFXWHG ZHOO DQG ZH GLGQ·W FORVH RXW on shooters. They got some open looks and we fouled a lot on penetration.” And the recipient of those foul calls was Lahr, ZKRÀQLVKHGZLWKSRLQWVVL[RIZKLFKFDPHRQ IUHHWKURZVLQWKHÀQDOPLQXWHV “They were pushing the ball, tough on us, up in RXUIDFHDQGHYHU\WKLQJDQGZHMXVWKDGWRNQRZ what was coming,” Lahr said. “We expected them WR IRXO DQG ZH KDYH HQRXJK FRQÀGHQFH LQ WKH IUHHWKURZVDQGWKDW·VZKDWUHDOO\JRWLWLQWKHHQG of the game.” Lammers, a sophomore point guard, scored 13 of his game-high 24 points in the second half to North Butler 55 Hampton-Dumont 53 Hampton-Dumont 11 13 21 8 - 53 North Butler 10 9 14 22 - 55 Hampton-Dumont (0-6) – Levi Pratt 1-3 0-0 2, Bo Brass 1-4 0-0 3, Trevor Eiklenborg 1-4 0-0 2, Charlie Flickinger 6-14 0-0 17, Brandon Westendorf 0-0 0-0 0, Chace Klein 0-1 1-2 1, Brady Claypool 1-2 4-6 6, Alex Sackville 1-5 0-0 2, Cole Miller 3-6 3-4 9, Parker Claypool 5-9 0-0 11. Totals 19-48 8-12 53. North Butler (2-3) – Jaret Wunsch 1 1-2 3, Reid Lammers 8 5-6 24, Brandon Heuer 3 0-0 7, Carter Lewis 0 0-0 0, Connor Huberg 0 0-0 0, Reed Christensen 1 0-0 2, Todd Dolan 0 0-0 0, Shaylon Lahr 4 6-8 14, Gavin Scroggin 2 1-2 5. Totals 19 13-18 55. 3-POINT GOALS – H-D 7-23 (Flickinger 5-11, P. Claypool 1-2, Brass 1-3, Pratt 0-1, Eiklenborg 0-2); NB 4 (Lammers 3, Heuer). Rebounds – H-D 29, 6 off., 23 def. (Miller 13, Flickinger 6, P. Claypool 3, Pratt 2, B. Claypool 2, Brass, Klein, Sackville). ASSISTS – H-D 12 (Miller 3, P. Claypool 3, Flickinger 2, Pratt 2, Eiklenborg, Sackville). STEALS – H-D 6 (Pratt 2, Flickinger 2, Eiklenborg, Sackville). BLOCKS – H-D 1 (P. Claypool). FOULS – H-D 23; NB 13. FOULED OUT – H-D, P. Claypool. :DUKDZNVÀ\E\:HVW+DQFRFNDWDIUDQWLFSDFH I think there is a mental toughness that we need to EXLOGLQRUGHUWRÀQLVKJDPHV &RDFK+HDWK:DOWRQ+DPSWRQ'XPRQW is, as our offense struggles, the wheels come off.” Alex Sackville came off the bench to lead H-D in scoring with 14 points. ´'HIHQVLYHO\LQWKHVHFRQGKDOIZHGLGQ·W execute,” Walton said. “We had all the looks ZH ZDQWHG RQ RIIHQVH ZH MXVW GLGQ·W ÀQLVK on offense. “I think there is a mental toughness that we QHHGWREXLOGLQRUGHUWRÀQLVKJDPHVµ Clear Lake 68 Hampton-Dumont 45 Clear Lake Hampton-Dumont SRLQWV KDG D WKUHHSRLQWHU MXVW PLVV DV WLPH expired. “North Butler played a good game,” Walton said. “(Them) coming back, boy, as a coach, watching their kids scrap and get back into it, it was fun. It was hard to watch as our coach how we KDGVXFKKDYLQJDGLIÀFXOWWLPHKDQGOLQJKDYLQJ a lead and securing and taking care of that lead.” West Fork in control: No. 3 Lions stymie Bulldogs By Kristi Nixon +$03721 ² )LIWKUDQNHG &OHDU /DNH ran out to a 27-15 halftime lead and poured it on in an eventual 68-45 win over HamptonDumont on Friday, Dec. 13. The Bulldogs were unable to stop the /LRQVZKLFKKDGIRXUSOD\HUVÀQLVKLQGRXEOH GLJLW VFRULQJ ZLWK QR SOD\HU ÀQLVKLQJ ZLWK more than 12 points for a balanced effort. ´, WKRXJKW LQ WKH ÀUVW KDOI ZH SOD\HG defense to the caliber of a conference championship team,” H-D coach Heath Walton said. “I thought our offense was of the caliber of a team that is going to struggle to ZLQ JDPHV :H·UH QRW JRLQJ WR KROG D WHDP like Clear Lake to 45 points. ´:H PLVVHG OD\XSV IRRWHUV« offensively, we appeared to have no FRQÀGHQFHRQWKHRIIHQVLYHHQG'HIHQVLYHO\ I thought we played well. We felt good about what we could do defensively, the bad thing lead the charge back for the Bearcats. “(We were) pounding it inside and kept going until it started working,” Lahr said. “The whole JDPHÀQDOO\ZHJRWVRPHRSHQORRNVRXWWKHUH with Reid Lammers, made a lot of big shots. ´+H·V SUREDEO\ RQH RI WKH EHVW EDOO KDQGOHUV RQ WKH WHDP IRU VXUH 6KRRWLQJ ZDVQ·W JUHDW WKH ÀUVWSDUWRIWKHVHDVRQEXWWKHODVWIHZJDPHVLW·V really turned on and taken charge in leading the team.” %URZQ DGGHG ´5HLG LV MXVW D VRSKRPRUH DQG KH·V UHDOO\ WDNLQJ FRQWURO 7KH SRLQW JXDUG LV \RXUÁRRUJHQHUDO\RXUTXDUWHUEDFNVRWRVSHDN 5HLG·VGRQHDUHDOO\JRRGMREIRUXV+H·VSOD\LQJ DJDLQVWMXQLRUDQGVHQLRUJXDUGVDQGKH·VKROGLQJ KLVRZQDQGWDNLQJLWWRWKHP,FDQ·WVD\HQRXJK about his play.” H-D still led by double digits with a little more than 4 minutes still in the game, but Brandon Heuer hit a three and a few moments later, Lammers added another. ´7KH NLGV MXVW EDWWOHGµ %URZQ VDLG ´7KH\ FRXOG KDYH IROGHG XS JDYH XS ² ZH·UH D \RXQJ JURXS ² EXW WKH\ KXQJ LQ WKHUH WKH\ GLGQ·W TXLW DQGLWZDVMXVWIXQLQWKDWIRXUWKTXDUWHUµ After Lahr hit 1-of-2 free throws with 48.5 seconds to go, Cole Miller scored to cut the lead to 54-53, but Lahr was fouled again went 1-of-2. ´6KD\ORQ LV RXU ORQH VHQLRU DQG KH·V EHHQ working his tail off this year,” Brown said. “He LVQ·WDYRFDOOHDGHUEXWKH·VEHHQZRUNLQJKLVWDLO RIIDQGMXVWKLVSUHVHQFHRQWKHÁRRUKLWWLQJVRPH bit shots, getting some big rebounds, making big IUHHWKURZV,FDQ·WVSHDNHQRXJKDERXWZKDWKH·V GRQHMXVWLQKLVDFWLRQVµ Hampton-Dumont called timeout to set up WKH ÀQDO SOD\ ZLWK HLJKW VHFRQGV UHPDLQLQJ EXW Charlie Flickinger, who led the Bulldogs with 12 15 24 17 7 8 15 15 - 68 - 45 Clear Lake (4-0) – Jake Iverson 0-1 1-4 1; Mark Peterson 0-1 0-0 0; Brock Adams 3-4 1-3 8; Devin Uhlenhopp 0-0 1-2 1; Jack Abbas 5-6 0-0 10; Spencer Davidson 4-11 3-4 12; Chase Lester 3-3 0-0 6; David Dieken 5-8 1-2 11; Alex Webb 1-1 0-0 2; Tanner Storbeck 0-0 0-0 0; Pete Swenson 1-2 2-2 4; Matt Stephany 4-12 3-7 11; Garrett Kunzman 0-2 0-1 0; Tamarik Lee 0-1 0-0 0; JJ Theobald 1-1 0-0 2; Alex VanderPloeg 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-53 12-24 68. Hampton-Dumont (0-5) – Levi Pratt 0-3 0-0 0, Bo Brass 0-1 0-0 0, Trevor Eiklenborg 0-5 1-2 1, Charlie Flickinger 4-12 0-0 10, Brandon Westendorf 2-5 0-0 4, Chace Klein 0-5 0-0 0, Kyle Kent 1-1 0-0 2; Brady Claypool 2-3 0-0 4, Alex Sackville 5-7 1-2 14; Cole Miller 1-3 1-3 3, Parker Claypool 1-8 1-4 3; Drew Abbas 1-1 0-2 2; Austin Poock 1-1 0-0 2; Aaron Meyer 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 18-59 4-13 45. 3-POINT GOALS – CL 2-12 (Adams 1-2, Davidson 1-3, Iverson 0-1, Peterson 0-1, Abbas 0-1, Stephany 0-4); H-D 5-17 (Sackville 3-4, Flickinger 2-3, Westendorf 0-1, Klein 0-1, Pratt 0-2, Eiklenborg 0-2, Miller 0-2, P. Claypool 0-2). REBOUNDS – CL 38, 7 off., 31 def. (Davidson 6, Stephany 6, Dieken 5, Swenson 5, Theobald 4, Lester 3, Iverson 2, Adams 2, Abbas 2, Webb, Kunzman, VanderPloeg); H-D 28, 9 off., 19 def. (Miller 6, Flickinger 6, Sackville 5, Flickinger 3, P. Claypool 3, B. Claypool 3, Pratt 2, Brass 2, Abbas 2, Eiklenborg, Westendorf). ASSISTS – CL 14 (Adams 5, Davidson 3, Lester 2, Iverson, Dieken, Swenson, Stephany); H-D 8 (Westendorf 2, Miller 2, Pratt, B. Claypool, Pratt, Sackville, Poock). STEALS – CL 11 (Adams 3, Davison 3, Abbas 2, Lester, Kunzman, Theobald); H-D 7 (Eiklenborg 3, Flickinger 2, Sackville, Miller). BLOCKS – CL 1 (Adams); H-D 2 (Flickinger, Sackville). FOULS – CL 18, H-D 20. FOULED OUT, None. By Kristi Nixon 6+()),(/'²(YHU\WKLQJDERXWWKLUG UDQNHG &ODVV $ :HVW )RUN·V boys basketball win over West Hancock indicated that it was in complete control. But to witness it, the game had moments where both were moving at a frenetic pace that were absolutely dizzying. 7KH(DJOHVMDFNHGXSWKUHHSRLQWHUV hitting 10 of them to try to keep the pace with an extremely fast offense that is the Warhawks. The recipient of that fast pace was 6-foot-5 senior forward Sam Amsbaugh. “They stop whoever they are going to guard,” Amsbaugh said. “With Hunter (Myers) and Spencer (Halloran) who both take it to the hole and shoot it well. Drew (Engebretson) is an outstanding shooter, and (Evan) Sprung is a great post presence, too. They chose to guard them tonight and those guys made good passes to me.” Amsbaugh scored 32 points on 14-ofVKRRWLQJIURPWKHÀHOGDQGRIIURP the free throw line with a pair of college recruiters watching. And he feels like he and his teammates DUHLQPLGVHDVRQIRUPMXVWWZRJDPHVLQWR the season. ´0RVWGHÀQLWHO\\HDKµ$PVEDXJKVDLG ´/DVW \HDU ZDV RXU ÀUVW \HDU ZLWK D QHZ coach and a new system and everything. Now we have a year under our belt, NQRZLQJ WKH RIIHQVH:H·UH WKUHH PRQWKV ahead of where we were in practice from last year and that has helped that much.” $IWHU WDNLQJ D ÀUVW TXDUWHU OHDG three Warhawks picked up their second fouls (Engebretson, Myers and Halloran) early on and West Hancock picked up the pace, hitting a couple of threes to outscore West Fork 20-6 before half. “Anytime you play a team that is known for driving to the basket, trying to get to the free throw line and people hitting threes can be dangerous,” West Fork coach Frank Schnoes said. “There was a span in the game there they started hitting a few threes and you can get yourself back into a ballgame pretty quick. “But I was happy with the way we responded in the second half. We have to go through that, otherwise down the road LI LW GRHVQ·W KDSSHQ WKHQ DOO RI D VXGGHQ \RX·UH LQ WKH WRXUQDPHQW DQG \RX GRQ·W know how to respond.” Schnoes said he was happy with the WHDP·VVWDUWDQGSOHDVHGWRVHHVHYHUDORQ KLVEHQFKRQWKHÁRRUZKHQWKHJDPHVWLOO had meaning. ´&RDFK %ULDQ 3HWHUVRQ·V FOXE GLG D QLFHMRERIDGMXVWLQJDQGGURSSLQJWKDWIXOO court off and working their way back into the game a little bit,” Schnoes said. “They are a good, young team, so I think they are going to give some teams some grief in their conference this year.” +DOORUDQÀQLVKHGZLWKSRLQWV(YDQ Sprung added 10 and Myers dished out seven assists in the convincing victory. But the Eagles kept dropping threes to ÀUH XS WKHLU FURZG EXW WKH FORVHVW WKH\ came to West Fork in the second half was a SRLQWGHÀFLWDWZLWKPLQXWHV seconds to go in the third quarter. And the foul situation kept mounting for both teams. They combined for 34 fouls (17 apiece) and one Eagle fouled out. “They would make a three, you know, but we were always up 15-25,” Amsbaugh said. “We knew we had to take care of business and we got it. ´,W GHÀQLWHO\ JRW D OLWWOH FKLSS\ WKHUH EXW ZH MXVW KDG WR SOD\ WKURXJK WKDW VWXII and play smart.” And Amsbaugh kept out of the fray by simply scoring, impressing coaches from Waldorf and Iowa Wesleyan Colleges who both talked to him after the game. He added six assists. ´+H·V EHHQ SOD\LQJ SUHWW\ ZHOOµ 6FKQRHVVDLG´+H·V UHDOO\QRWWDNHQWLPH off all year, playing some AAU ball, and he ZRUNVDWKLVJDPHDQGWKHNLGVGRDQLFHMRE RIÀQGLQJKLPDQGKHDOVRGRHVDQLFHMRE RIVHHLQJWKHRWKHUNLGVDQGKH·VXQVHOÀVK even though he scored a lot tonight. ´.LGVDUHÀQGLQJKLPDWWKHULJKWSODFH DW WKH ULJKW WLPH DQG LW·V QLFH IRU KLP WR EHWKDWFRQVLVWHQW+HMXVWKDVDNQDFNRI getting the ball in the basket in and around WKHORZSRVWDUHD+H·VEHHQWU\LQJWRZRUN on his outside game and hit some outside shots.” West Fork 84, West Hancock 62 West Hancock (3-1, 1-0) – Connor Sonius 3-7 3-3 11; Trevor Nalan 3-6 2-2 11; Nate Paulus 3-10 1-1 10; Nelson Barraca 1-8 0-0 3; Joey DeHart 0-0 0-0 0; Ricardo Ibarra 7-10 0-0 15; Ruter Colton 0-1 0-0 0; Vicente Gonzalez 0-1 1-2 1; Logan Weiland 0-0 1-2 1; Jordan Savoy 1-2 0-0 2; Jacob Hejlik 2-5 4-6 8; Robert Goerisch 0-0 1-2 1. Totals 20-50 13-18 62. West Fork (2-0, 0-0) ± =DFK *UHLPDQQ 0; Austin Neff 2-6 0-0 5; Hunter Myers 3-6 1-2 8; Spencer Halloran 5-7 5-6 17; Sam Amsbaugh 14-16 4-5 32; Drew Engebretson 2-9 1-2 7; Tanner Tuttle 0-0 0-0 0; Markus Wogen 0-2 0-0 0; Markus Wogen 5-6 0-0 10; Cody Wegner 1-3 0-0 2; Collin Schoning 0-0 0-0 0; Jacob Kuhlmeier 1-1 1-3 3. Totals 33-56 12-18 84. W. Hancock 9 20 15 18 West Fork 33 12 20 19 - 62 - 84 THREE POINT GOALS – WH 10-29 (Nalan 3-5, Paulus 3-7, Sonius 2-4, Ibarra 1-3, Barrraca 1-7, Colton 0-1, Savoy 0-1, Gonzalez 0-1); WF 6-13 (Halloran 2-3, Engebretson 2-6, Neff 1-2, Myers 1-2). Rebounds – WH 23, 4 off. 19 def. (Hejlik 8, Barraca 4, Sonius 3, Savoy 3, Goerisch 2, Nalan, Paulus, Colton); West Fork 30, 4 off. 26 def. (Myers 5, Halloran 5, Amsbaugh 4, Neff 3, Engebretson 3, Tuttle 3, Wegner 2, Kuhlmeier 2, Wogen, Sprung). ASSISTS – WH 13 (Sonius 6, Paulus 2, Ibarra 2, Nalan, Gonzalez, Savoy); WF 17 (Myers 7, Amsbaugh 6, Halloran 3, Engebretson). STEALS – WH 7 (Sonius 4, Ibarra 2, Paulus); WF 9 (Amsbaugh 3, Myers 2, Halloran, Engebretson). BLOCKS – WH 1 (Hejlik); WF 3 (Myers, Halloran, Amsbaugh). TOTAL FOULS – WH 17; WF 17. FOULED OUT – WH, Hejlik. Taking a Pounding: CAL, Clarksville trade punches as Cadets pull out Iowa Star victory By Kristi Nixon &/$5.69,//( ² ,Q WKH EDWWOH RI DWWULWLRQ &$/ won the war. After 54 whistles for fouls were tallied up in the Iowa Star boys basketball contest between the Cadets and Clarksville Indians, CAL celebrated a 62-57 victory on the road on Tuesday, Dec. 10. And a win that Cadet coach Bradley Waddle really wanted, he got. “This is one that I really wanted because we came in here last year and were up 14 at half and ended up losing that game,” Waddle said. “It was almost the same scenario, so I wanted it real bad and the kids fought real hard and never gave up. ´:HGLGDJUHDWMREGRZQWKHVWUHWFK²NHSWÀJKWLQJ IRULW«7KHJDPHSODQZDVWRNHHSZKDWZHZHUHGRLQJ GRZQWKHVWUHWFKDQGWKHNLGVGLGDQLFHMREµ &ODUNVYLOOH RYHUFDPH D SRLQW KDOIWLPH GHÀFLW WR WLHWKHJDPHDWKHDGLQJLQWRWKHÀQDOHLJKWPLQXWHV of play. In fact, the Indians took the lead at 55-54 with 1:55 to go, but several big offensive rebounds for the &DGHWV LQ WKH ÀQDO OHG WR WKUHH EDVNHWV WZR E\ Caleb Striegel and the other by Hunter Schleisman, that helped put the game away. And with the Indians in severe foul trouble, it made it hard to defend against those boards. “We had important players sitting on the bench for WRRORQJIRUWKHVHFRQGQLJKWLQDURZDQGZH·YHUHDOO\ JRW WR OHDUQ WKDW ZH FDQ·W JHW HYHU\ VWHDOµ &ODUNVYLOOH coach Ethan Lensch said. “That is really a problem. “Carter (Kelm), when we have our starters in, can work the ball inside-out, but when that starts happening (foul trouble), then they can choose who they can stop. It makes it kind of hard because we have a lot of young SOD\HUVFRPLQJRIIWKHEHQFK7KH\SOD\HGKDUGEXWLW·V tough for freshmen, especially if they are playing with one or two other freshmen.” %RWKWHDPV·OHDGLQJVFRUHUV²-&&DOOHVIRU&$/DQG .HOPIRUWKH,QGLDQV²SRVWHGSRLQWVEHIRUHIRXOLQJ out. Calles picked up his fourth foul with 5:08 left in the third quarter and that is when Clarksville started its run. The Indians outscored the Cadets 17-7 in the third. With Calles out, Lensch inserted his starters who were also in foul trouble that helped with the run. ´:HZHUHDEOHWRJHWRXUVWDUWHUVEDFNLQWKHUH²WKDW KHOSHG D ORW ² DQG ZHUH DEOH WR FKLS DZD\ LQ RUGHU WR take the lead,” Lensch said. “But then the fouls started WRFRPHEDFNWRELWH\RXDQGWKHQZH·UHVLWWLQJRQWKH EHQFK DJDLQ DW FUXQFK WLPH«WKRVH IUHVKPHQ SOD\HG well. They played as well as they probably could, but LW·VUHDOO\KDUGWRVWHSXSLQWKDWVLWXDWLRQµ Striegel scored 16 and Juan Gomez, who stepped in and hit four 3-pointers, added 12. A height advantage on the rebounding for Clarksville in the span helped the Indians as Kelm stands 6-foot-5 and Austin Magedanz is at 6-7. They tallied 54 boards, Magedanz tallied 19, Kelm 14. ´:H·YH EHHQ ZRUNLQJ NQRZLQJ ZH KDG VRPH ORQJ NLGVFRPLQJXS«EXWZH·YHEHHQIRFXVLQJRQJHWWLQJD body on somebody and make the other team work for it,” Waddle said. “It might not be over-and-back because they can get up over our guys, but sometimes if we make WKHPZRUNLW·VJRLQJWRJLYHXVDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRPD\EH knock it out of their hands and get the ball. “We were in position at times to get the rebound DQG«NQRZLQJZKHUHWKHEDOOZDVJRLQJWRFRPHRIIWKH rim.” )RXURIWKHÀYHVWDUWHUVIRU&ODUNVYLOOHIRXOHGRXWDQG 0DJHGDQ]ÀQLVKHGZLWKIRXU However, Lensch said that the foul situation hurt &$/·VWHDPDVPXFKDVLWGLGKLVRZQ ´7KH\·UHFKDQJLQJWKHJDPHRIEDVNHWEDOOµ:DGGOH said. “We knew that was going to be in the plan since 'D\7KH\·YHEHHQFDOOLQJDEXQFKRIWKHPDQGWU\LQJ to clean up the game. It was one of those things where ZH DUH WU\LQJ WR DGMXVW WR WKH HYHU\GD\ IRXOFDOOLQJ :H·YHEHHQLQWURXEOHZLWKRXUVWDUWHUVHYHU\JDPHWKDW ZH·YHSOD\HGVRIDUµ CAL was 9-of-34 from the free throw line, but 7-of14 in the fourth quarter. ´&ODUNVYLOOH·VDJUHDWWHDPDQGWKH\DUH\RXQJWHDP like we are; they have some inexperienced kids, some OHQJWK WKH\ KDYH VWXII WKH\ QHHG WR ZRUN RQ MXVW OLNH we do,” Waddle said. “There were a couple of swaps (of OHDGVDQGWLHVLQWKHUHDQGWKH\GLGQ·WOD\GRZQµ CAL 62, Clarksville 57 CAL (0-1, 0-1) – Daniel Sosa 0-0 0-0 0; Juan Carlos Calles 5-16 4-9 20; Oscar Castro 0-6 2-8 2; Juan Trinidad 2-6 1-6 5; Juan Gomez 4-11 0-0 12; Caleb Striegel 7-17 2-5 16; Hunter Schleisman 2-6 3-6 7. Totals 23-67 9-34 62. Clarksville (0-5, 0-3) – Dylan Jacobs 0-3 0-0 0; Tre Smith 0-1 0-0 0; Tanner Gilbert 2-6 4-8 8; James Schellhorn 4-6 1-2 9; Jordan Myers 2-8 0-0 5; Carter Kelm 7-13 6-14 20; Jackson Hendricks 3-5 =DFK:HGHNLQJ$XVWLQ0DJHGDQ]7RWDOV 21-48 14-29 57. THREE POINT GOALS – CAL 3-11; Clark 1-8 (Myers 1-5, Gilbert 0-1, Jacobs 0-2). REBOUNDS – CAL 41, 19 off. 22 def. ; Clark 54, 11 off. 43 def. (Magedanz 19, Kelm 14, Myers 8, Gilbert 5, Schellhorn 3, Smith 2, Jacobs, Hendricks, Wedeking). ASSISTS – CAL 9,0; Clark 10 (Schellhorn 4, Kelm 3, Myers 2, Hendricks). STEALS – CAL 11; Clark 9 (Gilbert 3, Hendricks 3, Kelm 2, Schellhorn). BLOCKS – CAL 1; Clark 3 (Magedanz 2, Kelm). TOTAL FOULS – CAL 24; Clark 30. FOULED OUT – CAL, Calles. Clark, Schellhorn, Myers, Kelm, Hendricks. Juan Gomez launches one of his four 3-pointers he hit in CAL’s 62-57 win over Clarksville on Tuesday, Dec. 10. Defending is the Indians’ Carter Kelm (40). (Kristi Nixon/Hampton Chronicle) PUBLIC NOTICES 14 Wednesday, December 18, 2013 FOR THOSE HARD TO BUY FOR PEOPLE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST, CHOOSE THE HAMPTON CHRONICLE +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ $ 4 90 Spectrum 20# Multi-Use Paper AT THE HAMPTON CHRONICLE Per Ream 9 2ND ST. 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Mail to: PO Box 29 - Hampton, IA 50441 or Drop Off at: The Hampton Chronicle, 9 2nd Street NW - Hampton, IA 50441 • 641-456-2585 • M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 2)),&,$/127,&( BEFORE THE UTILITIES BOARD OF THE UTILITIES DIVISION OF THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE TO THE CITIZENS OF FRANKLIN, BUTLER, AND BLACK HAWK COUNTIES: Notice is given that MidAmerican Energy Company, Des Moines, Iowa, pursuant to Iowa &RGH FKDSWHU KDV ¿OHG D SHWLWLRQ with the Iowa Utilities Board (Board) for a franchise to erect, maintain and operate an electric transmission line in Franklin, Butler, and Black Hawk Counties and that the petitions set forth the following maximum voltage, starting points, routes, and termini of the proposed line: THIRD REVISED EXHIBIT A FRANKLIN COUNTY 362,000/345,000 V (Maximum/Nominal) Voltage, Three Phase Wye, Effectively Grounded Electric Transmission Line. 0LG$PHULFDQ(QHUJ\&RPSDQ\¶V Multi Value Project No. 4 Transmission Line The Multi Value Project No. 4 Transmission Line route crosses Franklin County, Butler County and Black Hawk County. The line route in Franklin County is primarily on private property. The following is a general description of the line route in Franklin County. Beginning at the west terminus (and ultimate west terminus) of the proposed MidAmerican Energy Company 345,000 volt electric transmission line at an electrical connection point with a proposed ITC Midwest LLC 345,000 volt electric transmission line located approximately 800 feet North of the Southwest Corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 91 North, Range 21 West of the 5th P.M.; thence South in private right of way approximately 8.51 miles generally along the north-south half section line through Sections 14, 23, 26 and 35, Township 91 North, Range 21 West of the 5th P.M., and through Sections 2, 11, 14, 23, 26 and 35, Township 90 North, Range 21 West of the 5th P.M. and to a point in Section 35, Township 90 North, Range 21 West of the 5th P.M. approximately 0.6 mile North of the Franklin/ Hardin County Line, crossing the public road rights of way of 110th Street, 90th Street, 70th Street, 60th Street, 50th Street, 40th Street and 30th Street; thence East in private right of way approximately 0.5 mile and crossing the public right of way of Lark Avenue to a point located near the West line of Section 36, Township 90 North, Range 21 West of the 5th P.M.; thence Southeasterly in private right of way approximately 0.53 mile to a point near the center of Section 36, Township 90 North, Range 21 West of the 5th P.M.; thence East in private right of way approximately 10.75 miles generally along the east-west half section line through Section 36, Township 90 North, Range 21 West of the 5th P.M., Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, Township 90 North, Range 20 West of the 5th P.M., and Sections 31, 32, 33, and 34 and into Section 35, Township 90 North, Range 19 West of the 5th P.M. to the West Corporate Limits of the City of Ackley, said limits line being the East line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 90 North, Range 19 West of the 5th P.M., crossing the public road right of way of Mallard Avenue, the private right of way of the Chicago Rock ,VODQGDQG3DFL¿F5DLOURDG8QLRQ3DFL¿F5DLOroad), the public road rights of way of Nuthatch Avenue, Highway 65, Raven Avenue, Spruce Avenue, Thrush Avenue, Timber Avenue, Tulip Avenue, and Warbler Avenue, and the private right of way of the Canadian National Railways; thence continuing East approximately 0.25 mile in the City of Ackley to the East Corporate Limits of the City of Ackley; thence continuing East in private right of way approximately 1.5 miles generally along the east-west half section line through Sections 35 and 36, Township 90 North, Range 19 West of the 5th P.M., crossing the public road rights of way of Wren Avenue and Franklin Avenue to the east terminus of the proposed MidAmerican Energy Company 345,000 volt electric transmission line at an electrical connection point with a proposed MidAmerican Energy Company 345,000 volt electric transmission line located on the East line of Franklin County (ultimate east terminus of the proposed MidAmerican Energy Company 345,000 volt electric transmission line at an electrical connection point with a proposed ITC Midwest LLC 345,000 volt electric transmission line located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 90 North, Range 11 West of the 5th P.M. in Black Hawk County, Iowa). Total distance of the line to be franchised in Franklin County is approximately 21.79 miles. A map showing the proposed route of the electric line may be obtained at no cost by writing to David A. Lane, Senior Right of Way Agent, Right of Way Services, MidAmerican Energy Company, P.O. Box 778, Sioux City, Iowa 51102, or by calling 712-277-7574. The Board has established Tuesday, January 21, 2014, at 9:30 a.m. in the City Hall Community Room, Allison City Hall, 410 North Main Street, PO Box 647, Allison, Iowa 50602, as the date, time, and place for hearing on the petition. 2UGHUV LVVXHG DQG GRFXPHQWV ¿OHG LQ WKLV docket may be viewed on the Board’s Electronic Filing System (EFS) at http://efs.iowa. gov. Objections to the granting of franchise PD\EH¿OHGXVLQJ()6RULQZULWLQJDOWKRXJK HOHFWURQLF ¿OLQJ LV SUHIHUUHG no later than 20 days after the date of second publication of this notice. Instructions for submitting an elecWURQLF¿OLQJFDQEHIRXQGRQWKH()6:HEVLWH at Written objections must EH¿OHGZLWKWKH([HFXWLYH6HFUHWDU\,RZD8WLOLties Board, 1375 E. Court Avenue, Room 69, Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0069. Both electronic and written objections must clearly state the objector’s name and address and list the docket QXPEHU RQ WKH REMHFWLRQ /DWH ¿OHG REMHFWLRQV may be permitted if good cause is shown. Persons with disabilities requiring assistive services or devices to observe the hearing or participate in it should contact the Board at (515) 725-7334 at least ten (10) business days in advance of the hearing date to request that appropriate arrangements be made. 7KH GDWH RI WKH ¿UVW SXEOLFDWLRQ LV 'HFHPEHU 11, 2013. The date of the second publication is December 18, 2013. UTILITIES BOARD Elizabeth S. Jacobs, Chair Nick Wagner Shelia K. Tipton Docket No. E-22097, E-22098, E-22099 ATTEST: Joan Conrad, Executive Secretary ____________________________________ Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 11 and 18, 2013. ____________________________________ PUBLIC NOTICE 72*8$'$/83(85%,1$25$//387$7,9(027+(562)$&+,/'%25121 THE 17TH'$<2)'(&(0%(5,17+( 67$7(2),2:$ <RX DUH KHUHE\ QRWL¿HG WKDW WKHUH LV QRZ RQ ¿OHLQWKHRI¿FHRIWKH&OHUNRI&RXUWIRU)UDQNOLQ County, a Petition for Child in Need of Assistance in case number JVJV500411 which to a child born on the 17th day of December, 1999. )XUWKHUGHWDLOVFRQWDFWWKHFOHUN¶VRI¿FH The petitioner’s attorney is Brent J. Symens. <RXDUHQRWL¿HGWKDWWKHUHZLOOEHDKHDULQJRQ the petition for child in need of assistance before the Iowa District Court for Franklin County, at the Courthouse in Hamption, Iowa at 3:00 p.m. on the 30th day of December, 2013. /s/ Debra Bausman CLERK OF THE ABOVE COURT Franklin County Courthouse Hampton, IA 50441 ____________________________________ Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 18, 25, 2013 and January 1, 2014. ____________________________________ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO GRANT A PERMIT TO WITHDRAW WATER FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES IN FRANKLIN COUNTY, IOWA Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Iowa &RGH &KDSWHU % WKHUH LV QRZ RQ ¿OH ZLWK the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Water Supply Engineering Section, 401 SW 7th Street, Suite M, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 4611 the application as described below. Lawrence Winters (Log No. 27,344) requests a permit authorizing withdrawal of water from one proposed Pleistocene sand and gravel well, approximately 70 feet deep, located in the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 24, T92N, R20W, Franklin County, Iowa, in the maximum quantity of 55 acre-feet per year at a maximum rate of 500 gallons per minute during the period April 1 through September 30 of each year for irrigation of up to 55 acres of general farm crops such as corn and soybeans, on land generally described as the S ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 24, T92N, R20W, Franklin County, Iowa. The Department has determined that this use of water conforms to the relevant criteria (Iowa Code Chapter 455B and Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 567) and recommends the permit be granted. A copy of the summary report for the application is available upon a request to the department at the address listed above. Comments on the report and on this use of water must be received by January 7, 2013, and should be addressed “ATTN.: Jim Neleigh” and should specify the applicant’s log number. ____________________________________ Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 18, 2013. ____________________________________ PUBLIC NOTICE City of Hampton +$03721&,7<&281&,/ 5(*8/$56(66,210,187(6 7+856'$<'(&(0%(5 6:00 P.M. The Hampton City Council Regular Session was called to order at City Council Chambers by Mayor Shawn Dietz at 6:00 p.m. Council members in attendance were Craig Eckhardt, James Davies, Richard Lukensmeyer, Dyanne Pralle and Valerie Haugebak. Steve Harms was absent. Mayor Dietz invited those present to MRLQLQWKH3OHGJHRI$OOHJLDQFHWRWKH86ÀDJ Mayor Dietz called for a motion to approve the agenda. Motion by Lukensmeyer. Second by Eckhardt. Motion approved unanimously. Council Workshop Report: Mayor Dietz shared minutes of the workshop held December 9, 2013. Public Comment: Mayor Dietz invited those wishing to make public comment to address the Council; none. Mayor Dietz opened the Public Hearing regarding proposed sale of City-owned property, located at 200 8th Street NW at 6:05 p.m. Mayor Dietz referred comment to City Manager Dunt, who explained the sale process. Opportunity was given for Council and public comment. With no additional comments voiced, Mayor Dietz closed the public hearing at 6:06 p.m. Mayor Dietz opened the Public Hearing regarding proposed sale of City-owned property, located at 409 1st Street SW at 6:06 p.m. Mayor Dietz invited City Manager Dunt to review details of the sale process. Opportunity was given for Council and public comment. With no additional comments voiced, Mayor Dietz closed the public hearing at 6:07 p.m. Mayor Dietz opened the Public Hearing at 6:07 p.m. regarding proposed sale of timber from Harriman Park. He referred comment to City Manager Dunt and Tree Board Chairman Dick Lukensmeyer. Review of bids received was carried out. Mayor Dietz called for public comment; none. Mayor Dietz closed the public hearing at 6:09 p.m. Old Business; none. New Business: Jan Slater of Donovan CPA, reported on the City’s Annual Audit for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2013. Mayor Dietz called for any questions from the Council; there were none. Motion by Pralle, seconded by Haugebak, to accept the Fiscal Year 2013 Audit Report as presented. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Dietz called on City Manager Dunt to review the scope of services described by Yaggy Colby Associates for the Hampton Public Library Improvement Project for Council consid- eration. Motion by Eckhardt, seconded by Lukensmeyer, to approve proceeding with scope of services described by Yaggy Colby Associates for the Hampton Public Library Improvements Project for a fee not to exceed $16,800.00; authorizing the City Manager to sign. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Dietz called for a motion to approve the reappointment of Dick Allbee to the Board of Adjustment, with term expiring December 31, 2018. Motion to approve by Davies, seconded by Pralle. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Dietz called for a motion to approve the reappointment of Michelle Schaefer to the Historic Preservation Commission, with term expiring December 31, 2016. Motion by Lukensmeyer, seconded by Eckhardt. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Dietz called for a motion to approve Mark Dreier as replacement for Les Craighton on the Hampton Public Library Board of Trustees, with term expiring June 30, 2017. Motion by Pralle, seconded by Haugebak. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Dietz opened the discussion for CounFLO¶VFRQVLGHUDWLRQRILQVWDOODWLRQRIUHGÀDVKLQJ lights at the intersection of Highway 3 West and 1st Street as an added safety measure for the 4-way stop. Doug Tarr reviewed information KH¶G UHFHLYHG IRU WUDI¿F FRQWURO RSWLRQV DW WKLV intersection and associated costs. Motion by Lukensmeyer, seconded by Eckhardt to install WKH ÀDVKLQJ UHG OLJKWV RQ WKH H[LVWLQJ masts and existing heads at Highway 3 West and 1st Street. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Dietz called for a motion to approve claims. Motion by Pralle to approve claims, as submitted by Staff, totaling $188,561.62. Seconded by Davies. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Dietz referred comment and the reading by City Manager Dunt of Resolution 2013-28, “A Resolution directing the disposal of an interest in real property, following public hearing; 200 8th Street Northwest, Hampton, Iowa.” Dunt explained that one bid was received. Motion by Eckhardt, seconded by Haugebak, to approve and adopt Resolution 2013-28; accepting bid from Steve and Karen Kulow of Hampton, Iowa, in the amount of $1,111.11. Roll call vote: Ayes – Eckhardt, Davies, Lukensmeyer, Pralle and Haugebak. Nays – None. Steve Harms absent. Motion approved, and Resolution 2013-28 adopted. Mayor Dietz referred comment and the reading by City Manager Dunt of Resolution 2013-29, “A Resolution directing the disposal of an interest in real property, following public hearing; 409 1st Street Southwest, Hampton, Iowa.” Dunt explained that one bid was received. Motion by Pralle, seconded by Davies, to approve and adopt Resolution 2013-29; accepting bid from Roy J. Street of Hampton, Iowa, in the amount of $1,250.00. Roll call vote: Ayes – Pralle, Lukensmeyer, Eckhardt, Haugebak and Davies. Nays – None. Harms absent. Motion approved, and Resolution 2013-29 adopted. Mayor Dietz referred comment and the reading by City Manager Dunt of Resolution 2013-30, “Resolution proposing disposal of City-owned real estate by purchase offer; 100 Block Federal Street North, Hampton, Iowa.” Motion by Haugebak, seconded by Lukensmeyer, to approve and adopt Resolution 2013-30. Roll call vote: Ayes – Haugebak, Davies, Pralle, Lukensmeyer and Eckhardt. Nays – None. Harms absent. Motion approved, and Resolution 2013-30 adopted. Mayor Dietz referred comment and the reading by City Manager of Resolution 2013-31, “Resolution accepting and awarding bid for proposed removal, disposal and sale of public trees from Harriman Park.” Dunt explained that one bid was received. Lukensmeyer, Chairman of the Hampton Tree Board reported that the Tree Board recommends the rejection of the bid received, and other options will be sought. Motion by Pralle, seconded by Haugebak, to reject the bid received from Wilson Custom Tree of Cresco, Iowa. Roll call vote: Ayes – Haugebak, Davies, Pralle and Eckhardt. Nays – None. /XNHQVPH\HUDEVWDLQHGGXHWRFRQÀLFWRILQWHUest. Harms absent. Motion approved, with no action on Resolution 2013-31. Motion by Haugebak to approve the Consent Agenda, including previous minutes as drafted from publication from the November 25, 2013, Regular Session, scheduling the next Regular Session for Monday, December 23, 2013, at 6:00 p.m., at City Council Chambers, and renewal of liquoring licensing for B&C Kitchen, Inc., 7 1st Avenue NW, Hampton, Iowa. Second by Eckhardt. Motion approved unanimously. Staff Reports given by Chief Bob Schaefer, Police Dept., providing updates regarding nuisance enforcement and further investigation of missing person, Ethan Kazmerzak. Doug Tarr, Public Works Director, reported on snow removal matters. Ron Dunt, City Manager, presented recognition plaques to Mayor Dietz and Councilman Eckhardt, expressing appreciation for their service. Council Reports given by Eckhardt, sharing his appreciation of support through his terms RI RI¿FH /XNHQVPH\HU +DXJHEDN 3UDOOH DQG Davies voiced their thanks to Mayor Dietz and Councilman Eckhardt for their leadership. Mayor’s Report given by Mayor Dietz, stated he’s hopeful that the dispatcher transition process will be acted on at the next Council meeting. Motion to adjourn by Lukensmeyer at 6:59 p.m. Second by Haugebak. Motion approved unanimously. Adjournment 6:59 p.m. Attest: Ron Dunt, City Manager Mayor Shawn Dietz )LQDQFLDO5HSRUW &ODLPVIRU$SSURYDO Advanced Systems Inc, Equip Maint/Operating Supply ................................................$222.20 Ahlers & Cooney PC, Atty Fees.............$25.00 Butch Gruelke Auto Body, Veh Repair ............... ...........................................................$250.00 Carpenter Uniform, Uniforms.................$21.48 Centurylink, Phone ...........................$1,285.54 Christensen Jewelry, Operating Supply............. ...........................................................$240.20 Dollar General Corp, Supply..................$73.65 Dunt, Ronald, Phone/Veh Allow...........$140.00 Electronic Engineering, Phone/Equip Maint ...... .............................................................$95.00 Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/11/1311/24/13 ........................................$23,690.54 Franklin Co Recorder, Prof Fees/Recording Fees .....................................................$37.00 Hampton Hardware, Supply/Maint.........$85.19 Hampton Public Library, Fiscal Funding ............ ......................................................$20,000.00 Hampton Vet Center, Misc Contract ....$255.00 IAMU, Training .....................................$276.86 John Deere Financial, Equip Maint .......$65.25 Johnstone, Heather, Shelter Refund ...$100.00 Kum & Go, Fuel ................................$1,030.41 Markwardt, Tonya, Matron .....................$37.17 Marshall & Swift Inc, Bldg Maint ............$27.98 Matt Parrott & Sons Co, Operating Supply ........ ...........................................................$255.01 Mid-America Publishing Co, Adv/Printing .......... ...........................................................$466.35 Napa Auto Parts, Supply/Maint..............$20.56 2I¿FH'HSRW2I¿FH6XSSO\ .................$241.81 Popp, Lynnette, Shelter Refund ..........$100.00 Reminder Printing Co, The, Adv/Printing ........... ...........................................................$141.00 Schaefer, Robert, Phone .......................$40.00 Schlachter, Genia, Shelter Refund ......$100.00 Shield Pest Control LLC, Hldg Fac ........$55.00 6KRSNR2I¿FH6XSSO\ .............................$6.87 Simons, Jean, Shelter Refund .............$100.00 Tarr, Douglas, Phone .............................$40.00 US Cellular, Phone ................................$94.97 Wharton, Alan & Linda, Training ..........$208.00 727$/*(1(5$/ ........................$49,828.04 *(1(5$//267322/ US Cellular, Phone ................................$23.48 52$'86( Aramark Uniform Services, Operating Supply ... ...........................................................$123.65 Auto Parts Inc, Supply/Maint/Fuel .........$51.28 Campbell Supply Co, Tools .................$265.68 Centurylink, Phone ................................$40.20 Consolidated Energy , Fuel ..............$1,567.05 Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/11/1311/24/13 ..........................................$6,053.33 Evans Signs & Display, Christmas Lights .......... ...........................................................$344.75 Franklin Co Lumber, Snow Removal/Lights ...... .............................................................$90.91 Franklin REC, Utilities..........................$126.51 Grefe, Randy, Phone .............................$25.00 Heartland Asphalt Inc, Str Construction............. ......................................................$13,076.17 IAMU, Training .....................................$399.91 ,RZD3ULVRQ,QGXVWULHV7UDI¿F6LJQ5HSDLU........ .............................................................$81.10 Kum & Go, Fuel ...................................$155.25 Napa Auto Parts, Supply/Maint............$106.83 727$/52$'86( .......................$22,507.62 (03/2<((%(1(),76 EMC Natl Life Co, Life Ins .....................$86.40 Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/11/1311/24/13 ..........................................$5,030.40 7KUHH5LYHUV%HQH¿W&RUS+HDOWK,QV ............... ...........................................................$320.00 7KUHH5LYHUV%HQH¿W&RUS+HDOWK,QV ............... ........................................................$1,855.25 727$/(03/2<((%(1(),76 .....$7,292.05 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ........................ Franklin Co Recorder, Prof Fees/Recording Fees ...................................................$104.00 *(1(5$/2%/,*$7,21 First Bank Hampton, Scheduled Debt Payment ........................................................$1,918.75 First Bank Hampton, Scheduled Debt Payment ......................................................$42,780.00 First Bank Hampton, Scheduled Debt Payment ......................................................$30,791.25 727$/*(1(5$/2%/,*$7,21 $75,490.00 &$3,7$/352-(&7::73 Ahlers & Cooney PC, Prof Fees .......$1,073.50 0(7(5'(326,76 Berneman, Jacob, Meter Deposit Refund$8.79 Hampton, City of, Meter Deposit Applied........... ...........................................................$267.28 Hass, Alex, Meter Deposit Refund.........$98.93 727$/0(7(5'(326,7 ..................$375.00 :$7(5 Auto Parts Inc, Supply/Maint ...............$382.05 Centurylink, Phone ................................$60.20 Dillon, Patrick, Phone ............................$25.00 EMC Natl Life Co, Life Ins .....................$28.80 Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/11/1311/24/13 ........................................$12,441.21 Franklin Co Lumber, Bldg Maint ............$23.69 Franklin REC, Utilities..........................$800.85 Hamm, Terry, Phone ..............................$25.00 Hampton Hardware, Supply/Maint.........$79.91 +DPSWRQ3RVW2I¿FH3RVWDJH ............$330.00 IAMU, Training .....................................$276.86 IA Dept of Revenue, Sales Tax .........$3,215.00 Iowa One Call, Locates .........................$20.70 Kum & Go, Fuel ...................................$344.87 Municipal Supply Inc, Operating Supply ............ ...........................................................$595.04 Redneck Inc, Equip Maint........................$9.39 7KUHH5LYHUV%HQH¿W&RUS+HDOWK,QV ...$67.50 727$/:$7(5 .............................$18,726.07 6(:(5 Centurylink, Phone ................................$40.20 EMC Natl Life Co, Life Ins .....................$14.40 Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/11/1311/24/13 ..........................................$7,766.87 Fareway Stores Inc, Lab Testing ...........$47.40 Giddings Electric, Equip Repair ...........$116.85 Hach Co, Lab Testing ..........................$241.96 Hampton Hardware, Supply/Maint.........$65.87 +DPSWRQ3RVW2I¿FH3RVWDJH ..............$83.35 IAMU, Training .....................................$276.86 IA Dept of Revenue, Sales Tax ............$464.00 Kesley Electric Inc, Equip Repair ........$346.84 Murphy’s Htg & Plmbg, Equip Maint ......$40.00 Napa Auto Parts, Supply/Maint..............$57.64 Quality Pump & Control, Lift Station Repair ...... ........................................................$2,169.70 Team Laboratory Chemical, Chemicals ............. ...........................................................$823.75 7KUHH5LYHUV%HQH¿W&RUS+HDOWK,QV ...$67.50 7KUHH5LYHUV%HQH¿W&RUS+HDOWK,QV ...$10.00 TOTAL SEWER: .............................$12,633.19 62/,':$67( D & L Sanitation Inc, Contract Fees ....$267.00 Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/11/1311/24/13 .............................................$226.54 Waste Management, Contract Fees ......$15.13 727$/62/,':$67( ......................$508.67 727$/&/$,06 ...........................$188,561.62 ___________________________________ Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 18, 2013. ___________________________________ Hampton Hardware, Parts/Sup .............276.70 Hampton Vet Center, Vet Srvs ..................6.10 City of Hampton, Water ........................279.80 City of Hansell, Frm to Mkt ...................199.36 Hardin Co Comm Srvs, Care/Keep ......356.11 Pam, Mlg ................................................77.52 Teresa Harms, Mlg ...............................151.47 Howie Equip, Rep/Parts .......................398.77 IACCB, Dues ......................................1100.00 IACCBE, Ed/Trng .................................380.00 IAN, Dues ...............................................20.00 IMWCA, Work Comp ..........................8663.00 Interstate Motor Trucks, Rep/Parts .......678.16 IWWA, Trng ..........................................145.00 IOWWA, Trng/Dues ..............................155.00 ISAC, Ed/Trng ......................................195.00 Jerico Services, Calc Chloride ............1940.00 Gabe Johanns, Reimb ..........................138.04 Earl Kalkwarf, Reimb ............................475.34 KDE Services, Sup ...............................275.60 Keith’s Auto & Truck, Rep/Parts ...........439.04 Anna Koch, Mileage ...............................23.46 Robin Koob, Mlg ...................................173.40 Keith Kothenbeutel, Pstg ..........................6.60 City of Latimer, Util .................................20.40 Lutheran Services, Care/Keep ...........4245.15 Marriott WDM, Ed/Trng .........................106.40 Marshall & Swift, Clng Srv ....................102.55 Mason City Rental, Rntl ..........................97.60 Virginia Meinberg, Mlg ..............................9.95 Menards, Sup .......................................124.34 Mid-America Publishing, Pub/Notices/Ad ......... ...........................................................1180.61 Mid American Energy, Util ....................651.95 Cyndi Miller, Mlg ...................................223.38 Deb Miller, Mlg ........................................53.55 Miller’s Alignment, Rep/Parts ...............309.95 NAPA, Rep/Parts ..................................830.50 Barb Noss, Mlg .......................................15.81 2I¿FH(OHPHQWV0DLQW .........................156.51 Sherry Peterson, Mlg ..............................91.80 Petroblend Corp, Lubricants ...............3262.42 City of Popejoy, Frm to Mkt ..................107.91 Thomas Porter, Mlg ................................19.12 Pralle’s Wash City, Veh Washes .............63.86 Pro Clean, Srvs ......................................35.00 R&D Industries, Network ......................942.26 Rainbow Feed & Garden, Sup ..............957.01 Ray O’Herron Co, Sup ..........................624.30 Redneck, Rep/Parts ...............................17.20 Reminder Printing, Ads .........................470.00 River City Comm, Monitor Sys ...............23.00 Leon Root, Reimb .....................................7.80 Jessica Rother, Mlg ..............................154.02 Secretary of State, Notary Rnwl .............90.00 Jeff Sell, Well Clsd ................................400.00 Sietsema Vogel Funeral, Srvs ............1043.00 Solutions, Support Agrmnt ......................75.00 Staples, Sup .........................................399.99 Jenni Swart, Mlg .....................................62.73 Nora Torres, Rent .................................300.00 US Cellular, Cell Srv .............................453.97 USPS, Pstg ...........................................106.00 Verizon Wireless, Cell/WiFi ..................201.40 VISA, Trng/Sup ...................................1167.84 Layne L Walvatne, Wk Apprl .................103.92 Ward’s Machine Shop, Rep/Parts ...........46.55 Julia Warwick, Mlg ..................................89.25 Waste Mgmt, Garb/Recy ......................509.24 Christa Wiarda, Mlg ................................22.95 Daniel Wiechmann Jr, Rent/Reimb....... 742.07 Diana Wilkinson, Mlg ..............................44.88 Jeanne Wogen, Mlg ................................85.68 Wright Co Community Service, Ed/Trng ........... ...........................................................1440.00 Lona Younge, Rent ...............................260.00 Renee Zimmerman, Mlg .........................39.27 Grand Total....................................... 68366.41 ___________________________________ PUBLIC NOTICE )UDQNOLQ&RXQW\%RDUGRI6XSHUYLVRUV 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKH%RDUGRI6XSHUYLVRUV December 9, 2013 Be it duly noted these minutes of 12/09/2013 are UNOFFICIAL minutes. The Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30AM with Board members Corey Eberling-Chairman, Jerry L. Plagge and Michael Nolte present. Also present for the meeting was: Nick PedleyHampton Chronicle, Kristina Raisch-Hampton Main Street and Gary McVicker. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Eberling, approves the agenda as submitted. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Eberling, approves the minutes of November 25, 2013. All ayes. Motion carried. The Board opened the meeting to public comment. Present was: Betty Springer-Local Food Pantry requesting more space in the Community Resource Center for storage and a hand rail outside at the east end of the south side of the building. The Board doesn’t have a solution to the storage problem and will look into installing a hand rail. Sandy Eckhardt-Drainage Clerk regarding concerns on JDD 4-53, Lateral 12 tile and the Engineer’s determination that it is not in the district. The Board directed Eckhardt to set up a meeting with Hardin County Supervisors on a Monday in Franklin County. Russell Wood and Robin McKee visited to report on the Targeted Case Management program and whether DHS should be a provider in our region. He’s looking at alternatives. Committee Updates: Franklin County Development, DECAT, Clean Line concerns from citizens in the area on installation of power lines and a meeting on Dec 17 at Latimer Community Center for those concerned. At 9:00 AM Jay Waddingham-County Engineer updated the Board on his department. No action taken. At 9:30 AM the Franklin County Library Asso- ciation met to request funding in FY14/15. Present from area libraries was: Deb Olson-Dows, %DUE *DUGQHU&RXOWHU -LOO 3HWHUVRQ6KHI¿HOG Dee Schrodt-Alexander, Retha Stark-Ackley and Kim Manning-Hampton. Kim requested on behalf of the Association $155,224, plus $7,500 for technology needs. No action taken. At 10:00 AM Franklin County Fair Board met to request funding in FY 14/15. Present was: Scot Horner-Board member, Carole RobertsonSecretary, Barb Furman-Treasurer, Jon BaltesPresident, Gary McVicker, Kristina Raisch and Nick Pedley. A report was submitted and a request for $50,000 was asked of the County, being the same amount requested in past years. No action taken. At 10:30 AM Tom Birdsell-Castle Dick & Kelch/ ICAP Representative presented the County’s liability insurance renewal from October 2013 through October 2014 with a $19,989 reduction in premium. No action taken. At 11:00 AM Mick Tageson-Director of Elderbridge Agency on Aging met to present their Annual Report and request funding of $7,249.50 in FY14/15. No action taken. At 11:30 AM Gabe Johanns-IT Director, Micah Cutler-GIS Coordinator met to discuss interest in setting up a social media site to enable Franklin County to post information on Facebook, Twitter and possible other sites. Since there is no current policy for social media in Franklin County, they would like to introduce a policy to maintain an expectation of participation when posting on social media sites. The Board stated that two-way information is not acceptable, only one way information should be conveyed. A draft policy was presented, the Board will look it over and address in the future. Present also was: Russell Wood, Thomas Craighton and Nick Pedley. Motion by Plagge, seconded by Nolte, appoints as the Supervisor’s representatives on the Franklin County Compensation Board, Newton Grotzinger and Brad Davis, subject to his approval, to four year terms expiring June 2017. All ayes, motion carried. Dispatch/Communications Memorandum of Understanding was not addressed, waiting to meet with legal counsel. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Plagge, approves claims for the period ending 12/8/13. All ayes, motion carried. Jason Gooder-Conservation Director requested this item be postponed to the December 16th meeting. Agreement between Franklin County and IDOT for Federal Aid from the Transportation enhancement Program for project STPE-CO35(85)-8V-35, Hampton to Hansell Trail Project. All ayes, motion carried. The Board acknowledged Manure Management Plan Renewals for: 1) Roy Plagge, #59023, owner Roy Plagge, site located 1671 Indigo Ave, Latimer, Sec 16, Marion Township; 2) Mike Buchanan, #58858, owner Mike Buchanan, site located 1759 155th St, Hampton, Sec 26, Mott Township; 3) F106, #59671, owner Christensen Farms Midwest LLC, site located 1931 135th St, Ackley, Sec 30, Osceola Township; 4) F113, #65026, owner Christensen Farms Midwest LLC, site located 2150 Violet $YH6KHI¿HOG6HF:HVW)RUN7RZQVKLS The Board acknowledged receipt of the Franklin County Alcoholism Service Center Financial Statement for the period ending Nov 30, 2013. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, adjourns at 12:15 PM until Friday, December 13, 2013. All ayes. Motion carried. ATTEST: Corey Eberling, Chairman Michelle S. Giddings, Auditor & Clerk to Board 12/09/13 Julie Ahrens, Mlg ....................................70.38 City of Alexander, Frm to Mkt ...............164.22 Alliant Energy, Util ..................................12.97 Allied Manatts Group, Road Stone ....2381.40 JoEllen Arends, Mlg ..............................107.61 Auto Parts, Rep/Parts ...........................144.62 Barnes Distribution, Rep/Parts .............122.15 Jill Baumeister, Mlg .................................78.03 Berryhill Center, Care/Keep ..................198.50 Brenda Boyington, Mileage ..................121.89 Calhoun Burns & Assoc, Prof Srv .......9201.50 CDW Government, Data Proc ..............254.89 Cenex Fleetcard, Fuel ..........................531.75 Center Assoc, Care/Keep .......................75.00 Central IA Detention, JV Detention .....1572.00 CenturyLink, Phone Srv ........................930.62 Ashley J Claussen, Mlg ..........................28.05 Comm Resource Ctr, Rent/Oct Exp ....1165.48 Corner Market, Uniforms ........................10.50 City of Coulter, Frm to Mkt ....................306.38 &RXQVHO2I¿FH'RFXPHQW0DLQW ......258.92 County Case Mgmt, Care/Keep ............467.50 Covenant Medical Ctr, Srvs ................1431.00 Mark Devries, Well Clsd .......................400.00 Casey Ditch, Mlg ..................................219.30 DLT Solutions, Cmptr Srv ...................1662.57 Aaron M Dodd, Reimb ............................98.19 Dollar General, Sup ................................92.58 Dumont Implement, Rep/Parts ...........1089.80 Dumont Telephone, Phone .....................55.06 Corey Eberling, Reimb .........................158.64 Electronic Engineering, GPS/Rep ........132.45 Ellsworth Hospital, Srvs ........................211.00 EMH Physicians Clinic, Care/Keep ......115.00 Fareway, Cust Sup .................................23.94 Farmers Co-Operative Co, Fuel .............19.00 Franklin Co Home Care, Srvs ...............452.48 Franklin Co Lumber, Sup ........................33.46 Franklin Co Sheriff, Srvs .......................538.40 Franklin General Hospital, Rent .........1500.00 G & K Services, Shop Sup .....................25.00 City of Geneva, Frm to Mkt ...................236.40 GovConnection, Data Proc ...................774.84 Graham Tire, Rep/Tires ......................1700.32 Veronica Guerrero, Mlg ..........................54.06 Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 18, 2013. ___________________________________ MID AMERICA MARKETPLACE Wed.-Thurs., December 18-19, 2013 • Buffalo Center Tribune, Butler County Tribune-Journal, Clarksville Star, Eagle Grove Eagle, Kanawaha Reporter, The Leader, Grundy Register, Hampton Chronicle, Pioneer Enterprise, Shef¿eld Press, Wright County Monitor, The Reporter M id-America ARKETPLACE „Where We Put Your Business on the Map!‰ Classified Buy a line classi¿ed ad at any participating Mid-America newspaper and get it listed here for just $5 more! This week’s Crossword and Sudoku puzzles CLIP & SAVE ADOPTION ADOPTION: Loving, outdoorsy couple, doctor dad, stay-home mom, hope to adopt a baby; share lifetime of love, adventure, opportunity. Please call Lori & Mike 1-888499-4464 (INCN) ADOPTION-Upbeat, enthusiastic, in love couple want to adopt a child. Homemaker mom, successful dad, involved grandparents. Legally allowed expenses paid. Bill and Debbie 800-311-6090 (INCN) HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER Best lease purchase in the USA, 99¢/gal. fuel program, newest tractors & trailers available 7+,638%/,&$7,21'2(6127.12:,1*/<$&&(37DGYHUWLVLQJZKLFKLVGHFHSWLYHIUDXGXOHQWRUZKLFK PLJKWRWKHUZLVHYLRODWHWKHODZRUDFFHSWHGVWDQGDUGVRIWDVWH+RZHYHUWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQGRHVQRWZDUUDQW RUJXDUDQWHHWKHDFFXUDF\RIDQ\DGYHUWLVHPHQWQRUWKHTXDOLW\RIWKHJRRGVRUVHUYLFHVDGYHUWLVHG5HDGHUVDUH FDXWLRQHGWRWKRURXJKO\LQYHVWLJDWHDOOFODLPVPDGHLQDQ\DGYHUWLVHPHQWVDQGWRXVHJRRGMXGJPHQWDQGUHDVRQ DEOHFDUHSDUWLFXODUO\ZKHQGHDOLQJZLWKSHUVRQVXQNQRZQWR\RXZKRDVNIRUPRQH\LQDGYDQFHRIGHOLYHU\RIWKH JRRGVRUVHUYLFHVDGYHUWLVHG Jacobson Transportation is seeking Class A CDL Drivers for a Midwest Dedicated Customer Account. Excellent Pay, Bene¿ts and Weekly Home Time! Call 800-397-8132 or apply online (INCN) “Partners in Excellence” OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 (INCN) Drivers: CDL-A Train and work for us! Professional, focused CDL training available. Choose Company Driver, Owner Operator, Lease Operator or Lease Trainer. (877) 3697895 (INCN) Propane bills too high? Stop feeding the pig and get Geo. riday! Starting Fith Now w ĎĔē anywhere. Top pay, medical insurance program, good miles Hirschbach 888-5146005 (INCN) ėĔďĊĈę ĎČĎęĆđ HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE PG DECEMBER 20 - 26 13 STARRING: JOSH HUTCHERSON & JENNIFER LAWRENCE 6+2:7,0(6 7:00 p.m. Nightly (Closed Monday Nights) 1:00 p.m. Matinee on Sunday ******* 7,&.(735,&(6 IRU\RXWKXQGHUIRUDGXOWV 6HQLRU6XQGD\ VXS 7XHV7KXUV$// ******* SPECIAL MONDAY NIGHT SHOW Dec. 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Matinee on Christmas Eve at 1:00 p.m. NO SHOW CHRISTMAS EVE DEC. 24TH MISCELLANEOUS This classi¿ed spot for sale. Advertise your product or recruit an applicant in over 250 Iowa newspapers! Only $300/week. Call this paper or 800-227-7636 (INCN) Mon., Jan. 6th, 6 S.P. %&$&.#&3t'30;&/t1( FOR MORE INFO: WWW.WINDSORTHEATRE.COM OR FIND US IN FACEBOOK AT WINDSOR HAMPTON CLIP & SAVE HELP WANTED - MOTEL MANAGER Belva Deer Inn, LLC is seeking a manager for a ¿ve year old 26 room, non-franchised motel in Sigourney, Iowa. Duties include: hiring, training and supervising staff; overseeing maintenance, housekeeping, front desk duties, daily operations; purchasing supplies, and services; marketing and public relations; other duties as assigned. Computer skills are required. Previous hotel/motel/hospitality experience or manager experience a de¿nite plus. Housing opportunity available. Pay and bene¿ts negotiable. Must be US citizen. Submit resume and letter of interest to: Belva Deer Inn, LLC, 907 E. South Street, Sigourney, IA 52591 or email to [email protected] Bosch geothermal heating and cooling systems can save you up to 70% on your home energy bills. With an additional 30% federal tax credit, these systems are now more affordable than ever! Visit our site to find out how much you can save. 24 Models to Choose From $ Starting at 2,850 Largest selection in Iowa Visit our showroom at 4003 University Ave., Waterloo, Iowa 50701 319-287-3175 866-365-6426 TOLL FREE: New problems with communication is 1 of the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Recognizing the symptoms is the first step toward doing something about it. For more information, and to learn what you can do now, go to or call 800.272.3900. Stop by our Hampton station to ¿ll out an application or you may get an application on line at and mail application or resume to: BEFORE YOU BUY - CALL QSI! Call for a free estimate • FULLY INSURED • LICENSED ICC GENERAL CONTRACTOR • STEEL ROOF & SIDES • 90 MPH WIND LOAD • 30LB. TRUSS LOAD • 3PLY LAMINATED POSTS (60 YR. WTY.) • 16 COLORS AVAILABLE Price Includes: 1-30’x16’ slider and 1-3’ entry door (Wainscot not included in the price) Travel charges may apply. 1-800-374-6988 Lynch Livestock, Inc. 331 3rd St. NW, Waucoma, IA 52171 Attn: Lori or Email to: [email protected] Pre-employment physical and drug test required - EOE FARMLAND FOR SALE 95.0 Acres m/l • 8’ O/C POST-SPACING • 4’ O/C TRUSS SPACING $55,900 Full Installation Services Gooseneck Driver • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • AGRICULTURAL • EQUESTRIAN 60´× 120´× 16´ Call for a Free Estimate Lynch Livestock, Inc., has an immediate opening for a Gooseneck Driver at our Hampton, Iowa location. Job requires driving, loading and unloading hogs, and helping in the yard. Candidate must be at least 25 years of age, and have an excellent driving and attendance record. OT hours available. We offer a professional work environment, competitive wage and a Great bene¿t package. Home daily! ©2013 Alzheimer’s Association. All Rights Reserved. Promotional support provided by DuPont Pioneer. 2013 NFBA Building of the Year Award Winner! Convenient Door N ½ NE¼ W Fork Twp, Fr. Co. For property details contact: Wearda Farm Management/Real Estate, Inc. P.O. Box 135, Hampton, IA 50441 Phone: 641-456-4814 Email: [email protected] 3 Addl. Properties to be auctioned 1/15/2014 $UHD5HVWDXUDQW *8,'( 'LQLQJ JXLGH VSRWV DUH SHU ZHHN GRXEOHVSRWV IRU SHU ZHHN RU VSRWV IRU SHU ZHHN SUHSDLG 6SRWV DUH ERRNHG ZLWK D ZHHN FRPPLWPHQW Old Bank Winery 2SHQWR7XHV6DW /RFDWHGLQ'RZQWRZQ.DQDZKD )UHHZLQHWDVWLQJ David & Nancy Litch • 641-762-3406 CLUES ACROSS 1. Lawyer disquali¿cation 7. Filled in harbor 13. Die 14. Expected 16. As in 17. Squares puzzle 19. Of I 20. Small depressions 22. Cambridgeshire Cathedral 23. Layout and furnishings 25. Sandhill crane genus 26. Challenges 28. A widow’s self-immolation 29. Earth System Model (abbr.) 30. Sound unit 31. A teasing remark 33. Surrounded by 34. Distinctive elegance 36. Imperturbable 38. Gulf of, in the Aegean 40. Ice mountains 41. Rubs out 43. German writer Weber 44. Tub 45. Digital audiotape 47. UC Berkeley 48. Actress Farrow 51. Epic body of poetry 53. Weight unit 55. A mild oath 56. More infrequent 58. One point N of due W 59. More rational 60. Exclamation of surprise 61. Manual soil tiller 64. 24th state 65. Surveyor 67. About ground 69. Something beyond doubt 70. Add herbs or spices 0D\ZHFDWHU\RXUHYHQW" 2SHQ0RQ)ULWR6DWWR %LJ%UDG·V%%4*URFHU\ 'RZQWRZQ.DQDZKD $SOLQJWRQ +RXUV7XHVGD\)ULGD\ DPSPSP 6DWXUGD\DPSP /RXQJH+RXUVSP&ORVH /XQFK(YHQLQJ :HHNHQG6SHFLDOV 6HQLRU0HDOVXQWLOSP Answers from: 12/11/13 Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must ¿ll each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can ¿gure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! CLUES DOWN 1. Shelves 2. Max. medical unit 3. Religious orders 4. Blocks 5. Volcanic mountain in Japan 6. Close again 7. Clemens hero 8. ___-Jima 9. Rendered hog fat 10. Ocean ebbs 11. Spielberg blockbuster 12. Grade reducing 13. Shirk 15. Treats with contempt 18. Single Lens ReÀex (abbr.) 21. Integer 24. Photographers 26. Lair 27. Female sibling 30. Supported a structure 32. German socialist August 35. Angeles, Alomos or Lobos 37. Ripe tomato color 38. Inde¿nite small number 39. Wind River Res. peoples 42. A baglike structure 43. Flying mammal 46. In poor taste 47. Hosts ¿lm festival 49. Evansville Hockey team 50. Ohio tire town 52. Popeye cartoonist 54. Resource Based Economy (abbr.) 55. Hates, Scot. 57. Evaluate 59. Porzana carolina 62. Decay 63. Own (Scottish) 66. Atomic #29 68. Santa says X3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 16 Wednesday, December 18, 2013 +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ The Hampton Chronicle’s BONUS The Hampton Chronicle DELIVERED TO MORE THAN 5,600 HOMES PLUS INTERNET SHOPPERS! SUBMIT YOUR AD ONLINE AT WWW.HAMPTONCHRONICLE.COM OR CALL 641-456-2585 Ɣ TOLL FREE 1-800-558-1244 THIS PUBLICATION DOES NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT FOR SALE advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. FOR SALE +LJKHIÀFLHQF\287'225:22' )851$&( IURP &HQWUDO %RLOHU EXUQV OHVV ZRRG \HDU ZDUUDQW\ &DOO2QH ________________________ F 6KHHWV RI WKLQ ZKLWH SODVWLF $SSUR[LPDWHO\ µ[µ HDFK *RRG IRU FUDIWV RU OLQLQJ VKHOYHV $YDLODEOHDWWKH+DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH ²QG6W1:+DPSWRQ _________________________ FWI 9LQ\O UHSODFHPHQW ZLQGRZ ZLWK µJODVVWKDWWLOWVIRUHDV\FOHDQLQJ $YDLO LQ FRORUV DQG ZRRG JUDLQ &DOO &ROO 0DU\ -R 0XOIRUG0XOIRUG$VVRF _______________________ FWISG HELP WANTED 'ULYHUV&ODVV$&'/+RPHQLJKWO\ 6RPH ZHHNHQG ZRUN WR KUV SHU ZHHN DYHUDJH SHU KRXU SOXV RYHUWLPH 7DQNHU DQG +D]PDW HQGRUVHPHQW SOXV \HDU YHULÀDEOH H[SHULHQFH UHTXLUHG &DOO $VNIRU&KULV ______________________ FSG 3DUWWLPH)XOOWLPH RIÀFH DVVLVWDQW 6HQG FRYHU OHWWHU DQG UHVXPH WR 0LOOHU DQG 0LOOHU 3& 32 %R[ +DPSWRQ ________________________ F /RRNLQJ IRU D GLIIHUHQW FDUHHU RSSRUWXQLW\" $SSOLFDQW PXVW EH D &HUWLÀHG 1XUVHV $LGH DQG EH ZLOOLQJWRWUDYHOWRKRPHVZLWKLQWKH )UDQNOLQ&RXQW\+RPH&DUHVHUYLFH DUHD:RUNDVVLJQPHQWVZLOORFFXULQ FOLHQW·VKRPHVDQGDSSOLFDQWPXVWEH DEOH WR SHUIRUP SHUVRQDO FDUHV DQG FRPSOHWH KRPH PDLQWHQDQFH WDVNV FOR RENT DV DVVLJQHG 3RVLWLRQ LV SDUWWLPH 6HFRQGÁRRUODUJH%5DSDUWPHQW ZLWK 0LOHDJH UHLPEXUVHPHQW IRU ,QFOXGHV ZDVKHUGU\HU VWRYH WUDYHODQGSRWHQWLDOWRHDUQEHQHÀWV UHIULJHUDWRU 1R SHWV 1R VPRNLQJ 'D\WLPH ZRUN KRXUV DQG DSSOLFDQW PRQWK 5HQWHU SD\V XWLOLWLHV PXVW EH ÁH[LEOH DQG DGDSWDEOH &DOO WR VFKHGXOH FKDQJHV )RU PRUH _________________________ FWI LQIRUPDWLRQ FDOO $SSOLFDWLRQ GHDGOLQH LV 'HFHPEHU ________________________ F Hey art and history lovers! +HUH·V D GHDO IRU \RX REPLICAS OF +(15</(:,6·VHULHVRIIXOO FRORU OLWKRJUDSKV IHDWXULQJ HDUO\ ,RZD LQFOXGLQJ WKH WRZQV DQG EDVLQV RI WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL DQG 'HV 0RLQHV ULYHUV 7KH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ E\ LQFK SULQWV DUH LQ ZRRGHQ IUDPHV 3HUIHFW IRU D FROOHFWRU RI HDUO\,RZDKLVWRU\RURIWKHKLVWRU\ RIWKHXSSHU0LVVLVVLSSL5LYHUEDVLQ &DQEHVHHQDW+DPSWRQ3XEOLVKLQJ &RPSDQ\ LQ +DPSWRQ QG 6W 1:0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\RU E\ DSSRLQWPHQW &DOO 5\DQ DW H[W RU VWRS E\ WKH RIÀFHWRYLHZWKHP:LOOVHOORQO\DV DVHW$VNLQJSULFHLV _________________________ FWI MEDICAL HELP WANTED HELP DESK TECHNICIAN: Full time position. Hours are primarily Mon. - Fri. 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. but will require flexibility. Job duties will be to provide IT technical support for software, hardware and network problems throughout facility using a call center. Requires excellent phone and customer service skills as well as the ability to multi task and be a self starter. Technical degree preferred in a microcomputer or networking related field and extensive knowledge of Microsoft products preferred. This position will require working at all Iowa Specialty Hospital locations. Positions offer outstanding wages & fringe benefits. Please stop by and pick up an application, apply on-line at or contact the Human Resources Department at 515-602-9801 to receive an application by mail. All positions are subject to criminal/dependent adult abuse background checks, pre-employment physical and drug testing. Specializing in You 866-426-4188 Immediate Openings Career Opportunities 3DUW7LPH51 3DUW7LPH/31 3DUW7LPH+RXVHNHHSLQJ/DXQGU\ 3519DQ'ULYHU ,I\RXHQMR\ZRUNLQJZLWKDWHDPRIKHDOWKFDUH SURIHVVLRQDOVWKHQZHDUHORRNLQJIRU\RXWRMRLQ RXUWHDP SERVICES SERVICES &255(6321'(176 DUH EHLQJ VRXJKW E\ WKH +DPSWRQ &KURQLFOH <RX FDQ UHSRUW RQ \RXU WRZQ·V ORFDO KDSSHQLQJV DQG QHZV &RUUHVSRQGHQWV DUH QHHGHG IRU +DPSWRQ &KDSLQ 6KHIÀHOG %ULVWRZ DQG %UDGIRUG &DOO +DPSWRQ3XEOLVKLQJQG6W1: +DPSWRQ RU DQGDVNIRU-R\FH _________________________ FWI 3ULQW \RXU GLJLWDO SKRWRV DW WKH +DPSWRQ &KURQLFOH ZLWK SULFHV DV ORZDVHDFK _________________________ FWI 5RQ·V 5RRÀQJ ² ,QVXUHG ERQGHG FRPPHUFLDO UHVLGHQWLDO 6SHFLDOL]LQJ LQ VKLQJOHV UXEEHU PHPEUDQHDQGPHWDOFRDWLQJ$OOPHW 0HWDO 6KLQJOHV VHDPOHVV JXWWHUV +DPSWRQ _________________________ FWI +DGZLJHU 5RRÀQJ DQG 6HDPOHVV *XWWHUV VKLQJOHV ÁDW URRIV VKDNHV DQG VWHHO )UHH HVWLPDWHV RU _________________________ FWI ,QWHULRU SDLQWLQJ ZDOO SDSHULQJ ZRRG ÀQLVKLQJ 6DQG\$DURQ _________________________ FWI ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, LETTERHEAD, EURFKXUHV PXOWLSDUW IRUPV DQG RWKHUSULQWLQJDYDLODEOHDW+DPSWRQ 3XEOLVKLQJQG6W1:+DPSWRQ RU )UHH HVWLPDWHVDYDLODEOH _________________________ FWI ADVERTISE \RXU LWHPV LQ WKH (DJOH *URYH (DJOH *UXQG\ &HQWHU 5HJLVWHU &ODUNVYLOOH 6WDU DQG $OOLVRQ 7ULEXQH 7DON WR WKH VDOHV UHSVDWWKH+DPSWRQ&KURQLFOHDERXW KRZWRGRLW+DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH QG6W1:+DPSWRQRU _________________________ FWI WANTED WANTED houses to clean, 12 years experience, excellent references. Call Joyce at 641-3301311. ______________________ FSG GO BOLD! <RX QRWLFHG WKLV FODVVLÀHG LQ SDUW EHFDXVH RI EROG W\SH 8VH EROG W\SH LQ \RXU DG IRU MXVWPRUHSHUZRUG _________________________ FWI :DQW VWDWHZLGH FRYHUDJH ZLWK \RXU FODVVLÀHG" 7KH &KURQLFOH FDQ GR LW IRU\RXIRURQHSULFH$VNRXUVDOHV UHSV &RQWDFW +DPSWRQ 3XEOLVKLQJ QG 6W 1: +DPSWRQ RU _________________________ FWI LAND FOR SALE! 71 Acres - 66.3 tillable Kent Brown 456-4664 Susan Staley 425-9431 STALEY REAL ESTATE 21 4th Street NE Office: 641-456-3607 Hampton Kurt Thielen 430-3659 Country View Nursing Home - Nurse Aide: Part-time, 24 hours a week, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Works every other weekend and alternating holidays. This part-time position receives benefits. Country View Nursing Home - Nurse: LPN or RN, part time, 24 hours a week, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Works every other weekend and alternating holidays. This part-time position receives benefits. Franklin Country View is a part of Franklin General Hospital. We offer an excellent benefit package including IPERS, Health and Dental Insurance, Paid Time Off, Life Insurance, flexible spending accounts and a FREE single membership to the Franklin Wellness Center. If interested, fill out an application at the hospital or print an application online at and send it to: HUMAN RESOURCES FRANKLIN GENERAL HOSPITAL 1720 Central Avenue East Hampton, IA 50441 EOE SOW FARM TECHNICIAN This full-time position is responsible for the daily care of all animals at the worksite. Each technician is a vital member of a team of 10-12 people all dedicated to providing excellent animal care. This entry level opportunity provides hands-on experience in many of the following areas: animal movements, breeding and gestation, farrowing, piglet care, recordkeeping and farm maintenance. The ideal candidate will have a desire to work with pigs, a willingness to learn, a high level of dependability and a solid work history. This position offers: NEW • $OOQHFHVVDU\WUDLQLQJDQGFHUWLÀFDWLRQV • Base salary starting at $25,000 with potential for quarterly bonuses • Eligibility to apply for the Manager In Training program after ENTRY-LEVEL six months employment BASE SALARY • )XOOEHQHÀWVKHDOWKGHQWDOYLVLRQ(k), Flex spending • Paid holidays, sick days and vacation • Adventureland and Iowa State Fair Family Days • Get hired and refer a friend — we have a $1,560 Employee Referral Bonus! $25,000! Apply online at www.iowaselect.comFDOORU VWRSE\6RXWK2DN6WUHHWLQ,RZD)DOOVWRFRPSOHWHDQDSSOLFDWLRQ RENTAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Featuring, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with water, sewer, and trash removal furnished. Laundry facilities and off-street parking available. Must meet income and occupancy guidelines. Applications are available 24 hours a day at: Office: 202 12th Ave. NE, Hampton, Iowa 50441 Phone: 641-456-3395 • 641-398-2524 TT: 1-800-735-2942 Voice 1-800-735-2943 DUMONT COMMUNITY HOUSING 320 Main Townview Court, Dumont LISA SCHMITZ 319-231-9468 SPRING COACHING POSITIONS HEAD SOCCER COACH (BOYS OR GIRLS) ASSISTANT BOYS SOCCER COACH Program is shared with Hampton-Dumont and Belmond-Klemme HEAD GIRLS AND BOYS GOLF COACH Certification: Iowa Coaching Endorsement or Iowa Coaching Authorization If interested please send the following information to: Scott Striegel-Principal / Activities Director CAL CSD 1441 Gull Ave, Latimer, IA 50452 or call 641-579-6085 Letter of Application, Resume, Coaching Endorsement or Authorization THESE POSITIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE UNTIL FILLED. Become a trusted healthcare partner for life -RLQWKHWHDPWKDWYDOXHVHDFKDQGHYHU\HPSOR\HHDQGVWULYHVIRUH[FHOOHQFHLQ FDUHWRWKRVHSDWLHQWVZHVHUYH$UH\RXORRNLQJIRUDJUHDWVXSSRUWLYHWHDPWR ZRUNZLWK")UDQNOLQ*HQHUDO+RVSLWDOPD\EHWKHSODFH\RXDUHORRNLQJIRU2XU JRDODVKHDOWKSURIHVVLRQDOVLVWRHQVXUHDSRVLWLYHHQYLURQPHQWIRURXUFRPPXQLW\ Med/Surg/ER Registered Nurse: Part-time, 4 days a week, mainly 2nd shift, 3pm – 11:30 pm, alternating weekends and holidays. New grads welcome to apply! Iowa QXUVLQJOLFHQVH71&&3$/6$&/6,I\RXDUHQRWFHUWL¿HGLQ71&&3$/6$&/6 ZHFDQZRUNZLWK\RXWRDFKLHYHWKRVHFHUWL¿FDWLRQV Med/Surg RN Nurse Leader: New position at FGH! Great opportunity for a nurse seeking a new challenge. We are open to FT to PT (32 hours a week). Hours are variable and included alternating weekends and holidays. Must have proven critical thinking skills and will act as a resource to others in the department. Current Iowa RN license, TNCC, PALS and ACLS required. ER RN Nurse Leader: New position at FGH! Great opportunity for a nurse seeking a new challenge. We are open to FT to PT (32 hours a week). Hours are variable and included alternating weekends and holidays. Must have proven critical thinking skills and will act as a resource to others in the department. Current Iowa RN license, TNCC, PALS and ACLS required. Clinic Medical Records Clerk/ Receptionist: 2 positions open! PRN (as needed) DQGSDUWWLPHKRXUVDZHHN7KHSDUWWLPHSRVLWLRQUHFHLYHVEHQH¿WV7KLVSRVLWLRQ works day hours Monday through Friday and rotating Saturdays. There is an opportunity to work temporary full time in January and February. The right person would need to be detail-oriented with strong computer and customer service skills. Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner: Full-time. Must be interested in family medical practice. To qualify you must be a graduate of an accredited program and have a current license to practice in the state of Iowa. This position would provide coverage at our Hampton clinic. The right provider will have strong communication skills, desire to practice in a rural community, the ability to work independently. )UDQNOLQ*HQHUDO+RVSLWDORIIHUVDQH[FHOOHQWEHQH¿WSDFNDJHLQFOXGLQJ,3(56 +HDOWKDQG'HQWDO,QVXUDQFH3DLG7LPH2II/LIH,QVXUDQFHÀH[LEOHVSHQGLQJ DFFRXQWVDQGD)5((VLQJOHPHPEHUVKLSWRWKH)UDQNOLQ:HOOQHVV&HQWHU,I LQWHUHVWHG¿OORXWDQDSSOLFDWLRQDWWKHKRVSLWDORUSULQWDQDSSOLFDWLRQRQOLQHDW www.franklingeneral.comDQGVHQGLWWR HUMAN RESOURCES FRANKLIN GENERAL HOSPITAL Iowa Select Farms is an equal opportunity employer. Murphy Realty & Mgmt. 208 E. State, P.O. Box 476 Algona, IA 50511 515-295-2927 1 apt. for rent to elderly (62 or older) or individuals with disabilities of any age. Stove & refrigerator provided. Water, sewer and garbage paid for you! Franklin Country View Nursing Facility is the beautiful place our residents call home. It is where our caring staff provide kind, compassionate and capable care to residents who become like family. It is also where residents have easy access to clinic and hospital services without stepping outdoors. Franklin Country View Nursing Facility is a 52-bed, intermediate care facility, attached to Franklin General Hospital. The renovated, modern facility includes spacious, semi-private rooms, along with 12 private rooms, each with a private bathroom and shower. JOIN OUR TEAM For more info contact: IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Jay Brower 580-4070 Become a “Trusted Healthcare Partner for Life” with Franklin Country View ABCM Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer 1 Bedroom Apt. Available Sunrise Homes, Inc. in Sheffield, Iowa • For Elderly or Disabled • 1 BR rent is $260 • Ground Floor Apartments • On-site laundry facilities • Appliances Furnished • Some utilities provided FOR RENT For more information contact Staley Real Estate. Brad Staley 425-9400 For Rent Lantern Park Apartments Land for sale in Section 28, Reeve Township, South of Hampton. Available for the Buyer to farm in 2014. Good soils. Tile maps available at the office. $690,000 Jerry Staley 456-3607 WWW.IOWASPECIALTYHOSPITAL.COM Belmond - 403 1st Street SE Clarion - 1316 S. Main Street 866-643-2622 HELP WANTED 1720 Central Avenue East Hampton, IA 50441 EOE BIOSECURITY COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST The Biosecurity Compliance Specialist will oversee the processes and protocols for the Iowa Select Farms wash facility located in Iowa Falls. Candidate will work on-site overseeing all wash personnel training as well as the auditing process to ensure all semiWUXFNÀIWKZKHHOWUDLOHUV and equipment are pressure washed, sanitized and dried according to protocol. This person must have a strong attention to detail, be dependable and have excellent communication and training skills. Bilingual communication a plus. Two positions are available — day shift 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and night shift 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Competitive salary DQGH[FHOOHQWEHQHÀWV Apply online at, call 641-648-4479 or stop by 811 South Oak Street to complete an application. EOE. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Hampton Chronicle • Section A Wednesday, December 18, 2013 17 &DUGV RI7KDQNV 0F.,11(<²$ELJWKDQN\RXWR0HUF\DQG)UDQNOLQ*HQHUDO+RVSLWDOV IRU WKH ZRQGHUIXO FDUH , JRW$OVR 3DVWRU$QQ IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV IRU \RXU SUD\HUV SKRQH FDOOV YLVLWV IRRG EURXJKW LQ *RG %OHVV HDFK DQG HYHU\RQH:LOPD0F.LQQH\ __________________________________________________ FSG 0(<(5²:HZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQNHYHU\RQHIRUWKHLUFDUGVKXJVDQG NLQGZRUGVDWWKHWLPHRI(GPXQG·VGHDWK$VSHFLDOWKDQN\RXIRU3DVWRU .DUO %ROOKDJHQ 9LFDU 1DWKDQ 6FKLHEHU WKH 6WDII DW )UDQNOLQ &RXQWU\ 9LHZ 1XUVLQJ )DFLOLW\ 'U .HLWK +DQVHQ +RVSLFH RI 1RUWK ,RZD DQG PHPEHUV RI 7ULQLW\ /XWKHUQ &KXUFK RI +DPSWRQ 7HUU\ DQG 0DULO\Q %HQWV (ODLQH 0H\HU -D\ DQG /\QHWWH *DUWPDQ 'DYH DQG$P\ 3HUH] .HYLQ*DUWPDQ-DPHVDQG1DWDOH\3HUH] __________________________________________________ FSG 527+(5 ² :RUGV FDQQRW H[SUHVV WKH JUDWLWXGH ZH KDYH IRU WKH YROXQWHHUÀUHÀJKWHUVRI/DWLPHU6KHIÀHOG7KRUQWRQ&RXOWHU0HVHUYH\ 6ZDOHGDOH WKH HPHUJHQF\ UHVSRQVH WHDP RI :HVW )UDQNOLQ (06 )UDQNOLQ *HQHUDO$PEXODQFH7KH\ GLG DQ H[FHOOHQW MRE LQ JHWWLQJ RXU ÀUHFRQWDLQHGDQGVDYLQJRXUVXUURXQGLQJEXLOGLQJV,DPVXUHDOORIWKHVH YROXQWHHUVZRXOGUDWKHUKDYHEHHQGRLQJVRPHWKLQJHOVHEHVLGHVZRUNLQJ ZLWKZDWHULQH[WUHPHO\FROGFRQGLWLRQVEXWZHDUHVRYHU\WKDQNIXOWKDW WKH\FDPHWRRXUDLG<RXKDYHRXUGHHSHVWUHVSHFW:HZRXOGDOVROLNH WRWKDQNRXUIDPLO\PHPEHUVIULHQGVDQGQHLJKERUVIRUWKHLUVXSSRUW KHOSLQJ ZLWK IRRG DQG ZDUP GULQNV<RXU KHDUWV DUH KXJH DQG ZH DUH KDSS\WKDWZHKDYHDVPDOOSODFHLQHDFKRIWKHP7KDQN\RXWKDQN\RX WKDQN \RX WR HYHU\RQH ZKR KHOSHG RXU RQ WKDW FROG 6DWXUGD\ PRUQLQJ ÀUH0DUNDQG6XH5RWKHU5\DQ%HFN\5RWKHUDQGIDPLO\7RQ\-HVVLFD 5RWKHUDQGIDPLO\ __________________________________________________ FSG 0(<(5²´7KDQN\RXµWRDOOZKRVHQWFDUGVIRURXUWKDQQLYHUVDU\ <RXUNLQGZRUGVDQGEHVWZLVKHVZHUHGHHSO\DSSUHFLDWHG0DUODQDQG /DYRQQD0H\HU __________________________________________________ FSG The Eagle Grove Eagle, a division of Mid-America Publishing, is seeking a full-time marketing representative to sell digital, print, and commercial printing products for multiple Mid-America publications. The successful candidate must be a self-starter who is looking to grow the area market in all areas of the business and be innovative in finding solutions to best serve the customers they serve. Previous sales experience is preferred. Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours! “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 GREETING CARDS Custom greeting cards designed just for you Choose from our 24 design templates or create your own! 25 cards with envelopes - $1450 • 50 cards with envelopes - $2200 ADDITIONAL CARDS WITH ENVELOPES - $5.00/10 CALL US TODAY! 641-456-2585 |Lisa, ext. 113 |9 2nd St. NW Hampton, IA Over 40 Years of Quality Service Gutters Need Cleaning? offers Lifetime NO-CLOG GUARANTEE. PRODUCT FOR PRODUCT WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Windows • Siding Call collect for estimates We also offer other guards and gutters without guards. Call for a free consultation. 641-648-3918 Ask for Ben Steve Brekunitch, Owner 131 E. Rocksylvania Ave. • Iowa Falls 641-648-2755 or 1-877-965-9167 OAKBROOK APARTMENTS AVAILABLE NOW: 1 & 2 BR APTS. 504 S. 4th St., Rockwell On site laundry, off street parking, water and trash provided, rental assistance available. 712-297-0058 $200 MOVE-IN SPECIAL WITH SIGNED LEASE LAND AUCTION $FUHV)UDQNOLQ&RXQW\,RZD Customer Service/ Graphic Designer Mid-America Publishing is looking for a full-time customer service representative/graphic designer for its commercial printing division located in Hampton. This person will work with clients to develop, price and print commercial job work for their personal and business needs. Successful candidate should have a minimum of basic working knowledge of Adobe CS products, as well as being able to schedule, prepare and print client work using digital press equipment. The position requires very strong organizational skills, an eye for detail, and a willingness to work in a fast paced environment. To apply, send your resume, cover letter and three references to: Ryan Harvey, President/CEO of Mid-America Publishing Corporation, P.O. Box 29, Hampton, Iowa 50441 or email your information to [email protected]. Business & Personal Printing Business Cards | Letterhead & Envelopes Business Forms | Brochures & Flyers | Posters Printing, Publishing & More To apply, mail a letter of interest, resume, and three references to Ryan Harvey, President, Mid-America Publishing, P.O. Box 29, Hampton, Iowa 50441 or by email at [email protected]. )ULGD\'HFHPEHUDW$0 DWWKH/DWLPHU&RPPXQLW\%XLOGLQJ We strive for your success! MAPC | 9 2nd Street NW | Hampton, Iowa 50441 1RUWK$NLU6WUHHWLQ/DWLPHU,RZD For Property Details, Contact: -HIIUH\72EUHFKW$JHQW$XFWLRQHHU ´7KH'LUW'HDOHUµ ,RZD)DOOV,RZD L-1400147 (641) 648-5065 or (515) 689-1648 [email protected] HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Need Extra Cash? ZZZ)DUPHUV1DWLRQDOFRP JASPERSEN HOME-AUTO-FARM BUSINESS-CROP-LIFE 5HDO(VWDWH6DOHV$XFWLRQV)DUPDQG5DQFK0DQDJHPHQW $SSUDLVDO,QVXUDQFH&RQVXOWDWLRQ2LODQG*DV0DQDJHPHQW /DNH0DQDJHPHQW1DWLRQDO+XQWLQJ/HDVHV Insurance & Real Estate Call Today! (641) 456-2266 - Downtown Hampton 118 3rd St. - Chapin - $29,900 457 10th Ave. NE - Hampton - $24,900 Great starter home! New roof and siding in Ideal starter or rental home located near the 2007, water heater in 2010, updated heat middle school. Semi-private and spacious and central air. Low utilities and taxes. backyard with a great country view. Shelia Atkinson Insurance Harley Krukow Realtor Eric Christianson Realtor & Insurance Jim Davies Realtor Chelsey Wiseman Realtor & Insurance Rochelle Abbas Realtor • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT REALTY Home Is Where Our Heart Is! 2 - 1st St. NW Hampton, IA 50441 456-4707 Kathy Stanbrough, 641-430-3821 Chuck Svendsen 641-425-7159 910 4 St. NE - HAMPTON - 3 BR, 1.5 BA - 2 Stall Att. Garage - Newer Windows & Roof th ASKING PRICE $79,900 NEW PRICE 221 5th St. SE - HAMPTON - 2 BR, 1 BA - New Kitchen w/Appliances - 2 Stall Garage - New Water Heater PRICE REDUCED TO $74,900 210 S. Donovan - LATIMER NEW - 2 BR, 1.5 BA PRICE - New Bathroom - Main Floor Laundry - Newer Windows PRICE REDUCED TO $34,900 • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE • ABBOTT SOLD MINE May your home be blessed with peace, love, joy and contentment throughout the Christmas season. We feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and neighbors like you. Thanks! Paying $2.00 for each full size Appliance washer, dryer, furnace, water heater, refrigerator, freezer METAL Can openers, utensils, toasters, crock pots, pots & pans, mixers, lockers, filing cabinets, desk, tables, chairs, shelving, meat grinders, bowls, bath tubs, faucets, sinks, lawn mowers, lawn furniture, lawn chairs, electronics, scooters, bicycles, tricycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, tractors, semis, trailers, rims, converters, BBQ grills, bed springs, bed frames, wire fence, generators, starters, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, microwaves, dishwasher, rad ra radiators, grain bins, hog feeders, farm machinery, printers, eel l electric motors, electric cords, ccopper, aluminum, stainless, brass, lead, sheet iron, cast, stove cast, etc.... Lookki forward to serving you in 2014! Looking 641-648-3088 or 641-373-3088 • M-F 8-5 641--6 d [email protected] NO tvs tvs, computer m monitors, onitors camper (amm (ammonia) refrigerators, household waste & garbage. (641) 456-3883 HWY 3 W., 515 CENTRAL AVE. WEST, HAMPTON Storage Units 1-800-353-0017 18 FROM YOUR NEIGHBORS Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Coaches vs. Cancer DERMATOLOGY SERVICES NOW 2014 set for Jan. 25 OFFERED AT EMH SPECIALTY Ellsworth Municipal Hospital welcomes Crystal Meyer ARNP with Mid-Iowa Dermatology .00õ 2. !2 YERRõ! -EEYE T LLõ#RYSTA # Y LOG $ERMATO 3HEõWILLõSPECIALIZEõINõSURGICALõ MEDICALõANDõCOSMETICõTREATMENTSõ OFõTHEõSKINõ3HEõWILLõBEõACCEPTINGõ APPOINTMENTSõEVERYõTHIRDõ4HURSDAYõ INõTHEõ%-(õ3PECIALTYõ#LINICõSTARTINGõ $ECEMBERõTHõ 515-955-4440 520 Talbott St. Iowa Falls, IA 50126 100 $ Business Cards Full Color - One Sided 15 00 plus tax +DPSWRQ&KURQLFOH6HFWLRQ$ CALL LISA AT 456-2585 TO ORDER! By Heather Holm and Sheri Bogue Plans are underway for the 5th Annual Coaches vs. Cancer, a full day of basketball between Hampton-Dumont and West Fork teams will take place on Saturday January 7KHKLJKVFKRROER\V·DQGJLUOV· WHDPVZLOOSOD\WKHÀUVWJDPHDW p.m., at the Hampton-Dumont High School. Several fun activities are being planned throughout the day, so please watch the papers and listen to the radio for those details as they EHFRPHÀQDOL]HG Right now we are taking orders IRU WKLV \HDU·V &RDFKHV YV &DQFHU T-shirts. The shirts this year are orange with black print. cost is $15.00 IRU \RXWK VPDOO ² DGXOW ;/ ODUJHU shirts are also available with an additional cost. Please return order forms to Heather Holm at 1010 4th Street SE, Hampton, Iowa, 50441 no later than December 31. All shirts must be ordered in advance as a very limited supply will be available on game day. Order forms are available on the school web sites, in Hampton at First Bank Hampton and the high school; LQ6KHIÀHOGDWWKHKLJKVFKRRO8QLWHG %DQN 7UXVW 'XJDQ·V 6XSHU- PDUNHWDQGWKH6KHIÀHOG/LEUDU\LQ Rockwell at the middle school, First 6HFXULW\%DQN7UXVWDQG'XJDQ·V Supermarket; and in Thornton at First Security Bank & Trust and Chit Chat Café. This year we are looking for sponsors to help offset the cost of the T-shirts, this will allow us to donate more money to the Coaches vs. &DQFHUDQGWKHÀJKWDJDLQVWWKLVWHUrible disease. Our theme this year is “Finish The Fight.” If you would be interested in sponsoring the t-shirts please contact Heather Holm at 641-456-8065 or Sheri Bogue at 641-892-4260 for more details. We hope to see you at the basketball game to support our teams and the Coaches vs. Cancer. Ellsworth Municipal Hospital is pleased to welcome Mid-Iowa Dermatology from Fort Dodge to the services available in the EMH Specialty Clinic. Crystal Meyer, ARNP, is now accepting appointments every third Thursday in the EMH Specialty Clinic starting December 19th, 2013. Mid-Iowa Dermatology specializes in surgical, medical, and cosmetic treatments of the skin. They offer current technology and treatments of skin GLVHDVHVDQGDGYDQFHVLQVNLQUHMXYHQDWLRQ7KHLU practice includes skin cancer surgery, common skin problems, cosmetic treatments, and an array Crystal Meyer of skin products. The EMH Specialty Clinic is located in the (0+ 3URIHVVLRQDO %XLOGLQJ DW 7DOERWW 6WUHHW DGMDFHQW WR (OOVZRUWK Municipal Hospital. Appointments can now be scheduled with Crystal Meyer, ARNP by calling 515-955-4440. 9 • 2nd St. NW - Hampton MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE GIVE GI VE A G GII F FT T T THA H A T LA ST S ALL A LL YEA YE A R! Pick the membership package that works for you! $ 84 3 t a t r a t s Prices $ 28 for 1 d n a lf o G r fo s Social Membership [email protected] i @h t t l b Larry Sailer wins $10,000 check 641-456-3256 7KHDQQXDOGUDZLQJRIWKHUDIÀHWLFNHWVSRQVRUHGE\WKH*UHDWHU)UDQNOLQ&RXQW\&KDPEHURI Commerce was held Dec. 9 at the Windsor Theatre. Numerous gift basket prizes were awarded in addition to the $10,000 check, which was won by Larry Sailer. Pictured left to right: Kristina Raisch, Main Street VWDII1HZWRQ*URW]LQJHU&KDPEHU([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRUDQGUDIÀHZLQQHU/DUU\6DLOHU6XEPLWWHGSKRWR courtesy of Hope Polk, Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce) 1620 COUNTRY CLUB LANE, HAMPTON THE POWER Once Again, We Rank Highest in Patient Satisfaction TO SAVE SOME GREEN MidAmerican Energy puts the power of energy efficiency in our customers’ hands. For more than two decades, our EnergyAdvantage® programs have provided free energy audits and education and training to teach customers how to use energy more wisely, which helps the environment. In addition to receiving program rebates and incentives, customers save some green through reduced energy costs. Contact us to learn more about EnergyAdvantage programs. We specialize in award-winning care for you and your family. Iowa Specialty Hospital has ranked highest in the nation for patient satisfaction for the past several years. For the second consecutive year, we received 7 national awards from Press Ganey—the only hospital in the nation to do so. We are proud to specialize in you. 800-894-9599 BELMOND - 403 1st Street SE – Phone: (641) 444-3223 • (866) 643-2622 CLARION - 1316 South Main Street – Phone: (515) 532-2811 • (866) 426-4188