Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 - East
Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 - East
Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 - East - European Souslik Baseline Study Page 2 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 General Information on Spermophilus Populations in Europe and Greece 3 1.2 Legislation Issues 9 1.3 Field Survey Scope of Work 10 2 METHODOLOGY 11 2.1 Sampling Methodology 11 2.2 Study Sites 14 2.3 Limitations, Uncertainties and Bias 25 3 RESULTS 27 3.1 Spermophilus citellus Colonies 27 3.2 Other Important Features 29 4 CONCLUSIONS 30 4.1 Key Habitats within the Study Area 30 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 3-1 Table 4-1 Occurrence of S.citellus in Greece According to Literature Sampling effort for Spermophillus citellus (October 2012) Sampling locations/observation points for Spermophillus citellus and/or Spermophilus habitat along the route Potential Spermophilus citellus Presence in the Study Area Spermophilus citellus potential colonies reports 8 13 14 28 30 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2 Figure 2-1 Worldwide Distribution of the European Ground Squirrel European Ground Squirrel distribution in Greece Example of Alignment of Sampling Points (KP 22-23) 5 7 13 Page 3 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Information on Spermophilus Populations in Europe and Greece The European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus (Linnaeus, 1766), is a species of the squirrel family Sciuridae, order Rodentia, and it is distinguished in 4 subspecies, S. c. citellus, S. c. gradojevici, S. c. istricus and S. c. martinoi (reviewed in Helgen et al. 2009). The species is endemic to central and south-eastern Europe and is considered to be dependent on short-grass open vegetation (Coroiu et al. 2008), where it follows an omnivorous diet including seeds, green plant parts, flowers, insects and roots (Mc Donnald & Barrett, 1993). The European ground squirrel, or else souslik, grows to a length of between 19-22 cm and its weight varies between 240 and 340 g. The two sexes mate from March to April (Benhaiemm, 2006) and the females give birth to 5-8 cubs (Mc Donnald & Barrett, 1993). The European ground squirrel is an obligate hibernator, thus its annual cycle is characterized by an inactive and active season, when the animals immerge in and emerge from hibernation, respectively. Hibernation season lasts from late summer until late spring, while its duration differs depending on the age and sex: adult females enter first into hibernation, followed by the males and finally by the juveniles. The active season, on the other hand, starts in early spring and, similarly to the hibernation season, is sex and age-dependent: the adult males immerge first, followed by the adult females, and lastly the juveniles of both sexes (Youlatos et al. 2007; Mateju, 2008). During the active season, the ground squirrel exhibits only diurnal activity (Hutt et al. 1999; Everts et al. 2004) and spends almost half of its time aboveground (Everts et al., 2004, Youlatos et al., 2007). The activity patterns of the species are influenced by the photoperiod (Everts et al., 2004; Koshev & Kosheva, 2008), other climatic factors, such as the temperature, (Youlatos et al. 2007; Koshev & Kosheva, 2008) and the rainfall (Everts et al. 2204), the sex (Boutsis, 2002; Debit, 2003; Everts et al., 2004) and reproductive state (Everts et al., 2004), while the main behaviours the species exhibits are vigilance and feeding (Everts et al. 2004; Youlatos et al. 2007). Other behaviours include mating, preparation of the hibernation by both sexes, while the females also gestate and give birth to juveniles and lactate (Debit, 2003). Page 4 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 The species forms loosely structured populations, known as colonies (Koshev, 2008), which correspond to aggregations of individuals (groups) within the space, which are spatially separated from other similar groups inhabiting the same region (Stefanov & Markova, 2009). However, within the colonies social interactions among the animals are rather restricted and each animal constructs and uses its own burrow (Benhaeim, 2006). A single burrow system consists of 1 - 5 (Boutsis, 2002; Ozkurt et al. 2005), or even more surface openings (Mateju, 2008), interconnected via tunnels (reviewed in Boutsis, 2002). Burrows are used for multiple purposes: they provide shelter during the hibernation, while during the active season they are used as resting, sleeping places, as shelters from predators, and as places for food storage and reproduction (reviewed in Gedeon et al. 2010). The species is endemic to central and south-eastern Europe with its range distinctly divided into two areas by the Carpathian Mountains. The north-western area includes Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, northern Serbia and Montenegro, and western Romania, while the south-eastern areas extends from southern Serbia, FYROM and Greece through Bulgaria and southern Romania to Eastern Thrace, Moldova and Ukraine (reviewed in Coroiu et al. 2008) (Figure 1-1). Although widely distributed in Europe, its populations are fragmented and its present range is just a part of a quite larger range the species had in the past. During the middle of the 20th century, European ground squirrel was abundant in Czechoslovakia (Mateju et al. 2010), Bulgaria (Stefanov and Markova, 2009), Austria (Turrini et al. 2008) and Hungary (Váczi et al. 2008). Also, in most of these countries the species was considered as a pest, and, for example in Bulgaria, management measures were taken to limit its numbers (reviewed in Stefanov and Markova, 2009). In the next decades, its natural habitats were significantly deteriorated, the abundance of the species decreased and its distribution became fragmented, while in some countries, such as in Croatia, the species got extinct (reviewed in Coroiu et al. 2008). Page 5 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Figure 1-1 Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Worldwide Distribution of the European Ground Squirrel Source: IUCN (2008) The species is dependent on short-grass open habitats (Coroiu et al. 2008), and the main reasons of its decline are associated with the change of the agricultural practices and the urbanization. More specifically, the major reasons of its population reduction and its subsequent fragmentation are considered to be the alteration of the meadows and pastures into fields, the absence of management of vegetation cover to a short height and the urbanization (Turrini et al. 2008; Koshev, 2008; Mateju et al. 2008, Uhlíková et al. 2008). On the other hand and quite ironically, at present the species inhabits mainly anthropogenic environments, such as airfields, sport areas, alfalfa cultivations, pastures and far less natural habitats, such as steppe areas (Hoffmann et al. 2008; Mateju et al. 2008). The species’ population status and habitat in each country is as follows: Bulgaria: Although during the period 50s-70s of the past century the European ground squirrel was considered a pest for the agriculture (Stefanov and Markova, 2009), today the species distribution and density have decreased significantly (Koshev, 2008). For these reasons, the Page 6 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 species is referred to Bulgarian Biological Diversity Act, Appendix II and it is included in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria, as vulnerable (Stefanov and Markova, 2009). Austria: Considered as a pest during the first half of the 20th century, the species has experienced a dramatic decrease, and has been listed as endangered since 1984 (Turrini et al. 2008). Turkey: Its distribution is restricted to the steppe areas of Turkish Thrace. Available data for the species are very limited; however it seems that its population is in decline (Ozkurt et al. 2005). Czech Republic and Slovakia: Described as a severe pest in the former Czechoslovakia in the early 1950s, nowadays the species is one of the most threatened mammals in the country, and is listed as a critically endangered species, under the protection of the Act no. 114/1992 Coll. on Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection (Mateju et al. 2008). Hungary: Since the middle of the 20th century, the species has suffered a severe reduction in its population size and has disappeared from certain localities in the past few years (Vaczi et al. 2008). Germany: The species became extinct in 1968 (Mateju et al. 2010). In 2006, a reintroduction project was initiated (Coroiu et al. 2008). Poland: The species became extinct in 1983. Within 2000-2004, a reintroduction program was implemented successfully and in 2008 the population size was estimated at 150-200 individuals (Mateju et al., 2010). Croatia: The species became extinct (Coroiu et al., 2008). Romania: The population size has been estimated at approximately 15.000 individuals (Coroiu et al., 2008). Data concerning its populations’ status in the rest of its range, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine, are not available. The Greek populations of the European ground squirrel are considered to be also in decline and severely fragmented (Youlatos, 2008), however systematic surveys concerning the occurrence Page 7 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 and the ecology of the species are lacking. Data about the present and historical occurrence of the species are scarce, while data related to the biology and ecology of the species are available only from two populations in Thermi region, within the Thessaloniki Prefecture. According to Youlatos (2008), the European ground squirrel occurs only in the northern part of Greece and includes 3 clearly defined and probably isolated sub-populations, located in western Macedonia, in central Macedonia and in Thrace. In western Macedonia, the species inhabits regions of Kozani and Giannitsa and in central Macedonia regions of the Axios valley, Gallikos, Hortiati, Thermi, Pilaia and region of Serres. In Thrace, there are populations in region of Alexandroupoli, in Evros delta and in isolated areas of north/north-eastern Evros Prefecture (Figure 1-2) (reviewed in Youlatos, 2008). Figure 1-2 European Ground Squirrel distribution in Greece Source: Youlatos (2008) Page 8 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 These populations are considered as genetically and morphologically differentiated: in western and central Macedonia populations comprise the subspecies Spermophilus citellus gradojevici, whereas those in Thrace are formed by the subspecies Spermophilus citellus martinoi (reviewed in Youlatos, 2008; Helgen et al. 2009). More data about the distribution of S. citellus are provided in the fact sheets of the NATURA 2000 sites recording, according to which the species occurrence is broader and includes also regions of the Prefecture of Florina, Kastoria, Imathia and Pieria (Table 1-1). However, these data, including most of Youlatos’ references also, come mainly from literature sources, which date several years back and lack recent verification in the field, with the exception of the Natura site of Axios, Loudias and Aliakmonas where the presence of the species was verified recently (Youlatos, pers. comm.) On the other hand, field studies have shown that the extinction risk of a colony is very high within only a few decades (Mateju et al. 2008), thus it is very possible the species have become extinct in some of the reported locations. For example, although the presence of the S. cittelus in Dadia forest is reported in the Natura fact sheets, the species became extinct in 1992 during the dam construction in Lyra region and no colony has ever been observed since then (Catsadorakis and Bousbouras, 2010; Bousbouras, pers. comm.). Table 1-1 contains a list of the sites where the presence of the species has been referred to, and where there is no current evidence of extinction. Table 1-1 Occurrence of S.citellus in Greece According to Literature Sites Prefecture Reference Alexandroupoli Evros (Thrace) Ondrias 1965 Didimoticho Evros (Thrace) Niethammer 1974 Delta of Evros Evros (Thrace) Fraguedaki-Tsoli & Ondrias 1985 / Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Koufovouno Evros (Thrace) Vohralik & Sofianidou 1992 Thourio Evros (Thrace) Vohralik & Sofianidou 1992 Fillakio Evros (Thrace) Vohralik & Sofianidou 1992 Haidou, Koula Xanthi (Thrace) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Kirnos Xanthi (Thrace) Vohralik & Sofianidou 1992 Olvio Xanthi (Thrace) Vohralik & Sofianidou 1992 Kerkini lake, Mt Krousia and Beles Serres (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Valley of Timiou Prodromou Serres (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Metalliko Kilkis (Macedonia) Vohralik & Sofianidou 1987 Kalochori Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Vohralik & Sofianidou 1987 Page 9 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Sites Prefecture Reference Sindos Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Vohralik & Sofianidou 1987 Malgara Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Chuworth-Masters 1932; Hadjinikolaou 1935 Lagathas Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Peus 1954 Kolchico Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Peus 1958 Kimina Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Ondrias 1966 Koronia Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Niethammer 1974 Lagathikia Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Ruzic 1978 Axios, Loudia and Aliakmonas deltas Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Volvi and Koronia lakes Thessaloniki (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Plati Imathia (Macedonia) Peus 1958 Nisseli Imathia (Macedonia) Fraguedaki-Tsoli 1977 Stena Aliakmona Imathia (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Seli Imathia (Macedonia) Kryštufek 2009 Mt Vermio Imathia (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Tria Pigathia Kozani (Macedonia) Hatzisarantos et al. 1962 Kozani Kozani (Macedonia) Ondrias 1966 Pontokomi Kozani (Macedonia) Fraguedaki-Tsoli 1977 Mt Vourinos and valley of Mesiano Nero Kozani (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Giannitsa Pella (Macedonia) Hatzisarantos et al. 1962 Amindaio Florina (Macedonia) Krystufek 2009 Himaditida and Zazari lakes Florina (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Vegoritida and Petron lakes Florina (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Mt Vitsi Florina (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Kastoria lake Kastoria (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Kolindros Pieria (Macedonia) Ondrias 1965 Mt Pieria Pieria (Macedonia) Sfikas, 2004 (Natura fact sheets) Compiled by Migli (2013) 1.2 Legislation Issues Due to the decline of the species’ range, especially in the southern, northern and north-western areas of its distribution, and the fact that its overall population decrease is suspected to have been more than 30% over the last years, the species is assessed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. That means that is considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. Moreover, the species is listed on Appendix II of the Bern Convention, which includes strictly protected fauna Page 10 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 species. Furthermore, S. citellus is listed in Annexes II and IV of the EU Habitats and Species Directive, which include species requiring designation of Special Areas of Conservation, and species in need of strict protection, respectively. In accordance with the European legislation, the species is protected in Greece by the Presidential Declaration of 1981. Lastly, due to the decline of its population and the fragmentation of its habitat, the species is described as “Vulnerable” in the Red Data Book of Greece (Youlatos, 2008). 1.3 Field Survey Scope of Work The overall objective of the investigations on the European Souslik was to provide relevant information on the species presence/distribution along the pipeline route to feed the ESIA report (i.e. specific baseline data and, where needed, information of interest for the impact assessment and preventive/mitigation measures). Specifically the following objectives can be mentioned: Gather desktop information of interest for the species such as distribution, with special focus on the study area and its vicinity; Confirm the desktop investigations and identify/locate specific areas or sections of the pipe where colonies of the species are present or are highly likely to be present Provide insights on the current status of the species along the route as well as identify potential environmental features of interest in the project area (including those related to the project definition/design where appropriate). Field survey was thus focused on recording the presence of Spermophilus citellus colonies within 500 m buffer zone around the proposed pipeline route (250 m each side of the route). Also, where appropriate, sampling took place outside the 500 m buffer zone in order to minimize potential edge effect caused by the existent DESFA pipeline as souslik’s colony mean size has been found to range between 1,5- 10 ha (Stefanov & Markova, 2009). Page 11 of 32 Area Code Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Project Title: Document Title: 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Sampling Methodology Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 The fact that there is very limited recent information1 on the current distribution and habitat preference of Spermophilus colonies in northern Greece made it a necessity that the 500 m Project area was searched as thoroughly as possible. To achieve this, the following procedure was employed: The northern section of the 500 m zone was divided into 361 reference points (marked as R0, R1, R2....R361 from east to west) all lying in 1 km distance from the ones standing immediately east and west to them. In a similar way, the southern section of the 500m zone was divided into 361 points (marked as L0, L1, L2...L361 from east to west). All points will lie at a perpendicular distance of 175 m north or south respectively to the route. As a result, the core of the Project area was divided into 360 sampling blocks2 in the form of “RxRx+1 - LxLx+1, x=1, 2 ....360”. Searching for Spermophilus colonies was conducted in two different field surveys due to critical time limits.. The first field survey was carried out between the 1st and the 4th of October 2012, when one pair of scientists covered the distance of the TAP Project area from the Greek-Turkish border to central Thrace (Filakas on KP 88). The second field survey took place between the 25th and the 27th of April 2013, during which, a scientist searched the areas from Nea Mesimvria to Examili (Thessaloniki area, KP 329-359) and from Cryssoypoli to Pimni (Nestos plain, Kp 150175), both areas that according to literature used to host Sousliks 20 years ago. During the first survey, the sampling procedure was planned to take place at least once within each sampling block all along the route from Greek-Turkish border to Filakas (Kp 0 to 88). The area between two consecutive R – (or L-) points and the route is 17.5 ha which is a bit larger than the usual size reported in bibliography for a single Spermophilus colony in Bulgaria (1.5 – 10 ha3). As a result, clear-cut evidence of presence of Spermophilus colonies anywhere within two consecutive R or L points or in between R/L points is enough evidence that the particular location hosts at least one colony in the same site. 1 All reports from Macedonia region derive from fieldwork on or before 1992 (see table 1.1) whereas the year of observation/collection of specimens recently discussed in Kryštufek & al 2009 is unknown. 2 (1) plus the initial one R0R1 – L0L1 3 Stefanov and Markova (2009) Page 12 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 The second survey comprised exactly the same sampling procedure as the first one, only confined in thirty blocks of Gallikos plain (from Kp 329 to Kp 359) and another 14 blocks of Nestos plain (from KP149 to KP 163) along the route. The following habitat types have been considered as unlikely to host Spermophilus colonies and therefore, blocks located within these habitats have been excluded from the sampling protocol: Forested areas such as Quercus and Pinus forest; Sites with riparian vegetation; Heavily irrigated fields such as corn and cotton. Cereal fields under growing state. Heavily irrigated fields have been a concern because they could not be known beforehand as the type of cultivation in northern Greece may change annually. As a result, it was only during fieldwork that particular locations were defined as “unlikely” or “likely” to host Spermophilus colonies. When in the field, the following parameters have been considered as adequate evidence to indicate presence of a Spermophilus colony: Several holes on the ground with diameter > 6 cm, freshly dug which will lead into a tunnel underground and at least two large holes (diameter > 10 cm) in the same location, freshly dug and leading to a wide tunnel underground Observation of the animal alive A group of holes with diameters smaller than 6 cm and no observation of two large holes will be considered as evidence of the presence of other rodent species, such as Microtus and Rattus. Symmetrical piles of fine-grained soil on the ground were considered as evidence of Talpa or Microtus presence. Nannospalax piles (similar but larger of those of Talpa) have not been observed within the Project area. Page 13 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Figure 2-1 Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Example of Alignment of Sampling Points (KP 22-23) Source: October 2012 field survey The sampling effort of both surveys carried out is described in Table 2-1 and Table 2-3. Table 2-1 Sampling effort for Spermophillus citellus (October 2012) Number % total number of sampling blocks within the Project area 87 100 number of sampling blocks searched at both the east and west section along the PPS 5 5.8 number of sampling blocks searched at either (or both) the east or the west section along the PPS 54 62.1 number of sampling blocks pre-determined as definitely unsuitable habitat 25 28.7 number of sampling blocks not searched during fieldwork 3 3.4 Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012) Table 2-2 Sampling effort for Spermophillus citellus (April 2013) Number % total number of sampling blocks within the Project area 44 100 number of sampling blocks searched at both the east and west section along the PPS 2 4.5 number of sampling blocks searched at either (or both) the east or the west section along the PPS 20 45.5 number of sampling blocks pre-determined as definitely unsuitable habitat 22 50 number of sampling blocks not searched during fieldwork 0 0 Source: NCC field survey (April 2013) Page 14 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 To sum up the information, 97.7% of the sampling blocks (128 out of 131 blocks) that were selected as Spermophilus citellus habitat according to literature were searched, while 35.9 % have been considered as unsuitable habitat for the species and were therefore not searched. 2.2 Study Sites The majority of the 359 km pipeline route comprises cultivated land. Wheat, clover and cotton fields are quite widespread throughout the study area, followed by fallow fields and meadows. Other types of cultivation in the area included corn, melon and tobacco fields, and Acacia plantations. During the first sampling, most of the crops were already harvested, and the existing vegetation in the fields was mainly low and sparse, making more feasible the observation of the ground. However, sampling took place only on fields without irrigation, thus cotton, corn and tobacco fields that are usually heavily irrigated during the growing season were excluded from sampling, unless dry farming techniques were applied, as it happened in the fields between Kipoi (KP 0) and Ardanio (KP 14); in that region sampling took place also in mixed cultivations of cotton and melon, which were under dry farming. Habitats predetermined as extremely unsuitable were recorded between KP 43 and KP 64 (between Palagia and Sykorrachi respectively) and KP 28 to KP 32 (between Pefka and Aetochorio respectively), including the forested areas of South Forest Complex of Evros Prefecture. The second sampling was conducted during the growing season when irrigation was not a problem but the vegetation in the cultivated fields was high and thick thus, such fields were excluded from searching (mainly between Assiros and Examili, KP 329-KP 335). Moreover, another two blocks from KP 153 to KP 155 were excluded from survey as they enclosed the river of Nestos and its riparian forest, a habitat avoided by Spermophilus. Table 2-3 Nr. 1 GPS point DM_60 Sampling locations/observation points for Spermophillus citellus and/or Spermophilus habitat along the route Area Between Kipoi and Gemisti Habitat type Cropped wheat field Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) 17 17 Surroundings of shrubs and mixed cotton-melon cultivations. Intense erosion. No animal species of interest were detected. Information by local people supports the presence of Spermophilus in the region. Page 15 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point 2 MD_43 3 MD_42 4 DM_65 5 MD_46 6 DM_64 7 MD_44 8 DM_66 9 MD_47 10 MD_49 11 DM_67 12 MD_48 13 DM_69 14 MD_50 15 DM_70 Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area Habitat type Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) Between Mixed 649 649 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and Kipoi and melon a few mixed cotton-melon cultivations. Intense Gemisti cotton erosion. No animal species of interest were cultivation detected. Information by local people supports the presence of Spermophilus in the region. Sampling point located outside the corridor of 500 m. Between Cropped 8 8 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields and Kipoi and wheat field a few cotton and melon cultivations. Intense Gemisti and melon erosion. No animal species of interest were cultivation detected. Information by local people supports the presence of Spermophilus in the region. Between Cropped 85 85 Surroundings of cropped wheat and fallow fields, Kipoi and wheat field and Acacia cultivations. A few rather small holes Gemisti were detected. Potential presence of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Between Melon and 16 16 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields. Kipoi and cotton fields Intense erosion. No animal species of interest Gemisti were detected. Between Fallow field 7 7 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields and Kipoi and a few cotton and Acacia cultivations. Intense Gemisti erosion. No animal species of interest were detected. Between Mixed 154 154 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields. Kipoi and melonIntense erosion. No animal species of interest Gemisti cotton were detected. cultivation Near Kipoi Cropped 295 295 Surroundings of fallow fields. No animal species wheat field of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the corridor of 500 m. Near Kipoi Clover and 238 238 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and fallow fields a few cotton cultivations. Three big and several small holes were detected, potential presence of Spermophilus citellus. NE of Peplos Cropped 290 290 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and wheat and a few cotton cultivations. No animal species of fallow fields interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the corridor of 500 m. Near Peplos Cropped 39 39 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and wheat field a few Acacia cultivations. Intense erosion. No animal species of interest were detected. Near Peplos Mixed 184 184 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and melona few cotton cultivations. Small holes were cotton field detected, potential presence of rodent species and fallow (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). fields Near Peplos Cropped 62 62 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and fallow. wheat field No animal species of interest were detected. Near Peplos Cropped 138 138 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and wheat field a few cotton cultivations and shrubs. Small holes were detected, potential presence of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). NW of Peplos Cropped 118 118 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, fallow and wheat field cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Information by a local shepherd confirms field results. Page 16 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point 16 MD_51 17 DM_72 18 MD_52 19 MD_53 20 MD_54 21 MD_55 22 MD_56 23 MD_57 24 MD_58 25 MD_59 26 MD_36 27 DM_52 28 MD_37 29 DM_53 30 DM_54 31 MD_38 Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area Habitat type Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) NW of Peplos Cropped 254 254 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields. No animal wheat field species of interest were detected. Information by local shepherd confirms field results. Sampling point located outside the corridor of 500 m. Between Cropped 361 361 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields. No animal Vrysoula and wheat field species of interest were detected. Sampling point Peplos located outside the corridor of 500 m. Near Cropped 342 342 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and Vrysoula wheat field a few fallow fields. No animal species of interest and Acacia were detected. Sampling point located outside cultivations the corridor of 500 m. Near Cropped 287 287 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields. No Vrysoula wheat field animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the corridor of 500 m. Between Cropped 146 146 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields and Ardanio and wheat field a few fallow fields and Acacia cultivations. Vrysoula Intense erosion. No animal species of interest were detected. Between Cropped 12 12 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields and Ardanio and wheat field a few fallow fields and Acacia cultivations. No Vrysoula animal species of interest were detected. Between Cropped 45 45 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and Ardanio and wheat field a few cotton cultivations and shrubs. Intense Vrysoula and cotton erosion. No animal species of interest were field detected. NE of Cropped 0 0 Surroundings mainly of wheat fields, and a few Ardanio clover field cotton cultivations and shrubs. No animal species and cotton of interest were detected. field NW of Fully 128 128 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and Ardanio developed a few cotton cultivations and shrubs. Small holes, clover field potential presence of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Between Cropped 339 339 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and Kavisos and clover field a few cotton cultivations and shrubs. Small holes, Ardanio potential presence of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Sampling point located outside the corridor of 500 m. East of Cropped 145 145 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, meadows Kavisos wheat and and sparse groups of Quercus. Several holes in fallow field the ground, but due to the ground erosion it is impossible to clarify their origin. Near Kavisos Cropped 11 11 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields. No animal wheat field species of interest were detected. Near Kavisos Cropped 7 7 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, meadows wheat field and sparse gourps of Quercus. No animal species of interest were detected. Near Kavisos Fallow field 1 1 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and Acacia cultivations. Three large holes and several smaller, all of them closed, were detected. Potential presence of Spermophilus. West of Fallow field 148 148 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields. No animal Kavisos species of interest were detected. West of Fallow field 221 221 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, meadows Kavisos and sparse gourps of Quercus. One >10 cm diameter hole was detected, plus a small one. Meles meles presence was detected. Page 17 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area 32 MD_39 West of Kavisos 33 DM_56 West of Kavisos 34 MD_40 Between Pylaia and Kavisos 35 DM_57 Between Pylaia and Kavisos 36 MD_41 South of Pylaia 37 DM_58 South of Pylaia 38 KP_279 39 KP_278 South of Pylaia SW of Pylaia 40 KP_277 SW of Pylaia 41 DM_51 Between Pefka kai Pylaia 42 DM_50 East of Pefka 43 DM_49 East of Pefka 44 DM_43 Near Pefka 45 KP_273 Near Aetochorio 46 MD_35 47 MD_34 Near Aetochorio East of Agnantia 48 KP_272 Near Agnantia Habitat type Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) Fallow field 623 623 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and sparse groups of Quercus. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 551 551 Surroundings of fallow fields and sparse groups of Quercus. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 594 594 Surroundings of cropped wheat and fallow fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 428 428 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, fallow and sparse groups of Quercus. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 660 660 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, fallow and sparse groups of Quercus. Meles meles presence was detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 589 589 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and Acacia cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Field 144 144 Surroundings of Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Field 309 309 Surroundings of Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Field 197 197 Surroundings of Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Meadow 346 346 Surroundings of fallow fields, meadows and Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 46 46 Surroundings of fallow fields. A small, shallow (closed) hole was detected. No animal species of interest were detected. Fallow and 78 78 Surroundings of cropped wheat and fallow fields. cropped A small, shallow (closed) hole was detected. wheat field Fallow field 29 29 Surroundings of fallow fields and sparse trees. A with sparse few small holes were detected, potential trees presence of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Fallow field 192 192 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Cropped 42 42 Surroundings of wheat and Quercus forest. No wheat field animal species of interest were detected. Fallow and 364 364 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and cropped Quercus forest. No animal species of interest wheat field were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m.. Fallow field 428 428 Surroundings of cropped wheat and Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Page 18 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area 49 KP_271 Near Agnantia 50 KP_270 Near Agnantia 51 MD_33 Near Agnantia 52 MD_32 Near Agnantia 53 KP_269 West of Agnantia 54 MD_31 West of Agnantia 55 KP_266 56 MD_30 57 KP_264 Between Amfitriti and Agnantia Between Amfitriti and Agnantia Between Amfitriti and Agnantia 58 MD_29 Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) Cropped 82 82 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, cotton wheat field fields and Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Fallow field 217 217 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, cotton fields and Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Clover field 148 148 Surroundings of cropped wheat, cotton fields and Quercus forest. Four 6-8 cm diameter holes were detected, potential presence of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Cropped 385 385 Surroundings of cropped wheat cultivations. Two wheat field 6-8 cm diameter holes were detected, potential presence rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 658 658 Surroundings of cropped wheat, cotton fields and wheat field Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 663 663 Surroundings of cropped wheat, cotton fields and wheat field Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 232 232 Surroundings of wheat fields and Quercus forest. wheat field Testudo hermanni was detected in the area. 206 206 Cropped wheat field 561 561 Between Amfitriti and Agnantia Acacia spp plantations 701 701 59 KP_263 Near Amfitriti Cropped wheat field 470 470 60 MD_28 Cropped wheat field 647 647 61 KP_262 Near Amfitriti Dry land 187 187 62 MD_27A Near Amfitriti Cropped wheat field 111 111 63 KP_261 Harvested wheat field 4 4 West of Amfitriti System Code Habitat type Cropped wheat field Near Amfitriti Comp. Code Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and Quercus forest. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and maquis plantations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and maquis plantations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and maquis plantations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and maquis plantations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and maquis plantations. No animal species of interest were detected. Information provided by a local hunter confirms field results. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields and maquis plantations. No animal species of interest were detected. Information provided by a local hunter confirms field results. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, fallow, meadows and maquis plantations, next to the old pipeline. No animal species of interest were detected. Page 19 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area 64 KP_258 West of Amfitriti 65 MD_27 West of Amfitriti 66 KP_260 East of Palagia 67 MD_26 East of Palagia 68 KP_255 SW of Sykorrachi 69 KP_256 Between Chamilo and Sykorrachi 70 KP_254 Between Chamilo and Sykorrachi 71 KP_251 East of Chamilo 72 MD_25A East of Chamilo 73 KP_245 Near Chamilo 74 MD_23 Near Chamilo 75 MD_24 Near Chamilo 76 KP_246 Near Chamilo Habitat type Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) Abandoned 397 397 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, fallow, field meadows and maquis plantations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Meadow 55 55 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, fallow, meadows and maquis plantations. No animal species of interest were detected. Maquis and 465 465 No animal species of interest was detected. abandoned Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 field m. Cropped 364 364 Surroundings of cropped wheat fields, olive trees wheat field and maquis plantations (Quercus coccifera and Paliurus spp). No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow and 728 728 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat cropped cultivations and some cotton fields. Several holes wheat fields in the ground, but due to the ground erosion it is impossible to clarify their origin. Information by a local hunter does not support the presence of Spermophilus. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Harvested 426 426 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and field some meadows and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 653 653 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and wheat and some meadows and cotton fields. No animal fallow field species of interest were detected. Information provided by a local shepherd confirms field results. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Tilled field 629 629 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and some meadows and cotton fields. Rana spp was detected in the area. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 550 550 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and clover field some meadows and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Information provided by a local farmer confirms field results. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 144 144 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and some meadows and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Cropped 296 296 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and wheat field some meadows and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 341 341 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and with Acacia some meadows and cotton fields. No animal spp species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 288 288 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and wheat field some meadows and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Page 20 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area 77 MD_25 Near Chamilo 78 KP_249 Near Chamilo 79 KP_248 Near Chamilo 80 MD_22 Near Velkio 81 MD_21 Near Velkio 82 KP_244 Near Velkio 83 KP_243 SW of Arsakeio 84 MD_20 SW of Arsakeio 85 MD_19 Between Aetolofos and Velkio 86 KP_242 87 MD_18 Between Aetolofos and Velkio Between Aetolofos and Velkio 88 MD_17 East of Aetolofos 89 MD_16 East of Aetolofos 90 KP_238 Between Lofario and Aetolofos Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Habitat type Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) Fallow and 303 303 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and cropped some meadows and cotton fields. Several holes wheat field in the ground, but due to the ground erosion it is impossible to clarify their origin. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 222 222 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and wheat field some meadows and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Cropped 255 255 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and wheat some meadows and cotton fields. Holes of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 770 770 Surroundings of meadows, cropped wheat, clover field tobacco and cotton fields. Several holes in the ground, but due to the ground erosion it is impossible to clarify their origin. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 173 173 Surroundings of meadows, cropped wheat, wheat field tobacco and cotton fields. Several holes in the ground, but due to the ground erosion it is impossible to clarify their origin. Fallow field 19 19 Surroundings of meadows, cropped wheat, tobacco and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Field Surroundings of meadows, cropped wheat, 361 361 tobacco and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Harvested 418 418 Surroundings mainly of cropped wheat fields, and field some meadows and cotton fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Meadow 338 338 Surroundings of meadows, cropped wheat, tobacco and cotton fields. Rana spp was detected in the area. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 228 228 No animal species of interest were detected. with weeds Cropped wheat and fallow field 937 937 Meadows with Paliurus spp on a hillside Meadows with Paliurus spp on a hillside 228 228 131 131 1 1 Meadows with Paliurus spp Surroundings of cropped wheat, cotton and clover fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of cropped wheat fields. Several fresh, shallow (as if recently closed) holes of diameter >7 cm, and several ones of diameter >10 cm were detected. Potential presence of the species concerned. Nearby on a hillside. Information by two local people (shepherd and farmer) indicates Spermophilus presence in the area. Page 21 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area 91 MD_15 Between Lofario and Aetolofos 92 KP_237 East of Lofario 93 KP_236 East of Lofario 94 MD_14 East of Lofario 95 MD_13C East of Lofario 96 MD_13A East of Lofario 97 KP_233 East of Lofario 98 KP_235 Near Lofario 99 MD_13B Near Lofario 100 KP_232 Near Lofario 101 MD_13 Near Lofario 102 MD_12 Near Lofario 103 MD_11 Near Lofario Habitat type Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) Meadows 157 157 Surroundings of cropped wheat cultivations and with meadows. Signs of inactive burrows (two to three Paliurus spp 10cm diameter holes) were detected. Information plantations by two local people (shepherd and farmer) indicates Spermophilus presence in the area. Potential presence of the species concerned. Cropped 60 60 Surroundings of cotton, corn, cropped wheat wheat field cultivations and meadows. No animal species of interest were detected. Information by a local farmer indicates the rare presence of holes in the ground. Field (dry at 620 620 No animal species of interest were detected. this time of Information by a local farmer indicates the rare the year) presence of holes in the ground. Sampling point next to the located outside the zone of 500 m. river Meadows 48 48 Surroundings of cotton, corn, cropped wheat and cropped cultivations and meadows. Rana spp were wheat fields detected in the area. Information by a local farmer indicates the rare presence of holes in the ground. Meadows 476 476 Surroundings of cotton, corn, cropped wheat and cropped cultivations and meadows. No animal species of wheat fields interest were detected. Information by a local farmer indicates the rare presence of holes in the ground. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 325 325 Surroundings of cotton, fallow fields and cropped clover field wheat cultivations. Two holes of 6-8cm diameter were detected. Presence of Talpa spp and/or Microtus spp was detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Stands with 762 762 No animal species of interest were detected. Populus spp Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fields 930 930 No animal species of interest were detected. Meadows Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Fallow field 780 780 Surroundings of cotton, fallow fields and cropped wheat cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Field 84 84 Surroundings of cotton, fallow fields and cropped wheat cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Cropped 63 63 Surroundings of cotton, fallow fields and cropped wheat and wheat cultivations. No animal species of interest clover fields were detected. Information by a local farmer confirmed the field results. Meadow 3 3 Surroundings of cotton, fallow fields and cropped and fallow wheat cultivations. Presence of Talpa and/or field Microtus spp and Rana spp were detected. Clover and 974 974 Surroundings of cotton, corn, clover and cropped cropped wheat cultivations. No animal species of interest wheat fields were detected. Information by a shepherd confirmed the field results. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Page 22 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area Habitat type 104 KP_230 Near Lofario Field of fresh clover 105 MD_10 Between Pamforo and Lofario Cropped wheat and fallow fields 106 MD_09 Between Pamforo and Lofario Cropped wheat and fallow fields 107 MD_08 Between Pamforo and Lofario Clover and fallow field 108 KP_226 Between Pamforo and Lofario Between Pamforo and Lofario Clover field 109 MD_07 Clover field 110 MD_6A East of Pamforo Clover field 111 KP_224 East of Pamforo 112 KP_222 West of Pamforo Cultivated land already harvested Cropped wheat field 113 MD_05 West of Pamforo 114 MD_4A West of Pamforo Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) 925 925 Surroundings of cotton, corn, clover and cropped wheat cultivations. Information by a shepherd confirmed the field results. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 327 327 Surroundings of cotton, corn, clover and cropped wheat cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Information by a shepherd confirmed the field results. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 706 706 Surroundings of cotton and clover cultivations. A few 5-6 cm diameter and one of about 10 diameter holes were detected. Potential presence of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 562 562 Surroundings of cotton and clover cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 486 486 A hole of 6-10 cm of diameter was detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 530 530 Surroundings of cotton and clover cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 441 441 Surroundings of cotton, corn and clover cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 187 187 No animal species of interest were detected 776 776 Cropped clover and cropped wheat fields 954 954 Alfalfa field 398 398 Surroundings mainly of cotton cultivations, and some cropped wheat and clover fields. A few holes with a diameter <6mm were detected, potential presence of rodent species (Microtus spp, Rattus spp etc). Based on the information provided by a local shepherd, Spermophilus citellus used to occur in the area 15 years ago. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Surroundings mainly of cotton cultivations, and some wheat and clover fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Based on the information provided by a local shepherd, Spermophilus citellus used to occur in the area 15 years ago. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Surroundings of cotton fields, meadows and clover fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. Page 23 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area Habitat type 115 MD_06 Between Amaranta and Pamforo Cropped alfalfa field 116 MD_04 Meadow and alfalfa field Meadow 118 KP_218 Between Amaranta and Pamforo Between Amaranta and Pamforo Amaranta 119 KP_217 Amaranta 120 MD_3A Amaranta 121 MD_03 Amaranta Cropped clover field 122 MD_02 East of Filakas Cropped wheat field 123 KP_216 East of Filakas 124 MD_01 East of Filakas Field with cotton and Graminae Clover field 125 234 SE of Nea Mesimvria Wheat fields 126 235 127 236 128 237 SE of Nea Mesimvria East of Nea Mesimvria East of Nea Mesimvria Cropped clover field Cropped wheat field Meadow and pasture 129 WP5 Fallow field 130 WP6 131 WP7 132 WP8 North of Pentalofos NE of Pentalofos NE of Pentalofos North of Neohorouda 117 KP_219 Field with cotton and Graminae Field with cotton and Graminae Cropped corn Fallow field Fallow field on a hillside Pasture with stands of maquis Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) 1251 1251 Surroundings mainly of cotton cultivations, and some cropped wheat and clover fields. No animal species of interest was detected. Based on the information provided by a local shepherd, Spermophilus citellus used to occur in the area 15 years ago. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 91 91 Surroundings of cropped cotton fields, meadows and clover fields. Presence of Rana spp in an artificial pond for livestock was detected. 376 376 No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 406 406 No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 67 67 Close to the existing compressor station Komotini. No animal species of interest were detected. 292 292 Surroundings mainly of cropped cotton cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 93 93 Surroundings mainly of cropped cotton cultivations. No animal species of interest were detected. Information by a local shepherd confirmed field results. 227 227 Surroundings of cropped cotton cultivations and some wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. 71 71 Close to the existing compressor station Komotini. No animal species of interest were detected. 526 526 No animal species of interest were detected. Sampling point located outside the zone of 500 m. 358-359 183 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling . Based on the information provided by a local farmer, Spermophilus citellus used to occur in the area 10-15 years ago and was diminished due to the extencive use of pesticides. 356-357 72 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. 355-356 109 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. 354-355 25 Besides Gallikos river. Two large holes, probably of badger were detected. No other animal species of interest were detected. 353-354 88 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. 352-353 67 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. 351-352 35 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. 350-351 113 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Page 24 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area 133 WP9 134 WP10 135 WP11 136 WP12 137 WP13 West of Melissohori 138 WP14 139 A26 140 B26 141 C26 South of Monolofo North of Melissohori North of Melissohori North of Drymos 142 D26 NW of Drymos 143 E26 144 F26 North of Drymos North of Drymos 145 G26 146 H26 147 I26 148 J26 149 K26 150 L26 151 M26 152 N26 153 O26 West of Assiros 154 P26 155 Q26 West of Assiros East of Krithia 156 R6 West of Melissohori West of Melissohori West of Melissohori West of Melissohori NE of Drymos West of Paleohora West of Paleohora South of Paleohora West of Paleohora West of Paleohora SW of Assiros West of Assiros East of Krithia Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Habitat type Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) Fallow field 349-350 118 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species with weeds of interest was detected. Fallow field 348-349 203 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Meadow 347-348 76 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Fallow field 346-347 94 used as Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species pasture of interest were detected. Fallow field 345-346 157 used as Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species pasture of interest were detected. Wheat fields 344-345 172 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling Fallow field 343-344 90 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Wheat fields 342-343 35 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling Fallow fields 342-343 13 Surroundings mainly of wheat fields. Two holes with a diameter >6mm were detected but seemed inactive, potential presence of Spermophilus citellus and Talpa spp. as well Large 341-342 154 Surroundings mainly of wheat fields. A system of meadow burrows with small and big holes and remnants of eaten walnuts Wheat fields 340-341 13 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling Fallow field with graminae Wheat fields 339-340 96 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. 339-340 279 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling Wheat fields 338-339 8 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling Wheat fields and arable land Wheat fields 337-338 134 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 336-337 30 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling Wheat fields 336-337 129 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling Chick-peas field Cereals‘ fields Wheat fields and arable land Wheat fields and arable land Cereals‘ fields Cereals‘ fields and arable land Cereals‘ fields 335-336 9 335-336 50 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 334-335 5 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 333-334 62 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 333-334 64 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 332-333 55 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 331-332 23 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling Page 25 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Nr. GPS point Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Area 157 S26 158 T26 159 306 160 307 161 308 162 309 163 310 164 311 165 312 166 313 167 315 168 316 169 319 West of Pimni 170 320 East of Pimni Habitat type SE of Examili Cereals‘ fields and arable land East of Cereals‘ Examili fields and arable land North of Mainly corn Chryssoupoli and cereals‘ fields SW of Neos Cereals‘ Xerias fields SW of Neos Clover field Xerias SE of Neos Fallow field Xerias NE of Neos Fallow field Xerias SE of Clover field Damaskinia SE of Fallow field Damaskinia East of Fallow field Damaskinia South of Fallow field Thalassia East of Fallow field Thalassia Fallow field with graminae Fallow field Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Chainage Distance Other remarks (KP) to pipeline centreline (m) 330-331 50 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 329-330 18 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 162-163 7 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 161-162 32 Absence of suitable habitat for sampling 160-161 92 159-160 25 158-159 18 157-158 105 156-157 52 155-156 56 152-153 90 151-152 248 150-151 215 Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of cereals’ fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of cereals’ fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of cereals’ fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of wheat fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of cereals’ fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of clover, wheat and corn fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of olive trees, clover, wheat and corn fields. No animal species of interest were detected. Surroundings of wheat fields and maquis. No animal species of interest were detected. 149-150 72 Surroundings of fallow fields and reeds. No animal species of interest were detected. Source: EXERGIA October 2012 field survey & NCC April-May 2013 field survey 2.3 Limitations, Uncertainties and Bias The first sampling period coincided with the hibernation season of the species: in Macedonia female sousliks immerge in hibernation already by early July, followed by males a few weeks later, and finally by juveniles; by mid-September the entire population is inactive (Boutsis, 2002; Youlatos et al., 2007). Thus, the probability of observing active animals or fresh signs of them was extremely low. In addition, the true identity of the holes could not be verified as they are altered by wind, trampling and/or vegetation while the animals remain inactive. The locations of Spermophilus colonies presented in this report (see Section 3) should be considered as the minimal range of the species within the Project area. Moreover it is possible that additional colonies (or an expansion of an already recorded colony) may be found within an already searched block for which no colony is otherwise stated. That may Page 26 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 be especially true for those blocks that sampling took place outside the 500 m zone: out of 81 searched blocks, 22 blocks were searched in sites outside the 500 m zone. In addition and due to time limitations, the second field survey was focused only in areas where Spermophilus citellus presence had been recorded in the past. Current status of Spermophilus citellus along the unsearched blocks cannot be reliably speculated. 4 The persistence of colonies from one year to the next cannot be predicted: in the Czech Republic, some colonies seem to have vanished from one year to the next (Mateju et al., 2008), while a number of colonies found along the TAP West pipeline in 2011 were not confirmed the following year4. These findings suggest that turnover events also occur in the Greek populations, and colonies are possible to abandon one site, vanish or re-establish themselves somewhere else even within a year. ESIA Greece West Annex 6.5.4 – European Souslik Baseline Study Page 27 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study 3 RESULTS 3.1 Spermophilus citellus Colonies Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Six different locations (Table 3-1) presented evidence on the presence of Spermophillus citellus along the pipeline route between the Greek-Turkish border (KP 0) and Nea Messimvria (KP 359). No active animals were observed within any of the searched blocks during the fsurvey and freshly dug holes were only identified in one of the locations, while the other 4 only presented shallow (partially closed) holes. However, the information provided by local people supports the presence of the species in these areas (Table 3-1). The first potential colony identified is located near the village of Kipoi, between KP 3 and KP 4. Three big holes and several small ones, all of them shallow, were found in a clover field. Based on the information provided by the local people, it seems that the species occurs in a broader area between Gemisti and Kipoi village, eg between KP 0 and KP 4, and it shows a preference for mixed cotton-melon fields, probably feeding on the melons. Sampling effort failed to reveal other potential colonies; however, in many of the searched locations erosion was very intense, and it was almost impossible to distinguish true holes from hole-like structures produced by erosion. The second potential colony is located near the village of Kavisos, between KP 16 and KP 17. Shallow (partially closed) holes that could be attributed to former activity of the species were detected in a fallow field. Erosion was still a limiting factor for the reliable detection of Spermophilus citellus burrows in neighbouring sites; unfortunately, there is no available information by local people that could give more insight. The third and fourth sites identified as potential colonies of Spermophilus lay very close one to theother, and it could be assumed that they are both parts of the same colony. The third site is located near Aetolofos, between KP 73 and KP 74, and the fourth one between Lofario and Aetolofos, between KP 75 and KP 76. Signs of inactive burrows (big, but shallow-closed holes) were detected in both sites, and the souslik presence in the area was also suggested by two local people. In both cases, souslik-like holes were found in meadows with Paliurus spp, and based on the information provided by local people meadows seem to be the preferable habitat of the species in the area, as they are not subjected to farming processes, such as tilling. Page 28 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Finally, two sets of burrows were detected north of Drymos village, between KP 341 and KP 343 in a meadow field and a fallow respectively. Four big holes and several small ones were recorded, lying quite close to each other, thus it could be assumed that they are both parts of the same colony. Although some of the smaller openings seemed abandoned, two big freshly dug holes and remnants of eaten walnuts provide strong evidence of animal activity in the area. Table 3-1 No. GPS POINT Potential Spermophilus citellus Presence in the Study Area Geographical area Approx. KP chainage Habitat General comments 1 MD_47 (block R4/L4R3/L3) Near Kipoi 3.4 Clover field Three big and several small holes, all closed, were detected, potential presence of Spermophilus citellus. Based on local people information, species presence may be broader, and expand between KP0 to KP4. 2 DM_53 (block R17/L17R16/L16) Near Kavisos 17.3 Fallow field Three large holes and several smaller, all of them closed, were detected. Potential presence of Spermophilus citellus. The colony may expand in neighbouring sites, but due to intense erosion no reliable observations werepossible. 3 MD_16 (block R74/L74R73/L73) Near Aetolofos 73.8 Meadows with Paliurus spp Several fresh, shallow (as if recently closed) holes of diameter >7 cm, and several ones of diameter >10 cm were detected. Potential presence of the Spermophilus citellus. 4 MD_15 (block R76/L76R75/L75) Between Lofario and Aetolofos 75 Meadows with Paliurus spp Signs of inactive burrows (two to three 10cm diameter holes) were detected. Information by two local people (shepherd and farmer) indicates Spermophilus presence in the area. Potential presence of the species concerned. Holes detected in KP 73.8 are considered to be part of one colony, extended between KP 73 to KP 76. 5 D26 (block R341/L341R341/L341) North of Drymos 341.6 Large meadow Two holes with a diameter >6mm were detected but one seemed inactive. Potential presence of Spermophilus citellus and Talpa well 6 C26 (block R342/L342R343/L343) North of Drymos 342.3 Fallow field A system of burrows with small and big holes was detected with remnants of eaten walnuts at the opening of one burrow. Potential presence of the Spermophilus citellus. Note: The identified colonies are considered to sustain populations of Spermophilus citellus, though it cannot be confirmed due to the limitations of the field work in terms of the season of the year when it was conducted, coinciding with the hibernating period of the species (items 1 to 4). Source: EXERGIA October 2012 field survey & NCC April-May 2013 field survey Page 29 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: 3.2 Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Other Important Features Evidence of the presence of other rodent species was recorded in 15 observation points. Small holes (diameter < 6-7cm) were detected in 11 observation points. Due to the old age of the majority of the holes, and also to the difficulty to use the shape and size of the holes as taxonomic criterion for species identification, no further assumptions were made. The observed holes could be attributed to Microtus spp, Rattus spp, Apodemus spp etc. Characteristic piles of fine-grained soil of Talpa spp and/or Microtus spp were observed in two locations. Badger (Meles meles) was recorded in two sites. Page 30 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study 4 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Key Habitats within the Study Area Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Potential colonies of the ground squirrel seem to be present in three areas around the pipeline route between the Greek-Turkish border and Nea Messimbria. The first two, in Evros-Rodopi region, are separated geographically from each other by the South Forest Complex of Evros Prefecture while the third one is located close to the populations identified east of Axios River on the study conducted between Nea Messimbria and the Greek-Albanian border (see ESIA Greece West Annex 6.5.4 – European Souslik Baseline Study): The easternmost area comprises one potential colony near Kipoi and another one near Kavisos in Evros Prefecture. Field results and information provided by local people do no support the connectivity of these colonies. However, the colony near Kipoi (KP 3 – KP 4) may extend even more to the east, towards the Greek-Turkish border; the population would lie then between KP 0 to KP 4. The other potential colony identified, near Kavisos, lies between KP 16 - KP 17, and may also expand further within or even outside the reported area. The western population ranges between the villages Aetolofos and Lofario in Komotini Prefecture, and lies between KP 73 to KP 76. Given the small size of the area, it is presumed that this area hosts only one colony. The population of Thessaloniki prefecture spreads north of Drymos village and lies between KP 341 to KP 343. It is probably formed by a single colony, as the neighbouring land comprises large cereal and corn fields. Table 4-1 Spermophilus citellus potential colonies reports Pipeline KP chainage 3 Potential Spermophilus citelluscolonies reports within the study area (October 2012 and May 2013) 1 Distance to the pipeline 17 1 1m 74 1 131 m 238 m 75 1 75 m 341 1 154 342 1 13 Note: The identified colonies between KP 3 and 75 are considered to sustain populations of Spermophilus citellus, though it cannot be confirmed due to the limitations of the field work in terms of the season of the year when it was conducted, coinciding with the hibernating period of the species. Source: EXERGIA field survey (October 2012) and NNC field survey (May 2013) Page 31 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 Regarding the results, the main locations marked as important for the species conservation corresponds to the distribution range of the three populations recorded in the field: The eastern population, from KP 0 (Greek-Turkish border) to KP 4 (Kipoi), and from KP 16 to KP 17 (near Kavisos); Rodopi population, from KP 73 to KP 76, that is from west of Aetolofos village to east of Lofario village. The western population, from KP 343 to KP 341, that is north of Drymos village. According to the literature data, the species has been reported in Thrace in regions of Evros and Xanthi. By comparing the results of the field survey with the available literature data, it could be noted that field survey results are likely to verify the presence of the ground squirrel in some of the locations where the species presence had been referred. The potential colonies found between Kipoi and Gemisti, as well as in Kavisos, lie within the broader eastern region of Thrace, where souslik presence is mentioned by Youlatos (2008). In addition the potential presence of European ground squirrel between Aetolofos and Lofario (Komotini region) if finally certified, might constitute the first record of the species within the Komotini region, while the other sites mentioned in literature are located far beyond the study area. In addition, the present study gives some evidence on the occurrence of Spermophilus cittelus in agricultural land under mild agricultural practices, as well as in fallow fields and meadows, and is therefore in accordance with results from the survey conducted for the West Section (see ESIA Greece West Annex 6.5.4 – European Souslik Baseline Study). Monitoring studies concerning the occurrence of the European ground squirrel colonies are available in Europe from the populations of Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria. For example, in Czech Republic, in 2008 the occurrence of the ground squirrel was verified only in 35 sites out of 45 sites for which the presence of the animal had been recorded or reported in 2002-2008 (Mateju et al. 2008). Moreover, in Slovakia the extinction rate seems to be even greater. Comparing the occurrence of the species between 1996 and 2008 with its occurrence listed in older literature, Ambros (2008) found that the species had become extinct in the majority of the referenced localities (87%), and estimated that in the 120 localities where the species was registered, due to changes in farming practices, its populations will become also extinct within 3-4 years. Furthermore, a study conducted the period 2005-2008 in Bulgaria with the purpose to verify the presence of the animal in 90 historical localities of S. citellus colonies, revealed that 30% out of 90 investigated colonies had disappeared, 28% were vulnerable and only 42% were Page 32 of 32 Area Code Project Title: Document Title: Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP Integrated ESIA Greece Annex 6.5.4 – East - European Souslik Baseline Study Comp. Code System Code Disc. Code Doc.Type Ser. No. GPL00-ASP-642-Y-TAE-0061 Rev.: 00 / at09 stable (Koshev, 2008). On the other hand, although there is evidence that ground squirrel can migrate and colonize other habitats (Mateju et al. 2010), and establish new colonies (Koshev, 2008), the fragmentation of its habitat and the subsequent isolation of the colonies due to the lack of suitable corridors seem to be inhibitory factors for the migration of the species to other areas and the maintenance of the population in high and viable densities (Millesi et al. 2004; Turrini et al. 2008). Thus, the turnover of the species within a few decades, or even in a few years as it occurred in the Czech Republic ground squirrel’s populations (Mateju et al. 2008), proved to be high. Furthermore, monitoring data coming from the countercheck of the colonies detected in the framework of TAP West study provides strong evidence that the turnover rate is also high in Greece: several colonies found in 2011 survey were not verified again one year later. This report shows that there are at least three potential population units along the current TAP East alignment in Thessaloniki, Evros and Komotini regions. Neither the turnover of the Greek colonies of S. citellus nor their sensitivity to immediate disturbance during infrastructure works is known, but it has been claimed that the last known colony of the ground squirrel in the National Park of Dadia became extinct in 1992, while formerly the species was widespread in the park (Catsadorakis & Bousbouras, 2010). Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG – Greece (Branch Office) 21st Floor, Athens Tower, 2-4 Messogion Ave., 11527 Athens Greece Athens, Phone.: + 30 210 7454613 Fax: + 30 210 7454300 [email protected] Date 06/2013 Copyright Reserved: This document may not be copied, shown to or plac ced at the disposal of third parties without prior consent of TAP AG. The latest version of the document is registered in the TAP Project's Data abase.